HOME . MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, DEC.' 23, 1808, , Now A.dvortiseroantb • Auditor's Notioe—W. 11.. Smith, Auditor, Chieltering's Pianos—Miaa M. W. Todd, Agent, Stray cow—Frank Jaquet. Sicilian Flair Renewarlt. P. Hall & Co, To PAMONS.--Next iviek being hell day week, no paper will ho issued from this 011100. This will permit the printers to takciru t 11oliday, and enable us to prepare for the work of 1869. ro have communications - from . Cherry Flats and East Char!Mori, with reports of- the forma tion of Lodges of Good Tomblore, and the officers installed.. They wilt appear in the nest issue of this papor, PosTrONgu.—We are requested to say that the 163ture advertised under the auspices' of of the Union League at Story Fork, on Saturday night Dec. 28, is "unavoidably postponed until eome,fature night, of which duo notice rill be given. ; A POUILEIL.—Mr. Holliart Morgan, of Eait charlesten, lately killed a 7 months and 5 days old pig, whioh neighed, net, 294 poundw. Twenty pounds of oorn would have made tho odd six po.nds and , a round-300: THANKS.—The Agitator office Is in. debted to M. C. D. Warren, for half a ushel of , I excellent eating apples, seedlings,,yet a -- good tur, the balk of gia ft ed fruit. /le has the bst wishes of the establishment for a big yield next season. • LIR PANORAMA. Prof. Towne's Panorama exhibited Monday and Tuesdakotven ing last week at the TQNS'II Hall. • The arfienee was not large, but remunerative. The Exhibition is really meritorons and deserves a generous patronage. TE2dPEIIANC'E MEETINGS:—Rev. A Davidson will lecture on the subject of tem perance reform in this county, as follohw: Efansiteld,. Jan, L. Dartt Settlement 6. Holidays it 7. Rosevillo Jobs Corners " 9. „ The friends are reqoeited to make all necessary arrangements for the meetings. , . - GOLD IN tIiLA.TAAM.—Mr. William Spalding, of Chatham, some weeks ago found a , rein of tom mineral on his farm, and' proonrod ' the assay of s speoimen of the oro by a New York mayor. We hare seen the assayer's certificate, to the effeot that the ore yields upward of $lO per ton of gold air silver. Whilo lie do hot favor gold digging overmuch, there is' undoubtedly oonsidembly undexeloped mineral wealth in the hills where this ore exists. If tile oro doss not net more than $l2 per ton, however, on redac tion, it will not pap to work it at preeent-: We hope hlr. Eipplding will realise a fortune. THE CONCERT.—The lovers of good music were most satisfactorily entertained. by the Lo Sears Family, at the Town Ball, ;Friday evening. The bogie was a good* one, and save the presence of a few mischievous boys, an ap preciative one. Thu Missea Le Sears are gen uine and accomplished artists, performing their parts, with an ease and self-poise which promise more than ordinary excellence for the future. We take great pleasure in commending these musicians to that portion of the public which finds pleasure in refined amusements. Mr. Le Sears has been before the public for many years and is well and favorably known to many of our people. P. 0. STATlBTlC§.—Postinaster Back er, at Rutland obliges us with the statistics f his office, an foliowe: • Weeklies: Tribune, 40, and 27 camp ign copies ;" Agitator, 21; World, 21, and 25 cttm paign copies; Press, 4, and 10 campaign; Elnlira Gazette, 5;" Democrat, 10 ; other papers, 45. Monthlies, 28. Daily, I—Total-257. Rutland need not be ashamed of herself in tie matter of newspaper patronage. , Postmaster Bosworth sends us the statistics o the Bawls. Postolace, as follows: Dailies, 9; Weekly, 150; Semi-weekly 3; Monthly, 40—Total, 202; 21 copies of which aro Deraocrailo papers. Thci full Tote of Oceola is . 119, and its Repnbli can majority 98. Comment is necessary. MANsFinLiD.—"A.ccidentai" writers " About ien minutes after the departure'of . the train Thursdayayening, 17th inst., the awning of the depot fell, happily doing no injury to - flesh and bones. Had it fallen while the train waited the result would have been serious, as the plat to to was crowded. " llenry,Allen, Esq., has taken possession of a teem over Murdaugh Jr. Pitts's Store, as a law office. Joe. W. Adams, Esq., has. removed to F. W. Clark's law ofilee. Mr. Geo. Bacon, late of Charleston, has occupied the King residence, opposite the tannery. . . " Prof.. Allen, wife, and a party , of fourteen students, attended Naeby'e Lecture at Troy, Wednesday Groping. The party returned nez morning; delighted with Nasby and the sleighrldo "A strange fellow _was heard enquiring, ihe other day,. Avb3.ll.o.many of the- good, citisons of Mansfield, neglect cleaning the mar from thels , ,tre side walks?, Guess the fellow was en. That , lent the way we put on "Style." ft may be the cause of a little " Unpleasantness,' sometimes, to those who like tooopple off, "Arm in arm," and it is tough to be obliged to go it single file; but when oompelled, we can make "a virtue of necessity. "There is nothing like getting used ttol t, " - 4 4, GOOD TE3IPLARs.