The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 17, 1869, Image 2

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A Vasil Ot t e Hundred and Five Days from
Limpoot..:lnteHoe Seferirti f of the Cuero.
On the morning of the 9th of Octo
ber, 1883, the British barque Cadet left
the mouth of the Mersey, bound for
this port, laden with earthen-ware con
sign* to Peter Wright Sous, and
yesterday • morning, after a passage of
one hundred andlive days, she warped
alongside the dock. For nearly four
mouths the vessel has been beating
about on the North and South Atlantic
Oceans, the crew short of food, and for
a long time without any water, save the
rain caught in spare sails. Sometimes
left. without a, breath- of wind, and at
other times scudding before or lying to
the teeth of fierce, gales, her voyage can
be safely called a rather adventurous
one. On- the fifth day -out, working
down the Irish (:flannel, she fell in
with her first trouble—a heavy blow
from the north MO northwest. This,
however, te,a good barque of five hun
dred tons, provisioned for seven weeks,
MO with -a crest , of fourteen, all told,
was not - considered \ much of a hin
drance. She weathered this eale, and
from the 17th of October to the
_22d of
the same month the barque met with
fair weather, and obtained a good start
on her trip, tuking the southern course.
The weather soon changed, and head
winds again delayed her. --"Thuseuntil
the 27th of October, the light trade
winds impeded her progress, and, at
the same Buie, the provisions were
found'to be low. To prevent their Ira
' mediate exhaustion, the men were re
duced to'half gallon of water per day
and hale rations of hard food. And
here in good. Booth the suffering com
meneed ; sometimes drifting eastward,
the Stqi breaking over her, and the half
starved men at the pumps, captain and
Om gave- up all hope of making any
pert, save that whence Shakespeare
tells us no traveler returns. •
!Thus; through November and Decem
ber, the barque was drifted about, tossed
siOd becalmed in succession, uutil Jan
uary I, New Year's day, dawned upon
fourteen men living, or, more properly,
dying, on a half-pound of rice, peae, or
.flour, mule pint 'if water every twenty
four hours. Up to this time no sail had
been seen, and the officers and crew,
knowing that they must have been
given up as lost, and, having just ten
pounds of floor left, began to think of
preparing for a speedy interview with
their Judge.
In the evening, however, a ship, the
Queen, of St. Johns, N. 8., from Liv
erpool, bound for Charleston, S. C., In
blast, hove in sight, and boarding her,
they obtained a small quantity of pro
vh.ions. They then bore up for the
coast; but oir atteras, eight miles due
cast, they were caught by a terriblegale
fioni the northwest, and were' again
driven to sea. Their provisions were
again giving out s eshen. on. the 14th of
January, the steamer.lluntress, of New
York, was spoken, ands} little provision
obtained from her.' On the Ipth of Jan.
the barque again here up aw the coast,
and endeavored to niaketheCbesapeake,
but was met by the tremendous north
western galeg and blown eastward. On
:- the 21st the crew, almost despairing,
- made unother and last etibrt ; the food
had completely given out, but the
schooner William Flint,.from -Thoma
ston for Norfolk, came to their aid and
supplied` Itheir wants. Thus encour
_aged, the crew worked with a will, and
at night sighted Cape Henlonen, and a
few hours afterwards were safe in the
1)i-'iware river, and in two days more
sarer still—along side dock.
The story of the sufferings of these
'lien, hood from their own lips, seemed
e) I.e. enosidji-ed toy themselves as a
pretty ctn.d joke well played, all their
aiixiety being et:titled in a- desire to
letee their frieu,is in- England know
that they are sate.
During the three-months and eleven
• da3 . of hardship not asingie ease Of
in%uherdination occurr d. , The men,
exhausted anti with sdarcely any bus
h-ham:l.-, worked night and day in wa
les, tt. their waists, tucmr laktiditig the
slitets and tacks, and again taking
r.peilt4 at the brakes with fortitude an d
helot:en. Not a rope was lost or a sail
tern, though the vessel went , through
sonic of tire heaviest gales that have
4CCUITed on our coast hi sunny yezttS,-
4t one time Captain Christian says
that he was nearly beside himself, but
the characteristic coolness of his pro
fession came to his aid, and with the co-
operation of his officers and crew, the
vessel was saved. The cargo has not
yet been examined, but it is expected
that it will be found uninjured.
The vessel presents the appearance of
e staunch craft that has been severely.
butieted about. 'Pte mo i st severe dam
age that has occurred during all of,her
trials was the crushing and scraping of
her cutwater and bows by the ice in
the river.
Not a man was sick during the vyy
age, although at one time it was feared
that the men would practise cleanliness
at the expense of health by washing in
salt water.
Gov. Fenton is no novice in public
affairs. He has been ten years in Con
gress, and four years Governor of the
Empire State. 1n every emergency he
has shown himself competent to wield
the helm. In one respect his career
has been remarkable. Every year has
strengthened him with the people.—
The more thoroughly and Widely the
people have known him, the more Axed
and pervading has become their attach
, ment. He has ascended the political
ladder in regular gradation, and in each
new promotion is centred the conscience
and heart of the people. The election
of Gov. Fenton has a-meaning. It is
the triumph less of the man than of
the political sentiment in which he has
lived, moved and S had a being. It Is
understood by the,ipeople, and the elec
tion gives profound satisfaction to the
popular heart. Gov. Fenton has all
the ability and all the experience which
are requisite to fill the office of Senator
with honor and success, and we have
tile utmost confidence that he will, by
his service in the Senate, not only
maintain, but greatly strengthen -his
present high position in the ranks of
our chief public men. We hope he will
find in John Scott a true and worthy
colleague. We doubt not; he will.—
Pennsylvania certainly made a mag
nificent bargain when she traded off
Cowen for. Cameron, and there-is near
ly as good a chance for improvement
it, the exckange of Buckalew for Scott.
New York in changing Senators simply
,- Chtiog,es- men. Barris gave way to
Conttlittg,- and. now Morgan gives way
to Fenton. All are true men and sound
__llepithlieans. AU ;are co-workers in
a coin Mini- ing to
know tptit Pennsylvania advances, and
that atter the fourth of March . next
that State, like New York, will littve
two able and faithful r epresentatives
in the United States Senate. May it
never again be otherwisb, 1 1 / 1 (1 may the
two states, each ai4 empire itt
wield the power and influence at Wash
, ineion to whichitheir vast eittnutercial
. wealth and grealt kipulation,
rem t. ly entitle them.--'Elmira Advertiser.
