The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 03, 1869, Image 3
ii(irtzE WEDNESDA,y, FEE: 3, 1869: IQeiV: -A4trert in eMeint Important Spieee t Orphan's Conit Said-qrani3te Strang, - -Exeen4 tors, Dir4istry—k. 13. , 4aettnart,...' • Ce4ogii. &ee: . , Administrator's" Nation,-*Seirkte+,: of. Cheiteri Patddge. .„ > : . , Sewing Aftieldne...'-I‘..VlrigeTey, Agent. Photographe r -V. id, ...Spencer. I all's flair s~enewg Co. ; BINDING .-tWO are now piling - A :box' with magazines; &c., to,be boutz4nt:thii - Ehnira" Bindery. .'Nfe want to ClOto up and despatch that box this week--4ay Baturdely. "Hurry 'Up I :THE Dna; LA,*• -=-A •-jAiltion ttie I, • ' " -• repeal of the law forbidding the hunting of deer with dogs fn ShippCu, ttalrCei:addittir; thui:heorll rent to Oar Hepresentativei in liiii4isiturg. • -2" 1 PEp..13014141.1. Represexitativ€!• Niles, left titr 11'M:tatty.. morning, hayOg' been in •ationdonen uften 'the Conit -durlng 'rase , week. _lJarrieburs,and legislation 4 , 9 npi'lsemitt! to disagree with him in theienst. : • • COUNTY ',: . §TATBSENT.t-We : :p1:0 . 31113hi all but the coop!) , g , otiee report ;thia" - ,rituoer. , . That will.b4uhliehed iri the Wan sof_ . zieit it being too. voitu*notita that time we a:litat reviate-tlii,siab3eet.;44-;tonity!, finances, briefly, • - - • tiLitazg A. ROOT,. Esq.; : ktihe, own daily Ohampivi P;i44ls on a- ybit' , to his friends in . this. 'di age: Iliwßoot "is =as genial as ever,:is ny).dantlyvag94,44oki,v . ith the' world, and; - fortimis s ...rtrid-,haraly l shotis thai marksof rats desetliail his good fortune; and'44ll 'take pleaiuio in xecording the fact that the .fres : Preach one of' the "moat. pros-; pererweatablialanents in the State of Kansatc• MAGIC- Pox4sh:-41r. F. M. 'Butler, of Delmar, is thb proprietor of a lkingio Folish'for boots and shoes, , f 45 ihi-harriess. • From what we to judge,;tbe best polish in Use. Mr. Fuller deeoryes to mare something handsome out of it and we liope.:he may • do it. It is said to be water proof. NOTlCE.—:Metabeka of The ATribufle Club formed at this Ogle last •Fehruary_ will oblige by leavingAlseir snames with us immedi ately, if they want to remain , The Price - is $l.lO. We shall send off by February, 10th. Take par . • tinier notice. • - Those who want td subscribe for ,:the Weekly Philadelphia:Pr* can do eo at the • Shoo Store of Sears . 4:b 11)erbY in this village. Hurry up. PIitOSITA.BLE DAIRY.—Mr. Bateman Monroe, of \ Sallivan, hot year kept a dairy of 13 old cows anAB two-year-old heifers—equal to 15 head. From the milk of ; these cows ho tnado $lO4O worth of butter for Market, 'and from the buttermilk realisuid„ in • oalvea • and "pork, $135. Total.sll7s'e or $73.43 to each cow, counting the heifer)) as cols of full growth. "We do not know how this looks to other People, but to us it looks a:siftfr. Monroe kept no dead heads in his dairy last year, and managed it with great skill. We call that investing money at 0 toes cent, per month. If any other man in Tioga can show a clearer balance sheet for 1808 we are ready to help him beforo the public. • TEM LpaiBLAlrußE.l - ,-)grr Strang read in place a bill to correct a "Clerical error: in tho act relative:to.* eligibility of the officers 'of the Tioga R! A. Company, confirming the nets and proceeding!of the directors and managers'of said company. 1 - . . Mr. Wile'on; of Allegheny, called attention, to the feet that members' had franked heavy pack ages, the postage on 'which amounted to $5, and asked for the caseation of the practice` • The way to'stop-that sort of tiling is to expo' any member guilty of '!).: gt:Oss. a thoft •of the pablioMoneys. If blr. Wilson be true to the beet interes te of the oOminima'-ealth . name of the offending partiataliyt - they - may . be held up to publio acorn and reprobation.. LOON OCT rotc_ 44if :have re . _— re ceived the following lettor, wtrioh_ tells its own story : - , _ _ • . . " Will you pnblielk . th'o following for tho benefit of the clom!nunitY at jOrge? ,- . • " A,lighe coniplexioned colored man, calling himself "Wm Shorter," slini'hitilt, and about : 35 years 6f age, 'has: imposed. tupon.. the Baptist Church, and the eitisens in general, •on Troup's Creek. Ho represented :himself its a ".Baptiet licentiate, hailing from Virginia, arid- forinerly - ,ti slave. ,Ile is.passing through the country, r t iiii• ing means, as he says,, to educate. 'himselr at Oberlin - College, , 1 - 8ii.5"," In, preparation _for • the ministry. - He'raisid,,ltereitfour or live dollars. Calle himself a single man; we, have learned, however, that he has a wife not ar away. - This was proved by witnesses'wbb know him: He im. 1 . posed upon' tho people of Iva; 'ltoriaerlaville, and WoodhulLand - was alivo titled in the-Addison and corning papers. By a -vote of the Baptist thurohlere.this 'warning was'ordercd- to be pub lished, branding the fellolv, imptistor. _ - : `!.T. H. run, Cloth." il • Of course the publicuilvitiLdefentr , against this impostor. The bettor lan; is to -10 Inen• , earn their education,. tin .so- 'refuse - to :contribute money - for each p r urpotes. .A mau wlio begs hie way through college le - not tikto bo worth much to Churcheeoricomnsunity when he is_graduated. We regret that. any colored man should thee place new obstacles .in the path.of 'the difficult prpgresp of his race. But rascality., unlike legis latures, knows no - race or gaoler. Trn COURTS.---;; Among the cases tried and determined lust week the most. notable were Corn. vs. Lewis, assault and battery, deft.- pleaded guilty,. and was fined %10 and costs.- YS ' lteoln_Psi Istkers,.-nssault.- and-battery - defts fined and costs. Cont. 