--Rev. James A. Davidson, ono of the State lecturers of tho I. 0. of G T., delivered an able and interesting ad dress in the CoUrtHouse Tuesday evening, llith inst. Maj. A. S. Brewster was chosen to preside. The audience was not complimentary to the spirit of the temperance people of Wellsboro, inany.nicti and women who are looked to as ex emplars in community,_ being absent. Yet the electing was agood one, and the lecture very ef fective. At the close of the-meeting a Lodge of Good Ttropl.ra with .thirty members, was organ \ ned with tht following officers: W. C. T., D. D. Deane. W. V. T., Sire. B. B. Eastman. W. S., A. 13. Eastman. - W. T., Miis Sarah Brewster. w• S., Clay King. W. M., Wm. Reily. W. D. M., Dr. W. W. Webb. ' W. I: 0., Anna Stereos- W. p.- 07, -- Seth A. S., Mrs. C. L. Wilcox. R. 11. S., Miss Nancy Johnson. S. Miss Emma Baldwin. • ' W. C., gateman Monroe. P. 17 C. T., M. H. Cobb. ' The Lodge will meet Monday evening's at 7 o'- clock. There are now thirteen Lodges in Tioga county. Sroxy-Form.—A correspondent writes: "We bad., a largo meeting here at the Graded School House on the 18th, evening, ably addressed on temperance topics by lili.Davidson, Suite Lecturer of -the' Good Templare. At _the close of tho address a Lodge of Good Teroplars Was organized with 15 ebarter lumbers, and the \ following °Moors : C. T., B. B. Borden. V. T. Elizabeth Headley. 8. C has. Houghton. P. Addle 'Wilcox. I. G., Marla Crowl. • 0. G., Charles Orr. - I'. 8., J. C. Bartles. IL Amos Trumble. • D. 11., Nancy P. Houghton. 11. 8. Albino. Houghton. IL 8., Adell Butler. . A. 8., Carrie J. Bartles. C. C.A. Crowl. P. W. O. T., E. Bartles. " The Lodge will meet Wednesday evenings, - and hopes to have frequent visits from tat' mbers of Wellsbore Lodge. Tbo people here tire de termintl to put down the sale of Niter." _ - shilOcipg nobidaut took , plade: Mj 4 ,14,1ebni, Saturday night, 10th lost the particulars of which wo rettive from Sheriff-Potter, as - follows Mr. Joseptagee yilutiklhe house of a neighbor, Afr. Palmer, tolpeathe.evifning, leaving• in charge of the house two bays about a dozen years of age. At about eleveno'cloak Mr. and Mrs. 'Gee prepared to go home, - and on reaching the door discovered their house' in flames. The whole party hastened bank, tteeom s ponied by Mr, Palmer, but found the, fire vary cadianceaand beyond''eentrol.l liar {lee rushed into the house and rosound'n bed or two. He then returned, probably to secure his money and papers, and being overcome by the heat and smoke, perished in the Dames.' 2 .Thci - remains were taken from the ruins next day and , .,given sepulture. The fire steins to have caught' from the fire-place, the door 'haviialfbltivin'open niter the boys went to bed. They awoke to find the house in flames. 1 The House and furniture were insured in the Glens Falls Company. Every-, thing, save the.beds, was destroyed MEI FIRE IN LAWRENOEVMLE.—A ?most destructive fire broke out ira Darlings la 'Day's, Drug, Store, at about 2 o'elook, Tuesday morn ing, 1011 inst., and raged with great fury until six stores, the post-office, Parkhursts Law Office,. and the Ford House were reduced to ashes. It will be remembered that a • very &sfructive fire ravaged tha,.aamo quarter of the village 'about a 3Tar ago, on thit - opposite side of Main-at. The entire business portion of • the village- is now "cleaned out." The losses and insuraace bare not come to hand at this writing, but we. hear that there was insurance Upon most of the prop erty. • Late nom furnishes the following estimates of oases and insurance: 'Ford House, John Hillier, loss $4OOO. Pally floured. C. S. Mather & Co., dry goods, building owned by Mrs. Botts. Goods fullyinsitred. Losss6oo6. No insurance on building. Mrs. Butts was a heavy loser by the fire of last year. W. 6. Horton, groceries, hardware, and eFock ery. Fully insured. Darling k Day, drugs. Lose $BOO. Fully in sured. George W. Ryon, Law Office ?, books saved. Thornton, grocer, goods mostly saved. 'Post-Office in same building, gontents saved. The fire is supposed to bo aeldental, though there is;reason to believe that it resulted from carelessness. • The tiro Company wore pro ptly on hand, but an accident to the hose diga tad the . maohitM early in the day. • • D s- Glositiw.—Perhape•you have' seen, or hmaybe t'kldo to tell us something about, "the mighty good follow." Ho buys the cigars -for the crowd, and pays for' tho drinks all around. If-oystel be handy to be got at, he pays fort.ho 'oysters.' If he goes to a hotel with a crowd, ho hurries out to the office and pays the entire "shot." Sometimes you wonderif there is any bottom 'to hie purse, any And to hie money. Of course he is immensely popular. He is quoted on all occa sions, and is authority on all - wont questions. In appearance this "mighty good follow" does:.not differ much from other frank, good-humored-, faced young men yOu may see in every neighbor hood. He is not, naturally, vicious. , Rather, ho is naturally a good fellow, fond of. approbation,' careless of reoney, over-socially inclined, and ex tremely liable to come to want. Jaen that impecunious period arrives, our young subject learns several things, among which we enumerate That this longest road has a turning.; that the deepest pocket has a bottom; that the biggest puree may ho turned inside out—Empty; and that when a fellow arrives at the turn of the road, finds tbs bottom ofhis pocket, beholds the inside of an empty purse, and marks the situation, his reputation as "a good fellow" disappears, like frost Under the rising sun, and he is 'no longer - • quoted as authority.' If ho be a sensiblo fellow - at the bottom—if there be something; !more than husks in his composition—he will accept the situation like a philosopher, and gain much wit:. dom by the experience. If he bo a shallow, su perficial fellow, likely enough, go to the "dogs." The purpose of this allusion tSisuctigifiod fellows is to warn young men 'of the Pock 'usien which they inevitably split. 