The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 28, 1869, Image 3
MATTERS. gOME N ' vEDN'§P.AY, A.PR11,4 28, OP. Kew ' " Town Lots foi Bank Report—J. L. Roblneen;reaehter. ' Orphans' Court Sale-Rstate 'of lilßthew In Banknipto3A, - Jams ,M. Runnel. Orphan' entre, Salci- 1 -' Eats to I r if Pli-ilO a Jilin. orphans' Ccitiii"Saiii=atitatoof Josp_it Hoyt, Spring and fitniriir p 4. field. Orphans' CotirtSale-Eitatin of . MinorTHeujs. iu. Bark Wanted-llay4A-A.Geralr.k . Circular Mill fur Sabi--Edward Mayer Losr--a rPan's gray shawl; on thell ega road, between A. E. Lent's , anti.Nitee'..: The finder will'muoh oblige the owner Ity sending - it to this Office._ , NOTARY.' XITHLIC.—Gov. Geary has a ppointed Henry Allen, Esq., of Mansfield, a Hd tary Public:. Wo congratulate bile. • . . Miss Adelaide Ladley, •forin,erly Pre ceptress.c; f the.Maisflileiltormal School, is lying very ill o f brain fever, at her residence, Brooklyn, PERSONAL.7T IIO Governor has reap pointed R. C. Simpson, En., of this village, No tary Publio. - Mr. Simpson is an 'excellent officer, and the appointment is a credit to the public service BAPTISM. — Rev.. C. A. Stone admin istered the rite of baptism, by immersion, to seven persona at Cherry Flats, Sunday 18th inst. Others await the ordinance. CONCEE.T. — The Concert .by theWells boro Cornet Band will como off on Friday evening, April 30, instead'of Saturday evening May 1, ns advertised last week. Let everybody go. CORRECTION.—We erred last week In sonounoing tho commencement of Mrs: Bush's eel:loafer tittle folks on Monday, May 12.. It commences Monday, May 10. , FIRE - IN LAWRENVEVT.I.4;E.---"A. F. 8.," writes "On Tuesday afternoon, the 13th inst., a fire was discovered issuing from the roof of the res idence of Dr. Lewis Darling, Jr., but by the promptness. of ;the citizens' in gathering to the scene, and their exertions after arriving, tho flumes were stayed with but a small loss to either building or furniture, both of which were covered by insurance. The fira originated from a defect in the, chim ney." NEIIH'APORIAL. We, last week omitted tohlotice lho dissolution of the firm of Hooker etJenkinst,i publishers of the Norther;; Tier Gazike, at Troy. Mr. Hooker has purchas ed Mr. Jenkins' interest, and,the paper will here after be carried on by Mr. Hooker. The Gazette is sue of the moat enterprising journals in the State, and deserves a large patronage. We do not learn what becomes of Mr. Jenkins. • BUSINESS.—Mr. William Roberts of Ibis village, and Mr. R. C. Bailey late of_ Mors:is Ran, have effected a partnership in the Hard, ware and Tin trade, under the name of Roberts Bailey. Thi new firm starts under favorable auspices and cannot fail of an increasing and successful business. IVo mistook the fact in stating, two weeks ago, that Mr. E. H. Hastings had t purchased the Mil ler property on :Nichols Street. Ho purchased the property lately owned by Mrs. Green. REMEMBER THE DAY.—SURdriy, the 30th day of May . , proximo, is sot apart by the Grand Army of the Republic for the decoration of the graves of the bravo boys who fell in the war for national life. Last year the day was re membered by a few, only, of this place, and t l i fiose few mindful ones were wom'ti_n. No excuse can lie rendered this year for neglect of this sacred d u ty. It falls on g0 , .. 01 "u - , --"- mires do not distract. The eemetries of Tioga. county contain the ashes ~t many bravo soldiers: TIM \ heroes of the-war deserve all tliat we can do in their remembrance. Their eaoritice, the 'cause in wldet they fell o'd ever be •fir,li in recollection. Let our people re member "Decoral4n Day," and strew every gravo lowevcr liumbl, rith flowers. • ISIPROVEME TS.—A. P. Cone, Esq., has broken groan for a brick hotel to occupy the site of the 01. United States, burned two' }ears ago. We ha o not examined th‘plans and ilevation, but - rear that It is to bo oklaree.sto nes', with stores on tho ground floor. We believe Mr. Cone intends tb put up a first-class much, when opendd to the Public, will compare tAvorOly with any hotel outside• of the large enieL He entitled to tho gratitude of not. , mly the traveling public, but to that of the citi zens as spell. Van Horn 1s stout to erect it new and spacious Wareroom oh t'h i e site of the old building used heretofore fdr ~Lat ?purpose. His business is Headily Moreasing, fact which rejoices his fronds and patrons. .His factory is now most cztaplefe in its appliances, the machinery being v iew and of the,best patterns and improvements. Ills planers and matching machine have abolish. ti*k-plano and reduced the cost of building west rably. lie contemplates enlarging his fee toy i r t no diitlnt day, to make: room for other 2zzlz . nery 4e,guired by increasing patronage. Mr: Franklin L. Soars has purchased the Foun d') property, and proposes to enlarge the circle its patronage. He has engaged the cervices of Mr. S. S. Spencer, o first-class operative . machin t,t, and we know no reason why men should pass W•;11,1,0ro and go to Corning for any work ex ,pt pjaning. Shall we have tho plerisure of an towing the purchase of a planer of iron (it has Woodworth machine,) for the Foundry and Nl.whine Shop ? Wight & Bailey aro putting a neat front into their new store ;_but nh ! if it had • been a nice rich store how much better it would have been. t!o. , Messrs. Startlock have just completed 'a wsurtrully arranged set ofbnok eases for the Rog tiur and Prothonotary. The herivy books lie fiat nn friction rollers, thus avoiding the wear and tf,tr of the old method. Tho cases are specimens ni.:o work. TioGA LOC474.