The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 31, 1869, Image 1

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    . . ' • . . _.- .. ~ , . . ,
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} Ts' ' published every We'dnesday Maor i ins at $2
-. '..- -.•`. - • z :;.':' :.. - .7 -- ' • :-.:.. , 31.-t.1..:,‘ ..5.- ,- .-.4 , --:-'-?; ,- . , . •- , :4- 7 ;--" r ;-= 1 :--. '.' 4. -i;tisi. , -:. -,.,:,..„,, - ....... , ...i1„,c! , ;_....,',,,._ ;,.. ~- 1 ,:...- - :, , ~ ."....,.::: :4 v.,,:.•,.--, . , j .c .t., ~J - , . ~,,,, , „.,;„ . „ ~. --• ~• . , ' :_ ,•.
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- , - - - lli e glea - Counig agitator
The proprietors have stocked theestablishm e ' :•-••••.......;---' ' ~,. ~ -. : / * -s-- < - . ,
..--...„.. 4, ...
with a new a vaoedaanortment of -._. .•, . , lc ' l ' , V -.3', .4 'i' 4'',." j-11- :: ' ;y '•
i • . . , { .
. . ,
7; I ' ''' l S ' :."'.. ' '6. (
• t . - ', per year, invariably iu advance.
• , /.. - .
JOB AND CARD - TYPii - :-4 ~.r .: - - %.11111 1 . ' - " . (11:;:. 111 , , -'
I f ' ' 1
.:'; . - ' ' :.',
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AND EAST PRESSES, . ,-,..- .-•-• ~. . , i
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~..., ~ l ' i . 1:11 Cs :• 4. ..:
4, t ,
. 7 .,: - .i ~-_-. : 1%" , 1 - 'iiiT;e• .-
'''..i .: ..' L .k: ' • 'l''- -. ,
.• • , , 1 , ihr.. .u. 0821.1 ' lA. 0 Ari&olliDlß.
sad. are prepared to execute neatly ana promptly
• - - 1 --, .-:,.., ~,,,,...;:: 7 . 3: ‘,.: , .\,...„._ ~:„ :.1.-1 , .
1 . ,
u _
, •.43...rrvizawrxisiNCI. irtA.r ta.
POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL- ' ; ` , ..;: r :: :' '..'',:'"".:. • q"' . '.!: ,t .- : , 7 \... . . .
• • ...-4-.-..,,..,,.... t .. • f
HEADS) CARDS, PAMPHLETS, &c., ice. —„, ,
..... -- - ' • TAN 147.1 as of, 311310 n, OA LEBB,DIAJKA 9 A BPIIAAA .
; x , : •.: ,- ,rt,,l I t ; t '' .
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--- " --- w No. of Bq're. l l In. 13 Ins. \4lns. \3 Mon. Glttos.ll Year
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full assortment . , , , . „ d f,. Mi1.13,e, , .4 5 1.gito. , tisata. cal" W.16.cre.1.Q - 13.t ..i.osi tii. , = , , ..1:3661= ' 1 . 61" 1•1 irsiaczorri.." , - ,
. . . . ,
1 Square, $1;00 $2,00 $2,60 $5,00
of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on hand. - • -- • -_ ; -
• , i ' 2 Squares 2,00 3,00 4,00
. 8,00 ...-, .
-.............„.- ........—....-..-...-- -- .-..............--..-...--,...-.....—............ .--.-- -`....____......•
nalf C 01.....: , 10,00 1 15,00 1 17,00 1 22,00 po,Bo,
People living at a distance can dependbn hay- r;-' 1 " .•
, ' ~
''. ' ' '
Ul ' ^ '.. : ' . , One C01......,.:1 18,001 20,001,30,001 49,00 00.001
tag their work done promptly and sent back in VOL. XVI• 1 WELLa
_ -,
__ ,
return mail,. , , .
S Baldwin Streat,
7 ,--,„EIAMIRA, L I N. Y.
Juoiskinin BEET, aesAr es TUE CHEAPEST
Of very desoription, in all styles of Binding,
and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery
in the State. Volumes .of every description
Bound in the best manner and in any style Or
Exeouted in the best manner. Old Books re•
bound and made good as new.
zigoititznym =Lamm
I an prepared to furnish back numbors of all
Reviews or Magazines pnbilehed in the United
States or Groat Britain, at . a low price.
Of all sizes and qualitlei,on hand, ruled or plain
deny quality•orsise r on'hand and cut up ready
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER,•and CARD
BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or
ou t to any size. • • . •
Cap, Lotter, ilote Paper, Envelopes,
Pens, Pencils, eke.
Tam sole agent for
Which I will warrant octual to Gold Pens. The
oeit in use and no mists e.
The above st6elt I 1,111%0111A the Lowest Rates
at all times, at a small advance on New York
price!, and in quantities to suitpar_a ;•1
nsers. All
worli. and stock' warranted us ri..presonted.
respectfully solicit a shhre of puhlie patron
age. Orders by mail promptlY' attended to.—
Address, LOUIS KIES,
Advertiser Building,
Elmira, N. Y.
?opt. 28, 1567.—1 y
lIAVING tate(' up a now hotel building ou the site
of the old Union Hotel, lately destroyed by tire,
I atu now ready to reeelso and etitertuiu guests. 'flu
Union Hotel was Intended fur n TentlWratiee tiouff6,
ac , ltbe Vroprletor believes It enti be elttitairwd
l'l.l¢. Au Utteutive hostler in attendance
Wellsbord,June 26, ISG7.
One dour above the Market,
RESPECTFULLY 'announces to the trailing
public that ho has a desirable stoi.k oi O re
ceries, comprising, Teas, Ceffocs, Spices, Sukirs
Molasses, Syrups, and ati that con.tiitites a first
,lass ttock. Pysiers in every style at all sea
Well . sborro; .an. 2, ISil7-tf.
..131 Cs 4ZO t stee3 iS3 - 1:3-vCs 44.. '
ate it Excitement: Johnspn impeached; and Em
,reeq. ib.ootd and nhues triumphant! :Am dutesci &bet
a hl ,y to the people of Westfield and \ !daily that
Alta f.tcCuring a Patent bloot which he believed to
pesseds the following advantap.e oTer all Othel 1;t
there l, ng; 2d. no wrinkling . , save as they break
to tbe feet; 3d, •no eloping. In short_ th e y are low
the thing for everybody.'uomples rn band ana erne,.
,elicital. Solo right of Westfield township and Born'
t:cared. Ho has also Just received a splendid sot of
Ultnotal patterns, latest styles. Come one. conic all:
We are bound to sell cheap for cash or ready pay z , brill
,md door jOUth of Souders k Volegrovd.
Westfield Bore', Feb.l3 1E69 J. It.
STOVES, 1711 1 -WA .RE,
Carriage arniFlarness Trimmings,.
tortaNg. N. Y., JE” - ,. - 2, 1807-Iy. •
R,.pt , onst tinily on hand, and t urnislo d to or
kr, iiN
w. 'r. M. AT kl
hia OGN Mare, 2tl dour hove Iloy's
(Jobe 10, iinS.
Scales! Scales! Scales !
r B all •,riliniary
size:, for heavy, and counter are. 'any' he
.-end at the llardivate Store W in. Roberts,
The-o Scaler :ire the Fatirbat,lCs
irol have ire eriperior •They are
rite hent:stjle and ha va token the proni
an at all the great exhibitions.
