II TERRIBLE FIRE IN TROT, PA. Estimated. LoAs $3.50,000.- [Elmira AdvCrtiser, Jan. 25.] The most, terrible and destructive Are which has visited our neighboring Vil lage of Troy in .ten years, - broke out yesterday morning about half past one, and before it was stayed one half of the business pallor the village was in ruins, There being no Fire Department in the as aeon as it became apparent that the tiro was to be dangerous and destrUctive, a telegraph dispatch was sent. to Elmira calling for help. There is na-night trator employed on the -WOrthern - Ce trai Railway Telegraph 'Line at= this place,, but Mr. F. Ellery Ftf.elt, the Train Master, who resides at Fourth Street, has a wire running to ,his house and an instrument there to use in case of emergencies in the night business of the road, lie was sound Aisleep when the alarm. was given, but the for " Ettoira i ' which the Troy oin was 'wilily giving woke . hies up, lie immediately sought out Mr. 0, A. Gerow, the wide awake and et - kit-at Etigineer • Steamer No. 1 4 who hastened that .Stelliner to the Depot -ready tor Troy, Besides SteanierNti. 1, if. W. Mclntyre, Forematt,'Hose Com pany No. 2, 3. E. Nicks. Foreman, Our's 4, ()come Robinson," Foreman, al,o went down. Mr. Fitch, mean whileina4eiled to the Car ii?hops of the Nl,rtliern Central in t!..;outliport, and,had an Engine tired n'p to take clown the Steamer.atid-Firemen. The train went .4 - town in forty-three: minutes. The Firemen were received with open arms, and racist generously .treated, but the fury of the fire was spent before their arrival, The following is nearly 'or quite a complete list of the losses : V. \T. Long, & Co.-, Troy House.- - - L0,..' , &15,000. 0. A'. Bloqlc, next to the :-onit4lnft injured. De wcy & W im4.on, occupants, moved out their goods,. , Also 'John H. Grant,-Jew,eiler, prop erty 'removed and a good deal damaged. Mr. Grant WUR ttbent from home. Briek 0 0 0 Pied. b y S .M. Leon" aid, .aufl owned by! Pomeroy Eros. Loss $15,000. T,he ft re ea,ugh tin this A wooden building, ah,o owned by I'onieroy, Lic.:.51510,000. This builditc4 wo occupied by Aliff - 4)- (41,1},m,0ns & Co. ',Carieers and Drugg ists. • Also ley M. A. bates & Co., clothing, los- :$.6.000, and' F. J... CI: tikins, clot ing, loss 50,000. • James AdattiP, 'Poirot, occupied a room in the second story. Poineroy's Bank. Loss $lO,OOO. The 'books and`papers Werf! SIP 1111! in the vault which 1:4 one of tho best in the country. This' hank building was en tirely flew, and had just been fitted-up in most elegant style, surpassing in ex pensive ornarnentatten any bank hu lid ing in, Elmira. - A. building owned by V. M. & H. F. Long,' and nectOeil by Davidson & Mc- Cabe, Grocers and Prodnee Dealers.— Loss $8,000.. 0. D. Long, Dry Goods: Loss $lO,- 000—also $lO,OOO %milli of butter, the butter having been insured the cloy be fore for so,oou. Meat Market of F. H. Perbon. -Build ing owned by Pomeroy Bros. Hobert & Porto' Harness shop; stock mostly saved. C. T. Merry & Co,, Jewelem Goods mostly saved. A. ;3. }Looker eSi Co„ iforrthcrn Tier Gazette,sdamaged by water and removal. 'Phis is the third great fire by which the village of Troy has swfie.red. The first was nbput twenty years tip, and the second filiont ten yeard ago. A Formidable Gang of 'Mrs° Thieves arokop pp For the past year or two, Carbon, _LUZerne, Monroe, Xit r t Lain pto n, Schuylkill, Bucks, Berke and Lehigh counties have been infested with what was r-uppo,e4l to be a gang of horse thii•ve.• Many valuable hores . have nevo --to;oo, .:1- vi 11a , varr lager., twffitio r0t ,, ..-, cfn• , au'? ill but few instattees re covoled a,zain h . ) their owners. Tho:.e I elm i:ed were brought baelt -by the offl-r 6/ a lib*-ral reward. which wus g1 , t1 ,,,,Uy rhwkCed by some interestetl pa:l . \ 111 the gang. About two moo ts.- ago tWo tion-t• :. 21.11ti a wagon were :•stolen at R IL:eh-vine, litilvlu , vount,y. Bills w, to pi thief} qua selut out all over do eivonli , ,dl,:Nog a reward tor the re e,ive::. oi 1 hiri tttot puo,ierty, but- no tIUI k• 'A It .1..):,8i Ill''.! tilttit ohout, ten da,;,:- •ii detect) %-e oilieer in Reading, wit,. had 1.,,•ii;i1 of OW theit, act itientall.) 0.. • , 11. a!ti a r4mail. made two patties in • - an , ":•:11iOn that "II e Reig,elville 1:.•,:•k • Ns , IC to HEIZICI(In." I ijt• (Ktel•t:l(• 1.411 i tud ai once lot thi lin rel p40.. - e, and in a liVely stable ttn•te found Hit- hots vs. lie cint-stioncd di. attemiltd a- to how the 0101%•-e$ Cattle tliCil.. 1110.1 iA 1!- told that the proprietor, Jl, v ,,t, lit lb. brought theM there. Roth Is ~1.: :f,i,iiil vhd questioned, but could ' , ix ,' it(. sall.:actory-tMSWer as to how lII' k aloe iii possession of the anitnah:, when he was placed under arrest and taken to`' Doylestown, locked up in jail and subsequently released on $3,1100 buil. About the same time, asuspiciours char aetor was arrested at Hitzletbn, who, he mming alai toed, divulged the whole secret of the existence of. a most brin idable gang of horse thieves. Ile gave the tounes of thirteen who were k town to operate, nearly all of whom have been arrested. 