—WP notice the return village of our sojeurnor Orwatermelon no '.'netY. He brings with him four sturdy foreign -Just tho &baps to hoe the One, and bare an zihuti.latice of melons on hand for the fall cam paign The residence of C. Otte Thatcher has been en e!esed with a neat, and durable picket fence. To those whose fences aro‘old and shabby, we - would , t)'--" yo thou and do likewise." i.e log-runners are yery hn4y r r t pyckront in 111 vicinity, running tti . o spring drive to the nulk a Lawtenceisille. . ,hi Van Ostin i 8 'making a - great improve tt,-1.1 la the appearance or the store lately ocen- Pot by J. J. Brady. Ito has bought the proper ty, and will keep, as usual, a first lasssaloon 11 grocery. Ahial Sly lost a good five year old horse lea im , lay. Disease unknovvu, at least' to your cor resp.m.lent. llpirophohin has made its appearance, a dog la.•eu killed last Sunday riot fa; from here, nneted ;Silt that disease: Tito village autheri n as yet donoinothing in the way of pro ttenon. Wo hear of several cases at or near I•nwh's creek. A steer was bitten there, and ILed in great agony, and it is supposecl many n..rp bitten, as the (Add (we pretj through Is :hs night. lime.. that the whole canine topily aunibi. /41 ' .1 than ono person be even closed to this ter r ule • , 10 Brooklyn steam Mill bds again min•led 1. 111 , 111 %oleo with the others ofktlmpinee. Our thoweary steammusic is now represei tad in l ulb, . ' I , 1.1. , 1 by an occasional chorus rind po high= 14' 1 ".iv—from the "Iron horse," it reri erg it - very vb. , . tbe, and partieulrirly Po, about five o'clock ~, thv tent - fling. , . liii n' is a rumor in circulation to the effect, ', l ''` I lir "imcky Oil Well" is to ha tested again , '''' =I" nig. But It - will taken vigorous action on ti!t I.:-.t of those interested, to create any excite %tot 1 , , oil speculation again. 11 , 11. , 'Puller has New York to 'repien -1.1, hK muck of Yankee potions, drugs, he. Ho i ' .. t l , I' , a good assortment of the above article's and 21 , ' '' t 4,t1 With him vfill find Tay to Ms a-pleas , ,1 -1 Sf:rceablo (radar. " ' ''. . ' ' ,e : l " , feel.".-'ve cannot with ft duo ;ward for t l dtliver our "horn" over to Lairrensevilln: ou 41 ng.a we should be thrice happy to hear a lit front thatlocality. thyt ti st r mvit "horh," or tannin in it dormant Ante I Gnbriel somidstille final tromp. ' ansficid has fnrnidted them wilt] all attorney, nitro given iilPien illllollore ntiti tvag.):l - and Could %rellsi,n r o s•nd th , m 401X1" (ion merchant, or instil anee agt.i.t, p. Owl's 77 .%i•otila he net, enough l'ot ' I , rfn or two. and ma) min they a g IMAiI ossip.—entelty aml injubt ice :1 ppear 1111,re contagkus !lam kindliet• As it is easier to' 1;11)1 ilovin !Low it4s. to but d up, so it is easier to fall than to climb.-- WI have been reminded Of these things by the labred effort of Aumebody in a lato number of Pu a nem to rob a do./el wart,of what, fh,onoP it m tAI ii liffiniinch geed notr,"sfill . ..,kolonged iti and whim,' ' 'heirs aild friends', forei r. or . • 1 Aitino, WOlfo, t thorof i that pop. l ik ota. ulaY poem, "The Burial of Sir John Moore," "T ho writer in Putnam, alluded to, publishes that poem inThoth French and German, claiming that both the French and the Gorman versions antedate IVolfee poem. It is a noticeable fact, I however, that gm writer in - Putnantdoesnot pr-- dude proofs in support of his theory. If the French and' German' ;torsions. antedate Wolfe, su \ rrl y some book; or periodictil, must he in ex ist.t nce, the date of which might be supposed to 'sele the question. V ie aro not of those who g,i.. tly-value Wolfe'; poem as a.sample of poe t/. ; but it touched a tender spot in the public he rt when' it 'appeared, and has• retained its hod up to this,ago, ,' • - . ' , F.-However, Wolfe, his poem and his faine,is net the subject of our story. It is founded, rather; upon a complaint put up by Mr. Patrick Ma l Whirter, " a gallus Irishman", who sends us lb. following morceau under the nrupe and style of "Daylight in a Barnyard"; r The zephyrs of morning play over the tatocs, ATho mist is so lazy it don't care a darn; plan of praise o'er tho sleeping tomatoes Is ringing to welcome the coming consarn. Is loftily ringing, exultingly ringing' • From the spot where an old dunghill rooster is clinging, The end of the ridge.pple—the peek of the barn ! " PATRICK JAMES McWRIRTEn." L --And complains: That one Goo. W, Sears, not having uhe fear of the tenth Muse before his eyes, and with irreverence _preperiex_dil, some years ago, write, and furnish to the ActrArolt, certain lines in )he nature of a parilii'upon -„1 of er )certain velSes composed by Patrick James M.Whirter, and Plublistied foregoing. In testi. In ny whereof the said P. J. Me W., submits the al eged parody by Mr. G. W. S., and asks us to p latish the same in vindientien of M W's) life, fortune; and — l:acted honor. Hero is the alleged parody, entitled—" fbe ,' ; : „ , - • • • he ziphiis of moreirigaro stirring the . larches, And lazily , lifting, the mists roll army; IA preen of praise, thro' the. dim rdiest,nrch'es, .Is ringing, to welcome the advent of dity : Is loftily ringing, exultingly ringing,, From the spot where a little brown songster is . The top eft ahemlock—the uttermost spray." • G„141. SEARS. (We recollect very well Oat we begged the flblieation of the above seen lines, sonic five ears ago ond prefaced therh-with some words of eulogy. We do not see just where tbe " par ody" comes in; nor do we admit tho . prior claim of P.. 1. Mo W. In turning over an ancient book the other day we were greatly surprised to find something antedatini both; and as a matter Of mkriosit r y feel bound to lay what Fe ems " to be thiS orginal of "Daylight in aDarnyard," before .a cr tical public. It is supposed to have been w itten by the author of the Sorrows4if Weiler a d Thaddeus of Warsaw, sometime during the 10 h century. More elegant French seldom gots pr nted in these degenerate days. The poem -ia en itled Arco les potnmes do terre les zephyrs du twain J - s'amuser, Les brouillardes paressett6 ne s'inquieter pass Un chanson de gloiro pour les pommea del'utn : - 1 our cndarmio, ' ' 'onnant ost bon aceneil par haut et par has : . n haut lest sonnant, ovue transport'es.t_ hob:- mutt, Hors la perebo ou le coq vitrux du farrier tea -1 griffant— Des 48.1;EA UX.