HOME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, New Advertiseittenta Rip She Goes I—Wright 44 Dailey.' Goods at Cost—Dtillard .1 Co.. Pbotographs—ll. B. Wood. - Notice in Discharge of V; 11. Thomas. A CARD. Rev. J. S. Palmer, of Mid dlebury, 'returns thanks to the liberal friends who met at the house of 3dr. C. r. iluniOroy, 'Frida, evening, and presented him with $lOO in green backs. A CARD.--Rev. Asa Dodge andfarntly; desire to express their gratitude to their friends la Sullivan, for gifts amounting, with other fa vors, to $150: 'A o fis is exelisive of subscriptions. . , BUSINESS.—Mt.'32Lugh 'Young, Book- Eeller and Stationer, has -taken Mr. Williaux lareen, hie Well known nitentiro rind gentlemanly clerk, as a partner in hie business. We wish the + nest faux itcreased -prosperity. - DONATION. The Mends of Rev. Russel Kennedy aro incited to attend a donation party at the house of Loren Nobles, in Delinar, Thursday eve., Jan 28 th, 1869. ..! The friends of Rev. 11. C. Harris will gli.e him it Donation at the home of Widow Evans, Charleston, Friday main, 29th inst. To C 011 RESPONDENTS.--We shall pub -151 the first of w series of articles upon the Ca: Stitatioll of the globe, zest week. " Vrworking Republienne"--.-wq also appear neat week. "The Old Year," being written on both *sides of the paper, and longer than it phould be though excellent in matter and style, is subject to the order of the writer. 'Two pages foolscap make a long enough article for a country' paper. PERSONA L,4lr. Charles Tubbs, .of Oceola, has been appointed a transcribing clerk in the House at Harrisburg. Mr. Tubbs js a young man of talent and liberal culture, and is remarkably well fitted for the position. If the other officers aro as good, the Legislature is very fortunate. We believe one other Tioga man has a position there, also, but having 7 :lAti no mention of the fact in the proceedings, we await further advices. \ A Goon THrtiat—Mr. Foley, dealer in watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Sewing Machines, has just received a few of postock's Patent Tuck er, applicable to every first-class machine in use. We have seen ono in operation, an - d the . operator assures us that it beats all the old styles of Tucker out of sight. The tuck is made by a wheel running on a track. The machine is beautiful, easily attached and detached, very convenient, and cheap. If any owner of a Sewing Machine neglects to get one of teese attachments, she loses the benefit of one of the best inventions of the times. PERSONAL.—JOSEP,II CAIRN SIMPSON, Esq., one of the editors of The Field Turf and Farm, and author of one of the most valuable treatises upon the management of the Horse, has been spending several days with his brother, It. C. Simpson, Esq., in this village. J. B. HALL, Esq., proprietor of the Recorder and Democrat, Catskill, N. Y., is visiting his relatives in_this county. liar. Hall has managed to cover-in the last ten years, so as not to show the marks of time In the lead. Beings first-class printer, we presume that he enjoys a clear con science-and observes a spare diet. Ho certainly publishes the handsomest, spiciest, and most en terprising sheet that comes to us from a rural vil lage. If strict attention to business and untiring industry deserve success, then he is getting what he deserves. - ' HARRIED, in '43.pchester, N. Y., by JAMES VICK, Esq.,T.jsr.,•anqprarxr, comopo- BM Mr. Vick, instead of the usual cards, sends his "Illustrated Catalogue , of 49.e0s and Flutist Guide for 18n," to all people on :2 ecuipt of It) cents. This pamphlet Is beautifull.i. Printed and illustra ted. the frontispiece being tieolored flower-piece of rare b au,.y. Mr. Vick seeks to scatter choice flowers wel the whole country', as' he says—"to add beauty to the beautiful, and to make the desert LAOSSOIII as the rose." If we can help hitn to du so good a work it will be'a great pleasure. Seed for his beautiful catalogue, worth a dollar to lay on your centre table, and costing 10 cents. Address: Janos Nick, Rochester, :SI. V. 4 ' I. 0. of G. T.—Rev. Jaz i es A. David eon State Lecturer, organized a'j.odge l a . Good Ttinplais at built Settlewent Jan. ti, (trial the following (Accra: W. C. 'T., John Francis; W. V. T., Matilda Data N., Miss Silvia Varket; areas. Mlss L. It. Moore; I. G:, Mi'ss L. Putter; 0. G., R. Otto; F. S., Mary Kelly; R. 11. S., Clarissa Parker; L. IL 5.; EValie Francis; .m., L. O. Potter; L. M , 8. - J. Dartt; A. S., Frank Potter; Chaplain, F. Schuster; P. W. C. T., S. P. Moore. Lodge meets every Tuesday evening. Mr. Davidson organized another Lodge at Ijoliday's.; Jan. 7, with officers as follows : W. C. T., Jesse Keeney; V. T., Jane Doan ; R., B. C. Byrnes; Treas. Mrs. 11. R. Mitchell; 1.-G., Mrs. B. Cilymes ; 0. G , Thos. Keeney p Isiarshal—Jas. Anderson ; Deputy—Mary IL d iugion : F. S., Wm. Cady; A. S., Mrs. L. Niles: L. If. S., Annie Cady; R. R. S., Carrie Cleft; Chdplain—Ezra Potter; P. W. C. T., S. M. Cady. The .name of this Lodge is "Union Lodge," and it meets every Monday evening.. Gossip.—Two or three weeks ago a correspondent asked in this "tiossip," if gossip ing always related .to tho faults and frailties of people, or the shady side of things. As he had a story to tell, and a very good one, we I l did- not break in upon him to answer his question. " Gossip," originally meant pleasant chat. Of late years the word has come to be used as sy nonymous with slander, and its cognate terms.