4cany, young ,man, it is 'better to have no reputatiOn at all than to have one so doubtful in its signification. We can tel you of a better use *for your money, young man. First—begin to create alibrary, 'of books which will live when tho men and women who wrote them aro dead. Addl.() hiss often as you have spare funds. Every indust'rione young man, having good health and good habits,. may have a choice colleetk:n of two hundred 7 booing 'when ho reaches the ago of 24i Nor need he bo mean in order to do it. He may ho amen among men and do it; but if he chooses rather: to,- bo a fool among fools, ho cannot do it. You can no more servo Wisdom and Folly, than yen can serve God and Mammon. It is not neoesiary to treat every indolent sucker in the country. so often as you meet. It is never well to treat to whisky and beer, at any time. If ono °bonzes to invite a low friends to eat a dish of oysters, occasionally, at one's expense, very well. Yet that ought not to bo done too often. You need not go . a hundred yards to find some family which needs a roast of beef, or a load of wood, or a sack of flour; and bow often does , a "good fellow," as the term goes, expend enough, foolishly, in a single evening, to purchase a. sack of flour 1 —But, does some one ask, "ia a fellow never to have any' comfort of his money?" Certainly. But no man has a right to fling his money away when any human Creature is in need around him. Try to find your comfort in the comfort of other people who need comforting. The hearty thanks of a needy person are better than a flash reputa tion for liberality. The one endures forever, the other is a costly, foolish sham. —A lady correspondent last week inquired: "who shall set the examples ?" We reply—The grown generation. Men and women- are placed hero for that very purpose. To whom do the young look ? By the conduct of whom do. they justify themselves? By the conduct of their elders. Remonstrate with a ''young. man about his drinking, he will retort—"iiir. A, or, Mr. B, drinks. Chide him for keeping late hours, he retorts, "I AM home aelearly 'as - father," -or the older brother of the fetidly. Chide a ioung girl fCtr extravagance, and sho will quote "mother," '"sister," or Mrs. A, B, or C, as authority. So it goes; and we ought to learn that "the gods are Just, and of our pleasant vices make instruments to scourge us." In other words, _the sins of the adolt world aro visited upon the rising generation. —The other day a friend, who is ranch of :a philosopher, spe,itkilig,of a Man. with. Unfortunate habits, said : "110 has' - no - conception of any grade of motive, -or inclination, - or eharactiii.; higher than his own. On the contrary, hero gards all . apparently higher 'motives, inclina tions, and attributes, as hypoorisies and shams," Such a man is like the fox, which as the fable has it, bad lost his tail in a trap. 'lt Will be remem 7 bored that ho set at work to cM l avirice the rest of foxkind that tails wore shame. 1 We .do not read that all the foxes therefore cut off their tails. —Rom comes a friend, with' a graphic' sum mary of progress and improvement during the year 1868; for which, - (thesimmary) we aro over so much obliged, and print it with great pleasure. Hear him • " Why can't ono gossip about 'st" 'town, its well as abontran individual? If it omit be dune at all, do you think it would•be gossip "unletis the bad qualities, or the discouraging indications, formed the burden of what one,,should say? "If you do, put•thie with' the gossip' of the other gossiners ; but if you don't;' then put it where you "please! foe' . am going (yolk only of the encouraging signs visible about - our- Streets. In the way of building,lmore hos been, done than than our friend whom we have by theutten•hole might at first suppose . , On Main-st.,' we fiuve, during 1868, tho new house- below- residence 'of Joseph Riberolle, and owned by him: - The new dwelling of Benjamin Seely; The substantially new dwelling of M. M. Converse; the bricks church now in process of erection, end the new Steam Cabinet shop of J. Stioklin. "On Walnut-st., the new dwelling of Win. i Carroll, D. P. Roberts, and F. R. Wright. On - Queen-st., the new dwelling of Robert Bodine.' On State.st.Sldwelling of L., A. Seare: 'On Ist - Avenue, the dwelling of C.