The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 31, 1869, Image 2

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    .d. 117 ACT for the Puniehmen i t of Cru..
city to Animals in this Commonwealth.
Be it enacted by the Senate rind
House of res,entatives of the Com
monweatth o Pennsylvania in• General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted
by the - authority of the same. That
any person' who shall within this Com
mon wealth wantonly or cruelly ill treat,
overload, or otherwise abuse any ani
mal, whether belonging to himself or
otherwise, Or shall keep or use in and
be connected with or interested. in the
management of, or shall receive money
for the admission of any person to any
place :kept or used for the purpose - of
lighting or baiting any bull, bear, dog,
cock, or other creature, and every per
son. who shall encourage, aid, or assist
therein, or who shall permit or suffer
any place to be so kept or used, shall be
deemed efilty of a misdemeanor; and
on being Convicted thereof before any
alderman or magistrate shall be fined
by the said alderman or magistrate for
the first offence in a sum not less than
ten dollars nor more than twenty del
)lara, and for the second and every sub
...!cotient offence in a sum not less than
twenty dollars nor more than .fifty dol
lars, to be paid one half to the infor
m .r (who shall be a competent witness
notwithstanding such interest) and the
other half to tilt) county where the of
rence may he committed, and if said
fine or penalty be not paid, then said
alderman or magistrate shall commit
said offender to the county prison, there
to remain until discharged by due
course of law ; provided, that when the'
tine imposed exceeds the sum of fen
dollars, the party ebmplained against
may appeal , from the decision of said
a Woman or magistrate to the Court 01
Quarter Sessions upon his entering bail
i n the nature of a recognizance in the
usual manner, for, his appearance at
court, when the offence shall be
prosecuted in the same manner as is
now directed by law in other cases of
Sm. 2. If in lieu of deciding the
Canso, such alderman or magistrate shall
bind over or commit such person to ap
pear at the Court of Quarter Sessions,
or it' such person shall appeal as afore
said,' or upon such, binding over or cent
initment appear befo the said cofirt,
and be there emivictedof such misde
meanor, he shall be sentenced to pay a.
line not exceeding two hundred dollars,
pLl,'able as aforesaid, or undergo an im
prisonment not exceeding one year, or
both, at the discretion of the court.
Six. 3: If any person shall be arres
ted for carrying,.or causing, or alloWing
to be carried in or upon any cart, or
other vehicle whatsoever, any preature
in a cruel or inhu an mannerAhe per
son taking him in o custody may take
charge of such veh cle and its contents,
yid deposit the same in some safe place
iff custody, and any necessary xpense
which may be incurred forL taking
charge of and , keeping the same, and
sustaining any animal attached thereto,
shall be alien thereon td be paid before
the same can lliwfully be recovered, or
the said expenses, or any part thereof
remaining unpaid, may be recovered by
Ole person incurring the same of the
owner of said creature, in any action
.- .
SEC. 4. If any maimed, sick, infirm,
or disabled creature shall by any person
he abandoned to die in any public place,
such person shalt be guilty of a misde
meanor, and it sball be lawful for any
alderman or magistrate to appoint suit
able persons to destroy and remoVe such
creature, if unfit for further use, at the
cost of the owner thereof, recoverable
before said alderman or magistrate. \
SEC. 5. Any policeman or constable
of any city or county, or any agent for
the Pennsylvania Society for the pre
vention of cruelty to animals, shall, up
on lus own view of any such misde
meanot, or upon the complaint of any
other person who may declare his or
her name and abode to such police, con
stable, or agent, make arrest and bring
before any alderman or magistrate there
of &lenders violating the provisions of
this act.
