WREN THE GRASS SHALL COl7. Eli ME. _When the gross shall cover mo, E end tv foot where Ism lying; Wheri not any wind that bloirs, Summer blooms or winter snows, Shall awatC me to your sighing; Close move mo as you pass, u will s.ty: "How kind she gal," You, will say : "how true sho htin the grass grows over me. When the grass shall cover me, Holden close to earth's warm bosom; wh:le I laugh, or weep, or sing, Nevermore fur anything; You will find in tdadc and - blossom, Ssrtet rmall voices, odor .us, Tender pleaders in my cause, That shall slJeah :yeas I was— , When the gross growa . over mo. When the grass shall eciror me: Ah. beloved, in my sorrow, 17,:ry patient, earl I wait— knowing that, or soon or late. There darn a clearer morroW; When your heart wig moan :." A/at - Now I - know how true :ho is t ; tiont I know how dear oho was '-- tit ben :he grass grows over me 1 AURELIA'S UN?. ORTUNA r it YOUNG MAN. • The facts in the following case (tome to me by letter from a young lady who lives :u the beautiful city of San Jose: she is perfectly unknown to me, and simply signs herself " Aurelia Maria," which may possibly be a - fictitiou name. But no matter, the poor girl l al most heart-brokeu by the misfortunes 'sbe has undergone. and 4o confused the conflicting counsels of miSguided friends arid insidious enemies, that she does not know what course to pursue in order to extricate herself from the Web of difficulties in which she is. al most hopelessly involved. In this di lt•ninna she turns to me for help, and Fuppi icateu for my guidance and in struction with, a moving eloquence that, would touch the heart of a statue. Hear. her sad story : She says that when she was 16 years old she met and loved, with all the de votion of a passionate nature, a young man from New Jersey, named "William •o:) Breckinridge Caruthers", who was ou ly 6 years her senior. Their were eti gaged, with the free consent of their friends and relatives, and for a time it seemed as if their career was destined to Ire characterized by an immunity 1ro:1i sorrow beyond the usual humani ty. But at last the tide of fortune tu..ned ; young Caruthers became in• fct•tt.‘t with smallpox of the most viru lent type, turd v. - lien he recovered from ill- Milers, his lace was pitted like a w;tille would, and his cotnelinesS gone: :ore er. Aurelia thought to break off the 1-tragetnent at first, but pity for lior IM - fortunate lover caused• tier to po,t p.O te the Marriave day for a season, -and L•ive atiotht....r trial. • The very day before the wedding wa i-} have lai:en place, TheAtin.l.4 a while al,, , ,rheci In ‘vatehing titer tligot - of a 'orti 10" n, w'aiked into a well and frac!. tul.e,l one of his legs, and it had to,be t.tfroni Mr above the knee. Again Au ) rell t was moved to break the engage nie; t. lint, again love triumphed, and !-1.t. - -.: -et the day forward and gave him an , il her 'n - aliee to reliant. Hz; utrain misfortune overtook the unhappy youth. He 10 , -t one arm by the plemature diGcharge of a Fourth ot-Jnly cannon, and - within three toontiN got the other palled out,by a c•adlo•f„ ohlehine. Aurelia's heart wtn. \aim t or theze hitter ctilami olio-. She c( tad not but be deep'y ...;iieve•l a, her lover Ro-;:,ing from he; ph:oefoeal, feeling, as- she did, that lie enatld lint last tc)l' , :'Ver under •• prose of reduction, ye. I. of 110 W:o.' 10 !SOT its dreatirlti (.11'0.; if/ hcriluspair ot;e !wither- ho hold on and 1.,-e, 11:;t rite hall not ashen him it i , cr‘).(... lie ;Lill ~nelt ail :o, ? : her brav4 h. I o.(• I ler op, Clod t-he re,ol%•ed to h.• ith to•i -:.4 iifitger% A _, it-; the we'dfilog day approached, al ,,i „ .. ,,, t , di...appOintmerit over-hail m‘ed it ; Cai titl.cis 'fell ill with the er . ‘ - I:ad:1 , , and 10-t the tine of one of hi- 0 (:, oti,cly. The o t, anti re laf ivt- 01 the bride, coosid i ering that -.i e lid alie.oly put op with more than coahl vczthoilably lie expecte i . of her, ' iliw.,eanie torw ard and iii-qi..t e that th e iirit... o .l :•botild he broken uP; Mt :tiles . - t if ‘ 1 .1 ,, 1t:/:-.! awhile, Atirella,• with that !Loh.e and I.!elierous v.pirit whieli did o-r e.e•lit, -aid she had.'retlected calmly. .4/14 1:.f.2 in.ltter,)itiol could not dis,Juvei tihit :i J. et!ii illi ridge wit., , , to blame. be extelideil the time once more, till i lie La o;te. his otheileg. t It. NV:IS awl day foii) the poor girl, Wh ! ill StINV !lie reveren kirtu i ig alr It 3 the sack, whose uses she Itarued by 'previous experience. Lei heart ,told her the bitter truth -ith„t more" Of her lover- had gone. She felt taut the field of her affection:s gll)‘‘ lug, more and more (dream-. b6i1;4.-tl eery day, bgt. once more she frowned dbwn her- relatives and re ncv..ed 'hei betrothal. Shortly before the time set. for the nuptials another disaster occurred.— 'l.ltere was but one man scalped by the Owen River Indians last year. That man was Williamson 13rckinridge (34- ththers, of New Jersey. He was hur rying home f with happiness in his heal t, when he lost his hair forever, and in that hour of bitterness, he al most cursed the mistaken - mercy that had spared his head. At last Aurelia is in serious perplexi ty as to what she ought to do. She E‘tiil loves her Breckinridge, she writes, wi;11 true womanly feeling—she }it'll loves what is left of him—but her pa rents are bitterly opposed to the match, beczinse he has no property, and is dis abled from working, and she : has not sunk:lent means to support both com fortably. " Now, what shall she do?'' she asks with painful and anxious so. I t a delicate quegion ;\ is one which involves the life-long happiness of aNvt.