1.0.11110 liltA 0 !*VEDNESDAY, - MARCH 24,1899. Ll'ear Advortisementb Notico to Tax-Payers—C. L, Siemens, Setey. limo and Lot for Salo—John Miller. d Wheat—Spencer Crittenden. plirsolution—W. T. Pitzgeraled, & Josiah Moaroo, Jr. ' Wanted—J.D. Ninon & Co. Businese.Cord-L'. S. Perkins, M. D. Smith'illotel—...E. M. Smith. • • Drug Sloro—W. 0. Krose. GoNE 'VEST.—gessre. Wm K. Seeley and Wm F. Geoige, of Brookfield, with their families, have removed to Kansas, intending ,to tut i)Ce that State a IS or mane n t abiding, place. HOTEL CHANGE.—Mr. E. M. Smith has purehieed tho hotel property lately occupicil by L. H. Smith, at Tioga, and has thoroughly refitted and furnished the hotel, for the better accommodation of the public. TIIAIIECIL—The 'proprietors of the Ag itator aro obliged to Messrs. John B. Dimon it Co., of the Niles Valley Mills, for liberal samples of Buckwheat Flour.. It surely rivals wheat in whiteness and flavor.- SELECT SCHOOL.--MiSS. - ELLA MER- Mc% win open a Select School in Union League Hall, Main St., Monday April 5. Miss Merrick has mush experience as a teaohcr, and is in many re s)ects peculiarly fitted to make such a school a decided success. PERSONAL. — Geo. W. Ryon Esq., has removcd from Lawrenceville, to Shamokin, North umberland county, where ho is to engage in tho practice of his profession as Attorney at Law. Mr. Ryon is one of our most enterprising young lawyers, and with the elements of success strong in him cannot fail to succeed in his profession. MANSFIELD ITEMS. - OEM "John WI Adams, Esq., has purchased a ve locipede. Go in, ye daring lovers of novelty, and let !low towns keep quiet and stand aside until they can come to time. Drink to the Bar and the velocipede. More walks were swept after the snow of the ldth than at any one time before during the winter. A TEALCHpR asks : "Why should there be such a diversity of text books in our schools? It ie st-grdat bother." Each a diversity ought not to exist. In this Normeil Dietriof there should bo no diversity. Eusquehana and-Bradford oountfes how tolerate but One series—" Tho 'Union Series"—of text books, and wo suppose that half of 'the schools in Tioga use tho . same series. What is wanted now, is a concerted action of the Directors, bringing Tioge, county into conformity with 'the mail named. • THE DAIRY.—A J.. Webster, Esq., of Mansfield sends us the following : "Raving noticed several items in your journal under the-head of "flutter and • Cheese," I . send you the follOwingeThaement of Mr. D.J.'lluated's dairy for 11388. Mr. Rusted is a Richmond far mer, kept only the cows last year, not "picked cows," and not kept with a view of showing whet they could be made to do : 562} lbs of butter Sat 40 ets , . . . $225,00 60 " " 4.6 " . . . . 27,00 Calves and pork, 51,00 Total, $303,00 "Per head : $lOl,OO. Green corn fodder, from the time it was Jurg: enough, till frost came; fed twice a day ; after frost, pumpkins fed twice a day. If anybody can show better figures; let them show forth." These are good figures. We like the itatemei of feed particularly. DEERFIELD\ —Our corresponden t says : " The riot Deerfield Corners lasi mouth ere ated an intense•oxeitement in this vicinity, an offer thirty of the prominent citizens, propert owners of the neighborhood, signed an ag,cernent binding themselves to pay all sums assessed, no to exceed fifty dollars each in ono year to assilq In enforcing the laws in the township of Deerfield and Borough of Knoxville, in relation to the selling of intoxicating liquor, Gamblinm, , breach of the Peace, and such other similar offences a. may be deemed best by a majority of tho oblige tors. They hold a meeting at Knoxville on the 2}stl ult., organized under the name of "The Law Order Association," and elected an Executiv , Committee of five, to whom was unanitrionsl_ referred the lato.outrago at the corners, with di review' to see that the prosecution of those con cernod therein was properly attended to. "The Committee was also directed to atten to the prosecutioh• of all offenders against th laws, as above stated, that may hereafter tak place and come to their knowledge. "Strong pressure is brought to bear by friend of the parties implioated, to have the matter set tied in somo way without coming to cour, With what suedese remains to bo seen." KnoxrillC, March 10, 1809 MA N.. 9 PIEL D.—ANNIVERSARIES. — Wednesday evening, 17th lust , the Good Tem plays of Mansfield held their 3d anniversary; an as that auspicious day chanced to be the birth day of the Star of Hope Society , the orgnnizationts united)in the celebration. The Star of Hope Sol ciety, af which often mention has been made i these columns, attained the fulness of its tirs 4 t year of exist nee on'that evening. It is a Sol , of boys and iris, numbering about 140 member., pledged to abstinence from profane anti obscone 1 laaguae, lilittors and tobacco. The badge i f the Society i ,a white star with a. red center, u - on a blue background, and is very neat. Tb s Eceiety has done a good work for Manetleld, pr - paring the ground for a largo growth of praetic I Christianity. Its founder is Mrs, Lyman Ile_ - nolds, to whom the idea seems first to have o - curred, but many good men and women have so - rained and strengthened her hands. Mrs. Re - nolds and her co-workers need not monuments .f marble to commemorate their labors. Every be, zacedlrom evil courses by this Society will co i - stitate a bright star in the crown of their &sex • - ing. , Prof. Streit read, on interesting history of t 0 Society from the day, of its organization. 