II Vet the Agitatosa t, DABLIING ANNA. 1!!1 Oh, how lonely is our dwelling,— 1 " Now sheis gone—.. Our precious one ! RCM we miss her there's no telling— Nor how with grief our hearts aro iwelling I We hear no more herioice'of song, .Z{o, more the patter of little ,feet; - ,' • Idvain bur aching hearts'do long The littlione again to, greet, How with heart-aobe, sadly weeping— . ' 2 ' . Tears falling fast— , Looked we our hut, On the dear Quoin her.sleepini— " Bo beauteous,, though in death's - keeping. Tho pretty banila so-mhtto and fair Are motionless , . and. 6011 and' cohl ; We smoot h no motto the silken hair; No more the rosy check behold. ' She is watehing for our coming, With oye4 so bright ' - With glory-light 'Li the golden streets now roaming, And to songs of praise attuning. We will haste - 11'0n to, meet her _ As swiftly pass the roiling ),:ears; net be long bcifore meet her, And then we'll dry ear Bowing tears Estst Charleston, 1868 [For the Agitator.] Crime and drand-Juries. A. crime is an offence against a public law. Laws are made for the protection of society—to save it from being prey ed upon by the vicious and depraved ; and Courts of criminal justice exist for the purpose ofenforcing the laws, by pa turtling their 'violators. Gratid-ju ries form a constituent part ,of such courts. The folio - wing is a portion of the oath to which they must subscribe: ." You shall not leave any one un pre smite(' for tear, favor, affection, hope of reward or gain; but shall ,preseut all things truly, as they eotne to your knowledge, according 'to the best of your utAerstanding, so helpyou Gott:" Their sole duty in all:eritnitiv.l courts Is 6 1 ) determine, . upon untoutradicted evidence, whether the accused is prob ably Intilty,—whether the cOmplatnt is well founded. They are not competent to try the accused, but merely to , exam ine his case so far as to determine, whether he ought,tl, be placed upon his trial. They cannot hear evidence in his favor—touch less, make itl Their enquiring is preliminary. When the party comes to .he tried in Court he may defend himself by examining wit »e4seg and showing all the facts hi the The law permits not the. accused, IMMO nr hip Couti,el to appear, before/ the Gran.t-jury—how then can it allow hiticr ti to make Counsel of members of the jury itself? The law imposes secrecy upon the Grand-jury, fur a very wise purpose, 11:5 to nil their transactions; bilt-it does not impose a secret systecn of signalling, or telegraphing,• upon them, by which the trembling culprit nrotind the corner, is notified of • their finding, before that knowledge Is con,- veyed to the CoUrt. • F No records are to be kept of the -acts !of the Grand-jury, except for their own use; by what authority then, . could such records be furnished to guilty par ties indicted before then`? Their duty iS to Lind a true bill as soon aS 'sufficient evidence has been produced toshow the guilt of the acetified ; they are not to take time to accumulate evidence be yond that. - Thay are inPall cases to take the law of the case, as it reads, if it has not been construed.„ If they dis agree as to the law, they may ask Wilk instruction of the Court, but having received that instruction, they are not at liberty to disregard it. They cannot make a Jaw for themselves that shall exculpate the guilty, or convict the in nocent; nor shall they misapply or misconstrue the law for the same or any other purpose. , They are- s not a Legidlature ; If they assume its powers they exceed their jurisdiction and. via-, late their oaths. If any member of a Grand-jury have any.' personal knowl edge of the guilt of an accused party, it: h0t . 13 ‘24 is not vote for the acquittal of a man he knows to be guilty, by evidence posi tive and conclusive. A Grand-jury' are bound by their oaths—on the facts iu the - ca Se—and if they violate their oaths, they simply perjure themselves:' . sow, if any rand-jurr, or Juries, liqve •or shall do the acts enumerated ai;ove, which byaw they have uo right -d to o, and violat both law and don lz, setence -in doing 4 do . they not screen more criminals t anAthey bring to jus tice'? and instead. ofagsisting the ad ministtation of Justice, do:theymot im peril, impede,' and make it a melan choly farce? And if this be true, are they not too costly and dangerous for us? And ought they not to be abolished? . A PIG THAT RAD A CaiNct.—Met_ pigs never have any chance to he re- Eipectable. They tire fed on the coarsest lOod, and shut up in dirty pen, where they have no freedom and uo ,soeiety, end "not -vest pure air and a clean bed. it a little boy should be shut up in a pig pen and fed upon slops, and should' nobody to teach hint or talk to Lint or play witblhim. be would grow up v ,, ar-e and brutal, if be lived to grow In+ al, :211; 1 on tie . k new a pig who had a good tmie the first half year of his life, ai.d a- it is a true story, I will tell you aliout When he was about a mouth old he vi•cv plump and pretty, with white h r i r . t ;,.... over a pink skin, and the fatin- C 1 Who °Wiled him topic a fancy to him rk .. o lved to give 'him a chance to improve. So lie took him from his dirty little brothers , and sisters, and gays, him a nice little, shed all by him self; its the shed was a soft bed of clean suaw, and the door was left open. It was only the pig's bed-room, where he sli•pt at night and in wet weather. In piece t days he yan about the yard and over - the green -in front of the house, and he would