4., lie al,o gave a description of the modus operandi A horse stolen in thishection of country was at once taken south from here and transferred to some member of the band, who would trans , feelt to another, and he still to another, when the animal would be sold to some unsophisticated individual, who, if ever culled upon for the horse by the owner, of course could not give -the name of the may of whom he bought it. Car tinges were taken to an isolated point near Hazleton, where all the appliances were ready, and they received a 'com plete overhauling in ,painting mkt] trim ming, making so complete a fichange that the owner himself eould not rec ognize his property. Robes and whips were also manipulated to avoid recog nition, and thus their nefarious work was carried on. A Jarge amot of " property has .thus been stolen an dis posed of, hud no doubt the profits of the gang were quite large. Roth is a young man, formerly from Saucon township, Northampton county, where his- family is well known 'and highly respected, hfs father being a wealthy farmer and one of the most re, spectable -citizens of the'township. A few years since, young Roth went into the livery and horse jocket business at liazleton, and was continually,reeeiving fresh hordes from " down country," as he expressed it, which were disposed of as soon as opportunity °tiered. These were evidently . the fruits of his col leagues' labors in the lower counties. The breaking up of this gang of Al; laths will be gratifying news to all hon est people, and we hope no efforts, will be spared to ferret out and bring' every one of them to justiee.-21fauch Chunk Democrat. While science has labor 1 for the benefit of the human race, it is but a poor return to have imitaters start up and.claim merits for theirartieles which never existed In appearance. Since Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew er bas been introduced, and the remidal eMets of this valuable preparation have been o plain, a legion have cotnrnetteed manufacturing their nostrums. The etreet,.* of' ,Flail's Sicilian Hair ReneWer upon the head ie to renew the growth of the hair, restore St to its natural color 'when it ha becOme gray. and cures. all di-eases of the sealp. The eMets 'are ;:eett from the tirdt bottle.— Weekly Ti rites. Tlrk; BLEIisED Aire.--.This is what the perlinne, , s !molt rii; MAYO." are cluing with their atrin•ion!, ennitinkliltk. The F eolu Cont tttl--st,ttt,holl look to it, IL is aitut€4 tht , by all drUgtSibib. Nitator. WELLI3I3ORO, PENN'it WEDNESDAY,IFEB. 8,1869. We were in. error last week in stating that Mr. Cumback was elected U. S. Senator from Indiana. Mr. D. D. Pratt, unknown to political life almost, isi the lucky man. Hon. Wester Clymer declines to ac cept the nomination asDemoerntic can didate for Governor. This may be bail ed ids a sign of returni ng reason. Eith er Ma Parker or G. W. Cass, will stand a good chance to succeed in the Con vention. The Democracy voted solid for Mr. Wm. A. Wallace for U. 8; Senator— although it was expected that the vote would be tendered Senator 13uckalew a s a compliment. The cow pil meat to Wal lace has a decidedly strong odor of " Old Government Java." However, riot all the democratic votes in Penn sylvania can whitewash Mr. Wallace. It wag proper, it was fitting for theleg iilators of that party to vote for him as an endorsement of systematic swan drelism. • :We are requested to announce that ,a date Temperance Conveintion will be held at Harrisburg, Tuesday,• February 23, 18(4, commencing at 10 o'clock, - fore.: noon. Churches, Synday Schools, and all Temperance organizations, are re qutisted to send their• 'best men' and women as delegates, Arrangements have been made tdfur nish half-fare ticifets to all accredited delegates. Or free, return tickets will be given uch delegates as pay their fare in Cull on the way to the Convention. The ;fiends of temperance reform will lake notice. When we said that the )endorsement of Gov. Fenton's election by the Elmi ra Advertiser, ought to estop that pa perfrom criticising • the action of the Legislature of this State, it was in view of the fact that the Aqvertfaer bad spoken of the election of Mr. Scott rather sneeringly. John Scott is not a politician. Gov. Fenton is a politician. We have never' known Mr. Scott'S-rep utation for strict integrity to be ques tioned. It is impossible to say as much of politicians by trade. But the Adver tiser's article is so candid, and general ly just, that we propose to publish- it next week, so as to give Gov. Fenton the benefit of the judgment of one who certainly admires the man, and-admir ing,knows how to praise without de generating into mere man-worship. A SIGNIFICANT HAPPENING. The selection of professional, politi cians as incumbents of high offices hr the government, may be said to have had its beginning in the nomination of Martin. Van Buren in 1836. Prior to that time few men had been named for the,Presidency whose names were not. historic, and trh se . lives were not in tolerable accordance with the laws of moral and spiritual growth. From that time forward to tins, either one, or both of the great parties of the country has presented, invariably, a political dem agogue lac ery four years„ as a for the ot.mages or the people. Very Eieldorn, for more than thirty years, has any Party sought a Man for the Presidential ()ince. Still m'ch.e sel dom has any party sought men for any office of considerable profit or honor. lint all parties have been ; more or less fiber with professional office.seek ,rs from the highest to the least (» daces in the gift of the electors. Van liven, Clay, Scott, Polk, Cr, Pierce, Buchanan. Douglas. Seymour—all then had the Presidency on the brain, atni sought that, or other places, as an 241 Lieutenant seeks a Captain try. Office, proininenee in public life, was at mule the bane of each and all of them. On the other hand wo have Harrison, Taylor, Fremont, Lincoln, and G rant- men whom the office sought, or whom a party sought for—whose presence in the van as leaders of a great party was.almost as unexpected to them as tbeir popularity was brilliant. The nomination of each of these men was a significant happening; but by far the most significant happening in the political world, which pertains to modern history, was the nomination of Gen. Grant. The war had aroused am bition in thousands of hearts, in which, otherwise, it had remained dormant. Like all historic exigencies, the exigen cy of the Rebellion