‘man, and that of nearly two thitiis of a Loan, and I feel - that it wild be assuming too great a reziponsi bi hty to do more than make a mete sugge,tion in the case. How would it. do to build to him': If Aurelia can af ford the expense, let her furnish her mutilated lover with wooden arms and wooden legs, and a glass eye and u wig, and give him another show ; give him ninety days without grave, and if he does not break his neck in the mean time, marry him and take the chances. it does not_ seem that there IS much risk,, any Way, Aurelia, because if he sticks to his ioopeosity for damaging 111111,tif every time he• sees a goon op 1t,,: t unity, his next experinunit is bound to linish hint, and then you are all right, on know, married or single. II married, the ‘ifuratien legs and such other valuables as 1t may possess, re vert to the widow, and yon bee you Sus taw no actual loss, save the cherished I:w.:mt-iit of a noble but most unfortu nate o,baud, who hotiestl,y strove to do light, but whose extraordinary in stuwts were against him. Try it, .."%laii,t I ,l have thought.the matter over Tully and and it is the only con nee i Ai: :or sort. it would have ; jct . a 1ia1413- eopeeit olt the halt of 'Ca ruthers ii,ne bad s,al tett 'with his neck ruhi broken that first; but since lie !pi, Ilt to ehoos... a tittlcleni Policy and s-Irlits hill:s t en out us long as pus:Al/le, tlg 12,ut think- tit' ought to upbraid it, it lie wijoytil it. We Illust 41. i the I , e,t we eau LI tiller the eireutsi staavi s, and try nub Lo feel iIX/tir,,,erate d at twit. "Ma," said an inteiligent,, thoughtful 1-ny, I kliai't think zseletheu was so rieh as they Kty he was." " Why my dear, what could,have put that into your head?" why the bible says he slept with his fathers; and I think, if he had been very rich, he would hav6 had a bed of his ()WI)." Keep in th line of du,t.y. WELLSBORO ACM)EMM Tacm,Tr : W. A. ST4tti.' Principal, lima S. D. ROVBE, Preceptress, Bins. A. B. EASTMAN, Teacher of Music. CALENDAR POE. ISBS-9 Winter term commencis Nov. 20, closeo February 20. Spring term commences - Matilelst, :gad cloteg Jona 4, 102. ; • ' - I : riMPRIMES PER TERM. «..... 01 00 Common .... ........ ....... Higher Ptiglish -••" $7,00 Languages and Higher Mathematic 51.00 Inxtrazuuntiil, SlTteic $lO.OO Priming ' 4 3 1 00 - - --;, ith - team' to continuo :fourteen weeks. Bills due, ne 11,alf first day of term, remainder at middle of term. :o deduction made In tuition except for eicituess one but itobluson's Mathematics are used. ntudonts u entering are requested rib register their names to. :;ethurtuition.ith the smile, they wish ,to pursue, and pay diet's! ol their tuition. Boar procured at reasonable rates in the Tillage. By order of the Board of TABSTEES. Weltsboro. Nov. 4, 1868. 1' • WELLSBORO BAKERY. , . -p HE SUBSCRIBER haiing established him '. g elf in the BAKING BUSINESS. in this village, next door to R. R. Kimball's drocery, is now prepared to eery on the business Ift all its various branches. I will keep eon •tantly on hand an assortment of Bread, such 'as • LOU BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, • GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, B ROWN BREAD, WATER CRACKERS, SUGAR .• 'CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, at MI hours of the day, Sundays excepted. By strict attention to business shall endeavor to merit the public patronage. • CRAB. STEVENS. Wellaboro, June. 24, 1888. NEW WINTER GOODS. TOLES & BARKER, (NO. 5, umort -BLOCK.) WOULD say to tbeir friends and the public generally, that they are now receiving splendid assortment of Winter 'DRY GOODS, such as iLIEETINGS, SUIRTINGS, SPRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIIIERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE CLO THING, HAI'S & CAPS. BOOTS ram SHOES, also a large and well selected stock of CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOMEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO• SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUOARS, TEAS, COFFEES, • SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. TITC., ETC. , We are able to offer our customers the benoft r the LAST DECLINE OF PRICES n the New York Market, our Stock baring been ~,rebaeed elnue the great decline in Goode. TOLES it, BARKER. V7vll:t.boro—Zsiov, 18. 1868. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 174, & 170 GREENWICH ST., New Foik 'PHE UNDERSIGNED takes pleas ure to announcing to his numerous triendt ol patrons that from this date, the charge 0: the Pacific will be $2,50 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this House, and there free from the too common CiaCtild) 01 al tiorditiate - rent, be le fully able to meet the :ownward tendency of prices without any fallin n , ff of service. It will now, as heretofore, he hiti aim to main- Sin undiminished the favorable reputation of :.e Pacific, which it has erjoyed for many years, to one of the best of travelers hotels The table will be bountifully supplied every delicacy of the Eengon. The attendance will be found efficient and , fhe location will be found convenient foi t hose whose bueiriegs calls, them in the lower part of the city, being one door north of Con bind Street, and one block west of. Broadway. and of ready access to all Rail Road'and Steam boat Lines, Dec. 2,1808-6 m JOHN PATTEN. NO Tobacco Store ! MITE aubioriber has fitted up the rooms ad ' joining D. P. Roberts Tin and Srovo Store for the manufaoture and mile of CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Common SMOKING TOBACCO, Michigan Fine Cut CHEWING, and all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the oho:. east Brand of CIGARS. • pa' Call and see for yourselves. JOHN W. P1:111SEL. WeHaber°, Nov. 11', 186S—tf. THE LARGEST STUCK OF I€3 I TC)T7IOI9 pbuy in and the Cl2 i elipest place to b Ag i ciit for L. ROLLE S & CO'S HOSE Binghamton, N. Y., and ELMIRA SAW FACTORY, Elmira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TIME. Mansfield, Nov. 25, 1888,-ly. G. 13. RIFF. TO PARMERgI ELII RUN PLASTER.—We hereby certify that we have used the Platter tuimufacturee champney 4t. Bernauer, Ai their utolte on Rue, in Baines township, and we believe it to br equal if not superior to the Cayuga plaster;----____ David Smith S M Conable A P Cone Cobb H E Sinimons J Bernuuer W Barker Asa Smith E Strait B Davis Albert - 4Ciog . Jutm C Miller .1 LI Wutruus \V It Watrous L L Mart•h II M Smith 0 A Smith Ii M Foote J L St P C Vim Gelder J J Smith Jared Davie J F Zimmerman [ ,O L King L L Smith. N. 13 —Plaster always on band at the Mill. Price $5 per tun. Nov. 4. 1868. Farm fur Sale I ) TFIE Subscriber, being about to go west, of lers for side at a great bargain to the par chaser, rho following property, to wit: One huu 4red acres of land. situaleabout 4 miles South - West of Westfield Dora, on Putter Ilrook Road— seventy five limes improved, the balance good netalooii and hard timber, with good sugar bush. good apple orchard, good frame barn anti log house thereon The limn if , well adapted t. Ilar3 ink purposes, having a plenty of living we. Nur on ail pirts. For terms, cull on the subscri ber on the premises, or address him at Westfield, Ti oga Co., Pa. ' Oct. 7,,1568. • _ WILMY.II. EMBItE. HOOP SKIRTS, at • LANG dc CO'S. CIASII PAID FOR WOOL. BUTTER AND CHEESE. by C. L. WILLCOX. June 17, 1868. Insuralice--Ageney:- WYOMING INSURANCE CO., WILIGE-BARRp, PA R. 0. Sutra, Sees!. V. B. Roes, Pres. W. T. READ, Chia Ag't. L. D./Stimulant, V. P. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $lOO,OOO. THIS is the company for table: Theodore Hatfield was lately agent, and policy hold ers who wish to renew their Insistence are re quested to apply. to the subscriber. t Girard Fire Insurance . Co,, PIiILADELPHIA. B. ALVORD, I THOMAS CRAVER. Preeidi nt. Seuctary. A. B. GILLETT, V. j Capital $200,000, Ali paid up in Cash: Surplus Over 8160,000. • Continental Ins. Company, OP TUE CITY or Nzw Yong Cash Capital, $500,000,00 Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1888, 1,814,590,31 Cash Assets, ' do 1,814,690,31 Xiiii'Policies written at this office. GEORGE T. ROPE, President. R. R. LAMPORT, Vice President 1 CYRUS PEON, Seoretary, The subseriber takes this metbod of informing the public that he has the agency of the above Companies, and will be found at hie aloe over Roy's Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office. JNO. I. IaIOIIBLL. Virellsboro, Pa., Feb. 26, 1868-tf. Stoves: StoVes: AND HARDWARE! vrR. WILLIAM ROBERTS Opf.r,B 'to L L announca to the citizens of Tioga 'County, that in addition to bis excellent stock of Stoves, Lin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron. Ware, he tias,'at a groat outlay, stocked his store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, 4ith a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, ,f which we enumerate the following articles r NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, _ BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, - , PUAI PS, AXES, AUGERS, BUTTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, siii7ELs, SPADES, FORKS, _Roy, r wiz - WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE• TREES, ELLIP TIC ipRINGS, HORSE SHOES. lIOQP, BAR, & BAND IRON. GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPRIERS, 'SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also; PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. ?ATE] T BARNDOOR HANGINGS A new thing, and made for use. Those are but a few of the many articles composing our Stock of Hardware. We invite the publics to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beat quality of goods in onr•line ; and all work to (Idea done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS* Wellsboro,Sept. I,lB6B—th For doing a family washing In tbte,,n4 - 4 fand cheapest manner.