I have the eolo agency for these Settles in thin
re,nion WILLIAM It.o BE lerS.
Wellsbaro, Feb- I9OS,
170, 172, 174,.& 170
New Yin Ic
HE. UNDERSIGNED takes pleas
ure in announcing to his numerous .frionth
and patrons that from this date, the charge of
flho,P.mitle will be 4'2,50 per day
[rig solo Proprietor of this there,
fir r e free tt(mi the tau common gxection el an
indrdinate rent, ho is full} able to meet the
downward tendency of prices without any inning
off of service. I )
It will now, as heretofore, be his aim to main
tain undiminished the favorable reputation et
the Pacific, which it has enjoyed for many years,
colAne of the boat of travelers hotels.
Pio table will he bountifully supplied with
every delicacy of the season.
-The attendance will be foun.l efficient e n d
The locution will be fowl." convenient fur
theau whose business caile thetula the lower
part of the city, being One door north of I.7..rt
land Street, and ono block weft or Broad•c-,c,
rod of ready aocc.ta to oil Rail Road and Steam.
bust Linea, •
Dec 2, 19(3:3-t3co . JOHN : PATTEN
New Tobacco Store
THE sub.criber bog fitted or
I Pining. D. P. Tin lati.l ::4•ri
,U:SI of
CNA!? 2, (all grades), rated and Co,'i7h.'.l
CHEWING, and oil A i J 01.4
ce4 Brand of CIG,I le
and .t.ce 1)r
NC . ,r. 1 i . tt.
'iv FARM EN,B !
I_l timt we 11 ivo uqed 'lie PI I -tor a utuin+•l
I ' ) +:upne%l3,:rna uo-,
liAltles 10%40111p, nr•d h+•lieve it r ••
e lull if n9t superior to rho 13-1:2.3
ilt Vld Striltll S M ConV
o ,‘ L' Con'o
'.l II Col,'" li is :iimr .na 4 I:ttrit3it;er
fr W I: trkere'it t' , initli E Strait
`h• Ili, tzs Albert King John 0 Alillt r
11l t Vatr , ,tiF WII Watr,,us Ll, If .r.ll
It Al .4wlth• ()A Smith II M F., .t. , ,
.1 I) `trait F 0 V., ti C-el , ler .1 3 Swirl)
J•IIVI 1.1.tt1-: .1 F Ziiiii - nerttran 'C 1, liing
1.. i, Swith.
~ N. d•—Piaster nhvays on baud a)t tho Mill.—
rrioe $5 per ton. Nov. 4, 181R . J. 1
Itisuranco, Bounty and Poneion Agency, Math
Street Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1808.
Notary Public and Insurance Agent, Blass
burg, Pa., over Caldwoll's Store.
OEO. W. .111 ERRICK,
Office with W U. Sinith:Esq:, Main Street
opposite Union Block, Welisboio, Pa.
July lb, 1868,
lIOLESALE - DRUGGL§TS, and :dealers "in
Wall Paper, Xerosene Lamps, Window ullas4,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, so., &c.
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1868.—1 y.
S. P. W/Lsox.
(First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)—
Will attend to business entrusted to their cure
in the counties of Vega and Potter.
Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1868.
Wollsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
iiclaimAgent, notary Public, and Insurance
gent. lie will attend promptly,to - cpileetion of
ensions, Pack Pay and Bourity. As Notary
üblic he tattoo acknowledgements of deeds, ad
inisters orals, and will act as.gommlisioner to
t)alte testimony. prlPOffice over iloy's Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator Office.—Oct. 30. 13.67
John W• GuerneoV,
-11uvia o roturned to this county with a view of
waking it his permanent residence, solicits a
share of public pateonago. Ali business en
trusted to his care Will bo attended to with
vromptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south
of E. S. Parr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa.
sop 1.
RAPER AND TAILOR. shop, over Jubn R.
Bowert's Store. Cutiing, Fitting, and
itopairing, done pi omptly andiu best style.
lVell-,buro, Pa.. Jan. t,
E4.91MG.1E Gkii ER,
ILu it. s 'Lig) tirm. dour (oath of L. A. Sears's
Shoe Shop. Cutting, Fitting, anti Repair
ing dune itrot.ptly and lw el/. -
Vielkburo., Yu., Jun. 1, Ibtsb.-ly.
AN 1.) CU 1 I lilt, 4a, opened a bfi'up
lon Cr,it ton t , ti eet, rear 01 Sear & Derby's !Attie
rhup, it het ebe i prei—iiiti to niutiufacture gar
ment, to order lii tho ino,c bulls( aritial manlier,
aii,i with itili.i Le ii . Pal tkuair attention pain
to euttiug MIA I: ittiog Nl,i cell !e.(l, 18li3—ly
Dr. C. Thompson
111 aural to ProCez.eionut call:: in tl.o vtllage t
Valet: 711 Id It 1,10 , 710: 141 tateri,t. 2‘.1 dour on
the rrgiolgutlig [Jut.e. 2-1,
i k it Acv:. , t..te o thv •Zd nftex
• 11 , , , E . 1) "I ;Allay ,QIN lee, with a turv,t.
xperfenct.ll, hubpil.t/ ptIiCtiCt;IIILO opened uta
Lnuc I", 111 C 41 , 0 l <, 0/i liscolk hoe nud f•urgt , ry, in all
it:, Ur:litchi, ert-,0., lion' II call Mid good
Uoalglilig at thu t'eunz3llLilila llot,l when de•Ared.—
%S ill Nl,ll. ,t 11) part tottsultati3u, or to
perfvrn,±ufw...,l of el ativut. I. Unita' Blvt:li, up
titaire. . 9„181.115.-1y
Win D. Smith,
KNOXVILLE, -Iconsion, liounty, end In
suranco Agent. t'unitueieatious sent to the
above address etll receive' prompt attention.
Tcrws ei. , dereto. Ono 8, 1868—))]
Tnos ll.lEtryden
SUIIVEYO/1 6'z 1/11.ArroMAN.—Ordard loft ut
t. 1.; l'uon,oet.ttl IJutel, Wcdlel.poro, will
u.ect sub pnruipt atietitiun.
J.. u. 13. 1X67.-11.
S PLATED V A 61)outzte hie, titringt,
1%.1. ll'atcl,es and Juw
elf )ly repatred. I.ogractug duty) in plain
and C1'111:I 11. ) i:epto7- y.
,Alairdressing & Shaving.
Saloon over A; I:nrker's bturo, IVell2-
l'Artieulor attention . paid to Ladies'
.ut•cuttine, :;Itrupuqntg, Irseibg, fata nraida,
and striehea (1 II hand and made to ur•
4; G. rUTICIII67,
lILL WRW liT—A g eut lur ull the heat
TUILDEN k; 11111 Aizo
ut6tewure, 05cillating .11uvuluei,t for Gang and
l'a., Aug. 7, 186 d, ly.
-' • 4
iu Lit V UUUL, vf kinds, llnrdw•ate
IV: L.ilice Vottuun WAI assortment is large
An I prleiii iti Übioll Block. Cull
nt, 115,65—1 y.
,40USEi '
CLOSE, Propri
etor. A now Hotel euntlueted on the principle
of live and let live, fur the iieirounnodthtion of
the public.—Nov. 11, 1806.-Iy.
