o j e gio g ccous g agitator Is published every Wednesday rileorialiag at S 2 per year, invariably in advance. .COBB CVAN K.:I-COBB.] , . 4 VlErtLTlBlll'et 23,4:Vi1E18.. TEN LiNip OP AluttoN ORLESB, MARE oNN, SWAIM . , t" • No. of &fro. i $2,60 $l,OO $2,00 lcis. S lios.ig Blasi 'Post 1 Squaro,.... ....--„:. $6,00 $7,00 $12,00 \, Y Squares 2,00 3,00 .1,00 8,00 12,00 18,00 11a1tC01....... 10,00 16,00 17,001 22,00, 80,30 i 80,00 0430 ,-.L........ 18 $ 20,00 80 001 001 go 001 go , Spooial•NoWseillWportt.slper , Editorial or Lotal 20 cents por BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O. INEMBEIAL. dr, CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window, Glass, Perfumery - , Paints and Oils, dcp4:fr.o. — Oorning o lC Y., Jan. 1, 1868:4y. WiLLIAItt H. SIU ITII, t'CCORNFY AND COUNSELOR AT LAM Insurance, Bounty and Pangon Agenoy, Main 'root Wellsboro, P. , Jan. 1, 1868, S. P. 117rL80tt. J. B. Nn.Es. '• WILSON At NILES, I TTORNIVIS ,§1 COOTSBLORS AT I I AW, Firat, door from Blgoney!s,, oq the Avenue)— Will attend to busineies ontruetod to their care in'tho countiee of Tioga and Potter, Wolisboro, Jon. 1, 1808. HILL'S ROTEL, • VESTFIELD BOough, Tio l ga Co. Po., r. G. 11111, Proprietcir. A new and commodious bail log with all the modem improvoments. Wit in easy drives of thebest hunting and fish ing rounds in Northern Penn'a. Conveyances fern shed. Terms moderato. Fb. 5,1568-Iy. . . GEORGE WA.GNER, TAILOR. Shifil first door north of I:. A. Seares Shoe Shop. Arifr Crating, Fitting, and Repair ing done promptly and well. Welishoro„ P 4., Jan. 1,1868.—1 y. JOHN et SHAN/LIME/ME; • DP.APER AND Ti4OR , . Shop over John R. Bower's Store. .011/" . Pt4tirig, Pitting, and Repairing done promptly, and in beaf l style. Vi'ellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, /888-:y „:_, , , WM; GARRETSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Notary, Public and Insurance Agent ) Blass " bur: Pa! over Caldwell's, Stere. ..10IIN I. YIITOUZ3LL AA TTORNBIL,A.ISI O Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa. (Aaiun Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance Agent. Ile will attend promptly to collection 01 Pensions, Baok Pay and Bounty. As Notary Publio he takos acknowledgements of deeds, ad ministers orths, and will act as ComtnisSiOner to take testimony. 09•0flieo over ItOy's-Drug Stine, adjoining Agitator Offiee.—Oet: 30. 1867 John W• Guernsey, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Liavin;; returned-to this county with a view of making it WS permanent residence, - solicits there of public patronage. All bueine,F en. trusted te hie care will be attended to with Iremptnees and fidelity. Office 2d door south of 6:F4r's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Cu., Pa. wept. 20.'66.—tf. IZ AK WALTOL HOUSE, Gains, Tioga County, Pa. aORACE C. VER;SiILtEA, PROP'II. This is a qeso hotel located within easy access of the host fishing and hunting grounds in North. ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of pleasufc seekers and the traveling public. [Jan. 1, 1868.] PETROLEUM ROUSE, WRSTPIELD, PA., GEORGE CLOSE, Propri etor, A new Hotel conducted on the principle of Rye and let.live, for the accommodation of tho ablic.—Nov. 14, 1866.—1 y. GEIO. W. RYON, ATTORNEY k COUNSELOR AT LAW, Law renceville, Tioga Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension, and Insurance".Agent.' 0011130 1 0128 promptly attended to. Omen 2d door below Ford /louse • D. 12, 1887-1 y . R. E. - OLIIIE'ir, DEALER in CLOCKS At JEWELRY, SILVEI & PLAT-ED - WARE, Spectacles, Violin String, &0., &e. Slanefield , Jew elry nr . s 43jr.-epatrMi. Engraving done iu plait English and German. , I,lseptl37zly.,' Ttios.. B. Dryden eURVEYOit 5c `.DRAFTSMAN:m•Orders left al Lis room, Tocvoisend Hotel, Wellaboro,• will went with prompt attention. Jan. 13. 1867.—tf.. 'FARR'S- HOTEL , TIOG , T IOCIrI COUNTY, PA., lluotl stabling, attached, and an attentive hos. tier always in Attendance. E. S. FARR, . . . Proprietor. Haithressing St 'Shaving. Saloon over Willcox Barker's Store,,Wells bora, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies hair-nutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Bfaide. Pub, coils, and siviches on hand and made tik or ler. H. W. DORSEY. • _J. JOHNSON. BACON, 31. D., late of the 2d L'a. Cayalry, after D. nearly four years of army .ervica, tr oth large Aaerlence in field and hospital practice, has oponed an office for the practice of medicine and surgery, In all its branches. PinBoll.s from a distance cad . find good boarding at the Ponnsylvoind Motel when desired.— tlllt vlqit any part of,,tito State, in consultation, or to Perform emgical operations. No 4, Uuton Block . , up stairs. Wellsboro. Pa., May 2,1886.—1 y. Wm. 8. Smith, KNOXVILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and In. !wane° Agent. Communications sent to the - above address will receive prompt attention. Terms moderate. Dan 8, 1868-Iy] U. S. CLAIM AGENCY, Far th 9 Colleotion o 1 Army and Navy Claims bud Pensions.. TUE NEW BOUNTY LAW, passed July 28,1660,,gives two nud three yoars' soldiers extra bounty. Send in your discharges. .1 OFFICERS" EXTRA Pit* Three mouths' extra pay proper to volunteer ofdtwors wh o mare le rat-vice March 3,1566. PENSIONS INCREASED To all who have lost a limb and who have bean perms- Deafly nod totally disabled: All othof Government claims prosecuted'. JEUGNIE G. NILES. wellOoro,Ottober 10,1S00-tt Dr. - O. li. Thompson. LWELLISISOROUCIII PA.) 4111 attend to Profeacional calls in the / and Immediate vicinity of Wellaboro. 0111ce and ltevidnneo on State• St. '2d door on the right going East. [Juno. '2l, 1368. • BLA.CKSMITIIING. rp LIE undersigned haviug returned to Wells. born and opened his shop, on Water street, solicits ti share or patronage. lie propo ses to do WORK CHEAP FOR CASII4 Shoing horzes-$3,50 and of work in iiropor lion. April 99, 1868.-9 m J. 'G. - PUTNAM, ILL Wlthittli—Arcot for all tho best In TUREINE WATER, WHEELS. • Arso rq r .s,tearart's Oscillating Movonacnt fur Gang and Mal,ay Sawa.. Bohn,• . - oga, Pa., Aug. 7, 1861, ly. li i onnty and Pension- Affeney. LTA.VINO received lennitolustructionsi n regardlO IL the , xtra bounty allowed by the net !Approlled duly 23. I.3on.and having on hand a largo supply of till wesslry blanke.lmn prrnared to prosecute all Pee 'bp Red bounty il.tims which in.ty be placed in my binds: Personellring at a ,lietancomn communicate atm m e by letter,and their communications will be Promptly AnAwgt . W.M. 11. SMITH. 14 ell;boro.October 24,1.888. C. L. WILCOX, Dozier in DitY GOODS of all kinds, Hardware 'rinks° gotions. Our assortment is large Aryl Rrioos low. St?re in Union Block. Call ' ll 4 ratieman.ft-may 20188844 y. REAR YE 1' HEAR YE I HEAR YE BARRELS, FIRKINS, CHURN - S, , ' . BUTTER• TUBS,-&c., • • . Kept constantly on band, and Annlobed to or der, by W. T. MATHERS, Fit his new store, 2d door above Boy's Building, asboro. (Jane 10,1688,) ti'. C. TANGIILDZII , :,, ,•,,•., .-,•:, t '•if• - ••`.1..7--.,:-.: '.