..,. SUDDEN DEATlL—llatthew 141 . ,cHing,
frof Pmtt township this county; died very
very suddenly on Faiday evening, the
2.qth u/t. lie was in the full enjoy
ment of his usual health, had • worked
all day, came home and eat his supper
with 4,0 t the slightest, indications of
sickness. After super he went -- with
one of his bands 1 to the cellar and
measured a couple f bushels of pota
toes which the man arried up the steps.
Just as be reached the top,Mr. King
uttered an exclamation and fell dead
almost instantly. Heart,disease is sup:
. posed to have been the cause. Mr.
King was highly respectiti by all who
- lutemA him. Re leaves aAelfo and four
smalll• children to mourn his loss.—
Jeray Shore Vidette.
Xt would be a gross libel to say that
ladies use tobacco, yet if you present a
bottle -of PITA.LOIset3 new perfume.—
, itu.on DE KAYO," to a pretty girl, she
will be very apt to takers little snail:
Sold by all druggists.
ght agitator.
vc!mr.x,, SB OR 0 , FBN 'a..
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 1869.
An error of $lO,OOO occurred in the
statement of the war debt of the Coun
ty last W ell. The amount of Bounty
loan cert., cates redeemed and cancel
ed, of Odt '64, should read as correct
ed, $52,500, and not $62,500. We regret
tbat the former figur e s were too large.
The Republican State Committee
met at the Lochiel House, Harrisburg,
on the 4th inst. The time and place of
bolding the State Convention were
fixed for June 23, at Philadelphia. Can
didates for Governor and 'Judge of the
Supreme Court are to'Be selected. Res
olutions pledging the party to a rigid
economy were unanimously adopted.
Undoubtedly many have read, with
increasing interest, the series of arti
cles on the Constitution of the Earth,
by Col. Emery, the 4th of which is
given this week. The articles are
written in the easy, popular style, as to
manner and matter, and if the reader
Will follow the author we do not fear to
promise that be, or she, or both, and
tdi, will find it profitable in the end.
Shall we be pardoned for publishing
a good story, with an obvious moral,
tWiCe in two mouths? If so, then we
will not apologize further for the re
publication of " A Strange Destiny,"
on the first page. However, it was a
mistake, discovered when too late to
mend the matter. Our readers need
not look for it again in a less period of
time than six months.
• .
Lets hope that the paint resolution
offered by Senator Wallace on the gd
inst., looking to a continuance of the
outrageous monopoly of the lines of
travel between Washington and the
North, will be killed at once. If Mr.
Wallace chooses to champion the Cam
den & Amboy R. R., or the Baltimore
and Ohio R. R., let him have that bad
eminence. That tb Government of
the 'United States has a perfect right to
build any road, or authorize the con
struction of the same, to any point
deemed necessary for its own accorno
dation no sane man doubts. No State
Rights for Pennsylvania, if you please.
There may be a few, in each hundred
of intelligent men,' who can conceive
of nothing higher in the scale of hu
man duty than selfish consideration of
number one ; . and there may be a few,
in every hundred partisans, who regard
Me whole duty ofja party done, win
it has taken all necessary steps for the
perpetuation of its power.
However—it Wit very low and un-
I worthy, view of individual duty which
circumscribes the field of action to the
narrow channel of self; it is a much
lower, and more ueworthy view of the
party, which gives its energies over to
the selfish and belittling labor of de
vising means to perpetuate its sway, for
the very sakelof sway, and nothing
more, higher, aid better. It Indy do for
the indvidual to entertain such views
posed to be the guardian of the com- -
mon weal, find when it forgets that,
and only remembers itself, it deserves
to share the fate which befel the Demo
cratic in 1864, and the Whig party two
years earlier.
When we set out in defence of the
principles upon which, four years later,
the Republican party nobly established
itself and went before the people s it
was with no special reference to the for
mation of a party. In common with
thousands we determined to battle for
those principles, first, always, and to
the end. Nothing has ever caused us
to halt, fora moment, in thatidetermin
ation ; and nothing would render us
more unhappy than to doubt our ut
most and unqualified fidelity to those
principles while life lasts.
The Principles upon which the Re
publican - party was established, and
for the triumph of which it is soleixinly
pledged, are Liberty universal; equal
- rights and equal privilege before the
law ; and equal oportunity for all,
without reference to sex, color, birth,
or Condition.
The Republican party has established
liberty throughout the republic; and it
has partially established the corelative
principle of equality before the law.—
One thing remains to be done—a thing
which ought to have been done first
after the proclamation of uuiiersal
freedom; which, having been done,
all other necessary things would have
followed sequentially ; that is to say :
Equal Opportunity for, and Equal In
ducement to mental and moral advance
ment. In other words, the abolition of
all taws, organic or statute, which rec
ognize CLASS.
CLASS is s . relic of the feudal ages.
It cannot be engrafted upon a system
of Government diametrically oppoS'ed
to feudal customs and practice.
The only equality possible under any
government, is that of Opportunity and
. Inducement. Not only should all men
and women have equal opportunity to
gain an English education, but the in
ducement to seek such advanceruNt
should be to all, alike. What merits
reward in one'case should merit lleWaid
to every similar ease, without reference
to the accidents of life.
The Republican party can never be
. the apologist for, much less the author
of class legislation. It has to rise to the
work of eufranchisiing the minds, as
well as the bodies, of the people. This
work cannot be done save by a constant
and determined effort to raise every cit
izen, or subject of law, in the scale of in
telligence. The sum of intelligence in
any republic is always the exact meas
ure of the wisdom of its policy. Thegov
ernment which strives to build up " a
governing class" is a monarchy, pure
and simple, whether it be governed by
hereditary or elective rulers. The poli
cy of any party, tending to widen po
litical distinations among the masses
which make up a nation must, soon C - or
late, result in the destruction of that
party. It was the attempt to uphold
and perpetuate slavery which over
hrew the Democratic party. ±he at-
li M i rsbocked the cultivated moral
sense of the masses, and the inharmony
existing between the name and the de
clared object of the party alienated the
hearts of thousands from the support
of that organization; Abousands, even,
whose sensibilities were not so much
shocked as their conceptions of donsfs
tent action.