—The Ladics of the M. B. Church village will give an entertainment consisting Dialogues, and Tableaux, on 'neerlug ere iby of next week, at the Court lINIM=III "Geo. Lyman, one of tho orphan boys, got, two of his fingers on the left hand badly cut with a circular saw at Elliott & Clark's factory, 'Thur's day, 22d inst. George was one of a party of or phans detailed to handle lumber. and got-lily trouble by being where ho ought not, to kayo been. The proprietors of the factory would dotibt less be glad if those not in their employ. would . keep away from the machinery. They 'Cannot al. ways be watching, or - spend their entire time to save from trouble, such as have an irresistible desire to get hurt. Master Lyman had felt the ed o of the saw only the day before. ni .g a.‘f bran new" lot of goods and groceries. Ir. 0 V. Elliott, our enterprising. druggist and P. M., bis been cleaning up and whitewashing; and is now off to New York after now goods. By the way, we ea* a great pile of wall-paper, nice and cheap, make its Way, to his counters the other day. What in tho world do you mean to do with these doctor? Mr. Fenton Allen, for three years steward of the State Normal School, has gone to Seneca Falls N. Y. and engaged in the tub manufacturing business. Mr. Allen-11ns been back hero a few days on business. . In reply to Mr. Henry llollands, of Blossburg, vrho asks if "Accidental" "knows of any place where they tako only those who voto on one side a r s a basis of representation," I would say: I do not consider the question fairly put. If ho had asked if I knew of any place where a larger class were represented, than had a _voice in choosing representatives, it would have ,boon •germane to the view:ho tots taken 1 • and 1 know of many Bitch places; it is an old 1;Inglitill rule and has Uasted in nearly or quite every, State in our nion, over since the formation of the Federal Overnment ; but thanks to the "141 h arriendrubot" tt at is to bo dispensed with hereafter. In• a state or national legislature, or other publio, of sembly; where al iyartles.areJolan'sepreSditUd,' to whelp and nqt a part, or party elope, - should h made the basis cif representation; but in a pI I rty caucus or convention, where only a part, f rming a party, aro fo bo 'represented, to make a, unrepresented class or. party, a part in 11. e Basis of that representation, is to return to ex ploded ideas, and doctrines "adverse" to toe spirit of the age in which we live. . . The whole vote of Tiogal eounty at the i last ()Outlet glection, was 74110. _ Republican Vote 6411. Democratic vote 2088. Mr. Ilollands asks for a' Republican party: Convention, made up of tiS utotubers, or ono dele gate to every 110 voters, which tvoitßl trite 19 delegates in a Republican conveutilm, for the 2088 democratic votes cast. Probably the dem ocrats would nut object to lbe—nrron,getnorit, it they could have their say in ebooi•itig the 19 delegates. To illustrate: Moss hus. a lB n a d ti v n o cl t k es giving her four delegates. Fall Brook von hart? . 4 tgl yelps which would entille them to four delegates. 'floss has 334 Republican voteii, and Fall Brook and Jackson 237—making thLiti equal to Bloss, tiiith 97 fewer Republican electors, and gaining one delegate over the Klass Repub licans, by virtue of their nureprettented dtitno ertig yotp being spade a part of th e basis o f r resentation,according to Mr. lloliands, plan. I 1 tint it is a , foolislt thing to find fault with any , thing, fur which we can provide nothing better; that I think 1 can do by modifying 1 111 r. 110 plan so as to make it comply tyitli itepithlica», and not Dom ieratic principles. Make: the. It.- publican vote of the lust proceeding 9c101,:r election, the hasis of tlelegate' rerf!ellttitioP iu every Qopventi,m, aud itatemildlean in flluee will 1,0 equal to a it Ttrook ; and my 'word for it, there will Lc it.:sfy- littte Repoltii-, ,can buckwheat threshed at the tletabcr Elections. " At:mit:N.l'AL" 3r-so a&.31. o Ist , . HOUSE CLEA -II ugli Young & Co., are now receiving their Sprinir Stuck QC Wt ll and iVindoirAtapers, tholein Fixtures, Verd and. 4e.t which the.t are il oi'v);saiii . g . qt. I:cry fignree. persons minting ginrnis in their line will 4 0 wen to examine their stock before buying elsewhere?; No charge for showing goods. " L' AUDE-EN LA METAIRIE." eommeit a n 1. .....••e:e= Tv ear nnneti.••.f 1 10.11; And with this we- respectfully submit the of MeWhirtor VII. -- Sears to the judgment critical public, knowing that the author of Sorrows of Irertor'rs beyond reach carp oriticihm, and superior to the base envy eh rends the souls of modern pacts. losers. Hall &,. Co. ' late of Springfield, Brad ! it Co., have leased of C. V. Elliott, M. D,. the Iding formerly occupied by him as a drug re and P. 0., on Main street, last used by C. Brosvn as n grocery store and saloon. , Dan A, - have refitted the rooms, and are about ope- MuLANFI—BI./M.-4n Layikneerille, April 13th WA.. by Rev. Wm. M. Rawson, of Nelson, .Ir. Alexander McLane, of Prescott, to, Miss iarau Butts of the former' place." . • ~4‘,7' To wNSIIND-1 - 10ELANDg.