C. I.'rvpriotur.:-11aving leas.
0 1 thi, popular iV)tel; "tho propriUtur respect
fulii a fair Aare of patronage. Every
attention given to guosts. „The best boetrei Ia
the county always it. attonditnee.
April 20, IStib.—ly.
FAR,II! --
v 0.4 A, -T I 0 G A - C G - TI c INT T Y
hood stabling, attachod;and n'nattontis'cl'ho2-
-, •
tor always in atiendainee.
-On strietly.getepersuee principles, Morris Run,
Pa. R. C. BAILEY ! proprietor. Uorses and
Carriages to let.—March 8, 1568, 7 -Iy. •
•• , ,
‘v ETIELD Bor•Jugh, Tivgiv Co. Pa., E. G.
Hill, Pr. )prictor. A new and eommodioud
buiitho g , with all tho modern improvements.
Si'/thin glsy drives yr the best bunting and fish.
tug ir) Northern Peon'a: Conveyances
Int Tenn; awdenii.o.
FO., 5, I '36S-1 y, ' ' • •
Be it/ALTON 1110 USE,
Claines, Tioga County, Pa.
tioltAci.; ittee'a.' This is
tpoxl kteated I%ithin easy access orthe
hest lisping Nun ting groutidt in North
urn ,1•1•31 V pants will bp slatred
or •11. ivo•ointuqd.tiois,1 1 o plc:tsure leeliers and
Chu et veli public .1, 18C8.3
Bounty and Pen ion Agen.ey.
HAVl.:4:9.R.:uive,l.l.linit(intittuctlon,6l regard to
therttr:cb•aunt% .tt) , •ctl 43 the act altpro‘ed
J‘lo att.t litvtng It of nll
411011 t, 1 Ala itteriti ,, .ll() pvo3t•ente all pen
, ;,,.ant pLlud In
t t 1- 11'4V11, -, - •an communicate
111,1/ theit 4;01101)111)/Catint/P, will .be
•1 , i 111,11% ast,wsii.(l 11. 141111 . 11
Octobt t 24.15@)
11'1 . .1(NE5;.3. k. ILILEY,
,1' v., Store, iu flit
It,!, ;,t;,yt) , irt/ • Brisj Neelry. .
Dt/frl'. SliOli.:•4 .$1 all Ititids made to
ji }rapt - al:din 1:11.1)e : A milliner.
.',Oll - 11.rN:1; uf all I dime promptly and
tAtee 114 :I c,,11.
. 1 1.. 14, EY.
Von4boro.Jan 1468 ly
1100 P SICIItTS, q t
The good ship Lone Star had been
eleven mouths out, and her whaling
cruise had not, as yet, proved :very,
suecesSful, when she ran short of wood
and :water, whilSt_ beating about- the.
AfezambiqneChattrtel l eaey sail,
dna ifir all‘lituills on' the — lookout 'for
any sperm whale unfortunate enough
to heave In sight: . •
It was my first voyage as mate, and
I was. Taeing .the
. quarter deck, in
very euviablenatab:'of
share in the profits of the voyage were
promising to be but small•-when the
captain rent for me to join him in the
Leaving one of our boat steerera in
charge of the dealt, I went below, and
found my superior,poring over .11, L ichen
spread out on the saloon table.
" 'Well, Mr: Wylie," said he,"whales
are kind of scarce, so lam thinking of
putting into the Coworin Islands for a
supply of wood and water. Take a look
at the charK"
I did so, and found we were only for
ty miles from the land referred to. • Co
inciding with the captain's views, I re
ceived his insauctionai and returned on
deck to alter the ship's course and steer
for the islands.,
That'daY ivetnade . but little progress.
Towiirds noon the light and fitful breeze
fled altogether, nor could our most a'n
cien t mariners woo back its coy presence
with their indefatigable and stipersti
tious whistling. ' .
Slowly and regularly the trim Lone
Star rose and fell upon the steady heav
lugs of the glassy sea. Strange, leaden
colored fish, of dolphin shape, but oth
erwise unlike any tinny denizen I ever
saw before, swam lazily around cur mo
tionless black hull ; odd looking jelly
fish, slimy and shiny, with huge and
hairy, feelers stretching far out to clutch
their prey,' floated amongst tlteiri ; un
wieldy,' almost shapeless 'sun-ti sh ,
sculled slowly past us with their two
great side fins. Now and then, with a
sudden flash of the smooth •waters, a
shoal ofsilvery flying fish' would • dart
into the air, and:skim swiftly along on
outstretched wing, just • dip upon the
surface of the water again totiamp their
drying pinions, and then double' off in
another direction to elude their 'relent,
less and untiring enemies—the, fierce
albicore and the nimble 'bonita—ever
lon their track, darting along a foot-or
so beneath the surface. Ravenowi;"uri
'faltering, and determined, these fish
eating fish would- folloW: the' frightened
little fugitives till some poor winged
thingfell tired and deSpairing into the
fang-glisten hg jaws just thrust an inch
or two out Of the water to, catch it.
Here ,the swift and glittering .dolphin,,
swiftest of all fish, would . 'ehase ibe•811-
very pres with unconceivablerapidity,
now and then revealing its : course by
immense bounds through•theair, Qften
'of twenty yards . and .more; there,.an
ominous looking, tall, black object,
standing still and upright Bout the 'Wa
ter, told where lay the quiescent shark
—for that tigief 'angular thing was his
straight dorsal finlVaille• the gaudily:: ,
striped black and golden pilot ffsh . might
be seen-Shooting,' , About beneath the'
VegieVS-guarter,. every now and-then
darting oft' to its savage lord and' Mas
ter. Birds of gorgeous
_Plfirnage, un
known name and, curious cry, came
ever and anon, to'gtize for a moment at
bur black ski and her tinier spars
then, off they,fieW among the :brilliant
insects and -painted,
butterfiles;which were: winging their
frail flights across the bosom of •the
Mozambique channel, •• • •: •
How.everi;during the early hours of
the night, a lighthreeie'sPrang' up, •so
Ilhat we made land soon after. midnight,,
when we stood off and on daylight;
and then sailed slOwly into, the shel;•
tered anchorage formed fly the Comorin
Islands and the iieighlitiring'zmainland
'of Africa. • .
. After coming to an anchor s all hands
went to breakfast, and when the r •bra , ,!-
ings of the inner man had become duly
satisfied, I armed the crew of my own
whale boat, and set ofrfor the Shore on
a reconnoiting expedition., , : in ',order . to
nse.eitain whether any natives-gmstile
or peaceable-rwere to be 'Met with, and
also to pick out the most" likely' sPOt
whence to obtain a stock of wood and
. •
Hoisting the sail, a light fair ,wind
soon wafted us to the'neareet little islet.
But here nothing rewarded our patient
search, Low,impenettable jungle, to
gether with sect, black mud, marked
with what astonished us, the footprints
of some strange - and monstrous beast,
folioed and altogether uninviting
Procee%ing to the next sad,
largegt iF,lanes, of the group, however,
e lauta 1 OM nilance of good
.\ vater, and
a lair pl'iportlon of dry wood trees fit.
for our purpose. having selected a
suitable lauding plaice, and - seen no
trace of inhabitants, I gave the'order to
shove off; and the boat's head wa once
more - It:Veiled towards .her massiyo mis
tress, looming fair and tall,at anchor In
the distance. The Marnland wail only
a mile or so front .where'ive now lay on
our oin‘:,;,,and, as I gaged in that three:.
