HOME 'MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH.I7,IBO. New ILdvertieemento Organs and Melodeons—T. A. Wickham. Caution--Sobs Spaulding. For Sale—J. 13, Dimond & Co. NotiCe —lsrael Stone, Seo'y. Farming land for Suic—Gluilfora It. Wilson. Sowing Machines—Mrs. A. M. Pitts. Pocket Book Lost—M. 0. Sutton. - Agents Wanted—P. C. Allen. • To Bankruptcy— Hathaway Lucy, Zophor Teed. . Of'llos-rent at the Postai:flee expires April 1. Br io FARIIERS.—T. L. Baldwin & Vo l ta, hare a largo quantity of Clover and lino-' thy seed for sale at market prices. Give them a ' DONATION.—The friends of Rev. Mr, Hart met at the residence of John Spalding's iu Chatham Valley, on Friday evening last, and gave him n donation, we learn, of about gffigr`Box-rent at tbo PoitoiUce expireg April 1 PEW .RENTISG.—Tha pews of St. Paul's C'hurchosill bo rented this (Wednesday) afternoon and evening, commencing at 4 o'clook. A general attendance of pew-holders is requested, as it lb desirable that the renting bo disposed of at once.• 1 tocAL HISTORY.—We have received an interesting communication from a pioneer of Sullivan, giving valuable historical information concerning the settlement of that township. It will appear next week. We are also obliged to A. J. Webster, Esq., of Mansfield, for a report of Mr. J. B. linsted's dairy for 1569. Too late for this paper. POSTAL HUMORS.--Following is the superscription of a letter received at liTellsboro Post•offico the other day: "Postmaster please mail me to-day, Send me to Wellshoro ivithone delay, In Tioga county let me stay, , Until Lewis Culver escorts me' away." iaimovraruzus,i7./11r. C. J. Wheeler it putting up a large Wagon Sheip corner of Pearl and Crafton Streets. Messrs. Wright at Bailey are platting up a Grocery next lot below the Book store. 3lr. W. T Mathers, of tho Beehive Exchange, ii about to erect a neilti cottage on his lot on the Avenue. 1 It is to be regretted that Messrs. Wright ,t 1 Bailey dikl not build of brick. THE LAZY MAN'S FOLLY.--Adver tise for a dozen men to saw wood for ono hour at 25 cents., an how many with nothing to do will present themselves in response, think you Ad-, cards for men to Ado a velocipede, at an expense tothem of adollar an hour, and you may have a dozen applicants in short orde‘v. Now, why his difference? Sawing wood is an ancient and I onorablo calling: It is also Condu cive to appet to and a full puree. -Riding'a two wheeled ,rioncescript may be good elrcise, but it oannot till an man's parse and help him to pay his honest dts. But it is the rage of 1669, just as - the base ball was the rage of 1.937 ;' and the velocipede will pats into the bands of hey ,- of a dozen years in 1870. We do not object to velocipedes. OD the cull allay, rather favor thorn as fl costly humbug. Poor folks cannot afford them) and rich ones may as well buy velocipedes, as any. otberluxury. If any man likes to ride of so' uncomfortable a loolag afrai4s why not ?,ff men like to climb a gr4ased pole, - or catch a greased pig, why not ? If anybody Wants to stand - upon his head, or slide o a cellar door, why not? why not? MANsriELD.=--"Accidental". writes l p " Mr. Henry Bre ater has bought tho residtim of Wm. J. Mann on. rospeot Hilt. "Mr. Mann has bought the residence and the groc4fy and billiard saloon of -Charles Sliozer land., "R. R. 136inasge, or xatnsnurg, te,JUMat. the Hunt Houie, and takes possession April, 1. "peteraon'a barber-shop bas lately located null on the corner of Nein and Mninsburg firet floor. ;t. " Tho Good Tompinrs are prospering, 'and waxing strong; if there he strength in nitinher E. " kr. F. J. Calkins is in town with a lot of clothing rcseued from the great fire at Tioy, which he is selling by auction and at priirate bar ! Duna. "We have got it. It is in town— thia Veloci pede is, and nobody hurt; and Mr. A. E. After um has opened a school in Bailey's Hall, fk , r the benefit of those desirous to rida the Nice riders—unfortunate Velocipede. . . " Mr. John' Jagnish has opened a tin-shop, corner of Mains and Elmira Bts. Workmen ex perienced, overlything else nice and new:" THE DAIRY.—The butter-and-cheese oontroversy grows more and more interesting str, - .d Instructive. Since our last issue we hare re ceived reports from two dailies which eclipse :ill the others reported, either in Tioga, or Bradford gountics. Mr. Jacob Roraonugh, of Delmar, :ends us the following exhibit of receipt, from his dairy of 21 cows in 1868: ' Spring butter... Cheese Fall Butter Pork 8 calves, sold for Butter retailed 300 lbs used in family Calfskins 6 shoats raised,, Making an t iverage to each coy of 5102,38. Deducting the cost of butter used in)the huuily —4l3l,so—the average, earning per cow l i;as Remember—this is the exhibit era dairy of 21 cows; and each cow earned $102,32. Mr. Lafayette Gray, of Sulliwan, under date of March t writes itd as'follows : . . Havint for many years been a reader of The Agitator, and feeling a lively interest in the wel fare of my native county, especially in th r `e;growth of Sullivan, I send you, by perinb!sionr of Joseph Strange, df Gray's Valley, the fillowing exhibit of his dairy of 9 cows two cf tinnn hei" Cr)r for 1869: 14091bs of butter . Calves Pork Total Averago earnings per coy: strl,2s) " We hope to increase these figure , in due time, and hope that the day ie not tar di Lunt when Tioga county wiD stand 'even u,ch o , ange county in the butter and cliee ,. e rnaik(r. ' Ti.) , u. county butter already sells 1 , ,r ange I county butter in New Fork. The truth is that Tioga' county ie a better grazing e.otnty than Qrange ever was, and will sooner crivmd it in the zttyl market, bath in butter :trld and in lu , mtity and luality. The great curse, of Tioga county---whito pine—is being lifted, and its future as a dairying county is already assured. Come on, Bradford count 3 ; our dairies are :irger, so far, and their average better than yours! 