only developed a tew - great men. Among them, and the superior of all, stood' a man so modest that his promotion was rather crowded upon him than desired by him, and so reticent that he won the cognomen of "The Sphinx." This man was taken up, in name by the Democratic party, early in the first year of peace; and free ly offered the candidacy of that - Pirty, " if— ;" but " the sphinx - ," refused to answer questions put in the subjuner tive fettm. Meantime, the people, without whom even professional poll- Velma would starve, awaited in silence the effort of Democratic courtship up on "The Sphinx." The effect was not appreciable; . but when- the occasion arose for "action," and the. General of our Armies heard the command of the Senate, and gracefully handed the port folio of the War Office "to Secretary Stanton, the Dernociacy fell back in confusion, and the piople - , more pa_tient and exacting, adopted him as their chief and leader from that moment. From that moment the nomination and election of General Grant was assured ; and the subsequent assembling of the delegates of the Republican party in Convention at Chicago was a mere for mal bseA'auce of a custom. ,The managers of the Republican parts , no more -thought Of selecting any Other man as a pandidate than they 'thought of proclaiming a monarchy.; 1 In striking contrast to this obedience to popular will was the TlUMlllaty Bah Convention of unrepentant rebels and Copperheads. The Democratic masses expected the nomination of a num w h ose milit a ry service, if not equal to, 'caat least Ur. tthequiY , ie.il, Its that , it Ukawral tirant. The oLjeul of that I eon reutiou was not to record a ialjAl' Jar verdict, hut' rather to defeat buy)) Important! • Nreidle,t. al i as peculiarly a COntien- ' • ' following na t mod parsons formerly of tiOU of political hacks who Of before IN 11 ,1 1 . had divested themselves ;Of •the, t-votanir l e t c m g a i n nl tY :n i t a s e ( rth e e r f l r in nearest Pea f t:Cly n e: fashioned prejudice again'St one-man; or legal rePreseutathel) will learn power, and'assembled -there and then something . to (heir 'Advalitage .1 - 3'5; calling si o a a 6 a dil i r s e t s t : t ng s J i $ p i to attorney to devise a grand scheme for the distri:- bution of plunder., The character Of l'hose w writ e ing will please th a e n ir i al ti ldres — s, the _managers of party organizations and send stamp fox reply. , , was thoroughly developed in those Chaney- 0. Ackley, Livingston Bogart, James J. Carle; nmes W. Childs, Jamey Carle, Geronld Conventions. Dennison, Victor A. Elliot, Thomas D. Elliott, The-deepersigniticance of the election -Samuel Ilayes,-W; - T. Itamphrey,liergin 'Hart, of General Grant. lies in the teaching. G N e en o! I t i. l fSt e i Y el{ " l n orge rlilia'rnein4Jcltn Mattison, it bears in history.-- The people sought George D. Smith, Alfred 3. Softeld,ltansferd W. Webb, John A. Wass, W. B.' Wiseman, Robert out the man, and in a manner eocupell-, yonnz. , - Feb. S. 1865— t 3w ed his nomination. Twice before they had selected and elected a man un-, `known in political finesse, a very child of their own, whose' love of justice, high integrity, and - strong cowmen .ease have impressed themselves upon the greatest minds of the age in -all countries. This, whether so received or not, was a signal victory of the peo ple over the politicians. The election of Grant was the first-fruit of the vic tory'. In the future of this nation these popular movements will be seen to control its destinies and multiply its prosperity. Forward from such a grand beginning—a _ beginning which is no less than the-perfe . ct enfranchise ment of the peoploif they please to make it such, and their declaration of independenee of tricky leaders—..for ward from such a gMnd beginning we take it there is but one path ; and that the path of assured rule by the people. We are among thOse who regard these popular uprisings as pledges, that the way to preferment lies, not through of fice-seeking and the arts of the dema gogue, but through such reputation for honor, honesty, fidelity, and com mon sense as shall lift the candidate a head and ..:shoulders above _themoisy crowd of ciamorers for place. It is ;in pursuance of this new and noble determination of the people that within the last month Hannibal Ham lin, of Maine, John Scott, of Pennsyl vania, Carl Schurz, of Missouri, M. H. Carpenter; of Wisconsin, and D. D. Pratt, of Indiana—all, save one un known to public life, or nearly so, have been elected to the U. S. Senate. We •do not suppose that the people indica* ed these men in so many words ; but the manifest determination of the peo ple to fling political hacks, overboard and substitute fresh men, meri of hon esty, in their stead, has modified the action of managing men with the m ina we chronicle. These,) ienatora have been elected by virtue of popular will made known in the selection of such men as Grant for high position.. The reins are in the hands of the people ; the latter having made a show of resuming them after years of misrule by politicians,, It is for: them -to- say whether office shall seek -the man, or the man the office. It.,:ls,for them to take up sterling integrfty, and plain common sense, and place them in the positions so long maladininistrated by place-hunters. If they do this the fu ture is luminous with hope; and if they succumb to the blandishments of demagoguery, they can blame only their own supineness. Which shall it he? It is our misfortune not to agree with the geutletnen who consumed' two hours in speecheg, upon - to authorize the ti•pecker of the House at Harrisburg, to appoint a sufficient number of offices to conduct the busi ness of the House, " not to exceed 27." The trial) who would insist that the House should be scrimped in official -ervtee, ita i mot our sort or man, by any. means. ilut why limit the number not to exceed 27?" If twenty would ,1 0 , why authorize the appointment of seven more? If ten would do, why per mit the appointment *of seventeen wore? 13Ut if the House has already oil - leers enough why such a resotution at aft ? The resolution appears to us a "Job." The " outs " ask for places. The ins" create more. That is the way it looks. If the House lacked officers, . the prop er mode of action was to appoint a com- Z22188/022 to examine, determine the , number wanted, and' then report to the House. We assure the Legislature . that such reckless ways of doing busi nese will not fail of severe reprehen sion from that portion of the people who do not look upon the public treas ury-as their' oyster. We regret that Mr. Strang offered such a resolution; bound, as we are, to admit that ho offered it in good faith and without designs upon the treasury. It was a mistake, in our 4. 1 dg m e.n t , to preps it so vigorously as it was pressed; and its adoption by a ma jority of 27 surprises us. The only rem edy for such a mistake lies in the dis cretion of Speaker Clark. Let him see that no sinecures are dispensed In the carrying out of the resoldtion. The BradfOrd members voted against .the resolutiOn. " PENINSULAR HERALD."—We have received a number of ibis fine Temperance paper, published at Detroit, Mich. • It is a dignified and earnest advocate of 'Temperance Reform, and contains a vast deal of news. _ We can recommend it to Lodges and Divisions as the,first of its class. $2 per year. J. Russell & Son, proprietors. "Hearth dt Home," the new family illustrated paper, Bdited by Ik marvel and Mrs. Stowe, is a fact in literature. Those who buy No. B of this beautiful paper will receive a beautiful engraving which costs at retail $B. The "Hearth & Home" is $4 per year, or 10 cents a weak. No. 8 will bo issued Feb. 10. The same number will contain D. Valentino cartoon by Nast. TRH LADY'S FRIEND.--A beautiful steel en graving, "Yes or No 7" illustrating a story by Miss Douglas, leads off the February. number of this eharroing magazine. Then follows the usual large and elegant Fashion Plate; and a graphio engraving of "Detective Butterby summing up the Points of the Case." This latter is an illus tration o f sirs. woed'snew story, "Roland Yorke ; or, Done in Passion,",whi? is becoming intensely interesting. All the admirers of "East Lynne" should read this powerful story. Published by Deacon lc Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Philadel phia, at 9.2.50 - a year (whieh also include* a large steel engraving). Youreepies, VS. Eight (and tine gratis), Sl2 "The Lady's Friend' and "The Saturday Evening Post," (and one engraving,) "The -Phrenologicral - Journai for rebruarr, con. tains Sketches of Prof. Bat:be, late of the V. S. .Coast Surrey: Mrs. Lily M. Spencer, the artist, Wilkie Collins, Theodosia Burr Alstin, . Rossini, Rothschild, with portraits; besides The Inner Senses, a Psychological Essay; itourreeti'on of rho Body,* gerition; Influence of Intellect in Sk,cioly : How a Man made a fortune by a pin ; of Minds ;Conimunity of Interests; the t-t rounds of Cirgatis: Wimeritig ih Ott South ; the A 4 :0 ,4 '4C:74k ji l ts r , 411 , 1 %1(1111e1“ili , AI tractions s, or e-2, }.•; r-, Som. :444441i r4u4e t o sobboritZ. Addmsa S. It. Welts, 3NJ Broad*ay N. Y. *AI. - B. EASTMAN, DENTIST, No.l3,llAnt —-MET, .. 1- 4' 1 61. 40.4 I.vilusiono, PA. (PERTH Extracted without Pain. Artificial 1. teeth inserted Loin one to ap entire set.— Prices from 31,00 toslo,oo. Nitrous Oxide One, Narcotic Spray, Ether and Chloroform, adminis tered 'when desired:l Teeth in all conditions treated in the most approved manner. Satisfac tion guaranteed.' Call and see epecimene. :Feb, 3, 1869. A. B. EASTMAN. . STATEMENT Of .Receipta mid Expenditures of the Treatrary, for the year MO; RECEIPTS. From Collectors— County MX 1862, .. - 1114 89 -• " 1863, . . - 15 . 44 Relief, - - , 17-17 1 • Militia, ," • - - -!. 10 36 State, ... - - • -, . -28 93 County, 1885 - - - - - 49 02 ' . Bounty, " - • - 48 79 State, . n - - . , - • ,43 25 Relief, ,e - - '47 68 • Bounty, • 1860 - - - 1119. County, " - - 368 . 54 Bounty 1867 - - --.- •4846.08 County " - - - - 2158 78 State " - - • . 711 41 Poor II " " 4295 28 Bounty 1868 - - - 28986 69 County " - ' G' /8534 27 State .g . - - 1289 85. Poor if , • • 4822 65 Unseated land tax for 1866-7, 8058 84 Unseated land bounty tax same y'ra, 16100 46 g‘ poor tax II 2107 40 Unseated land sold to individuals. 2128 07 Seated lands sold individuals, - 07 31 Seated tax paid Treasurer, 1249 63 Seated land redeemed, • 1t57 27 Judg't paid Treasurer. 1.145 95 Commonwealth eons paid by Sheriti, • 187 76 1 ' Loans to Commissioners, . 32133 72 Paid by Liberty twp to Treasurer, 313 23 Paid loy P. V. Vanliess • 'lO 00 Rent from A. S. Brewster, . 40 00 Deeds, Commissioners' sale, * 48 44 From 0. F. Miller, late Treasurer, 2882 59 ---- Total receipts into the Treasury, $121216 97 EXPENDITURES. Commissioners" Wages. Ephraim Hart, $296 64 ' • P. V. VanNess, . .1400 32 Job Rexford, 408 00 M. W. Wothcrboo, 61 44 $1166-40 .I Commissioners' Counsel. W. If. Smith, et al 180 00 J. B. Niles, et al 44 00 Henry Sherwood; 40 00 204 00 - Commissioners' Clerk Thomas Allen, et al .. 739 00 Cott htv Auditor,. 00 00 119 34 185 34 J. Emery, Israel Stone, et al Traverse Jurors William Campbell, of al Grand Jurors. J. P. Tayll!•et al -Crier - T: P. Wingate, 182 . 50 Constables—J. H. 13alley of al 758 02 Juetioee—R. Moore et al 84 74 ABBOSBOTB—David Cameron et al - 102 28 Printing—C. (1, Williams et al 801 45 Eleotione—Hugb Young of al 1883 85 Com'wtli Qusta—S. Ooorr et al 2490 20 District Attorney—J. B. Niles et al 6u2 00 Bounty on Wild Cats..--J. P;Walker. al 18 50 —.