The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 17, 1869, Image 1
, _ --'-r.: = JOBBING DEPARTNEL T : The proprietors base stocked theestablishm e with a new a varied assortment of; JOB AND . CARD TYPE , AND PAST PRESSES, and are prepared to execute neatly and pi cauptly POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL BEADS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS, ,to., Ste. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full assortment Constable'and Justices / IHanks on hand. People living at ,o dilititniie can dependon Lav ing their work done praimptly and ken! Ltek in . return mail. CITY BOOK, BINDERY AND , T BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, 8 Baldwin Street, ,61tIN OF TILE BlLi BOOK, 21) FLOOR,) ELMIRA; N. Y. OUR. Sk/XOT"SID : t.NOS AS TELE BEST, CASAP AS VIE CHEAPEST BLANK BOOKS o,f every dOseription, in all atyles of Binding, had as low, fur-quality of tituck; as any Bindery lo the State. Volumes bf every description Bound In thb best manner nod in any style or- dared. - \ ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK xecnted in the best manner. Old Books re bound and made good as new. E44,italMM BM&IltigMS COMPLETE YOUR SETS! I eel propared to furnish back numbers of all Reviews or Magatinos published in the United States or Groat Britain, at a low price. BLANK BOOK &; OTHER PAPER,- 6f all sizos and qitalities,on hand, ruled or plain. BILL HEAD PAPER, Of a ny quality Orsize, on band and cut up ready for printing., Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD of all colors and.quality, in boards or cat to any also. STATIONERY, Cap, Letter, Note Paper Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, &e. I am soletagent for Prof. SHEPARD'S NONCORROSIVE STEEL PENS, OF vertioug SIZES, FOll LADIES AND rENTLEMEN, Which I will warrant equal to Gold Pone. The best in useand,n? mistake. Pz The above stock I Will sellafthsi:Lowest Rates et all times, at a small advance on New York ideas, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All work and stook warranted as represented. I respectfully solicit a share of puhlio patron age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.— Address, LOUIS KIES., . ' Advertiser Elmira, N. Y. 'Sept. 23, 1867.—1 y UNION HOTEL. MINER WATKINS, PROPRIETOR. NATINO fitted np a new hotel building on clic site of the old Uniptillotel, lately destroyed by, flre, tau now ready to receive and entertain guests, The room Hotel. pas intended ,for a Temperance Muse, and the Proprietor believes it can be sustained without groik An attentive bostle - r in attendance. II onshore, June . 26,1867. E. It. KT11.13..-k_LL, GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, One door above the Moat I%larket, WELLSBORO, PENN'A, RESPECTFULLY. announces to thC trading public that he has a desirable stock\of Lirm eries, comprising, Teas,Coffees, Spices Augurs, Molasses,,Syraps, and al that constitutes a first class stock. Oysters in every style at all sea. !unable houri. Wellsboro, Jan. 2, 1867—tf. • 32t t cbct 4431.c)0 Great I:xeitement: Johnson Itlipettehed, and Eta. Booots and, :shoes triumphant: The subscribe; cAld sty to the people of Westfield and vicinity that Nets ta,tnufacturing a Patent Boot which ho believes to pqesese the following advantage over all whet h; lot th:er,: is no crimping; 2d, no wrinkling, save as they break Id the feet; rod, no ripping. In short, they are Just tile thing for everybody. Samples ou hand and orders 'elicited. Solo right of Westfield township and giro' secured. Ile has also Just received a d plendid nut of taltaoml patterns, latest etyles. Come one, come all! We are bound to relicheip for mistier ready pay. 1 1 : 10 1 one door south of Sanders ColegroVo. , Westfield Boro', Feb.l3 186 S. .1. IL CM BREE WALumn & LATHROP, DEALERS IN , lIARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, i'STOVES, TI_N-WARE, BELTING, SI\VS, COLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL; 'IMPLEMENTS, Oarriago an Harness, Trimmings. HARNESSES, SADDLI:6, - ,tc. Corning. N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-Iy. FIEARIYE I:HEARYE! HEAR YE BARRELS, FIRKINS, CHURNS, BUTTER ; TUBS, Sze., Lpt constantly on hand, and fiirnished to or der, by W. T. ATHERS, • at his now store, 2d door above Roy'; Buildin6 Welliboro. (June 10, 1868.) Scales! Scales ! Scales! Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordivary 1 sizes, for heavy, and counter use, may .be Lund at the Hardware Store of Wm. Roberts, Wahboro. Those Scales are lice Pairbtinks pat eat have no snperior anywhere._ They are the best style and have taken the premi- Ua at all the great exhibitions. I have the solo agency for these Scales ia this rezion. WILLIAM ROBERTS, SVellsboro, Fob. 12, 1988. P.A.CII-4 1 1.0 HOTEL 170, 172, 174, & 176 GREENWICH ST., New Pork. r 1111. 1 7, UNDERSIGNED takes pleas i ore in announcing to his numerous friends Ld patrons that from this date, the charge of the Pacific will be 82,50 per day. Being solo Proprietor of this Muse, and there hre free from the too common exaction of an nor.linate rent, he ie fully able to 'in, et the ‘ l 4tenward tendency of prices without a , hy tailing R If service. It will now, as heretofore, be biz aim to main ua the favorable reputation of he Pacific, which it has enjoyed for tunny years, e one of the best of travelers hotels: The table will bo bountifully supplied with very delicacy of tho season. The attendance will ho found efficient and The location' will Le found convenient foj 0 4v1i0,..c business calls them in the lotion .art of the city, being one, door north of c.,r ,nd Street, and on block west of 111 - o.taivay, ed of roady access toall Rail Road an•l, Steam ,,at Lincs. Dee. 2, 1803—Gm JOHN PA 1"f RN. - New Tobacco Store !. T HE subscriber has fitted up the rot , int; I joining D. P. Roberts Tin and Srove Store t tha manufacture and .alO of C 16 , A S, (all grades), Fancy and Common s trOKLYG TO BA PO 0, Michigaat Fine Cui CHEWING, and all kinds r,f TOBACCO, PIPES, and th4lol. ce...d Brand of CIGARS. 7 . 1?` - 21111 and tee for your., , elves. • JoIIN W. PURSEL. ••eb , we, Nov. 11, ISlS—tf. ;5' • FARMERS ! FLS. RUN PLASTER.—We hereby certify that we havo used the Planter manufactured & Beinnuer, at their woz Its on Elk tiaines township. and we believe it to be if not superior to the Cayuga Plaster. I"'''.l'itnith M Conablo A P Cone ,If E Simmons J Dernauer Asa Smith E Strait 11.)4vis Albert King John C Miller f - l'atrons Wii Watrous L L Marsh tl Smith 0A Smith II M Foote Suait. P C Vun Gelder J J Smith LJare4 Davis J F Zimmerman C L King Lwith R.—Plastor always on hand at the 'Nee $S per ton. . Nov. 4, 1808. • - . , ~ . . \ , . .........._ ...... ,_ -- ": . . ... . . .. . ._ . . . . . -. . . . . _... .. ' .- ._ .... . . . . . , . - 1 . . ' • . t_ .......:4.... - ' ...... , . , ...