13LoSSBIIRG.—A correspondent from .room we hope to hear t, a • • "Little has been sent you from thi• quarter, by I},c of gossip, since that: rollit l ;ing Irishman, -1 , ,t" ceased correspondence. Jlet noticing the anxiety shown by your " occasional" friends to praise tho "Beauties" of tt\cir respective villa- I,am reminded of the witty but not, rery iorerond, Irish Dean who tang the praise of his bL,oego "Beauty" thni. " When she came to wash herself our well A foot so white ne'er came in eight, in paltry Ballyspellin." " Her, my Dear sir, our miniature Pittsburg IT exists; The Glass Works,giving employment 40 about fifty tnen, aro in full blast; showing that Where sobriety,, skill, and industry combine to gether, they forriz a capital that defies competi tion Ohr neighbors, Evans, Jones ,t Co., are making the heavens lurid over the "Old Bloss Mine'," making Coke for our enterprising friend, Lutz of,the Menalleld Iron Norio., The aloe Railroad Co's work shops are alive, and the busy note of preparation for the - surnmiir campaign can be beard from a hundred' hands, repairiag the old, and building the new; and another hundred of cars will be added to their Rolling Stee.to help carry away the three quarters of a million tons of coal that will go down this valley the coming summer. And already the "Stock Coop' that the patient miners have accumulated daring during the winter, looks like little mountains.— The lumber is being drawn on the ground, owned by the "Bless Tannery Co," waiting the opening of spring to cotainene.e their work. Do you know Mr. Editor, that we are tIM "Hid," of the county ? Look at the Auditor General's A Report, and you will had our coal lands and 'Railroad pays to the State revenue S t `-13,591 136, and all the rest of Tioga county only $13,699 65; and as the Principles of the Republican party aro that Tax ation and Representation should go together, nu are rewarded by being permitted to send two out of the seventy-two delegates to a County Conven tion, and are handsomely snubbed if we ask for any office in State or county, outside of our township. Yours, JOHN B." • Go in, "John 8.," and fight youlL battle for place. Well bold the sponge, GOSSIP.—In common with thousands ( we guess that is not too much) Wo read the "Friday Miscellany" in the Elmira Advertiser with phus• ure always, and generally with profit. It is not always that we can agree with the writer, Mr. Beecher, which affords another proof of the fact that God's works aro not fashioned in accordance with the law of monotony, but rather in accord with the higher law of "unity in diversity." Some weeks ago we found ono of Mr. Beecber's faults interfering with what is to us the lino of diity, and tapped it gently, hoping to break, and re move it in detail. The fault we attacked was the Use of wine fur sacramental purposes', The ground of objection was stated to bo the danger of its use to the reformed drunkard. At the'same time we wrote that it did. not do credit tip Mr. Beecher to put wine above water for such pur poses. In remarking upon our criticism, among other things, Mr. Beecher says: "We certainly do put wine above water for sacramental uses. But if thus using the wino causes a reformed drunkard to backslide, we , would use no more wino while the world standeth. Our rule would bo to use the "elemouts'L which JESUS used. Our exception would be abstinence for a good reason. "But, g ood brother, had we under our pastoral care a reformed drunkard, we should go to him and ask him to decide thus: "If you touch our wino you are in danger. For your sake we three hundred will cheerfully forego our sacred wages, if you say so; or you may elect to commune "in ono kind" as all our Roman Catholiobrelluen do; or, I will provide for you a separate oup and you and I will drink water."