- Guaranteed equal to-any in the world! Rae all the strength:lA Mast:min soap with the mild and lathetintilnitlitlie - of genuine Castile. Try thie spleadjd.scratr..S-Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL. WOR - ItS,Aifatirt,b Front Street, Philadelphia. sept-2, '6B-Iy. Important Facts. . . S INCE Salotifer is now being used in thous ands of families the following facts are im portant to be known. Finer—Though It is the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet it Is so compounded, as to he Safe end harmless. It is of such a nature that I , may be handled and used by children, and ,mrsont who aro ignorant of Medicines. SECOND—EI is found that Salutiler will relieve .overe pain in any part of the body sinner than I OS et her a pplica lion. Tillan—lt le important that the bottle be well u•irked. if left open uuly a few minutes it, loser .irerigth. rounTn—This userel remedy can be obtained true) almost every dealell in Medicines. ATTENTION FARMERS 1 SP RING has come,'lard those desiring full barns can bare them by buying • I:bll_Ate,x• at the Mill of I. Chatupney & Co., which we are S 6 per ton at our will on Elk Run.— 'dl kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Plaster. Give us a call. I. CIIAMPNEY do CO. Gaines. Tioga, Co , Pa., March 26, 1868-6ine YES 1 YES 1 YES 1 R. WILLIAMS It CO., have got the hest, r • largest and cheapest stock of Drugs, mod (ones, P.Atont .tlediCiEICS; Paints. Oils, Dye Stuff, I3rusbes, Varnishes, Glass, Putty. Yankee No rio/4, Perfumery, Toilet S.oop, Fishing Tackle, he , to., ever brought into this county. They will pobitively sell everything in their line cheap er than can be bought elsewhere. They bought heir goods in large quantities and for next cash. and ~ (an and will sell cheaper than any other es (ablishment in this county. Call and examine 'luck end prices. • P. R. WILLIAMS <4 CO. liy 9, 1563.. , No. 3, Union Block. FOR SALE CHEAP. elegnut now oprn Buggy. I rocond hand open baggy. 1 second hand top buggy.— I sulhoy. .1 two horse lunher wagon. WRIGHT &.I BAILEY. . A. J. THOMPSON, , [aruarial.D r•.s] BLACKSWITILbas two fires, and is prepaied to do all kinds of work in his line with prompt- . •nese, and in a workmanlike manner. Ileaimea at excellence in big trade. • •Nionefleld Jane 3. 18E8-Iyr PS --A new kind of lamp for Korosene I 'Alno breakage of chimneys—at HOLEY. 1b0;001Y - T6*6 - or - Wwl Wanted. ECM rrRE subscribers 'gill pay - Cash; Full-ffloth, Cambiums'', Flannels, &c., so., for Wool.— They alto manufacture as usual... TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to snit customers. All work warranted as rep. resented. They Invite partlonlar attention to their Water Proof LI EtEMßUtig . . which are warranted in every respect) Pardon• . J lar attention given to I RoLy;s34ol)gxtt Twenty year's experience in the business wai rants them in expecting a generous patronage. No shoddy sloths made. Delano it: Co., at Welleboro,.ere agents for the sale of our Cloths. JOBBPII INGHAM t SONS. Deerfield, May 13, 18684 f. 5;i, - 4...Ti i N:,q ; :o B-A::,N,x,-.:, OTHER WISE GIRDNK R- 1 S • • GROCERY AND PROVISION 'STORE K 4 TM rILD saying that a penny saved is a penny V earned, justifies GARDNER in naming his establishment a. Savings: Rank;,-. - - -1 3 014 0 mY Wealth; Maid some - old" chap - whie t - bave forgotten; and it is economy to trade where the SLAUGHTER • of high prices is being prosecuted with vigor and without reprieve. • • teen sell Sugars, Teas, Mo lasses, Fish, Pork, Elm, Corn Meal; Coffees, Canned Fruits, Spices, and everything intended for family use, giving the buyer the benefit t I OF • THE fall of the markets, an advantage duly appre, oiated by everybody, excepting only those verdant INNOCENTS who prefer PROhfISING TO PA one hun dred per cent. profits to the seller, to PAYING twenty•five per pent.' cash on delivery of the goods. I sh n ll - offer 1 4 3 . Y, zgoo,dc at fair prices . • EVERY MONDAY, EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, EVERY THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, and Jill up as fast at I sell out. L. A. GARDN:EIL Wellsboro, June 12, 1867. Now is Your Time to Buy iIDrAVING more goods than is neoessttry for this market, I Trill sell my entire stook ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, TEWELRY, P LATED WARE, , AND FAN 'CY GOODS, AT COST. A 11. 111rwi lra am i Gothic " " Cottage " " . . American Watches i t Silver hunting Cases a $l9. Finer Movement t in heavier Cases., at cor respondingly low price:. Plated Ware at Man ufacturers' prices. THIS IS NO ITUMBUG BUT A TER /TABLE SAL,' 1 Call and aeo for yOurse;l' WelMoro, April 22, •V 1. FOLEY, Stoves *.4.~. Ware FOR TUE MILLION. Good people all, both great and small —lf you want to koop PEACi IN TILL you must have enough to eat, dry. woos, a good vale, well-behaved ohildren, add to crown all, a TIP TOP .COOKING STOVE! This last!and crowning good, I have at my Tin and Stove establishment, opposite. Roy's .Block, ~Velleboroj and its name is the HOME COMPANION ; on all bands admitted to be equal to any in the world. TIN IWARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, an dmarrented to give satiefaotion REPAIRING executed in the best manner and with diepatch WALL AND SEE,NE. D. P 4 ROBERTS Wellaborough, Nov. 21, 18fi7. Public Benefit. AMONO the useful improvements of-the day, there: :tire few, that irve, more - Promise of good, few so well adapied to relieve ,bunatin suf. faring, few so well approve# by the-public as that new and powerful remedy called Salutifer (or as the German people call it llealthbringer). It gives ease- and comfort to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rhoutcatiim ' and:brings speedy relief to that large ohm of diseases that are often cured and always benefited by an out ward application. For sale by all Druggists.k Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND & STL. GER, No 54 Courtlandt St. New York, TO LAWYER 6--4 BANKRUPTCY BLANKS, in fail setts, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. WASHING__ MACHINE. JAS. M. WILKINSON, of vitarlesten, having purchased' the right to lake and vend the H. P. Jones Washing Mashinsi in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines are being made at Van Horn's Cabinet Factory, Welisboro, - where they may be promised.