The slave has dropped the chains that
fettered his will. But the work of en
franchisement remains to be completed.
This work relates to all who have been
denied Equal Opportunity and Equal
Inducement. It relates to a very large
class of men who have never been
slaves and chattels. There is a class of
whites in the South, forming the bulk
of the white population, which has
never bn privileged to aspire to any
thing higher than hog and hominy,
with a little poor whisky to wash it
down. In the States this class has been
as much a cipher as the bondnien with
darker skins. Place, voice in the high
er councils-:-neither of these induce
ments to progress were ever offered
to this class. Without such induce
ments moral and mental elevation has
been nexir to impossible. The condi
tion of this class continues deplorable.
It is littlq•less degraded than that of
the most ignorant of the freedmen. If
the Repulican party woutd live in his
tory, if it desires to perpetuate its pow
er, it 'misfiling wide open the gates of
Equal Opportunity and Equal Induce
ment. In other words, it is the duty of
the Republican party to offer full politi
cal enfranchisement and equality to all
men as an inducement to them to help
themselves upward in the scale of being.
We hope to be understood, for this is,
a great matter. Having always advo
cated the political equality of men, it
is less difficult, now that the hour for
the crystalization.of the idea has come,
to labor for its success. It is a great
work and a noble cause. It requires
men to step aside from the indolent
contemplation of Self, and think of
their fellows. The theory of " a gov
ernment by the people, of the people,.
and for the people," has now% to be re
duced to fact. The old cry of the Dem
ocratic party- 1 ' NO taxation without
representasion," has yet to become a
part of our governmental system. • The
duty of the Republican party relates to
the realization of these grand ideas. _
The path -to success in this matter is
not strewed with roses. It will present
obstacles not to be surmounted except
by great effort. But by labor, only, can
parties increase in strength. The great
danger to the permanency of an organ
ization lies in its refusing,to the
work for which it was created.
Just what the profit accruing to po
lemic religion may be, we have no ex
act knowledge, but only an opinion.
That opinion places the profit on the
side of loss. We allude to a series
of letters from a Rev. Mr. Joy, of
Penn Yan, to and in criticism of Rev.
T. R. Beecher, Of Elmira. Who Mr.
Joy way be is beyond.our acquaintance
to say; but Mr. Beecher is pretty well
known hereabout and elsewhere gen
orally. Mr. Joy has heard that Mr.
Beecher frequents billiard saloons, and
likewise drinks pale ale in public places ;
at which Mr. Joy takes c umbrage. Wo
know nothing of the truth or falsity of
tireettrBas frequent the
billiard saloons of Elmira. That he
drinks ale as a: beverage we doubt; but
if that be the ease, it is likely enough
to be true that he drinks his ale openly.
However, is it right for Mr. Joy to
publish this sort of hearsay ? suppose
it false—ean Mr. Joy undo the wrong
by'an apology? Will it not stand as a
seandal,-in spite of apology and correc
tion, with nine-tenths of the public? It
seems that in Mr. Joy zeal outruns dis
However, we are no discilple of Mr.
Beecher. For his versatile intellect,
and for his labor to make men better
we have a most decided regard. A most
admirable man in very Many respects,
he appears, from our place of view,
lacking in regard for the " many mick
les," which "Make imuckle." Among
radicals he is an anomaly ; among con
servatives he is, so to speak, an anach
ronism. He means well to men of
every degree ; but he is unlike the
apostle who said, so nobly :--" If to eat
meat maketh my brother to
then I will eat no more meat while the
world doth stand." We can assure
Mr. Beecher that there are plenty of
reformed drunkards who can not safe
ly drink communion , wine; in other
words, instead of discerning the "body
and blood of the Lord" therein, they
would see devils and snakes. Nor does
it do 6.redit to Mr. Beecher to put wine
abovb water for sacremental purposes.
If ileitis a literal professor very well;
but its he supposes that wine no- more
resembles nor symbolizes blood than
water, then he is' wrong in his 'reply to
Mr. Joy in the Advertiser of Feb. 9.
There is no wine in healthy blood;
there is some'water. We are not alone
in hoping that in a not far distant day
alcholic wine will no more be used for
sacramental purpose than meat pies or
sausages. Speed the day.
cTvapm - ss
The most important work done dur
ing the week relates to the Constitu
tional Amendment providing for im
partial suffrage. The Senate, after a
protracted session of seventeen hours,
passell the House proposition with
amendments. The House proposition
publiShed last week provided for im
parti4l suffrage ; the Senate amends so
as to jrnake suffrage, practically, univer
sal. 'l\Ve prefer the House proposition.
To-day week the formal count of the
elect Oral vote took place, both Houses
partieipating. Quite a fuss was made
about the Georgia vote, m i nd some sharp
talk ,ccurred, not much to the credit of
of *an i ybody.
REVENGE.—The Elmira Advertiser
I says that a man from Gettysburg, in this State,
had his pocket picked in a crowd the other day.
Some `one standing near saw the transaction, but
refused to describe the thief. When the victim
asked for an explanation, the other coolly asked,
"why did you charge me ten cents for a drink of
water when I was in the army at Gettysburg 2"
That soldier was blessed with a good memory.
Bet suppose he bad described thopiskpooket, and
then poured live cons upon the fellow's head ?
That would have boon revenge, too,. and of the
sharpest sort.
UP following named persona formerly of
Tioga county, late officers in Pennsylvania
Volunteer Regiments (or their nearest relatives
or legal representatives) trill learn • -
Something to their Advantfige
by calling on or - addreiaing J. 13/ Spiese attorney
at Lew, No. 606 Market St., Harrisburg Pa.—
Those writing will please give their full address,
and send stamp fet reply.
Chaney 0. Ackley, Livingston :Bogart, James
3, Carle, James W. Childs, James,Carle, Gerould
Dennison ' Victor A. Elliot, Thomas D. Elliott,
Samuel flayes,,W. T. Humphrey, Morgan Hart '
Neri B. Kinsey, John Rare Wm. 0. Mattison,
Geo. W. Merrick, George Maine, John J. Reese
George D. Smith, Alfred &field, Bamford V.