—lt seems to us that any penitent and reformed drunkard would rather not have hi_ sinful weakness and necessity laid as a rule . upon a whole church f BOCIIIISO he has lost a leg is not a goed - reason why all mon should go on crutches?" _ There is force in Bro. Beecher's reply because there is force in almost everything he writes; but it does not cover the grounds of objection. We believe that thousands acquire au appetite for stimulating drinks by supping communion wine : and certainly it does not, now need to be alleged that the only positive safeguard, to thousands, is in strict abstinence from every and any thing which contains, alcohol. In our view, if there be danger to any man or woman in testing wine occasionally, even, then the churches would do well to abandon its use and celebrate the Lord's Supper in watrir instead. Neatly all the wino used is but rteunnitigly compounded bait, intended to create and foster an appetite for more, and stronger stimulus. Because one man has lost a leg "is not a good reason why all men s ho u ld go on crutches," we admit; and the proposition is forcible as quaint. But we beg leave to pre sent the proposition in different form: If by yea son'of wino ten thousand men have fallen, it is ample reason why good men should st, ice in such fashion as to lessen the danger of additions to the fallen ten thousand; and so that none be led one inch toward the awful pitfall. —A workman is not known a one by the chips ho makes, but equal!)• by the tools be uses. A first-rato carpenter does not, from choice, use planes with irons chipped out on the edge, or tools with handles set awry. An honest shoe maker does nut put burned or damaged leather not use rotten leather in making a lutrneFtt, if honest. The merchant, if smart, does not employ a cheating clerk. And so olt, to the end Of the chapter. Good men do not employ Mot men to do their work, at least not front choice. The bishop who should send out a licentious and profane minister to preach the gospel, would not b regarkd an honest bishop. Yet how many m n with-the order of respectability think it not orrtt l jjy legitimate, but sharp, to cratibiyvestioqable, means in gaining their ends? Sonie men l i havo even selected tools with blemiltes, and gone deliberately at work to turn those vices to account: Men of ability sometimes make use of the positive vices of men of lesser abilities to acquire wealth, or power, or position. Such managers have only a negative affinity for vice, and make the positive crookedness of others a source of temporal benefit. Do yon suppose that such men cheat the Al mighty? Can a man employ evil means for the attainment of what to him seem good ends, and Inot under the operation of our higher law, become confounded with the nature of the means, be employs? _ NORMAL ScriooL—CLOSE OF WINTER TEmr.—Wo ere indebted to Mr. Jas. II Bos.z.rd, for the following report of the closing exercises: The closing exercises of the winter term of the State :Normal School indicate the degree of thoroughness which may be acquired at that in stitution, and no oiia - -who was present at the ex amination of the Senioi .s elacts.„!.m Th irsday and Friday March 12th and 13th, fail fail to be thankful that such an institution is in their midst. The gemination was conducted on the system of topics, and the exhaustive manner in which the pupils treated of the subjects allotted to them indicates thorough training. Geometry, Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric were ditposed of in a masterly manner. The members of the class generally recited in clear distinct tone, and expressed their ideas in very good language. But it was in the evening -of Friday that the more intere-ting part of the services were cele brated. At an early hour people began to rush into the chapel and it soon became evident that a large audience would be present, and that the room was not large enough for such occasions.— The.exereises emsi.ited of Speaking and Music. Both the Senior and Junior classes participated in the speaking, the Juniors reciting choice se lections, and the Seniors original compositions. These compositions were well prepared, and were not lumbered up with figures as most school-day productions are. The delivery of all was ex. ecllent, every speaker, I think, speaking suffic iently distinct to be plainly heard in all parts of the room. Miss Rate Reynolds of B/ossburg, be her effective rendering of "Small Robes of liltite" is deserving of special tnenti.m. part of the 'worm:two was an im portant feature in the success of tie exercise and laird ranch to the pleasure of the occasion. The nieec , ‘Nerc well executed and li, , totted to with tearkod attention. A rieni on' the right, an tic compli-hed musician pronounced them "very god. - Jo ihe tan-teal department as well as the others, the pupils thew that they little been guide , / by the hand of a mils3itr. Probably, no where in Northern Pennsylvania are better fn, citifies for lertrnin , pr.: , tented the pupil, thin .$350,00 ..125,00 1113,20 .200,00 ..0.),25 181,,"0 ~ 1 t,,00 ..50,00 -151,0 - 1 461,68 .1 vol,oo ....Co, 00 ''s2l.6S The wall 4 of the. chapel wen. ,), , ,irmalm/ by Twiny fine picture. , land=enpo and rural and portraits. Niftily of thee trr rc !Monument,: to the succee.eof yonr own townsman. Mr Cliarlel o.'Thompson. Among the portrait, of Washington, Jefierron, Lincoln All in all the exerci ,, ii , , Lath in,,,siti , ,,, Curl Exhibition,'wr cc n and g - p r,•,011 faction to till A L'erv./v„-- . 1 . } , 0 fln4h - rtipripa %,,?; p u blic stile tit Vart'F Stnro, Molt t,„.11•01,- boro, Pa., a largo n 01...