HOME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY,'IIARCH 3, 1869 New Advertigei*ente Wall Paper itt Cost—P. R. Williams it,Co, Sollidg off at ooSt-- ' k. Dissolution of Co.—Murdaugh Adrex Notice—Estate' of George Avery. ' Assignee Notleo—jno: W. Guernsey. Piano•Fortes*Prof.'HoYt., - Harry Mix's Hot Houses. Towanda, BIMINESS.—Mr. Wm. C. Kress, :has purchased the stock in trade Of Mr. Roy, Drug gist, and oßeited on Saturday.' We hope William will find the business pleasant and profitable, for he deserves well. _ ArzoN. Anonymous- ComMunicti tions,4ll.anonymous no4ces of marriages anti deaths—all theso thingsjaro not noticed or pub lished in the Agitator. You must send your truo name for form's lake. THE RAILROADS.—On the 4th page, * lasi column will be found the corrected time table of the trio Railroad, as sent us bp-the tiperintendent last week. The date at the top should read Fob. 15, 1869, instead of Nov. 23• Otherwise the table is reliable. BLOSSBURG. — We are glad to an nou nee the appointment of Jas. P. Taylor] Esq. postrnas. ter at lllossburg: Mr. Taylor wsuia very popular P. id., under Lincoln's udpiinistra ion, and lost his bead because ho would not JAI wain. The Watkins Express is now printed upon a Potter power Press;, and as an evidence of its prosperity it gives us much satisfaction •to know it. Mr. Grano makes a paper whisk is an honor to the craft and,tothe guild. None reaches us to bo opened with more pleasure and profit. NEW INAT Ofll4.—A new Post Office has been estatdished.On the road leading' from Cherry Platte to Spencer's Mille, .on the Tioga ricer, and Mr, Edwin Kiosk is the POstmaster, The name of this Post Of "West Covington," And it _accommodates Omit forty families, It will be a great accommodation. The 'troy mail passes that way three 'days in the week; -viz t Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. An!—Under the head of "Three children in one week," Capron of the Williamsport Bulletin, practices upon the credulity of his readers as fellows t "A remarkable freak of na ture has Just occurred in Woodward township. Mrs. 'Clark, on Monday morning gave birth to a daughter, and on Wednesday morning to two eons. All three of the children were living at' last accounts. Mrs.!Clark is in a precarious con dition, but hopes are entertained ofhor recovery." It is hoped that nature will confine freaks of that sort to Williamsport and vicinity. PERSONAL.—We bad the pleasure of a brief chat with C. A. Deane, Esq., of Denver, Colorado Territory, Saturday of last week. Ho is on a business tAp to Philadelphia, end stops off for a few days th visit his relatives in this region. Mr. Deane is in tU enjoyment of !.I.igll ed health, and reports that the West, :for the , who aro willing to work, is the place of places.:. lie reports the near completion of the Denver ;branch - road, add in a few months one may takootho cars at .Tioga and bo in Denvor four days later, without a mile of staging. THE LEGISLATURE.—In ' the House, Feb. 12. Mr. Niles presented a petition siguedby 139 females of Wellsboro, for a prohibitory law in Tioga county. c , Also, a petition of 92 °Wiens of Wollaboro, for the same object. • Also a petition from 320 citizen? of Tioga coun ty in relation to the County House. On the sth ult., Mr. Strang presented a largo number of remonstrances from citizens of Loga county, against any further laws to restrain the isle of whisky. Same day, Mr. Niles presented a remonstrance of 200 citizens of Ting - a county relating to the poor rates and levies. KNoxvitam ITEMS.—"J. P. 13.," writes: "0. L. Wood has purchased the fine residence of T. P. Masterton, on tho lot owned formerly by Samuel May. "'Truman 0. Gilbert, druggist, ibas piirchased lots and buildings on the corner of Main and Streets, occupied by 0. P. Beach and Win. D. Knox. Be intends to erect a fine block of stores on the location. , "Elder Lewis has sold his dwellng and lot to D. S. Shove. "The Good Templars have a flourishing Lodge hero, organized two months ago. The present officers aro W. C. T., Rev. Isaao Everett. • W. V. T., Mrs. Marion Love. - . S , Delos Angell. F. S., A. W. Pride. T., Mrs. A. Reynolds. Marshal—Sumner white. Deputy-.-Miss Alice Marlatt. A. S., D. W. Reynolds. . 1. G., W. A. Omens. 0. G., Edward Angell. - , • "Wide A alto Lodge," No. BO." '..• COVINGTON LOCAL.—A young man by the name of,Charlos 'limey has been arrested, i and committed, to answer to tbo complaint of placing obstructions on the Tioga Rail Road, near Canoe Camp Creek. ' " Brest Covington" ia a new Post Office estab -11E1:led on upper ‘{Elk Run" about four miles from Covington ri4d three from Cherry Flats. E. D. Klock bas been appointed P. M. Jas. P. Taylor has been appointed P. M. at Blossbtirg in place of J. W. Thomas, the present incumbent. Mr. G. F. Hulslander.is engaged in conducting 1 a Musical Convention; and, having marked success. D. S. Ireland, son, started on Thursday Morn ing last for West Virginia and Eastern North Carolina. Iclie finds.a suitable place, he intends locating there. An exhibition for the benefit of the Covington Lodge G. T. took place at their hall on Wednesday evening, Feb., 24th. The programme was : The Beggars-2 acts. Grief too Expressive—farce. Boarding School accomplishments-2 acts. Reclaimed-3 acts. Advortiseing for a Servant-2 scenes. , Mission of the Spirits. Irish Party—farce.i' I The characters, without exception, wcrc well conceived, and. nicely executed. All doing so well it would bo invidious to make particular mention. The scenery had been newly painted fer the occasion, by Mr. Samuel Cleaver, (to whom I would specially commend Dramatic Clubs, needing such accessories)i. The stado was complete in appointments and {usual Parapher• tiara. The Orchestra, under 4he direction of Mr Geo. Willcox, deserves more, than a passing me don, The music was the beSt for the occa sion, I have listened to for malial year. Taking it al together it was a complete buccess, netting about $45. The performance will be repeated this, (Priday)'evening. oORRESPONDENT. MANSFIELD.