Taws passed both branches of
the Legislature and been approved by
the Governor., It applies to the whole
STRANGE AFFAIR.—The following
case involved as it is in mystery, we
take t from the York True Democrat,—
We premisehy StatingAthat, as the re
sult of a-ch micas itnalygis, Dr. Schoep
pe has been arrested and committed to
prison. Th following are the facts:
' On the 28th of January last,.Miss
Maria M. Stinnecke, a main lady
aged i , eventy years,
whose placOrof resi
dence was the city of Baltimore, but
who was stopping temporarilrat Carl-
I-h., died suddenly, and as the sequel
will show, rather mysteriously in the
Miter place. She bad been in the habit
, of visiting Carlisle frequently before for
'> the benefit of her health, and on this
last occasion had formed the a‘cquain
lance of Dr. Paul Schoeppe, a young
Aiertnan physician residing in that Bor
ough, who it seems was pretty regular
in his attendance upon her np to the
time of her death. On the 27th of Jan
. nary,
_Miss Stinneeke was taken se-
. riously,ill and summoned the Doctor to I
. her bedside. The following morning ,
she wtA disco'vered by the chamber
lying in tin insensible condition,
in which she continued until the after
noon, when she died. After her re
mains had been taken to Baltimore and
the fuheral services were over, Dr. Paul
schoeppe and another person, after
calling in 'W. H. Miller, Esq., of Carl
isle, proceeded to examine the papers
of the deceased and discovered among
them a will bearing date November 17th,
1868. This will' bequeaths different
sums of money to variona' Educational
and Religious Societies, 'making the
Methodist and Presbyterian Board of
Publicatioff residuary legatee. It was
offered for probate in court, when fin
inediately D.:7; Paul Schooppe, by his at
torney, offered another of .later date,
which devis s . arrObequeathe all the
property of deceased to him and makes
him sole executor. This will is dated
in December last, is in the Writing of
Dr. Schoeppe himself, and attested by
, him and his father. I
The circuMstance Of Miss Stinnecke
-changingh her first will and making
another giving the whole of her prop
erty, amounting to about S50,000,•to au
entire stranger, has given rises to sus
picions that she was foully dealt, with,
and an accommodating dose' of mor
phine or some other poison was em
ployed by Dr. Paul Schoeppe to rid him
self of the only obstacle in the way of
- his immediate enjoymentof his newly
' found foitune. While, therefore, the
two wills will be the subject' of legal
examination and disposal in the of-legal
Court of Baltimore, the Judges have
ordered three hundred dollars out of
deceased's estate, to be appropriated to
the expense of a post mortem examina
tion, to ascertain whether or not mison
had been administered and death by
that means produced. The result of
the examination will be awaited with
painful interest. 'The genuineness of
Miss Stinnecke's signature to the will
present for probate by Mr. Paul Scho-{
eppe, is disputed, and-it is now alleged,
by persons acquainted with her hand
writing,, to be a forgery. It is said that
diets are already circumstances of a
sui4eiently suspicious character to tut
'Uitize the arrest of the Doctor. The
• whole affair is exceedingly strange and
mysterious, and further developments
will be required to throw the necessary
light upon the subject."
Our Bolts ct. Girls Nuyozine, edited try tbat
eit'artning writer for youth of both eexes, Oliver
Optic; is the paragon of Youths' Ilegaziner. It
is a sseek ly of sixteen octave pages of two.eolurrins
eaeli f i beautifully illustrated. Jaseinating
story of a boy and girl 'oboel day life has been
running like a life history through many success
‘ive'vuinbers, under the title 1 . 4 "The Lightning
end must delight the young folk s.
can teroieh Chic Magaz:ne to vet- putronx at *2
per annum. The publisher's price is VZ.:;l1.
the agitator.
We are requested t 3
all letters to Members
Mud be prepaid. The u
lating the franking priv
every letter not franked
graph signature of a Me.
gress, or other official etit
to be retained for postage.
ulate the country upon t
one serious leak.
Some of the Copperhe.
furious at the prospect of
of the 15th amendment.
if three-fourths of the .
the other fourth will not
Would it not bekell ' fo
to borrow a copy of th
and study the sth article
who so love the Const
occasionally look at it, y
The reelection of Ho
son Clerk 01 . the House
tives, is a credit to the
41st Congress - . He is on
est public men, yet has
enviable fame as aschob
statistician. He is one
ganizations' which ap;
which, because of the p
soul over body, i. 4 capable of enduring
labors Which would d s4oy many a
sturdier frame. The preferment of
such men as Mr. Mc herson augurs
well for the country ; but really he
should be in the Hall, oil the floor, as a
accomplished editor o:
.Reporter, is reconimem
of the port of Philade]]
nit pleasure to say ti
Northern Pennsylvania
at the bands of the n(
tion than Mr. Goodrich
effective service as e
years. He is honest,
bane, and zealbus for
service. He will, if p
the warm congratulati
ren of the press in thi
ful service merits re l
merits are undeniabh
announce his appointii
- - I
Senator Beck, (Den.) of Lycorning
county, lately introduced a bill to ex
empt the municipal b l onds of the City
of Williamsport frou' taxation. Per
haps Sorne'red-hot dei ioerat will favor
the public with an essay upon " equal
taxation of every deeription of prop
ertyilneluding gover iment bonds and
other securities." '.l' ie exemption of
Williamsport city bods from nil sorts
of taxation (save in ome tax) 'would
be a qrlking comm ntary. Plainly,
Williathsport is to iaVe a class of
" bloated bondholder. " and Mr_ John
B. Beck, is to be responSible for their
creation, justification, anti salvation.
Success is never an'
ways the resultant au
No nation ever reache
_position by the sheer
stances. Such a res
fruit of wisdom in all.
which go to make up
In looking over tl e returns of the
township elections, published some
Weeks ago, we . .vere f rcibly impressed
by the selecti4n in de for township
a :t
officers. As a rule, tie men elected are
worthy and well .qu lifted. After an
examination of the list we are led to
conclude that the people have made
the selections with an earnest purpose
to have the townsiiip business well
done. Such a purpose is not only laud
able but indicative o a determination
to ' build well from tl c bottom upward.
Last fall the people, having to furnish
the cap-stone of ou official building,
selected a man without anything better
to recommend him than strong com
mon sense, indomita le will, and spot
less integrity. It as the best day's
work done at the oils for four years.