- VOL: X:171. CITY BOOR BINDERY AND iBLANK hBOOK mANUFICIMEtV - EVElaldwin Stroot,p' • (SIGN OF THE Bloti'l3ooli, 2D-ItOOR,t ELMIRA, N. Y. • morrorci, ,, "• GOOD AB VIE I.I,EST, CAEAP AS TILE en E,AII'EST Of every description, in all styles of and as low, for quality of Stock; a's tillY 13inde* in t.ho! Yeintned u yery., deEttlptioti &mind lathe best !manner and in any style or dered. ALL KINDS OF 'GILT WORK Executed in the beat tualtucr, "Old Hoke re bound and inadegeitittait 111.WaiENI'M IBILaZIUA I am preParud to furbish back huralierb of all Roviowg or Magazine* published" in the United Statos or Great Britain, at triow;priee:' .. • BLANK BOOK I OTHER PAPER, Of all:al zaa aucl'quities,orchand, ruled or plain DILL HEAD kbAPER, • Of any quality or size, on hand and cut up ready, for printing. Also, BILL EJAPER, and CARD BOAlti) or all colors and quality; in boards or cut to any size. Cap, Letter; NOW Paper, Envelopes, • • r Pens, Pencils, &c. Igm Bole agent for '•" • Prof. S' Prof. NON.CORROkVE STEEL Which I W:11 warrant equal to Gold Peas. the best i u use and no mistake. The above stock I wilt sell at the Lowest Rates at all times, at a small advance oti Nen ,. York priceipand in quantities ;' - to,suit Purchasers.' All work and stock warranted as represented. I respectfully bolioit a share .of publit patron age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.r. Address. LOUIS RIES, • t . Sept. 28,1:867.-Iy. UNIOIT"'HOTEL. m NER s.• WATK Pit bfAiii.oft.: AVING Mica up a now hotel building en the situ of the old liniun llotel r iately debit 03 ed by fire, aut.norr ready-to receive and entertain guests. The Union Hotel was inteudcd for aTetupgranee /louse, and the Proprietor-believes It On-be sustained without grog.. An attentive hostler In uttepdanco. • IYetlsbbr,O,Jll9o26 Mar ' ' ' JOUDI • TAILOit. 'AND ()UTTER, line; offen=d a shop on . Craf ton street, rOar_ef Sears.dc Derby's j - hoe shop, , where he is pi epitrea‘to trinpulacturt moots to order in the most substnntial manner, and .with - dhpatoh. Partieular atteniion paid to Cutting and Fitting. 'quid' 26, ISCS—]y On strictly Tempi:lance principles, Norris Run, Pa. li. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. horses nue Carriages to lot.—March 8,1868,1 y. • RIAIBALL, GROCERY AND RESTAURAIV-T, Ono door ahoy() the Aloat'ls.larket,. WEL LSB ORD 1. - .ENN' A, Rlsptc - PFULtz?an - licances to thetradini. public that he has a desirable steel( el (Ire evies, comprising, Teas, Coffees, I:Spices, eurhrr dolasaes t Ayrups, and all that eonOtiitites a first dtan,vatriek: Oysters in' every style at nit "eea ,unable hours. Wclizboro, Jan. . . . arlat Excitement! Johnson impeached, end Em. tiree'di Booots and Shoes triumphant! .he subscrlbei would say to the people of Westfield-and vicinity - that ia uninunieturing a Patent Boot which lie tielictes tie voss.ss the following athantage over all (Abets; Ist. therein no crimping; 2d, no wrinkling, save as they break to the feet; Bd, no ripping. In short, they aroljutd the thing for aVerybody. Bamples do hand and orders solicited. Sole right ut Westfield township and Bcirp' ,ecnrad. lln hits also Just received a splendid set 01 ualmoral patterns, latest styles. Crime due.sconte all: We are hound to sell cheap for cash or ready pay. Shop one door south of Sanders & Cole-grove. westaeld Bora', Feb.lB .1.508. J. R. F,3IBBEE. WE'LLSBORO,, HOTEL. C. H. GOLDSMITH, Proprieter.—llaving,leas ed this popular Hotel, tIIO proprietor respcet fully solicits iTaii share of patronage: Every attention given to guests.' The best hostler in the county alivayciu attendance. April 211, 1865.—1 y., - • -THE PLACE TO BUY AT theT.o.ivrentioville Drug Store, Ahem you , will find every thing properly belonging tt, ,fie Druk Trade CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST, and of the bear quality_for ash; -, , Also, Paints, Oils, Varnishes., Lamps, 'Fancy Notions. Violin Strings, risbinte,Tacklo, Window Glass, Ao. Cash paid for Flax Seed, ' 0. P. LEONARD. Lawrenceville, May 8,1867. Glen's Falls Insurance Company, OLEN'S FALLS, N. Y. . , Capital and 5tirp1u55373,037,60. FARM RISKS, only, taken. No Pretniutn. Notch required. It is LIBERAL. It pays damages' by Light ning, whether Firc ensues-or not. It pays for live stock killed by Lightning, in barns or in the field. Its rutoe urn lower than other Catiiiiiiiiev.tert equal responsibility. - I. C. PRICE, Agent, Farmington Centre, Tleiga Co. Pa. May 29, 1867-134 WALEER- 464 LATLTROP,-- incitirdis - fIARDIVA,RE,_IItoN, STEEL, NAILS, • S'I'OVES': I'.l-117-117A1?1,1, BELTING;.SAWS'IIIIIEIII . WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, „ earrings and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, kc. Coming, N. 18n7-Iy. J. W. RITTER & RILEY, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Over Wilson it Van Valkenbur!i'l .'tore, in the. room I«tcly occupied by Lfe)j. y. BOOM AND SHOES of all kinds teak .tts. order and in the best ,tnanner. f',‘ IR ENG of ell kinds done In wooly and good. Give oq a call. JOAN HARKNESS. • WAI. RILEY. WellBborn),Jan.2, 1868 ly. THE Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary sizes, for heavy, an - 1l - counter LIFO, may be found at the Hardware Store of 11" In. Roberts, Wellsboro. These Scalei are the rairlinnks pat ent and have no anperior anywhere. They are made in the bast stYlia and have taken the premi um at all the great exhibitions. - - I have the sole agency for these Scales in this region: : .WILLIAM ROB:EATS. GEO.'W. MERRICK., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office with W. ii. Smith, Esq., Mnin Street, opposite Uniod Bleak, Weßebore, Pa. July 15, 1888.. THE largest apsoriment of Watches, Clock/ Jowoirtand Plated Ware In Theo county It ' El9dicelik3 , POLET'et , . . , • . , ‘ , • • -.-, t"._• , ,''.1,.1.1." `,',, ,%. '', 'f',,'• 1,. - •,... ).. ~ '' : . •• . 4.. • :,. ,_ •:, . , - i .--- ' • •,,, - - .' - 1 :' - ;-- ~- ',-- ._ . • . , • ... - • 2 ' • -, ,, - ,: - 7 - --L.- - \,f , ~ i• — • , .........-- •••- • '•.•••, I ! ' ',-- _ , ,' -.. :' '. . . , , ..... C . el • 7 . ' ' •‘ ~,, ~, ; :.,_ , .. , ~( O P' • 1.: i..' ~.. 1 ~.,). ' 2......: . :: :• : T : .„..... -: ... ' 1 7 .' .\ , . 'N ~ ••• . .. . • .- , ill (.1 ci- A l ' 1 ' • P' - '• • A ----!-- , '1 , . , . ' 'lll t...t. • . 11' . 1 i- .....:' . 3 • • - 1 . 4 7 T - i2l -‘' -'-• .. :•.' ~..... - • - ',,L r.:'' ,' • • -, .3 $,•,.,,.._ * , , . , .. .. • ' - —) •- I - 'll I tr - ••• -; , 4- : - s . f'3 GI ~..... ....1 , •,,. ri , :•.,-,;r. ;,:., ' - i'_ Li_ •, '''' c'-' , 1 '...,..' 6 ' ••)-1 . '.• -, ,'• ...• - " ....7 , ' • . • ' 1 ,•';14;;,. ,-; - .....,.kr, .1.. ( • • _ ___....----__.----.--• .. •, -. . , r:',, ; . 'i, n- . :,:(',,':. ~ , f - , ;. 1* i . , - - - --, ; ---, c , , 4g, , , TubLe :43..attekitioi)33. „ , ?peg:, ; 13.01.4,4143.*,, iisii 0 ,4311x0 - - eali;KtiaLlaada -ca p I ViiriescaoariasvP • • •- —•--, - • - --,, i. ? ~. ."?'714 , .... o.' _ .- .. . —....... . ... ................. -..—................... —.