WE fr ':- • - 4 - 4 . - * - 4 61cfga - ( C;oult Titatir: _ Is published avail •Wadnesday Nitiopiing at 82 I . , cr, ycar, invariably iii:liiiyurtne.; COB & VAN GELDER, s.n.coas,) . , A.plylElßlr;l , s4;NTCl',l'?* 34;S piN LINO KV•St/T 41n5.0 &loci / 4 `?,00 fig 51,752,0152,81 $5,001 ;Spares 2,00 8,(K) 4,00 •- 8,00 nalf 10.00 15,00117,001 22,00, poeool lB,OO. 26,00 1 80004'40,00f SpeeialNoticeii i ls oven_ per line; . Editorial or Local 20 cents pe _ DIiSMSPB ~:DIREOTARY.• . D...T,Eir.IDELL &' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, rind dealera In Well Paper, Kerosormi Lumps, Witidoie Glass, Perfumery, Paints and Oils, .&a., . Oarning f - N.Jan..l, ISPB.-Iy. DIE iNtliATlti ITfORNEY. AND 00IINSEi.,0`it Ar - LAX insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main Street Vfellsbore, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868. S. F. Vlmsox. B. I , lrt.r.s. • MIAOW Oit . NILES ' • ,• l'folll3 ' 0. *.:b0:(.314AP.1.A4511S 'ALT LA*.; (First . (foci frotii itigonlii'S, on the. Aveitue)— Win Attend, to business entrusted to their care in the counkles of 'f iokta'nnd Potter. • Wellabort), Jan. 1, 18G8. 41141M49TE1. •tiESTRIL. I ) Burough.ciTiega zed. Po., E. 0. fill, Ptotnietur. • A new and ,00nittiodieut building with all the. modern.-improvetnenta.• Within isasy drives of the best bunting atid fish tag grounds in Nortikern Penn'ek. Conveyaneek furnished. Terms moderato. - • , • Ti et,. 6;1868-4y. ... . octoaton, wAfitmen, LCiR: -- Shop ftrardoor north of L. A'. Seara'i Shoo Shop. :1127` Cutting; Fitting, and Repair tag tfona promptly and rrelf:' - • - Wollabord, Po:, Jan: iilBoB.—iy; artittk SUAILIEIPF.NRE,*•= liRAPER, AND Th.ILOR. Shop over. Joha R. 'Ropairing donwprumptli and in hFisp, Welleboro, Pa.. Jan. I, 16651 y WM, GAIEIRETSON, kTTORNEY AND , COUNSLI.,OII. AT LAW. Notary Agent, bur:, Pa. " over . : JOHN I. MITCHELL A CTORNBY AND COUNSEI.O It AT LAW, Ou , Pa. o,thrt Agent, Notary, Public, and Insuranot Spat. ' lio will attend , proinptly , tcreolleotion' oi -6,llsions, Back Pay - anti '•ltoritity. As Notar3 Public ho takes aoknowledgements ul deeds, ad. tai»istors oohs, and will act as CQUI toke testi many. .W•Oirtee Over Iloy's Drug Store, trijoicting A tacker Dilice.—Oet. 30. 1267 -r titt"; ( attOr ORN EY AND QOLINS.F.LOR AT LAW. Itavin_ returned to this county with a view malting it his permanent r.esidence, solicits thsre.of . public patronage.. All basinnss. on. r treated,,to, pis ; vitro, will hO - atfsinded to. rah' procuptueei and fidelity. 'ollice;2d :door - south, of U. S.:,Farr's hotel; cePt. ItZtlA IEL WALIVON 1140136.101, Gainc?a, Tloga County, Pa. 1101tAOE C. VEIVIIIIJYEA., Prttir'n. This b a now hotel located yithin easy access of clu beet dahing and hunting srounds in North Jra will hes pii`i - er. fir the\ accorativoirtat on'pf:FibiaiNtis Tic! the trercling " rmTROLLEtrIi :SOUSE, IVP3TPIELD, NA., (.11::011(Thi C.GOSEI, Propri otor. A off.vr,.ilusel citpluetei.l on; the pancipl. of live ii'ud iteeiirnatudatiou the publio.