The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 27, 1869, Image 1

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    Op DIMor
la t
publiahod every 'Wednesday lioorning at $2
per year, invariably in advancer
No. of SirrlS. U. } ,B DA,
$l,OO $2,00 $2,80 $O,OO
2,00 'B,OO 4,00 8,00
10,00 15,00 17,00. 22,00
118,00 1 mOOlBO,OOl 40,001
1. Square,
2 Squares.
Flail C 01...
One C 01....
Speoial Notioei
per lino.
line; Editorial:or
Local 20 cents per ,
W. R. TERBELL dir. CO.,
DKUGGISTS, and dealers In
Wall Parer, Kerosene Lal,nps, Window Wass,
Perruesery,-Paints.and.olls; hc., 416 . . „.,
.Cnattrance, Beuuty,an:d Pepsion Agency, Map
Street WollsborO, Pa.; Jan. 1, 11308.
$. F. Wnsoz.
A TTORNgYS & (3011.N8EL0118 AT ..LAW,
(First door koinlligonefe, on , the Aran e)-4'
Will a ttend tb tiusineaa entrnited to dial-roar°
in the counties of Tioga and Potter.
Volisboro, Jan. 1, 1808.
WESTFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Va., E. G.
Proprietor. A new and oomtnudtotta
• building with all tl4i "Modern itnprovamonte.
Within cuay driven of the bast hunting and 114-
tug grounds in Northorn Penn'a. Contrayanc9f
furnished. Tema moderato.
Fob. i5,1888-Iy. . . -
TAILOR.. Shop first door north of L. A. &wet
Shoo Shop. 'Cutting, FMl'lll,lllO Repair
ing done promptly and well.
IVelliboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1868.4 y.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John li
ilocven'a Storo. Oa" Cutting,_ Fitting,' ant
Repairing dono prptnptly and in bast etylo.
Wallsboro, Pa.. Jan ISSIS-ly • '
Notary Public and Tnsuraneu Agent, Bless'
bur, Pa. over Caldwell's Store. •
Wellsburo, - Tiuga 110 , Pa.
waiva Agent, Notary Public), and In'eUrctuet
Agent. , Ile will attoud promptly to collection 11l
Pensions, flack Pay and Bounty. As Notar3
Public, he takes acknowledgements of deeds, au
miniAters orths , and will act as Commissioner ti
take Cestilmony. "Sr Office over R ors Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator OfEme.—Oet. 30. 1307
John W• GuernsieVP
11.tvia. returned to this count) with a view vi
making, it his permanent rosidenee, solicits
share of public patronage. AU business en.
trusted to his care will bo attended to wilt
votiptoces and 11dolity. Unica 2d door south
of 1 S. Farr!a hotel. Tioga, Tioga co., Pa.
°opt. 26.'68..—tf.
Gainos, Tioga County, Pa.
now hotel located within easy limas of the
Bost fishing and hUnting grounds in North.
"ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared
for tho acoothmodation of pleasure setters and
:'so travollng publio, 1808.]
etor. 'A now:Hotel conducted on the pri - nciple
of live and lot live, for the acouttnoclation of
tho puhllo —Nov. 14, 1506.-Iy.
Glilo.. W. RYON,
ronoovillo, Tioga Co., Pa.. Bounty, Pension,
o,nd Insurmiee Agont.,- Colleotions promptly
attended to. ()Moo 2d door below Ford neer°.
Dan. 12 lBti7—ly ,
,IVTARtI, dppcsna lees, Violin String,,
Mar StraUbe! and. Jec ,
elry neatly repairod. Engraving done iu plain
English and German,
1 leupt67-1 y.
Thos. - S. Eirydon
iII7II,V.EYOR - 4t DRAFifithidS.—Ordora loft at
his room, Towasead llotel, Wollaburo,, will
moat with prompt attention.
Jan. 13. 1867.—U'.
Good stabling, attached, and at:i attentive bas
tion-always in attendance. •
E. -S. FARR , Prupriotor.l_
• Hairdressing & Shaving. 4
SaJohn over 'Willcox & Barker's Store, Weile
born, Pa. Particular attontiou paid to Ladies
Ilair.tutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids,
Pude, code, and ewichus on baud and mucktu or
.. .
ler. ' tl
BACON, M. 1)., Into of the 2(1 l'n. Cavnlry, nits:
nearly fourletirs of army service, with a lurk.
lapel leuce 111 field afid . - hospital practice, has opened :u
-office for too practico'of inediAttii and surgery, in al
its branches. l'ursoni from a tiiiitithco 0111 tied go()
liolrding at the Piiiins)lratila lintel ‘vheu
Will visit any part et the State ill consultation, or 1.
perform surgical operations. No 4, Union Block, nj
)Vellsboro. May '„);,1,5h0 —ly.
PICTURE 011 LliftY.-
has the pleaturo tv tnf,rut the citizens vi 'hog ,
county 'hit he has eutupicted his
and is on jinnd tv tithe :01 kiti'ds Sun Pictu res ouc!i os A cd; brotypes, locrretype,, Viznet ter, Cartc
de Visite. the surprise and hurchd l'icturee;
pa.rtietdar ;attention p tid to ceiling, and unlarp
fu; Pictures. instructions givi•n•in the Ail .•
re min:tole for W 3• Oct- 1
Y 3.
runtneu A4utit Coomionle.itione :cht to tt,
.o).*Re aril reel:Art: prompt atientidi
Irrit.t4 [int. 8. 1808-1;.3
-U. S. CL,.4-'I.IM: AGENCY,
For age CollectLai of
Army and Nuys Claims and rinslons.
t ,v,1).‘11(1 ) earn' eXtlit rote
O!'! ICll' S' E.C7PA PA Y.
Threo utantlin' extra pay pi °pa' U. vcrltiiill4.l utTleor
Who Nvero iu aer%ico March 3. 10t,5.
TolLll who hAve lost a Ihnb autl who have hut h ye' ina
neatly and totally oi•abled.
Alt other Covertauent, eltdroe prwoeitte,l. ,"Y‘ll".
Welinhoro,October 10,15 V-ti
1)r. 0. It. Thompson- •
`[wEbtstiortouott to
Will attend to Prorestional calk in the village,
and immediate vicinity of Wtlit•boro. •
Witte and Residence on State St. 241 ,ieer on
the ight going li,t•it ["..;
THE undorAgned 1111 , 1111a' returvva t Well 6.
boro and opoot:d biq rilop, on Water ' , IN et,
Si:MOUS a share of pakronago, 110 pr ,, po,er Co 4.14)
Shoing horses $3,611 and other work in proper
April 20, 1808.-6 m
J. G. rusrarArn,
lir it - 10 1; 1 the , hem.
Turttsusn wATBR
for iloiVart'S O aillaiing Muvernctit Far t./ and
Mulay Saws. -
Pa.-,,Aug. 15137, I ,
Bounty and Ponsitin AgonOv.
DrA.v om received ie finite . last ruct ion tin regard to
_kJ thli.v.tra. nJanty .%ilowod by tile act approved
4111 .124.1884. am) iptving on band-a I rtrr,c'ettpply or nll
tuces.nry blanks .1 :,m prepared to prosccule all pen.
sim .In,t I6unty •Ilinis Witlelt MAY be placed in my
bands. Per - orm• I ring It a ,li4tanceean commnntento
\ t a
with Tue 'ls )3tter.nd tl , oir communication, wit) he promptly:in vested. - WM. 11. SMITH
Welliborkl ch;tober 24.1366 . .
