The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 06, 1869, Image 2

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    LIFE IN MEW vonn-
Sunshiuo and Shadow to New Tort:. Tiy*thew:,
Bale Smith. Illustrated :',24 pp. Ilartilird, Conn. t,
U. burr & Co. MS.
This live book, Issued by the enterisn-- andsub
cessful publishing house of J• B. Barr ' & Of
itartlbrd, Conn., Is one of those really valuable - works
which,from time to time_ burst upon the public, and
carry their. publishers o to deserved fortuoe. Spicy,
piquant. tend fall of matter not only _mutable, but
profitable, it must find Itself In tho hands of every
body, old or young, who has ever been in Now York,
or expects or desires to go, or who would learn the
whole country by (lie pulses at its commercial heart.
Zjinety•two separate chapters constitute the book,
covering utrattiout of facto hover before pollectett
on the4tke subjects, nod holding up the city of New
York as in a minor ; revealing its wont and it9' hest
aspects at the wino limo and letting the r.sader. Into
thotteduits-which have inspired the En - messes - an
lieffiest-Miiii, us well ea lifting the vat u'l.tic.ll 'bides
fronl•thb - Observation of Most, the tailing dirt and
infliatittes of tho mighty metropolis of America. We
.should be happy - to quote nt large each raga, of this
'irepbrtant. book.- for , the pleaSuro of our readers; - kut,
-want of space.will- forbid our reciting more than's
portion of a chapter or two, and we are at a loss to
from which df the chapters to except, so
interesting are all.. But we think our rsedtre_cabuot
illtd - ItserarrewhafTellAs
E. R. Haight, Agent, Laml/s Creel:, Pa.
• Attrittteit; Fen Jail A'ttr.--`llet is
trays a great hurrah among the children vhen
Young America or/Ives. Its stories, itt , •paZZlctop
its pictures, possess an resi.stible attraction, and
indato lots of boys and Girls to !Joe at bed-time
foi fast "half an hour more." The JituUtlry num . -
bek lipthe third issued since the titl44.;ettlent, and
of the most interesting and attractiirc that
hat been published. l'arents an.l teachers should
bcavin mind that It is the only Juvert& period
ical that confines itself to eltetclies of au galls°.
lately truthful, natural character. Publication
Office, S3.9 • Broodwity N. Y. At 61.50 yearly.
from a--Gatena correspondence or a New
York Journal, some recent .utterances
of. the President elect :
Referring to Andrew Johnson, the
Genoral said: " Yes, he'll always
stoutltattribute the Democratic defeat
to,'.their failure to nominate hin) in New
York.'' -
• - Whenever he has occasion to refer to ,
the Democracy. at all, tie applies the
term-q-Coplierhead-,';' for he only; recog
nizes two parthn in the land, one with
the rebels, and the other with the ?o,yalty
of the nation',
.liadtitin,irnity slot! gcneraTity are
largely developed i, i.trant's 'nature.
Hols punctilious ;Moot observing the
terms of the parole gi r,,n the surrentlet
ireg:RebelS so long a r it is not broken by
them. , Hence his unyielding opposition
• to, any interference with Lee by Andy
Johnson,- while Lee kept the plighted
faith: -13,tt Gen. Urant fe •19 keenly
concerning the diabolical eour, , e of the
eompo , -ed ;ei It \al
most .:i'wholly of paroled rebel-, lind
countenanced and led bY iebel (awns,
and_hais not insensible to the palpable
fact that rebels in editor, places an
easily break the term of I he parole, by
advocating incendiary doctrines and
fomenting turbulence and blon&hed.
The-day following his eleetion he said
, to lite I'd like to see the tone e.f the
•rebel papery now. I imagine they will
quiet dOwn, is they did utter Lee's sur
Lwas conversing- with him of the ex
pansion of the Western settlements, of
the railways to the P_lcitle, and grand
results in that direction. while the im
pious and rebellion= South haLl pined
and eutibred.
" I think," said Grant, " tl:at Provi
dence must have had a hand in it, and
prevented Stu earlier reeonst of
the Bohth for two reasona: first, to
.keep - the 'tide 'of I:migration cuter
prize ftlying into the vast and prodnc
tive west ;• and secondiy, to puni. -, h the
Southern people, through their own
agetio,y, for their unceasing -error::."
power or Abraham Lincoln consisted
in his abilii-to restrain the inipeacti
cable mind; among hi, “v;a suilp•orters,
and to reVain fitment; his NV ilrinest
frientlii, the most moderate men in the
s Nation.'- 11" was alway
out priMently so. ile wa-; t. ;er pre
mattire_or rash., lie curbed the head
"stroug -utt . til- the People ;T::rovell of
their inoi'emen and limited their end
just where• the average mind of the
Country i:tui concluded. Henri., he
kept his -Party together, anal tii - e most
discree - r, of •the men of-the Nation with
him, and rendered it necessary for the
Opposition \to build on ultra ground, if
it - wlskeil•any foundation at all. in all
these qualifications, General Grant has
'evinced himself the equal of President
Lincoln. Coolly courageous, sic-acious,
discreet ano•progressive, he will
the Nation in the cause it was pursuing
when a madman's btillet deprived it of
its Wise • helmsman. An d Genera l
Gratit possesses one quality hi which
Mr. Lincoln was
perception of the character of men.
Ice cannot be impoked ou, ap could Mr.
Lincoln, by reason' of good - nature, or
over cMifidence.'ltc will wisely choose
his - subordinates, men rightly adapted
to the work which he will confide to
them. Thas both in planning - and exe
cution, we have in General Orant all
the high qualificationsneeessary to the
securing of .peace and prosperity to the
Nation.-.-A lbany Journal.
Frank P. Blair, the defeated Vice
Presidential candidate of the Demoera
cy,t.arrived in Chicago at an early hour
on the morning after the election, and
stopped at the Tremont House. Scarce
ly a member of his party\called on him,
the terrible rout they had experienced
no doubt•detering them. from confront
ing their nominee. After reading the
morning papers, Frank remarked that
he - had been beaten like h-1, and that
was the only way to be beaten. Some
of his Republican, friends casually
mentioned •` Salt River," to which
Frank' replied, that "Salt River was
not large enough," he was "going to
Salt Lake." He left in that direction,
via the Union Pacific, at 2 o'cl'lt p.
and has not been heard of since.