—Nor. 14, 1866.-Iy. , - - Gll3. - W. IaYOIT, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR. ELT — LAW, Law . renoovillo i awl In sia skita4o: t. =st7oUoatiotis attooded to. Office 21.1 door below Vortl Doo.-12 1557-4 y - • FAVI' DEALER. in CLOCKS it JEWELII,I'; SILV2/. PLATED WARE, Speetueles; Viuiia. K t Inge SO., ao., 51auatielti, Pa. Watehee7aud Jew el ry neatly repaired. ,'EtgtSting dune in plait 'English and 06rmatri --; -11iept67-ly. Thos. 18. Brydon SU ItVEYOR t DRAFTSMAN.—Oidurs left ai hie ruaba, Tarineend Uotel, wii meet' with iiraiupt atieutiou: • Jan. 13. 15137.,i1. 'IlitIt'SA:101111 . / . T/041..A, T -I00:4. 09# - NTY, PA. . ~ Quad stabling, attachad, widow atteudve ht,b tier always in attendance. ~ E.._13. VAllit,. ~..—,-.. -.. Proprietpf.:.- . • ring Dqrk,orfs, Store) Wolls huro, INtrticultir ilttentiu n n paid ,tu -Ladle:" li.jr•ourtfna t Shampooing, by)eing, otu. Braidr c,,q1..,/,1/ avvicbos on build and triacto to or tar. '. •. ; .J. 11. W:DORSEY. • - JO NSOrt li)a A 0 Q:44 AI , U. , lute of the 24 Va. Payairy, aRe. . heady four years of army service, with a !aril, pedant*, intield and Itonpital practice, has opened at office Gir the practice:l'of hiedielue and surgery, Iri it''' In branches: Pertain - from a • diet:ince eau- lind goo, tairding at the Yenneylyaula Hetet when desired.— Vihl veqnny part et the'Statu in cousultttfou r : or; ti porturay surgical operations., No 4, Union: Bloch, 03 4tdr,o. — ‘feltsliero, I'M., MO , 2,7.60.—1 y, EW PIOTUREtALLERIt.- - ,- • ••• • spENcER. , the pleasure tei ipforrn the citizens- -of Tiogt 4.azt,e that he •Inflecianpleted his NEW- PUOTOOltAi'll• lie !Az „hand - to taka'al; kinds of - Sun Pictures. rash mbecrtypea, FdrrvtypeB; Ng - Amite!, Cart& the•Surprisd anti' Eureka PittureA; else .I.‘l,zttittr attention Old to tAiriyithi - and enlarg:. Pictures". instructiints allied •fu -the rt or: , 511?))10 ,ternis. St., Mansfield, Oct. 1, had. • Wm. B Smith, J. l- 01:1011, bon Ageet....'COr.z;inunicatielot odAltvzs will receive pfeniiitqt_Oiithqr . ; Ter U.S molests .-pktrill;lB6Fir4V• L. S. Tor the Collcciludor • Army and Nry Claims MIU TOlBllOllB. 'VIE NEN BOUNTY LAW paned July 28,1860,givet t , Ao and three years' aoldly extrcA, bouuty. men la your finch:n4os. , • .UPEtokit,:S" EXTRA' PAY., . Three mouths , extra intrprof er to voluntecz 'officer, who were to service 3lnreh 3 PE_XSION,h ; IAt'IeRASEV. Tani) who Ibury last a Itint; .anl who have been p.:naa tecttl) awl totally itiNtblud. •• Ail wing' Clovurutra:Lit clalfng pronteuted. ' ' • Jintult Wrlilhara.Ortotwor 10, 166C,t1. - NORMAN-,STRAIT, I.:NT for btu Sat - WO!' :•-s,nalu.s,oll ziLtdutlarll Salon - I,' Books; publi . nhed Uy A.'S:l33lllbn & CO.III u 11. l~tlll gym, cnruer of Jultn ttltset. N. L.'kvePb a full supply. All ordurg ,proruptly,'.llllol. Cnll ou address 113 r • • - - N. STRAIT; Oneuln, .Irmo 19.1867'4Y' BLA_CNII : TIUNG,.:,i..:: TIM tmloreigned having reit:rue:l to,:Welle bunk Awl opened hle ehup, •Wa fez. street - :whits a share or patranag'e. protiooDe 16 dr, w4Rß7callp FOR Shuing, horses $3,50 Aral uther_vork kropor I„ :t , April 2Q, , . J.