have gone into Life house if a friend of his had not taught him better. This friend was Made, the farmer's li tt le daughter. She had en tire charge of the pig, and fed him three lilacs a day with , sweet brown ' bread sad milk, and often ran and played with hits as if he had been a dog. ' Ile was very fond of Mattie, and when She sat down in the doorway he would come and lay his head in her lap. It was a nice clean head, for his bed was dean, his food was clean, and he was very often washed ; I have seen many boys and girls in Springfield who were dirtier than that little pig. He kneW a great deal, too,, and he had lint one fault, but that was a sad one, and made his friend Mattie a great deal of trouble: He insistPd on following her wherever she went, except when She went into„ he house. If site picked violets or strawberries, he was always with her, and she never could visit her playmates without his " s tagging," as children call it. Ono day she set out when he was fast asleep, and ran down the road out of sight, round a turn. Very soon she heard piggy trotting after, so ,she climbed a wall and hid herself behind it, waiting till he should pass by. But she could• not deceive him in that way. When he came near where she was, he stopped and said " ugh t ugh I" and be gan to smell in the bushes, and soon after there was a great clatter among the stones,-and the head Of the pig camel over the wall where the child was hid-I hig. He was delighted to find her, and, she could not make him understand' that he was troublesome. So at last this bad .habit was the cause of his death. :He grew larger and heavier than herself, and often knocked her down in his clumsy gambols, without in the least'meaning it; eke was oblig ed to complain to her father, and the pig went where all other pig9S . go, Re died and was burled in the park. barrel. —Springfield • epublieern. The following novel mation ap pears at the end of a recent invitation to a wedding: . "No cards! No cakes iso winel 3%.t0 t kisslngithe . brlde I" WELLSBOUO ACADEMY W. A. SION-A Principa l, Dins S. D. Roves, .... ,rea4h P e r r ec of eV ag res ie s,..- Mae. B• EAST.SLAA 0/4,4p P9p. 1868-9. Mater perfnAssi4:932 . sticgs,i9r. b,c,fososiebruary 20. B a 74 E term ponnght:,3l*.cch Ist; and slams June 4. ••e , i EXPENBE9'FB I I THEM. ,; • Mk:44 ..... CO=oll English, Highs: Englishs7,oo Lavg~ awl Higher 3tathinnatic5,...,........„ , .48,00 -11= Each Term to ctintinne fourteen weeks. Bills due, One half first day of term, rents inder at middle of term. No deduction made in tuition except for sickness.— None but Robinson% Mathematics are used. Students on entering pawrequested to register, their nemetito• gather with the studies they wish to pursue, and pay oneohalt ot their tuition. Board procured at reasonable rates In the village. By order of the Board of TItUBTBES Wellabor°, Nov. 4,1888. -TVELLSBORO BAKERY. THE SUBSCRIBER having established him a elf in the BAKING BUSINESS. in this village, next door to E. It. RimbaH's Grocery, is now prepared to cary on the business its all its various branches. I will keep atm. stantiy on hand an assortment of Bread, snob as LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, BROW N BREAD, WATER CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS, - OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, . PIES, AND LUNCH, at all hours of tho day, Sundays excepted. By strict attention to business shall endeavor to merit the public patronage. CHAS. STEVENS. Wolisboro, :Trine. 24, 1888. FIE NEW WINTER GOODS. TOL' S & BARKER (2V b, UNION BLOCK.) WOULD say to their friends and the public generally, that they aro now receiving a .plendid assortment of Winter ) DRY GOODS, MEETINGS, SKIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, VEST DIGS, READY MADE 'CLO THING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, also a large and wrfll selected stock of ... CROCKERY; HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, L,KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTO., ETC. We are ablq to offer oar customers the beneB of the LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the New-York Market, our Stook having been purohaoed glace the great decline in Goode. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 174„ 176 GREENWICH ST., " New Yolk. THE UNDERSIGNED takes pleas ure in announcing to his numerous friends and patrons that from this date, the charge of the Pacific) will be p,f..0 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this House, and there fore free from tbc •too common exaction of an inordinate rent, he is fully able to ,meet the downward tendencyof prices' without any falling off of service. It will now, as heretofore, be his aim to main tain undiminished the favorable reputation of the Pacitlo, which if has enjoyed for many years, as one of the beet of travelers hotels. The table will be bountifully supplied with every delicacy of the season. The attendance , will .be found efflaleut and obliging. The location will be 'found convenient for those whose business calls them in the lower part of the city, being one door north of Con— tend Street, and one block west of Broadway. and of ready access to all Rail Road and Steam boat Lines. • Dec. 2, 188S—dm JOHN PATTEN. New Tobacco Store I THE eubecriber hoe fitted up the rooms ad joining D P. Roberta Tin and Srovo Btore t.,r the manufacture and sale of CIGARS, (all grades) Fancy and Common SMOKING TUB ACO,Michigan Fine Cut CHEWING, and all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the ohm'. cut Brand of CIGARS. PEP Call and see for youraelvoa. - JOE'S W. PIIRSEL.