---..7-.::„11.c)k' .. i ,, •-.7.:------ ... .. ...._•,.., .. . .. , ~, 10.,. . . • ~..,.. • v r. . : . I. ~ _ • • • . ~,_ A , ---- ~, . . 1 ..,. 3 ~ ~-, ..,.... ~, - ,-;\ is pn lial per yea in• z..., , 4 - :-`,- - i.:l 1 ;. '''' - - ; - t- ':: ..'-, k • I ..- d .1 . .:;.;.;:.: .y..., ''"io '.. ' il * 4N-, !_ , e ': , ''.-..-\ l':- - , N : D: '•;• ;: 1 :, : . 't ' 2 l t K_ . ~., -.., ~..., ..,;.: . ~.. .- '•k,,, ~--: , • . 0 _, La ~ r ' 1 : k ....„.._ ti. , . .>".. %., t •P . ';.? -..... • . . . . .- . ~. . • i; -- "' - : 111 ~: '-' t '-' , -1 . I ' "' *,..,.....,k... ( ( - .1 .' , 1,.. 6 0, ,- ..., zi - ..,.-,.., , ,:....,. .-:,. 1 . „...._.,..,.. 5 1z,.!...- . - m.n.cOnn, -------- . • • , • . . • ..., - . " . . ; . . . 1 . Tzre LLNZI3 0) . . , _ , " - ..,. . . • . • • MN= 3USIDIESS DIAEGTORY. 11. SMITH, INEI! — AND COUNSELOIi. AT 1..1-116 aoce, Bounty and Pension Agency, Wain I t Wollstp,ro, Pa., Jan. 1, 186 g. A llUl Stre Wrd, GAMEZETSON, LNEY AND COUNt.-.1.11,011 AT , LAM:, rublie aud Insurance Agent, l'Aus, Pa., over Caldwell'E :Stem lap IN u t a burg it.1?0.: W.iNIERRICK, _.._ .i.NEY AND C UNSELLOIt AT LAW• g with IV. 11.5 ith, Esq., Math Street, ito Union Bloc , AVellsbOro, Yu. 15, 18e/S. 4 ---r-----: - - • . D. TERRELL & CO., kTro Ofde oppo July ly 110 L Wall _Pei Con. ESALI; IinII(II3I.STS, and deader. 'Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window a:e, .m.h.ry, Pinata and Oils, ecc., Y., Jan. 1, IS6B.—ly. • ME WILSON. J. 1i.111.1.:... WILSON & 1 .I.LI, r NEYS Jr, COUNSELOAS AT LAW, door front Eigoney's, on the Avenue)-- attend to business entrusted to their care. countios of Tioga and Potter. .lisliero, Jun. 1, ISGS. ATTOI! (Firs Will in th , We JOLIN 1. IWITOXIELL ) u A TtORN EY :AND opuNs.uboit Al LA W, lii . Wellsboro, Tiuga qo., Pa. t..,iai Agent, Notary !Public, and insurance Agent. no will attend promptly to collec - tiou 'of Pensio s, Back Puy and Bounty. As Z‘otury Public be takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad ministers orths, and will act as Commissioner to take tes i timony...-011ice over Roy's Drug Store, adjoini g Agitator 011Ico.—Oct. 3U. 1367 John W• Guornsev, ATTOI NE] AND COUNSEL Al LAW. ituYiU:. returned to this uout with a view of making it his permanent residence, solicit; !I dhare of publiil patronage. All businew. en trusted to his tear° will bo attended to mob, vromptriess and fidelity. Office 2d duet south of Parr's hotel., 'fioga, Tioga Co., Pa. LIN B. ['it AND TAILOR. Shop, over ji;lin It. .'s Store. Xi' Cutting, Fitting, and ring done promptly and in best style. .boro, Pa.. Jan. 1,1868-1 y DRAY Bowe' Rope Well GEORGE WAGNER, It. Shop first door north of L. A. :Lzeurs'a hop. ger..T-Cutting, Fitting, an.l Rol air no proiuptly and 'ls ell. iburo, Pa., Jan. 1, IS6B.—ly. TAIL Shoe .:)ug di . JOHN ravErt, a lt AN!) CUTfEIt, has opened a chop l a.f ton street, rear M. Soars A; Dell.z,' s slim where he is prepared to mauufacture gar . ttrder in the most substautia I manner, ratl . dispatch. Particular attention paid l utak; and fitting. March 26, BCb-..1y FAIL on C. thup, and to C Dr. C. K. Thompson. Lntaa.quonuunn itend to Profetiunal calls td ti“.. village ; 0:laboro and ijibewLole. and lietrideneu on State St. igblgoing Eat t. [Juno. •1;;I Will n of % i 0111 e, the r, M.D., late of the 2d Pa. C.:valr3 after LP. nearly four year, of army eerttce, 1% 111 a lore, scperie Cui in held uud hozpital practice.lm., opened oa ~Lieu It+ Uro prZ.tico of atedt,•tue nod C6l joy. to al. ,to britil!Clills • l'tsrttons front a dintanceLod pr 0 ,1 JOaltlini; at the I'emit:3l%llll . la Hotel ‘elict, deutted.— iVmII vlitt any part of toe State in consult.ition, mrlortu aur k ticdt operations. No 4, Udha, Block, up Ottayu. t Well I,oto, 31a) 2, 130 Wm. 8. Smi h, Ponsioni.Boultts,:i.pd surstn of i Agent, Contutonten lons ,teni 'to the, abovo addreis tOotiio roinpt,ititentiou. Tends moderitte. 1.1 Thos. 8.133:yd0n ,URVEYOII. & DRAFTSMAN.—Chaen.. lett at 41 iS room, Towhend- (WWII Wt•lisroolo, will u.eet with prompt utteu twn. Jan. 13. 1b67.—t1. R. E. OLIVEII DEALER in CLUCKS &. JEWEL4tV,:SILVEIt 5; PLATED WARE, Spectacles, \ )(din l"tringi, &e., &e., 31antilield, l'a. IVat.lie:l and Jew. elry neatly repaired. Engraving dune in plain Englitli and Uermun. t Hairdressing & ShavingL. Saloon over Willcox 4:: Barker's Store, Wells 'ioro, Pa. Particutaratiention paid to Ladies' daii.cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. , Braitia, ends, culls-, and ewiches on Land and made to or. H. W. DORSEY. J JUIINStiN. S. G. PUTNAM; . MILL WRRIIIT—Agent for all tht: best TURBINE WATER WItEELS. Also tur Otosvart's Oscillating .I'd ovutuou i fur (Jung and Malay Saws.' -rioga, Pa., Aug. 7, ISfi, ly. . - C. L. WILCOX, Des.lor in DRY GOODS of all kiiids, Ilurdnare and Yankee Notions. Our assortment is large and prices low. Store in. Union Block. in gentleman .—may 20 ISOB-1 y. PETROLLUfI HOUSE, WESTFIELD,. PA., GEORGE CLOSE, Propri etor. A bete Hotel conducted on the principle of livo and let live, for,the liceninnuudation,i4 the publie-Npv. 14, ,' .L 1 WELLSBORO HOTEL C. H. GOLDS:SIXTH, Proprietor.—Having lens. ed this popular Hotel, the proprietor respect fully solicits a fair share of patropage. Every attention given to guests, The beet hostler in the county always in attenfinnt4l April 29, IS6B.—iy. FARR'S II OTE I .1 TIOGA COUNTY, PA., Good stabling, attached, and an attentive hos: tier always in attendance. E. S. FARR, . . Proprietor. HAMILTON HOUSE, On skrictly.Temperanco principles, MorAs Run, Pa. R. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. Items and Carriages to lot—liarcb 8, 18.85.--3:i. lIILL'eIIOTEL, WESTFIIitII Borough, Tinge Co. I'a., E. (4. Hilt, _Proprietor: A new awl commodious , building WWI all thd inmiarn improvements. Within esi.ydrivesof the best hit oting iug group is in Northern peewit. Conveyances futniiLcd. Tertii-s-Thoolerate. Feb. 5,1868-Iy, lIZAALK WALVONI BIOUSE. Gaines, r a'Orga C4nwty, Pa. HORACE e \712 ) 1).:1; LVE.I, PI:4,1•• • h. is IICIV lilac' Toadied %%kiln) easy .teer-I , :f of the best fishing and hunting grounds in North ern ,eann.lylv.inia:- No pains wil) I,e s pared )r the .iceoluinodat ion of plea:2l,irr -4.tAtt aid the zrAveling public f I, isr;!.) _Bounty and Pepsion. _RAVING reeivell leliniteinstineth,n. % the oxtra y aIlQw dll e 111 ,- , , pp, ..A, ii .Jul .1.606.ann having on band t lar;, , npio y Ewe , S•:tt v oiank.l3.l i.tu ptepo)ed to sum boon:)• whp_li tuay 1 , , it,, hanthe l'er , un , ilving nt a distance, ni. e•mmilnirpte v,ith tnchclettnr,,idd t r comtannlcat i,•r! ettl 1.0 ea W i Nt, J 1 Wellsboro.octobel 24 .1 t 166. lIARKNE36 & 1111.1,Y, BOOT AND SHOE . MAK LOS, Ova , . Wi!sou ct VulL•enLury'4 Stpr'e, ib the moue (Way oCe Up led by iler,j IC . +IT y BOOTS ANDSHOES of :ill kind. mode to order and in.the best matliker. ti , F;PATIZrxo of all kinds done !,,romptly And good. Give