THREE,OLD SAWS If the world eierei cold }llia& fires tomsrm ! Let their oorafiiitllid'elroPi 'view Wioterelh*JitTorrti it. fiedrtritlfrateerfatt put own Tolhtd xiditorlti gather"; You - A.411.10m forget to moan,— "dh I the cbeerlele weather I" If the wprld'ii , • lithil4'lititfifes 10. 4 , Will it halt ;pouf fonolirioas, On the tyrintelce din : Beide a hut, hoveyer Weedtitindlirardblee'emother; And to red ailtl inenVinite" • Some forrorner itisieher. If theii'ethri a - vale Of tear!,.... Balite - 1M . rtirribiiiv — i 7 i4i)eji it l Breathe tho love - WO life-endeur4; ,Olottr from fan it. Of your' glatinthis Loud 4gl tlk ' Unto 'zioiil3l that _phy ar Bhoi them bows 14r1(:§orrow'e. Etream nope's bright river, llama - sous-and its: Idpscirte , . , We did not appr(Taeli the city by pass ing over the cliff-L-a point celebrated by tourista',a4 tlie - jilifee frow. which _Da - manila' - denly, itiid la its - fulli 'beality,. as he comes in from•thawest, The fact is we were too weary'juStjhen to care 4ow DamasenSAOolied, and.. were. only abx ions to reach the Mellonk','K.ocmikda— the only hotelin the city deserying the _ name: ;So -we - kept the straightest, easiest,-road E , 1 And loat:thiit famotis view —a loas`Whieh We Ceased' to regret - When , we got Our lirkt etenprehensive. view 4.1• Damasees: frOni'„,the ~ts,p of 'the lofty Minarefqf thE4reat - InosqUe—the true centre froth' &tali ,the city and its in terior gartlens#liit4i3 EtXterlor orchards .are all beicoverlooked.. ,And certainly no city in We. word eati present so ye culler, I had almost said, - so picturesque a prospect. - Damascus lies: in the mid dle of a smeiethilevelijilatii,:seeiningly nearly - a circle . 91;fairy.T.built. houses, somewhat higher `t_liao is' &minim r in other .011entaLeit.1 . 6.4„;:tha -, almost . all , having oVerbringilig,,moe4; which-are shored up 'riidelr.hy.,timbers, termina te ng in the: Nv:itilfielif teen et.- Wen ty feet ohm/ the. ground: :The stre - ets are con side bly.-:wlders. than those' of Chiep . ; • but a they:are . ['tiniest all covered' or' archedt. over with ' light roofs', they are' not visible' from tibOve.'" The chief feat ure, always' exdoPtiug the, numerous domes and 'mi'n'arets; net: so' abundant as in Cairo;,lsithe large court yards, full of - orano,leriaon, And citron aces, laden with fruit, and., Always. ) , with, a large fountain, oftWater 7 in,theimiddle, These. courts, paviidl with: marble, are found ; on visiting a half. dozen Ovate Houses, to be evert mere extensiVe - aral more at tractive Within doors'lliiin-' they look froth above. Dot thdhianalimg rested, -- on the houses ot. ;doif,rfe, Attabogli: hun dreds of wcinien; ilreSsed - like. Sheeted,: ghoSts, were visible lif-theSO inclesures, for-the girdle of orchards (gardens_they . are commonly called) . which ~encircles the city, begins to be too-'attractive, es pecially just-now that, t every,one of its myriad.of.a.Pric i oVtrees s is-in full' bloom. It seems to make a. broad, violet-col ored, plumy wall' of flower y fragrance around thowhele city. Outside of, this - , springs ,another large 'circleorehalky hills, enclosing the plain on three'sides, leaving It'operi 3 Ottly i towaida the desert,, which, though, Unseen,' suggeSt4 its por -tentous presetie_e_by a vague_ horizon at the eastern quarter, i .. ,-• . . . Altogether, Damascus ; Witlfits plain, in which it As-said that fifty villages may be counted, seems a. soft,Werdatit, fruity region, shut in from tile rest df "the world, perfect_in _itself, and like a jewel in a rough setting—an oasis with a mountain rim. We - visited the great mosque. `ltr;used to be a ilifficult, - and . then - only an expensive thing to do. Now a party by paying a single pound . may have the privilege of entering in stocking feet or slippers, this shabby, yet - impressiv.ely large and venerable bond ing. The're is a iqng,4ouble'row of eel umns dividing it-Entelliree naves. The roof is rude and' ugly,; the walls, once beautifully coveted .with Mosaic, are , now disfigured- by staring white-wash. There are the usual marks of Moslem instruction, a few pulpits : a' well of holy water:- ' some raiiieitinclosures where old nieu - learned in the Koran, sit readiak-aloud to theniseives. A few others are rolled in intitf,6lnd lie sleep ing- soundly on' the Aoor. They are devotees, who having vowed to speod a certain Unbroken i period of time in the holy place, must heeds sleep there when weary nature giv_qs out under their mo notonous prayer. A great- many chil dren and a considerable number of rag-.. ged men, and..-a-good-many others - of fairy appearances and ,respectable' de- - meanor, are moving' 'iiiibut or prostrat ing themselves- towards - Mecca. Some boys are running through the mosque with very careless, levity, without- at tracting any 'attention front the rest, for one of the principal doors opens upon - the chief bazaar, and the passage across is a kindqf theroughfare.. In spite of all this there Is In the vast di mensions of this mosque an unmistaka ble - dignity. The . great, court in the ebert or south ,side :of it, paved with marble, is ii ,grand, open square, in which is a small 'pavilion, where used to be' the library. About this 'square are various chambers, some devoted to reception of the poor, other rooms where' learned Moslems receive their pupiliAnd give-instruction. There are three commanding'. minarets of the or dinary style belonging . to the. mosque, from which glorious views of the city and plain are to be, efijoYed. . We-went down from the print pal one Just be fore