The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 07, 1869, Image 1

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    - 40/313ING:s:
ThePropiintOrtiltive it:kicked theesiablish e
with,a new a vnria4assortment , q,f,
AND, ZAST. i i ittSSES, • • • %
and are'prepiired to e*eoute neatly and prln illy
itott.itB, HANDBILL S ,(Iiit.CtiLAiis, it T.-
Deeds, - Mortgagee, Pinies, and a full assorttnent
of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on hand.
People a dletance can dependori hav
ing their work done prtptly and sent backin
retnrninall. • ••••
Baldwia Stroot,
• car.Tv. - ,
Of every description; in all, styles of Elulling
and as low, for quality of•Stook; as any .fii*dor
In tho State:- -Volumes, of every descriptio
Bound in the best manner and in any style or
dared. " .
Executed in the beat manner. Old Iloalta re
bound and made good as new. '
ELSIIERIE lietlllll/%2 ,
lam prepared to tuiniatt haoir, Inters f all
Reviews or Magazines, published in , : he lhited
States or Great Britain, at a low piipe.
Of all sizes and,qualitiet;,On,liiind,4: ed or plain
Of anY'qhillity'Or eize,:ott hand and
for printir4.. '`AIBN PAPER,
BOARD of •all'ool?ra' aiid quality, i,
cat to an ,T " '
Cap, Letter,'- Note .Paper,' a
Pens; Pent'ls,
I am sole - agent for
I 'l
Which I will warrant equal to Gold
best la
,'• • I
Tho above stock I will sell tho
at all times, la a small advance o
prices, and in quantities to suit pqr.
work and stook warranted as roprea,;
I respectfully solicit a share of p
age. ,rdpis by mail. proinptlya a
Address, LOUIS
r Advertiser
Sept. 28, 1887 -Iy.' El
J'ema fitted up a new hotel build'.
of the old Union Rotel, lately deist
I am now ready to teceive and entertain
Uplon Hotel woe" intended for a Temp
and the Proprietor believes it can be ens .1
grog. "dn'attentive hostler In. attendan
%Abhor°, Juno 20,1807.
One door above the Moat M
RESPECTFULLY announces to
public that bolas a desirable s
(Tries, 'comprising, Teae, entrees, Spi,
Molasses, Syrups, and all' that consti tl
class stook.' Oysters in every style
sellable hours. '
Wellsboro, Jan. 2, 1.987--tf. •
$3 CS sp!*l9l CR*F to =
great Excitement! Johnson impeach.(
bree's itooote and Shoes triumphant! • Th.•
would say to the people of Westfield and
bele manufacturing a Patent Boot which
possess the, following advautage over all
therein no crimping; 2d, no wrinkling, save
to the foot; '3d#, uu ripping. - In short,
the thing for everybody. Samples on ban.
,oneitod. • 8010 right "of Westfield 'tarnish
secured. 'Ho has alsoinst received a spl
balmoral patterns, latest styles.— Como on
We are bound to sell cheap for cash or ready
•one door south ,of Sanders & Colegrove.
Westfield Bore', 1eh.13 1868. J. R.
c . .WATER_ LIME, ;
- .
. *nrriage and 7:fatness Trimmings,
Coil. dog, N. Y.,.Tan. 2,186?-Iy. . ,
J Tot coasts tly on hand, and furnished to or
der, by
at his., new store, 24 door above Roy's! Building,
Wellat t 'oro . (June 10, 1868.).
Scales ! Scales ! , Scales !
rung Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary
81z, )8, for heavy, and counter use, may be
:iuncl at the Hardware Store of Wm. Roberts,
Ilshor O. Those Scales are the Fairbanks pat
•:.t an (1 h • ave no enperior anywhere. They are
adein t. stylti, and have taken the premi.
4m at all t the groat exhibitions.
I have t he sole agendy' for those Scales in this
Wollshor • o, Feb. 12',1.268.
PAC 110
' I I"EL
170, 172, 1 'l4l, !I^ 176 GREENWICH ST.,
New York.
'PRE Ul gDERSTIJNED takepleup'
nro, in al his numerous Mends
ud patrbne t - hat from this date, :the charge ,of
the Pacific wil be $2,50 per day. •
Being solo p ropriotor of this HOLM), and there
fore free from t he too common exaction of an
inordinate ron t, be is fully able to meet the
d r iwnward ten di mop of prices without any falling
oti of sorvico.
It will now, af • t heretofore, be his aim to main-
Isis uadiminish, Id the favorable reputation of
the Pacific, wbiol t 'I it has enjoyed for many years,
ag one of the beit' of travelers hotels.
The table will be bountifully supplied with
svery delicacy of the season.
Tao attendance ' will be found efficient and
4'lUing., 1
rlf - e - location w, 1 , In bo found convenient for
theme whose.burin ' ess calls them in the lower
port of the city, be 1 lug ono door north of Cort
jmi Street, and on ' o block West of BroldwaY,
0).1 of ready acme , to all Rail Road and Steam
boat Liner.
, _
Alen. 2 1868 601 . • '
New Tol )aooo Store I
rrE subscriber bt IS fitted up the ro4atall
joining D. P. Rob, , trts and , SroveSturcr
i'rthe manufacture an d Gale of
CICI ARS; (all grade: t), Pa4y and Common
' 83[ 01.7.1V0 TOBAC \ 00,11lielitgan Fine Old
CHEWING, a '•nd all kinds of
PIATG TOBACCO ) PIPES, and the ehoi
cest Brand o j C10'4113.
71 Call and tfoo for y. mrselvos.
''‘' , oshoro, Nov. It, 186$ ^tf.
E LK RIIN PLASTER.— 1 —We hereby certify
that we bare used the I - t laster manufactured
v ( ;baropney S Bernauer,l i we bo4ve it to be
I I their works on Elk
'ts, in Gaines township, an.
Lail if net superior to the CH t %.Iruga Plaster. i.
witi Smith S M Conable i A P Cono
[1 Cabla II E si nunouv \ • J Bornauer
IV Darker Smith 4 ‘ l
"ii D.tvis Albert King JO S hn tra C it Miller
1 , L Mardi
JLI IS...miens WII Watront3 ‘ \`
it M Foote
RX s • .
with 0 A Smith
J J Smith
j ' ' lt 'aii , P C Van Gelder
i C L Ring •
~ , ,e 'l, Davis J F Zimmerman I
I 4 NDith.
• a•—ri
t, aster always OD 114121. -- \
\ t
x tt o t v. th 4, e
1 M 86 i1 8 1...--
• "co $5 par tout --
_ .
Insurpnco, Bounty and Pension'Agency, , Main
Strout Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, IsoB.
Notary Public and Insurance Agent, /Noss
burg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store.
0!, 1 5a., Alain Sti
July lb, 18(18.
IVall Paper, Kerosene Lampp, Wincloq Giasij
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, 4,0., 4t c.
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1813S:-1y.
(First doir from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)-
Will Quad to business entrusted to Weil care
in the counties of Tioga and Potter. '..-
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1808.
Tina Co„ Pa..
vialui*Agent,}Notary ?Public,
and Insuraneo.
Agent. lie will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions, ,13acik Pay and, Bounty . . App Notary . 1
Pablie lie takos acknowledgeMents of dtiUdis,, ad
ministers orths, and will act as Commissioner to
take testimony. „ggY-011ice over Roy's Drug Store,:
adjoining Agitator Office.—Oct. 30. 1361 ; •
at np, randy
and Crii
•• boar s or
Bohn W. Guornscll,
Ravin g returned to tbis county with a view-of
making it his permanent residence, solicits a
share of public patronage. All business en
trusted to his care will be attended to, with
vromptnesdand fidelity. Oflico 2d door south
of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co.,
ona. .Tho
I °west Rates
New York
h . asors. All
bile prition
tended to.—
Ira, N.Y.