Lion, the temptation to visit it— the ett•
Tiosity to cal lute a strange cuast,-eattia
strong upon me.
" Well, boys,".. said I to my crew,
"what do you say ,for a stretch as far as
the shore away-there? There is a lead
ing wind, fair going- and coming, and
we might find better wood and water,"
This : latter expression pi.opinfon was
to save iny• dignity from snaring by
any.sospiolou of idle curiosity.
i , ,- ~ :',•:y- 71 . 4r,' , : ., •'•,'
, !Voeto Csorntr:-
WIND THE .01400 E.
Warden wind thii clock agatu ; -
Mighty yea gptpg•on;'
Through-the shadow and the dream,
And the happy hearted dawn.
Wind,agaio, wind again, •
Fifty hundred yeara'have gone.
Through th . o'harilist and 'the need,
Wealthy June and dewy May,
Grew the new ycar e from the old,
Grows to-morrow from to-clay,
Wind again, wind'again— •
W tic) can keep the year at bay ?
Feur-and-twenty conjurers
Lio in wait on land and sea,
Plucking down the startled Ship,
Bad-embroidering the tree,: •
Wind again, 'wind 'again—
We , have neither ship nor tree.
Four-and-twenty kinds to come
t'•l) the never-vacant stair—
Four-and-twenty dead go down;
:Fellew sacred Bong And pre.yer. -
:Wiwi-again ' wind again—
arden, wily delaying thorn?
To his interrupted dream
Comes the long-entreated day. ,
What are leiier werdst/lim?
SWeet-pursuing voices ray:
, " Warden, wind, wind again—_
the ever-golden , way." r•
Other hands 4 will Vtind the olock
While die freqUent yenta go on.
:Never noting need or name,
Ner the rapture:of the dawn..
Wind again,'lvind again—
Ere the given year be gone.
Qf course, my men
lighted at the prosper
—the island being sm
and Uninhabited.
Hauling aft.theinain sheet, and keep
ing the boat away from •the desired
coast, I left Long To r4 ' my boat i3teerer,
in charge, and stretched myself out in
the stern-sheets, whilst the rest of the
crew followed my example by throwing
themselves Into the 4nost comfortable
positibnp ' , theyii,nd•. along the
thwattS`. • "... I. • , I.• •
The breeze was gradually falling
lighter, and for some time we sailed
gently on, still and silent, save for the
musical lap of the ripiples••against our
bows, "
The soothing aspects of nature tended
to throw me into a dreary sort of a re
verie, from ; ,which, I was-. suddenly
arowled"by my Moat Steerer's - exclitha
" I saw a black ski i n shining in the
sun just then sir."
• "well," Said I;drewslly; . "it's - only a
bottle-nose or porpoise."
And I did not evenitake the trouble
to raise my head above the gunnel.
A few .moments elapsed, and we had
Tof into shallow water, when Long
om shouted,--- ;
" There•4ls*iain 4 . .
" Where away - - Where - ,away ?" I
cried, stifrtled by his animation.
" There away ; sir,"l pointing ahead ;
"and it's no porpoise, no ;bottle-nose
nor—nor, anything as everlSeedi afore,
as wears thick skin'l"` - -
All eyes were now straining to seatch
a glimpse of Long Tom's straule dis
" Thereshe blows There she blows !"
came in chorus . from my men' as a
tiftele - rOheSlawl.t above the
sidfaeb, rolled SteMlilS7 over, with a mo
tion just like that of a spouting or play
ing whale, and then sank out of
only a short distance ahead. ' .
"Wait a bit, my lads," said I. "Unr
ship tho mast; stow away the sail";
then out oars, and we'll soon' see what
it is."
My orders were promptly obeyed.
_my • etnidy oarsmen! gave '--way
with a will, and the light whaje boat
was soon darting swiftly for and to
where the object of our curiosity had
last appeared.
-I was standing on the bow: platform,
directing Long Tom at the steering oar,
when suddenly we l l'brought up all
standing" against something hard, upon
which the boat had ruin "stein on, like
a nor' west buflaloi",..:ifts my- mariners
expressed it.
"Stain all ? Starn all ?" r roared.
As the boat was backed off, tin, emir
mous beast heavily raised its huge head
out of the water, gave us a look ; tittered
a loud sort of snorting bellow, and then
sank clown again in the muddy fwater,
through-which NVO had not been able tc;
discern It. • - •
"Holy sailor, Bill I" I heard the bow
oarsmati say to his nearest shipmate.
"What is it? I'm blest if ever. I saw
such a thing afore, and I've been whal
ing man and boy, nigh upon twenty
i i )th e e o g , o e tl rs , - a b t o lo y n s, , " 3E a tn id d
int'e'Prrasops me
4 l t i le
it comes within reach again we'll soon
find out what kind of a creature it is."
A whale bout,
,b- never without, the
gear of her profession; and so, when
my men saw me handle the harpoon,
they gave an approving shout, - and ea
gerly gave way again in obedience to
my order for them to; pull ahead.
With iron poised- curd r - Teady,
intently watching foi theistrangc mon
ster's re-appearance( i when my boat
steerer cried—
" There they ale, 'way in shore there ;
a bull school of 'em."
Sure enough, tho glistening black
backs tumbling about in tho foamy
white water, Showed' where a number
of the unknown fish or strange amphib
ious animals were enjoying themselves.
" Look out• ahead, sir! Look out
ahead!" roared Tom again. IThere's
somethire just broke water." 'I •
The next moment I had darted my
iron into a back as broad as that of a
whale calf, and was Shouting—
" Starn all! Starn all! Back water,
my boys !"
As the boat shot ,ack and the line
ran out, the monster' that I had har-,
pooned made desperate plunges to reach
us. As it rolled and tossed about in its
agony and surprise, I saw enough of it
to know that we had red a hippopota
mus. " •
Giv.hig a Shccessinh,.
and 'trying to g
bolding iron with its
the wounded beast sa:
muddy water, here
fathoms deep. Th
rising to the surface a
gether,Witli the long'
thatbled ShoWed us e i
that he was taking,
for his companions s 7
i Qur prey went at it!great speed con
siiing/hia`ponderons build,• and:, we
were compelled; :to
,1:' Ai_o:47;ilc,t. cut • the
line—the last thing -thought of ; so,
in a very fetV nibinetsliwe found our
selves right in the m dst of the herd of
hippopotami, whose huge, unshapely
heads were rising all itroun , whilst the
wicked glittering of t eir sa age looking
1 . 1
little eyes seemed co centrated upon us
with looks of wonder ? fury,andsurprise.
Just then, unable to stay beneath the.
surfayeAny, long6r,, the , wouncle4 , 1;140E1-
s ter roSe: to;', breathelantle theft tkirffeti
upon us With a terrific roar.
' Starn all I Stern , F all for your lives !"
I shouted. i
The tough ash oar urged us clear of
the savage brute's c,,but then the
boat steerercried--.• • • " ,. 0',,,:.*: - .
' " Hold'onVsii:!' 11 - oleiVater ! - Here's
half-a-dozen uv 'em itstarn coming right
for us."
