HOME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1801). '` New .Advprpaeuten.ia ' ~ • For sea . J.lireland. 1 Planing a d Matching —• B. T. Van lion. )3 Electionerc-13. H. Cantab. Millinery— re. 0. Brait)t. , • Notice to Tea . ere—L. D. Seeley. . . Annual Eleatic; . —S. B. Elliott. Clear the Track Mongan at Tipplo. Portebie Engine ervhall .t, Ileceo. Bev. W A. Sriitt l lt o ; era Iloneehold Goode at private sale. . - . - • \ • ScluooL.--Mrs: Bush 'Oil again open her School for littAfo e lks o Monday, May 12. .Take notice.. , - . . _ . BlOlNG.—Customers . weit, books with us to be bound are requested to all and get them. ' \ ' • . • We l aro now making up another box. for bin' r ding- Bond along your Magazines and pai4blets at once. . \ Bid STEER.—Mr. J.'G. Dartt has tt k teer,,three years old, whiah'weighed, on the ]7th inet.;l79s iotinds. Bradford county and Elmira paperTpleaso copy, and go In. PERSONAL- - Representative NILES reached his home in this village Saturday even ing. Ile expresses his unalloyed satisfaction at being remitted to the quiet of home life after a winter of isilo at the Capital. BUSINESS.—Dirs. Caroline Smith, well and favorably known to our people, has estab lished herself in tho Millinery and Dressmaking business at her house, Main Street, first door be-, low Van Horn's Ware Rooms. See advertise- , merit. RASCALLY. Mr. C; F. Butler re— quests us to notify the rascal who, on the 9th t i lust, wantonly and wickedly put a bullet thro' the head of ay innocent lamb in his field, that if he will make himself known he will receive the present of a fall grown- sheep. We fear that a man who would wantonly shoot a lamb Will' bo Able to -resist the fasoinations of a full-grown sheep BUSINESS. — Mr. A. Foley has poi.- cbsted the lot between Roy's and the Post Office and will at once erect a fire proof storethereon. Foley has procured ono of Frodsham's Chro- ammeters and can regulate all the- clocks and watches in the country, provided that they arc worth anything for time. Mr. F. M. Sears has bought the Foundry prop erty lately owned by Williams & Sears, and will conduct the business hereafter on his own account. CoNcklri.:4-We are requetted to an nounce tha theyi'eltsboro Cornet Band will give their first OUlneertut the Court house Saturday evening, filayl,proximo. The proceeds are to be devoted to payment for the instruments now in use We commend the enterprise to the patronage of the public. The Band is - superior and tho instru ments aro first class. It is hoped that by a few concerts daring the season the debt may be_ dis charged'. Certainly it can ho if the people ap preciate the voluntary services of tho Band on public occasions. The Band has dole its duty. Let the citizens do theirs. TUE AURORA.—The people of this latitude were treated a magnificent spectacular exhibition of the aurora Thursday evening, 15th ist. At 7/ o'clock the northern heavens fer 00° along the horizon, upward, were filled with a soft, diffuse light. At 8 o'clock seven-oighths of the heavens, from horiion to horizon, was luminous, and streams sprang from a poin t near the N. N. E. At 81 the movement of the aurora became undulatory, the pulsations averaging two per second. The point of convergence was 21° S. S. W. of the zenith. At this time the display was very \ grand. At the point or convorgencii the ronuaat billows' seemed to toko form of flocculent clouds, assuming various shapes, and melting away ever and anon. At 9 o'clock the north beuatne dark and the display consisted of a bright arch springing from the horizon • due east, with an inelinati n southwartls° degrees, and span. nrng the heavens rested pon the S. W. horizon. This arch bad all the col i nrs of the lunar rainbow. At halt past nine there appeared a beautiful corona in the south, the elevation being about ' An°. From beneath this the undulations of pale light preceded with unusual rapidity, the 1111 Eat ions reaching 240 in a minute. During this southern display the northern hemisphere was dark, save a stream or two which shot from the zenith about 15° degrees, "northerly. The electrical phenomena, while the undulations were at th " , r highest, was marked and peculiar. Elec ries ashed when brought near conducting sub qane e, and the discharges equaled those of a mai battery. Our experiments and observations were kept tip from 7/ to Ha I'. M., and the . chaliges, b‘oth in the display and in the electrical phenomena, noted at intervals of 5, 10, and 15 kalutei. It was a magnificent spectacle. GtOSSlP.=eince,, el.pring was apostro phized by popts in mellifluous verse, scented with tie mingled perfumes of roses and violets. But :ince April showers have become traditional, and May flowers - have migrated into the kingdom of June hero on the pea - k s of the Alleghenies, th pet's lyrebeeomes it flagitious liar, when it attune itself to sing of the showers of April and th Euwers of the May. Still, some of the quiet let down influences of "ye ancient" April, occasion ally pernieate the atmosphere and paint the skies. We noticed, from our porch on the 'hillside, not :it nights and mornings ago, a speak of Spring In the western sky. It was after sunset. Low flown on the horizon swam, like"floating island," a flock of soft, golden, downf, gilt-edged' clouds, with what some people name -"purple" srtings, but which to our eyes appeared "blue." They hosted any to the south-east like a flock of swans, and upon a sky like transparent silver. To the east the skies wore deeply, darkly bluer but not shadowy and coldi as in December you totuolimes see them. Away to the northwest floated a soft summer haze, mortifying the smoky blue oC,the mountain ridges and lending it a transparency like a bridal veil. To the South Jay, near the horizon, a huge pile of cumulus, with its western edge fairly aflame. At the zenith the sky was of neutral tint (judges of ' , Airs will hold their peace), and seemed it'll-netts- im.hly removed So much for the skies. The air was like to a gentli3 zephyr, just froia a sea. t•ia of gentle dalliance with a dish of ice.e-enm. Lie robins were about in good force, chirping 1,3 mating, and evidently looking for fitvorolde lots We notified five minutes to permit tne ,notocruphin4 ih; =tine np'.n rait , ),ll- way H..!r, " I ".