Heaven will bless ny nation which
acts so wisely! in se ecting its rulers.—
The people can alre dy see the good ef
fects of their noble action. When you
earl secure common ense, firmness; and
integrity,-you have all that is essential
l i
to tiatesmanship. Rome found her
safety in Cincinnat i s, England in her
Cromwell, and arr unlettered Surveyor,
inorrt of the blandishments of pub
lic life, and by no means a genius, or
ganized victory for the Colonies. Cin
einnatus, Cromwell, Washington, Lin
coln, and Grant, .'chieved success by
the irresistible fore of common sense,
high and steady urpose, and sturdy
honesty, combined As most men rate
Washington highe than Jefferson, so
the, generations t follow will rate
Grant higher than Surnner, Fessenden,
and others, who I re statesmen in the
common, and as iv believe, false opin
ion of - to-day. '
'Since the people
high, and strong al
tiou is for their cot
ing. Begin well ;
walls deep, and wi
the first thing inc
didate for place.
apparently insigni
be, none but good
should be preferr
office in the gift
" anybody " can
men are fitted for
lar gift.. Others a
a place of consi
and worthless in 1
On the other hai
culiarly fitted for i
such men as lifr..;,
if constrained to 1
ery man has his n
true that now am
versatile enough
where. The rule
to mesh into som ,
this ?system of S
which we call ac
In selecting me
ca.pmity too mue
i n to serve inn public
i care cannot be exer-
II 31, 1009.
e notice that
of Congress
lege requires
by the auto
a 'her of Con
tied to frank,
We eongrat
le stoppage of
d organs aro
the adoption
they say that
trays adopt it,
ie hound by it.
these editors
thereof? Men
tution should
Pu know.
'F.d. McPber-
f Representa- .
agLie \ ity of the
oflour young
lived to enjoy
r, debater, and
of the tine or
ear frail, but
,•ederninance of
the able and
i the Bradford
ed for Surveyor
I l hia. It aftbrds
l at no • man in
deserves more
w Adtninistra-
He has done
iitor for many
ho'norable, ur
upright public
'eferred, receive
, ns of his breth-
State. If faith
ward, then his
We hope to
accident, but al
e of wise action.
d a commanding
force of circum-
It is always the
the lesser things
what men name
',nye begun building
Id well, our exhorts
tinuanee In well do-
ay the foundation
e. Let integrity be
iuired after in a can-
It cl matters not how
cant the place may
and competent men
ed. There is not an
qf the people which
11 creditably. Some
no place in the pope
my be well fitted for
lerable responsiblity
me of lesser_ grade.—
sortie men are pe
ninor positions which
3ewarcl would fail in
mice one of them.
ieasure; though it is
I then a man ma4e
to fit in almost any
that men are made
6 particular place in
heels within wheels
i•ve life.
cised. No place should ever be given
to any man, however deserving, simply
as a reward. It may be a fine thing to
be gen i erous when the cost of generosi
ty Is defrayed out of the purses of in
dividuals. It is quite another thing to
make a great parade of generous action
when the taxpayers have to foot the
bills. Unless a mania competent, strict
l honest,,striellg sober, and just in Ms
dealings between man and man, we can
'think of no service which entitles him
to reward at the ballot-box. Much as
we desire the preferment of the men
who fought the nation's battles during
the rebellion, exalted in the scale
of patriotism *as we hold them to be,
generally, yet we shall never urge the
preferment of an incompetent, sottish,
or dishonest soldier, for any place what
ever. Even such are entitled to praise
for the good they have done, but we
know no reason why the public service
should suffer that such men may bb
rewarded. i •
As to locality, patronage should be
distributed, where possible, so as to rep
resent the population to be served.—
Were all men intent on having the pub
lie well servedthis could be done al
ways. But unfortunately, there are
many men who forget the public in re
membering themselves. Ambition for
position has been, is, and for ought we
dare predict, will continue to be, the
greatest curse of mankind. We shall
give placernen the credit of believing that
they regard themselves qualified to fill
the places they want with credit. But
It does not follow that any hunter after
place can do the public better service
than any other man. We can find,'
without advertising, ten men equally
fitted for almost every place to be filled
in Tioga County. There are no great
men in very many counties where pub
lic business is admirably managed.- 7
Talent is rather diffuse nowadays ; that
is to say—qew men stand a head and
shoulderg above their fellows in intel
lect or competency. And we are very
glad to state that there is no lack of
competent, sober, }hoist, honorable
Imen to fill every position, from town
ship auditor to President of the United
States. - 1
Township lines are of little conse
'-qaprice in filling county offices. See
tiontiather than strict localities,
should be represented. It matters not
a copper to the general public whether
a candidate hails from Sullivan or Rut
land townships, or from Richmond or
Charleston. The , sections of which
these townships are the centers would
be well enough represented in eithr
case, and the county business would be
as much profited in one case as in the
other o State, county, and township lines
are for the convenience of transacting
strictly local business, and ought not to
separate the body -politic into warring
factions. Nothing so much disgusts
and tires us of the machinery of poli
tics as this eternal harping upon the
special claims of townships and bor
oughs. Tioga county interests are com
mon. What is gem' for the Cowanes
que is good for the Tioga river peoDle. it
is only gfumpiers aria aemagogues who
set localities by the ears.