n.s n call. JOHN' II ARIZ YESS, WM. 41. LEY. Wellsboro,Jan.2,lB6B-Iy. • H OOP SKIRTS, at IA dream, related et the late anniversary of the Erangelical Society of Now York city and vicinity, has been versified wit some addition=, as fellows Tuihiuh vi t(et.4 quite late one. ere, NVlnit, one and another of saint , ',eller e, That Light I e!ooil in a troubl d dream, IV the tiitle darkly-801,in_ stream. Aml Chop:l)mm/ " tlouu to the river came, When I heard a strange voice call his name: " Good father, step; when you cross this tido You must leave your robes on the other side.' But the aged father did not mind, And his lung gown floated out behind, As down to the stream his-way- he took, His hands firm hold of a gilt-edged book "I'm bound for heaven, ae when I'm there I shall want my Book of Neon:ion Prayer; • Anti though I put on a etarry crown, I Omuta fc-1 quite lost,without my gown." But Lis atmn 'lve.A heavy and held biro back, And tie poor old father tried inimin A :Anglo step in the flood to gain. I saw him again on tho other aide,- . But his silk gown floated on the tide, And ne ele asked, in that blissful spot, If he belouged t to.." tho.chtirehi',or not Then down to the river a Quaker strayed; His dress of a sober hue was made. ‘.` My bat and coat must be all gray; I eanuot gto any other way." • • • ' Thcu he buttoned his coat straight up to his chin. And E t id 1 ,y, solemnly, waded in, -'- And his - broad-biimined hat be pulled down tight Over his forehead, so .pold.a.n4 white. But a slieng wind curried. away his-hat, And I,c si,glicd a few moments over,tbat; And ilen es he gazed to the, farther shore, The ca..t slii,rettotT, and was been vo more Poor dying Quaker!, thy suit of gray Is quietly I-ailing---& - Way—away: But thoult go fu beaver), ns skaight as an arrow, Whether thy hyita be broad of narrow. Next eatne Dr. Wntts, with a bundle of psalms, tied nicely up in hi. 4 aged arms, AIL hymns as many—a very wise thing--:- 'flit people in heaven, "nil round," might sing iiki: 1 !!.. z+,:ht that he heaved an anions sigh, A. I— -als ii ~t the river ran broad and high, And I rather surprised, as one by one The 1,-;1 , 1fIS and hymn's in the wave went down And after him, with his MSS., Came Wesley, the pattern of godline3.s; But he cried, Dear me, what thrill I do? The n: ter has soaked them through and thro' And there, on the river, far,and wide, • Away thcy went on the swollen tide; ' And the saint, astonished, passed through alone, Witt,vt.t thanu-otipts, up to the throne. Thos. gravely walking, two saints by name Doun to the stream tokether came; But er they Ftopped at the ricer's brink, I raw one taint flow the other shrink. "Spill:1,1(11 or plunged, may I ask you, friend, Bow you attained to life's great end ?" " ThuE, Ivith a few drops on my brow;" .4 pnt I have been dipped as you'll sco me now. "Arid I tyally think It will hardly do, Au rio cluee.oututuuvion,'.. to. cross .with you; You're bnun'd, ttio , iealnitt of But you Limn go that way, owl go this." And, htraightway, plunging with all his might Array to the let t—hio friend to the right-- Apart they went from this irtirld of sin; And how did the brethren " enter in ?" And now where the river WDS rolling on, A Plethyttrinn church . went down ; or .seemed an innumerable throng, But the men I could count as they pust.-ed along And concerning the road they could never agree, The old pr the new way, which it could be; Nor ever a moment paused to think • • That both would lead to the river's brink. And a round of murmuring, long and loud, Cnmc ever up froth the'.nnyiihg:.eincid— "You're in the old way, and Pm in the new ; That is the false, and this is the true; Or, yin in the old war, and you're in the new; That is the false, and this; is the true." But the brethren only seemed to speak— :Modest the sitter's walked, and Meek; And if ever ono of them .chanced to say What trouble:.4 she met Nvith on the wav, How she longed to pass tb the other side, - Nor feared to cross over the swelling tide, - A voice arose from the brethren then, "Let no one speak bat the 'holy men,' For have ye not heard the words 'of Paul 7 • uh i let the women keep silence' all.' I w.t , died them long in my curious dream, Till !ley stood by the border of the stream; Phey , just as I thOught, the two ways met. But ill the,brethren were taking yet, And would talk on : till the hearing tide earned them over, side by side; Side by side, for the. way was one. The toilsome journey of lifd was done; And priest and Quaker, and :all'!" who died Came out alike on the other side; No forms or . erosAs, or books had they, No gowns of silk, or suits of gray, Nu erieds to guide them, no 11.155:, For al! had put on "Christ's righteousness." 4 , All seen in the dream Our towatriali, Ira Davenport, who is now traveling in Spain, writes the following letter to his brother, who hands it to us for publication : MALAGA, Dec, 26, 166p.' We left Cadiz, Friday afternoon, on a steamer for Gihraltar, a night's ride up on 'which, all were sea sick, except the one member of our party who is al ways exempt from that affliction. Sat urday., we took donkeys and went up the rock of Gibraltar. Sunday, tried to Noss over to Africa; we were obliged to go upon Sunday or lose the trip, as a retribution, we met with the following iheidents: As the steamer wits 'adver tised 'for Tangiers, we supposed it would make in the usual time of four hours.— After -embarking in - a small boat, and getting on our little-steamer, we pro w:dud not o4' :lie bay, whell„ 'listen( of heading fur Tangiers, she put off' i 4 a /1211i:rent direction toward an Ameri ui mig in tow of a small tug. Ott ask rig for an explanation; we were told to c ticket:;, and we would discover II c Cap:itin reserved tile lOU, to take too. win-n it could be got through the strvits, and as this small tag was having tioae tnar i it could do, the - Captain pur -1 ! - elieving it, in consequence of Which, Wc! would reach Tati! , iers some time during the night. The 't lie commenced to, blow pretty esh, amd thi• little steamer began to 10151; and toll'. There were no accom tito(lations except benelies up by the helm. and no ploinise of anything fur Wilber except 1.01 ii and bread. .The Copt mint otleied to put us on board the other tug if he could, as this was better -.than pitching about all day, we accep ted that offer. As we neared the tug, she passed the ship rope over to our steamer and passed on. The Captain hailed her, however, and she put opt a a „pum boat for us. We were now out in the straits, and the waves were ,hll4ll, and the little boat we were endeavor De LANG & CO'S. 1 1 4 6142) A.attLtic> xi cot' e477.41.cvu.G1 3 .