- The best, cheapest, and most sensiblo machine ever invented. June 24,1868—tf. • 200 Bushels Timothy Seed. 100 bushels Clover seed, oboieest kinds AND . . 1,70. WAIGHT & N.. NA. t SENIPER MEM, DRUGS, MEDIUM*, PATENT MED IOINES, PAINTS, OILS GLASS, 8q T 112717,,. ; v. vac** down to Old Priqes at last. • E do riot heidiato to say tb4 ' wa 'ilave am Larginit t3took of ' . . • • ' P tr.RB BMIZISHI ,D.RITGS 414.42.?(72:ATZ5,. MO NT MEDICINES, YANKEE NOTIONS, PERFUMER Y, FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS, WINES & LIQUORS, &C., EVER RR QU'Ogr ,pt,r9 jEtuF,rdwprarr, We have also the Largest Stook of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, inch is Pure White Lead , Pure White Zino, Linseett 'Oil. Coach Varnish; Furniture Varnish, Yel. low Ochre; Venetian Red, Chrome Yel log, Chrenie Gieen, - :Prisisian Bice, Patent" Drier, Zaoker, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kalsomine, Rada, Tar,. Log Wood, Faetio, Brasil Wood, Cam 170d, iteds,vooa, ,Potaati, Patty, Moo ohFPl, 130 inohr Spirits Turpouitzte,. • and 1Coiioano,011,) paint and • •Yarreb Brushes,. •,. Which we will seli2s per vent. ohesiper than any other establishment in the county. In short, we have every thingeVe l r kept in a first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is fer yon to call and examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no P. R. WrsarAms, I P. R WILLIAMS do Co. J. L. WILLIAMS. J No. 8 Union Bkok. • . 0 Wellsboro, June 26, 1867. • • 'Paint 'for taxiiOn 7 and - Ottierse THE .Clit4ll.2olf .151iNERAL Willa CO. aro now manufacturing the "Best, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in. usop two. coats well put on, Mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 )r , 16 rears; it is of light.brown or beautifal zketvdatruplor..Aad_ t oanlm charged to green, the -•consumer. It .is .rnlaablo for houses, 3arns, Fences, Carriage and Car makers, Pills rid Rfooden•ware,. Agricultural Implements, ;anal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Cam vas, Motel and Shingle Roofs, (it being Firs and Water proofs,) Floor Oil Cloths, (one manufac. turettlavinkfiv4.t;,ooo bblii.:ll3e. past year,) and .tnd as a paint for any purpose Is unsurpassed for body, durability, alarticity and adhesiveness.— Price $6 per barrel of 300 lbs. ' which. will supply farmerfOr_4care to come: Ilirarriakted In:all :asea as above. Bend for a circular which gives fall particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark, Oraufton Mineral Paiiit. Per sona can orde the Paint and remit the money on receipt of the goods.. Address DANIEL BIDWELL,' 264 Pearl St, New work. June 5,1868-em ; A` P ` . • AYERS' - I s Maa,zi'lcol 11332.01 p, I, Ts the only place th is side 'of New l'oric i Oity where you will iimii constantly on nand, a good assortment of . 1 GRANITE MONUMENTS, out at the celebrated Quinoy and Oonoord Quay. ries, 'biped direct to his order; also a tine as sortment of Marble and Slate Mantles,, Citqal, Prates ' Marble Shelves, Bidokiti,"&o.; ai :cheap as can be bought in the &lite: — All - order's will receive my personal attention. Shop and ware• lrooms on water street, a feti doors below Ayers ewelry stove, Elmira, N. IL - July 29, 1895.13 m. Scales! Scales ! Scales -1 HE Buffalo Platform - Scales,. all ordinary sizes; for heavy, and counter use, may be ound at the Hardware 'Store of Wm. Roberts, ellaboro. These ISealet are the Fairbanks pat. .nt and have un,anperloi 'anywhnit4; 11'07. are made in the best slyle and lave 141 ten the pfemi m at all the great ' • I have the sole agency for these Soak, in thin , gion. WILLIAM ROBERCS. 15'011860re, Pah:12;086: • •1 • - arm f ar Sal e, ITHE undersigned 'Offers fai 'Soli Ton reason able terms,a valuable farm, Situated in Chat ham Township. Tioga County Pa., on the direct 'road from Knoxville to Keeneyville, six miles from the former places, containing 150 acres, 115 'acres improved. A good frame honse,,large hay barn and shed;and a gdod Wise barn, also two good apple-orcbards. watered and Will adapted to dairying. • Any one,,detaringa.good farm end plaasant honie will 'do _well in apply to B. VANDUSEN. Sept. 2, 1868-tf. NEWILINAGEWEINTT, AND NEW GOODS, ~ HE ENDEHefaiIED ' at , 'the hlestand of Vitchor & Randall re in the reeelpt of a FRESH LOT F GOODS • t) • . , , . Bought at the very lowes sales within the last few days which they offera the public for ready pay at a small advance riom New York cost. Consisting in part of , li ry Goads, Groceries, Hardware, Crock ery, Boots, 'Shoes, Hats, Caps, tee., n feet everything usually kept in a country Store, An examination of goods and prices iv resdeetfully eoliolted. AU hindsil Kathie() nth. in in ezehange.at