$01;le,13 )rora My heart 19 yiniting for Ntuntiody ) :Somebody 'whorl: can be ? tqnn6where on the earth he is waiting \Vatting and watching for-me: ray heart shall be faithful end true, then, To think that somebody, wherever he be;; Yes my:bait is locked firmly and fast, ti But thero'3 some one pome-214; they kely.; Why ate you sad and dishearteruuli \\llly do you 100k...50 at me? ilecaus.e you spy "you're discouraged That you do not hold the hea i rt•ltcy . .fr llow allnlllknow wh4',A the soundindy,4 ' .. 11 13** art tell' faitlifel tuidjrue. ; - !Voti ivandur p l4 . 1;:u) be -- !l6tt sgtnebedy? Well,,somehedy. Sou: • • - ....k,ChaptertO AWYDY's 1145,,a11 ; 0f you like to 7 : 1; - e coiidered courag•eOlizi. ,Do 'yoti .knossit - i• trLe courage is? Do vou ';',i naughty i is to be always ready to )1 ft your Rail& ,I4X giye Wow for_.11101i7; nod tight; fii-u 9 ' o l! or : iklefesoirie batty down .`17.--or .11 sej..i3C-fy - 4 it.,7" - brziggitig,, insulting langtings, for some slight or lanciAl. on-Cuce•: -- 'rlicu, you.are mist-Ilt - pinhal):s at tow nut to set - you right in this matter, • as i'vt are till glad to tie aftvis,ettot errors in time ,to.cprreetZtliimt-herike harm ' tou• - c9JP-Pb , ' • • -- or e U 3 ,9 - n ow ! but willi viol/ 'be »Jell, and will have the destinST . .of our country in_your t hynds, and it is - veryintliOrtitut ,fOr you to get a correct , -;idett of:the re-of:Me:40 11 g of woriis - . and , : .• . , -I.2Si" pliO:ie: ' ',F,oui efinle whorl r : 4 in- 7 ; 11 $ anti:44'a •ktiot- 8r boys, some' braggart: steps - up, shows his fist, boiath oT hiS' superior _1144 and strength, mid dares you.tterAght,.bliryom Ala Ituly - ART:jil m you ,wish to have itothini to di) with hiinand ,will 'not enter Into a_quarrel. kidlie'aliti 't,be other - boys bias and: eall y r ki it - coward, .a r tid it makes The 'hot, blo. ,rush to your face, and _you .long-- to litaat them all. Still y(tf know, I d_ ycin 'would- only degrade yourself to.a level V tli theiu:tk,e()lnmetteo:::ll. it4eless broil, ait'ir ynu control. yourself • and walk quietly itWity:, That,- tny; _son,' would be' Showitig, true, moral-otirtigei whieiVreW" p(Asess-the.soura e :td do right,:lit 'LI/c i f:tee-a a sneering', vulgar eroWsl.4. - Seiiie; boys have not the.lcour age`tOl'ell the truth „but will evii(l6;'and: prevaricate,' and. tinnily tell It.' down: right,:faisehoort, rather Ulan - 41iiMy confess.an error or make an apol'o,y',-z-: °nips' think (it 'Allows a manly, cour ageous apiyit', to defy'and ridicitie 'their parents IMO' brag about their indepotir deuce; lin dlangli at'BOine modest yOu Lb, wlyi; - .the',§ say, ",tied 'to his ~mother'S apron St - Hags ;".•••••ct such talk : nut eon duct.eKhibits. th e lOwc.t.n i all- eoWar dic,;,HoWards,4.iceausie they its'..4 afraid of ti'l Ol'inions 4 a :en' n-19'i - -• 1 1 b 6 .3'si while they sacrifice the gout' Opinion of ail ; true:friends.' Others I. have I. l'iff`x R, who:were tethatned or u patch on :*heir clothesi mid, blosimit '`to' tat see!i,_ per fortnnig intißupt labor, ;aid would nut for Viie•'iioraf Carry a liai); or laind le, as tho' any all•-of the:to had any thing to r i do. , with . ' char:Joie'. -i't - you have I.Pde m I;oftge, ,‘•.),ii -w iti ht:ver blush to liee . o! , :c , ed iii ally loole , st.- eos ploy rfailt ~, ___alCd2d.c.6--isil‘i- - i tecor din g - -to your work- and means; lint. ytai . Will be ashamed I.4e_ caught in -tow, vicious curnpany,.or_ doing' or saying a ..'Jneari thing:: ! ". . , . Nel:Teriboaßt• of your courage or prow ess—those. Who hrag, : the loudest, -al ways run I,:r um t tii;ipreskaice or real and unavoidable 'danger; I zlntl, 'above an, never.be afraid or aQiettneil to follow the counsels of your mother. She i- your hest, your never: failing friend, mid you should irave the courage to sdio.v to all l Idle liopi, _told every 010., that you rc. spent and love_her....A.Lesist. .iniu•stiee and opiTi•esFlon tol he itonost, but-avoid unnecessary e.3postires to (pan rels and /langers, for in the cottr,z3 of .\ - our ii vi.!:., l , orti will meet, with enough Peal danger 10 exhibit. all - the emu'age nil skill 1 you ina2,-command ; :11014,y-ettlt i vat Inv; ~ now, a ealm, fcarless z;pirit, and ,1 , 11 . - , re:ipeet s -you - way eventually iwedmo a ' great ble;-iites to your Irietek. and conntry. AN 01.0 leittENo. EFFEcr otit t SmoKtNo ON Bovs.---Dr. Decaisne, (Bull. (-le». de -Then in the course of investigations on the influence of tobacco on the circulation, being 'struck with the large nnmbor aged frommtne to fifteen, Who smoke, has been led to enquire intil the connec tion of his habit with impairment of thp general be.dth. lie has observed thir ty-eight boys aged from nine to fifteen, who smoke more or less. Of these dis tinet symptoms were present in twenty-- seven. In twenty-two there were va, rious disorders of the circulation—m.la de souffle in the neck, palpitation, dis orders 'of digestion, slowness of intellect, told more or less marked taste for strong drink. In three the pull was Inter mittent— In eight-there was found on examination more- or less marked di minution of the red corpus les, in twelve there was :rather frequent ep taxi ; ten had ilistfilted sleep; and four had slight ulcerations of the mucus membrane of the mouth, which disap peared on ceasing from. ,the use of -to bacco for some days: In children who were very.well nothlshed, the disorder