'ra: -Latimer; larceny, ectiuitted. Coin. vs. Kelly, larceny, deft. pleaded_ 'guilty and - sonieficel, Com. .vs. William Connolly, A. J. Smith, conspiracy to defraud creditors, trite bill, and settled on pay ment of costa. Same vs. D. C. Hart and' EdWin Dewey, same ()Fence, settled' by leave of • Court. Same vs. Edwin Dewey, perjury, nol. pros. Same John Barlow, malicious mischief; deft. ac quitted and costa divided between parties. Same vs. B. C. Hart, False Pretences rdeft. acquitted" and to pay costs. In the twitter of Phelps and rowers co;rpptly ipfluenolu votes, nol. pros. was entered on payment of coats by defts. In the matter of botels,,only three were licensed to sell intoxicating drinks; Of all that opposition in the county.. To the three licensed no opposition vas made. In every ease vbere - the people of the locality remonstraCed - , the Conti refused to i49f12 1 3, Itncl deserves, as it will 'receive, the thanks of the vast nWerity of the wall wishers of the race. The applications fot license in this village were all ,rejected, nn 'agreeable -surprise to many friends of the cause of good order. Considerable excitement reigned in our usually quiet streets during tho week. growing out of, the : return by the constable of the upper DreeStores for selling liquor without license. Nearly two doyen witnesecs were subpoenaed and, secured, , bat as many more -fled the' constable( and - re- • ruined in hiding until the platters ,tvero die• posed of. The evidence, 'we learn, before • the Grand Jury,Ny positive and abundant, and the hiding of the attics alluded to was, an open, confession of guilt. Thetarind.:Jury, however, while freely admitting that the parties were guilty of numerous yiplatippirifftlie I,, refused . to find true bills; on the ground, chiefly; that the law is a bad one. 'We mai the attention of Attor ney General BreWster to" this-•verdiet, and beg Min to send all doubtful loss to this county, where we fill the jury wheel 'With 'Con t titutienel lawyers. ,We suppose that , this-- ion!;.of 'liege Grand Jury repeals thblaW3filthat ecerj~ philanthropist may now engage in - theriritittit work of debauchingmen and 'boys with impunity The friends of- thiti - i.ort at lawbreaking tied a .ItlbPatipp over the result, !lean That- was P5 B very Three each victories would, to then; a inest -.disastrous . defelt. However, they are their own heeperA, - and tunizt, upon the bed they make. The result was pot a -disap pointment to most of the felon - de of teniperidee hereabout, but was taiceseu and 7 ' ,?9 21 40.0 11 not it • lifilleWlPliere, hooeine ineandeseent, and finally iesolyed . into its con,. stituent gases,?„, TheitTeatc,thnnz,is„ that at one period, . 'anima onions ,of. years ago, this' earth•waiintfett smaller than'it' is, newt and extremely dark and C01d... /is the' swept ori,'it is said, the earth passed, as t 6 12 9vt Passes, through vast spices filled „with' meteors,' Wllieb4oming in contact With themarth,,teolt fire . and fell ,in - fishes np,en. t iitt. c /4"4- utt!.Y? Thus, tht3 09;AqIiToit'ailtiota As , it grew became witrater:on4 Waytier-; and as it goes', on in this proe'siiii of growth by meteoric mere: - lion, is dating:A.4ln bepome too hot - for notra.ate; nature, :4 1 i0 1 .Y. ; ..- 1 ) 0ae, in saioF,..,xya ; Op, earth-..ex..ekvoa,...xnany, tons'iseineteetlirdefit 'every '''Yeat - alitinYio be' agreed by all through which the earth whirls .In AO, annual journey around'tho sun, = and' theii i tither, undefined, and awful space through - which it, and the whole solar: r eystern, ifftriveling f, ooemlbid idatteti - whieVis lbaida - upon the a ndlilitnets; life:thnniy* to o`: . fon" ens prehension as well i vy r not l yerr,piesenring to, thoseloWn'lliefiona oipeok Jct., live a few! millions of-Ydainieng«4: l7 . • ' - -We have introilieed ibis novel .subject as a: peg upon which tj .. ) han a ,short.,.sermsupoil; money; 7orile: - .Fto l Tbcorroyri trouble: There aroiii the world "many people,who, like Dr, Curaraingo, ara,lOcikhigioriiC:7 , ,ending .tif things' terreatrlal tt i Ontlonfiagration.-7 Times tindiefuniiis'have 'been named for tho grand affair to•coniti off;, even the day, and the lunar of the dab kavo.beert iguned by think?' bar-; pitert:at trouble; 'ZIT ell Ali 'lkitiiitattionii.:i; ) lie ready for the eerningq 411,71 . 40 .wrath had boon' directed to ,Ingraltkthlvd*Morii. , life prnotiotil Christianity, what . a grand stride the world would, hare made t.. Tied all the , logic expended by the ,Qumnaings School titoorillegintlinistnpen'the catlike of 'sacred and piefane history;•been'tlf reoted to the work of demonstrating the necessity of .. right living and thinking, what a . grand achlovemeofor ptuil,nilght hate been.. We tiro not to trouble our heads' shout disasters in the far-off Suture:: to live ' { cell to=dd to - ;in - ireValrriVelf; ;4;4, kteithr fire nor ".water, nor. atom <aor cartheinakol,gee,d have 'terrors for us. Why not believe what is manifest to almost everybody who tithes ttoublo to think five minutear-that _when a,' man is fit to live he is readifortiny emergency ?' Can the fact be gall:tiara ? We, 0114 T!*:;: . ?Zaicei''.ottre : of to-day, liii.adOording to the light vouchsafed" tb you, and thele-rnorrows . zwill takti*.*lira - of solves. `No tilan.,nlsW belied;tha"day when. 4 .fthe World will gfOiv *ince On' oVetii" ., :' At least, it is not at all likely that ‘ ev_ent is very near to ne. - But - - every' tneri l 'innd' live th'it such an event can no terrorers Whether by' fire or , 'flocid, - ,or„by - other thcans - ;the visible world, to any Man; ought pot to matter,,, tihake off the-. selfish nese which ie the Mahler" of the borrower of troubles of ,thatsort,.ancl bide you's' !