De%ler in DRY GOODS or ail kinds, Miramar°
'an 1 Yinkoo Notions. Our as.:ortment is lar g e
anivrices tow. Store in Union Block. Coll
lentlOman.;.i.nuar-20 1868-Iy.
8 Of .G 31 os. 1 Vela
$7,00 $12,00
12,00 12,0 P,
30,20, 60,00'
00.00 1 00,00
3. B. Nmss
J. W. ItiTrEi:
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• - 8 BaldwjutStolot,
(fileN :Or THE BLO - 11061C,%21rFL00R,) '
--.... 7 -,, :--,:-.-----
a001:1 A TLIE 14:614 CAWLP es ri;l¢ CHEAPEST.
Of overy'dosorlption, in all styles
and as - low, for quality of:ES - look; us any Bindery
isrzt.fie : Sinto; , of 9 aeiipttoa
found in — eho list manner undilu any style or.
Executed In the.beat 04E114; Old Books re
bound undirinde gondas'nonc-'
..• •
31114:64teiaN'Ib 1i21,14.1111a
• •4 Co4lPkirit Y.OPR:OTS f . - a4
I asvprepared to flirniell back ambers of an
tiorlewa or 31agazinou published in Oa United
States or Groat-Britain', at nloii:Prlae: -
Of all 012 es and qiiltlittes j on. hand, inlod or plain.
if any quality o i f,sizo, on band and cut up ready
ror printing. S. so, LULL PAPER, and CARD
dOARD dr all colors and quality, inboards !iir
flit to any Bias.
cap, , Letter, Note PaPer, Envelopes,
Pens, Pencils, -
[lO rule agOnt fpr
. - .
i AND Cis , ;intlttris
•Vbich I w'll warrant equal to Gold peva. The
in UFO and no taistoice.
Tho above nook I will Eellut the LOTVOi : t Itatet
'tt all timee, at
_a Ernall.advailee au- /19tir Yea
,Irlcois, and in quantitlei to suitpurcbVser;9. All
fork and melt warranted aercpresented,
• I respectfully eulicit n share of pane patron
ige. Ordure by 'mail promptly attended to,—
Address, LOUIS KIES,
Sept. 28, • - Elmira,- Y
MINER ly ATKINS, PappraiTOß.
Etted up a new hotel bulicliag on theatre
g Of the old Union Hotel, lately destroyed Lp ilre,
.tua uow reedy to receive nud euiertsjn 15 ,1 v 2 t.- -
gallon 11atel was Inteudetl fur 11, TeMpCIIIIIC , 3I/01380,
cud cho Proprietor believes It cull be sustained withalt
srof._, u Attentive hosilla 1 uttAndaue3-•
1 1 i eallibOreiJuno 20,11307. - ••' - •
rAILOR AND CUTTER,_ has opori . ed a shop
on Crofton street, roar of Soars S Llerby's rhos
shop, where his Is prepared to ruantifiieture ggr
snouts to order in the most substnutial manner;
and with dispatch. "i v artlenliti`attention paid
to Cutting and Fitting. rdisreli 20, ISOB-1Y
On striatly Temperance principles, iSiorris Run,
Pe. E. O. BAILEY, Proprietor. horses and
Carriages tolut.—March 8, 1888.-Iy. •
J:. i t. RIM TULL E
. ,
. .
,Oue door.ubuyo,tJso i :.ifrithi;',. .;
IV EL LSI3-GRO, Plilis. , T'A,
p B§Pircll' lt LI Y 'nil n ) ,u 1 toEr ' id, tht.• trading
IA) public that La has a..dodirublo itoch of Gra
comb, ,couipriaing, Teas, Cotfoaf,, 6iiizer; Nugan,
M ol4 "CD;BYrays, and-all that oens4tufer a tlrFt2
clues thick. Oysters in every , i;iyia- iq, ..11 tosa
tonallo bourn.
Wellrboro, Jan, 2, 166r—t1. . . .
.1:2 csat ea . era a311.4=k cl , iv.
Great lizcitemetal Johneon ImPea - eh l ed o and Eta
bree's Booote and Shoes triumphant! - I`l,lo subscriber
voulfl tt,i,y_to tho-peoploof Weal-field -and 'vicinity that
!leis manufacturing a Patent hoot, which c believes to
possess the tollowing_ndifantage over 'al °theist-let.
therein no erituping; ftd, no wriuttli ug, sav as they break
a) the feeti — adt--„uu ripping. lu - eitert, they aro just
the thing for everybody, tramples on /Wild and orders
f olicitod. ' ticilo right 'of Westfield tawnehip and Born'
.ioeured. do has alesojtast received a s dondia set of
ualuaoritl patteins, !Meet styles. Como Due, come' all!
tVe are non bd. tomtit cheap for cash or ready pay. fihop
,no door south of &tudcrs & Golegrove:
Weatileld "Soto', Feb. 13 1868.,Emnitsz.
C. H. HOLDSMiTH, Propriolor.—llavlng leas
od ibis popular Hotel, tho propriotor respoot
fully aolici(s a fair Share.of pacrounge, Every
• atteution ,icon to guoEte. Too bon hootlor ire
the county alwaysiu °Umlaute.
April 29, 1868.—1 y.
I would reepeetfully Nform the ei/lizens of Ti
oga nod vicinity, that 1 !lave built at new
the-Borough 'tinge,kii[l having a gout;
holographic Attirt in lay .4nplty, I atn 116 H
•eporecl to all p miles hnotu
• the Photoititiplite Att., Alec tyit,g iu
upky.t. ',outlier of iittq elate Pltitaerb, I ut
epmud to illlez%%er all calk far hun‘u, sign, cal
:tae, ornataentul end scenery Ottniing. Au
esl A..,. I.SIEADE.
Tit.go, Po.
Maj? R , ISGS—(im
IT the Lawrenoevillo Dr StrJ i ro. where yt,%
ZI L will (hid evtry thlu;: properly belertgli,g t
Drug Trude
ad J,l the be.t quality fur Cal-11. Almo, Pais t
Laiiipe, Fancy \utiun±.
:s., Fibbing, etc.
paid tar Flax
Lawrenceville, May 8, 18G7.
U.Len's Volts Insurance Convany,
GLEN'S FA L 1:8, N. Y. •
Capital and $373,637.66.
FA 1131 ItIES, only, toltou.
Nu Premium roquireil
I.t. is LI 8L1.1.A L. I I 'pi ) (lit u.ageB by Light
I:lo w , whether Tiro en-ue- nr out.
It pop fur lire 1;,,F Lightbing, in
hump or iu
tut rates 1113 i , wt r tho'n other Colupordoi of
t qUlli I. t). Pit ICEi Agent,
Val Conan, •iiogu
Mny 29, ISO-1 a,:
WilLICEat &.
DC 1.1110; 19 '
)11,1/If SliVS‘
W AT 1;;I-1.
[o.; M I'LFI ENTS,
Carriaac arid narne!s3 TrinmangS,,.
Y Jar.
I; , .ri.i~u:. .
1.1.A.1 ICNESS Lct ULEY,
Oce- d; rua I - cake:thus j't i,i the
urgm toe(; / Sect% y•
Rocas AND SHOEm 1111 Itinda "mode to
.61e, tlrld ill the hc-1 mannol l • •
REPAIRING of an•liql000 promptly nth!'
good. Give tr , a c:01. "
• ,
Wellsboro,jan. 2.1863 I. •
AnoltNEY ,6-11 TJAW.
odi c , : 'wit& W. Msg., Mnin• Street - ,
opposite Union Block, Wellaboro, Pa.