• .T. Wheeler. • •On Academy-st. the dwelling• of M. Johnson,' and - c.n Nichols.st. the two dwellings of L. C. Bennett: " The indications are, that 1869 Will show -A, MIRA' larger improvement. • PreparaticitirYor two 111 , brick - efttnoes.fti-a tiiNg . dy frpiiltisAt ai 4 ri . ey• will ho hegiid iu" the Spiing. Seiertirnew 'streets have been laid out, and lots near the 'center of the village corutitaM a fair taica.L , •: "We shallgiato, Whither a *trend- lets ni out into the barbarian, I:Aside ,-arield or .not. have, within eight miles of us, the finest.mines of bituminous coal ever opeited z in this county nnd some day—it is , only a question of bins the outside barbarians • will want it keep warm with, to make steam, &o:,, Then 'you will, seo 'basin es's gee tr•ou r grow-4he Igen ill tire! anti mechanical iuteiests the etnintrY , ' , grow; and '(the only unpleasaitt.cOnsideration) people who don't Jive in, or near Wellsboro, grow sad and down-spirited because they could not,• or dial not, .fOresee pr. ~foreitaotr •onouzh to.. have tiatatplanteTthOnselvee,iiong„ego, luto:.; , this' baudinnong the , • , . REVIvAL' lilki . T.JA.VitpNCO...VILI;E.—A , correspondent writes i' - "ltev:J. J. Turton, of the M. E. Church, has been laboring for `the promo tion of a revival of religion, in hks.,, - chgrols , for some weltp, iod with ioinchttece4s,,'iteiertit Inv big professed conversion. He, .will„,,ho c ,nssisted Ttitnida.y ik:l74'Sunifq,i neg, 20th.and.27tn jugs., by the ` i llicrnellsirille liraying.Band,' under =the leadership,y,thellev. Amos Herd. 'The "Band" is con4osed'itiost/y a able anil earnest ' Christian laymen, wh,o le their , time during the ' , winter .months to .ev ngelical labors,' at the dal! „of i . ,. churches in• ne dof their . services ,' Their' - eXer- , . eisee, which co eist of singing, praying, exhorta tion, and 'the elation of Christian experience, are' highly :Aiifying, an - d„iieldoin:fail to "rouse a .sleep religions interet." • • ' . -T• , , : - Capi!dat4t us from Denton Center, Benton Co., Nita; as follows: ‘.l.have opened a farm hero,. on the -Big Prai rie; ten -miles frOm 'Blairtown, d station on the Chicago and Northwestern R. R,, and eleven from-Vinton, the county seat. Wo have the hest land hero that can be fonntl in tho United States. Ctinsaise grain till you qatetirost. Al- for poli ties—leek nt the • election returns from Benton 'county,• I 'qtzt teaching,-: - this winter, mites from homo,ifor 23 per month. We aro having quite cold weather, and 'about Ginehes of snoW...'-' Wo are always glad to bear from our subscrl 7 . bers - in the West.' • • THE OLD FRA:N.KLINALAIA.NAC.T—Mt. A. Winch, of 505 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, has published this Almanac for 1869 containing besides the Usual astronomical tables, a full and interesting diary of events of 1867 and 1808, with much useful information of general, character. Price 20 eta. , , Ma c. aiti ', •33 ertzikim gm, EN Ei. - • BlNDlN.—Parties wishin4 Binding done, are requested to bring their Magazines, & 0., on or i: before January 2. Prices and styles may be seen nt the Book Store. IFUGH YOUNG. Wellsboro, Dee. 23, 1868 - 2 w. ,_. ;.;• , , 1., • SEWING MACHINES. EHOWE, Jr., first; Premium Sewing Ma . chine for sato in Wciisboro, by Out. 23, 18138-2 t. A.,POLEY. LAMB—POND.—At the residence of J. W. Kenney ' in:Peg:l, Deo. 9, by Rint.' J. J. Tnrton, Mr. Eglon S. Lamb, of Plainfield, Wis., and Mrs. Mattie M. Pond, of Spiingfield, Wis.„ PARKS--LCLARK.--ln IljOhmond, Bed. 9, by net'. G. Watrus, Mr: Benjamin P. Parks, of Nelson, and Miss Mary A. Clark, of Richmond, Pa. RANHOLPH—CLOGS.--At the residence of the bride's father in Chiitham; Deo. 9, by Rev. Wm. M. Haskell, -Mr. Milton F. Randolph;ol i Niles Valley, and Miss JOU B. Oleos. K.EMP—SHAW.—At the residence of Mr. R. Shaw, in Farm ington, Sept. 29, by Rev. Win. M. Haskall, Mr, A. D.Remp, and Miss H. C. Shaw. SPECIAL NOTICES. i• • • I GrEalq VI At " GENOY, Ver. SEtWiliitt, ITILACIIEVES; Qi.r.gNr Wally Machine makes tbll.- - elasiff twisted,Loop Stiteh; and the only First-Class Single Thread Machine Manufactered. Also . New Family and Manufaeturing 'Machines, with nil the late improvements. The Finger Co. sold in the year '67 over forty-two thousand Nlachinel, being several-thousand in advance o advance pf any otber,Maohine Maeufartured. The iluokeye lithlittle Machine; the only chestii MachineithatlmakeS Cho :Lock Stitch.-• Will be sold at $22, for hand'Machille i ; 04 Tat $3&, with table and treadle. • Ordcrs.takenlor the - Amerf. can Family Knitting Machine. ' GEO: O. nOWEN, Agent. Office just below the Towatand House, Wolls boro, Pa., Doc. Id, 1868. " PERSONS: WIIO ARE GRAY Can have -their hairrestorcul to its natural col .or, :Cud if it has fallen out, create a new growth by its ;use. - . 1 It is the boat HAIR DRESSING hi tho world making lifeless, stiff, brushy hair, healthy, soft ~ .. .. and glossy: - ' It. P. NALL tb CO., Nashua, N. 11. Prolirieters For sole by all Druggists. Dee. 230868. ANOTHER. NEW AND LARGE' STOCK' OF ; ALBUIVIS;' Just received by & Co. Th greatest and cheapest variety over brought int.. town. Albums tram 75 cts., to $2O each. Call and roe. P. 11.:WLLTANIS & CO. . • Wellsboro, Don. 23, 1868. IUO It . SA.LF.--Mne pain of.Plertsuie Bobs,' iit‘ Deo. 23, 1868. TOLES & BARKER'S. CASH Paid FOR' HIDESI by A. LURID Wellaboro, Doc. 16, 1868.