• Virellsboro, Nov. 11, IB6B—tf. THE'LARGEST STOCK OF 153 1 9D4Ci7Maiiiii INTio itraS wor ld . County, the Cheapest place to buy. Agent for L. BOLLES & CO'S HOSE, Binghamton, N. Y., and ' ELMIRA SAW FACTORY, Elmira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TIME. Mansfield, Nov. 25, 1868-Iy.. G. B. FLIPP. TO FARMERS! ELK RUN PLASTER.—Wo hereby certify that we have used the Plaster manufactured by Vhautpney & Bornauer, at- their works on Elk Run, in Gaines township, and we believe. it to . be equal if not superior to the Cayuga Plaster. David Smith S M 'Conable A P Cone Mll Cobb li E Simmons J Bernaner W Barker Asa Smith E Strait S B Davis. Albort King , John C Miller Jli Watrous SV H Watrous L L Marsh It M Smith OA Smith II M Foote J D St.tait. P C Van Gelder J J Smith Jared Davfs J F Zimmerman C L King L L Smith. - N. B.—Plaster always on hand at the Price $5 per ton. Nov.- 4, MS. Farm for Sale 1 THE Subscriber, being about to go west, of. (era for sale at a great bargain to the pur chaser, the following property, to wit: One-hun dred acres of land, situate about 4 miles South west of Westfield'Boro, on Potter Brook Road— seventy-five cores improved, the balance good hemlock and hard timber, with good sugar bush, good apple orchard, good frame barn and log house thereon. The farm Is well adapted to darying purposes, having ,a plenty of living wa ter an all parts. For terms, call on the subscri ber on the premises, or addrees him at Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa, Oct. 7,1568. WILMER MADRE. HOOP SKIRTS, at , Da LANG 4t 00'8. 14", riABll PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER AND CHEESE, by 0. L. WILLCOX. Tamp 17,1888. ettoh ae TOLES it BARKER hisliratiee Akeicy. WYOMING INSURING CO., wmps-Baltpx, PA, R. O. Smtru;Secr'it.. . IV: 8. Ross, Pres. W. 'Law), ain't Ag't. L. D.l3nosium, V. P. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 8150,000. PHIS is the oonspat for whioh Theodore I, Hatfield was latels agent, and polloy hold ers who wisb to ronew their Insurance are re title:Red to apply to the subscriber. Girard Fire Insurance Co.-, PHILADELPHIA. J. B. AiMoRD, THOMAS CRAVEN, Pruidaxt► Secretary. A. B. GILLETT, V. •t Capital $200,000, . MI paid up in Cash. Surplus Over $160,000. Continental Ins. Company, OP TOE CITY OP NEW Yottx Cash Capital, . $500,000,00 Gross Surplus, Jarr. 1, 1868, 1,814,690,81 Cash Assets, do 1,814,690,81 ,t Polioies written at this office. GEORGE T. HOPE, President. R. H. LAMPORT, Vice President. CYRUS PECK, Secretary, Tho subscriber takes this method of informing the public that be has the agency of the above Companies, and will be found at his offloo over Roy's Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Offioe. JNO. MITCHELL. Wolisboro, Pa., Pei), 28, 1888—tf. Stoves: Stoves:: AND II A IRDW AUX! MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS bee to announce to the citizens of Tiogn County, that In addition to his oxcellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittanla, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his atom on MAIN STItEET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which We enumerate tho following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBAS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS; STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, P9-10VALS. SPADES.'MIMS WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE . HANGINGS, CORN • 1 POPPERS, SAUSAGE- CUTTERS AND STUTTERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, ( POWDER AND CAPS. PATENV BARNDOOR HANGINGS 0. new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of •the many articles composing our stook qf Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselvea. We atm to keep the beat quality of goods in Mir line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS• Wellaboro, Sept. I,lB6B—tf. Por'doing a family washing in GA liditand cheapest manner, Guaranteed equal to:Am , in :he world ! Has .all the strepgth;of, cad roeio soap with the mild and latherini - iidalities of genuine Castile. Try this splenditisotip. Bold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WOE/18, 48 Nortb Front Street, Philadelphia. Sept 2, '438-17. Important Facts. SINCE Salutifer is now being used in thous ands of fatuities the following facts are im portant to be known. Finer—Though it is the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet it is so compounded, as to be safe and harmless. It is of such a nature that it may be handled and used by children, - and persons who 'are ignorant of Medicines. SEcozw—lt is found that Salutifor will relieve severe pain in any part of the body sooner than any other application. Tnirtn---It is important that the bottle be well corked, if, loft open .only a few minutes it loser strength. FOUIITII—This useful remedy can be obtained from almost every dealer in medicines. TTENTION FARMERS I SPRING has come, and those desiring full barns can have them by buying 70.11.Etsteie at the Mill of I. Champney ck Co., which we are selling at $6 per ton at our mill on Elk Run.— AU kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Plaster. Givens a call. I. CHAMPNEY" & CO, Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa„ March 28, .1868-6m* • YES! YES! YES! PR. 