0. . ,i.. Flliott, Esq., read nit equally graphic history f the New gopc Lodge of Good Tempters, bearin witness to the energy and fortitude of _the Lod 0 under adverse circumstances. These readings were followed by short addresses upon the se - jec tof ,temperance reform, the whole enliven 4d and leavened b'y music by the Gice Clubs of t o Societies, not only selected with fine taste, Itt ej ), executed '.with skill. The Church was dens y crowded, the members of the Societies in th it beautiful regalia constituting a marked ft; • turn of tho audience. A deep earnebtness per R ded the assembly, arguing well for the cause is I order and progress in AlausGeld. Altogether le occasion is marked on our tablets as one of It( most agreeable in our experience. The ?cop] o. Mansfield, assembled on such an oreasion, al• ways inspire the stranger pith enthusiasm, e ..a use they are themselves in earned Thurilay morning, accompanied by Prof. AI ei of the N'orinal School, we visited the School foi Suidiers',Orphans. We arrived just as a (roof o: r9sy, laughing girls and buys were tiling into In rceitlliull lourns from the breulifft•t room. II rt vve found Mrs. Etz, the matron, Mr. V. R. Pr tt the principal, and his misoeiafe tea hers, a l ne rtiES Simpson, who presides over. q rather, b ti.' Srst Lady of the Wardrobe. We sited In d , tv'ourics," and found them neat, hi ,, ht, h gh r."'lla, with good ventilation, and coy beds.— l' , . ugh but little after 7 o'clock - the rooms w re I.Lie.red• for another night, and everything in I'l I '. Thence we went to the ,dining ball, wh ch ' is , arge and 6profortable, and shovecl no Inc in it: appointments. In a few minutes wo ante ed the School room and saw the orderly z entraric of - 11 '4 boys and girls preparatory to chapel e. cr -i,:-. The room is nicely futnished\mid ell isaimed. Here wo lisAcned to the W ngin of "'~oral beautiful hymns in which the wi ole IcLool joined, vtith harmony and effect which ew quire of adults are equal to. As wo listened to the sheet music, of the childish voices, and gla ced ,1 1 „ over the array of rosy faces and sparkling e es, '9'e taw, but tbrough a tearful mist, tho arra of 'Castile aurae'', felt the battle shook, and real, ec4 a; never before the ruthlessness - of thd_war, out'of t.O terrible flro of which, these ohildren :petsed i 1 to orphanage"; and tup froth tho reddened fields of which, sprang this noble charity, which will i amortatize Pennsylvania as it sends out from its s.hool minis these children grl3wn . to' ben and TEES. 1 omen. Nothing afforded us so n4ich satisfaction as t .o evident, , but not too demonstrative love of the jidren for Prof. Allen: Eviitry eye brightened she entered, with a kind word for ono and a at on the head for another, and a smile for all. his tells the story, just as the joyous, rosy fades, tells the story of-care for their health. ,In Mrs. Etz, ono of the noblest of women, these l hundred hildren recognize a more that}' flietld. The •ehool is a succe”, nod owes its existence in I jOgn. county to the energy of Prof. Allen, who ought its way when none beside him could see a opo of its success, and through whose economy be State will finally receive back into its coffers very dollar it required to establish it. Tho pie uro of that school room is still present in visual netno'ry. Never, before, have we seen so many lean, rosy faces in a school room. REVIVAL.--A marked revival of re igions interest has been in progress in the Young chool House neighborhood, Charleston, during he last two weeks, under the labors of Rev.' A. . Hammon. Upward of 50 persons have pi°. fessed conversion, sixteen havo been baptised, and many go forward.' Probably no'greater or Moro promising change over took place in a ncighbwhood than may be observed in that M inded to. The interest' manifestedby young and old is wonderful. Let the good wok go on. GOSSIP,—Thc classification of man under two general divisions—civilized and say age—ls not just. There aro tw.o sorts of men in civilized life—permanent and transient. The latter class constitute the brakes upon the wheels of progress, the chain and ball punishment al lotted to the former class, the marplots of the world. You may see ono , of the transient class laboring for a lifetime to gond upon the space described by the circumference of an old fashitined penny, blissfully unaware of the fact thati the world has moved. on. and left him meanwhile. You shall employ ono to chop cord-wood ttitl amuse yourself, if you can keep__ your temper,io watohing his, movements. He may tackle a ma-. plo and fell it; and proceed to cut and split; tho trunk, into wood, Tho moment he sttilses a knurl, and fails to split off a slab at the first blow, he abandons the maple and proceeds to fell a