—tf LRIG A ALM—An excel!: 0 lent tivo•horso Pleasure Sleigh, and a ver good Bear-Skin Robe; will be sold on long °red desired, the s eurity being satisfactory._ Enquire et the Bingham OMed. - • Wellaboro, Dee. 16, 'OB-3t2, T ETTERS,TESTIHENARY haying: b,con , . sand, ioitte undenrigiied and testainent Leri.l. Nichols, late of WelliS. boro, den'd. all persons indebted to, or claiming Against raid estate, aro required to settle with • \ 11. W. WILLIAMS, Wellet#loi - ee:11, 184JiwtW: t...' • • = WANThp- ASI-1 LOGS, rit our gill. Cash'paid for item: We are ready to saw for customers\ Drlp,g,on your.logs. Lath arid pickets always on jutod. Ash logs must be 12 or 14 foot long. BOWEN ct TRUMAN. Wellsboro, Dec. 16, ' d8.tf __, G • RAIN WANTED.—Cash paid for all kinds of Grain at C. J. _Humphrey's Mill, Crook od..X;roelc, Tioga Coniity; -and-tlie Vest, mar ket prices. C. J. HUMPHREY. .- :Dec. leo, 1868-310) 1 - IVellsbo : Po' - eLatoWneeville :it: R. 6: ' Tal IIE Stockholiler,:yyor,tbo NV .Illeliixrouglt , d Lawroneevilld Railroad Company, will me t on Monday Jai, 11, A. D. 1569, at tho office f the Fall Brook Coal Company, in Fall Jiro° . Pen n'a, at 12 o'eloeit, poop , for. the purposo , * f. electing n Pre - 81116w ihrtifirelvelfireetore of ea d Railroad Company for ilia ensuing 'year, a id trlinsaeting, such-t,,tirer 'bosinesa'.ll a is, On thiitiz , d bylaw. ..1. 4 .11E8 11F.RON, S,Fe'y. Fall Brook, Pa , bee. 10, 1868-2 w. NOTICE,--ICotice, is berehy giv .n o the stockholders ,off' The First Nat on Isunk of_Nollsborough, that,an eleetion;will held et tlair cwf i fice on the 2d Tuesday.ot Jah f ua y 18(19; between the hours et 1 and 2.0'010ck4. for the purpose of electing n'Board Direetors for'ttio onsuing4.oa,r. . ..,J—L.1.013/NSON,I gashier., , .TOBAVtoRIC, TIiE'tESt2STIC 4B; . with dessisitliVit THE AGITAIOR 024. illffiiMM {ItARRIA(S. _: - ^., ..." WILCOX-it GIBBS SINGER'S HALL- AETABLE MILIAN HAIR ..22MIVAR. Executor's Notice. 43oprEAriggiffskirs, a====2l2M! i r-iet Ins mixt-cre, PEACE! you want to spoa _nod stook of FALL & WINTER GOODS! go to 1 1;0341AD! fkit i cols' .„ TIOGA, PA. , ME /f you want &ad= ZEUS SCRIM§ such as . _ . ALP7AtIAS, POPLINS, O,ANIBRIOKB, VRENCH r 41 . 00 °NETS," ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, YERSAILES, BLACK. AND COLORED SILKS, (Pcs. . • • ALSO; IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART.- • MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS; HOOP 'SKIRTS; BAL. MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS,. CORSETS, .poisqszpos: - • A i'resii lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cloths and Cassimeres and a Tailor to Cut and Fit. Roots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, TRAW GOODS CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, .1 SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &O. GROCERIES, . the moat co) plate stook • you van fi nd, - each as 4 n TEAS. Ilf aro-old tea drinkers and know them to be good: SUGARS; MOLASSES, and in fact everything in the Grocery line; Also, Butter:Tubs and,Pailsi Butter sold on'abm mission—,-no.,eharges - fOrbandling; but would like a small portion of the money you get in re turn, that is if our prices suit, F-ZUtMEES T40.1,1$ All kinds and enperior quality ii • If you - , fill don't fail to try ours. IT El t good' - We warrant it. - . COUNTRY PRODUCE , .. . .. . • . takon in Oobingo fur Goods. We_ .propose to sell odr Goeds reasonably. "Live and let Live" prices given at the eounter-r-only'one prim Cash paid for produce if desired. ~,,, • BALIMM dc 00. Tioga,Ta.; Nov; 26;1868. - 1:1124,1. , IMII • • FOR THE =I KEYST i ONF,.. ,STOREI. No.l .11.(gin" Rfry . ei, I.lbo . ro' .?a., ssrharo Bullard & ‘ llOO2, - . - Hold forte Daily to orowde of euetoumire, (bal ling out the finest tind.oom'pleteit assortment of t ,GOODS, .19 1 113a4.97r r.'4noc:oo.o BOOTS-c 6 SHOES, HATS & OAPS; •t• . an d• P RS and ii . ARGIA:O7:#9 Dr CR WEBBY: Walk in Ladies, and examine our titoCll : . It will pay to do so. o►lr geode aro'seleeted with taste • . • - Nov. 18, 1868-6 m 44 tV Cutters 'a • _agona .•,-;-• • •.• - • - OF Atli kinds, made of thq b i eet tasteriale, Can .bo bad. at H. W. Dirtt's step, Matii Street, near the Aoademy. Alao—partionlar atteatien paid to Bliekshitith; ing of all kinds. H , W, : .pextrg. • Wellsboro, Nov. 25, - 11;168, 4th - • • IV . ALxvill‘ristl Rs. E. It r KIMBALL haC Suit returnedlll, tram tbeeity with a /urger und finerstook of MII 4 LINERY • than she ever offered for the Kull and Winter trade before. Customers are requested to - eall at tier new shop, one door alma the c Presbyterian Church, Main street, .Wellaboro,, , and-bicamina for themselves. , Oot. 21;1888-2m. - - NEW MANAGEMENT :AN'IF - NEW GOODS. _. • T . HE 'UNDERSIGN/I'D kt 'Abe old,stand of Viaoher dc Randall - are • in , the receipt of a 'FRESH LOT:91 1- tif.)Qtq, Bought'at the' very lower! sales within the lat few dtQa they'efferlikthe:ptiViofor.ready, _pay, at a Banal: adviiiken . ; Fis h _ YOlc:Potity. -Consisting in liart Of' . • • •, Dry Goods, thflreried, ery,:Bopts.;' ShoO, Ogee, 'Caps; In fact everything uaualiy kept in country. -Store.; An exa minat lap of goods ~tlnd.-prlce&l rtfideetfullir, Selrelted. kinds of produeirtak en In eietninie tit the market ratea. _ Nilts Valley,Nov . 