°—In' Brooklyn, N. S'., at the residence of Mr. T. C.ruttendect, by Bee. S. Meeker, Mr. Daniel' W. C. B. Tinin eot..l, Of:the 'above 'Place, and 'Mists third .IRughter of Willitmllollands'Esq. of Mansfield BRANCIL—Died 3n Lawroncovillo, April 13th inst., Mreppiana Brati9h, aged 78 year?. State Street• Lots. A P. COREVirig his; land. on A :State Street into town 'odd now offers them for sale on reasonablo terms. . ; Wellaboro, April 28,1889 i. In Bankruptcy. riIHIS le'to give notiee t That on the 22d day of•T,anunry A. D. 1860, a warrant yi lionkruptoy was issued agaluat the •estate of Jumee M. Bunnel of Wellsboro, in the county of Tioga, and State of Penn'a, who has been adjudg ed a Bankrupt on petition of his creditors; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any, property belonging to'snch'Bitnirupt, to Mai, or for his use, and the 'transfer of any property by hint aro forbidden by law ; ,that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his °state, will be' held at the court of Bankruptcy, to be hoiden at the office of P. E. Smith, in the Boro of Tioga, Pat,"rhefore F E Smith, Register, on the - 10th day of Mey, A - 1:1 1860, at 10 o'clock, A. M.- • • ' THOMAS A. ROWLHY, U. S. Marshal We torn District, Pa. Apr 29/69. Per DATID CAMEIIONADOVy =I Orphane Coutl Sale. DY virtue of an Order of the Orphan's Court jj_ of Tioga County, I will expose to, solo by pnbliO outcry at the Court House, Wellaboro on Thursday, May, 20th, 1869, at 2 o'clock P. M., then and there, to the highest and best bidder, the, following described 'Real Estate, the prop erty of , Ella S. Hoyt and Eva C. Hoyt, minor children* of JOsopt Hoyt and _Sophia, Hoyt, do. ceased, to wit: A Ant of, ,land 'situated ,in the Boro of Wells., boro, TiOga County, Pa. Bounded on thellorth by lands or A. P. Cone, on the East bi lands of U. U. Fisher, on the:South by State Street, and on tho West by land of Eliza Maxwell, contain. ing of nn :tore, more or less, with a one story Iratno Donee tinct some fruit trees thereon. - . April, 28, 1869-1 m th:phans' Court , Sale. , - 13 Y VIRTUB • OF. an , order' of'tbe Orphans' JD Court of Tioga cotinty,.l Will offer at pub lic sale at the Court House in , WollsbOro, Friday, -the 28th day, of May nest, at 2 o'olOck p m, the following,,• late the property of Minor Benjamin, of ,Delmar, deo'd : - • • A lot of land in Morris, 'surveyed on warrant N 0.4378. James Wilson warranted.' It being all of !Mil' tract lying west of the top of the bill, west of Stony "Pork crook, coindiencing on the South • line Of said tract, at the top or said hill, and ;running a straight line to a poltit on the -North lino, at the top of said The pOint of said hill to be considered as the point, at the top of rocks, containing about seven hun dred and fi fty acios. Terms Cash. ' ' SARAH BENJAMIN, Apr, 28;'69-lm. ' Adm'z, of M. Benjamin. Mercantile .A of Tioga County 31. Kelly - 14 $7 ' David McToy 14 7 John A Martin -15 0 F Taller 14 7 II 1V Holden 11 7 Chas Chapel, bllliards,Bo .11. Run Coal Co. 6 CO .1 1. Belden,' 14 7 Jll Paltort.on 11 7 Janien Kelly 14 7 Thomas 1101 14 7 Elijah Pla iner 'l4 7 .Limes Illoiiiin 14 ' 7 .1! A Dero`w 14 7 i i .111 H Mite! ell 14 7 .1 0 Evan , 14. 7 Jame& Tri hey 14 7 . 1. 11 Smith', 14 7 .1 1. 'Belden 11 7 ~Ineob l.A4.om4-. - -i-i .7 . 60 . y 1../i l r W 'llionins . 14 7 S F.: Culdwsll 14 7 111,4 , .3 Ma 11.11 Co 8 111./ " W llorkenber - gor Bey 8 11 1 rsch . Ely & Co 14 7 Moss .11/ & RR Co 8 110 IL C Bailey 4.: Co 11 10 BROOKFIELD. Wool a Stanbro' 14 7 Win Simmons 14 7 MT 0 Bristol 14 7 B 14 ' Beticlll4 Took'r c Burus'ilel4 C 1 3 Bristol 14 7 Accidental W C Stubbs 14 7 John Short l4 7 S Noury . 14 7 W A Newcomb 14 7 SAndere k Newelll4 COVIXGTON BOROUGH- J I 1 utj tau, restaurant 5 Packard & Keenylt 7 3 C flennott 14 7 I' 1. Clark 14 7 F. Dyer - 14 7 .I 0 Pilau 14 7 CHM:LUTON. Albert Tlpplo 14 7 .1 1` Westbrook. 14 7 C o oper & Kohler 14 7 D F Stono 14 7 Holman Horgan 14 7 L E Rockwell 14 7 G 8 Parsons 14 7 it V Purple 34 7 1 B Payne 14 7 W Wagoner 14 7 Af :11 Leo 14 7 DELMAR. Job - Willcox 13 10 Colo & Co. 13 10 Win Colo 14 7 ELKLAND. Tuhbe a Cramlalll4 Dornbach 14' 7 A J Tillman 14' 7 I/Wilco& Duub'r 14 7 J C 'Whitaker, hill ds 30 .1 G Prltl‘burst 13 10 Buckbeo & Co. 14 Heed 14 7 FALL DROOl{, Fall Ilth COlll CO. 5 00 00 A J Doane S X Killings 1) K Marsh Goodell, .T Wilcox • 14 7 Mlcll.Tau 14 • 7 I , It lirygi. 14 7 noynton 14 7 II Lane 14 7 Cling Shelve jr 14 7 KNOXVILLE 0000' • • 011 Wood 4; Son 12 ~1260 L Case 3: Co 14 7 A Dearman . 14 7 W D Knox 14 7 .Goodsp'd &Pi ido 14' 7 tiVin B Smith .14 Win D KnoN 8000 .1 Dearman 14 7 M Martell 14 . Giles Roberts 14 7 T. B Itoyuold.t 14 7 Truman .Gilbert 14 7 LAWRiINCEVILL E, 8080 George McLean 14 7 L Kolb /4 'l' 360 Adonis 14 7' P Leonard 14 7 Joseph Pliippen 14 . 7 C S Matkier 4Co 11 15 00 LIBrMY , Moser Newman 14 7 S E Caldwell 14 7 Na) Ioa• & Moore 12 1210 1) Ix id 11 Werline 14 7 seta Mlllerl2 12 Ed) We) lisle & Unrt'n 12 1250 (3 It Sheffer 14 7 C & Son 14 7 13 Seelemann 14 7 A 1: Comstock 14 7 10 Albeck 14 7 moms J 4 D - patip 14 7 W 131ae1 well & COl4 7 . Henrietta 'testa 11 7 Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held ut the Cannuissioners office iaUsher°, on ibp 24 day of Juno A. D. 1809; between the hours of 10 h. tn. and . lo p. in., at which timo and Place all persona aggrieved by the foregoing ap prai,euhrit Will be hoard; rind such abatements ovule 7.8 ~Cetus proper and j_ueti and all persons failing to appear at said iime and Pince, will ho doblrred feria making any defence before me, StlIA II VIIOST, ApPrhiser , for Tioga Co, Ap e . , iscg. • - _ PO ItT A 131,14', ENGINE , and nna run Of French Burr 1.7 Stories for Peed, for sale, very cheap. • Par tics Con sei? the Illaelli LIDA running up to the tat of May. NEWII ALL REESE, Creos..April 21, IBGIY-3af; NCiTICE TO TEACIIEBS.