— —__ _ BLANK BOOKS COMPLETE YOUR 'BETS'! STATIONERY, PENS, or yert,tops suns, FOR LADIRB -AND 02NTLE3[lillti HAMILTON, HOUSE, 3300t19 Ca, 151313:0cg3. ,Steates! - Scale . s ! &ales ! Wellsbore, Feb:12,1968. MEI INTRODUCED ;.INTO AMERICA. FROM dEßffiNr,.6i 10,0FLAND'$:1001rak - 011 - TERa; i atl,d HOOFLANOIS--- GERMAN - TONIC,. , PREPARED BY DR. a ht. JACKSdp; • . • . • PLITLADILPIII4, PA, ' •'. • The :greatest' known remedies Liver bomplAini, , .DYSPEPSIA,, - Nervous - * SAT.O.NDDDE; • Diseases of the Kidneys, EKlTPll6,llB.orilie SSIN, . alit all Diseases arising, from 'e t Dim. Or red Liver, Sto,maeis i or . ..12/10P77/4.LTY 0.. r • x.kuir-...8.L00.7). Read the following Symptoms, and if you find that r:zstaii.s o '9ci t lar any LeTts y aV a s cron r t e l E i a g Moil important organ; o f your body, and unless. soon - checked by the eat of powerful remedies, a miserable IA boots terminating in death, wiltbo the ; result. Constipation. Flatulentioanweird Piles, - Fulness of Blood totie - Sead - Aoidity of . the .,..-Stomaoh. auseqaart- PUrniAgiaguat , for oodor nese orweitt in the Stomach, Sour °torsions. Sink- • ingor Flul tering at the Pip • - i'ot the ,Stomaah; Swimming of the: Head iitirriod or: Diradult Breathing, Fluttering' 'at "the ,Ifeart,'.. Choking or Suffooating /3ensations when to a Xiyingp v fature,Dimnoss of 'Pillion, Dots orWeb before the' Sight; I DIIII,,Pa the. Bead, Dee-, ' - otonoy of Perspiration, Tel. ' lowness.Of the Skin and, • • Eyes F ain' in the: Sidh, Baolt;: . 101liest; Limbs. eta.,•Sud= • d en 'Flushes if Haat, Burning in the' Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil,, and: larciwt, Doprosston of Spirits. - 411 thisiAti4sts dieseeserqf the Meer or - Dtgestire ' Organs, 'combined with impure /00d. Vomit)3itteio . • „ - iI entircly":Vegetable, and contains. no liquor. It fah compound.ofluid:llx.. tracts. The Itootsv Herbsi.siid Baries tromrsvhieli , these :extracts' are mode are :.gathered in!.Garnittny.. medicinal virtues bre' extracted froth 'Chino. by, -scientific chemist. These extraets..are:.othert. forstattled -- to. this country to be used expressly for the -- manufacture of- these -Bitters. --There- Ile no alcoholic aghstanee.of any hind used in.. compounding vtito Bitters, hence it is the only Bitters that can bellied incases where alcoholic stint. ulants are not advisable. . . kg ertnan mc. • " its 00Mb0142144i of alt the ingredients of • with . PUTIE Santa Crux Rum, Orange, etc. 11 i4tfuledfer the same diseases err the Bitters, in cases where some pure abioholiettimutus is required.. 'Mu teat bear in 'land ,tharthese remedies ape entirely citiferont'from any Wien advertised for the cure ,the diseases - named, these being scientific preparations' Of medicinal - extrads;white the others are mere decoctions of rum in some form. The TONICS is decidedly elm of the most pleasant, anti agreeable remedies ever o ff ered to , the Isublic. I ts taste is exquisite. his a pleasure to take • it, white its' l(fogiving, exhilarating, and medicine( qualities have caused it 17 be known as the greatest of alt tonics. • CONSUMPTION. - Thonsnitas fif ClViejfg '‘v'lkeit the pa tient supposed he awns fllffliCtOd - with this terrible distease, have been cured by the nee of these remedies. Extreme emaelationi- debilityc and cough are the usual -,e:titiendents- upon severe cases of dyspepsia or disease of the. digestiv.e orgttint. Even in oases genuine Consumption, these remedies • will be found of the greatest benefit, strengthening and invigorating: " . DEBILITY. .iynt.'is no medicine equ al to FirobflaitirS-dernlaft tone aittlVegb - Pial rates of Debility, . Tlret,t impart cause on eijogn'ttst,:rt.:ltent.4lrengtiteti ap• stomach to digest it, purify the . bTottiallf.‘43 2 Bb l P_P' round, het comrtexion, eradicate AA yatato tinge front the'pe, impart a bloom to the Meek!, and change the patient from a thortbreatbrd, emaciated, weak, avid nervom invalid. to a .full-farrd, stout. and vigor 01.18 perSoll. Weak and Delicate Children are Made strong by wiling the 'Bitters or Tonic. In raet, -they :are Family THe-y eon be adinini et erid with perfect safety to a child three months old, the most delicate female, or it man of ninety. These Remedies are the bed ; • 1133.00id . 'ilii.1lElers - over known, and wild cure all diseases resulting from GO blood. Keep your blood pure; keep your Liver in' order kcep your digestive organs in a sound, healthy condi. tica, by the use 04these remedies, and no disease will ever assail you. r.I7Z,ZM '-001,115.1.121Z10.11.. . Ladles who wish a fair 'akin and good complexion, tree Ai'Koos-et-yellow.. lash tihge and all other ilisligureMent, should use. these rismedieS decasion. ally. The - laver In perfect order, and Hue blood pureorll/reault in spark. ling eyes and blooming checks. • • • Cay'rxoM. Jlulturd's Gering?! Remedies are counterfeited Ishe' genuine hare The signature of C. lit Jackson on the front of the outside wrapper of each balky and the name of the article idounrin welt Gook. , All athexi are counleritit. Thousands of letters linve Ikeers re. eelved, testifying to the virtue of these remedies. - , . _• • READ THE RECOMMENDATIONS, . FROM LION. GEO. W. WOODWARD t • Oltlef.ittstica of tho Supromo court of Ppipsylvanta: rfill. - ADILATA MAU=lath, 1867, /find "Ifonfland'S Gerrnan - liietei•s' is'noi icating bererage, but -is a gond - tonicourfut in disor ders of the digestive organs, and of great bene t fit in cans of debility and want of versons"action to the system. , , • lbws tru l l4. •,' GEO. W. WOOD WARD. FROM liqx. JAMES THOMPSON, Judge of the Soprani° Court of Pennsylvania. PIIILIDELPII/A, APRIL 28th, MO consider it nooftondis.Germon Hit ters" a vainaide medicine in case of at.. tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can ceztify this from my experience of it. Yours, with respect, JAMES MUODIPSON. From REV. JOSEPII 11. KENNARD, D.D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist. Church, Philadelphia. Dit..ILeItSON—DEAR Sm. :—/bare been frepatlly re quested to connect my name with recommeru Wilms of d(brereni /thar,of medicines, but regarding the practipe as out of my appropriate sphere,lhare in all cases de clined ; but with a clear proof in vnrio s instances, and particularly in my own family, of Ihe I sefulness of Dr. Ifoofland's German Ditto's, I depart f r once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and especially for Liver Complaint, it Is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from .the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD, Eiglith,beloict antes St ' - Price of the Bitters, 13 1. 0 0 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for 85.00. Price of the Tonio, $1.50 por bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7.50. The, '411103 pit up to qtuirt bottles., - . Rfoolle'tt that ibis Dr. ffoofland's aelinan Remedies that are so universally ulid and so highly recommend ed; and do not allow the Druggist to induce you to take any thing else that he may say is just as goad, be cause lie makes ti larger profit on it. These Itermedies will be sent by exiates to any locality upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE, GERMAN .11/I.IDICINerSTORE, No. 431 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietors Formerly CI, hL, 5.0.01{80N i & CO. These Remedies are for sale by Druggists, Storekeepers, and Medi. Clue Dealers everywhere. • Do not forget to amitine well the article you buy, As order, to get the genuine. The - abo've Remedies aro for sale by Drugeists,_ Stereltoopers, add Niedicine dealers, everywhere thretiabou( rho United States, Canadas, South Ame WO Itultw."ll4r. 11,!61-1/. 