Iowing the election, the Bishops of the
Methodist Episcopal Church forwarded
Gen. Grant a letter occongratulatiou,
of which the folloWingis an extract :
GENERAL: As our fathers congratu
lated Washington on his accessiooto
the Presidency so would we congratu
late you. Interest, duty, and gratitude
combined to induce the nation to call
you to the Chlef:Magistracy.• The qual
ities which you have displayed in the
field are those which tiro specially de
manded in the cabinet, and the glory
which,crowns your arms. ill, we trust.
ho ES uckeeded by the higherVory that
Will down your counsels. !'lie prin
ciples which have triumphed in your
election, executed with the calm wisdom'
and undevflitting steadiness which have
marked year military movements, must
result'in the restoration of the States to
their proper relations, business to its
proper channels, rights to nil citizens,
peace to all our borders, rind the public
credit and the national honor to proper
eminence in all the maripts 'and ccurts
of the world—: .
The letter itlsigncd by T. A. Morris,
E. S. James, L. ScottMs..Simpsoi; E.
R. Ames, D. W.-Clark, •E. Thompson,
an'd C. Kingsley. Bishop of the Meth
odist Episcopal-Church:- -
While the L6ndon papers, in discuss
ing, American affairs, generally disattree,
the Tories sy patinzing with the Dem
ocrats and m §t. of the Liberals sympa
thizing with t le Republicans, there is
for once an di tire agreement in their
opinion of President Johnson's Message,
and especially of that portion - .•. - hich re
lates to the United States bond. When
'we shall hear - from the other countries
of Europe, it Will be ibund, we believe,
that in all Europe there is not a sol itary
paper which cities notjoin in the univer
sal condemnation of Mr. Johnson's
views. The Civilized world rejects with
diSgust the finkincial 'dishonesty which
is propodd in the Presidia's Alessage;
Tribune.• . . I
. •
J 0513 BILLINes says that "when a
man's dog deserts him on account of his
poverty, he catilgo anylotkrer down in
this world—not by laud." a
An exchange tells tersely of a noted
ruffian, that, "thrOugh the energy of a
sheriff he now ornaments a rustic grave-
Cu Nititt-0,!..
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6, 1869.
It is only just beginning to benoder
stood that the Coal:Basins of this cOurt
ty are numerous, and tale qualit§ ofthe
coal very superior. Tilc - value . iof the
Bloss and:Fall.Brook,coaLfor mechapi-,
ea-I-purposes hasiong been known, and
generally recognized. • Fifteen
'agoi-hoWe-trer, itWail:wit generally pre
sumed that the outlying basins were
either extensive or likely to prove re
munerative. A drift was worked in
the' neighborhood of son Creek, and
the quality of the c al, ' considering
that little but the outcipp was reached,
was pronounced excelllrit. Thin veins .
were discovered in Gaines and Cly
mer, but neither the outcrop nor the
dip promised profitable mining. Much
speculation was'indulged, and holders
of wild land talked, about the " proba
bilities " of large - deposits - of coal in
the regions of Babb's ',and Wilson
Within three years • scientific explor
ations have more than reall2ed the
vague speculations alluded la.. It is
now- positively ascertained that the
Wilson, and Babb's Creek. Cord
are the m . ost valuable of- ail. This, too,
whether quantity - or' quality, or both,
be considered. The Tioga Coal is of the
kind known - as "semi-:bituminous,"
varying; however, hilts approximation
to the true:bituminous' coal. The coal
now being taken from the drift , on the
Magee lands near Wilson - Creek is very
compact, remarkablk free' of. impuri
ties, and nearly as pleaeant and lasting
as anthraelte,)or that which is . so nam
ed in commerce. The Babb's -Creek
coal is of the same general texture and
charactenstiics. This coal burns freel, ,, y,
does not choke, with a fair draught, and
has little more odor than hard coal. In
fact, the gas from it has much less pun
gency than that from most of the
Bcranton.coal. '
The Arnot Colliery, opened in 1866, is
in the Babb's Creek Bash]. The coal
produced is said to be of superior qual
ity, and the deposit is very extensive,
having a breadth of about six miles.
We have seen a report on the Coal
Lands in Blocs and Liberty, by Mr.
Thomas Petberick, of Pottsville, .an
accomplished and practical Mining En
gineer. He was employed early in 1867,
by the Bingham Estate trustees, to ex
plore, and report upon the coal basins
of Babb's Creek and its branches. In
his report ,he says :
" Very little has been done to explore
the BingbattiL portions` of the Babb's
Creek coal fields; one pit only having
been sunk on it, striking coal about two
feet thick at a depth of eleven feet. I
did not prove this vein further, but as
sume it to be different from the Arnot
vein which, I conclude, lies deeper in
the series. The Arnot Colliery opera
tions are at ptesent confined to one
,nearly four feet thick, the coal is
of good"quality. This vein, and proba
bly other valuable veins, underlie much
of the Bingham land, which present
very great indudements for mining en
Mr. Petherick, furtheF on in his -re
port, says, that he fouta a shaft 30 feet
deep on the' north side of Deer__LiAlr
Run, a branch nP, :"- ------ " L ' reeK , open
, ' -vein of very good Coal 3:4 feet
thick. He also•inclineste the opinion
that the bottom of the basin may be
further south of the Arnot mines than
has been supposed. -
Mr. E. P. Deane, well known to our
citizens as a surveyor and explorer,
made an examination of a ravine run
ning obliquely from tract 1182 through
tract 1875, to Babb's Creek, so late as
last March. He reports ".liu apparent
ly large deposit of grey lmatite iron
ore," a mile from the Creek, and three
fotirths of a mile farther up the ravine
found traces of a good vein. of coal.—
Loose coal was found scattered along
the creek. Thee miles up the ravine
he found indications of conglomerate,
or bed rock, but only in boulders. The
timber of this'region is hemlock, beech,
maple, basswood, elm and white ash.
During the past year Mr. R. E. Cross
has opened a five-foot vein of excellent
coal in Charleston, on tract 5049. This
coal is remarkably free of slate, and
dips to the South. His drift is on the
south-west corner of tract 6049, near
the line of 6050.
Wellsboro is now using a coal of su
perior quality from the eld Wilson
Creek bed, wCrked by Mr. Mitchell.—
This vein is Flemarkably free of slate
and other impurities, the coal being of
the same grade as that taken from the
Magee lands adjacent, and from the
mine opened by Mr. Cross. It lnie the
cerechoidal fracture of hard coal, burns
very freely and brightly, and must
I prove the most economical fuel in the
country. In fact, it is not probable
that the trade in wood will flourish so
much from this time' forward as it has
in the past. The cost of fuel may, by
the substitution of coal, be reduced to
about one-third of its' present amount.
Few housekeeperain this region use less
than $lOO worth of wood per annum,
and many use more than that, even.
