The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 17, 1869, Image 2

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A Innoce.t Man Serves Seven and a
Half 'foam in a State Prison.
In the fallof 18f7, — t - bere was a steam
boat plying the lakes called the Globe,
owned by two brothers named Robin
son. ' 1 One of these brothers was second
engineernf the boat, and during-one of
her trips a passenger by the name of
Karney went into the engine room and
attempted to interfere with the running
of the boat. Robinson gave him a push
and he fell upon'the shafting, when one
of the beat hands came up and kicked
him in the jaw with such force as to
break it. Karney sprang up, drew a
knife and stabbed Robinson in the
breast, killing him instantly. He then
stabbed a man by the name of Cum
mings, one of the boat hands. 'lie was
seized, lashed to the boat and carried to
.INiackimiw, where he was turned over
to the city authorities. '
After having his jaw dressed by a
physician he was taken to Detroit and
lodged in jail, where he remained lout
mouths, and then with others he made
Ilk escape befotle beiug brought to trial.
A reward of One thousand dollars was
()tiered by the authorities for his capture,
i:,ut he had probably tied to some other
eontitty and succeeded in eluding the
vlgilance.of the deteetivest Ten years
after this, in" the year 1851, Edward
-Murphy; who was then living in Chi, was arrested and charged with
I• the -escaped criminal.- ilo was
taken to Mackinaw and there tried for
the murder of Robinson, was convicted
of the crime and sentenced to solitary
cen ft nement in the Michigan State pris
on for life. The witnesses against him
were Cummings, the man who had
been stabbed on the boat, and a man
by the name of Ladroo, who was turn
key at the jail In Detroit at the time
R.arney made his escape. They pre
tended to identify Murphy in cone
quence of his having lost one 'of his
little lingers at the second joint, which
was the case with the real murderer;
but the fact was that Murpby had lost
-his five years after the murder had been
committed. These two witnesses, how
ever, swore point blank,that he was the
man, and upon their evidence he was
Convicted, and, as stated above, served
seven and a halfyears in solitary con
finement in the State prison, Ile fi
lially succeeded, after much suffering,
in establishing his innocence by prov
ing an alibi, and was released from
prison in March last. It is supposed
the two witnesses entered into a con
spiracy against Murphy for the purpose
of obtaining, 'the reward which had
been offered for the-capture of Ramey,
and their scheme - proved successful, al
though they received only $6OO of the
money. Murphy is now an- old man,
broken down in spirit and constitution,
and is destitute of means. He propos
es to petition'the legislature for relief.—
Jackson (.311ch.)' Patriot. '
—ln a case of euidide in Stickler tows -
ship, Pa., on Tuesday; the Corone s
Jury rendered the following origin 1
'verdict : . .
An inquisition indented and taken 4
Shaler 'township, Allegheny count.
- the second day of February, A. D. 1869,
before me, J. S. Elsesser, a Justice of
the Peace in and for said county, and
acting in the absence of the Coroner of
the county aforesaidl upon the view of
the body of Catharine -Reamer, then
and there lying dead, upon the oaths of
Wm. Mulboland, Michael Brannon ; J.
' C. Eleiber, Wm, Collins, Geo. Allison,
and William Allison; good mid lawful
men of the county aforesaid, Who being
sworn to inquire, on the part of the
Commonwealth, when, where, how,
and after what manner the said Catha
rine Reamer, not' having the fear of
trod hefore her eyet, but being seduce:,
and moved sty thelVevil, at Studer town
ship aforesaid, in a certain woods in
said towm,hip'i,tatuling and Jteing, then
and there alone, with a certain wyolen
shawl, of the value of six Tents, k 4 1deli
s-ho did, thentied there hold it her
li:oeis, and one end then and thew put
armind her neck, and the othq end
theroof tied :aboutn limb of a tied, her
self then Ad thi!re, wills the shawl
rt f ore ,, a id, vithiniarily and feloniously
nod of tier malice 'arorethought. hanged
andSU fIUCII . "And so the jurors
aforesaid, upon their oaths, say that
'the s•tid Catfinfine Reamer then and
there, in manner and forin aforesaid, as
a felon of herself, felonious, voluntair
ly, and of her malice aforethought.
herself killed, Etrangled,t against the
prate and dignity of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania.
11. (.4arner of Tennessee is said to be
the most successful, persevering, and
dazing horse thief in the United States.
Ile is now Fo En ewhe re about ; - ,0 .years
old. a middlesized, raw-boned, 'weath
er- heaten utalq with iron-gray beard
and hair, :wed penetrating eye. He
w re s cued from jail about two weeks
ago hSva hand of what was supposed to
k , %• 1.(‘I-K1.1.1X, but who iu realityJwere a
gang of 'horse thieves, whose branches
are ramified through Tennessee, Geor
gia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and of
which this Garner appears to be the
chief. Like all noted thieves, he has
the most unpromising appearance in,
the world for a man of his profession.—
Ile walks in an awkward, shuffling,
hang-dog sort oi' way. Ile boasts of
_having captured, in the line of his pro
fe-sion , over 500 head of stock, acknowl
edges that he has himself been captured
some 14 times, that he has spent' one
third of his life in the penitentiary, and
that he was sentenced to be hung twice.
He seems to be safe and sound, without
as much as a bullet mark on him, and
only two knife scars. His operations
during the last 40 years—he began prac
tising his profession at the age of 15—
have extended dyer 29 States, and even
into the Brittish territories.. During
the past 20 years his buSiness 'has been
confined to Tennessee and the adjoin
ing States south, with an occasional ex
cursion into Arkansas and down thro'
Louisiana into Texas. He was captured
last week in Nashville by a Detective
and is now in prison: Ho is said to be
quite a; curiosity to the people of the
The Phrenological Journal for March
contains portraits and biographies of
Mrs. E. Cady Stanton; Sitsan B. An
thony, Ole Bull and others, besides be
ing lull of rthe most interesting and
valuable reading matter. The Journal
treats upon all subjects affecting man as
a physical, mental and moral being, and
contains well written articles on other
important matters. The work should
be in every family. Price, 'Angle copy
Club at the Post-office at lower
rates. Address S. B. Wells, 889 Broad
way Newt York.