-t , x4gi.g).ai0nt..1.33.m of Witagclic•mm II Coriter. NO SECTS IN HwAVEN. Vtigrrltastonts gentling. • " [fircki ttte,ltath.Atlvoctte.) LETTER PROM SPAIN . . , , _. WETALSBORO, ' PA., .31A.RCH. 17, 1.869. lug to get down into pitched up and down against the side of the steamer Kite a cork, it Wars difficult to get into, and after we were in, the confusion, and the waves tossing us about, we. came near getting under the wheel, in which ease, we would have been smashed.— We had a close escape. Anyone Who has tried getting off in to small boats when the vessel is in a harbor, - ctin appreciate our feelings when we were attempting it outside with the wind blowing, the sea stiff and the sailors swearing.: We were. rowed over to the tug. The ladies kept up courage pretty well. Weiboarded the tug with out a repetition of- the scene in , getting into the row boat. The ladies got rath er wet, and on the lit:partook of a hot drink, as did we all. In getting' the brandy ilaSk out, I discovered a prayer book, so -I improved the occasion on our return I:0' -reading - hymns. We reached the hotel' live hours - after we left it, and that Wag the way we ,saw Tangieis. . 1 • Next daY we concluded to take a trip over the Malaga, and the la dies thought they could stand it, so we sent our baggage around to Malaga by steamer; and took seven horses and two guides, one courier, and started at 8 o'clock, Tuesday morning. We had twenty-three miles to make first day, but we could take, and 'did; a carriage five miles; where Le. horses joined us, The ladies bad sure-footed and fast walking 'tones. 'F—y's horse - was at tached to the guide's by a rope. I came next on a good horse, Adolphe,' the courier, bringing up the rear. The only road was a mule and donkey -- one, no cart or wagon' could 'traverse It. Our path lay the most of the' day through a level 'country, sorbewhat rolling, a good sized river kept winding along, across which we forded some twenty times.— The better part of thenfternoon we saw the path winding up the Sierras, and in the topmost , peak, then in sight 5000 feet above thosen, we . descried the outlines of a castle, and :a few_ white spots at its base indicative of the town of Gocinc, where we ware to spend the night. We were about an hour behind when we reached its base and com menced the ascent by a narrow zig-zag, path. , The country' had been -*isited by rains, and the path was hoth of the roughest as well as muddiest I ever saw. The niountains of bare, broken granite; dusk came on rapidly; and It ,was no longer day by the time we were half way up, but fortunately the evening was not dark, although misty, it seemed. as•though the town hekt moving as we advanced. The_ top of every peak abed(' of us being generally crowned with some huge rocks, wo were contin ually supposing we had at last reached the castle peak of Goeine. At last we came to the top of the only remaining one intervening, and the welcome sight of the town towered above us. The as cent of that mountain I shall never forget. F—y, who had deciddd to take the trip, expecting Swissmountain mule paths, found - she had got some what more than was bargained for.— However, we rode into the place at last, about 7 o'clock,• making the narrow stone paved streets resound with the clattering of the_horses hoofs, and ,eaus ing the doors off the lo‘q white-washed stone houses•to,cipen, aro the occupants came- out, in • aston ishm:en t to, s_ee , the invadorki . of- tb r - Wlrrati nd ' a coMfortable " Poseida',;l where we supped, lodged and breakfasted. I shall not tfeseribe it, for the owner and keeper had been a cook. in Gibraltar, and so it was not a regular Spanish Po soda, but we will come to one. The next morning We_ started as be fore,' at 8 o'clock ° . The scenery now commenced to repay the toil, moun tains and wheys around and below us, at one point We turned a little aside from the path, and came to the edge of a precipice. A thousand feet below us, lay a_cornpact ,Spanish_ town with its white houses 'and grey-tiled roofs; further down Still, tt stream wound its way around in its narrow valley. The mountains rose up with broken surfa ce, and stretched away to the right and left 'in extensive' sweeps through an opening betweert two mountains, at the extreme right we could see in the dis tance the rock of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean. The bells were ring ing in the town below us, and sounded strangely from' the high point we were on, with the 'wide and mountainous scenery' stretching out before us, the last place where we would expect the sound Of,a, church bell to be heard. Our next town' for 'the night was Ronda. The ride was through- the same scenery, down-into valleys and up mountains, every foot,of arable ground however,- put to use; wheat fields with it round circle in the centre,. paved with small stones, this was She • threshing floor, floaka of sheep or goats browsing on the sides of the mountains. Passed through several cork woods or orchards. The tree has a ragged and twisted pearande. The bark only is taken off and that not every year. This does not injure the tree.,, Of course there was not a honk: aiilthe way. Occasionally a building could be seen where the_ laborers housed during the seed time and harvest, Nvhen the field was too far from town.' Heie 'were some excel lent spring§ by the wayside, and flow ers.. About four o'clock we reached our last 'aSeent, and Ronda - lay below us on top of a high mountain, and below that a wide and fertile valley. 'We com menced our descent, and entered the town , at 6 o'clopk ; a phtce of 23,000 in habitants, situated upon a high rock with precipitous sides. The centre of the town is divided by - a narrow chasm; . as if it had been cleft in two by volcan ic action. On one side lies the oldest poi lion of the city, the two are connec ted together by hn iminense stone bridge, one arch of 110 feet span, over the sides of which yon look down nearly 300 feet to the river, that runsand boils through this narrow gorge; some of the water has been turned - from its course and is carried through little channels, cut along-the side of the rocks, to some small mills that cling to the rocks over the rushing river, paths have been eta in zigzag courses down to them. Of course the houses are all built Oose up to the edge of the chasm, one we visited called the Moors House, has a. flight of steps 400 in number, cut throtigh the rock; down to the water. These are in side the rock, and of different flights connected With a gallery at the land ing of each flight, you can pass out to the, side bf the chasm, which though precipitous, is sufficiently broken to al ot small plateaus being cut out, tip 'n which, when the town belonged to the Moors and this house was in its grandeur, flowers were placed in pots, and vines twisted around the entrance. The whole labor of excavation was per ' f o rmed ny ehristian captives, 2'!'t everything b 4 damp and neglected, and we did not attempt the entire de scent, but from one of the little plat eaus, we could see some