"Hold water, every man!". I roared;
then espying a clear course,to'ttie right,
continued, , 'Phil,' t . he port oars., So!
Now give Way - all ; give way, my lads"!
Pull for your lives!" And I was paying
out line all the tim.
But up from the murky water rose
two of the brutes, ne on either side,
only a feW - feet dia Tit; aud.With .huge
distended jaWs the i rushed upon us.
.Snatching up one of the boat-axes,
whilst Long Tom hitt his steering oar
to the next man, ad similarly armed
himself, I sprang to[ where, one of the
hippopotami was idincigt - tonching the
gunnel, and then, Vith all my strength,
dashed the keen ax[blade- into its fiat
black nose. With roar louder than
that.of a dozen wilbulls of Madagas
c; i3
car, the Monster vanished, Spouting
olood. Long Tom ad also succeeded
in driving off its ompanion, though
not before the latte had made a great
rent in the side ofhe boat, and had
also very nearly ca sized her. A shud
der ran through us at our narrow es
cape—we had not t me for More.
The rest of the shoal had now come
up, and were maki ighti,, foam fly in
every direction as' herdaslied through
i f
the water to attar us.
It was a terrib y critical moment!
We could 410 lotigyr escape by rowing,
for the monsters were all arond. If once
they should succeed in overturning our
fruit boat,'We would' assuredly perish
horribly amongst them; Clielegleaniin,, , r
great tusks and wide gaping jaws would
pitilessly rend and tear us limb from
V ' ^tely l , it
ery fortunately, suddenly occur
red to me that I had read sotnewhere of
hlppopotatui, being frightened at the
BORO, PA., IVItt : t_RCH. 31, 1869.
T . ,
na ,
noise of fir Cars, though I well knew
that their amazingly tough skins were
quite proof against ordinary spherical
leaden bullets.
ere only too de
of a run ashore
1, uninteresting,
Pick up.
,your , muskets—be quick,
mylads !"•.. I cried, acting upon the In
spiration. "Let each man • choose an
object; then fire all together."
Just as the'fierce little', pig-like eyes
were . glaring 'close up:in us, andthe ter.;
rible..white fangs were glistening in
close proximity, , tho'ioud., roar of our
volley echoed across the water, and
then the stilPhuroussmolte-wreaths hid
the pluifgingranonsters from 'out sight.
At the same instant; how ever,•one enor
mous.beast , reared • its vast body half
out of the sea, and every Man shud
deredl as he expected it would'ditSa our
weak'boatto atamS ;' but, at 'the flash
and noise of• the- guns it • fell ',,biteß,
though even in,ploingso, it nearly •cap
sized us, and half-filled our - little ; craft
with.water, When the suaolre cleared
away, our formidable pursuers had dis
appeared, After a momentary pause in
thankfulness at our marvelously nar
row escape; the whalingspirit returned,
and I,salti— '
" Paria me 'a lance, Long' Tom, and
we'll settle the fellow we're fast to, any
how. (Ave way, my hearties, and let
the two bow hands haul in the line."
Proceeding thus, we soon came up
with the wounded beast. '
•Then for a
moment poising the bright latiee over
my right shoulder,' I. dent it deep to the
heart df Our unwieldly-victim.. With a
few treizetidous roars, and after a last
desikeriite struggle to,reach • us, the
strange amphibious creture went into
its "flurry." After sinking -for a few
moments, it once-more rose to the • sur
face, and, likea dead whale, floated on
its side.
,) With considerabje trouble we man
aged to tow our prize alongside the
Lone Star. Upon measuring the car
cass we found it fourteen feet from stem
to stern—or rather, nose to tail—and no
less' than twenty-three in girth. It
was an immense biute, sure enough.
That night our mariners, long tired
ofsalt junk, rejoiced over tender, suc
culento and.well flavored hippopotamus
steak, for we found. the flesh of the
monster remarkably good, even •deli
About seven years ago when the old
Ladywell shaft, in South Staffordshire,
was nigh worked out,'and there were
galleries and galleries stretching out,
the men sald, for miles of old workings,
which they, or even their fathers before
them, knew nothing of, and could not
find heir way about, it was determined
by our owners to sink a fresh shaft and
commence working the other t side of
the hill, and so leave off working the
old mine, for ominous rumors.ofj choke
damp and falling roof warned them
that it would not be safe much longer.
Accordingly the new works begun ;
they found a thick seam, and very soon
they were in full operation and the old
mine deserted. The viewers told the
men to avoid the side nearest the old
Workings, but the seam ran that way
and the men worked and ,vorked till
at'last the
brokq , e_ on'e , nr two small
viewers had'closed
as soon it as possible. e. ' ' ' "
Theo was at the time In our employ,
as vie . % er, or overseer, a man by the
name ofrimmins, migid Wesleyan,
and a good workman, but of a reserved
and more So temper, and with whom
the men die \ not care much to meddle.
They often Said Black Jack (for such
was the nickdame ho went by) was not
'right in his head, and indeed his mann
er was at times 'eccentric ; but as I be
fore said, he was a s most excellent hand
in the pit, and that,was all his employ
ers wanted.
About that tine the small poX com
menced its ravages] dreadfully in this
neighborhood, and Tit minx' wife, to
whom he was devoitedlY \ attached, be
came one of its first 'victims, being car
ried off in a very-short time,
The loss seemed quite to have changed
the man. From a stern religionist, he
turned to drink, and no one was more
reckless, more debauched and degraded.
His employers remonstrated \ with
hiin, and told him they would be obliged
to part ; that he was only setting\ the
men a bad example instead of keeping
them out of danger; but remonstrance
waS-throwli away, and finally they werb,
obliged 'to tell him that at the end of
the week he would be discharged. •He
went to his work, but after a day or so
he was missed, and when paynight
came he did not appear at the table; so
the cushier said : •
, .
of eavage
'rasp the . firmly-
tremendous teeth,
,k down into the
only a •couple of
en the air-bubbles
L he breathed, to
cilinSon -, track as
..aetiy the course
d this was direct
- lotting together in
Tragedy in a Coal Pit
"I suppose Tini'mins is drunk again ;
he will, come some other time."
But the men shook their heads dark
ly, ancy sold among • themselves, they
never inoughtany good would come of
Black Jack.
Now it, happened about this time
there was - appointed to Our mine a new
manager, for the fornier was too old
and superannuated. ' Ho came from the
coal-fields in the neighborbood of New
castle, and was a 'widower with one
daughter. Mr. Woodward soon allowed
..a clever Man, and.•from the
kindness .and ,geniality of his temper
made himself beloved among the - men,
a race always grateful for kindness.—
His daughter Meta was seventeeti;and
possessed one of those charming Eng
lish faces which to look at was to love.
Her bright auburn curls - were elti§tered
round a fair, open brow ; dove-like eyes
and a sweet mouth 'expressed the gentle
ness of spirit within.._ Meta's feature
might not; separately, have -been regu
lar, but taken as a whole, the effect wa
complete.--Her looks, however, were
not her only recommendation—he
sweet disposition, kindness of heart
and charity, endeared her to all he
friends. She often visited the work.
with herfather, and begged him to let
her descend the mine, but he refused.
Constant dropping, they say, will wear
awny a stone ; and so 'Meta's supplic, -
Lion must have worn away her father's
resolution, for one day it was settle
that Meta should descend with h r fat -
er and a pitman and explore th min:.