beech. Ho pegs away at the beech until he comes to tho limbs,"whore the knots prevent free cleavage, and then looks ul3 a chestnut, and - fells that. Let such a man alone, and ho will fill your; wood lot with half cut trots, - and leave you back logs enough to - keep an old time B.foot kitchen" fire-place hot for 'half a year. Employ Ettch man to build you a house, , nd lot him alone, and. you may realize an endowm policy in any Lifo Insurance Company beforo yo can sleep under your own roof. Ho will work for ypu while the tit is on, and the next yon know of him he will ba on an odd job for some : man .who can givo himthot moro than a day's work. This comes of his transientness. Ho must halo change. lie -will not finish any fob withoiti dropping his tools a dozen times an hour and chasing hero and there, like a bull-with a bullet in his skull. You have seen men of this stamp swooping about like spariow" hawks, apparently full of business. But it would puzzle a Philadel phia lawyer to toll what they accomplished in a day. Such mon seem to be entirely satisfied with a certain amount of action and noise. Set. one to shingle a roof, and if he makes so many hammer strokes per day, or so many motions, be imagines himself to be a business man of thc . first water. Set him to carry a bud, and ho win - esti 'mate himself by the number of trips ho makes from the mortar bed to the top of the wall,-und not by the quantity of mortar he has carried- up. As an employer he would value men according to the number of motions they could make in a min ute, or by the loudnescof the grunts they emitted in lifting fifty pounds. • —Now, healthy processes are ever Flow. Sane men work away all lay, quiet, deliberate,. anob trusive. When night comes you are surprised to find that these quiet fellows have done two day's work in ono. Others, of tho transient order; blow and strike, and clamor and clatter, and.pull off their coats with an air of tearing created things to tatters; and when night comes they have done nothing l a t all. Such men do not the work of the world. The permanent class do that, you know. The transient class are nothing but steam whis tles, capable of a heap of noise, bat aiding in nowise to move the machinery of the worn. —Bully for "John 8., who comes at us thus: -.- "Accidental" " I thank you for your kind offer of "holding the sponge" but I am not asking ter office; and if I were, should not like the signal of defeat to be in your hands, knowing how reluctant you would be to use it. - No, Sir; when my follow oithens want my services they will _say so, 'and they will not put me to the trouble of traveling over the county to solicit the vote of the delegates in my own favor. I would rather out cord wood at 25 cents a cord, than comply with the present custom (which would bq morn honored in its breach than its observausio). Your eoluians are open for any citizens toexpress their wants and wishes, and youiadvertising columns for any, candidate to mako himself known, if he is worth knowing." - , SULLIVAN.—In reading an account of the history of Sulliitan township, pnblished in your columns some time sineo,..l -noticed that several of the statements therein were incorrect. If you will allow me, -I 'will rectify these mis takes, and add such other_ instance=, ns I shall deem interesting. • • - I came into Sullivan township in 1807. I liras at that time twenty years of ago. I_ hove ever sincelivea in, or near, that place. At the time I went there, it contained only . six families, as follows: Allen Lane, Ensign Mitch• ell, Oliver Jennings, Isaad Westeott, Abraham West and Samuel Reynolds. Allen Lane was tho first - Settler and built the first frame house; . Dr. Guernsey was the first physician that ever practiced there, instead of Dr. Parkhurst, as before stated. John Gray was the first merchant, instead of John Fox. The first school house was constructed in 1808. A young lady taught the ensuing summer, and I taught the following winter, for the sum of $B,OO. per. month, Our nearest gristmill was situated iu Troy, where "tong's Flouring ➢Sill" new stands and that was of no superior kind. for it 'was capable of grinding nothing but corn. I Starvation must certainly have ensued, had it not been for the immense numbers of ,speckled trout that swarmed our streams,' and the deer, that abounded in the forests. Danger surrounded us on all sides, In the shape of boasts, but with strong arms and *willingOlearts, we were every ready, to defend ourselves, and each other, from all encroachments made by them.' None but those who hl.vo passed through sim ilar scenes, can know the anxiety, the'isuffering and hardships, that we, as pioneers endured. The inhabitants were as one fatally, and such was the sympathy they expressed, that each re joiced at another's joy nnd. grieved, at another's EOTIOW. No foolish pride, or envious , feelings swelled the bosoms of my rude, but generous neighbors. , lam the only one among those ' pioneers, who is now living„ii,nd I feel that 16hali soon numbered with them; but I sLeud ready to go whenever my Maher shall call me, hoping that I may carry 'home to llirn the sheaves he tent me to