A: WOOD TO ME . AFFLICTED .— tie deSire to
bring to the notice of the afflicted as Fell as to
all persons who are anxious of preserbtang their
health unimpaired. the merits of Hoot:land:a Ger
man Bitters. This medicine has been before the
public for many years. has withstood all
Cysts to which patent medicines are exposed, and
instead of being driven out of the market as
most of them are, it has continued to gain favor
with the people, until it has become the most
popuhr medicine in the country. Our observa
tions as to the merit? of t&ts Bitters, warrants us
in recommending it to all. It will strengthen
and invigorate the whole system, gibing tone and
h , Atity.autiti to all its parts. but tnoru esped
tally Would wo recommend it' to all persons af : ,
Meted with Dyspepsia, most of cases of which
we lalieve it will speedly cure, if the directionl)
accompanying the bottles be complied with.—
Try it at once.
Bitters is entirely free from nll Alcoholic
a diniLturts.—noorLAND's ormsra:c TO.Xle is a
cointt.ation ot• all the ingredients of the Bitters,
kith pure Santa Crut limn, orange, anise, Sce.,
making a preparation of rare medical value. it
is used fur the saint diseases' as the I3itters,
ea,e. where come Alcoholic Stimulus is necessary.
Principal Office, 631 Arch St., PhiltnYn, Pa.
by Druggists and others:et cry
.Mnnnt-'s Mus,r.tu.—The Match number of
thii,,l ite magazine fur young people is reeeit ed.
Ti,• I , l2l,4siwrs 1.',i1l send specimen numbers, v. ith
pr , m, , ,iu list, free, to any one Arithing to tXlitn-
Ine this ni: , .; , ..rzine. Address, Horace B. Fuller,
Publifber, ,lit, Bromfield Street, 1308 ton,
' )
zikt agitatov.
" All laws will be faithfully executed,
whether they meet my approval or
not.'r This utterance of-the neurPres
!dent does not strike the Constitution
loving Democracy farably. They
are for the Constitution as it is, and for
the laws Nyhich suit - them, and further
say not.
Bth inst., her 'Republicans elected a Re
publican Governor and State officers : ,
an overwhelmingly Republican Legis
lature, and the entire Congressional del
egation ; all by a majority of 4,800—a
gain of 2000 on the majorityof last year!
So coniein the endorsements of Grant's
Administration. Hail, Granite State!
" Grant's administration will be a
dead failure!" shout the radical Dem
ocratic sheets. Yes—as to your- low
born hopes, undoUbtedly. There is no
suspicion of treason in that bold, - clear
utterance, his inaugural. Without per
fidy the Democratic Party is without
hope in the world. Without the quali
ty of the honor which obtains among
th le is it' would fall to atoms and be
kno 'll no more as a party.
Sa 's Grant in his vigorous inaugural :
" The office has come to me unsought.
'I commence its duties untrammeled ;
and bring to it a conscientious desire
and determination to fill it, to the best
of my ability, to the satisfaction of the
How many Presidents, since Wash
ington, could say—" the office c mies to
me unsought?" In modern times only
three—Taylor, Lincoln, and Grant.—
To Buchanan it was the dream and am
bition of his lifetime. May we not
hope that the people will " call " men
in the future, and not suffer politicians
like Buchanan to call them?
" Let it benntlerstood that no repu
diator of 'one farthing
,of our public
debt will be trusted in public place, and
it will fio far toward strengthening a
credit which ought to be the best in the
world." Ah, General Grant, that was
the unkindest cut of all. That was an
advertisement to " beware of the dog."
Every repudiator is down on Grant.—
He is a Radical ; 116,ts a bondholder;
he is " Washburne's man Friday :" he
" went up like a rocket, and will come
down like a stick." Better stand from
under, then, repudiators. The stick i,
always dangerous. Look out for the
" stick," for it is sharp, and it is di
rected at the rear of the retiring band
of thieves of which A. Johnson was
We have been a patron, and a dili
gent reader of
. The Independent for
many years;
, for its outspokenness, it
general impartiality ; its catholicity, and
its undoubted . ability we have a gen •
uine admiration. Its editor-in-chief,
.1 4 11E0DORE TrvioN, is one of the most
versatile writers, as he is one of the
most eloquent orators of the time. The
Independent is a first-claqs journal,
with a European reputation, is a pow
erful educator,—in Short—a power in
the world of letters. How hopeless,
then, is the effort we are about to make,
to reach it, and pour into - its ear a little
In the last week's issue of that paper
Mr. Tilton has an editorial criticising
"the situation ;," with which, in the
main, we find it agreeable to agree. In
speaking of the Cabinet, however, as
at first constituted, the editor says.,
substantially, that it is common-place,
and that many expected to see a states
man, like Charles Sumner, in the
Department, TrTics , occupied by Mr.
Washburne. Likewise, a statesman in
the Treasury department, in place of
Mr. Ste Wart.
- - -
Here, . in common with thousands, we
disagree with The Independent. Nei
ther that paper, nor any other that we
knew of, has informed its readers what
constitutes statesmanship. We have a
tolerably clear notion. that statesman
ship and common sense are one and the
same thing; bilt that is only a notion.