^ - 44 Accident l" w rites: Met Erg. A. M. & D. F. Pitts have purchased the interest of • Mr. John Murdaugh, of , the firm Mardaugh & Pitts, and will hereafter conduct their mercantile business on the ready-pay sys tem. Ncar/y.twenty applications for' admission into the Normal School for tho spring term have been received. Mr. C. 0. Thompson, of tho Fino Art depart ment of the Normal School, has made arrange meats with gr., A. P. Roosa, dealer in pictures, frames, nod ehoieu furniture, No. 6, Lako St., Einunt, and at 74p Broadway New York, to frame, exhibit, and sell, his drawings and paint ing,. May the new arrangement meet with sue-. Cm).4. The "Star of Rope" society meets Tuesday ei - cnings semi-monthly, at tho M. E. Church, and aeons to have become a fixed institution, and eau dram as a right, the support and commen dation of this community. Your correspondent, in company with "Charley," paid a vieit to Elmira ("The Hub") Fimirclay last. returning Monday evening; and the following are among the things we saw: Fist thins after reaching the Erie Depot, saw a Velecipede,•that takes the romance entirely out of the " Deacon's one horse shay! Didn't take one, choosing rather to walk down town, after kl‘ving our aulographs at the American House. I) N.ppeinto a printing establishment, where we found 3 r. 0. S. Webster, formerly of Wellsboro, ;rho showed us another Velocipede, (carrying three editors,) that beat the ether one we saw all to nothing. The hubs were labeled "Elmira" i and "Advertiser ". ( Metropolitanism and Jour nalism.) The wheels were more than 190 miles to diameter with numerous spokes and felines, labeled, and among them we saw .IkU WellabOrp, and Tail .Tubas COOTir Aotr&riu4-.. We don't thirik yisu can keep •right'silte up with- out those spokes nd felloes,, Mr. Velocipede. • Tho Studio of IN r. Waters, the well known Artist is on the ~ hird 'doors of the Advertiser ,building. No has vier jitintings not sold, lately ` finished:gone, a view of Lake George, which is very pretty, and an—Ootober view in Vermont. Mt. Mansfield in the — distanee t _whiolt is very bountiful, and not less artistio than - boautiful. We visited Conkey's Studio, and found the "Knight of (the Chisel," as courteous as though thousands had not laid a tax upon his time and patience before - us: ',no ' kg's /AMY - 1160 - tli Wg fi t i among which, ono entitled," Trout Fishing,": WV ,say many other things of interest, but this letter has already grown to too great length. llf you giro these Eltniraltems apiece in your columns, I hope no ono will accuse your Mansfield, corm,- spondont of "slopping over" into Elmiti aftet news. • GosslP.Nothing 'puzzles one as the freaks of conscience. We have known a Man whose conscience revelled at the mention of a business matter on Sunday, yet who counted it entirely legitimate to take ten dollars out of a; neighbor on a horse trade Monday morning. Another would argue • for h'oure upon the ne cessity of a triune Godhead to the smooth work. ing of the Christian system, yet found It entirely . proper to deliver groceries at short weight. An other beheld the whole duty of man in a strict attendance upon preaching, yet on, all 'occasions struggled to reduce the salary of his minister. Still Still another would conntit heresy, in a- man to refuse allegiance to the thirty-nine Articles, yet denied that it was 'al ChristitirCduti to feed a hungry lamb whose ear marks shevred,it to belong to a different - flock. It is not necessary to sup pose that any of these men were hypocrites by intention. Each claimed to obey conscience, and, .for aught we - know, did so :obey. , We know a falls woman (picius in intention,. at all events) who never missed church when able to go out; Who seemed to eNcy service and sermon genu inely ; and who ntiver omitted an opportunity to backbite the sister saints when out of the church edifice. So we suppoie that Conscience may 'be like unto a fence, with hero and there a panel gone. The perfect panels represent the formal and technical peculiarities of thdreligion which such people profess. The low panels represent the apparent loo'etmees with whichreligions tlieOry is reduced to practice; and the missing punch', the gape, constitute the byways through' ivhicia glaring inconsistencies creep into -and out of every_life. For it is useless to deny the faot that practice never approaohee profeesiony • where the latter - As ostentatiously paraded. —We conclude that religions beliefs -must' be tested as all other beliefs and rifles of faith - are tested. Though good. works, undertaken EOl flshly i and fOr a deliberate purpose: not lotinfe 'nancod by the highe . sCioneolenee, merit ac rnieo and bless not the doer, yet it is only •by their vorlts'that men and women can rightly be meas ured. Profession is