was in general less marked. As to the ages, eight of the boys were from nine to twelve . Years old ; nineteen from twelve to fifteen. The duration of the habit of smoking was, in eleven from six months to a year, and in sixteen more than two years, The ordinary treatment of All tEmira in general pro duced no effect as long as the smoking wits continued, when this was , desisted from, health was sopu_ perfectly restored ; if there were no jaleAfecliiYll Journal. Fowt P INTS OF A CASt. 2 --AO Eastern editor say.. -that a man got himself into trouble by marrying two wives. A Western editor.replies by assuring his cotemparFy that a good many men in that section had undergone the same thing by marrying one. . A Northern editor retorts that citiqe number of • his acquaintances found trouble enough by barely promising to marry, without going any further. A Southern editor retorts that a friend of his was bothered enough when simp ly found in company with another• man's wife. -A :Missourian informed ati'aveller who inquired abOut his corn, that each stalk had nip° ears on itiall.ft t v•rry i :a", high. 1 nothing to our corn," replied the traveller. "Up, in Illinois, where I came from, we always had nine ears to each stalk, and a peck of shelled °sun. hanging to cart,- MAO, a ire could never raise anylield beans with it." • hy ," ' "Because the corn grew so fii.t that it, always pulled the beans up !" • An editor wrote a lgadiug art i•lo nn the fair sex, in the course of heh he said,: , ",Girls of seventeen or eighteen are fond of beaus." When the paper was issued he was. rather shocked to discover that - 0 uncegtunate ty pow a ph teal error had made him s4x . ,"flicla_at seventeen or eightilelliifffim a o f JElon".u.s sacs he has seen a great deal about railways -carrying "passengers through without .ebange," and a- lie was a little "short the other day, thought he would try. it. Tlni experi ment resulted hi his being put, oil' in- a ditch, and he Acelares there'.4 nu bee lieving anything- that the new:,papers say. DRINg..--Before you, acquire a task for whisky, insure your life and take farewell ofyour family. The cer tain death which.,3vhisky brings is only a question of time ) . He is alway , , near ing surely down upon his victim, like a strong man arnfed, and collies inevita bly as fats of 'taxes. Whisky has w ined more,men than war, pestilowe or famine. Adversity ov_ere•ua4s-The briglitet glory, and, willingly- - undergone, the greatest virtue., Never cross abridge before yoNi come to it; this will_ save you, htilf the troubles of life. WEtat,!Boßo 1 - w. A. STONE; Principid, Miss S. D. ilarrsii;" Preeeptrese, Mits. A. B. EASTMAN, Teacher of Afttio. ' C.ALENDAVr 7 6.It "1805-9. Winfortertircoramenee4 Nor„ 20, cloo.c.s Febronry DS. / ming tertu commencee March let, and Oaken .11crco 4, .'• EXZENSHS Pim TERM. --•- • :Primary Department 4,5,00 Common Euash, „4,0, nigher F•gglisli ..... ... - sl,ter ',Languages and lligher Mathetnatteo,.. " 94,00 Instratuental Manic " .$lO.OO Drawing - $,OO 'Each Term to chntiutto fourteen week.. Bilk due,: ow) haltfiret - day hf : terzn, renwintier to midrib., of tertn;'. No deduction matio'fit tuition exceet. for Aid: ness:— N ono but 12 oblmon'sjsl:ll lienuttler are u3ecl. Studente , ••otientering, nterequeattt to rrgiater their nainos to. ' gethcr With the studioA they atilt to incrbue, and lacy ono-hallo( their tuition. ' Boar d proolire d at reagrilabio rates,in the village: • By or d,, of tho Board of TRUSTEES. IVellaboro, Nor. ,I, 1868. VELZSBORO' BAIC.EI?Y. I T ILE FUBScTIBER having_ catabliabecilitif s c if in tho . - - ••••• •- • - ' In Glis villsgo, next floor to B. B. liiruball's Grocery, is trow.prepared•to eary-on - thi,buelnees In all its 'inflow branches. - I will keep con 'Aantly on hand an assortment of Brand, such a • LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER • • ‘.- "ifitTAIiIWATER DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS, • OYSTER OBACWERS, PIES, AND LUNCH, . „ . -- • -.• stall hours of the.day;;Sundayst excepted. 13y strict attention to bapinefs shall ondeavor to merit tho public patronage. _ . •• - - .. 'Cltit% VITEVINS. - Vir,elliborii; 'June. 24, 1869. . ;NEW WINTER GOODS & BARKER, WOULD -say to their friends and the public generally, that they are now receiving a splendid assortment of Winter ` I DRY GOODS, SHEETING'S, sill ItI'INOS, PRINTS, CLOTHS; •CASSI , IIIERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE 01.0- • Tgii - o f HA us & CAPS,. BOOTS prt) SHOES; also a largo and well selected stock of ... ._ . CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE,• STONE - WARE, KERO: SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ',We axe nblo 14. ofror our euptomerg the benefit tbo LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the New-York - Irfnritet, otir.S . - toClChaiing been Purchased since the great decline in Goods. TOLES & BARKER IVellbboro, Nov. 18, • PACIFIC liorrET_ A N 170, 172, 174, el-176 ORBEArreirrr qr - THE UNDERSIGNED takes pleas ure in-annoUncing to his nurnetous friends and patrons that from this date, the charge of the Pacific will ho $2,50 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this House, and there fore free from the too common exaction of an inordinate rent, ho is fully able to meet the downwitrd tendency of prices without any falling off of service. It will now, as heret6fOre, be his aim to main Min undiminished the favorable reputation ..of the Pacific, which it has enjoyed for many years, as one of the best of travelers hotels. The table will be bountifully atiErplted frith every delicacy of the senron;* The attendance will be found efficient and obliging. 