noon, as. the: priest was: about to sound the muezzin, and our presence apparently was - deemed - - incompatible with the solemnity of thatealrto prayer. Dr. Belton's Letter. . • "My son," i3sthfilie' elder Spriggles to his junior, thinking. to enlightenl the boy on the propagation. of the henuspe cies. "My son do youlsnow that chick ens come:out. of 'egge ?" , `Do they?" said Spriggles, jr., as he licked his plate; "I thought eggs trimebsitof chickens." ..physician Was. ailed. to in this town the other day, who on being asked if he hadn!t. ; taken something strange into s - stomach, replied - that he believed he had. - 1 : W: minit have been that glass of water. Haven't been so imprudent4octor, for ten Years." When Washingtoil's' . ,segreta , ex cused himself for'.the" Triteness or his ak. tendance, and laittl'thb:blatne upon his watch, his maiterdiiieklyliaid.: Then you must get another. ewateLi, or I an other secretary." . " Mr. Smith,.l-wish to speak to you rivately. Permit nra, - :_to ta We you Ipart a few minutes.?' Smith _(who ‘-asnit the least frightttlid)- , —" Certain ly, sir, if you'll, promise to put tee to gether agtlin.', A murderer is described by a .Cali fornia paper as " having a wonderful talent for bereaving any family he does not happen to like." A woman saftritrii." police eonrt J tie other day, that before marriage her hus- band pretended to be much struck with her, but now she was every day struck by him. "No man in England thinks of blacking his own - boots," 'said an Eng lishman to'Mr. Lincoln. " Whose boots does he black ?" Mr. Lincoln quietly asked. It is thought to be'. curious that a watch should keep — so perftletly dry when it has a runnlngspring inside. Mark Twein;lrhiii rectum on the Sandwich lelands, ofibra to illustrate cannibalism if some motherwill furnish a baby. -- SLAIMEU not others because they have slandered you ; We not is reptile because you halve felt kitatite. AVELVOBORO. ACAAED X, , : FActor.,TY . W. A. Altai S. D. Rouse; Mils; A. B.EASTILLNy CALENDAR FOR 18138-9 Winter term commences Nov. 26, closes February 26. Spring term commences ,MOrph let, wed closes June 4, 1869. Frlmery DOpsrtment onimon - Vnglteb;" Higher Fuglleh - ' - ' Languages and Higher Mathematics, Instrumental Music Drawing =MI Each Tet,M to 'continue fourteen creeks. one half first day of term, remainder at middle of term. No deduction madigiu tuition except for, sickness.— l ' pfone but Robiesolfe Slathemitlca are used, -' Students on entering are requested to register their names to• gethor with the studies they wish to pursue, and pay one-halfiel their, tuition." '". ; - - Board ‘procarr - al at - tea - sof:table rates hi the village. By order of the Hoard of TRUSTEES Trollehoro, Nov. 4,1808, , - - - WELLSBORO BAKERY. HE SUBSdRIBE4 havlng estahlished 1.. - selt in the 'BAKING BUSINESS. in this ;village, nett -Our to E. -It: Eitni4nll',l,. G . toooryi is now pr4parod cart' on the business In all its various branches. I will keep oon., stantly on hand nu eeEortment of Bread, such al 10 A.I';BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER " CRACK ERS, -- B ROW N • BREAD, WATER • CRACKERS, SUGAR' • • CRACKERS, • - • ' DYSPEPSIA ANA SODA BISCUITS, • OYSTER CRACKERS,• CAKES, iI'PIES AND LUNCH, at all hours ot tho 4sy, Sundays excepted. —Hy strict attontiortto business shall, endeavor to merit po putahit4tronitgo. . OH AS. STEVENS. Violls1;cro, Juno. 24, 1888. NEW HARDWARE . STORE' CONYERS 'Bf OSGOOD IN,lnadiiion to their old huslnesS in Dry Goods, Groceries, &0., have established a STOVE: TIN, AND GENERAL' HARD WARE STORE, two floors below the old etunc►; where they than datiture TIN-WARE CM= HUMANITY PRINCIPLE, that is, in the most substantial' manner. In the matter of . • . ST I OV NS, we have ertough to do all the cooking and warm ing in Tioga County., In fact, wo have Stoves enoiigli . to MAKE Ai SUMMER in _ 1 Viro are theonly'egepti tetra sale of the . AMERICAN=.: STOVH in Wellsborp; and this Stove is the AUTOCRAT OF STOVES We keep all kinds of Hardware, Iron, Nails Steel, Horse Shoed, and a complete variety of SHELF HARDWARE If you don't believes it 17110.1' IN. • CONVERS OSGOOD, Wellsboro, Sept. 4,..1867, StoVies! Stoves AND ILA ft,D WA R fat - MR. WILLIAM .RPBERTS begs to •/-TX announce to the citinena of Tioga County, that in addition t, his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittahia, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a oompleto assortment of Shelf 'Hardware, of whioh we enumerato the following articles: NAILS, ,SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, - BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS; • PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT;STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS ; - BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS,, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE- . TREES, ELLIP TIC' SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS ANDI STUFFERS OOMBINED. All 2, PISTOLS, • PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND OAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a now thing, and made for uso.. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of litrrdwaro. We invite the public to call and examine for theraselves. We aim to keep the best quality qf goods in our line ; and all work to order • done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS., Wellsboro, Sept. 1,-1866-tf. Hero Fruit Jar. 50n GROSS of tho HERO FRUIT JAR %., for sale by - W. D. TERBELL & CO., Corning, N. Y. We are prepared to MI orders for the Hero Fruit Jar as low as hey can be bought any anywhere, and shipped from Corning. Wo can give special rates on large quantities. It is the best and most salable Jar, in the market. Get quotations from us before ordering elsewhere. March 18, ISM3.