The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 20, 1869, Image 2

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    - OUR NEW BEIVATOEs-s-A dorresport
dent of the Philadelphia Evening Butte
tin, gives the following, in reference to
John Scott, nominated by the Repub
licans of the Legislature for 17. S.. Sen
- : I \ r
"Pennsylvania rarely selects for high
politieal station men whose ability has
been developed in the , pursnits'of pri
vate life. Our habit ITAS been to over
look merit vonspietioul4 only in pro
fessional, literary,. boldness. or social
circles, in pursuit of Nine political hack
or veteran office-holder, as the more
appropriate candidate for such distin
'gnished phlees. - Hence, many people
who do nut - know Jolui Scutt, of nun
tingdon, nominated for United States
Senator, are curious to know what JUMP
tier of :man he is.
"11 - aviug known him from boyhood,
I may gratify their curiosity. Mr.
Sent L WaS born in Ilunthigdon:coalltY,
his father haviNg Many years ago rep
reAeilled the district of which that.
county was a part in Congres.s. He is
about forty-six years old, and has been
at the bar s ome ra -live years. lie
never held office, except, as prosecuting
ninieney, in 1.862.. as Representative in
the Legislature frets unti
was a Democrat of mild t.‘ pe, tali hag
hut little part in polities, until the re
bellion threw lilt out, of party line
over to the side or'luyally ; since which
time he has beett aiqvarnest, conspicous
and ailvatieed Reputilieim. the accepted
and trusted leader !of the Republican
in central Pennsylvania.—
Ithough he presided itt,tt Rtpublicfiu
t:)tate. Convention (110t1 at Willi:tn
slant) And ham done faithful and effec
tive eatilimign service Abet , 1&) tki'VeSt4-
ion to the party, lie has never I . ollMved
politics as a trade. His life has been
onel'of professional and social- useful
" The spontaneous popular move
ment in the central and western coun
ties of the State; which has resulted iu j
his nomiliation to the Senate, with hut
little, if any, eitOrt. on his part, grew
out of the universal recognition or his
admirable litnet , s for public life, and
was mainly conducted by .tc,:',l,z , o.:en
eminent in the development- of the
Sta.te's itolustriaLiuterests. For fifteen,
years Itelias leil the bar in his judicial
di , trict, and I think the lawyers and
judges who knoW ltiia plOteSSlOnally
will bear witness that he, has Ito stlperl
or at the bar of PenusylVania, wbicli is
equivalent to saying that lie will en
counter »o professional superior,in the
United States Senate."
A HERCULES.—James Gibson, of
En-st Bradford township, Chester Co.,
went into the West Chester Record
office the other day anti wrote tine
against the wall while-a fifty-Hi-x pound
weight was hanging on his little finger.
Gibson is a carpenter, trttd;l 4 past his
_th ree-score years. He Matte the tel
statement to the editor of the Rec
ord :—.lll 182,5 lie would Hittite foige
hammer at liibernia, with great ease;
and could shouLler three bushels of
wheat standing . , with both feet in the
half liushel. In 1828 could take a bar
rel of cider frolic the wagon, carry it
several stePs and 'place it on Idle porch.
In 1852 could take a 56 lb., weight, on
each little finger and strike them to
gether above his head, and would strap
two 50 lb., weights together and take
them in his. teeth - anti carry them ;
could stand a barrel of flour on its end,
and_ place his finger ends under the
end hoops and lift it al'on's length:- In
1828 lifted seven oa's with one hand,
-tied together, and lifted a pair of rail
road car wheels and axle at Parkesburg
shops. When building a barn some
men were trying to lift
,a large ott4
sill ; lie placed two Met) it, one
weighing 190, and the Other over •200
lbs., and lifted sill and men---one a the
men is living yet, anti can be produced.
In 1897 he lilted 92.5 lbs., O n the l a ir
ground. As the wituessesshaye nearly
all passed away, the strongest evidence
that cam be given, he will 1 ..!1.100t.
the ~uuttg 111(.11 ' , II a big day's wotk—
the lield not excepted. lie
lievt•i• ns-rd toll: j ive() ow - indulgsql iu
the that meaty bang c.tai b+c
if-ttl'ti•ttif' ta tvr:te cot • lit piewatwe L irave ity the
eSee• , iVe , tahaeet), and other in•
tempeuate •
()It vettil42 - . Jail. 5 ISO,
.1010 i :•41(,tw t) Wa‘erly." ttlyeredt)
‘Alt)i4.l Niterit•fl'rs ttivern t4t
13. L .NI //IN igt , (l hark, latteluuie t l, iti ill(
snow, Itrr nvi• (lanai! , thv Jivtatico
butt n atid havk nhotit a lane.
The plomptly irtised
the bystamicrs, and he put On (blot
mot :.lockings and prepared to lion with
patience the race set before him. But
he did not find it a way of pleasant
nor a path of pPat . V. Bel ig COW
pay-ed at out by a elond or vi-ttoe t .„.e,...
one of them managed to trip hint up
and plunge him into the snow and
the walk was long, and his feet were
tender, and the snow was cold, and
much of the vigor of youth dephrted,
for gray hairs ale upon him here tititi
there. Yet he endured hardship like a
good soldier; and having respect to the
recompense of the reward, he presSed
toward the marl: for the prize.. Atnid
the shouts 4 the multitude be rettettl
the goal, ant' won the wager; and dn
was more noise in that tavern over one
sinner that returned barefooted, thafi
over the ninety and nine that were
now beautiful, in the snow, were the
fe- t of hin► that penitently walked bare
footed through they street ---b0 red and
But the beauty of the feat was not the
redness of the feet, but the disposition
made of the money ; for it was not - a
bootless feat which these bootless feet
accomplished. Having honestly earned
the money, he did not pocket By not'
did he treat the crowd, but he handed
it to Deacon Wright, saying, " There is
flee dollarslor your Sunday School,"•
Bravo, pedestrian! And if he e'er
walks out agan, may we be there to
see.--Scranton Republicap_.