1 5.., • Tho location will' be -found convenient for those whose; business calls them in the lower part of the city, being ono door north of Cort— land Street, dad one block west of Broadway, and of ready. access to all Rail Road and Steam boat Lines. . Dee. 2,1888-8 m JOHN PATTEN. HE subscriber has fitted up the rooms .ad joining D. P. Roberts Tin and Sroyo Store for tho manufacture and sale of CIGARS, (all grad;s), Fancy and Winnon rS' A IGKIN4 TUB ACC 0, Michigan Fine Cut 7'LtT TOBACCO, PIPES, and the choi M=ME 'fi.sfs - • Call and see for yoursolvor. JOHN W. PURSEL iVollrboro, Nov. It, ISl3S—tf.- THE LARGEST STOCK OF TN Tioga County, and the Cheapcs:t place to buy in tbo world. Agent for• L. BOLLES d CO'S HOSE; ' Binghamton, - and • Mansfield, Nov. 25, 186S-ly. G. B. KIFF TO FARMERS I • ELK RUN PLASTER.—We hereby certify that we have used the Plaster manufactured by Champnoy k, , Bernauer, at thOir works - On Elk Run, in ()nines totinship, and wo believe it to be equal if not superior to the Cayugs.-Plaster - David Smith S M Conabla s A P Cono Mli Cobb II E Simmons J Bornalter G W Barker Asa Smith . E Strait" _Davin-- Albert King John C Miller JII Watrons W IL-Wotrous, -L L Marsh' It M Smith 0 A'Stnith - " H M-Footo J D Strait. P C Van Odder J J Smith Jared Davis J F Zimmerman- - C - L King L L Smith. N. B.—Plaster always on hand at the Mill.— Price $5 per ton. 'Nov. 4, 1868. MIIE Subscriber, being abolit to go west, of -1: fent for sale at a great bargain to the pur chaser, the following property, to wit : Ono hun ared acres of land, situate about 4 miles-South west of Westfield Boro, on Potter Brook Road— seventy-five acres improved, the balance good hemlock and hard timber, with good sugar bush, hnod apple orchard, good frame barn 'and log ouse thereon. The farm well adapted to (buying purposes, having a plenty of living wa ter'on all parts. For terms, call on the subscri ber on the premises, or address him at Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa. Oot. 7, 1868. _ _ WILifBR BAIBB,B IFTT - OOP SKIRTS, at PIAUI PAID POE WOOL, BUTTER AND CREIZSR, by C. L. WILLCOX. Juno 17,1868. FAO) laY BAKING BUSINESS. CRACKERS, SITGAR..,, Olt tietEߧ.,.. , -: • (NO. 5, UNION 8L0CK.).., ,-„ such ETC,. DTC., ETC Ifew Yolk New Tobacco Store ! CHEWING, ,and all kinds of cest Brand of CIOARS c) ELMIRA SAW FACTORY, Elmiiv.; N. E STOVES SOLD ON TIME Farm for Sale 1 De LAND A 00'S. Instiranace Agency. WYOMING INSURANCE CO., WILKES-BARRE, PA C. Sutra, SeC'y. W., S. ROVirPree. W. T./41AD, KED, V. P. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $150;000. THIS is tho company for which Theodore Hatfield was lately agent, and policy hold ers who wish to renew their Insurance are re quested to apply to the subscriber. ... ~ - Girard Fire Insurance Co., PJiTlr ;.• • ; • c. J. 13.`AivOith, TEOILAS CRAPEK. President. Secretary. A. S. GILLETT, V. " BE Capital $200,000, All paid up in Cash,.:. • ills Piet' Itekoiiii: Contiiientar; Company, OP TUE CITY or_NEw.:youK, MEE Cash = .- $500,000,00 Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1868, 1,814,590,81 'Cash Assets, do I 1,814,590,81 iiiiY i -PoliolOSitnitt6l a this • GEORGE T. HOPE, President. - ' 11:11::LAMPORT,Irice President. CYRUS PECK, Secretscrn Tho subscriber takes this method of informing the public, that he hos the agency-of the-above Companies, and will be found at his office over Roy's Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office. JNO. MITCHELL. Wellshoro, : Pa., Feb. 26,1868-tf. Stoves: Stoves!! MR. WILLIAM 'ROBERTS liege to I N- 1 - announce to the citizens of Tioga 'County, that in addition to - his - oxe - ellenf stockof Stores, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on MA [N STREET, -WELIABORO, with a compleke assortment of Shelf hardware of which we e it:Berate the following ' articles: NAILS;"-SP ICES, 'CROWBARS, X CUT MILL; HAND AND BUCK: SAWS, BUTTS, ,STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, ' AUGERS, BITTS. •BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS SIIEtVELST - SPADESTTORKS, - -- BENCH-SCREWS, wooz i acAElvAigtn*.rmtrE.l-1,4i- PIPE BOXES, AXLE TIMES, ELLIP TIC. SPRINGS; HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN, POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND, STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, ' PISTOL CARMIDGES,----- - - POWDER - AND OAPS. PATENT BAHNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, aiid made for use. These are but a few of the many; articles . composing our stook of Hardware: ' ,"' • We invite_ the public to call and examine for themselves. We._ainx to kaep the best quality of goods in our line ; and ail work to order done promptly and well. ,WILLIAM ROBBRTS• • Wellsboro,Sei) t : 1 0. 