—Ord WASHING MACHINE: ' JAS. ML 'WILKINSON, of Charleston, having purchased the right to make and vend the 11. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby sixes...notice that the machines ore being made at Van Horn's Cabinet Factory, Wellsboro, whore they may bo procured. • The beet, cheapest, and mort sensible maoh ine ever invented. Juno 24,18138-tf. 200 .3 , .. „ y h o v i ...Tr e o i t l h o t ceat Seed. dB loo bushels WRIGII74 SAILZY: insuranceAgateYjic 4 • f 4 Precep tress, Teacher of ifueia. INSURANCE CO., R,.0. Sputa, W t .S. ADEN Pres. I V I. READ, Gen? kit; L. D. SiIDDD/KER, T. P. ssoo $7,00 .........$B,OO $lO.OO. 43,00. • CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $150,000. rrIHTS id the cowpony fur which Theodor . ° Hatfield was lately l agent, and policy hold ers who:wish to renew 'their lusul ailed are re quested to oxilyta tit° eulq,criber— Girard Fire Insurance Co,, '- • ! J. B. ALVORD, THOMAS CRAVEN. Prtaident. Secretury. A. S. r . Capital. s2ooslloo, 'A e II 6hrup'in Surplus. Over $160,000; ' • Continental Ins. Company, Cash Capital, 5500,000,00 Gross Surphis., Jan.], 1868, 1,314,690,31 Cash Assets, do 1,814,690,31 ,GEORGE.T..HORE, Presfitent.. i•. • •-•1•••• ‘' H. - I,SMPORT: Vico P.ret4itient. CYRUS PECK, Secretary, • Tho subseribOr this method ;of informing the publio that ho huar tigOitcy ikt the above Companica, and will be found at his cafico over Roy'e Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office. JNO. I. MITCHELL. Wellsbbro, Pa., Feb. 26, 1868—tf. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Dairymen, Faimers ASUES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN, FEATTIERS;* PEA)VISIS, JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant, And reeeix e hly weekly' Price Current of :Pro duco and Oreeeritli the most enmplete Price Cur rout Published in the United States.l • Marking Plates 4: Cards fure d ished Free Libei•al Advances made onton&ignm'to GRAND GIFT GALLERY GRAJO GIFT ALLEM. A eplondfd Gift with 'every $2, It oral of Pie tares, Frames, Cord and Tassels. OVER 500 PRESENTS_LTOj3E.OIVEN The largest assortment of Frames and Cases In Tioga County, to be sold low for cash. In ad dition to the low prices, wo will give away the - following Presents worth froth fifty cents to fifty dollar; one hundred presents worth frothslo tc. $5O; two hundrod prosonti worth from $3 to $lO. two hundred presents worth from,so. gents-043 % The presents consist of Goldnfid Bilfter Wtitobea; Silver Cake Basket, silver Tea Bells, Castors, gold Watch Chains, Seals Charms Sleeve • ButtonS, Studs in sotto; Watch Rooks, silver Plated Forks, Teaspoons ; all gilt Prawn( Cases,' Setts, Cord and Tassels, Geld Rings, family Biblerllistory of the Secret Seriice by Col. Baker, with other pres ents too numerous to mention. COME ONE, COME ALL, l AND SEE - FOIL YOURSELVES AND BE ~ - CONVINCED. Tour.present given to you the same day of sit ting. Prices tho same as last year. Don't forget the place—over paatman's,Den. tal Office, and 4 doors below Roy's Drag Store, Main. Street. CLAY KING A EUGENE EASTMAN. Wollsboro, Jiino 25, 1868. . Important. Facts. Q INCE Balutifer is nowbeing • useif ) iii thous ► ands of families the following facts are im portant to be known. - „ Rata—Though it is the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet - it is teo compOutided, as td be safe and harmless. It-is of such a nature that It may be handled and used by children, and persons who are ignorant of Medicines. Sucoau—lt is found that Salutifer will relieve severe pain in any part of the — body sooner thafi any other pplication. Tnina—,- t is important that the bottle be well corked, ift eft open only-a-fatv minutes it lois, strength. .. , FOURTII—This useful remedy can be obtained from almost every dealer In -medicines. • ATTENTION FARMER S I . • SPRING has came, and those 'desiring ftrit barns can have them by buying 1 2 1.E.MStea . at tho of I. Champnoy a Co._which Nye are selling at $6 per toliritour tar All kinds' of Produce taken ip exchange fOr Plaster. Givens a call._ • I. CIIAMPNEY - Jr. CO. • Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March 26, 1868-6101 11. WILLIAMS d< CO., have got the beet, . largest and cheapest stock of Drags, med icines' Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff, Brushes, Varnisbet, Putty, Yankee No tions; Perfumery, Toilot Soap, yishing Tackle, ,te., ever brought into this county. They will positively sell everything in their line cheap or than cen_be bought elsewhere. They bought their goods in large quantities and for nett cash, and can and will sell cheaper than any other es& tablishment in this county. Call and examine stock and prices. P. It. WILLIAMS .-CO.r . May 9, /8134. IJ leak: MIME WILE:ES-BA 11.R.14 I, OF, VIC •et T UY 'XL tC ,(» — Policies written at this ofliOe and Ot4erse CONSIGN Yuui CIIEESE, EGGS, FLOVIt' AND MEAL, iLA1, 7 0011:0N,:': FURS " AND I SKINS,' WOOL, GAME, 'POULTRY, NAVAL STORES, HOPS, GINSENG, OILS, LARD, TALLOW, SEEDS, TOI3ACCO MOLASSES, &C., &C- 442, 444 and 446 Washington St., ItZeovir *W"cDpx.3lx,.* Cfit3i'. SEND MR ,A, PRICE CURRENT. Established May Ist, 1860. First Clan , Referenced given when Requi;ed April 22,-1888.