JO/1111( O: ( SII4I.IiSrEARR p ,,,
DRAPER Shop over Jelin R.
Bowen's Store. 7 Cutting, Fitting,l and
Repairing"' done prompty-cind'in - best style. .
Wellsbore, Pa.' ? Jan. 1;1868—ly
g on thitette
oyed by itiro,
guests. •The
ranco house,
,slued without
TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Senrs's
Shoo Shop. ...rO-Cutting, Fitting, and Repair
trio,' dono promptly and »011.
l'crollsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868.-ly.
TAILOR AND CUTTER, has opened a ► , hop
on Craton street, rear of Sears Derby's 'shoe
hop, where he ia propalod to mantifactumgar
monts to order in the most substantial manner,
and with diepateh. Piirtieular attention paid
to Cutting and Pitting. Maid" 26, 186S-1y
Dr. C. 11.,
Pill attend to Professional calls in the- village,
of Wella . boro and' di6 . eivhere.' "
Office and Residence on State St. 2d door on
the right going Last. ,• (June. 24, 1868.
---------- •
the trading
och or qro-
I es, Sugars,
utes a first
'at all }lea.
U( , BACON, M. D., Lite vi the 2d Pa. Cavalry, atter
LI • nearly four year of army service, with a large
is.perience in field and hospital practice, has opened uu
Mitre ter the practice of medicine and surgery, ill alt
Bs branches. Pea sone from It distance can bud geed
boarding at rho Pen 11/13 Itania Bold when desite.l.—,
Will visit any part of tie State in consultation, or to'
perfornistirgical'oprintiorin. No 3, Union Block. up
Stairs. Wellsboro,,Va., May 2 1806
ill d; illrt n er .
Malty that
o believes to
otheis; Ist,
lay areyjuat_
and 01.401.6
and Doro'
mild aet of
Coo,, 01/
pay. 1...•'p0p
K.Noxyll„L . 4 l Pet, ~ P .enqioni Aninty, aid In.
Saruill.3 ' l3 gent. '6 o .6Juibubitatiiiita rout to: the
nbuve za'a A ciresu (tendon.
Terms moderate. 1 . [Jai) b,
UItVEY olt DRAFTS'itIA N .—Ordors left at'
his room, Tow usetitl !lute!, Wellbboro, will
teeot with prompt attention.
Jan. 13. 1867.—/1.
& PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin 6tring:,
&c., Mansheld, Pa. Watches and Jew'•
elry'noatly rapairM.';Ep,Oaying done in plain
English and tiorinan.
krlaardressing & Shaving. _
Saloon ovur 1 4; 13arkpr?1,3 , .Store,
oro; Pa. PartieUldr' attention . paid 'to Ladies'-
lair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids,
uds, coils, and awielies un hand and made to or
11. W. PORSEY.-„! 17. JOHNSON
lILL WRIGHT—Agent for all the best
- Stewart's Oscillating Movement for Gang 4no
clay Saws.. 3 , , , • ,
Pm S; Aug.:743.805, ly•. ' ,
Dealer in DRY GOODS of all kinds,' Hardware
and Yankee Notions. Our assortment is large
and prices low. Store in Union Block. Call
in gentleman.--,t0ay.20 .I§BB-Iy.
°tor. A new hotel conducted on tho principle
of live and lot live, for the accommodation of
the public.—Nov. 14, ]S66.—ly. ,
C. H. GOLDSMITH, Proprietor.—llaving.leas
ed this popular Hotel,. the preprigtor respect
fully solicits a fair share of patronage. Every
attention given to guests. The best hostler in
the county always in, attendance.,
April 29, 1868.-Iy.. - • - =
- FARR'S :11. - OTEt
T.l.OtlA y TA - o C*o Tr'N'T I" ; I' A ,
- • , , -0, •
Good stabling, attacbod, hos
jtler always in attendance.
n strictly Torhparatico. t'.rincliASs; „
' it: C. TAILEY - , 2 Prop,rictOr,.llofiaes and
• HOVEL,' ` •
•'ESTFTELD Borouilitroga " Co. Pd., E. :(I."
Hill,. Proprietor ; , 4, i iloce.—,al,ll,Apinaiodious
building 5e,46 pii tico ,modern • improvement&
Within easy drivdenf iticibVst litin'ting and fish
ing grounds in N'OrilerriPentoa. Conveyaneq
farnisbed. ',Terms; ragderato : -;,5•1_
' Fob. 5,18138:4Y, ~,
Bounty mid Pepsimi
AVING I:4 koivpddctinitainatruction t i n regard to
tLeoattn lioujity allowed Lpy t4u acp, amprovd .
tuiy 25,186t3. and hiving on 'hand 1 1111111(14uppl3 of nil
itecessory -blanks .-1 ant - prepared ttilicogccit t c' /1.
.1011 1/11d bounty efaiina,wlitclt quay bo placed
!panda,- eiirsopoppiing 06;a dlatodco can,colnintanlca to
',vitt. 1110 by rocporoind et* c'opninn nicatiOui , ill L`o
promptly dnswatod . WM. 11. SM .
11 7 A tt;
. _
' .;;' 4 it:l4 - 7•Wi'"itt).-*--,...._'' . " *- 11 0
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—:r---- ...__________ ._ _.l.i.:- .•f)un' - ; !,.:; lik ',l'3'.'-'„1 , ',":„ ... ~, ". - - .;:.. „., ~, I N ' , , .•..::-.; ;
. .
r if
A vf',
Ztl Y{ I. it. v.) .„,
8. F. WlLsom. J. B. .Niz:Lli.
Thos. 73 Bryden.
R. E.'
1 . : ,
oltnot: O, tr.,YWA., PrtoPU;% . -!Tliii is
a new hotel located - ,wititin ons)i atioUga-of tho
best fishing and hunting gtoutids'jil
urn t'Onnsylonnia4 "No - tainti - will Iso,llpurgd
Or the acoommiiilation_:ol/pliinOliioikokets'labd
the t.r.tveling public • ,
P ver, 11 7 1/Ami P'ciii l-- 'l"a 4 / 7 :ciiburli'n the
room. I)ttely occupied by . .11eol.6.S'C'e'lw.
• OOTS ANT) SHOES of all AinOs ... Frado t to
.or'der Ind in'tho biisrmantier. "
REIiAIRING of all kinds done promptly apd
ood. Give u 8 a call.
• • >•: Jong nAinc,Nts,
Wolleboro,Jan.2 ; INA v..
:j;..4 • 7F.
i ,f
~- p
~s a ,c,- 7, ?".., 3 ( 1. Ili
-t3 S 5, ,14
I: ',l ,,,: ' 'ti-i ,1 4 t . ', ti t i• ';'' 1? '", , ;,5, , ,
:I . r6hieMbeilt d t oudl - ilt' liad'hap
.pened yesterday. It was the bigkest
- row we ever - had_ In`oli r family. •
I t was one cold, rainy evening in (the
eariy- part ,uf, Decetaber,_ _.1,Y44, all', sat
,dticird ttilirtaftS) , fismil, but
not, appmently, in our usual good hu-
retisiStL i d‘tiflatlibr,lnio:ther,"•my
antfLiiiie',.:-;-.llciti and
selft , W` :
13 0,4 Carver,was 4:?nelof.our familyi as
ho suld,:'`by.breyet.'._4,,,,.l-.Tis mother and
my niother„ lfaci ~been friends in girl=
hood, and 'never outgrown thell
Milli - lacy. Ever since Bob had lived in
the clxy._he_hasiliOarded ' 2 ., at. on r house, he seemed like one of us.