§FidffBl4llllrlP-1-01-ilktalgJdorg Yew Bridges. , - . W Bentley' of al at Vega, 98 75 • • " at Rutland, 150-0 W J Mann et al Richmond 614 22 1322 94 1 Damages to imp. Kemp, , UV o Road views—D Heise et al, Brrl Stationery—Andrus, McChain & Co. al 389 0 clerk Qr. Sessions,lo3 54 • Prothonotary fees, 32 79 Coroner Fees—L B Smith et al. * 70 68 Distributing Duficates, 173 91 Jail Repaire—Shff Potter of al 377 94 Court House...l Grounds, 145 20 Pci.torers—J B. Bowen et al 1636 7Q ,Eastern State Penitentiary, 481 93 Pennsylvania Hospital for Insane, 466 55 Sheriff's Fees, 413 8 Refunds-;—George Maynard etal 347 4 Postage, 9 1 Inciderital Expenses. - Express charges B J Ross, ' 445 W II Smith et al expenses, 80 20 ----- Judge Williams expenses to Harrisburg for Co.- 36 40 Geo Bergner, Telegraph, 400 Old Relief bill, R Kruse's, 525 ' • B Hart expenses to Elmira, 12 00 ..-: . Gusts to Deerfield trip, 32 60 -' Servo, notice on C L Ward, 60 00 • ; ,;`• Express, D•L Deatte,. 90 '• 1 '- ' 1 Law Books for County, 8 00 • Merchandise of J flannel, 325 ITanNess,•oi to Elmira, 7 32 . Lamps for Prot. Office, 14 00 ' A A Griswold ex to Ward, 200 Express charges, • 246 • Repairing Chairs, 10 38 Desk for Recorder Office, 12 00 H C Bailey, lifting Miller's - note at the Bank, 1000 00 1215 27 Wood & Coal—Griffin et al es .44 69' Township Lines—Nearing et al . 650 Volunteer expenses—S E Wilcox, • boarding soldiers, 1861. Redemption Money, • Revenue Stamps, Land 'sold to county, Jury Commissionerp, Insurance, W H Smith, County .Treasurer. H C Bailey. Commissiona— l:tow:ay Donde, Ipr cent. 789 36 Stater Tax, 1 per cent. 116 53 County Orders, 8 per cent, 691 58 Poor Orders, 4, 153 47 State Treasurer. W W Irwin, bal angle' duo Common wealth from Tioga County, • Nora.—Some ten years ago the Board of Bo' ... onue Commissioners added one lourth to the va - nation of Tioga county. The Assessors in th county ignored this Increased valuation, ands , year after year the uncollected tax on this in creased valuation was carried forward on the debit account of Tioga county on the State Treasurer's books, with penal interest at 12 per cent. The total of this arrearage was $16,000; but a law of last session authorised the reopen ing and restating the,account, reduced the suat . to about $BOOO. E. HART, Commissioner, in scot with Tio a • County : • DR. To county orders " $290 4 CR. • By 98 days service at 83 $294 00 By 44 miles travel; 2 04.-296 04 P. V, VANNES% Commissioner, in toot with' Tioga , county DR. To orders $4OO 32 CR. By I22'llays service at $3 368 00 By 572 miles'tiatel 34 32 JOB Er.XPORD, Commissioner, in stoat wit Tioga county: DR. To orders $4OB Or CR. By 121 days service at $3 1168 Off. - By 750 miles travel . 46 00.-408 CO W . WETIIERBEE, Commissioner, in scot with Tioga county: DR. To. orders 161 sp 01t. :By SO days services ~ 60 00 • I 'By 30 miles travel I'Bo trt nova County, 48. We the Commissioners of said county, o hereby comity that the 'foregoing is CO statement of the Receipts and Expenditures set turth therein. , In testimony weeroof we *site hereunto set our halide and seal of office this 28th day of J . /Landry, 1860. P V. VArtNEss, (t,, P 3 Jon Res retro, • }C. t. ' fit. - .t} iticvni-AinEt: j Arrtsr 11:13.u5, ALLIA, CLE.I:B. If BAILEY Traisurcr gf,Tio,94 :Co.- iriacct with said County from Jan.lB, i 1868, to Jan. 20, 1869. • . —DR.— t.— Co. tax,'o2, Unto). $165 68 By uncut Co.tax '62 2 90 29 Belief do 21 20 do Relief 11 74 Militia do- 36 00 do , 1287 . State do 31 62 do State 13 69 1 County 4 83, uncol. 37 12. County Abatements 28 50 Ileliet do 47 00 do Coutufissiorut r: 48 Mao do 18 09 Relief Abatements 29 02 , State do . 51 10 C,ommistkas , 194 County '64 uncut 58 46 do . • State 481 tats do 102 78 Abatements State 13 08 Belief do 185 83 do County, '63 " 909 *nut, 4 85 uncol 180 88 Comudssiorui Co.. 1968 • tatty ,do • -- - -10101 do State - -• 6 46' tale do 9189 Abatements State 1984 eller do 128 58 State unto]. • 888 aunty '66 uncut 173 71 Relief unto! 2866 amity do - ' '7.-184 00 - " 'Abated ' BOS onnty '67 uncol 11435 48 4 4 Commission 620 my do B4OB 87 Militia do 06 11 MO do 924 VS. ss uncollected 707 por, do 6024 10 County "limit 14 68 46 Aasesedbounty4,9474l7 88 Rate do . 10278 t 4 County • 22298 36 Relief do 1 • -' - . - - 96 61 c ' Wide 2o34 00 • " Abatements -89 72 •Poor .- • 6680 63 County uncoil '66 39 78 Unseated Co. tax 41 Abated - 190 - / 8664 806884 “ Commissions ' 10 81 Bounty, do . 16100 46 Bounty uncoil 439 65 Poor, do. 1867. 2001 49 " Commissions 12 24 unseated Lands .. State uncoll . 46 07 1 1 sold individuals :282807 - " Commissions 297 rated, do. told 867 81 Bounty uncoil 1866 ,16152 do tax paid Treas. 1249 63 County abated 1 16 46 do land redeem'd 1057 27 Bounty uncoil /867 13376 udgmeuts paid 1045 95 44 abated 6051 16 nit. fines, Bbif. 787 78 " Commissions • 863 89 oaned by Conere 82133;2 Ceunty uncoil 214 69 ash of, Liberty tp. 818 28 i , 1 ' Comutteslons 469 61 Ousb of Vannes" .10.00 st a t e a b a t e ments 167 68 ent of Brew-ter' ". 40 00. w commissions - 45 67 t f Miller, late Tr. .2882 69 poor. uncollected 23 41 :om'rs Sales 48 44 " abatements 460 57 1 4 commissions 266 84 County uncoil 1868 7439 97 " abatements 497 61 " commiSsiots 801 60 Bounty uncoil 11810 09 " abatoments 0084 65 0 commissions '656 90 state uncollected 625 76 " abatement" 77 04 44 commission' 61 86 Poor uncollected 1229 56 " abatements 128 68 0 commissions 200 74 Poor orders red'd . 10231 78 County• do 7-23052 61 State Tr. receipts' 11658 89 Commissions ) 814 0 69 / 63 do /li 143 47 do 1 789 88 Bounty certificates Oct. 1 '64 red'd 62500 00 lon on same 641000 ICertificatee of Mar. 1 '64 redeemed 200 DO In't on same 10 88 Loan cart 'Scales is. sued Aug.2'62 red 600 00 lln't on same 139 88 8 L cert. Aug. '66 " 4000 00 In't on same 849 86 B L cert. Aug. TO" 2143 92 In't on same 186 97 B L cert Sept. '67 " 4786 75 In't on same 849 HO In't on b'ds '65-6-7 8301 31 CoM'n on State 1 po 110 63 We the undersigned, Auditors of Tioga county, hay log audited, settled and adjusted the above accounts of .1. 