1•1111111111 M *EL4LS ME A RIBS AND IT . „ ",I3Ltrzano," 'II Citlifonsiarr, xelates thefollow ing in adupietle in which ho endeavors: to prove —and:does—that " neybody can write. poetry." It is a gem 'something after the manner of 'Poo's "Raven"—onlY more so 1,• ~ . , ' , 'Said I, " My pretty tuiss Let :no have a litde kiss.' `And I revealed in bliss, ' Rieh and" Imellor." - " • • "Just help yourself to more," • :Said she tripping o'er the floor, • And backing toward the' door ' ' • ' Of the cellar. .., never saw the p • . ..- ' Till I fell through" it f keslap," And you .should have seen'tne - "dn . + " • , Through t the hole I ." - ' I Fall twenty feet fell--= How I struck I e snot tell— But I sent up su h tiyeN ' • Oa my sou , That the g!rl the ght I Was dying;. ' And at once Set p a crying, ' For the old•man' ho was trying, • Not far off i • : --TO mend a broke: pump! • He turned, and wth a jump' • -- • -Cleared the shed nd tumbled plump • ' In a troug 1 But-idiot has this to do " • 1 'I• With the story which is true , A.l:the papal old or now f . , ~..; ..• ' , - With a hop . -,, , , inn .-,, • He came up, inotred. thotter, ~ . - " WhenesS the screaming an the clatter r He hid-half a" 'ind to rap-her • i ' • Op the to Of her head. - -S is mooklY p,ointecl, . Down the steps . liero:lp disjointed, • Lay, with great; -and Mad anointed, • On thefloor: _ , _,- , ::: •- - " Blizzard "'up the stepS was carried; ' Quito a month - t . ere "Blizzard" tarried—„ In two months - as-" Blizzard married... ' ' • Nothing .. ore.. A ST: ‘OI)ZSTIRT., 3fAnnuots ?1:171)4111!, , • , . ......... , -I • , .= :Some years ago -: there lived'," -- at'.•Lee- Month, England, one Edgar Walton: His father-held a situretion.intiae- Lee mouth' d,: and 'Edgar was in hopes of obtaini ag a . simular appoint ment. He was pgaged to the daughter ()Cone of his 'father's friends; - and - it was agreed that the marriage.:.should take place as soon as he could, obtain- a permanent situation; with a - salary-a:de. quate to the support of a family. " The prospects of the. young people seemed unclouded many Were the day dreams in which they - •eveled aithey - wandered through the ifi adOws in the long suna mec.pveuings , nil talked of their.furure happiness. Pao , months had thuS passed by, wh,e ' on his return from .a short distance, dear -found his hopes Were fulfilled. He was, appointed to the charge of a, body of conVicts ' pro ceeding to New, South Wales, and• on his arrival there he was to fill a'_post sinaular to that of his father'S at Lee. mouth. •. - - . , - • , . Away he ran immediately in high spirits; to tell' his Alice of his - good for tune, and to xi7itrn her to make her prep arations of departure.' SitOM time in deed Was given for this 'purpose; ,the ship sailed within 48 hours ; they would be married on the morrow, and the next 4l t ternO t aittli atill'o , blik a.. in im - (l9ive nevi lof fortunewin a neand. He ran ; full lee, intolhe wellknown house, called or; Alice, and' was told she had gone to spend a week with, some relations in the Country. All his joy vanished at once.- • It:Would take some time to com municate with her—for 'hers 'to come down to LeemOuth ; ifshe did not arrive in time, and he were forced to go alone, how sad a termination would this be to all his bright hopes. However, all was done that could be • suggested. Letters were written to go by the morn , ing's post IA; the families she was .to vis it; and one other relations were sent off to find her, if possible, that no chance migh be lost 'Then Edgar re turned to ma to his preparations for the voyage. In the Mee time, Alice, little • know ing how muc her presence was required at Leemouth was talking over her fu ture plans, a d taking counsel with her relatives as tOherOutitt. She had'heard that Edgar vi t as in hopes of soon obtain ing au appomtment, and she felt in unusual spirits, and was merrily laugh ing with her cousins, when her uncle arrived, and brought the news of Ed gar's .summons.. Everything was in confusiiin immediately.. Boxes were corded, a hurried adieu was taken, and she was away. All 'speed 'was made, , but several delays coukci not be avoided. At length, however, tr reached Lee month but Only to h r that Edgar's 3,1, ship had saild some _ urs. 1; Bite was to Late — he gone, and perhaps the - might never meet again on earth. - he ilisappointment was very bitter, but she bore it. - She wiped away a'few tears, and then returned to herTather's house; but her cheek was very pale and her voice trembled its she %poke. Thus for - a week did sadness hang over the family. _Then, as they were sitting in silence one evening, in btirst alrieu , his face radiant with WE'. eitement he howed them a newspaper paragraph- 7 - dgaris _ Ship had' ,bee n obliged to • ut into 'Pitchton Roads througlrstre sof •weather. There was still a chant .• This news Awes. almost More difficul to bear calmly than .the previous di appointment; but Alice rose, quietly packed her trunk,' though several time thethrobbihg of her heart forced hery to • - step. Again ' another Journey had , o be performed .tinder the same excitement as before—feverishly watching the course of the smoke, the bentling.of the trees, to see if the wind still blew fr.3m the west; every lost moment • beComing an , agony7-every delay seeming to"occupy•whole hours— andover befOrnher eyes, the ship with her sailsjust, Opening to the breeze. At length they (reached the end of their journey. She heard, er's voice ash in the bay 'l"' She heard he answer, "Yes, yonder she lies in the roads." The words rang in her ears, 'a l lid'she fainted away. Edgar had endured a mental trial ,of no light nature; he had experienced all the 'sickness of hope deferred ; he had passed 'through the bitter struggle between lov ' e:and duty • he had seen , the dreanis his youth tiule away, he Bpenthud a week in brooding over his loss and nowlhis hopes were unexpec tedly re-awakened. The heart might Well long ford peace after such excite ment. But ow visions of quiet hap- piness stoleter his mind as lie sat in the vestry of Pitchton Chnich, waiting until he coul see the Clergyman It seethed -all so strange to him, he, could scarcely believe it was true. Alice had arrived' aboUt an hour before, but sometimes It seemed as If they had nev er been parted, and sometimeshe would start from his reverie, fancying that he miglit - bad been dreaming all that had occurred, and - she might still" be far away. But as time passed, and the Sound of the organ reverberated around and the voices of the singers, as they rose and fell bore words of promise to his'heart, his doubts and fears seemed to vanish, an thankfullnim; oio FA. 15cratr: - ', gosh'i