On the other hand, few families can
use more than eight tons of coal in a
year. We now estimate the cost as it
may be when proper stoves and grateS"
shall be used. There is much more in
the appliances of combustion than
most householders imagine. In the
old fashioned stove • a valuable part of
the coal escapes up the chimney. In
the modern improved stove the gas is
detained and burned in great measure;
It is a mistake to suppose that one
stove is as good as another. There is
as much difference in stoves ASIR chim
neys, and a cheap affair is always cer
tain to proVe a costly investment in the
end. • •
Our friend] of the 2lfuncy Luminary is
a . fellow of infinite good : humor. For
months he has given carte blanche to
various writers upOn diet who have
written some good things, and some not
so good. No sooner did these flesh and
anti-flesh men get over their intermin
able tasks, than two more adversaries
appeared, this time iu behalf of theolo:
gy . O ne thi n ks men are ptini4hed
eternally, and the other thinks the
wicked are annihilated. One argues to
prove that angels must be ". (ion) elliing;li
the other insists that angels are
" nothing." Did either *ever see an
angel? . Did either ever conceive of
"nothing?" Can either describe
"nothing" as . liti - ving parts, functions,
duties, intelligence, - et cetera?_ .What
is an angel, pray? A messenger ? Does
"nothing" 'fetch. and carry? Ts not
any faithful Christian an "angel,"
whether in-tho bodyor- out - of it ?-
We do not propo i se to ansWer these
questions,__. ..,14-04-4hent-- :Abe
consideration of the disputants. , Not
that we doubt in any degree the func
tion of matter and spirit, but Jest they
lack material to carry on an- immateri
al argument. Gentlemen, you are
clergymen, probably; did yell ever re
flect, that while you are discussing the
ology the spirlt,i, the pith, the marrow,
the essential life of religion is 'depart
ing? Shall he be justified who quar
rels over the mysteries, and-refrains from
doing the works of Christianity ? What
matters it whether Something is Noth-
Ing, or Nothing something? These
are words, faint to shadow, even the
conceptions they are used to define.
We "proiiounee for " less talk- and
more cider."
.-Andrew' ohnson will beremembered
as the her. of tht? :biggest general : jail'
delivery Oil - record .; f On, the 24th; the
day before Christinas;he issued a-preic
lamation .of full and unconditional
pardon to all rebeis: This disposes of
the Jefferson. Davis case, and of the re
mainder, of course, So far as trial for
treason is concerned. We are not dis
posed to. grumble at this form of dis
posing of the matter, under the circum
stances; 'but we do enter a protest
against the action of the government
from the close of the war to this time.
While men are arrested, tried, convic
tedund puniihed for stealing, we in
sist ;that the fever of that mad ambi
lion which plunges a nation into a de
structive war like that of the rebellion,
j ?
shall be p nished. As the case stands,
Ms no c ime whatever to cause the
death of alf-a-million of men and the
loss or bill4ns of property. Is this the
lesson the nation sets its young sub
jects to master? Why was Aaron Burr
arraigned and tried for treason ? He
only planned a little fiasco in one cor
ner of the continent, Why is Arnold
execrated as a traitor? He only con
templated the betrayal of a military
post. Why was Wirz hanged ? He
only .carried out the brutal orders of
Jefferson Davis. Why were Payne,
Harold, Atzerodt, and Mrs. Suratt,
hanged ? They Only conspired to
.assassinate a man. Gentlemen in high
places, the people do not understand
this nice discrimination. You m. 2. 3-
proclaim pardon to Davis,' Lee, and
others ; but the people will never ratify
your pardon. There is not a Democrat
ic leader in the North, big or little,
who is not a worse traitor than Bone
cliceArnold. Proclaim as many verbal
pardons as you please ; call black,
white, ,and truth a lie, as glibly as you
please';—yet the American people, the
source and appliance of all power, will
listen and look on with a scorn which
will outlast the suavity . of scoundrel
ism, and finally punish more effective
ly than dungeon or gallows. . • .
It has been. long-apparerit enOtiali
I,A Excuson, was to be punished. In
view of this fact, it is as well that the
dilly-dally policy is thrown. overboard,
and the hand of the Government shown.
The_ proclamation does not effect the
political or social status of the crimi
nals liberated from possible arrest.
The'' are still traitors, and their treason
still stinks in the nostrils of the
American people.
An exchange says that the Grecian
bend is' achieved by throwing the chest
favrard and the trunk backwards.
What is done with the rest of the bag
The lawyer gets his living by "plun
der;" and the doctor by "pillage.';
RELlGlOUS.—Religious meetings will
be held in the Court House daring the week ex
cept Wednesday evening.
On Saturday, P. M., at 2i o'clock, the " Pray
-3 • 4 4and" that has been laboring so successfully
in Lifteneeville and elsewhere, will be present
to assist Card-also on Saturday evening, and all
day on the folloWng Sabbath.
The men who compose this "Band" of evan
gelical laborers, are men of sterling character,
deep piety-, and good sense, and as their labors
elsewhere have been most aoceptable and valua
ble, provoking increase of zeal on the part of the
Church; and promoting increasing interest in re
ligion, on the part of the Community generally.
It is hoped their presence and labors hero will be
equally profitable.
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the Executors and
Administrators, named below, have ft ed their
Accounts in the ,Registers Office for Toga Co.,
Pennsylvania, and that the said Acco nts will
be presented to the Orphans Court, for said
County, at a session of said Court, to be hold
in Wellsboro, on Monday, the 2b day of Janu
ary, 1569, at two o'clock R. M., for ,confirtaa
don and allowance.
Account of John W. Gurnsey, Administrator
of the Estate of Daniel Lamb, late of Rich
mond TINT., deceased.
Account of Harriet Bird, Administratrix of
the Estate of Gales Bird, late of Jackson Twp.,
Account of Jas B. aguish, Administrator
cum testament° annex° of the L'stnte of Joseph
Jaquish, late of Covington Twp., deceased.
\Vollsboro, Pa., December 30th 1868.-4 w.
D. L. DEANE, Register
Executor Notice.
ETTERS TESTMENARY having been is
LA sued to the undersigned upon the ins/ will•
end testament of Levi I. Nichols, late of Weße
born, den'cl, all persons indebted to, or claiming
against said estate, are required to settle with
Wellaboro, Dee. 23, 1862-7 t, Ex'r.
1j showing its condition on the morning of the first
Monday of Jan,1869:
U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation, $lOO,OOO 00
U. S. Bonds on hand 51,300 00
Other securities ' 7,000 00
Notes 6: Bills discounted 129,340 00
Due from National Banks 16,485 10
U S. Taxes ~
Ituvontut Stamps
Notes of this Bank....
Cash on hap Notes
" " other Banks...
