TFiFi NE w-TOnn TRIBUISiEI FOR 1869') . ' Within the last eight years our coun try has triumphantly passed through the gravest and most trying perils which have confronted her since her Independence was acknowledged. She has vintlicated.beyond appeal her right to be regarded as on mere confederacy or league of jealous, envious, digeordaut States, but as substantially and per manently a Nation, wherein the pre tensions or no part can be admitted or upheld in opposition to theintegrity, the paramount authority, of the One Republic. No great good is ever achieved with out etibrtior without cost. Four years of patriotic struggle and sacrifice, Halt atlillion of men slain itt - battle or dy ing of the privations and exposure of War, 111illions of bereaved ones, Five Billions of property destroyed, and nearly Three Billions of Debt incurred, attest the magnitude of the contest and the unyielding valor of the combatants. 'At length, the smoke rise's from- the hard-won field, shewiug that the last intrenchment has, been Carried. The election of Grant 4nd Colfaxgives as surance that t4e \ Biorm is over--4thatlhe Bow of Promilel arches the sky. /there arc still obstacles to surtnount,,,Perils to avert, noble ends to be achieved ; but the ship of-State, has ridden out, the tempest and bus filer haven full in view. The seven States reconstructed under the recent acts of Congresl will stand, and will be followed by the three ( that have hitherto stood aloof; the rights of the Freedmen -Will be upheld and re spected, and/ lin partial Su ilrage throughout/the. land ; will soon plant t.lient on /foundations that cannot be shaken, ' Tln Tribune will contend, in the fu ture its ins-,the past, for 'Universal Am neSty as well as for linpartial Suffratre. It has no faith in vengi a ice, in proscrip . tion, in confiscation, nor in the °shut ding of blood otherwise than in actual and necessary war. '" There is a time for War and a time for Peace ;" and the latter follows swiftly on the heels of the fcirmer, whenever those who fought against the Union shall have in good faith given up the contest THE DAILY TRIDUNI. has been So long - known us the -leading political newspaper of the country, that its special features lit ed no eialnirate de scription. It contains the fullest and wont. Itetirtae reports of the proceedin 1 , 1 S i 4, Congres., mid the Stale Legislature. careful summaries of news trout' all the principal centers of intelligene .at home and abroad, letters nom travel ers in foreign ;ands. reviev‘s of IleW 'Moils. draillatie, musical, and flue art criticisms., literary, !-cienti tic and re• lipious - miscellanies. road al i ale int lti tilde of items which make ua a tyst eiti-s daily paper. It is printed Vltitit Letter :,nd clearer type than. atiy . otihel u i daily jour al in America. It s pub• lfshed every, mornine, Sunday:, excel,- ten. Terms, L.llll a year; $3 lop sin. months. , CiE1".1.1.-NVEr2l.lL'x' TR11.3 t!Si: It; plthlit=bed The,ihts anti Fri. day, awl votattiitt.- all 'the 1 2d:to . ..hit at li not znel ely ;it (vi'; 3.1.1ei :11'y reVleWs•• anti art t:ritiel•ints; let :1 karate emps Voteir.ii anti dl,-ociated te:egraphic di , patelt ; a eayeltil and eotoplete Fa:mat-try loteigti and at/I - nest ie newt;; exelo•Art ; (Tot ts ut the proueetlittr,s oh t hi! Farm er,' Club oh the •Atnerican Itthlitute: tait, about, fruit, twit other horlic•ltitU• rid awl akrieultural Information ; htoek, Cattle, drY 11,01)th , , and :, , ,etterai market reports, Nvltieli, are pot)liAtud iu 'Pile Daily 'Pributt:.. The settii- Trilatite' also glvek, in the, coin - e of a year, three or lour turd IC , I popular tio‘ h . \ liVIII :WI hors. eo,t of the: e afoot , it lif/III4IIL in 1 , (11/k WOOlll lie-4 - root to eight lf Iturehtt>(tti in the Eie!lisli inagazineo, hien )rhielt they rre care fully the eo , ,t would tie three or four times that -.1.1111. TE:RAIS of TILE SEMI- WEEICLY n UNE. iluil subscriber:4, 1 copy, 1 year-104 numbers 00 Mail subscribers, 2 ,copies, 3' year-IQ 4 numbers 700 Mail subscribers, .5 copies, or over, for - each copy 3 00 Persons remitting for 10 copies $3O will receive On extra copy six month. Persons remitting for 15 c pies $45 11111 receive an extra copy one year. For $lOO we will scud thirty-four copies and The Daily Tribune. TUE WEEKLY TRIBUNE has continued to circulate a greater nunitar of Copies than any other news paper in the country. We appreciate this confidence, and skill labor to re tain it. Its previous attflictions will be continued and incleased. The main features of our Weekly will he agricul ture, literature, polities, and th 3 mark ets, with tho latest summary of the daily news., We have made special ar • rangements to increase its usefulness as an agricultural Journal. The Farmers' Club will be fully reported, and special articles on agricultural topics contribu ted by the best, writers. No farmer who desires to till the soil with profit, and to knowtheqprogress constantly made in the sciende of his calling, cart afford to neglect the advantages of a newspa per like The Weekly Tribune, espe cially when'it unites with agriculture; other features of . interest and profit. The Weekly Tribune contains a sum mary of,all that appears in The Daily and Semi-Weekly editions, while in addition it is made to address itself to the wants of the great farming class. Reviews of all the new. publications, and of all that is new -in Music and the fine arts; letters from all parts of the world—some of them of rare interest to the farmer, is showing the progress 0. agriculture in other Countries; editorial e-sat\ s on all topics of home and foreigi, interest, together with full and care fully reported reports of the markets. wilt he furnished from, week to week and at a lower price than that of an? liv , e,ptiper in America. , By purt.uin tin:. policy The Weekly Tribune ha already attained its present coin mand• fug influence and eh lati-n, and we nom the new year with an its , -ur• :dice to our readers that no pains anti Ito expense will be sitared to give it still gr eater usefulness awl power, ano to 'ltalie it a welemne visitor to ever.• in the lan* TEIMS 0.1 01 THE IyEEMLY TRIBL'NE, To :t.‘ll, St7I3SCRIBERS.. One eoliy, one year, 53 issue:, S 2 00 Fn e copies, to name:, of Jubseribe rs at one Yu,t Ofliee t • 9 00 TencopieA, to natne-; mf sah-3eri9- ers qkt one 1'o:4-0111cet .... 10 00 one copy extra; to the 12:tt tink tip of the Twenty eopie,,, to naines of supgeriber: at one Post-Oflice.... 