=p - ..,:,x,ti0 Ito 4 of the woman who friitted and cried cause, iritiniii-she thight4eltlin itirletlktind have a daughtor, -- *ltioh:,:ffairghterr. might itiarry, and have a'ohtid, ebild mightbo playing near the oven, and the door thereof might ;fall upon, and kill the suppositious' story might be kept• in, mind by many people with marked prOlit. Whether the earth is thing,of ;meteoric accretion, 'which - shall some day 405 p lire and yea:dila or whether any other fate+ bo in . store for it; makes no manner - of difference _to 'anybody. Attend to present duty and leave tl)e 'remote po4ible to take care.of • r ") --The other" day kmad dog anpearO4 =in the istrects'of Cincinnati .and is said to h`re - Mace fifteen men and thirty dogs before hisres" ditr. patched: Hundreds -of joined in tTie - Chase. _ Th'Ct l / 2 3 - is scarcely a i,town- in the United tatei3 where..worse. than mad dogi is not itirinitted . to inierilie .very henseia, 441. estab Nib Itself as a part'of the Sanity: We tllltitle to ,TnfpriperanA ivhich not only bites its iietfins body but in soul: In Cincinnati, 'ler-% exampfc,no :doubt fiVe: - - thousand people are bitten by wizisity-Oier.4lllsyt‘ 4otl:uisitalYTTl•" 4'!..4""'; Y ll2lB. q B " it rT, 'Sllet,iizsdout t h eir places of businerts; the monster. 'Hydrophobia is tisi . tbati delirium tremens, but mote; rare. gver t Min burns to hunt-the rabid dog %to ifs death; but bow many of these same men . believet it I.roug , to authorize same other man to sow •tlie, TaVidt4* delirium tremens at 600 per cent. prottt? ~t Pis strange such difference there should bei7;&: roseAy any other name does not.smell;'9o wecif,) you The question is still itp for.disonss,-; ion. Mat dog, or rotgut l Which . ? is Troy District Quarter]sr • . - Cliettleeton - ,-;,Feb, 27, 28. . Tioga, - " M. Waken, '§upply, • tvening April 18th, W. Coohran....- Canton, March, 0, 7. ' tfurlingtorii, ; W-._,Stathum, Sup. Ere riing April 0111, • Blo,saburg;Airirch'; 13, 1 tit; 4 • Troy, -.J7 - 11;:,33.ettua, Sup. Westfieldr- ) -.20;41.2 • Fariningt6t; Sup. Evo ntng 21 at, - • • ißrookfieldi-AlAroli, 27, 28, i West Chat.litun, ."' I, Ivorctt Sup. ErQ Ding -28tbr-W7-Cocrirritrr----""-"—"*'' i Spring4old„Ap,4l, 3, 4 ~c 0 0' MAiiisbufg Cranc. . ETiq tang 4th,l/L.Chatiren .•‘: ‘, ' Ul9ter,l ' 10, 11: "•`:. ". , East Kvaittifiold, Jablapt),', 17;18... , • • ' •: ;•,• " W. M. Haskell; Sup. Dl:whore, llpril, 24;25. 'L.. Corners' " n It. Hinman, Sup. Evc-, ning 25, W ' Cochran. .Porksville,May, 1 ,2, Menfooton, - Wellsboro, Pino-,Creek, ^ 0. Wearer,- Sop. Evening 9, 'W Cochran. ; - • .. 15, H. 'Towanda, • it • - It - is desired that the reguittr, hours at • every Quarterly Meeting should be maintained. except, by, special arrangement, viz: Sermon, 'Scar:May; at 2. P. M. followed ia,,quarterlyMonferunoe v and meeting in the evening; Leveret:et -SundnY.•_ 9 : - A. M. Sermon ' 10 1.14. M. followed' by Stfsraliient. At, these hours I may be expected at the places just namedwith eaoh date. Where no supplied are named the pastors will obtain if thOidestre. Where I am not present at • the ,qtfarterly Con ference I design to visit and preaoh stnno Sunday, or 'other evening during-the 4uarter. WESLEY • COCHRAN, P. E. COVINCITON Borto:- . -" By-the etin'ual statement of receipts and exlenditeres, if is found that the Ilgro critirely out siobt; with assets exceeding ' one iitiadrod dollars. ,This_ statement only.applica, to the Bore. Government. The school board is considerably in . debt, for the new aehool house; , . , ..•, . • " Covington Lodge, No. 274, I. 0. of 0. T, hay si<oned a• contract with 'Jcis. , llarnen, a'rcliteat and tinilder, foe the erection of a now hall, on, their lot, on -Main -stmt.: .The two storied in ht . ot; 2soo' feet. Tl2O room on the ground floor la intended for fi. town hall, and i 3 a long ,needed necessity.. The bniidir4 is to be'put up and finished ,the coming . summer and full. " Tho friends of Rev. G. P. Watrous; - pastor-of the Baptist Church; gave him a dOnatioil at the house of T. D. Putman, ma Wednesday evening. Jan. 20. It was very fully attended;, the.met result was abOut $95 Mr. W. intends removing West in the• spring. He will carry with • him ilia , good wifhO's of the majority of our citizens: • "The Quarterly election of OovinktOn'.l6dge I. 0. of G. T, was held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 26, when the following officers were ejected: N. T. Iloltnon,'W: o.,•lsabell '1"-Dyer,`Wt , Anna- Meeker, aec'y, David H. Mclntyre, Treas. _The members of the organititiOn are. preparing an entertainment to:lake plaoeonjnesday:,evetting, Feb: 18, 4869; to consist. ,plays; charades, 4ingin6, &c. For", partivulars, refer to thu hereafter.. _ • • ' "A donation for tfcq 1 - , ldnerie of "A`Ol7,'Nt. 33E10, was held at-the tinnie r 1%.1 Al64 4 4.;i'Weldlie§(kikY evening, Jap. 27th, a Ittitie, rtim 4r,prFlqnt; ..., 7 414 the resiult " ' - COantaPONDntrr, or— „_ Thp Musical 'Cbavontion:. Allow .rao to •say a woid to your readers in regard , to tho Musical Convention{ vertised to, be held in this place neat' inanth, have known Prof. Johnson, toncitian, for_ the past 12 t!r 14 years, anti.havo lapal the : !Ire of attendint rsointiA L lp l i d to n iention, l ,.. At e _ received tits musical ,n,titietition prineipally in Germany, and has added . to his' • ttliisidli culture, long years 'of o4perientd - as te7acti - or: ( OV4eiii 04110 la ,tkis country. no •is glad' aulhothoF 03reria of the moskipopolar • church -tune, hooks', In me, pod'itsiwp as we hsve oeouvedittatvietr o f vainaat teAK or wallas:oNa ask that; fiats :county rally at thla placo 0,4,,the." 25th of Fobraalylasti and we will, haw? a mueicalfoist. ; • r board at;. nalfonabld Taut w , ll ded for thou) frt1a1.;a 1 1&1h , 41141e:,.7,. H. • difiCcif the Conimittee. JECANLESTON,.4I:II43I3 : ififi obliged to "E. 13.," following ,report t•lg Ott;gatuyday 4 'eveningilitbie,2fi,ViCtifiKiif VadtliegGlPOt*k Itt.teler -31.41kki.Uon the Mb ilklicAtfai:ii •Jcl ~aettlemeataag:c the benefit of-theillibbisitilla ' 'oritt`thit place. ; The : programme,, decl apt Won dialogues •charm* Aq• - e 6 tiotintiolf ; WittliAltoitgAtti l * -1 0, - ADV9Dt' l 4, n t%i -elation none theliorfoltAymesacquldilii:;934o thltiriftellicteit weictfilvotilpaPY!,totkoiftwpiii Scholars of the School. Lovers ettbo'd 'Maks were gratified.