I 1 F was a jolly good fellow, and ',ap
peared deal •.. ' ‘of ins all,
- eSpeCially , Clara,' , Who i by the , way,
not scem , 'particularly for Itinr,•
though, of Course, silo 111tcd-13am
euough '' iyea4
114 ite ? fi. 4 tition's'''fibtivelqtttlie'F'ietwo had
caused me some painful, consideration.
1 liice Bob very : inuch„ and would have
been glad f r o litti , t; 'him in .the
more fully than
ti a ls,n a y:o/Lru,fdrehira ulade io fcc , tt
w ar n, ,ympathy for his unreciprocated
fur ()Itsrp,. I . wakltA
,lov,e thy
shoWed'as iii'diiii:lrencet6 me
118 ; 't.:Aarti:: did sometimes , toward. Bob,
that-1 slrould - have - -been - inexpressibly
' • '
.Belliflesp .h is, Clara sppmedlo-, take a
g° 6 'd A61, - (it P!eiti4;ll . P.c-.)4, - ; Pie .
ofthat stupid
seemed .do: consist! talking
:about r~ ligfoll , politics - and. other-7enb
jects, which bored :moAntol'erably.l
was nineteen; and poetical.; ' ,
:ItittWayS:,Seetaii'd to; me •thlit t Liizie
pckb ,betterLihan
Clixrir, tin yhbw, They:iy . efe . Ycil3.:_ fond
of niuSie,„atid. Often : played, Juid
: they, „ilgyer,
;sinpothiy together, They", did net- ap
and iana rreled abent. =-Yet
Nyoniti stilll;.pract,kee,.togethd.
-Their voice harmonized-well, and I sup
posed theydolerated eileh other for the
debsa,khe,rriusr. , L T t
id - eV r:'„undetstritid..l,4zip!s
Cop' t'. "tong .
of,, hp; - td:oai ',spot argued
againstwith.all;:ber, , might; :Aybe,tt ilie
stated,them, , ,shems watmly.defetidedl in
conVeratitidn With th'oreStr if be
iieve;she.delighted in being - contrary
. Mother,' sometimes .rebuked; her . for
her petulance to Bob, but father iiaid it
made no difieMiace,--At.ii , as' 'customary
for musical peoplp to quarrel - . He was
quielsAeropered liittiself;: , alid Lib as
more like pin) than any of the , restlf'!us
''l3nc'tts i.etUrn'.ifithklie'cornble,riipslon
liig:" as :I*, - bave,;?Said,',. vas
bad: 'FOr;ithat reason, I suppose,:•the
bOyliad failed to leave the evening pa
per. - - - -
When fattier came for
the paper, and said
. "c'orifound' the
boy.' Of-
' When Votilearne•in';'he asked for the
paper, and wentlip stairs ttiiehange his
boots; gillinbibig out otrietliing . about
lian , ving . thefi'yy to the netvest:lanip-
The girls were to hAd hunt:9r, because
they:had heen-utiWeLto!ket-sout shop
ping that afternoon on a holiday shop
ping cuedition • ntille' mother was
worried. ,f beAtte).,:t4ei . bread had not
turned dtir wen, find -ffiV buckwheat
cakes_ showed a tendency, to„ become
f iouri • .•• J. •
Mother said something about the
bread—said she' he'd been over the ba-
Id lig:Dearly ,day,, and" it. seemed as.
though it never would rise. She said,
"flbifik either the flour or the yeast
4.4'ather,-just to be, disagreeable, =I su:p
ppsq,, "4.1 bad werisman .always
ecttPlAajUS ' ,
Mother - blushed up iiisfaiitly. She
twits* good - bread-maker, and she knew
it. She said, `That don't apply to me.
generaDy., goad- bread as any
One. Dellq, S'eU r t hinlc's?); Robert?"
t ,:.1i5gb+74949.9! ( .4 as Allo.ligh ryas
seniqprOblem in Mental ar
ithmetie,-intsW"ered, e( ldeif?tipresume to
vitlyiku:the fare of my boarding-house,"
This Was improving (?)
calling our house'llis boarding
i•jkftili..s6iip6i...46ti.-aoiefit;-uttib his-room
:md stnol:cd;Yl,s4:gat and afterward
, (al dolv 11 nti.n=e , speia wpm:: n
lkienk, ;id l acmy to
tiqk_t an juistrutueutanduet.
'Da_LANO- - &!1)0'8 1
o 4 ; ,Wt
Nett o' Tooter.
, sir
lit t ri n iii r i'' ~,, i...':' l'4. V -.' I,
's tAICY LAncom
--,. „That hatu;tting,dreanz Af Petter,„ r; ,-
4 .."='ill'ordiA•rittleitt4ide ""-
It tints tho fur horizon,
N'IPPTKFEI 0 0 1 4110.
The cradle of the Present
Too narrow is for rest;
The feet of the Immortal
tes seek" I
.obettuty„ truil.tng aaduess !
i •
~ 1 1)espair, hai)o'S leftioltst:birth 1
With tears and aspirations
Have yo bedewed the earth. i
The. upeuipg li)Ads of, Aprill
qintiniolilrostilitki , ohili; --:, '.. 1 4:V.:)i: .
The soul of sweet October i
~ : .,I.l'aintsioniFt ray:story still. i
What buriost thou, gay childhood ?
Sweet youth, what lied with thee?
sit.yur i lotses i Sorkw n. ,, ;11 ,
:AS'iri some kodliltd - gtdo'r; '
Away, away forever . •
The Eternal „Breath o'ortake them;
Homo speeds them every gale.
• Thoillmy: gold.autt purple .
Swathed not the hill we trod; ; ,
J - 'Tuts herd and common climbing,'',
Tbelratnbio:and , tbo .;
The bitterness voinsted;.<
• Widra'rilth'S most wholesomo,leavon A
- - The friends that loft utrlonely - '
Are opening doors in haven.
i•Jo.y' - ;tiOt ;
1 i
And now the deeper midnight
Discovers larger stars;
• t Aod,grafts.of glory.burgegia, , ,
'A . • .f.l Trto4earehly blightednd scars:
And now the mists are lifting—
The tides are rushing in—
it the ViAtitatpg:
1..0 I -fire' ye(to win !
Viotellaittaiis grading.:
^ - - - -
: 6ntlitilhe:. parlor , Tetaling,
• lougwattle music taa:stifoothly on;
Paid 11 0.:p.ttenticiii;:to • Stidde'nly
the`roW4S eeiliSed.
"Yon ttnititt:lt tynstake t hely," said
Bob. nt "
" if. was Y+so;!•r t ,Said Lizzie, "and
there, is where it was," pointing. at „one
- "W,Li jolt' 'tinin
.jti:sei'i'dipisttre praper. ,
said:s33oli4:::qhlit I
as On fluitil thar piece.
i played ie with Aliss,.Peters,oetheother
eveningi-and-she - mmie - the same mis
talte:3 you. dii - 21‘—cinlytatio it)„.w hen II
,poiptetrit , .
`` Oh; yes - ; 'she kiluck
lwas white, if you point it out. Int
Jitts AllYsiiktOrSQ.,I;lo with. me • ---.
•-r.`,TlfTsurelythou bt.lbat you,and ad.
167edslong.enadg in the same 'ho , 0-
gether, and were ufficiently Intl '
if not friendly—to allow me to iter.
with you sometimes, and oven to t)t,q,
authority in support of my own #l.-
. ion when it was with yo: 11 '
;•--10 1 ,Vfiateycr••,111 Oi l y 'relatObs bre
WerPhbede-ridtLe'ritintie:- '-) You I,vo
chosen to define our position iite
r i
house as that of a ere boarder, ads
such r . bad no right to flout a or
you 4, ladyjn-my ace, and claim'Adt
because she made a mistake, I list:
have dond'so, too. You talk qtri - y
about this music, a lybow. If yo ire'
44k-fdpilimmrlth tbe view, Mr,yittf•pr•44,
s ivliftrilryou practi,be it? I knONV I Cti,
are not right about' he mistake, a1.;1,.
don't believe you t ink you are, VK7
self.'?- ~, .