Webb, John /4! Wass, W. P. Wiseman, Robert
Young. Feb. 8. 1869-4 w
( - 1011 PAID POD, WOOL, by =
lJ June 17, IBM --- D. P. ROOM=
Of Recdpte and lapOnditura of The
Treasury, for the year 1.88.3.
From Collectors—
County tax 1862,
• " 2883, .
;Relief, 4.
State, " "
County, 1885 -
Bounty, "
Relief, St
Bounty, 1866 -
County; "
Bounty 1867 -
County cc
Stato .
Bounty 1868
County "
Unseated land tax for 18804, 8051 84
Unseated land, bounty tax same y'rs, MOO 40
" poor tax " 2007 40
Unseated land sold to individuals. '2828 07
Seated lands sold Individuals, , 307 31
Seated tax paid Treasurer, 1249 03
Seated land redeemed, 1057 27
Judg't paid Treasurer. .045 95
Commonwealth coats paid by Sheriff, ? 787 75
Loans to Commissioners, . miss 72
Paid by Liberty twp to Treasurer, - ' '313 23
Paid by P. V, VanNosa,l I 10 00
Bent from A. S. Brewster, 0 ;40 00
Deeds, Oommisaionerie sale, . 4% 44
From C. F. Miller, late Treasurer, 2882 59
Tote' receipts into the Treasury, $129218 97
Commissioners' Wages.
Ephraim Hart, • $296 64
P. V. VanNess, 400'82
Job Rexford, 408 00
M. W. Wetherbee, - 81 44 $lllO 40
Commissioners' Cotinsei.
W. If. Smith, et al 180 00
J. B. Niles, et al • 44 00
Henry Sherwood, 40 00 261. 00
Comniinifmers' Clerk.
Thomas Mien, et al
County Auditors.
J. Emery, 66 00
Israel StOno, et at IE9 84 ' 185 8
Traverse Jurors.
Williamfampbell, et al
• Grand Jurors:
J. P. Taylor of al
T. P. Wingate, 182 50
Constables—J. H. Bailey et al 758 83
Justices—R. Moore at al 84 74
Assessors—David Cameron et al 1039 16
Printing—C. G. Williams et al 301 45
Elootions—Hugh Young et al 1893 85
Cum'wth Costs—S. Ocorr et al 2490
District Attorney—J. B. Niles et al 602 0
Bounty on Wild Cats—J. P. Walla!' al 13 5
Bridge Views—Job Rexford at al 218 46
Bridge Repairs—C. B. Goodrich et al 930 71
New Britipaa.
W Bentley et al at Tioga, 98 75
" at Rutland, 650 00
W J Mann et al Richmond 674 22 1322 97
Damages to imp. Kemp, 120 00
Road views—D Heise et al, - 377 00
Stationery—Andrus, McChain dc Co. al 389 04
Clork Qr. Sessions, /OS 04
Prothonotary' fees, $2 Z 1)
Coroner rees—L 13 Smith at al
_75 09
Distritoo'7c, n...-.._----'1 377 9*
Jail ilepairs—olia P otter et a
Co a Housert
Eastern State Penitentiary, 434 93
Pennsylvania Hospital for Insane, 400 55
Sheriff's Fees, 413 88
Refunds—George Maynard etul 347 44
Postage, 915
Incidental Expenses.
Express charges] J ROBB, 445
W 11 Smith et al expenses, 80 20
Judge Williams expenses
to Harrisburg for Co. 36 40
Gee Bergner ;Telegraph, 400
Old Relief Kruien, 525
E Hart expenses to Elmira, 12 00
Costs to Deerfield twp. 32 66
Serve notice on C L Ward,. 50 00'
Express, D L Deane, 90
Law Books for County, 8 00
Merchandise of J Barrel, 325
Vanlsiees, ex to Elmira;'' 7 32
Lamps for Prot. Office, It 00
A A Griswold ex to Ward, 200
Express charges, ' 246
Repairing Chairs, 10 88
Desk for Recorder Office, 12 00
H C 'Bailey, lifting Miller's
note at the Bank, 1000 00
Wood & Coal—Griffin of al
Township Lines--Hearing of al
VolUnteer expenses—S E
boarding soldiers, 1861.
Redemption Money,
Revenue Stamps,
Land sold to county, •
Jury Commissioners, g
Insurance, W H
County Treasurer.
H C Bailey, Commissions—
Bounty Bonds, Ipr cent. 789 88
State Tax,l per cent, 116 63
County Orers, 3 per cent. 691.58
Poor Orders, . 153 47
State Treasurer.
W W Irwin, hal arm due Common..
wealth from Tioga County,
Nora.--Some ten years ago the Board of Rev
enue Commissioners added one foertbro the val
uation of Tioga county. The Assessors in the
county ignored this Increased valuation, and so,
year after yellir, the uncollected , tax on this in
creased valuation was carried forward on the
debit account of Tioga county on the fitkte
Treasurer's books, with penal interest at 12 -r
cent. The total of this arreartsge was $10,0 , 0
but a law of last session authorized the reop•n
ing and restating the account, reduced the ts...
to. about $BOOO,
E. HART, Commissioner, in scot with
County :
DR. To county orders $29 t 04
CR, By 98 days service at $S $294 00
By 44 miles travel, 2 64-496 64
P. V. VANNESS, Commissioner, in acct
7 ith
Tioga county :
DR. To orders ; ........ $46 32
CR. By 122 days service at $3 866 00 j
By b 72 miles travel 34 02-400 32
JOB REXFORD, Comthissioner, in toot with
Tioga county
DR. To orders $4OB 00
CR. By 121 days service at $3 303 00
By 750 miles travel 45 00-408 00
M. W. WETRERBEE, Commissioner, in acet
with Tioga county i
DR. To orders $6lBO
CR. By 30 days services 60 00
By 30 miles travel 1 80— 61 89
Tioga County, ss.
We the Commissioners of said county, do
heroby - certify that the foregoing is a correct
statement of the Receipts and Expenditure set
forth therein. In testimony weeroof we ihave
horounto set our bands and seal of office this
28th day of January, .1889.
P. V. VANNaas,
Coy . [L. s.J Jots .11Exaort.L,
Bills, to whom, and for what purposes paid
on account of the County House ond the
Farm, from .Tan. 18, 1868, to lan, 1, 'B9.
