The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 17, 1869, Image 4
A Naughty Little Girl's Views of Life, I'm only a little girl,. but I think I have as much right - to say what I want to about things as a boy. I hate boys they're so mean ; they always grab all the strawberries at the dinner table, and never tell us where they are, going to have any fun.. Only I like Gus Rog ers. The other day Gus told rue he was going to let off some fireworks ;• and he' let Bessie Nettle and me go and look at them. - All of us live in, a hotel, and 1)18 mother's room has a window with a balcony. His Mother was going out to buy sera's. Crane do lie- to put On her face, and he'd went and get eleven boxes' of tacit& matches, and ever SO many pieces of castilesoap; he steeled them from the housekeeper. Just when she went to put them in the clo4et, Gus Weitt, and told her Mrs Nettle wanted her' a minute, and while she was gone he grabbed the soap and matches, and when she come back he watched her and she got real mad, and she seolded Della (tins is the chambermaid), and said slie knowed she did it, and I was real glad, because when I Was turning aowersets on my mother's bed the oth er deylDella slapped ate, and said she wasn't going to make the bed two times to please me ; then Bessie and me Vicked . the matches in the soap like ten-pins, and Gus tired then ant', and they. blazed like anything, And they made an awful smell, and Gus went and' turned a little gas on lo's his mother would think it was that. We got our dinner with the nurses, •'eaus the man that keeps the hotel charges full' price for the children if they sit at the table in the dining room. Once my mother let me go duvet' with her, arid I talked a heap at the table, and a gentleman that sat ne4t, to us said, "Little girls should be skew and not heard." The mean old thyug died last, week,, trod I was real glad, and I - told Della so, and she sitid quit if I went and said things like, that, I couldn't go to Heaven. .uch she knows about it; and I wouldn't want to go if dirty things like she went there, Yesteiday Mary, our nurse; told Bessie, Nettie's nurse, that she heard* Larry Finnegan was uoing to marry• her. Larry is one of the waiters, and he saves candies for me from the big dining room ; and Bessie Nettle's nurse, said; "Oh ' 'Lord ! what a lie !" and Bessie • Nettle went into her mother's reom, and her little brother said she nipped him, and Bessie.taid : "Oh, Lord! what a lie!" and you should have heard how her mother did . talk to her,; and she went and shut her up in a dark room where she kept her trunks, an didn't let her have nothing but bread and water; and Gus Rogers went and yelled through the key hole, and said : "Bes sie' the devil is coming to ketch you," and Bessie screamed . and almost bad a lit, and her mother told Mrs. Rogers and got Gus licked, and Gus -says he's\ a mind to set the house on lire some day, and burn her out. One day I went -into the parlor and ereeped *under the sofa, and there wasn't nobody there. They don't let dogs nor , children go into the parlor, and I thihk Ts real mean ; and I had to creep si t er the sofa so nobody could ace me; \i nd Mr. Royce came in, and Miss Jack . son I ; she said that children was worse huisauces than dogs. And Mr RoYee and :less Jackson _came in, and silted • down on sthe sofa and he said, "0 Louisa, I do love you so much," and then lie kissed her,"for I heard it smack. And then she said, "0, Thomas, I do wish I • _ could believe you ; don't you never kiss . anybodF - else?" And ho said, "No, dearest," and I yelled o u t', "O, what a tdg i .tese !!! for I s,l ss him kiss Bessie j‘•;'ettle's muse in ,ti,e hall one n ight when Oleos was tam eed 'levy n. Didn't he jump up; you bet: end he pulled me out, and toned In v . foe:!%, arid lie said, "On you wicked child where do you e.xpact ties° to for telling such stories?" And ,I told him, " You sled up; I MIA going anywhere With you." I wish that man would itie like the other one, so I -do ; and I •doe't care whetho lie goes to heaven or not. Gus Roger's Mallet' had a lunch par ty in her parlor, and they had cham pagne, and they never gave him any, and when his mother wasn't looking, he found a bottle half full on the side! i,„,„,, --- ,„, e, ..].....- .e.i.iiiy wa sh t inere; and Gus and toe dritiked it out of the glass Mary brushes her teeth in; and it was real nice; and we looked ill Mary's wardrobe and found her frock she goL • to church in ;:and Gus put It on, an Mal•y's bonnet too • and we went in the hail, and we tumbled down and tared Mary's frock, and made my nosebleed; and Gus said, "Oh, there's an earth quake," 'cause he couldu's stand up mid you should see how the house did go up and down—awful; and Gus and me laid down or_ the carpet, and the; housekeeper picked me up and took me to may mother's room, and my mother said, "Oh, my ! whatever have you,' beep doing?'' mid I said, "Oh, Lord! drinked champagne out of Gus Rogers mother's bottle, in the glass that, Mary brushes her teeth in." And the house -1; et ; f ,:r says,' Ott! my goodness gracious I' that child's as tight as a brick ;" and I - said, "You bet; bul ly for you ;'' and I wt - a 5 awful sick, and I've forgot what, else. HANDLING 'A COLT'S , FLt T.--Cotki 'Lieut.° gently to pick up his feet, and i i `t . he resists you reprove him for it by Pulling down a little in the mouth with the bridle, which will act like a charm. 