gather. GARDNER SEAMAN. Richmond March 12.1809. ir Young men of to-day : Read "th i n ;Loa but q' simple annals" firegoing, and when tempted to ,e complain of your lot, remember the t. itds of the c sturdy men who hewed the impro‘iid forms o: t, Tiega 'county out of the primeval f:reLt, did V, ell d the work appointed them, and await their sum_ i 5 mons imerubittered by extraordinary labors and privations., Mr. seaman, our venerable corr. ci.,.ndent, is now 82 years old. lie was born with the nation which has grown rich and powerful .luring his He has lived under the adunnistration of every President and been a spectator of the wondrous progress of t t i lie republic. These aged pioneers ought to be tte object of veneration to the teen who now rejoice in their prime. No one sentence in his sketch more deeply touches the heart than that noble test)inony . to the unselfish neas of the pioneers. They rejoiced 'with each other, and shared each other's griefs. Is that the ease with the sou l s and daughters of the pioneers? We fear n 4. The history of struggle and hardship is a hist/ry of the fraternity of the world. ' Prosperity appears to harden men and women. Yet it ougbt hot. to do thnt; it ought to even their hearts. - 3113 . 13:is3saatialsic. EANING.— tfugh Young C04 , 11F0 now receiving their Spring ,Stook ,of Wall land ' Windowl•linpers, Curtains; Curtain Fixtures; Cord and . tassels; hilt', Cornices, which they aro now selling at very low figures. Pcrsop i s wanting goods in.,their line will do - Tall to examine their stook before , buying' elsenheril. No charge for showinggoalls: class,- First presidia:l; Double-!bread Machines, and the Wilcox A; Gibbs Single thread, twisted Icor-stitch Machines, for Belo by MRS. A. M, PITTS. Mansfield, March 17,1869-4 w. - SEWING MACHINES. IEI HJr.,OWE, Jr. first Premium Sowing Ma ll 4 * chino for salo in IYollsboro, by Out. 28, 1868-2 t. A. FOLEY. The laigest, best and cheapest assort ment of frames over brought into 'bogs County, with large picturos'in 'every . way to suit, and card photographs at $1,50 per doz., all going fast at Frank Spencer's Art Gallery, blandled, Pa. Dee. 25—tf. ' MARRIAGES 11 ER.It IN OTON— A USTIN.--=ln Cha leston, Mare h 18, nt the residence of ishithan Austin, by Rev. A. G. Ham 'nun, Mr. A. F. Herrington, of. Potter Co., and Miss Suian C, Austinof Charleston, 2 DEATHS. lIILIMETIL—In Delmar, March 14, of typhoid fever, A delta J. daughter of George and Julia Hildreth, in the 14th year of her ago. mdrtir.y.—.To normigtoo;mromord co. Pa., Jan. 17, nora M., wife of J. F. Morley, and third daughter of Itev. 11. L., and 'O. E. Stillwell, aged 21 yrs. 10 mo. and 26 dayq. •- How can we bear to leave her Wrapped ‘ ln the chilly , mold, -Buried away from the llotho•light ' Under the anow•4rlfts cold ? tlono from our endless yearnings, Uone from our mutest' call, Where the winters never darken And never the blopeome fall," Aud where earthly ties now riven ?than be joined anew for aye" • , And-sorrow's night forgotten • • .Itt the light of an endieee day. B. SO NE THING • :NEW 5 . 11410 MVZOSIBtII4II 10 for . 91,2' . 5,, AT WOOD'S GALL ERY, 1 1 7ollsborp. (mar 24 Caution. WHEREAS, nl.wife, Julia E. Spaulding, has left my bed' and hoard- without just 1. catti-e nr irovocation, I therefore forbid all per sons liar oring or trusting her on Iffy aceount, as I will pa. , nu debts-of-her contracting after this dare. I - JOHN SPAULDING. Marc:,•:ii - ---- - 1 569.-3 w. For -Sale. ON"pair largo 'foam Horses, weight 2,800 lbs., 2 Utica Wagons, 1 _light two horse Democrat Wngon, I light two horse covered Wa gon, 5 pair Bob Sleds, part new, '2 Sett heavy Harness, pr. binding Chains, Jr.c. Terms easy. Fur further particulars inquire at the store of J. B. DIMON & CO. Niles Valley, March 17, 1889—tf. NEW SPRING' GNU J. A. Parsons & Co., Wu invito your attention to'our No* Stock as ceo think you will find it very attractive and cheap. We du- not, as most in, the trade, claim great advances, &c., but intend to giro more goods for n dollar, taking the average of our stock, than nt any time for several years. Our Linen Stock is very largo and ohcaP. Brown Table.Llnens 4s, 81 Bs, per yard Bleached Table Cloths in extra Sizes and • Qualities. , - Napkins from Torrolti from Torelliuge $1,50 to $5,00 doz $1,75 to $0,50 " ls, 10c, 18, 20c,, 25c, 2.6, 38 Full lines of Proper) , Musllits; Marseilles Quilts, Table• Spreads, check and striped Nain sooks, ttu., at very reasonable prices. In Domestic Cottons our Stock is every desirable. With as many Leading Goods at Low Rates as ever. ` We have , Brown Shootings yd. wido.l2i ots. Bleached muslins is per yd. Handsome Prints Is yd. Common Prlnts , 6} ,00n i ts,nncl all other pods such us Chocks, 'Denims; =Ticking!, stripes, &c., squally cheap. _ Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, & ' Cotton ades. A larger stock than usual, and at still lower prices. Dress' Goods and- Shawls. AV( have a fine Stock of early Spring Goode, very-cheap. BLACK ALPACAS. We are keeping At still Larger Stock of the same makes of which we sold su mad? last .43al.ons,,aud aro now selling them at,abent.lo per cent Lets 'than last