27 00 And one copy extra to the getting-up of the club. Fifty copies; to names of st(bserib ers at one Post-Orrice l I. Ten copies, to one atitireti, in one order 3'; 00 And One Copy extra. Twenty copies, to one address, In one order 25 00 And oue copy to getting-up of the club. Flity copies, to (me address, in.oue ordet 50 00 One hundred copies, to one • Are ,, t, in one order 100 au Terms, cash in advance. Draft s on :New-York, or Post-01110 oreers. payable to the order of The Tri, boo, , being i-afer, are preferable to any other mode of remittance. Address _ TRIBUNE, New-York. A visitor" o a prison asked a prisoner why ne ha( been sent there% "For fals encouragement, " was the reply. " False encouragement! 'What do Sou mean?" " I encouraged one hundred and forty three women to believe that, 1. was go ing to marry them." . . The thaw has caught cold. She agitatta. WELLSBORO, PEINIVA WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13, 1869. -- ---,--.._- ----.-----,- We are obliged to Surveyor Cieyteral Campbell for a copy of his An.mtal Re port/ for 1868. ~- , Also, to Mr. Wickersham; , State Su preintendent of Sehohls,,for a copy of his Annual Report f0r,1867-:--8. Ttopublieans Have big to\ remember that a desperate' attempt was made by the Democratic leaders last year to car- rupt t4 , election boards in certain dis tricts4f this county, .autl they will at - / once see that the approaching town / shipeleetione are of great importance. We hope that every step necessary to keep the control of the ballot-boxes in the hands of Republicans wilt be taken. There must be no unreliable men plac ed in such positions. Be vigilant now as if it were an election for Governor. Take your best men, and go to the polls with such force as to make a, contest hopeless to ouf'opponents. The political pottage has been cooked and distributed at „Harrisburg, since our last paper before this was made up. Mr. John Clark, of Philadelphia, was elected ~Speaker of the House,' without a show of opposition. Mr. Clark is a than of unbleMished integrity and fine business abilities. and was no seeker for the pOsition.' Mr. Strang withdrew early from the cout)est, expressing him self satisfied with '4r. Clark. Jails Scope, of Huntingdon, was nominated by acclamation for U. S. Senator, Mes:4rs. Grow, Scofield, and iNlourhead having withdrawn from the contest. lqr. Scott is about 45 years of age, has never been a politician, and is in no sense of the term a office-seek er. As a lawyer he occupies a first po sition, having few equals, and fewer su pet fors, in the State. his integrity hat never been brought in question. lib. political antecedents are Democratic. be, like John Cessna, having attached himself' to Lincoln's Administration in the outset of the war. Like Cessna he represents the Radical element, and will 'heartily co-operate with Senator CAMERON in the 'Senate. In common with others who dei-ired Mr. Gtow':- nomination and election, we regardeu .3w:11 a result not only desirable but pol itic; but if the place could not go to a Northern Pennsylvanian We entire ly satisfied with the result. Mr. Grow, behaved handsomely throughout, and collies out of the 6ontest without loss of prestige. THE •GOVEL.NOR's We received the Message too late to publish it in full this week, and as the 'xt test thing to uo we . make a review' of its leading features, its recommenda tions, and the report on Pardons, ap pended to the document. The paper is rather more in detail than usual; a very good fault indeed. It is also un pretentious and replete with facts and common sense. The receipts into the treasury, includ ing a balance of $4,000,000, during 1808, were $9, - 918,918,01. The'disbursements during the fl.yeal year ending Nov. 30, 1868, •were, in gross, $8,903,492„64. Of these disbursements $2,454,40,09 was for the ordinary expenses of the Gov ernment, and $4,417,4b3,64 in redemp tion of the State debt. •Tho balance was expended for interest on loans, ex cept $41,032,00, which i represented de preciated funds not available. The balance In Sinking Fund is $934,032,76. ' , .ilie receipts into the •Fund during the fiscal year were over $3,000,000, which, with the balance of 1867, was used in redemption of the deht. The half-mill tax, created by act of May 1861, for:,the purpose of redeeming i the war debt and paying interest on the same, yielded during the fiscal yeari5473,979,20. The total reduction of the !State debt during the two years and three months end ing Nov. 30, 1868, w s $5,209,386,14.—: i This is an especially ratifying exhibit of the financial management, and re flects lasting credit upon the adminis tration of Gov. Gea y and the State officers who so ably ecoud his efforts to lift the good old 'C mmon wealth out of the slough of debt The assets of the l Sinking Fund con sist of bonds of the Pennsylvania ktailroad ' Company, $6,400,000; 'and bonds of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company, $3,300,000. These uouds, bearing no in erest, Ole Govern or r l ecumwends to be sold to the „high. ek'bidder, and tile rocceds to be up- Oiled to the liquida ion of the State abt. As the bonds flu not mature for aamy years, it is not] likely that :p1(1,) bidder will offer more than the princi pal less the interest 1 , 41 ti per cent. ti ib . rou ti ted i for the lia4itice or the time ;hey have to rim. These bonds ought not to be sold:for it le:s sum. It sold at that figure the Stace '‘'ill lie the gainer by stopping interek on so much of Ole debt as the proceedsrvi/1 liquidate. But vry much fear that no bidders ‘Oll be found at even that price. The pubpc.deht on the Ist day-Of De cember 1867, was 37,704,449,77. (hi Elie Ist day of Deceuiper 1808 it was .