July 16, 1888. • • ,
... , ,,1! - ..,..e: - . , .
- - ---
.; •
PREPARED Ell" DP,. (X N. "Ammon,
The greatest kncruo: remedies fbr
LiVtpr:clorctr4.*4 9: :
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
,EatrrTlQNs.of the SKIN,
and all - Diseassee` arildisce from a DIA.
ordered Liver, Stomach, or
• Riad the fottoesting sympsons, and if you font that
y=ttern is (Tata- by Arty stf Mein, you ,may rut
Mat &swat has somntencid its attack on the
tnost important organs of your body, and unkas soon
checked by At usa qfpowerfla renwfieka miserable'
l(fe, soon towitruitiag in death, ultlt the result. •
Constipation_.' Platillethie,_lnviard Piles.
guineas of Blood to the .11 - e ad, Aoldity
of the Stomaoh,, Nausea, Heart-, •
burnisgust forFelnd,,ulneas
.1 : or Weight' in tlie iStomaeh; ' ;'
• • : Sour EEructations; Bina
•,; lug or Fluttering at the Pit
Of the Stomach, Swimming .of
the Read; Harried ,or Dalleult
Breathing, Fluttering _at the Heart,Choking or Suffwating Sensations when
iu a Lying Festive. Dimness Of Vision,
-Dots or Webs before-the Eight;
Dull Pain in the Head;
oienoy Of Perspiration,lrel
• lowness of the Bldn and ,
Pain • in • th
Elaek - .` Chest, Limbs; et c ., Bud.
dgu FlUshos'of ,ELeat i , Burning in
the - .Pleish, - Constant Imaginings of
Evil,and Great DoProalien,ig Spirits,
CAtillijen indicato'clisa.see of Lio Litii• or uigistios
Organs, ozOined WA *ultra blood.. ,
IJadttimb • n o .erni ,Bitter .
is entirely vegetable; and ciinta Ins no'
liquor. It is a compound of Fluid Ex.
tracts., The Roots,,Kerbtli.and.- - llarks
Vora, which there extraetti are' mode
'axe. gathered - lu Germany. All the
medicinal Viatl4o3 are extracted from
them .thy a soloutitile -chemist.- These
extracts axe -then colwarded to this
country - to liettsell - eXisressly for the
manufacture of these Bitters. There
is no alcoholic substancerof any kind
used, in !compounding -the- - bitters,
'hence It is the, only,Eitters 'that
he used ittCases where a/co/solto stint.
ulants aro ; stotpdvicahle. ,
400fkittn; tEletinn n, . (Ten •
... •
it a oombination'qf ail Vit ingiettfeids Vie Mos,
-with Pt= Sankt Urns Rani ;'Orange; etc. 12 is used for
--the ram diseases at t/o- .ilitterto, in'leases'where some ,
' pure akoholk atimultis:l4 required: , Tou will bear in
'mind that thus remedlea are , anneal). (Efferent front
any otters adca t isat"for the 'earn d6.eatet
- iutentd, thessbanmaitti(4o(rparatiAlts f m'eclicinat
retracts; iohaer the . oLkeiT (ere mere decoctions o f rum
'in scow forns. - Ths TONIC is decidedly one of most
pleasaa end- agreeaUt
. rer4diee /Ter offered to the
puUto. its Nato exVigeite, , It it a Verasuro tai It; Eadle 'as' /{AT/tang exht/araling; and Inaltattiti
puz/t/Ui hare oaasal C t v bckr:rrf 08 the err eetiat of
Thouhrincts 'or "eases, when the pa.
tient drifiposed he' 'Was afflicted Ivith
this terrible dieepue; liave-been Cured
the nee , of the sex x trente
.eautte,latiort, debilit r, ud ; Cough , ore
:the tattUal attendanta acre**,
„ ' eases at disperridn.- - Or 'disease. 'or the
dig - eedive orgn.tan-iilven in et co or
, genuine cunkim
ein lon,.tbese re ledios
wtil be round or- thOi greatest ,bettent,
stkengtltciainct o,nd:invigorating.
. ,
• . tolloqjtantle Gamatt
Biller, or Tonic (a cases !Malty. They impart a•
terse awl rigor to the toho.e 2tb sten', strenothen the op.
petits, cause an onfoyntene of the food, eriabln 'the
atostach-10-diumt it, purify the blood , -gfre a good,
erevv,l, healtl),Kcomplmion, eradicate' the yellow tinge
front the eye, ttiptrr/ a Ur:mei& the cheeke, and change
tha patteat frolq ,1 -'r einac t audi
end r.,..rvoga fat (7?id, to a j:n7-fae4d, t!rett,.oncl
Wit pirtom-
Weak - and belicate Children
are made stronsiby the Bitters
or Tonic., in , lact,:they:fire Faintly
Plc dicip h. 'nieycanbc adrnintaiexed
with perfect-gaiety to a7ohtld
nianiths most delicate teinale,
• or.a man or ninety. • .1
Thisc 274744i1ies are the lied 7 - -
13lood Putifters
. ,
' ever known, and will cur( all Peezes .retulting froin
dad bfrwxl. -
I consider "Hoodamlls German Mt..
ters" a err/liable medicine In case or at.
tacks of Intllgcra {cut or Dyspepsia. I
, con qualify this from my experience
I °fit; Yours, respect
The above Remedies aro for sale by Druggists,
Storekeepers, and Medicine ()enters, ovelytahere
throughout .the Unitect States, Canadas, South
Anairt**nd tbo W9Kitulloo.-24ar.
Tame ,
FROM GERMANY' in 183sz.
.Keep your blood pure: kelp your Liver in 'order ;
keep by
dfgalive, organs in a eound, liezdthy amcri•
(ton, by the use time remedies, and nts disease will
rum as:aft you. _ _ . _ . _
Ladies who , lair skin and
good complexicati free from a yellow.
ish Ling,e,eAti all tither disfigurement,
should itbc remedies occasion.-
oily. The Liver It perfect order, rind
the blood pure, will result in spark , .
lint: cysts and blooming cite/ells.
Hof/4mPa German /?emnifea -are armrtrrfeitnd.
Me pentane hare fite biantatire of C., M. Grflakßolt
On du frrnlt of the outside turaproor of Foch bottle , and
the name o f t ro al tick blown in eacJi . balat. AU alhers
at , cataarrfcit.
Thostettlisle or lettere have beer; re.
ee tout Ifylugto the virtue of then.
remealebs- -
FROM lIQ.'. or.oov, 1V001) WARD,
CblorJuktice ,kr the Slipl pisie Court of ponmlyivaiati,
'lAtten 16th, 1.867.
I find "/Tonfland's Go•ntart IIIIrrs” is ing an into:-
icafing bor•ruff , , bid is a gam? ns , rnr , in dam"
rioxs of lb. cli;lestitu. organs, and/ of great ben•jit in
dais f Ildrility rind loan: of iIiTVOUS action in (Its
suelent. I%,tirs trafy,
FROM - !lON. JA3lr3 Tnompso:sr;
4 Judge of the Eopt enie Court of leleasylvanlet.
From 11. D.D.,
Pastor of the Tenth Iliptist Church, Philadelphia.
DR. JAC N:3 :—;./ hare bern frequently re
quetted to name with recionlin.ndatunts of
atyc,rent kinds of mcdmir,4s, but - reinirding the practice
at out of my appropriate 47, // ere, I hare, in all cases de
clined ; but with a eteqr proof in vorit,us instances, and
rarticularty in my oton,,fttmity, of the usefulness of Dr.