—The School Bi rectors of Ilteolcfield I'M meet ut the Red Setato' lielits &Audit:Y. April a ith inst., nt 10 4. m. fotitio purpoec:of contracting with teach ers far Kumuner , sehoolP. Teachers met bring their cerliGeales:. Otber Unsinetra trans 'acted. By order of the Board. April 21, 1869. L. D. BEELY, Seo'y. • EMS MARRIAGES. DEATHS: CHARLES WILLIAMS, Guardian, ,PpraiSeMent 'or Oe Y;ar Class. Tax 3JAINSDURO DORO B Parkhurst 14 7 D Mains 14 7 Fox ec Clark 14 7 It D.Doud• ' 14 7 Bikes MANSFIELD 110510 Adams & 'Vincent 14 7 W Wil'helm 14 7 C Slingerland 14 7 (IN Elliott 14 7 J Webster' 14 7 Chas Slingerland 30 00 1) C Ilolden 14 7 R N lloldun 14 7 N Kingsley 14 7 W Phelps 11 ' J 14 7 E W Phelps 1 0 00 Murdough & Plttsll 15 00 EOlnoy 14 7 'Mart King 13 10 .....ououtnut [Er — l4 J 110Iraon *Co 14 7 9I C Potter 14 7 S Staples 14 7 Rhl Keeney 14 7 V 11 Holiclay,Eatlng II f 00 A J Smaitli • 14 7 U&74lUWhite 11 7 :vm.som C B Whited 1:1 10 Seeley & Bogart 14 7 FIB& JB Cambll:l 10 Parkes & Bros 14 Okle¢o LA It K Skinner 14 N Strait &Co 14 Henry Seoloy 14 Martin & Bos'th 14 Wm B. Taylor OEM 12E2E00 RHammond &Co 14 7 II C Bosworth j 14 Sonley 6tCraodi 14 7 P Crandall & Ccir Levi Skinner j. 4 7 =UM T J JilefY ad nun/ult. Elmer Backer - 12 1250 Watkins &Co 13 10 Minor Mills 14 7 J D Vetkrer 14 7 I V llarliness 14 7 SIIIPPEN 0 D Lolb J 11 Hathaway fi 00 S C Alvord 14 7 II II Donlon & Co 14 7 J Van Osten 14 Baldwin &Co 11 11 H Smith Sonl4 J VanOsten, billiards 30 00 JOreph Fish 13 10 Philo Tuller 14 7 P S Tuttle 13 10 Johnson & Lowell 14 7 J J Bratly• 14 7 , B B Borden 14 7 J Shleffelln 14 7 111cicham & ,Farr 11 15 00 DEERFIELD T/OCIA TOWNSITIV J II Mitchel 14 F dc D Irvin 14 7 T B Griswold 14 7 John Irvin 14 7 WESTFIELD TOW:1801P Edgconib & II 14 7 VESTFIELD node Jl3 SO anard'kl4 ' 7 , S Wilcox 14 7 Kruseh a Pease 11 15 00 F L Scoville 14 7 L Plapic 11 7 Thomp,'n Pliird 14 Burks & Hun ter 14 7 D mcNaughton 14' 7 K ¢ MU, billiards 30 00 J Swarzenbach. brewer 500 Sanders, 'r Sc Co 14 7 E B Dtilkley 14 7 A& N 'l4 7 I= 14 7 MEI 14 7 14 7 14 7 EV3132 Wilson 4 van v. 13 10 J n llowetk U 15 00 C B Kelly 13 10 Converse & Osg 14 7 B Prince .14 7 Converse d: Osg 12 12 60 O Hastings 14 7 webb &Ilastingsl3 • 10 C Van Valk'b'g 14 ,7 II Hastings 14 '7 • J 0 Wheeler 14 7 DeLano &Bacho 11 16 00 John 4 Bey 14 .7 • sirs Bunnell 14 7 b A Gardiner 14 7 1 W T stathers 14 7 Toles & Barker 13 40 C L Wilcox 13 10 Bullard & Co 14 7 B T Van Horn 14 7 Warriner 14 7 Thomas Harden 11. 15 00 E 11 Kimble - 14 7 Charles Stevens, B. 11 6 00 Sears & Derby 14 7 Vm Roberts 14 7 11 Young 6: Co 14 7. 1.5.1' gamy-. 14 7 A Foley 14 7 WrightOlailoy U 16 00 Om Hazlett, I: II 6 00 " 2 billion% 40 00 C Shaffer, brewery, , 500 SPECIATA NOTICES. 4. H VEGETABit SICILIAN HAIR ' le the.only Infallible Hair tong Gray Hair to its'arle tnatlug its growth; • 21 is the. cheapest preparatiq the public, as. org bottle' and accomplish more ilia ' 'and oiler preparation. Our Rollover is not a Dye. It will not stain the skin as othell. :It willkeep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the Ificalp and' makes the hair soft, lustrone, and silken. • Our treatise on the flair sot froo by mail. R. P. 11.441 JG CO., Nashua, ProPrietors. For sale bYaiiDruggists. I ' [Apr. 14, 1869. NEW .ADVEI?T=M CLEAR THE MORGAN & TIP ARE mottling , fresh lots every day at . their Stor and hereby give notice .that one-horse towns liko Wenab both; PRICIIS:-AND I Soo if wo don't do it. April 21, 1880—dri. VLECTION OFFIC I ERS.—The, Annual AU' meeting offthe stocithlders of the Tioga Improvement Compuny i and an election for of. core to serve the ensuing year, will beheld at the office of tho Company, No. 23, Philadelphia Ex change, in the city of Philadelphia, Tuesday, May 4, 18G9,.at•12 o'clock. April 21, Is6o-8t Just Received Spow SACKS and SACKINGS, at DELANO A CO'S April 14, 1.5d0. ANEW lot of POPLIN'S ALPACAS anti Satins for Trimmings at PE LANO A; CO. 2 . 1pri1 . 14, 1869 claw- - - 3Eistiaairis ~1 ' ' ART GALLERY • , J • I 18 thei)lace to get your PHOTOGRAPHS. New and Rustic Scenery. The xi w Cabinet size made in any position. apr. 14, 1869. ~. 1 ... ASPLENDlti'itlick of }old Gloves only $l,OO at DE LANO & CO. .. . _ __ A -1 - i A LARGE Stook of Spn ,1 April 14, 1869 HALO PHOT 1 GRAPHS Made at CLAY KING'S Art Gallery, at $1.25 per dozen. Also HALO AMBROTYPESOarge size for frames, $1,50 each. apr. 14, 1809. Large§t Stock In Tipga County for sato at April 19, 1869 Picture Franite Mouldings which will be manufactured to order at roasona MUM= MEDICAL .ADVICE Is often quite expensive, but this you have for the reading. If by accident, you yet scalded, bruised, burned, or sprainet4 then apply Salutlier• XOOO :10 Oil immediately; for it is quick to give relief; and powerful to cure pain Ind soreness, If, you are afflicted with lameness, or numbness and stiffness of the limbs, or with severe pain, or painful swellings like Neu ralgia and Inflamatory Rheumatism, then try 13ULLIVAY byall means. Apply it quickly so as not to leave it open to the air ; and use it according to directions on the bottle. LI 10 TlOO A 00110 If you hare S'Ore Throat, or Quinsy, or , Felons, or Caup, or Pleur l 'sy, or Chilblains, or any of these 'disorder that require an outward remedy((, then • ' SALUTI IERl ER is what you want, far it Os proveda bless inq to thousands. Althoul h it is reckoned to be one of the strongest 71 edicines ; yet it is so safe that even a child 712 y handle & use it. 15 00 DIE Kept constantly on hand for immediate use, will certainly prevent much su f fering, and J If you are prudent and economical and desire to surd expense; ,Then remembOhat SALUTIFER.. Is found to be a saving of more than $lO a year in all families that use it. ' WILLSBoRo • lAtir•For` sale by all Dr l Depot 252 Greenwich St., AMason .15 Hamlin Ca dried Oogan. Five Octavo 4inglo Itood, fo cash or on time.— Inquire of J. 8,. Shaltospoare, over John It. Bowen's store. April 7, 1869—tf. - New Goods • Tust Received and sold cheap, for Cash. tJ April 7, 'B9-tf. TOLES .t BARKER John C. Horton, ATTORNEY Jo COUNSELOR AT LAW, Law , reneeVille, Tioga County,. , Pa.. Office 'over George NeLoan,s Boot & Shoe Store. Business • attended to with promptness. apr. 7th,'69-Iy. Fresh Goods. Received Weekly. MOVANO &X Converse keep constantly on hand a 11,1 111 11 C H A GOODS - AS RIIPR Jan. 8, 1868.