-1 y. • - Go to King &Eastman'm ,f FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS. AWAY 1 GALLERY OPEN ,TO PRESENTS, JULY leT. YES! YES! YES! 100:0001%ficii7Orliq4 =NM ' ME THE'subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Cassimeres, Flannels, so., &0., for Wool.— They alto manufaoturs as usual— TO ORDER, OR 01‘1 .- SHARES, to snit tinstomers. All work warranted : as rep resented.' They invite pattienlar attention to their Water: Proof , , which are warranted In every reapect. Partin ROLL- 0 ARDIN t LOT II AMIE SSi Nii Twenty years 'merino° in the business war rants thorn to expooting a generous patronage No shoddy cloths made. , DeLano & Co., at, -Wolleboroi are'.og - onts- for ho solo of our Cloths: JOSBPII INOHAM & SONS `l?,aarflold, May 13, 1868-tf. • A1U14:F,174,-!.*' . .- • GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE THE OLD saying that a penny saved is a penny earned, justifies GARDNER in naming his establishment, tk - &tri a ge - 13 0K ? F. l 4i39olbris Wealth, said chap whose name I have forgotten; and it is 000notny to trade where the - SLAUGHTER of high pricesis beingvproseeatod with vigor and without reprieve. crean sell; ffingam Teas; M - lasses, Fish, Pork, Flodr, Corn Meal, - COffees, Canned Fruits, Spices, and everything intended for family use, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE ' fall of the ruarketeon advantage duly appro. elated by everfiinimxeapting ontylhiise verdant INNOCENTS who prefer PROMISING TO PAY one hun dred per cent. profits to the seller, to PAYING twenty=ilve per eent. r nnah ow.rtielipry, ofthe goods. I shall offer trifstook.•of 'Goode fair prices EVERY MONDAY, . EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY,- -1 0 , EVERVTIIIIIISDAY; EVERY FRIDAY, EVERY SATURDAY. and fill up as fast as I sell out. -- • ' ' L. A. GARDNER. Wellsboro, Juno 12, I'A67. Now is Your Time to Buy! HAVING more goods than is necessary for this market, i will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED. WARE, AND FAN , QY 900DS, AT COST. O. G. Cloas at $9,150. Gothic ‘‘‘i 3,03. Cottage " • " 1,70. American Watcho , l o .nting Casos at $l9. Finer Mayon( AAI , Cases, at *or respondtagly tow pi. tg ‘‘ re nt Man ufacturers' prices,. , THIS IS NO HUMP - I'' ..1 1 A VER ITABLE ,AL 1 Call and see for yo ee, g Wellsboro, Ari A l 2 1. A OLEY. Stoves liEll ‘..-Otinipeople all, both want to keep - ' - PEACE IN Ttl you =let have enough to 4 dry . wooo, hgood wife, well-behaved akildtan, and to orowtnatl,h TIP . TOP. COOKING:_STOVHI Thiejazgand crowning good, I have at my Tin and , Stove establishment; oppoilte:Roy'a ,Block, Welleboto, and its name la the • HOME COMPANION ; bands admitted - to lie *glint to any in the WON: . • TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, arid wairaiiai &dn: exeenie - d in" the best manner and with dispatch D. P. ROBP,RTS. • • • Wellsborongh, N0r..21, 186 T. PublieJ Benefit,- AMONG the in;pioi9*entkoi l the:4iii, there are few that givo , more' 4,*aleedf . good, few so well adapted to reliever human 'suf fering, few so a 4311 approved by the public as that new andlpoworful remedy called Salutifor (or as the German'p,sbPle call it llealthbringer). • -• • Itlives•easti - and.comfort to the poor' sufferer from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, tind •brings' speedy relief to. that large olass of diseases that are often cured and,au, . opt— ward application, • : - For sale by all Druggists. • Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND & STI. GER, No 64 Courtlandt St. New York. • „ MAY." L A - Vir YE -R BANKRUP•TO'I BLANKS, in full mitts, at_ YOU*G'I3 BOOKSTORE. ' FOR SALE. CHEAP. 1 elegant new l iopen Buggy: 1 ieeund . , : hattd open buggy. 1 seeond"band buggy._.l aulkey. .I two horse lunber •wagon: WRIGHT & BAILEY. JOB-~ORIf; IN' THE EST'SVIIR, and with despatsh;at ASIITATOII. Office. AMPS.-4 new kind of-lamp . for.lCorotene .I.4.nolornaksigeof ohinthopf-z-at FO rapt's. -OOP BKIRTS,,at— -JULDe LANO ct CO'S.. %'; _ ~~ : . .._ ~s ~, s e ", . , ~'i Wanted. I=l3 ALOCIEMMDBOD lar attention givon to S A Y t ‘. 4,ijG S : :::B A N Yiii OTHERWISE ) AND " FOR I ■ REPAIRING 'ALL AND: BEE-ME. • Tr_ KII, Ank • ••, • • DRUG'S, MEDICINE% PATENT MED ICINES, PAINTS,'OILS; 'WIN.' DOW GLASS, & , PUTTY, _ii, - ; Hayti+ come down to - Old PriCeeet last. WE not hesitate to say $ at. we have the Larkeet.tattipk"of • .. ENGLISH PRUGS XEDWINESi. - PITON? MEDICINES FANCY ARTICLES, TOILEV. SOAP, OLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH NAIL • BRUSHES, MIRRORS, EVER BROM:II' INTO ,Tlils MARKET PAINTS. OILS, GLASS ANI PUTTY, Pare White Lead, Pare White kine,r Linseed Oil, Coach Varnish, Horatian Varniah, Yel low, Came, Yenetlap Red, Xbroma Yet:. - low, Chrome Green, Proaklan pickei Patent Dryer, 'LRAM., Japan; Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kalsomine, Resin, Tar, Log, Wood, Pustio,, Tirasil Wood, Oam . wood, Redwood,;Petasb,,,Plitty, Also, • • oohoi; Ben Sole, Spirits Turpentine, ' and Kerosene Oil, Paint and Varnish Brushes,“ . . 1- Which we will soll 25 per cent. cheaper than any other establishment in the county..., In short; re have every tiiinitever kept in a Arai dale - 11=E1 The publisher has no' hesitation in pronouno- - ing them more saleable than any Bibles ,publish= ed. The various editions 'embrace all Vie Vari ous etylee of binding and sizes of typo, varying in price from $2 to $BO, for Family Bible, large quarto rise. PHOTOGRAPH .AWN The enporiority,of - g's Patent Ohain-Bawls Album," our all others heretofore inantifsoturidorill,, upon the alighteet examina tion, beapparentlo all. THE Buffalo Platform 'Scales, all ordinary sizes, for berry,And-potinter:liseif'may be found at the Ilardirsita Store'd *Wm. Roberts, Wellebore. These-Seales aro the Fairbanks pat ent aid have no enporior anywhere. They are mullein the best style and have taken the promi ada all the great exhibitions.