- ThP pinging • was excellent. ': Thp: comic pieces webi`dspebially sticcessful, keeping ! I the audience,AyogoooAuther, Anfing. the entire, evening. A. deolamation—"Our Fallon Herpee7- 7 1 by MriPtcloy,ty EdWardsi,watedelkirprbdltt:ii ae tglY.meduer; ellotingitonxkirof applikite.gottAbei Whole, our friend ; the youthful hut, efrielpr.Sa.; ItiomEis )1 - f9e/ •%prind.'•othiseettitielal'•''Thit 'ate - brim:Mewl( beyond OxiMotation. Not Only the seati,lnkth`o, aisles aptthe gallerplwera,:,llkled:l''PAty , good, order was - dbaerpod; thefearo 'll - ways a few ,trko °collider, i a # l4e4tot of .dbiolpl/na, So 2 2botitive• ID.YDIDt°O 7 R-nit'AittlißYCHlA.S**HAßko)i upset ilitiatolie'lbiktit 'keit* Aw.000440' home with has mother i iing hand; sumo:-According to •annouricemen,„ 'the money , wUI kp ilse4 Ikt,pugPluTeldirbOOk - sTir 'the nievitywitliivklyli k ellizerks ; tyrtivW4 tells u 33 thqeopla 'PrObO a leitpl3 s,,pkirosaate the Bun duy Beiloefeciutio; tiler setiOPielrolteto the example, and britehliaienerkill> Savo. more good books to:ruid, and tbp.!:ipippourolion . will grow up wlselidd- better." ' „, A .Jvoi, s'v 4tectreetabaniagra - 4114 - allaimro' 41,44 4'94,0#/09 4 Itacatai7 - I.l = Vainitiet,” A. 3. Duryea, Samuel Ethalla 114, Wpi,l_rclanap i .B_. A. PiataroXilial 44,4 m etitoladik Love. JaiNP4" Mra. 31. Manning, Pratipriakt ißcbartaon - Hon. Julius Shorivood, Sila- Laura Smith, W B. Smith.2,,Q; Terrelli,-D4).lriva. Ilari7111:t ~ Waid`- 2 - S tuah!. jiadoula sb'olyo:iiersons '4lll .atilk for . ; advartiatal t - ; i ai. fe,tt7 ' !‘: • :lEr; r'"'„‘ , l:e ‘.l . 114 givorkl ' To 'oooo7, I)l.,riviro4ot• 7 Withithe - Ptiblishors,:ww,will sell until further-Oro:4 the:knowing Books at Introdue tory itrioos : 4 Tk%ZTAgOnM,:.ltiaderg, Ana arara arsi gooirapys. T - in Davies'Aicittimeties.-: r• .r t • • t All other enobl Used in ilia County will bo sold at Publisher's lows* rates, and sent, by mail or otherwise to Order. . _ itv.ou..Y.op4 &Oo Wellaboro, - Jan.lZr 'HMO ' • - -1 The lafgest, best ;ind. cheapest -assort ment of frames over Wrought into Tiogti, CObnty, with large tricturosirf cyory 'iv,* to titlitco,.nd card photograph it at $1,50, par dozi'. all: going fast at Frank SpOncer's Artlttilpry, Mansficd, Pa. Dec. 25—tf. Seiliig Ma 1 ! 1 IN4b o fo; • di? ,I±otElt, MARRIAGES. SAMPLE—LOCY.—At • Keeneyvilloi • Jan. 24 1849, :Keeney; Esq.; Mr. Jerbina Sample Looy, all of 'Middlebury, Pa. . DERRY---:ROWLEE: —ln Tioga r _ Pa., -Dm: ZIA11;181:13; l ev.'"o. Otis Thatcher, Mr. RanhYu fferry, of Columbia, Pa., and 111138. Sarah Row 'BIfAIV.::—POWELL.—In South Bodes, Wayne ,Co., N. Y., by Rev. John Pofrull, John E. Shaw, Farmington, Pa., to Miss Emma J. powellyof John who styles hiraself"Witnesi, has got 'bird bit .bas. "cage" to put her. i,n,..,,50m0 . one must necolithdafe hini. or he 'will have to geto Potter Co., and .redeem his twenty Dye tiollarflt 13NIIT11;-:-P2AILTit Dltinth d , ':Deo." 30431 ;1868, by the Rev. W. Bella, Mr. Bolden A. of. .cogrk. - ) 7 and. : :ltliss,.-AticAe,E.,Relpsib, of • 4.-- "'" uz.crd-411471:5 1 1 .7 -, -, B a7z d.onA 17(112' TforOCO - iteep, Of Lawrence, Pa., and Della Felts of 144144burtl Ter. 'DEATHS. TILATER,--Died- of -searlet-inrer, --- LaMbli Creek i po ‘ the„...94thi, .inst.i only, rotaile.'pf Oulintis'andl Alinti.2llza ThaySi, ag,ed five jetirs three months and fifteen days. So fades thedavely,blabtaitigAixtet; Fair smiling iolaeoof an hour. SPECIA.LrgbTIPES. ki GENEIiAL AGtNgy, Foe SE wnra WILCOX & GIBBS Ar,i4hino qbit; . SWhiffed L'oi* Slit Singta Throad Machino,, 11:!.nufe.oteredi ' sr4 l x's New Ltinfoily‘' , ..ndd'-• Aliatifeetttririg-111ablittfes; with all the late ireproyeleeptinArl i e Binger Co. 'sold in tha year VTrbdre n i) ffirty-lwo thousand - .Machines, being several thousandth advance. of i radvance of any other lgaehine Nanufattuyod. ; • The lt dertii r Y e• S ketch in eq- the only ehealy Machine that makes the Look Stitob. Will be hi at $22; for bandAritiehineour4l,at $35, with tO)le and treadle: 'Orders fakon for the Amori- Can FamilylCnitting Machine. , . GEO. 0. BOWEN, Agent. justollieer below the Towntoted betO,lia':,' Doe. 'l6 '1888: " - - HALL'S ',GETABLE I SIOUAN, r HA ..ZNEWZB ITS EFFECTS IS ' MIRACULOUS. , It is diiiirfeet and "Wandorfal article: Cure's' baldness. Makes hair grow. A b'etter dressing than any ' or-',poinatutuM SettenOtreeh,,, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Sillcon Tresses. But, above ull, the great wonder is the rapidity with which it restores GRAY HAIR _lO ITS ORIGINAL''Cdc.OR. : Thd whitest and worst looking bliferoinines its youthful beauty by its use, It does not dyp.the. hair, burstriliesat the root:and - fills it with.nqw life and coloring - matter. - ' .I_. - The first application Will'do.gOod; ionWill t see the NATURAL COLOR' retarniig every day, and -- BEFORE . YOll WOW., IT,, the old, gray, tliseolared Arinearanee of the bair will by gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and. 'beautiful to ifs. , - . • Als ter Hall's Sicilian flair Reeewer l no oth.. ter'artiele is at all like it in effect, - i,..See,that,each ; hottle has .our private. Govern. ~iuent Stamp overlthe flip of ,the bottle. All oth; 9rB oy:6y,fl!itatiqn . t. , . , , R. P. CO., Nashua, N. .Proprietors. ••. • " For sale by-all,Druggiste. Jan; 4!39. °A6 ,:,304411i;361110. of that elegant , now styDle id ph o tiw ß p4.• to tte tiaci for 01,fta per ffiz.;Gallpri? • • BinP°l l eld, B, (862. - • - Feb.,„ 6 , 1 ,, y'ilk-keisti.gll.6l,',- - r• oTs.:toffipeoll -.G . twuba pin:Alex:at ••paintedi, ebb tcf`s6loer 'run iso all kihcht Cash • :Wilt deliver Fltioritn+l -ree!l 'at iir?viCtirjto-- ' ' 1 " . ,t4;IIODGMATI,A - CrO .„„."` • • • • • :grNnted, to the - OndifsideOd itioon 'the estnte of 'Chester tri clg lato -pi: 'Charleston shiPt i decoafed, all per.O - rir fridel,te.4 to 'BM - 41'p - stale, or el r . t oF.t themtme will 'rot tlo - Cabinet Card Photognapits; , ‘ O 4 411 grtdrattliks;Viftliiiiit rti)pet . at 'Sjidtitor's atattellold, Feb. 8,1889. ' „ X-FTV 4DYRBT-T4RaIBIVTa MI •--e• IN BE `i . Por.ftanneiit ;it a 'certain at the , 'changes' of the an - it broad. medicine, like an honest:mat h sooil makes a reputation of it,L4 4 90t,VAick592 1 04 , A,14 4V140 1 0f , :cartiol. Zfio so_sphiiie SALUTIPER are attoay.? ready to spea, k - s of its virtue at, the 4r-iat,PeOiatiferayty*Wilto,:ffrtiifes' Spfaina, Buiws, Qti,ittay; Orbiti2; Neuralpia, and Rhiumcctipn.