8,66,-tf For doing a family washing in the best an t i: cheapest manner. Guaranteed aqua! to anyln. the world f Has all the strength of old rosin I I soap with the mild and lathering Etalitlea , af". genuine Castile. Try this splendid iiOla. by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORK ;ilB lictilbt. Front Street, Philatlelphifi.:. :: . Sept 2, 184114'k_, Important Facts. SINCE Salutifbr is now-being 'used in tbous ands of families tbo folic:Airing facts aro im portant to be known. • FlRST—Though it is the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet it is so compounded, as. Vsi be safe and harmless. It is of such.a natureileat it may be handled acid ' used by children, and persons who are ignorant of Medicines. SECOND—It is found - that - Salutifefifill relieve severe pain in any part of 'the - body sooner than any other application.. Tutan—lt is important that the bottle bo well corked, if left open only a few minutes it loses strength. . Fouturn—This asoftq remedy can bo obtained from almost every dealer in medicines. ; ATTENTION FARMERS! PRING has come, and thoso desiring full 1,0 - harris can bare them by 'buying 3Prlvis - ter at tiro Alin of I. Charaphey.t'Co.,"ivlileh wo aro selling at $6 nor ton at our nifil on Elk Run.= All kinds of Pradiano-tikkeir-in — vrehatlge for Plaster. Giro as a call. • CIIAMPNEY dr, CO. Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March 26,.ls6ar6m* YES' YES l YES ! 1111 R. WILLIKIIMit; CO.; have gotlhe best, I . largest and cheapest stock of Drugs, med. icines;Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff, Drushei, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Yankee _ No. tions, Perfumery, Toilot prip, Xislitng:Taokle; &c., &c., over brought frith - this county. They will positively sell everything in theirlinecheap er than can bo bought elsewhere._ iThiry bought their goods in largo quantities and for nett bash, and can and will poi cheaper than any other es tablishment in this' ' minty. Call and examine stock and prices. P. It. WILLIAMS & CO. M May 9, IS No. 3, Union Block. in FOR SALE CHEAP. l elegant now open Buggy. 1 gocond hand -L open bu gg y. 1 second band top bu gg y.- 1 sulkoy. I two horse lunber,wa g on. WRIGHT dt BAILEY. iL J.. THOMPSON, LEIANSPIF:LD PA) • BL ACK SMIT has-Oro - and - Tifripaie to do all kinds of work in his line with prontpt-. nese, and Inn workmanlike manner. Ile acmes at excellence in his trade. Mansfield June 3, 1868-Iy. LAMPS.—A new kind of lamp for Kerosene no breakage of ckimPols—at FOLEY'S. MIES 100 1 000 - - Pott-d§-.(itiriiM fPIIE subsesiiers' pay'- Oasis; Full-Cloth; Cassimeros Flannels, dm., ho., for Wool.—. They also manu facture as usual— TO ORDER, Off, ON SHARES, to suit customers. Ali* work warranted as rep. resented. They invite particular attention to their Water Proof I which arc werranted in every respect. Partica lar attention given to ROLL , CARDING g5 -CLOT Twenty years experience in the business war rants them in expecting a generous patronage No shoddy Glottis made. 4114an04,4:i0., at Wellaboro, are agents ttle: l 94lo oford ' • ' f r •-`) • JOSEPH :INGHAM BONS. Deerfield, May 13, 1888-4. 'S 4.,V- I-N-O-S - o mai*. *zszi GARDN : • - • 1 , - -•- CiaBbißt - 'ititi PROVISION STORE, OLD sayl l ng that a penny eavod is a penny earned;justitlos GARDNER in naming his establishment a Savings. Dank_ __Zeenomx,Jp - WealthpialattatWl4 rely*: ihostimaamo I bay's' forgottelqitbd it .11 economy to trade where the of high pric without ,reF lasses,' i►'ish Canned Fru for family fall of the arkets, an advantage duly, appre elated by pyrykody,excepting only those'verdunt T NNOOENTS who 'prefer IPROMMING TO PAY one hun dred per co t. profits to the seller, to PAYING twenty-fiVe per cent. cash on delivery_ of the goods. I shall offermyt• dtefslt:,Of ,gocidk ttt.: fair prices t uf' EVERY INDAY, EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY S _ EVERY EVERY FRIDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, and 1111. u p -as fadt as I sell Wellaboro,'Juno 12, 1867 Now is .Your.Tame.to T_TAV.WG more goods 'than is, necessary, for thiErmarket, I will soil 'My entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE,- AND FAN CY GOODS,' AT • 0. - •' $3;50. ( 98ge s e e - -. • ' - 1,7 0 . -4 American Watches in gutting Cases at $l9, Finer Movement ,in heavier Cases, at oor respondinglylovr priec , Plated' Attere ht Man. .1 • ufaeturers' prices. ' THIS 1$_14 4 1:141IIMBU C 4 BUT 'A VER ITABLE SAL:I Calland see foi yoursetf " " Wellaboro, April 2?, FOLEY. Stot43` A7,.:.:1141.4-ii-lears Good people ail, both_ great endAnsall,—.if you want to keep rt you must haTe enough to,au dry, waoa,, a' good wife, wall-behaVed ohildyezi, and to QV:MD all, a • - Thiklastrand crowning good, I have at my Tin and Stovo establishment, oppositelßoy's 03locir, ,Wellebtiro, and its name iti'the HOME COMPANION ; on:3llZhando i Litted to bo • equal to any in tho world. TIN "Wf RE ,MADE TO ORDER, promptly,and warranted to give satisfaction executed in the beet manner and with diepatch 7 •`• , , Publife- Itetient. -A - 101171 , 711 (hi, useful improvemente uf tbe,day, there are .14* ~:that, itioreijithibiti of good, few so well ada r Elqd3t6golia,V,ll itil T etif.:. fering, few so well'approved by tin pitylltr,as Hatt now and powerful remedy callerffallitlfer (or as the German people call it Healthbringer). It gives ease and comferk;kl Akti poor sufferer from Neuralgia - 413C.TiEolitnati[10_3 1 : kid;.-brings speedy relief to that elapi'prAlleascs that arc often cured and always benefited by an out ward application. ) , For sale by all Druggist c ; , Wholesale Depot DAY; J 19110410 (lc sTx- GnR, No'44 Courtin& St. New York. T O L A W. Y, BANKRUPTCY BLANKS hi fall setts, at -•' iIOOKSTORE. 