• of Read:. tiln.ia ,',,,th ing, tiencral Thurstioy afternor:n and pk,rll7 I,FJ'AI. to pnntinte through Friday or.d z 4 ratnrday Re is enve!ied to dispose of biz , Floli. [having been horned out at the )ate tire in Trr ; y. Brad ford Co and there will be an ni pt•rtneity for good bargains. Ife has done busines= for many years in lroy,. and those, acquainted frith his stock will have nn fears of I:eirirr I , •wed. , .N.arli ci; , . F.3.CALIiINS. A I"riinitc of Rceprct ii , 11 At a regular 1 'e•tie , , , , of LPWICLICOVIIIIP 14,11,e. No. 03, Lo.of 0 T 110,1 at their rogin on Tite.,l:ty even. lug March tlth,l CO. the f0110ut,,,, N•i,,, u ide iti { ii ieso. 'talons were presented by the committee, consi.ling of ltev. J. J. Turtou, A.F. tseujamin and J. itraltruart. intorenii it bag Ploatled AlMißbty Gall In his tin. erring dispensation, to take from one circle our be tared b r other, Item, petavinsfitch, while in the power therefore, be it t a lkie death of our brother, our o lo f e ll i t i l" g iB e °f r i.r e vil e fj:lt o c g r' riz T i l i li s au l fi h il e i loss of a devoted member, a most zealous adrocate,and a never wearyi ng j i eveteente t h e principle of temperance. Itusetven—That we extend our deepest sympathies and heart-felt condolence to thasorrow stricken wife, arid the many friends of onr departed brother, but in remembrance of the afflicting scone of his departure from 'hie probationary date, eo highly indlcatlrolof 0, well grounded hope of unchanging felicity in that land of rent. from" whence no traveler returns," We ought not to mourn, but that our "mourning should be urned Into joy, and our sorrows into gladness," feel. inn as we do, that one of our number has been trans. planted from this low vale of sorrows to the "eternal - hills of everlasting life," and " tbrit our "loss is his eternal gain." , RESOLVED—That REI Et ttlbubs of respect to tho ROOM oiy of our departed brother, the members of this Lodge will wear the, usual badge of mourning:Sur thirty days. • Itesdr.vco—That a copy of these 'resolettons be pie• sented to the wire of our deceased brother, and that a copy of the 841110 be furnished to our county papers, and also to the KoyatoneGood Templar for publication. SP.WING MActuxes.—Llias Howe, Jr., First class, First premium Doable-thread Machines, anti tho Wilcox k Gibbs Single -thread, twisted ittop• stitch Machines, for sale by MRS. A. M. PITTS. Mansfield. March /7, 1869-4 w. LONGE'irr Worn.—Tito longest word in the languago,—An-ti-ve-loc-i-pc-des-tl-na-ri-an-is mat-i-eally,--is an adverb of sixteen syllables and thirty-tear letters, and is applied "thusly":- Peter T. Plopatlooclle, in propelling his velocipede up Fourth Street, very ante-velocipe-desfe-narian-) iimatienDy loft his balance, and after forming a delicate gyration in Iho parting atmosphere, landed in the mud: Beat this who can.—.Wilf iatnapot f bulletin. Show.—Six inches of snow fell Sun day night, making alaiglaing again. MAsQuERADE.T-We are requested to state that a Masquerade Ball will be held at Pot ter's 'Middlebury, Friday evening, Mara 20, inst. Masks furnished at the rooms. AM other apparel must bo provided by the guests. AIARRIAGES 'BROW Elklniik.Merch 11, by Rev. S. A. Rawson, of Nelson. Mr. Levi A. Brown, and Miss Sarah 31. Stull, both of Elkland. RATIII3I7N—TUBBS.--ln Westfield township, hfareh 8, at the house of Benjamin Tubbs, by Francis Strang, Esq., Job hethban, of Nelson, and Susan Tubbs, of Westfield. 'DEATHS. IfAßDY.—futtusrlaston, March 'l t of , Inflaromation of the Bowels, Otis G.,,eldest son of John B. and Clar. issa Hardy, aged '2O years 10 mo. and 8 dye. lie's crossed the waters dark and deep ile's wrestled with the foe The last of enemies to moat No more fife strength to know. When entering the "stream; said he, Thongh billows round me roll : I know that 3eßuN now loves me • 1 reel It in sty xOlll . SEWING 11141.CRINES. 19 HOWE, .Tr., first Premium Sowing Mn . chine for . sale in Wellsboro, by 0ct,28, IS6S-2t. 'A. FOLEY. The largest, best arid cheapest assort ment of frames ever brought into 'Doge, County, with large pictures in every way to suit, and card phutngraplis at $1,50 per dos., all goirg fast at Frank Spencer's. Art Gallery, Marlified, 25—tf. SPECIAL NOTICES. —0 .Ifl I 17.7 1 . 11 H ALL'S v .-- • VNETABLE SAGILIAI4 I - EA - AIR N v.....,....,1 , .)1410 zivryymyryja ,4 'piss. t 4 i -1.- ..., ,„g„,..N.e„triyet Yllf2;4‘ • DISEASES OF THE SCALP PRO Or cr GRAY TEAM AIM BALDNESS! cur. vas OF BALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER will restore it to its natural color and promote its 7ro s th Our Troo ti o on the Hair rent free by ninil It P HAT T., k CO., Naohna,,N. 11. Proprietors. rrr OP by all Druggists. March 10, 1809 NEW SPRING GOODS J. A. Parsons & Co., We invite your attention to our New Stock as W e think you will find it very attractive and cheap. We do not, as most in the trado, claim great advanceii, ttc: . , but intend to give more goods for a dollar, taking the average of our tack, than at any time for several years. "Our Linen Stock is very large and client. Brown Table Linens. 4s, ss, Rs, Bs,:tier yard.. Bleached " " 6s, Bs, Hs, 12s, " • Table Cloths in extra Sizes and NapkAlls from Towels from Towelling3 Fall lines of Drapery Marseilles Quilts, Table Spreads, check and striped tte., at very reasonable ppm.% In' Doinestie Cottons. our Stock is very desirable, With as many Leading Großds.:at LOW Rates as ever. We have I,lrots,n sheetings yd. wide 12 cts. Bleached tirtibliris Is per yd. Handsome Prints Is yd. Common Prints Ci cents, and all ether goody Fu ck as Checks, Denims, Pickings, Stripes, &c., equally cheap. Cassinieres, Kentucky Jeans, cf; Cotton adc3. 