0. Bailey, Train:war of said county, do certify that boy aro correct as above tinted, Witness our bands hss 22d day of January, 1869. ISRAEL STONE It. B. SEELY, j• And, • D. CAMERON, •TATEMENT OP BOUNTY LIABIL ITIES: talance due by Om IV on Bounty Liabilitles per statement of Jan. 1868 t $189476 94 Loaned in, 1868 . 22133 72 i Bounty Certificates of Mar. 1,'64 red: and can 200'00 Do of Oct. 1,'64 .62500 00 Loan of kg. 2 62' u ,' 800 00 de 1, 'B5 4000 00 de 'BB 2193 92 do '67 4785 75 Ihterest on the above ' 18758 70... 78238 87 Deduct interest paid as above ............. 13758 70 Total of prinoipal paid in 1868, $64479 67 Duo by county Jan. 20, 1869 157129 99 We the undersigned Auditors of the County of Tioga, having Audited and adjusted the above accounts, do certify the samls to be a correct statement of the indebtedness of the County,.as witness our hands the 20th day of January 1869. ' • ISRAEL STONE. IL B. - SEELY. Auditors. iDAVID CAMERON. 2101 47 709 8t Orphan's Court Salo, It - pursuit:lee - of an order of the Orphan's Court I>f County. dated the 28th day of January 1889.1 he Undersigned Executor 'of the Estate of -Richard Phillips. late r of Wsitikedy of Murat Ifitl9, at the Plataises in Westfield Bore, at 00Q o'clock in the afternoon of said.day, expose to sale the following described real estate, late the property of said decedent, All that lot of land situated in Westfield Boro, Tiega County; State of Pennsylvania, Bounded rtiVel. lows: On the North by lands of Erastus Hoon, on the South by the Cowanesque River, on the East by lands of Chariton Philips, on the West by lands of M. G. Bowman, Containing about one hundredacres of land, more or' less ' fifty acres improvedlvith largo frame house, frame barn, wagon house, -together with other out buildings, an apple orchard pf seventy good bearing trees thereon. Also, a certain other piece of land situate in Westfield Township, County and State aforesaid and 'bounded as follows: On Abe North by lands of Charlton Phillips; on the South byllands of Charlton Phil. lips, on the East by lands of James Dodge and 0. W. Edgcomb, on the West by lands of Char/- - ton Phillips, containing forty acres more or less, about ten acres improved, and a,few apple•trees thereon. Balance good oak timber. For terms address Francis Strang Westfield Penna. ' FRANCIS STRANG, Westfield, Feb. 8, 1889-wt.* • Executor. Lots of ..Fresh Ground. gAyuGA.pLAsTER FOR $7,60, at 'JR T., L. BALD WIN & CO. Tioga, Feb. 8, 1869. THE AMERICAN Button-hole Over-sesuning and Sewing Machine. THEgreatest invention and • th e Best sewingl Machine in the-world. -It has no equal as a Family Machine. Ala INTRINSICALLY' THE CIEAPEST. It le really two machines in one by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement, making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch and the Over. seaming and Buttonhole stitch with equal fa cility and perfection. • It executes in the very beet manner every va riety of sewing, such as HEMMING, FELLING, CORDING, 'TUCKING, STITCHING, • BRAIDING AND QUILTING, GATHERING' AND SEW. ING ON, and in addition OVER-SEAMING. Embroiders on the edge and • makes beautiful Mitten and Eyelet-holse in all fabrics. Every Machine is Warranted by the Oompanylor its Agents to give entire satisfaction. For further information inquire of F. KINGS LEY, at IL O. Bailey's in Morris Run, er of Mrs. S. K. EVERETT, four doors south of the Depot near R. Earr's Botch Blossburg, whets the ma. 'chine may be tried, and instructions received in using the Machine, by all those wishing to hay. P. KINGSLEY, Agent. Morris Ran, Pa.,Eitg.. 8, 1889-Bm.A. 76 00 17 80 1 8 60, 764 29, 4b oq 213 50 1750 9 116631 $31222 1, RIP SHE GOES ! FROM THIS riATE GABlcwo will sell PEED at these pri. des . ire but Rye de Oats, Ground ere, . . $2,50 owt. B t imported Peed, . 2,25 " Best.cemmon Reed, . . 2,00 " - cout Peed,' 1.76 " The nbove'goods,t at the abcove prioes, aro strictly oath t • We don't osix /audits our feed. We haven't a Plaster Mill connected with mg' Flouring Milll - Our Food is pure! WRIGHT & BAILEY. Wellebure, Jan. 20, 1869, The Best is the Cheapest! tho ortrird 4oiriA to itpo,,etir'e Art Oultbry kt, gut thu bust. blemideld, Feb. 9, 1669. 068800 E 4 Balance in 1auad, 5164 4270 1195 Total credits, $168606 64 $221609 66 $221609 66 BULLARD - Bi, co:,', are now offering GENTS' & LADIES' FURS AT MST. VRENOH MIAINOS AT fl T, AMERICAN MERINOS AT COST. ALL OTHER GOODS IT GREATLY REDUM I CALL AND SEE Wellaboro, Jan. 20,1869. In Bankruptcy. Western Thieriot of Ponneyloania, 1* To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby girei notice of his appointment as assignee of Blisha J. Purple, of Welisboro, in the County of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, within - said District who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. MORTIBIRIt F. ELLTOTT, IVellsboro, Jan. 6, 188946 Assignee. HEARN and HoME XI 4. SOXIINZILT Agricraltnral and Fireside Journal, **aware StriTEN handsome roll* pages, printki CAW into.= sovertino book payer. aka strambioatlillb* tract by the but entail. p 1221) 31Ir DONALD 0..' • LID EAERTET =MOSER STOWE, *wasted by a corps of able editors and faletilbalari in each department. Isle devoted to the interests of OA • • PAJECIUM I PLANTER, GARDENER, vaurveatowEß, and the FLORIST. 4• • • Bs Mei l. • Aft ./. 