'WASHING MACHINE JAS. M , WILKINSON, of Oheirlesto'n,having purchased the right to Make-and vend the H. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga hereby gives notice that the machines are being made at-Van Horn's Cabinet factory, Wellaboro, where they may be proimred. . ' , • ' The beat, cheapest,.and most sensible machine overltivented'. June 24, 1808—tf. 200 Bushels Timothy Seed. 100, bushels Clover seed, choicest kinds Wanted. I=B c/ansaimma c i ISMS B , AN 11- MEE IT : 71 THE , ,Tf Ir.- rmoro :: it kr at I e is being prozeouted with vigor and -lean gall Sugars, eae, go. Pork,"Flpui~- Corn Meal,-Coffees, ts, Sfilde's, 'and everything intended e, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE AND L. A. 'GARDNER FOR? THE MILLION. , PEACE IN TIIE TOP= cool op STOVE! REPAIRING CALL AND SEE ME. MI It I QBEILTS ugh, Nov. 21, 184. --WRIONT - * BAILEY 1 ~ ,I , SEM I:) ER • DRUGS; MEDIOME§, -PATENT .211ED= , lOIN S . titINTS,.OII4B;‘WIN7'' . • ; DOW GLASS,' % PUTTY; ' ' ' Erave - oome down to olaTiicesat MEE AAT 04 1 3,..114 iiepitatp to: say .thafvra . Largest Stook of P IT R E L BNO.L.ISH ,;„ fiTtN - 1 1 MEDICINE& • u - FANO ARTICLES; •:TOIPST SOAK'; CLOT .114:Flitr - 0619V-`t kOP - margatt ktitinfAs, wimp 4 ,L IQUORS,, EVE:6 "OUGHT: INTO: iTHIS MARSE - • • • 1411 i hrivit also th'e Largist:SNalt of PAINTS OILS,' GLASS_, AND PUTTY, Pure White- LeeAL Pure , Whito,_- Ztre3o4iralee4 Oil. Coaoh.Vouirtish, furniture low Oehrep-.V.onet4m, Aled.; !Atom° Y4),)'''< , *; . , 14v(i.011145fue -Green . ; :Ptudeltin - 131u,e,;: :;•*- PateriVirrAr 7 lieeker • Spanish Whiting, Paris Whiteatalsomino, Rosin; Tar, Log Wood, Finite, brazil Wood, cam wood,: Redwood, •- Piltash,J Patty; ' Aloo f Bohol, Remole; 13bitits"Til4nentiria, • ' And Kerosene Oil, Paint and Varnish qirnelios . ,-. '- • • Which we will 5011,25 per cent. cheaper than any other establishment in the county.. In;ahart, sve have' . everyt.-thing-eireti-lieptin a first class , . DRUG and all wo ask is for you to call and examine our stock and prices before_buying— elsewhere. Re member wo can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no sale. P. R. WlLLremo, P. R WILLIAMS & Co J. L. I/Fatuity. : Nir.'B7l - 4nlo Mak, Welleboro,linie 26, 1867. Paint for Fargionranillitliare. THE GRAFTON MINERAL. PAINT CO. are now manufacturing - UV teat; 'Cheapest and meet Durable Paint in use_i_trmanata well pit on, mixed with puirtiniied Oil, will last 10 15 lroars; it is of a light brown or. .beautiPal :hocolate color, and can . ,bri ;Wan • ed,..tflollgat cc - Ina consumer. It it v aluable for Noises, 3arne, Femme, Carriage and Car maker., Pail. Wooden•ware Agricultural Impletnents, canal Vesse l. and Ships' Bottoms, Can* va_s o l Metal and tShin RoofS, (it'beltig Eire and LWritoi prooft;),Plbor_ on • Cloths,. (one mtitrutao. rarer having veed 5,000 bblis,ltakei3tisCjeafj•and and as a paint for any purpose ifv,uustuilussk'dlor body, durability, alastinity and, idhealreness.— ?rico $8 per barrel of 300 supply a'farmer for years to come, Warranted in all oases as abo_yo._ _Send for a circular which glees, full particidars. :Nene •genutie branded_ in a trade mark; Gratifton hiliersil sons can orde: the Paint, and' Wink'. the, Money 'on receipt of the geode. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, • June 3,1888-8 m :;",",' 254 Pearriltr•Neir2FOrle. I= A. V. .AYERS! 3.Marble" =110:16.40x) rwtere"gupwlaiY c s o ld n e sta l t New York City LY on mind, a good assortment of ORANLTE i IK9NUMENTS • $ • out at the celebrated Quiney'and Coniord Qum. rtes, shiped - direct,to , his order; .abso, a Spit tat sortuient. of =add State - 20144, Coal Grates, Marble Shelve., Braokats, AO:, as cheap as can be bought In the State. All orders will receive' my personal attention. ,Shop and wire! rooms on water stresit,:iLfow doors . belokr Ayea Jewelry Store, Elmira, N. N. July /90868 7 0 m, A. W -AYERS. 2E3 ,Scales Sdaler! &ajeti- 7• PRE Buffalo Platform .Scalep, all co sizes, for heavy, and counter - nie, ay be found at the Hardware Store of Wm. Roberts, Wellaboro. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat cut and haVe no'snieilor anyrbefe: are madeia the best style and have taken the'prenal; utn at all the great exhibitions. I have the eel° ageticy for these 13,oales in this _ rogion. • •, WILLIAM ItO)3FILTS. Wellshoro, Feb. 12; 1988. Tin undersigned offers for Salo on reason. able- terms, a valuable farm, situated in Clhat haM Township, Tioga County, P 0.,. on the. direct, road from-Knoxville to "_Keeneyville, six 'miles from the formbr places, containing 150 acres, up, acres improved. .-A good , friiMatortso;targe hay barn and shod, and a good horse barn, also two good apple-drohards. Well ,watered -.and: well adapted to dairying. Any ',orie desir ing a good: farm and ploasaiitlierite well to apply to ' • VANDUSEN. Sept. 2, 1868-tf. NEW MANAGEMENT; AND NEW GOODS. THE UNDERSIGNED at 11;o old stand. of Vise:ter (4,-, Randall are' ieoeipt.af.a FRESH p:IT gIOODS •- . ' Bought arthe very lowest sales within the last few days which they ofrer,to thepnbilo for ready pay, at a i tsdvanco .frnm :: :!few York:cost Chriskiting le part of ' , Dry Goods, Groceries, HatdOre, Crock ery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, In fact eicrything usually kept in:& vtountty Store.