One object hi this argument is to
arouse the people to a sense of common
interest in the selection of none but
competent and honest men to serve in
public places.
When the bill to abolish the 29 4 11 Ju
dicial District, came up in the Senate,
Senator Nagle stated that Senator (Beck
requested him to support the bill in his
absence. Next day Senator Beck, hav
ing returned from Philadelphia, de
nounced the act as au infamous out
rage, and pressed through the Senate
a repealing act. It will require a great
deal of excellent evidence . to convince
men who know Senator Beck that he
was not one of the main conspirators
against the peace and integrity of the
29th Judicial District.
When the Fifteenth Amendment was
pending in the State Senate, Senator
Davis ! of Philadelphia, moved that
the final vote upon it be postponed un
til the people of the State should have
an opportunity to accept or reject it.—
Mr. Davis is, we suppose, a democrat.
When his party was in power, and the
people of Kansas were asking the priv
ilege of voting upon a Constitution for
that State, Mr. Davis's party refused
them that privilege. The law required
the acceptance of the Kansas Constitu
tion by the people ; the law does not
require the submission of a proposed
amendment to the national Constitu
tion to a vote of the people of any
State. Still, it makes some difference
whose ()xis gored.
This is an age of progress. Yet we
had not looked for such a leap ahead as
that made by Mr. McMiller, (Dem.) of
Montgomery County, in the debate up
on the 15th amendment in the Legis
lature the other day. Mr. McMiller,
seeing the shadow of coming events,
turning to the lobby of the house where
sat half a dozen colored men, appealed
to them to vote with the democratic par
ty. The Republican party, he said, had
not been true to the negro, al , E , olt had not
elected him to office, " Conde with us,"
continued McMiller, Democrat, and we
will deal justly by you.". Probably the
colored men thought of the old song-L
a Will you walk futon* , parlor said tho spider to
the fly ?
'Tis the prettiest little parlor that over you did
The Fifteenth Amendment, about
which so much is being said at present,
and which is being discussed by the
House of Representatives in Harris
burg, reads thus:
AuricLE XV. The right of the citizens of
the United States to vote shall not bo denied or
abridged by the United States, or by any State,
on account of race, color, or previous condition
of servitude.
Section 2. That Congress shall bare power
to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
So soon as a sufficient number of
States shall- have ratified this Amend
ment, and it becomes a part of the Con
stitution, we shall move for an' amend
ment to the Pennsylvania Constitution
establishing a certain degree of intern
gene-43 as the basis of suffrage'. Let the
people decree that from and - after a day
fixed,. no person shall be admitted to the
exercise of the ballot who shall not be.
able to read with ease. One of the
wisest of our statesmen has said t "The
success of free government depends
upon the intelligence of the citizen." ,
" The Sorosis," Chicago, has taken a
step forward in the Cause of equality
and now advocates impartial suffrage.
Its name has been changed to The Ag
itator, to the good taste of which we
are obliged to testify, having a decided
liking for the name. Some people were
disposed to laugh at this paper when,
about fifteen years ago, it appeared with
its aggressive names- The laugh disap
peared some years ago. To our name
sake we send greeting and good wishes.
If Mrs. Livermore and Miss Walker
cannot make the Chicago .Agitator a
power in the world of reform none else
need try.
The abolition of the 29th Judicial
District seems to have been at the in
stance of the leading men in Lycom
ing county. When the bill to repeal
the act for abolition went to the Rouse,
Mr. Niles, of this counWasked leave
to report it. at once. Leave was not
granted. The Lycoming members op
pose the repeal. pare are charges
made against Judi Gamble of a very.
grave character. Wie have no respect
or sympathy for him.,} He was, and is,
an open traitor. But the act unseating
him is a bad precedent and ought never
to have been passed.
To the Republican County Committees,
GENTLEMEN :-I have before me, a copy of the
AGITATOR, of Nov. 11th, 1808, containing the
official returns of each township, at the Presi
dential election, from which I wish to point out
to you the strange anomaly that exists in choos
ing the delegates to our county Convention. Wo
profess to be ruled by the majority. We scout
the idea of the rotten Borough system, whereby
as much representation is given to ten, as is giv
en in a less favored locality, to ten thousand.—
Our Congressionl Districts arc laid out in propor
tion to our population, we are represented in our
State Legislature, by the same mode of prooeed
ure, and yet in the primary meeting to make
choice of our standard bearers, we allow" one to
put a thousand to flight." To illustrate the
point, I find there were 7500 votes recorded in
this county, from 36 Townships, which send two
delegates each to the Convention L--that is, 72
Delegates, which I have classified as follows:
2 Distriete, 1018 votes, '4 delegates
I " 474 " 2 "
6 " 2086 " 12 41
9 " •
2091 18 " '
7 .1 974 " 14 it
11 " 857 " 22 "
Here, at a glance, you see that it requires over
six men in the first two towns to be equal to one
in the eleven last towns; or, to put it more plain
ly, ono man's will, in the small towns, is worth
*it in the large ones. And still more forcible
will the inconsisteney.of such a. mode be shown
by the following
Towns, votes, delegates,
1 ' 610 . 2
1 42 2 1
thus making 42 equal to 516. Then take
Towns, voted, delegates,
2 1018 4
2 . 94 4
bore making 94 equal to 1018.