Legal Tenders
Cask Items
Capital Stock
Circulating Notes,.
Surplus Fund
Duo Depo s itors,
Pis. Inst. & Exc
Due National Banks
Duo Bankers
L` $285,047 24
3. LI ROBINSON, C.aeltler.
Sworn and enbscribed before tue this 41b'doS of Jon.
1809. R. C. SIMPSON, NbUiry
BY VIRTUE OP sundry writs of•Ficri Pct.
eia3.l,evari Peeing, and Vondition Eirponas, is
sued 'out of the Court of Common Pleas of Ti
oga county, and to tee directed, I fain expose to
public sale, to the highest and host bidder, at
the Court House in Wellsboro, o ' Monday, the
25th day of January 1869, at 1 .'clock, P. M.
the following described property,
A lot of land In Deerfield tow
north by highway, - M. V. Purple,
and Asa Yarnel, west by Hiram
by Cowanesque river, anti.eut by
taining 7 nem limo or less, all i
fruit trees thereon :
ALSO—nnother lot bounded h.rth by
Seeloyirad - Job,h'earpisi, west by 'ram Gilbert,
south by Ira' Wagoner and M. . Purple and
highway, and cast j.W. J. Knoxi. containing bit,
noroMetWorlerii ' '~af6tllit 2b acres improved, 1
framo dwelling house,2l. frame-barn, and -the
KnOxville driVlng park thereon. To be
the property of Caleb 'Short. suit if Henry Bald
win, executor. •
Atse--anOther lot of land in Middlebury,
bounded north by G. W 2 Hymen], east by V. B.
Holiday and Wm. K. Mitchel, sleuth by highway,
and.'.west -by Daniel Holiday,. containing two
acres more or less,
lic) with frame house, fro barn,
and tipple orchard thereon. Tolbe sold as the
property of P. IL Blanchard, suitlof Jacob Mids..;
, . .
ley. . ..
, 1 ,
Anso—a lot of land in Elkland,lbounded north
by Joel Parkhurst, east by,lF. G. toveland; south
by Main street and west by Buffalo street, con
taining i acre more or -less, With a large three
story frame hotel and frame barn and other
outbuildings thereon. To bo sold as the proper.
ty of Peter Duvall,.suit of John l. Westlake.
ALso—a lot of land -in Lawr4noe township,.
bounded as follows: beginning at a poirit in tbo
road on the east side of. the Tioga, river at the
corner of the road leading to Caton andthe south
west corner of land of Jefferson li Warren Niles,
thence along said Niles south seventy-eight and
one-half degreei 98 rode and 88.100 of a 'rod,
thence south 76i deg. east 14 5-10 rods, them
north ar deg, °net 7 rods to landi of A. P. Rad
ekef,- thence along lands of said Badokar north
82i dog..aast 12 p -lo rods to a poat, , thence south
124 , deg: west 69 'reds to lands,,-ot- one Destivieltr
thence alonglialdliestwibk north 75 deg. west 80
rods to the said road on the oast side of. the Tio
ga river, thence - along said road north 25 deg.
east 51 rode and 5.10 of a rod to the place of
beginning. Containiig, 20 acres be the same
more or less, about 20 acres imprOvod, Iramo
house, frame barn and apple orchard thereon.
1 To be sold as the property of Hugh J. Berm, suit
of George Dusonbnry. _
ALso--a lot of land in Nelson township, boun
ded north by Cotvanesiuo river,loast by Jesse
Howe and Harris Ryon. south by Bingham-lauds
in possession of Bonj. Powers and John Ham
mond, and west by John Hammand, containing
400 acres more or less, about 90 acres improved,
two frame houses, - ono frame bitrn and shed,
frame corn house, and other outbuildings and
apple orchard thereon. • To bo.sco as tho-prop
erty of Perry Dailey, suit of S. S. Fianagin and
Goo. W. Flanagin.
• ALso—it lot of land in CharleLon township,
bounded north by Angevin° Lake, east by Dar
win Thompson and George Rabbi south by Al
den Pope, and west by M. M. Conyers°, contain
ing 50 acres more or loss, about i 25. acres . int..'
proved, frame house and other outbuildings and
apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the prop
erty of William Morse, suit of 0 1. Marks.
ALso—rt lot of land in Middl ury and Chat
ham townships, bounded on th orth by Bing
ham lands, east by lands inpossession of Cl W.
Foster, south by same and VI - 14er .t 'Raidtl)l.
and West by lands in possession plt G WFater,
containing 407 acres and 118 por'ehes—Crnudall
and Emery, warrantees
Asso—another lot of land n Middlebury
township, bounded north by lac s in possession
of G W Foster, east by Vis Cher d, Randall;ficifith
by said El W Fostor, and west by Viseher -Jr,
Randall, containing - 411 cores and 8 perches—
Geo W Wood, warranteo:
ALso—Another lot in Middlehury and Chat
ham townships, bounded north b lands in_ppr,
session of G. W. Foster & Vischer .:t Banda r
east by same, smith by lands in possession of G.
W. Foster and west by same andi Robert Morris, )
warrant N 0.4072, containing 40 acres and 91
perches—Samuel King, warrant o:
ALso—another lot of land in. hatham town
ship bounded on tho north by Robt. • Morris,
warrant No. 4072 and lands in possessions of
G. W. Foster, east by lands in possession of G.
W. Foiter, south by lands of Phelps .1t Dodge,
and west by lands in possessions of G. W. Pos
ter—lsaao A. Crandall, warren oe, containing
424 acres and 62 porches:
ALso—another lot of land in tliddlebury and
Chatham townships, bounded north by lands in
possession of G. W. Foster, et by the same,,
south by Phelps & Dodge, and ,est by lands in
possession of- G. W. FosterJbseph B.- Lyon
warrantee—containing 424 tiered, about 40 acres
improved, more or less, with a arr-mill 6 frame'
houses, 3 frame barns, 1 .fcame. store house, 1
frame blacksmith shop and other outitilding.,
rind a few fruit trees tha...-- — 1 -- -
A L so—auother lot 4f land in liltddlebury w
on of
ship, _bounded . north 1.1 .
Tr; lands p i n
G. IVt,F.2,BWArail a a ncr:south dr, West by lands in
possession .of G. W. Foster—J - 61in Luohalger,
warrantee—oontaining 423 acres and 43 perches r
Arco—another lot of load in hi ddlebury town
ship, bounded north oast and west by lands in
possession of G. W. Foster and !south by lands
of - Phelps Dodge .is Co.—T.. A. Baldwin, war
rantee—containing 64 acres wit about 50 nitres
improved, more or loss with nppl orchard there-,
ALso—another lot of land in hathatn town
ship, bounded north by Robt. orris warrant,
No. 4072, oast by lands in pons salon of G. ‘V,
Foster, south by James Wilsonmalt N 0.4468
and west by A. 0. Crandall war nt, containing
417 acres and 30 perches—Jo athan Waters
warrantee. To be sold as the p oporty of A. U
Foster, suit of Sally Woodfield.