SIZqatTLAR CASE.—The Mune& Lumi
nary says : Carrie Feister, a little daugh
ter of Mr. Reuben Feister, of this bor
ough, when but seven months old,
swallowed wdiaper pin. No one was
present whed she swallowed it, but the
fact that the pin was missing and the
child was'seized with choking spells
and ifo twelve hours remained in a
critical condition, left no doubt on the
minds of the family as to tVhat had be
come of the pin. She, however, part
ially recovered at the time, but from
that time until the present her health
has been delicate. At intervals she has
been quite sick, coughing and throwing
up considerable quantities`` of corrup
tion-, During the past sunimer it was
thought the child had gone into con
sumption, and . was so ill that her re
covery was regarded as next to impossi
ble. She rallied again, however, and
although far from well, was able to be
On last Sunday week, D , :cember 27th,
she Vl s aS Seized with a violent lit of
coughing, which lasted some time. Fi
nally, she suddenly plat her lingers in
to her mouth and drew forth the
The pin is about two inches
its length, with a head 01 all Inch
long, itiol S of all - Hall ht vi;ciliWe:ell4•C
lii,o•k a 1111 .ihti coughed
wal , co% ert d tyltit C4/11111/tain.
rie is now sne.irl;% mite intl. sit that
till , NH ha!, beefs end,tdded to l it .)
lungs (as it Is bel i ieved) &mu. eil.;111
years and !Our ilw )ths--.11) this thar
ab,ves:-es foraling and breaking, and
tcudrtiol her life miserable. We art
glad to add that since its removal her
health Las tweet tuatermity
is a and intere,ting little
girl, and it is to be hoped that titter so
moeh sutler-hag she laity soon b fully
restyled to Least
roIsoNIXO THE BLI-ISsED A/14.—This.
k What. (tat rlVai» of Ph;don't, purfuthe.
J)1.; )lAyo," atc 41oing with their
atreeioui, e.41 1 / 1 111JU wits. The 3 eai tJi coin
-1.3 to it. at Litht-r
( hay At, abate the ill-hi:wiling nuiriiti.-
cts. Sold 'by all diru44li,t,ii.
ght agitator.
WEDNESTMY, JAR. 20,1809.
We regret tcynote the death of Tgom.
11AtoNr, Esq., of the keirean Mi
ner, on the 2d inst. Mr. Malone served
in the Iluektalls during the 'war with
great credit, and probably contracted
the disease (consumption) which caused
ids death, in the service. Mr. Malpne
was an erktimable man, and closes hi , -
career at the early age of 27.
We note with pleasure that a joint
caucus of the Maine Legislature hat- ,
nominated Hon. Hannibal Hamlin for
the U. S. Senate. In all this republic
there is not an lionester man, a Mei!
republican, a clearer intellect. An em
inently good man, wiser than many ot i
greater pretentious, the Senate will he'
honored us much a it honors, when he
resumes his place in that body.
Minnesota has three candidates for U.
S. SenatiV—Rainsay, Donnelly, r and
Wilkinson. Mr. Daggett, Of the Wa
basha Herald, says that Domielly is the
best ma,i . ; but if it' lies between Ram
sey and kVilkinson, then he is for Wil
kinbou. Mr. Daggett must know that
Morton S. Wilkinson is a confirmed
sot, and was a disgrrice to his Stag
when iu the Senate. Mr. Ramsey, on
the other hand, .never appears in his
seat drunk, or in any degree the slave
of liquor; and is more respected by the_
Senate than ever Wilkinson was.
That railroads have their advantages
over turnpikes, dug roads and bridle
paths, .that a comfortable, cushioned,
warmed and lighted car, has its*advan
tage over the chill and cheerless sleigh
in winter and the swaggering stage
co,ath slimmer; that time is econo
mized by these. appliances of'steam
comotien---that jointly and severally
these things are true, we are bound to
admit. t But Afterf , Sall, if nobody else
wan ted Them—if-We Inhabited an island
in the Pacific Sea, alone, or maybe')
with a dog and cat for company,—there
should be no reads of iron, tramped by
fire-fed horses in that kingdom. Not
Not that railways have ahnsed ir us,
and not that we have been bruised and
maimed by collisions, broken rails, or
break-downs. The locomotive never
hurt a hair of our head; no baggage
smasher ever dislocated our trunk, and
no conductor ever treated us cavalierly.
In. fact, we have as little to complain of
in railroad riding as any man who has
traveled as many miles. With railway
officials we have no standing quarrels;
paying when we go, we go seldom, anti
never willingly. .However, it was our
fortune to ride some hundreds of miles
lately, on the rail, during which jaunt
we passed over six lines. It has occur
red to us that even in these days of al
most universal travel, a few notes, not
of the trip, but of the management of
the roads, might not be entirely uselesi
to the. public. ,
Departing 'is 'Troy, the Nortbet I.
Central Hinkley is first touched. B,
wren 'l and Willimospoit this row
is a line of heavy grade.- and cut vt -
The nvnil-bed. InOiVt•NA.*, is in/Al-fly E....-
co/OM/On, MO/ accidents are tint ento
ewe ell thi,., divi,opo or the load, TI, ,
ears are, at xt to those of the Erie an,
Within: - anti Great Western road
the most cocoon table G; any r tm nine I,
i •
Mini:" whir)) touch Bemis.% Ivawa, lieitt:
well V el,i t ilau-d , 1 and furnished tt it
iiig'h-linelitd seals. The nianageneq,
of this line is rand good ; but we in
entre to the op t ) )ion that it is lint a
good as itshoult 'be between William
sport and' Harrisburg, Below Harris
burg, as above Williamsport, where tio
North ern"Central manages its affairs it
its own way,. few aceidents occur, nun
trains are nearly al,‘Vais on time. Be ,
tween Harrisburg and Sunbury tht
- /
road is , overtaxed, the freight.• beim_
very heavy, and the connections with
the Philadelphia and Erie being hart
to manage; the reason for which is oh
vitals; at least it is obvious to us. Tin
business of the N. C. lltailway is ins
rnevise and yearly increring. When
the Company finish the extra 'track
from York to Sunbury, wig it is already
in advanced progress, this road- will be
the best paying, for its length; of any
in the State.
The Philadelphia and Erie Road,
which we traversed from Sunbury to
Corry, is a well constructed road, and
not noted for accidents. But it is emi
nently a freight road. Judging by what
we saw, felt, and otherwise experienced,
the should.say that the Penn'a Central
Company, which owns and operates
this road as a feeder to its main line,
.does not desire passenger travel on the
line; the tendency of the management
being to drive through and connecting
travel froM tithe road. The express
trains ' are sfldom on time; the mail
trairt,west isgenerally from one to three
hour late. We do ntst know, except
from ie.arsai:l that freight trains have
the right of Way everywhere on the
line, but that is practically the fact.