• They arrived at the new' shat abo t
noon, and, after the cage had een a -
ranged, Mr. Woodward, .his da ghtei,
and 'a mingr named fleccup, descende .
They were each provided with candle.,
and, arriving at the bottom, proceede I
to visit the'J men in their several worl - -
ings. They had been into several, an
were thinking of returning, when, JILL
as they came to au intercepting gaiter),
a violent gust of wind extinguished a 1
their three candles and lefetheue in pe--
, feet darkness. For the first few m -
meats no one .spoke, and then M..
Woodward encouraged his daughter
telling her that although doubtless veiy
untoward to' be left without a light, still
there could be no possible danger, as 11
they would have to do was* to kepi)
straight forward, and they would co le
to the foot of the shaft, and most
some of the men would meet or ov q•-•
take -them when they could proem a
light. Acting on this suggestion, tl ey
continued walking on. When they ad
entered their pits with their lights, ad
were full of confidence, th:) distance tp
neared short, but now iii
,the pitc iy,
Egyptian darkness it seemed its if tile,
could never find -their- way out. IN if
utes seemed lengthened into hours, i n
still they walked on, and seemed I
nearer their - destination. At len! .
Meta's delicate frame auCoumbed to
mwonted exertion, and sh
" Papa; I can go no f
no and seek a light; I wil
il you return."
" I can't, my child," ho
11 remain with you, but
=la and bring assistance."
At this moment he feltß
Ontly draw on one side,
vhispered in his ear:
'" I donq like to alarm
yard, sir but I am afr:
intovanderedl the old woi
:0, we are! lost."
"No, no, that , can't be,'
ow terrified father ; "
hardly have got in when a
were closed."
" T heard the men say nt pit's mouth
this morning that there had been a great
break in the night, but I do think we
should have come this ski ," replied the
"God forbid we shout bell', these
workings; but if so, they will misb us,
guess where we are and s•arch for us."
"how can each separatparty know
but thaL . we have gone up with the oth
er? It will - only be i'hen we are
missed at home that th y will think
what has become of us, ai d before then
it will be too late."
Mr. Woodward felt th full force of
all this, but he would not give way ; so
he said aloud to Baccup :
" It won't do for us to separate, I
think, after all; so you a I d I will man
age to carry my daughter between us,
and reach the shaft." .
The man complied ; rais
girl between them, they a L ,
find their doubtful way.
road became rough rind
they could now realize, a
wandered from the tra ,
were lost in the old galled
the strong men could g(
and, laying the young g
father seated himself by t]
" Meta, darling, we hp
from the right track, It
less going on in this dal
don't khow but we may 1
dering farther from the t
tance that will be shortly
" I don't know how it i
feel a firm conviction that
reach home again. I p
may be spared, for it was
brought us all here."
The father gently chid his child for
feeling so gloomy, and comforted her
as well as ho could ; for he felt, all the
time black despair settlin , at his heart,
or now, for the first tim , he realized
the peril they really stood in.
Hours passed and still no signs of the
remised assistance. 1 Their strength be
ran to fail ; for where is there anything
brat robs one of all strength of purpose
and of body as when the Might goddess
of Hope takes her departure? Ititwas
just at a moment when Mr. Woodward
felt his senses leaving him, 'with an an
guish, that Meta exclaimed:
" Papa, is that a star I see shining in
the distance'?" .
- -
They looked and beheld a faint glim
mer of light. Hope immediately sprang
up again in their minds.
They. raised a feeble
nun' expediting the ai
Stood so much in need o.
have a contrary effect, fo:
mediately disappeameo.
" It can only be the efi
tion," sighed Meta.
t• Hush !" said Baeupi
and see what comes of i,
Shortly the light beg
again, and presently to
figure approach them—ri
Man, almost a skeletot
locks hang down to his
his eyes the tires of ins
and flashed. •,*
"'Tis Black Jack,"
And then they heard
exclaim :
" Who is it that invade•
when. after taking all I
dear, drove me from the t
in hell can't let me rest?
He approached, and
eyes fell on Ateta, lying
`• Mary, my darling, arl
to comfort me? You c
Ha! ha! I seo the halo r
Men nor devils shan't
rushing forward, he rais:
girl in his arms and fled t
The two men followed
could, guided by the salmi
s ac's footsteps and the oci
'tiler of his lamp; butane]
tion they were no match f
speed of the madman. 11
lost him, but still keep'
same, direction, they sa
,light; and presently arri
of an old, disused shaft.
'thls shaft there had been
ty which the miners in t
ascended, as well as desce
pit; but they were decay
Neverthele, it Was evi
this asceut.the maniac 1
his burden. s,
The two men'looked at each other in
dl Shay, and then prepared to ascend.—
After a struggle they reached the top,
and thothst thing that met their eyes
was Meta, lying on the ground insensi
ble, and ' Timming emerging from a
ruined out-house with a vessel of water
in his hand. He advane d toward the
form of the unconsciou girl, but the
moment his eyes fell on t c approaching
figures of the two men "Wretches!"
he 'exclainied, "1 thou ht I had dis
tanced you; ,but never ut nd ; ' you shant again—she is my own, my beau
tifulNy Wide!"
And-before the agoniz d father or the
astoniSlied miner could i terfere, he had
seized the poor girl in hi arms rushed
to the pit's mouth, and jumpedl down,
full 'three hUndred feet, whence the
' mangled bodies of the maniac ant his
victim were taken out that night.
Rochester., Biffalo, S
jersey. Shore
We take from the S
Perry, N. Y., the repo I
tee which lately visi
Valley to examine the
the Jersey Shore and
road, in so far as it app
tint to the subject. The
sisted of Messrs. Sand
and Whitiitck, nod yet
vine the Bth of M'
Coin inittee report:
" On Tuesday niorpiii
vine and followed up t
Genesee River to Bet
settlement near the Si
weather being very nit'
tug rapidly disappeal
beck decided to lotto ii
get home with l'iis sleig
Hitchcock and Mr.
passages Oil a hay-racl'
vania farmer, who too'
Ulysses, 'otter Co., Pt
cnesce River.
"`l'o this taint we 1
Valley'of the River. at
no mote feasible rou
can be found in the ei
told that` practical Ei
through the walks' au
i- a road could be built I
d Leis of Life kienesee t ,
ICI grade that would nc
h .feet to tile mile at any
I o At Ulysses we eve
.3 exclaimed.
rther,; leave
I remain un-
ning to Brookland, seven miles beyond, 1
and twenty-six miles from Wellsville. '
Between these points lies the sum
mit; or the dividing line of the waters
of the Genessee and Pine Creek. Here,
within a radius of three miles, com-;
mence three streams, one of which
flows North through the Genesee to
Lake Ontario, another South- through
Pine Creek and the Susquehanna River
to Cheaspeake Bay, and the, third West
through the Allegheny and Ohio Riv
ers to the great Mississippi. Over this
summit a road) can be easily construc
ted on a gradelof less than eighty feet
to the mile, a fact that has, been ascer
tained by actual survey.