ALso—another lot of land sit
township, Tioga County Pa., bei
rant N 0.4608, adjoining lands o
ray and warrant No, 4612, coat
and 148 perches and allowance,
post in the fork formed by the c
Roaring Branch (so called) with
thence west by land of said Mill
perches to a post corner, the S
warrant No. 4608 John Vaug
which the land herein described
north partly by land of Miller
partly by No. 4612 John Vaghn
perchers to a hemlock tree marl
thence oast by land of warran
perchers to a hemlock stump ma ked for a cor
ner, thenco south by land as last desCribed 100
perches to a post corner, thencesout. r west by
the various courses of Lycoming Creek which is
the eastern boundary lino of t o warrant of
which the land now described s a part by the
following courses,,south 51Aegre a west 28 perch
es, thence south 5 deg. west 30 arches, thence
south 80 west 40 • perches, then o south 32 west
~ I %'
146 porches to the post corner the place of be
ginning, being the same land mentioned and de.
scribed in a Deed from John, Harcourt Powell
to John Green, dated Sept. 24, 1832, recorded in
Tioga Co. same day in Deed book 10, page 233,
excepting out of the same 44 acres and 145
perches conveyed by John Graon to Merrick
Crandall, and about 2 acres sold by said Green
to A. N. Derby :
Also—another lot of land situated in Union
township Tioga County Pa., containing 300 acres
being part of nn original survey made by virtue
of a warrant No. 4612, granted Io John Vaughn
Esq., and being the same land mentioned and
described in a certain article of agreement dat
ed the 17th day of November i 1841; • between
John Harcourt Powell by his A Cy in fact, John
Norris and thesnid John Green beginning at a
stone heap the south-oast corner of warrant
4512, thence north by the easter'n boundary line
of said warrant 4612, and by other lands of John
Green 2511 porches to a hemlock, thence west
191 perches to a beech, thenco south 2511 rods
to a post in the warrant line, thole() east along the
warrant line 190 perches to th place of begin
ning, being part of warrant 4612 John Vaughn
warrantee—About 20 acres, imprOved more or
less. frame house, frame inirn; and apple orchard
thereon, To be sold as of John
Green Executor, suit of E. ;4,. .13ringbam,--Ad
ministrator of Archibald R - cilbertson. --
AL —another lot of lapd in Richmond twp.,
bounded north and•south by ho estate formerly
of Daniel Lamb;cleceasecte st by -highway and
west by Gad Lamb — Containing' acres MOM or
less, with a frame house, frame barn, and a •feiv
fruit trees ther6On. To be sold as the property
of Silas Allis, suit of Elisabeth Bennett and
Diner Bennett. i
ALso—n lot of land •in M ' ainSburg Borough,
bounded north by highway, east by Corey Creep,
and J B Strong, south by E A Fish and Peleg
Doud, and west by Myron and Gqorgo Rumsey—
containing 2 acres more or. loss, with frame
house, frame barn. and a few fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as tho property of W II Rumsey .k.'
J B Austin, suit of Arta nuts Rumsey.
ALso—a lot of land in Dolma' r township, boun
ded north by William &ta* east by Lewis
Hastings, south by Chnrles Sears; and west by
lands in possession of Robe t rancis, Jr.—con
taining 50 acres more or less, bout 25 acres im
proved, frame house, log bit; , mil a few fruit
trees thereon. TU bo sold :LS the property of
Jacob Naval 4. Margaret Naval, !nit of Hiram
697 00
913 00
4 2,265 00
25.371 00
2,825 98
$335.087 24
$lOO,OOO 00
90,000 00
50,084 S 7
59,920 G 2
Also—a lot of land in Richmond township,
bounded north by John NViteis and John Van
Ness, east by Harvey Thirt n !and Thadins
Welch, formerly Krons lot, south by Jas.
Amoy, and west by -Ifonryl Van Noss' and A.
Austin, containing 51 acres more or loss, about
25 acres improved, with logl house', log barn and
apple orchard thereon. TO lao'sold as the prop
erty olJosopla Roue, auit of JobacTienson.
•-• 2,387 32
•••• 1,994 43
Sheriff's Sa—a lot of land ,in Blossburg, bounded
north by Patrick Bannon, oast by Corning and
BiessburgA, E.,.-south by highway and t ivest by
.Charles-Evens;-Danzinger Bro's and Jilt. Mitch.
011, containing } acre more or loss, with frame
house and frame barn thereon. To be sold as
the property of Sarah K. Everitt, suit of J P .t
W W Lounsbury for use of W S Hodgman & Co.
ALso--a lot of land in Middlebury township,
bounded' - north-by highway, east by Daniel
'White, itoiith by Daniel White and John Reding
tan, and west, by John Redington, - containing 1
acre . more or less, with a frame store house and
alow fruit troosF thereon. To bo sold as the
property of Ben , min Doan, suit of II .1 - Grant.'
' Aiso—another
lot in Charleston township,'
bounded as follovo: north by Elmer Ingrktk
.tiall..l: - J..-Neal, - diat- - 14 /ffolphas - Eaton, month
by. - - ;,-- 77 - 7: Pitts, and west
_by John Neal and
George' Collintoolitaiiiink 85 agos more or.
etßtritiGemttbemt - .llftylrorOa- -- ibi - proved, 1' frame
'Louse, with log attaohme,ni, 1 frame barn, 1 log
bara,•ljrarne, grariery. . and apple orchard and
other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the prop
orty_.of R. X,.Brandage,- and Symon7ffetnirireT
siiit otAitilliam--P. Shumway, Agn - tis Green, and
George Green, Exaeutorst
Jan. 0,1869. - JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff.
strip, bounded
3. , ;11.. Puynoi
Gilbert, south
lighway, eon
proved, with
HAVE on hand and aro ponstantly receiving
at their • - •
Hardware Store
• .
every nrtiole•needed In this region -df country,
. . . in the _
srro - vs,
Cooking, Self-Regudators and Coil
No pains will be spared to - meet the wants of
our customers.
Welloboro, Jan. 6, 1869, ly.
Cutters and Wagons,
OF all kinds ' made of the best materia a, can
bo had at, D. W.Dartt's shop, on Main
Street, heir the Academy. _
Also—particular attention paid to Blacks Ith
lag of all kinds. if. W. DARTT.