HaqtlattcPs German Bitters, I depart for 0710 A from my
tuuat course, to express my full conviction that for
general debility of oho system, nod especially for Liver
Complaint, it Is a safe and valuable
_preparation, In
some cases it mayfaif ; but usual! I doubt not, it wia
be eery berufieiat to tho3c who suffer from the above
mum , )ours, very rapectitrity,
Eipittly betow /bates St.
Price of the Bitters, $l.OO per bottle;
Or, a half dozen for $5.00. '
Price of tho Tonlo, $1.60 per bottle;
Or, a half dozen for $7.60.
The Tonto le put up iu quart bofilea.
• Recollect cleat it is Dr. Certrtatt Ront4its
that are, se iinioersally Used and's() Idgldy recommend
ed; and d o not allow the Druggist to induce yoie to
mk t any Ming the, (kat ht may say is just as goat bit",
-Mit he etrutzta largo profit on a.- Tees Remedies
will bt sent by express to any locality upon application
to the
No. MI ARCH STREET, Philadelphia.
CHAS. :311VAN8, proprietor,
Pormerly 0, N. JILOICEION dr, 00. ' . ' '
These Itetaedlei• 'are for sale •by
Druggists, Storekeepers, and Medi.
elite Dealers everywaere.
Do-not fared to examine welt the article you buriin
• •
order to get the gen
f ~..I ' . ) 1; ,;, -.'i ic Tf , XI 1. 'l, , .
~, i
,1 ,: j''.:Ti:VirELL
all-Og ' - fl l n*f l
~ .., : !•;7 . ... :., A
. _
Trill aroja,or L18'.13. .
, The lo vf„.llfo are tiny things;
-'..%•`'X p;
glenee, a !eying smile, '
A word in torteinf.kindnesis
From lips the kniiw uo guile,
.. Aro oft,the sweetest pleasures . .
We find adoniOarthee way,--. . ^
The sunniest beams that.brighten up
Time's heavy,. datirsomo day.
The elndleis - tv ke'of liiippititiii
el i ,
We picture in eur.youth,
Aroyielone fro enobantsd_rialmn--
• -Notifeberdr res-of truth"; -
-..44ey lareAlsolAnd oft•:wo ligbt , ..
The pearls th t gleam each day, :
Till late wellati, lifeitreasureirstro,
Unprised, Las passed away. , _ .. . -
Then let us neyer4eorri these -gem),
. And bnai.d'tber4 up with miser grasp
- 3• f re . gladdendaYiEless fair :
'When time's bl i ght:sun to twilight hcnzrs -
l'or„tis is hin ingalown.r -
'iyheri hop can only detail the rays
That gild - a htavonl3+orow33. „ , ,
Wort it
- , , ,
'-SOnie , years ago, : while -journeying\
through the ceitral part of Ohio, a ter
rible -snow st rill occurred, which so
obstructed. the_ reed that several passen
gers' then/din my_Self, were'obliged, to '
i ,
'MP-10mm° ation in a small wog4oclen '
ttivern situate ti
ar Ely.. After satisfy
ing Onr,hiner aaano - with a Warta-sup-•
per, we all tun , regated around the, bar
room fire, telling .atories,' and' enjoying
, ourcel yes_ generally. •
Among uti WO a middle .aged. man,
apparently a'rn,erchabt, who remainee
a silent listener to the conversation 01
the ofi the evening; -but melt
our vocabularylof stories was exhausted;
and the gentleman wits potitelyinvited
to `revive the drooping Conversation by
relating a story: 1 He readily - acceptedl,
the invitation, and related the following
which I 'give' to the reader as - near as
my memory kill t permit:
About•twent years ago; ho , began, I
was connected with a wealthy firm in
St. _Louis, an , desiring to visit New
-Orleans, was e trusted with a ciansideri
able sum of m /ley by my .employers,
to beiconveye With all possible haste
to a New Orle nc merchant.
Early in the morning I got. aboard,
the boat and 1 aned listlessly over- the'
railing, watt ing the inhabitants- atEi
they went fo th to their varnus .taccu-,
.pations. I had not remained in tht/t po- t
aition long .before the steamer"' moved
slowly away from the pier, - Aid soon,'
the city was entirely lost to view. ,
During the day nothing transpired to,
render the voYagg disagreeable, end as
the shades of ght began to hover over
theseater I rewired to the saloon; wittre
several gentle Men were.•engaged: in' a
rather .atormY.,
,discuecion of :politics.,
,Soon r ,be,eame,.entangled alonw.with
2 ti ie. reSt, an d 'gave my particular ' -- vi ays
on political
_subjects.- , . ~ ....
While convex-Sitt i g,' l'. thoughtlessly
;mentioned the'fact of my having a large
.sum 9f money umy possession. Noth-i
ing farther wa g e said about itelthe time,
however; but • tbathotightflailie4 upon
rats andss fi tri a. crowd:of : 8 UCII 403-
,p tul riactplea inalviauals as
were my //Imo aces , it maanet the place
to tell'such! a 'secret,' Which' kept me
rather .backwa din conversation"cturing
the Ortbeeirening.: Iretired
soon after, ' fully 4esolyed to''bo 'More
prudent in thefuture. ,
The next 'du I made the:, aeqiiain-'
.i ,
'Wiese Of - agent eman, who .prefessed to
be' a Methodic - eleigymin. ' ,14e gave
rue several trade and soon ..we. entered
into , a—conversation that resulted in
quite afriendlY intimacy.. lieapp:ared
to befvery well versed in his pirofession,
•and altogetherle very agreeable comPle
ion. Atter conversing . on the - various
tepieC of the'day'the epiiverSaition nat
urally turned :o the previous evening's
discussion. Nat being-very Well pleased
with what had occurred at that time, I
attempted to . ibange the subject, but
• wati preveticea by• my friend's remar
'king :;"Yott-i% i ere very indiscreet, Mr.-
R—, in rete;aling the fact Chat you
had money inlionr possession . There
are:Aiwa all thi huat who would not hes
itat6 to rob,yoda, it any opportunity pre
sented, theref re I advise, you to - be
more careful hereafter. . ,
-I'tlialiked him for this . kind advice
and ai-i.ured him that I intended to keep
alorif from all suspicious individuals.
To this he made no • reply; but rose
from_his seat and with cane in hand
walked leisurely away to his room.
leaving ore Ito my - own reflections,
which were Oat : I-had a good compan
ion and a valuable friend iti, the preach
er. ,
. ,
On the journey, t made the aequain-
Lance of several gentlemen, but none
that. I valtieclse much as the clergyman.
Nothing occurred of note after this,
we arrived late in the evening , at New
Orleans.: Net being very well acquain
ted in tine city, my friendoi4red to con
duct me to a , notel where my expense:-
would , not 'he very heavy, as- I "wishe , i
to spend 'as little money as possible. I
thankfully accepted his company, and
we walked the street several blocks,
when he gale me the proper directions
to take, white he Was obliged to go
another way ,
After partirug withhim, I wended my
way to the hotel, which was situated a
little off Irw i n the busy thoroughfare.
It was a large building and had a very
old and•dingy appearance, and, in fact,
did not look very inviting to the travel
ler, hut as Iltild not expect to stay only
a k;hort thud, I concluded to accept the
acebtrnodations, as. they .were much
cheaper than could be found elsewhere.