$ 3 3,286,946,13. Of tliia sum, as stated, almost 550,000 is depreciated funds, which has been carried forward on tb 5 00 , Treasurer's accounts or eighteen years. The Governor recommends that the Legislature appoint i l l Committee to ex amine into these del reciatdd funds and dispose of them to, the. best adVantage -tor the treasury. He also recommends that any surplus moneys in the treaB - ury be, applied to the liquigation of portions of the debt/ from time to time, and so stop the interest which would have to be paid at maturity. This plan seems to us, and wil strike the people, -as wise and proper. Thera should be no large balauea in the treasury, uuap the debt can. be !s, aid not cost too .yer will be very propriated. And I paid before it rnat'ur much, every 4ti.x-p glad of it. The Governor urgi lature the absolute lit Went in every' depar i ) eminent, as demand 4 itieration of public tiodin measures of radical reform ; that the money paid lute the treasury is the property of the people, every one of whom has a just right to hold his- rep mentative. to a- strict accountability for every dollar that may be appropria ted or expeucled.",._ truer or.vaoretime-_ ly caution was never given ; and Gov ernor.Ueary is justified in urging re trenchment upon the Legislature, which, in its haste, has not legislated wisely in more respects than one. The recommendation to greater deliberation in the passage of the annual appropri ation. bill deserves the braise of candor and justice. 'rho Governor laSt year requested titne to examine the general appropriation bill before signing it, but ;is upon the Legis ecessty of retrench •ltwent of the Gov ed by every con policy anti politi- cal integrity. He advert,: to the watch fulteßs of the people, and says that they are ever ready to strike down all who Are not ready to tali° effective tie- it was laid by until the very last hours of the session, and delay would have lost the wise and proper with the ex travagant. He now repeats the request, and we hope the Legislature will heed and comply. The educational department is in a highly prosperous condition. There are 13,766 schools, 2,882 graded schools, 16,771 teachers, and 800,675 pupils. The cost of tuition last year was $3,273,269,- 89, and the aggregate expenditures for school purposes was $6,200,586,96. The Governor recommends higher salaries to teachers as tending to elevate the standard of fitness. There are four 'Normal Schools in op eration, with 2,116 pupils; and two more schools go into operation during the current year. There are .3,431 pu pils in the Soldier's Orphans' Schools, at an average weekly expense per pu pil of $2,65. The schools are -reported in good condltioh and growing better. The Agricultural College, located at 13ellefoilte, heretofore a failure, is now believed - to be entering upon a success ful career. It has been endowed with the use of a fund-of $318,500,00, and is to be managed by Hon. T. H. Burrows, of Lancaster. The Governor recommends the en- actin t-of_. a Registry. Law for the pro tection of the ballot-bolt. He allddes to the defects In the law of last session, causing it to be pronounced unconsti tutional by the Supreme Court of the State, and urges careful preparation in the draft of another law. In conclusion, the Governor congrat ulates the people upon the settlement of certain questions and their removal from the arena of politics ; uporithe election of Gen. Grant as confirming the hopes of the nation's friends, and the fears of its foes, ,supplementing, as it does, the verdict of %Mr and the pro gress.of republican principles, upon the verdict pronounced for the payment of the just debts of the nation in good faith ; and upon the prospect of, protec tion to home labor. "'To lessen the burdens of the people, and to li;eep the toipenses of the State as nearly' as pos sible within the limits of its ;absolute nee,eisities, will always be among the chief objects of wise, and just legisla tion." Such is the closing 'paragraph of the Message, which will rank with the first of Pennsylvania State papers for wise recommendations RIM practical, forecast. The wise heads are just now indulg ing in a variety of speculative guesses as to what Gen. Grant will do, who will be in the Cabinet, etc. 'Hone thing can be better known than another, then it is entirely safe to say that nobody ex cept Grant knows anything about it. Some blunderhead is certain that Mc- Clellan will be Secretary of War. Gen. Grant is not likely to do that sort of thing. All Speculations are idle. The World's correspondent never had such a conversation with Grant as that pa per publishes. Gen. Grant has not yet revealed himself to any man; not even to - his best friends, .much less to a Bo hemian without character or standing among public men. The people may rest satisfied with the indications to be seen in Grant's public career, touching his course as President. He is . the wisest of his day and generation; and while we do not look for a brilliant ad ministration, we do expect a wise one and a good one. . Trial List for San, Term 1869. Levi Furman vs. ()leo. Palmitor et al. W. Y. Campbell vs. Morris twp. Thomas Stone Jr. vs. Delmai twp. J. W. Ritter vs. Addison Boyden. Seth 0. Daggettvs. G. W. Barkeretal. Thomas D.*Lee et al vs. Moses Lee. H. J. Mowrey vs. Dan'l Mowrey et al. C. F. Milter & T. Allen vs. Willcox Sr, Whitney, P. E. Kniffin vs. D. Benjaran et al. T. B. Mitchell vs. Webb & Hastings. Oscar Brace vs. Erastus Stanton. C. D. Sill vs. A. L. S. Leach. CAYUGA PLASTERY. g ()Ts of Pie , h Ornursd Nosier nt Painted I'in4 Mill.; noon:lndy no bond. at $O per oo Aliro all kinds of Flour, Feed, at lowee( price. 'Will dull var. Fl or and, Feed at Tioga Depot, c"rhibkt, lice of anyne W. S. EIODG NI AN. & .Tan 6th ISIIB-3mos. . Pointed Post. Register's Notice. Notice 4 hertLy given that the F:xccutors and Adtainn,tratots, named bele,. have filed their Accounts in the Registers Office for Tiogn. Co., Pennsylvania, and that the said Accounts will be presented to the Orphans Court, fur said C..u»ty, aqa session of said Court, to ho held in IVellsburo, on Monday, thu 25 day of Janu ary, ISO, at two o'clock P. M., for confirma tion and allowance. Account of John W. Gurnsey, Administrator of the Estate of Daniel Lamb, late of Rich mond Tsvp., deceased. Account of Harriet Bird, Administratrix o the F.,,tate of Gatos Bird, late of Jackson Twp. decca Account of Jas 13. Jaquish, Administrator cum testament° annex° of the Estateof Joseph Jaquitdi, late of Covington Twp., deceased. IVelLboro, Pa., December :ioth 1868.-4 w. D. L. DEANE, Register. Wood Makes Plo,tures Cheaper than nny other Gallery in Tioga Co., All Styles of work. Call and see for yourself. Do you want to save money Go to Wood's Gallery for your PictureF, Frames, end Casez., it will cost you nothing to enquire his prices. Wellsboro, Jan. 13,1869.