Welleborp o •No . v. 25, 1888-3 m.
It3gainedover the Tooth-Ache and the pain of
by the use of
so proved by scores.of testimonials at the Den
tat Office of
ogrb Call and he convinced. Nov. 26.
is hereby given that the following named
,persona have made applications for Tavern Li
comma and Eating House -Licensee, and that the
same will be presented to the Court of Quarter
Sessions the 25th day of Jan. inst., at two o'-
clock Y. M., when ell interested may attend if
they think proper. - ' • ••
• „
''ArotiraAtlr: Potter;‘Middlebury.
D D Holiday, Wellsboro.*
. Minor Watkins, " . 0
J-0 Pine, Covington . Boro.*
W L Thomas, Ward:
George Crist, Morris.*
• John Redington, Middlebury.*
James J. Martin, Osceola.* N.
s Parsons, Charleston.*
Betrmi Housus.
J. A. Martin, Bless.
Jan,'o, 'O9 • J.F. DONALDSON, Proth'y
•• • .
A. LL persons indebted to us, will please call
and.settle at onco—or we shall be obliged
to make costs.
Airellsboro, Jtin. fr, 18139 . —at •
. .
• ated in Union
•g part of war. ,
Miller. it Nur
ining 303 acres
I. oginning . atuk
onfluence of the
ycoming Creek ) •
r & Murray 140
west ;corner of
n warrantee of
s a part, theneo
Murray and
warrantee 213.8 ,
,ad as a corner,
No. 4668, 280
In Divorce.. I•
flrq S. L. Plank : Take notice that
Amanda Plank, your wife, has ap-
Niedjto • the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga
County fqr a divorce from the bonds of mats!.
mon, and that the said Court has appointed
Moliday, January 25, 1869, at the Court House,
Wellaboro, as the time and - place of bearing the
said applicant in the premises, on which occas
ion you van attend if you think proper.
Jan. 0, 1869.
F figE stz t 4r a o n u d n 1 ,1 1 e a r: you' llfine
a fl a n n d y b i i i ti o Y u r f l o A r
peoplq say that coarse ground Plait er had its Play
Oh hand you'll find a plenty ere,
CSmo ono and all both far a q . near,
To C. IL OVENS' Mill, Mansfield, Pa.
Price $8 por ton. - Jon. 8, .1.889,
In Common Pleas
In the matter of the of Tioga Co., Nov.
Tioga, Baptist Association. Term, INS.
IIVOTICE is hereby given that application.hiu3
11 been made to the said Court to giant a
Charter of incorporation to the said Association,
and if no sufficient reason is shown to the con
trary the same will ho granted on the last lion
de.yof.January; A. D. 1869.
Jan. 6) 1868.-4 w,
Atlantic and Great Western
And to all Pointe in the WEST and NORTE-WEST
Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis.
And all points in the South dc Southwest, with
No Change of Coaches_
From any point on the Erie Railway. An ad-
vantage and convenience not offordd by' any
Mier route.
Baggage Checked Through, and No Casio
from ono car to another, preventing loss or dam
age. •
Tickets via ibis popular ronto can be procured
at all offices on the lino of the Erie Railway, and.
When purchasing ask the Agent fcr Tickets
Gen. Ticket and Pass. Agot, Cleveland, 0.
Gou.Supt,, Meadville, Pa,
Jan. 0, '69.
Dome Companion,
and the justly celebratnd
BEERS & A138,,0TT,
A l iministratori a Notice.
Lottery of Administration, having been grail:'
tad—to — the 'undersigned upon tbo Estate of
Joseph ace, of ( Middlebury, deed., all 'masons
indebted to the said, &tato; - and all having
claims, against the isano,:will call and kettle:
with ; - LAVINA GEN, •
Middloburi, Jan. 0,1868.-4 w. Administratrix
In' Livorce
o ElizabethWestlake: Take notice that
Jobn.A. Westlake, -your husband, has ap
plied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga
County for a divorce from the bonds of matri
mony, and that the said_Court has appointed
Blonttay, January-WHO - at the`Court House,
Wolisboro, as the time and plaeo of bearing the
'said applicant in the premises on
sipn 4 -you-surretternillt - ytatililiVirio — per:'
Jan. 6, 1860.
T'S IqtAide;
THE underalgocd having been appointed by
the Court, Auditor to distribute the motley
arising from the sale or the real estate of Wm.
B. Middaugh and Thurmou Pattison, will attend
to the duties of his appointmenton iaturclaY tho
23d day of January next, at 1 otolook, 'p.. 7d.
Of said day, at his office in the. Borough of Tioga,
at whigh time and place ail persons - Interested
will please take notice.
l Administratois' Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having:. been
. granted to the undersigned. upon the estate
of Albert Sawyer, late of Gaines, deceased, all
persons Indebted to said estate, or claiming
against the same.wlll settle with
Gaines, Dec. 2, 18813-43w*... - 1
Auditor's Notice.
,TELE undersigned, appointed by the
Orphan'roourfof Tioga. County, an Auditor
to adjust and settle the account -of Sybil-Price
and Ira 21. - Edgcoinb administrators: of ,the
tate of Phlueas -Price,-late of 'said - deputy, deo'4,
will attend to the duties of his appointmout on
Thursday, Jan. 21st, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon,
at his office in Knoxville, Pa., when and where
all persons can attend if they think proper.
Jan. 6, 186 , -3w W. lIKACII, Auditor.
?In Bankruptcy.
tho District Court of U. S. Western Dist of
Penria, in tho matter of MASSENA BUL
LARD, a Bankrupt under the Aot of Congress of
March 2d, 1867, having applied for a discluirge
from all his debts, and other claims provable
under said Act, by order or the Court, notice Is
hereby given, to all persons whqfliave proved
their debts, and other persons interested. to ap,
pear on the 27th day of January 1869, at 10 o'-
clock, before E. E. Smith, Esq, Register
in Bankruptcy, at his office Tioga, Pa., to
show cause if any they have, why a discharge
should not be granted to the said Bankrupt.—
And further, notice is hereby given, that the 2d
and 3d meetings of Creditors of the said. Ban
krupt, required by the 27th and 28th . Sections of
said Act, will bo held before the said Register, at
the same time and place.
Jan. 6, '89.-2w. S. C. MoCANDLESS, Ol'k.
In Divore.6.
TO Minor Cook : Take notioe, that Mary Ann
Cook, your wife, by her next friend, B. R.
Bailey, has applied to the Court of Common
Pleas of tiega County for a divorce from the
boUds of matrimony, and that the Bald Court has
appointed MoUday, January - 25th, 1869, at the
Court House, Wellsboro, as the time and placo of
hearing the said applicant in tho premises, on
whioh occasion you ca attend if you think
proper. JEROME POTTER, Sheriff.