1f it is the hind feet you wish to handle, put a strap to his hind foot and bring up the foot; then the moment he kicks, bring down on the mouth sharply with the bridle, In a shortl time ho wi U alit In•brder to amuse th children on a Sal,diath, a lady was mg, ged in reading frotri the bible the story of David and ( - Lona!' ; and, coming t that passage in NOlich Galiath so boas ingly and de fiantly dared the yotim_,*_tripling,,s, lit tle chap, ,almost in his tirA trousers, f-aid : " Sister, skip that, skip that; lit.'s blowing! I want to know who licked !" A i4ory is told of a western lawyer, who lately attended a religious meeting where lie was called upon to offer pray er. Fot being experienced in such a duty he rose and attempted the Lord's prayer, and succeeded •very well until he came to the passage, " Give us this-day pur daily bread;!' When from the force of habit he IM mediately added,, " \Vith costs." " I'll neither tell my aefor census or the sovereign," said th 3 cook, most resolutely, to her mas.terwho was iwe paring for the enumerator. ° Ve r y well, I'll put down sixty-live," was the cool reply. " Upon mr l honor, sir, I , was only. fifty-eight last birthday," 0 exclaimed the cook. .A'd ndy strutting about a tavern, took '1 ip!'s pair of green spectacles whnYh lay on the table, put them on ; his nose, and turning to the looking glass said: " Landlord, how do these become me?" " I think they do," re plied the landlord, " they hide a part your face." I Wheat bran, oatmeal, scraps of meat, bheeserinds should be fed to hens at his time of the year, because they con ain albunien, of which there is much nan egg. Chopped vegetables will make them healthy; corn meal is more useful in fattening poultry. A substance of a. rather fine flavor and beautiful appearance is finding a ready sale as honey just . illow in Ger many. This substitute for the genuine. product of the bee-hive is simply starch converted into sugar by means of sul phuric acid. _ Why are hoop, like obstinate men? BPeause; they often stand out about trifles. RAILWAY TIME TABLES! ERIE RAILWAY. ro and after NONDAY, February 15. 1669, Trains 1‘„) will haw, Corning, at the following boura,i,viz : , Goma WEST. 642 A. IL, :BIGHT EXP., daily for Duffalo,Duiskirk, Cleveland, Dayton, and Cincinnati, making direct ,connection with train fi-ot the Grand Trunk Railway at fluffale, and with the Lake Shore RallWay at Buf falo, Dunkirk:and Clevelatid,lor all points West and North-West, -and at Cincinnati' with the Ohio and tlississippi Railway for the South and South-West. SE±L. This train makes a direct daily 'connection with all Linea to the West and South-West, and is provided with tile new and improved Drawing Room Coaches 'pectiliar to the Brond Gauge, arranged both for day and night travel, running through to Rochester, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY LINE from New York, Cincinnati and the iliouthWest running through NO miles without change. 6,60 A.)1., NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, fu Rochester and'iniffalo, via Avon. 10,09 A. M., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, fo nuthdo and Dunkirk. 1,45 P. M., BALTIMORE RXPRE.SS, Sunday& oScep4 id, for Roche6ter and Buffalo, via Avon. 75313 E. rd., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays cacepted, for J 131111410, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton, Cincinnati, and the West and South, connects at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for all points Vest and North•Weat. and at Cinch - matt! with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the South and South- West. Sleeping Coacpea attached to this Train at Dornellsville, running through to Cipveland with- out change. 7,45 P. M., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester. 12,35 A. NI., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, for Ltuffalo,cDunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach Is attached to this tract] at :New York. sunning through to Mead ville without change. A Sleeping Coach is also at tached at Susquehanna running through to Buffalo. 1,30 P. M., WAY FREItu, Sundays excepted. 5,40 P. EMIGRANT RAIN, daily, for the West. GOING EAST. 6,24 A. M., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Canondaigua, at Omsk° for Ithaca, at Binghamton for Syracuse, at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackawaxen for Hones dale. ut Middletown for Unionville, at Goshen for Montgomery, at Greycourt for lit-wburg . and it lck, and at Jersey City pith aftsirnoon and evoning trains of Nevi Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Balti more and Washir.gten. 10,30 A. M., ACOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, con necting at Owego for Ithaca. 11,02 A. M., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Waverly for Towanda, at Binghamton for 6yracuse, at Great Bend for Scranton. at Lacks axen for Honesdale, at Middletown for Unionville. and at Jersey City with midnight express twin of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. , 2,20 P. M., BALTIMORE EXPRESS; Sundays ex cepted. 4,35 P. M., NEW YORK AND.BALTIMORE MAIL, suuditys excepted, connecting 'at Elmira for C,1111all• daigug, and at Waverly for Towanda. 8,05 P. M., LIOHT:sa NG EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the South, and at Jersy City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad, for Philadelphia, ilaltimbie and Washington. 12,35 P. M., WAY FREIGUP, Sundays excepted. .4". - A revised and complete "Pocket Thee Table" Of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and connecting Lines, has recently been published, and CAL be procur ed on appllcallon t to . t he 'Pipet Agent of the Company WM. It. B.titit, 11. ItIDLI.E. l'a,bYAgeht. S up't Northern Central IL El TRAINS FOR THIS NORTH. Trains for Canandagnia leave Elmira as follows : Accomodation at 02u a to Express [lastest train on road) ' 72 20 p m Bail 7 10 p m Way Freight, [passenger coach attached].........B 03 a m On and aftor Nov. 21, 1807, tralci i s will urriveand depart Iron: Troy, ns fulloN% s; LEAVE NORTIIIVAIiD.,I 945 A. M. Daily (xcept Sundays) for Elmira, Bnffa lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Snap. Bridge sfld the nadas. 10 65 P. 31.