3: ' 8 ./ 88 D. DIMON Jc CO. - VICTORY' • • Ts g t l ined over the Tooth ~aohe And the Bain _ of by,thcruse_of IyITROUS OXIDE - GAS;- ..: .eieicioved by scores .of,; teeth:not:dale at the bail- Office Of. : 3 , - • r: A. B. ZAJ3TALitt. Call and be oeuvlnood. Nor. SO. 'REOlititalf,lttitti !111 HAVING purchased the 'entire stock former ly owned by B. 'Goff, we would announce to the people of Tioga County that we have just received a full assortment of, SEASONABLE GOODS. bought sineelke recent donne in prices, and we !Dyke all who appreciate good bargains, to glatias a call. We shall continnally.keep a tall stock tv( - DRESS GOODS, 1111121 Z blail/ViNo Ockt - tciix Cll•cococlis WOOLEN AND • PAISLEY SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, - Yon have only to look through our stock to satisfy yourselves, that wo are selling Country Merchants supplied at small advance from New York Cost. The - Battle, has beetaciugh AND VICTORY WON. (MOODS high in quality and low In price have xj"canted the day, and hereafter will be found ready and willing for active and efficient service in behalf of all those who will call and give their orders at Flannels, Sheetings, Prints, Muslims, De laines and Dress Goods, with a groat variety of YANKEE NOTIONS, with whioh to fill in and trim up. We would oall epeotal attention to our aseortment of Hats and Cap's, • wit4prices which we know will compare Cavort' hiy with prices of the same goods before the trim which have been made to Order from perfect stook with 'warrantee.: Work ready. to be shown and fitted to all customers. Tito Grocery stook in dudes, Flour, Pork, Fish, Salt, Sugars, Teas, gof- Then' comes the WOODEN WARE, such as Tubs, Pails, Wash Boards, Mop Stioke, Sugar Bova and Pails, together with numerous other Goods, such as Crockery, Glass-ware, Stone-ware, whloh we will always be glad to show and risk the selling after the goods aro seen and ex. amined., • • DULLARD A 00 Wos9n VanValkenburg's No. 2 Union Blook. in French Merinoes, Empress Cloths, Bea ver Sackings of all discriptions, , Poplins of all colors. DELAIPES„ It_ PRINTS, ALL-STILES i I`ACTORI7S, SHEETINGS, BLEACH• ;ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIMS; MOP SKIRTS; of °tarp dssorlption ' DRESS TRIMMINGS and S.t DOTTON.of all kinds; also Itai largeit and : °heaped assortment of • 'BRADY 311118 CLOTHING; ever:broughi•iato;'Fioga oounty:- -- Remember the pine°, and call before purohasing. We have:it:Lit* assortment of Eleiata' Burnish •-• '• : 1 iog,Goedeolonsisting of • • Prawers, o.itirts Euck Sleeves; ''and Alittens, and Clothing of every description manufactured tosuit. Thankfid for past patronage r eed by strict ob. teiktfon to bosineaa we hope to share a' confine anee`oftto lerae.: , • •`. . FLOITIC 2dEAL;'alwaya on band at Amon'. 141011. JAMBI /11. BV7I/NaleB. ME -- 5 . : , ,T ' , ',i ',:•i!'s;:i COBNING. N. Y. =I SILK GOODS; WHITE GOODS, Buffs AND SHOES, GROCERIES, OROCKPRY, &e., &v. "Cheaper than the ) Cheapest." NEWELL it OWEN Corning,•oo. 20,1808.11 y: WICK & IFARR'S, TIOGA, PA. On the - Dry Goods side we have- a full and complete and assortment of Pall and Winter GOODS, Good stook of toots and Shoes, fee, Rice, Syrup, NOlasies, &0., 4:6e., WIONIIAM & PARR. 'Po l ka, oot.lo, 18613. Great sargaius , For all who call at lialla ME WILSON dr, VAN VALIOINI3URG 7, -• Fall Az Winter Go MIMI ME W p have received a very LAME STO PILL AND WINTHR 80 - on-the most favorablo terms; and will be very small advance from •cost. We th hazard nothing in saying that we keep di MN and the BBST QUALITY of Goods thl kept in the place. Have a store light ono' see what yen are buying, and pledge ours° quality considered, as at any other establis We continue to make oar on short notice and in the best marine have added to our stook a good assortme BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY. INGRAIN; COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. GREAT F. S. TB COMPANY and soil TEA at New York prices .by tho single pound. All visiting Corning, areinvited t o call and examine stook and prices. • DR C. N. DARTT, will still - continue his business in'We Isboro 114 •1 1 0 where he respectfully Emile is the patronage of all Who need, or desire the s tykes of a Dentist. Having been for the past fo aeon years engagedbin Dentistry exclusively, be feels confident of giving perfect satisfaction in tit op erations intrusted to his care. Special att ntion given to the treatment of caries, irreguitirities, exposed nerves, ulceration, and inflamation of the gums, and all other diseased to whiph the teeth and gums aro subject. Afi`First Class Work guaranteed in her me chanical and operative Dentistry. Oesrca at my residence near the E taco pal Church. Wellsboro, - N0v.11,1868,--3m. 'DRS. THQMAS & WARR DENTISTS, TIOGA, PA. .1 T.- - - RELY 5010•...---xe •...---xe - s . . .. .....-.... - -..4---. • lye upon ' illll ll t -'- ..__ iiii,. the beanty,dur - • ("•-:.' . z _ _- - , ability and ar .------' ' ~.7- ' - -:- .--4 - : ` - ) ;;;ab„!,- z _ tistio merit of . ' 7- f -- " , - -- =:7,-.77 - : 1-._::-; their work to P 'll- I'r , fsv: - : :.-:' - recommend • -, a Z 5, -;-".. hem .:.* :-..