ooluszß,untroitis. Vtig.etl4.. tpug as if in a dream, her fat() ing. "Is the Vixen stil d his heart swelled witl and. hope. fEtitITA,4Y 17,, 18'69. At length the service ended, arid Ed gartold ills story in• a few words to the clergyman; and begged that the Mar riage services might be performed in stantly •,' but neither° was .no license, this Was -: I nipossi bre: ' Th e ' clergyman explainhd this to hi m, but feeling. much interested in his success, he took. him to the surrogate's tetryita license could be obtained there; 'but en the question being asked, the surrogate - declared he could not grant It; suggesting however,• that the register might be able to assist hid). To him, however, it was too late to go until the nexC day as - he lived at some distance, so Edgar returned to his sh ln i. 1, p the course of the evening ho went on board of a frigate at anchor there, andsaiv' the chaplain, who promised to perform the marriage service the next morning evithoUt requiring a license— it not being necessary on board a ship. At length he thought all his treubles were over, and he allowed his Hopes free scope for action. The next morning the bridal party appeared, and every one was of oPin ion Uinta handeOmer couple had never been seen at Pitehton. Proud of , the bride, ud exulting in his success, Ed gar as ended to tO the deck CP 'the frig ate, eu again he was doomed to die appal tment. The chaplain found that the, t dispensing with i a license on batirdship did not aptityllo the case of a vessel lying in a roadstead. ; Thie was insuperable difficulty, and the only re mattng resource was for Edgar to make mixt plieation for a license to the - reg ister So-he borrowed a gig arid set od f inst•ntly. Mitmwhile Alice was asked to stay at tie rectory, where no means were left untried .. to - alleViate her., anxiety. But , . othing could induce her to' leave the arge drawing : roam -window that eve looks the sea. T e houSe. stands within:, a stone's thr.w of the water, and from it you pa see the • whole sweep •of the bay. On the other side ,the coast stretches aws y for Manyn mile, hero ,and there dotted with . white houses', - rits hills flushed with rosy color, when the sun shilts low, its hazy outline gradually melting into thedistariee: Not far from the house in the anchorage, and there, within a mile of Alice, lay' the Vixen transport, and still nearer the frigate. To this it was that 'Alice looked more 'earnestly, for the master of the transport bad promised not to sail while the other remained in the bay. Lower sank the sun ; the shadows grew longer; the clouds became flushed with rosy light; then their colors be came fainter, and deadened into a som bre-gray ; the ships were less distinctly seen, but the songs-of the sailors as they got up their anchors was heard on board some of them ; a - few put to sea and glided away into the thickning night. Alice clenched her hands - still more tightly, and her cheeks grew pale, and whenever a step was heard in the ball she would turn • suddenly to the door, then quickly look seaward again. Thus She sat when the shades of evening had blotted out the Vixen from view, and the tall masts of the frigate could scarce ly he seen through the darkness. - May we never -have to pass through Such a trial as this! Like the musical String overstrained and broken, the mind wound up to too great a pitch of excitement, may yield to the pressure ; Its rich melodies are gone forever; it is to the:l4 TI thatooeae(ltllltsn lclt will respond no more.:l eaitoi ten yvliqt sucth had ptiE.b"e ll through ja . bt'iteav; but we may form, by comparison, some faint idea of it ; we are, perhaps, await ing a companion with mhom we have settled to make some excursion; as the time for starting approaches, how restless we move about—looking every moment at the clock—asking again and again how much more time there is— eagerly scanning every new comer, and all for some trifling cause, which will be forgotten a month hence.; Then think what would be the agony of ex citement Hall our prospects of happiness and success in his depended upon that expected arrival. ' Meantime Edgar had driven as fast as possible to the town where the regis ter resided, full of fears that he might be away from home; but he found him, obtained thelicense,and now all diflicul ties.seemed again to clear away. He had come depressed with anxiety ; he returned buoyant with hope. The gray read and shadowy hedges disappeared, and in their stead the wide meadow lands of 'Australia seemed to spread around him, and in the 'distance rose his future home bathed in the moon light. A loud shout awoke him from his reverie, and ho heard some one call to.bitn, "your ship is going round the head." The Vixen had sailed, though the „frigate still lay at . anchor. Edgar, al most frantic, ruslicid to the rectory for Alice; and then bask toPitchton—There the people were all in excitement, they had not yet iearnet s to appreciate the polish of sellishne ; conventionalism had not yet petriffed all their sympa thies, there was as much bustle as if the two strangers had been their oldest friends. A boat was got out of harbor, sails were . bent, provisions enough to stock a' fleet were volunteered" on all sides, sailors enough to manage a frigate offered their services and Edgar having hurried on board with Alice ) they set sail, amid the tears of the woman and the good wishes of the men. For a night and a day they pursued 'the hopeless•chase, nor did they return to Pitchton until every chance had van ished. Edgar was a ruined mite ; his appointment was lost, and with it all his hopes of succeSSein life. The little property which had belonged to him he had sold, and invested althismoney, in his outfit, or on stock which was now on his way to the other side of the world. But, at all events, he had not lost his bride. So,, instead of sitting down to lament his misfOrtunes, he determined to bear them - as best he might, and be Married forthwith. So the next day, the ceremony was per formed, and half the town attended ; and the rector gave a wedding break fast, and the banker's wife made Alice a handsome Present, and everybody did what they could to dissipate the air of 'melancholy which would have attended the marriage. Edgar then left-for Lon don, carrying away from Pitchtlon many good wishes, but; having little hopes for himself. hut the J-leetor wrote to the Home Office, mentioning the peculiarit of ~„ the circumstances, .and represent g that Edgar had been ashore on lea e,. and that the transport sailed before the' frigate, contrary to the express promise of tho master. In a few days au an swer, was received, stating that in con sequence of the c:reumstances, and of Edgar's good character, a situation equivalent in value had been provided for him, with compensation for his losses. . . SO, in due time, the young couple were Yeaping the fruits of their energy and perseverance, and' realizing in Australia the picture of happiness they had often Conjured up at home. To those who despond under difficulties, and are ready to yield' to, the suggestion of