, I entered th "the bar room, and after reg
,istering-y : name anti eating a . light
supper, I asked to be shown to my -•
,and Wilt) col ducted up a flightof rickety
old'stairs to a &nail square room, where .
thy guide '1 ft me. Proceedino• to ex
amine the 'nutmeat I found' that it
containeda mall window, which looked
but on a da k back alley. The furni
ture consist d ofa bed, acouple of chairs,
a stand and ,I a heavy' oaken cupboard,
some three feet high--and about eight
'feet long, :wtth Strong side doors.' The
appearance of the room did not disperse
the gloomy feelings of distrust ) that I
experieneecrwhen I first saw- the buil
ding. tiowever,.l. was determined ti
make the best of it now I was here. '
I noticed,,hefore coming to the room,
that thick nasses of clouds were grad
ually-gather ill; over the city, and the
diStant runibiing of th u n der r with sharp,
quick flashes of lightning; that quivered
across the western horizon, denoted 'an
approaching storm.
Being very tired, I immediately dis
rObed and , jumped into bed; and, was
fast fallingiin a dreamless sluiiiber,
`when a low Scratching sound attracted
my attentiol. It :wowed to come fioni
some placi , it the room, bat I could not
tell e.xaetTy I where. Bly nervousness
Increased as the sound continued, till I
determined to iiiid out the cause of the
disturbance.) I jumped from the bed
.. ..
nod logked c!
for some tine;
ing. 'Tire so',
pirci nothitig
Wind, Which
the window,
.; • - . • ,• • :
- , -A 4 : ll lwherizellt
t itl4,o
.4 icor
,WitcpciL ., crxxs., , oi l in
• • ,
13011:0" lANITAItit - '2't '1869
_ ~; § .•,_,
utiously around the room
, but could discover noth
nd had entirely subsided,
ould be heard save the
:whistled tniau,rnfylly by
or the dlotott rurribliug of
-the. - thUniler, Whioh.'denoted the Op..
Ptettehing storm.: . '
di lost I concluded ,that 'lt must be
the windOW'Whicr. Pottliiaub.ii" object,
'driv,en by the ferce off the wind against
the "ttiri nt,it,:t hie cone/ usion ,
.Tagainjamped into bed and-, lay . for a
long time, vairilY . inideay, sleep;
but finding ititupcsilble, I buried my
self watching the expiring Haase of the
taper, till a stray gust of wind whistled
through the broken winclOW and extin
gnished the object of My attention.
The ,storm which ' bad • long: been
threatening,,now burst'fOrth' , all its
wild grandeur, .116,„folling thunder
'grew louder,at each' sueb`eiisive report,
vivid Bashes of lightning darted , across
tholidavelis, -the room
w,itb its 114 t. gveryclbject
. - woo,Plaliily',lvisible, 'the laeit:,rnonient
pitch,darkuets f0110W,0 11 ,1. , 80 in ) Pen"
, 4 gtrabe'that the Meat 'prominent objects
were i3Orfeetlylidden to the eye.
While ly44.e.there,lOOking out from
tinder the b'ed'-elotlies,'Crembilng
fear, the seriVoli lag round -coin menbed
With renewed vigor, Making . The room
resound with, the•peculiar noise Which
had before annoyed' me. .
- Large drops of perspiration stood
; upon ray brow, and rising to a sitting
posture, I' trembling gazed on in the
darkness trying to discern- the objects
;I's the liglituing flushes . penetrated the
room. • •
, •A.t that moment a livid sheet of radi
ance paSsed before me, and in an instant
I heheld 'a man's arm protruding from
the cupboard, while the hand grasped,
us if for support, the strong oaken door.
'I realized my Situation .immediately,
and springing from the bed I grasped a
tLeavy boot which lay near, and, bran
'fishing it over my head, I breathlessly
;vaited for the lightning to again appear.
t'waB but a moment ere a living blame.
Livered through the air revealing the
head and shoulders ofas villainous look
. t
ing a man us I ever before beheld. ThiJ
left hand supported the creeOng 'form,
while the other 'clutched tightly a large
revolver. The bead was uplifted and
our eyes Met. As quick as thought I
bounded for the rascal. yelling—
-", You infernal villain l"
The only 'answer I received was a
shm:p crack of a'pistol, the ball whist
lino by and lodging in:the wall near
-K i„,
be next moment the heavy boot
'mine down with a terrible crash ou the
rascal's face, Making him . yell some
'thing-that I was unable to npderztand,
for alouTl peal 'of thunder drowned the
Sentence'. . .
He struggled fiercely to, free .hiniself
from the cupboard, but by my repeat
-14.'0 the blow'he was obliged. to push
back into his hiding plape.
With a nroVement certainly cowmen
4ble, I (dosed the, heavy doors, and
grasped.the oaken structure by the top
and.pulled it over on its faceand sprang
; upon ; it ) , while th%cursiug which came
from within could scarcely. be heard .
above the, raging storm, which kept up
an'incesgaut roar.
Undressed and trembling with fear,
102..011'0,1613g hour 1 eat yellibg . at the
top.of my voice for assistance; but. was
‘UtilleaVtion account of, the. raging ele•
'nients Without.' •.
.„ At ,last the storm gradually abated
and : trlY,erlee were heard by the Irish
chamber-maid, who came running into
my rooth, but, upon fl...eeing me, in such
itt. unenviable situation , sho frantically
ran down stairsyelling• omurderP! with
'&11-„thfo .r.oh ern en oil bor ylanrns 38, 1 pngS
1.1.11 brought to my
itiorn'6 crowd of excited individnals, all
kiger to find out tho cause of the distur
explained the caw as well as 'my
skittered faculties would' allow, but was
frkquentiy interrupted by the blasphe-
Mbus harangue which the robder was
holding forth within the cupboard.
After concluding, I jumped from my
seat and stood a few steps away, breath
lessly waiting, while my friends.; by the
aid of a dim lantern, dragged forth,
hatless aud Deeding, his locks dishev
elled, and his face all bespattered with
blood, the would-be murderer—my
trusted friend, the preacher.
recogniied his .face immediately,
aud springing buck, I threw : up 'my
,hands in horror and astoniolunen t.
Tile villain gazed steadfastly at me
With a sickly smile, which told - plainer
than words that I was not the first
victim of misplaced confidence.
A person was hninediatelywit to in
form the authorities,- who took hint
into custody, and afterwards sentenced
him to a long term in the State peniten
tiary. -
After the excitement had somewhat
abated I retired and slept soundly the
rest of'the night and was permitted to
depart the next morning, thankful that
I had escaped froth the murderous
_ra;,cal, nod hilly resolved never again
to place'coutidence in an entire stranger,
whatever profession he might represent.
us have noticed that many cabbages
which appeini hard and every way
sound, have, when eaten as cold •slaw,
an offensive taste. This arises not from
any imperfection in thii cabbage head,
caused by rot air otherwise, but by the
absorption of nox ' fous gases after it buil
ceased to grow. Doubtless much of the
speedy.g,rowth of the cabbage is due to
the Sub4taileea th,it are taken up by the
leaves and con voted by them into veg
etable tissue.
Now this absorb Lion of foul air by the
leaves of the cabbage g oes on after' the
plant is taken from the ground where
it has grown and even after the head
has been severed from the &talk ; but as
the plant has no huger the opportunity
to take up moisture by rueansof its roots,
and is withal denrived of sunlight, the
gases which in the growing plant were
converted into a nutritious article of
food, are now only mechanically held
by the leaves and are ready to. give, off
an unpleasant odor and taste as seat as
they are prepared for food. Great care
should then be taken to store cabbages
where the air is comparatively pure, if
we would have them sweet and fresh
or when they are llmt, brought in from
the garden.