‘g " `‘" I, ~I N xH i , ~I pelf. But jut then, with an it runrt,4 r not to be forgiven by reason of comp - ion I , l“ienee, a matter of fact fellow in a noatterof bi , t wagon, the wheels of which were clogged with matter of fact mud, hailed, w ith—" Did you 'et! such awful roiids ? the mud is knee deep 'PI --well, next morning, the sun rose, Dian Jr bah, with a bevy, of nymphs tsars i eirrwomulu E robes edged with gold and th cider down, , on either hand. Ye wh 1)m1 it may astonish yourselves by rising carj "tmai.f.li to see tho phenomenon of sunrise. Til Ili,. hold your critical tongues in abeyance-1 the sun rose with April protniee; the tliT, qoft, the Iling low; the rqbins taubful;,ami K,. returned thanks—not in words, but by 6111.2: fifty cubic feet of the morning air as de.i, ns might be. An hour Inter th e skim: gr..,% dark "all of a sudden ;" and then came an April chewer which came dotvn as still as the 1'. 11, 1 , nee of the ballot-box, you know. In brief— il', -h , ,wer froze as it fell, and in less limo thrt 1 !' 1 .:1 , ei to write this sentence, the hills Armin .:..; . 0 re ns whitens wool: * t '+Sileh is‘April, u , rrr• in the cloado. - Crocus and hyacinth, rods , 1,.1 lantatia—thcso . bloom undpr the friendly a rui di of our inhabited rooms. But April l wII .ed to warm her showers before they can safely d and bloom under th+pera 1 , k ies. However, the language of our East Charleston friend.-- 4 ‘Thire's beers a sunntiftveri'yilit•- • 'SineC - 'leat' rometnberr, So, though the..shtspets fif, Aril be squalls, May'will soon be here; - and though' ttas voice of tbe'turtle niny'not be heard iii the land, the frogs have thrice peeped in thosnarsb ,caters, end brico have thy retired befe!.; Ow frost. Theo will he Ite=useal netivity,ln the etatritne piedinirlt.et.ut-. May. approaches, antl-41,•,..s who - desspair of summer. will sigh far Setll4-o.er i summer comes. --.So far we had progressed n - week ago, when ho 'act became apparent that other and moro ate -eating matter from our local Corrc3pondents wo ,d crowd "Gossip" out for that week. , It ma be that there was a speak of wisdom in the postponement of the same, as the fair maiden 'wh l om we call spring, has not taken jhe icicles out of her hair, or the icy pendents from her cars. The skies, as . we saw them at noon, were Lead fully bloc, and cold, and still. We put it to vote if it is pleasant and encouraging for every fourth man to bait you with—s!LoOk out for a foot more snow I" Oar. only consolation is that these frigid . Prophets don't know anything about the weather. ll' wever, snow is about the - only really Clean th ng wo have in GAS lower world. Tho grass h' a - neat appearance, ' but it is; somehow, dog ri ge tive of worms and bugs; and then it siile .ksfses has snakes in. it, yori know; or if you don't kdow, then you are ,a trifle greener than April i \ gr i asaafter a wfsrm shower. Snow, however, id pdrfec \ tly , pure; no worms or bugs in it; do snakes lui.k under its glossy white. It is the poor man's manure, the rich man's delight, the happiness . ..of th l i boys. is so handy,too, when yOu want to tr ek a man.\ Do you suppose a fellow could \ ste l a] your tipplc\with impunitY if snow were nor ml in August ? 'The untracked snow. is -hatter tli is forty watch dogeand a dbzeti - -policemen. 1 3 wh has anything to 't7 against snow. --- A ,s now whe ir, IOGA LOCAL.—bur correspondent Ti es : - \ o are to have a now landlurd at Farr's Hotel, e rge Hazlett having made' arrangements to a possession of that house thlispring. George .s ell known to the traveling pu blic to be a kid, and obliging fellow; and wetrust,ho will do I h is utmost to make it all that a hoist-should be. Mr. and Mrs. Farr will leave many friends, for .13 th y have kept a hotel noted for its order,- and w oleaomo diet, and have reared a family'f boys in hotel life, who are an honor to their parents an society. No bar-room carousals have shaken ):1 it determination to be moral• and temperate ,o ng men; and if we are compelled to part with 7,1 or a part of the family, we do it reluctantly. enry Watts has purchased a house and lot of I. . Colo, on Cowanesque-St., not far from the , ri lge. ' i r. 0. S. Getter, tailor, has purchased a house lot on Main-St. just below Broad. .n effort is being made by some-of the citizens 4* he place to• convert our Ilietrict school into a' ;t•ded, or academic school. There may be some v o would rather have a. private, select 50h901,' .n i t pay treble taxes in the form of heavy tuitions. I t wo trust tbe.majority will not agree to do' nay thing of the kind, and'hope that all citizens interested in the school will do. now, what they should have done ten yeatg ago: 'Our schools have not been. in the most flourishing condition for some time past, and we know from experience that any select school, foreign to. the &stela. school, will hardly support itself. Let us have united action upon this and if Berates is the man to put the institution in running order, then em-' ploy him. I Now that the frost is out of the ground, and t ere are strong indications of spring, we hope to 13 a many old fences and walks give way to new o cs. If some of our fences were in better condi •ti n, (especially,those upon Main at, not many illles from the Methodist church,) a liberal use of tl is paint brush, in 'some localities would improve If a Borough to such a degree' that we would not b usla should the Oover'hor of the State pass tl rough. e l. b ;r r e e s I l a v y a t s e r a i a I t l e c m h p u e i