-0. Aasignee'es Sale HIS is to give notice: That the un- J, • dersigned will sell at Dublic sale, at his office in Wl:disbar°, Pa. on Saturday the 6th day of February next 1869 at 2 o'clock P M. the notes debts and accounts which canto, to his hands us assignee of Massona Dullard of We/la born, Pa. Bankrupt, by virtue of an order df Court for the purpose. JOII I. MITCHELL, ' Wollsboro, Anuary,l3 .1869-2 we. Sheriff's Sales. BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Field Fa ciao, Lavari Facies, and Venditioni Expenas, sued out of the Court of Common Ploas of Ti ogu county, and to mo directed, will expose to public sale, to the highest rind best bidder, at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Monday,,ho '2sth day of January 1869, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following described property, viz: A lot of land in Deerfield, township, bounded north by highway, M. V. Purple, "J. R. Payne, and Aaa Verne', wost by Hiram Gilbert, south by Cowanesquo river, and oast by highway,- con taining 7 acres more or loss, all improved, "with fruit trees thereon ALso—another lot bounded north by J. G. Seeley and John Carper; west by lliram Gilbert, z.outti by Ira Wagoner and M. V. Purple and highway, and east by W. J. Knox, containing 54 acres more or less, about 25 mires improved, I frame dwelling house, 1 frame barn, and the Knoxville driving park thereon. To bo sold as the property of Caleb Short. suit of Henry Bald win, executor. ALso—another lot of land In Middlebury, bounded north by G. W. Ilymes, east by V. B. Holiday and Wm. K. Mitchol, south 'by highway, and west by Daniel Holiday, containing two acres more or less, with frame house, frame barn, and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of P. 11. Blanchard, suit of Jacob Stick ley.—a lot of land in Elkland, libundod north by Joel Parkhurst, east by F. G. Loveland, south by Main street and west by Buffalo street, con taining acre more or less, ' , with a large three story frame hotel and fraine barn and other outbuildings thereon: To bei sold as the proper ty of Peter Duvall, suit of John B. Westlake. ALso—a lot of land in Lawrence township, bounded as follows : beginning at a point in the road on the east side of the Tioga river at the corner of the road leading,to Caton and the south west corner of land of Jefferson Jr. Warren Niles, thence along said Niles south seventy-eight and one-half degrees 88 rods and 88-100 of a rod, thence south 761 deg. east 14 5-10 rods, thence north 87 dog. east 7 rods to lands of A. P. Red eker, thence along lands of said Redeker 'north 82i dog. east 12 6-10 rods to a post) thence south 12i deg. west 69 rods to lands of ono Bostwick, thence along said Bostwick north 75 dog. west 80 rods to the said road on the east side of the Tib ga river, thence along said road north 25 deg. cast 51 rode and 5 10 of a rod to the place of beginning. Containing 26 acres be the same more or less, 'about 20 acres improved; frame house, frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of Hugh .T. Bonn, suit of George Dusonbury. Atso—a lot of land in Nelson township, boun ded north by Cowan esquo river, cast by Jesse Howe aad Harris Ryon. south by Bingham lands in possession Of Benj. Powers and John Ham mond, and west by John Hammond, containing 400 acres m'ore or less, about 90 acres improved, two frame' (houses, one frame barn and shed, frame corn house, and other outbuildings and apple orchWrd l thereen. To bo sold as the prop- arty of Perry Dailey, snit of J. S. Flanagin and Geo. W. Flanagin. Atso—a lot of land in Charleston township, bounded north by Angovine Lake. east by Dar win Thompson and George Rabb, south by Al den Popo, and west by M. M. Converse, contain ing 50 acres more or less, about 25 acres im proved, frame house and other outbuildings and :ippie orchard thereon. To'be sold as the prop erty of William Morse, suit of C. 11. Marks. At.soa lot of land in Middlebtiry and Chat ham towni,bips, bounded on the north by Bing ham lands, east by lands in possession of G W Foster, south by same and Visehor ,L- Randall, and west by landi in possession of G W Foster, containing 407 acres and 48 perches—Crandall and Emery, warrantees: ALso—anotber lot of land in Middlebniy towubhip, buuudod north by Muds in possossion f G W Foster, Aaast by Visoher Sc Randall, south , by said IV Faster, and west by Visaber ct Randall, containing 411 acres and 8 perches— deo IV Wood, warrantee: ALso—Another lot in Middlebury and Chat lihru townships, bounded north by lands in pos- session of G. W. Fostor & Viseher Jr, Randall, east by same, south by lands in possession of G. W. Foster and west by sameand Robert Morris, warrant N 0.4072, containing 409 acres and 91 perches—Samuel King, warrantee: Also—another lot of 'land in Chatham town slikp bounded onlhoitorth by Robe. Morris, warrant No. 4072 and lands in possessions of fl. W. Foster, cast by lands in possession of G. \V. Poster, south by lands of Phelps & Dodge, and west by lands in possessions of G. W. Fos ter—lsaac A. Crandall, warrantee, containing 124 acres and 52 perches: Atso—another lot of land in Middlebury nuil Chatham townships, iniunded north by lands in possession of G. W. Foskr, cast by the• saute, south by Phelps ,oh. Dodge, and west by lands in possession of G. W. Foster—Joseph 'E. Lyon a suiv-mill 6 frame houses, 3 frame barns,- I frame store IMuse, 1 frame blacksmith shop and other outbuildings and a few fruit trees thereon : ALao—another lot of land in Middlebury town ship, bounded north by lands in possession of G. W. Foster end Vischer & Randall, east by Vischer & Randall and south S, west by lands in possession of G. W. Foster—John Luchsiger, warrantee—containing 423 acres an 443 perches: Also—another lot of land in Middlebury town ship, bounded north east and west by lands in possession of G. W. Foster and south by lands of Phelps Dodge & Co.