distance up the gorge, where the final exit was cut. We had fair beds, but an execrable breakfast. The ride had been about 20 miles' from (iocine to Ronda. The next day's ride was from Ronda to Pizarro,' a good 23. This was rather too much for F—y and K—, who had however, stood it pretty well'so far. K— particularly, bad excited the admira tion of theguides t by her skillful riding. I quite distinguished myself in the seine line, to my surprise. We feund on enquiry, --there was a town nine miles otf, on our direct route, where beds could be found for the ladles, ,at least, and our provisions we could take. When we at last reached the top, and commenced the descent over the same kind of path, F—y's courage gave out, and she dismounted to go it upon foot, which she did safely, until the danger, if any, was over. Our horses were sure footed enough. We passed next through a stretch of gulley with a few scattered Olive trees growing about; some . had been lately cut, and were being burned for charcoal., Up anoth er hill, and another wide sweep of barren mountains and valleys, with the town where we were to spend the night, op posite us, at the base of the mountain. We entered after reaching the' valley at dusk, with a crowd of donkies and laborers returning from' the fields.— Hers we excited the village. Such a thing as our cavalcade had never be fore stopped.for the night. We rode up tothe POsado; or inn—ti two story white lashed buildin g, 'of-a 'little more pre miens than its neighbors; we rode at the door; the floor was paved like the street; we dismounted; the horses \Vere:led on through the room, which was the open first floor of the Posado, to the stable, another open room, warm, with straw above. On the left were large clay jars holding water, ranged along thelside, until a flight of stone steps comMeneed to ascend to the upper floor. TITE CHECK REIN.---How often we see a horse straining every: muscle in an attempt to draw some heavy load, his strength impaired in an unnatural po sition of the head Mid 'neck, caused solely by' the tightness of- the check rein I Naturally the _animal,' to have full use,of its muscles, must have its head and neck free,. and having this, it will in exertion carry its heati'doWn ward. The ignorance of- this fact on the part of many owners and drivers of horses is the -cause of not only much pain to the horse, as is teStilled to b the distortion of the muscles' or th mouth, hilt of loss of time to the owns It impairs the trotter's speed •, it impair' the draught ho'rse's. strength. - A cele brated veterinflry surgeon, in speakin of the effect of the check rein, mention that upon dissection; in almost every ease- where that almost superfluous piece of harness was used, "the wind pipe of the horse was so r,nisshaped as to prevent perfect respiration." 'A fact which many of the owners of our Broad street trotters would do well to carefully consider. The, writer has read of a case which happened in England about 1820, and which seems to prove the check-rein a preventive to the full use of power. A stage 1131111 having in his use a hundred horses, conceived the Idea of the check rein being disadvantagqous, and aban doned it-' use, and thereby did the same work with eighty hordes, a saving of twenty per cent. Although the cheek rein has its abuse, it also has its uses, to Make the animal, if not naturally so, look as the great poet says, "proud-headed," which, if not hard worked, is wellenough. Again the horse, to raise his heels, must lower his head, and as a preventive of kick ing, although not a thorough one, it becomes of use; \ so upon a horse while hitched; as a proven tive,l-a 9ny. atteVopt the" horse may make to rub ; and as a preventive also of the horse getting his head to the grouud• and thereby getting a dirty mhzzle, a thing objectionable in the sight of a horseman.—Germantown Telegraph. DOES IT PAY TO • MAHE RAG CAR PET ?—Jennie T. Hazen; in the Western Rural, says no, and specifies as follows : In the first place, if you reckon your time as worth anything, it don't pay. In the second place, if you cut, -or tear up garments which Might be worn longer as they are, or cut over for some other purpose, it don't pay. . If you buy new cloth, red or green— as I have known women to do - -it don't pay., If you devote all your time to it," to the utter exclusion of other duties, it don't; pay. If you hlre'it woven, amid pay 15 cents per yard, it don't pay. If you weave it yourself, up stairs in a cold room, or in the wood-house, and take a cold which may terminate in something very serious, if not fatal, it don't pay. If pill buy your dye-stuffs at the pres ent prices, it don't pay. If you can do any other kind of work and earn a carpet, it don't pay. If it is made for the " other room," and is to be kept immaculate from the tread of profane feet, except pany days, it don't pay. If it involves the sitting up of half the night, when nature demands re pose, it - don't pay. 1 If it makes you nervous and cross, r j and yo scold your husband, and spahk the chil h . en, it don't pay. A I'i, v STORY ABOUT MR. GREELEY. —The I ochester Express says that a gentle an who happened to be an eye witness; tells. the following good story about Mr. Greeley, which has never be fore been in print. "Mr. • Greeley has never been accused. of extravagance in dress, even by 'the Democrats. One morning, some years ago, habited in his usual quaint style, he was leaning over the counter in We Tribune ollice eating an apple, when''an - Englishman entered who had that morning arrived by steamer, and who, it turned out, was connected with the London Times, and had come to ar range some business between that pa per and the Tribune. , "Approaching Mr. Greeley with very arrogant air, he said: ' Fellow, d you work here?" Yes, - sie.' 'ls Mr Greeley in ?" Yes, sir.' After waitin a little, and seeing that the ' fellow seemed very indifferent to his presence and inquiries, he burst out, almost choked with indignation : ' Well, why the devil don't you go and fetch him'' 4 I 11111 Mr. Greeley, at your service -) Was answered in the same calm and im different manner. . i "Johnny Bull's hat was removed 1 from his head with alacrity, and when our friend left, he was stammering hm.l,, confused apologies to the chief of the Tribune." It i:, t,aid that the young Duke de Brabant, heir to the throne of Belgium, who has been sick so long, begged hls. father On New Year's day tin• a present of 6,000 francs. On being asked,,after his request bad been granted, what he wanted with the money, he replied that it was for two migels who had been nursing him during his long illness, and he thereupon gave it to the two sisters of Charity who have been his constant `attendants.. If all stories are true the Prince is a little angel himself. The American Pin company, of Waterbury, Ct., manufacture nearly seven millions of pins per day. As every paper has to contain a certain number, the entire amount of perfect pins manufactured in b year' can read ily be ascertained. The figures for last year approximate the enormous sum of 2,000,000,000, or more than enough to supply every human inhabitant of the globe with a pia apiece. r 1` A NOTIIER'S MANAGEMENT. The dismal December night was elos ng Niith starless gloom, over the spires anu chimney tops of the city—the blin ding mist of snow flakes was wreathing Its white pall over all, and the wind, murmuring sadly through the streets, seemed to have an almoA hu m an wail in his moan. 