W. B. - .Reynolds et al; freight $lOO 37
E. Hart, et al, Flourf & Feed, 999 88
A. Thompson et al blacksmithing, 135 30
f3prague, et al Carpenter work, . " 57 95
J. 11. Bowen et al Dry Goody, 381 82
Wartendyke, et at repairing &e. 42 75
". Webb 41t Bastinge, Garden Seedy, 1 70
M. Smith, work on rime, 6 00
8 8 Rockwell, transpartatiou s . - 4 00
. Mores Wingate, mason work, . g 42
W T hiatbera and others, lumbar, 616 44
13 M Brookman, balance on contract, 819 47
Job Rexford, span of horses, _ 225 00
0 L Wilcox, horse rake, 7 60
Wm Bache, locating Cc.unty farm. 17 60
S B Nlehols, laying pump logs; 102 37
Joseph Humphrey, support pauper 58 1$
' P A Williams; Medicines, . 116 93
' •P V VanNess, cows,. 146 60
B T Van Horn, Furniture, 84 RI
Wm Roberts and others, hardware, 427 06
Nelson Clans and others. oats, 82 00
A J Tipple, meat, 30 13
0 EVell inspeotint,,4o., '• - ' •-• • - 10 82
B II Cooks, water pipes, 261 21
JO Wheeler Flour and Groceries, 110 16
- - Derbyshire, Harness work, • • 680
0 (1 Vanvalkenburg, A Bro. Flour, 7 50
R 0 Palmer, Range, and patting in 668 80
J•-•R Potter, •taking pauper to Hoppital' 87 00
Leroy Tabor, on salaiy, 2406 88
Leroy Tabor,- labor, seed, A repairs 80331$
J Emery for plow; 8 00
8 Rowland, transport pauper, 8 00
' Justus Bothwell, support pauper, 42 70
Dr. Webb, et al, medical attendance, 67 75
11 H /teenage, pork, ' 32 DO
Nelson Wales, bringing pauper, 3 24
N Z flamingo, removing •• * -2 00
Ellen Satterly,3abor, 38 5 1 6
• W Robinson, labor (to 108.40
M Brooks bal on settlement, 2 83
Lewis Wheaton, keeping pauper, 95 00
A Willard keeping pauper, 60 00
Sears A Derby Shoemaking, 57 80
John Dickinson, sand, 40 00
Wm Townsend boarding hands, 12 00
Douglas Johns keeping pauper, 11 00
Williams A Sears Foundry work, • 21 63
Mott A whitney wool carding, • 20 79
L A Gardner,
Groceries, 278 87
L II Sanders keeping pauper, 17 00
. D L Sanders - do 13 00
John A Roy, medioinee.2 80
. .
L F Lampman, cow, ` 35 00
Insurance, Smith, 1.88 83
Isaac Benson, - keeping pauper, 12 00
Dr. Packer, six mouths salary, 50 00
Loranor Bro. A Reed, Groceries, 180 05
a W S Warner, keeping pauper, 40 00
Ben j. Austin, tot. on Mortgage, 420 00
Van Horn, transporting pauper, 2 00
15 45
17 17
10 36
28 93
49 02
48 79
a E a
47 08
11 19
268 54
4848 68
2158 78
711 41
4295 28
28966 69
13554 37
69 85
4022 55
Deduct amount charged townships,
Total of E x penditures for 18138, $42,125 79
Inventory of property on hand at County
House and Farm, and moneys expended
on acct. of inmates, inclusive of la b or,
from April 6, 1868 to Jan. 1, 1869 :
68 sheep, $20400 Butter,
'a bushels of bolus, 460 60 IDs tallow. 600
176 hash, potatoes, 1812. 8 cows,4oo 00
82 do tmckwh't • • 1L 1 open horses, 400 00
100 do ears corn, 61• I i 1 Yoko of oxen, 200 00
1 bbl of beef, 20 00f Flay in barns, fed, 200 00
Ido pork, 20 0010 ash expended, 4063 41
Dried apples, 000`
Inventory of property on and :Tan. 1, 1869
Dry BOOde, Groc'e, $294 051
Hay in barn, est. 210 00
Span of horses, 400 00
10 cows, 460 00
Yoke of Oxen, 200 00 1
81 tlas woolen ran, 81 26
68ThS Rolls, 84 001
1761bs Flmar, 10 601
1 bbl Corn meal, B 00'
1981bs tallow, , 10 80
700Ths pork, e 11200
1121bs Lard. 20 18
8401bs Hems a &I'm 96 00
17 bbls Kraut, • 86 00 1
8 bbls Pickles, 10 00]
8 do Soap, 86 00 1
820 bos. potatoes, 240 00'
Barrel Cider, 6 00,
260 bns turneps, 100 001 58142 51
Showing an tnerease of property on hand, over Apr.
1888, of $1450 76, and making the cost of each inniate
$1 88 per vreell.,
nil 00
2107 4
The undersigned, Superintendent of the Coun
ty House o; %loge county, submits his first an.
nual Report, as follows: Tbo ;lumber of pan.
pers receided during the year 1888, and Ow No.
of inmates Jan. 1, 1889, is:
e•-•`-. r-4.--, d ie
Blots 1-47 1..307 2 .. 33..6* 37568
Chatham 1-88 y 2.451 1 deo 4 57..1 178 28
Cbatlestom... 51 /52 , 1 ad 8 846..1 777 09
Covington 1..78y 1..23- . 2 48..6 98 45
Clymer .. 1.44 1 dielB..l 29 60
Delmar il si 3.** . i, 170..8 382 ea
Elklosid L. 897 .. .. 1 88-2 85 95
Jacloon 1.38 y 2:45-841. 8 105.4 287 32
Lawrenceville 51 . 1.. u. 1 ad% 4 179.. 401 86
Lawrence 1..8y lift . 4 102..1 229 31
Liberty.. 1 deo 1 • i64..8 1N 19
Morris 1.5 .