fail. %Vo, shell :keep all the numbers having theta atT3s, 41, 4860, ss, 08, 7s, Ss, 10s, 12s, and we know, that tico,Alio can beat Ll 3 either as to prices,..qulities i or_p,s tst to the BOOTS & SIIOES. Our trade last year was larger in this stock than over before, and we desire' to inorease it this soason, and to do so, intend to keep a still better stock -in fino work for Ladies . and Chil dren. We shall continue to keep up our largo assortment of • Richardson's Work -in Men's and 7 Buy's Shoes ; •Woinen's Chir., dren's Calf; Kip and Rome- 3 co Shoes. At mlout the sanse, prices as last year. This work iA-'the most roli , iblo of any sold, and our isrgq 'rade enables us to sell it at a 'very small ' profit, In ladies'. Serge Congress Gni /erg, Serge Bala-lorals,,and Polish Boots. Also. Kid and Pebble Goat JVor) We shall keel, a much larger stock than ever before, aria Fell it less than re .1111 r prices; Wi_NTLIt .GOODS. We aro selling off tlio balance of our a tocl. of Winter Shawls, Sacqueings, Dress Good, Ftirs, &c. At a ) rediietion of full 25 per cent, from . pur regulir Prices, any one desirous of buying very cheap can now do so. ' S. A. PARSONS" & CO. gorning,l4aroh 10,1866, • li =lli Bs, Ss, 1.014-128, NE,I y 44.D.r.gR4q,4ME1VT.4. VIVA7I4 . 1 1 To TAR 17 QILRING CLASS:74 am now prepared to fur nish all classes with constant employment at thole homes, the whole of the time. or for the spare rno. Manta.- Badness new, light and profitable. Fifty cents to $5 per evening, is either earned by persons or either ter, and the boys mid girls eats nearly as much as men,. great Inducements are offered those who win de vote-their v)hore Unto to the baslness ; and, that every person who Befall& notice, may send mo tittle address 'and test the business for themselves, I make the follow. log nnparalleldd . offee: ''Po all those who are not, well satisfied with the business I will send $1 tom for the trouble of writing - me, Full particular!, directions, 'sent free. Samples sent by mall for lOcts. Address • • ' • - • E. O. ALLEN, • • • • • • • • ..... • • • An gusto; March 17, 18594 m. -" • • Farming for Sate. , rt 5 to 75 acres on eitho side of the oga (1) River and 'below Mansfield, within a mile of the villre. Apply to Jau ea R. Wilson, on the premises,or to GUILFORD R. WILSO/. Buffalo, N. - ' . March 17, 1869-3 w. LPookot • Book lost between East Charleston and Chatham Valley, containing papers oc tb the owner, but of no value to the finder : one recleipt -from the Bingham Es tate, ono 11. S. License, several orders far Sew . - ing machines and Other papers, but , no money. The finder-will confer a great favor by giring in formation to the owner, or by leaving the same at this office. M. 0. SUTTON. • Bast Charleston, March 17, 1889-20 Assignee's Notice. Nv.ESTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA; ss. -- The under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Zopher Teed, of Pine Township in the County of Lycoming and State of Pennsylva nia, within said District, who has boon ad judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Distiiet Court of said District.. - ' - J. HARRISON, • WeUsher°, March rt, 1889-Bnr. Assignee. TNAIia * DISTRICt COIIRT of th 6 V.• S., for tho Western Distriot of Pennsylvania: Hathaway Losey, a bankrupt under the Act.of Congress of March. 2, 1861, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, Notice is hereby given .to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested to appear on.tho 27th --day of March, 1869, at 10 O'clock, a. in., before E. E, Smith, esq., Reg ister, nehis office in TiOga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why A discharge should not be granted the said bankrupt. And further no tice is, hereby given that the 2d and 3d meetings of creditors of said bankrupt,. required by the 27th and 28th sections of said Act, will bo held before the said Register at the. same time and place. S. C. MoCANDLESS, Mar.l7, 1869-2 t Azsignee'i3 Notice. WESTERN District of-Pennsylva nia, ss. The undersigned hereby gives notice Of his appointment as Assignee of F. D. Bunnel. of We!labor°, in the County of Tioga and State Of Pennsylvania, 'within said District, who has boon adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District.. JOHN I. MITCHELL. Wellaboro, Pa.,.lllarch 10, 'OO,-43w.• Asolgaeo. • • , r SELLING OFF AT COST FOR CASH I U ) g V 72111.12,4413 4%.4 CO. Will soll from this dato theiii entire stock of DRIGS, lIDDICINES, Perfumery, Notions, Dye■ Stunk, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, ' Curtain,, Flkturns, &c.l AT COST _ Positively ; Weßettor°, March 3 WA _ ' rl I A ~~ ` _ . _ - il;-V7.111 3 V' 8 The undersigned • ould respectfully inform the citizens of Tioga and vioinity . that ho has Just opened a Watch ml Jewelry eatabliabinent hi Do prepared 'to execute busineaa with despat ALL WORK Tinge, Fob. 24, 18 T e ( Administ tors of'Admini.' J_J ed to tlike under Mine Benjamin, lat , sons ndebted to, 01 , '.., will eettle•with - rob. 17,11880.8w.1 FOR CASH no Humbug. I • . WILLIAMS' lc CO 1869 CHES I —c-- . - , - ‘\' o s ; r 45 i , c.J don's Drug Store, and is all orders in his lino of