— It stands to reason that when two-friends meet and chat there will be gossip—as we use the word. It does not stand to reason that either will make the other a party to all neighborhood quarrels, or that- either, or Loth, will slander somebody before they part. In this gossip we aira to instruct, as well ns to amuse. We do not advertiie to make people laugh twill-much, thu' laughter is a good thing, "helpeth digestioU, and serves o shako the cobwebs out of the brain." The , r:unny side of human alTairs re ceives no lack of attention. Almost eery man knows every one of his good qualities; few men "see thomselves as others see them," and so, ho man frailties and inconsistencies need a great deal of showing up before the work of self-re form begins. There is-hypocrisy, you knoiv, the very meanest of human vices, some threads of which straggle into every humandlife, be it ever FO goad, relatively. And the sorts, of hypocrites, you know, are many, froin the wan who •tiais long prayeri in, public places, and gouges right and left all the week lung, to the man who meets one \ whom he dislikes anilCcatOtUnS, and , shakes hands with a—"l'm - gua th . see - you! I hope you are Well and Prosper . ,ms!" and goes nu with Litter thoughts about this wan whose health he to teuderlY inquired ,alter. Thu 'difileCLlCO is in degree rather than in kind. The first canted b3poelite types a class of men and women null/ athertise for about a thousand per wit. Hunt: than they ate worth in Fi3viety. . They get u living by false priirelias. Vie latter sett lime harm to anything or anybody .except 1., their awn Pelf-respect.,' „There in another grade which softens down the asperities of life sonic . what. When Mrs. Smith calls upon Mrs. Jones, , and Mrs. Jones is elbow deep in - thii sponge for the next hatch ,of bread, of course Mrs. Smith accept s Mrs . . JonCs's—:-" Delighted to see you, my dear Mrs. : -. with!"—as law and gospel. So llte t latter goes away in good humor, leaving the fer nier in very doubtful humor. Per what house wife hilts to be interrupted by fashionable calls when she is mixing the spon,go? Who dares to say, though, that Mrs. Jones does not better to tell a little whopper, and sii.serd - her neighbor sway in good humor, than sho would to put on a sour. face,,atid omit the . pletieffMCoozWeinticinitl, greeting ? We don't dare to say it., yet it is not altogoth er righ that hypocrisy is not. .-igaia— jonel goes to . Smith for tho'-lotin:Of hundibd or two, for a few days. Smith gas the money, but. does not want to lend it to Jones. Ile says to " I wish I could lot you have, it, but really, rya strapped, and can't." Now a man may be a tip-top fellow in other respects, and still not be a good fellow to lend - money to. Who knoif that-by experience? The gnestipe is—does Smith commit ono of the, eardinialsini when he tells Jones a litilo whopper to get rid of him? Wo don't know ;• and 'yet —and yet— "fair and square" dealing bety . een men does hot recognize such courtesy as eiaotly right. 'What do ,you think? , l!ut jemes:s pine •and tell us what you think., Ydu have stood in Smith's shoes, arid know hctrit • looks from that quarter. Suppose yolf.geLinto Jones's boots and take a survey of the affair from his position. FARMINGTON. ` l WitlleSB, 77 ,from whom wu hope to hear often, tvfitee,: under date of Jan. 11, inst., as follOws 01 " Believingits rdo'ihat th -eitizent of Tioga county ought to sustain their Paper, not only by subscribing for it; but by - supplying many items which help make the Local column interesting, I send - you a few items from our part of the town. The farmers of East Farmington are, as a class, gradually surrounding 'themsehies with all - the comforts, and many of the luxuries of civilized life, pre-eminent among which stand good buil dings. Among those who have built within the last four years are Mr.' P. M. Close, who has built a large two-story, square-roofed house; 0. L, Butts (whose,bouso was bathed), has built a ( Jorge farni•houso and Gossiplyou ought , to know who that is) says that ho is soon to put a bird in the cage - he...has so nicely fitted. Our storekeeper, Mr. Merritt, lias put up a largo upright to his house, in addition to rebuilding his store, which was burned, and now ho bass o/d 'out his goods and moved to Nelson. " Mr. Eli Knapp has built a very fine residence on the top of the hill, and for once it is not pain ted white. " D. C. Kemp has put an addition to his house, well finished and painted. " Rhodes IV. Hall has this summer put up a large upright and entirely remodeled the old part, all of which is thoroughly painted inside nod out. '" Mr. ColegrOve, outsupervisor (as our meadows can testify), has built a good, substantial house. "Mr. Russell Shaw has also put up an upright part to his hones. " Now, Mr. Editor, as all this has been going - p4l within a radius of four or five miles, and in •.tlie space of two or three years, you can judge wtether the citizens of East Farmington are or not,-an enterptising people; and as there arc two churches and two Sunday Schools, 'which are well attended, and school-houses on nearly every four corners, it shows that Moral, and Mental, as well as Physical wellbeing are cared for. " There is a flourishing Lodge of ,Good Tem piers, numbering nearly 60, who are theroUghly canvassing the town for :prohibition, and . who report that-nearly every person signs the petition. `We fire sometimes honored with the pres each of impo.itors and swindlers, though not often. Ono came _mast Friday to Mr. Russell Shaw, claiming to bo an elocutionist; he inquired when he could give an "Entertainment," as be called it, and then wanted to stay over night. During the evening he directed his discourse against rich men, bankers, especially, declaring they could not bo Christians, and that their houses were plastered over with "Poor man don't you come here." Ministers, as a class, were de nounced as being "men without ability, top lazy to work, who ride around, ate chicken, and visited the sisters." He is of middle hight, wears a Moustache, whi - ch ho thinks a great deal of, combs his hair back, and has a very hcairy voice. When ho came to settle his bill in the morn ing, he said that owing to an accident which happened here, ho was unable to' pay; but would take the name and send .it to them. The last seen of him he was making his way towards Middlebury, inquiring for a county map. I hope, the people will convince him that this, is a poor plade for Min to sponge his living this winter.