r c a h, n c e Sunday leettLr e eveningdelivered I ll ; t i t II; i st , by_ Rev. C. Otis Thatcher. The house; was T. 1.1 w We j e ll a le ro d, g o li w w lng to t s o ee th t e he ß e ap le t iz ist c l o w n i g te reg i a n ti n o n n o icing with that,of the Presbyterian. e ort of the kind, and hope to see the slime re p ated by other denoniinations. I'. S. Tuttle has gone to New York to perches° a ew stock of goods. S. M. Geer has'gone South, with the view of rn 'thing it his home if.Jie finds a locality to emit. We arc not at all en:eland - that he should, for he is l a good citizen, and un efficient town officer. Prof. W. G. Hathaway, of ‘ Chicago, is visiting his friends in this place. He arrived the Ifith instant.. - `the Cornet Band favored us with sumo music ! last Friday evening, it being their first appear;' anee in their band wagon this spring. They, p v f ssed through the principal streets, and gave al an equal chance to hear and see. Wo arc o liged for the same. Goip has been very busy for a few days past ith t a alleged elopement of ono of our married ,itizems„ with a young girl of 'the place. Com . ent is unnecessary. All were astonished, the .arties being supposed to be far above anything .lthe kind. . T. A. Wickham has gono to the city, and will .ndoubtedly return with many things that will Pleas° the "fair sex." MANSFIELD LOCAL MEI A. Hunt, Esq. has put up a neat and substan al fence, about his lot noxt.south of the store of itts & Bro. Mr. Jas. Webster has repaired the side-walk in ront of bis grocery store eri'Main Street. The üblic would not compirin if one or two others on ' ain St., would take the hint, and do likewise. Prof. Chas. Allen Principal of the Wisconsin State Normal School, has been here a few days visiting his brother, Prof. P. A. Allen. , Mr. R. N. Ilolden has refitted his storo on Main Street, and been to New York and returned With a find stock of groceries and clothing. 11 Adams & Vincent are building a nice brick :liar store house, in rear of their store. J. W. Adams Esq. has located in Lawrenceville, -14rehe proposes to do legal writing, anti plead tile cause of the innocent tind injured, I trust no rssfully, , and to his profit. The Baldwin blacksmith shop is in blast again nder lease and managethent of R. T. Cady. His anvil rings loud and clear, As music to a workman's ear. Mr. 0. Newell has' purchased Dr. P. NovelWs dental fixtures, and established his shop over 0. V. Elliott's Shoo Store. Mr. H. B. Taylor's writing school has boon discontinued for the season, and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are going to their former home near Bo- Raysvillo, Bradford Co., to spend several weeks. Allow me to assure your Covington local, that "Acci." yields to no man in his admiration of home manufaoture, where it is useful; and if Coy ington has any velocipede ridefs, who feel equal to the task of beating our •'best." man, they can bring that marvelous machine along, and we reck on that •'back room" training will be found quite efficient. • We are iorky to have crowded your Covington local, [who soqmis too poor a christian to have a name] into tfki necestity of falling back upon stale jokes, I Would say for his benefit, that, that "adept," "saw'gate" "rider" graduated at• that business in the Boro of Covington, five years ago, and while 'let a little boy, and hus'" not followed it since coining to Mansfield. Slinll wo Near from Mr. (what's his name? itiotn ? Now n word to "Snobbleton". Your coriespon• , kit is di•lightcd 1.) ho tLat Tiogn is •," 'ke• atot bizzino., he is sensible of ntiviti c , . Thig 41 prlll, .1. 11411138 launched at his headi, Lido, ob.; he might do in the rirdon •• h .I.k. !lit• ,t of Mr,. Cohn ~o re ,0.11..11e, [not )our wife, Mr. Editor) and if•• ho could he 118:11red 'nu change would he in the programme of hospitalities when he comes to he waits an introduction by "mine host," to "Snotady," mho blows his "horn" well, but wo do cci,h ho would pass it over to Lawrenceville, at greenhly to r«piddidt. .., !,.., 0 I ,The n'aur. sugar fesiival given by the Gow Thnplars, WiAnfl.scty evening pas.se, off plensant ty awl profitably. The revival at the Al. E. Church still g:tins force, nee If. Latakia, now of Ctiemung, but late pastor of this charge, was here Alorolay, Tucoiat• and Wednesday, last. LinEwry Loc4L.z---Mr. G. R. Sheirer, sends us the folloning tibituary notice: • "On the sth inst.,after an illness of ono week, our much esteeme citizen, Mr. Edward O'Niel. The subject of this notice was burn on the 12th of Jan. 18:i7. Mr. O'Niel was one or till) patriotic men that nobly responded to the call of their country 'in 1861. lie left home, wife, and chil dren, and gave himself as an Ilfferitig.i 1,1110 1 1 the altar of his beloved country. Sic enlisted in the 106th Legiment, I'. V., and proved to be a faith ful and valiant soldier until the expiration of the time of his enlistment, nod then received his hon orable discharge, as having bee» a truo and faith ful soldier to his country. Ile was a good citizen, a true friend, a faithful.husband, and a kind pa rant. lie leaves a wife and three children to mom% his untimely death. "Min, on the fAino day, our much esteemed neighbor and old citizen, Mr. George Lovegood. /10 was born in Williamsport, Lycoraina county, tho'l.l:6t; hatui.o' liesai deeply cent:Med to l lichouse - for eight'Yettrs past, sorely,alllicted;with::•Rhotimatism," which he bore with christian fortitude until his last moments of life. It can bo truly.lbc-said of him, that ho was a model man:: no was an excellent citizen,' al 'ways deeply interested in the welfare of his town ship, and county, and as will be recollected by a .greet many of his old friends in the county, that be at onetime, tilled the. office of county Treas urer, and Commissioner, with fidelity, and, to the general satisfaction of the people of the catinty.