• W.- itic r-r, - ' J. G. PUTNAM, for'' fllO Noisi - TURBINE WATEI,t , .A 4 ,711:E1%5 . : Ahto for Stecrafeli - VhoillatinOlovemoqc ftir Onng riogn, , Bounty andTchsion Agoney. Dr kVI NG received dellnitcinetnlctluuwln vrgord 1_11: the 9xtrir..botitity 41lotized t by t tio net a pproved July tsaft..ta on band niorize ropply of nil aeceisarr nianicsrf^anyvreparettltriprovent's Orton skti nod bounty oluiMs wific 4- m.r;bo_blaoed',Jßftny heads. Potions matfett sit tilisfante fan -cominnniCa.to with ma hy,lattor,and r tholF communications will-be Promotly'ausSist - 551,174. Wllli b r §ro.ilctabin l 2l;,lBoBC " •••- P.,. T ,. ,-,NY.I - X4C(Wor ji i , beater•in DllY SODS of hit , Tia‘rdurnre and irinleceinitinlia.% ;gar esimqmont is Nrgt , and prices low. Store Utrf3n:t gentleman.—may 20 /800-Iy. . ~.k,~` MEE 121 MEI flitl3:i 1 YRTnr $7,00 .$12,00 12,00 MOO 30,80 1 ,50,00 60,001 90,00 t v'pri ..liOtili.'lll'N'lltitY BLANK -, BOOK , , MANU.FACTOBV, - a - (SIGN OP.T.ILE BIG BOOK, 2.0 -FLO011,) E4L4III:R4i $Y ' •••' , • - • • CarEt Is& OTTO n GOOD A r: LANK ‘ BOOKS . ~iry. t bitoriptieiri 'in itil stYles.of"liitidike,: l i lt tm, fur quality of Stooh, lad any Bindery State,' Vultnes_ - of ' every deraription n.thsl.host,lnanuor.,iind , ,in„ , ony, otylo;or , . - ; f , : .' -;''-:- 1 , r -;;._ , ;1:!--':: , -',.; .-,'::',,... - gt.•.:,- . LISINDS OF GILT WORK' , 1 tud- in. the begt - ,iliautfoi.- , did final:24e ntlaauslo good.a&new::„ .: ;., SU& irSlaWll4 iiLuazsima, Of and to in the Conti& dared, Exee hound I ton Wevieve l Stotes 1 13L . 1 Of u{4 Si tie ttily or ptiu (10.i.Pa clot to it, IL Cap, Prof. S P Intott uest In The' all 1.1 prices, work a I re: 171/ MOE EIA` Ali 0: uuiu Union (11,1 the zrog. VI ell; TALI on chop 1111311 acid to C Oil sir Pit. ()tar ! GRO E. 3loius Anse 4unabll Wel • Cc . • •-••• • 4,• c•cvessa: oti '-gisi34.i:::•O Great 4rupeachiA, oda, rm. ,reds *loots and Shooe"triumplainCE, The subliirlber vauld wile the people of :Westfield and-vicinity that tots noitrutetetnriug a l'atrut Bodt - mll_lclrbo boltetoil ti• .ussesup following advantage over tdl othe.tS; let ihereienatrimpliiO4i.i,tidir4hhling, anyone they:Weal; u,th'o toqu; Ed: no ri short, - thrY Ink Pm , ' lie Ihltlg for everybody. Brinipies ott hand and;ordort. 