—Daily (except Sundays) far Elmira and Buffalo, iht Brie ELLIN ay from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTIIWAIW. 113 A. M.—Daily (except Sundays) fur ltultimorr Waillington, Philadelphia, lc. 8 . 5.5 I'. M.—Dally (except Sundays) fur llaltimorr Wallilngtuu and Philadelphia. J. N. DeLlAltltl", F.D.IS. YOUNG Sup t. Ilarri.burg, rag/. A g't Itultimuiu, Md. Philadelphia & Eric R. R. On and alter 110:S DAY, Nov. 23d, 1808, Train , . ou the l'ldlAdt liddit S Eri.lta4l.lttattl will rtui IoWIS WESTWARD. Mall Train lean is Plilladalphia •' •• Willitimaport " " arr. at Eric Erie Express karma Viiiladelphia' .• " '` arr. tit Elie Elmira Mail leaves Dlillatiolpliki •• " '•• Williambpdrt. " arr. at Lock llaccil EASTWARD. Mail Train lentos Erie • " " 1111 harnsport " " nrr. at Philadelphia. Erin Express leaves Erie). • " .• " innisport " " arr. at Philadelphia, Mail and Exprees connect with 011 Creek and Alle phony River Rail Road,.' Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gehl ;:up't. SALAMANCA STATION . ; NVETTIV4D BOUND. i I:ASTWARD litil.N li. Ilan i Ed3o Express 5.10 tccommodat'ion 6135 Ilail 5.5:. Express ' 12i19 Aceolanical.ttion, 11.d5 Express ll.OO Express 6.10 At Cory thpre Is a junition with the Philadelphia .5. Erie, and`Cil Creek hail toads. At 2 Meulville with the Franklin and kill City and Pithole Branch. At Loavittsburgo the Malionlny Branch niahes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects tvith Cleveland and Pittsbuisli Tho Road passes through Akron, Ashland. Galion, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at'Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Gen. Supt., 31e.‘.1% ilk. Pa. Blossburg & Coriiing, & 'Toga R. n Tlains will run as folloWs until further notice Accommodation—Leaves lllossburg at 7.1& a. ID, Man s• gold at 8,05, Tloga at 8,41, Lawrencoclile at 6,22 arriving at Corning at 10,40 a. in. Hail—Loaves 131ossbuil; at 2,06 p. in.. Mansfl ..1d at 2,40, Tioga at 3,18, Lawr.incovillo at 4,00- 7 -arriving at Corning at 5 p.m. Mall—Lcktves Corning at 8,00 a m. Lan renct-Till, at 9,03.'1'10ga at 9,45, Mansfield at 10,2:1—arriving n t Bloss-burg at 11,00 a. m. AccomMo lation-I.eayes Corning at 2,40 m , renceville as 4,00. Tiog.n at 4.50, ManFilold at 5,80 arriving at Blossburg at 0,18 p. tn. THE CHURCH UNION. his paper hes beep recently enliirged to mammoth & proportions. IT is TIIE LAP.OFST LELIGIOUS PAPEr. to TIIEICORLD. Is the lending organ of the Union Move ment, and opposes ritualism, close communion, ex clusiveness and church caste. It . is the only paper that publishes Henry Ward Beeclier's Setuwtu, tvbich It eees every week, just as they ate delivered.— n itb at.; qualification or correction by him.l It advocates universal suffrage; a union of christians at the polls : and the rights of labor. It has the best Agricultural Department of any paper in the world; ruble-he.; stales for the family, and for the desttuction of soehil evils, Its editorial management is impel sonal ; its writers and editors are from every branch of the church, and from every grade of society. It 11:14 been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the weal. Such a paper, offering premium,. of Sea in.; Me chines, Dictionaries, Appleton 'e Cycloped ia, Organs for Churches, etc , makes one of rho blq..t pa: pers for canvassers in the is of Id. Every Congregation may obtain a Communion Sier vice. an Organ, a Melodeon. a Bible, or a idle Insutatice Poli:y for its Pastor, or almost any other needful thing • by a club of subt•cribers. Scud for a copy, eucloking 10 Cents, to 113. P. S. Subscriptions icccived nt thin office It. Krusen. W. J. Kruseu F. D. Pease. R. KRUSEN & ,CO., WESTFIELD, PA., reETOULD announce to the public'that they V are now receiving a full and complete as sortment of DWI( GOODS, Aro`tions, Carpets, Furs, Hats, Caps, Boot; Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Hardware, Stoneware, &c. which they are prepared to sell for cash, or 'ex change for Country Produce, at rates which defy competition. Westfield, Doc.C-IS6B—tf DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally: acknowledgcd the 51o;lel Parlor Magazine 61- America, devoted to Original Stories. Poems, sketches; Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on Fashions), Irian IletiOtiJ on beidth, Music, A Inueetnents. etc , by the best authors, and profusely Illustrated wick costly Engravings. useful and reliable Patterns, Em broideries, and a constant succession of a; tistic novel ties, with other useful and entertaining liteiatuie. Nn person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month. ly. Specimen copies 16 cents. mailed free. Yearly. $3, with it valuable premium; two copies, $5.50; three copies, $7,50 ; five copies $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs a. $3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. I:M.„A new Bertram & Fenton Sewing Ma chino for 20 subscribe; s ut $3 each, Publication Office, 838 Brottoway, New York. lk.morest's Monthly and Young Ameriat togethere,i, with the premiums for each. DESIOREST'S Young America, Is the best Juvenile Magazine. Every flop and 001 that Rees it says so, and Parents and V;eachers confirm Do not fail to encore a copy. A gbod Microscope, trith n Glass Cylinder to confine Hying oldect,i, or a good two-bladed, pearl Pocket-knife, And a large num ber of other desirable articles, riven' as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, $1 60. Publication Office, 838 Broad filly, New York. mailed Try ittr, Boys and Girls. fipecimen copies, ten cants, ee. Ic, 4. p Lt . 8 15 a. lu 9.5 U p ru 11.G0 noon 8.5A.1 p 10 00 a ui S a 111 v G 111 P 111 10 f: - .:)"a io .... 12 LC, p to 10.(:0 a in p ID LO a in MEE L. 11. SIIATTreK ,Sup't HENRY E. CHILD, , 41 PARE Row, Nr YOP.II IVELLSBOIIO BAKEI Y. "t HE SUBSCRIBER having establish :d I him self in the BAKING BUSINESS. in this village, next doer te L. it. ' Grocery, is now prepared to eery on the business In all its various branches. 