•' - eXamit*.,,„,gau.ls-.and--pricairh; 'resdectfully ionafria: - All kinds of produce tak. on in exchange at tho market rates. J. 13.1)12diriNAt CO; Niles Valley, Nov. 18, 186.8-4-ff." 11:1 1 211. - Visilt AS. E. R. KIMBALL has just, returned M from the oity with a larger and finer stocker MILLINERIt I adOig , than she ever offered for !the 'Fall and - Winter trade before, .Cnotomers are requested to call at her new shop, one door above the Presbyterian Church, Main street, Wellsboro, and examine for themielves. Oot. 21, 1868.-2 m. , QACHING for hops,' iiooti;itility 25 6ts:,POr : yircl - k)i at • re LAM? - .V CO'S • Oct. 12. FITOWB ABDOMINAL • SUPPORT. RRE3, for saltiat Roy's Drag Skorg. . - QASI( PAID FOR WOOL by Jiini /7,1868. D. P. *QXERTIL 7:4t - :) Uei !ME 11•1 MERE PERFUMPB ,r 1 Such as MEE Farm fol. Sale. . M T'o BUY SELL, IS, 0171? AITE win market price, VT.;ltheiollow!ng - artioles. . - SOti t _tP-• ~ D EACON PBER FURS,' inpzs; axn YEAL:SKINS, - • ' for which we w w i r l , l al r tiurto . r i i' o 4+ ooll, '; eig - rep ' home : 1 nor oxid @“l"4°''4.ll to .114PAIRIN4Fe:Ii, :11.57De#R°04), a4tigitlop. C L S 0 We baii tifirst4e:te'sfeek bf REABY-MARE= 'MORK -• `:tinitiaa ifiiiol not 44 , 14. trsoi4,4l:nd-frottrthiii 'tide wd ihalf point AC! pp up trite:bust stook or . . . Lobe found IA ,00uniy r ividoli.vicliviit sin At loweiprofft•tbansueli,arpeleS Dace over ,been offered , rejeart:'. • ,.• • . • We /410 assortment of LARFECIIIIILMORALS; . L T.H ER BOOTRES;:.: I OHIORUN.'S -4/it. • -- 4 116 0_ , VAtAir ,AtiOUS7STY , LE . ,.%;:, - • and di iiii4 r ozatragfikAi r- oRiC., - MEM ,Z,EATHE:.Ck" can kolikkaUt 41 dirieohosiroo . any *limo tkto. old, offiraw Mirk; sn4 iri shall keeps AM stook of . itittikt 1 ALF, 'PRENoIi tip, OP- PER, SOLE,_LININGS, : . iND - . Our stock ofl'iffej; ltAfta, THREAD, AWLS; RAPS, OLOYERS' ITORDLES, LASTS, •TRIMB,-; ASER I'ALP - 8 ) •=1440 ' SwaearArgirs :2 , s wit PIPD/Nat - Warbe farina ,the gbat In the ciodity;:iind we soli for small priAto., • • :We talk business and we mean badness., We buys , ! ven,ln this regiot•long , eneughz to bowell knoin-4et,those whd: know us tryus.. porner of Mal Wand Grafton .streetsi orrnosito Win,",Roh. °dß' " • Cr:V: snAitA, , • GEO., DERBY.. WolielQic!ke, 4i:4 0;24,.1862.1L • • • • 1868,. ‘iiifticiiiti BAILEY. - - 1868. WBor_m_x_te_n u ccili s is year with an exclusively o Sri b al i eo CASH . PAID FOIirIEAT ' CASH PAID F OATS 1 CASH PAID FCI* CORN ! • CASH FOR EVERYTHING 1 I A LARGE STOCK OP FLOOR FOR A LARGE STOOK OF' FEED FOR ' CASH 1 ME A LARGE 'STOOK OF PORK FOR Call and see ua: WRIGHT & BAILEY 9;1887-ly. . . . . All pornone-fpdebtod to' us, by .note-or , book account,mtittllrond . retog - pripsy goats. Jan. 8, , -1861k 2 -' • - warcruzA, . t WEI,T}Q4, k'QIINI3RY A.ND 4 _ ms-irrocured addliroval 9E " . e nee 111 -1 174 i'i.n—b . now to tarnish to order all sorts of. . - CASTINGS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLELD ROLLRR S,, - MILL GEARING, ,:,' SLEIGH-SHOES, WOO D .; - SAWING ZdAOHINES, ' . , Ake.; &b&. - . ' ' : WOOJJWIJRTII PLANER, for custom and jai' work, We are also prepared to do • sLirzaTiit .irc. zionoLi SAWING Raving, a firat-olaaa acimr.onttiag• Lathe, we • :prepared to. m4s C.ETEESE,"IVIESS SCREWS, to odder. Ifitildgre ; q• Ohm* Fsetoitee *rare 'quilted to examine Doorwork. We mantlfhotture the Champion Plow, otko'of the flout tmplemente In the market. Corti paid for OLD IRON. • CHARLES _WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. WeDebora, May 15, 1867—tf. Groom's , and Provision Store, d■ L■ XLIX ,j WROLEBALE AND RETAIL DEALER ,in all kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, - ,LiquoTs and FOREIthsI & 'DOMESTIej 'GREEN & • OA NNE. .FRUITS AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, itc., - A full and complete assortment of the above =optioned goods, of the best utility always on band; Particular att paid to Pine Groceries. Majors and Co • =era will •ilnd it - to their in terest.to e his Stock before buying. ~ Corning, . lfmthll,lB6B,. THE largest titsottirtent 7iiratolieb, Clocks JOW!lty,and Plata Waie in Slogs county at - Dideein • SOLEIre.A BMINESS..! CASE I CASH MACHINE " SHOP. SUCH 4.13 We have also to - order. CORNING, N. Y. DR / iED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, °ROOKERY . WARE, W4OIAHLE - I DRIIG,.STQRL C3OItNIN , ; ( 3i-, N. y.' y' T I MIS AND MEDICWS:PAINTS JLN , AND OILS, THADDEUS .DAVIDS' INKS; KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, I IRE ELL'S FLUID, r x. TRACTS; , , __ BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FL4iTORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENVMEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING =TRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS,- WHITEWASH LIAM& :AND DYE ' COLOR S ; • AGENTS -POR MARVIN & CO'S •RE • ' FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Bayern are requested to call and gat quotations before.golng further east. W. D. TERBELL & CO earning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1888-•ly 1868. FOR SALE. 1868; B. 0. WICKHAM, AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, arid ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees tare composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any ono wishing to got a supply will do well to call and see my stook before pur chasing elsewhere. , Ffelivered _at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28,1888-Iy* le L 4 .7.1. 