good when works ,denote poisession., However closely apart may complY , with the commands of the written law, if he stop there, satisfied, ho merits nothing:: It is for the obvious interest of all to comply in so' much; it is not so obviously forctheinterest of uteri and women to obey the highest law of being. It has been well Said that little blood has been shed . about essentials in ieligious faith. Riifficr, the fierce quarrels {like that :which arose: 'between . the German atid Swiss Reformers), which 'Mark the' religious history of mankind, have commonly centered about some proposition, the t t l'ittli ur error of which mattered ;little to - true ireligious. , progress. We hope rho world is getting . wiser' and though it is not desirable that ant perfcilf coalition shall he effected between the numerous churches militant, it does seem probable thatthe, "agreement to disagree" may be entered into' within the lifetiine of sonic, children -now living.. In very truth - tho Protestant world differs , not much already, save i liarctizovernment, —Tho best band to .write is which is plainest. Tho plainest handwriting has' foil - est . flourishqs, is uniform in its goodness or badness ' For example, —if a penman makes all his his' , alike, the reader soon learns that style of , niking "a's." It does not follow that manuscript must be like copperplate Lio he legible and Uniformity is the desideratum, tho Ugh leis better cesaifurub 'DUE the great defeat or vititos Dir the press pertains to the use I:despite:T.4, punctuation, and contractions. Capital letters ere properly used at the boginning,uf every sea teneo;overy paragraph, and of nouns 'denoting,, particular things. They are also used in pbrases but the ordinary writer seldom usoe suell'plirase4 - Sometires we get-oommunications in whieli thb wOrff"and" is not once written in jfull. Wrong, entirely. Take time to write every ward of Olaf sort in full. Thero is no rule for punctuating with the comma. The use of that point must - ,bo determined by the style of Gib writer: Setni-. colons always separhto parts of a compotind; sentence ; .and the only rule we know of, xiiiich always applies . to the use of the semi-colon, is,: that it never must bo used before an explanatory clausa of a sentence. And bo good enough to remember, Oh, Seribendibas, that a dash is not a period. The latter is new:kat The close au' sem tone° where nothing e4planatory follows. The former, when used in.thibadrof a sentence, has, : substantially, the effect of theparentheisl' When' used otherwise it has a technical i)fneo. Tho colon preeetleisomething predicated df Gm pre ceding sentence. Much discretion must housed in punctuating. Slioltsentenies need few com mas and semi-colons. A Biiii - DPEOCEEDING.—A rdo,lTeSpon dent sends us the following statement of a sin gular outrage in Deerfield "A bold and daring outrage was committed at Deerfield Corners, Vriday night, 19th ult. Tho circumstances of tho case are as follows t "A few months ago Ira Wagoner sold his Hotel at Deerfield to a Mr. Cass, of Bradford county, and gave him possession. Shortly after= wards he became satisfied (whether justly. or not) that he had made a bad bargain and that be would receive very little compensation for his property; or in other words", shat Oils was a sharper and ho (Wagoner) was "501,i." " Frequent and severe have since been t o his le gal prosecutions that Cass has had to en unter, with but little sympathy from the community. ' "On Friday night at about ten o'clock sumo ten or fifteon "men of muscle," disguised nab masks, entered Cass's Tavern, secured Cass and his bartender, leading them into - the :street, in-: flicted severe injuries upon them, proceeded - to clear the premises of all personal property with snore celerity than care, installing, Wagoner master of the situation; piling his goods inside id but little less confusion than thoso which they had so summarily ejected. • " There is said V. - beim unusually large humber of reliable witnesses who identified the prdminent parties in this affair (a few of whom were not disguised) at the time. " Tho following nre the names of those who have been arrested, all of whom waived exan}ination and were held to bail in ono thousand-dollars each to answer to the charge of Riot and , forcible entry and detainer, and meanwhile to heep- the peace: Arch Carpenter, Is4ac f,Bakiir;)lisdob Vail, Ira Wagoner, Eugene"lorry, and IV: P. Knox. Some have absented thonstives. " This affray reverses tho poSitions of the par ties in the feelings of the community, as Cass is now considered the injured man instead of Wag oner. " The end is not yet, although this may be the beginning of the end; but ,to minds unused to this kind of double warfare the sitnation be comes more complex at every move. P. S. The latest intelligence • is that "All is quiet on the Cawanesquc." t, TRoY.