Jan. 6, 1869. •
In Div,
O Mary W. Brown : Take notice, that Ed
win C. Brown, your husband has applied to
the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for
a divorce from the bonds of Matrimony, and that
tho said Court has appointed Monday, January
26th, 1869, at the Court Rouse, Wellaboro, as
the time and place of hearing the said applicant
in the promises, on which occasion you can at.
tend if you think proper.
Jan. 6,1869.
led Slates, for a Woofers; Distrifrt of Penn
A. J. Smith, a aukrupt 'under the act of
Congress of 'March ,1867. having applied for a
discharge from all his debts, and other claims
provable under said not, by order of the Court,
notice is hereby given all creditors who have
proved their debts, and other persons interested,
to appear on the 27th day of Jan., 1889, at ten
at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any
o'clock A. negiater,
alai boo°. who , a discharwo ..t.onld not invented
4. - ttra' - ffankrupt. And further, notice is
hereby gives that the seeond and third meetings
of creditors of the said \bankrupt, required by the
27th and 28th sections of said act, will be bad be
fore said Register, at the same time and place.
' of 11. S. District Court for said District.
Jan. 6, 1869-2!
ted States for the Western District of Penney/
HENRY P. YEOMAMS, a bankrupt
under the act of Congress of March 2, 18 67,1aving
applied for a discharge from all hi' debts, a other
claims provable under said act, by order of the
Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors who
have proved their debts, and other persons inter
ested, to appear the 27th day of Jan., 1869, at 10
o'clock, A. M., before P. E. Smith, Esq.,[ltegis.
ter, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show ea e, if
any they - have, why a discharge should ot be
granted to the said bankrupts. And farthei , no
tice is hereby given, that the third Incept:l of
creditors of the said bankrupt, required by.lhe 27
& 28th section of said act, will be bad befeke said
Register, at the same time and place.
- ' S. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk
of 11. S. District Court for said District.
Jan. 6,1869-2 t.
In - Bankruptcy' l
District of Petangtvania,
To whom it may concern: The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as
assignee of Ellithe J. Purple, of. WelMoro, in
the County of Tioga '
and State of Pennsylvania,
within said District who has boon adjudged a
Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Istria
Court of said District.
Wellsboro, Jan. 8,1869-3 t Asdigneo.
TN the DISTRICT COURT of the U. 8., for
the Western District of Pennsylvania:
Joseph S. Childs,,a•bankrupt under the Act of
Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied for a
discharge from all, hie-debts, and other claims
provable under said AO, by order of the Court,
Notice is hereby given to all persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons interested
to appear on the 27th day of *Tann ry, 1869, at
10 o'clock, a. m., before P. E, Smit , esq., Reg
ister, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause,
if any they have, why a discharg should not
be granted the said bankrupt. An further no
tice is hereby given that the 2d an Bd‘rneettngs
of creditors of said bankrupt, required by the
27th and 28th sections of said Act, Will be held
before tho said Register at the Bathe time and
place. S. C. McCANDLESS,
Jan. 6,1869-2 t - Clerk.
N tbe DISTRICT COURT of U. S., for
the Western District of Pennsylvania:
C. H. Bartlett, a bankrupt under the Act of
Congress of March 2, 1887, having applied for
a discharge from all bis debts, and other 'claims
provable under said Act, by order of the Court,
notice is hereby given to all persona who have
proved their debts, and other persons interested,
to appear on the 27th day . of Jan. 1889. at 10
o'clock, a. m. , before P. B. Smith, esq., Regis.
ter, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause if
- any they have, why a discyrge should not be
granted to said bankrupt. nd thrther notice is
hereby, given that the 24 j and Bd meetings of
creditors of said bankrupt iequired by 27th and
28th sections of said Act, mill bo held before
said Ttogisterat the same time and place.
`Jan. 0, 'BO-2t ' S. C. MoCANDLESB, Cl'k.
IN the DIET. COUPT of the U. 8., for the
Western District of Pennsylvania :
Elieha J. Purple, a bankrupt under the Act of
Congress of March 2. 1867. baying applied for a
discharge from all his debts, and other claims
provable under said Act, by order of-the Court,
notice is hereby given to all persona who have
proved their debts, and other persons interested,
to appear on the 27th day of Jan. 1869, at 10
o'clock a. m., before F. E. Smith, esq., Register,
at his office in Tioga, to show cause, if any they
have, why a discharge should not be granted to
said bankrupt. And further notice is hereby
given that the second and third meetings of cre
ditors of said bankrupt required by the 27th A.
28th sections -of said Act, will be held • before
said Register, at same time and place.
Jae, 0,'119-2t S. C. McCANDLESS, CPk.
DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Grocories, hard
ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cam &e., oor
nor of Market and Crofton 'groats, Wellabor°,
Pa. Jan. 6, 1868.
Moo with W. H. Smith, Esq., Main Street,
opposite Delon flock, Wellaboro, Pa.
• Aar 14, 1880,
a , Fresh llciods. Received Week
1100-91 ES --83103,0
Converse, &&,osgood
keep constantly on hand a largo stock of genuine
• •
January 1869 has Arrived,
also a good fresh stink of •
all shades and colors, "from the beet XXX, to the
• cheapest," [57,50 per barrel,'
all of which I am now offering at tho lowest liv
ing prises for Cash, or in exchange for most
kinds of country produce; besides I offer cash
for tho last named.
Cash Buyers will find it to their advantage to
give mo a call. •
N. 11.—My Books aro full—can't "CHARGE
any more." Remember, Mozart Block.
Wollsboro, Jan. 0, 1809. ' M. B. PRINCE.
Furs ! Furs! Furs! Furs!
just received at
DeLiano tie Co's,
bought since the Holidays. Now is the time to
buy FURS cheap; also,
an all kinds of
Jan. 8,1869.-
/Told forth Daily to crowds of castomors, deal
ing out the finest and completest assortment of
IrlarLow 4;Zti•c•c•clet
Walk in Ladies, and examine our stock. It
will pay to do so.. Our geode are selected with
Pay Up •
ALL parsons indebted to the subscriber are
requested to call and settle at once, or costs
will be made. Take notice
Jan. 0, 1868.—St
500 Tons Cayuga Plaster.
NOW is your time for Cayuga Plaster while
the roads are good. We have plenty on
hand. T. L. BALDWIN A. CO.
Tioga, Jan. 0,1888.-4 w.
lont two.horso Pleasure Sleigh, and a very
good Boar-Skin Robe; will be sold on long cred
it, if desired, the security being satisfactory.