— Liberty has lost ono of her best citizens, and his family a kind husband and parent. 3E41 cs c,,abl. X3‘2.6II23.C•ENSESI. BRUSHES.--The largest, and beet assort ment of Paint, Varnish, and Whitewash Brush- es ever offered in Welishoro, may bo found at Kregs's Drug Store. To the School Directors of- Tioga County : I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for tbo office of Superintendent of Common Solna, for Tioga t County. . Eros HORTON. SiE) POTATOEB.—Gleason, Harrison; Early Goodrich, for sale at. Prince's. • NEW BOUNTY Lsw.—Under an amendment or the bounty act Jest passed by Congress the following per .ll sons arc anti led to bounty who were not included in the act of Jo y 28,1866 : I. All sold era who enlisted for two years, or for three years, and were discharged a gloat tlipo previous to the expiration of their term of service, shaft ho entitled to additional bounty ; two year men to $5O, and three year men to $lOO. When. such soldiers discharged, states that ho Is discharged by reason of "expiration of term of so vice," if not ,alroady paid moro than $lOO bounty.. ' - 2. The widow, minor children, or parents of soldiers Nylio died after being diticliarged t ,without getting boun ty, (and 'till°, if living; vidOld /i 015" be entitled:to $5O for two-year service, or $lOO for thiee.year service) are now entitled' to the bounty of such' deceased soldiers,. S. This act prolliktta all bounty_ claims from being pled after DeceMberl, 1869, candor the act of July 28, 1806. ' I will attend to the collection of ouch claims. • .1011 N I. MITCHELL, Wellaboro Pa., ]!Earth 81. 1809. HOUSE CLEANING.—Hugh - Young & Co., aro now receiving their , Spring Stook of, Wall and - Window Papers, Curtains, Curtain F i xture', Cord and 'tassels', Gilt Cornices; &c., which. they aro now selling:at ..iery law figures. Persons wanting goods in their line will do- well to examine their stock before" buying elsewhere. No charge for showing goods. SEEDS—Plenty (Antos clean Timothy and Clo ver seeds can be procured at the lowest 'figures, at the stole' Of WICKHAM A PAW% Apr. 7,1569-4 w: ' Tioga, Pa. Scwisa Miettinne.—Blias llowepTr.", First class, Pirst'preiniurn, Double-thread Maobinea, and the Wilcox & Gibbs Single thread, twisted loop-stiteW Machines, for sale - by MRS. A. M. PriTS. Mana6eld, March 17, 1869-4 w. . SEWING MACHINES. 7 4 LIOWE;;Ji. t fi rst Preui{um . Bewipg Ma -I foi• inio in Wellaboi6, - by • Oct. 28, 1868-2 t. A. FOLEY. DYER.L—In Covington,- -March 30, suddenly, EDWIN, only son of Hon. E. Dyer, aged 29 years. rAiAll?,R.—ln Rutland, Tioga Co., Pa.,. on Tuesday, March 30th, of inflammation of - the Luigi, Lemuel - M.. Palmer, aged . 88 :Ydara.' The deceased was horn in Woodstock, Vt., 1801, and removed-to this County: , in 1837. Xe had for 18 years been a memb4r of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and diedhopo of a glorious immort only. 1 Mercazitile 51. Kelly II $7 David McVoy 14 7 John A 31artin 5 O P To:,lor 11 7 - II IV Holden 14 7 Chas Chapel, billiards,3o M. 'Om Coal Co, 5 GO J I. Belden H 7 .1 l'idterson 14 7 bones Kr•lly 11 7 Thomas Hall 14 7 Elijah Phoney 14 7 bones Morgan 14 7 Al A I)erow 14 7 .1 as Mitchell 14 7 .1 C P.V/1118 11 7 James Traltey 14 7 1, It Smith 14 7 .1 I Belden 14 7 Jacob Miller 12 12 50 :NI I. Noq . 14 7 w mania& 14 v -8 1: Caldwell 14 7 'Doss ME; ltlt. Co 8 30 11' lloeltenberger Bey 8 Hirsch. Ely & Co 14. 7 Blobs al k RIC Co 8 30 11 C Bailey SCo 13 10 BROOKFIELD. WOOd L Stanbro' 14 7 ' ll'M Simmons 14 7 CLYMER. W 0 Bristol 14 7 titebitins 14 7 ltualtta'reo Benchl4 Took'r & Ilurns'del4 7 Bristol 14 7 CHATHAM. C SWAN 14 7 John Short' 14 7 J S Atoury 14 7 W A Newcomb' 14 7 • COVINGTON. Sanderto Nowelll4 7 SNOBBLETON `Accidental CoVINGTON 3 Ihrtinan, refititurant 5 Packard & Reenyl4 7 J C Bennett 14 7 P L, Clttrk 14 7 E Dyer • 14 7 JO Pin o 14 7 CrIAISLESTON. Albert Tipplo . 14 7 T Weetbrook 14 7 Cooper it Kohler 14 7 D P Stone 14 7 Holman Morgan 14 7 E Rockwell 14 7 G 3 Parsons 14 - DEERPIELD. arsv Praylo . 14' 7 B Payilo • 14 7 W Wagoner 14 7 - M Lee. 14 , DELMAR. J(3b WiIICOX 13 10 COl6 &Co. 13 -10 Win Colo 14 7 ELSLAND. Tubbs & Crandall 14 . 7 Wrn Dor nbock 14 7 A J'llllman 14 7 Doence purib'r 14 7 J 0 Whitaker, bilPda 30 J Q Parkhurst 13 10 Buekbee 6•. Co. 14 7 I Reed 14 7 FALL MOOR, Fa)/ D'ic Coale°. 6 60 00 FARkINGION. Doano 1 7 CI AI'S S . X Billiugs 14 • 7 D IC Marsh 14 7 14 7 - Wilcox 14 . 7 31 IC Remo 14 7 P It Bryan 14 7 E L Boynton 14 7 D B Lnuo 14 7 Chas Shelve jr 14 7 011 Wood &Son 12 , 1250 L Case &Co 14 7 ' A Doorman 14 7 W'D Knox 14 7 Goothep'd &Prido.l4 7 Win B Smith 14 7 Wm D Knox '3OOO .1 Dearman 14 7 M . , Martell 14 - 7 Giles Roberta 14 7 LB It rl nolda 14 7 Truman Gilbert 14 7 LAWBENCLVILLE, 730110 Georgo McLean 14 7 L Kolb 14 7 Joel Adams 14 7 C P Leonard 14 7, Joseph Phippen 14 7 C Mathe r&Co 11 15 00 LIDLTITY mr,qo.4 - Sewman 14 7 codm.l3 14 7 N über R Monte 12 12 50 1) Ii Werline 14 7 :-.(.10 in:: 4: :%lillerl2 12 50 ISer9ina a 11art'n 12 3250 G It ?ittrffer 14 7 C B Veit tc Son 14 7 11 Seelemann 14 7 Al 3 Comstocic 14 7 • J G Allied': 14 7 MOTt R Joh Donne 7 W ithielcwelk CO 14 7 Henrietta Leste 14 7 Notice is hereby give held at the Coirttnißione the 2.1 flay of Juno A hours of 10 a. in. and i 0 p. ni., at which Unto and place all persons 'aggrieved by the foregoing ap: Pralrement viii be heard, and such abatements made seems proper and just; and ell persons failing to appear at said time and place, will be debarred from making any defence before me. - • BELAU FROST, Mercantile Appraisef for Tioga Co, ' Wel6l)ort,, Apr: 14, IBOU. PORTABLE ,ENGINE ) SulN I.E \I ILL, and one ran of French Burr stones for Feetl, for sale, very clump. Par ties eau •t•o the ipitt.hirteg molting up to the let of May. NEWHALL ar. REESE. Hill's Creek, April 2t, 1860-310 NOTICE. TO TEACUERS.