'lt's an ngly kind of a night," mut tered Mr. Terryn to himself, as he buck led his fur closet; around bie neck, "and wind fit to cut one in two. Hallo! What's this?' ' He had very nearly stumbled over ,something that looked like a bundle, jcrouching at the foot of a flight of steps, in the shadow of a ruinous old brick archway; but, as ho checked himself abruptly, the bundle erected Itself into something human in shape and looked 'at him through its wild, human eyes. ' Who are you !' he demanded, on the impulse of the moment: ' , Only me, sir—little Tess.' 'Please give a penny, sir !' cried the child, suddenly subsiding Into the professional whine of her tratlle. 'Only a penny.' - ' Where do you live?' I don't live nowhere, skulks round in the alleys.' Oh, you do eh ? who takes care of you!' Old Tim Daley used to, but he's took up.' . ' Took up?' ' Sent to the Island, sir' Are you a boy, or a girl 'P (For the creature's tangled locks and ragged garb gave no clue to the sex.) 'l'm a girl, sir.' ' You ought to be ashamed of yourself, begging in the streets,' said Mr. Terryn, , severely, 'Why don't you work ?' As he approached his own door a bright child's face, peeped out between the curtain. and as Mr. Terryn entered the cheery Sitting room, he could not but think with a remorseful pang, of the shivering bundle of rags under the brick archway beyond. It' none of my business,' he thought 'I dare say the police will pick the poor little elf up, and take her where she'll be better off.' But Mr. Terryn's conscience was lesii adamantine that be bad given it credit for being. It pricked him sorely as he sat toasting his slippered feet before the bright embers—it whispered to him as he listened to the lullaby wherewith his wife was lulling the baby to sleep upon her breast. Had little Tess ever , known a mother's care or heard a mother's cradle song? And she could seareely.have been six years old either. Where are you going, my dear?' said his wife, as he rose up suddenly. Clut'futo the street. There was a child there—i-a little girl, crouching on some steps=j' A child?' Homeless? And on such a night as this ? Oh, Herbert, yon should have brought her here!'' I I Five minutes afterwards Mr. 11'erryn was out in the driving whirlwinds. of snow, bending over the small stray who was bundled up, just where he had left her. Hore, child, where are you ?' But there was no answer.. Tees was benummed and stupi the cold. lie lifted her up; a poor Intl sl.ele toiT wrapped In a miserably thin coat ing of rags and feeling strangely light in his arms. and carried her hoz le. Mrs. Terryn met him at the door. ' Oh. Herbert, what a peer little Starved wretch Her hands are just like bird, claws. Charley looked on in breath] eat at the proces.s of feeding, and Testoring some real vitalit; torpid object. When little Tess opened her was to the glow of a warm the mellow sparkle of gaslight: . ' Am I dead?' cried the chip this Heaven ?' Poor little creature?, 13 Terryn bursting into tears ' Tesora, 'her name proved sweet Italian synonym for `treasure,' and a treasure-she the gentle Mrs. Terry n's eyes, after her babe was dead and b `How Tesoragrows,' said M Suddenly, as the beautiful girl rosy and smilipg,, from a wal =l=llll ' now old is she'i' Sixteen, day before yesterday.' 'ls it possible,' 'said Mr. :Terry ..,- thoughtfullY. 'How - time slips - away ! TeSora sixteen ! Why, then Charley must be twenty !' ti ' It is true, my dear,' said his wife. 'We are getting to be old people now !' I wonder what will become of Tesora, said Mr. Terryn, niusirtgly. 'She would make a capital governess, beredneation has been so thorough—or' I "'Father, said Charles Terryn, reso lutely, as he walked up in front of his father and stood with folded arms, can tell 3.0 u what will become ofTesora ! She is to be my wife!' Nonsense!' ejaculated Mr. Terryn. Charley,' said Mrs. Terryn, when the indignant father had jerked himself out of the room, 'don't waste yon - 1 7 breath' in .arguing with your father. Argument never conquered yet, in such a case is this.' ' But, what am I to do?' ' ITave you . spoken to Tessl yet?' 'No.' ' Wait thew—let matters rest. I will manage it?' So Mrs. Terryn gave little dinner par ties and select soirees, and 'brought out' Tesora, according to the regular programme. She made a sensation. Mrs. had known that she would. Tesora was a belle—a queen of fasliion. Suitors congregated around her. Tess,' said Mr. Terryn one night—he was getting wondrously proud of his adopted daughter uccess in the world of gociety-,`are yo t going out it° night`:' Yes, papa.' ' Whgni with !' `Colonel Randolph.' I thought Charley had taker a box in the opera fin• you !' promised Col. Randolph first,' said she, lauglifdly playing with her fan. And how about to-morrow night? I suppose Charley could get his ticket Ira nsferred.' I am sorry, but I am en gaged for to morrow- INTr. Terryn rose and walked restlessly up and dowi the room. He was a man much guided by the opinion of his fel low men. Tesora• must be a treasure, el.-e why thi competition among the millionaires for her soeietv. Look here, Tess—Clnley will be so disappointed. ' ' 1 can't help it. Let me see'—and she glanced at I:er tabrek—'Friday is the only evening I have disengaged.' Fithliestieks!' muttered the old gen tleman', uneasily. 'lt -seems to toe you're getting to be a great helle, Miss!' ' Am 1, papa!' said Tess, laughing, 'but you see 1 am your own little girl still.' And she gave II a Coaxing kiss. 4 My own little rirl—yes—hut what will you become when Cal, Randolph or Dayton L'Estrat ge, or some other of these scamps, take, you away from me!' 'Tesoro bltished ut til the rose on her cheek waslike a ea •nation. *They will not, papa.' - ' Won't they? I'm not altogether sure of that;' ' But the next day he came home from = Little eel by ss inter arming to the eyes, it fire and 'and is d Mrs to be—a he word , was, specially ries). Terryn me in, '\V 1I y NO. 11. the office with a plqzleci face; l "Whey have conic, Tess!' , What have come?' 'The oilers of, marriage---twO of 'em; by Jupiterl—Col. Randolph and Mr. Dupinler ! 