- •".,7• „pßtep4to#kris, SOLD AT EVERY DRUG STORE., r, y:.; .6 0 : - 4k - . IT NENE , T s .t f i 9 ,t , •,:, - ~. ; IN BANKRUPTCY —Ths , ef to ;1, give notioo That on . tho 4th .ay of Jan., A. R. 1808, i P a Frarrpn in Rank r upcy wakissuakegainot the estata4 ' . l . .4'l'.?li r li nnel, 4of Weljsb l ito, to tho Don ny of 'toga, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudgekt a BeitltrnPt on, hip ; .own vatitiertrthit itii paym entorany - debts dna. del livery of any properti belonging to cinch Bank rupt to,him opfor 4 pl,l3.luse, and,the trapef,er Of any propertfbY him artrfOtbidden - by law ~•• that a mooting of the creditois of said Ddnicrupt .to ployo , their ilobts t mad i (*omit& rot cr,,,..Moic Asisiglibeli will bo hail a t i a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the ofiltie of P. E. Staith. in Tio. ga, county of Ticiga,,andlitato of Pennsylvania, before F.: E. Smith, Register, on the,2oth day'of Feb., a; b: 18 ; 69, at 10 o'olook, , A. ft ....,. ,- L - 4., -,: • '...z 0- TROMAS. - !A.% Rip LEY, ....-' - -' ::'! :f = , rIJ:T/Kliffi *filial Westain Dist, pii.. ', .:,---, 3 ; T. D. Ciititloir; Detity. Jan. 18, 186W.i, ''` - -.- -' , •.:" ' : In B: ukruptt y. . • HIS is to give notice :. That on the alk u day of - December A. D4 : 1868, a warrant in B ankruptcy _ was issued ; agab3st the estate.of Janiejs 11, Wilson, of Riobmond, in,the county of Tioga,"Rid State ofPonneylvaniaiwba bail been, adjudged a Bankinpt on his own pbtltion ; .that the payMent Of an debts and delivery of any property belongingito such bankrupt, to him, or for his use,and the' transfer of any property by him aro forbidden by law : that a meefing of the Creditors of tbo sal,/ Bankrupt , : to prove their debts; aid' fcciihopee nein' =taro Assigneetuf bill olt a to,' Wlll bo . held 'ist the aOurt .of,Bankruptoy,, to be boldethit 'the office of F. B. &nab, in the Boro of Tioge, Pa., before F E Smith, Register, on the 20th day of February, A D 1869, at 10 o'clock A. 61. I - TIIIMIAS:A...Iiii*Lir, • :,.1.17,' 0. Maarshal Western Dikriet, Pa: San"l.B, 'B9. re: DAVID CAMERON, Dep'y. OrPhc(l3e Coup Sate. N pursuance order of L.the, Orphans 'Court of Tioga„County,•dated-7thvDocemv ber-1868, tho Uagereignech - Admirntatiatoi•of • the Estate of Robert Martin, late of saleetainty, deceased, will, on Wecleasday the 8a _day•.of Febinitr7i , ' 1669; at ••Court •fintise . pi, Wells bord'oit' one "iii i erocit:P. M., extiele tikA sale' the following described real, emptO, late prop erty of said decedenist-'-all'tliat'lta"Offamt. ‘sitaritoln — DislbWe l - T - 60hilliiilairiliVeiiiiitt3r of , 'Troia -did-' , state- 'of. Pitt /30E111i:deg 'at a beech. lipo. of land'e „lete,of Josiah' Erews ter—thehoe 'l3Y , `.* of the '. ' said Jonab litemitor ,Rest, cede; to a hoxislOok, corset of lands her_etyfore ownod•byWilliam 8.:.1311.1 , Ted s, pcFf by.'Weir ;Bache; west 70 - rode tO post, `MOW* by jambs formerly ot:Eamuel-Dliskinstiti, : litorthi re de,lo: the- place of beg itsoitioonbittibik 24*41Ores. i•Terme 4011 N. ENGLISH, ; • Jan • 13;1869. 4 4R: ' All t er. 7i • •• .0r.••• MOB : ~1, . . = -i.• - Istive• ,- .•:::•,:irio -- •: • ,• •;,; , "1 , - ,, ,• - `i. ni t>r c , ' , :•• •-••• • r•• •••: - .. , ., 11 I, • • '.' , E , .,7 -.1- 1.0 . 3.. , • '',' "f; "..•"! V 1.1:, ;,, 4 ,. L , ._ ~j '' t , '." ' • : :!, ; 1 T . '; , '‘' ' --. 1 ' ' I- ' ; -,-.^...- '•,l`:, cl: -:- .i.i • - -,-- ,*,: ~---- : - i - r —; , .:0:. • ..t , 1..: , .0.;_. ,:..),' , ::B.topY; ytait--f& ODS go T 1 BALDWIN ‘dF t j' . • • Eta EMI JrcidA;"i.A - : 111 t . I!'4, • ... 4 t, \ go ' FRENou,42i:dglirtio,- ,bit,G4NritEA: • P,X4lT.tis; VPIPAILES,I3LAOR • • AND , OOIIOIqTY:3II O 4.I3,' . • • =1 ALSO;, litlBl-1 AND PRENPIA r0g1,1140, SHAWL AND: CLOAK ,VEPADIr 7 . "..BIENT,,COMPLET4 TROtiliNGS, ! :LO'rg YANKEE; NO; VICiNSO4IOOP'ISKIRTS;s-- - BAE . • • -NOREL-SKIATB OPERA- ;:- FLANNELS; 0.01 SETS;'.- ECOIESTIOS: • ~' A fresh lot of ,REA:Di4IADt . Cloths and Ciu3Hil i inaeres Tailor to , t.and - ' Boots ud Shoes, JUTS AND " CAPP; STRAW, °GfODDS, OROOKElq; WOODEN WARE, HARD. W .SE,,SHEI.P HARD WARK, ' , NAHA IRON, - -P.LT, LIME, P ASTER, PORK, FLOUR I Lune,' C 'yitga Plcister, &o. • ..: • , G RI) C SR - LE S' - , -,... - • - ,1 - IT .4r ' • the most , bomplet littee_ . ., on'ean find, such as TEAS. We aro of ten,drOceitS and know theca 411 be-geod4't :_ ' "' -: . , 11' , , ' 44 i _ • -'• i-- ,-," -.., 1; "71, :.,`.' 1: -:'l' .., ..) '• - SAA ‘ Q4,. , 0,, .W)M§SES; Free' .i - • Ala 44sko; Bail,sr Tui:ifind - pa,ili; Butter sold on. oOm. . ailesion:o v Oliiii . gors -,fOr Ilandliniip hut. would like a em'ait tHirlion i of Atik, motley, yo ii get ip. ie. •I'll'n,',tllit:Alitau!'.-P4PPIi suit., : ,',' • t ' .';:— •PAIIME - 11 : 5: 2 ,T00L54 , . r • , , , t "7'.' . . - ' - il:» - '.• j'' . ' ' All kinds and supokioy aurally. : , ...,-..r.' - . .. T , .." I t,._f you . - dp.n't fail ,to,, try.,opr.a, 7 - 7 1 , want igodir) : i . , r :•,:Wo i war!aitt il l ...,,- - =;: • " „O ap N Ptc)DV . E .. • . . •talieri itl °Actin pqo fcirr,:ficocAP.,,,*4•-•pripecci ti yet rglii 048 reap4nobj,V,! and lot:Live #1,1,4 coiitittir-,oniy.ono price.-: - ;,..quakpeld•ler'plodtiori. „. • 1 110E6, Pat, Noi„ =ME IMS rARD ENE -7-"! v, 1.." • , -,,, ,‘"? a , '.• i iti : :.'; - -!,:. ' ' 4. i i i -- 'I . :. 1-: L ix - 1•1;:,14 ININS ME - ` u. Ant.„ -,-.‘ mostloon• IiEMINI Min MS EMES=II L.lfALß*.itt 21,1808. REGULATOR. STORE! , .17'1' . •'• '••••• " • • ^' - :0-.r- ' I. -,. i: - ' : :'a.1.1':1!.; .)-..- ;: - 1 - !e:H}.`;"l. i!, 1,, 4 ,, -_, .; ~ . . 