1 will keep con- stantly on band .un assortment of Bread, such as LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS,. B ROW N BREAD, WATER CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA 'AND SODA BISCUITS, OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, at all hours of the day, Sundays excepted. By strict attention to business shill endeavor to merit the public patronage. • CHAS. STEVENS. Virellsbore, June. 24, 1S(18. NEW WINTER GOODS. TOLES & BARKER, (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.) WOULD say to their friends and the public generally, that they aro now receiving a splendid assortment of Winter \ .DRY GOODS, such as SIIEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESt INGS, READY MADE CLO-, THING, lIAI'S & CAPS, BOOTS 4N D SHOES, ----- ilia° a largo anti woll soloctoti stook of --__ CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTC., ETC. Wo aro able to offer our customers the bonofit of tho LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the Nekv - York Market, our Etock having been purchased since the great decline in Goods. TOLESI & BARKER NVellsboro, Nov. 18, 1868. Stoves t Stoves AND HARDWARE! MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS liege to announce to the citizens of Tioga County, has, at a groat outlay, stocked his storo on MA[N STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf • Hardware, of which we cnumerato the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, . MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, [BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, • AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS,. HATCHETS, CHISELS SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCILSOREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE_ BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, 'WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE -TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR it BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUPFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER. AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a row of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We, invito the public to call and examine for thotnselvcs. We aim to keep the host quality of moods in our line • and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS' Wollsboro,Sept. 1.,1866—tf THE LARGEST STOCK OF EPP CYTT 3M IS IN Tioga County, and the Cheapen place to buy in the world. Agent for L. BOLLES t• CO'S HOSE, Binghamton, N. Y., and ELMII?A SAW FACTORY, Elmira, N. Y. STOVES ,SOLD ON TIME. MansGqld, Nov. 25, 1868-Iy. - G. B. MIFF YES I YES! YES 1 11 R. WILLIAMS it CO., have got the best, • largest and cheapest stock of Drugs,lned icines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff, Brushes, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Yankee No tions, Perfumery, Toilot Soap, Fishing Tackle, ever brought into this county. They w" ositivcly sell everything in theirlinecheap er than !be bought elsewhere. They bought their goods in . ego quantities and for nett cash, and can and will sell cheaper than any other es tablishment in this county. Call and examine stock and prices. P. It. WILLIAMS it CO. May 9, 18G3. No. 3, Union Block. A. J. THOMPSON, [MANSPIELD re] BLACKSMITH, has two fires, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino with prompt ness, and iu a worktuanlik,p manner". Realms at excellence in his trade. Mansfield Juno 3, 1363-Iy. CASII PAID FOR. WOOL. BUTTER AND CHEESE, by C. L. WILLCOX. June 17,1868. FLOUR & MEAL, always on hand at June 17.1808. I/4MS -M. .BUNDLEIrt3. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted. subscribers will pay Cash, Full.oloth, Cassimeres, Flannels, Jsc., go., for Wool.— They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to suit customers. All work warranted as rep- resented. They invite particular altent on to their Water Proof atgauxammih which aro warranted in every re.vect. Partien lar attention given to • ROLL-CARDING & CLOTH•DRESSING Twenty years experience in the business war rants them in expecting a generous patronage. No shoddy cloths made. 5 • • DoLano .4, Co. at Welleboro , are agents kor the sale of' our Cloths. JOSEPH INGHAM A SONS DearSeld, May 13, 1868—tr. i SAVINGS BANK. OTHERWISE GARDNER'S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE pocsoi OLD saying that a way . savedis a penny earned, justifies GAItDNEIt in naming his establishment a Savings Bank. Economy is Wealth, said some old chap whose name I have forgotten; and it is economy to trade where the SLAUGHTER of high prices'is being prosecuted with vigor and without reprieve. I can sell Sugars, Teas, Mo lasses, Fish, Pork, Flour, Corn •Meal, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Spices, and everything intended for family use, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE, fall of tho markets, an advantage duly appre elated by everybody,excepting only those verdun INNOCENTS who prefer PROMISVA ,one hun- dred per cent."thollsoller,s to. PAYING twenty-five per cent, cash on delivery of the goods! I shall offer my stock of goods at fair prices EVERY MONDAY, EVERY 'TUESDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, EVERY THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, and fill up as fast as I sell out. ,Weßeborn, June 12, 1867 Now is Your Time to Buy! HAVING more goods than is necessary for this market, I will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, AND FAN• CY GOODS, AT COST. 0. G, Clocks at Gothic " - " American Watches In Silver Hunting Cases a $l9. Finer Itioveme4l ,in heavier Caeca, at ear respondingly low price Plated Were at Man ufacturers' prices.. THIS IS NO HUMBUG MA VEIL ITABLE ;AL Call and see for yoursc:i Wellsboro, April 2?, 0 Stoves. ,f 37 t 1 1;r1 Ware FOR THE MILLION Good peoplo all, both great and small —if you Want to keep PEACE IN Till you must havo enough to opt, dry wooa,. a good wife, well-behaved ohlldren, and to orown all, a TIP . TOP fOOKING STOVE! ThislaStiand crowning good, I have at my Tin and Stove establishment, opposite:lily's L Block, Wolisboro, and its name is the HOAIE COMPANION ; on - nll'hands admitted to bo equal to any in the world. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly,and warranted to give ealisfaetion REPAIRING executed in tho best manner and with dispatol. CALL AND SEE ME. Wellsborough, Nov. 21, 1887. Public Benefit, AMONG the useful improvements of the day, there are few that gve more promisoof good, few so well adapted td relieve human stf fering, few so well approved by the public as that new and powerful remedy called Salutifer (or is the German people call it Ilealthbringer). It gives ease and comfort to the poor suffer°, from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and brings speedy relief to that large class of diseases that are often cured and always benefited by an 04 ward application. For sale by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot DAY, lIOAGLAND 44 STE GER, No 5 4Courtlandt-St4 New York. T O LAWYERS— BANKRUPTCY BLANKS, in full aotti, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. WA:SITING . NG.:. MACHINE. • TAS. M. WILKINSON, ofChekOston,having eft purchased the right to mph° and vend the H. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines are ; being made at Van Horn's Cabinet Factory, Wellsboro, where they may be procured. • The bast, cheapest, and most sensiblemachine ever invented. June 24,1888—tf. 200 Bushels Timothy Seed. 100 bushels Cloverseed, choicest kinds AND L. A. GARDNER • $8,50. •• • • 0 LEY D. P. ROBERTS WRIGHT & RAIELIS; • "--,l s, ; FACULTY! w. 4. STONE, , Principal, Mal S. D. Borax, ...... Preceptress, litne' r A. B. EASTSfArfj Teacher of Music. CALENDAR FOR 180-9. • r term commences Nov. 26, closes febrnary 26 erm continence" March Bth, and closes June 11 Win Sprlng 1866. I EXPENSES PER TERM. NitOarY Department $15,00 Common English, ' $6,,00 Higher Snglish .i, .47,00 Languages and Higher Mathematics, $B,OO Instrumental Music $lO.OO Drawing ii .$3,00 - Each Term, to cotitinuelmrteen weeks. Dills due, one half first day of term, remsinder at middle ofterm. No deduction made in - tuition except' for sicknoss.— N one but R e binspo's Matb,entaticis pro,used.„ Students on entering are requeMott to regibtbi their names to getlier'with tlie'stadies they wish' to pursue; and pay ouetialf their tuition..' Board pros t reasonable'rates in the village. Ity,order . f the Board of TRUSTEES. ' Wellslioro, Nov. 4,1848. • RE NEW GOOD hnn. R. Bowen, smow roceiving a largo and complete assort I merit of Fall k Winter Goods, bought:pine° the late decline in prices in Now York, consisting of 'Miry Grolcoclea l Grocti l ries, Hats & Caps, Boots . & Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c. ioular attention is invited to our Stock of CIE (DEMO 2111410 g (e; OWN AND TRIMMINGS, 'era and Hoop Skirts; also a nice ine of TEAS, New Crop, very fine at reduced prices, Ga i ne assortment of Ladies FURS, very cheap, all • f which will be sold at the'ery lowest mar ket Prices. Wo respectfully inte all to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember, , Empire Store, No, 1 union Block. w l ollsboro, Oct. 21,1868. 1 . _ H ARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Criticae Notice* of the Press. Th j s most popular Monthly in the world. —N. Y. ; v , . Ob erver. . _ 1 6 must refer in terms of eulogy to the high ton and varied excellences of Harper's Magazine —s journal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 copies—in whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this work as an evidence of he culture of the Amerioan,People; and the po ularity it has aoquired is merited. Each Nu ber contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood c 0; and it cobines in itself the racy monthly and the more 'philosophical' quarterly, blended with the best features of the daily journal. It ha's great power in the dissimination of a love of pure llteratnre.—Trubner's Guide to American Literature, London. Wo can account for its success only by the simple fact that it meets precisely the popular taste, furnishing a variety of pleasing and in structive reading for all.—Zion' s Herald, Boston. "A Repository of Ashton, Plefisure, and Instruction." ITARPER'S BAZAR ATsupplement containing numerous full-sized patterns of useful articles accompanies the paper every fortnight, and occasionally an elegant col or° fashion plate. ,arpor's Bazar contains 16 folio pages of the ..t......5.w. voparTltnu fit palmist:led weekly. Critical Notices of the Press. • Harper's Bazar contains, besides pictures, pat tarns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use and interest to the family; articles on health, dress, and housekeeping in all its branches; its editorial matter is specially adapted to the crcle it I's intended to interest and instruct; and if has besdes, good stories and literary matter of merit. It is not surprising that the journal. with molt features; has achieved in a - Short time an immense suc l eess; for something of Its kind was dotiired in thousands of families, and its publishers have filled the demand.—N. Y. Evening Poet. Whether we consider its claims as based upon the elegance and superiority of the paper, its typographical appearance,4tho taste and judg ment displayed in the engr4vings, or lite literary aontributions contained in its pages, we unhesi tatingly pronounce it to be superior in each and every particular to any other similar publication hero or abroad.