'WILLIAMS A - CO., have got the best, & largest !lad 4Seapest stock of Drugs, med icines, Patent Medicines, Paints, CDs, Dye Stuff, Brushes, Varnishes, Glass,Putty, Yankee No tions, Perfumery, Toilot on!), Fishing Tackle, &0., ever brought into this county. They will positively sell everything in their linecheap er than can be bought elsewhere. They bought their goods in large quantities and for nett cash; and can and will sell cheaper than any other es tablishment in this county. Call and examine stock and pricers. P. R. WILLIAMS CO. May 9, 1868. No. 3, Union Block. FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 elegant new . open I .Buggy. 1 second hand 1 open buggy. 1 second hand top buggy,- 1 sulkey. I two horse lunber wagon. WRIGHT I BAILEY. A. J. THODIP.SON, NAN:O72Ln re] BLACKSMITH, has two fires, and Is prepared to do all kinds af work in his line with prompt near, and.in a 'Workmanlike manner. }features at.eacellenee in his trade. Mansfield June B. 1863-17. FLOUR & MEAL, always on band at Jason. 1888 JAMB M. BUNNBLII. 160 ' *0 l'Ounds Of Wool 111 Wantethi THE subsoribers will pay Cao, Cassimares, Flannels, do., as., for Wool.— Thoy also mannfaotura as usual—. - • TO . ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to suit onstoiners, AU work warranted as rep. resented. They invite particular 'Mention to • • . .their :Water Proof 1, 01.2221EMEMZD which are warranted in every respect. I Partiett.. 1 tar attention given to 1 ROLL-CARDING & CLOTH-DRESSING. Twenty years wedelns in the business war rants them In expeettog a generous patronage No shoddy sloths made, • DeLano & Co., at Wellsboro, are agents for the sale of our Cloths. Deerfield, May 13, 18438.6. SAVINGS BANK. OTHER WISE GARIINER I S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. THE rILD Raying that a penny saved is a penny earned,justifies. EtAnDNBli, im-namlaghis establishment a "Savings - Batik:" litcOneapis Wealth, said some old chap whose, name /have forgotten; and it is economy to trade when the SIATSG-HTER of high prices is being prosecuted with vigor and without reprieve., ' Illottn t 3 ngats, Teas, Mo lasses, Fish, Fork, Flour,Corn Meal, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Spices, an everything intended for family use, giving the buyer the benefit' fall of tbo markets, an advantage duly appre ciated by everybody,excepting onlythose verdant INNOCENTS I j who prefer PROMISING TO PAY one htin dred per cent. proflte,to the seller, to PA YING twenty-five per. e_ent,eash on 51eilVery of the goods. I shall Offer - iiy stook of goods at fair prices EVERY MONDAY, EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, EVERY THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, AND EVERY SATURDAY, and 811 up as fast as I sell out, WeUnborn, Juno 12; 1867. Now . is Your' Time to Buy! trAvrtga more goods than is necessary for AI. this market, I will sell my entire stook of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, AND FAN• v. ,Ay uu ncips. AT COST „ mot ,. 1 Gothie " " 8,63. Cottage `.‘ " . • 1,70. ' American Watches In Silver Hunting Cases at $l9. Finer Movement , ,in heavier Cases, at cor respondingly. low price • Plated Ware at Man: ufactitrera' Fleet. THIS IfirNO HUMBUG BUT A VE•-' • • !TABLE SAL!'I Call and sea for yourseti Wellsboro, April 22 •1. FOLEY. Stoves 447, TA . n Ware MR THE MILLION. Good people all, both great and small —if you want to keep PEACE IN TILE you must bavo enough to o a t, dry woos ) a good wife, well-bohavod,obildron, and to orrn all, a TIP . TOP COOKING STOVE! This lastjand crowning good, I have at my Tin and Stove establishment, opposlte_Roy's .Block, We'Moro, and its name is the HOME COMPANION ; on'alrbauda admitted to be equal teeny in the world. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly,and warranted to give satiefaotion. executed in the, best manner and with dispatch • • CALL AND SEE ME. Wellaborough, Nov. 21, 1887. Public Benpfit, AQNISI ,G, the useful - inifr . O.Vements,of, the d y, there are few that gtve! mere' promisoof good, few so well adapteitto relieye human }dif fering, few so well approved by the public, as that new and powerful remedy called Salutifer (orr as the German pqople call it Healthhringer). It gives ease and comfort to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and brings speedy relief to that large class of ,diseases that aro often cured and always benefited by an out ward applicatfoß.; For sale'bi Draggiste: - - • - Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND tt 8 11-. GER, No 54 Courtlandt St. New York. TO LAWY'iRS.- BANKRUPTCY BPAYKS,i in fall Bette, at YOUNG'S BDOKSTORB. WASHING ~M ACHINE. TAR. M. WIVi4INSOH,2OI ciUtilSitori, having U purchased' the right" 'to' make aid vend the H. P. Jones Washing Maohise in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines are being made at Vanatornis Cabinet Pactory,Wellsboro, where they may be produred. The best, cheapest, and most sensiblemachine ever invented. June 24,1868-tf. 200 Bushels Timothy Seed. 100, bushels Clover seed, choicest kinds • JOSITH INONASI & SONS OF THE L. A. GAADNER. REPAIRING D. P. ROBERTS WRIGHT it BO:MIL M WILLIAMS & CO. R. AIPER IbEM, MEDICINES, PATENT MED ' ES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN; ,OW GLASS, & PUTTY, UGS, ' ICI me down to Old Prlces at last. o not bealtoto to Bay that ifo bay° the rgost Stook of 16 UR B ENGLISH DRUGS MEDICIATES, • AT NT MEDICINES, ANKEE NOTIONS, PERFUMER Y, NOY ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS, WINES & LIQUORS, &C., PER BROVGHT INTO ITALY MARKET have also the Largest Stock of. PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND POTTY, Such as i Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil. Poach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel low Oohre, Venetian Ited, Chrome Yel low- Chrome - Greed — Prussia Blue, , iatent Dryer, Looker, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kalsomine, Resin Tar, Log Wood, Pestle, Brazil Wood, Cam wood, Redwood, Potash,' Putty, Alco cohol, Benzole, Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Phint and Varnish Brushes, Which we will sell 25 per cent. cheaper than any other Otablisbment in the county. In short, we have every thing over, kept in a fast class RUG STORE, 1 we ask Is for you to oall and examine out l urid primes before buying elsewbero. • Ite )er-ive can't be undersold. and a, stock I t memb'i Allioods warranted or no sale P. Rr Wrt.brAms, P. R WILLIAMS It, Co. J. WxLmems. J No, 3 Union Block. . . Wel,lo6rp, June 28,1867 A11.P813 R' NBA' 11IONTULY DIA:dAZINE. 11,1 •s. ortlicizt Notices of the P rm. • Tide Mosepoptilir Atonally in "tho world.--N. Y. •We must 'Veer Hi terms of eulogy to the high 170,000 eoples T —in whose pages pre to bo Canna some of the choicest light and general reading of the day, We speak of this work as an evidence of the culture of the American People; and the popularity it has acquired is merited. Each Number contains fully 144 pages of reading. matter, tippropriately illustrated with good wood cuts; and it combines In itself the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the_best features of the daily Journal, It has groat power in an - dlesinsination of - a love of pure , literatnre.—Trubner's Guide to 'American LOelature, London. We can account for its Suoce - ss only by the simple fact that it meets precisely the popular taste; furnishing a variety of pleasing and in structive reading for.all.—Zion'e Herald, Beaton. "A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction." H ARPER'S BAZAR. A supplement containing numerous full-sized patterns of useful articles accompanies the paper every fortnight, and occasionally an elegant col ored fashion plate. Harper's Bazar contains 16 folio pages of the size of Harper's Weekly, printed on superfine calendered paper, and is published weekly. ' Critical Notices of the Press. Harper's Bazar contat a, besides pictures, pat terns, etc., a variety o, matter of especial use and interest, to the fa By; articles on health, drys, and housekeeping' iffif all its branehes. its editorial matter is specialfy adapted to the circle it is intended to interest:and instruct; and it has besides; gaol:rotaries and llterary matter of merit. It is nut surprising that the journal, with such features, bail achieved in a short time an full/a:ease suceess; for something of its kind was desired in thousands of families, and its publishers have tilled the demand.—N. Y. Evening Poet. Whether mr,e consider its claims as based upon the elegance, and superiority of the paper, its typographical "cppearance, the taste and judg ment displayed in the engravings, or 4ho literary aontributions contained in its pages, we unhesi tatingly pronodnee it to be superior in each and every partioular to any other similar publication hero or abroad.—Phfl'a Legni Infp(tigsacer. Harpoes Magazine, ono year, 54,00. Harper's Weekly, ono your ..0 • $4,00. Harper's Bazar.‘one year, $4,00. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at S4iOLI each, in ono remittance; or Six copies for $2O. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10; Cr two of Harpef,s periodicals, to ono address for one year, $7. , • Book numbers can be supplied at any time. Thirty•seven volumes of the Magazine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2,25 per volume.— Single volumes,, by mall, postpaid, V. Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. The annual Vol roes of Barper'a Weekly, in neat cloth binding will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 each. Eleven Volumes, sent on oteeipt of cash'at the rate of $5,25 per rol., freight at expense of 'purchaser. Vol. XII, ready Jan. 15t,1869; Postage on Harier's Magazine, 24 cents a year, andoillarper'a Weekly and Harper's Bazar, 20 cents:l3,llo, to bo paid at:the subscriber's post office, patsSebseriptions.' sent from British North American Provinces must be accompanied with 20 cents addition, to prepay United States post tage. Address, , HARPER t BROTIIERS, New York. "A compete Pictorial History of the Tines." "The besk i , cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper in the Union." TITATPEIVS - WEEKLY.-SPLENDIDLY IL _I I CUSTRATD. Criticiati,Noteces of tho Pres* The Model Newspaper of our country—coin plate in all the departments of an American Family Paper—Harper's Weekly has earned for itself a righe to its title, "A Journal of Civiliz ation."—N. Y. Evening Post. Our future historians will enrioh themselves out of Barpers's Weekly long after writers, and printers, and publishers are turned to dust.—N. Y. Etlargeliet. en T er h . eest of its class in Amerloa.—Roston Tra. Harper's Weekly may be unreservedly declar ed the last newspaper in Amorica.—The /ode. I:reedit% X. Y. • ---T14,,t4 . .51es upon public questions which ap pehtivz.-.lteper's Weekly from week to week form a rikaiiitabie series of brief political essay s.