We learned from Mr. Dent that a sur
vey for a Railroad, from Jersey Shore
up Pine Creek to the State line, was
made in 1864, and. ho furnished us a
copy of the Report and Map of the
route. Instead of running direct to the
State line, two branches were surveyed
from the point of intersection of Marsh
and Pine Creeks, nearly fifty miles
North of 'Jersey Shore, one running
West to Olean and the other East, con
necting with the Corning &BlossbiArg
Railroadlat Lawrenceville. From-Jer
sey Shore' to Brookland this survey runs
on the line now proposed, and we thus
have accurate and complete informa
tion inl regard to more than fifty miles
of our'route.
replied ; "
Baccu t p can
ecup's,t: and
and a (voice
Miss Wood-
Id we have
kings, and it
' replied tho
we couldn't
11 the breaks
From the Report we learn that the
estimated expense for graduation, ma
sonry, bridges, superstructure and fen
cing, making the whole ready for, the
iron, on this portion of the road, was
only $8,130 per mile. Judging from the
appearance of the country, it is our
opinion that this covers the most diffi
cult and mose expensive portion of the
route between Jersey Shore and Roch
Pine - Creek 'SAlley is the centre of a
tract of country containing over $,500 ,
square t 41es, upon which the Age o
Steam at tii Iron bas made no impresS.---:
Through ' this vast area, abounding in
valuable Timber, Coal, Iron Ore, etc. ;
no Railrcad •is to he found; and Its im
mense sources of treasure are undelel
oped, and must remain so until the ad
vent of the locomotive. •
[ ng the young
atn essayed to
But soon the
broken, and
ice they had
ik that they
is. At length
1 8 no 4further,
Irl clown, the
i er and said :
ye wandered
tvould be use
kness, as we
e only wan
;id and assis
eeking us."
pa, papa, but I
[I shall never
ay that you
g y folly that
The Timber consists of Hemlock,
Pine, Oak, Beech, Maple, etc. Its ex
tent is apparently unlimited. From
the Report above referred to, we learn
that over one !Mildred millions feet of
manufactured Lumber is now sent out
per annum from this region, under ex
traordinary difficulties. Besides,-more
than fifty millions feet .of Saw Logs
float down Pine Creek every year to the
Mills on the Susnuelbanna River. •
In regard to the Coal,. the best scien
tific authorities assure us that l af the 10,-
000 square miles of workable Coal lands
in the State, over 1,000 squat - wiles are
located along Pine. Creek lid in the
region tributary thereto. coMparative
ly nothing has been done toward get
ting out Coal in this region, for the
reason that there is no way Of getting it
to market. A sufficient quantity has
been taken out and tested, ho.vever, to
prove that it 18 the best quality of Bi
tuminous Coal in the ;::slatql
This net ion of country iilso abounds
in Iron Ore. At a point! eight miles
North-West ofithe juncti6n of Marsh
and Pine Creeks, is abed froth which
considerable ore of the best quality has
been taken. -
'l'lle farming lands of this region are
of course hardly up to the Westehl
New York standard ;—and yet it is by
nu means the barren Wilderness that
many suppose. For stock and dairy
purposes their lauds will not suffer by
comparison with Allegany , , Cattaraugus
and other Counties of our State.
We remained With Mr. Dent until
'Wednesday morning, when he furnish
ed us a team and a driver, and we started
down the valley. Sixteen miles below we
put up at the ]zaac Walton Hotel, kept;
by Mr, H. Vermilye. Although it
rained all clay long, we drove out three
miles from here up Elk Run to aPlaster
Mill. This secition abounds in _Plaster
Stone, and the tfarmers there pronounce
it superior to the Cayuga Plaster.
Returning to the Hotel we put up for
' the night, and spent the evening with
S. X. Billings, Esq., who resides here.
11E1'. B. owns 20,000 acres of land in a
tract running East and West along the
Creek. It is covered with valuable
Timber, and he sends-a large quantity
down the stream every year. He had
about four millions feet ready to roll in
to the water at the time we were there.
4Shout, but far
4sistance they
f, it seemed to
• the light im-
ct of imaghaa
keep silence
to glimmer
could see a
I I was that of a
His black
I vaist ' _while in
pity gleamed
hispered Bac
the madman
my last home,
(held near and
,arth, and even
suctilenly his
n the ground
I . you returned
Iwo back to
1g and her head.
art us!" and
d the fainting
as fast as they
1 I of the mani
asional glim
their exhaus
pr the frenzied
We left the Izaac Walton Hotel on
Thursday morning, with Mr. Dent's
team, and after dragging' over are
ground about three miles,' we directed
our driver to return. Shouldering or
baggage we pushed ahead, a /aVesto , ,
to the Grant House, kept by G. N .
Herrington, making only six miles be
fore dinner. This Hotel is located co&
the bank of the Creek, and directly op
posite we were shown 4,000 acres of
Pine Timber in which the axe has never
hey gradually
ng on, in the
a gleam of
led at the foot
To the side of
fixed , ladders,
ie olden time
:nded, into the
d and frail.—
ident that up
ad fled with
After partaking of an excellent din
ner, Mr. Herrington ordered up a fine
team and accompanied us on our jour=
ney. Two miles below we called upon
George Leib, Ef. , q., Agent for IThelps,
Dodge & Co. This firm own ten square
miles of land here, and have very ex
tensive;mills at Jersy 6horejo
From here we drove to„ the Coal
mines on Wilsfin's Creek, thirteen miles
below, and four miles from Pine Creek.
We first visited a mine on the right
bank of the Creek, owned by Joseph 1
Mitchell. This mine wits opened latt
fall, runs directly into the side of the
mountain, and the drift is now from
eighteen to twenty rods deep. It meas
ures four feet and on linch ill thickness.
About 500 tons of Cti I have been taken
On the opposite side of the Creek is a
mine owned by the Magee estate. The
drift here runs into the'mountain thirty
two rods, and it is fOur feet and six
inches thick. This mine is three miles
long and two miles wide. Ninety feet
farter up the mountain is another
Mine of about the same size and thick-_
The saMples of Coal which we here
with present, we take frbm the above
mines. It is harder than, he Blossburg
Coal, can be used in either stoves or
grates, makes a hot lire, burns down to
a clear ‘vhito ash, and gives no offensive
From these mines Mr. Herrington
Wok t i to the County-beat
ate Line and
R. R.
In ' published at
It of a Commit
ti Pine Creek
I,roposed route of
itate Line Rail
this to hi:: essen-
Coturnititee eon
,rs, likeheock,
nit from Wells
ireh inst. Tho
of '1 . 1%,; hore We ladV,el.l ou
I! Lveunig, On Friday morn
ing we enjoyed a tide of eighteen miles
i n a -.1:,:412, , v0nc1i to followed a
Coal to Corning, and at 7,30 P. M.
tack the -Lightning Expres..s on the
Erie Rail \Kay tin. home.
To p,ive ip brief the result of our oh
t-ervation and iliquity, we say
-1:<!. ltatiroad down fine(.'trek
e( 1 / 2 I:tin tt' , at ha distant day.
It wilt run through a country that
11.1:3[WV:1.1th above: the surface, wealth on
the : , urface, and wealth below the ,sur
g we left WON
he bank of the
ville, a small
ate line. The
111, and tho Veigh
ng, \lr. Whit
() Wellsvilleand
hantt team. Mr.
Unifiers secured
with a Penusyl
- us through to
, the head of the
ad followed the
d in our opinion
'le fOr L Railroad
entry. Wc,_were
kineeni had ;been
ascertained that
rein the head Wa-
Wellsville,ton a
It exceed twenty
, took a atage run-
NO. 13.