—Phil'a Leg9l Intelligencer. Harper's Magazine, one year, $4,00. Harper's Weekly, one your' Harper's Bazar. ono year,... An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied greasier every Club of Five Subscribers at $4;00 eacli, in one remittance; or si x copies for $2O. S, bscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly and, Bazar, to one address for one year, $10; of two!of Harper's periodicals, to ono address for one year, $7. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. Thirty•seven volumes of the Magazine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at. expense of purchaser, for $2,26 per volume.— single volumes, by mall, postpaid, $3. Cloth eases, for binding, 68 cents, by mail, postpaid. The annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of e.pense, for $7 each. Eleven Volumes, sent on oeceipt of cash at the rate of $5,25 per vol., freight at expense of purchasor. Vol. XII, ready Jan.llst, 1869. Ilstage on Harper's Magazine, 24 cents a year, and n Harper's Weekly and Harper's Bazar, 20 cents each, to be paid at:tho subscriber's post office,. Subscriptions sent from British North icon Provinces must bo accompanied with to addition, to prepay United States post- Address, Arno 20 cc tago., HARPER do BROTHERS, New York complete Pictorial Eistory of the Tirnes. o ' e best, cheapest, and most success. fel Family Paper in the Union." UM TT ATPER'S WYEALY.-SPLENDIDLY IL LUSTRATED. • Critical Notice' of the Ppm The Model Newspaper of our country--corn. pieta in all the departments of an American Family Paper—Harper's Weekly has earned for Itself a righe to its title, "A Journal of Civilix ation"—N. Y. Evening Poet. Our future historians will enrich themselves out.of Harpers's Weekly long after writer's, and printers, and publishers are turned to - diiat.N. Y. - MD? a n:q a lis t. Tht best of its class in Amtrioa.—Boito,qra. eller. I- Harper'e Weekly may be unreservedly deelar. ed theFbast newspaper in America.—The lade. pencle 1 1 4 t, N. Y. Th articles upon publio questions which up.. pear n Harper's Weekly from week to week form are arkable series of brief political essays.— The , are distinguished .by clear and pointed statement, by good common sense, by independ ence and breadth of view. They are the express ion of mature conviction, . high, principle, and strong feeling, add take their place among the best . ewspaper writing of the time.—North 4- meri. , a lisvicto, Boston. ... Owners of. Horses -and 'Cattle.' Tc T° . . BIAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE smutted superior to any others, or no pay, for the Horses; of Distemper, Worms, Bats, Coughs, Hide bound. Colds, &c., in and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue. Born Distemper, .4c., in .Cat tie. They are perfectly safe and Innocent; no need of stopping the working ofyour animals. They increase theappetite, give a fine coat, cleanse the stomach ,and urine y organ e; also increase the milk of sown. Try them and you will never be without them. Hiram Wood uff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, line used hem for years, and recommends them to his Men s. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of. the Jerome Race Con 0. Fordham, N. Y., Would not nee them until he was t ld of what they are; composed, since which he is nov r without them. • He z has over twenty running horse in his charge, and for, the last three years has used no other medicine for!tbem. He has, kindly per mitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000, other riferences can be seen at the depot. Sold by Xtr,ngkists, andSaddlers. Price 25 - cents per or. , Depot, 56 Cestlandt Street, Now York.- (Feb: 19] - - - CASH. Taid FOR HIDES, k istor : c. lei i BoB l , 2 tf r DIIRIP. EMh . Ni tt,, TO BUY j. SE 1 B USINE Wg will buy ot the big - , tho following artloles, SUER' :D DEEM SlaistS, • 'A:kb VAAL' S for which wo Will pay dash YlO will manufacture to tire, tanned CA - LF-70eK IP; BOOTS! ner and at fair 4: rates, and pa? t°'WEVAXP:;t - We have a Orst-rat READY-MAD to be found iz the county, a 16:wer, profit than such articl offered in, thin region. We abut! litteiriso keep up of " LADIES' BALMORALS, BOOTEES, CRII I D ressF o 47,ifqa. MOUS STY and all styles of--14E. LEATHER f j- F can be bought o l f:ne ne cheap aide of New Yoik, and we eh FRENCH CALF, FRE PEA, SOLE, LIN • BR DIN Our stock of PEGS, NATL.I, - e HREAD, AWLS, RASP,Y„, OLOVERS'. -- NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, -_IT RI,OFP• I S' SHOEMAKER'S TOOL'S `OIItr:PTNDTIVOS,Iv 11 be found the lar. gest in titt)9 O PASY*SVICIse Jett for small profits. IVe-tAlk-bnelt;obsan~ we •• •au hisiness. - We have been in this roglo 16n • enough to be well known—let those who kilo _up,j,ry:ne. _Corner or 1 . tiriEn aii34.isi t> n streets opposite Wm. Rob arts') '• ' 'O. W. REARS, e O. DERBY.' .„ . • Wollsboro, 1887 ,tf. • WELLSBORQ F.: MILE subscribers havi machinery are now r all sorts 'Of CAST PLOWS, CULTIV ROLLERS, M SLEIGMBHOE SAWING &c., &c. WIMBWORT for oustoth aid job work to do SLITTING & SC Having a first-class a are prepared to make CHEESE - PR A to order, Builders of 0, quested to examine our w the champio ono of the finest impleme .1 F. Wellsboro, May 15,1887 Grooery and Provision Store, b CORNIN , N. Y. CI.; ID. WHOLESALE AND in all kinds of $4,00 $4,00 GROCERIES, Wines, Lig ?.ga FOREIGN & I,DOME CANNED FR WOOD & WILLOW CHILDREN'S CARO PERAMBULATORS, A full and complete ass. mentioned goods of the bes hand. Y'artiattlar attention pal. Dealer's and Conanmere will tereat to examine hie Stoc k Corning, N. Y., March 11 I Paint for Farmer TBE GRAFTON. MIN are now manufacturing and most Durable Paint in put on, mixed with pure Lin it lb rears; it la of a light Choeolate color, ,and can b , cad, atone, drab, olive or cr of the consumer. It is v Barns, Fences, Carriage a Ind Wooden-ware Agric Canal Boats, Vessels and vas, Metal and-Shingle Ro . Water proofs,) Floor Oil C turer baying used 5,000 bbl and