We have often seen cabbages stored
by farmers in places where had gases of
every kind abound, and where there is
no opportunity
,for ventilation. The
cabbage, true to its nature, ,takes these
up amid gives them °flat u time and- in
a manner. which . causes them to be most
-offensive. Town and city grocers not
unfrequently place a pile of cabbages
between boxes of soap, kegs of tobacco,
or in the immediate vicinity of kerosene
oil, or smoked fish. No wonder that
cabbages thus fi to re d do not have the
sweetness of clover blessonis ; the mar
vel is that, any of them are fir, to eat at
But cabbages acquire a bad flavor and
smell in another way. Most peoplo
have observed that, boiled cabbage is
less digestible and much more liable to
"broil" on the stomach than that
which is eaten raw. This is occasioned
doubtless by the - vegetable Licht° . ts boiled
in the same kettle with corned beef or
other. subsianecs which give off volatile
and particles which are 'readily
taken up by the leaves of the cabbage
(luring the . pi Ocess of boiling. Thi
may be prevented by boiling in a veSel
by itself, when, if it lacks the agreeable
flavor which Is sometimes imparted to
it by the beef, it will be free from the
unpleasant taste and odor itthwiS
wucar oftener acquires.—Prairie Farm
er. ,
! 1 - 1" 1.7
2:132 LOW 'RING: i!
A TiitrltiolVdSTOTl.V.
" Mr. Dooka ?17
" Yea,,Madam."
It way an elderly woman upon whose
brow care hail furrowed many a wrink
le. She 'was -dressed 1 t . homely gar
ments,.aud the .strugglabetween penu
ry and neatness which they
would llave.beenan interesting study
for a philosopher.'' Her - eyes' were red,
as , though she had'been -weeping.; and
when , she seated. herseli,hy_my desk,
the pent-up etirrept 0,1104 buret out
"I'Vhat the matter, my good wo
man? yon seem:to. be In deep distress,".
I remarked, In the irmat ,encouraging
tonej could odmmanct. '
' " I au - l e -sir. They 44) the 'Lord Is
near to.thern that aro euttOng, and I
am sure he ought to be near me.'
" I dare' sill/ he is, , ma'ani: B'ut,' you
know •Ihnt afflictions' are. Sent to 'us fer
our gOod, and wo'ought nev`er repine at
the disCipllne of, life,- haw ever: 'severe it
May senaetioaesSeenrlo un."
I had heard an excellent sermon the
day before,.as it was Mondayi r on tribu
lation, and 1 wasjust in the frame of
mind for glyl4, , otherti most excellent
advice, which, perhaps, I should have
been very, an to follow If the
dark waters of trouble had rolled over
" I try to bear it as well as - I can,"
she replied, wiping away her tears with
the corner of 'her apron. ,
. .
" I don't know as I am acquainted
with you, ma'am," I suggested, for the
purpose of 'changing the topic and
bringing her to business. .-
" don't know as you are," she re
pile ; and she proceeded to give me n
i ,
very. long, and very succinct account of
heri:previous history, beginning back
some forty years, when she was born
among the White Mountains in New
Hampshire. use.
Itried to check her, but it was no ue.
I was as patient as the case would ad
mit, and mindful of the duty we owe
to the weak, the infirm and the ignor
ant; but my patience was sorely tried.
I will not • punish the reader with the
long finespun story she told me, but a
few lines will suffice to inform" him of
the material facts. .
She :was a widow, her natno was
Marche. • She had an only son, ?hiiip,
who' weA employed
_in the insurance
office, and•receivkd three dollars a week
for his service. •He was a good boy and
loved his mother, as a son should- Up
on their united earnings they lived
very comfortably in an obscure street,
where they hired two rooms. Mrs.
Marche's catalogue of her son's virtues
was certainly very edifying. He never
spent a cent upon himself, never went
out at nights,
and attended church
forenoon•and afternoon.
An evil day had coMe. On UPS Sat
urday, three weeks preceediug, Mr.
Carman, the President of the insurance
comnany, as he declared, had sent
Philip with a Valuable diamond ring to
the jeweler's to have the one
On inquiry the ring was found . not' to
have reaohed its de.stitiation. The
jeweler had, never seen it. ITo make the
cube more oomplicated, the . boy denied
having received the ring. Mr. Carman
had never sent him on any such errand.
The boy had been arrested on
charge of btealing the ring; and was
now confined in Jail. Mr. carman was
ready to swear he delivered the valta
hie article into the hands of the po'y
with .explicit directions as to wher6 he
should carry it and what should be
done withit.
' It looked like a bad cas'e:. The poor
woman Was in the saddest d'stress. She
was sure that her darling . j boy' would
not steal. I pitied her au proi - Led
to do what I could for her s n.
When she had gone I' called .upon
Mr. Carman. I found that he was'ene
- of those dogmatic old fellows WhO are
never wrong—who find it impossible to
err, even by design, or to make a mis
take. I tried to argue the point with
him, but'he would not say, much: He
told me the story—was sure he sent the:
boy and nobody else. -‘ .
I ventured to suggest that he might
have been mistaken ; that he had sent
the ring by some other person. '
" Do you take me for a simpleton sir?'
Do yotuthink I don't know what lam
about?" he exclaimed, bestowing upon
me a look Of withering contempt.. " I
sent the; ring with the boy, sir. The
boy haa'stolen it. Nothing more need
be said, sir," .
And he turned to the newspaper he
had been reading. -.
*1 was not =eh pleased with the in
terview.. I was highly vexed at the
haughty bearing of the fellow, and I
ennfess that my pique rdndered me ttlii
fold more zealma-, in 'my endeavors to
clear my youthful client. 1
I visited Philip in the jail. He wits
very sad on his mother's account; on
his own be seemed not to care. A More
frank, openhearted boy I never saw.—
He toed his story; and though I ques
tioned him pretty severely-, he Wa4COll
- to the last.
I made the,Lise my own, and worked
unceasingly, as it sueinedto me then,
fin' the overthrow of the haughty Presi
dent oP the insurance company, as
much as for the salvation of the widow
and her interesting son. 1 visited mote
than a dozen jewelry shops that after
noon and the next morning, with what
result the reader shall "learn in the de
tails of the trial wbich • came ou the
next day. . 1
Philip was duly arraigned, and his
poor mother sat by his side weeping
and boblii ug like a child as the case
Mr. Carman, with majestic dignity,
stepped upon the stand. lie told the
story I have before detailed, and was
turned over to me for cross-examination.
I could see that ho was nettled, for he
ceittainly could see no mercy In mpface.
`f lLr. Cartrian, are you willing to
swear that you gave the ring to the boy?'
" C7ertainly I am," he replied, vexed
and angry, for ho had-answered the
Same qu..stion a dozen times- in the
course of the cross-exauiinatiou.
" I beg your honor to notice particu
larly the words of thia witness," I re
marked to the court.
His honor testified readily that he
had noticed them, tts a matter of course;
lie had them in his minutes; and he
rather snubbed nie for pressing so ire
spectahle it witricEs in so severe a man
".3*%- r, Mr. Carman, may I beg you
to 'examine this ring `?" awl I handed
him the one he had •Int..t.
" IL is mine," he replied, evi
dent, a;ionkhniont.
" 'You identify thP ring, do you sir
" That ail tie. :Kay it • please your
honor,. I f=inill bring but one witne, , ,s for
-the deli:m.6.. Wilt Mr. thiamin . take'
the stand ?"