What we do desire to Say to Mr. Tilton,
and to other grat journalists is, that
history nowhere records the fall Or fail
ure of any nation, for lackof brains and
statecraft. On the contrary, every ac
count of national failure clearly.testifies
that destruction was the consequence of
a lack of INTEGRITY and cod moN SENSE
in the menwho 'administered the affairs
of Slates.
Mr. Sumner may be a statesman, in
the sense in which that term is gener
ally used; but we deny that he possess
es any great; amountof common sense.
He has great pride and strength of in
tellect, indomitable energy and une
qualed persistence. Perhaps all those
qualities constitute statesmanship, but
we don't believe it. Perhaps Richelieu
and _Bolingbroke were statesmen, but
we never saw anything more or better
in them than genteel villains. Howev
er, there's Ito accounting for difference)
in eyes.
The Cabinet as at first constituted by
Gen. Grant was made up of common
sense men. Men who had conducted
large private . business with markedsuccess. Mr. Stewart is a man who is
j known everywhere as an honest, hon
orable man. He has never resorted to
the can tricks of trade to build up a
I fort Tne. He is a man of common sense
and superior judgment, and, say what
you will, the best man in the republic
for the Treasury: We have had Mr.
Chase, who is, we are at liberty to sup
pose, a statesman. To us he is a cold,
calculating politician, with a fine mind
and no great shakes of a conscience.--
Re never will fail for want-of brains.
• But with the financial policy of the
nation defined and nearly matured, the
Secretary of the Treasury, for the fu
ture, will be not much other than an
executive officer. He ought to he hon
est enough to turn off the thieves and
replace them with honest Men ; ener
getic and , brave enough to collect the
revenues. Alexander' Stewart is just
the man to do that; and that is all Mr.
Boutwell, or any other mau can do at
preSent. Mr. Boutwellis probably hon
est and capable. As Mr. Tilton says,
"he is poor as a church mouse." To
us poverty neither enables nor disables
from honest and honorable action. Pov
erty is usually just as honest as-riches.
Both may be crimes, and both May be
misfortunes. But the day ought to
come When neither poverty nor riches
shall be especial recommendations for
place. We suppose that as between
poverty and riches the teAt may as well
be—an honest poor minis better than
a dishonest rich man ; and an honest
rich man is better than a, poor villain.
That ends'our preachment about pov
erty and riches.
But The independent is an educator.
It is read by half. a million people. It
is a power for good or evil. Consider
ing these facts, our coun4eltojts man
agers is, to
. teach the superiority of in
tegrity and common sense to intellect
ual greatness; and so assii,t to keep the
appliances of power in the hands of
men who are deeply and earnestly en
gaged in building up a great, Christian
Commonwealth, and not in the baser
wbrk of making the way smooth to the
exaltation or self.
Do this, and the nation, shall live,
even though there be no Webster's
Clay's and Sumners.
The Cabinet announced last week
-has been changed in some particulars.
Mr. A. T. Stewart, confirmed as:Secre
tary of the Treasury, was found to be
ineligible under a
,law of 1788, that no
one who might have claims against the
United States shoulerhold the office of
Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Stew
art is au importer. The fact of his in
eligibility being ascertained he offered
to do either of two things : To as
sign his business interests to three men
in New York, with directions to pay
over the proceeds to.the public chari
ties of ,New York ; or resign. , The pro-
Ceeds of Mr. Stewart's business would
amount to fivel or six million dollars
during the next four years. Gen.
Grant would not permit that and so
accepted Mr. Stewart's resignation. His
successor has not been announced.
Of course the politicians make great
noise over this affair and argue that
Gen. Grant will have to consult with
them before he gets the machine to run
smoothly. ye trust Gen. Grant will
refuse to be advised by the politicians.
He can see how they, by their reekiess
scheming, nearly shipwrecked the na
tion but the other day. And if the ap
pointment of Mr. Stewart was a blun
der., it was only a technical blunder;
not such a one as the appointment of a
thief (Which is what the politicians
wanted) would have been. The coun
try was not in the least injured by the
appointment of Mr. Stewart.
The Cabinet is now formed and con
stituted as follows :
tate—Hamilton Path, of N. Y.
Treasury—Geo, S. Nutty°ll, of Mass.'
War—Gen. Rawlins.
Navy—A. E. Boric, of Penn.
Interior—J. D. Cox, of Ohio.
Att'y Gen.—Judge Hoar, Mass.
P. M. Gen.—J. 'A. Creswell, Md.
IlTr. Washburn° goes as Minister to
France, and Gen. Schofield is made a
iVlajor General. Gen. John A. Rawlins,
present Secretary of War, was Grant's
Chief-of-Staff during the war.
It is a first-rate cabinet, and no man
in it can be accused of lacking either
brains or patriotism.
'To protect the national honor, ev
ery dollar of the national indebtedness
should be paid in gold, unless other
wise expressly stipulated in the con
tract." So says Grant in his inaugur
al. Grant believeS in national honor—
a belief which, to modern Democrats,
will savor of fanaticism. To thieves
and swindlers this utterance will ap
pear as evidence of the extreme of im
becility. National honor ! Bless us
all ! when have we heard of a word
about, or an act` in favor of national
__honor from a President of the United
States? l ot in four years, or nearly
that. Johnson never dreamed of so
Vulgar and, common-place a thing as
national honor. The Democracy have
n~ot l troubled themselves about such
"unconsidered trifles" in twenty
years. Go ahead, President Grant!!
Let us bear often about national honor.
It may come in fashion again. 'Who
"I. feel the responsibilities of the'
position, but accept them without fear.'
Thus opens the 'second paragraph of
Grant's inaugural. So the great Cap
tain takes the helm, with a clear per
ception of the nature of the trust re
posed in him ; and fears nothing be
cause determined to do his whole duty.