The cars are not shabby, but they are
filthy, and little pains is taken to BCP
aratethe sober and decent Wont the
drunken and blaSphemous. From thol
hour you leave Williamsport until you
laud at Erie, the impression gains force
and depth that the Company does not
Nv au t passenger trains on the road. The
freighting is enormous. The mail train
expends much time on the sidling's, and
e toted the passage tit tour lieztv)
height trains iti a s:pastiiiatt e itin 01 lbw
mitts. At the same time the voutito
ors\. liraltemen, and other entiili, 2 ,- ves alt
;lib ttlahlis, are gentlemanly and fait It
ftil so tar as the Illiberal rules of tin
Company ill permit. These roles att
so tiarr\tw as barely to escape the color
or - outrage. As an instative of the pars'
tautly of the conduct of the road we
mention this : stopped oft at Ridg
way, the county town of Elk County.
We left on the 3:44 . A. u. train west;
to ensute dispatch, by the kindness of
Mr. J Mayo, a coal opeiator at
toot point, had out' i.aggage checked
cover night. The train was :.!:5 [Mantes
late, The baggage was on a truck be
side the track: The train barely halt
ed—the conductor cried .4 all aboard "
the baggage-master was nowhere to be
seen—and the baggage was left behind.
We make a point of being good natur
ed on the road; but this upset our
calculations and turned the milk of hu
man kindness 'to vinegar. r - The con
ductor, a very gentlemanly man, apolo
gized. Said he obeyed orders, and was
not in fault ; that the Company kept
no agent at the ItidgWay station, for
the night express; that be must make
the connections iN . ifth - littiiich - roads or
lose his place; and that it should be no
damage to us in the end. That was
Wednesday. The trunks 'come on four
days later, in good order; but the oc
casional traveler, will appreciate the
At Corry, which reminds us of a gaw
ky, overgrown boy, who doesn't know
what to do With his hands and feet, we
took the A. &G. W., ears east. From
the &E. cars to these, was a trans-
Won from pain to peace, from dibcom
lon to luxury. How easy the adjusta
t.eats, with head rests, how wide
and roomy, low pure the air, how
all things work together for the com
,rort of the traveler I - -The stations are
:'ar between, for we are on the Express.
Arrived at Corning we find the Dick-
Inson House full and Fuller, puzzling
his head td,find rooms which never had
au existence. We owe him a debt of
gratitude flr fulfilling the Scripture in
junction and-taking the family in, and
giving good quarters to a traveled-out
quartette. And then the breakfast—
good coffee, good beef, good bread and
butter, and genteel attendance. go to
the Dickinson House, by all means, and
don't imagine that this notice involves
the ' freedom Of Fuller's larder to the
writer. Be it known that we paid the
bill in greenbacks.
From the Erie road to the Tioga cars
is no change. The latter are always
clean and comfortable, and as, for acci
dents—who remembers one to a passen
ger train ? Conductor Knight has been
on the road - over a dozen years, and not
an accident has occurred to his train
during the time. His tact and suavity
would grace a Moreextended field of
usefulness, yet the TlOga traveling pub
lic would miss him from " his accus
tomed place."
Thus closes-Our word about railroads.
We are indebted nothing to the Rail
way Companies, nor are they indebted
to us, save as men may owe to each
other good will. The " deadheading "
system does not reach us, and we do
not intend to Patronize it, or permit it
to patronize u4l Railroads are like all
other enterpriSes—entitled to fair play,
and nothing more. So mote it be. •
Lock Haven has grown, Phenix like,
from the asheS of many fires. Within
the last six years it has taken a long
and decidedly forward stride in the
march of improvement. Next to Will
iamsport it may boast of its elegant res
idences, its saw-mills, and its splendid
stores. Alttin. Street, six years ago tire
dullest street in town, is now busier
Tian any street in Harrisburg. Water
Street, once the center of trade, is now
humdrum. The village stretches
away up the hillsides and over the
meadows. Go it, Lock Haven; nature
tud capital are with you.
villages around us grow apace.
'a,q-ing through Xyilliatusport recently
weie foil:it/13
inly of things mundane. William
-1.40t is a city of }treat promise and rap
! ptogiess. It has the laigest Itinther
in America. In the Herdic
,otise it has one of the finest Hotels
el. eructed in any ; and you can
,rep and dine as well at the Herdic
'louse its Doti eau at , the Continental. ,
:l i e upper portion of the city is adorn
wit h some of the most elegant d wel
;Igs we ever saw in a rural city. In
,et, the atniospliere of Williamsport is
ife with buSiness. and we much mis
ake if it does not, in five years, rank
he third city in the State. It already
upports three daily papers, and b 0
i„any weeklies that we do no not care
,o number them.
Space did not permit us last week to
,lotice the elaborate report on pardons
ihsued by the several Governors since
die adoption of the Constitution, which
report is attached to Gov. Geary's An
talya Message. The whole number of
pardons and remissions from 1791 to
1808, both years inclusive is 11,615. The
early average is 149. The number of
death warrants issued during the peri
od-78 years—wit§ 147 ; and 231 have
been restored to citizenship. Goy. Mc-
Kean pardoned the most of all-1909
and Gov. Pollock least of all-161. M -
Kean was in office nyie years, and the
yearly average was 212. Pollock's yearly
average was 53. Gov. Packer's yearly
average was 72, Shunk's 81, and Gov.
Geary's 80. Gov. Curtin piped 18
death warrants, averaging three per
Gov. Geary's report is veTy elaborate.
In every case where he has issued a par
don he gives the names of the signers
to the application, together with the
reasons for the same This is a wise
system. It places Wit responsibility for
the parddh or remission upon the peo
ple of the lo'cality where the prisoner
was a resident. In looking over the re-,'
port we fail to see any case of insuffi
cient grounds for extending pardon or
remitting fines. The plan of annual
reports, vtith reasons, and names of
principal signers to the petiti hs, works
well. For the good of socie ll we hope
it will be continued from this time for
ward. Mercy is a grand characteristic,
a noble virtue, indeed, but mercy born
of a mean and low ambition is license
to crime.
\V t: alto °bilged to Adjt. Geo. ac
t:Lel.% i r a copy of althLia/ report
air ltstiti.