Mr. tirahern took the s'tand. I showed
him the - Ting.
Have you ever seen this ring before?'
"_1 have."
" State to the' court what you ' know
about it."
Mr. (A rahan proceeded to state that'' he.
was a jeWeler, that the ring ivas test at;
Isis shop three weeks before by an elderly
gentleman, tokave the stone reset.
" Is the gentleman in the court room?'
I wdzeil:
"He is; there he sits" and he
pointed to Mr..Carman.
The court was' uutoniehed ; the off-
E. , re were astonished; :Arid ISili.-Cgr:m ari
was - overwhelmed with eddfUsion - .' - H e
acknowledged Ws error when•thertiWas
no possibility: of ' concealing • Tie
asked to correct hia testiroOrty and did
•- - , ,
• Mr. Carman was a very absent-nlin , d-.
ed mail ; and the - soltition:ef tim•whole
matter is that he forgot all the ciremia
stances connected with the .ring: He
intended to. have stint' Philip- to the
jeweler's 1.17 fir -iti ftlid actually 'caned
him for that purpose, but his , attention
was attrabte to something else. and he
thought 'no more about it. On, his way
home to' 'dinner' ‘O - liiler his 'mind "'was
absorbed by an important. - business
operution,•he 110104 - .tbe, ring at _Mr.
Graham's. .The impreYsion that ho had
given the ringto Philip was 'fastened
upon his mind. fl remembered 'the
filet Of calling him and. 111b-:intention
became a reality. -.—. .
Wh'en thus concerned, betteatitbd the
judgeii with -several other , itAtatieei• of
absent-mindeclueSa of 3thiert he'.had
been guilty, in this manner explaining
the stake bieliaci'made. •
I meet do Mtn the' justide to say that
he Ina* Philip ample amends In the
shape of a hundred dollar bill for the
troublb he had caused him, but I be
lieve that Mr. Carman hated me - to the
day of his death. I can say ,that I
should, not thave pimished hitu so se
verely if be had treated me like a gen
I` ter the capture, of Vicksburg, f3tearuerB
nui in there to take futloughed troops
up the river, charging as high as $3O for
a passage from Vicksburg to Cairo.—
Bays our author:
The steamer had its decks, crowded
with soldiers, and Grant said to a man
standing on the wheelhouse giving or
ders loudly :
" Are you Captain on this boat?"
"Yes, General."
" How many soldiers have you ion
" About 1,256."
" What have-,you charged for fare to
Cairo Y"
" From ten to twenty-fire dollarp
each, General."
Ten to twenty-five dollars each•?
Is that all? Why that is too rnoderutel:
It iu u pity you should /vivo to take the
boys•for so small a SUM. You had bet
ter wait a while."
6peaking to the ofilcer on board, he
walked away. The steamer whistled,
the bolt rang, the wheele began to move
slowly ; but, for some reason, she was
not cast oft. Tho men could not Sun
deratand it until, hi a few. moments an
order came from the guaild to keep the
steamer Until the Captain paid back all
over $7 taken for fare ,LIOM each officer,
and all over. from each soldier, and
the order was obeyed. The men knew
they had been victimized, but felt help
less. When they learned what the
General had done they gavo "three
cheers for Grunt" with a will: I
Grant said to one of his kstaa': "I'll
teach thof:e steamboat mein that , the
boys who have ()Petted the river for
them are not to be plundered•of their
hard earnings nn their limit trip home.
If trade - in to,ftiflow the flag 90 soOn, it
shall be honest, :1t- t;e I can
To Drst'lNG MEM STELM r1;0."A
The principal characteristics by which
stee;ly be distinguished iron iron are
as folloWs dicer being polished, steel
appesrs of a whiter, light gray hue,
without the blue cast exhibited by iron;
it also• takes a higher polish. When
bteeped in acids, the harder the steel is,
of a darkcr hue is its surface. Steel iS
Ignited ::corer, and fuses with aless de
gree of heat, than inalleaablc iron,
which can scarcely be made l to fuse
without the addition . of powderd char
enJ, by which it is converted into steel,
and afterward into crude iron. In the
vitriolic, nitrous and other acids, steel
is violently attacked, but is longer in
dirsolving than iron. After t»aceration,
according as it is softer or harder, it ap
pears of a lighter or darker gray -color,
while Iron, on the other.hand, is white.
A pious 'old. ciergymani while wend
ing his way to his church 'on Sunday
morning, caught sight of tA o eons of
(410 of his parishopers going into the
woods, evidently for the purpose of
hunting. keeling cerfain that any
thing like direct rernonstraTnte with the
young te, en time!' themselves would
Ecarcely turn them front' their ways he
waited until after "pr Itching," 'and
sought tile old gantletna 1, their father.
After reawunlting the circumstances of
meeting Dilly and Sammy, as he had
done, ,he closed an affecting appeal by
inquiring of their father why they had
nut been " brought up in the fear - of
the Lord'?"
" Fear of the Lord, parson—fear of
the Lord! Why, they hey! Tht , y're
so 'feared of hint now they dae,eiit vo
I )ut Sunday wititoutdoublu-barTd.W ot
gun,: ou their shoulder !"
. _
• I •
:lOW TO Low ts., GoosE.—"Mother,
mother!" cried ayoung'roolt, , returping
hurriediy.from its first fight. "l'in so
frightened! I've seen such a sight-!"
"What: sight, my sou ?" asiteci the
rook. -
"Oh, white creatures, screaming and
running and straining their Ileokm, and
holding their heads ever so high? See,,
mother, there they go l"
4 • Geese, my son, merely gain'," calmly
replied th r e parent bird, looking over
the common. "Through, life, child,
observe that when you intlet any one
who makes a great lusS' about himself,
and trieSto lift his 'lWat.l higher than
the rest of the woild, you may set him
down a:: once for a goose." .
A benzein!st in Albany ailetook. an
undertalier's slop fol• a restaurant the
other night. woke up t , Jit office boy,
find demanded "a dozen !fresh ones on
the half. shell." Ho was told that tlip
establishment did not furni-211 food for
the living, but calm; for the dead.
"Ali right,'' lie replied in muddled
tones, take/a little coffee."
"Friend Mailaby, I atn pleased that
thee has gota due organ in thy church.''
"But," said th clergyman; "I thought
you Ivere I ; .trohely opposed to having
an orgam in -a .huro,h? "So I run," said
Friend Oindi k
lab, "but then if
will worsblii, the Lord with machinery,
I would like : J O - lee to have a iirstrate la
st rufnen t. 1 .
A?:,:f itluch craihing of quito a youhg
6tyr to 1:e4...1) ilith 4,ti11 at the table long
t-1-.(o: A: f..:'
" tii;, , Mo.-4itPs," he :,:..“-.. ves%-
c:aletiv o:;•-.: , klav tat n; the doze Of
the : kr) vit--:, ilb. ;I:ul_lier 11(: , . iiltr.,m; 10 -
NV:l . ..d ly to 4 :) - 44.:rratu.!ito lwr. - elf ti::..t l'ol
(1'1(.1 , ho hall 1:11.t: 't ii!, It't11:11 :rt? :!..titi
-4:1(.:1ty c:tili!Ci t)tl i : " '..% t' ll !lot' iiapa ;
pil•:i I. l .;tt:' - i I.“'/W. ,
\V iCI..`V G lizzlo' , huz,clarol 1: tt , l , died
,of elif , lna. lii Vito tfiiikt of ;he ulost
actl;4, Ukalily ) , ,till, nitt:r thc hand of
4i,ath i•lvi tout.hed. hill), It id while
wri:l.iMf 111: , ,;()Ily, hie, ;!,1,101(! ' \\ lry :said
i , , h!m....1Ve11, Mr. 01 ' Izzio, you lived
not .kjuii cu'oulul si anti wear all thc
;;meta out, if you an dying!"