- • ' " I have the sole agency for these Scales in this re ion. WILLIAM ROBERTS. . Wellsboro, Feb. 12, 1968. DR. FITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT.. SRS, for sale at Roy's Dreg Store. • SEIV~ 1R TDEIIiI; - EMI YANKEE : NOTIONS, \ • ' PARPUMERY;( WINES - kit; LIQUORS, ati. We have also the-Largeet Stock of Ouch na DRUG STORE, and allwe ask is for you to Gall and examine our stook and priiieS before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no sale. P. It. WILLIAM!, I P. B WILLIAMS Ir. Co J. L. WILLLims. ; .1' No. S Union Block.- Welluboro, Juno 86,188'. To the Soldier® of - Tioga County. ' YOUR attention is respeotfully, called to th e following "Aot of Assamtity.tpaasad-attbe last session oftlifitiiiiilifure, and to the facili ties afforded by virtue of:that not, ofproserving• the evidence of our ,envies as soldiers in tho war Cur the preservation of thaUnion.: Boit ; enacted by' the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the• Commonwealth, of Penn sylvania in General Asse - mbly met, audit Is here=' by enacted by the authority of the, same: That' the Recorders of Deeds of the several Counties of this oOmMonwaaltli are hereby authorised and requited - to .record all final disohargos of Com mtssicMed_land non-Commissioned Officers and Privates' upon application being made to them by the holders of the matte; for Which the Boor der shaßbe allowed the usual fee for reoe'rding; and that the recording of tbe'same shall,not be subject, the payment of the State tax. .JNO, W. GEARYTGetroitter.,. Wellsboro,Ta., July 13, 1868,3 m . . - :D. L. DEA.ISR O • ,' Recorder, Tioga Co. . _ Paint for Farmers and Others. LI T HE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT 00. are now manufacturing the' Best, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in use; the coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 'r 15 Tears; it is of a light brown -or beautiful :,00olato color, and can be ehanged to gram, a d,ttone, drab, olive or cream. to snit Iho-taste ,the consumer. — ll is valuable for Houses, i. , rnif,• Fences, Carriage and Ctirlitikere, Pails n I Wooden-ware, ,Agrionitnral. Implements; ',anal Boats, Voisels andlibips' Bottoms,-Can vas, Metal and' Shingle Rook (it being Fire and Water proofs,) Floor .011 ,Oloths;:, (one manufatr: turor baying used 5, Q0 0 bbls. the past year,) and end ns a paint for an purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, al stleity'and adhesiveness.— Price $6 per,btarel'ilk3oo lbs., which will supply . farmor.for years tb Immo. - -Warranted in - all ...noon nS above,. . 1 Send for a circular which-gives particulars! ) fulparticulars! ) 'None genuine unless branded to a trade mark, Graufton Mineral Paint. Per sons can orde: the Paint - and remit the- money on receipt of the goods. Address . DANIEL BIDWELL June 3,1866-6 m ", 2 4 Peak' st, NeW E. B. AGENT Ft • HAR,DING'S EDITIONS GP FAMILY, PttLPIT, 'tt PllOlO. GRAPH BIBLES. Whalento Dealers will tlnd•the list to•oinbraee tho largest, assotithent of DOl°s in the country, HA_RDING'S PATENT FLEXIBLE 'OHAIN-BACK Purehaeera are assured that the above kooks are all of the best Philadelphia zolinufilotare: ; E. B. OASE, Troy, Pa. Jat, 8, 1888. Bth. - " • :WP Meat 'Market ! BEEF! PORK! MUTTON !-- T • RE subscriber opened a Meat Market in e Th building lately occupied by Dr. Webb, on Croften-street,- Monday morning, Feb. 17, whore ho will keep a fall assortment of FRESH MEATS name and Shoulders. If the people trill give me encouragement I will keep up a good Market: Feb.l9, 1868-13ni. A. J. TIPPLE. Scales! Scales! Scales! SACllrriq for hops, beet quality 26 eta peryard at Da LANO it CO'S. - ISt 12. etirl3ll PAID IOR •WOOL, by ..- .4lttuo /L-118,{3.: -.-; D; P.rDODERTS • 't.'rN iE W .:Fl,:ft:itt 1, U SELL OUR .13USINZSYS • , . WE •will - buy at the highest Inn!ket - price; the following attlclbb, , ' ' SLIEEP PELTS, DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FUSS, • AND VEAL SKINS, • for whioh we will pay cash. We'will manufaoture to 'order,Frenah or home tinned OALF or KIR 000,TP,Ju tbe , boot man, nor at: falr,rtiti'e, - dia:pay osioolal attention to REPAIRING: „ • ' • • ti 'S•O , Wo have a tint-rate etook of • READY-MADE'WORK • on which we will nut bo undersold, and from tbis time We shall make it a point to keep up the host . stook of. LADIES' GAITERS, to-be-round in the county, which we will sell at a lower profit tha such articles have over been of f ered in this region. Wo shall likewise keep up a good assortment of LADIES' BA LMORALS, LEATHER BOO`rEES; l. " CHILDREN' 6 AND MISSES WORK or VA- RIM:FS STYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WORK. LEATHER 4- FINDINGS can be bought of ue ae cheap as any whore this slde of New Yolk, end we obeli keep a full stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, LIMNOS, AND - • BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, NAILS,' THREAD; A WLS, RASPS, OLO,VERS' : NEEDLES, LASTS , TREIIB,; . ORIHP S, with SHORHAIER'S * TOOLS Wnd FINDINGS, will be found the lar gest in the county, and we sell for small pro.% Wo talk business and wo mean business. o hare been in this region long enough to be well known—lot those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite lyto., Rob arts' Hardware BOrtVt " - W. SEARS;•." - ;: • 4:GXO. Q. DERBY: Wellaborcii4p.rlfAil;loo7.