'What do - you say Tess ?' must think of it, papa.' - Very gentlemanly, I must say—both well off substantial' fellows and Profess to he desperately in love with my girl. But, Tess-- . Well, sir?' ' You won't leave us,' dear? Think how desolate the old house will be without you !' Tesora was silent—h i cr head dropped. ' Esther,' said Mrs: Tarryn, gently, 'let .the girl decide for herself. We have no right to stand between her and a home and a husband of her own.' ' But she might have a home' and a husband Of her own here!' burstin Mr. Terryn. 'That is—l mean—Charley—" I have refused Charley to-day !' said Tesora, ' Refused Charley ! And why?' 'Because I have reason to believe that his suit was pressed without 'the approval of his father. Oh, sir, could you think that, after all your kindness, I could steal your sou's duty away from you ! I would rather die !' ' Spoken like your Self, Tess,' said Mrs. Terry'', going to her and kissing her; Tess, du you love him ?' eagerly questioned the father. 'That has nothing to do with the question, sir,' she answered, reservedly. But I Want to know;' he insisted. I do love him, then.' And you have refused him only be cause I didn't approve!' Yes, sir.' * • ) But I do approve, Tess! It would make me the happiest old father in the world, if I could make you both chil dren in real truth.' • Charles 'rerun rose from his seat and came eagerly forward. Fe.-Lora dearest —you hear him. Once. more I ask you to be my wife!' And Tesora hid her face on her'shoul der weeping—but Tesoro, was very hap-, py nevertheless? 'But, my lovc,'. said Mrs. ' Terryn softly 'what has Wrought such a ehange in your sentiments 27 • ' I—l don't know,' said the old gen tleman, evavisely. "I say, Tess, what shall I tell the colonel and Mr. Dupin ier'." ' Tell them. sir,'L_spoke up \Charley 'that she Las a previous engagement.' And so t 1413 lther's management prevailed, and littl Tess's first home was her last. 1 [:or t 1 :lcitntor.} The Constitution of the Earth NU3l.l3lnt EiII'HT:- ' I take the liberty q l f denominating Granite, the Living Rock, having an analogy to the living bark of the tree, the shell of certain fish and to the ani mal skin and it may be having various sti b-divisions, as the animal skin. With out expressing, at present, an opinion of its entire correctness. I shall speak of the granite as composing the living covering of the entire earth. I refer to the_facts set forth it:t__No. 5- to show that this rock puts forth pro cesses and_ roots growing up into the super-incumbent strata In exact anal ogy to animal and vegetable life ; that no reek above the granite exhibits any similar phenomena; to the generally conceded fact that while we can ac count for all general strata above, on the aqueous theory, for the granite we cannot account except on the theory of crystallization, which geologists tell us, but which I do not believe, must result from the cooling of a molten mass of matter having in its composition all the materials of which granite is corn posed and to the fact that no rock above the granite :iIIOWS any signs of upheav al unless where it is raised by the grad ual upheaval of the granite t . or of dead inett matter interposed between the gi au ite and the super-incumbent strata. However GeoloAsts may differ in other things they generally agree in this that alt the strata above this living rock, is 'mole up from what was origi nally :t part of that rod k., unless, per haps, seine na exeept that part which is the rezult of volcanic action ; and that thes,.str.tta have suc6etled each other in regular order of time, there ha'. hie; Leen a that v, hen not a single stratum lay above the fzranite. whole depth of these different forioation3 have been variously esti tna tot. It is enotOi for my purpose that 1 they are 01 the depth of several miles. It wakes no difidence that many of these formations, or strata are the work, of - extinct animal.; 91 the lower grade ;' all the materials of which they aremade are no less the east offdead matter of the primary shell ; east off and used up in to other .:Ithstances precisely as - the dead matter from animal rind vegetable bodies. ,- # When these d'fferent, strata were formed, how farpack in the lapse of ages, the same crystallized foliated j gneiss, the mica ,ate &e., were spread -- -- it by the waters, in strata, as it died off from the granite below, no one can tell. It may have been millions, or Millions of millions of years ago, bait that there was a time, in the childhood or the earth when its surface was with- I out wrinkle, or unnatural corrugation, is as Artil4, following out the facts and reasoniits of geology, as that in its youth t '' ark of the Balm of Gilead, tint' ni ' shades my window and looks in upon nie, in its old age, as the com panion or its youth and riper years was once smooth, or ti.. , .., that the cheek of that old woman, who has just passed up the sidewalk, was smooth as alabaster when it was kissed by her young com panion in her childhood. No Geologist of the internal Sire tbe ory, expresses a doubt that all the Ma terial of there) different strata came from the interior of the globe, whethz er east oft' as stated above, or thrown up by volcanic eruptions, and while it was in a state of igneous fusion—a mass ,of molten matter. Now on well known principles, it - toast, in its molten state lute occupied more space than it now occupies in its solid lOrm of rock, met al eze. It must, of eotin , e, }rave ()CCU ' pied !-1;;I:1' within tin , earth's crust and if I ',1,1v.-11 out after the solidification of I,,he eri:,-t, as it must• have been, that space liii:4 HOW ig. , a Vtit!litllll, or 111AVO 'wet, tilled with foreign matter, or the den-ity o the molten_ matter within th o earth and consequently of . the whole eau ti‘, lutist leve e decreased, by ti e • ex l eo e• ion of the ntlted matter -to fill the vacated space, or the earth must have coilaved and iall'en ill and eon ,, , sequel', ty decreased in :.ize in propor tion to the less space - occupied by this now solid 111:it ;or, t hail it. iwytilited when molten ; and this decieni-e of size has been goin..• on (hiring:lN thee long ages of out , ide accretirm. Tallith{ the brat alternative of a vac uum, then the :r.upporters of the pres ent theory are uncolkeiously supporting the theory at the late Captain Spumes, that the earth is a hollciw globe and the iuside probably inhothiled. Under this super.-fling, tit : noxt Nor;,11 polar Ex hibition of Dkeovery t-hould Dc partic ttlat ly in , ,teneted' to look carefully for " "i alternative that The vac.tted spree i., tilled with foreign matter, the very, pertinent question Arises, whence co mes this foreign mut- gioga Oriourdg, .agdator died every Wednesday Moorning at $2 mortally in advanee. & VAN GELDER. .] (r.o.vanannio. , v3are.T.TS.lisTia XLa9.S3E3S. - a , Etzszon, oll.' LESS, )11112.19N11 SQUAVI. 1 No. of Sq'rts. 11 In. ialna. 4lns, 33105. 6 Mos. !Wear . . . / Squarer-1 ti, o l $ 2 , 00 V 4 • 60 $ 6 l OO $ 7 . 