Itl4 won thorn terminus will have
dituetconncetion IT Railroad and Canpl
with :he Anthracite Coal region.
Pennsylvania men and Pennsyl
vania inohey will build the road to the
);(a h ;7itate li ie, mid there unite
with an (:0111 pan y that will meet them
with a ioad front Rot:he-der or Buffalo.
it h. he road cannot fail to prove di
rectly profitable to the I.4toeaholders
front the start, and of immense advan
tage to any city or•section of country in
this State that has connection with it.
' Special Notlace 15 mita Per:ll4e; •Editorial or
Local 20"cente per line.
[For the Agitator.]
The Constitution of the Earth.
We must bear in ,inind in this discus
sion that the Earth is in a great meas
ure hidden from our view ; that only in
a few places can we reach its true outer
surface,,and that in these respects we
labor under a disadvantage that we do
not labor under in the examination of`
ordinary bodies. We must also, bear
in mind that for about ten, virtually
twenty, ty, degrees from each pole, we
find another obstacle, to , examination,
in the intense cold;W '. hithalmost pre
cludes human existence- in those re
gions. We must remember too that all
other animal bodies are extremely di
minutive, 'even microscopic, compared
with our earth, as one to one hundred
and fifty thousand trillions, a relative,
proportion which it would be difficult
for the human mind to comprehend..—
The largest mountain on the globe is
but a mole-hill compared to a small
pimple on a man' arm.
t i
I measured to-d y around 'the body
of a tree and fou d, two feetfrom the
ground, the cireu ference to be six feet
and the depressio s between the ridges
of bark, on an ave -age, one inch deep.
Now if you will figure it out you will.
find, comparing the circumference of
the tree with the circumference of
the ; earth, the ridges of mountains
should not be less than 343 miles high -
to retain their relatiye proportion to the
ridges of bark. They are with their
real size relatively almostimperceptible
specfts compared to the Roman nose of
the'gentleman who has just left my of
fict:4 If that nose were no higher com
pared to the size of his body than -a
five mile mountain compared to the
size of, the earth, you would have to
procure procre a very powerful microscope to
see it. Au orange is a thousand quad
rillions of times rougher than the
earth comparing its mass to Ithe mass
of the earth, and more than eight hun
dred thousand times as rough compar
ing circumferences.
I. mention these things to call atten- f
lion to the fact that we are accustomed
to a faligestimate of the comparative
size of objects on the earth and of the
earth itself; and so deeply has this
false estimate impressed itself on' our
minds, it is almostimpossible to get
rid of it in °Or investigations.. 4
I wish also to call attention \to a fact
in Mechanics, that the larger and heav
ier the body the more steady and pow
erful are its motions ; also to a fact in
the law of life, that as a general yule, ,
Use length of the animal's life is some
what proportioned to itssize ; nota law of
individuals but a law of species. Many
of toe smaller animafeulte have an exis
tence of a few hours ; others, afew days ;
others of weeks and mouth &; while the
larger animals live twenty 4,0 one hun
dred and perhaps some to five hundred
years. Taking the life of man as " three
score years and ten," the life of au ani
mal as large as our earth should be
more than a thousand trillionslof years
—an eternity so fir as our comprehen
sion is concerned.
Man, as compared to the:earth is a
mere infinitesimal nothing,i in all that
relates to his materiality, though in in
tellect he may be in the irnage,and like
ness of God himself.
Keeping in view the abov i e facts and
principles, the reader will be better
able to weigh what I shall further say in
this discussion.
1. The earth's locomotion is analo
gous to the animal's locomotion, and if
the principles stated in the last number,
as to the supply of matter' to the earth
.are correct, that locomotion is in gen
eral precisely for the same purpose as
in unintelligent animal 'lite. If the
doctrines of astronomy be true it has
the same parasitical motion with the
sun around the centre of his orbit, as
theitninial has with the earth ground
the sun.
2. The earth must have existed for an
almost an infinite space in the past—a
space the we may denominate' quad
rillions of years, if we are to judge geo
logically ,pr anologically, and there is
nothing fo indicate that its existence
in the future, shall not be almost in
finite, as in the past. ..
3. Investigation shows that all life
except that of, the Infinite - is parasiti
cal.- Every organized existence owes
its continuance of being to other' and
different:organization - 8.
I state 4Li t erttbove" propositions grow
ing out of.,iiiiat I have said before, but
.will not at present enlarge upon them.
4. The magnetic - needle does not
point to the magnetic pole. 'j lObserva
lions show that the central point of the
Magnetic' influence is between 90 and
100 degrees of, longitude *est frOm
Greenwich sand between the 70th and
80th degrees of north latitude. Some
have placed it where the 96th meridian
of longitude crosses the 70th degree of
latitude. This is altogether too exact.
for'any observations yet made.
'Experiment shows that a very deli-
Cate magnetic needle is deflected from
the true Magnetic meridian by the an.-
Imal body when the noith 'point of the
needle is near to and opposite the heart.
In all animal life; " the vital parts"
as they are Called, arc located, in respect
p f the whole, body, i in nearly the same
spot, and near this same spot Is suffi
cient magnitic attraction to deflect the
needle from the true meridian.
Iu respect of the earth the centre of
its magnetic attraction IS lochted In the
same position.
It is asstimei that the heart is the
source of Magnetic attraction in the
animal body ; may it not be as consist;
ently assumed that some analogous or
ganization is the source of magnetic ,
attraction n the earth? ,
5. If.thee be a vital organizatiOn
within th ~lartlf analogous to the vital
organiza t ti ii 'of animal life then we
have a rig tto look for those phenom
ena in ,the.)earth ' which 'we know to be
the rekilt,of the vital organization of
animal lite. If we tiud those phenom
ena, we may putthem do 'vu as a cop
lirrnatioiclff our theory, on the princi
ple thatli,ite causes produce like results;
if we do- not find them, then on the
same principle, we may conclude that
our premises are not correc.
Tile earth must on the al) ve assump
tion have a breathing a paratus, or
hmething analogous to it. It might,
owever, be said that this toes not nei
eessarily follow ; for • thi 3 eraw ii,,A.
worm ttntt linen in it litt slitrr,e and oeze;
and sometimes down in the deep reees
suzi of Ulf earth, the lisle Whose proper
' clement , 'is water ; and man ':who
breathes the clear attnospbere OT: the
I earth, have all diffeient organizations
fitted to the element in which they
live : sothe earth and the othe'r lieav-
- - - -
only bodies Who live in the attenuated
ether that lilla all space might not re
quire sueli an organization.- FOr "-it
is the inexhaustible multitude of forms
and figures which sets forth 'before our
eyes, in the most striking manner the
infinite power and wisdom' of the Crea
tor:" But in reply it may, be said that
though the Creator knows how, with
the most, pliant liberty of eaten, to
combine the richest variety of develop
ment, w'shall find - that He 'Nvorks in
strict sub rdination to one general law;,
e lti
and that whi the law of life.
- And it is not in fact, Lrue that the
worm and th, fish .hav 'not organs
analogous .to the breath
man and other animals.
Concluded on-4th
$7,00 $12,05
12,00 _lB,OO
30,801 -N,OO
i 30,0 01 90000
ng organs o
a 90.3