` ' 4 \ 1 it lk 4 *V ." ' . t . We' h I ave all tho modiwn fro provements and dO every kind of work knOwn to the profession. DR. O. THOMAS T. R. WARREN D . D. Tioga, Oct. 28,1888. _ where he is prepared to do work in• all the departments of hie profess ion in the most scientific) manner. All work warranted and satisfaotion gnaran teat], Call and cumine aluminum@ of work. B. B. VAN BORNE. Lawrenoeville, June. 24, 18138—tf. J. RE - subscriber bag fitted. up th e room]; ad joining D. P. Roberta Tin and Brow) Store for.the manufacture and sale of CIGARS, (all gram), Fancy and Common SMOKING TOBACOO,Michiganrine Cut 7 0ITE WING, a - nct.a/1 kind/ of . MCC? TOBACCO, .PIPER, and the obi cot 'Brand of CIGARS. Pe" Call and seo for yourselves. JOHN W. PIIREIEL. Wellsboro, Nov. 11, 1868-,tf. - mash for Dried Berries! riASH for everything I buy, CASH for every X../ thing I tell. Wisp,' on hand and for sale at the lewee OASH Prices. ' - "All kinds of Produce bought and sold for N. 8..-. Don't ask for credit after this date. 3V_ellaboO, Oct. 1, Iscia. M. B. PRINCE. 'finis HAINES . BROTHERS PIANOES are universally aoknowledged to bo the Cheapest !MR $T PIANOS MADE. Every Piano is warranted for live years. Sold by • CAfID PRrNtrNO-:-at Nevi York prioekin COloro or plain, and nut to tun orderoott Iss &O mega Ontoik =BM IN CORNING. 1.......:....:-.4e. , - BEST ASSORTMEN SELL AS LOW, CLOTH TRAD ono of our epeoialties, and when deal' MAKE THEM_ TO ORDE CARPETS, consisting of FLOO . I, OIL CLOTH and MAT't'ING, and can aoll them HOW VERY LOW. ~~~ We are the agents for the 1 SMITH & WAI Corning, Oot. 1, 1868. 8 ) 01 0 ill lit New Tobacco Store 1 Flour, AMIAD, PORE, FISH, SALT, &C., "101111111 EXCHAME" EMI I sing, I sing o Ca'ourions thing, • • A 133051 411 strange as Edgy, upon,Tyng I Fire swung 'round' a thole as round ass ring,' And while on the down sails part of iny I stopped at the pity apd took on the Bprine S I NUS 'OP CRUCEIUES OK of SUGARS ARE BOW IN:THE NEOIC, El Molasses & Syrups have a freer ran downward, with a funnel-eha . red trail. ,_ .1d at ,nk we however;are out from the neck downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA.--TEA ---TEA t are gh to YOH to will be prepared from' a drawlnt furbished' to every customer vr.ho buys a pound. Of the styles to suit complexions, &0., I may mention that 'you can ham) if you.long for it. r cannot git time to look up all the bard words wblob the ment GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY Use to startle the innocent people about the coun try; but you eau depend upon finding the very best of Teas at.tbe BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE ? Eil tho atyles aro various. Yon can have the latest styles from the following fashionable foreign ports, to wit: MOCHA. JAVA,RIO, LAGUYRA JAM AICA, &C. Plour still wears hoops over all, `and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades eatable. Also, together with a fall assortment of light groceries and canned delicaeles. As ever Pays, Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE Q tmi Dentistry in lawrenceville. :NN, late . with Aar ton and New York it Rooms at the Pord WOULD saylo their friends and the pnblie: generally,. that thiy are nonr•reoelvingi, apleTild noortment of 'infer •kt DRY GOODS, • SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES ; TEST , INGS, READY MADE' , CLO THING,. HATS & CAPS, , - BOOTS AND SHORS`r•-_- CROCKERY, HARDWARE, 'WOODEN . WARE, STONE WARE; KERO- • SENE OIL, PAINTS & .OILS, . - 'SUGARS, TEAS, 'COFFEES, MCLASSE.S,.._ _ ETC,. DTC., ETC: • We are able to olTer our enamor' the benefit of the • • in the New York Market, our Stook having been purchased Arms the great decline in Goods. VOUS '4l; BARKER. Nrylliboro, Nov.lB, 1868.-d CAI3II PAID "FOR WDAL, DIITTEIR. AND 01111 ESE, by D. L. WELLOOX. duns 17, LIIML Tho fashions for. And moranatontehing apt 3SZa.ciiit.,exiel, Black Tea ET3 C;icoliee, In the mutter of PROVISIONS: PORK, DRIED BEEP AND HAMS, MATHERS PRODUCE CALL AT MATIIERS'S. Wallsboro, Apr.l, '6B. AV, T. MATHERS 3 H ~' - V r. ini e i ts a> E . i 8. LI) Or r "? • 13 'Cm co (;) ct, . 03 1-1 • CD 0 ca 4 tin CD 'got =Cl. CD En re I li P.,. • r W .4.4 • '. : t "C E. 0 g NEW WINTER GOODS. TOLES & BARKER; (NO. 5, UNION 131.002 C.) . anoh no also a largo and well seldoted stook of LAST DEOLINt OF Pl#OBii STOVgS, STOVES, STOVES. 'WILLIAM Rol3Eltlli, Main street, Wellaboro; Ponta. lIAVING been snotniad agantin ell Int 00.1111 Stoics manursototid by Shear, Pact. and & _Co. of Albantk N. Y ihm aim- ready to farnish tbo following named acleltirctsd Stoics t COOKING. STOVEi3i: AMERICAN, ' NATIONAL, I HOME COMPANION, MONITOR._ TEE BENEFACTOR, the latter of which is the best stove for oomtllo/1 use ever in market; being cheap, well Jude, AEA convenient. khave varletrot :• - - ELEVATED OPENS,' PARLOR STOVBS, ST IRON various patterne I SHEET IRON, Self Resulators. • LSO—Stores suitable for burning hud or so coal, will be furnished to order. Customers will do well to examine my stook, which Is aS full end well selected u any in Northern Penn ey yenta. I have also put in Alan stook of Wil of all aorta. Thankful for liberal patronage to the past, I respectfully solidi a continua** of the saute. 