To is report presents some curious sta
tistics. The entue enrolled militia o;
Lot s Como essional district, is 4,1b4. 0,
n 0 10 her Tioga county furnishes.
or BuU more than one-half of the
whole! Potter furnishes lub9, or a trifle
over one-lourtit of the whole! Clinton
county returtis only two hundred arid
fifty nit-u sulijva to military duty !
Where is the Army of dick lhattan
But worse than all, neither Lycoming
nor Center counties have a single man
subject to military duty !
lercnn this it appears that Tloga and
Potter counties •possess thiee-fourths
and over of the available militia force
of the IDintriet. 1101101' the brave:—
Theteture, three-lburths of the patron,
age of tho District ought' to go to Tioga
and Potter; but as ve7 high authority
assures the public tha t the' Republicans
of Potter county do, not want °glee,
Tioga will not object ta -- tiktpik tbeadd
! -,
Congress-,-or the House of Represen
tatives--has committed An act of retrow•
grisalon in its vote to repeal the Act of
March 2, 1887, known as the Tenure-lif-
Office lam. The repealing bill 'pissed
by a vote of 121 to 47, thirty-six Demo
crats and 85 Republicans voting in the
affirmative, and 47 Republicans voting
in the negative. Not a Democrats vo
ted " no." .
We have defended the late from the
day It was reported from the Commit
tee. Not because It was a check to
reckless Andrew Johnson, only, but be
in common with many others,
we regard the ,corruption of patronage
as tending to demoralize, or 14 least
embarass the Executive. ,We boast of
our Republican institutions)' but with
the veto, and the millions, upon mil
lions of patronage in his power, the
President is us .-much a monarch as
Frederic of Prussia. Mere - names and
mere forms are nothing. They aro
child's toys, well enough to while away
a passing hour. Here, however, we
profess repJblican principles An their
broadest sense and signification. We
abjure all allegiance to men„ and
swear allegiance to The People. The
office of tho. President relates b execu
tive business, and to j that, with few ex
ceptions, alone. The day will come
when it will be seen and seltnowledged
that the real dangei:' ‘ to' the perpetuity
of free institutions lies In the Owing,
encroachments of the - ExecutiVe upon.
the prerogatiVe of th!
wiil never be slain
Congress is the dir
masses. Besides, in
representing such a
interests, there can
time when a majorit
run counter to popu ar will, We do
not distrust Gen. Gra , t. He m4—we .
believe he will—dispense his patronage
with wisdom and judgment. BO we
much mistake the tau if he fells to
thank the House foi laying new buor
dens upon his slwulders. Happit7 the
Senate still remains to us'; an‘ the
press should at once spUak out in con
demnation of the repeal.
At Woods Gallery
0 Gem Pictures for 75 ctz. All Styles of
•40 work cheaper than elsewhere. Cdl and
Jan. 20, 1860-tf
are now offering
We'labor°, Jan. 20, 1860. 1 1
Wood Makes Pictiures
Cheaper than any other Gallery in Tioga Co
All Styles of work. Call and gee for yourself.
FOR CASH, we will sell FEED at those pti
ces t ,
Very best Rye cC" Oats, Ground
here,. $2,50 cult
Best imported Feed, . 2,25 "
Best Common, Eeed, . . 2,00 "
Cow Feed, l.7s "
The above goods, at the above prices, are
strictly cash
We don't mix sand in our feed.
We haven't a Plaster Mill•connocted with our
Flouring Mill
Onr Feed is pure ! WRIGHT le BAILEY. '
Wellsboro, Jan. 20, 100.
Assignee's Sale.
THIS is to give notice : That the un
dersigned will sell at public- sale,
at his office in WelJaboio, Pa. on Saturday the
6th day of February neat 1869 at 2 ceolock P.M.
the notes debts and accounts vrhlch came to his
hands as assignee of Mamma Bullard of Wells
boro' Pa. Bankrupt, by virtue' of an order
Court for the purpose.
Wellsboro, January, 18 1869-2wo.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY VIRTUE OF sundry write of Fieri Fa:
cies. Levari Facials, and Venditioni Raptorial!, is:.
sued-out of the Court, of Common Pleas of
oga county, and to me o:lirected, I will expose to
public sale, to the highest and boat bidder, at
the Court Rouse in WeHaber°, on Muuday,•the
25th day of January 1569, at 1 o'clock, P. AI.
the following described property, Viz :
A lot of land in Deerfield• township, bounded
highway. M V Purple, J. R. 'Payne . ,
.nod A,.a Yarnel, west byAliram Hilbert, south
oy Coirane..que river, and east by higliway,'con
.siain tht 7 acres more or less, all improved, ,With
fruit trees tbereun :
Atso...another lot bounded north by J. G.
:. 4 eete :it'd John Carper, went by Hiram alibert.
.„att, by Ira W agotitt I abd 'M. V Purple and
iitiliway. and east by W. J. Itnox, containing's4 .
me, more or less. about 2 . 5 acres iMpruved. jl
turtle dwelling hittnso, I tram. barn, and the
Kts..xvit to driving park thereuu. To be sold
tie property ut Caluci short. cult of Henry Bald
ALso—another lot of land in Middlebury,
..ounded nt.rth by G. W. Ilytnees, 6itst by V. 14.
llolitiey and Win. K. Alitchel, south by tughwaY,
Jud wont by Daniel DuHay, containing two
acres more or loge. with frame houee, frame barn,
and nude orchur thereon. To be kohl 111. the
property of P. 11. Blanchard, !tuft of Jaaub Stick
ALSO—a-lot of land in Maud, bounded north
lty Joel Parkhurst a ot by F. G. Loveland, south
,s Main street and nest by Buffalo street, eon
acre more or lest, with a large three
Ctury train° hotel and tram() ham and other
oulliuildlage thereon. To be sold as the proper
ti of Peter Duvall; suit of John R. Westlake. 1
:lALso—a lot of land in Lawrence township,!