7 Z d " n n - .Z w to , I, CI". B cc P. Cr 4 .4 ill - 0 " IN CD 2 - 4 ' 0 0 .::: 01-4 'SCI 0 •-• . - ; 1 4 '"' ' 7 : h t r.: ° • 1 . 4 ri,. t a .0R CO § ' ,NW 0 - l '' El WI 1g: (111 Fi - 0 4 14 - 0 Er ci: ep, 4 p ei 00,, ~., 41 &" 0 -a i la.a 0 * t i COP . -,, CO m i ff, 0 'O2 WI Et O 0 4 ttco ...• . , 13 . 2 0G - ,! . 0... 0 a• i .. . 4- - 0 0 it .. ig...._ 0- a w NB . 't To Owneis of Horses and Cattle. fronts , DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE ' warranted superior to any others, or DO ,pay, for the oars of Distemper, Worms, Rots, Coughs, Hide bound,Colds, de., in 'gorses; and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, dc., in Cat tle. They aro perfectly eats and innocent; no need of stopping thelvorking of your animals.' They increase the appetite, lye a flue coat, cleanse the stomach and urinaryorgans; also Increase the milk of cows. Try them, and you will never be without them. Ilirain Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has used them for 'years, anerecommends them to his friends.. Col. Philo. P. Rush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordlttn, N. Y.. would not use them until he was told of what they are composed, since which he Is never without them. He has over twenty running horses in his charge, and for the -last three years has used no other medicine for them. /10 has kindly per mitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 other Were/Ices can bo seen at the depot. Sold by Drnggists and Saddlers. .Prico 25 Cents per box. Depot, 68 Oortlandt Street, New York. • (Feb. 10] To the Farmers of Tioga Courityi- T AM now building at my manufactory, in Lawrenoe 1, villa. a superior FANNING _MILL, wbiohpossosses tho following advantages °car anal or mills: 1. It separates onto, rat litter. and foul sceds : had chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. .9, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill . This mill Is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold asap for cash, or pro duce. I will flu a patent stove, for separating oats from wheat,to other mills, on reaconablo terms. J. II MA.THER, , ,Octobor 10, "18684 f Lavirrencovit 0 I ' 'i ' co -Plc:a-to Pia T HE lI4NES BROTIIERS PIANOES te universoOly acknowledged to be the CheopeVt FIRST-CLASS PIANOS MADE Bvery Piano ie warranted for five years. Sold by Mansfield, o:et. 14 UNION ACADEMY. IKA T OXVI.IZE TIOGA C 0.,. P 4 FACULTY: ItILIAS HORTON, Principal. MRS. ADA W. MORTON, Preeeptress. Miss MIRA MORTON, Assistant'. Miss AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. OALENDAR FOR. 1867-8. Fall Term Commences Sept. 3(1, Winter Term Nor 20th, Spring Term Feb, 18th, 1868. ' EXPENSES PER TERM. 1 Primary Department ! $5 00 Common English ' • 000 Higher English '' 700 Languages and Iligher Mathemattra .. 8 00 Instrumental Music, extra 10 00 Vocal-Mask, extra__ ! 1.00 Drawing, extra • 3 00 • Room R en t• 2 60 Board per meek... 0 _ 3 b 0 knorrille, Arlgnat 14,1887-tt. • Brick for Sale. • , 12500 0 GOOD BRICK for 8010 nt is the yard opposito the Come. tory, Wellabor°, by - IRBIL MARGRAIT. set. 10, 1868-8= 7 . . M tl 'V 0 i 0 ;:, 3 0 V, o 0 2 ; 4 ‘ l'"t1 z „v 0 o-4 • :i ig ZAB o ti 1 Q 132 o I P?d Am. " Z hid P-4 , 1:1 =I IMEI ',5, :1 INI - 0 1 g' ••• ••• •• . . : 44 ot - cc. L'. ea w c. 4 a ,!.41 - .C> 0 0 NV CO C.IN 0 0 CrZ C.O p ..F.O GD G.: • • • • ' • !J") MAC O. HOYT LINOS itl, l ,ri.'JC RAVEL. ERIE RAILWAY . On andafter Nlooday f Nov.-213d,-113tB, tiult , . volt toavoCorolugs t about tho following bourc WESTWARD ool:YD, 0:21a In Night 4xprese, Sundayuescepted, for. num& dalatnauca,und Dankiricona4cing direct connectiu, with trainirof the Atlantic & Great Weetern,l.l., dhore,andOrandTrunk Hallway B,forullpolutii Welt 8:42 a.in.,Niglagspress,Daily,for Buitalo.tlaiarnaac.. Dunkirk and tho West,connectlng as above. 1160 a. in., Night Express, Sundays excepted, for I; 04tvr and auttelo, via Avon. „ ' ' 10:09a.m.01011TraInd3undays excepts& for Butte& and MaliMi " . 1 ... - , • ._ 1:45 p. M.Raitirdor4 Express, Rurality; excepted, ha itocLester and Dupla; via Avon. • i 7:88 p. m.. Day Express, S andays excepted for Bufh,),, Salamanca, ,lintaftrk and the West, connecting at at salaManca %MS the Atlantic and Great Weston. Railway; at Butillio & Dunkirk with the Lake Shot u Railway, for ail points west and south . • , • • 7;46 p in Day Expres4,l3undays exceptgti,tor /Watt/it z 12:86 a.m.; Exprena Mal I ,Staidayboxcepted for Bull to, Salamancu,attil Dunkirk.counectfpg witL train, for the West. 1.80 p m Way Freight, Sundeis excepted . CO p.m., Eixillsrab t t rid Li, Daily, for the jest. 'II4.II2WAIIDBOUND • 12:43 a. m., Ni ht Express, Vaily, Mott days excepted connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, - Harrisburg and the tiontb,..autt e-Ncw_ York--wttliLwfternoon trattis-and-Stetanteriff,OFlloaton d - .Naar England( 4• a. m.,Cinclontiti E 4; ilondalLs-exseptetl. cox.