}' TRAVERSE•' JURORS -ht week- Dlosa—Hen4 Ellis, 0. F. Taylor. Brookfield-oeo. Frazier. Chatham—Philip Close, John Wass, Ilenly l Daniels, Alex. Wass, W. A. Neweoinh, Samuel King. Clymer—Stephen Strait, John Hancock. Deerfield—Chas. F. Billings, Jas.: W. Knox, M. V. Purple, George• Clark, S. L. Planh. Del mall—William 11. Jones, Andrew Bartle,, D. A. Stowell. Vine 11. Baldwin, Job SytnondF. Elkland—Daviil Dunbar. . Farmington—John C. Robb, Joules DcelT Guinea—Darid Ilex/ord. Jackson—Charles Oecutt , • . LUNTOlCUVille—Charlvs Beebe Llberly—ticorge Attley,. R. C. Sebring. FL's. Sh.ffer. Slanstield—John M. Phelps, At4i nti3 Runt. Itlains'uorg..:-.-J. B. Cuthroith. Morris—W. W. Ltahb. Nnox‘ille.---0. 11. Wood. t:Zeison—Barris T. Ryon. liiatinond—Apollos Pitts, D. P. Shaw, George Sce Sullivan—Pliilotus Smith. Thram Tioga—ll. W. Calkins, Williatn,K. Mitchell Wthlsboro—Andrew Sturro(k. Westfield 13orn—Simun Lewis. IVestfield—Gust us W. Green. Ward—D(l.6d Sparks. 2d week. Blom—John 'Martin, John Dinsmore. Brookfield—Samttel Tubbs, W. It. Seeley. Charleston—John E. Smith, H. Adams, Joseph- Johnson. Chatham—Silas Avery. Covington—Hiram Ziminner. Deerfield—B. S. Bowen. Delmar—Edwin Campbell. .Farmington-0. 11. Blanchard. Jackson—D. 11.,_fifeIntyre, David.. Everett, M. K. Retan. Liberty—Jos. Sheffer, John Brion. Mansfield—T. H. Bailey. Middlebury—John Smith. Nelson—Henri Rathbone.. Richmond—James Hoard, W. W. Barnes. Rutland—Elmer Backer. Sullivan—R. B. Rose. Tioga Boro—S. M. Geer, IT. S. Johnston. Tioga—Fred. Hughes, W. B. Keyed. Union—Anderson Burin, L. N. Griswold, Geo. G.'Collins, Erastus Wellsboro—Thos. B. Bryden, Lewis Dumaux. Westfield—Chas. Scull. Ward—Robert Killgore. THE RtTRAL.—Even in this day of enlarged enterprise, the enlargement of Moors's Rural New Yorker is wonderful. It is now a qurirto of IC pages, same superficial size ns before. It never bad any superior as a journal of the farm and fireside in this country, and it now leaves all competitors far behind. A club is now being formed by Mr. L. Harrison, at the Post- Office. All.who want a bargain in a newspaper should call at once and subscribe. Terms, $3. '" THE AMERICAN ARTISAN":—We have received the first number of the Bth volume of this sterling journal of Invention, Mechanics, ands . practical science, published by Brown & Coombs, 180 Broadway, New York. No paper of its class is oftener quoted as authority than this. Its cheapness should place it in the hands• of every workingman, as its practical value ahoulii commend it to every manufacturer and inventor. The Artisan is a quarto of sixteen pages, beautifully illustrated, with a meekly record of all patents issued., Single subscriptions 10 copieS one year $l5. Specimen nngsbers sent free. 1 • ONwann.—The first number of Capt. Mayne Reide's new magazine, "Onward," has found its way to our table. Capt. Reid is an Englishman whom it seems after much study and observation in the old world, has become an enthusiastic friepd of our Republic, and it is to imbue the young'people of.Amerietivith a love of their own country, and a just pride in her unequaled institutions that he has established a u.agazine. The specimen before us contains 86 !.ages with fotir i ll age illustrations The lit fu , entry matter s mau p e up of romances, poetry, nvws, AA! . s3,so;tt yeb.r. G. W. Carleton Pub lisher, 137, Broadway, N ew yuric l'ackard'r Alwitflly for January kat band. It , bono:. in butter than formerly. nut a is hit or thu piquaLey Hurl int,r,bt which have inti.le it 6u popular. Tile present ,r iawitritis in Vllitlable artieles, ainung uhicit v bu men_ tiuuttl "Pereit=tency" by llot tt,c "Iry wan as a iklp meet," b - Olive Logaa, "flow Newspanur3 are Mule," "Woil;zhoi.6 and. Sauk:- IttaN,” ;to.. by S S. Pat.:ll.r,l, w at wily .ito.trullai a 3 Lar V A 111,ITOM V.—Dr. T. S. Li Graff,' :14-sisted by Drs. hies and Morse, of thn, city, ant several physicians from 3 - fara thou, and vieinity,,removed a large ovarian tumor front Mts. Joseph Baker, of Marathon, N. Y., on Wednesday This, makes the fifteenth operation for Jivarioto)uy per formed by Dr. Up Do Graft; and !melee of liAs patients are now living, a success not equalled by any surgeon in the United States. HoormiNo's dannA.m comhination of all thoingroslients of the DittWs,• with pure Santa Cruz Hum, orange, ,ruse, dc., .making prcparation of rnro medical value. The Tonic is used fot the same diseases as the Bitters ; in eases where some Alcor)lic Stimulus is necessary. Principal 01lice, 631 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists and others, Oorywhore. Winans, it is ono of the , foundations principles pt Free.atesdnry to,Care foe the-afflicted and sympathize with them lu distresaLoverywhereAnt more espeelcdlg I of the Brotherhood; and whereas; it has, pleased 411- mighty :Clod in his inscrutable providence to remove the Wife of our dear Brother, X: U. Mosher, by death,. - Icrsolonco..,;--That white tae as al,odge r bOvt with Irk, mission to the providence,. which has iremoved' from earth hire. Flora Mosher; we do feel deeply for our Brother, avhq bee , beet : se soon ; after ra , ,toose union(o. Wife endeared to hi ni by - scr . slam vlrtneaatil so much levellppis edi AlinritctvWed.:the'otie4lietso deeply melaried. ' t • • ItzsoLvEn.—That'in'tbe'eMlctiorrof onr.tirother, we offer hint' our condolence, and, assnre him of, o 4 sincere and continual sympathy lit hisfuture lone. lines, and sorrow over hls great ham. :1.4r - - 1; I ItssiAvan.