-Iy. CON -0- ropartition fOr to. n ever offrecl to F ulfil last longer ti•three bottles of TRACK. I LE, Agt's, P goods by railroad An • East Char , eston they intend to lead , re and Mansfield in RIETY. -- GEO, H. COLEET v ., Soo'y. ng Clothing' at bE LANO .t. CO. if Frames he lowest Prices, a ILAY KING'S Art Gallery. FOR SA LFk. A splondid stock of SALUTIIFER SALUTIPER may save life ggists. Wholesale w York. , For Sa! Dry Goods Fresh Groceries CROCKERY! flats and Caps. Be it remember MEI argo stock of genera mmil I ,,SENTED, NOT RESOLD. .! TO BE UN Erwg_gt OSGOOD NE t SPAING GOODS J. A. Parsons & Co., We invite your attention4o'our New Stock as w'e think' you will , find it'vory'.attractive ,and cheap. IVo do not, ris most in the trade, claim groat advances, Am, but intend' to give moro goods for .dollar, taking the average of our stoalc", than at any limo for Several-yeatti.' Our Linen Stock is very largo and'oheap. Brown Table Lineng' 4s, 54 Cs, fis, per jjard. Bleached '"" Cs, Bs, JOs, 12s, • . Table Cloths in extra Sizes and , . Qualities. Napkins from Towoln from Time!Hogg Full lines of Drapery Musline, Marseilles Quilts, Table Spreads, oheck and striped Nein nooks, &0., at very reasonable prices. In Domestic Cottons our Stock is very desirable. With as many Leading Goods at Low Rates as ever. Wo have Brown Shootings yd. wide in dm. Bleached tousling' Is per yd. Handsome Prints Is yd. Common Prints t 3 cents, and all other goods such .as Chocks, Donims, Tichings, stripes, dco., equally cheap. . Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, & Cotton odes. A larger stock than usual, and at still lower prices. Dress goods and Shawls. We have a fine Stock of early Spring Goods, • very cheap. We are keeping a still Larger' Stock of the same makes of which we sold so many last sonsons,and aro lion; sellink them- at about 10 per cent loss than last fall. We shall keep all the numbers having them at 3s, 4s, 4sGo, Bs, Os, 7s, Bs, 10s, 12s, and we know that,no ono oan beat us either as to prices, qualities, or as to ,to the aSsortment. BOOTS & SHOES. Our trade last 'year wab larger in' this stock than ever 'before, nod we desire to increase it tbls season, and to do so, intend to keep a still better stock in fine work for Ladies and Chil dren. We shall continuo to keep up our largo assortment of Richardson's Work in Men's and - 1 Boy's Shoes, Women's & Chil dren's Calf, Kip and Moroc co Shoes. At about tho same prices as last year. This work is the most reliable of any sold, and our largo trade enables us to sell it at a very small profit. In Ladies' Serge Congress Gal. ters, Serge Balmorals, and Polish Boots. Also, Kid and Pebble Goat Work We shall keep a much larger stock than over before, and sell it loss than regular prices. WINTER GOODS. Wo ore•solling off the balance of our stock of Winter Shawls, Saequeings, Dress Good, Furs, &c. At a reduction of full 25 per cent. from our regular prices, any one desirous of buying very cheap can now do so. if A_ - 1) A TJ.Q/^ll\''Q R. Ctrs Corning, Marohlo, 1869. Art Gallery Atlantic andq-reat Western -A - ERIE RAILWAYS, THE GREAT BROAD (WAGE ROUTE Pon CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CIIICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, OMAHA, And to all Points in tho WEST and NORTII-WEST Dayton, Cincinnati; Louis- VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, MEMPHIS, NEW ORLEANS, And nll points in the South Southwest, with No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, From any point on the Drie Railway. An ad vantage and convenience not offered by nny otherrouto. 3 Tnnouon - LIGHTNING EXPRESS Tnetiva DAILY. Baggage Checked Through, and No enemas from ono car to another, preventing loss or dam• ago. Vacate via this popular route can be procured at all oltices on the line of the Erie Railway, and of When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets via the ATLANTIC A GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. W. B. SHA.TTIIC, Gon. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland, 0. L. D. RUCKER, Jan. 6, '69. Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. HARDWARE AND STOVES! CONYERS , & OSGOOD RAVE on hand and are constantly receiving at their • • Hardware Store . every article needed in this region of country, in the • HARDWARE "LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, MIN, STEEL, NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND . ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, STOVF4s, Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal Stoves. Home Companion, and the justly eelebrattul AMERICAN COOK STOVE, TIN-WARE No pains will be sparedito meet the wants of our customers. CON I VERS tit OSGOOD. Wellsboro, Jan. 8, 1869 1 , 13i. MBE following ordinanco was passed by the 'turves and 'Council of the Borough of Mansfield, at 'a special meeting of. said 'Burgess and Council lield April 3d 1869. Ist, Owners of dogs or bitches within the Bor ough, and persons bringing dogs or bitches into' said Borough aro required to haste the same se curely muzzled or confined from date of due pub lication of this ordinance to the lid of September next. And from the Ist of' July to the first of September in each and evegy ycdr thereafter.