The man who " Five o'clock
in the Moilaiiii , e" found that no .!•itlooils
were opeli at that early hour where he
ci,ssi~l }et his bitters, solo) lies abed
rtitheilate now..
NO. 4•
..‘JOBB 11 G:
The prop
. otore ham atookod the errabliehar
with a yaried assort:area of
and aro prepared to extente neatly oad'pyamptly
. ,
Deeds, Mortgages, Leasei, and &full anortnent
of Constables' and Jasilacis' Blanks on hand. i
, .
People Hying at h dlitenee can depunOn'hay.
lag their work done promptly and sent bp..els In
,return mail..
, (For the Aettazur.l
The Copet t itutiotCol the Dail
Mu. Conti : I baso a theory, that
seems very imp:Merit for e4pression.
Will you allow me a short space in' your
paper for a fow weeks for its ventilation'?
I will try to make the subject interest
ing to your readers, and if I fail, all I
ask,-is that you will attribute the fault,
not to the subject nor to the writer, but
to the lltek of interest the great public
bas in everything that has no money
in it. In my theory thers is very HUI,
bard eaSh.
1: Lyell says, in his Manual of Geol.
ogy, Appleton's edition. 1856 page Me
" It has pow been ascertained that the
rising and sinking of extensive portions
of the earth's crust, whether insensibly,
or by a repetition of sudden shocks, .4
'part of the- actual course of nature "
and on page consistent with
human experience, that - land should
rise gradually in some Rinces and be
depressed in others. bush changes
have actually occurred in our own days
and are 'now in progttse, having been
accompanied, in sotuncases, by violent
convulsions, while in . tothers they hate
proceeded so ineensibl as to have beSn
ascertainable only by the meet careful
scientific observations made at consid-'
erable intervals of timg." And again
on page 71—" The dry rand consists in
Igreat part of strata formed originally at
the - bottom of the sea, and has been
made to emerge and attain its present
height by a force acting from beneath."
Awl in Bakewell's Geology, edited
by Dr. Silliman, page the author
says—" We are carried back to a period
when the waters' of the Ocean have
covered the summits of our highest
mountains, and are irresistibly com
pelled to admit one of two conclusions
—either that' the sea hab retired and
sunk far Lelow its former level, or that'
some power operating from beneath has
lifted, up the •lislands and continents,
with their hills and mountaius -from
the watery abyss to their present eleva
tion above the sprface." And on page
17—" The great convusions which have
at distant periotie changed the ancient
surface of the globe and reduced it from
a,cliaotle, to its present habitable state,
were not, it is reasonable to believe, ef
fected by the blind fury of tumultuous
and conflicting elements, but were the
resultnf determined laws, directed by
the same wisdom, which regulates ev
ery part of the external universe."
This is the doctrine now advanced by
all or nearly all our geologists—that'the
irregularities of the surface of our
earth aro generally the result of up
heaval effected by some power acting
from beneath.
The question naturally arise—what
is that power? \Vc will endeavor to
nnswer it before we got through. )
2. It has been ascertained by a .large
number oll,observations made at differ-
eut times aud in different places, that
the magnetic pole and the geographical
pole are net coincident—that is that tne
north ' end of the magnetic accede
in the - .:`,;'grthern Hemisphere points
down to aline spot, south of. the north
ern geographical pole an tithe south end
of the needle in the southern hernia
phere points down to tome' spot north
of the southern pole. .
A number of que s tions hero suggest
themselves. What is magrintism ? 'Why
does the magnetic needle 'take the po
sition it assumes, substantlafiy parallel
to the axis of the earth ? What is there
In the interior of the earth and in _he
"magnetic Zone'' t hat attracts the nee
dle? And is the attracting force interi
or or exterior ?
13. There is another physical pheno 1 ,
enon, culled electricity, and the qu -'
tion suggeSts itsel f,—w hat ieeleetricity?l,
and what connection has it with ma g- ,
netism? . (
4. The polar, -
auroral, or norther 1
lights, as they are differently called, are
also among the Mysteries of Science.—
Prof. Loomis says there is an ,auror 1 -
belt or zone within which these light /
appear to arise, mat that near the eon /
ire of this belt is the magnetic pole.
What are these polar lights? Wh t
connection have they with the magu t
ic needle or magnetic pule? What c -
nectiOn with electricity? Why t. e
necessity of the contincouscoi)per wire?
Nltly not some method be di m covered by ,
.which one may converse wl 11 others' t
a d i stance without the niq f machin
ery,? ,or rather are not a'kl the opera
tions of nature carried on y mechan
ism? __r ,
5. Another mystery is the physiolog
ical relation man bears to the earth be
inhabits. There aro minute animal
eulea and even.larger organized exis
tences that are para..-:itical to man and
cease to live When removed from his
burly. Is not man also parasitical to
tfie earth ? and Lithe relation of man to
the earth +inaloguns to the parasitical
reltition of the animalcules to the body
of man ? . • _
Mau possessea tue power of locpino-.
tion—and so does the el:rib—it moves
daily oti its axis and yearly arouud the
sun. Man's iOOOITICtiOn is the result of
an internal' will and power acting in
concert with external intluenues. Is
the earth's locomotion analogous? or is
it caused w hulk/ by external. influences?
I said above I would answer a certain
question. niqutSstioneof natural Sol
•4nce was ever fully answered. For in
stance I am. asked what r hold in my
luind; I reply, an opal. What ideas
trs my answer given the questioner?
Suppose I say it is . a stone made up of
an infinite nuuAwr of DiatolnacEe.—
What are Dia*torno...llow, when ! ,did
thieft exist? lion: was the stone made
by them? Question n and answer, may
succeed each other to the utmost
tent of man's knowledge and the tint
question lacks almost an infinity of be
ing answered. When wo eau answer
the great question of what and how and
whence, we are approximating very
near the Infinite.
Man is progressive and destined to a
high position in the universe of exis
tences, and though he may never atttpal
to infinite knowledge, yet ho may, Iti
tlie-everlasting ages of progress apprqx
inuite the Infinite. J. EMl“tYe
Wellsboro Jan: 15.1869.
There lel:I:led Ayrshire
lage a luau who proposed to write an
etyloologleal dietiouary of the English
language. Being what he under- 1
tem! the word pathology to mean, hp
,00t. _no t
;Answered, with :akline and (milli
deneo, " Why, tin! art a road•Diaking,
to be sure."
The last Paris ilt.iiian ' cows to cap
the climak of tilc rl.iieu'a, r
it 4 . . i t IS the
oil w for of :::,:: Quailng a birth:
" Monsieur de ..:',"..---- ha,. ,lii: i l iwnor to
inform pal o 1 1:;•.s. Wrtil, winch took
place clay before ye:;terday. He sald
'his mother an a.' wail as way be ©k
A little boy in Cato Una in 13 ,
whe,e father ‘y,.4 I.nable to, give h
It ny : "Pal a,
Santa Claus did not putanything in my
stocking last. liave the Yankees
killed h Pa "No, 'lily oiald, but
they-have taken Id in pr'p,oner.".
li ht e'n'ilige make great dicrerenee:
" Dinner for nothing" is very fun;
hu t you can't s as much Uf " nothing
for dinner."