—Thst tender to, the ,petrents, , ', looked with - so mirth hope, and love, tqion one eadeeted,l by to"i many virtinis" , atiC. endowed with-, so malty amiable qualities, but so soddenly taken. Mini thluttil in this their sad actectlou t And wo,do cherish the pope that Itheband,lNkraute,:.audAindredOntry-rdi Ina iilieTi3 ... deatb i.e unknown, Itesem'co.—Thut n copy .of •these.. - Meselutions ho furnished Brother Jlosher, and also to the afflicted parents, and that, they Published to the ;TWOS COUNTY itOISITOIt and Bratifyrd countyVapare. Antmilmirio.—There is no'denbt.that tll9 great lever in the extension of tt busifietii, in tliesie:-'go ahead times, is advertising; but the immense popularity oftnateelpbrated remedy fox:Dyspepsia, Liver CouiplaintiNervonsDebility;'&e.;Beelland's German Bitters, is not so much oning.to the fact that it has been extensively' advertises,' as it to the griat merit of tho article: ' A worthless medicine may, through publtcity, acquire' a: "short-lived, notorie ty; but 'it ' requires the basis of true merit, in order to sustain itself for any considerable length, of ,Boolland% Gerniunl3ifteis,has been 14town to the' Amprinan public for more than tvitintY Years i — elieh `day • ad ding some new'-proof •of • its find great curative properties. -This Bitterne entirely free from all Alcoholic ttatnixture. SPEZTVER-- - -:PELLOW.-=-In We!labor°, Jan. 5, inst.,' by Ravi J. P. CaWins, Mr. A. M. Soonest' of Richmond, and Miss; Mary Follows, of this village. 1,. ~ . . ~ - : •. ~ • , - • -, • (A - hugc_(lllac];;itgo;?r. astrjr;firthe .daintiest sort, accothpanied'thc ..t, Vto r ro.tic'e t - and clothed the countenances of tlia - litliftter'S with radiant smiles.- :- :gayly, imply nrpixorsarkos to you.,- ED.] KIMILEIf—ItUES- l At,;tho' holed! of 'Abe bride's •fa tlle r r, - Jah. 14;4 A. - Steno, Mt. John 'Kohler and EunSoo 1: Keyes; all' of East Charleston: • ' , Ukacompaning, Um above _notice *as n box of - Calm - weighing'not, much Ices than. half-a-teti.— The Agitator never had .rpagnifiont array of wedding cake, laid' on its table. Our friend has ",hp and done it" stiddenly, and with out warning. Merry Christmas and Happy• New. . Year to you'] POTTER—MULEO,RD.— In - sPotter', county, by Elder Thomas, Jan. 1, I 80, Mr. George Rot, ter and Miss. Mary Mulford, all of Westfield Tioga Co., happy New Year. MULFORD—THOMPSON:--In Westfield, Dec, 25, LSO?, by Elder Thomas, Mi. Benj. Mulford and Miss Sophronia Thompson, all of 3yestfield ! , Merry Christmas. • t., • HOUGIITALING—KEENEY.:—In Keeney- Nov. 4th, 1868, by Rev. S. Butler, Mr. Theron B. llouglitaling apd Miss. Jenny" L. Keeney, both of KeenEyville. POTTER—WILSON.—In Chatham, Dec. 12th, 1869, Mr: Joseph Potter, and Miss. Francis A. Wilson, by the same.. ERWAY.—In ilarrison Valley, Pa., January 5 ; 16'09, Jonas Erway, in the 31st , year of hil3 age. MOSHEIL—In Blossburg, ultimo, in the 21st year of her age, Mra. Flora Taylor, wife of Mr. E. Mosher. , She leaves a hind - husband to.whont she • had been married only about 'a 'year and a half, an infant daughter, an affectionate father and mother,"a much .loved and only brother,. and many dear friends and relati'res to mourn her loss. GILE.—In Sioux City, lowa, Dec. 8, 1868, Anna A. Gi)e, aged .42 :years. Wife of Georgo W. (ilk. MCI gsocu.F - 2:71. Ea SI. The largest, hest and. cheapest assort ment of frames ever' hrought into Tioga County, with large pictures in every way to suit, and card photographs at $1,50 per doz., all going fast at Frank Spencer's Art Winery, Mansfied, Dee. 2.s—tf, SEWING MACIIII\TES. 1~4 nuivE, Jr., tir‘A, Prowiuw &win" ;114- • Ain° for ,itie iii Wtrllsboro 11y *Jet. 28, •18158.j.2t.' • SPECIAL ,NOTICES. GENERAL AGENCY, yor SEWING ,11;ILACHINES4 SILENT fatally Machin© makes the elastic twisted Loop Stitch, and the only First-Class burgle Thread Machine Manufuctered. Also Nos' Family and • :Nl:mut:taming Machines, with all the late improvements. • The Singer Co. cold in the year '67 over forty-two thousand Machines, being ee vein 1 thousand in advance of advance of-any other - Madan° .Manufartured. The Buckeye Shuttle 'Machine, the only cheap Machine that makes the Loch Stitch. Will ho ',aid at $22, for hand Machine, and at $35, With table anti treadle.' Orders taken fur the Arnett= can Family Knitting Machine. , 611110., C. BOWEN, Agent. Gale . ° just holowTho Toivnstind 1i0n66; boro, Pa., Dec. 16, ,1868. HALL'S UTAK SICILIAN liAna ..22621TEWAR... PERSONS WHO ARE GRAY Can havo their 'hair rcitorod to its natural col or, ftwCif it has fallen out, create a now geowtli by its Usu. _ - It is the best HAIR DRESSING in the world, malting' lifeless, stiff, ; brushy hair, healthy, soft, and gliissy. R.P. HALL A CO., Nashua, N. H. Proprietors. Fur sato by all Druggists. Doc. 23, 1863. Too loofjo,:Paym39ebt,; AND not quite rich enough to tnko the "Benefit o the Act." Also, obliged to find some location where lidug is cheuper, or cea*u‘living zi,ltogethor, Therefore 1 offer, to sell Thy Nara for 1200 DOLLARS, if applied for before the Ist of May - next. Said place consists of 1 . % mores of land, cottage house, never fail. Ing well of water, a good spring, also a brook, anti a capital young orchard of sixty trees, over thirty,of them in blaring. Thorois about 9,11 of an,acro In gar. den, and onoathe saw the mixed crops of .potatcfes and pigwceds the past season know what the soil is. (I presume that either crop might boas well raised separ ately, but have never We'd it.) The balance of the lot Is also good soil, as is shown - by the . strong growth of Imp briars and elder bushes, along the fences, and which might easily be trained, byjudicfons negieq` to cover the ground. Said lot is situated 175 rods ssnth of the center part of Wellsboro, on 'the Delmar road and to any one desirous of embarking in the Shanghai bUsthens or the production of ducks eggs for market, offers conveniences not to be overlooked. Enquire at the Agitator office, or at the shop of Sears & Derby, or for further particulars of GEO. W. SEARS. 