despair,This true history may per haps speak words of encouragement. Moderation is the silken string runn ing through the chain, of all the virtues. IL WARD BEECHER CATECHISED. Many - Who heard Henry Ward Beech er at the. late National Christian Con vention held at Now-York, say that they listened to the happiest ofibre.of his life; - It is dtlubtfol Whether he himself would so regard Wee it was unstudied and touched none of the magnitudes, and hence called for no extraordinary display of mental poWer. The subject itself was trite enough— ." How to conduct prayer-meeting" and showed to they full the woliderful power of the man in that for one hour, upon this subject, ho held his audience under a spell of entrancement. It was a mingling of fun and pathos and senti ment and wisdom such as one but sel dom enjoys. The experience of years— an experience which commenced with a very, poverty of numbers, 'and has culminated In - bestirs an average prayer-meeting. attendance of nine hundred—was condensed into sixty Perhaps the beet thing that can be said' of it is, that it awakened in many an appetite for more, as impera- Give as-that or Oliver Twist. After the adjournment of the, morning session about fifty men, mostly young all iden tified with the hardest of Chrhitian work in the most unpromising fields, gathered. about him in order to wrest, from him some of the secrets of his success. 'The results were toe valuable to pass without enduring record. The questioning lasted nearly, and hour and a half. During that:time, Xt . . Beecher was in' the centre of a densely 'packed ernwd, and not given a moment's'rest. The questions were .sometimes .ramb ling, but nearly.all tended to uncover an inward experience that others beilde those then present would be glad to see. Omitting, of course, many things, the questions and answers were very near ly as follows : " Mr; Beecher, what do you do with bores in your prayer-meeting ?" -" Well, I try to be patient with them. Christ when he was living was troubled with hOres, and I say to myself, Why should Inot be ?. I try to educate them, and make something out of them. The man who is a boxi, now, may become- an effective worker, Hone Is only a patient.' " Well, but Mr. - Beecher"—it was Mr. Moody that interupted, as one might almost know from the character of the question—" there are some that are confirmed bores, and if you let them go on they kill smash a ,prayer meeting all to pieces—what do you do with them?" - "I never have, and never will allow any oite to ' smash' a prayer-meeting.— If I eannotc,brino• abouo a reformation by privately talkie to„ him,—if 'no other means will at swer, I can say to such a man, SIT 'D WN. But then, there are many way to be tried first.— if I see that man is apt to talk in set phrase and continually repeat, I inter rupt him with a queStion. A question is an obstruction in his track. He will have to get over it, or go aroundit, or come to a stand still. I ask Wm about his own experience in relation to what he is a- talking about, and in such a conversation there Fi no chance to be formal. I question the timid ones also. Whet: I •see That one that is deserving 'of aid is halting and stumbling, I help hint with a question. There are a good many that cannot make a speech in prayer meeting, that can answer ques tio;ns." "Do you Make special preparation for a prayer-meeting'," "Yes. That is I always have a sub- StVniii tint s :3 91, 6 }4' i llthi t'l??1"'M - ;Ty " (strfa.4 - , and Ziotnetinies it is not. When it is not, I never try to bring it back, but, I try to develop the thought that comes out tit': most prominently. I- try' to find out as quick as possible the lea(l -ings of the. Holy Spirit, and then fol low them." " Did you ever have to exercise any authority in prayer-meeting of • the na ture you alluded to 2" "I had one man that used to. trouble me a great deal. He used"—and here Mr. Beecher impersonated him to the life—" he used to drug his words out ni the most tediously slow process that you can imagine: One evening he com menced as usual " I—hope—that—my young—friends— will—not—like—me— put—ofr— their consideration—of the interests of eternity," and Just then I interrupted him, by saying: Mr. —, if you go on that way much long er, Eternity will he hero and half through before you lint!' " What aro your theories for develop ing tho , e that attcfnd yourprayer-meetr ing and managing men ?" " I have no theories. One is to de velop in one way and anotherin anoth er, One man lack in Ihisand another in that: It must be a minister's con stant study to cultivate that which is feeble in men and to prune that over growth. As to managing men : I never see a man unless 1 think, Now how could I manage this man? lam like an engineer that can never pass a fort without thinking, How could I take that fort?" • "Do you 'make special preparation for, your pulpit ministrations,—that do you aim to make what you ee dur ing the week of special service to you on the Sabbath ?" " Well, no. I don't ask my, read or beef-what it is going to do for e when I cat it. They go into the stom en and arnmade into muscle ' add nel_ve and blood without my watching the process. So I read and see, without asking what my reading and seeing are going spec ially to do. I make my sermons in this way: When in the course of reading or thinking some subject outlines itself before me, specilly adapted to pulpit use; make memoranda of it, and put them in a drawer that I have. Then on Sabbath morning, about half an hour before service, I open this drawer and Cake them ail out and spread them all out and spread tlieui before me,:and choose the one for whichl am in the best mood to preach. At '6 o'clock in the afternoon, I do the same for my even ing sermon. This is not the bdst way, for a great many, but I have found it best suited for me, and every man must' determine for himself the modes through which he Can obtain the high est success." Subequently, i happened that Mr. Moody MIS prese! t at an examination, of candidates for admission to the Ply mouth Church of Brooklyn. Not being entirely - satisfied with it, and wishing to ascertain fully What were Mr. Beech er's views as to the requisites for admis sion to the church, he again catechised him.. Those who are interested in the two men will iind , occasion for at least it smile at ;the happy repartees of the Plymouth pastor. " Mr. Beecher;suPposo that I should conic here, a timid young man, scared nearly to death with the idea of being publicly examined before all the pro pie, what would yoino with me?" " I cannot conceive that you could possibly come here under the. circum stances." [Laughter.] " Well, it 1. should present myself for admission to your church, what would you do mlith tile 9" " I think we should have to take you ou probation for about six months."