—T. A. Baldwin, war rantee—containing 04 acres with about 50 acres improved, more or loss with apple orchard there on: ALso—another lot of land in Chatham town ship, bounded north by Robt. Morris warrant No. 4072, east by lands in possession of G. W. Foster, south by James Wilson warrant No. 4403 and west by A. C. Crandall warrant, containing .417 acres and 30 porcbds—Jonathan Waters warrantee. To be sold ne the. property of A. 11. Foster, suit of Sally Woodfield et al. ALso—another lot of land situated in Union township, Tioga County Pa., being part of war rant N 0.4008, adjoining lands of Miller tt Mur ray and warrant No. 4612, containing 393 acres and 148 perches and allowance, beginning eta post in the fork formed by the confluence of the Roaring Branch (so called) with Lycoming Creek, thence west by land of said Miller ,t Murray 140 perches to a post corner, the S. west corner of warrant No. 4608 John Vaughn warrantee of whicl? the land herein described is a part, thence north; partly by laud of Miller do Murray and partly by No. 4012 John Vaghn warrantee 288 perchers to a hemtock tree marked as a corner, thence east by land of warrant No. 4668, 280 perchers to a hemlock stump marked for a cor ner, thence south by land as last described 100 perches to a post corner, thence south-west by the various courses of Lycoming Creek which is the eastern boundary lino of tho warrant of which the land now described is a part by the following c onses, south 51 degrees west 28 perch es, thence south 6 deg. west 30 porches, thence south 60 west 40 porches, thence south 32 west 145 perches to the post corner the place of be ginning, being the same land mentioned and de scribed in a Deed from John Harcourt 'Powell to John Green. dated Sept. 24, 1832, recorded in Tiogn Co. same day in Deed book 10, page 233, excepting, out of the same 44 acres and 145 perches conveyed by'John 'Green to Merrick Crandall, and about 10 acres sold by said Orem: to A. N. Derby : A Lso—another lot of land situated in Union township Tioga County Pa., containing 300 acres hung part of an original survey made,klytvirtue of a warrant No. 4612, granted to JohnTaughn Esq., and being the same land mentioned and described in a certain article of agreement dat ed the 17th day of 'November 1841, between John Harcourt rowel' by his Att'y in fact, John Norris nod the said John Green, beginning at a -roue heap the south east corner of warrant 4612, thence north by the eastern boundary line ~aid warrant 4612, and by other lands ofJohn Greeu 251 a perches to a hemlock, thence west 191 perches to a beech, thence South 251 k rods to a post in the warrant line, thence east along the warrant lino 190 porches to the place of begin ning, being part of warrant 4612 John Vaughn warrantee—About 20 acres improved more or less. fratno house, frame barn, and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of: John Green Executor, suit of E. A. Bringham, Ad. miniatrator of Archibald Robertson. Al,Bo—another lot of lantrin Richmond ttvp., bounded north and south by the estate formerly of Daniel Lamb, deceased, east by highway and west by ,God Lamb—Containing acres more or less, with a frame house, frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To ho sold as the property of Silas Allis, suit of Elizabeth Bennett and Dinor Bennett. ALSO—a lot of land in Mainsburg Be l mugh, bounded north by highway, east by . Corey iCreek, and B Strong, south by E A Fish and, Peldg, Doud, and west by Myron and George Ruobsey— containing 2 acres, snore or less, with_ frame house, tramp barn , and a few fruit trees tipteon. To be sold es the property of W 11 Ruth* & J B Austin, suit of Art° mus Rumsey. ALso—a lot of land in Delmar township, boun ded north by William Smith, east by Lewis Hastings, south by Charles Scars, and west by hinds in possession of Robert Francis, Jr.—con. taining 50 acres more or less, about 25 acres im proved, frame house, log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be Bold as the property of Jacob Naval & Margaret NaFil, suit of Hiram Tomb. ALso—a lot . of land in Richmond township, bounded north by John Waters and John Van Ness, cast by Harvey Horton and Thadius Welch, formerly Krons Bailey lot, south by Jas. Amoy, and west by Jienry Van Ness and A. Austin, containing 51 acres more or 108 E, about 25 acres improved, with log house, log barn and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the prop. erty ofJoseph Rouse, suit of John Benson. —a lot of land in Blosaburge hounded north by Patrick Barman, east by Corning and Blossburg R. R., south by highway and west by Charles Evans, Bensinger Bro s and Jas. Mitch ell, containing acre more or less, with frame house and frame barn thereon. To be told as the p r roperty of Sarah K. Everitt, suit of J P do WHodgman tic Co. Arse—a lot of land in Middlebury township. briondcd north by highway, east by Daniel White, south by Daniel White and John Reding, ton, and wort by John Redington, containing (I acre more or less, with - a' frame store 'house and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property, of Benjamin Donn, suit of H J Grant.* A.t.soL-another lot in Charlonten townahl'p, .bounded as follows: north by 'Kilmer Ingrick and J. J. Neal, east by Adolphus Eaton, south by Pitts, and west by John Neal and George Collins—containing 85 acres more' or less, with abciut fifty acres improved, 1 franis house, with log attachment, 1 frame barn, 1 to barn, 1 frame granary and apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the prop erty of R. K, Brundage, and Lymon Wetmore, suit of William P. Shumway, Agnes Green, and George Green, Executors.. Jan. 6,1869. JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff. HARDWARE AND STOVES 1 CONYERS & OSGOOD lIAVE on band and are constantly receiving nt their • . Hardware Stoke every article needod In tide region of country, in the HARDWARE LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, - STOVES, Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal Stoves. • Home Companion, and the justly eelebrard AMERICAN COOK NTOVB, TIN-WARE ON 111 E HUMANITY PRINCIPLE, • No paths will be spared to meet the wants of our customers. CONVERS ..4. OSGOOD. Wellabor°, Jan. a, 1869, ly. In Bankruptcy. THIS 13 to give notice; That on the 26th day of De camber, A. D. 1888, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of John B. Berm of Clymer township, in the county of Tioga and State of Penn sylvania, who has been adjudged aßankrupt on his own-petition; that the payment of any debts and de livery ofany property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him,.or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their, debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office of F. E. Smith, in Tiogo. Boro, Pa., before B. B. Smith, Register, on the 20th day of February, A. D., 1869 at 10 o'clock ! A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, , U. S. Marshal Western District, Pa. 3an.18, 'BO ' Por DAVID CAMERON, Dep'y. In Bankruptcy. WEI'S is to give notice: That the 24th day of Do. J. comber, A. D./808,a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued egainet the estate of Hozeklah Stowell,/ Jr., of Welleboro, in the county of Tina and State of Pansy!. yenta, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition; that the payment= of any debta and de- livery of any property belonging to such "Bankrupt, to him, or for his nee, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the credi tors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more' Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of F. E. Smith, in Tioga Boro, Pa., before F. F. Smith, Register, on the 20th day of February A. D. at 10 o'clock. A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLBY, O. EL Marshal Western District, Pa. Per DAIIID CAMERON, DOV 3-. ._L,Ziy;LZ_!fS VICTORY Is gained over the Tooth-ache and the pain o Extracting, by tho use of . NITROUS OXIDE GAS, , 1 so proved by scores of testimonials at the Den tai Ofneo of A. B. EASTMAN. OP Call and booonvinood. Noy. 26. APPLICATIONS 'FOR LICENSE.