1069. CAYUGA PLASTERY JOTS of Fresh Ground Plaster at Painted Post Mills ; constantly on hand, at $6 per Toil Also all kinds of Flour, Feed, at lowest Carh price. Will deliver Flour and 'reed at Tioga Depot, Corning, free of charge. W. S. HODGMAN, Lt:, Co. J,ui. tith I 8138-31u0s. Painted Post. Tx THE DISTRICI COURT 01: rim: UN fed St•rite fueihi; Wthfrru :nitfridr of ,Penn ^ :;37 I;ro•Ldway \Vin..}l. Thomas. a bankrupt under the act of Congress of noel' 2, 1867. having applied for it discharge !rem all his dobtsi and other claims provable nilder said act, by . order 91 the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors who have prey' d their _debts, arid'o thee perionaltiterestod, to appe.,r en the 20th day of Feb., 1869, at ten b i elech bcl'o,u F. E. Stn.ith,EN,, Register, at his when in 'rings, Pa., to show cause, ,if any they heve, why a discharge should not ho granted tc t i z 6 ;.4ijid bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of the saidininkrupt, required by tha 27th and 28th sections of said act, will belied be fore said ltei,, , ister, at the slime time and place. 8. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. - Uiitriat Court for said ' Jun. tO, 1669-2 C • • • Lii.NlY - 13 . :—"A'now kind of lamp for Kerosene no brenkageof ohimneys-.. , •4t FOLEV(d, 01112 1 trAulr. :~~IARRIAQES. DEATHS -o---- IVILCO . iti. & GIBBS SINGER'S - 2.bV.ERTISEMENTS. ATE W ME --;,T-.J.: lug Aitt,'" ''''•- '' .'or real merit ids certain a .8-Ae changes the seasons: and a good medieine; like an honesl ; matkaodiarmakescc-reputation of 3 its o wn, which rogues and humbu 8 cannot 'destroy. Those who use SAL UT ..b7lll.are alWaysiCadi to:sixak of its . pirt es.as . the Great Remedy for Pain, 'Swellin it, Bruises Sprains,.Burns, Quinsy, 0:Oup, Chilblains, Ifetiralgici;" inidßhenmatisrn_. :, - c••• - - ME PhtVE, 50 CE2V2S.y SOLD AT EVERY DRUG STORE. =I IMO I N BANKRUPTCY.—This is to give notice That on, r ,the Attli ;kitty of Jan., A. D. p 69, - a warrant in Banlifupfey was issued "against the 'estate of F. D. Bannel, of Welliboro, in the county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, who' haibeen'adiudged a Baiskrapt on his own petition ; that the payment of any deb(' and de livery of any property belonging to snish•Bank rupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property hybita are forbidden by law ; that a meetitig.:or the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of P. E. Smith. in Tio ga, county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. E. Smith,Rogister, on the,2oth day of Feb.; A. D. 1868; at li) o'clock, A. M. • ' THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Maf shal Western Diet, Pa. r. D. Oslo:non, Deputy. Ja.n 13, 1869-4 w. In B4kruptcy. HIB into givC notice: That on the 31st day of December A. D. 1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued• against the estate of James R. Wilson of Richmond, in the county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on bis own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of auy property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at the court of Bankruptcy, 'to be holden at the office of F. E. Smith, in the Bore of Tioga, Pa., before F B Smith, Register, on the 20th day of February, A D 1869, at 10 o'clock A.'l4. THOMAE A. ROWLEY; U. S. Mgarshal Western District, Pa. Jan 13, Tar' Per DAVID CAMERON, Dep'y. Oiphans' Court 16'ale. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Tipga County, dated 7th Deeem bor-1868, tho Undersigned, Administrator of tho Estate of Robert Martin, late of said County, deceased, witl,! on" Wiedne - sday the .Sd day of February, 1869; at the Court -louse in Walls bore, lit one o'clock P. M., expose- to• sale the following tiosc•tlibedll,yttat9d#49tll9-11ro, erlf of -said' ea—viz—alrthat lot of land situate in Belmitr Tosinship,iff the Cottuty of. Tioga and Sta o of Pennsylvania., Beginning at a beech in Ohio of land's hito of Jonah Brewster—thonCe by lands of the said Jonah Brewster, East, '7O rods, to a hemlock, a corner of lands heretofore owned by William S. Bliss, thence by said last aiontimied‘ lot south, 57 rods, to a post'.. Thence by land fortnely owned llftWiker - Sltfkbr iral !iitrulfel — Diek in son, North, h 7 rods to the Piano •of ,beginning—containing 241} acres:: Cash. JOLIN ENOLIBII, Jay 13,.istit-3t.• '! - " A.duer. 1,2E:4 "Ens liCaarcrep PEA.C.E! J you want.to seo a good stock of FALL -- &: - VVINTER 'GOODS! L, BALDWIN & 00% ZgAZZIMI DIEM 0003 i; ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS; ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS,. ' ' ' &c., , &c. • . ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK WART MENT COMPLETE, • • TRIMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO- TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL. MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, ,DOMESTICS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cloths - And passitneres and a Tailor to Cut and Fit. Boots and. Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY,.WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR • lime, Cayuga Plaster,,"&c. GROCERIES' the most comploto stock you can End, such as TEAS. We are old tca drinkers and know thorn to be good. SUGARS, MOLASSES, and ih fact everything in the Grocery line. Also, nutter Tubs - s:od tails; Butter sold on coin o'harges for handling; ,but would like a small portion of the monoy you get in re turn, thatie if our prices suit. FARMERS All kinds and superior quality. If youdon't, fail to try ours. want good. T We warrant*. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken _iri_exchango- for Goods. -- We propose to sell our. Goods reasonably. - "Live, and let 'Live" prices given at theleounter—only one price. _Gash paid for produce if desired. • , 1- ;T: L. BALDWIN & 00. 