—This smart village is about to arise from its ashes regenerate and knitilifut, as tufty he inferred from the followie...; items from the G‘tzette: " We understand that Pomeroy 1:1,e3 , are go ing to put up a fine brick block in pblee of their building burned on Canton Street. "The ruins of the Troy flotu-e ,rre being cleared away preparatory to the relid , ling, of the hotel with brick. Success to tho - .Tol house. "L. Putnam, our livery man hod al ittle Wools mare stolen on Thursday morning. A fetioir stopping at i the Stevens Rouse got the horse and buggy to go to Towanda, but has not been vc"91.1 since. Putnam has gone ilf.SeaT4 of 60 . itort4e. " There is a rumor afloat thatono of IiIQ citizens of this Boro., had his bed-room entered the other night by a burglar; his sato key stolen and his safe opened and $7OO in money taken from it. No name is given. "V. M. Long purchased the American" Hotel in Elmira the other day, intending to establish himself them-, but the peculiarly disadvantageous arrangement of the building' and some minor. matters caused him to relinquish the project and , return to Troy. We could hardly snare the judge from this town, Owl Troy will hardly be itself until the Troy-House is replaced and the Judge Alla big again ed place. A eXinx-i- 0 spring term o Atrollsboro Academy; will commence on Monday, next. \ ' ' It is important, thrit.all who' late . nd - to coma should bo present at the opening oflhe term. A good Literary fiocioty is now . working in connection with the setiOll:7._, Partionlar" attentiolilrill be paid to thOso Who,: intend to teach during.thicominginmtiA' Eyerythingywill,be_done to ...make 4he oictickol ond;of interesOliid -I>dielit to the students,,aS•yibil as teaeheri.a, A. satitiVpibutphi. A GooD desirp.to Wet at, .rlvate sale Stook and; flxiuies 'Or 'tor rdillitery ostablislimetit, ' - `This is a- good -opp ortimiti for,an exiterpiisitit , loor o seourequvestablished and profitable- bastueq. Alas. A. J tiorueLlik CAUTION.—GoOd Templars aro cautioned against encouraging:Olio N. B.' Frazier,' a' Member of Martha, Washington Lip No. 471, _who is .cu gaged in'leotprinjig 9rinkparts of our §titte, andlin meseplhos, ropreaents that he ; is 'in" the employ of the.ctrund Lodge; We, ore • informed he has in some places passed him/lel:As the ; Bey., N. Frazier,'of Towanda, and at one place ,had notices printed:with the ,title of "Boy." while at home ho 'nukes no profession lof.religion. Ho has done our Order and the cause great mischief in.solne places by these false representations. , NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN.—X.haV6 a DIXiO lof''Of Sporting guns and rifles, double and single barrels, which will bo sold at tho usual rcasonablo Prioo- 2 • k. • I am also prepared to repair and pleani , and• regulate all kinds of ofocks, en shtirt not4Co. Welisboro, Pa. "JAMES"LOCKE. To the Baptist Chttivhss of Tina Association: , The churches aro hereby requelited to forward tholr ;respecttiVe subeoriptions to.'the Building Fund of tho Assooiation, without delay, to tho undersigned ht Wellsboro.- - By order of the Corn roittee. - P. C. VAN•GaLbEII,' Chairman. ALAftiliAGEfe: i NUDD—VANDYN.--At Knoxville, Feb. 13th 1868 , 0 -hy Rev. W. P. Omans, Mr. David Nndd, of Brookneld , Pn., A to, .Miss Pormelai • Vandyn of - JAsper N. 1. • ATHERTON—DUNHAM...At Knoxville, Pa., Feb. 18th, by the same; Mr. A. EleAtherton ' of Oseeolti, •to Miss - Lours-7A. Ditnbam;. of 114ox vile Po.. BENN—KING,—In Keeneyville, Bob. 14tb; 1869, by G.'D:Rectiey, Eeq., Mr. George Bonn, to Miss Nanoy D. King, both of 'Clymer, Pa.' RYON—noLus.=—At Nelson, jar). 18112 1 1869, by Red. 8. A. Rawson, 'Mr. John B. Ryon, of Nelson, and Miss Maria - E. Hollis, of Tnscuro • ra, N Y. - - • SELPII—tAMPRELL.-;-At Nelsbn, 16th 1869, by Rey.,',E3.!A, - , RaWson,! - Mr . . 7 3#llllam E. Sep!), of New Raven, Michigan", and Miss Julia P. Campbell, of Nelson, a. BIrACKWELL—PRUTSMAN.. At La w renee, -Feb, 16th, 1869, by -Rev. S.- A. Rawson, Mr. Enoch Blackwell ) of Nelson, to Mrs: Carolino Prutsman of Tioga Pa. DEATHS. TIPPLE —ln Charleston, Feb. 10th, 1869, Jennie, only daughaer of Andrew and, Ann Ma tilda Tipple, aged 5 years. itithbr's'preciOuii gem in heaven; - • t.• I yawstranSiegt3Vatilhor o • A few briat: Years to.us was,givoail ::? Then sho was 01)110 away. f Coif.ES "751 dd 18th; 1869, Mrs, Angeline Ives., aged 38yeitra aud 13 days. - „ IVESTCOTT.—"In Lawrenceville, on Thursday, Bob. 18th, Mr. Arthur Weste,ott, aged.pLyptm. , • ... XJcsoira.3. • 3Elizossi3Fik.43siosi. Now is the time to get Good Photographs. Clay Ring has returned, and is going_ to atay, eontrniy to till .roizittrts' otherwise.... Now Otal frames, New cases, Now cord and Tassells, in in short, everything now. Call and see. . . . , To Sonoor. DrEtEOTOILS AND OTITED9.-13y ar rtmgentont with the Publishers, we will sell nntil farther notice,, the folloWing , Books at IrrOdno n tore prices : • The National Rntders, and Spellers. MeNally's 5c Montaith's Geographys. Clark's Grammars. Davies' Arithmetics. All other Snhool Books used in,tlio,County will be sold at Publisher's 16iVesetitas,'anis6int._ - _.bv mail or ' . iluou Yormu & Welleboro,Tan. 27, 1869, Th largest;', tmstand"olicapest assort ment of frames ever brought into Tioga County, with large pictures in WIC. - 1 , 3i- ivory to attit,4ustl card photographs at $1,59 per doz., all going fast at Frank Spencer's Art Gallory, Mansfied, Pa. Dec. 2:14f.' • • SELLING OFF AT COST FOR CASH! 113,9 warzumg a 00. Will sell from this - date their entire stock of DRUGS, 11DHICIN1 , Perfumer*, Notions, Dye. .1 Paints f Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil; ' Tobacco,, Cigars, I,VAII-Paper, Curt Ons, Fixtures, &e., AT COSTL FOR .DASH. Positively no Humbug. WILLIAMS do• co. Wollaborii, March 8, 1809. SPEC3IAI,', , t , ° CEENER.,64.4 I 1 kGENcy, For SEWING ' ILIEKINES, ! . , . WILCOX 6. 