How simple and straightforward in
his:language, how devoid of the osten
tatious conceit of the Plerbes, the Bu
chanans, the Johnsons! In place of
the grandiloquent and grandiose sen
tences of Buchanan, the thin-washed
platitudes of Pierce, and the coarse
demagoguery of Johnson, we have the
calm, business-like, honest B tqtement
which characterized Lincoln and lodg
ed him in the hearts of the people.—
Your " grand " man is always a stupid'
* His grandeur corresponds to
the chains and rings which adorn. the
forms and fingers of genteel swindlers.
When in command of the armies of the
republic Grant never disfigured his
shoulder with bullion. Like all men
of sterling abilities he is not known by
Degraded indeed must be the party
which bases all its hopes upon the trea
son of its opponents. For months—in
fact, ever since the election of General
Grant—the Democratic press has harp
ed upon the probability of a betrayal
of the Republican party by Gen. Grant.
The apostasy- of Johnson weakened
their faith in human integrity so much
that theyil found it impossible to credit
the existence of honor and fidelity any
Grant's inaugural came clown upon
their summer dreams like a Texas
norther, freezing their budding hopes
and giving them the ague-chill of Fear.
" The debt shall be paid to the utter
most farthing," said Grant; and the
party of repudiation goes about with
nerveless under jaw and woe-begone
cotintenance. " The beg; mode of get
ting rid of bad laws is to strictly en
force them," said Grant; and a howl
of rage goes up from the disappointed
army of Democratic tricksters. " The
laws shall be entbrepd," said Grant;
and OM cry of " tyrant " goes up from
the gqtild army of thieves and forgers.
Ver*well. Grant has spoken in tones
as eleair , and unmistakable as the btast
of a war trumpet. Good men ti\ke
courage and bad ones go howling into
the nether shades.
The Meadville Rrpublican appears
enlarged to D'eolunans per page. It is
now one of the largest papers. in the
State, as it is one of the ablest and most
faithful in the cause of equal and exact
justice to all men.
We are obliged to Dr. John Curwen
one of the CoMmissioners appointed to
select a , site and build a Hospital for the
Insane of the Northern Counties of the
State, for a report of the aperations of
the Commission for 1868. The sum of
$34,686,75 has been expended for
grounds, grading roads, cutting sewers,
and material ezc., leaving a balance of
the appropriation on hand of $15,713,-
25. The Commission could find no
contractor willing to build accommo
dations for 160 patients for less than
$225,000, and therefore 'failed to con
tract for the building. The Legislature
has refused to appropriate a dollar for
the purpose, and the Work must stop.
We don't know much of the merits
of the case, and shall not dwell long
upon the matter. I But lit does seem to
I us,that a legislature which could auth
orize the appointment of 27 extra pastas
and folders, must have bad a sudden
access of virtue to resist the appeal of
the Commissioners aforesaid, for an ap
propriation to increase the accommoda
tions of t'e overcrowded Hospitals of
the State. , ' .
Howevet—.we country people don't
know not ink.
We are obliged to G. W. Rathbone,
Esq., President of the Evansville Na
tional Bank, Evansville, Ind., for the
Annual Report of the Board of Trade
of that thriving City, for /888. The re
port is al neatly printed octavo of 112
pages andi affords an exhaustive ac
count of the business and progress of
that city for the year. It also sets forth
the natural and railway advantages of
the locality. Evansville is the seoond
city in Indiana, with a population of
30,000. 259 houses were built in 1808,
at a cost of $1,025.201. The city has
23 churches, an Opera House - , seven
school houses, valued at $165,0b0. The
schools comprise eight grades. It has
three National Banks with a - paid in
capital of $1,550,000, one-half which
belongs to the Evansville National
bank. In 1888 these banks discounted
to the amount of $6,000,000 ; total de
posits $2,359,723.
2,017,797 bushels of corn were shipped
from Evansville in 1808—nearly do ble
the amount shipped from both Cin in
nati and Louisville. 19,758 Hhds of
tobacco, 38,172 bales of cotton, 173,410
bushels of wheal, 50,840 bbls. of ftbur,
and 12,87't bbls. of pork, were expo4ed
from Evansville in 1888. The grocery
sales were nearly $8,000,000, and the
dry goods trade reached about $3,000,000.
Of boots, shoes, and leather, the trade
reached $1,669,64 ; clothing, $560,000 ;
iron and hardwate $889,000, tke. Al
together, Evansvple must be a brisk
business place.
TnE LEGIBLAwbrnE.— A resolution
proposing an amendnient to the Constitution of
the State to be known , no Art. 13. It provides
that in the year of the Presidental election the
election of Stato and county armors shall be held
on the day of the Presidential election. We hope
the resolution may ho so amended as to fix the
State and county elections, every' year for the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in November.
The October election is all wrong to long as New
York and New Jersey hold the general elections
in November. The second Tuesday in October
finds our farmers very busy. Let the amendment
he amended se as to fix the general election in
The amendment to the national Constitution
will be brought befor the L'egislature soon. ire
understand that debate will ho limited to a rea
sonable time for each memlAr who may wish to
speak upon the measure. The Republicans wi
not consume the time of the public in discussing
the amendment. The Democracy will have it all
to themselves until the vote is reached, whop the
Amendment will be adopted.
We regard this conoluiion of the Republicans
as very commendable. The 15th Amendment,
establishing impartial suffrage, is simple justice.
It needs no argument to justify a vote for such a
measure; at least, no man who loves justice Will
demand a reason for such a vote. The Amend
ment will ho adopted by three-fourths of the State
Legislatures.witholit doubt; and when itbecomes
a part of the organic law, lot us modify it so as
to base suffrage upon that measure of intelligence
which enables a man to read printed matter with
ease. Of course the blind, and those already en
franchised, must be excepted out of the domain
of this rule. But it is time that tho people
should say—."from and after a day named, every
voter should be able to read the Constitution, and
the news of the day."