-tf. 1868. WRIGII2. ii..:BAILEY. .1868. %Y ~ . W l l l ooioirionoo this your withan okolualvoly 048,8 !:01asincos. CASH PAID' FOR WHEAT I PAID . PORI i OATS : I CASH PAID FOR ECOMf 1 GASH GASH FOR EVERYTHING 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASI 1 , • LARGE STOOK II , h FEED FOR '6A81:1 A LARGE STOOK OF PORK FOR GASH 1- Call and aeo uB. WRIGHT k BAILEY Arellaboro; Jan. 9, 186?-1y. ' AU persona indebted to us by note or book mount must oall and.sottle or pay soots.' Jan. 9, 1868. • WAIGIIT & BAILEY. WELLSBORO„ FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. 11111 E subscribers having prooured additional machinery aro now ready to furnish to order all sorts of CASTINGS, OUCH AS PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, •" SLEIGH•SHOES, W 0 0 to - SAWINO MACHINES, ‘•• &cr., &a..,` •8co:. We have also a WOODWORTH PLANER, for ouitorn and job work, We aro also prepared to do , SLITTING de -SCROLL SAWING to order Having_a firet.olass oorow-ontting Lgtho, wo are'prepittod to make CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, to order. ' Builders of Cheese Factories are ra cy:lWO to examine our work. We manufaoture to • . PIOW9 ?iio oft' titefinept implomeriAirlu the market.. Caili . pitd for OLD IRON. CHARLES WILLIAMS, . , F. L. BRAES. Wolbsboro, May 15, 1867—if. ' Grocery and rrovieion Store, CORNING, D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER is all kind' of • GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Winei, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, MI CANNED FRUITS AND V.EGI 7 TABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, ' I CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c , &o. , A full and complete assortmont of the above mentioned goods of the beat quality always on hand. Particular attention paid to Fine Grocerios. Dealers appCrournmers will End it to their in torait to examine his Stock before •bnyitig.' Corning; N. Y., March 11, 1868. , THE lat*est . assortment of Watches, Cloate Jelielry and Plated Wat,e,ln Tioga comity at ' • ; Ct9dec6lll , • ' • PIWAX.'O,OII WHOLESALE 'DRUG STORE. C/ORNIN6,' N; D A ji I I J T O D S OI A L I : D MEDICINES, PAINTS THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S UONCENTI4TED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, -EX ]TRACTS, - - BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY • AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, LIMN &, AND COLORS, AGENTS FOR !MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL Sold at Wholesale+ Prises., Buyers are requested to call and get: qUotatlons before golng further Haat W. R. TERBELL & CO toning, N.Y., Tan. 1,1868--ly . . 1868: SALE.- 1868. • BY * . B. C. 'WICKHAM, • AV:HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR .--NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIODA " • '" ' _ , 0!P 60,000 Apple ' peps. 10,00Onief,'Tkees. •,' A O RNA MENT AL splttf PLUM, PEA SH CH, CHERRY, and R: TREES & RUBBERY. . , . The Fruit troes.,iire composed of the choicest varieties, good, , hialtby, some of the m large and in bearing. - An y one wishing Co' get a supply will do well to call dad so& my stock before pur chasing elsewhere.; PRP Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28, 1868-Iy* To Owners of- Horses and Cattle. TOBIAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDERS AltE warranted superior tcrany others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper,. Worm' ' , Pots, Coughs, Hide bound. Colds, fn Mme's ; and Colds, Coughs, Lose of alil2, Black Tongue,'(lorn• Distemper, in Cat tle.. They are perfectly safd and innocent; no need of stopping the working ofyour animals. They increase thoeppotite, give a fluu coat, cleanse the Stomach and urinaryorgans; ,also increase the milk •of cows. Try them, and you *lll never be without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has used them fur )ears and recommends them to his friends, Col. Phtio.'P.' Bush, of the Jerome, Race Course, Fordhanr, N. .Y.; would not use them until he was told of what they, are composed, since. which he le never without them. Ho has over twenty running horses In his charge, and for the last three years has used no other medicine for . ..them. I He has kindly per• mitted mo to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. , Price .25 cents ,per box. Depot, 86 Cortiandt Street, Now York,. [Feb. 10] The American Cooking Store. AYTElttwenty years experience in the man ufactare of stove. wo became convinced, some six years since, that a vmat amount of money was being expended by the peoplo of this country, in buying cheap and worthless stoves, large portion of which was wasted; and that true economy consisted in buying the best staves that could be made, 4 n otwithstanding the price was higher. With .this view we proceeded to construct .the American Cooking Stove, and spared no pains or expense to make it the best and most perfect stove that could be made. And we have experimented . with lt,• and carefully watohod its operation for the last six years, and when- an improvement suggested itself. we have at once adopted it, and we have several of these improvements secured by letters patent. In this manner wo do not hesitate to say, we have brought it to-a higher state .of perfection than has heretofore been attained. in cooking stoves. The recent improvements In this stove has added largely to Its coavenionce and effective ness. In all the varieties• of stoves we manu facture, we study usefulaess,• durability, conve nience and economy in operation, rather than cheapness in price, and in so doing we aro satis fied we study, the interest of those purehasing our stoves. SHEAR, 'PACKARD, & CO. , Albany, N. Y. For sale by CONVERSE & OSGOOD, Wells I bore ' Pa . i Na'y 13, 1868. To the Farmers of Tioga Count) T Aftl now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence villo. a superior FANNING .311 LE, • which possesses the following advantages ovor all otb or 1. It soparatos oats, rat llttor. and foul seeds, and chess and cocklo, from wheat. - 2.