and'in the best of man- WARRANTED. S. WILE. EMI ator's Notiee. tration having been gran signed upon the Estate of of Delmar, doo'd, all per 'maiming against the estate SARAH BENJAMIN, Admix, REGULATOR STORE! CORNING, N. Y. -i .. QM HAVINCI purchased the ()Miro stook former ly owned by H. Goff, we would announce to the people of TlOga County that wo have just received a full assortrnentof SEASONABLE GOODS, bought since the -recent decline in prices, and we invite all who appreciate good bargains, to give us a call. No shall continually keep a full stock of • DRESS GOODS, mm lam Pa a num SILK GOODS, WHITE GOODS, 4Cc•ttc•xL Gli-co cult", WO9LEN AND PAISLEY SHAWLS Y NKEE NOTIONS, BOOTS AN ' B SHOES, ___` GROCERIES, CROCKERY, dm., iSte. •You havo only to look through our stock to satisfy yourselves, that we are soiling "Cheaper than the Cheapest." Country iderelants supplied at small advauee from Now York Oost. NEWELL & OWEN. Corning, Oot. 20, 1868.—1 y. L The Battle has been Fought AND VICTORY WON_ GOODS high in quality and low in price 'have carded the day, and hereafter will be found ready and willing for active and efficient eeivice in behalf of all those who will call and give their orders at WIC MIAMI & . FARR'S, TIOGA, PA Oa the Dry Goods side we havo a full and complete and assortment of ➢'all and Winter GOODS, Good ataok of 1 Flannels, Sheetings, Prints, Id:aline, De lanes and Dress Good; with a great/ variety of YANKEE NOTIONS with which 4, fill in and trim up. We wool. ' call speaial attention to our assortment of Hats and Caps, with prices which we know will compare favora bly with "pricesof the same goods before the war. Boots arid Shoes; I I i whieb hambeen made to order from perfect stook with warrantee. Work ready to be shown and fitted to all ensign:tom The .Grocery stock 1.- chides,' Flour, Pork, Fish, Salt, Sugars, Ras, Cot. fr e e, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, &C., die., • Then coons the WOODEN WARE, such Tubs, Pails, Wash Boards, Mop &Joke, Bag, Boxes and Pails, 'together with numerous otbe Goods, such as Crockery - , Glass-ware, Stone•waro Ato., which wo will always be gladao show an. risk the selling after the goods are soon and ox amined• - I ' WICKHAM .1c BARB I Tioga, Oot.lo, 1868. Great Bargains For all who call at Wilson &, Van Valkenburg No. 2 Union Block. in French Merinoes, Empress Cloths, 13 , Tver Sackings of all discriptkins, Poplins of all colors. DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STY 1 FACTORY'S, y SHEETINGS; BLEAI ED AND UNBLEACnED MUSLIN' HOOP SKIRTS, of every description, DRESS TRIMMINGS E BUTTONS of all kinds; also the largest • oheapeat arsortment of READY MADE CLOTHE I] over brought into Tioga County,___Rome.. tho pinoo,-,und oat before puraosing,_ Wo have a largo assortment of Gouts' Porn ing Goode, consisting of Drawers, tnder-Shirts, Flannel Shi Ruck Sleeves, and Mittens, an Clothing of every' description manufactured to suit. Thankful for past.patronage, and by etrio tention to business we hope to share a son , anae of tho same. WILSON ,t VAN VALKENBII Welleboro,Oot.l2, 1868—tf FOR SALE one pair of *agar° Bobs, 51 Dee. 28,1898 . •TOlißil 4 13141111E10 Fall & Winter• Goods W E have received a very LAROBSTOOK of FALL AND WINTHR GOODS on the' moat favorable terms, and will be sold at very small advance from cost. We think we hazard nothing in saying that we keep the and the BEST QUALITY of Goads diet are kept in the place. 'Have a store light criOgh to see what you are buying.cand pledge ourse ( lyes to quality considered, as at any othorestablishment Wo continuo to mako our on short notice and in tho best manner. Wo have added to our stook a good assortment of BRUSSELS, aIREE - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND 111 GREAT U. S. TEI COMPANY and sell TEA at New York prices by tho singlo pound. All visiting Corning, areinvited to call and examine stook and prices. . SMITH & WAITE. Corning, Oot. 1, 1868. Let "(7.9 Have P'"V.AA_C_Z! I' you writ to see a good stock of FA_LTI & WINTER GOCiDSI 11.44ZZINZ Unii3it 50klIZZ ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, &c., ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPA,RT- TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA. FLANNELS, I),ORSEZS, DOMESTICS. READY-MADE Cloths and Cass'mores Cut and HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAIL , IRON, • SALT, LIME, PLASTE ,-PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga P aster, &a, the most complete stock you onn find, such as TEAS. We are old tca drinkers and know them to be godd. Also, Butter Tubs and Pail. d mission—no charges for d like a small portion of the ... turn, that is if our prices a • FARM RS All kinds , nd sup If you do want good W CO U PRY taken in exchange for G. sell our Goods reasonably. prices given'at the counter Cash paid for produce HI Administrato LETTERS of admini granted to the tinders' Chester Patridge, late o deceased, all persons ind., or claiming against the szt a Charlesioil;Feb. 474 IN CORNING. _.___:,...... t ......