as a paint for any purp body, durability, ala.qleity Price $8 per barrel of 300 1. a farmer for years to come cases as above. Send for a full particulars. None ge in a trade mark, Oraufton sons can ordo the Paint a. on receipt of the goods. A DAN ' 254 June 3,1868-gm Farm for 1 THE Subscriber, being fare for sale at a great chaser, the following prope Bred acres of land, situate west of Westfield Boro, on seventy-five acres improv hemlock and bard timber, good apple orchard. .good house thereon. - Tho farm darying purpoies, having a ter on all parts. For term? ber on the p - remiseVcir ad? Tioga Co., Pa. Oct. 7,1888. M IS OW? est market price, ,ACON SKINS, S HIDES, IN$. !r,Fronch or homo-I in the best map -1 elpeoial.ntlention m mE =I stock of WORK, old, and from this keep up the best 7 1 ERS, ILich we rtl :ell at :•s hero ever bee good assortment LEATHER ' EN'S AND p. VA .ES, WORK. r N.61.N0S a any whore this 11 keep a full stock CR KIP, UP DIGS, AND NDRY- AND SHOP. laprocured additional dyd to furnish to order NOS, QM • TORS, FIELD LL GEARING, ~ WOOD CHINES, &c. • We 'have 1321 PLANER, We are also prepared OLL SAWING EIXI7 rew-putting Lathe, we SS SCREWS ecse Factories are re 61rk. We manufacture Plow, is In the market ' LES WILLIAMS, SEARS. QM 11 -AX -0, RETAIL DEALER ROVISIONS ors and S, TIC, GREEN & DRfED F UITS, U 1 TS Ali7D VELETA : LES, ARE, GLASS & CROCKERY I ' ARE, GES, CABS & TOYS, &c., &c. rtment of the ohm-e -quality always, on to Pine groceries find it to their in efOre buying. • 18138. and Others. BAIA PAINT CO. the Best, Cheapest use; two coats well :eed Oil, will last 10 brown or beautiful changed, to green, lam to suit tbo taste luablo for Houses, d Par inakeri, Palle ltural Implements, .hips' Bottoms, Can . fa, (it being Fire and loths, (one manufac .. the past year,) and !se is unsurpassed for land adhesiveness.— .s., which will supply Worranted in all circular which gives nine unless branded ' ineral Paint. Pet d - remit the money dress lEL BIDWELL, r earl St, New York Sale 1 bout to go west, of. bargain to the pur. ty, to wit: Onehun , about 4 miles South ' otter Brook Road— d, the balance good th good sugar bush, frame barn and log is well adapted to plenty of living vra , ealron the subseri mitt him at Westfield, MAR IghtßßE. WIMLBSILE DREG STORE. CORNING, N. Y - I guGs AND MEDICINES , PAINTS , __A.ND OILS, • THADDEUS -DAVI DS' INKS, KEITH'' • CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, lICEDELL'S FLUID, EN- TRACTS, +a, BURN Irrs COCOA' rik, FLA VORINO EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROOD- . ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXT ACTS WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE' COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. -Buyers aro requested to call and got quotations before going further East W. D.- TERBELL & CO Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1868-•1y 1869. FOR SALE. 1869 . BY B. C. WICIZIIAM, AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOCIA 60,000 Apple • Trees. 10,000 Tear Trees. - good supply of ; PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, snd ORNAMENTAL TREES A piIItIIBBERY. The Fruit trees' act . composed .of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in lbearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see toy stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1888-Iy* r i . !'t h- , 1 , 74 •-•. •;: . 1 1. ?„ 7 .„ 'V q rv: 0 . 0 E 4 m .0 -t,, v. P , ' - „.. = :,-: -.' z 0 - Fzi ... k: z . 0 :4 c; 7x , ~. z r,.. ._, .,. t2I .... c., - - = 74 ... .7:1 C' i 0 i. , tt t 0.., „.........., til c- i... ....' .• .1 O h P 0 . 0 ..t.l 0 4 . a 1•7-9 = 0 ' 0....1 2 i .41 .-...4 .... 13 ;..• :Z. '''' .. " U:' 0 ..... -..,' • ... l , • 1 . 11r . 7, 0. , .., „....:, , ''rl '" c. , ' .- F., 1 0 crq - e-, ' -' P: r- . : , Pecci Pd a. .-. /r. tr..; ~... ..... ..... „,:, A p,- . 0 . › , . - .;. 4 0 , 1; 2 '4 l'"" I , CD c 11) ,_, a 0 ....., , . p- ; R ..- i • s s ' o 14 5.., i s CS' . , s -4 g g 1 0 0 Nil 2 h m ,--, ill 31 ; V . t,' , 1 1 T PIP -• I I , Di 0b g a , ' i i 7 C2 0 GO 4 4 pi 4 . 4 ~—.. tr: t l l til 0 0 5: 44 1 4 wi tzl 0 2 s I ..' . 4 . A ?' .. •0 8 C. . - 41 0 t ... F :-. ..,-.. :: .. Pit ' 0 i p Llj 0o ici .1 . q) • 0 v .„ - E 2•-• . . r.D z.x.) 171 cti , C.l 01 C) 0 Cr) 0 0- 0 h— , 0 IND .* 0 00 CO I." C.* C):-. 0 4 'll Na 14 Q c) c, c. t.v co c.,_, o .. c, c, ...1 m ~.0 4, ~..,1 14 Fr p s=> Z) p (1..-. o .- 1 mg - 07 go (2) ch, —1 --1 - ix; gosh, -1-a: 0 .P.• tt; Cc, c.:.." . . . . . . I 1 surance - Agency. WYOMING INSURANCE CO., WILKES-BARRE, PA R. C. Siam, Seey. W. S. Roes, Pr. 9. W. T. REED, S RUES' A V. P. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 8150me0. THIS is tho company for which Theodore Hatfield was, lately agent, ,and policy hold ers who wish to renew their Insurance are re quested to ripply to tho subscriber. Girard Fire Insurance Co., PHILADELPHIA. J. B. ALVOED, THOMAS CRAVEN, Prrdint Seoretary. A. S. GILLETT E V. Capital 5200,000, All paid up in Cash. 1 Surplus Over $160,000 Continental Ins. Company, OF TILE CITY OF NEW YORK Cash Capital, $500,660,00 Gross Surplus, Jan, , ', 1868, 1,314,590,31 Cash Assets, - do 1,814,590,31 053 — Policies written at this office. . GEORGE T. HOPE, Plesident. If. If. LAMPORT, Vico President.; CYRUS PECK. Secretary, The subscriber takes this method of informing the public that he has the agency of the above Companies, and will be found nt his office over 11°31 Drug Store, adjoining Ai gitritor Office. JNO. I. MITCHELL, • Wellsboro, Pn., Feb. 26, 188S-tf. To the Farmers of Tioga County. lAM now building at my manufactory, in Lawrenco 1111e, a superior FANNING MILL, which possesses tho following advantaiesorSr another mills: 1. It separator oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, nnd chess and cockle. from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out'yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. ' 8, It cleans timothy Seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This minis built of the best and most durable dill bar. in good style,and is sold cheap for cash, or pro• duce. I will fit a patent Mere, for separating oats from wbeat,to other mills, on reasonable terms. It MATHER. Laweawilb "Moir WIIIIIIN4f FOUTZ 9 r 4 isr CELEBRATED Huse ad Cage Powfirs. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thoroughly re-Invigorate broken down and low-apirlted horses' by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and lateitine: ', 1 ! : .-171.P It is a sure preventive of all dlzeas -c - --." . -‘7:. Incident to this Otlmal,stiell as LUNG FEVER, GLANDERS, YELLOW I?' WATER, HEAVES, COUGHS, MS- ii'';', - - TEMPER, FEVERS, F 0 UN I) ER, ii . 04.; LOSS OP I APPETITE AND VITAL k , , , ,, :„ :_., :, 5 4 ,, ~ ENERGY, ike. Its use. improves ..r. ~. ...Z.4- t • ~ the wind] increases the appetite— ', Aper , : 0, gives ascoooth and glossy ski},.-and ,s4 O) , transform' the calserablo skeleton .. 2 1:.... e. ,.. ' into a fine , ooking and spiritei horse. _ .171 :. :II: -i.7 To keepers of Cows this prepare. ) tton Is invaluable. It is a sure pre -7-- ventive against Itlndcrpest, Hollow u. .; , s' . 4 . , i Horn, etc. It has been proven by 1 ' , .A1.4 0., :.) actual experiment to increase the r it tiT 1 i iff - . 1 — ; 1g'..;. - ; per cent. and make the butter arm ' - and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their Lido, and makes them tluive much aster. - In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, Am., this article acts 1.- as a specific. Ily putting febm one- A eL , -)..;., half a paper to a paper In a barrel of swill the above diseases will be cradi- cated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and -0:„=„.„..• curd for the Hog Cholera. DAVID E. FOFTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. Md. totiale by Druggists arid Storeteepore throttationt the - ii - Sta s Canadas and South Amestea. Feb. 10, 1369-1 in. 'HEARTH and I HOME 16 A R'ESULT Agricultural and Fireaide,-.Journal, ME= SIXTEEN handsornb" folio pa3cs, printed from new typo, on superfine book. paper, and abnudentlynlni: trated by the. beat artists. 111=3:11 DON7IILD MITO3I4LL HABIUET BEEIOSEE. STOWE 4 assisted by a corp s Of able editors and contribilto t rii la each department. It to devoted to the Interests or the FARMER, PLANTER, GARDENER, FRUIT-GROWER, and the FLORIST. ORNAMENTAL GARDE'NTNO, RURAL ArciIITECTURF PLANS OF CC' r OMEEiI, Em ~./ . 6 O, X) lags A carefal Report .ew York, Bos. ton, Philadelphia, . vfk , , And New Orleans, will be furnish?' , !kr week, giving the Farmer Inform" .‘ ma WREN TO BUY and WHEN c ~..oil . V' . milk Circlo it w, interest the household ; plain ral , ing and domestic management, from f a napkin and the cooking - oca good din he education of children. —MRS. STOW GRACE GREENWOOD, and M N. Will contribute to each nun \. 1 \T-EJ7 t 03 IA cc IN --,, 1 noted for their attractivenew, time to time ; also Cemetery' Greons. MR. J IC M," written expressly for tin., rEII.IITII AND Holm., cum. meneus In-flrat (D. cemper2lth) number. TIM BOYS ..13TD GIRLS A llltind that!' own page always lighted with such fun In pictures, and fan in storit.s is 5 hail nia , ze them look sharply ovary wealt /or Cssatin; of 11E.11:T1i AND HOME. = Single Copley gt, !arm - la4lv 11 alv.,a.lei a ftnr.tet f 10; 5 Copies $l3. Any.. I: 4.Li club of 15 Copley (all at oat tTh_), copy 'free. No travelling anent: Inunications to PETTENGIL B 11. JJNION KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA FA ULTY : ELIAS I-10 ?TON, Principdl. )irs. Al 5 A W. 110ftTON, PreeePtreo-„ Miss MIRA Hoin t o;v. 311:4s AMANDA DRAKE, Teaeher.of.Ml4, CALENDAR FOR 1807-8. Fall Term cornmencve Sept. 3d, Wlutor Oth, Spring Term Feb-. 11.801, EXPENSES PER TERM Primary Department Common English Higher English. Languages 11 (1 Higher Mathematics Instrumental Music, extra. Vocal Music, extra Drawing, extra Room Rent Duard per week... Rnoxeille, August 11,1807-th Planing' & Turni B. 'l'. VAN HORN, HAVING got his new Factory in by ("1 is now prepared to fill orders for Ware promptly and in the best 'Style of We l ship. Ilatiing procured a WOODWORTH PLAN ER,I ho is ready to dress Boards or plank with d SCROLL-WORK & BRACKE furnished to order. 1118 machines are of t est and most improved patterns. ~ Shop corner of Pearl' awl:Wahl Ss, I% BORO. PA., . Oct. Zl, 1366-tf. B. T. VA NIII 1 J. STICKLI.N, (131113 -, Chairmaker, Turner, s Furniture Dealer C . ALE ROOM, oppdsite Dartt's Wago 10 Main Street. FACTORY in Sears Hams Foundiy, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction teed. Fancy Turning done to order. , Wellsboro, Jnne 12,1887. J. STICK Front Street, Ithilatielphin Tioga Marble Works; TE undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones an. Nom" merits of either ITALIAN OR RuTLAIN I :D MAR LE, of the latest style and approved workm and with dispnteh. - He keen eonstnntiv on hand 'both 1: Mnride nod will he nLio to suit all nho vor him with their orders, on as reasonabl! as can he obtained in the enontry. - Stones discolored with rust nod dirt RIO made to fool: as izeed aq new. PORTER TWIL "Vega Nor 1. 1 SA7-11 Valuable Farm for Ale. i• A farm of ihree hundred acres, with tvr, dred and twenty five neres improved tinted two miles north of Tio.a Village, Tioga River and Rai%fled. Well wattter der a good state of cultivation, and 'knoll ings. Also four houses and lots for sale ir village. T. L. 'BALM Tloga, Feb, 12, Isog—tr. MI 7g..UtY E. DODGE, l IDGE. IrCS3 COM " ,f; 16 - PAP./C Ttow, NEW Yon z. ACADEMY MEE ...145 II 00 UJ 9 Go 10 60 1 Ot/ - 9 04) . SSG . du Hge ration MEI MEM : r spetch 33211 IMM s i 1 and Shop, WU- IMZEI BE stpt 2, 'IS— y MEM inch 110 L•t -e terms leaned o bun- Sit n tho Fri, un build- a Tiogs TIN.