Enquire at the Bingham Office.
Wellsbore, Dec. 16, '6B-3to
Q BRAYED fr i ona tho undersigned in Morris
Run, Nov. 12, ono small rod cow about nine
years old, hump back, larso bag and teats, horns
pretty well spread, any person giving information
of her will be suitably rewarded by the subscrib
er at Morris Run. FRANK JAQUET.
Dec. 23, 1863-31/..
TEE - undersigned, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Tioga ct.unty, an auditor to adjust
and Bettie the account of Eleanor Seeley. Esc°.
utor of Manson Seeley, Into of said county, dec.
will attend to the duties of his appointment on
Friday, January 22, 1869, at 1 o'clock p. rn., nt
tho hotel-at Academy Corners, in Knoxville,
when and - where all interested in said estate can
attend If they think proper. W. ii. SMITH,
Deo. 23, 1869-3 t Auditor.
Administrator's Notice.
lETTERS of Administration having been
4 granted to the undersigned upon the es
tate of Robert Martin, late of Delmar dee'd, all
persons owing said estate, or claiming against
the same, will settle with JNO. ENGLISH,
Delmar, DO9. 9,1868—Qw. Adair.
Dry Goodsi
Fresh Groceries
flats Cape.
/4 1f...
_Be it remembered, that
• '
Tan. 6,1888..1y. CONVERSE OSGOOb
T-T rt. 1.11-
No. 1 Nain,Street, Trellsboro, Pa.,
Bullewd a Con,
and BURS and
Nov. 18, 1888-6 w. BULLARD A CO
Auditor's Notice.
at the
Paris Exiossition Universelle.
Amer!caul Pianos Triumphant
toss W. TODD, Agent.
Dee. 23, 1808. Wellaboro, Pa.
J. A. Portions & Co.,
Cash Sto-ree
,Fine French Merinos, yard wide, all col's 76 ots.
;Fine Empress Clothe, dOublo fold, " 75
2,000 yards handsqme Dress Goods, consisting of
Borges, Alpacas d; DriMantes) at 26 ta 811 of,
• Korth 3 and
Ueav) winter Woolen Double Shows 63,50 to $5.
Beavor elorkings, black and col'd, $2,50 to $3,75
Ladies' Furs, collars dr, muffs, $8 dr. $8,60 per sett
Red twilled Flannels, at 311 cents.
Grey Twilled Flannels at 811 bents.
Fancy Shirting Flannels, 25 to 39 coats.
All Wool Cassimeres,.sl.
Prints 61- 10, and-1 - 2i cents.
Shootings 12 cents. Canton Flenneli, 18$ to
25 cents.
Men's D oable solo Stoga Boots, custom made, $4
Womon'a Kip Shoes, $1,50.
Women's calf F,lalmorals, bast custom:make:22,2s
at much Im,than the con of getting them up
We havo mitdo lb - wk.extra inducements inipr.:
der to got our stock largely reduced by ,Tan. Ist,
1869, and intend to make clean work of it; if low
prices will make quick soles. Call and see for
Administtator's Notice.
LETTTERS of Atitsinistrattion having been
granted upon etyce estate of Thomas Martin, - ;
late of Delmar deed,* persons ening against'''-
the estato, or claiming against the same, must
settle with ,JOHN ENGLISH , '
Delmar, Dec. 9, 1808 7 6vr.. „gdmr.
4) 0 000 Pounds of food Buttelwanted
eel 9 for which I will pay 45 cents in
trade a t my Store.
Nov. r S tore. C. L. WILLCOX - .
Wollsbor Nov 23 1868.
i Farm' for Sale.
S 1
IT UATED on • Elk Ron,
Gaineh township,
' containing 125 acres 50 acres /Improved.—
Said farm is well watered, has a fraßl house and
barn and a choice apple orchard, nd is well
adapted to dairying purposes, Titl mood and
terms easy'. Inquire of- War; II: Smith, Wells.
born, or L. L. RUSSELL, Delmar.
Sept, 23, ISOS. '
spus© ant ‘ Lot for Sale.
T OT large, house Ounnodious and convenient,
A./ Will be sold *heap for ready pay.
Also, a l Horse, Buggy, Cutter, Harness and
BulTale—al in good eondition—for sale cheep.
For panic lam inquire at this Oleo.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration haring been
granted upoi the Estate of S. D. &aced,
of Lyeoming oo.,idee'd, all persona having claims
against or owing the same are requested to call
and settle with " 0.,W. SMEAD,
Delmar N0v.18,1868-6w.c ' Adm'r.
A GOOD ' YOB of work done on Clocks, Watobr
Xl_ es or Jeweilry, go to
Sept. 2,1888. I. M. WARRINER.
THE boat assortment of
Teeth, and largest vari
;ty of different kinds of
Plates as well as tbo
>est operations of Pill-
'EpTli may be had
0.1 Nitrous Oxide Gas
:h gives pleasant dreams
instead of pain. Also Narcotic Spray. Ether
and Chloroform administered when desired.--
Prices as low as can be found elsewhere. All
work 'done promptly and warranted. '
Call and see specimens. Remember the place
No. 13; Main St.
A' farm of throe hundred aeros, with two hun
dred and twenty-Rya acres impzovad.
tutted two miles north of Tioga Village, on the
Tioga River and RuilroCd. Wall wattterod; tin
der a good state of eultltia ion, and good build
ings. Also four houses an I lots for sale In Tioga
villago. 4 T. L. BALDWIN.
Tioga, Feb. la, 1 Vif3—tfi'
_ Administratml's NOicp.
LETTERS of Administration op the estate pf
Lysander Scott, late of Charleston twp, de
ceased, having been granted to•„thu undersigned,
all persons owing said estate', and all having
claims against the same are hereby notified to
call for 'settlement on SCOTT,
Charleston, Dee. ?, 1863 e Adm'x.
lean be fnnnd at
Sept. 2, 1888.—tf
IQR Salo a small 66enp Printing Press in
Rood order, suitable for Cards ' Blanks, &c.
Enquire of JOHN A. ROY,
May 6, 18139—tf. iTtilsborti, Pa.
SALT can be had in nny quantity at
Tinge June. 8 > 1868.-
- Something New t
A LOT of the latest style's of new Jewelry
11, just received at
Aug. 2, '6B
CAME into the enclosure of the subscriber,
on or about the stli of - Nev., seven Sheep,
one black, The 'o wner is requested to pay
charges and take them away.
Qbarloatou l Doe. 2 182211.6
I TO 13 Tjy
1 --
Also a largd stock
Corning, Oct. 14, 1868
May 0, 1808
Valuable Farm for Sale.