'founded as follows:) beginning at a pointin the
i ad on the east side of the Tinge river at the,
rner of the road /ending to Caton and thusouths
eat oorner of land of Jefferson & Vitairen Niles,
thence along said Niles south soventi.efglit - and
ore-half degrees 88.rodi and \ 88-100 of a rod,
thence south 76} deg. east 14'5-10 rods, thence.
north 87 deg. east 7 rods to lands of A. P. Red.
eker, thence along lands of said.Rp.deker north
661 deg.' nest:l2:6 =lO 'indites "postithinfetts oath .
roil i deg. west 69 rods to lands of tie Bostwick,
nee alongsaid Bostwick north 7 deg. wait 80
s lathe aaid-road on the - east - idde"Of the TIO
g river, thence along said road north 25. deg.
enat 51 rods and 5.10 of a roil to the place of
.beginning. Containing 26 +acres be the same
Moro or lase,. about 20 acresltnproved, frame
house,- frame barn and apple - Orchard" thereon.
.To be sold as the property of Thigh J. Bann, cult
o George Dusenbury. . -
ALso—n lot:of-land In Nelson township, bean..
a d north by Cowaneaque river, east by Jesse
owe sad Harris "Ryon. south by Bingham lands
i possession of Benj. Powers -and John Ram
ntond, and west by Johniteramond,,containing
4. 0 dares more or less, aliontOlacres Improved,
tiro frame houses, ono triune barn and abed,
frame corn house, and other outbuildings and
apple orchard thereon. To Pe sold as the prop.
r'rty of Perry Dailey, suit of IJ. S. Fiunagia and
Ono. IV. Flanagin. -
' ALso r —a lot of land in Cimrleston township,
boundeil north by Angevine Lake, east by Dar
win Thompson and George Rabb, south by Al
,)en Pope, rind west by M. M. Converse, contain
,ng 50 acres more or lets, about 25 acres im
proved, frame house and other outbuildings and
tipple orchard thereon. To be sold as the prop
iirty of. William Morse, suit of C. 11. Mai•ks.
Also—a lot of land in Middlebury and Chat
ham townships, bounded on the north by Bing
Lam lands, east by lands in possession of (1 W
Foster, south by same and 'Tischer & Randall,
and west by lands in possession of G W Foster,
containing 407 acres and 118 perches—Crandall
and Emery, warrantees: .
People. H ibertyi,
by Cong ss; for,
ect agent of the
so large body,
vast diversity of
scarcely *rive a
will presume to
11. 11. WCOD.
Atso—another lot of land in Middlebury
township, bounded north by lands in possession
of U W Foster, east by Vischer J Randall, south
by said U W Foster, and west by Viseher
Randall, containing 411 acres and 8 perches--
Geo W Wood, warrantee: , •
Atso—Another 14t in Middlebury and .Chat•
ham townships, bounded north)by lands Hi pos
session of G. W. Fdster do Viseher & Randall,
oast by same, southily lands in possession of G.
W. Foster and west by same and Robert Morris,
warrant N 0.4072, containing 409 acres and- 91
perches—Samuel Ring, warrantee:
At:so—another lot of land in Chatham town
ship bounded on the north by Robt. Morris,
warrant No. 4072 and lands in possessions of
G. W. Foster, east by lands in posse/sion of G.
W. Foster, south by lands of Phelps & Dodge,
and west bj' lands in possessions of G. W. Fos
ter—lsaao A. Crandall, warrantee,' containing
424 acres and 62 perches :
ALSO—another lot of land in Middlebury and
Chatham townships, bounded north by lands in
possession of G.W. Foster, east by the same,
south by Phelps .1c Dodge, and west by lands in
possession of U.. W. Foster—Joseph E. Lyon
warrantee—containing 424 acres, about 40 acres
improved, morn or loss, with a saw-mill 8 frame
houses, 3 flame barns, Iframe store house, 1
frame blacksmith shop a id other outbuildings
and a few fruit trees thoroon :
I ALso—another lot of land in Middlebury town
ship, bounded north by lands in possession of
G. W. Foster and Visoher St Randall, east by
Vischer A Randall and south do west by lands in
Possession of G. W. Foster—John Luchsiger,
Warrantee—containing 453 noses and 43 porches:
Anso—another lot °fitted in Middlebury town
ship, bounded north. east and west by lands in
possession of G. W. Foster and south by lands
bt Phelps Dodge 44 Co.—T. A. Baldwin, war
rantee—containing 64 acres with about 50 aoros
improved, more or less with apple °robs's& those
Also—another lot of land in Chatham town.
hip, bounded north by Robt. Moiris warrant
o. 4072, east by lands in possession of G. W.
poster, south by James Wilson warrant No. 4463
and west by A. C. Crandall warrant, containing
417 acres and 30 perches—Jonathan Waters
warrantee. To be sold as the property of A. D.
Foster, suit of Sally Woodfield et al.
• ALso—another lot of land situated in Union
township, Tioga County Pa., being part of war
rant N 0.4808, adjoining lands of Miller Jr, Mur
ray and warrant No. 4612, containing 393 acres
and 148 perches and allowance, beginning at a
post in the fork formed by the Confluence of the
Roaring Branch (so called) with Lycoming Creek,
thence west by laisd of said Miller Murray 140
porches to a post corner, the S. west corner of
warrant No. 4808 John Vaughn warrantee of
which the land herein described is a part, thence
north partly by land of Miller & Murray and
partly by No. 4812 John Vaghn warrantee 288
perchers to a hemlock tree marked as a corner,
thence eat by land of warrant No. 4663, 280
perchers t a hemlock stump marked for a cor
ner, thence south by land as last described 100
The vaiious courses of Lycoming Creek which is
the eastern boundary line of the warrant of
which the land now described is n part by the
following c .urses. south 51 degrees west 28 perch
es. thence south 5 deg. west 80 percher,
Svutb bo west 40 , perches, thence South 32 west
145 perches to the post corner the place of be
ginning. being the same land mentioned and do.
scribed in a Deed from John Elarcourt Powell
to John Green, dated Sept. 24, 1832, recorded in
Tioga CO. saute day in Deed book 10, page 233,
excepting out of the• same 44 sores and 145
perches oonve3cd by John Green to Merrick
Crandall, and about 10 acres sold by said Green
to A, N. Derby :
Also—another lot of land situated in Union
township Tioga County Pa., containing 300 acres
being part of tin original survey made by virtue
of a warrant No. 4612, granted to John Vaughn
Esq., and being the same land mentioned and
described in a certain article of agreement dat
ed the 17th day of November' 1841, between
John Harcourt Powell by his Att'y in fact, John
Norris and the said John Green, beginning at a
stone heap the south-east corner of warrant
4612, thence north by the eastern boundary line
of said warrant 4612, and by other land!, of John
Green 2511 perches to a hemlock, thence west
191 porches to a beech, thence south 251 k rods
to a post in the warrant line, thence east along the
warrant line 190 perches to late place of begin
ning, being part of warrant 4812 John Vaughn
warrantee—About 20 acres improved more or
less. frame house, frame barn, and apple orchard
thereon. To bo sold as the property of John
Green Executor, suit of E. A. Bringham, Ad
ministrator of Archibald Robertson,
ALsb—another lot of land in Richmond twp.,
bounded north and south by the estate formerly
of Daniel Lamb, deceased, east by highway and
west by Gad Lamb—Containing sores more or
less, with a frame house, frame barn, and a few
fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property
of Silas Allis, suit of Elizabeth Bennett and
Diner Bennett.
