Ihe, horse-barn belonging to. Frank .Brown, in Springtle,dct township; was burned with all its 'contents on f3atur day morning last. The,family were at tending. a party at Springfield Center .when the tire occurred. It is believed to have been the work of an ineendi akY, as no fire had been near the barn hi three days. Loss, about $5OO. In sured for about slbo.—Troy gazette. Mrs. Charlotte Reynolds, residing in Canton township, near Alba, died very suddenly on Wednesday - last, of heart disease. She had been seated at the -table,in usual health as it wet. supposed, when attemptingAo rise, she,was sud denly attacked with a vinient; action of the. heart. and expired ln -a few mo ments. She was something over sev enty. years of age, and leaves a large Circle of friends to mourn.'. her Northern Ttir Gazette. - • • It is a,ficetious saying That Afgures cannot lie. No more 'can the World, but the 11Tarld's arithmetical and sta tistical genius sometimes makes extra ordinary, calculations. I'or example;, the Republican majority in New Hamp shire on Tuesday was IMO larger than it was at the corresponding election last -year. Yet the Woild• ciphers' out of it a great Democratic gain. Reason why; it compares the returns of this election with those of the Presinential election I . ' -November. The same arithMetic fail und in the returns of the, Maine - ecti i, in September last, omens of • ap ()aching victory of the Demo party, by comparing it with some ;Man etion of we do not knoW' how adinir rs ago: There is nothing so / In extrac as the exercise of ingenuity cuinstanee4l, comfort from difficulCcir . . . . , N "V. Y.'4 7 it. ' • - ' 1 1 ' . -- -.1.......1%...: - . :__ 13dir-Mrssmci.='S. • borne on .111onday eaPpea,red from , his Stant, a boy, about fotiP,e9li , ,Ple 22d in named John R. PfolitS, aYetillnf age, M. Cl. Pfouts, of .lel-54 - Si',;?f -QV i l ate . E' -of John Sebring, Esq.,.Holeftt Elt n ir " e without intimating his purpose oi ,7„, ' away, and, took'nothing'-with, hiiiit„i the clothing lie( had on. Not returns;. at night, a gene Al seareb,Was made fot him, which re Lilted in tracing him , along the can~tili as far as the Linden . Bridge. Here'all further traces of him disappear.d, disappea4d, and the distressed : friends are at a loss to know how tO'disciiVer his whereabouts. He was of a slight deli cate, frame, about 5 feet• higli; liad on a ' brown cloth cap, a fancy eaesiniere coat, grey mixed casimere pants, and vest.— He is an intelligent boy, plinth disposed to ask