1 • GIBBS SILENT family iiiaoliiiae—makes the °MAW twisted Loop Stitoh, and the only First-Class Single Thread Meohinel Manufnotored. Also 1 SINGER'S Now. Family and ! Manufaoturing blaohlaes, with all the late froPrOvetaderits. ThelEljnief Ca; sold in the year '6Y "oviir ferty..two. theusand Machines, being several thousand it:1.100mo of advance of any other Machine blanufartured. Tho Buckeye Shuttle Maohino, the only ohesp• Machin'e thatmalteithc Lock - ,- ; Stitch. Will be sold at $22, for band - Machine and at $35, with table and treadle. }Orders taken for the Amer'. can Family 14itting Machine... I GEO. O. BOWEN, Agent. , Oface just below the Townsand House, Wells-' boro, Pa., Doe. 16,1668. ' . . • ACIRACULOUS. It is a porfact . and'irdriderfal article.,' baldness. fake liair grow. A better dressing than any "oil" or "pomaturn." Softens brash, ) dry and wiry ha t l! intoßeautiful Silken Tresses. But, above all, the gra t wonder is the rapidity with which it restores RAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGNAL - Coon. . . , . --• 1 -,• Tho whited and wor t lookingbeir resumes its youthful beauty by lttiise. It' does not dye the hair, but strikes at the root and -fills it with now life' and coloring matter. The first applioation will do good; you will see tho NATURAL qincit returning every day, and lit t'ortt YOU 'KNOW IT; ' the old, , gray, discolored appoarance or the hair will bo - gone, givlng place to lukrous, shinin g and i i beautiful Luskin . i Ask for Hall's Morn n Hair Renower ; no oth or article is at all like tin onset.. See that each bout has our p•rivate GoVern ment Stamp over the bout_ of the bohlb. Art oth ore are imitations. R. P. HALL a CO., Nashua, N. H. Proprietors. For salo bq all Druggists. 4 Jau. 3,18i19. NEW r'' AD VERTISEME;NTS. The. underaignnd would' respoothilii.` inform ho citizens of Ttoga and irloinity that ho Lai tut opened a Watch and Jewelry . _ • • •••:, s • ,arid Is in 'lorden , s Drug Store, And Is n prepared to o e to all orders in hie lino of business with doaPatoh and In the boat of man ner. Tbdgn, Feb. 24, 889:—tf. . ... DENTI . . : TRY: , DR C. DART Z, Z & " ' Co. 1.1.-:-. - - telli - afitroontliitio'Xrebushierni of a A a a , Dentistry iii Wellehbro where they respectfully solicit the p tronage of all who need, or desire the services of Dentist. Having been for - the past fourteen yea a engaged in Dentistry exclusively, they feel coifident of giving ,parfeet atisfaction in all operations intrustedto tijely tiare . ._ n'"'""*!""""'""ulsligm- - iesp ITregolarien. , expos ed nerves,• 'nleeratl D , acid inflamatibn of the gums; , and all other dis eases to which the, tetthiand vino are subjeet. Ofir"First elaselWoric guaranteed in .. hott'nie. chanicalland operative entistry; • , - • Gas'and Ether given or extracting teeth: fliiiPoOsirion ler Be k and Jewelry Store :. 1 Wellsboto; Fob 24;1 80.—tf. _&.-- if) IC' y ti' Notice to iCallectoit. tiLL COLLECTORS 'in : arrears on their Du. plioa4ee will bo reuirod to,settle, tho sumo by the Ist March ne xt. IT. C. BAILEY, • Feb. 17, 1868-21. I - • Trues. . • Adtruntst ra or s- Notiee. Letters of Rdminietra l tien having been gran ted to the undersigied'upon the Estate of Minor VerijatOitr, late of Delmar, deo'd, all per.: sdns indebted to, or claiming againifthe estate will settle with SARAH BENJAMIN, I "Feb. 17, 1869 ; 6nr. • Mill • - Farm for Sale. . "LN Farmington, ieartthe Limo Min . , 05 dotes It will be Bold low. 1 . J. W.. TUBBS, Folb 17, 1869-4 w. Ldwronooville. . 1 .Executor's.Executor'slVotice.' . .. T ETTERS Testaineitary having been granted 'Li to the undersign d upon the estate, of Ar ternas,'Losey,, late of stelson, deol,•all ,persons indebted to, or lat e against Said estate roust i settle with 'THOMA R. WARREN, l , ' . JA ES 'T. LOSE!, j '' xrs ' Nelsigh, Feb. 17, 18 1 9-4 w. Administrator'6 JETTBRI3 of Administration de bottle non on the Estate, f-Fredetiolt Tabor late of Jack son township, Tioga Co; Pa., , dec'i, having been granted, all perions owing braid estate, or claim ing agamst theisame; will settle with ;• L. B. SHEIVEI3; Feb. 10,,,18687,-Ow. ; ' WANTED, ALG,g, TS—Male orFomale, who can (mull . fro $lO to $5O per •week at home. All Goods .wi I be consigned to Agents; to bo paid for when e Id, and samples sent free. For full iiarticiilitrs a drees,• with, stamp, Fool. .t °tens, Detroit, ki Feb. 10, 1880-4 w. NOTICE is hereby given that I shall oipose to public Salo at, my office 'in Tioga, Tio ga county' `Pa., oh Saturday the 20th day of March next at one o'clok P. M. Book accounts andjudgments 'of Iwton Cummings against varlohlrindividuali at Mansfield ; and • vicinity, jor cash. A schedule of 'the accounts, and jadg mentS contaihing.the i liame of the-Dobtors,.and the amouht claimed t be dtie,3vilf he exhibited at the time'of saki' JO: Feb:10; 1869-4 w. Dolion - want to save money Go to Wood's Gallery foiyatrrietures, Frames, rind Cities; it will cost yon' .nothing.to o quire his prices. Wellabor°, Jan. 18, 869.—tf. • Cabinet' . a z I d Photographs, and all special sizes,m ' finest styles of pia tures, finished in first-class a ' manner at Spenoer's Art Gallery. Mansfield, Feb. 3, J 869.. • DO you Want some of that elegant new style card photographs to be bad far $1,60 per dos., at Sponter's Art Gallery? - Manstiold, Feb. 3, '1869. The Jest ip the Checipest! Join tho crowd going to Sponcor's Art Gallery to got tho boat., Mansfield, Feb. 3,11869.. • TIE FARMERS' BOOK 140 beautiful and useful illustrations. 