44 larger stock than maul, and at still lower prices. Dress Goods and Shawls. Av o have a fine Stock of early Spring Goodp, pry cheap. J BLACK ALPACAS We are keeping a still Larger Stock of the same makes of which we sold so many last reat•otis,atio are now selling them at about 10 per, Tent less than last fall. We Alan keep all the numbers having them at 3s, 4s, 45130, b5, Sc, 10s, 12c, and we know that no ono c beat us either as to prices, qualities, or as t o the assortment. BOOTS & S. Oar trade last year was larger in till stock ever boort., and'we desire to increase it this season, mod to do so, intend to keep a still hotter siock in fine work for Ladies and Chil- Arlen. We shall continuo to keep up our large assortment of Ricl►ardson's Work "n illtn's and Boy's Shoe \Vow )11's & Chil dren's Calf, Kip ard Moroc (-o Shoe 4 At pricel ; nl last year. 7•his I reii ibio od nny F(.111, nnii our ..!1` tra,le t.:ll_l ‘ .l , 11.; t :',..1!11 it "V t. a very !ttin.ll profit. 74 Ladies' Serge Ctingrewg Bolmorals, and Polish Boots. ttnri .112bble Goat Work 1 1,4. 1 1 .1 , :: ,, , T 11:• : n . , l: !:, e is el ift I , lo t l l e i tl t :in :lr rt,6 , , :r ni: .:ito lrpek prices. ever INTER GOODS. Wt , nru =ellirig off the 'imbue° of our Stock of Winter Shawls, guequeings, Dress Good, Furs, &e. At a reduction of full 25 por taint. from our ret;tdir price=, n 7 ono dwirous of buying vory pll Pd p Clll roAW (10 Bo: J. A. PARSONS & CO, Coyuinq,,l4l4rgh IQ, V 1691. . J . D. llATtby Qualities. $1,50 to 85,00 doz 51,75 to $6,50 " Is, 10c, 18, 20c, 25c, 2.6, 38 ,EIitTISEMENTS. NEW .AD 04V 4.Vit.k.4l,Vtgtg4l3 To TIIZ Wottema CLUE now prepared to fur 'nfah all classes with constant employment' tit their homes, the whole , of the time. or for 'the spare mo ments. Business now light and profitable. Bitty cents to $5 per evening, le either earned by persons of either sex, and the boys andfi girls earn nearly as much as mon. Great inducements are offered those who will do. vote their whole time to the business ; and; that ovary person who sees this notice, may send mo tbeir address stud test the business for themselves, I makq. the follow. tag unparalleled offersj Tel all , those who are not well satisfied with the business,l will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing mei particulars, directions, sent free. samples eent by mall for lOcts. Address . O. ALLEN, Augusta, Ido. March 17. 16G9-Sin. 1 1 / 4 TN - the DISTRICT COURT of the U. fot JlLthe Western District of Pennsylvania: Hathaway Leßoy, n bankrupt under the Act o Congress of March 2 1.867, having applied for discharge from all his debts, and other claim provable under said Aot, by order of the Conrt Notice is hereby given to all persons who bav proved their debts, and other persons interested to appear on the 27th day of Marsh, 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. m., before F. E, Smith( esq.,.lteg ister, at his offtoo in 't loge, Pa., to show cause, if any they have why a discharge! shOuld not be granted the said bankrupt. And ;further no tice is hereby given that the 2d and 3d meetings of creditors of said bankrtipt, required by the 27th and 28th scotiorns °Veld Act, will be held before the said RegiterTtl the same time and place. . IS. C.IBIcCANDLESB, Mar.l7, 1869-2 t Clerk. Assignee's Notice. WESTERN 'District of Pennsylva nia, ss. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment ns Assignee of F. D. 13uartel. of Itelieboro,pi the County of Tioga and State' of PonnsylOtnia, within aid District, who has ,been adjudged a Banln(pt upon hie own t petition,H N by the District Cotti of said District. i JO I. MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Pa., M 1 A r ch 1.0, ` 69 , -31, * Aspignl o . t i SPELLING ,011 1 AT COST FOR CASH! Log 24g WZ111411,113 al CO. Fill sell from this da i DREGS, * PerVaniery, Non Ons, Dye- Stuti"4, raints.P 01$, , 1 Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Tr°l3. er, Curtains, Wall-Pa Fixture:, &c., &c., &c., .T FOR. CASH. AT CO y no Humbug. I) Positive P. B. :WILLIAMS & Cp. v,en ? bor. 1111:1 h s', 1889 TCHES Q 314WUP42418US Tho undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Tioga and vicinity that ho has just opened a • Watch and Jewelry establishment In Borden's Drug Store, and is prepared -to with aIL orders in his line o" business with despatch and in the best of mon n Or. ALL WORK WARRANTED. S. WILE Tioga, Fob. 24, 18139.-tf. TISTRY. nyq R C. N. DARTT, & Co. witi stilt continue the business of Dentistry in Wellsbore where they respectfully solicit the patronage of ail who need, or desire the services of a Dentist. Raving been for the past fourteen years engaged' in Dentistry exclusively, they feel confident of giving perfect atisfacti on in nil operations intrusted to their care. Special attention given to the treatment of car ies, irregularities, exposed nerves, ulceration, and intimation of the gums, and all other dis eases to which the te‘ith and gums are subject. .1;0 4 -First Class WOrk guaranteed iribiith eboniesi and operative Dentistry. Gas and Ether given for extractin. , teeth. 