'', i
it'rratit.ht4 gktvo
lie- SO dirbetlk; sill
knocked him down
jumped up, without
to his room.
Lizzie pia;
i '
_ ayed soy rat very livelyl4o
with 4etittalmatio }, and Was as Ejy
as , a,14,0.70141 0110'1 eitt`to bed. ,
'- Her apparent triu ph over the t
ter angered me, and I bluntly tol er
she had been ill-natured and un y,-
like; whereupon she' informed melat
"children „ sbpuld „ ; be , seen , aid iet.'
lienisty, ; ' ... „ - i .
'At breakfast : : itek morning , all ass
had apparently recvered our goool-.,
mor, but there wa something fc4
about Bob's gayety I noticed thatlV
and Lizzie said noting tp,,,each„e6E"
NViled . :44`leff;:lo d I:1(4, - 01.00 'nobo'
bas to 'SuPper. (He always dbd
down town.) As t is was not alto4ll - •
or unusual, no, neut myself appeccl'
to npti e it, except , lara, , who lookOkt
Lizzie vith a sort f "I told
, youW'"
glance. ii
,' '-
Bob ame home late that evert g l ,'
and w,did not s o him until Igt ,
moral g.
~4t Urea fast Lizzie see*
hboliC isiy :simile InV JOI lii rn , 0,1 e,,,
but did not do so. _
Filth r, mother, and Clara welito'
church Bob and I Concluded not tep,
and it as Lizzie's urn to stay at hie.
Jtati ,su,)erintenil .t, le_.:preparation "or
(Lipner._ : ~ n - : ' ; -. 1 -‘T. , _:, -• t ' . j),
We are accusto ed to eating d'
dinners on Sunday, as it was they
time time we could all e t that meal tog, x. ,
er and takepqrtiru ';at it. We ally . 1 '
joy ed tiiiiseSiitidtly'dinners keenly ,• I '_
Just before the folks started to ch li.
Clara and Lizzie vte . talking can es -
ly togetner',and CI ra;sttiii,''' YeS; ii
ougheto lid itXrd't t drice.' I gay io
heed to the words hen, but after 11
knew what they ref rred tos
c4 4 ' l atker;hatt-a,sort , f halgr i lihrary;, 7
;• 4,llleei,up ; 1 s 408, it tl4. , there ( BO ,an
- * - etit;'ll.3 4 to'talte a smoke and inysel
After we had been
Lizzie tie
in. 1 asited - Ver if
cigar, to which she r
- -
wall; ect directly - tow
voluntarily or. up to
r ;4flIV thrit, thuy w
up their quarrel; but
exit at ; hat ,dozen
Ltify.tlibughtit - nee
sudden intexestftpira'
wigsate t. 'VT:*tm pro
said at the table, an
'•lagli6.(l "I
were between me an
not know what to d
Bob maintained-it
for aiew seconds.
terested. I knew th
?f,-411 apology i
fu'y pile, anal. men,
not ticeept it as frank
he was a—well, not w
Lizzie must have
sileuco,for, sloe htul i t
the *viudow,-Vhien
She turned toward h
"Lizzie, don't 011111 I am such a brutri
as not to accept you apology. I w
only at a it,:• T s to find words to express
my regret RI) haying l i provoked you into
sayg what )you di . It was all my
fault." .
"No, it wallet," c rtly returned Liz=
zie ,• and I mentally oncluded that they
would quarrel oyer t is. , r. ' •-)'nfintteq,SOlOUSly lin'
'a"..MoSt t r 'lnglibrlMlS" - tpne, Well,
Maybe g
fate. is
the result, I suppose, of oversensitive
ness to your indifference—or dislike."
"Bob !" exclaimed Lizzie.
"It's true he said,' "I cant help feel=
lug that you don't like me, and Dv un
etis pi ess'ifeki:d s rh 19e' ; aet 7 So:asit6 increase
ybtfi aVerSion." , -
I wished I had gozie. They seemed to
be settling not only (their last quarrel,
but all they had ever had.
"You had no right to say that, Bob.
-Yop,l 7 ,,lsnow ` den'tdisliko - yOui" said
tizzieogilielbrhcoalshig down, and sob
bing. -
I guess he must haVi3 concluded that
he knew it, for he took her in his capa
cious arms just as I passed them on a
rapid retreat, terribly ashamed of not
having gone in the first place.
I do not know what took place after
I left, but so far as dinner was concern
ed, Lib might as well have gone 'to
'Widget, got it all : right;' l'ikiever, and
r it' was about the happiest one
we ever did eat,
Happiness Is contagious, and there
was enough of it „in Llizie's eye alone
to have inoculated a witole regiment
with joy,
_. ~
.. 0 ' _ „,...
I hefieteClatit siiWiliePgtate of affairs
at once, and shared Lizzie's. joy to the
greatest possible degree.
Father and mother 'seemed to accept
the f'vra: of go'oct,..Nolingil-lvithout ex
plarirttion). while.Libp - vlPas ifisafie.,' , ' • '
-He asked 'father' abbtit 'the" 'Semen,
and on being assured that it was an ex-
cellent oue, said he I,Vould take a little
of it. I
Fattier asked him,
said i lpotftioes.l',., - ,:, c ;,
then deliberately to
Mother significantly asked him if he
thought smoking agted. with 1341, and
be'teld-lier•yes;:lie c nsidered it ''a de
lightful exercises; 'ffii;tl' as he gave her
this novel assurance he reached for the
molasses and poured it over his potatoes
and butter. : ,
.'-:. Vt.& was Oo iiiiici t i or 6i
rii iida. me,
and we burst into an uncontrollable fit
of laughter, which r called Bob to his'
senses; and s blushing-erimson lie coa l --
fesSed . thatlioWlis'absent•!initded, as lle.
had just been able to see his way clear
in a matter which ad troubled him
for months.' .
1-le then heartily j
al laug,h,at:Atis
joinitAg72l l 4l4,lo,
paniinent to his deei
Bob and father toi
zi ,
alike th t afternoon
the girls held a coat'
lor ; 1 to It a walk.
: When Li.l -, name= 1 :
r'-You're 'gtiinsi.nlif .
With° Cary idea'
be, I meekly wsente
oo idea of ivhat, was
" You're Willie w
said she ; "and for
WPOtilllPg jp_ti
that I'm engaged to - taah.
4 ,:ttA e
~poso lib would e
As it .wa e.
a Word, and t.
there a short
,door and ^wal
.she would ha
'Wade no reply, tit,
-arcl: Bob, :wpo n'-
nadd'her. • ,
re about to rram
Thad been prOi:-'
alce-ups of theirs,
ssary togazo,
yoked - at what You
so forgot myself;,
he out'; but they
the door, so I did
awkward silepee,
i began to feelin
g, that was'pretty,
pr T., &b toi-napi:o to
!•: .1 11yz,kaidif I.l'e did
yJaa it N - Vils offered,'
iii.t.l.thought Wan:
_rown tired. of 145
ppd around from
gob 'said "stop."- 2 -,
at and he contin-
"What?,', and be
6;Yri: Spoon'ful and
ok a spoonful, of
iced in the gener
a4s.;,Lizzie also
,l crimson flush.