0y ..... 1 87..4 84 84
Middlebury ... 1..8y ... l ' ad .... 19..2 63 29
Richmond ..... L.6oy ~ I** .. 1.3 320
Rutland 2a 2 4ad ... ' 141..5 318 14
Eihippen 1..77 ... lad ... 36.3 70 as
rr Bull lo, ! .. ratf _ B R IT . Ir_ 1_..1 . 114 , 3 1. a ... 1,
14 2
. 6 3 1 8. 4.. 45 -
, 6 8 : 82t 93 t
31flilb' .. 2 * 1..27 .
Westfield bor. 1-75 y . 2 ._ Is*_ 1 9.3 43 31
Wellaboro 2-177.267 1 die /. 60.3 113 21'
Totals 68 40 .. , 41,. .2
* Days. t Chatham—aged 55 & 59.: Sent to Roe•
pltal for Insane.
il3Obarleston—aged 4-16."...74-80-92 & 6-7-9-4441.
elrnar—aged 40-61-78 . 4 84-64-91. Ito In. Ilosp.
LaverOncevillo--age 44-8-14-69.
Lawtenco--age 28-60-81.
Liberty—age 60 & 70.
Masud—AO 6 - 8 it 6-7. '
Sullivan—age 7-76-89. 1 deceased.
A 'Doge—age 4-6-9-9-64-31.
** Runaway. fil sent to House of Refuge,
Number received,
Males, 40
remake ,
..25 65
Discharged 5
Deceased 4 "
Adopted 10
Run away 3
Sent to 'Hospital 2
Sent to Rouse of Refuge 1
) Remaining 40 . 65
The cost as above stated includes food, cloth.
fog, Medical treatment, Bch cling,: &a. The
school has been kept open 5 D 3,01018.
....... 1 t
it a. BAILEY, Treasurer of Tioga Co,
in acct with said County from Tan. 18,
1868, to lan.'2o, 1869.
Co. tax,l2, %moo'. $151:. 68 1
Belief do 21 201
Militia do 85 00
State do 81 62
County '6B, uncol. 87 12
Belief do 47 00
Militia, do 18 09
State do 61 10
County '64 unool 68 48
State do 102 78i
Relief do - 185 88 1
Bounty V , tined 180 68'
County do 101 01
State do 91 89
Relief do 128 58
•Rounty '6B unool 173 71
County do 184 00
Bounty 'VT uncol 11435 48
County do i 8408 87
State do . 924 66;
Poor do 6024 10
Massed bounty 1847417 83
.' County 22293 85
" State 2084 60
"Poor 6680 681
Unseated Co. tat
1215 27
44 69
6 50
75 00
216 5
11853 8
01222 19
1860-7 . 808 84
Bonnty, do • 16108 46
Poor. do. 1567. 2007 40
Unseated lands
sold individuals 2828 07
Seated, do. sold 867 SI
do tax pall" Treas. 1249 68
do land rodoem'd 10b7 27
Judgments paid 1045 95
Com. fines, SW. 787 78
Loaned by Com're 82123 72
Cosh of Liberty tp. 818 23
(Malt of Vanness 10 00
Rent of Brow-ter 40 00
01 Miller, late Tr. 2332-69
Corp're Sales 48 44
We the undersign e d, Auditors of Tioga county, hav
ing audited, settled and adjusted the above accounts of
11. C. Baiiey, Treasurer of Bald county, do certify that
they are correct es above stated, Witness our 'lands
MO 22d day of January,lB69. ISRAEL STONE
11. B. SEELY, And.
$10902 00
4621 5
16 do beets, ' 760
TO do caarrots,gwl 85. 00
650 Cabb 27 50
8 his apples; 10 00
I do salt, 876
126 Ihs corn Seal, 250
60 do Wool, aoo
260 do reed,
I 22 hogs,- 108 5 n
IT calves, 68 00.
h sheep 90
112 seep ,
pelts, 3.2 0 0 0 0
100 bus buckwheat, 80
00 0
128 28 do beans, 67 50
60 do oats, ‘ 67430
91 do wheat, 18 00
250 do corn, ears, 1255 00
By uncol Co. tax '62 $9029
' do lloilat 1174
• do 12 87
do State 13 69
County Abatements 23 60
do Commissions 22 43
Relief Abatements 29 02
OomMfissions 194
do State 4 81
'Abatements State 1808
do County, 'OB 909
Oomtolasiona Co. 19 88
do Statq 8 46
Abatements State 19 84
State lineal. 888
/teller bawl 28 CO
" Abated 808
" CotandasiOns Cs 20
SEM% do Be
• " uncollected 707
Cotter uncoil 'B4 88 48
State do 102 78
Itolief do 98 81
" Abstetuentn 82 72
County uncoil '66 119 78
" Abated ' 100
a Commission& 10 81
Bounty uncoil 09 0i
I " Commissions 1224
State uncoil . 48 02
" CommisMons 2 27
Bounty uncoil 3 , fide 161 62
County abated • 16 40
Bounty uncolllB67 188 76
" abated 6051 10
I " Comzoissfon9 /3/0119
County uncoll 214 69
" Commistions 469 61
State abatements 107 68
" commission, 46 07
Vcxyr, uncollected 23 11
a abatements 450 57
" coma:Astons 256 84
County uncoil 1868 7439 97
', abatements , 497 51
$168606 54
" commisaiots 801 60
Bounty 000011 11810 09
.. abatements
'• comroinsiono 505 90
State uncolltoted 026 TO
'. abatements
IS cot:mutations 8185
Poor uncollected /228 503
'• abatinnents
" commissions 200 74
Poor orders red'd 10281 78
County do 28062 01
State Tr. receipts 3463 89
Commissione,ri p o .WOl 68
do 1M 353 47
do 1 78938
Bounty certificetes
Oct. 1 '64 red'd 52500 00
In' t on same 0110 00
Certificates of Mar.
1'64 redoemed 200 00
In't on Barna 1685
Loan certificates Is.
' sued Aug.2'62 red 80000
'het on fame 139 a
B L cert.Ang; 'O5 " 4000 00
ln't on alma 349 85
B Lcert.Attg.'6o" 2193 92
In't on Banio 180 97
B L cent Sept. '67 " 4785 75
net on same 849 30
lln't on b'd3'os-0-7 020181
Com'n on state 1 pc 110 53
• $1.84385 59
Babsnos in band, 4270 95
Total credits, $168606 154
Balance due by County on 'Bounty
Moblllties per statement of Jan.