The wily politician does not care a 11g for the
wishes of the 1018. If he can obtain the support
of the 94, his end is accomplished; surely this
evil only wants, pointing out and setting before
you, and that-sense of justice, which should tie
testa oviry lover of fair play, will induce you to
take steps for the removal of this unjust meth
od of choosing delegates. Itextir HOLEAO.
Bloss, March 18th, 1809.
I. l j summer Sohoola only.
Charleston, Youngs' S. H, Thursday Aprill.
Delmar, Cheese Factory S. 11, Friday April 2d.
Chatham, Close S. H, Monday April 6.
Knoxville,Academy, Tuesday April 6.
Westfield Wednesday April 7th.
Sabineville, Thursday April Bth.
Furrnantown o. a, Friday April 9th.
Holliday S. 11, Monthly April 12th.
Farmington, Hall S. IL "xuu”.mn., Aroma, lath
Elkland, Friday April 16th.
Liberty, Monday April 10th.
Tuesday, April 20th.
Mansfield, Wednesday April 21.
Roseville, Thursday April 22d,
Tioga, Friday April 28d.
Lawrenceville, Saturday April 24th.
Welleboro, every Friday thereafter, up to the
first of June. •
Examinations to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
'No private examinations.
If directors would advertise to contract with
teachers, the time of examinations, they would
save time and vexation for themselves and
teachers, and have a double interest in the ex.
aminations. J. F. CALKINS',
Wellaboro' March ,81,'69. Co., 84%
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration laving been
granted upon the Estate of Philena Lap
die, lato of Wellsboro, doo'd, all perions indebt
ed to, or claiming against said estate must set
tle with THOMAS ALLEN,
Wollsboro, March 31, 1869-6 w. Admr.
Notice to Teachers &c.
MBE School Directors of Charleston will Meet
at the Young School House, Saturday,
April 17. next, for the purpose of letting wood
contracts in tho forenoon and of hiring teachers
in the afternoon of same day. By order of the
Board. *CLARK BARLOW, Sec.
March 31. 1839-3 w.
U. S. Internal Rev
at my office in Bellefonte, on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th, Filth, and
15th days of April, 1889, for the purpose of hear
ing any appeals that may be made from the ac
tion of Assistant Assessors, relating to the
annual assessments, All Appealstclust be made
and submitted in writing. R. H. ORSTER,
Assessor, 18th istriet, Pa.
Bellefonte, March 81,1869.
THE subscriber having disposed of his stook
of Drugs Medicines, now wishing to
close tip old matters as soon as possible, would
notify all persons who are indebted to him, to
call and settle the same without delay, and thus
save themselves cost and trouble. J. A. ROY.
March 31, 11308—tf.
The Best Stock of
in irellsboro, can be found at
A choice lot of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED,
besides all kinds of GARDEN and small FIELD
You can get cash for your
. BEESWAX, &0., AT
March 31, 1889.
Administrator's Sale of the real es
tate of .David H. Smith, dec'd, late
• of Ty-ellsboro.
11Dis,Y order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga Co.,
JD, the subscriber will sell at public Auction
on Saturday the 24th day of April next, a cer
tain lot in the borough of Wollsboro, containing
about one third of an two, near the west end
of Covington street, on which is a good dwell
ing house, woodshed and stable.
Also on the samo day the well known. , David
B. Smith, farm in Charleston, bounded on the
North A West by Alpheus Millard, South by D.
K. Coolidge. & East by M. Ili. Converse, con
taining about 80 acres, about sixty acres of
which is improved, with a good ono story frame
farm house, corn house, stablo A barn; and an
apple orchard of upwards of one hundred bear
ing trees, besides other fruit trees. The sale of
the lot in Wellsboro, will take placo at 10 o'-
clock A. M., and of the farm in Charleston at
3 o'clock P. M., of said day, each on the prem
The subscriber will consider any - offers for
* the property between this and the day of the
sole, and also negotiate for a credit on a part of
tho purchase money. J. BURRY,
Wollsboro, March 31, '69-4w. Administrator.
• "
IF yon want tho beat A BRIOAN PRINTS in
minket for 18 cent per yard, and other
Goode in proportion. I you want any
Dress Goods or Shawls.
othe or . Cassimeres,
yard or made -to order In the most ap
proved style. If you want any
by the
0311 where you can And 70 rolls to select from.