'toga, Pa N.!. 26,1868. , r: , illiiiiiiilliffill =MB • TTOGA, PA. If you wont such as A fresh lot of REGULATOR STORE! , . ' col NING, I= , ' HAVING purchased the cadre stock former ly owned by H. Goff, we would announoe to the people orfloga County that, e have just received a full assortment of EMMEN SEASONABLE BOOBS, MI bought since the recent decline fn prices, and we invite all vrivy appreciato good bargains, to give us a'eall. Wo shall continually keep u full stock of DRESS GOODS, ENE ILILIM NC cgro 230211114 SILK GOODS, WHITE GOODS, -40 1 CottClia 4131.0 Co • WOOI,UN AND ,PAISLiY 'SHAWLS, .NIKEE NOTIONS, MI'S AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c., &c. You havo only to look through our stock to satisfy yourselves, that wo arb selling "Cheeper than the Cheapest." Country Msrelmuts supplied advancer from Now York Cost. NEWELL .t, OWEN Corning, 0ct..29, 1818.—iy. Tho — buitic hob rpi gat AND VICTORY WON. GODDS high in quality and low in price have carried the day, and hereafter will bo found ready and willing for active and efficient service in behalf i) f all those who will call and give theit orders at` WITHAM. & FA.RIVS, TIOUA, PA. • On the Dry 'Goods side we have a, full and complete and assortment of Fall and Winter GOODS, Good stock of Flannels, Sheetings, Prints, Muslin; De laines and Dress Goods, with a groat variety of YANKEE NOTIONS, with which to fill in and trim up. We would call special attention to our assortment of • Hats and _Caps, with prices which we know will compare favora bly with prices of the same goods before the war. Boots' and. Shod, which have been made to order from perfect stock with warrantee. 'Work ready to bo shown and fitted to ell customers. Tho Grocery stock in. eludes, Flour, Pork, Fisk, Sall, Sugars, Teas, Cof fee, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, &c., &c., Then comes the WOODEN WARE, such as Tubs; Pails, Wash Boards; Mop &ticks, Sugar Boxes and Pails, together with numerous other Goods, such as Crockery, Glass ware, Stone.waro, &c., which we will always be glad to show and risk the Bolling artofi the goods aro seen and ex amined, Tioga, 00t.16 r 1868. Great Bargains For all who call at Wilson & YanValkenburg's No. 2 Union Block. in French Merinoes, - Empress Cloths, Bea ver Sackings of all discriptions, Poplins of all colors. DELAINES lc PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S, SHEETINGS, BLEACH- ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN& lIOOP•SKIRTS, of every description, DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS of all kitidsp also. the :largest and elippest assortment of 101111 Y MADE CLOTHING over kbroirglit ' Into Tiogs County. Remember the place, and call before purchasing. • ! . . . Wo havo a large assortment of Gents' Furnish ibiGoods, consiiitlpg of 1, - Drawers, Uider-Shirts, Flannel Shirts Ruck Sleeves, and Mittens, .and Clothing of every description manufactuked to suit. Thankful for poet patrons o, and' by . atriet ate tention to.bueinoee wo hope o Aura n oortinn nine of tho woe. WILSON & VANVALKENBURG WollOoro,OoLl2, 1888 7 t t . , . NLOUR 44 MEAL, alwaia on hand at Arne 1813i1 .14X86 LIVINaIeS. EMI MOE WIQKHAM . FARR. I i Fall & Whiter Goods IN CORNING. .r•m5e:.•.•.4...nw00,a. W E have received a very LAThGE STOOK of FILL AND WINTEI GOODS on the most favorable terms, and will be sold at very- email advance, from cost. We think we hazard nothing in saying that we keep the BEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST QUALITY of Goods that are koptin the place. Bove a s tore light enough to see what you aro buying, and - pledge ourselves to SELL AS LOW, quality eons Oared, as at any otleirestabliihment We continue to make our - CLOTH TRADE ono of our specialties, and when deeired MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notice and In the best manner. Wo have adthul to our stook &good assortment of •CAIIPETS, tonrieting of BRUSSELS, iIIREE - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CiOTH and MATTING, and can sell them HOW VERY LOW -:-:--- Nilo aro tho agents for tho GREAT IL S. TEA COMPANY and salt TEA at Now York prices by tho singlo pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to call and examine stock and prices. Coming, Oct. 1, 1888 DE - WINTRY. PR C. DARTT, will still ter'..tc.,. , 06 , continue his business in Wollsboro wboro ho rospoctfully solicits the patronage of all %elm need, or desire the services of a Dentist. 'lasting been for the past fourteen years engriged in Dentistry exclusively, ho feels confided of giving perfect satisfaction in nil op erations intrusted to his care. Special attention given to the treatment of caries, irregularities, exposed nerves, ulceration, and intlamation of the gums, and all other diseased to which the teeth and gums are subject. 9j First Class , Worlt guaranteed in both me chanical and operative Dentistry. ~OrFici: at my residence near tho Episco pal Church. IVellsboro. N0v.11,18G8.-3m. DRS. THOMAS & WARREN, DENTISTS, TIOGA, PA. RELY sole . •• the be I l t y u t y u , dpuorn , 0)11* and or * .7 14 !