It a smoke in the
and mother ant
I , renee in the par
tick • Cittra
'W a that might
, and said, "I had
(ming ; I thought , :
ead•df Lib:" -
,rsegtunp for that,!'.
car you can't see
is e, I'll tell you hoW ,
T. Bayne."‘
• i ts 44 4. ;;. 4, i • L i.
34P=4,22,1104 . 4ag", .-417*f
,A,•_';',,A;r41L . 1: ; ,1:869'.
I thought:the 'marrying days of the
Year bad come,- and went .off to' my
„rcoakto indulge, in, a delightful dream
'Of my:own, marriage, in the far-off fit
tu With' Maggie Cranston.
,Fi ; Ye years rhaye passed, since then.
"Chi r.g and Lizzie , got married, of course,
acid T steed vp at their weddin gs. 'Clara
keeps house. Bob and Lizzie still live
nt and. father -.insists that•
they ahvays.shall.. • I "-' •
do.not thin k , Jiro: Bayne :so stupid
as 'I ol'icesdid. years fih the fish -
and Oil -,lnisinese; 'tts Junior member of
thelirth, y of . Marti ti .'o,,'Soh t :have - dera
nged- M, poetic ehtlinsiaSin, While
:13ayTie 7 a seeto;:equiething - or, .other; on
the:inereaSe.”. '
nOtniairleilkaggie t:ransiton;
;,.. 1 4 1 Tack, I do ,not, know, .titer.: =•We did
; not ikeep.upou accpiaintance..; long af T
,ter. she leftth e' imarding-schoOl.- where
she was , when fully 'eipect,ed to
marry her; at4 , Aliopgl)t . detild, not
gettiong Witheig. her. • ' •
' Danz still a youthful bachelor, await=
; ii g:an s oppOrtunitYta,giagie,l With:sore°
bleb. Oaryer did with
13 - titil don't wantany nine
"teen7yearold brothers on hand at the
Atinst A'WRECK.
• Captain - Abet 'Wlthe'rs• ail'O'ne, of the
• . I)st` 'Ship:Oates' ,thitt ever „handled a
Xierfect 'sallor;,',thoroughly.
,V . 13000 possessing
:ifer„St, blear;'calm. , Jradginent, , And then
: till''S'oue - ef, the, most, liurnake "dom.
Manders of
- men like
Mercantil() ' I Mari ne—
treating his - men like brothers, and• ev
'er Middftil ofjbeir ,erom fort and :welfare.
, All. this 'he 'was' when. lie i Was. Abel
•Withe,i'buteetine : tirdeS, ; he Would put
ti thief iht,o'lliS,nietith.t() steal. himself
a• c WitY,'" 'When LoVereorde by Ai r ier he
wizs'tgttallyp:tkilai k 4e:6oif i reektess And
' (if andlvh,olly nnmindfrij of co fi
:•10a'0. its ',eongetieneeS.,, The - owners
kne*illat 'he Made, fr,ee, use of liquor,
sometimes wile') 'shOre,'Lait'they fan-
Oed. 'he kept perfeetly: straight, when at
'The r fact Wits neither his of leers:
noi - r nien' iron ld ;e l( liciSe ' for they
loved hihi i
1843 Withers' hart ournataud,ur: ii
'Wateri3petit.r w,as, a noble
Pratt, firtd„lk' Several
otitWardlionild Course,
tlie f skinper alloWed hiriaSelf to be over
'ecirrie"by enemy. It' seemed ,to be a
sort 0r.4140.4p6 - )*lth
sticee t splon li e Wfiliftl - remain
pgrfeetty,Sofier:, sometimes' taking an oe
'eiiiiional'glaSS-of lir'andy,and writer, and
at others going a week Without tasting
,'".ff - by. chance b e , got' eticitigh on
b~arcl to feel it, lie wag Elu i re to get drunk;
Andl.tiren came a storm, for which he
subsequ l ently Atpli 9 by, renewed
kindness and regret..
The'lNqiterkiput waS hotind for Smyr
na. notin• on the' 2.8 d, ,of Septem
ber ' s We . itch') ;atilt:We , 35degrees 50
Iniiiiites' - 'rind, - ' rind longitude 20 "de-,
'kreeS49 'Minutes ',east about two liun-;
deed rhileS'frOm' Milo. During that af- ;
ler neon An a t,tie night there!
- .W‘iis'irtit Whicr' The ' ship lay
hereeurse,'. and averaged about three,
_knots. The , ' beict - morning the breeze
freshened.:' hit - an - deame out,froin the
1 1 1 I 1.1 a - es t in ou. a
' At ,loon the suia-y,as So,deep'irbe&Afisti
ed,tliatrio observ_atiortemildshe obtained,
and 3be „con rse was calculated from dead
reckoning: . Toward• the. middle :of the
afternoon the wind lulled:I:milli:He, and
then came out strong , : from :the _west-
Ward.l;-At the, same •timei Capt. With
ers , came ; on deck--drunkl:, ;His face
was ushed,, eyesiwild and: glaring,
and his step unsteady. There -was a
Rectifier compression r of the:nether lip
which liethken9d the Worst,stattiof his
Mind. *AS spin) as lie SaW,llie Wind bad'
'cOnged, , that' thc . sliipliad: it al
,moSt'd4o 'aft; he ordered - alksail to be
Airlo—Stiidding sails on ,lioth,shiPs, and
-the sky -ails set., Afterthfs the log ,was throWn, And she ran off eleVen 'knots.
Olorrousl"'diled Wither!).• "We'll
nirike. i .up,now'for ; We have
rhade,juSt'tWenty, mileS slu i ce yesterday
pt'thl •
• " We've - Made neater eighty sir,"
said the' mate:- •-• ' -
Do'yriii • difiqinte 'rte - sir?"
efled -" I tell
rttn , tiff juSt?Awenty ef 'ern—
atiSt •Irept' q le reekon
big and IltnoWjr! We'll, have nd,inntiny
'herejif you plehSe;" • -• !
' • Captain' have' ;you' ficit'inade
" , By'tii& eternal fiettkreirs; sit; Ali' You
inean,itti 'queStlo'n authority - I .: Touch
la,repe if , you dare! Pll sail this'ship, i
• yon pleaSel" 7 : j - !' - ; •-- !'• - '.• -•-
'Such wris'Abel Withers, drunk.
The breeze continued fresh and steady
andall sail• Was •kept,on. At' dark, Mr
Sargent, the mate,:aSkd if he . shoul
not shorten sail. The Captain savor:
like a madman. He seemed to fans
that his (Aileen) wished tO assume corn
maud and put him out of the way. H:
said ho would shoot the first man wife
dared to take in a rag of •Canvass. • But Withers was not satisfied with'
this. He went below and to2k anothe
glass of, brandy, and then ffutting oil
his pea..jaeket he returned to the deck
and ordered the mate to go below. San;
gent obeyed at once, though he was del.
termined not to go to • sleep. At-midl
night the Captain became aware tha
the masts were being strained, and h
ordered the studding-sails taken in arn
the royals furled.' The mate had take
the sky sails off before dark. Yet tli
shin now ran off ten knots.
At two o'clock the second mate wen
to the wheel and whispered to th
helmsman to lay the ship three point
further south. The man did so and
Withers noticed it at once. '
" What's all this?" he cried, with an
oath.' " Hostile witutehanged '?" ,
He went to the.binnacle, and saw th
trouble. at once. The second mate bad
hoped •thatlO wasAzo-drunk to notic
the change, btit bis•witS'were' keen and
quick in tbatdirection. It is it.- peculi
arity of drialikenness' . that the
man semis pesses'sed of an int'ultiO
perception 'of' any \ e_trot • to deceive him
and so was ;NYithers:in . ,_thiS,= ;HI,
ordered, the man. tit s the w heel,te „be pu
in irons, and then ordered the' second
mate, Mr.,Clingifion, below. .He ha
the ship put. up tcrhereriginal course
and then be."paced up and • down th:
deck raving and
,gtorreing like it mad.
man. 'L • - • • '-
Ati loth- o'ClOck Mr. Sargent Came-up
He could stand it no longer.