Grant, brave in civil life as well as on the bat
tle-field, asks for the adoption .of the suffrage
amendment, because it is based on the principles
of eternal justice. It is just. Let it be adopted.
On the 25th Mr. Niles called up the bill to se
cure the people against frauds in the sale of
patenCrights. The bill was vigorously pressed
by Messrs, Niles and String, and passed finally.
We shall present a digest of the act next week.
In the Senate, a bill to prohibit, under penal
ties, the publication of advertisements of quack
nostrums for procuring abortions, passed on the
25th of February. That is right. '
Tho firm of Fitzgerald it Monroe, Elkland,
is dissolved by mutual consent. '
Certainly, brighter than over, comes Our
Sehoolday Visitor to our table for March, In all
,itbo numerous periodicals for children and young
people that we have examined, there is none that
has the variety, spirit and healthy tone through.
out, that are contained in the pages of this cheer
ful monthly. " Tha Misundrstanding," by
Knickerbocker, Jr., concluded in this number, is
a sound, wholesome story for the fathers and
rnotheri, as well as the boys and girls.
is well known that The Little Corporal, the bril
liant Western Juvenile, has a larger circulation
than any other Juvenile Magazine in the world.
This has been gained by real merit and enter
The Publishers are endeavoring to dotiblo thifir
immense circulation this year, and have deter
mizibd to send their Magazine free for three
months-,-January, February and March num
bers of 1869—free to every family who will send
their address before the first of May, with four
cents in stamps for return postage. These are
intended as samples to those who are not now
taking the. Magazine in its new, enlarzhd form.
Address Alfred L. Sewell Co.,Publishers, Chi
cago, 111.
Tan LADY'S FIIILITD, Pon Menca.—The March
number of this "Queen of the Monthlies," opens
with a fine steel, engraving called "In the Fire
light"—where fireside dreams aro taking visible
but etherial shapes. This is followed by the
usual handsomd colored steel fashion plate, and
by an amusingengraving of "Half an Hour too
Early" (at the {turfy). Then we. have the usual
largo number of uengravings devoted to the fash
ions, needle work, &e. As to the literary con
tents, " Roland Yorke," tho deeply interesting
novclett by the famous author of "East ;Lynne,'
and the piquant and romantic story, ";Between
Two," are cont,inued. Published by Dbacon
Peterson, 319 Walmit street, Philadelphia, at
$2 60-a year. Four copies, $6. Five copies (and
one gratis), $B. "The Lady's Friend" and "The
Saturday Evening Post," (and ono engraving),
$4.00. -
Borough Eloctiono--4anuary 1'869
Burgess—Albort M Bennett.
Council—Jacob Hartman, 0 G Geronifi r S S
Packard, Simon Green, Victor M Gray, Billie G
School Directors—Victor M Gray, Joy
Johnson, 0 G Gerould.
Constable—Edward D Roberts.
High, Constable—Horace Dart.
Assessor—Julius Donne.
Judgo of Election-0 0 Gerould.
Inspectors—Joseph Ilagenbuch, Charles How
Burgess—Joel Parkhburst,
Council— B E Steele, 0 P Babcock, J • W
Hammond, D H Buckbee, - 0 P Evaoss
- School Dtrectors--L P Brown, Amasa Culver,
0 P Babcock : .
Constable—Edwin Nash
Justioo of - the Peace—P C ,ovctan
Judge of Election—Leander Calve
Inspectors—Nathan Graves, E B H rt
Auditors—D W Stull, AV W Wrigh E S
Assessor—D Dunbar
Poor Master--W J Radikor
Burgeas—L C Shepard
Council—Lewis Clark, James Heron, C L Pat
terson, John McCann, Pat Dwyre
Judge of Eicotiou—John L Sexton, Jr,
Inepectore—John McCann, Martin Stratton.
Poor Idastere--Wni Griffiths. Martin Stratton,
Justice—C L Shepard '
Constable—John 0 Rogers
Auditor—C E Halsey
School Directors—John L Sexton,,Jr., Patrick
Dwyre,,C L Pattlson, John Hinman
Assessor—C L Paulson
Justice-3 E White
Constable—M' D Wilhelm
School Direotois—Victor Case, David Coates
'Judge of Eleollon.--Wra Dunham
luspectors—W W Dunham, J Wood
Auditor—J E Mite
AsSessor..-David Coates
Council—Giles Roberts, John M Christie
Burgess—William Morse
Overseers of Poor—Wm B Smith, J G Seely
Burgess--P Damon
School Directors—E F Branch, Gee McLean,
A P Radikor
Assessor—C B Mather
Judge of Eleotion—J C Beeman
Inspectors--W J Horton, A A White
Council—C /inborn, 0 S Mather, Geo Me- -
Lean, W a Horton, J C Boeman
Constable—C B Mather
Justice.--A C Wittor
Constible—Peleg Dond
Burgess—N T Catkin
Council—G D Maine, W B Hall, J B 'Cud
worth, .D R Doud. 13 Dewey
School Direotors—E 0 Smith, A F Packard
Assessor—P W Doud
Auditor—A C Witter -
Judge of Election-L R Austin •
. Treasurer—John Fox
• •
Inepectora—J W Austin, E R Main,
Poundmaster—L M Burnaby 1.
Burgess—Wm Holland
Constable—E W Adams
High Constable—A Gaylord •
Council--J M Pheipa, P Gaylord, L P Allen'
Aseessor--41mon Allen
Auditor—V 0 Spencer I •
School Direotors—E R Webster, P Gaylord,
J A Holden
Judge—B 0 Mann
Inspeotor—G Fuller H B Mplaugh
Burgess—John W Guernsey,
Council—T L Baldwin, John Van Osten, E M
Smith, C B Farr, T R Warren
School Directors—J B Van Name, Jos Fish,
T W Wickham, F E Smith !