In short, if you want anything in
at the lowest prices. Call at the
72 Total.
where prices are uniform and low, where honesty
and fair dealing is the motto; and if you want
25 per cent less than ,you can bay elsewhere,
call on the agents of the
.T . , Come and see for yourselves. Store directly
opposite the Dickinson House.
Corning, March 31, 1689.
WE have just received a large stock of
Goods imitable for the Spring trade, to
which we desire, to call the attention of the peo
ple of Tioga County. In
we have a fall assortment on Inspection of Goods
and prices thit will eatisfy the closest buyers
that this is the place to make their purchases. In
Grdcery Department,
we have everything needed to 'mako a complete
Wo have also fast received a large lot of.
direct from the Importers, of en !rely . new pat
tern, very neat, and cheaper than ever offered in
this market before.
Do not fail to look through our stock boforo
making purchases.
Corning, Mara 22,1869.--Iy.
If you want any
end be convinced,
for men and bop' wear.
Carpets, &c.,
cuosortmont of
Grooery and Provis
CY. .121. IS
tnrall kit& of -
Wines, Liqu
A full and complete assoi
mentioned goods of the best.
Particular attention paid
Dealers and Consumeri will i
West to examine Ms Stook b
Corning,'N. T., March 31,
Wholesale an
By W. C.
quiz subscriber will keep
a full stock of
Patent Mdleines,
Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene
Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash
Lime and Brushes, Varnish and
Sash Brushes, Window Glass
all sixes, Varnish o f all
kinds, Fancy Soaps;
;. Hair Oils,
Hair and Tooth .Brushes, a full stock of
Yankee Notions; also a
,complete as
eorQlnent '
Homeopathic Medicines,
and a full 'took of
Pure Wines and Liquors.
Buyers are requested to call and examine pr
cos before purchasing elsewhere.
March 24, 1889-Iy.
Administrator's Notice
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted upon the estate of Delos V. Miller,
late of Delmar, deceased, all person/ indebted to,
and all persons claiming against said estate,
will settle with ROBERT CAMPBELL,
March 31,1880-6w.w A dmr.
SEED WHEAT—Superior quality, for ealo by
Mar. 24th, '62-4w. East Charleston, Pa.
TaOI:IND LOST.—Lost on March 7th, a black
11 and tan stag hound, with one ear slightly
torn; name Billy. Any person giving interim
tier' as to where be can be found will be suitably
rewarded. W. V. POWBRE,
March 24th, 1869-tf. Mansfierd, Pa.
To Taxpayers.
PRE Burgess and Town Council of the itor
j. ough of Welleboro, will oar Applications
for Abatements on Boro Taxes at their room in
1 1 1.
the Engine building, on the 9th nd 18th of
April, at 7 o'clock, P. 111., after wh oh time no
applications for Abatements will be 'solved. By
order of the Board C. L. SOME S, Boo'y.
The School Directors will meet
t the same
time and for the samo purpose, at t o office of J.
B. Niles. R. C. SIMPSON, Scc'y.
Welisboro, March'23,-1889.-.3t
House & Lot for Sale
liN Wellsboro, on Niobeis St. - , Tbit house is
two stories, and well finished, inside and out.
ll be sold on reasonable terms. Inquire, for
terms, Am, of Walter Sherwood Eli Attorney,
Wellaboro. • JOHN M LIM.
Maroh 24th, 1869-4w.0
TRE . 00-partnerthip heretofore existing In
tweet' Fltsgerald & Monroe, is this day die.
olved mutal consent. All aecounte being in
the handle of W. T. Fitzgerald for eettlement.
The business of manufacturing Doors, Sash,
Blinds, L4:4, Rill be conducted by W. T. Fitsger.
ald. _ W. T. FITZGERALD.
March 24, 1869—tf. JOSIAM MONROE, Jr.
10,000 Bus. Cora,
10,000 " Oats, and rely amount of
good wheat. J. B. DIMON it Co.
Niles Valley, March 24th, 1800-tf.
II S. Perkins, M, D.
Rospeotfully announces to the cittzeno of Rest
Charleston and vicinity, that ho would be
grateful for their patronage. Office at reel
donee of Elias Tipple, Esq. Mar. 24th 'B9-17.
Smith's Hotel, I
[2IOsA, PA.) '
B. M.r 8141211, having -purchased ilea hotel
prokrty lately owned! by L. H. Sinith has
thoroughly refitted tho' hotel, and can accom
modate the traveling public in a superior
manner, -March 24th. 1889-Iy.
rPHB Directors of Dolmar School District will
meet at the now Sobool Muse near Wm.
Francis on Saturday, the 8d day of April next
at 10 o'clock, a. to. Pint contract with teachers
for the ensuing summer schools. Second con
tract for getting wood for the schools of said
district. Third, to transact any other business
that may legally come before - them. By order
of the board. ISRAEL STONE.
Mareh.l7, 1859. Seo'y.
Executor's Notice.
Li issued upon the estate of S. B. Price, late of
Deerfield, deceased, all , debtors to and claimants
against said estate are requested to settle with
Deerfield, Jan. 27,1889-6 t. Executrix.
trucAl / wAoqi•rd.