'Bert. 16, 1868. The American Cooking Stave All articles of value and established reputs-"-, Lion have their imitation,. Manufacturers who have nqt the brains to invent or the enterprise to establish a reputation for themselves; seek to appropriate the inventions and reputations of those who have. The American Cooking Stove, for instance, has obtained a world-wide reputa tion. Messrs. Sheer, Packard .4; Co. have spent seven years in improving and perfecting this stove, : till it is almost perfect as al stove, and they have spent large amount! in advertising and bringing its merits before the people. There have been numerous imitations of it, sad they have been compelled to bring are salts against different parties for appropriating their patented improvements, all of which have!muulted in their favor. The last phase of these imita tions is one similar in design and almost an ex act imitation of the name, - only one teller WI outs These spurious Imitations are sought to be palmed off upon thci public as a genuine article. This is in violation of their rights; and they have commenced a suit to - restrain the tale of these fraudulent articles and they propose to prosecute all infringements and imitatiotts till others cease'from appropriating and imitating their improvements. SHEAR, PAWLA . IID it CO Q . Nos. 17 and 19 Green it.,Albany, N. T. For sale by Wm. RODZW7II, Weli/bOrOs Pa. Des. 9, aw. CA W. NAVLE, would say to his friends kJ - . that hia Ilarnese Shop is now in full blast, and that ho is prepared to furnish heavy or light IE-T.Eclexa.e•asseseas, • on short notice, in a good and inandantlal man. ne , and at prices that can't fail to snit.. 1N THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEE UN ted Slate', for the IVestern District of Pam rgronia. Silas Allis, a bankrupt under' the act of Coess of March 2,1807, hiving applied for a di charge from all his 'debts, and other olaime: pr vable under said act, by order of the 00=4 notice is hereby given to all creditors who have prOved their debts, and other persons interested, to 'appear on the 80th day of Deo.. 1808 i at ten" o'clock A. M., before P. E. Smith,-Esq., Register, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And..fustber, notice is hereby given that the second and tbird meetings' of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and`2Bth sections of said ace, will be had be-. fore said Register, the same tithe and place. S. / C, M'CANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District CoUrt for said District. Floc • 10-2 t -I=l - c> ati 1::., 4cietw i . ART GALLERY. "Ah: oy =1... *1 CO To conseqnorico or Sickneil, the firm known heretofore as King it Eastman's - Gallery of Art i 3 hereby mutually dissolved agreeable to both parties. The business. will hereafter be carried on by • . 1 8 CID e•••- 0 CD 1../ Ii CLAY KING, OPERAT9It . AND. PROPRIETOR, . At al i o old stand over Eattman's Dental Mee. Constantly on band a largo assortment of FRAMES, SQUARE AND OVAL, OVAL • - SIZES MADE TO ORDER, Bi r 4l. CD .11 r•• • 1.....[ %ti. Also cases just received, which will be fitted with large or small pictures of the bost'quality and nt reasonable rates. CD 5. 9 ii-C 3 2 0 =..., P.% ::::1 copied from old Ambrotypes or Halperin°type/ of deceased friends; Having secured the aervi.; ses of one of the best finishers in Tnk•sepla or Oil. lam prepared to fill all orders. ti CID 1-1 1=3.- ... 4 SI; at $2,00 per dozen, either 'cards or vigtiotts; large size from $2,00 to AlO,OO each. , .. 1 Also a large lot of \ OASES :which I will fft with pictures from 50 cents to $B,OO. No charges for showing Goods. Especial 'attention, paid to making Platurerfor fozollies'in gronpi. ' AIBO a fine assortment of PHOTOGRAPH!! and tin typo albums, worth from CO onto to ST. Welieborci, Dec. 9, 1808. - Hov and Lot fot HOMM and,Lot, -and vioant jot for gale; cheap. Location Wellsboro, and desirable. Inquire at the Agitator Mae. Oct. 28, 1868.—tr. • -x4- .I.VCW Tannery. - T . - • if TIE undersigned. has fitted up the old Bon dry building, near the Brewery, Wellebero 4 and is now preparec to turn out fine °calf, bp, cowhide, and harntss leather in the but man ner. Bides tanned on shares'. Cashpaid for hides. M. A. Dunn. Wellaboro, Oct. 14, 1868. - Farm for Salo I TIE subscriber offers for sale his fare, lying about 2i miles east of Welleboro, in Charles ton. (Said farm contains 52 aores, about 40 aeresloloared, well fenced, well watered, ecurt fortable house, first.olass barn, 'other 'ontbullil ings and a gopd young bearing orchard thereon. Inquire on'ttp promises. ARTEDIUS 491trtiliq. Charleston, Aug. 19, 3.13084 f- • HEAR ItEII,HEAR YE 1 HEAR YE BARRELS,,FIRRI'N'S, CHURNS, - BY'iTER TUBS,Ito.; • Kept -- o,onstan ly on hand; and furnished to or dor, by W. T. MATHERS, ht bis tow store, 2d door nbovo,Roy's Wolloboro. ' . (Juno 10, 1808.) -1 For SaM.. - ‘,• , • • "A:GOOD span or young lories; trun and kind Inquiro at tl ROY'S Dlitl7o STORE. • . 11. 8. DOLRLIEM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IR Flour,Esed andltloal; Weatseld, Tioga Co, Ps. Nov. - H OOP. SEIRTM, at Agent for all era 1 - • class twist', zi ..., d- - :-"A -;- HARNESS SON be beat workmen are employed, and none but best material med. Call and sea. lea. 9, 1868-Iy. CI. W. NAVLE. PHOTOGRAPHS ;.TWELVE GEM CAWS for $1;00, or 24 f4tsl,Bo PHOTOGRAPHS, . I WM. ROBSUITB. CLAY KING. MILANO 0011