Also—a lot 'of land in Mainsburg Borough,
bounded north-by highway, east by Corey Creek,
and J B Strong, south by E A Fish and Peleg
Doud, and west by Myron and George Ramsey—
containing 2 acres more or less, with frame
house, frame barn. and a few fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the property of W II Ramsey do
J B Austin, suit of Artemis Ramsey.
ALso—a lot of land in Delmar township, boun
ded north - by William Smith, east by Lewis
Hastings, south by Charles Sears, and west by
lands in possession of Robert Francis, Jr.—con
taining 50 acres more or lees, about 25 acres im
proved, frame house, log barn, and a few fruit
trees thereon. To be sold a 8 the property of
Jacob Naval Jr. Margaret Naval, suit of /ikons
ALso—n lot of land in Richmond township,
bounded north by John Waters and John Van
t ti
Ness, east by 11 rvey Horton and •Thadius
Welch, formerly rons Bailey /ot, south by Jas.
Amoy, and west Henry Van Ness and A.
ii r
Austin, containiu 51 acres more or less, about
25 acres improved,, with log house, log barn and
apple orchard thereon. To be sold as . the prop- ,
erty of Joseph Rouse, suit of John Benson.
ALso —a lot of land in Bloasbnrg, bounded
north by Patrick Bannan, east by Corning and
Blossburg R. - R., south by highway and west by
Charles Evans, Danzinger Bro's and Jae, Mitch
ell, containing A. acre more or less, with frame
house and frame barn thereon. To be sold as
the property of Sarah K. Everitt, suit of J P &•
W W Lonnabury for use of W S Hodgman & Co.
ALso—a lot of land in Middlebury township,
bonnded north by highway, east by Daniel
White, south by Daniel White and John Reding
ton, and west by John Redington, containing 1
acre more or less, with a frame store house and
a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of fleujatnin Ddan, suit of H J Grant.—another lot i Charleston township,
bounded as follows: north by Elmer Inkrie
and J. J. Neal. east by Adolphus Eaton, south
by ---- Pitts; and west by John Neal and
George Collins—contnining 85 acres more or
less, with atiOut fifty acres improved, 1 frame
house; with log, attachment, l frame barn, 1 log
barn, I frame granary and apple orchard and
other fruit trees thereon. To be sold AP the prop
erty of R. K. Brundage, and Lymon Wetmore,
eutt of William P Sbutnway, Agnes Green, and
George Green, Executors.
Jam 6, 1869. JEROME B. POTT#R, Sheriff,
ER, halt; and here Anil! and CAYUGA
F PLASTER ground as lino as any flour, for
people say tjuit course ground Picster had its play
On hand you'll find a plant here,
Come one and all both far and near,
To OWENS' Alin, 'Mansfield, Pa.
Price $$ par tun. I Jan. 6, 1669,
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration, having been gran
ted to the undersigned upon the Estate of
Joseph Gee, of Middlebury, deed., all peasons
indebted to the, said Estate, and all having
claims against the same, will call and settle
with ' - , LAVINA GEE,
gidlial3nry, Jan. 6,1868.-4 w. • Admintßtratrix.
In Divorce•
T0X.404A - WOOWhet...lake notice that
.1 - ohn A. Westlake, your husband, has ap
plied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tloga
COI:Mkt for a.divorce froutthe bonds_ pf .matri-
Maly - , and thatlbe 'Mid' Court hair op - pointed
Monday, 3anuray 25,1660, at the court louse,
Wellsboro, as the time and place of hearing the
said appilaant to the promises, ou which occa
sion you taulittendlf yon think proper. . -
Jon. 6, 1880.
• Auditor's Notice. •
MEW undersigned baring been OPPuintid by
the Court, Auditor to distribute the money
arising from the labs of the real estate of_Wm,
B. Middaugh and Thurman Pattison will attend
to the duties of hie appointment on Saturday the
23d day' of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
of said day, at his °Skein the Borough of %loge,
at which time and place all persons interested
will please take notice.
Jan. 6, 1868. JOHN W. GURHN§BY.
Auditor's Notice.
T HE undersigned, appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Tiuga County, an Auditor
to adjust and settle the account of Sybil Price
and Ira Id. Edgeomh administrators of the es
tate of Phineas Price, late of said county, ilec'd,
will attend to tho duties of his appointment on
Thursday, Jan. 21st, 1809, at 12 o'clock, noon,
at his office in Knoxville, Pa., when and where
all persons can attend if they think proper.
Jan. 6, 1869-3 w• C. W. BEACH, Auditor.
In Divorce.
MO Minor Cook : Take notice, that Mary Ann
Cook, your wife, by her next friend, B. R.
Bailey, has applied to the Court of Common
Pleas of Tiega County for a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court has
appointed Monday, January 25th, 2809, at the
Court House, Wellaboro, as the time and place of
hearing the said applicant In the premises, on
which occasion you can attend if you think
proper. JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff.
Jan. 6, 1869.
In Divorce.
MO Mary W. Brown : Take notice, that Ed
win U. Brown, your husband has applied to
the Court of Common Plena of Tloga County for
a divorce from the•bonde of Matrimony, and that
the said Court has appointed Monday, January
25th, 1889, at the* Court Rouse, Wellaboro, as
the time and place of hearing the eaid applicant
in the premises, on which occasion you can at
tend if you think proper.
JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff. •
Jan. 6,1869.
Western District of Pennsylvania, as; •
fro whom it may concern : The undersigned
j_ hereby gives notice of his appointment as
assignee of Elisha 3. Purple, of Welisboro, in
the County of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania,
within said District who has been adjudged a
Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District
Court of said District.