Judge of Eleotion—Philo Tullor
Inspeotors—J J Brady, J J Cady
Constable—S M Geer
Auditor--David Cameron
Assessor—H H Borden-
Burgess—Ambrose Close
Council-Nelson Gardner, Jacob Hefts, Eras
ins loose, Hollister Baker, S S Beagle'
Constable—Wm 0 Wakloy
Judge—Albert Baker
Inspectors—Alva Miutonye, L V Leach
School Directors—Charles D W Mc
Assessor—N P Close
Oversers of the Poor—Albert Wethorbee,
Alonzo Ellis
High Constable-0 R Mintonyo.
Burgess—Lucius Truman
Council—Geo 0 Derby, Chester Robinson
bohool ' Directors—John I Mitchell, Ransford
Constable—Win B Van Horn
Auditor—G W Merrick
Judge—J Emery
Inspector—E J P.urple, U 0 Fisher
Assessor—David Sturrock.
C atition.
WHEREAS, my wife, Julia E. Spaulding,
has left my bed and board without Just
cause or provocation, I therefore forbid all per
sons harboring or trusting heron my account, as
I will pay no debts of her contracting after this
March 17, 1889.—w.
Ftir Sale.
.11 NE pair large Team Borses, weight 2,600
,IP lbs., 2 Utica Wagons, 1 light two horse
oorat Wagon, night two horse covered Wa
gon, 5 pair Bob Sleds, part new, 2 sett heavy
/farness, 6 pr. binding Chains, &c. Termseasy.
For further particulars inquire at the store of
3. B. DIMON & 00.
Niles Valley, Maroh 1858—tf.
Farming , Land for Sale.
50 to 75 stores on either side of the Tioga
River and below Mansfield, within a
mile of the village.
Apply to James R. Wilson, on the premises, or
Buffalo, N. Y.
March.l7, 1869-3 w. .
JOST.—A Pocket Book lost between East
Charleston and Chatham Valley, containing
papers of value to the owner, hut of no value to
the tinder: one receipt from the Bingham Es
tate, one U. B. Licehse, several orders for Sew
ing machines and other papers, but no money.
The finder will confer a great favor by giving in
formation to the °emelt., or by leaving the same at
this office. M . fO. BUTTON.
East-Charleston, March 17, 1869-20
ad : Read
Mason & Hamlin Cabine
Together with the ESTEE COTTAGE ORGAN
•and MELODEONS, enn bo advantageously pur•
abased of
'2'o via 'ZINI 0 )It. 1111 IL ill D
RAVING obtained the ageney from the man.
ufactnfors of the above named instruments
wo have the facilities for furnishing thorn at pri
ces to coMpare favorably with those of dealers
in either the same or other reed instruments.
Their reputation is such that scarcely anything
need be said regarding their being desirable,
having been awarded premiums and medals at
the principal Pairs and Institutes, both in this
and foreign countries. Many fine modern im
provoments, which are so desirable in alrgood
reed instruments, are owned and retained for
their exclusive use by the manufacturers of
these instruments. Hence It is, while they claim
strength and durability, together with volume,
and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all
other reed instruments, in the variety, and com
bination of tones which can be
and other organizations, wishing to obtain a
reed instrument, can be suited as regards size
styles, prices, tc., oc,c.
gg?)-• Send for a circular. .4:Eg-
Tioga, March, 17,'09. T. A. WICKHAM
Assignee's Notice.
SYLVANIA, ss. The under
signed hereby gives notico.of his appointment as
Assignee of Zopher Teed, of Pino Township in the
County of Lycotning and State of Pennsylva
nia, within said District, who has been ad
judged a Bankrupt 'upon his own petition, by
the Distiict Court of said District.
WelMoro, March 17, 1869-Bw. Aefignee.
MBE Dirootors of Doln3ar Soltool District will
meet at the new School House near Wm.
Francis on Saturday, the 3d day of April next
at 10 o'clock, a. in. First contract with teachers
for the ensuing summer 'schools. Second con
tract for getting wool for the schools of said
district. Third, to transact any other business
that may legally come before them. By order
of the board. ' ISRAEL STONE.
March 17, 1869. Seo'y.
tedd States, for the Tiresteni District of Penn-
Lawton Cummings, a bankrupt under the act of
Congress of March 2, 1867. having applied for a
discharge from all his debts, and other claims
provable under said act, by order of thd Court,
notice is hereby given to all creditors who have
proved their debts, and other persons interested,
to appear on the 27th day of March, 1889, ut ten
o'clock A. M., before F. E. Smith, Esq., Register,
at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any
they have, why a discharge should not begrantcd
to the said bankrupt. And further, notice is
hereby given that the second alid third meetings
of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the
27th and 28th sections of said not, will be bad be
fore said Register, at tho same time and place.
of U. S. Difitriet Court for said District.
March 20, 1809-2 t
Apaignee's Notice.
-v%TESTERN District of Pennsylva
nia, as. The undersigned hereby
gives notice of his appointment as A ssignoo of
John B. Benn, in the County of Tioga and
State of Pennsylvania, within said District,
who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his
own petition, by the District Court of said Dis
iVellsboro, Pa,, Maroh 10,'89,-31r. Assignee.
Auction Sale
THE subscriber will o ff er at public vendee on
the premises in Charleston, Thursday,
March 11, inst., at 1 o'clock P. M.,tho following
property :
10 good dairy cows. 1 yoke of oxen, a lot of
young oattle, one team horse, one four-year-old
colt, and a lot of early Goodrioh seed potatoes.