— [Luughtier.] It would take too much space to give the Con versa lion in detail; but It die;: ted .8,0 facts: that in the examiva-, ton of candidates, Mr. _Beecher is eminently tender w"h the timid, and MN ribt apt to spare those who are- formal; that his great purpose is to ascertain whether love to Christ has really ger.' t urinated; that h. does not approve of theater-going., wile drinking; etc.; but does not .alWayS reject those who in dulge in them, if he be satisfied that they are reallyjovers of Christ i trust ing that as his. 11)ve grows ancLstrength ens there may tome witlklt desires for . better things; fiat " if a - and of the church, whose antecedents were known, was born again, and laid • upon its threshhold on. the evening of its birth. we Would take it in without l waiting to see whether it, had vitality enough to keep from . being frozen to death if it remained out until morning-I,ml exper iment, iMwever, we should not like to try unleis Wo thoroughlYknow all the antecedents." Mr, Beecher closed by humorously saying : " After I get through, therc.is brother F. over there who has a set of questions lie always asks, and then there is another of. my deacons that has another Fet that he asks, and so on, and after we get alithrough, the chur h doers just what it, has a mind to," 1.:1 Better than the best of his serrno IS was this informal talk, which exhibit d in it no much of tender ess and anxiety ever that Christ 5,,0 hl bo found in men, and which pr.rAented. also, so strongly the desire ti at in Him all might bo saved. However loosely at times, he. may, in his platform utter ances, state his beliefs, of this We made sure, that Christ, and Christ only, was the central point of Mr. Beecher's the ology; and-when we 'left, we left wls4- ing that many years might still find the Plymouth pastor in luspulpjt.- • How THERMOMETERS ARE MADE. , - From ail article i a 'Our Young FOlks for February, we select the following: "What is this ?" said. Lawrence, picking up a, piece of glass' from the floor. "'lt looks like a broken ther mometer tube." " It is blown for one," Raid the gaffer. "Blown ?—so small ?" exclaimed Lawrence. " I can't lind• the holein it." " It has a holo=oebore, as we call it— of the usual size; but it is fiat.. That is to mahe a very little mercury look to .be a good deal. • Would 3ou like to see such,a tube made? Come here. Watch this man." With delight and curiosity, Lawrence watched. The MLitt was gathering a lump of.metal from one of the pots.— Ile blew it gently, and . shaped it on a marver, flattening it until it resembled in born and size th , fit nart of a sword- MIOMM=INM=I . " In flattening it," said the gaffer, / "he fl ttened the bubble of air he had blown nto it." Lawrence looked, and could . r e the bubble, aboat as broad as his lin„er,.extending through the glass. tglist, is to be the bore of the tiler 'Tted-rneter .hougl• . )1 itself it, i. irit .ieter—though of itsen i is now •larger than tWO or three thermometer to hes. Two little lumps were held by 'the mail and a boy ; then, •at a word of command, the boy shouldered his lion tee, like a very large staff - with a very small bundle on the end of it, and set out to travel. As lie ran in one direc ,•tion, into a workroom, the man backed off into the other, the glowing lump stretching between them like some ,miraculous kind of spruce gum. In a 'minute they were seventy or eighty feet apart, with a gleaming cord of glass, •st - nailer than a pipe -stem, sagging be- Itween them. This was presently low .lered, laid out at its full length upon the of the lump at the ends, when. a man cattle along, and stopping ; commenced cutting the long tube into twifoun lengths of about iive feet, and packing them together. into a narrow., long box. "'These," said the gaffer, "he-. sends to his shy in Boston—for ho is a ther mometelnuaker; there- they are cut up into tubes of the right length; an end of each one is melted and blown into a bulb—the tube itself serving as a very small blowing pipe."ro avoid e - ettinQ moisture into the bulb, instead of breath from the .mouth, air from a small iodia rubller bag 13 used. As the bag it squeezed at one cud the-,bulb swellr itt the other." • " Then how ir; the mercury put So small a bore.l" said Lawrence, try ing to line] it Wit't a pin point. • " The glass . heated, and that 'ex pands the air in it, and expels the great er part t.f it. ''_is the - air that is left cools and eoliirtietS, it Is made to suebfin the mercury. 'lO expel the Yea of the air, the , mereury is boiled in the tube.— When there is enough mercury in the tube to Till it, at as high a degree of tenipel - ature ft'i it is ever expected to go, the end is softened, bent over, and closed up. As the mercury cools and contracts, it leaves a vacua at the upper part of the tube." The custom of addressing "the be reaved relations" on funeral occasions is one that might perhaps be "more hon ored in the preach than the obseri'ance." Th !incident that follows shows that there are times when something may be said on both sides. An old fashioned minister was attending the last rites of one of the members of his church, when, after praising the virtues of the deceased, he turned to the afflicted husband and said : "My beloved bother, :von have been called to part with one of the best nud loveliest of wives." • tip rose the sorrow stricken husband interrupting the minister with : "Oh, no, pargon, not the best, bu :About middling—about middling!" • Could wo enforce any. better lesson upon the miffs of the., young than that whateVer is acquired by fraud, treach ery, and deceit never prospers, really? Apparent succesS is only the greater guarantee of the more terrible reverse, at last. Why? Ilecause false nets are out of the groove of Nature, and they must he rectified and straightened by Nature's Gud l at •the first opportunity. Every dellar made by the betrayal of our .te loNv men, carried an inevitable curse with it. Smit s h, you said you once offici ated in a ; no you menu by. that you preaehed ? " No sir ; .1 held the light for the 1 - nari that (lid." • "Ah the court understood you dif ferently. They supposed, thttt tote dis conrm. came t . 't No . rir, 1 only throwed a little light upon it.'' - "No levity. Mr. ,trnit Ir. Crier, wipe .your nose-, and call the 11,‘xt A white - nor met, a colored lad the other day, anti asked ;Wild what, he had suet) a short no:ze for. :Tevt.4 Lo I won't poi ;e itr'elf in other people's ;.‘winesq." it A gentleman, cm taldug . a volume to he bound, NV :,1S aqied if he would have it bound in Ens:Lia• " Rti Diu is too fur I Avill have it done here.' THE 111 MoDEsTv.—The mosi bash we7ever new was one who blushed \vim Ant was asked a I,he had not been eauiling sleep. . . A revenue ).ilieel. clnir).e4l ;co:1h with . 