13 allotted , • Sole right of TrestUid_ township and.,oro' ocurad:'lle has- also just reeetfatt:La sidendldisa,t 91 4almoral attet us t iateut*tyles. • Coma one. cards' all! :So are bound tolsoil clientifotansh or ready pay. noi era dOotibutti of.Vontlorirjr. Ob4groyd. Wont eld BOro'i P 04.13 . -1665, ' .J. R. RltilikPEi: •AYELLSBOIZO HOTEL. , . ^ )f ti /4 bSAIXTIL avi n 'Olaf od 1014, Ole - prpprititor reapeet fully:to)ieite 4luirebare - 44",,i)attonOgo. - ,Uyetj otieiition give'n to — gutiete. Thb be - at hosi/ti die eCtuntxalweyAdii' , Liii , cnaiii . e. April 29; TIOG GIiLLERY wottld respectfully inforn.the eittzenia T 1 oga and - yie:nity, that I halm '' , P110170(.11{APII n thospOrough 'of Tiogn, andi having a goiid .PhotogrAillic Artist in toy euiployi, L ism-nog toifurnish 'all kinds of l'ictutba :to tho Tiroturnphik: Att. AIEO having in:, rci"3 - j einploi it 'Dumber of fits! close Paiiiters", rtepitretr to anriver all calls for house , . eigil;:ort.r.. .lage„oifnacuental and scenery painting:rtjAlL, _ " - - - A. 13. MoV;Abk.,,. . .May'll;lBB3—ilin. .TELV PIA= TO BUY DRUGS." A .‘ - A T the' Lawriiiceviiki D ovher . rug Storo gI ' yipa eyery thlnliproperly lielonging to thu - - CLIEA.P, CII.EAPER, CIITsIPES ', 'tp,d'of I.ms.t:iluiditrilji%Onih. 41,50, P:iiratt. Var'nish es,. A.ailipt t PasorNottons, yji. ! , itritigs;:.Riehing•,!ractil9, 11 , 1011o'rf ()hiss, • s : J 2 • • - ,,d - p - v:LEozrAtt.P. : Layroncecille,-347•,8, 16( . 37:.= •-. , 4/13:n's Falk( insu „ iaiica Company, - GLEN'S -FALLS; N; • • - `-104 iii i di' ° ui1373 / CaPA.P 4‘p1,0537.45&, • ''l'Alt3lll.lB . l{S, uclp, tit_kgp, No Premium Noted required. 'lt IS LlBl,;lt4L,:„:ll,vity . s clamegota 14,Y of aitm, whothei Itlrti'etiiuos7hr • It pays fur tiva R tuck- killed by Lightning, it, barns ot in the WA. • . , rotkn.. ore' I.)tifer then : Other: Coni94 l )l os l' o Y !Coal re6potitibitityL 1. 0: Akent, ' - Formingion Centro, Tioga Co. I's. Ally 29, 1867-I:}3, • - WALIIErr DE : ALE:I2B • II ARD AltE, : ' I RON; " STOVES,, WA_RB, RIVS - ,'111TL"EllY; NtE = AG RICIMTURAL IgPLEMENTS,. 417 Lick 11441•34 . -et . HARNESSES, SADDLI*. &e. Ourribff, N. Y., I ; tnifTRILEy , r.,,,?i, 41OOT e, he Over face y. /11;ii, :Ore/ ;--y• , 1110090 TS -8,11:01 Wor ,1 111 - -filnAl-Iittide to ;.order And in the, be4l . P-Alli.lNtl—ontWleiridtdenvii.6l-,441:y and geed, - ••. - • • WellebOre; Jen. 2,1868 1,. • • OEO. W. AttitiVlClti. - ; _ Aft-011agEti klainfoutsrfitomfq.doii ., 00p3e with W. H. Stnith,.:kgq..:liiffitt P R eet, - opposite Union Block, July 16, /508. • . , , . ----' '''="-"- - --"'" ,i',',..., •a' - '7`-.--- -.? . ' . . - - • . _ . . .. -.-''- ' _ • „ ~,_,' . - , . , ~... .. . ~ , .- ' • - ..'•-,' . I-. .: ~-•-• t . '..., - . , :_..„-,, , _73..-‘, - -_'-.-3,24,:,_., t••• --,, ,, i ,..„-- , ; .,- - ---‘,.. . g. , ,„y, , -,.,...••:_ , ..., 1 .1 ~..,0-....,....----” •,.., ~. , _., , , .....,,, ~4 •c , k."-';' 1, , ,,, , ,, e." , , , : , 51' ,,,,, N0R:0NA.....q...-,:- ., -.".c.............74. . , , - ,, .. ip...-k..