•, ...
The undtiteigned it !
agent for , the fnetly cote.
brotOd W. p. Hamlin Utica Wagons, and has
five PM 013 SP on band.
Mao, a g-seatpd, fevered carriage •; Newark
make, for aide cbeap. , ly, 0. BENNET.
Welloboro, Mar. 24 1 '69•"•4X(r ,:,
on Store,
rs -and
Oyer 800 d
OYS, itc7r;&,sa
ment of the above
quality always on
o Fine Groceries.
nd it to their in
fore baying.
Also, Cart,
hand at all times
Which we will relict Coat for Cub, as we desire
liattowhole Over.seaming
and Sewing Machine.
T"greatest invention and the Best sewing
Machine in the world. It has no equal as a
Family Machine. And
It is really two machines in one by a simple
and beautiful Meehan teal arrangement, snaking
both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch and the Over
seaming and Button-bole stitch with equal fa
cility and perfection.
It executes In the very bast manner every va
riety of sewing, such as
and In addition OVER—SEAMING. Embroiders
on the edge and makes beautiful Button and
Eyelet-holes in all fabric*. Every Machine ie
Warranted by the Company or its Agents to give
entire satisfaction.
Porfurther Information inquire of P. KINGS
LEY, at R. C. Bailey's in Morris Run, or of Mrs.
8. K. EVERETT, four dpors south of the Depot
near R. Parr's Hotel, Blogsburg, wboro the ma
chine may be- tried, and instructions receiv.ed in
using the naehino, by all those wishing to buy.
Morris Run, Pa., Feb. 3, 1369 -3m.0
FOR CASH, we w il l colt FRED at thoso pri
Very best Rye de Oats, Ground '
here. . . , $2,50 cwt.
Best imported Feed, - 2,25 "
Best Common Eeed, . . 2,00 "
Coto Feed, . . 1 1 7 c.... i . 5 4:
The above goods, 'at the above piaci, are
stria', Otah I
Wo don't En 4 snip/jr; opr teed. ,
We haven't a Plaster Mill oonneoted with our
Fleming Mill I
Our Feed la pure I WRIGHT & BAILEY.
Welleboro, Jan. 20, 1860. . : •
Rolls Wall Paper
received and for Palo by
all Paper
erent Patterns of the latest styles,
rom 7 oti to $4 a Roll.
to Fixtures, Cords, Tassels, &0., &a
- ',
to 01000 out the stook.
Vik,l2l 1Pk23113
Call and see for yourselves
Wasboro, March 2, 1989.
-are now offering
We!labor°, Jan. SO, 1E69.
imismaaci-M - icartes
I. G. HOYT. Haines Brothers
terms, Chickerings, Steinways, and SteolO,
F ',OR. Sale by
Ilintermis.ter's Organs and Melodeons, and Ma.
sou A; Hamlin's Organ. These are all first class
Instrittnente. Having the experience of mitoy
years in Musical Instruments, anti tripling the
same, I can offer greater inducements to cast°.
titers of Vogt . : County than, any other dealer in
Northern' Pa. Every instrument t 8 *arrunted
fur live yeArs. For thli particulars betilluitrat.
ed Catalogue. 1. O. HOYT.'
Mansficht, Pa., March 3,1330—1 y
1 ,, 0 1 D•t r ..' : DENTIST,
"PERTH Extracted without Pain.
J.-teeth inserted kme to an entire set.—
Prices from $l,OO to $20,00. Nitrous Oita° (La,
Nareutio Spray, Ether and Chloroform, iidtninis.
tered when desired. Teeth in all e(inditions
treated in the moat approved /manner. fintisfac
tion guaranteed. Ca/1 and sec specimens.
Fob. 3, 1869. A. B. EASTMAN.
HOT 11011SES
Raving been to much expen4o in fitting up
another Green inure, giving more room for
largo pots, I Hatter myself that no Green Iftnue
can make a better show of
Dahlias, Roses, Verbenias t Petninas, Ooranititne,
all sorts; Basket Plants, all dbrts - ; Hanging
Baskets, new patterns; lieantitnl Bego
nias, Cape Jessaminit, Caroatiena,*
Mums, discolor; Pelargoniums
in variety, ac. he. Ito.
New Crimson Cluster Tomato Plants, and all
sorts in pots or by the dozon. Atl kinds of Cab•
bags Plants, Egg Plants, Asparagus Roots
(two years - old) Sago Roots, Celery, Dwarf„
Whits Salad, Cauliflower. Thyme.
AU kinds of early Vegetable plants ready Ist
of April, at the Green lionses and at the store
of MeeAna aG Mix, 'Hermes New Block.
Having employed one of the most experienced
Florists' he will at all times give any informa
tion to customers on , the modo of propagation
and cultivation of Plants. '
This Spring's Catalogue'ill be sent to all that
may desire and write for it. I invite all to
come and see my Senses, Plants, &c., for them.
selves. With gratitude acknowledge past
favors. '
1-Bouquets will be-found at the store of
MCCABE it Mix every morning, Sunday-a except
ed; 35 to 50 cents each.