'orewitig heel: in OIL: aii;., .ecciiiii rns .saw a l'iatigar in goinj Oil, bOard W jib bops. • • " . • JOBBING - 1)E 6 ; A • 4')IIENT. . , The pr d t opTietors have stockehe ostablishcie with snew a varied assortment of I •• . . JOB AND CARD TYPE - AND FAST , PRESSES; and aro prepared to ex, auto neatliandpmmptly POSTERS, HANDBILLS, +M ABS;BILL - HEADS, CARDS, pAMP LETS, Ate., Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, s.kd a fall aszOrtmeni of Constables' and Zustioes' ITinks on band.. People Dying at a distance can depend= bay, ing their work done promptly and cent back in return mail. NO. I. t : We all 'know that the falUng of, any hody•frona any distancQ above the earth to the earth is eauwed by a power that philosophers have united In calling Gravitation—and. the rooks, the sons, the waters, and even ourselves are held to the earth by this power, whatever this power may he. It is clearly shown that the sun and - - - - all the planets, and fixed stars also pos sess this 'power, and that their power of gravitation acts upon the earth and tends to attract it towards them, the moon on account at' its greater proximi ty exercising the greatest, attraction. The law of this attraction, or gravita tion, is that .one body attracts another directly -in proportion to the mass of the ,attractinr , body and inversely in of to the) square ofthe distance of the two bodies froth each other or In ,other words—" Every particle of mat (ter attracts every other particle by a force proportional to the mass, and In versely as the square of the dlstauce." Without attempting to explain how the earth retains its place, or rather its cycle and resists as a body the attempts of other heavenly, bodies to draw it to themselves, wo can see that were this force of attraction which the earth fra a body exercises upon the various smaller bodies on its surface, removed or de stroyed, or were the - attraction of ' the heavenly bodies so increased as to op; erate on the stn.:ll'6e of the earth with greater force than that which the body of the earth itself exercises over those surface objects, they would bp at tracted from the earth to some • other planet or planets exorcising such great er attraction, or in other words, 'would falloff the earth.' Let me illustrate this force of gravi ation. I hold in my hand a horse-shoe mag net, and in one cup of these delicate brass scales, I place a needle weighing just three grains. In. the other cup I place two one grain weights, Tnow hold over the needle my - Magnet and no of ect is produced do the needle. I lower my magnet a little towards the 'needle and that end of the scales comes up so as just to balance the two grains, show ing the then weight of tho,-needie to be, two grains. Still holding the magnet in the same position, I take out one of, the grain weights, and the needle 'end of the scales , immediately goes 'doivn. I again lowe my magnet, and the nee dle end co es up, showing -that the needle now weighs one grain. I take out the one,._ rain and the needle end goes dewn,': I now lower my magnet .still further; the needle end of the scales domes up to a balance, showing that the needle nov weighs nothing. I lower the magnet still further when the nee dle leaves the scale cup and attaches It self to the magnet. This is a very neat experiment, which any one can repeat who has a magnet and the small brass scales with appro priate weights. Ido not mean 'to say by this that the attraction of gravita tion and the attraction of the magnet are identical. Another illustrative ex periment. I _take from the stove on this tin paper cutter some of_the light delicate 'wnite - ashes clinging still to the partly burnt coal. I turn over my tin, and the white ashes by the - force of gravitation fall to the table. I take this half - sheet of clean white note pa- Pr ,1 lay it on; the stove 'for a Moment tiff ' it - is warn,, then rub my wool coat sleeve. oi7er it two or three tim s briskly, then 'bring It within about on- Ina inch of, 1 ad over, the white ashe s , w hen the par ides of the same will in - 1 mediately, tease the table and attach themselves to the note paper, the eleb trical att .etion of the paper overcom ing the at raction of gravitation of the earth. I Again, lIal:e the same half' sheet of note Pape , warm it and rub It with my coat sleeve as before; the taking it by the corner between/the thumb and fete- Linger of ray left hand, I bring it with- - io two or three inches of.my right hand, when the lowest end of the paper im mediately advances and clings quite tenaciously to my right.band. • The paper need I not necessarily be a half sheet of note. In front of my ()face is a large Balm of Gilead tree which was set out thirty seven years ago when it was a small twig, and its bark is as smooth as the check of a young girl of twelve. It has gradually grown to be a very large tree, its bark is rough and grooved in to ranges of hill and valley and covered with moss and fungi and minute. 'ani malculte. Daily for thirty-seven yeart it has been crowding out its outer cov ering, growing rougher and rougher cp.-- cry year, and the debris of dead bark has been falling down to •the earth, till it has probably cast off . five - times its present bulk. As each *particle is forced out and dies, the attraction of cohesion gradually loss its grasp. pon it; it falls down by' the force of gravitation and beconaes t a part of the dead sub stance of the nin'th's outer covering: . The same May be said of all animal and vegetable life. It is continually casting off from its surface dead parti cles that were once alive, and formed part of the living body. It has been even said by physiohigists, that the hu man body entirely Sheds itself every seven years—that the skin, the flesh anti bones of the young boy will in sev en years be apart of the dead natter of the earth and for every particle t-cast off a newer anti firmer particle will be supplied. He has lost every particle of substance he had seven years ago and yet his identityis preserved. ~ Let us imagine that each animal and vegetable body is removed from all at tracting influences:other than its own. All these Particles that now fall to the earth under the influene6 of the earth's attraction,, would be retained on each body respectively, and form, like the broken up and comminuted rocks and soil on the surface of the earth, a secon dary covering proportionately ; RS deep as the secondary formations` of the globe we inhabit.. Human ingenuity, under such- circumstances , could not n vent'any plan to divest thq body of its dead exuvilt. It would cling to it ever like the shirt of Nessus. The earth having a. greater attract ing power within itself than any other planet has upon it, - or its surface, it necessarily retain upon itself all hod ie:s living or de:o.l. though otherwise unattached. I wish the reader to retain in his oleinory these illustrations and* 'princi ples for future use during this WECUS sion. J. .VMURV. Wellsboro, Feb. S, 18439. When Dr. Spring went to New H•- yen to get Prof. Stuart to go to And q •, ver, he called on Dr. Taylor with th' f salutations: " r have bome for Mos , . Stuart, we want Alien to become a pro fessor in our new seminary And0v,,,.." v ,,,.." ..--) ( 6 11 c„ltii,t. have him, , was the i } repl - -"he can't ho•spared." "I knoW i.la!," was tin.: response ; " that's the rL zi , m 1. have came for him. ' We-have a. plic.:lty of •-nn,, , n who van he spared ; but these men won't make good proles-, ser at Andover." The coat I 4 o<< OJ jlt reaper 3 have l‘eon (1(-crihed •as "a parcel of liolca tygethei." • [Fig tho Agitator.] . The Cailifttition 'of the Earth. NIT.‘.II3EU FOUR.