- 1, ,, tistio merit of their work to o d r th e e e rn , mtn o n 4,4040 We . have all the modern im provements and do every kind of work known to the professiOn. DR. C. THOMAS. T. It. VARREN M. D. Tloga,,Oot. 23, 1838. • Dentistry in Aft.co'N'P Lawrenceville, - FIR. E. VAN TIQRNF, Into with Par ' f deCii Xcio York City, has opened new Dental Rooms at the Ford House, Lawriincevillo, Pa., where ho is prepared to do work in all the departments of his profess ion in the most scientific manner. All work warranted and satisfaction guaran i/ oed. Call and examine sp cimons of work. IL .. VAN HORNE. Lawroncovillo, Juno. 24 ; 868—tf. Tioga Marblel TIIE undersigned is no prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Montt merits of either ITALIAN 011 RUTLA i ND MARBLE, of the latest stylo and approved workmanship and with dispatch. Ile keep constantly on hand both kinds of Marblo and will be able to suit all whO may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to . look na good as now. Tioga, Nov_ 1, 1887—tf riIIOICE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS for salo ‘...) cheap! at WRIGHT BAILEY'S. Welleboro, Juno 5, 1887. CARD PRINTING—at Now York prices, in Colors or plain, and cut to suit orders, at TUE AUFMTOR OFFICE. R. Kruson. W. J. Rrusen P. D. Pease. R. KRUSEN & CO., • WESTFIELD, PA.,' • WOULD announce to the public that they are now receiving a full and complete as sortment of DRY GOODS 9 - 11"otion3, Carpets, Furs, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisions,. Crockery, Hard ware, Stoneware, &c. which they aro prepared to sell for•cash, or ex change for Country.Produee, at rates which defy competition. Westfield, Dec. 2, 1868—tf Application for Charter. lIILTOTICE is horeby given that the Iteetor, IN Wardens, and Vgstry of St. John's Church of Lawrenceville, have applied to the Court of - Common Pleas of Tioga County fora_ charter of incorporh tion . and - that said Court has ap pointed Monday, the 25th day of January 1869. for, granting said charter, if no objection bo made. J. F. DONALLSOg, Dee, 10, 1868. Protlity. SMITH & WAITE Works. PORTER 'WILCOX " BEERIIIVIC EXCIIANOB!" I sing, I sing of n curious thing,, . • Almost as strange,as Boggs upon Tyng $ I've swung 'ronnd a circle as routed as a ring, And while on tho down snit part!of my giving, X stopped at the city and tdok on i the Spring ;, STYLUS ROCRIIIES The ruble c es for SUGARS ARC; liol l sl IN TIM NEOK, And moreastonishing still, Molasses & Syrups avo a freer run downward, with a funnel-aha ped trait. E • - ThiErtalraseoreDl, • however, aro cat (rpm tho neck downward, and the style is blabitnd silver with stripes. TEA. TEA will be prepared from a drawing furnished to every customer whis buys a pound. Of the styles to suit complexions, hc., I may mention that Black Tea you can bavo If you-long for IL I cannot get time to look up all the hard words which the • GREAT - AMERICANITEA COMPANY use to startle tlto innocent people about the coun try; but you , can depend upon flndink the very best of Teas at the BEE-lIIVE EXCIIANGE? As to ( 4 4061:ree), the styles are various. Yoh can have the latest stylou from the following fashionable foreign ports, to wit{. MOCHA, JAVA, RIO, LAGUYRA JAM AICA, &C. In the matter of PROVISIONS 2 Flour still wears hoops over all, and dispenses with trails as uuprofitnble. I have all grades eatable. Also, PORK, DRIED BEEF AND lIAMS,', together with a full assortment of light groceries , and canned delicacies. As over MA T H E R S Pays Cash or Trade, 'for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE CALL AT MATIIERS'S Wcllsboro, Apr. 1, 'OB. NATIQNAL LIVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TIIE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, VtAsprxcros, D. C artered by Speci'l Act of Congress APPROVED JULV 25, 1858. Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID IN FULL I BRANCH OFFICE First National Bank , - - PIIILADELI'IIIA, Whore all COrrespondoneo should ho Addressed OFFICERS: CLAM:NCI: H. CLARK, PEC$111011). JAY COoli Chairman Pin anro R Executive Corn II F.Nlft '. 1). COOK VICO- PreFide - nt. Pal MOWN W. PERT, Secretary and Actuary. B. S. Russr.t.r., Manager. Circulars. pamphlets', and full ,particulars giv en on application to the Branch Office Of OM Company, or to It. C. SIB 'SON, W r nt:Lsnotto, PA., by whom applica ions will he received and Poll cios procured for Tioga County. Dec. 9, 1868-Iy. W ANTED— • ASH LOcrS; our Mill.. Cash paid for them. W. are ready tb saw for customers. Bring on your logs. Lath . and pickOts always on hand. 27z.T1 - • Ash logs must be 12 or 11 feet long. ROWEN TRUMAN. • Wellsboro, Dec. 16, '6B.tf ANOTHER" NEW AND LARGE STOCK. OF ALBUMS; Just received by I'. 11. Williams & Co. The greatest and cheapest variety everbrought into. town. Albums from 7.5 cts.,to $2O each. Call and see. P. R.- WILLIAMS CO. Wellshoro, Dec. 23, 1863. Register's Notice. I Notice ie hereby given that the Executorsand Administrators, named belex, have filed their ieccounts in the Rogietere 011'nm tort Tioga Co., Pennsylvania, and that tho said Accounts will be presented to the 'Orphans Couit,-_for said County, at a session of said Court, to las bold in Wencher°, ou Monday, the , 2s day iol_Jann ary, 1869, at too o'clock P. M., for Confirma tion and allowance. Account of John W. liurnboy, Adu4istrator of tho Estato 01 Daniel Lamb, into ref Rich mond Twri., deceased. Account of 114irriet Bird, Administratrix of the Estato nr.datc.lliktl, late of Jackson Twp., docinn,ed. • Account of Jas B. Jaquish, Administrator cunt textuinnuto annex,' of 1140 Etqatn of JO6OOl Jaquish, late or Covington deceased. Wellsitoro, Pa., December :Bth 1668.-Iw.- ) D. L. BEANE, Register. In Bankrupte) to giveliotiee: That on the 2tttli day of De j_ &ember, A. 1). ISGS, a-warrant in 'llmiltreptcy was famed against the Estate of Zophor Teed, of l'ute town ship. in the County of hycomnig and State of l'enn”l - tt ho has been adjudgtal a Bankrupt on his oa n Petition; that the payment of idly debts and the de livery of any property belonging to such Ilaukrapt, to him, or for hig use, and the tramfer by him are for bidden by tow ; that a Meeting of the creditor; Of the said Bankrupt, to prove-their debts, and to chootat ono or - more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to ho !mitten at the orice of F. E.Smith in the Borough of Tioga. before F. E. :midi, Reg ister, out the 20th day of Felnuarf A. 8., liat9. at 10 o'clock, A. 31. THOMAS A. HOWLEY, U. S. Marshal Western District, Pa. Jon. 13,'00. , l'er DAN to Ctur.RoN. Deli y. FSiLlti—ouo pair of Pleasure Bobs,_ at -1: Deo. 20, 18138. TOLES 41 BARKER'S I STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. HAVING been