77 = 3 6.104 • : " X IST -3 013; 47 ?Wort emarealy for t ABM AND 1102 a, ecnit• minces in Ant (Dacsainber 20th) lumber. inn oosttiboto to etch a MR. J THE BOYS AND GIRLS salllnd tic& own page alwaystghted vitt such ftut plersfes, and inn In stories, at -shall unlit khaki look sharpty teary week tor the couths of 2124411= %RD ROM. TERIIIII VOSI 1989. Male 00plitelit, invariably In solasiteal litaplat 110 i d Copt/di Ca. Atti ono Beading as VS far a 'blab ofls'ooptes Call at otiollmo), will rooatva a 60'h' frac 1 • X 0 trivatlina Mats aetyltrye`tS. Address all mar Zia laleatloas to PRITTENGILL, DATES it CO., TN BANKRUPTCY.—.This is to give notice.= that on the 19th day of January, 1889, a war rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the es. tate of David A. Clarke, of Middlebury, Tioga county, Pea n'a, adjudged ...bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any' ebts and de. livery of any. property to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at the office of F. E. Smith, in the borough of Tioga, Pa., before F. E. Smith Bsq., Register, Aa the 20th doff of February, 1809, at 10 o'clock forenoon. THOMAS A. ROwLEY, U. S. Marshal western Dist. of Pa. Jan. 27,'09. Per Dam) CAMBUON, Dept. Executor's Notice. LBTTERS TESWAMENTARY having been issued upon the estate of S. R. Price, late of Deerfield, deceased, all debtors to and claimants against said estate are requested to settle with SOPHIA. PRICE, . • Deerfield, Jan. '27, 186841.*, Executrix. Wood Makes Pictures• Cheaper than any other • Gallery In Ttoga Co., All Styles of work• Call and see for yoarselr. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Tioga County, an Auditor to adjust and settle the .account of Sybil Pries and Ira M., Edgcomb administrators of the es. tateisf Phincas Price, late of said county, clued, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, Jan. 21st, 1802, at 12 o'clock, noon, at his office in Znozville, Pa., When and whore all petting can attend if they think proper. Jan. 6,1869.5 w• O. W. 4 I3EACH, Auditor. Notice. • ALL persona indebted to as, will please * call awl settle at oneo--oi we shall be obliged to wake coats. WRIM & BAILEY. Wellsboro, Jaw a, 18*-lit Do you want to save money Go to Wood's Galle'ry for your Eioturos, Frames; and Cases, it will oost you ' nothing to enquire hie price's:: WWsbortr,lan. 18, 1861b—tf. VICTO ' Y. gained over the Tooth•aebe and the pain of Extraoting, by the use of NITROUS OXIDE GAS, et pr•-•red by se”reo of teititrn,nislo al the T)en Tai Office a A. IL, r.A.z.):MAN. AI" Call and bo convinood, 15". , i , . 1 IDGriv trt ream Uovr 9 ICIPP TOIL 1 - 7 Goods - Ileceived Weekly. Dry Goods Fresh Groceries CROCKE RIVE 2001r0 ASTE)Ealego and Caps. Be it rememborod, that Converse &_ Osgood keep constantly on band a large stock of general MERGMA N 1Z J a GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD Jan. 8,1888.-2 y. CO'N'VERSE tt- OSGOOD January 1869 hasArrlved, also a good fresh stock of Flollr . all shades grad colors, "from thebest it= tett' , chsapest," [37,60 per barrel,] MEAL, FEED, PORK, FISH, SALT, &C„ all of which I am now offering at the lowest- liv ing prices for Cash, br in exchange for most kinds of country produce; besides I offer cosh for the last named. Cash Buyers will 'find it to their advantage to giveme a call. N. 8.--My Books are full—can't Henanoz any more." Remember, Mozart Block. Wellsboro, Jan. B, 1889. M. B. PRINCE. ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF Furs ! Furs 1 Furs 1 Furs ! ' net received at Delman° Co 7 s, bought since the Holidays. Now is the time to buy FURS cheap; also, CLOTHING & CLOTHS and all kinds of - WINTER GOODS. DELANO_ tt CO. Jan. 6, 1869. ' HARDWARE AND STOVES 1 ' S & OSGOOD tONV liCr AVE on hal and are oonstantly receiving at their Hatd are Store every article needed in this region of country, in the HARDWARE LINE. _ SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, S'rEEL NAILS. MIDDLETOWN AND ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, srrov.P.S, Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal Stoves. Home Companion, and the justly celebrated AMERICAN COOK STOVE, TIN-'WEE ' No pains will be spared to meet the wants of our customers. CONVERS et OSGOOD. WWlsboro, Jan. o', 1869, ly. Executor's Notice. T ETTERS TESTMENARY having been is L sued to the undersigned upon the last will and testament of Levil. Nichols, hill of Wells boro, den'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming against said estate, aro required to settle with U. W. WILLIAMS, - W'elishoro. Dec. 23, 1.808-7t* Ex'r. Pay Up ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber are requested to call and settle at onee, or oosts will be made. Take notice 'Jan. 6,1868.41. w Paris Exposition Universelie, 1.1 1 CHICKER WS American 'Pianos - Tri mphant OVER ALL THE NV ALD. - Mtn 11. W. TODD,.Aont, Doe. 28, 1868. Weltaboro, Pa Atlantic and 6reat,Western -Arm- ERIE RAILWAYS, THE GREAT BROAD GITAGE ROUTE Pon CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST: PAUL, ' OMAHA, And to all Points in the WEOT and Noarn-IVEsr.. Dayton, -Cincinnati, Louis- VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS - • CITY, MEMPH4 S, NEW ORLEAN, And all points in the South 4 Southwest, with No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, From any point on the Eric Rhilway. An nd. vantage and bonvenieneo not offered by any other route. 3 Tunouun LIGHTNING EXPRESS Theme DAILY. Baggaga,Chetked Through; and No OnexoE from ono oar to another, preventing loss or dam. Tickets via this popular route can be procured at all offices on the line of the Erie Railway, and of IsllBBirec ABBOTT, • OPPOEIT DEPOT ELMIRA. When purobaving nek tho Agent for Tickets via the ATLANTIC & GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. II W. B. BRATTUC, Gen. %%Ile% and Paee. Ag't, Cleveland, 0 L. D. BUCKER, Jan. B,'G9. Gan. Bunt., Meadville, Pa. O. a. IZEltlarir f)EALEW IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &Q., be. Opt• ner of Market and Craton stroets , Vrell:boro, Pa. Jan. 0, 1808. PLASTER:! PLASTER! - ~ARMtR, bait; and.bere you'll find CAYUGA. jr PLASTER _ground as tine as any flour, for 'people 84 tbntcoarto ground Platter bad its play On band you'll find a plenty hero, Come one and nll both far and near, To C. It OWENS' Mill, Mansfield, Pa. Pride $S per ton. . Jan. 6, 1964, CASH Paid FOR HP 'ES, , • by .11. A. y Una'. Nireflebop l pep. 16, i888:-ef G RO. WAGONER. PRIZE at tho TECE LOOO GUS` mans TO BUY . . , , :.:.