__ BEST ASSORTMENT SELL AS LOW, CLOTH TRADE one of our speoialties, and when dosired MAKE THEM TO ORDER CARPETS, consisting of STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOiTH and MATTING., and can sell them HOW VERY LOW. We are the agents for the go to` T. L. BALDWIN Or. GO'S TIOGA, PA If you want such as MENT COMPLETE, A - fresh to Boots an 1 I GROCERIES, SUGARS, MO ,and in fact everything • T. L.l Tioga, Pa., Nov. 25,186 UM "BiIE.IIIVII EXCIIINGE!" sing, I sing °fa curious thing, Almost ae strange ae Boggs upon Ty ng; I've swung 'round a eirole as round as taring, And while on the down east part ofiny swing, I stopped at the city and took on the Spring STYLES OF GROCERIES SUGARS ARE ROW IN THE NEM have a freer run downward, with, a funnel-eba ped trail. however, aro out from the nook downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. ' = TEA will ;e prepared from a drawing furnished to ever. k.ustomer who buys a pounds Of the styles to tilt complexions, dm, I may mention that you - 6 en have If you-long for it. I cannot get Limo to look up all the hard words which the .1' ' GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY use to startlo the innocent pooplo aboutthe coun try; but you can depend upon finding tho very BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE? tho styles aro various. You can have the latest styles from th'o following fashionable foreign ports, to wit s MOCHA, JAVA, RIO, LAGUYRA JAM ) . _ AICA, &O. • Mar still wears hoops over all, and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades . eatable. Also, ' ogother with a full assortment of light groceries Paya Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Chartered by Speci'l Aci okeongress Where all Correspondence should be Addressed. CLAJLENOE 11. CLARK, President, JAY COOKE, Chairman rinlinee 441 lisecutive Com. Bryan' D. CooKE, Vice-President. EIETtBON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. Circ‘lara. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to tho Branch Office of the Company, or to' - R. C.•SIMPSONy WELLtiabno, PA., by whom appliiiations will be re and Pol cries procured for Tioga County. Deo. 9, 1868-Iy. LOTHING, and a Tailor to W ANTED- Shoes, ASH LOOS, ( at our Mill. Cash paid for them. We are ready S to BMW for customers. Bring of your logs. Lath and pickets always on han ;Ms. Ash logs must bo 1 BON ,' Wellsboro, Deo. 16, '6B.tf GAYUGA P ASSES, the Grocery line. ; Butter sold on corn . ondling; but_ would oney. you got in re- -- DR C. h. DAI?77, I S: Co. aiiit•continue the busligess of " 0 .111116111 Dentistry kin \Vollsboro whine they respect fully solicit the patronage of all Who need, or desire the services of a. Dentist. Baying been for the past fourteen years engaged in Dentistri 'exclusively, they feel confident of giving perfect atisfaction in all operations intrusted to their care. Special attention given to the treatment of car ies, irregularities, exposed nerves, ulceration, and infatuation of the gums, and all other dis eases to which the teeth and gums are subject. ,Pal'First Class'lVWrit guaranteed in both me ehrtuical and operalivh Dentistry. fC as and Ether given fur extracting teeth. )11 - ..?P•Orrici; over Rook rind Jewelry Store. Welishorio, Feb. 2 f1t19.-tf. TOOLS, riot quality 't fail to try ours warrant it. RODUCE ode. Wepropose to "Live and let Live" only one price. desired. I3ALDWIN it CO ''s Notioe. Itration having been i gned upon the estate of Charleston township, btod to the said estate, o will settle with - EL PtTRIDGE, KOHLIM, !la Adzi've. 'rho fashions for And moreaatoniahing still, Molasses & Syrups metols.e3re•l, TEA -TEA Black Tea best of Teas at the As to •Ofree, In the matter of PROVISIONS! PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, and canned delicacies. As over MATHERS PRODUCE. CALL AT ItIA.THERS'S Wollsboro,-Apr. 1, '6B. W. T. MATHERS NATIONAL 01' THU UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, WASITINGTON, D. C APPROVED JULY 25, 1888.1 Cash Capital. $1,000,1000, PAID IN PULL. BRANCH OFFICE First National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, OFFICERS Lots of Fres FOR $7, T. L Tioga, Feb. 3, 18130. • DENTI (111010 E LOT or GRAN BAGS for ealo c h eap nt WRIGHT 'Ss BAILEY'S. Wollsboro, June 5,1 S )7, TOILWORN, TUE BEST STYLE, and t jvdth lespatah'.a t THE AG LT AZ Cdt Office. DIL. FETCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT BM, ler tale at Roy'4 Drug Store. MIEN largest Wssortuaent of Watehes,Cleeks JoWelry And Plated Ware in -Tioga county 11,9d0066) FOLEY'S. STOVES, STOVES - , STOVES. Main :Strant l f Wellsborq , Fennia, HAVING been appointed .agent for all Brat elm Stoves man nfaotured by Shear, Paok ard 46 Co., of Albany, N. Y. f am now ready to furnish thefollowing namedeelehrtited Stoves COOKING STOVES, AMERICAN I NATIONAL, HOME OQMPANION, MONITOR.. THE BENEFAOTOR,. the latter of which is the best'attrre.for oOMMen use over in market; being cheap, well made ) and couveulsat. I have also, a varlet' ty of CAST IRON, various patterns, SHEET IRON, Self Regulators. ALSO—Stoves suitable for burning hard or soft coal, Will be furnished to order. Customers will dp well to eramino my stook, which ht as full and wall soleotod as jmy in Northern Penn sylvania. I have also pdt in a full stock of TEA! of all s orts. Thankful fo'r liberal patronage in the peat, I respeetfullyeoliolt a coatinurmea of the same. Sept. 16, 1868. 