—Notice is hereby given that the following named persons have made applications for Tavern Li censes and Eating . House Licenses, and that the same bo presented to thO' Court of Quarter Sessions the 25th day of Jan. inst., "at two o'- clock P. M., when all interested may attend if they think proper. TIOVBES OF ENTERTAINMENT. Bepj. & A. W. Potter, Middlebury. D D Holiday, Wellsboro.* Minor Watkins, t , r J 0 Pine, Covington Bora.* W L Thomas, Ward. • George Crist, Morris.* John Rodington, Middlebury. James J. Martin, Ofeeola.* G 8 Parsons, CharlesA.* [, Michael Kelley„ Bios . M. D. Cass, Deerfiel .* George Close, Westfield Borough.* H. C. 'Fermi[yea, Gaines.* S. W. Reynolds, Jackson.* Thomas Graves, Covington Borough. EATING Houses. John Van Ostin, Tloga. J. A. Martin, Bloss. . Jan. 6, '69 J. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y „ • Notice. ALL persona indebted to us, will please call and settle at once—or we shall be obliged to make costs. WRIGRT (lc BAILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 6,1869-3 t PLITSER! PLISTER! F A ANI A E S E T , b a it;, ,it g a ana d a d h e a r: i 3 i r a o u a g a l s fianadyC flourU , for people Say that coarse ground Plaster had its play On band you'll find a plenty here, Come one and all both far and near, To C. 11. OWENS' Mill, Mansfield, Pa. Price $8 per ton. Jan. 6, 1969, THE Atlantic and Great Western -AND-L -ERIE RAILWAYS, THE GREAT BROAD GUAGE ROUTE FOR • CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CHICAGO, NTILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, OMAIIA, And to all Points in the WEST and NORTH-WEST Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis- VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, MEMPHIS, NEW ORLEANS, And all points in 6.e South A: Southwest, with No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI,, From any point on the Erie Railway. An ad- vantage and convenience not offered by any other route.- 3 THROUGH LIGHTNING EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY. Baggage Checked Through, and No CHANGE from one car to another, preventing loss or dam age. Tickets via thiti popular route can bo procured at all offices on the line oflthe Erie Railway, and of BEERS & ABBOTT, OPPOSIT DEPOT EMMA. When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets via the ATLANTIC & GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. , W. B. SHATTIIC, Gen. Zloket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland, 0. L. D. BUCKER, Jan. 6, '69. Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration, having been gran ted to • the undersigned upon the Estate of Joseph Gee, of Middlebury, doc'd., all peasons indebted .to the said Estate, and all having claim against the same, will call and settle with LAVINA GEE, Middlebury, Jan. 6,1888.-4 w. Achniniatratrix In Liv oree TO Elizabeth Westlako: Take ,notice .that John A. Westlake, your husband, has ap plied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County fora divorce from the bonds of matri mony, and that the said Ccitirt hair appOlefed Monday, January 2,A, 1869, at the Court• House, Welishore,tas the time and place of hearing the raid applicant in the premises, on which occa sion you can attend if you think proper. ---- - JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff. Jan. 6,1869. Auditor's Notice. MBE undersigned having been appointed by the Court,. Auditor to distribute, the money arising from the sale of the reel estate of Wm. B. Middaugh and Thurmon Pattison, will attend to the duties pf his appointment on Saturday the -23d day of gfenuary next; at 1 o'clock, P. M.!, of said day, at, his office in•the Borough oflioga, : i at which titno and place all persons interested will ploase take notice. • Jan. 6, 1868. JOIIN W. GUERNSEY. Administrators' Notice. lETTERS of Administration having been a granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Albert Sawyer, late of Gaines, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate, or claiming against the same will settle with MINERVA SAWYER, Gaines, Deo. 2, 1888-60 A dm'rx. Auditor's Notice. Tundersigned, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Tioga County, an Auditor to mijust and settle the account of Sybil Price and4ra M. Edgeomb administrators of the es. tate Of Phineas Price, late of said county, deo'd, will attend to the unties of his appointment on Thursday, Jan. 21st, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, at his offico in Knoxville, Pa., when and: where all persons can attend if tboy think proper. Jan. 6, 1889-Bw. C..W. BEACH, Auditor. In Banicruptcy. TN the Distrlet Court of U. S. Western Dist, of Penns, la the matter of MASSENA BUL LARD, ft Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1887, having applied for a (Recharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order or the Court, notice is hereby given, to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested. to ap pear on the 27th day of January 1869, at 10 o'- clock, A. M., before P. E. Smith, Esq, Register in Bankruptcy, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt.-- And further, notice is hereby given, that the 2d waft 3d meetings of Creditors of the said Bank rupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be held before:the said Register, at the same time and place. Jan. 6, '69.