00 5 12 , 05 2 Squares-- 2,00 3,001 ,00 8,001 12,00 _lB,OO Half CA...., 10,00 16,00117,001 22,00, 80,801 60,00 Ono C01.....,,,f 18,00 20,00 80,001 4.p.001 00,001_ cam Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial' or' ' f ocal 20 cents per line. ter? Of this I shall• have more to say hereafter. ' Taking the third, then on astronomic Cal principles what effect would it have on the nicely balanced system of worlds? or would it in any manner de range their motions? Taking the fourth, then the earth go on collapsing and growing less till all its internal matter iwould have cooled and the same reAilt arrived at that Dr. Sterry Huntlattains by com mencing the cooling process At the cen tre. The fact is, a great many Geologists are beginning to distrust the theory of tho present igneous molten matter of the interior 'of the earth. • Some, like Dr.' Hunt and Professor Thompson of Glas gow, adopting or rather suggesting the theory of au ancient gradual cooling of the'earth from the centre to the circum ference; others like the late Professor Hopkins of Cambridge, the theory that the earth began to cool simultaneously both at the centre and circumference, and thus on till nearly the whole mass was cooled, but like David Forbes leav ing reservoirs of molten matter for the special use of volcanoes. And still another theory , of a writer in the February number of the Atlan, tic Monthly, who contends that the earth was ut first a small:dark colored mass of matter, whether animal, vege table or unorganized lie does not say, which was sent out on its travels in search of increase, and for millions of years has been bumming and foraging through the lirnits of space and -gath ering the materials for its growth from the small meteors—so small that they could notstand up against the encroach ments of this wandering despiser- of meteoric rightd. Let us see how much matter has been passed out from the interior to the ex— . terior of the earth, since the time it was surrounded by a granite shell only. The solid contents of the earth are 259,992,792,083 cubic miles. 1f the de-' posits above the grataitetare one mile - evenly spread out over the *hole sur- , face, which is very far short of the real depth, the amount of thii sedinten tary a - eposite would be 98,485,848 cubic wilds which if abstracted from the cen tre of the earth would leave-a globular space of 573 miles diameter. If the 'deposites have an average depth of 52,800-feet or ten miles, which Is nearer the truth, then there has been abstracted from the interior parts of the earth 974,739,513 cubic miles, which if taken from the centre'would leave a - globular space of 1230 miles diameter, surrounded by a crust of 3344 miles thickness. No wonder that some an cient' mythologists, if they ever figured up this matter placed "The prisons of thd . over damned and lost In the dark dismal centre of the earth Surrotinded there by adamantine walla,. That all the powers of earth and hell combined Could neker break." Now itll geologists admit, atleast all who follow in the. footsteps of Lyell, that this outside dead crust is no part of the organization of the earth, if the earth has an internal organization as suggested, and they would, I presume, admit that it bears a great analogy to theil cast off dead natter of animal and vegetable bodies. ! Cionsequently they must admit these outside strata to be an absolute loss to :the interior in the absence of compere-. 6atfon. from some extraneous source, Which no one while adhering to the theory of the Igneous fluidity of the in- 1 terior of the earth has attempted c)., supply. The difficulty has been se rt.: arid an attempt has been made to move ir, by suggesting inamerise ca !- ties in the earth which haven been r erroirs of melted' matter, and are n w since its ejection by volcanic and of er action become- reservoirs of gaseous matter. Others' have attempted to overcome the difficulty by renenricing the igneous fluidity theory and adopt one somewhat similar to the one spoken of above of meteoric accretions upon a central nucleus and holding that not only 50,000 feet is Secondary but nearly the while mass. J. EMERY. Wth.tsnoito, P t t., S. The NVOI Li " The v, , orld's Re dee er '! at the 'close of the tenth par agra h of the last number found a place tberclby a queer mistake. As a general yult„.the reader who has sense enough to discover a mi , ,talte knows enbugh to correct it. This mistakd.iwould. cer tainly be an exception. J. E. ri A traveler entered a tavern and see ing no ono present bUt the audlord and a negio, seated himself, and entered into conversation with the negro. Short ly afthrwards he asked Sambe if he was dry. d Sambo said lie was. Stranger toldhim to step up to the bar and take something at his expense. Negro did so and soon left. Landlord says to the stranger : er " Are you acquainted with-that-nig rr ?" "10, never saw' him before; but why do you ask?" " I supposed you were, from your conversing with him, and asking him to take a drink." " Oh,"• said the stratiLrer, " I was only experimenting. The fact is, I-was dry myself, and I th,olit that If your liquor- didn't kill th nigger in fifteen minutes, I would - attire to take . a drink myself." _ A case of assault wi s ofl trial• in the Orleans Recorder's Court. " And yoti struck the man ?" Inquired the magistrate. ' . " Bedad I did." " Thep you did wrong.?' _ 44 You4don't say so." : " But do." "If a inan culled your honor a cow ard, _wok Idn't you strike him ?" "No, t would be wrong." • " I3edz.d I believe it would," replied the cusp it. related of a Parisian portrait that having recently painted ait of a lady, a critic who bad ped in to tiee what was going e studio, exclaimed : " It is very tainted ; but why did you take, It is inter,l c Dort jilst dro 1 ' n in th, .1 ipely 1J Eubll a mother, " 011 ! 3 ugly model.: " ' '"lt is my.. ' ealudy replied the artist: pardon, a thousand tittles!" critic, in'the greatest conrus lon are 3 i!3ld—i. ought to have 1 it. ;She resembles you tom- cried tip 1 iou ; " y perceive pletely., A curious lawsuit is on the tapis in England ALi vei pool -merchant, sud denly called to New York on urgent business;itook a cab to the steamer, and in his haL•te fur of to pay the driver. 0I 1 his return, tine months after Ward, he couti l i d the c.ibman.,and cab just where he hal . left them , liheltered by a little wdoden shed, and Sias met by ~a bill for (:)aelt fare for 1,080 hours by day, noel 1,081 lionN by night. The case is still on. Sonic Alinneapol is merchants recent ly ru-zticated a teunith In the woods.— beeing a Iline deer they were greatly ex cited and shot at it in the_mo-it reckless manner' ossible. They were somexthat chagrine upon'dieoyering that it was a line d r skin stufled iiir the occaiton by seine f the himbertncm who enjoyed the "jok: on the city chaps" hugely.