appointed agent for all first class Stoves 'manufactured by Shear, Pack ard & Co., of Albany, N. Y. I am now ready to furnish the following named celebrated Stoves : AMERICAN, .1 I - NATIONAL, HOME COMPANION, I • MONITOR. the latter of which is the boot Novo for common UllO over in market; being cheap, well mad?, and convenient. .I have also, II variety of CAST IRON, various patterua, SHEET IRON, Self Reguldora. ALSO—Otoves suitable for burning bard or soft coal, will be furnished to order. Customers will do well to 'exittnine my stock, which is as full and well selected as any In Northern Penn sylvania. / have also put in a full stook of I W. T. MATUERS WILLIAM ROBERTS, • Agent for all flrat.olci;rt Stoves, Main Street, We Debora, Penn'a. •. COOKING STOVES, THE BENEFACTOR, • ELEVATED OVENS, - PARLOR STOVES, 3Elria-csL:vtrarep of all eons. Thankful for liberal patronage ID the past, I respectfulllteollolt a eontinuanoo of the same. Sept. 16, 1868. The American Cooking Stove All articles of value and established reputa tion have their imitations. Manufacturers who have not the brains to invent or the enterprise to establish a reputation for themselves; seek to appropriate the inventions and reputations of those who have. The Atneviaan Cooking Stem for instance, has obtained a world-wide reputa tion. Messrs. Shear, Packard dr, Co. bavb spent seven. years in improving and perfecting this stove, till it is' almost perfect as a stove, and they have spent large -amounts in advertising and bringing its 'merita before the people. There have been numerous imitations of it, and they have been compelled to bring five suits against different parties for appropriating their patented iinprooonents all of which have resulted in their favor. 'he last phase of thesegriefimita tions is ono ar in design and almost an ex act imitation of r. t he name, only one later left one. These spurious imitations aro sought to be palmed off upon tho public as a genuine article. This is in violation of their rights; and they have commenced a suit to restrain the sale of these fraudulent articles ; and they propose to prosecute all infringements 4 . 1 d imitations till others cease from appropriating and imitating their improvements: • SHEAR, PACNORD & CO., Nos. IT and 19 Green ere., Albany, N. Y For sale by War. Ronears, Wollaboro, Pa. Dec. 9,3 w. HARNESS - SHOPT that tAsVnLaErn,el;wsosulod ''p. is note in lil f s t ; i f i r i i ) e la n s d t s , and that he is prepared to furnish heavy i oi light 3EXEla3lBedso, on short notice, in a good and substantial man nor, and at prices that can't fail to suit. Tho beit workmen aro employed, and none but he best material med. Call and keo Dee. 9,1863—1 y 403.ix3r ART GALLERY. Iu consequence or Sickness, the firm known u heretofore King Eastman'a Gallery of Are.is hereby mutually dissolved ni..,•reeable to both parties. The business will hereafter be carried on by CLAY KING, OPERATOR AND PROPRIETOR, At the old stand over Eastman's Dental Office. Constantly on hand a largo ttt , :o.rltnent of . FRAMES, SQUARE AND OVAL, OVAL SIZES MADE TO ORDEE, Also cases just received,_ which will be fitted with large or small pictures of the bust quality and at reasonable rates. • PHOTOGRAPHS copied from old Ambrotypes or Daguerreotype of deceased friends. I I:tying secured the sorvi scs of ono of tho best nishers in' Ink-sepia or Oil. 'I am prepared to (di all orders. It TWELVE GEM CARDS for $l,OO, or 24 for SI,BO. PHOTOOR A PHS, at $2,00 per dozen, either eartLt or vignotte; largo zizo from $2,00 to $30,00 each. Also a largo lot of CASES which 1 will fft with pictures from 50 ccnis to .53,00.:_ o charges for showing Goods. Eilweial attentiou paid to making Pictures for tamilics in groups. • Also a lino assortment of PHOTOGRAPHS and tin typo albums, worth from 60 cents to SY. Welisboro, Dec. 9, 1968 House and Lot for Stile. i OUSE and bit, and vaoitta jot for rule, cheap. Location IV cllAtoro, and tletiira,ble. Inquire at the AuitatiJr Office; Oct. 28, 186S—tf. 14Teu, , 111Innow THE undersigned has tittod up tho old roun dry building, near the Brewery, Wollsboro, and is now prepared to turn out lino calf, hip, cowhide, and harness loather in the best man nor. Hides tanned on' sharer. Cash ,paid for hides. M. A. BURP:. IVellsboro, Oct. 14, 1S S. - Farm for Sale I IrHE subscriber offers for sale his farm, lying abeut2; miles castor - Wellsboro, in Charles ton. Said farm containa ;52 acres, about 4O acres cleared, wOll fenced, well watered, a com fortable house, first-class barn, ether outbuild ings' and a good young bearing orchard thereon. Inquire on the premises. ARTEHHS DOUDEN. Charleston, Aug.,l9, IS63—tf. HEAR YE i HEAR YE! REAR YE BARRELS; FIRKINS, CHURNS, - BUTTER TUBS, &c., Kept eonst intly on hand, and furnished to or der, by us W. T MATHERS, at his nal? etoro, W9llBboro. 2d door above lloy'e Iluildiqg, (Junt, 10, 1S08.) For Sale A GOCat_ p pan of i young horsoo, truo and kind qt E. B. =LIMEY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Flour, Feed and Meal, Westfield; Tioga Co, Pa. Nov. 11, 18.68.-1 y • i - CtItOUIOI3 Plead In the matter of the Co., Nov. TiogaAlieordation. I,urin, 1863. NOTICE is Lomb) given thai - applicatlon has been mado to the :aid Court to grant 'll Charter . of incorporaticn the Assoeiation, Ail if no sufficient red-on is slitiwn to the -con trary the same will bo .;r.tr.ttitl . oo tho last Mort• day of .fa n u ry, A. O. I Slit). JOON I'. UUNALDSON, Prottey. Jop. 6, 1863,-4W. Cutters and Wagons, OF all kinds, mado or the beet utaterials, (lan ho had at 11. W. Dartt's shop, on Main Street, near the Academy. Also—particular attention paid to Blacksmith ing of all kinds. • 11. W. DAItY.P. Wc]lsboro, Nov. 25. ISOS.4Im. 08-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, and withdespat.b, a tillisi MIITALTOA 0411c6. WM. ROBERTS G. W. NAVLE CLAY KING ROY'S DittiO STORE.