Wellsboro, Jan. 6,1869-3 t Assignee.
In Bankruptcy.
Tllll3 is to give notice: That on the 26th day of Do.
camber, A. D. 1808,1 a warrant in Bankruptcy was
issued against the estate of John 8., Been of Clymer
township, in the county of Tioga and State of Tenn
sylianla, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his
own petition ;:that the payment of any debts and de
livery ofany property belonging to such Bankrupt, to
him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property
.by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the
creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts,
and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will
be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the
office of F. E. Bmitb, in Tioga Boro, Pa.. before F. B.
Btalth, Register, on the 20th day of Viet ruary, A. D.,
1809, at 10 o'clock. A. M. THOMAS A ROWLEY,
U. S. Marshal Western District, Pa.
Jan.l3, 'CO Per DAVID CAI4IIOLON, Dep'y.
In Bankruptcy.
Tms is to give notice: That • on the 24th day of De
comber, A. D. 1866, a warrant in Bankruptcy was
issued against the estate of Ilezektah fitoweil, - Jr., of
WeHabra, in the county of Vega and State of Perm!.
vanla, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his
own petition; that the payment of any debts and do•
livery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to
him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property byy
him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the credt
tore of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to
choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be
held nt a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the
office of P. B. Smith, in. Tioga Bore, Prt„ before F. B.
Smith, Register, on the 20th day of February A. B.
1809, at 10 o'clock, A. M. TIIOMAS A. ROWLEY,
V. S. Marshal Western District, Pa.
GAltzarnar, very.
s- Egx a t i r n a e c d t ove r
nb t y h T e o: o h o -rho
a nd the pain of
so proved by s'coros of testimonials at the Den
tal Office of
Mir' Call anti, be convinced. Nov. 25.
TN the DISTRICT COURT of the. U. S., for
the Western District of Pennsylvania:
IRA BAKER, a bankrupt under the Act of
Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied for a
discharge froth all his debts, and other claims
provable under said Act, by order of the Court,
Notice is hereby given to all persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons interested
to appear on the 20th day of February, 1809,,at
10 o'clock, a. m., before-F., E, Smith, mg., Reg.
inter, at his aloe in Tioga, Pa., to show cause,
if any they have, why a discharge should not
be granted the said bankrupt. And further no
tice is hereby given that the 2d and 8d meetings
of creditors of said bankrupt, required by the
27th and 28th sections of said Aot, will be held
before the said Register at the same time and
place. S. C. bIoCANDLESS,
Jan. 20, 1869-2 t Clerk.
AIL persona indebted to us, please call
1 - 1, and settle at once—or we *ball be obliged
to make costa.
Wellaboro, Jan. 0,18138-3 t . _
Atlantic and Great Western
-AND- • •
AM to all Points in the WEar and Nona-Wear,
Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis-
And all points in the South A - Southwest, with
No Change of Coaches
From any point on' the Brie Railway. An ad.
vantage and convenience not offered by any
other route.
Baggage Checked Through, and $lO CIIANGZ
from one car to another, preventing less or dam.
Tio,ete 'via this popular route can be procured
at all offices on the line of the Erie Railway, and
When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets
Gen. Ticket and Pnsr. Ag't, Cie - Veit - Ind, 0.
.Tan. 6, WI. I Qen, Supt., Meadville, Pn.
Do you want to save. money
Go to Wood's Gallery for your Pietures,
Frames, and Cases, it will cost you
nothing to enquire his prices.
Wellsburo, Jan. 13, 18139.—(1.
DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hard
ware Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, lite., &e., cor
ner of Market and Crofton streets, WelMoro,
Pa. Jan. 6, 1868,
by M. A. DUMF.
'Wellaboro, Dee. 16, 1868.—tf
Freak Goode Received Weekly.
Dry 'Rroods
Fresh Groceries
C. R O,C R
3002% 4LICE7 402g0
Bate and Caps.
Be it romemberea, that
Converse & Osgood
koep constantly on hand a largo stock of general
i :
Jan. 6, 1868.-Iy. CONVERSE & OSGOOD
January 1809 has Arrived,'
. also a good fresh etock of
all shades and colors, fffrom the best XXX, to the
cheapest," [0,60 per barrel,)
all of which I am now offering at the lowest liv
ing prices for Cash, or in exchange for most
kinds of country produce; besides I offer cash
for the last named.
Cash Buyers will find it to their advantage to
give me a call.
My Books aro full—can't "Cuellar.
any more." Remember, Mozart Block.
Wellshoro, Jan. 6, IT. M.. 8. PRINCE.
Furs ! Furs! Furs ! Furs!
just received at
' Delman.° & Co's,
bought since the Holidays. Now is the time to
buy rußs cheap; abio,
and all kinds of
Jo)n. 6, 1809.
}TAPE on hand and aro coOtantly receiving
j 7 at their
Hardware Store
every article needed in this region of country,
in the
sProv -- Ns,
Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal
Home Companion,
and the justly eelebratud
No pains will be spared to meet the wants o
our customers.
Wellsboro, Jan. 6, 1869, Iy.
Executor's _Notice
sued to the undersigned upon the lase will
anktestament of Levi I. Nichols, late of Wells
boro,:dee'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming
against said estate, are required to settle with
- 11. W. WILLIAMS,
ITellsboro, Deo. 23, 1868-7te Ex'r.
Pay Up !,
A LL persons indebted to the subscriber are
21 requested to call and settle at once, or costs
trill be made. Take notice.
Jan. 6,1865.-3 t. GEO. WAGONER.
500 Tons Cayuga Plaster.
Now is yew time for Cayuga Plaster while
the roads aro good. We have plenty on
hand. ,T. L. BALDWIN A; CO.
Tioga, Jan. 6,1868.-4 w.
tI is hereby given that the following named
persona have made applications for Tavern Li
censes and Eating House Licenses, and that the
same will be presented to the Court of Quarter
Sessiont the 25th day of Jan. lust:: at two
clock P. M., when all interested may attend if
they think roper. •
BePj. & A. W. Potter, Middlebury.
Dliday, We1181c:ore : *
Minor Watkins, ;" . 41
J 0 Pine, Covington Ham- .
W L Thomas, Ward.