-It cleans flax seed s takes out yellow seed, and al other seeds, perfectly. • 8, It cleans timothy seed. .4. It does all other separating required of t mill . "This - mill is built of the beet and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. . I. will fit a patent sievo, for separating oats from wheat, to other mill,, on reasonable terms. J. U 11.44171 ER. Lawrenceville, October 10, 1806-tt UNION - ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA C 0.,,. PA., • FACULTY:, • ELIAS X onTog, Principal. M[(B. ADA . HORTON, Preceptfoss. 31185 MIRA HORTON,,Asalatant.. Mum AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. CALENDAR von 1867-8. Fall Torm coinmencee Sept. B'l, Winter Torm Nov 20th, Spring Term Yob. 18th,.1868. • • , "" EXPENSES PER TERM Primary 'Department Common English 'Higher English' . Languages and Higher Mathematics... - Instrumental Music, extra Vocal Music, extra. Drawing, extra Room Rent Board per week... Knoxville, AuguetlB,lB67-ti. AGENTS WANTED FOR Tflß OFFICIIL HISTORY OF THE WAR, Its CaUses, Character, Conduct and Results. I By BON. ALEXANDER 11. STEVENS. A Book for all Sections and all Parties. This groat work presents the only complete and impartial analysis of the causes of the War yet published, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the groat- conflict only known to those high officers who watehod the flood-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, and which wore so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his po sition as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited with AP PARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of fare, both.agreoabl.• ond sal utary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. The great American war has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its importance, and at whose hands it will receive that moderate, candid and impartial treatment which truth and justice so urgently demand. The intense desire every where reanimated to obtain this work, its Official character and ready .sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the best abbeeription hook over pub lished. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscri bers in 3 days. Ono in Boston, Moss., LO3 sub scribers. in 4 days. Ono in Memphis, Tenn. 108 subscribers in 6 days. • Send for Circulars and see our terms, and it full description of the work, with Pregs notices of-advance sheets, As. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 28 South Seventh-St. Philadelphia, Pn. 7443,,27 0 .1,8613,4t ,•• . LINE* 01P,"filtAl;111L. r,rt zi 41 - 811.1418 V, 4lh On a nd Brier otiduy. bliky 1111 s, Ibt.b, 114,11„. oaveCorulapal about tboifollolquabourt: WESTWAV.I Donal). Sund.tio'zeeptetl, (Jr Buffo!, , 6:03a m Nightlfixtacas, Salautanra, and .04110 . 4 nuildotOntei.t counettt, with train, of , Om Atkin*" - ift theta Shova,auflaranilTrunk Rail Waya,forall t 6:21 it: ta.,Night lixpresti,D.tify;for lintlalo,Salameb,„ Dunkirk mad the Weet,connOting air aLovr., 8:35 rt. tli.; Mlght RicPteali, IStintlayacxceptutl;tor Bc ch. udtur and Buffalo, via Avon, 10:15 a .tn., Mail Train ,Runtlaye excepted, for Dtiffa)r, and Uunktili. 1:44 ,p. tn. Ittatitoolu-Exprus4, Su:Adapt excepted, for Rochoetor mid Buffalo, via Avon. tit.. Bay Express, , Sunilal a excepted; fov Bohai° fialamanea, Dunlill X and the Met, connecting ot at Salamanca malt the Atlantic and Groat lYchtern Railway; at Bnffalowltnrna Lnke hgl eandGrand Trunk Rallwaye, rind at Dunkirk it Rh the Ditto Shore 'Railway, for all flotilla weet and eolith, 8;40 p m tiny Exprems,Stunio) 4 eXCL tor RocLento 12:95 a.ul., Exprets 5114 i rxcupted•fut Buffs lo,galamanea.mid Dunkirk, coduisctifq rt slain for tho3Vost. p O l t) Fretallat, Suatiu,s UX 1 1.11114:11 6140 al., l'aulgraul tratneLiatly,lol tha Wan /EASTWARD IiOUND 1.2:46 a. m„ Night kxprests. Daily. :Sundays est:4oo, colinocttug aj Orayeenri fur Warwick, and at At a York with afteTuutm truth,: alui dttlimei ,for 13041011 and Nuw Eugland 4:20a. tn., Cincinnati Extirtati.liniiilit3 a t.scahted t.i i. iiefting at IA mire fur ilarrfsbui g, Philadelphia the ;;;untli; at Owego fur Ithaca; :it Bingham'. for Syracuse; at Ureat Bend fin - Scranton pith!. and Tron Dalin( Lnekawagen toi !Cawley, nt: at (*rayon r for Newburg'und Warwick . 0:65 n, tn., Day Express, Sundays tixeopted,eennectli at Elmira tar Canandaigua, ut Binghamton fur-Syr:o - at ()rent Bond for Scranton, aal bit:li u %taxon to Hawley, Jersey City with , thidulght Expsess Train or New Jersey Railroad for PhiladoiPlila• more and Washington. 