2,7 ,- Ovrtoni over Book and Jewelry Store. Welloboro. • eb. 24,1869.-tf. . N'tioe to Collectors.. A LL COLIJECTORS h . :arrears on their Du• At: plieetes4rill be required to settle the same by the I't of 'farelt next. 11. C. BAILEY, Feb. 17, 188-2 w. Treas. - - - Adi4inistrator's Notice. ettorq orAdminiatratlon having bean gran ted to the undersigned upon the Estate of Minor Benjamin, late of Delmar, deed, all per sons indebted to, or claiming against the estate will settlkwiti\ SARAII Feb. 17;18694w. 9 Admx. Farm for Sale. TN Farrulagtos, nor. the Limo Kiln. 45 acres 1. It will be sold loaf. J. W. TITBBS, Feb. 17, 1869-2 w. . lawrencevillop e their ontiro stook of DDICINES, REGULA'TO STORE! CORNING, N. Y. HA VIRG purchased the entire stock former ly ownod by 11. Goff, we would announce to the people of Tioga County that we have PO recoivod a full aseortrnent of ' • 1 • SEASONABLE MIS. bought since the recent decline in prices, and we Invito all who appreciate good bargains, to give us a call. Wo shall continually keep a fall stook of DRESS GOODS, in Lung es 71BERVito SILK GOODS, WHITE 'GOODS, Clawttc•la. CIA-co c>cits WOOLEN AND PAISLEY SHAWLS, Y NICEE NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CROOIkERY, &c., 4&e. You bnvo,only ,to look through our stock to sati.4y yourseives;that wo aro Bolling "Cheaper than the Cheapest." Country Merchants supplied at small adv from Now York Cost. Corning, Oot. 29, 12.69.—1 y The Battle has been Feughl r ll - ITh NT T r, Ll r_I_OODS hi& faNtuthille&Y. Y.Y carried the day, and hereafter will be found ready and willing,for active and 'efficient service in behalf of all those' who will call and give their orders at WICKHAM & FARE'S, TtOGA, PA On the Dry Goods side we bavo a fu complete and assortment of Fall and Wt GOODS Good stook of Flannel; Sheeting:, Prints, Muslin lanes and Dress Goods, with great variety of YANKEE NO II with w .ieh to fill in and trim up. We ca I special attention to our assortme. 1 Hats and Caps, J with pices which wo know will compare bly with prices of the same goods beforo Toots and Shoes, which bare been made to order from Freqe with warrantee. Work ready to be she • fitted to all enstomore. The Grocery st eludes, Flour, Pork, Fisk, Ball, Sugars, Tea fee, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, &c., Then comes the WOODEN WARE, Tubs, Pails, WaSh Boards, Mop Sticks Boxes and Pails, together with nurnerol Goods, such as Crockery, Glass-ware, Sto &c.; which we will always be glad to risk the selling after the goods are seen I amthed. VI/CICHABI Tioga, Oct. 18, 1888. Great Baa•gai For all who call at Wilson & VanValken No. 2 Union Block. i • Frendi Merinoes, Empfess Cloti l var Sackings of all discript'' Poplins of all colors. _ DELAINES & PRINTS,! ALL FACTORY'S, MEETINGS, U ED AND UNBLEACHED MU• lIOOP SKIRTS, of every doscription ' DRESS TRIM BVITONS of all kinds; also tho cheapest assortment of • ~ READY MAIM CLOT ever Nought into Tra County. , tho place, and all before pure We base a large assortment of Gout log Goode, consisting of Drawers, Under-Shirts, Flann Ruck Sleeves, and Mitten Clothing of every descrl manufactured to suit. Thankful for past patronage, and tention to business we hope to share anoe of the 'Arne. WILSON A VAN VALKENDURG Weltaboro,Oct.l2, 1868.—tf - VOA SALE—oao pair of pleasure Bobs, at AL: Dna). /ea% TOLRIS & BAVOIkkh NEWELL dr. OWE and ter ff 2 would t of avora e War. t stook n and ck in- Col: -C., uch na Sugar othor o-ware, tow and and ex- MEI ID urg's s, Bea ' n TYLES, EACH LINS. NGS and rgost and lINC omombor naing. Furnish 1 B a h n i r d st , ion , yistrict at aoritinu- Fall & Winter Goods IN CORNING. W E have received a very LARGE STOOK of PALL AND WINTHR GOODS on the moat favorable terms, and will be sold at very small advance from coat. We think we hazard nothing in saying that wo keep the BEST ASSORTMENT and tho BEST QUALITY of Goods that aro kept in the place. Bavo a store light enough to see what you an buying, and pledge ourselves to SELL AS LOW, qualityoonoidered, as at any otbereatabliahment. We continuo to make our CLOTH TRADE ono of our spooinitios, and when desired MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notice and in the best manner. We have added to our stook a good assortment of CARPETS, cowisting of BRUSSELS, AIRED - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, IiIEMP, AND STArB, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can eel' them HOW VERY LOW. We are the agonto for the , GILEiT P. S. TEA COMPANY, and sell TEA at New York prioea by tbo Dingle pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to oall and examine stook and prices. SMITH & WAITE. Corning, Oct. 1, 1868. Ler li.A.C.E! r you .want to soo a good stook of PALL & WINTER GOODS! go to T. L, BALDWIN ii. CO'S TIOGA, PA 11 you want g4/211 12 : g MEZZO emena such as - A-LP_ACAS, POPLINS, CAM RICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, t , &C., &a. ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS : -YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL AIOIZEL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, ORSETS, DOMES CS. • • A fresh 1r 1 tof READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cloths and Cassimeres and a Tailor to Cut and Fit. Boots and Shoes, TATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &o. GROCERIES, tbo most complete stock you can find, such as TEAS. "We aro old ten drinkers and know them to ho good SUGARS, MOLASSES, and in fact everything in the Grocery line. Also, Butter Tubs and Pails ; Butter sold on com mission—no charges for handling; but would like n small portion of the money yon got in re turn, that k if our prices suit. FARMERS -TOOLS, All kinds and superior quality. If you r 'I don't rail to try ours. want good We warrant it. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchongo for Goode. Wo propose to 01l our Goode reasonably. "Live and lot Live" pritos given at the counter—only ono price. Cash paid for produce if desired. T. L. BALDWIN tt, 00 Tiogit, PA.. Nov. 25,1 flfiB. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration having beon granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Cheater Patridge, late of Charleston township, deceased, all persons indebted to the said estate, or claiming against the same will settle with It ACHEL PATRIDGE, JOHN KOHLER, lattarleston, Bob. 8,1860 , Admin. "BEHIVE EXCHANGE!" I sing, I sing,afa curious thing, Almost as strangwas Boggs upon Tyng; I've swung 'round a circle as round as a ring, And while on the down east part of tny'swing, I stopped at tho city and took on the Spring STYLES OP GROCERIES Thofas!atono for SUGARS ARE LOW IN TIIII NEON, And moroastoniehing still, Molasses & Syrups have a freer run downward, with a futtnel-eha pad trail. Maol.erel, however, are cut from the neck downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA TEA -,-,TEA will bo prepared from a dr/tring fuinished to every customer who buys a pound. (tithe styles to snit complexions, &c., I may mention that Black Tea you can have if you-long for it. I cannot get time to look up all the hard words which the GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY use to startle the innocent people about the coun try ; but you can depend upontlindinz the yen best of Teas at the BEE-HIVE EXCHANOE? As to 40correo, the styles are various. You can have the latest styles from the following fashionable foreign ports, to witt MOCHA, JAVA, RIO, LAGUIRA JAM- AICA, &C. II Iu the matter of PROVISIONS! Flour still wears hoops over all, and &spouses with trails a 6 unprofitable. I have all grades eatable. Also, PORK, DRIED BEEF AND lIAIVS, together with a full assortment of light groceries and canned delicacies; As ever MATHERS PayeFash or Tra i t, O f i ' L g je op MARKETABLE CALL AT MATHERS'S Welleboro, Apr.l, 'BB. W. T. I!tIATHERS NATIONAL MR INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE UNITP.I) tv rib trz:itaTo:V, C Chartered by Speci'l Act of Congress APPROVED JULY 25, 1868. Cash Capital, $1,000,000, PAID IN FULL) BRANCH OFFICE First National Bank Building/ PIIILADELPIIIA, Where all Correspondedbe should be Addressed OFFICERS CLARENCE 11. CLARK, President. JAY Coons, Chairman Finance ch Estimative Com. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. Eltzuses W. PERT, Secretary and Actuary.. B. S. ItussELL, Manager. Circulars. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en an application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to it. C. SIMPSON, Vintnstiono, PA., by whom applications will be received and Po cies procured for Tiogn County. Dee. 9, 1868-Iy. WANTED— ! ASH LOGS, at our AIM. Cash paid for them. Wa are ready to taw for customers. Bring on your logs.. Lath and pickets always on hand. I Ash logs must ho 12 or 1 feet long. lIOWEN & TRUMAN. Virellsboro, Dcc. 16, '6B.tf Lots of Fresh Ground GAYII PLASTIII FOR 57,00, at T. L. BALDWIN t CO Ttoga.l2eb. 3, 1669. • DRS. THOMAS & :WARREN, DENTISTS, TIOGA, , PA. • ) BEV 'tole - - - - ly upon , • q!. titto ability and or toqi t of 44,;•••P their wtrk to roe to et o st c • them, „ • • 1„:". c. • • We havo all the modern im provements and do every kind of work known to the pre,fosi.i , ot. OR. C. TI 10M A.S. - M. lc WA 1:1; EN M. D. Oct. gtli. Cl 10101•1 LOT OF .011.lIN BAG S 'for solo cheap! .11 WI; BA MET'S% Welaoro, June 5, INCi.r. oßzwonic BF:sT STY 1.,E, and with 41:Pip:itch ,at T II E AGLTAsOsltOffico. FITOII'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT ", Mtg. fur ?ale at Itop'g Drug Stoza. - - I:irgesi tu.oortment of Vinfclice,Clocks T .fotvolry and PlatOtl Ware in Tiogn county at ft9doct3S3 FOLEI"S LAMPS. --A now kind of laulpforKei o9o no I no 14eakagoofOimnovm.a t FQLBT'I3I STO Blain juLclass AVI ant Jac C 0.., tofurnlah t AME 110318 00 the lattOr 0 use ever in convomiont ELEV CAST I ' SEIB ALSO—Stoves suitable soft coal, liill be furnished will de well to examine 111 full and well selected as a sylvantat I have also put i TEAL .lE3Cetaecl.Nnretwet of all serif/. Thankful for liberal patronage in tho PaPtl I reapeotfuflyaoHolt a caatlattar2os, of the tome. :S pt. 16, 1868 1. lIMINESS -SHOP I. W. NAVLE, would leap to hia friends ~ that his Harness Shop is now in full blest, and that be is prepared to furnish heavy or light X-istasruestmegag, on ehort notieo, in a - good and flubatantlal man. nor, and at prim that can't fall to snit. Tho beet workmen aro employed, en d notti but the best material rued. Call and see. Dee. 0, 186$-.ly. G. W. NAVLEI. 