—Tho School Di. rectors of Brookfield will meet at the Red School Bongo Saturday, April Uth inst., at 10 A..M. for filo purpose of eoritraeting with teach ers for summer schools. Teachers 'must bring their certificates. lather•business will ho trans acted. By °raer of the Board. April 41,1869, , • 1 4 , p. SEELY, Soo'y. DEATHS. „ppraiseinent 'or the Year 1869. f Tioya Comity f' Class. Max Bt.oss. MAINSBURO 'BODO B Parkhurst 14 7 (}D Wino • 14 7 Fox & Clark . .. 14 7 It 1.1 Doud 14 7 MANSFIELD LORD Adarue Vtheentl4 7 W 14 7 C Slingerland 14 7 0 V JJilott 14 7 J Webster 14 7 Chas Slingerland 30 OD D C Holden 14 7 It N Holden 14 7 N Kingsley 14 7 W L belp9 14 7 .1 0 Itiff 1.1 7 kl IV Phelps 30 00 51urdough 4 - Pit te lt 15 00 It Olney 19 7 Mart Krug 'T Parvim • 14 T_ - J DIMOII & (.30 M C Potter 14 7 S Stuplea It hI Keeney 14 7 V B 11011Jay,Enting II 5 00 A J Smith 34 7 D & MG Whitu 14 7 C B Whited 13 10 Seeley & Bogart 14 7 Ell J Cattail 13 10 Porkea d Bros 14 7 OYCIEOLii. R K Skinner ' 34 7 N Strait &Co 14 7 Henry Seeley 14 Martin & Bos'ill 14 Wm K Taylor ' 30 00 R llammorol a Co 14 7 C Bosworth. 14 7 Seeley &Crand'l 14 7 P Crandall & Co 14 7 Levi Skinner 14 7 nicumoxi) T J Jilleif 14 7 Elmer Baclcor 12 1250 Watkins & 13 10 Minor Mills 14 7 J D Tedder UT Harkness 14 7 Ci D Leib J B Hathaway 5 00 C Alvoid 14 7 II 11 Borden rtc Co 14 7 J Van Osten 14 7 , , Bald Win &Co M. .14 00 FlEsmith&Bonl4 7 1 . .. Y Van Osten, billiards 80 00 Joteptt Ptah .18 10 Philo Tuner 14 7 • I P B,Ttittle 13 , 10 Johnson &I;owo1114 ; 7 J J Brady 14 7' 8 . 13 Borden 14 7 J Sldeffelin 14 Wickham & Farrll TlOO A. TONiNALITP J II Mitchel 14 BFdoDlrvin 14 7 T 13 Griswold' 14 7 John Irvin 14 - WESTY/ELD TOWNSHIP Edgcomb & if 14 . 7 J B &BO sturg'k,l4 7 9 'Wilcox .14 7 Kruseu & Pease 11 16 00 I F &male 14 '• 7 L-Plank 14 • 7 Th =Wu% Phil's 14 7 Burks & Muter 14 7 1) sicKttughton 14 7 K B Hill, billiards .3000 J Bwarzenbacb, brewer 5 00 Sanders, T&CoI4 • ; -7 • E B Bulkley 14 7 Ait r Clem° 14 . 7 BEIM ILICOXVILLE BORO Wilson & Van V. 13 10 . Jlt Bowen 11 15 00 CB Holly 13 10 Converse & Osg 14 7 at B Princo 14 7 Convene & Osg 12 12 50 0 Hastings 14 7 webb & Hastiti ge 13 ' 10 • 0 Van Vitik'b'g. 14 ' 7 Ell Hastings 14. 7 J C Wheeler 14 7 DeLulu 6r. Bache 11 15 00 John A ltoy 14 1 mrs Bunnell 14 7 I, A Gnretner 14 7 W T anithera 14 & Borker 13 10 C L Wilcox 13 10 Nullnrl & Co 14 7 11 T Viin Horn 14 7 I Is Witrriner Thomas Ilardeh 11 15 00 1E It Kimblo 14 7 Charles Stevens, E. II 5 00 Sears & Derby 14 7 'Wm Roberts 14 7 Young .5: Co 34' 7 D P Roberts 14 7 A Foley 14 7 Wright &Bailey 11• 15 00 Heo. Haslett, H 500 2 billiards, 40 00 C Shaffer, brewery. 500 n that an appeal will ho rs Oleo in Wellstioro,nn . D. 1569, between the SPECS:A.Ii ItcO,,IOES. • '':' !*::, , • - - :-- - 6...-.....:: I - '- , ' - . Atiraigt - „ ' HALL'S - . :...; VEGETARI6.ICILIAN , _ . HAIR , . ,• , otr• .. i ..r 4 1 Is the only infallible:Mir Pygmalion for re storing Gray Hair to its original color and -pro- Oa citing its growth. _ . . . it the cheapest preparatioil Bever offere4 to, the public, as one bottle rill. last conger and accomplish more than three bottles of any other preparation. j i Our Renewer is not a Dye. It will not stain the skin as others. 'lt 'will eep the hair from falling out. It cleanses .the, Scalp and makes the hair soft, lustrous, and silken. Our treatise on the Hair sent free by mail) R. P. HA.LL A CO., Nashua, ,N. H. Proprietors. For sale by all Druggists. [Apr. 14,1888. N.g'W : A.D.V:trYTI.SeEMEAtTS. CLEAR THE • MORGANAr. TIP 'tLE, Agt's, A R e R v er receiving day at fresh teir lots of il looda by railroad , , • and hereby give notice that they intend to Idad ono-horse•towne like WellebOre and Mansfield in both, PRICES AND VtRIETY. Sea if we don't do it. LECTION OF OFFIC I -rooting of the' atookhof , Impzevernent Company, and cars to. servo tho ensuing year office-of theSchnpany, No. 231 change, in the city of Phil, May 4, 1869, at 12 o'clock: April 21, 1869-3 E :Jiist lie SPRING SApK,S,und Ste, April 14, 1869 ANEW lot of . POPLIN' and Satins for Triratnl April 14;180. C31.13w. • . 1 - • tig 7 e; • - ART - GAL • Is tho plaeo to . getybnr PITOTOGRAPIIB. Now and Rustic Scenery: The neat Cabinet size made in any positien. •r apr. 14, 1869. ASPLENDID stock of Rid Glove only $l,OO at_ . DE LAO - dr, CO. April l 4 180. • • • , • A LARGE Stook of Spring Clothing at DS LANO A. CO, April 14, 1869. HALO .PHOTOGRAPHS Made at CLAY ICING'S Atc. Gallery, at $1.26 per dozen. Also HALO AMBROTYPES, large size for frames, $1;50 each. apr, 14, 1869. Largest Stock of Frames In Tioga County for ealo ttt April 14, MP. Picture Frame Ttloultlings which will ho manufactured to ordor nt reneona hie prices. at CLAY KING'S April 14,1869. Art Gallery. 13 10 IrIDDLEBUItY ll= MEDICAL ADVICE Is often quito expensive, but this you have for the readhjig. If by accident, you g4t scalded, bruised, burned, or sprainSd, then apply Saintlifer immediately ; for it is mid: to giverelief; and powerful to cure pa n and soreness. If you are afflicted with lameness, or numbness and stiffness ;like limbs, or with severe pain, of painful .wellings like Neu• ralgia and Inflarnator Rheumatism, then BE= EM521223 14 7 EMEMEI byall means. Apply i quickly so as not to leave it open to the air; and use , it according to directions on the bottle. ME= 13 10 TIOGA flatO "If you have Sore Throat, or, Quinsy, - or Felons, or Croup, orPleurisy, or Chilblains, or any ortheie disorders that require an SALUTIFER Is what you want, far it has proveda bless ing to thousands: Alt4gh :it is reckoned to be one of the strongest medicines ; yet it is so safe that even a child may handle & use it. SALUTOER Kept constantly on hand for immediate use, will certainly prevent much suffering, and • may sui4 . life. • 7 1500 0711 VOYMELD DODO . If you arc prudent and- economical, and desire to save expense then remember that Is found to be a savingrof , more than $lO a year in all families that use it. wzw..Bnono . fjarTor_sale, by all 'Druggists. Wholesale Depot 252 Greenwich St. )l New York.; . For Sate. • A Mason "do :Hamlin Cabinet , Oogan. Five It. Octavo Single Rawl for cash or on time.