*-- ...1.....,,,a4.1..1...,.40,,:0e; - -...;_ !romesozispientgttim:ft.t.volg r t..-,.- - vgwols k . -'itz Liar. ,.-1,.„. 2 „., - 4 ._ - .. ii,4t..., -- ,,:...17,,5,v_v6;;, , ,Azz , .. , ... , F........,, , .:.. YA5. , ..' 1 .- -4 ',1 , V;-X , ...7.10::: 4.' - `4 - - .-. 7.:::...14:4:0",:-.‘,VP; , %!. - ' 'C.''. • , ''., •''',"!' '-,....."., 02102:2‘, Fi I:* . • — " 4,-, •• ,Yi. . ~.,?„,„,/,,,;:,- .... 0 ,, ,, , J .,. -1.... 1. .... .. ; ~ 0 - ~,, ~ , ',- ,-„, „ ~ .-„„ p ~..." .. . ~,..; ~ 4., X . - 5,...:- ',.% -, ~, , . _...„, - t -,, - .ot,tsll) :. 1N..".t .p?.-,SQ.a,t, 0 .4 , ?;)c , "17.1 3....1 - pillf .t, , 4 , , , f).1 -....- •2. - :- . - ..„ ~.• —-- , -- •' . _ ........ .-, -, -' - : : -.-,- , s . _ ... t • „, . . ' 4048 NG -.,, 7 ; - ~'..a.-- , k ~- . - '.,--" - " .'./ - 74 7 .7,.;"1-...%, elk.'" ." . ' ~- ":. ' '.": •:-.-".. - . - -1. ~ ;' , 5,-,tii•;•: , t' r , iri7.oc-1.0!,f!" , ', , : , ''l, - )i' ,. .it ~; ';',:-• ,- .', , ,..11_, -'" `,l', - ;'`"--,-; i•'`• - ''‘'''-. • ","'L'" "j‘ '''. ''''. '' ' - f . -'-', -" - ' -.•:: - \ ' :--,-' ' : i,'.! ~ : ,'''-' • s"? -' ,• '.,- ' • ' , - ••••' - . ' -;%. , „ .. . _ _ :•4 4 *;.41,,, / ff. 14 ‘ 1. , • :1' -i' '-isr• •..,..„."`q , ,i, • , ' • u. , ;"'******.:;,:;/' ,- V-, : -.-.• -1' '„..,...,-,- ''-' .4 • '', “ o- , 1 " f• I • IN.-, 1,. titu; .., : ,), .•,, .-.'..1 - -; :_t :.- -. . ",- 'a 5 . 1" . / -• _ ~. ~,,' -, '. • - •••• , - . . -04•„..., „-, c,.....- ...trl-- , ,, ,, w , ... _ ' 4, - -- - ' - . • . Ttio prq ilitArti :-.”. • ~., •'. : ':- ' s , ,1 ' , 4 - , :'' -, :; , . ,', - -•• , -. , - , C. , .; c l : •''' 11 . ; 4 . ~ ~>- : . t : tl \\ ' : ' ~. ;.,,_ . . _ ' "" :-...:\ : :'' ' N.. , S.. '.. l ""':' ... " \ i' -{.. .i.' - t . i-7...',1 - , , ci V - i‘ 4 .. - .', P ~' .c" ., ..... '," ,', , ,'., ~ 1 ,'j -, -'• C- ''" '-"• - ' ' z '"' ' -- ...1..,... , , ~.- , ,- ~"- ..: " 2. e l''-' -,-..\ .'. ' • '... *-- 14 1 With - ti n. 0- ft uttriel ' ''''ri N A '-'. ~:-.' . " .- ''.:-. ''.:.• - .-'1 ', filit 15 s li'!•''''"•-•r • -: - C", 1.4., -3 , (I. '...1.- •',- ~:- -t. .lz, -.': •+, ', .i , '..., 5,.. . , ''..,,, i'• r.: '( '' ':l . . ~, i l.,:i -,.-.„,- ~. _,,L 1 , , _ , S i (-' I ( • ' •.• ~.., : ..:, .. ,e....1z4 0,,.. - -.. .••• - i- 1 \ ' ••,• ' • . . k „,:r7”, •-. \ ..1.. 02 .,.. : ,'' :--, / - 4 , ,. '3 ' ..t, ,,..,V,., ; • - --„ - • -• . ~__.. " 'A ..., _ 1 . 7....4): 1 !"- e i.- ..:. tf- - - , , t , ~.,tr..,,,7.,.., 4., .0,;,,i ,_ ,, ,, ,;.. , ,,,,. . ._, . 14 ~.,, g ... , .. ,il, ~; „ . .c t ,,. .....4 ,• .. \ , r , . 1 /, .„,- ,i r,y, 5 ,, - 6 . 4., : .(,,F ; , :,.i -o_, ~ i : ,. -(.g:.i. 4 , 7 . " 4 ....' , . ~. ~,,...,--....._.': , i ti '. ..--,•.: J-' , ; ' l , z.. , ;..1 , ..t , ..- -:., , ,t ~,.--..-.. -..' -• .-•--- , --'-' - , - . • _ • .., ... _ . _ -, - - • ' "-, - - • , - - „i.-. • , ' ~ „' ~ --. '-- '-± • - 1. 