750 octa vo pages. StAowingj st-what every farmer wants to know ; HOW TO MA .E THE FARM PAY. Send for a pircultir g vin full description. FARMERS! 'FARMERS' SONS! Experioneed Book - Agents and others, wanted to take this hook to every Farmer in every commu nity. 'Business permanent. Pays from $l5O to $2OO per month according to experience and ability. Address ZtEGIEE, 'McCURDY CO., Phil'a ° Cincinnati, Chicago, or St. Loui s. Nov. 25, 1.0'684tn0 CIASII PAID F( N s i Juno H o 181911 OTICES. ALL'S ALE lOWAN HAIR ZUWEWiZt• ITS 'IIFFROTS IS ,i ~ CUES ' ,'"% 14 . ' , I 0+ 1 i 7 4. -"7C 4LL WORK WARRANTED. B. WILE, Assignee's Sale. N W. GUERNSEY, ~ 9 Assignao. R WOOL, by REbULATOR STORE! IE[AVING purehased the entire stook former ly owned by It. Goff, we would "announoo to the people of Vega County that we have ins received a full assortinent of • , • SHASONABLE GOODS. bonght since the reoont decline in prices, an. we invjto all who appreciate good bargains, o givtag ,Wu shall continuallyknop a f. 1 sloe t of DRESS'• GOOD` alli Zi&IMMO it IPUZEIN SILK GOODS, WHITE GOODS, OottolZ Caec•oct WOOZEN AND PAISLEY SHAW • - • Y NIKEE NOTIONS, BUTS AND SHOES BEM GROCERIES, You have only to' roOk through our Stock to satisfy yourselves,that We are selling' • , Vhl;4apet. then the .Qheapeet." Country Morohanta supplied at small advano New York Coat. Comm The Battle has been. Fough AND VICTORY WON. eI_GODS high in quality and low in price ha • kjr tarried the day, and hereafter willlbe fou ready and willing for active and °Molt cervi• in behalf of all those who will call and tve the orders at WICKHAM & g FARR'S TIOGA, 3 A. On the Dry Goods side we have a full a . complete and assortment of Pall and Win I G - 001)S, Flannels, Sheeting., Prints, Mullins, - Mines and Dress Goods, with a groat variety of YANKEE NOTIO with which to fill in and trim up. We wo -emit-special attention to our assortment of with prices which we know will compare far) bly with prices of the same goods before the which havie been made to order from perfect a .00 with warrantee. Work ready to be shown , n fitted to all customers. •The Grocery stock in eludes, Flour, Pork, Fish, Salt, Sugars, Teas, Cod fee, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, dx., Then comes - the WOODEN WARE, suchF a Tubs, Pails, Wash Boards, Atop Sticki, Su to Boxes and Pails, together with numerous of of Goods, such as Crockery, Glassman, Stonem re eto., which we will always .be glad to show n, risk tho selling after the goods are seen and x. amined, Tiogn, Oct. 16, 1868. Wilson ft Van Valkenburg French Merinoes, Empress Cloths, B ver Sackings of all discriptions, _Poplins of all colors. RELAINE,S & PRINTS;aLL SOL • FACTORY'S, MEETINGS, BLEA si 1 ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN' HOOP SKIRTS, of every description, DRESS TRIMMINGS an BUTTONS of all kinds; also the largest an - cheapest assortment of ' 'READY MADE CLOTHE] . _ over brought Into Tloga County. Thine. the place, and call before purcha • ng. . - Wo b aye a large assortment of - Gents' Fu log Goods, ponslstlng of Drawers, Under-Shirts, Flannel Sh Ituck Sleeves,, and Mittens a Milking of every description ,manufactured to suit. • Thankful for past patronage, aria by etrl.t tontiop to i inainpos wo bore to sbaro a Co tl arm ot:th eame. _ +,II,SON, b.,VANNALEEDTI3 IR Wollibtiro;Oct.l2,'lB6B—tf. - VOA SALE—ono pair ofpleasure Bob, i at .II: Deo. 88,1888 . TOESB 3 BARIi 4S'z D. P. Roaaßito CORNING, N. Y. •.- : :-• INS rt MEI CROOkgitY, &cm, &c. , NEWELL .?k, -OWEN - GOod stook of Hats and Caph, Boots and Shoes, IVIORHAM A FAR • Great Bargains For all who call at No. 2 Union Block. in Full & Winter MEI EMI W E have received a very LARGE STOOK of PALL AND. WINTER GOODS on the most favorablo terms, and will be sold at very small advanco from cost.. We think ?to hazard nothing in saying that we keep the and tho BEST QUALITY of Goods that ate kept in tho place. Halm a store light enough to goo what you are bnYing, and pledge orrisolvos to quality considered ? as at any otherestablishment. We continuo to make our CLOTH TRADE ono of oer 'specialtios, aid when desired MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notice and in the best manner. We havo added to our stook a good assortment of RIISSELS, CHREE - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON , WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. GREAT V: S. TEA COMPANY, and sell TEA at New York prices by tho single pound. Ail 'felting Corning, are invited to oall and examine stook and prices. SMITH & WAITE. Corning, Oct. 1,180 g. lETts X-Xstmr4Es PEACE r you want to seta a good stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS! go to T. L. BALDWIN Et On aiLllllliMtabbt SOCIDO ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, . PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, AL O, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP • SKIRTS,• BAL. MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, • DOMESTICS: READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cloths and Uassimeres and a Tailor to Cut and Fit. Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAIS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD W,t&I . SHELF HARD WARE, N ILS, IRON, • SALT; LIME, PLALVER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &o, GROCERIES, tho moat complete stock you can find, such as TEAS. We are old tea drinkers and know them an'd in fact everything in the Grocery line, Also, Butter Tubs and Pails; Butter sold on cam mission—no charges for handling; but would like a Small portion of the mosey you get in re d .turn, that is if our prie.os suit. if you rr don't fail to try . Sure want good Wo warrant it. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in erelong° for Goods.. We propose to sell our Goods reasonably. "Live and let Live" priees given at the counter—only one price. Cash paid forprodueo if desired. , . • T. L. BALDWIN do CO. Tioga, PLC., Nov. 25,1868. n- Administrator's Notice. , LETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Chester Patridge, late of Charleston township, deceased, all persons indebted to the said estate, or elaimingugaiest the same will settle with RACHEL PATRIDGE, JogrT KOHLER, %Weston, feb. 3,1849* -• Adler& IN CORNING. ; i BEST ASSORTMENT SELL AS LOW, CARPETS, oontiating of FLOOR OIL CLOTH ant - MATTING, anclean - sell them ROW VERY LOW. We aro the agents for the TIOGA, PA. ME If you want ' such as A fresh lot of to bo good SUGARS, MOLASSES, 1 FARMERS IOOLS, All kinds and suporior quality " BHH•HIVI EXCHAME!" pods I sing, I sing ofa curious thing, Almost as strango u Boggs upon Tyng rve'swung 'round a oirole as round aka ring, And while on the down east part of my awing, I stopped at the city and took on the Spring- STYLES OF GROCERIES SUGARS ARE BOW IN THE NECK, And moreastonishing still, Molasses , & Syrups have a freer run downward, with a futrael-eha pod trail. Milreto73.ert,l 7 , however, aro out from the neck downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. ' TEA will be pieparod from' a drawing furnished to every customer Who buys a pound. Ofthestylee to suit gowroxionej to., X may moron that • 3, Black. Tea yon can have If yen•long .for It. I. cannot get time to look up all the hard words which the GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY uso to startle the innocent people about the cent'. try; but you oan'depend upon finding the very beat of Teas at -the BEE-HIYE EXCHANGE? the styles are various. You can linvithe•latest styles from the following fashietlable foreign MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAGITYRA JAM AICA, &O. - PROVISIONS ! Flour still wears hoopd over all, and espenses with trails as unprofitable. 1 - have all grades PORK, DRIED BEEF AND, HAM, ogether with a full assortment of light grocories and canned delloacies. As ever MATHEMS Pays Cash or Trade, or all MARKETABLE CALL AT "ffitt Tian' S. Wellsboro, Apr.l, '6B. iV. T. MATIIERS LOT INSURANcE tummy UNITED STATES OF AMERIQA, Chartered by Spiel Aot of Congress Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID First National Bank Building, Where nll Correspondence should be Addressed I . CLARENCE H. CLARE, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance lc Exceptive Com. HENRY D. COOKE, 'Voice -President. 4- Euzusex W. PEET, eoretary and Actuary. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. j ' eirculals. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application toa the Branch Moe of the Company, or to • , R. C. SIMPSON, WELLSIYOIIO, PA., by whom applicatimie will bo received and Poll des procured for Tioga County. • Dec. 9, 1868-Iy. W ANTED- ASH LOGS, at our Mill. Cash paid for them. IVo are ready to saw for customers Bring on your logs. Lath and 4iokets always on hand. .1 Ash logs mast bo 12 or 14 feet long. DOWEN A.; TRUMAN. ,11stro, Dee. Id, 'dB.tf ots of CAYUGA PLASM • k FOR $7,06, at T. L.'IIALDWIN Ss CO Tioga, Fob. 3, 18.9. DRS. TFIOi DENTIS . tho modern im provements and do every kind of work known to the profession. • DR. C. [THOMAS. . 1 T.R. WARREN M. D. Tioga, Oet. 28, 1,8 . 138. , . CHOICE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS for sale cheap! at WRIGHT it BAILEY'S. Wellsboro, Juno 5, 1667. '; TOBMORK THE BEST STYLE, and 0 with doapatob ,at E geltailOat Mee. 2ITCU'S ABDOM.I27A I L SUPPORT ERS, for vale at Roy'a Drag Store. TBE largest assortment of Watebes, Clinks Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioga county at [l9tlecl3B) FOLEY'S. T AMPS.—A now kind of lamp for Kerosene Li no breakage of ohlmneva..at FOLBINI. Tho fashions for, TEA -TEAA---TEA 1 Ao to Cc•freo, Timis, to wit t In the matter of eatable. Alpo, PRODUCE NATIONAL OF TEIE WAsrrnciTori, D. C. APPROVED JULY 26, 1868 BRANCH OBTICE PHILADELPHIA, OFI 4 IdERS I 4 resh thou AS & WARREN, S, TIOGA, PA. ' RELY sole ly upon the beautyoinr ability and ar tistic merit of their work to recommend them. We have all S,' STOYES, STOVES. STOV =I WILLIAM-BoiwnTs, Agont for all first elate Stoves, Sala :Street Wellsboro, Penniai . . ja • I AVING been al4ointed agent for all first ohm Stoves manufaettirll by Rear, Pack rd.