— They ltz,det-4,istinguished by clear and pointed stated:loV* ood coupon sense, by independ ence 'tiWt th/olvtew. They are the express ion otZatO fconviction„ high principle, and strongfOling;:add 'take their place among the best noitepitlip4t Writing of the timo,—North 'intrisan Booms =I NEW TO BUY • SB BUSING AVE will bay at lbw h tho following artio i le SHEEP PEL TS, '-1 DEER SKINS,. 1 1 ; AND VEAL for wblob 'we wilt pay cash - Wo will manufacture to order,,French or Itome. tanned CALF or KIP BO I TS, in the but Man ner and at fair ratiiitiiid - 47 eipeoill attention to RFEAIR~N4,.; - . A L 0, We htkvA a fiist• ato stock of READY-1141A E WORK, on which isre . wili not be u dersold, and from this time we shall make it a p .int to keep up the best stuck of LADIES' to be found In the- ooun a-lower profit than such n offered in this region. Wo shall likewise keep of LADIES' BALMOIt BOOTEES,", PH ISI.I . 6SE,SA' .I MOUS • and all style r a of .LLEA TILER t fr can be bought of 139 as C side Of New York, and of FRENCH' CALF, PER, SOLE,, BIN Our stock of PEGS,- - NA RASPS, GLOVERS' TREES, CR r ErS, TOOLS and rlsmnr, 1 gest in the county, and We talk businesinnd have been in this region, known—let those who of Main and Grafton .; it arts' Hardware Store, ViNglabor°, April 24, WELLSBORO MAC :II )rri HE sutiiiitlbers h machinery are rid all sorts of CAS PLOWS, 0 11,1, T ROLLERS, • SLEIGH-S SAWING Wu li" .x. 111.4 Is for custom and job w to do SLITTING & Having a llrat•ela. are prepared to make CHEESE P f Cheese 'Faetories are re r work. We matinfexture to order, Builders quested to examine of the i l ion Plow, lementa in the market. Chain - Tin n .. f li t p oAttret Im CHARLES WILLIA.MS, F. L, SEARS. Wellsbaro, May Ip, 1867-1. Grocery an. Provision Store, COR DIG, N. Y. XLIAJUI, C. AND REV I AII, DEALER of WHOLESALE? in all kinds' jS,PROVE On GROCERI Wines, iquors and gars, FOREIG.I .& I MEMO, GREEN & DRI D rnurTs, CANNED ,FRV;ITASI AND VBGIBTA.BLES, WOOD & WILL W WAItE; GLASS. & CROOK ERY WARE, CHILDREN'S :,,A.RRIAGES, GABS & PEE.AMBULA ORS, TOYS, &c., &c. A full and comp it n i lioned goods of .te assortment of the above he best quality always on Particular attonti ,Dealers and Conaum West to examine his Corning, N. Y., ET .n paid to Fine Groceries. ere will tind it' to their in. Stock before buying. arch 11, 1868. Paint for, F. rmers and Others. ( V /TIDE GRAFT O MINERAL PAINT CO. i are now manu acturing the Beet, Cheapest an d. most Durable Paint in use; two coat s . well put on, mixed with pure Linseed 011, will last 10 :r 15 Tears; it is o a light brown or beautiful :hooolate color, a d can be I chatged to green, end, steno; drab, ive or crerim, to suit the taste ). the consumer. ,It is valuable for Rouses, Itrns, Fences, C triage and Car makers, Pails n.l Woodou.vrar Agricultural ' Implements, ;anal Boats, Ves els and Slips' Bottoms, Can ./as, Metal and Shingle Roofs. (it being Fire and 'N'ater proofs,) Fl or 011 Cloths, (one manufac. :urer havintr, vsed - ,000 bbls. the past year,) and - .nd nen paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for, body, durability,: lastieity and adhesiveness.— Price V per barr.l of SOO lbs., which will supply a farmer for year: to come. Warranted In all cases as above. end for a circular which gives full particulars. ono genuine unless branded in a trade mark, e raufton Mineral Paint. Pet- t Paint and remit the money 'Gods. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 li'earl St, New York. 3otis can min. they on receipt of the g June 3,1868-9 Ath.rbi•l - irrsaa! MBALL bas just returned • ith a larger and finer stock of rZeslinr IVIRS. E. It. E . from the city MEE 'ERY GOODS, than she ever offered forte Fall and Winter trade before. Customers aee requested to call at her new shop, one door abo r ts the Presbyterian Church, Main strmt, We sboro, and examine for themselves. , \ Oot. 21, 18138-2 m. ACKINCi for holt, best quality 25 ota poryatd at Dm LANO 00'8. . 00t.12. I.RM: L IS OUR ! [best market I)rleep BACON - SKINS, I RS, -.HIDES, AITERS, , which we will sell at ioles have ever been lup it good aseartment :LB, LEATHER ;LAREN'S AND ;RK or VA :TILES, lEN'S WORK. IFINDINGS . esp as any where this shall keep a full stook ENCH RIP, UP ININGS, lan :ING. EAD, A WLS, NEEDLES LA S sizoimArzai 'S, h ill be kund the lar. 'is sill for small profits. we moan . business. Wo long enough to be well 1. now us try us. Corner oets, opposite Wm. Rob- O. W. SEARS, GEO. 0. DERBY. 867—t f. 'OUNDRY AND E SHOP. ving procured additional • - ready to furniell to order _~-` INGS, ea Al VA TOR tit, FIELD MILL GEARING, ivES, WOOD• MACHINES, 4tio.„ dr.c. ye also a TB PLANER, , rk, We aro also prepared OROLL SAWING ardor. .fs ! screw-vatting Lathe, we i" E2S SCREWS, WINLBSILE DREG STORH. CORNING, N. Y. , TIMIS AND MEDICINES, PAINS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WaITEWASH LIME it AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL/ Sold at Wholesale Prices. Bayern are requested to eall and get quotations •before going faither East. • ' W. D. TERBELL it CO, Car eing, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1888.•ly 1868. FOR SA/AE. 1868. BY _ B. 0. WIOKIIAM, , AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT Alp OR. NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOOA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES Jr. SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good; healthy, some of them large and in bearing, Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. gill' Delivered at the depot free of charge. i Tioga, Feb. 28, 1868-Iy, • .............