-2w. S. C. MoCANDLESS, Cl'k. • In Divorcel me Min - or Cook : Take notice, that Mary Ann Cook, your wife,.by her next friend, B.R. Bailey, has applied to the Court of Semmon Pleas of Tiege. County for a ditiorca from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court has appointed Monday, January 2btb, 1869, at the Court House, W.eltsboro, as the tiine and place of hearing the said applicant in the' promises, on which occasion you can attend if you think proper. JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff. : Jan. 6, 1869. In Divorce. fjlo Mary W. Brown : Take notice, that Ed winl. C. Brown, your husband has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Vega County for a divorce from thesbonds of Matrimony, and that the said Court has appointed Monday, January 25th, 1869, at the Court House, Wellsboro, as the time and place of hearing the said applicant in the promises, on which occasion you can at tend if you think proper. - JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff. Jan. 6, 1869. N, THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UN. I led States, for the Western District of Penn- sytaginia. A. J. Smith, a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2,1867, haying applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said aot, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors who `have prowea tuv.. ...1A.... T....n0t illtetotatoti, to appear on the 27th day of Jan., 1869, at ten o'clock A. M., before F. R. Smith, Esq., Register, at his aloe in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a diseharge should not begrantod to the said bankrupt: And further, notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th sections of said net, will be bad be fore said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. Jan. 6,1.889-2 t TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UM ted States for the Western District of Pennsyl• vania. HENRY P. YEOMAMS, a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, Is other claims provable-under said not, by order of the Court, notice is hereby.given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons inter ested, to appear the 27th day of Jan., 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before F. E, Smith, Esq., Regis ter, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupts. And further, no tice is hereby given, that the third meeting of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27 le 28th section of said act, will be had before said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. Jan. 6,1869-2 t. In Bankruptcy. Western District of Pennsylvania, as: To whom it may concern : 'The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Ensile J. Purple, of Wellsboro, in the County of Tioga, a d State of Pennsylvania, within said Distriot ho has bean adjudged a Bankrupt upon his o n petition by .the District Court of said District. f MORT MDR F. ELLIOTT, Wellsboro, Jane 6,1869-3 t Assignee. TN the DISTRICT COURT of the U. S., for the Western District of Pennsylvania: Joseph S. Childs, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all hie debts, and other claims provable under said Aet, by order of the Court, NotiCe is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested to appear on the 27th day of January, 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. in., before P. E, Smith, esq., Reg ister, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted the- said bankrupt. And further no tice is hereby given that the 2d and 3d meetings of creditors of said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th sections of said Act, will be held before the said Register at the same time and place. MOCANDLESS, Jan. 6,1869-2 t Clerk. TN thd DISTRICT COURT of U. S., for the Western Diatrict of Pennayfvanio.: C. 11. Bartlett, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notico is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 27th day of Jan. 1889. at 10 o'clock, a. m., before F. B. Smith, esq., Regis ter, at hts office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause If any they have, why a discharge should not bo granted to said bankrupt. And further notico is hereby given that the 2d and 8d meetings of creditors of said bankrupt required by 27,th and 28th sections of said Act, will be held before .said Register at the same time and place. Jan. 6, '69-2t S. C. MoCANDLESS, Cl'k. IN the DIST. COUPT of tho U. S., for the Western District of-Pennsylvania: Elisha J. Purple, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of 111aroh 2. 1867, having applied for a discharge front all his debts, and other claims provable uader i said Act, by order of tho Court, notice is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts. and other persons interested, to appear on the 27th day of Jan. 1869, at 10 o'clock a. in., before F. E. Smith, esq. Register, at his office in Tioga, to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to said bankrupt. And further notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of cre ditors of said bankrupt required by the 27th 14 28th seotions of said . Act, will bo hold before said Register, a t same time and place. Jan. 6, '69-2t S. 0. MoCANDLESS, Cl'k. Executor's Notice. LETTERS TESTMENARY having been is sued to the undersigned upon the lan will and testament of Levi I. Nichols, late of Wells boro, dee'd, all persons Indebted to, or claiming against said estate, are required to settle with 11. W. 'WILLIAMS, Hair. Wellsboro, Dec. 23,1868-7t* Fresh Goods Received. Weekly, Dry Goods Fresh Groceries CROCKERY! MOM 4.1113/ .01E0no fats and Caps. Be it romenabored, that Converse & Osgood keep constantly on band a Largo stock of general MERCtIANBIZE. GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD inn. 6,1868.4 y. CONVERSE It OSGOOD January 1869 has Arrived, also a good fresh stook of Flour, all shades and colors, "from the boat XXX,[to the cheapest," MAO per barrel,] MEAL, FEED, PORK, FISH, SALT, &0., all of which I amnowoffering at the lowest liv ing pries for Cash, or in exchange for most kinds of country produce; besides I offer cash for the last named. Cash Buyers will find it to their advantage to givo me a. call. N. B.—My Books - are full—can't 'CI - tenon any more." Remember, Mozart Block. Wellsboro, Jan. 6,1869. M. B. PRINCE, ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF Furs ! Furs! • Furs! ,Furs! just received at Delman° OE lOW's,. bought sines the Holidays. Now is the time to buy F'Ult3 cheap; also, CLOTHING & CLOTHS and an kinds of WINTER GOODS. DELANO do CO. Jan. 6,1869. Ta. I=LIA. OR TIM KEYSTONE STOAE T. No. 1 Alain Street, Brellsbaro,iPa., whore Bullard & CO" Hold forth Daily to crowds of customers, deal ing out the finest and completest assortment of DRY GOODS, 3EPEt.32.40t3r CA-cocr BOOTS & S)foEh, HATS & CAPS, and FURS and BARGAINS IN CROCId'RY. Walk in miles, and examine Our stock. .It will pay to o so. Our goods are selected with taste. Nov. 18, l 8 88—Om. BULLARD ,t CO. Pay Up g . ALL persons indebted to the lubscriber aro requested to call and settle at once, or costs will be'rnade. Take notice., Jan. 6, 1868.