the market rates.' J. B. DIMON A CO. Niles Valley, Nov. 18, 1888-4 w. Memoir - R. B. KIMBALL has , :lust returned INL from the oity with a larger and liner stock of MILLINERY GOODS, ban she over offered for the Fall and Winter rade before. Customers are requested to call at .er new shop, one door above the Presbyterian thumb, Main street, Welleboro, and examine or themselves. Oct. 21, 1868-2 m. t4tCICLNE! for hops, boat quality_ 2 5 es peryard at , DE -LAN° & COT.' Oot. 12. DR. BITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT .II.J ERB, foi sale at Roy's Drug et ore. CASS PAID POE, WOOL, by June 17,1698. - ~ D . P. BOBSATIL i TO.. BUY if ,SELL kg OUR E.willimy iii-therhigtee at market price, yy the following ankh»: = "• • 1344g,t.',2 1 1`,5;'"11eic01 4 1 ,81CINE1, DEER ,I7 StiNtic:FUßS‘ 'HIPP; • - tf:,42lPrArtr4l4.4olol.By-1:,1. , S- for which w u ir t ill.pay cash,. W4k wAI ufilrlCarilVdti-1:119" 194112b4 OktiOf n. 0 st man not:d 44. ttondon 59-5 • • • • . on !bleb we will not be Undersold,ati from this ELm we.shall peke it a point.to keep up the best etoolcor „ • . . . MEI A. W. ATIRS. We have a Ant-rate stook of READVMADE 'WORK, ••• 'LADIES GAITERS , to be found in the „County, which we will sell it a lower profit than snob, articles hare ever been (Area in this region; 1 Wil ob all kiep up a good assortment LADrES' , BALMORALS, LEATHER - ,BOOTEES;:. CHILPREN'S AND USSOVORE. or VA . RIOUIik:STYLES, and all stylus of.=lll3_ WOM. LEATELEB FINDINGS can be bought of us as cheap as any where this side ol . Zi'ew York, and we shall keep a full stock FRENCH OALP, 'PUNCH KIP, UP PR, SOLE. LININGS, *ND BINDING. Our stoek of PEGS, NAILS, ?BREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LAST B, TREES CIR MPS, - with SHOTER'S `TOGLE.iu4„ - ,FIND,LEGE, will he fonti the Jar. gesfie the county, ante io• all for 83544 projiu. We talk, business and we mean business. We here been \ in . thfs region long enough to be well Itnetrn444it those who" know 'as try ns. Corner of Main and 'Graften streets, opposite Wm. Rob art , IfardWare Store; • BEARS, • GEO. 0, DERBY. l iVelltborci; April 24, "126?—tr. 1868. WILMHT . St . BAILEY. 186 IL WS commence this year with an exclusively CASH business. CASH PAID aFOR WHEAT 1 OASII PAID FOR OATS I CASH PAID FOR CORM! CASH FOR EVERYTHING 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH ! A LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASH I .Call and flea us. witrawr t.A.LLUY. Wellittare, Jan. 9, 186T-Iy. All person■ indebted to us by note or book coconut mast cart and tattle or pay sots. Jan. 8,1868. • WRIGHT .6 RAMEY. WELLSI3ORO 14'01INDBY AND MAC W= slior. T HE subscribers having procured additional 40 7,6-3 0 -r-. now read, to furnish to order CASTINGS, 11108 Al PLOWS, OULTIVATO R S, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, SLEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 D SAWING MACHINES, &Q., &0., &Q.. `We taio also a WOODWORTH PLANER, for oust= and job work, We are also prepared to do ~ RIM:TING de SO.ROLL SAWING to order. Haying a first-olass form-cutting Lathe, wo aro pripared to make CHEESE. PRESS SCREWS, to order. Builders of Cheese _Factories are re ipested to'examine our work. ; We, mauulacture the i - Chaimi t pio :Plow, ono of the iSiiiitii4itratei4in thii =riot. Oath paid i'43l'ol,D: IDOL °Reims WILLIAMS, P.' L. 'SEARS, . . Wansi;oro, May 15 - , 186Z:tr. • Grocery and Proileion Store, CORNING,. N. Y. Chi Do SIXILIZA, WHOLESAtE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of - - GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines; 'Liquors and .!Cl.Fars t FOREIGN A DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CAN ED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, WOOD 8c WILLOW WARE, GLASS & OROPKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, ito., Ito. A full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on hand. Particular attei►ti ' on paid -to PIA° erocarles. Dealers and Constuners will dud it to their in. terest to etatnine bis Stook before buying. Corning, Mardi U, 7869.. . . THE largest assortment of 'Watches, Clocks Jewelry and Plated Ware In Tiogs county as t194aa1503... ,FoP2'o•li MEW DUG STORE. CORNING, N. Y. TIBUGS AND .MEDICINES,- PAINTS 4.1 , AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, • IREDELVS FLUID, EX TRAJJTS, BURNETT'S 0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDIOINES; ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WIIITEWASLI LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED . Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers aro requeSted to call and get quotations before going further Ea2t W. D. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N. 7., Jan. 1, 186a-ly 1868. FOR SALE. 1868. BY B. C. WICKIiAM, T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Tree. 10,000 Pear Trees. 4, A gcod supplt of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are oomposed Of the choioesi varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a suppl3J will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Alr- Delivered at the depot free of charge.' Tioga, Feb. 28,1869-1 y otiti-qrri ri v 9 ~L . O i2l 64 I.T .VPI t 4 r 2 d , 4 0 F.. ~-mt;,. , 4 I 0 :--: CD ti, 1, = , 2 - g a X 4 . z, - F., . LI .; ill cI ,ki ri r•-• o .-., 1 t i i ... ...