4 , Aiir /NG imsciinged thelentlro stock former- { s ly.ouropft by ; IL Goff; we... , vioullannounce. to ttio pecitvlo of Tloga County that wo have Just' reeorvo.d afulLassortntei opt - ,: -:: t _l7 - ',‘ • - 1 SEAONABLg 10011 S '7;l lIfT; r...t tt)ilgiiiafteiVreo‘ , ea rke npr coo, and we invite ',iiboitpfireniate good bargains, to give as a call. We sball,continualiv known, ,fail 'stock s .44 FA 0 i,tt-.I" „ • Ty. gaLUREM 11 0 1121 ND j. : {.~~, }. ~'..~✓,. .'.r ~ £._ter+'. SILK ;GOODS, 'WHITE GOODS, , •, , : OCOtCIIr33I* Co t Pic.' , , • • . .3 ••; . : - ‘3 ;1y . 9.14..P1, AND. ,PA.ISLPY 'SHAWLS ; MIER_ NOTIONS; '- • ,OTs -, -., - A,NO :2-SHOES, GROCERIES, • CROCKERY; moo. You have 014' to loot thropgh our stock to satisfy yourseltes; that'sra are selling , Cheaper Tian the Cheapest." • , Country Morohantrinpfillatt small advattoo from Now York Cost. I' 11 0 • - • • NEWELL OWEN. • The , -Battle has 'been 1 AND VICTORY W0N . ...' O.OLIAS high in quality andl i oW n' pike haled' ~ clarijoct she day, and-herea ft er ill too found ready and willing fOr active and efficient iser!vtoe in behalf of all thoao who will call atid eve iliidr i , . orders at -- ,, • -, t 11' *l4:lsrAin & 7.'S, TIQGA; PA'. Oktbb Dry Good's aide wo hitve cp_TplptqAud,awrtmont.of--Paltand Winter- ME MEI MB Gooros, Good tank of 1* :flannels, snug, ns,it us ma, De Idt - us, and Dress Goods, ' , • . • -, • .a;:irtiat - variety at 3tAbil2h NOTIONS, with ishloh - to fill, in and trim up. We would 'call special attention to our assortment of. with vices whioh wo:1:now will compare fitvoro hly with pricoo of the soap go.otto,boforo thii war. • • ' — l3ootß find Shoes, .; ,• which have boon made to order from Rerfoot stoo., with warrantee;} Warkidady, to be aboWn an fitted .451 4 8 04m0r5' 'Ptak Grocery - stdck in °ludas, Pour Pork, Fisk, Salt,. Sugars, Teas, Cof. , fee Rice, Syrup, Molasses, (C.c., (Cc., fI 1 Thou (muses tho WOOD] N WARE,'-such as !tubs; . Wash ..ljoards,: 3 Atop_ Sticks,' Sugar, Boxes and Palls,' together;with numerous _other. Moods, such as Crockery, Glass-ware, Btono-Waro, Aso., which we will always be glad' to show and risk the selling after ,tho goad axe coon and Pict mined. ;: • ' • ' Tioga, 00..10,14308. Grefit :Bargai.ns \ - For all who call at \ _ Nilson &,Tan.Valkenburg ) s \ - ' • ,N . 2 Tier .Block. in e hue rinops, !ss Cloths,'Bea. yor Sa kings o , Iseriptions, • Poplins or an colors. DtLAINES & 'PRINTS, ALE STYLES, FACTORY'S; AO - ED AND UNBLE49ELEDAUSLINS. • , - 3. 9f every discriiiion, 1)11,:Sld ift and .13TITT9A10, of,Al tha,largest and • 'ct 1 ,41 1 . 13 ,q.! 1 1 1 l9rtknett.i'cti • .. REIDY MADE CLOTIIING r ._ .. 1_ : .. dye; b;onglat into Tio'g Ckityik., - ,," .1 .'l, .Ininzitiei• • ' thtr ifilali'd;" - iodl . 3a '— belay.° proilasing., ~ .. ,__.. ~, Yiib avo klatio asaurtp ea of . - 4;t4lnta' l'ittntalv. '- itt - .GoOd'B, - contliatini%i ~. - • '' ~:-.[:( r. t''''.)•:.,"l: z- •-- Drawers, Under-gthirts, Flannel Shlvts-,-; Ruelc,Blee,v'e,i; nit& :Mittens, Clot ing er spvpv , dcreCrijtiou• • • • - , : 4 1 414,rantnreil'tccanir. , - • EMI Illatikfttffaiitoiltiatfonago, Aiy strict atl. icAtioti tifbixilinems we hope to 4bare a continua . ancp, of the tame. , - UMW WILSON & VAN VALKEN,Bititet,. , 1 7 1"RATIE14:olia "ptko( tolisawter Baba, at Deo. 2$ 1808. • 1 4 1 01148 A PARIVORie. .' li:~ rj`r?;':; 'ti • .1 Hats arid - Otitis; WICKIJAM ,t FARR. Oiti•&:"Vvit t oiti'r: - E4Ati IN -,i'po.pTG.., I{''~',.~~ l ~~ ====lil W I; havisl:o,ceived A tory LA*IB STOCK of =EII Pith INIFWMFIR GOODS pitAltinfOokfiivoinbio ond•iiiitheaolditt. -forY small advortoo,i'r9in.,Loort., Wo think wo. hazard nothingin'o4liigliit who hoop tho • • • `BEST-ASSURTMENT of Goods that are kept In tlmplOoo.,- :Dove o.,storollght•enough to soo 'what you aro buying; and pledge ourselves to EMU 7:8k11, cAB; - to*-; quality onetclorea, a etitiitiiy other establishment. We cohtinue to mako out '? -K. • Di CLOTIETTRADE oti!3 . of oi)r r epeoialtidsond ivhon'dosired . .' ; . . --MAKE] MEM , • Jn ✓ eliort notice and' in tbo best mintier. We have added to our etook.a good aeeortmont of CAIiPETS, =1 BRUSSELS, P.IIREE PLY. INORAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL 'CLOTH - and MATTING, and can eon thorn HOW VEI9( LOW. WO are the agents for the, GREAT U. 8, COMPANY, and eoll'TEA - at.4on , York prices by tho singlet pound. All visiting COrning, arolnyited to call and oiataintictOck and 'Prices; •SMII'H4 WAITE. Corning. Oct. 1,18 ts: ~.,...? r_ ....‘ :DR a Iv: DARIT, will still 'l.-i• rt 14..... illilk-' . :T.'" ., ,, continue his business in Wellsboro "Sila I where - ho respeethilly solicits the patronage df all who-need, or desire the Services of a Dentist. :Daring been for the past fourteen years engaged in Dentistry c . xclusively, be feels 41 confident or giving perfect satisfaction in all p orations intrusted to Ills care. Special attenti n given to the treatment of caries, irregulariti ti, exposed.nerves,7uleeration, and inflamation of the gums, and all : other diseased to whioh t e teeth and gums ore `subject. ' , -, • , , fiVr - First Class Work guaranteed in both me chanical and operative Dentistry. OMM: at my residing° near tho Episco pal Church.. , .Wellsbeic - : Nov. 11, 1868,3 m. ' -1 • DRS. THOMAS & WARREN, DENTISTS, TIOGA, PA. ELY sole-, upon r',, • • the beauty,dur ;444., , a tietio merit ori their work to x..,:'%,16 - "Y •7 4 .* 7 .P":l' recommend. them. ! We have all . the modern im provements‘iind do every kind of work known to tho profession. DR. C. THOMAS. • T..R. 'WARREN Al, TiodijOet. $B, 1868. ' ' •. - • Dentistry. -in ' • t _ 1:1 111,..•/‘ Lawrencevillii. 'VAN lIORNE, late *whit' Bar. jJ ..d.essa—Brott—of4 Ilroailron "and — /Viiir,Ydrk . Oily, has opened now Dental Rooms at the, Poi'd noose, Lawrencovnle, Pli.,,Wliere he is prepared to do work in all tho departments of his profess kin In the most scientific manner. • All work warranted and satisfaction guaran tea:: Call and.examino specimens of work.: = ...11. B. VAN HORNE Lowrencovillo, Juno. 24, 1868—tf, - Tioga Zarble Works, - • rrliE under Signed is now prepared to axe ." oute all orders for Tomb Stones and Mona mouts of. either . ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and aPprsved workmanship and with dispatch. - Ho keop constantly on band both kinds ok Marble and will be able to suit VIII who may.fa- Yor him with their orders, on net leasonable terms as can be obtained in tho country. Stones discolored ,with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as now. „I . PORTER-111140X. • Tioga. Nov. 1, 1 . 867-tf. ' r 11 0I 0 E LOT OF GRAIN BAGS far sale Vi cheap! at WRIGUT BAILEY'S. Wellsborn, June 5, 1567. OAK) PRINTING—at Nor Turk prices, in Colnrs or plain, and out to suit orders, - nt - Ton Aar-Aron Oman. R. Krnson. W. J. Konen F..D. Fenn.. , ..KRUSEN & CO., , W.E.Strit...lD, PA., ;•,; Pt i D announce to, the public that theyfi At`dn4wrreecifing a,full and complete as surtmen_t:ot , „ . - TORY GOODS - - Ciirpet,s, leinK Hats, Baps, Boat's, 3,1 Shoes., Groceries, fravisions Crockery, ~,„, -- '../Eardlcare, Stoneware, <be: which they ara prepared to sell tor cash, or ex. change for cnnntry, 'Produce, at rates which-defy competition. ' NVeSttield, Dee. 2,186 S-if • Applicalioj for Charter, OTICE is licreby given that the Rector, N "War,lotts; and iVostry of St. John's Church of lAnrunceville, have applied to the Court ef Coalition Picas of Tiogo. County for a charter of ,TlSRrPotiiii Lion, •araL t anittho-eakl. -Court bar —ET? Lppinteclldon4ay,tho2sth day of 3anuory,lBBo. for itcantiAs-14iii-clinvor;• if no objection, be m t adth ' 3. F.' DONALDSON, ee l 18118. pretty, ME Ellll ) ecittivisting 'of !MEI -..i.....:•••••:•••..r.• "110111Vli EMINGE!" MI _ _ • y sing - ohs ourioho thing; Almost es Wang° as , Rogge. upon Tyngr swung ?round• a oircioakround as a ring, And while thithe down ad - at-oft of my_cwing, • Xatoppea at, tho city aniktook the'Sytting ,STYLEt tirGIOCEIIt'S SPGARS ARV TiIE NECK, Andmorottatonta'hing4t94,, , Molasses & Syrups have a freer run downward, silth a 'funnel-sba pad trail.• , . ME IO3 M.° I9OI , hoyoior, aro-out- from Elio neek-downward, 'and Olo,atqlo is,i4aosuoilailvormitti stripes.,,* l'Eti -- --EA.-,TSA will be prepared froini o „drawler furnished to ovary customer Who buys Ofthe styles to trait owmpleilong,lec.;:l - mity Mention that lac . Tea you oan tot , oannot get time to look up nil tkO - hard wOrd# w 1 loh the cip,BAT : ,iimilloAt wt4L COMPANY ues k tO startle tin innOoentpeoplei about tho etrun. I v try:, 1 : 1 1t .704 oan 4oPOTl'll.ttpoivflad' glb o very 1 _ Beat of Teaa at the .) BEE-FIIVE._EXCHA E C:s4:),Zreie r the styles aro varioui. Yon can have tho latest styles from tho following fashionable _foreign ' ports, to wit: MOCHA, JAVA, RIO, LAGUYRA JAM- PROVISIONS! Flour still wears hoops ' 01744 1 till, and dispenses With trails as unprofitablo, I haye all grades PORK, DRIED BEEP AND HAMS, ogothor with a full assortment of light groceries sL r anti courted delicacies. As. over M,,ATHERS Pays Clash. otTruk .. for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE. I . t%41,14. ,I+,IATHERS'a . ILoro, Apr.l, '63, W. T. MATIIERS NATIONAL - C i O,IIIPANY UNITED STATES .OF. AMERICA, Chartered by Spell Let of Congress • APPROVED JULY 25, HO., Cash Capital, $1,000,000, PAID IN FULL. First National Bank Blinding, Moro 11 Corresnondeneo should bo Addressed Ct./Owen 11, CLA:reE; Prasitiorit. - ‘-- 1 ;- 1 1 I JAY Coon E ; Chairman Finance & ExVelltivo Collli- HENRY ff.' Contin,-Nico-President.' ' ' , EMERSON' W. 1. 3 .2kr. Scerotaty. and 'Actuary. * B. S. ItussEtt, 'ltfanngbr. , , ,Circulars. painithicts, and full particulars giN; - - cri on tipplieithin to 'the Branch .offico of the Company, or to - by wbonrapplientions will be r6cetred and Poll. 'otos procured for Vega. County. I Ddc. 9, 1868-Iy.. WANTEDL • YT ASH LOGS; at our Mill. Cash paid for them. We are ready to EMT for customers. Bring on your, logs. Lath and pickets always on hand. ji.Ec7- Ash logs must be 12 •or 1.4 feet long. BOWEN R TRUMAN. Wellsboro, Deo. 10, ' • • ANOTHER NEW AND LARGE STOCK OF ALBUMS, ~.Just received by . P. R. Williams Co. The greatest and, cheapest variety ever brought into. town: Albums. front 75 Cis. ' to $2O each, Cull and see. - B,..WILLTANIS & CO. Wellsboro, Dec. 23; 1808' ' !VHS is to giro notice; That on the _6th day - of De cember.,A. D. 156$ a w.trrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Zopher Teed, of Pine town ship. in the CollutY . or Lycotning and State of I...ennsyl,- vania. who 'has been adjudged a Banktmpt on his own petition •, that the payment °fatty debts and the, del ilviry of an v iwoperty 00:11 nant,rupt, to bite. IA for UR IMO. And the trati.rer by him ate fur• biditen by lux ; that .1 meeting of the. olvellthrl of the , said Hal 111;tupt. to pr.,CO tll4. it. tit Itte, 0.11(1 t'' CIIouSC ono or More A•ttgnrcei of hi. t,t.iti±. will bo 11(14 at a court of IltAnkroptcy, to be h..1(1. , n et the office of F. E. Sinai; in the Be , unt) ofTtoga.,l o ll.; hoforo F. E. - Smith, Reg. Wee, oti the 2t:th thly of Ft la !wry A. 1), 18c9, ;tt 10 o'clock, ,A;_ ,THOMAS . A. 11,OWLEY, ' 1.. T. 8. 2dart.hal IVestet n hist/ bet, Oer DkVID CAM2:?..4.3!i Den', Jan. i 3, '69 ri IBIS is to give iytotiec: That the ha r dersigheil Wilk still at• pablle sale, at his omen in •Wolisloito, Pa. oil' ;•';lteritay the EthclikS , Pelnuarynext 18GJ at 2 o'clock rM. their/oes debts find accounts vibieti cause to Iris handgas.nssigheo of Miu-seria Bullard of Wells borii,(Pa. Bankrupt, by virtue of au - order of Court for tho pnrpose, ,JOII,N MITCHELL, lyeilsboro, JannarY, 13- Silo-2wv., Adminislratoi Letters of Adutinistratti" I , haring been grin ted to the under s igned on thu Estate of Joseph (see, of .hlichliebtx i, , dee'd„ nil peasons it,; ebto(l to the said Eetatu. end all lavlng Oakes -against - the --- rameositl - i , UII "e'rid settle with' ' - T , A GLI), 251.!