George Crist, Morris.*
John Redington, Middlebury.*
James J. Martin, Osceola.*
G S Parsons, Charleston.*
Idiehael Kelley, Bless.*
M. D. Cass, Deerfield.*
George Close, Westfield Borough :A
IL C. Vermilyea, Gaines.*
S. W. Reynolds,
Thomas Graves. Covington Borough.
E. M. Smith, Tiogrt. -
john• Van Ostin, Tioga.
J. A. Martin, Bless.
Jap. 6,'09 3. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y
at the
Paris Exposition Univeyselle.
American Pianos Triumphant
Miss U. W. TODD, Agent.
Dee. 23, IsaS. Welkhoro Pa
9 •
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of • Admioistration loving been
granted to the undersigned upon the er
tate of Robert Martin, late of `Delmar dou'll, ull
pe'rsons owing said' estate, or claiming ngninst
the eame, will settle with ,TNO. 'ENGLISH,
Delmar, Deo. 9,1908-6 w. Admr.
Administrators' Notice;.
ZETTERS of Administration having ben
4 granted to the undersigned upon tho estate
of Albert Sawyer, late of Gaines, deceased, all
persons indebted to said estate, or claiming
against the seine will settle With
M IN ERV . 4 tVi l l'Ert,
Gaines, Dee. 2, 18158-00 Adm'cit.
J. A:Parsons & Co.,
Cash Store.
Fine French Merinos, yard wide, all col's 75 cts.
Vine Empress Cloths, double f01d,," 75
2,000 yards handsome Dress Goods,leonsistlng of
Serges, Alpacas 4. Br'Mantes, nt p 5 to 3li ete,
worth 3 and 4s.
Heavyl t wintor Woolen Double She, $3,50 to $5.
Dearer Clork logs; black and cord, 2,50 to $3,76
Ladies' Furs, collars dc muffs,4o & 8,60. per sett
Red twilled Flannels, at 311 dents.
Grey Twilled Flannels at 31} cents.
Fancy Shirting Flannels, 25 t0.,37.4 cents.
All Wool Cassimeres, $l.
Pants I:s* 10, and 12.} cents.
Shootings 12} cents. Canton Fianna!, 181 to
25 cents. . ,
1 1 4
;lieu's Double sole 13toga Boots, oustAirn nuide.,s4
Women's Kip Shoes, $1,60.
Women's calf Balmoral', beet oustomlmakels4,26
at mneh less than the coat of getting them up
We have made these extra inducements in or
der to get our stock largely reduced by Jan, "I it,
1889, and intend to make clean work of it, if low
I praces %rill make quick sales. Call and ceo for
youritelves, •
Corning, Oct. 14, ISGS
T ETTERS of Administration having bees
granted upon the estate of Thomas Martin,
late of Delmar deo'd, all persons owing against
the estate, or chaining against the same, must
settle with JOHN ENGLISH,
Delmar, Dec. V, 1868-13 w. Admt.
20 9 000 4 5uf Gou% Siutt- . 1. wanted
which I will pay cents In
trado u t tuy,..Sture. C. L. WILLCOX.
Wellnburo, Nov. 23, 18¢8.
ITUATED on Elk Run, Gaines township,
containing 125 acres, str aeres improved.—
Said farm is well watered, has a framo house and
barn and a choice apple orc,hare, and is well
adapted to dairying purpoktit - Title good and
toriins easy. Inquire of Wm. E. Smith, Wells
boro, or L. L. RUSSELL, Delmar,
Sept, 23,1865.
T OT large, house commodious and consenieat,
will be sold cheap for ready pay.
Also, a Horse, Buggy, Cutter, Ilerness and
Bufralo—all in good condition—for sale cheap.
Fur particulars, inquire at this office.
IT ETTERS of Administration having been
1.4 granted upon the Estate of S. D. Stuadi
of Lyeoming Co., deed, all persons having claim!
against or owing the Kim° are requested to call
and settle with C. W. &MEAD,
Delmar Nov. 18,1868 r- 6w.* Adm't.
AGOOD SOD of work dono on Clocks, Watola-
C 3 or Jewelry, tip to
Bopt, 2,1805. I. M. WARRINBB.
iZ THE b'eJt assortment of
••.‘ Teeth, and largest
-- 41111• 1 •` - ety of different kiads of
Plates as well as the
• • .• . .f77 best operations of
dr.a" • ing and EXTRACTING
rvol_v•- TEETH may be had
at the bow Dental Office. Nitrous Oxide Gas
given for extracting, which gives pleasant dreatoa
insteatref pain. Also, Narcotic Spray, Ether
andbloroform administered when desired.--
Prices as low as can be found elsewhere - Ail
work done promptly and warranted.
Call and see specimens. Remember the place
May 6,18 GS
A farm of three hundred acres, with two ban-
AIL dred and to¢onty-five acres Improved. Sit
uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the
Tioga River and_Railrood. Weil cratttered, on.
der a good state of cultivation, and good bat/d
-ings,. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga
village. T. L. DALDWIII.
Tioga, Feb. 12, 1848—tf.
LETTERS of Administration on the Mate of
Lysander Scutt, lute of Charleston try, de
ceased, having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons owing said estate, and all having
claims against the same are hereby notified to
call fur, settlewubt uu ZYLPUA SCOTT,.
Charleston, Dec. 2, Idtiwe Acitn'x.
TLIE best 8 day Clock:. ever sold in Tiogo, Co.,
can be found at
Sept. 2, 1868.—tf
SALT can b'e had in any cluatittty nt
Stine, 3, 1388. .
Something Newl
A LOT of the latch styles or new Jewelry
zi received at
.lug. W.
rO S. xi. Plank Take fioticeiliat
Amanda Plank, your wife, leas ap
f*led tr . ; the Court of Common Piens ot Tioge
qounty for a divorce fro u. the bonds of matri
lnony,-and that the ..aid Court has appointed
Monday, January 25, 1869, at the Court Home,
)Mellsboro, as the time and place of bearing the
said applicaut in the promises, on-which ocoss•
ion you can attend if you think proper.
Jilt/. 0, 1869. -
TO BUY r ";;
Also a large stools of
AdiiiinistratoFs is.Totiee.
i'arin foi• Sale.
House and Lot for Sala
Administrator's Notion.
No. 13, Main St
Valuable Farm for Sale
Administrator's Notice.
In Divorce