Terms Cash. Auctioneer.
• Charleston March 3. 1809-2wo
Asligqee's Notice.
17v - ESTERST District of Peunsy Iva
nia, so. The undersigned hereby
gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of
Jas. R. Wilson of Mansfield, in the County of
Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, within said
District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt
upon his own petition, by the District Court of
said District. JOHN W. GUERNSEY,
Tloga Pa., March 3.11189 1 5 w. Assignee.
PEE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore exis-
I. • ting between Murdaugh, Pitta do Brother, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent; and all
notes and accounts are in the hands of J. S.
Murdaugh for collection, which must be settled
immediately. Mansfield Pa. Feb. 20, 1869.
,• D. 11. PITTS.
.The business will -
hereafter be carri 1 1 on the
Ready Pay System . Feeling thankf for past
patronage and soliciting- a fair spa r"for the
future we respectfully announce tha t 't he new
Arm will be known as A . M. 4 D. II
P. S. The highest Market price a 1 j ays paid
for Butter, Wool, and all other produce.
March 3,1869-4 w.
L ETTERS of Aden
granted upon th
Avery, late of Chart,
indebted to, or elai ,
must settle with MI
Charleston, Maroh 2
I: o lEtaac)
FOR sale by I. G. OYT. Hainos Brothers
Pianos, Chiokerings, Steinways, and Steak's.
Hintermistor'e Organs and Melodeons, and Ma
son & Hamlin's Organ. These are all first-class
Instruments. Having the experience of many
years in Musical Instruments, and tuning the
same, I can offer greater inducements to custo
mers of Tioga County than any other dealer in
Northern Pa. Every instrument is warranted
for five years. For full particulars see Illustrat
ed:Catalogue. T. G. HOYT.
Mansfield, Pa., March 3,1889-1 y
No. 13, MAIN
t 11 114.4114; WELLSBORO, PA.
TEETH Extractedwithout Pain. Artificial
teeth inserted ono to an entire set.—
Prices from $l,OO to $20,00. Nitrous Oxide Gas,
Narcotic Spray, Ether'and Chloroform, adminis
tered when desired. Teeth in all conditions
treated in the most approved manner. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. CaWand see specimens.
Feb. 3, 1869. A. B. EASTMAN.
Having been to much expense in fitting up
another Green House, giving more roomy i for
large pots, I flatter myself that no Green House
can make a better show of
Dahlias, Roses, Verbenias, Petuinas, Geraniums,
all aorta; Basket Plants, all sorts; Hanging
Basket., new patterns; Beautiful Bego
alas, Cape Jessamine, Carnations,
Cleans, discolor; Pelargoniums',
in variety, Ac. Ao. Act.-
New Crimson Cluster Tomato Plants, and all
sorts in pots or by thti dozen. All kinds of Cab
bage Plants, 'Egg . •Plants, Asparagus Roots
(two years old) Sage Roots, Celery, Dwarf„
White Salad, CauliflOwer, Thyme. •
All kinds of early Vegetable plants ready list
of April, at the Green Houses and at the store
of McCann 411 r, Mix, Mereur's New Block.
Having employed one of the most caper; need
Florists' he will at all tlraos give any in '•rma
tion to customers on the mode of props .ation
and cultivation of Plants.
This Spring's Catalogue will be sent to a I that
may desire and write for it. I invite II to
come and see my Houses, Plants, &c., for' hem..
solves. With gratitude I acknowledge• past
istrßouquets will be found at !be store of
MoCena .t Mix every morning, Sundays except
ed ; 35 to 50 cents each.
Towanda, Pa., Mar. 3,186911 n.
Oiffr- Orders left at Wtn. Roherts's Hardware
Store, Wellettoro, will receive prompt attention.
FOR CASH, we will sell FEED at
I theie pri
008 :
Very best Rye & Oats, Ground
here,. $2,40 met
. , .
Best imported Feed, . 2,26 "
Best Common teed, . . 2,00 "
Cow Feed, 1.75 "
Tho above goods, at the above pipes, are
strictly cash l .
Wo don't mix eand in our feed.
We haven't a Plaster Mill connected with our
Flouring Mill 1
Our Feed is pare,! I - WRIGHT .S; BAILEY.
Wellabor°, Jan. 20, 1869.
I.tor's Notice.
TAMENTARY having boon
e estate of S. D.Price,late of
I, all debtors to and claimants
) re requested to settle with
Deerfield, Jan. 7, 1869.-61* Executrix.
issued upon t
Deerfield, decease ,
against said estate
Colors or pia
NG—=at Now York prices, in
In, and cut to suit orders, at
Tun Ameurost Offrret.
akes Pictures
Cheaper that? at
All Stylos of wo
! other Gallery in Tioga Co.,
l k• Call and see for yourself.
Vogl% Jun . J 3, 1
d in any quantity at
at ,
ps,bestquality 25 ots peryard
TO 000 f.
trade at my Store
Wandler°, Nov
%uncle of Good Butter wanted
whieh I will pay 48 cents in
ors' Notice.
Intetration having bean
estate of George \V.
ston, doo'd, all persons
ing against said estato,
25,000 Rolls Wall Paper
jot received and for aalo by
Wall Paper :
Over 800 difftirent Patterns of the latest styles,
from 7 eta to $4 a Roll
Also, Curtain Fixtures, Cords, Tassels, cite., ace
Which we will sell at Coat for Cash, as we desire
to ciao° out the stock
NV LILI • lELlialE 7
Call and 800 for yourselves
Wellsboro, March 3, 1969
Household Furniture For Sale.
e,THE subscriber, intending te - break up Houip
keeping, April 1, 1869,
i ron, for sale the
furniture at his residence on tate Street, Wells_
born, eonsisting of Beds, bedding, stoves, chairs,:
tables, China-ware Glassware and Plated -ware,
Carpets, to., &c., together with many other ar
Gales of use and ornament. These articles 'will
bo sold, at private sale, and possession given April
1, or earlier to suit.puichasers.