— gE.0310 0 Any person violating thjs ordinance shall bo subject to a penalty not less than one dollar and not exceeding flee dollars in the discretion of the Burgess. Osgood 2d, The Burgess and Council shall appoint some person whose duty it shall ho to kill or des troy all dogs or bitcl7 running nt largo in said Borough not secure! muzzled._ And the person so appointed rhnll receive a Cc° of ono dollar for each dog or bitch so t l killed, which sum shall l?e Charged tt. and collected from the owner of sO l l dog. • WM. II (IiALANDS, Atteat : E.' R. WEntrrek..,, Scaly, Mangfiold, 40) 14; 1869. A FULL Stock of Orooeries nt old prices at DE LANO 34 CO: April 14, 1869. - $1,50 to $5,00 doz. $1,75 to $6,50 " Is, 160, 18, 200,,250, 2.6, Bs. BLACK ALPACAS. THE BEERS & ABBOTT, OPPOSIT DEPOT ELMIRA. Borough Ordinance, SELLING OFP 4T i COST FOR CASH gDg WEIZZAEI Will sell from this date their on DUGS, MDDIC Perrumery, Stuff's, Piiints, Varnishes, Glass, Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Wall-Paper, Cl' Fixtures, &c., eze AT COST FOR C Positively no II Wellabor°, March 3, 1869. The Battle has been Fough ANT) vrevrovev woN_ GOODS high in quality and low In price have carried the day, and hereafter will bo found ready and willing for active and efficient sorvico In behalf of all those who will call and ghee their orders at .- WICKHAM . dlr. FARR'S, On the Dry goods side we have a full and complete and assortment of Fall and Winter 0 - 001)S, Flannels, Sheeting*, Prints, 4(us'lins, De laines and Dress GoodS, with a great vari l pty of YANKEE NOTIONS, with which to fill in and trim Up. To would call spocial atthilition to our assortment of with prices which wo know will compare favora bly with prices of the same goods before tho war. Boots and Shoes, which have boon made to order from perfect stock with warrantee. Work _ready to bo shown- and *tad to all customers. The Orociery stock in cludes, Flour, Pork, Fish; Sall, Sugat, fee, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, Then comes the WOODEN W Tubs, Pails. Wash Boards, Mop Boxes and Pails, together with n Goods, such as Crockery, Glass.w &c., which we will always be gla risk the selling after the goods a mined. ' Tioga, Oct. 16, 1868. " A I' 1M W ti 1 ' The undersigned would resp the citizens of Tioga and %loin just opened a Wately(nd Jewelry 'establishment in Borden's Drug Store, and is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business with despatch and in the best of man , nor. ALL WORK WARRANTED. S. WILE Tiogn, Fob. 24, 1869.—tf. THE GRAND PRIZE at the Paiis.Exposition Universelie.. CMCKERINGOS American Pianos Triamphat OVER ALL THE WORLD. W. TODD, Agent: Dec. 23, 1868. IVelleboro, Ito 4) 0 9 000 Pounds of Good Butter wanted for which I will pay 45 cents in trade a t my Store. C. L. WILLCOX. IVollsboro, Nov. 23, 1868. TOIL BAi. — ono pair of pleasure Bobs, at • TOIACS itt DAMAO:WS D lt. PITCH'S ABDOMINAT; SUPPORT DRS, for solo at Roy's Drlig Store. , _ OACKING foehops,bostqua 0 at 'Ds 00t.12. Burgoss AMPS.—A new kind'of In 161 no breakageof ohluinoya a co. ro stock of 1121 s, Dye• Oils, Putty, rtains, &e., i i J SIT ,mbug. MS do CO. P. R. WILLI TIOGA, PA Good stock of Hats and Caps, s, Teas, Cof ch.., &e., RE, such as l A Sticks, Sugar merons other re,Stone-ware, to show and 1 : seen and 4x- a FAAR. WIOKUA r 4" ' ' . ' \7l . 4 • C 4 x`l3'' atfully inftirm ty that ho has , icy 2 5 eta poryard JANO a CO'S. p f o r Kerosene— a t FOLEY'S. "BER.HIVB EXCIIINGEr I sing, I sing of a ourioustking,, ' ' - • Almost as strange as Boggs upon Tyng f Pro swung 'round a circle as round as a ring, And while on the down east part of swing, I stopped at tho city and took on they prang i •; , STYLES.OF CROCEitiES Thorabhiona for SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NEM And moroastonlehing still, Molasses & Syrups have a freer run downward, with a funnel-sha ped trail. IWacari..exial, however, are ou l t from tho nook downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA.-TPA-TEA 1 TEA. will bo prepared from a drawing . furnished to every customer who buys a pound. Ofthe styles to suit complexions, &c., I may mention that Black Tea you can haVe If you-long for It.- I cannot get time to look up all the hard words wbioh the GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY' tiro to startle the innocent people about the coup. try; but you can depend upon landing the very beet of Teas at the DEE-HIVE EXCHANGE I As to 44c:)ifreoet, the styles are various. You can have the latest styles from the following fashionable foreign ports, to wit t MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAOUYRA JAM AICA, &C. In the matter of PROVISIONS 1 Flour still wears hoops over all, and disperses with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades eatable. Also, PORK, DR } D 'BEEF AND HAMS, together with a call assortment of light groceries and canned delicacies.' As aver MATH E R S Pays Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE. CALL AT DIATHERS'S. \ Wellsboro, Apr. 1, '6B. W. T. MATIJERS. . it Lett "CTm .1-11ANT(3 PEIA_C.E =II I F you want to sOQ a good stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS go to T, L. BALDWIN fi CO'S TIOGA, PA. If you want 14Mg Mria, CZ 600E31 such as ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, V, ERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, &c., dc. • (.! ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART _MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO. TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL. MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, DOMESTICS. • A fiesh lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING„ • Cloths and Cassimeres and a T4ilor to Cut and Fit. Boots and shoes, HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, • HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR • Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &IL GROCERIES, , tho most complote stock you can ,find, such as TEAS. We aro old tca drinkers and know them , to bo good. SUGARS, MOLASSES, and in fact everithing in the Grocery line. Also, Butter s Tuhs and Pails; Buttor sold on oo mission--no charges for, handling; but , wou d liko a small portion of the money you .get ikre turn, that is if ciur prices snit. FARMERS TOOLS, Ail kinds and superior quality 1F you - rin don't Oil to try ours want good Wo warrant