" Ctiptain.),Vithers," .Ja e. said, firnilry
but respeetfullY; " this ship must no
,stand on sy, another. half hour. I as
sure'you, upon mylmor,- that the Isl
and of Mile is - directly ahead,,aud not
over fifteen miles distant, at the forth,
est.'} •
" Get• out or this,!" yelled the Cap
tain, Go. below,?Siri„at once ! I an
commander here, if'you please. , ! . ,
"But,;sir, l l am lit, -k
r I . ' 060" lnierposeo the' Mad Man wit
aneatli: -.14 Polyp below you to m Olive
I inive lc.ept the reekoning,if yo,l l please
and, - Weare.4 hundred males,fron_
Sargent "Still urged the. eaptai,
Ceti but he could make no implebsioi
upon ;him; .') , 11e. , 41.11ek1y )'fouud tha
Withers was not,detertninedibu
liitAiy Op& that . be would not l!esi
,titte_l,o, monk, ict ; Lviolence, if be was op
-posed..further. ,This . the mate was anx
leus-to avold, , for-the skipper was no,
only • very' powerful, but if ple:Led' t
4 1i7Grimsdicazaa."
. .
physical violence there'l%4
of a death: So Sargent'
but he resolved- that in'
would come .up, and, th
could ha done, the 'Cantt
smirkd by force., or some
kept bound until he got s
The hour ' passed and!
stood on a the old - speed.
eame on deck and looked
The stare were obscured b
but the wind kept us as fi
tiS ever. ,The Mate,knew
could riot be for distant.
way forward, and he fan
hear the roar of the break
be already.daybreak but
c i
atmosphere. , With a quit,
ficdt walked • af 'and itst
tain if he • wOul , not than
further, to the , southward.•
"What?". cried With
' ack and clenching his, fis
'gain ? ' Now, by the inter
1 lil let you know." .:, . -
At this Moment the Captain's Voice
vas' drowned by a cry that earn° froth
• be bows. Quick as thought the mate
ushed forward... The mist had lifted—
he first gleam of, daylight was upon the
vater—and directly, ahead, not more
han' three cable's length 'stunt, loom
d up a foam dashed, towe 'trig , mall of
ugged socks! ; They looke like black
nonsters there, with •the ad sea lash
ing in fury against them.
' " Breakers ahead I" echo'
Cu 'voices In concert,
" Braces ! braces !—all 1 ands !" cried
Sargent, in a prompt inging tone,
Which sounded 'clearly ab ve the roar of
the breakers. lie had exa ined the lay
and he the rocks carefully, and he knew how
to act, though hope hung pon a thread.
" For your lives, my m n !" he shout
ed, springing toward the vaist. ' " Cast
oil the starboard braces —haul in on
the larboard lines! Per , the helm !
steady=steadyhard a p irt, now ! OA!
for your; lives, my Men ! ' or your lives !
,Meet her now! Right ye ir helm.
The men saw the da Ter, but the
stern promptness of the ate gave them
strength and they obe ed his orders
quickly - and with a wilhl' As the yards
were braced up and theTlm cast a port
the old ship felt it, and . ame nobly up
*.... 4.i...„..,14.1A . Vontolll IVILliDra had boon
paralyzed by the first or of tiro bivr.h
ers, and his power see e 4.1 gone. He
stood at the tail - Tail, like one in a fear
ful dream; trembling froit head to foot,
and watching the w•Prki g of the mien'
. eagerness. Asithe ship came up
to the wind her ster i ca no in - towards
the rocks and 'the end f the spanker
boom, actually hit a projecting point!
There wasn sudden . sholck-ra bump—
andl the men were near! thrown .from
their feet. Thekeel fia hit, a sunken
rock ! 'A nvian escaped the captain's
lips; and lie clung to the . rail for
port, as the cold spray, fr in the break
era came dashing over hi 1.
A few minutes after his shock the
men held their breaths; 'but the ordeal
was soon passed. The ship stood freely
on and in a few minutes more the dan
ger was over. The - breakers were
leaving them in the distance with our
i t
saved lives and a whole b lip.
Ere lung the mist'was gone, and the
' beams'of the sun showe lus the bleak
- wave lashed COaq of A ilo under our
,lee.. The captain was_so er now, and I
_ .
eri he etood and gazed
rock in the distance.
At the breakfast table;
word ; he.coold not eat, a
and. faint. Towards no 4 1 ,
deck and Baled all his cr&
" My men," he said in !
tone, " I have deeply wrl
and my oilleers'more deg!
But let the past be forgiv l
you not to- forget it,Tor
of the terrible fate‘l emu t:
ingiupon. you, shall my
fixed; But forgive me,
my Master, you shall ne
ion to blame me again. •
The glad shout which..
deck assured Captain
had not lost a friend. - T
betterlthan ever from th
never betrayed the confil
posed • on- him. Ho ens+
enemy from 'him, and In
*More; for he knew' too 'iv I
depended on au entire 8 ,
the thief which had so I
best part ofhim.
[For . the Agltat
The Conditution , of.
This theory •of a living
that the breathing alte
iii other animal life for
aking into the body'oci
ernat gases, and 'for di
ioit§ substances as mods
and for expo
,haVe: been generat
but are unfit forincorp
system. ,;•
the earth
then, to animal breathing
the'earth must take into' its interior not
'ils'OWn'atinosphere, but,' the gases that
it finds. in the track of fits annual cir
cuit. -These gases, as stated in a former
paper, may be supposed to be made up,
in part, of the various constituents of
all the heavenly bodies,. the earth in
cluded. I,n its • expirations, it . must
throw out From its own inferior in a
'gaseods form, Seme of the Materials that
.nave been ',formed wfthin itself, thus
making :mutual interchange with other
heavenly, bodies, of the material that
'goes to makeup each. ,This supposes
that •the organization of the heavenly
bodies; is - analogous.
The heat of the.animal body is caused
by the chemical
,and electrical opera
tions going on'within. ' 4`he - gases ex
pired from the lungs must, consequent
ly, be warm and produce a warm at
mosphere around the mouth and nos
trils. For this reason,' lin the coldest
night,,•. the face may be left uncovered
,without danger of freezing. -
In all animal bodies there is • the an-;
alogy of pOsition for the breathing ap
erture, and taking that analogy as a
guide, we should conclude that this
breathing aperture of the earth is near
the north pole, at least ' ithiu the area
contained between the p • le and the Stith
degree of - latitude. -
• On the principles state. above, around
_all the region in which'
,this gas is ex
haled,:there 'must be a' corresponding
warmth. Consoquently there must , in
all probability be an o en polar sea if
there is water In the region, of this ap
erture. Let the reader chserVe that all
tbs organs and: parts or tliti'earth are
immensely gigantic;
-co spared to the .
organs and parts of the most gigantic
animals . 011 the earth.
• If, then, there is , no
nor_ any ,region of Ilea.
within- the 60th parail
pele, i t` is a strong nig'.
conclusive,' agninsi • :ni:y
there•i_4, then, it ie:vqual
its. favor.
" The animal body' take , in most of its
supply to tlie'stomach here it under
goes certain changes in firm and is - sent
to various parts of„the-hody fttid what
is found to be finally unlit to be incor
porated into the systemV is thrown yofr
as excrementitious -matter, either as
solid or liquid.