Loam/din 1888
12221609 66
Bounty Cart :Icahn of Mar. • `
1, 1 64 Ted. and can 200 0
_ Do id Dot. 1,'64 52500 0
Loan of Aug. 2, '62' 800 0
"-do "" 1, 1 85 4000 0 . 0
do . '66 2193 92
do ' '67 . 3 4786 75
Interest oa the above 18758 70. i. 78238 8?
Deduct interest paid as above 13758 70
Total of- principal paid is 1868, $64479 67
Duo by 00=0 Jam. 20, 1819 1b7129 99
, .
We the undersigned Auditors of the County of
Tioga, baring Audited and adjusted the above
accounts, do certify the same to bo a correct
statement of the indebtedness of the County, es
witnes92mr bands the 20th day of January 1869.
M. B. SEELY. Auditors.
We, tho undersigned citizens of Itidgebury
Township, and State of Pennsylvania. do here
by say that we have used and seen used, DICK
ERSON I WILBUR'S Patent Stump Extractor,
and that it worked to our entire satisfaction.—
We would therefore oheerfuly recommend it to
all wishing a cheap STUMP MACHINE.
J. B. Parcel, D. M. Dickeison, G. B. Evens,
Abram W. Braes, Webb's Mills, Anson Baker,
Southport, Peter Rape, Southport, Romer
Keeney, Florence Lary, John Ilartmen; South
port, Wells, Brown Co., Valentine Roller,
John Carr, John Chamberlain,Michael Conklin,
S. T. Smith , SouthpOrt, J. 0. Fisher Southport,
Orders tilled on short notice. Prices from
eight to one hundred and- twenty dollars. We
can pull ,any• stumping ground that can be
plowed. 7!daebines warranted or nopay.
301113 It,VANAMB. .
Owner of Territory.
Judsontrille,Citetanng Co. ) 11. Y. 'Fob. 1.1,-2w.
This Machine was awarded a diploma by the
Tioga County Fair, Oct. 4, 1865, as the best
Maohlrie exhibited.
$0282 05
acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of
America, devoted to Original Stories, Foams, Blotches,
Household Matters, Gems of Chonght, Personal and
Literary Gossip (Including special departments on
Fashions), Inetructiods on health, Music, Amusements,
etc., by the best authors, and profuselylllustrated.witb
costly Engraving'', useful and reliable Patterns, Pan
broideries, and a constant succession of artistic novel
ties, with other useful and. entertaining literature.
No person of refinement; economical housewife, or
lady of taste can afford to dO withont the Model Month
ly. Specimen copies lb cents, mailed free. Yearly,
$3, with a 'valuable premium; Vito copies, $5,691 three
copies, $7,150 ; flee copies $32, and 'splendid premiums
for clubs a. 's3 each, with the first premiums to each
subscriber. Inns new Bertram Ss Fenton Sawing Ma,
chine for 20 subscriber's at each,
Publication Oilice, 3311 Broaeway New York.
Demorest's Monthly and Toting America together $4,
with the premiums for each.
DENMESTI Young 411102iCai Enlarged. It tit the
best Juvenile klagssite. Every 'Boy and Girl
tbst sees it says so, and. Puente sad' eachers martin
it Do not fait to - secure a Catir. A good Microscope,
with a Glees Cylinder to tontine living objects, or a
good tiro-bladed, pearl Pocket-knifir, ands large snub
ber of other desirable articles, given as premiums to
each subscriber. Yearly,sl.6o. Publication Office,
888 13 routhrol , New York.
Try it, Boys and Olds. Specimen copies, ten vests,
mailed fro.
A. 11. , 1EASTI1IAN
• No. 18, MATS Stass9,
TEETH Extracted without Pain. Artitioial
teeth inserted one to an entire set.—
Prices from $l,OO to $20,00. Nitrous Oxide Gas,
Narcotic Spray, Ether and Chloroform, adminis
tered when desired. Teeth in allconditions
treated in the most approved manner. 1 Satisrao 7
tion guaranteed. Call and see specimens.
Feb. 8, 1889. A. B. EASTMAN.
FOR OASIt, we will sell FEED at these pr
1 see:
Very beat Rye & Oats, Ground
Rest imported Feed,
Best Common _Reed
The above goods, at the above prices, are
strictly cash !
We don't mix sand in our feed.
We haven't a Piaster Mill. connected with our
Flouring Mill ! .
Our Feed is pure ! WRIGHT .1: BAILEY.
Wellsboro, Jan. 20, 1869.
Button-hole Over-seaming
and Sewing .111aehble.
T"greatest invention and the Best sewing
Machine in the world. It has no equal as a
Family Machine. And
It is really two machines in one by a simple
and beifiutiful meohnnical arrangement, making
both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch and the Over
seaming and Button-hole stitch with equal fa
cility-and perfection.
It executes in the very best manner every va
riety of sewing, sueh as
and in addition 0
on the edge and
Eyelet-holes in al
Warranted by the
entire satisfaction.
farther infor
R, 0. Bail
6. H. 'PERETT,
near Parr's Hot
chine may be trio.,
using the Alachinel
Morrie Run, Pa
608 i 85
77 04
128 08
Wencher°, Jam 20, 1860,
JL.4 issued upon the estate 9f S. B. Price, late of
Deerfield, deeeas Ld, alt debtors to and olaitnants
against said esta aro requested to settle with
Deerfield, Jar*. 27, 1889-81* Ezeoutrix.
,$189475 94
32188 72
$221009 08
ER—SEAMING. Embroiders
akes beautiful Button and
fabrics. Every Machine is
=puny or its Agents to give
ationfriqiifre of F. KINGS
; y's In Morris Run, or of Mrs.
our doors south of - the Depot
Blossburg, where the roa-
Nnd instructions raneived In
by all those wlablng to buy.
Feb. 8, 1.869-3n2.*
CO., I
now offering
cutor , s Notice.
Fresh Goods Received Weekly.
Dry. Goode
Fresh Groceries
=MN INN Santo
Bats and Caps.
Be it rotactuborod, that
Converse & Osgood
keep constantly on band a large stock of general
Jatt. 6,1868.4 y. CONVERSE & OSGOOD.