4Casitzr, ART GALLER consequence or Sickness, the Mtn known heretofore as Ring 4k Eastman's Gallery of Art Is hereby =mutually dissolved agreeable to both parties. Tho business will hereafter be carried on by OPERATOR AND PROPRIETOR; At tho old stand over Eastman's Dental oMoo. Constant' on hand a large assortment of . FRAMES, SQUARE. AND OVAL, OVAL _ _ SIZES MADE TO ORDER, Also cases just received, which will go fitted with largo or small pictures of tho best guilty att; at reasonable rates. PHOTOGRAPHS copied from old Amhrotypee or Daguerreotype - of deceased friends. flaring Benred the setvi ses of ono of tho best finialatira in gals-sepia or Oil. lam prepared to fill all ordera. TWELVE GEM OARD§. at $2,00 per dozen, either ands or vignette; large elzo from $2,00 to $lO,OO each. Also a large l(st of CAg.l3B which I will fit with pictures from 50;cents tb $3,00, No ehisrgtei for showing Goods.' Espeoial attention paid- to making Picturei for families in groups. • 11 '• - Also a fine assortment 9f PTIOTO_G.RAPHS and tin type ,albnuas, worth from 00 cebtW to $7. . CLAY ICING. oI c House and Lot for See. Ia OUSE and Lot, and vaunt lot for sale!, IV. cheap. Location Welisberti, acid destratle. inquire at the Agitator Office. I Oct. 28, 1868—t-L /FIHE undersigned has fitted up the old Fowl dry building, near the Brewery, We'labor°, and is nolr - prepared to turn out tine MIA kW, cowhide, and harness leather in the bolt rciau ner: liidel§ tanned on shares. Oash _paid for hides. ' M. A. DURIP. NiroHeber°, Got. 14, 1808. At Woods Gallery 12 Gem Pictures for 15 cts. AU Styles of work cheaper than eisettrhere. Call. and sec. D. H. WOOD. Jan. 20, 1800—tf. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Flour, Feed and Meal, Westfield, Tioga Co, Pa. Nov. li, 1808.—iy ANOTH+ R NEW AND LARGE STOOK OF - ALBUMS, Mil Just received by P. R. ;Williams & Co. The greatest and cheapest variety ever brought into. town, Albums from 75 OS., to $2O eaeh. Call and see. • P. It. WILLIAMS & CO. Welisboro, Deo. 23, 1808. The American . Cooking Stove Is steadily increasing in sales and in public fa vor, notwithstanding the attempts to Imitate its name, its design and various Improvements, and to appiopriate or detract from its great repnta - -: tion. The people soon learn that they are de) - ceived and bwindled by these worthless imita tions, and go. back to the article of standard and cell kdown value, and these mushroom imita tions have their rief existence, and are beard ig no more, whilst the AMERICAN, pursues the even tenor of its way, and will continue to do so as long as Stovos continue to be necessary ar ticles of household furniture. SIIEAR, FACKA.RD do CO., Nos. 17 anti 19 Green st.,Albacy, N. Y VOT snlo'by Rontives, Wollaboxo, Pa. Feb. 10,1869-6 w. NOTICE is hereby giren that I shall expose 1. 1 1 to public .Salo at my'offico jn Tioga, Tio ga county Pa., tin Sat - hi - day,. the 20th day of March next at onou'eleck P. M.. Book accounts and judgments of Lawton CulAmings against, various Individuals at Mansfield, and vicinity, pr cash. A schWuto cif the achounts and 1 cidg ment3 containind the name of iho Debtors, and tho amount elaintr . d to be duo, viii bo exhibited at the time of sale. _ .1 JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Feb. 10, 1869-Itr._ -Assignee, Do you want to save money Go to Wood's Gallery for your Pictures, Frames, and Carcc. it will cost you , nothing to enquire hie l prlcei. Wollsbero, Jan. 13, 1 . Administ ra.ror , s (Mee. ETTERS or Adinitilritti( It de bunim non on 14 the E-ztato of Frederick ',alffor late of,lack pin township, Tioia dec'd, having been granted, all person:: 010111; cai l OSttlIC, or claim ing against the same, ‘i ill settlo with 1,. B. SLIMES, Adm'r. Feb. 10, 1800-6 w T ETTERS T e , i t i ,p l ,, ll i a ry having been granted L to the tinders;gved urea the estate of Ar teinas Losey, late of dee'd, all persona indebted to, or elancri , iigain.t said estate must sottiet with THOMAS lTt ,WA RREN, 1 '" rs ' JAMES T. LQSEY, Nelson, Peb. 17, IS6 Etna ail special finished in first-clans Gallery. Mansfield, Rob. 3, 1 gal DO you want sumo of that 'elegant now style card photographs to ho jitittl for $1,50 per doz., at Spencer's Art Gallery? Feb, 3, /869. S, STOVES,;STOYES. ILL' TAM ROI3EW E 3, on t for all itraLatties Stovei, treat, WellsbOro,' Penn'a, 'CI• been appointed -agent for all twit Stoves manufactured by Shear, Puik. .f Albany, N. Y. / am now .riritdy °following namedrelebrare6 Store/ • OItING "STOVES, /CAN,- NATIONAL, PAN/ON, AtOSITOR. THE BENEFACTOR, which is the best stove for common arkot; being cheap, w,oll matte, and I have also, a varlet , of TED OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, ON, various patterns, T IRON, Self Regulators. r burning hard 9r order. Outomers Brook, Which la as in Northern Penn a- full &took of WM. ROBERTS_ • CLAY RING-, for $l,OO, or 24 for $l,BO PHOTOGRAPHS, New Tanit.ei•4y E. D. HOLILLEIr. Assignee's Sal; '5 Xotice Execato Holographs, Cabinet, .1, finest styles ef pictures; utatiner at spenaer's Art ME