— Inquire of J. B. Shah spectre, over John R. Bowen's Store. • April 7, 1869—tf. • New oods Just Received and sold cheap, for (Math April 7, '69-tf. (TOLES Qc BARKER John C. Horton, ATTORNEY Ja COUNSELOR AT LAW, Law renceville, Tioga County, Pa. Office over ' George 111cLoano Boot 4 Shoe Store, Business attended to with prom• tness. apr. 7th, '69-Iy. Fresh Goods Re eived Weekly, 340 M t,„WM) VIRZIMP3 Converse & Osgood keep conatantly'ori band a !Argo stock of goner GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT East Charleston GEO 'elved • KINGS, 'at LANO a, CO'S the lowest prices, at CLAY KING'S Art Gallery.. FOR S. LE. A iplendid atticltof SALUT ovil outioccrd remedy, then SALUTIFER • Dry ,foods - : Fresh 4GfrocerieS: CROCKERY! Rats and Caps. Bo it remembered, that MERCIIANDIZE, TO BE -LiNDEBSOLD. Jan. 6,1868..1y. CIONVBREILIA OSGOOD. I,..gPlibi .ligiig =MI ,A. Parsons & Co., We invite your attention to our Nov Stock as wo think you will find it very attractive and 'cheap. IVo do not, as most in the trade, claim gretit advances, Am.; but intond to give more goods for a ' dollar, taking the tiverago of our stock, than at any time for several 'years. Our Linen &odic is very large and cheap. Brown Table Linens 4e, be, 68, Be, per yard. Bleached ". "i 6e, 88,10 s, 12s, " Table Cloths in extra Sizes and Qualities. Napkins from Towels from Tossrellings Fall lines of Drapery Muslin!, Marseilles Quilts, Table Spreads, check and striped Naiu seeks, dm, at very reasonable prices. In poinestic? Cottons onr Stock is very desirable. With as many Leading qoods at Low Rates TRACK. We have Brown Sheetings yd. wide 12i els. Bleached muslins is per yd. _ Handsome Prints is yd. Common Prints cents, and all other goods such as Checks, Denims, Ticking's, Stripes, so., equally cheap. Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, •i^ Cotton acres. larger stock than usual, and at still lower prices. ;Itl3.—The Annual ,ders 'of the Tioga hn election for of& will beheld utile Philadelphia Ex , dolphin, Tuesday, Dress Goods and Shawls. Wa have a fine Stook of early Spring Goode, 11. COLKET, Seo'y, We are keoping 'a still Larger Stook of, the same: makes of 'which trci sold ,so many last soasois,and are now selling thorn at about 10 per emit leis than last fall. Wo shall keep all the numbers , baring them at 3s, 48, 4800, ss, 13s, 7e, Bs, ]O3, 120, and—wo know that no one oan beat us either as-to• prices, qualities, or as to to the assoritiont. ALPACAS ,te., ea tt LANO et .CO. BOOTS & SHOES. •Chut4,rade last year was larger in this stock thanAger,before,..npd wo desire to increase it this sdavon, - anil to do so, intend to keep -a still bottet goik •in fine work for Ladies and Chil dren, •,We-shall continue to keep up our large assortment of • Richard Soil's Work in Men's and =Boy's Sho - es, 'Women's & • Chil dren s Calf, Rip and Moroc co Shoes. At **A the same prices as last year. Fhis work Is the most reliablo of any sold, and our large trade enables us to soil it at a very small profit. In Ladies' Serge Congress Gai- Wo • shall keep a much larger stook than over before, and sell it less' than regular prioeß. Wo aro selling off the balance of our atock of Winter Shawls, Sacquelpgs, Good, Furs, &e. At a reduction of full 25 per cent. from our regular priests, any ono desirous of buying very cheap can now do so. J. A. PARSONS & CO. Oornin tr. Mstreh I 14--1250 v. Atlantic and Great Western CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, ell:ICAO, • MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, ' OMAHA, And to all Points in the WEST and NonTn-WEST Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis. VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY,' MEMPHIS, NEW . OIi k LEANS, And all points in the South es Southwest, with No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI., From any point on the Brie Railway. An ad vantage and convenience not offered by any other route. 3 Tam:luau LIGHTNING ExrttEse Titania - DAILY. Baggage Checked Through, and No CIIAN , • from one car to another, preventing loss or dam ago. Tickets via this popular route can be procured at all offices on the line of the Erie Railway, and of - ' When purchasing ask the Agent , for Tickets via the, .ATLANTIO it GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. H . AVE on hand and are conetant ly receiving, at their Hardware 'Store every - artittie needed in • this region of country • HARDWARE LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND - .ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, TIN-WARE No pains will ho spared to meet the wants of our customers. THE following ordinance *as passed by the Burgles and Council of the Botough of Mansfield, at a special meeting of said Burgess and Council hold April 3d 1860. Ist, Owners of dogs or bitches within the Bor ough, and perrons bringing dogs or bitches into said Borough are required ,to have the same so. curoly muzzled or confined from date of duo pub lie/Ilion of thii ordinance to the Ist of September next. And from the lot of July .to the first of September in each and every year thoreafter.— Any pirson violating this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty not less than one dollar and not exceeding five dollars in tho discretion of the Burgess._ - $1,75 to KO " 18,180, 18, 200, 250, 2.8, 8s - ias ever. very cheap BLACK ALPACAS. tors, Serge Balmorals, and Polish. Boots . AlSo, Kid and Pebble Goat Work WINTER GOODS. THE -AND ERIE RAILWAYS, . THE GREAT BROAD GUAGE ROUTE l'oll BEERS & ABBOTT, OPPSISIT DEPOT ELISIRA. W. B. MATTI:TO, (ten.- Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland, 0. L. D. RUCKER, Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. inn. 6,'69. HARDWARE AND STOVES ! CONYERS & OSGOOD in the STOAT Cookint . Solf-Regulators and Coal Stoves. Jlome Companion, and the Justly celebratnd AKIN AN COOK STOVE' CONVERS d 6 OSGOOD Wellsboro, Jan. 6, 1869, ly. Borough Ordinance. 2d, The Burgess and Council shall appoint some person whose duty it shall be to kill or des troy all dugs or bitches running at largo in said Borough not securely muzzled. And the person so appointed shall receive a fee of one dollar for each dog or bitch so-killed, which sum shall be charged to and collected from the owner of such dog. WM.,HOLLANDS. Attest: E. It. WEBSTER, Sec'y, Burgess. Mansfield, April 14, 180. A PULL Stock of Groceries at old prices at DE LANG ,t...afa t . Aptit /4,1889, SELLING OP AT COSI aDg Rio W1tz142471a CO $1,50 to $5,00 dos; Will sell from this date their entire stock of Perfumery, Notion Varnishes, Glass, Alcohol, Turpentine, Ke Tobacco, Cigars, The Battle has been Fough I AND VICTORY WOl4. aOODE3 high in quality and lo • carried t6e, any, and hereafte ready and willing for active and • in behalf of all those who will cal orders at Flannels, Sheetings, Prints! laines and Dress g, with a great variety of YAN with which to fill in and tri. call special attention to our with prices which we know will compare favora bly with prices of the same goo; s beforo the war which have been made to order from perfect stock with warrantee. Work ready to bo shown and fitted to all customers. The Grocery stock in eludes, Flour, Pork, Fish, Salt, Sugars, Teas, Cof: Then comes the WOODEN WARE, such as Tubs, Pails, Wash Boards, Mot Sticks, Sugar Boxes and Pails, together with umerous other Goods, such as Crockery, Olass-w l are, Stone-ware, b. 0., which we will always be gl d to show and risk the selling after the goods o seen and ex amined. IVICKII M do FARR. establishment in Borden's Drug Store, and is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business with despatch and in the best of man ner. FOR CASH 1 DUGS, MIMIC stutn, Paints, Wall■Pallier, Cu Fixtures, &c., &e., AT COST FOR CASH. r Positively no Humbug. P. R. WILLIAMS & CO. . Walloboro, March 3,1889. WICKHAM & TIOGA, PA On the Dry Goods side we h complete and assortment of F, 0-00 Good . stock of Hats and CCM Boots and Sh • es, fee, Rice, 'Syrup, Morasses, &c., &c., Tioga, Oot. 16, 1868 WATC 4E. . 42 _ 41! 4V It W It 114 The Undersigned would r• the citizens of Tioga and vi just opened a Watch and ALL WORK WA Tiogn, Feb. 24, 1869.—tf. THE GRAN at the Paris Exposition CMCKE American Pianos OVER ALL TII Aliso IL W. TOD Deo. 23, 1868. 201000 Pounds of Good Butter wanted for which I will pay 45 cents in trade a t my Store. C. L. WILLCOX. Woltsboro, Nov. 23, 1868. • VOX SALE—one pair of Weasure Bobs, at Deo. 23, IM. TOLES et, BARKER'S. DR. FITCH'S ABDO! AL SUPPORT ERS,A,/ for sale at Roy's pru g Store. , SACKING for hopa,beatquality 25 ota peryard at i a LANO A CO'S. 0ct.12. , A4AMPS. ---A new kind o' lampforKeroftene— no brookage of obluineyi--st FOLBYT. " BOMB EXCHANGE!" I sing, I sing of a 'curious thing, Almost as strange as Boggs upon Tyng ; I've swaiWound II circle as round as a ring, And whiltOtho down east part of my swing, I stoPPlAtiheroity and took on the Spring , TYLES GROCERIES SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NEOE, Molasses & Syrups havo a freer run downward, with a funnel-eba. ped trail. . however, aro cut from,the neck downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. NES, TEA GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY t.~*:. I ~ use to startle the innocent people about the coun try; but you can depend upon finding the very best of Teas at the Putty, BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE ? 'osene 011, the styles are various. You can- have the latest styles from the following fashionable foreign MOCHA, JAVA, RIO, LAGUYRA JAM AICA, &C. tains, &c., Flour still wears hoops over all, and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades eatable. Aloe, v PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, together with a full assortment of light grocpries and canned delicacies. As ever Paya Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE Wollabor°, Apr.l, '6 Vir,i: I I ;444THER B. Let Use Bare 1-41A_C_Er! in erica have will be found ffloient eerviee and give their 'ARRIS, I F you want to see a . good ktook of 1 , %re a full. and 11 and Winter i FALTii& WINTER GOODS WI Muslins, De oods, EE NOTIONS, up. We would assortment of If you want/ Zaklatnn 2Da 0001t1 ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, &c., &O. ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEpART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, DOMESTICS. !D1 READY-MADE .CLOTHING, Cloths and Cassimeres and a Tailor to Cut and Fit. Ili IF 8 !speotfully inform I .inity that tie has HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, 1 1 ewelry SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, t&c. RANTED. i . S. WILE the most complete stock you can find, such as TEAS. We are old tea drinkers and know them to be good. PRIZE niverselle. ING 9 S riumphant Also, Butter Tubs and Pails; Butter sold on coin. charges for handling; but would like a entail portion of the pont* , you got in re turn, that is if our prices suit. ~' WORLD. , Agent. Wellsboro, Pa. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchango for Goode. Wu proposo lv sell our Goods reasonably. "Live and lot Livo" prices given at the counter—only one price. Cash paid for produoo if desired. The fashions for And moroastonishing still, ildEstols.erol, r.---TEA-4TEA. 1 , ~..,, 4 -,s ~:-N -.,! .. -, ,r-qe) red:fiom a drawing furnished to er.irlii) buys a pound. Of the styles wle*lons, &e., I may mention that Black Tea if yea.lorig for it. I cannot get up all the bard words which the As to Ocaree, ports, to wit: In the matter of PROVISIONS 2 MA T H E R S PRODUCE. CALL AT MATHERS'S. go to T. L. BALDWIN Sc 001 S TIOGA, PA. Bitch as A fresh lot of Boots and Shoes, GROCERIES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, , and in fact everything in the Grocery line FARMERS TOOLS, All kiTle• arid euporior quality If you !FM don't fail to try ours 'want good Wo warrant it. T. 