January 1E169 has Arrived,
. also a good fresh stock of
01 shades and colors, "from thebest XXX, to the
cbelpest,7 [57,50 per barrel,)
all of which / am now offering at the lowest lie.
leg prices for Cask, or in exchange for most
kinds of country produce; besides I offer cash
for the last named.
llCash Buyers will find It to thoir advantage to
give*ae a call.
8.--Bly Books are full—can't "Cttenox
,npy more." Remember, Mozart Block.
Wi l sllsboroiJan. 0, 1869. M. B. PRINCE. '
Furs! Furs! Furs! Furs!
DeLano 42 Go's,
bought since the'Hondays. Now is tho time to
buy FURS cheap; also,
Jan. 6,1869.
H. A.M ir n hand and are constantly receiving
Hardware Store
every article needed in this region of country,
Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal
• Stoves.
Home Companion, '
$2,50 au,
IA 4 6
1.75 ~
.1" 2 , 7 NKT IR E
JNo Pains will be spared to meet the wants of
our customers.
Wellsboro, Jan. 6, 1869, ly.
:Executor's Notice.
sued to the undersigned upon the las will
and testament of Levi I. Nichols, late of Wells
boro, deo'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming
against said estate, are required to settle with
Wellsboro, Dec. 23, 1688-4te Ex'r.
Pay Up
A LL persons indebted to the tiubscriber are
1 - 1 requested to call and settle at once, or costa
will be made. Take notice.
1 Jan. 6,1868,4 t. GEO. 'WAGONER.
at the
Paris Exposition irniverselle,.,
American Pianos Triumphant
Men H. W. TODD, Agent,
Dee. 23, DM. 'Welleboro, Pa
Atlantic and Great Western
And to all Points In tho Wm and Nontn-TVEar.
Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis.
AO all points in the South .l Southwest, with
No Change or Coaches
From any point on the Erie Railway. An ad
vantage and convenience not offered by nny
other route.
3 Tnuouau LIGHTNING Explsra Timms
t -
Baggage Checked Through, an,d No Crtaxoe
from one cur to another, preventing loss or dam
Tickets via this popular route can be procured
at all offices on the line of the Erie Railway, and
()prom Duval , Ed'omtL.
When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets
Gen. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland, 0.
L. 1). RUCHES,
.Tan. 6,'6U. Gen, Supt., Meadville, Pa,
DEALIJ. IN DRY GOODS, Groceries. Hard.
ware, Boots, Shoos, Rats, Cops, car
per of Market nod Crofton strosts, Welisboro,
Pa. Jan. 13, ]BBB.
FARUER, halt; and hero you'll-find CAYUGA
PLASTER ground as fine as any dour, for
people say that OMB° ground Plaster bad it4play
On hand you'll find a plenty here,
Come one and all both far and near, '
To C, IL OWENS' VIII, Mansfield, Pa.
Prjce $8 per ton. Jan. 6,4
by M. A. DURif.
Wellsbozo, Deo. 16, 188, 04/
just received at
and all kinds of
in the •
and the ,wetly eelebratud
J. A. Parsons ar‘Co.,
Cash: Store.
Fine French Merinos, yard wideri'all cors 75 cls •
Fine Empress Clothe, double fold, " • 26 `•((
2,000 yards'handsome Dress Goods, conitstlogist
dosses, Alpacas is Brilliantes, at :45 to Sii ate,
worth 3 and 4e.
Heavy winter Woolen Double Shave $3,50 to $5,
Beaver Clorkinga, black and ool'd, $4,50 to $3,75
Ladles' Pure, collar. do muffs, $8 $6,50 per tett
Red twilled Flannels, at 811 cents.
Grey Twilled Flannels at It cents.
Fancy Shirting Flannels, 26 to 31'4 cents.
All Wool Casslnterns $l.
Prints 0: 10, and 12i cents,
Stmetinga 12it cents. Canton Flatmate, /8C to
Men's Double sole'Stogn Boots, °totem reads, gi
Women's Rip Shoes, sl,bo.
Women's calf Balmorals, bestoustom!make;B2,2s
Aleo a largo stook of
at touch less than the east of getting theta up
Tire have made these extra inducements in or.
der to get our stook largely reduced by Jan. lit,
1869, and intend to Make clean work of h, if !or
prices will make Quit* sales. Call and Eel) for
J. A:. PA.BSONEi &
cclining, Oct. 14, 1868.
Royfs Drug Store
Drug Establishment
%IRE stockof Drugs, Perfumery, Dye Stun,
Glass, Fancy Articles,
LAMPS, d)o.,
Ts the most complete and carefully selected,—
The stook of
Are warranted to be old pure, and of a superior
quality, and will be sold only for; medical use.
Tho subscribeitvishes to say that ho is bow
making large additions to his stock, and would
assure the pakilic thut he will not'orily sell goods
of tho
BEST QUALITY, but alio the CHzAr-
Call and aee na before purebnaingelaentere
20 11 000 Pounds of Good Batter wanted
for which I will pay 45 cents in
trade at my Store. C. L. W/LLCOX.
Vi r ellsboro, 15r0v.23, 1868.
Fart for Sale.
ITUATBD on Eat Run, Gaines township,
k 3 containing 125 ache, 50 acres improied.—
Said farm is well watered, has a frame LlOllB6 end
barn and a choice apple orchard, and is well
adapted to dairying purposes. Title good and
terms easy. Inquire of Wm. IL Smith,
bbro, or , 1 14. L. RUSSELL, Delmar.
Sept, 28,1885.
Valuable Farm for Sate.
A(area of three hundred acres, with two bon
,dred and twenty•five acres improved. Sit
uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the
Tioga River and nonfood. Well muttered, un
der a good state of cultivation, and good build
ing'. Afro four linu.sos rind lots far sale In Tioga
villugo. T. L. nALDwirr.
Tioga, Feb. 12, 125S;Af.
1 8 gained over tho T
Extracting, by the
i opth-aohe old the pain of
use of
so proved by scores o
tat °taco or
,nvinoed; Nov. 26
i!2D'•• Call and be e
-*---at Now York prices, in
Colors or plain,
nd out to istat online, at
kes Pictures
Wood- , 'M
or Gallery in VOgn. Co.)
Call and sea fur yourself.
Cheaper than any o
Alt Styles of work.,
SALT OA be ball I
Tioga June. 8. 188
testimonials at the Den•