-................. ° , 4ssMogor - • ki i zlgfil 0 W k , 0 CI p,' g E a , Lb t,.. 1 ' .. .!..2 Vi ra .... 01 all '4..' P b . A n t i is. ,i> :s . Er. 0 ›. 't v ble I z ." - vl ,I ' a .: 4 ;0 1 CI e+ 1 1 ) , ti 210 txl ;4 ~F, g I:, m t , lz F:11 0 3 ' sl; git g. (4 h - 4 ... . 8 51 t. , --1 lq P a 8 fa 14 14 t• ..* tZt Z 1;: a 2 Q •c. Er ~. ~t .?.. s , •• g i.d (t) g - tv 4 1.4 ;e'4l z I • r ...=;4- VI Y. r • 1 1 d 0 9 ' A E 3 .. i i 1 ob at ' 1 co 0 'co w , Nui . -1 • 1 I X , F... 1 0 4 CiD C) : 1 I .'Zi. . ;Pb 13 2 - • c- hi ' 0 '5l 1 VI ss o E R. I-41-".15 0 .;*76 CI. Iti h i l l . 4. Eti§ P> E 1.4 so . B4 g tiT, r. "I ..?..9.95.p? g cti ' ..c> . , •41 P .s= , t 4 Pt' to TO Owners of Horses and Cattle. TOBIAB' DERBY CONDITION - -POWDERS ARP. warranted superior to any others, or ' - no—par, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Rots, Coughs, Hide— bound. Colds, arc.., in Horses; and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, &c., in Cat. tie. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no need of stopping the working of yOur animals. They increase the appetite, give One coat, cleanse the stomach and urinaryorgans; also inorease the milk of cows. Tr 3 them, and you will never be without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, !bat. used them for yearn, and recommends them to hit friends. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Courier, Fordham, N. Y., would not nee them until he wag told of what they are composed, stride Which he Is never without theta. Ile has over twenty running horses in his charge, and for the last three years hut need no other medicine for them. Re has kindly per mitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggist., and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box. Depot, to Cortland!. Street, New York. [Feb. 10] To the Farmers Of Tioga Comity. l A v t i Vo a rv a ü b p u e llAt o tt rg at my manufactory, In LaWrotiao• FANNING KILL, whfohposooser the followin c advanta g o v over allothor millet I. It separates oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, and Minuend cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a This mlii is built of the best sad most durable Um ber, in good style. and Is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce.- IwIII fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from wbvat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. 11 .11.42/lElt. Lawreacoville,Dctober 10, 1804.11 itneaaco-Plicortes IPHE HAINES BROTHERS PIANOES are' universally acknowledged to 100 tho Chespont FIRST-CLASS PIANOS MADE. Every Plano Is warranted for years. Sold by rtrisflold, Oct. 14. ISAAC O. HOYT. UNIOlsl . ACADEMY. • --_ • KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PACULTY ELIAS HORTON, Prinellra/. ?ibis. ADA W. MORTON, Freceptreps. Miss MIRA MORTON. Assistant. Miss AMANDA DRAM?, Teacher of Music. CALENDAR FOR 1867-8.• fall Term commences Sept. BLI, Whiter Term Nov 20th, Spring Term Seb.lBth, 1808. - EXPENSES PER TERM. Primary Department S6'oo' Common English 6 00 Higher English - 7 00 Lanirnages and lilither 3lat4taattcs 800 Instrumental Music, extra 10 00 Vocal Music, extra , 100 Drawing, extra 800 Room Rent '2 50 Board per week... r 8 50 Knoxville, August 14,1667-th . Brisk for Scde. 125 000 GOOD BRICK for Sale at the )mrd opposite the Ceme tery, Wellsboro, by / BRED. MARGRA.EV. Sept. 18,18884 m. MI ILLINE le S O AVEL. 1 ERIE RAILWAY.. Ou Audaitor Muday. Nov. 23d, 180, train. %NW oavoUorulugat about the folloveinghourb: WESTWARD ROVED, OM. a in Night Express : Sunda) 34:x4:opted , for Buz% i t Salaznanca,und Dunkirk, mak/ny, Orrect (t with trait.s of tlto Atlaatle k Oroat Mettatu.l4l., Eihoro,audGrancrtroukliallwayo ; torstlipointe eq. 6:42 o.ca.,Night gsproso,Daily,for Buffalo.Baht3ana to Du nkftli autl the Wein, coancotlag at abvv• 1.1:60 a. zu., Nigh t Vapress, Sundays eaia'apita,lo2 boot aster and buffalo, via Avon. 10:00a .ni.,AlallTrain,Sundaya oxooptsd,foz Buffalo and Dunkirk. • 146 p. ni.i3altimore Expren, Sundays easel:lied, kr itochoster and Buffalo, via Avon. _ . 7133 p. cu.. Day Express,Bundays oxaeptod for Btitlak, alarnanca, Dunkirk and the West, ..•onnectfnit at at Salamanca with the Atlantic and great. Valium. ltailday ; at Buffalo & Dunkirk with the Lake kilt hallway, for all pointy west and south . 7;46 p in Day Express,9l.indayeozcepteA s tor Boohoitel 12:86 Express 31aH,Sundayeexeepted for Bak. tu s Salamatica,and Thinkirk,connepting haft, for tka W*o. _ 1.80 p in Way Freight,Sundays axoeptaa, 111.40 p. m., Emittatti train, Dally,for the Weil £ASTWAADRotatrt =till Pnght iltpregS, tally, Mondays aXDptid .canneatin'it at Elmira fur Alltiazasport, iiartiabiate and the south, and at New York with afternoca, 'trains and Ste:Meta for Boston and New Englund -cities. 446 a. m „Cincinnati Exp. 3londaya excepted, ut Eimire.for Canandaigua, at Binghtunton for Syr. onto, at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackawaren ft., llawley,and at Jersey City with midnight Expscip Trainor New Jersey Railroad for Philadslphin,l3aly• more and Washington . 1.1102 a, m., Daylixpreas, Suhdays excepted .connect it; ut Waverly for, Towanda; at Binghamton for :pre• cuss; at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackav exit: 'for Honesdale; at Middletown for Unionville, and at Jersey City with midnight express train for Nest Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia 10.80 a m Accommodation Train deny; oontaotln g h Owego for Ithaca 2120 p. m.,Baltimort .Expreea, Sundays excepted.. 