—St. GEO. WAGONER. 500 Tons Cayuga Plaster. - v ow. is your time for Cayuga Plaster while N OW the roads are good. We have plenty on hand. T. L. 'BALDWIN d CO. Tioga, Jan. 0,1868.---4 w. a - ROBE FOR SALE.-An excel -1.0 lent two-horse Pleasure Sleigh, and a very good Boar.Sitin Robe ; will be sold on long cred it, if desired, the security being satisfactory, Enquire at the Bingham Office. Wellsboro, Dee. 10, '6S-its• Lost SSRAYED from the Undersigned in Morris Run, Nov. 12, ono small red cow about nine years old, hump buck, large bug and teats, horns pretty well spread; any person giving informs tion of her will be suitably rewarded by the subs( rib.. or at Morris Run. FRANK JAQUET. Doe. 23,1368-3W*. • Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, an auditor to adjust and settle the account of Elmer Seeley, Exec. utor of Elo.uson Seeley, lato of eaid county, dcc. will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, January 22, I SO, nt 1 o'clock p. iu., at the hotel ,at Academy Corners, In Knoxville, when and where all interested in said emuto can attend if they think proper. W. H. SMITII.r . Dec. 23,181)9-3t Auditor. THE GRAND PRIZE at the Paris Exposition Universelle. , . CHICKERING9S 1 Amerloan Pianos Triumphant OVER ALL THE -WORLD. Miss 31. 11. TODD, Agent. Doe. 23, 1868. Weßebore, Pa ' Administrator's Notioe. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the es. tate of Robert Martin, late of Delmar doo'd, all persons owing said estate, or claiming against the same, will settle with J 2 4 ,70. ENGLISH, Delmar, Dee. 9,1888-6 w. Admr. 1,000 CUSTOMERS. WANTED, TO BUY MERCHANDIZE, Jo A. t, & Co., CHEAP Calh Store. Fine Freooh 36ferInos, yard - wide, all col's 75 ate. Fine Empress Cloths, double fold, " 75 " 2,000 yards handsome Dress Goods, oortsliting of Strips, Alpacas do Br!Mantes, at 25 to 3li ets, worth 3 and 4s. Heavy winter Woolen Double Shams $3,60 to $5. Beaver Clorklngs, black and col'd, $2,50 to $3,75 Ladies' Furs, collars 4:4. muffs, Sti $0,50 per sett Red twilled Flannels, at 311 cents. Grey Twilled Flannels at 311 cents. Fancy Shirting Flannels, 26 to 373 cents. All Wool Casstmeree, $l. . . Prints 6/ 10, and 12 , } cents. Sbeetings 124 cents. Canton Flannels, 182 to 25 cents. I BOOTS & SHOES. Men's Double sole &owl Boots, custom made, FA Women's Kip Shoos, sl,bo. Women's calf Delmore's, betoustore:makelS2,2s Also a largo stook of I WINTER CLOAKS, • at 11:1U011 less than the cost of getting them up. We have made these extra inducements lei pr. der to get our stock largely reduoed by Jan. lit, 1864, and intend lo make clean work of it, if low prices will make quick sales. Call anti Feeler yourselves, \., i T. A. PARSONS & CO. Corning, Oct. 14, 2668 Administrator's l Notiee. JETTERS of Administration having been granted upon the estate of Thomas Marlin, Late of Delmar deed, ull persona owing againet the estate, or elaiming against the same, must settle with • - JOHN ENGLISH, Delmar, Dee. 9,186 S—Ow. o Man 20 1 000 Pounds of Good Butter wanted for which I will pay 45 cents in trade a t my Store. C. L. WILLCOX. Wellabor°, Nov. 23, MB. Farm for Sale. ITUATED on Elk Run, Gaines township, S ioontaining 125 nom, 50 acres improved.— Said . farm is well watered, has a frame house and barn and a choice apple orchard, and is well adapted to dairying purposes. Title good and terms easy. Inquire of Wm. H. Smith, Wells. L. L. RUSSELL, Delmar boro, or Sept, 23,1866 House and Lot for Sale. T OT large, house commodious and con;enient, will be sold cheap for ready pay. Also, a Horse, Buggy, Cutter, Harness cod Buffalo—all in good condition—for salo cheap. For particulars, inquire at this aloe. Admicistrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted upon the Estate of S. D. Stand, of Lycoming Co., deo'd, all persons having claims against or owitig the same are requested to call and settle with , C. W. SMEAD, Delmar Nov. 18,1668-6 w." Adm'r. IF YOU WANT AGOOD JOB of work clone on Clocks, Watch 83 or Jewelry, go to Sept. 2,1868. I. M. WARRINER. - SPECIAL •NOTICE. •TILE beet assortment of Teeth, and largest vari ety of different kinds of Plales as well as the - best operations of Fill ing and EXTRACTING TEETH may bo had at the new Dental Office. Nitrous Oxide Gas given for extracting, which gives pleasant dreams instead tv pain. Also, Narcotic Spray. Ether and Chlkefortn administered when desired.-- Prices as low as can bo found elsewhere . All work done promptly and warranted. Call and see specimens. Remember the place. A. B. EASTMAN, May 6, 1868. No. 13, Main St. - Valuable Earn for Sale. Afarm of three hundred acres, with two hun dred and twenty-five ace improv.ed• uuted two miles north of Timtit Village, on the Tioga it;ver rvnd littilroed. Well wattter,ed , 110- 'der a goad state tsf cultivation, anti good build ings. Also four houses arid lets for sale in Tioga village: T. L. - TALDW IN. Thies, Feb. 12, IStl3-t f. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Adwinistrotlon on the estate of Lysander ziCott, rota of Charleston twp, do. coa,ed, having been granted to the under:ol;ra ail persons on,b,g said estate, 111111 all baying Halals against the - sumo are hereby netifled to call for ~00lument on ZYLP-11A SCOTT, Charleston, Dee. 2; ISC,S , Adni'.l. A LOT' OF • • rpm best 8 clay Clocks ever A :thldin Tioga . CO can be found at Sept. 2, 18133.—tf SALT can ho had in any quantity at WICKHAM S FARR'B. PLoga Juno.a,, 1888. Something' New A LOT of tho latest styles of new Jewelry A just reoeived at 'Aug. 2, 'BS In Divorce OS. L. Plank : Take notice that r A,nuauda Plank, your wife, has ap piled to the Court of Common Pleas at Tiega County for a divorce from the bonds of matri mony, and that the said Court has appointed .Monday, January 25, 18139, at tho Court noose, Wollsboro, as the time and place of hearing the said applicant in tho'promisys, on which gross tOn you can attend if you think proper. JEROMEi B. POTTER, Rh if. t Jan. 0, 1869. II a I.M. WARRINER I. N. WARRINER.