10.22 am Accommodation Traindaily, counseling A I at Elmira, for ClLlllindaiglld. ; 2:20 p. in., Baltimore E'xpress, Eu inlays excepted, .4:34 p. in., New York aud Baltimore Mail. Sunday t. ex eetitt d 8103 p m Lightning Express, Sundays: excepted, cos fleeting at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia und the South; at Jersey City --Wlll tubrniug rAprosb train of New,' Jor.y liallroa.c fur Baltimore and Wash ington; . ,antl at New York with morning pros train] for Boston u ud the East. p. in. Way Freight, Sundays exceptod. it. - RIDDLE. lion') Pass. Agent, ,001'1 Sup't ,t Blosoburg & Corning, St. Tioga R. R Tsaina will run as follows until further notice: ttecommodnilon—leuie-s Blossbnrg at 0,15 a. in., Mans field at 7,05, Tioga . at 7.41. Lawn:du:mill° at 8,20— . arriving ut Corning at 0,55 a. w. Mail—Leaves Blossburg at 2,00 p. m.,..Matudield nt 3,40, Tioga at 8,18, Lawrenceville at4.oo—arriving at Corning at 5 p. m. I Mall—Leaves Corning at- , 8,00 a. nn, Lawrenceville at 0,03, Tioga at 0,45, lilunefteld at 10,22—: , arriving at Blocs-burg at 11,00 A. in. _„ - Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,40 p. in , Law• rencevillo at 4,00, Tiogn at 4.50, Mansfield at 5,30 arriving at Blopburg at 0,10 p. ID. • • L. IT. SHATTUCK, Sup't. Northern Central R. R. - TRAINS YOB TU NOlall. Truths for Canalidagulalmtve Elmira •-s follows: Accomodation at 7 00 a is Express [fastest train on road) ilt 35 a in Mail, ,„ 915 pm •NTay:Freiglit, ['massager coach attached) ...... . r . 7 10 a a, 'O4 ;and after ov. 24, 1887, trairrOt ill arrive and depart-from Tro ,as follows; ,- " i ,AVE; NORTHWARD; 10 55 A. All,—llaily (except Sundays) for Eli:aim, illail lo, Cannnd ❑gna, It gassier, kiusp. - Bridge and the ' C:11311(11t8, _ 9 45 P. 31.--Batly (except Sandi.) s) for Elmira rind Buffalo, via Erie Railway frmu7•.lmira. LEAV.U. SO U Tll W A RD. 000 A. M.—Dally (except Sunduys) , for Ilaltiworts Washington, Philadelphia, Se, 905 P. 31.—llaily (except Sundays) for Thailiniore, Washington and Y6ltn~lelphiu, J. N. DcBARILY, Ell. S. YOU NG (teal Supt. Itatrisburg, thing Lars. Ag't I linitinsoi e, slti Philadolphla'& Erio R. R. On and after MONDAY, Sept, N(b, 1668, Traini on the Philadelplii.i &E)Ii.:1:8111;tad n J 1 j on us fallow WESTIVAR Marl Train I eavui Philadelphia " •• arr. at Erie El its Express le/IVeN "" •• N 1 illiannsport... 44 • 4 aii. at Erie Ellllll.l Mllll leaill9 Philadelphia... 4 , I Willhunniort " " arr at Lock Haven EASTWARD Mall Tlitin leai ea Erie 10 50 a to "- " .. Wilhanieport 10.15 pof " " 11l f. at Philadelphia ... 7.60 pni Erie Expresi;leaves Erie 7.35 pm" . l• Willidinepni i . 615 ani arr. at Philadelphia ..... . 5.00 p in stall and Eicpreas eon - nect with Oil Creek and Alla ghany River Hail Road. Baggage Checked Through. , ALFRED 1.. TYLER, Oon'l Sup't. 1 Atlantic and Great Western U. W SALASIAIsCA STATION WETTWARD BOUND Aecounotiaticu Express Express At Cory there i,t a Junction with tilt, Elie, and Ciißoads. At Meadville NI th the Franklin end uil City and Branch. At Leavittsbnrgo the Mahoniuy Branch makes a di rect route to Cleveland.' At culthects with Cleveland and Pittsbnigh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Cullen, Marlon, Urfiana and Dayton, Intersecting vat mis rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. 4. ItUCREILGen. Supt., Mradiple. L'a. Planing it,. Turn 13. T. VAN HORN,' 1101r , AVINU got his now Factory operation. is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in tho beet :.tylo of %vorkuinn ship. Having procured u WOODWORM] PLUS NEII ho is ready to dress boards or plunk with dispatch SCROLLWORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. His maohinei• aro the hew eat and most improved patterup. Shop corner of Peer) and Walt, WELLS BORO, PA., Oct. 31, 1566-tf. NEW GROCERY f r iHE SUBSCRIBER has opened knew At Dartt Settlement GROCERY & PROVISION STORE At the above named place, rrhere'he proposes to furnish Goods in his lino cheap. Market prices paid for Farm Produce, either iu cash or trade. The'patropage of the public Is respectfully solicited.ALßEßT TIPPLE. Charleston, Dec. 11,. isaryLtf. Chairmaker, Turner, and /77 - 7 Furniture Dealer. $5 00 0 00 . 7 00 800 .10 00 1 00 300 . 2 60 8 50 SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main Street. FACTORY in Soars Zt liams Foundry, second story. . Ordors promptly Oiled nntl satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wollsboro, Jnno 12, 1867. J. STICKLIN Tioga lllKble Works. TIIE undersigned is now prepared to exc euto all orders for Tomb Stones anci.linnu ments of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of tho latest stylo and approved workmanship and with dispatch. Ho keep constantly on hand both kinds IP Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orders. on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and mode to look negood as new., PORTER WILCOX. Tioga. Nov. 1, I Stl7-11. - E attention of Merchants and others Habil, to a License, is respectfully called to the rid of the 11th of April 18112. Pamphlet Inett;'492,reg 'liming the collection and payment of Licenses which are payable at the Treasut Office on the, Ist day of May in each and every year, - and by said net, nll Licenses lemnining unpaid on the first day of July, the Treasurer it required to sue and press to judgment and collection, as soon A n practicable thereafter, and in default thereof, to he.personnlly linblo.l Those liable to a License are therefore requested to be prompt in, making their payments before that date, there by avoiding any trouble to themselves and much perplexity to tho Treasurer. June 3, 1888, 11. C. BAILEY, Treasurer. flittllOE LOT OF GRAIN liAOB for sale V cheap I at BAILEY'SS Warlabor°, June 1867. 10 40 p in 8.20 a tat 9.60 pm 1.30 noon 5.35 p nt 9.10 a in 8.00 n rn 0.28 p i.93p EASIZA.III3 NAND, Expi est , 6.10 Slnll - 1..61 A Lconanutha , 11,45 83.111e3s 6,3 u .1214+ 11.00 in i . It T. VAN 11011. N J. STibKLIN, Notice