it. COUNTRY PRODUCE • • taken in oxchnngo for Goods. •We prolSoso to sell our Goods reasonably. "Live und let Live" prices given et tke counter—only one prie•. Cush paid for produoo if desired. T. L. BALDWIN Tioga, Pa., Nov. 25,18138. The American. Cooking Stove The only real base burner. it if a well known fact that in - a cooking stove with an elegant fire box the fire will die out at each end, and a, large quantity of dead coal wilt' accumulate- at these points. To prevent this" ,itt,the American and aid and make a uniformufbustion through all parts of the fire-box, air admitted into a bol low chamber at the top o the stove above the f tire, and carried throe h this hollow heated chamber down to near the bottom of the Arab*: at each end, and then admitted, directly into the burning mass Of coal. • By thia.nieans a uniform combustion is obtained in all parts of the fire \ chamber, and less coal consumed, and a more continuous fire can be - ,ltept thin in any other stove. This new patented improvement is an other groat acquisition to this already world reaowned cooking-stove, which . is now' on the Fairgrounds only for exhibition, where it can be seen by all desirous of examining its many per fections, and is for sale by Warrant to South- Urorth, of this city, agents for Shear, Pickard Co., of Albany.—[Rochester Demckrat, Oct. let. FOR BILLS BY ! SHEAR, PACKARD ttipo., Nos. 17 and 19 Groan st.,Albany ? N. Y. Por Baleby Wm. ROBERTS, Weliaborci, Pa. ; March 311869-3 w. NEW AND NEA ,klO v;1 021433 \ 10 For $1 1 25 1 , At libocra Gallery. Dissolution Notice. HE copartnership heretofore existing be tween R. 0. Bailey, P. Williams, and- S. oven, is this !lay dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted - der the name and firm of S. Bowen A Co. BOWBO. P. WILLIAMS. G. MOLL/0018. April 7, 1869. DENTISTRY. R C. N. D.ARTT, C.. i s ... will still continue the business of ""•• ea Dentistry in Widlaboro whore th -y respectfully solicit the patronage cull who nerd, or desire tho services of a Dentist. -Having be -n for the past fourteen years engaged in Mate y exclusively, they feel confident of giving pert .et a tie fao ti on inall op erat ions intrusted to their ear°. Special attention given to the treatment of car ies, irregularities, exposed nerves, ulceration, and infiamation of the gums, and all 'other die eases to which the teeth and gums aro subject. figr-First Class Work guaranteed in both me-I chanical and operative Dentistry. Gas and Ether given for eitraoting teeth. Orrice over Book and Jewelry Store. Wellsboro. Feb. 24,1869.-tf. NATIONAL LIFE INHUME COIN IT OP TILE UNITED STATES OF AMERIO WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by Speei'l ActofOongr APPROVED JULY 25 . , 1868. Cash Capital. $1,00C,000 PAID IN FULL. BRANCII OFFICE First National Bank Building, PIIIIiADELPHIA, Oorreepeedone° should be Addressed OFFI4ERS .1 - CLARENCE H. CLARK, President_ J nor CooKE, Chairman Finance . Executive Coln. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. EMERSON _W. PEET, Seoretary and Actuary. ' B. B. ItussaLr, Manager. Circulais. pamphlets, and full particulars en on application to the Branch Office of this Co pang, or to R. C. SIMPSO4, WErrstionV, by whom applications will be received and Poli cies procured for Tioga County. Deo. 9, 1868-Iy. Great Bargains IFor all who call at Wilson VanYalkenburg' No. 2 Union Blgek.\in French Merinoes, Empress ClOths, Bea ver Sackings of all discriptions, Poplins of all colors. DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S, SHhETINGS, , BLEAC AND UNBLEACHED, MUSLIN'S HOOT SKIRTS, of fiver' , description ' DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS of all kinds; also the largest and cheapest assortment of . BEADY MN CLOTHING over brought into Tioga County. Remember the place, and call before purchasing. We have a large assortment of Gents' Famish ing Goods, consisting of Drawers, Under-Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Ruck.' Sleeves, and Mittens, and Clothing of every description manufactured to suiC . I Thankful for past patronage, and by Mist at tention to business we hope to Aare a continu ance of the same. s• WILSON & VAN VALICENBITEIG. Wellaboro,Oct.l2, 1868-If. - • g; , V 1 VAVV ;V; tl To Tue. Ti'oturftto CLASS:—X am now prepared - W . 6:m- M* all Classes with constant employment at their homes, the . whole of the time, or fdr the spare te, mo ments., Business new,light and profitable. ollfty c eta to $5 per evening, is either earned by persons'et el bar "Xs tend the boys and girls earn nearly as mec as men. Greatindncoments are offered those who wit de votetheir whole time to the business ; and, that a ery Tersbn who sees this netice,'may send me ;their add se and test the business for themselves, T. melee the fol w ing unparalleled offer: To all thoselwhoi ra not all satisfied with the husinoss,l will send $1 tossiy for he trouble of writing me. Full particulars, direct! ne, sent free. kiatuplos sent by mall for Mots. Addre . E. Cl. ALLEN. Augusta, il . 'March 17. 1869-Sm Cabinet Curd PlAigraphs, • and all special sizes, and finest seylos of pictures, finished iu first-class uiunner at SpeCcer's Art 4aliery. Mansfield, F, .b. 3, 13119 i i . Adn . nistratoes Nal. ©. TETTERS !') Administration having been j grantod o on the Estato of Philena Lan dis, Into of Wollt3boro, doc'd, aII persons indebt ed to, or claiming against saitt'estate must set tle with THOMAS ALLEN, Wel!show, March SI, 1869—er .... .. For . al,. .; NE pair large Texiinilorze;A, eight A I I lbs., 2 Utica Wagons, l' lib t two D ruberat Wagon, I light two horse covered gkon, 5 pair Bob Sleds, part new, 2sett h llarness, 6 pr. binding Chains, &c. ToTaiis , For further particulars inquire at the store J. B. DIMON 4lt! C Niles Valley, March 17,1869-tf. , El iTi g \ A dmr. ',600 ors. iWa avy .asy iof