% 0 ,r• . t.- , z PI < cr 0 4' -i; ) ,, ' V 4 i i . iv P I:o wz , •i.,zg 01 el'OS4 ..1 P i , '4 41 14 6:_g F 041 C3 8 U) P al 171 I A 0 t., " :4 CI OS Eig n 2 1 , " .103 4+ E iil ca 1 I , Q pa 11 i in : ' ' !.; co pi ' ,co 2 z I' • 0 l.l - , I , p. 0 1 . , g CR b F. g , I so .8 0 O . m illi VF) " . g 1 og 'ad ' 1 o 0 i . 0 a. .-4"Psj zcm 1.7% ab 8 g c c o ,, D 4 hi hi 5 82;,--stz.s4 1 a "o - c) ci*4 c a cgt .vI t v , ... cl „. c :, ....4 1;2? _ G ci-opsp.---P r Ai '" '8 8 t iva :60 4 Z 2 To Owners of Horses and Cattle. posies , DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE warranted superior to any others, or no pay. for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bets, Coughs, Hide. bound. Colds, lu Horses; and Colde,,Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue. Horn Distemper, ito., in Cat ' tie. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no need of 'stopping the working ofyour animals. They inorease theappetite, give a flue coat, cleanse the stomach and Urinary organs; also ineresse the milk of cows. Try think and you will never be without th em. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting bones, bee used them for years, and recommend, them to his *Stade. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordham, N. Y., would not use them until he was told of what they are composed, since which he is never without them. He has over twenty running horses In hie charge, and for the last three years ha* used no other medicine for them. Hestia, kindly per milted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggist* and Saddlers. Price 26 cent. per box. Depot, be Oortlandt Street, New York. [Feb. 19] .To the Farmers of Tioga County .1[ Al t now buti r d l in r g at my manufactory, In Lawrence v' .FANNING MILL which poneuoa the following advantages over all'other • I. It separates oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, anti chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It Cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This mill Is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good etyle, and Is sold cheap for cash, or pro. duce. I will lit a patent Steve. for Separating oats from wbeat, to other mills, on reasonable terroe. J. II MATIIER, Lawrenceville, Ootober 10, 1868-1 f I: o laaacb-Pledwpas i lli n E nivo l L A allyit s ck ß rio n ivle T Z E eci ' t s o b l' aY . ll l :2E s ap a e r s e t FIRST-CLASS PIANOS MADE. Every Piano is warranted for ftvo years. Sold by Mansfield, Oot. 14. ISAAC G. HOYT. UNION ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOG4 Co., PA. •••••••111111••• SA.CIIITY : ALIAS HORTON, Principal• Mae. ADA W. HORTON, Prereptross. Miss MIRA MORTON. Assistant. Ilitts AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. CALENDAR FOR 18137-8. Tall Terra commences Sept. Sil, Winter Term Nor 20th, Spring' Term Feb.lBo, 160. EXPENSES PEE TERN. primary Department S 5 00 Common English . 8 00 Higher English 7 00 Languages and Higher Mathematics 8 00 Instrumental Music, extra 10 00 Yowl Music, extra—.. 1 00 Drawlpg, extra 8 00 Room Rent. 260 , Board per week. .. ...... 3 60 Knoxville, August 14, 1897—tf.' , Brick for Sale. 125 000 GOOD BRICK for Sale at the yard opposite the Come try, Welleboro, b.* PEED. MARGRAPF. eapt,16,1808.4m. LINES or TRAVEL. EUIE RAILWAY. On and after Monday. Nov. VA 18C8, trait,. •w q leaveCerningat about the following ileum waslwann u6wisp. 6ala in Night Exprese,Sundays excepted, forutak I F Salarnauca,and Dunkirkonaking direct eon ~,, with trainee( the Atlantic A Great Westeri .Lub• Shoro,andOrand Trunk Railway s,forall point* *et (k 42 a. m ., Nlgbt Exprese,Daily,(or Iltiffalo.Sala Wr.,(.. Dunkirk and tho Weet,tonnoctlng as above. , &50 a. tn., Night Ziprote,fluudaye excepted, tor liv GI, ester and buffalo, via Avon. 10:090.m.,MaliTtain;Sundais esceisitt!ci . for 13utIalc, and Dunkirk. - • 1146 p.zn.Baltireore Express, Sundays exespted,Ar . llocheater and Duffalo,via Avon.': LZB p. m.. Day Express, Sundays excepted-10r Buffalo 'Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West, connecting ,at at Salamanca with the Atlantic and °resit Westers Railway; at Buffalo & Dunkirk* with-the Lake Shore Railway, for all points trest and suilth. • Tplb p m Day Express,Bundayaexcepied,ior Roth cat et' 1215 a :m., Expreee -Sundays excepted .for Batt'. lo,SaLamanca,and Dunklrk,connecting with tratr fortbe Wost. 1.80 p m Way Freight,Enadaya excepted. 6:40 p. m., Emigrant train, Dally,for the West 8112W18D80IIND 12:48 a. na.,*Night Express, Daily, Mondays excepted connecting at Elmira for Williamsport. Harrisburg _and the South, and nt New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and 'ew rnerund Cities. ° &VS a. xn —Cincinnati Exp. Mondays ex pted. con'it gat Blcalra for Canandaigua, at Dingha on -for Syr*, - con. at Great Bond for Scranton, at La kawaxea for Hawley, and at Jersey City with mid fight Expser , Trainor New Jenny Railroad forPhila Iphitt,Pal t a. more. and Washington. 1.1:1,2 a. m ~ Day Express,Sandays excepted .connecting .1 at Waverly for Towanda; at Binghatnton for vase; at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackawea for Honesdale; at Middletown for Unlonsille, acd at Jenny City with midnight express train for l'iew Jerny Railroad for Philadelphia 1650.0 m Accommodation Train daily, connecting at Owego for Itbeca 2:20 p. m.,ssltimore Express, Sundays excepted. 