4.:35 p. m., No'rr York and Baltimore Mail. St nda,ya ex copted, connecting at Lrltntra for Canandaigua, anti et Waverly for Towanda 3:06 p m Lightning Exprets paily,oonnetting at 1:1- , infra for W iliarnsporr, Harrisburg and rho E‘otitb, and at Jars y City with morning exprelill train of ' , ..k.iew• Jerse Railroad or Philadelphia,-Baltimore and Washington 12:85 p. m. Way Illeighlf,BbliO's excep ted. . . Zit A revised and complete "Pocket The Table" al Passenger Vaine on the Brie Railway and connecting Linen, has' renently beeri published, and chit be procnt• od on application to,the Ticket Agent ottbe Company WU. IL BAER, 1!. RIDDLY4, Gen'i Pate. Agent. ' anal Finp't, 131esaburi &Co & Tioga fl E. T.taine-tvill run as follows.antil farther notice: Accommodation—Let:mei Blostaburg at 7,16 arm., Mane field at 8,03. Tioga at .B,4l...LaWrencevillpt 9,32_ arriving at Corning at 10,40 a. m. Vail—Leaves Blosabarg at 2,00 p. m., Alandlaid et 2.40, Tioga at 8,18, Lawrenceville at 4.oo..aarrlving at 'Corning at 3. p. ra. Mail—Leaves Corning at 8,00 a. in., LawrenCoville et 0,03, !now t at 0,45. Mansfield at 10,22.-aq/ring St moss•burg at 11,00 a, m. Soctunmodation—Leavee Corning at 2,40 p. m ,Lax. reumville at 4,00. Tioga at 4.68, Irani:llod at 6,10_ arriving at Blosaburg at 13,13 p. m. L. 11. lIIIATTUCK,Sup't Northern Central R. R. • TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. Trains for Canandapia leave Elmira as fellows : Ace ocuodation a' 7'oo a is tlipress [fastest train on road] .11 45 am Mail 616 ps ; Way &night, (won ger coach attached]..-...- 7 10 a m On and after Nov. 24, 1867, trains will arrive ant depart from Troy, as follows; . , LEAVE NORTHWARD. 9 45 A.N.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira, Balla lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Susp. Bridge and ti, Canada:l. 10 65 P. 11.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo, via Erie Railway from 12mira, LDAVE SOUTHWARD. 1018 A. 31.--Daily (except Sundays) far Dratlinoti; Valhingteu, Philadelphia, &c. • 824 P. AL—Daily (except,. Sundays) far )3altimarc, Washington and Philadelphia. J. ti. EroBARRY, ' ED. 8. YODYCI Or Sap t. Ilarrlsbnrg, Den'i ran. g't Baltimore, dd. Philadelphia & Erio R. n. On and niter .11ONDAY, Nov. 23d, 1868, i nn on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road w/11 run ea folleul WESTWARD,. • Stall Train leaves Philadelphia 10.46 p '• " " iniaLUßpOrt .......... 8.15 ala " " arr. at Erie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia . Williamsport— " at Erie Elmira 31a/1 Mares 'Philadelphia .. " "" Williamsport.. " arr. at Lock llaren I • EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie .......10.65 a ri " " " Williamsport 12.55 p " arr. at Philadelphia 10 00 a m Erie Express leaves Erie 0.25 p m k .. ‘ " 7.50 a m Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek :n 2 B All gkeny Ricer Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, C4o'l SuP't• Atlantic and Gr SALASIANC , Wr.rrwA.an BOrN1). . EASTATA-111) BOVItt, , Mail .„„ ........ .........-....5.30 Express...... .....-- 64 Accolinnodation 1- 6,85 Mail 5.51 Express 1.2.19 Accozuutodation, .11A5 Express ' 11.00 . Express .• ..- ..... 6.1 Q At Cory there Is a Junction with the Plitinci4ltis a Erte, and CII Creek Rail Roads. AC Mandy Ile with the Franklin and Ott C(cy are eithole Branch. At Leavittsimargo the Mahoniny Branch makes a di• rent route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects 'silt!, Cleveland and Pittsbnt gh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Gallon, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail• roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, pen. Supt., Meadville, Pa Planing &ukning. B. T. VA_IN HORN, ir A VIN G got his new Factory in operiitlz. I - 1 is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet ivaro promptly and in the best E Vie of trotkihati• ship. Having procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, ho is ready todress boards or plank with dispatch . SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. His machines aro of ibo new. est ism(' most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Ste, WRLLS• BORO, PA., Oot. 31, IM—tr. HORN. Ofi J. STICK.L*, kakt Ohairmaker, 'lurner, and ; 'Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM, opposite Danes Wagon, Shop, Main Street. FACTORY' in Seats & Hams Foundry, second story. • Orders protnptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy :truing done to order. Wollsburo, Jnno 12,1867. J.,STICILIN. MORE NEW - GOODS! John R. Boiven, TS tiow receiving a largo and complete acaort munt of Fall & 'Winter Goods, bought slue° th,!i Into &ont) is prices in Nov York, 001V:4113g of - A 31:)jr3r. ct•ellet, Grocerley, Hats & C ps, Boots & Shoo, YANKEE NOTIONS, &e., &o Particular attention is invited to our Stuck j of uarDazor Inn; azazg. AND TRIMMINGS, Gaiters and Hoop Skirts; also a nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very fine at reduced prices, 'Aft() assortment of Lathe F 13,119, very oheap, all of whioh will be sold nt the very lowest mar ket prices. lye respectfully invite all to call and examine my stook beforelirchasing elsewher«. I • Remember, Empire Store, No, 1 Union Block , ifailsboto, Oct. 21,1860. II „,. 9.50 p m „,„11.50'mon 8.60 p ECL a in .... . 8.00 av) 6.30 p 7.45 pm t Western I. W A STATION IMM