Towanda, Pa., Mar. 3; 1800-Bm.
iFI7• Orders left at Wm. Robtlts's Hardware
Store, Wellsboro, will receive prompt attention.
Read: Read:
Tug cELstineTED
Mason it Hamlin Cabinet
Together with the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN
and MELODEONS; can lie advantageously pur
&lased of
TIAVINO obtained the agency from the man.
ufaettarers of the above named instruments
we have the facilities for, furnishing them at pri•
-pea to compare favorably with those of deafer,
"in either the same or other reed instruments.
Their reputation is such that scarcely anything
need be said regarding their being desirable,
having been awarded premiums and medals at
the principal Fairs and Institutes, both in this
and foreign countries. Many doe modern im
provements, which are-so desirable in all good
reed instruments, aro owned and retained for
their exclusive use by the manufacturers of
these Instruments. Hence it is, while they claim
strength and durability, together with volume,
and quality of tone equal to any, they excel al
other rood ingtruMents, in the variety and com.
binatiOntof toneS,which can bo produce .
and other organizations, wishing to !!ibtahi a
re?ii instrument, can he stilted as ragarda airs
styles, prices, ac., &c.
"gi- Send for a circular. 42;
Tioga, March, 17, '69.
Assignee's Notice.
WESTERN District of Pennsylia--
nia, ss. The undersigned hereby
give, notice of his appointment as Assigneci, of
John B. Bonn, in the County of Tioga and
Stato of Pennsylvania,• within said District,
who has boon adjudged a Bankrupt upon his
own petition, by the District - Court of said Dia.
Wellsboro, Pa., March 10,'69,-3w. Assignee
Assignee's Notice;
WESTERN District of Pennsylva
nia, :se. The u dersigned hereby
gives notice of his apppi tuient as Assignee of
Jas. R. Wilson of hfansfle d, in the County . or
Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, within raid
District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt
upon his own petition; by, the District Court of,
said District. JOHbeW, GUERNSEY,
Tioga Pa., March 2.1869-3 w. ' Assignee.
T"CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore exis
ting between Murdaugh, Pitts & Brother, it
this day. dissolved by mutual consent; andel
notes and accounts are in the bands of J. 8,
Murdaugh for collection, which must be settled
immediately. Mansfield Pa. Feb. 20, 1959,
A. lif, PITTS,
The business will hereafter be carried on tie
Ready Pay System. Pooling thankful for past
patronage and solicliting a fairs ro fo r
ii i,
ale future,
future, we respectfully announce tb t an new
firm will be known as A. 31. 4p. I. ITTS,
P. S. The highest Market price always paid
for Butter, Wool, and ail other produce.
March 3,1369-4 w,
Administrators' Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having hen
granted upon the estate of Georg 9, W.
Avery, late of Charlealpn, deo'd, 'all persvas
indebted to, or claiming against said estate,
must settle with ItIARTIIA A. AVERY,
Charleston, March 2. 1869-Btv, Adatx.
C. KS. 4ELLEir
vitro, Boots, Shoes, Hate, Caps, ixo., .to., coi
ner of Market nud Crofton stroete,lisboro,
Ta. Jan. 6, 1868. •
FA1011111;halt; and hero °tell find CAYUGA
PLASTER ground as no to any Roar, for
people say tbatcoarso group - Plaster had its play
On hand you'll find n pldnty hero,
Come ono and all both hir and near,
To C. li. OWENS' Mi?l, Mansfield, Pa.
Price $8 per ton. Jan. 6, 1469,
G,T$ Fresh Ground . Mauer nt Pairuer
Pipit Mills;• constantly4in hand, at SP S
Ton Also all kinds of flour, Peed, at lotvoil
Cash price. •
Will deliver Floui anti Peed atTloga Depot ,
Corning, free of *barge
W. 5.1101)6 , ,MAN, A Co.
Jnp.6th 1885-3Luos. 'Painted Post
Assignee's Notice.
WETERN Districtof Pennsylva
nia, ss, The nndersigned hereby
gives noting of his apponqmont 32 Assigned of
H. Stowell, Jr. el WeOsborn, in, tho C o mity of
Tioga and Stoto of Pennsylvania, within said
District, who has ben adjudgbd a Bankrupt
upon hie own petition•rby the District Court el
Bahl District. JOHN L ittrrengiz,
Wollaboro, Vrt., lilaregh 10' 'BO-4w. Aseignea.
Farm for, tato.
SITUATBD on Falk Itu , Baines township ,
containing 125,cres 5 1 ogres improved. —
Said fare is srellyatered, has a frame house and
burp awl n ebojeo apple orchard, and
adapted,,p dairying purposes Title good ad
terms easy. Inquire of Wrn. H. Smith, WfAll3.
born, or L. L, RUSSELL, Doi mAr.
Sops, 23,1888.
No. fl, MAIN St