' It will be . alleged that herethe anal
ogy dOes not hold. 'Matt &far tis the tak
lug of .food :in to -UM stomach, -there can
be nothing connoted With ,the 'earth;
analoghs,to it.. I admit that se itwouid. one who has net thought of
the subject, as the:earthstpeiectra to - be
stationary. And yet if this life' theory
be correct, and the rapid %locomotion of
the earth Ikthrough 'space o 1140 miles
per minutfl be a fixed fact, andif -there
be no mistake in the discovery by as
tronomerse that the earth In its flight,
encounters innumerable bodies, which
we enli'meteore many of which are de
stroyed by con tact .Wit le the earth or its
atmosphere, dray it not,bo possible that
these Meteors are the tood,of.the earth,
and are taken into the - cupachnis maw
of this flitting monster; to leelliere di
gested and sent through all; its elemen
tary canals to furnish feed for s its Con
tinued existence. This looks rather ro
mantic, Istippose, tdthose - WhO have not
thought much upon: thesubject It is
somewhat romantWio ride at 'the rate
of sixty miles au hourein arailroadear,
and most people,wistld feel quite, dux:
ious for their personal Safety zit such a
speed ;• but they would think it a good.
.deal more romantic -to flee at - the 'rate
of 68,400 miles an••hour. , And •dhliii we
are actually doing ; witheutsany anxiety
at all. , e , .
Now would it seem any, More incred
ible to a person, whO, bad 'never heard
of such a thing, to 'be told , that be was
riding through the regions of, ApAcieand
whiSking along among' the Stars at the
rate of 1140 miles a minuteewithoute
knowing it, than that this vast earth ee s '
cry dayenade a 'dinner on aeon'
thousand f good sized meteors. e _ m''
agine he 'ould believe . rte &Re story
first ;
Some v ey acute plelosopheri3, as I
have said' before, hasoe started the the
ory, that all the secondary deposites of
the earth, that is, all above the granite
formation, is. but an accumulation_ of
meteors ()fished to atoms or set on fire by
coming in contact with the earth. They'
go so far as to say that the earth was at,
first only a small dark colored nucleus
and all after growth has been' by Mete
oric accretion. Now the only difference
between my theory and . this seeme to
be that in one, case theearth swallows
the meteors and in the other, dashes
them to pieces and spreads them on: the
But badinage aside, , this idorb or fho ,
0‘5..0. c,uttsumlag rho . m .Leur floatingi
in its trace is no more strange and '
startling than was at first the theory of
the earth's spherical form, or of the
earth's diurnal and annual motions;
and it is just ad difficult ferns to con
ceive that we are riding through space
at the rate of nineteen _miles a second; ,
as it is to conceiveehat the earth we are
riding upon, is a vast animal body
floating in an attenuated ether and
gathering its food in the same mariner
that all other animals do.
Let us look at ,it a moment. . There
are animals whose natural element is
water s in that they live ; out of it they
die. Then there is another order of en
imale, whose natural element is the at
, mostihere that surrounds
,the earth.
They can only live by breathing that
atmosphere; out of it' they die. Then
above that order, is another, of bodice,
whose natural element is the attenua
ted ether spoken of above. That is
their element. In it alone they exist.
Would it be a strange supposition that
as we go up the analogy still holds as
it doegoow - thenedersof whiclemau is
S. Illt: C g
• On 'the plane of the first twoeVe may
place'ourseives. We have organseom
menstirate with our animal position
and wants;' and we can 'examine And
analyze all those existences ou oureWn
plane. Far above us—we .inay say -al
most infinitely'—are those _existences,
which are presented to view, by their
representatives,- She starry Points, of
light inethe firmament. I say repre
sentatives, for we no mord see the bodies
that the stars represent, than eve See
the whale when we look at a speck of
spefinaceti, or the flame of a whale-oil
lamp. All. we know of them, except
what we see .in those small spots of
light in the heavens, we - know wily in-
tedectually, though we take our first in
tullectual departure from our animal
knOwledge of those spots.. In addition
we have one of those bodies, as Our own
habitation, and that wci dm hi a meas-
uro examine and analyze after wehave
intelliktually decided that the eerth.
and the stars are in the seine category.
Fronlithese , two points Alone We' - must
gain 411 our knowledge of the bea,venly
bodie.i. We are afloat in a_pea of 'con
jecture with a star for our 'guide,and a
smallplank on which td stand. -'' "'I
Now I contend that with `see few'
points of departure, we must, take,O,ur
first steps in intellectual discovery, by
the laws of analogy. Wenre 'fully jas
tilled in judging of thennknewn by
the known ; and When we 'suppose We
have discovered one point in •the ,
known, and ar4- one step ahead,. Wel
may, as surveyors sometimes de retrape'.
that step and eerily the correetneSsof
that new point. ' , ~ . ,
And I contend that thus We are justi-
fled in assuming that all'the moving , 1
bodies we see are of analogous conform
ation and organization. We
.find in
all organizations that we are able to
analyze, that eachne exists by prey
ing upon the small • and weaker. We
find , also in our p 'ogress ofellscovei•y
that the earth is flying throfigh space
at an almost incon dyable swiftness;
that it meets, in its light, smaller hod
iee, which we have a right, on all prin
ciples of reasoning, to assuine, aio of
analogous constitution withlhe earth ;
that it frequently dashes in among Vast
collections or schools of these meteors,
scattering, destroying and seizing upon
them for its own use. . .
We reason, too, from analogy, that
for trillions of years this' destructive
and reconstructive journeying of the
earth has been going on,
and, that • for
trillions of years it has been Meeting
and seiziog and appropriating these
meteor's, and yet their is no dearth of
meteoric mattee, nor any increase 'of
the earth's mast'; `•, and when we'trace
back our depart tic w© find that in all
animal bodies vith :which we areetc
quainted, the Same phenomena- take
place ; the same change and interchange
of matter; the same giving without
improvishment, the same receiving
with superabundance.
•uid be danger
went below,
• ono' hour he
en if.nothing
lln 'Should he
Aratagem and
yet the ship
1411... Sargent
nbout him.—
athiok haze,
lest' and tierce
that the land
Tie wade his
alud he could
rs. It would
for the thick
k. step the of
[ed the Cap=
:e the course
rs, ,starting
Ei, "you here
d half a doz-
pon the grim
he said not a
1 4 firm; feeling
nged you all
Iply still. But
n me. I ask
the memory
so near bring
own 'safety be
• ud as God is
l 'er have omits-
went from the
:tilers that he
'ley loved him
It day, and he
once they lm
, .the accursed
:.vr touelled it
111 that his fate
utting out of
ften stolen the
the Earth
eo.rth supposes
nations are as
the purpose of
' the earth ex
'using the va
ed throughout .
ing those gases
d iu tJie body,
ration into the
The following effective narrativb pur
pints to have, been given b.y a
Ids son, tS a warning derived from his
ow n'bitter experience of the 'sin of re
sisting a mother 7 t; love and counsel:.
What agouy was on my mother's face
whet' all that she had said and suffered
to move rue. 'lve rose, to go home, anti
I followed her-at a distance: TShe spoke
no more till ,he reached her.own door.
• It is school-time,'now,' she said.—
" nIY Son, and let me beseech you
once more to think upon what ihave
said.' •
•pen polar sea
(1. atmosphere
.nymear the
nett, perhaps
heory'; but if
-conelusi've in
I shan't go to school,' said I.
She looked astowiSliedat•iny boldness,
but'replied 11021 y : Certainly you will,
Alfred—l eonin-A tt ud•.you. , . .
I will not!' •
' One of two' things yOu innSt do,
either go to school this minute, or I Will
lock you up in=yourroom, and keep you
there until,you promise unp.licit obedi
ence to my wishes in the future. -
' I daro you to do it; you can't getme
p stairs,' I said. •
- Alfred, choose,' said ray mother,: and
NO. 14.