'L. BALDWIN CO Tiage, Ps., Nov. 26,1868. The ArneHean Cooking Stove Tho only teat been burner. It is a Well known fact that in a cooking stove with an elegant fire box the fire will die out at each end, and a large quantity of dead coal will' accumulate at these points. To prevent this in the American and aid and make a uniform combustion through all parts of the fire-box, air is admitted into a hol low chamber at the top of the stove above the fire, and carried through this hollow heated chamber down to near thebottom of the fire•box at eaohend, and then' admitted directly into the burning mass of coal. By this means a utittorm combustion is obtained in all parts of the IN chamber, and loss coal consumed, and a more continuous fire can be kept than in any other stove. This new patented improvement is an other great acquisition to thiCalready world renowned cooking stove, which is now on the Fairgrounds only liar exhibition, where it can be seen by all desirous of examining its many per fections, and is for sale by Warrant It South worth, of this city, agent, for Shear, Packard .1. Co., of Albany;—[/tochesecx Democrat, Oct. lit. Fon BALE BY ' SHEAR, PACKARD k CO., Nos. 17 and 19 Green st., Albany, N. Y. For sale by Wm. RODEttn, Vendor°, Pe. March 31 1869-3 w. NEW AND NEAT; 1- 1 &IC IFIEVEMagI e 1-`,l 10 For $1,25, At Wood's! Gallery, Dissolution Notice. THE copartnegkip heretofore existing 'be tween R. O. BaileY; P. Williams, and S. Bowen, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted un— der the name and firm of S. Bowen A .Co. S. BOWEN. P. WILLIAMS. G. ROLLANDS. April 7, 1889.* • DENT • TRY. •, ~-„ DR C. N. DART% & 00. i i . _ • - will atilt continue the business of sil laSSl• Dentistry in Welisboro where they respectfully solicit the patronage of all who need, or desire the per iic ea of et Dentist. Having been for the past fourteen years engaged in Dentistry exclusively, they feel confident of giving perfect a defection in all operations intrusted to their care. Special attention given to'the treatm nt of car ies, irregularities, exposed nerves, c eratlon, and inflamation of the gums, and al ther din eases to which the teeth and game ar su bject.- lad - First Class Work guaranteed n 44 :_me chanical and operative Dentistry. Gas and Ether given for extracting teeth. flicla•OFF.tcn over Book and Jewelry Store. Wellsboro. Feb. 24, 1869.-tf. :,- -- NATIONAL LIFO MUNCH CNN OF Tin UNITED ST,'itES OF JOSERIO WAEIHINGTON, D. 0. nartored by Specig Act ofOong APPROVED JOLT 25, 1868: Cash Capital, $1,000,09 PAID IN, PULL RANCH OJOICE : First National Batik Buil PHILADELPII i I4 t, Where all Correeponderi f ee should be Ad.' OF.gICIERS : I CLARENCE H. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance Executiv Hamar D. COOKE, Vico-President. , EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and Aetna • B. S. RIISBELL, Manager. Circulars. pamphlets, and full partioula en on application to tho Branch Ofilce Company, of to IL C. SIMPSON, VirELLsifbao, by whom applications will bo received and cies procured for Tioga, County. Doe. 9, 1868-Iy. treat Barg {For all who call at Wits(tn it VanValkenbur Noj 2 Union Block. in FreAch)U !.. eprinoes, Empress Cloths ver ••alliings of all discrlptior = Pbplins of all colors. I _ ( • DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL S.ZYLES, FACTORY'S, SHEETINGS, BLEACH ED • I I NBLEACHED tr : OOP SKIRTS,: . . ~r '; of every deSoriptien, DRESS TRIMMINGS nnd BUTTONS of \'all kinds; also tho largest and , cheapest assortment of . , REEDY )11DE CLOTHING' ovor brought into Tioga County. Rom the place, and call before purcbasin. We have a large asaortment of Gents' in lag Goode, emulating of Drawers, Under-Shirts, Flannel Ruck Sleeves, and Mittens, Clothing of every descrlptio manufactured to suit. Thankful forpast patronage, and by a tention to business wo hope to share a ance of the same. WILSON & VAN YALHEN Wollaboro,Oct.l2., 1868—tf 4 AT - 4.44 43 4 TO vim WOakEva Class :—I . am now preps isf to for nigh all classes with constant orafiloyment at their E lre homes, the whole of the time, or for the{ s mo ments. Business new, light and profitable. Fit y cents to $5 per evening, is either earned by person o either sax, and the Mays and girls earn nearly OH rich as men. Great inducements are offered those who ill de vote their whole time to the business ; and, tha every person who sees this notice, may send me their ddress and test the business for themselves, I make .he °Hew ing unparalleled offer: To all those who are not well satisfied with the businoss.l will scud $1 to pay for the trouble of writing me. Full particulars, dimtions, sent free. Samples sent by mail for lasts- Add -ass E. C. ALL E N, . Aunsta,Me. - 1 March 17.:560-3m Cabinet Card'Photograp?a, and all special sizes, and finest styles of piotares, finished in first-class manner at Spencer's Art Qallery. Mansfield, Feb. 3, 1869. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration having been grantod upon tbs. Estate of Philima Lan dis, latu of Wolisboro, treed, all persons indebt ed to, or claiming agnioct said estate ; must set tle with THOMAS ALLEN, IVellsboro, March 31,1869-Bw. I Adwr. For Sale. rINE pair large Team Hones, woi kj lbs., 2 Utica Wagons, 1 light Democrat Wagon, flight tri,o horse col gon, b' pair Bob Sleds ' part now, 2 Harness, 6 pr. binding Chains, tte. T For further particulars inquire at then J. B. DIMON Niloa Valoy i March 17,, 1 86 -ti'. ~ 1 ~ t_ ii ~ CM RR To glv of the EC! r , Bea- .mbar fllsh- irts, a d tract at , ontinn. lIRG. b 44 Ight 2,600 two horse ;resod Wa. sett heavy 'ems easy. store of ct CO.