<,_. 31.E14013.A.NDIZE' , ' •I.' .., • . J. A. Parzons & Co., eas4 Store, Fine grench Merinos, yard wide, all;colbsib as. Fine Empress Cloths, double told,; 3 2,000 yardstandsome Dress GoodeStilitiiiii of Serges, Alpacas & Brllllantes, at 26 to 311 , ett, worth 8 and As. Heavy winter Woolen Double Shaves 28,5 U to Ss, Beaver Clorklngs, black and ool'd, UM to 133,75 Ladies' Furs, collars & muffs, $G & 26,60 per sett Red twilled Flannels, at 311 cents. Grey Twilled Flannels at 2.11 cents. Fancy Shirting Flannels, 25 to 37i cents. All Wool Casslmeres, SI. Prints 01 10, and I2i Shootings 124 cents. Canton Flannels, 1& to 25 cents. • I BOOTS & SHOES. Men'e Doubt() sole S Woinea's Kip Shoo, IVoinen's calf Bak u° argo sleek of Alno a I • . WINTE 'Es cost of getting.them up ut toitoh 10,12 than t We have made these extra inducements in or. der to get our stock largely reduced by Jan. I.t, 1869, and intend to make clean work of it, if low prices will realm quick sales. Call nod tee for yourselves, J. A: PARSONS 4t . : CO., Corning, Oct. 14, 1888, Administrator's Notice; T _UTTERS of Administration baying teen granted upon the estate of Thomas Martin, late of elmar deo'd, all persons owing against It the ester e, or claiming against the same, matt settle tt,l h , JOHN ENGLISH, • Delmir, Dec. 9, IS6S--Bsr. Admr. In Bankruptcy. TlllB is to give notice: - That on the 24th &vane ember, A. D. ISOS, a warrant In Bankruptcy was tanned against-the ,estale o..lletekialt Stowell, Jr., of We'Moro, in the county of Tioga and State of Mll yania. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bit own petition; that the payment of any debts and de. livery of any property boionglng to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any:property lit him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the credb tore of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, end to chtfose one or more Assignees of his estate, will he held at it Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office •bf F. N. Smith, in Tina* Boro, Ps., before P.R. Smith, Register, OD the 20th day of February A.D. ISC9, at 10 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. B. Marshal Western District, Pa. Per DAVID Quinces, Dep.y. Jan.lB, 'CA), In Bankrupt .y. TlB is to silo notice ; That on-At 28th day of De. newton, A. D. 1888; a warrant .111 Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of John B. Benn of Clymer township, in the county of Tioga aid State of Penn , sy Violate; who has been adjudged 'a Bankrupt on tfil own petition; that-the payment orally debts and dr livery ofany property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his non, and the, transfer of any property by lm are forbfriden,by taw; that a meeting of the c Itors of the said Bankrupt, to p rove their dthtl,• i to an choose one or more Aesignees °Chia estate, will be held at a Court Of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Ito office of P.• B. Smith, in Tioga 13bro, Pa.. before tE. Smith, Register, on the 20th day of l'ebtiaarr, 4.1)1 1860, at 10 o'clock, A. ar. THOMAS A. HOWIJit U. B.Mtlrelna 'Western District, l's, Pat ps.wm Castellon Dep'y. Jan. 13 , 162 Auditor's Notice. MBE undersigned having been appointed by the Court, Auditor to distribute the mid/ ariaiag from the sale raza _cstato of Wm U. Middaugh and Thurmon Paulson, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday the 23d day =of January next, - ; at I Q'olock, P. )I. of said day, at his office In.the Borough of 'flogs, at-whioh time and place all persons Were:4lo will please Who notice. Jun. 6, 1868. SOHN W. GUERNSEY. 20 000 ' ' clef f Good utter warned i i 'or " W n liio I will pay 4 mite in trado at my Store. C. L. WiLLCOX. Wellsbbro, Nov. 23, 188. , Farm far Sale. ITUATED on Elk Itun, Gaines township, oontaining 125 aortas 50 mares improved.— Said farmis woll watered, has it frapio house. and barn and a choice fipple orchard, and is well adapted to dairying purposes. Title good and, tones easy. Inquire of IVni. U. Smith, barn, or L. L. RUSSELL, Delmar. Sept, 23,1808. House and Lot for Salo T OT large, house commodious and convenient, 1.4wi1l bo sold oheap for ready pas. Also, a florae, Buggy, Cutter, Harness nnd' Buffalo—all in good condition—for sale 'obeap. For particulars, inquire at this office. , • IF YOU WANT . • Aa GODJOB of wort: done on Clocks, Vintrb es or lonolr", do , to ~ Sept. 2, isas. i ..r. M. WARRINBR, Valuable - Fa t rm for 'Yak. Afarm of three hundred acres, with two hue dred and tttenty.live aerea improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tiogaqiiver and Raliroed. -Well watttered, un• der a good - state' of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Vogl village., T. L. DALDYIN. TI.A , a, rob. 12, /8(18-11. Administrator's Notice, IV.TTBRS of -Administration having been A granted to the undersigned upon the es tate of Robert Martin, late of Delmar deed, all persons owing said estate, or claiming against tho,aame / will settle with JIIO. Palmer, Deo. 9, 1868—Ow. - Admr. A LOT OF THE beat 8 day dloells ever pola In Tive Co., can be foetid et Sept. 2, 1888 —tf I. M. WAitRtiNER• _ Sa LT can F4' ha4l in any qw.lplity .WICN HAN! P 1 HIVP r Lind lamp for Keropeno no breakage of chimneys—at FOLEY'S. I AP Boots, tuna= made, gi best esuktom!inake;s2,2s CLOAKS,