Wellsboro, Pa,, March 29, 1809.
A Touching 'Story:
kg,te Zi.oga
published every WedaesdisyeorniUg at $2
per year, invariably in advattee. •
'.es-r;•vmarrxesxlvci TEE.
Tr.:‘ Lva'ss OP Blnizole, or. 'x.58,14.418 OZi - Boatints.
No. of Sq'ts 1 1 In. r 1441 8 Mos.ll Star
1 Bquaro,.'" - .... .$l,OO $2,00 $2,80 1,150/ -$7,00 $12,00
2 SquarOs 2,00 8,00 4,00 85 12,00 18,00
Half , 10,00 f 15 , 00 1 17 , 00 1 22 , 80 , 80 1 50 , 00
Ono 0 01 ....0,1 gopok moo 49 ce,oo 90,00
Special Notices 5 cents per line E
Local 20 cents pot.' line.
she laid her band upon-any arts. She
trembled violently, and was deailly pale.
'lf you touch me, I will hick you!?
said I, in a fearful rage. Go knows I
knew not what I said.
' Will you go, Alfred - 2
' No 1 1 I replied, but I - quail d beneath
her eye. • 1
`;Then follow me,' "said she, as she
grasped my arm firmly:. I. xalsed 'my
toot—' Oh, my eau, bear, me' --I raised
my foot and kicked her—y sainted
mother ! How my head re la as the
torment of memory rushes o er met! I/
kicked my mother—a feeble woman— ,
my mother ! She staggered ack a - fevr 7
steps and leaned against the ail. !
look&I not ,at me. I saw . er he
beat against her breast. ed, '
' Oh, heavenly Father ll• IAI env' he
' forgive him=he knowl7, not ivr (
does " ii''
. e o or
The gardner just then paswel au g
, .
and seei7 _, a.
EV - mother 47erfierself,
most uri We to ,supp 2; ' , .
b.eckoned i him to coxprstairs and lock,
" Take that blne said, and ; turned'.
him in-hls room , was a look of agony, \
off from, m...,9,..ntensest love—it, was the
mingleuAt e d p a n g from a heart that
. 1 1i tia n ,,
WaS e
moment I found myself a pris
4r „
in my own room. I thou ht tor a,
moment I would filomyself rom the
window, but I felt t at I was fraid to
r ,
die. I was not penit , nt. t t mes my
heart was subdued, Put m stu borness
rose in an instant; and de me_ not
yield. The pale face of m mother
haunted me. I flung myse f, on my bed
i t
and fell asleep. Just at tNisti ikiit I heard
-a footstep approach my demi It was
my sister:.
' What shall I tell mother
she asked.
' Nothing?' I replied.
Oh, Alfred, for my hake,
our sakes, say that you are s
me tell mother that you are
longs to forgive you.'
I would not simmer. .I
footsteps *slowly -retreating,
myself on the bed to pass
and fearful night.
Another foot-step, slower
tlawsa my Dieter's diattlEA
my 'mother.
' Alfred, my son, shrill I
she asked.
I cannot tell what influence operating
at that momant, made me ape= k adverse
to my, feelings. The gentle Voice of my
mother, that thrilled me, elted the._
ice from my heart, and I longed to
throw myself upon her nee , but I did
not.i My words gave the` lie t my heart
wheA I' said I was not sorr .' I heard
her withdraw . I heard he groan. I
longed to. call her back, but 'did not.
I was awakened from an u easy slum
ber by hearing my name called loudly,
and my sister stood by my side. ' Get
Up, Alfred. Don't wait a minute. Get
up and come with me. Mother is dying.'
I thought I was yet dreaming, but I
got up mechanically and followed my
sister. On the bed, pale as Marble, lay
mother. She had not undressed. She
had thrown herself on the bed to rest,
and to go again to me, she was seized
with a palpitation of the heart, andwas
borne to her room. '
I cannot tell you my agony as I looked
nymn her—my remorse was ten-fold
more bitter from the thought that she
never would know it. ' I beheved my
self to be her murderer. I Fell on the
bed beside her; I, could not weep. My
heart burned within, my bosom—my{
brain was on fire. ^My sister threw her
arms around me, and wept in silence.—!
Suddenly we saw a motion Of motherrsi ;
hand ; her eye unclosed. She bad re
covered her consciousness, bnt not her ;
_She looked at me and move&
her lipS. ' I could not understand her'
Mother mother !' I shrieked ; ' say
only that l you forgive me
She could not say it with her lips, but
her hand pressed mine. She smiled up
oh me and lifted her thin white hands ;
she clasped my own within them, and
east her eyes upward. She moved her
lips in prayer, and thus she died. I re
mained still kneeling beside that dear
form till my gentle sister removed me.
The joy of youth had left me forever.
Boys who spurn a.mother's control;.
who are ashamed to ovrn they are young;
Who think it manly tg resist her author-
ity, or yield to her influence, beware !
Lair not up for, yourselves bitter mem
ori : for your future years.
modern writer thus deseriOes.the Chris
tian gentleman :
He is above a mean thing. He can
not stoop to-a mean, fraud. He invades
no-secret in the keeping of Another ; he
betrays no secrets confided to his own
keeping. He never struts in ':_borrowed
plumage. He never takes sielfish-vad
vantage of our mistakes. He uses' no
ignoble Weapons in controversy. - He
never stabs in the dark. He is ashamed
of inueudos. He is not one thing to a
man's face and another, behind his back.
If by accident hp comes in possession of
his neighbor's counsels,-he passes upon
them an act of instant oblivion. He
bears sealed pockages without tamper
ing with the wax. Papers not meant
for his eye, whether they flutter at his
window or lie open befbre him in -un
guarded exposure, are sacred ,to
He invades no privacy of.,others, how
ever the sentry sleeps. • Bolts and bars,
locks and keys, hedges, and bonds
and securitiet, notice to trespassers, are
none of them for him. He maybe
trusted himself out of sight,: near the
thinnest partition, anywhere. 116 buys
no , offices, he sells none, intrigues for
none. . Be would rather fail of rights
than win l them through, dishonor. He
tramples on no sensitive feeling. He
insults übiman.- If he have rebuke for
another he is straightforward, open,
manly. He .ga.nnot descend to scurril.
ity.' In short; whatever he judges hon
orable he practices toward - every man. 7
, .
SURFACE-during the glacial period are_
strikingly, illustrated by a boulder of a
peculiar variety of granite, fifteen feet
high and seventy feet in eircnmference,
Perched upon the top 'of the, Hoosac
'Mountain, one of the, highest peaks' in
Massachusetts. This bould6r, it Is eon
elusively proved, was clipped off the
apex aanother mountain at, Stanford,
Vt., and transport by the ice to its pres
ent poSitiOn. The Stanford mountain
is now a truncated cone, and the boul
der is composed of the same kind of
which differs in every respect
from the Hoosac rocks.
A citizen of IT.,'Ssex county, Massachu
setts+, who evidently revc\'es the institu
tions of that State ; writes that • a few
yeats ago, when Justices of the Peace
in Massachusetts were made !'sort of
spontaneous," it was remarked to him 7
by a friend that "Govern'or.Boutwell
came the nearest tb the Great Creator
of any man living." Asking loran ex
planation, he 'said, "God . made the
World.out of - nothing; ' and l Governor
Boutwell made a Justice of +the .Peace
out of 'the nearest to.nothingi possible."
`Ho well he plays:for one so . young,
said Mrs. Prirtingten,,as:the organ-boy
performed - with a monkey near the
door.; `and how much his little broth
er looks like hie?, to be sure.'
itorial or
for you?'
nd for all
'fry. Let
irry. She
eard her
nd flung
nd feebler
e. It was
ome in?'