Wollsboro, Feb. 24, 1869-3 w.
are now offering
/ 4 N
We'labor°, Jan. 20, 1869
Buttonhole Over-seaming
and sewing Machine.
"greatest invention and the Best sewing
Maohine in the world. It has no equal as a
Family Ainehine. And
It Is really two machines in ono by a simple
and beautiful mechanical arrangement, making
both tho Shuttle or Lock•stitch and the Over.;
seaming and Button holestitch with equal fa,
eility and poi - potion.
lq executes in the very best manner every va •
rietY of sewing, such as
and in addition OVER—SEAMING. Embroiders
on the edge and makes beautiful Button and
Eyelet holes in all fabrics. Every .Itinehine is
Warranted by the Company or its Agents to give
entire satisfaction.
For further information inquire of F, KINE}S,
LEY, at ILO- Bailey's in Morris Run, or of Mrs.
S. K. EVERETT, four doors south of the Depot
near R. Fares Hotel, Blossburg, where the ma
chine may be tried, and instructions received in
using the Machine, by all those wishing to buy.
Morris Run, Pa., Feb. 3, 18894ra..
Farm for Sale.
SITUATED on Elk Run, Gaines township,
containing 125 acres,
50 acres improved.—
Said farm is well watered, has a frame house and
barn and a choice apple orphard, and is well
adapted to dairying purpose. 'Title good and
tome easy, Inquire of Wni. 11. Smith, Wells
bore, or k. L. RUSSELL, Delmar.
Sept, SS, ISM
Fresh Goods Received W
Dry Goods l', 1
Fresh Groceries i
Wen &NM ME
Bats and Cap.
Bo it remembered, that
Converse & Os
kaep cont , tant6 , t.;11 hand a larga stock
Jan. 6, 13113.-Iy.. COIiVERSH
January'lf46l) has A
also a good fresh- stock of
nil shades and colors, "froin the best •
chespest," er barrel,
all of which I am dew offering at the
log prices for Cash, or In eiehang
kinds of country prodncet besides I
for the last named'.
Cash Buyers will tlud it to thcir
give me a call.
N. B.—My Books are lall—oare!
any more." :Remember, Mozart /31c1
Wellsboro,Jan.,(4, 1889. 3i. B. i
Furs ! 'furs! Furs!
just received at
Dc ano I
bought since ho Holidays. Now is
buy FURS cheap; also,•
antral kinds of
Jan. 8,1869.
T_TAVE .$n hand and are consta
j_ll_ at. tfioir
Hardware "
every article needed in this regi
in the
'Cooking, Self-Regulators
'ome Conifia
and the justly celebra
TIN WA: n.l
No pains will be spared to mee
OUT customer.
Wellsboro, Jan. 6, 1869, ly.
Paris Exposition lint
Amerioan, Pianos Tri
. Miss II: W. TODD, .A< ,
Dee. 23, 1868.
At antic and Great
run.• '
And - to all Points In the Wr.sT an
Dayton, Cincinna
Apd all points in the South & S
No Change of
From any, yoint on the Erlo Ila,
vantage and convenience .not
other route.
Baggage Checked Through, a . i
from ono car to another, prevent',
Tickets via this popular route
at all offices on the line of the Er
When purchasing ask the Ag
N. B.
Gen. Ticket and Pdaa.
• L. D.
Jan, 6, 'O, Oen. Supt.,.4l
C. 8• 'MLLE
warp, Boots, Shoos, Hats, Ca
nor of Market nail Grafton t
Pa. Jan. 6, 1966.
' ,A.-ER, halt; and here yo
12 PLASTER ground as tin
people say that coarse ground I
On hand you'll find a Alen
Fume one and all both far
T o O. H. OWF.NS' Mill i
Price $3 per ton
C ljt A Pt- I
LOTS of Fresh Oround
Fog Mills ; constantly o
Ton Also all I;incls of Plot
Cash prico.
Wilt deliver i Flour and Foe
Corningi•free of charge
Jan. 6th t 86S-3lnos
Assignee's Nt
WESTERN District
flirt, ss. The undo
gives notice of his appoiettn ,
IE 4 Stowell, Jr, of Wdb , boro,!
Tioga and Stnto of Peansylv
District, who has been adja
upon his own petition. by the
said District. JOHN I.
Welleboro, Pa., March V),
lU D
f general
E .
X, to the
LT, &C.,
'elven 11v
for most
offer oesh
vantage to
oFs p
the time to
1 DS. .
'0 & CO
tly recolcitg
I l ia of eountm
and CoM
t On,
the Pletni3 :if
at the
plaboro; Pa
I Tes tern
, L
.tzthsve.q, wltl
11y4y, An '64
trered by BPI
pßitss TRAISS
d No Coesos
.g loss or dam•
fill be procured
e Rail way, and
Brains &
• lanat i r •
!rit fur Tickets
Cleveland, 0
eadville, Pa.
roceries, 'lard
e, &0., (to., cot._
mete, Wellsboro,
11 find CAYUGA
nanny flour. for
11a2ter bad its play
y hero,
and near,
ItlanOeld, Pa
Jan. 6, 1369,
laser nt Pninted
hand, at I'd per
r, Feed, rt. Inw.S.e!
nit Tioga Depob
MAN, &Co.
Painted Post
of Pennsylva!
signed hereby
:ra, nu ASSigIICO Of
in o w
i C t i t , i u nn u t t i y util e at i
dgod P,
' District Court o f
,9-3 w. MOM*