& Co., of Albany, N. Y. am nor reedy to tarnish thefollowing named , lebratbd Storee ' - . COOKING STOVE, AM RI AN h i ,' NATIONAL, 110 MB OON I PANION, mown& THE BENgvikoTort, the lalisr of which Is the bolsi stove fot mammon use 6Ver lama:het) Doing ahem?, well 'Died% sat convenient, I have also, a Tenet" of • (ELEVATED OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, CISTN vadonis patternß, SHEETIRON, Self Begultitora. • ALSO—Stoves aultable,foy. burning bard or soft coal, will be furnished to order. Quitclaim will do Well to examine my kook, which to as full and well selected as any In Northern Penn sylvania. I have also put in a it'll stock of ' iieurcilm(c) of all aorta. Thankful for Metal patronage In the past, T. respeptfully solicit a - contlnuanee of the same. 880.16, 1808. Orphan's Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Tioga County, dated the 28th day of January 1889, the Undersigned Exeotitor of the Estate of Richard Phjilips, late of Westfield Boro, in said County deceased, will on the 8 day Of March 1809, at the promises in Westfield Bore, at one o'clock in,the afternoon of said day, expose to sale the following described real estate, Into the property of said decedent, via • All that lot of land situated in WeStfield Boro; Tioga County, State of Pennsylvania; Bounded as fol. lows: On the North by lands of Erastus Hoon, - on the South by the Cowanesene River; on the East by lands of Charlton Philips, on the West by lands of M. G. Bowman, Containing about . one hundred acres of land, More or less, fifty acres improved with large frame house, frame barn, wagon house, together with other out buildings, an apple orchard of seventy good bearing trees thereon. Also it, Sertain other piece of land situate in Westfield 'township, County and ( State aforesaid acid / bounded as ) follows: On' the North by' lands of Charlton Phillips, on the South by lands of Charlton Phil.' lips, on the East by lands of James Dodge and 0. W. Edgcomb, on the West by lands of Charl ton Phillips, containing forty acres more or lees, about ten acres improved, and a few apple-trees thereon. Balance good oak timber. For fermi address Fraaels Strang Westileltk Penna. as • FRANCIS STRANG, Westfield, Feb. 8, 1869-wt. e Executor. HARNESS SHOP GW. NAVLB, Would say to hid friend's . that his Harness Shop is now in full Di and that he is prepared to furnish heavy of li ght X3saaac3s3fisiess . on short notice, in a good and substantial man ner, and at pricos that can't fail to stilt. The best workmen are matabiyed, and none but he best matertallited. Call and se6 - . - Doe. 9, 1868-ly Clew 13..7i.xxgria AB,T GALLERY. In consequence br Siokness, the Dim known heretofore as Ring db Eastman's Willer" of Art is hereby mutually dissolved agrestade to both parties. The hi:minas will herbeter be oarried on by .. • "Ir -- KINGI , • OPIERATOR AND PROPRIETOR; At tho old stand over EaStraan'a Deatgl Wee. OonetanUy on hand a largo anoirtmont of FRAMES, SQUARE AND OVAL, OVAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER, Also oases just received, which will be ilttbd with largo Or small pictures of the bast qtiality and at reasonable rates. PHOTOGRAPHS • oopiod from old - -4 i mbrobypeti or Daguerreotype of docerusod frientid. Raving sclearud the *Zvi ses of one of theliest finishers to Ink -gepiti or Oil. lam propared to fill all orders. . . TWELVE GEM CARDS for $1,13,1) i or 14 for 31,80 PHOTOGRAPHS, at $2,00 pan dozen, either cards or vignette; large aize from $2,00 bo $lO,OO mei. Also a lkrge•lot of OASES which I wilfffl with pietnres'from 50 cents to $2,00. No etutrgeti fog. showing Goodai pepeoial attention paid td, making Pletures for ftsmillea in grOupg. Also a fine assortment of PHOTOGRAPHS and tin typo albums, worth from 60 cent. to T. Wellsboio, Deo. 9, 1808 House and Lot fol. TTOUSE and Lot, and vacaat lot for sale, I — l cheap. Location Wellatoro, aild'destrable. Inquire at tho Agitator, Office. Oat, 28, 1868—Le. 117 - ezo l'annery THE undersigned has fitted n the old Bowl -1 dry bnilding, near the Brea, ry, Wencher°, and is now prepared to tarn on fine d Of, kip, cowhide, and harness leather i the best man ner. Bides tanned on sharps. Oash paid for hides. It A. DUMP. Welleboro, Oct. 14 t 1868. At Woods Gallery 2 Gem Piotires for 75 ots. All Styles of work cheaper than olsoirlioro. Call and 11. U. WOOD. EMI Jan. 20, 1864:-tf E. B. EVLIILEV., WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALBR 11 Flour, Feed and Moal, Westfield, Tioga CO, Pa. Nov. 11,_1388,-.ly Cutters and Warx-ons if:k oF all hind'', made' of the boat materials, can be had at W. Dartt'e chop, on Main Street, near the Academy. Also—particular attention-paid to Blacksmith log of all kinds. r i 11. W. DARTT. Wellttboro, Nov.'2s, 1868-3 m. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration, having been gran ted to the •undersigned upon tho Estateil of Joseph Gee : of Middlebury, dec'd., all peons Indebted - to the said Eaten), and all having claims noinst ibe I-ame, will call and settle with LzLAVIN - A GEE, - MiddleburyyJan. Admlnistratrix. A N 0 "17_ 11.. E It NEW AND LARGE STOCK OF • ALBUMS, Just, received by Williams .4.-Co. The greatest and cheapest variety ever brought into., town. Albums from 75 ets. ' to $2O °nob. Call and see. ' P. IL WILLIAMS & CO. Wellsburg), Dec. 23, 1809. "Th 6 Amorielin Oboking Stove Is steadily increnping in sales cud in public fa vor, notwithstanding thr. attempts to imitate its tiaino, Its d os ignf,tri.l vnripus improvements, and to appropriate oedetract from its great reputa tion. The people , soon learn that they are de ceived and swindled by theie worthless imitaa tions, and go back to the article of standard and wpll kdown value, and those mushroom imita tions have their. brie _ existence, and aro heprd of no more, whilst I )o Alit:wax, pursues the even tenor of its wa , and will continuo to do so as long as Stoves outlaw) to be necessary ar ticles of houilehold 1 rniture. SHEA. , PACKARD k CO. ' Nos. 17 and 1 1 7 i reon et., Mbany, N. F. For saleby Was. ltimEnrs, Wellsboro, Pa. Feb. 10, 1.869-Bw.? WM. ROBBIITEM G. NY. ITAnu. CLAY ICING