HOME MATTICRS wEpNUSDAY;APRLL 7, 1869. New Advertineineritil List of Lettdra-0. W Merrick, P.-M: Dissolution—S.• B,owen;P:'Williaine, and U Rallatle. Business Ourit—JOhn C. - Horton. New Spring Goods—Do Lane it (So - - - Auction Salo of =Mob' • owe—F. K. Wright New Goods—Tolef taker. Cabinet Organs, • -1.111110- BOUNTY LAW.--The lute bounty low , does not apply to thoso diScharged for disability,) but only where tbo dieeberge reads "for expira tion of term of service," and in no case whore more than $lOO bai already been paid., 8 9 6 . no tice in another column. ' PDRSONAL.—Mr. H. T. Ames, of Sul livan, was graduated in the Law Department last Wednesday. Ile will return to his home for a short time, and then expects to go to Williazits port to practice law. He was admitted to prac tice in the several Courts of Michigan as Attorney and Solicitor in Chancery. . Mr. Ames has our best wishes for. success. , VABI7AI3LE WoRIC.- . -- Mr. Geo. C. Bowen is agent for the "American Year Book and National Register," for this county. This wok is the moat exhaustiVe compendimi of 'sta tistical 'and general information,. ' yet publisheci. Bviry lawyer,- and business , man will find( It a capital cyclopedia, and altogether_ while its presence in every fanner and mer.han ic's library will tbrlce_cover its cost every y r. "Saw," writes to say that Wellsboro can compete with Mansfield in inventive genius among the boys. Ho alludes to the fact that Master Charles Williams, son .of Judge has invented and constructed a three-wheeled velocipede, without instrtiet4n or assistance from anyone. Master Charlie's ratushine propels by arm-power, and the feet do thO piloting. We can see that his tri-oyole is superior to the bi cycle. "Go-ahead, boys!" says "Saw," and so say We. LooK"OuT.—ln The Bietoury we no ties a warning to such persons as are in the habit i ) of 'wetting pottage stamp with the tongue or lips. The editor says tha it is adangeriSus'prae tice—foul diseases havingt ben contracted in that way. Ho says that ho has lately treated a gen tleman Mr a sore lip, the virus being commun . i- • eated by vett'ng stamps received from correspon dents who we •o diseased. Of course when you purchase you stamps at the post `office there is no danger. Stiimps received in letters should ho wet with a sponge, always, as a measure. of; pre caution. TUE BISTOURY.—No. 1. of the sth Volume of this excellent Quarterly has reached us. We have no hesitation in saying that so much real practical sense and useful information to all as may be found within the,covers of this Magazine of 88 pages, is seldom found in books of thrice its size. There aro articles on "Prodigy Making," "Springs," by Thos. R. Beecher, he., ac., Six letters with appended answers, a fine lot of clippings, and a few pages of editorials in the editor's spicy vein. Dr. Up Do Graff editor and proprietor, Elmira, N. Y. Price '5O cents a year. THE LEGISLATURE.-01.1 the I.7th of MarettMr. Strang asked that the bill to repeal the fOurth section of the act erecting a poor-house in Tioga county, and levying poor taxes upon unseated lands, be voted down. The motion was agreed to. The law Stands, therefore, as at first. On the 18th ult., Senator Olmsted read in place a bill to prevent tenants in common of tim ber lands froth cutting or removing timber trees without consent of co-tenants. The act for the appointment of an additional notary public in Tioga county has- passed' both houses'. BEAT IT IF YOU CA.c. r A ir_ R .- 1 Moore, of Delmar, has a Chester County AR.41.M,1- Sow which has produced Fifty-three pigs in the 355 days coding March , 16. The first littel) was March 26, 1868, and numbered 15; the second litter was of October, 1868, and numbered 19; the final and conclusive batch was presented to the happy owner on the 16th of March, 1869, and numbered 19. .This is, as Mr. Moore says, a lit tle more littn ono pig a week. Twenty-four of the lot sold for $4 a head at a month old, and the balance raised"--12—at $1,50. So the old sow earned $ll4 Jag year. That fairly beats the hest cow yet reported in Tipp. and Bradford. We rest. Apropos of this.,—Tho Havana Journal) Lr 3 ) , said: ."There is a cow in Chomung County which has raised forty-four pigs of three litters during the past year and a half. Pork is scarce in Chemung, but "die is business." To which the Elmira Advertiser replies: ."The Journal is cornet, except that in this county we spell the word 8-o-ta instead of c-o-w. The animal which in this county we spell with a c dOes not usually have "forty-four pigs at three ' littera." The"litter of the Chemung County C.o"..tn is most generally one, seldom more than two, and' we do not call them "pigs." Tnxil Boox.s.—"Another Teacher," writing from Tioga about text books, says : "I notice an "inquiry" from a "teacher" a Nfansfield in your last issue, and reply as follows First, The "Union Series" aro not used in— inajO,rity of the schools of Tioga County. Secondly, If Susquehanna. and Bradford eoun ties have mado a mistako in adopting an inferio i toriea of text books, Tiogacounty should not coin Leif the same error. The banner Republican county should use th best books, for inteligence and Republicanism g. hand in hand. The "Union Series" do not contain that firs essential of kt. complete text book, viz : the appli cation'of Orthography. The "National Sories'l dOes, and that series as the banner series of the country, should find a hearty , welcome in every township of the Commonwealth. Orthography is the base on which our Tau, guage rests, like a great pyramid, and in no re:- pect should it be neglected." We give tholbregoing, without alteration, as matter of fair play. Wo still suppose that the chief defect of the series advocated by our val. , respondent is orthographical. Still, we hop there is na to be "a war of books." We like 01 , orthography of the "Union' better than that o the!.Natiotial." MAINSBURG LOCAL.-Our correspo dent writes " Mr. E. C.-§tuitli has bought the Ainande Ludington fnrm, paying $7O per acre. Thi gives Mr. Stnith'h farm of about .500 acres in body. • - " Mr. Ludington has boughtkteo. Squires fa at $5O per acre. "Mr. Squires has bought 'Geo. F. Smith's far 300 acres at $5O per acre. - " Mr. Artemns Rumsoy has bought S. S. Rut •ey's farm at $OO per acre. -- "'Mr. S. S. Ruinsoy has bought thb house lot owned by tho heirs of J. Ruin\soy, deceased. , " Mr. A. C. Witter los gone into the D y Goods business in Troy, as one, of the firm of Peck