171_ W. NAVLE, Would say to his friends Ur. that his Harness Shop is now in fiallblalt, and that he is prepared to furnish heavy or ligtt i -- ieiariaefisks•oes, on short notice, in a good and ilubatanCLll man ner, and at prices that can't faint) salt. Tho beet workmen ate 'employed,itad natio but ho best material used. Call and sea. Dee. 9, 1808—ly. G. W. Nenn. Tn oonsequence or Zioitness, the Ilan known j heretofore as King It Eastman's Gallery of Art is hereby mutually dissolved. agreeable *to both •,parties. The business wil4 hereafter b• carried on by CLAY KING, - - OPERATOR AND PROPRII4TOBj At the old stand over Eastman's Dentn.l Off The. Constantly on band a large assoirt l menCof FRAMES, SQUARE AND OVAL OVAL Also oases just received, which will be fitted frith large or small pictures of the boat quality and at reasonable rates. copied from old Ambrotypes or Hagnerreotno et deceased friend& Having Bemired the soli see of one of the best 13nIshers In Ink-sepia or Oil. lam prepared to 111 . 1 all orders. at $2,00 per dozen, either cards or vignettz ; large size from $2,00 to $lO,OO eaoh. Also a large lot of CASES which I will itt with pictures from 60 cents to $3,00. No °bursa = showing Goods. Espeoial attention paid i tp making Pictures for families in groups.- Also is flat; Assortment of PHOTOGRAPHS and tin type albums, worth from. GO cents WIT. House and Lot for Sale. , flol7BBlnpd. Lot, and vacant lot for laide, cheap..‘' - lioctition Wellaboro, and dertipable. Inquire at the Agitator 011100. Oct. 28, 1888-,bf. New Tannery. • undersigned has fitted tip the old Form d y building, near the Browory, Wellsboto and is now prepared to tarn out fine oulf, eowhido, and harness leather in the best man ner. Hides tantied on shares. Oath _paid for hides. • • M. A. DURIF. Wrellsbor4 Oat. 14, 1888. • At Woods ' Gallery 9 Gem Pictures for 75 ots. All Styles;r4 work cheaper than olseWhere. Call and E. a. nELELEr. WHOLESALE AIZNID RETAIL DEALER IN Flour, Feed and' Meal, Westfield, Tioga Co, Pa. Nov. 11, 1868.-1 y ANOTHER NEW AND LARGE STOOK OF ALBUMS, Just reoelved by P. R.AVllliams 6;"Co. The greatest and cheapeet variri4 , ever biought into. town. Albums from 75 cts., to 320 each. Call and see. P. R. WILLIAMS & CO: Welleboro, Dec. 23, 1388. " . -The American Cnoking Stove - Is steadily increasing in sales and in publio fa vor, notwithstanding the attempts to imitate its nant%, itslUeslgn and various improvement', and to appropriate or detract from• ita great reputa tion. 'l2le people soon learn that they are de ceived• nd swindled by these Worthleia /mita done, ; c i s, nd go back to the article of standard and well k own value,land these mushroom Imita tions h ve their rief existenolk, and are heard of no morcovhilst the AIIERI64N, pursues the even tenor of its way, and will continue to do so as long as Stoves continue to bo necessary ar ticles of household furniture. , r 14 feet long. ' N TRUMAN, NOTIOE is hereby given that I shall expose to public Sale at my office in Tioga, Tio ga county Pa., on Saturday the 20th day of March next at ono o'olook P. M. Book accounts and judgments of Lawton Cummings against various individuals at Mansfield, and vicinity, I ;or cash. A schedulo of the accounts and judg ments containing the name of the Debtors, and the amount claimed to bo due, will be exhibited at the time of salo• JOHN W. GIIBRNEY, Assignee. i' Ground AsTi I R ,0 ut BALDWIN CO. TRY. WILLIAM ROBERTS, Agent for all first's:tines Eitovos, ELEVATED OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, X-Maxsclweeare. HARNESS SHOP I clams- mL.iaLtrasi ART GALLEY. SIZES MADE TO ORDER, PHOTOGRAPHS 1 TWELVE GEM CARDS for $l,OO, or $4 for 81,80. PHOTOGRAPHS, Wellsboro, Dots. 9, 1888 Jan. 20, 18694 f SHEAR, PACKARD b CO., Nos. 17 and 19 Green st.,Ajbany, N. Y. For sale by Wit. Ronants, Wellsbnro, Pa. Feb. 10, /809-ow. - - Assignee's Sale. 11 Fob. 10, 18.09-4 w. Do you want to save.money Go to 'Wood's Gallery for . your Pictures, Frames, an 4 Casot., it will east you nothing to enquire his prices. Wollsboro, Jan. 13, 1569.—tf. Administratl I_JETTERS of Athninist - the Estate of Ercder son township, Tioga 'Co. 1 granted, all persons own Li ing agaitist the same, trill Feb. 10, 1869-6 w Executor'6 FETTERS Testamental to tho undersigned ,turnad Losey, late or indebted to, or claming a sottlo with T.IIOIIA Nk; H. J A 1li , " , Nelson, Fob. 17, 1:360 Cabmet Cord phorosraphs, 'and all special sizee, and hueet!styles of pietures, finished in first-claws manner at Spencer's Art Gallery. Mansfield, Feb. 3, 1860. DO. you want some of that ologant new style card photographs t i bo had for 51,50 • per doz., at Spencer's Art t:tuitcry ? Mapstleld, Feb. 3, 1889. ROBEIVPS CLAY KING. 11. H. WOOD. r's Notice. ration de boni4 non on ok Tither late of „Tack a., d'ec'd, having becin said estate, or claim settle with L. 73. SHEIVES, Adm'r. I 1 tice; y 114 ing'been granted I pon ithe ostato of 41. r. -on, cleo'd, all parsons ain4 said estato must IVA .tREN, ) _ T. LOSEY. Exra*