* at Elmira for Canaitddlgen, atlitnglismtkla -,for 1 3374 = cure, at Great Bout for Scrantois; o,t.Lttekawer en lot Hawley, and at Jersey Vty..trith' • tuldntglit - F-Ipseis Trainor New Jersey RR; clad for Elitlddelplifi . ,ita more and - Washington, , - m., Day Zipreisfgunflaymacetdeti,eiitinerltili. at Waverly for„TovraptiaLat.BlrighturGouror cure; at Groat=-Bend ' tor BCrtin ton, p.t.18 nu LackatniXtri for Honesdale; at fpr.Vn_istrkve i d. at Jersey City with midnight expydis - train for , New Jersey Railroad for PhiladelpltM •!,- 10.30 a mAccommodation Train daily, r edianTaipeat Owego fur Itheca - - 2:20 p. m,,Baltimore Express, Sundays! excep 4:35 p. In., New York and Baltimore Mall. SaisdayS ' e.t. I , eepted, connecting at Elmira for Cantoidalgtta I and at Waverly for Towanda 8105 p m Lightning Express Dully, connectinikat El•. mint for Williamsport, Harrisburg and thb •Soutts, gand at Jersey City with morning express -train-of s New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, -Ilaltimore ;and Washington - 12.16 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted- gar A. revised and complete "Pocket Time Tab&' of ' Passeng4 Trains on the I'rio Railway and , connecting Lines, has recently been published, and Can be procur. ed on application to,the Ticket Agent of the Company W3I. R. BARR, 11. RIDDLE. Can't Pass. Agent. Gate! Sup't Blosobarg & Corning, & Tioga R. R Tirana will run as follows until further notice: Accommodation—Loaves Bloseburg at 7,16 a. P.; Mai"' { field at 8,06. Tioga at 8,41 Lawrenceville at 9,82 , arrlvl - ut Corning at 10,40 a, in. ]Jail—Loves Blossbnrg at 2,00 p. tn., Mansfield at 2,40, Tioga at 3.18, Lawrenceville at 4,oo—arriving at Corning at 5 p. in. Mall—Loaves Corning at 8,00 a. in., Lawrenceville at '9,03, Tioga at /9,46,..51an5tie1d at 10,22—arriving at ' Illoss•burg at'll,oo a. In. - Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,40 p. to , Left) raneeville at 4,00, Tiogn at 4.66, Mansfield at 6 ; 30 era ring at Blotisburg at 43,16 p. tn.l L. 11. SHATTUCK; Ziup't • thorn Central R. R. TRAINS FOR THE NORTH'. i Trains for Cu Ilndaguip leave prnira as followa: itccomorlatiou ht. 7 tro a In Itxprenelfanteat rain on road] H 45 a It. &lan 0 /6 p ru Way Freight, [passenger coach attached] 7 10 a in On and after Nov. 21, 1887, trains will arrive ii, depart from Troy-, an follows; -' f 'LEAVE NOHTHWAR D. A 45 A.l .—Ba fly (except Sunday a) for Elmlia, BulTa • Ic4 Canandaigua, Rochester, Snip. Bridal) and thu Canadas. 10 66 P. 31..- - Eally (except Sundays) for Elmira and 11\tralo, Via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 1015 A. u.—Dally (except Sundays) fur Batatc.ure, Washington;Philadelphla, Ao. , 5 2,4 P. 31.—Dally (except Sundays) "fur Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia._ J. N. DVDARRY, ED. S. YOUNG Gen'lSupt.Harrlsburg, " Deng Pass. Aet Baltimore, Md. . , El Philadelphia & Erio R. R. On and after 310NDAY, Nov. 28d, 18438, Train: on thePlillacielphia Erie Railllozul will ruv as follou 5 Mail Tiaiu loave 4, ".. W illlutimpOrt., ~ " • arr. at Erie Erie E press Maros Philadelphia.. " ' “ Williamsport... ~ i ' arr. at Elie Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia... , 4 , Williamsport.. " arr. at Lock Maven , • i EASTWARD: — Mail Train Mares Eric 10 66 a in I" Wllliatnaport 12.65 pID " " arr. at I.l.llutiolyhi. 10.00 VI, al zrie Express leltVe3 Erie 0.25 p In " [ Williamsport 7.50 , a in " ," arr. at Philadelphia . 4.20 p m Mail and/Express connect with Oil Creek and Alls ghenyitiver Rail Road. -Baggage Checked Through. , ALFRED L. TYLER, Clen'l Sup':. Atlantic and qrroat TiTortorn U. W. SALAMANCA tiTATIO.N. WETTWARD BOIIND. EA3TWIED BOUND, Mall 6.10 Express..... 6.10 Accommodation 6,35 Mail 5 61. Express ' - 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 Express 11.00 Express . 0 - 6le . At Cory there is a junction With the Philtahaphia .S. Erie ' and Cli Creek Rail Roads. At Aleadvllle with the Franklin 'and' ,,, OH City and Pithele Branch. At Leavittsburge the Mallonlay Branch makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Itmerina connects with Cleveland and Pit tabu' gla Railroad. The Hoed pusses through Akron Ashland, Gallon, Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati.' L. D. RUCK R, Gea.-Supt., Meadville, Pa -Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN, AVING got his new eery in ciporation, JAL is now prepared to 11 orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of workmen ,skip. Having procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, ho is ready to (tress oards or plank withidisputch SCROLL•W RK & BRACKETS, I furnished to order. Els machines are of thelnew eat and most imps° ed patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wale, Ste, WELLS 130110, PA., Oct. '3l, 18136—tf. J. - STICKLIN, dhairmaker, Turner,. and furniture Dealer, QALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, 0 Main Street. FACTORY in Soars & Wil• Dams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wollsborui Jae 12, 1867. J. STICKLIN. MORE NEW 'GOODS! John, R l . Bowen, , 1 . Ts now receiving 71 14 - irge and complato wort '. ICI, nt of Pall 4.4 Winter Goods, bought since the late, decline In prices in New York, consisting of X:tur3?,r entrcoa:›elLiii;, Groceries, Hats & Caps, Bootsßoots & Shoes, VANKIpE NOTIONS, Particular attontl..n ib invited to our Stock of 1/5/3g l DEng aeon AND TRIMMINGS, Gaiters and Hoop kkirts ; also a nice line of TEAS; New Crop, very fine re:flueed prices, A fine assortment of Ladies FURS, very cheap, all of whilib will be sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. We respectlully invite all to call and examine my stock before purchasing ellewhere. Empire Store, No. 1 thition Block. Welliboro, Oct. 21,1808. WESTWARD 10.15 p m 815 a M ... 0.50 p m —11.50 noon ~. R. 50 p - ...10 00 a m B.ooa in ... 8.80 p m 7.45 p B. T. VAN HORN &c., &e Remember, [I