4:SE , p. m., New York and Baltimore Slat]. itintlaye ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Canandaigua, and at Waverly for Towanda 3;115 p m Lightning Express Daily, connecting at El- Mira for Williamsport, Ilarrisburg and the South, and at Jersey City with morning erptess train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington 12135 p. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. air A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table of Passenger Trains or, the Erie Railway and connecting Lines, hns recently been peldisbed, and can be precut. od on opPlication to,tbo Ticket Arent of the Company MLR. BARR, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Bloomburg & Corning, & Tioga R. R T.tahos will nil as follows ttivtll further notice: .4.cssoln?odation—Leaves Blossburg at 7,16 a. m., Mans "4M.7itt $,05. Tfogs. at 8,41(, tawreneeville at 9,82 in :airdrhig'as Corning at 10,40 a. m. lfolliaLeares Blossburg at 2,00 p. in., Mansfield at 2,40, Tioga at 3.18, Lawrenceville at COO—arriving- at COrning at 6 gall—Leaves Corning at 800 a.m., 14atrreiieeville at 9,03; Tioga at 9.45, Mansfield at 10,52—a lying at Illoss-burg at 11.00 a. m. A.ecommodation—Leaves Cornfig at 2 1 ,40 p, m., Law. renceville at 4,00. Tlogtiat 4.60, Mansfield at 6,80 tirrlving at Blosabtag at 0,16 p. m. L. 11. SIIATTUJ/4 Sart • Northern Central U. EL TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. Trains for Canandagula leap Elmira as fella tocontodatlon at • Express [fastest train on roadl )lail Way Freight, [passenger coach a ached).....„. On and after Nov. 24, 1.8670” reins will s depart from Troy, as follows; 1 • LEAVE ORTI WARD. 9 45 A. (except Sundays) for Elmi l 10, Canandaigua, Rochester, Snap-8J.14 Canadaa. 10 65 P. 31.-A:iaily (except Sunday.) for El Buffalo, via Erie Railway from ]hairs. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 10 18 A. 31.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimors. Washington, Philadelphia, &c. 324 P. 31.—Daily (except Sundays) for Baltiracts, Washington and Philadelphia. Di:WARILY, Oen'l Supt. Harrisburg, Philadolphia & Eric 8. On and after AWNDAY, Nov. 2.8 d, 1;. on thoPhilaoelphia k Eriektall Road wl.l/ rani Stall Traits leaves Philadelphia...... " " " " arr. at Erie Erie Express leaves Philadelphia... 44 '• Williamsport r• arr. at Erin Elmira Wail leaves Philadelphia.... Willianieport " arr. at Losk Huron tASTWARD. Hail Train leaves Erie ."; " " arr. at Philadelphia...,. ... Erie Express leaves Erie " " " err. at Philadelphia...—. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and All, ghtms lllrgr luil 'Load. Baggage CheckiAl Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gems/ Suet. Atlantic =4 - Gre . - SALAMANCA STAT/021. WWITWARD BOWL>. EASSiT.O.I) DOM, ' 6.80 A/0 Accommodation 0,8,1, Mad 5.51 express ......... Accommodation, --MSS :'sprees 11.0 e ..... .... At Cory there is a junction :with the Philadelphia A Erie ' and Cil Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin and 011 City and Plthole Branch. At Leavittsbnrgo the Mahoniny Branch makes a el• rt. Ct. route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects %Rh Cleveland and Pittsbuigh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Aehl Id. Galion, (arson, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting iariota ran• roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. DUCKER, Gan. Supt., Meal Ole, Pa. Planing & Turning, B. T. VAN HORN, HAVING got his now Factory ln,ap ration. is now prepared to fill orders fer abinct Ware promptly and in tho best style of Wo kman• ship. Having procurod a WOODWORTH PLANER, he h ready to dress boards or plank with di SCROLL-WORK 4 BRA.CiE I furnished to order. His Machines are oft est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Waln Sts, BORO, PA., Oct. 31, 18.66-41. B. T. VAN II( - STICKLIN, 1 7" c % Ohairmaker. 'Turner, ( 1 Furniture Dealer SALE ROOM opposite Dartt's Wago Main Street. FACTORY in Sours laths Foundry, second story. Orders promptlylled and satisfaction teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Virclisburo, June 12, 1887. 3. STICK MORE NEW GOO John H. 'Rowe S now receiving a large and complete I moot of Fall S; Winter Goods, • thought since' the late doolinli in prices in New York, oons;ating of =Pry' Groac:•cits, Groceries, Hats fi.; Caps, Boots & Shoes, YANKEIO NOTIONS 9 • 16., &e. Particular attcnt4nlis incited to our Stock of 14zumg zama; aelmg, • AND) TRIMMINGS, Gaiters and Hoop Skirts; also a nice ' line of TEAS, New Crop, very fine at reduced prices, A fine assortment of Ladles FURS, very all of which will be sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. We respectfully invite all to cOl and °imagine my stock ,before purchasing els •where. Remember, Empire - Stout' No. 1 Union _ weaaborol, Got. 81,1868. li Et. =DLR. Genii Supt .7 00 a m 1 11 45 A IL ! Cl 5 p m 7 10 a ci 021127:13 a, Dan— e and the mica cad ED. 8. YOUNG Gen'l Pam. Agt Baltimore, Md 'B, Trainn asfollows 1 1045 p m 8.15 a m. 0.50,p m P 1.60 Loot 8.60 p 0.00 a En 800 a m 6.80 p 7.48 p On a in .66p sn 000 am 6.26 p ra 7.40 a m C2O p m t Western a W ~npnceb 0 33 BM and Shpp, IVII• DIM El =EI MEI ock.