(1411ebury, - Jah. 6;1568-4w. Adtuin6,tratriz. C/ PAID FOR WOOlt, by to" June 17,1868 k D. P. RWEIVIT, -r, -. . The fiehtotie ME As to AICA, 4p. In tho matter of eo.table, Alto, OP TIM Ai n uimiroN , D. DEANER OFFICE PRILADELP.IIIA, . OVFIptRS ME In Bankruptcy. 4 sb]gnee's • Notice. sTuyEs, ST6VES, KOVES. WILLAU , agent foi alt grit. chap 'Stoves, Zalitittieev, I Wellaboro rennia, fa ~,,;A,........., I • IDrAVING boort appointed igetit foi all grin ..LL plass Stoveamanufrottited by Shear, Pack ard-1e Co. of Albany. 'N. Y. lam tow ready to forniab.lboroll6wing rtamed , eelebrated Storm .„ _ , CO I.llqG STOVES, _ AmERwAN, 3s.JATIONAL, itOME.OOMPANIMI '1 MONITOR. 71lb - 112,3:i3 0 It, . . the to . , . . .. r . latter' of Veliob.; 'ls tbo best stovo f or common Coo ever Giant-Imi) - Wing obOap, well made, end ootmerelosett I helve pito, 4 I'iITICIT of ' ' -.ELEVATED OVENS, • , PARLOR STOITS - , CAST IRON varlOus patt42intBh_. F3HEET-4RON. &if Rea Ia t ) • or . ALgO—StO I / 4 , es ;Eatable for: burning baril or son oval, will' bo furaished,to order. Customers will do well to 'examine my stook, whloh 1., as full and well . selected as any in Northern Penn sylvania. !have also patin aMU stock of Miaa‘clvvetaee of all sores. Thankful for liberal patronage in alb past, T:reigssoftilly 114111.1 conlistainca of the vim*. - • • • • llepL 16, 1868. WM. ROBERTS: :The' Stays ' - L --6,ll.artioles of -value and 'established repute• iron hare their imitations;' Manufacturers who have not the brains to invent or the enterprise to establish a reputation for themnives, seek to appropriate the, inventions and reputations of those who have. The ..dmeriCan 'Cooking Poe°, for instance, has obtained a world-wide reputa tion. Mestirs. Shear, Packard Co. bare spent seven ‘ year's in improving, and perfecting this store, till a is'alaiost perfect ne a stove, and they hive spent largo attiounts in advertising and bringing its merits befote the -people. There have been numerous imitationiof it, and they have , been. compelled to tang five - "snits against different parties for aPpropriatinc their patented iinprovernente, all of which have melted in their favor. The last phase of theselmite;- Hens is ono similar in design-and, almost an ex act imitation of the name, only one twee lefi'out. These spurious imitations are sought' to be palmed off upon the public as a genuine article. This is in violation of their righte; and they have commenced o suit to restrain the sale of these fraudulent articles; and tbey p'roposo t to proseeute nil infringements and tmitations till othereeefle from appropriating and imitating their improvements. ; • • SHEAR, PACKARD tc CO.; Nos. 17 and 10 Green itTAlbsiny,'N. T. For sale by `Pat. ROBERTA, Welleboro, Pa. Dee. 0,3 w. HARNESS SHOP T ..f. GW. NAVLE, Would say to hie •frioude that hiS Harness Shop . is now in full blast, j and that ho is prepared to furnish heavy or light iirelana(o.%4o2Eli s ; on short notice, in n good and substantial man, ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit. • " , , Tho beat workmen nro employed, and none bat . the best material used. Call and too. Dec. 0, 186S—ly. •-. G. W. NAVLE. ART GALLERY. Ia consequence or SickncSs, •the AVM known barctoioro as King & Boatman's Pullers , oc ~rc is httri!hr v./ntri,ll, sq7,rineable to vont -parttes, The business NTlit Nerbafter be carried on by CLAY KING:, OPERATOR AND PROPRIETOR, At the old stand over Easttnan'a Dental Of Cortstantly on band a large assortment ' • FRAMES; SQU ,RE AND OVAL, OVAL SIUS M DE TO ORDER,' Also easos Just r ceiced, which will b fitted with large- or small pictures of, that host utility and at reasonable rates. 3 PHOTOGRAPHS 6 copiod from old AMbrotypes . or OlitgitorreOtype of decwed friends. Having sednted the Yervi sea of one of the -kcst finishers VII, Ink-sepia or Oil. am prepaied to fill all orders; TIV,ELYEI GEM GAMDS for 81,00, or 24 for SI,SO. 1 'PHOTOGRAPHS, -* • . 1 . at $2,011 per dozen, either cards 'or, vignette; large eizo from $2,0010 510,00 each. r • I Also a large lot of CASES which I will ift with picturee from 50 cents to Fi4,00. No olutyges for showing Goods.' EspeoiaL attention paid to making Pictures for familie, in groups. - • Also a fine as3ortmont of PIIOTOGRAPIIS and tin typo albums, worth from 00 cents . to T. Wollsboro, Dec: .9, 18G8 House and Lot for S. - OUSIJ and I.ot, n nd•vacai l t 10, for °Map.' Location Weii•Jtoro, anti ileeirhle. inquire nt tho, Agitator Office: l • Oct. 28,•1888—tf. • • .1 . , _New Tannery. , 1 TILE undersigned has tilted up die hid ' oun• dry - building, near the Itroweri, Wellitere, and is now prepared to tarn Out Lino calf, Rip, cowhide, and harnes&lea titer imam best pun nor Bides tanned on shares. Cash paid for hi (es. ' '3l. A. DUMP. , d ilsboro, Oct. 14, IS6B. . 1 At W o o d s Gallery , i...„ 11 tn a.Go Pictures for 75 cts. All Sty l es o ff .1 work cheaper than el:in - hero. Dalt and : EICQ. , IL JI.WOOD. an: 20, 1800-0. HEAV, ' BABit. ! TIEAE YE I HEAR YE ,LS, FIRKINS, CHURNS, UTTER TUJIS, Kept on an tly on band, and forntthed to or der, by WIT. MATHERS, % tore, 2d (1 oor above Boy's Bundler, (Juno 10, 1S08.); at bis new a Wellsboro. For Sale GOOD span of sonny true and hindA In q uire at a a auzazzrrir. vitOl.E A N ETA ,DP,ALER IN Fiour.rced cud MOOl, I,ve-z , tflohl, Tiogai:Co, Nov. 11, - - ) In Common In the moth:r of ran l .• 'rioga Co., Nov. Halo A:-.loek t ) - -AT 0 LIGEi liciehy h,plle I tico:i con made to- Ci , t•tt to::r4.llf ellrater of ine(aporetioh th.r, ltd if no iurkiclient re..l;(‘!, ..liercan to the con traty The sa Iv1:1;.e ; :r:f I.; L.:A file :Mt:n day ot.T.tnn ii . A. D. 180,r. F. Do.NALDSON, Proth'y, Jan, 0, al((i ii7oganB, Cif' ati kinds, - matio ne the hett plittertz a te, ten be hart at il, VI. I)artt.'ii .Sht , V, on Main near the Aradetirr-- , Al Ao—particulay to I)- kinfl;=, ' H. W.11).11.:TT. Wpllsboro, :N ON` t • . TOII-WORK, :"111: I)F.S:T 13 ; rTLE, zc Lp with desiatch,a I Tim AavrA3l:ol-1 Cam. _ FITCH'S AIID 0 AT INA L SIIPPOIVA:r jj ERB, for aalo at Roy'', Drug Stoio. CLAY KING. ROY'S DRUG STORE,