1)1 ,,?j , - -; -; , -..:-` ' -, • ..aza 1 1.AItri-at. .!---,-;.-..."„ -4,.. 5.!0?...c:.,:-•-.,--,.--1 . )-- 4 ... 1! ;)" -- t '.- ...-..., '4' ..,. c ~.;;.- , , , •,. A. ,,, • , / „.:4-.,. r i .....Ir-w - , - , , 1 ",-.., ~......., ,! ---._ „... • ~ -_ . ,--. 1 4,......... . • ... • . . • -,„ . . :4; .'.la , t.`Pi, , . , 1:11 , 'i' :I .1,17 ' , :—.—.:,:..i.i.......1.1 - - t.' '' ", :: ... _;., , .., , - .. .. --...--- , . . . .. . . . BIE , .0 ~ ~i' .&1;1) TUE BBS/4 CARALP A$ TUT,OUEAPEBT. . P.0,111 ) 14.111; YOll4. 1ii8T.51.i.::.::.• , ..: - ac - t .repared.talurnish bitelviiiimb , ers bf ill -or hi agonies -.published-in "-it:4'U (died ; „r Great Britain, at a low price. r i l N'RI ROOK & OTHER PAPEIt, lies" and iiiitilitlci4Ctiliilatil/v ted.tif . 11 ultt. II BILL HEAD' PAPER, uality or size, on hand and -out up ready, ,'ring, also,'lllLL'PAPEtc land"`CAltli pl all colors and quality, In boards ,or y die.' ' '• '''' ~_ _ etter v ` •Ni.)tei ThipOr i Em'etlipea - '„, - '`Pens, Pencils, dzc. _. '1 am sole agent far EPuRD'S NON.CORROSIVE STEEL ' NS, Or VAIII01;,4 SIZES, Fun LAD/115 . ce'll - ii'lfretiiit A CtithalettiAd :Pia's. ''''k'i i e 1.0 and no mistake. boOoseoclTA gill at ihiltii4si• ieniel it i nod, at tnall advance on t "Ndeirtirli it'd in quantities to suit pure,bhscrs. All il bt , 4l,Nyarranied as rqreseritetly‘ 1 • ~, 7,, ~•,' ~.. , ;it .=,... ..f4, ,1.:-I' .re-tftillyisolieit'alslt'ar'p §txultlik.4l,lllrzuk. ilorti by mail * promptly attended t 0...- Address, LOUIS HIES, ... • 7'. . .. Advertls'er'lluilding,z -",' 1 23, 1807.-1y,': , .. I-' ':!.'•6 Eindrol',l,l.,Y.::' NER ett.teit op a c•tiiiittet on tho al p tba old tlutou Hotel, lataly deal - rayed by ft , of rends . to receive nod, au;crlOttoirigat.p..., e ittuf4rwiis'4lltCriaill Ttir h3ciLpeTtitY6& PiciPriefal l '!bolfalibmtlCciihireeicattarni&sfithiitin' attontive Itortlor in uttenduuco. boro,Jana26;iB67.;;i ' ; ' l- , • - g . 1 ••• -• I 1 • 1 40E3A7 rallEti, %..,,,. , i1 , ,, , i. i i.l 'Alice VDT' lai:;" ti:i s — bp on e'd li l islitip ,rafton elreet, rear of Sears tk, Derby's shoe w here he, is !preptited.t:n• uirtMitlietureigai -1 au) order in tlio,nity,t stihltanyni wanner, with dispatoh. 4 .l"artictdare'aitentiott paid . tting aliti kitting, , , Dbre 3 4 1803 Z. h 21 7 },, ..._......-- ..' iiiailTo - 1' li AI si —. l' . A I) '. . city TculPerance. principles, Morris Run, It. C. BA ILEY,"Pcopsktor. llorsns And ages to lei..—Alurch 8, 1808.-Iy. = •-• 'Xr.SYnkr , h .RESTATIOANZ• ne dour above the raker, •, • . L 533 0 :PEG TB II I: 4 :LY "tilt au rtt'd I g , übllCYlidt Lo Las ridOelnibte Stuck of 'Uru a • Vuvritkie . giApti s, Voircev; Spices, Sugar:, eacsyrupe, amfairthat constitutes a tire ek. Oysters in every :ety/o ;at" 411. eboyo, JaD.. 2, 1367,4 - BIM - . • . r4E 4 34.42. -. 436.65.1tisi:tibitMC,AlliCs ge"d• 4 V 1 1111:16ECi&l:ki ) • ALiai 1- • . tlic, ' 3E3 , 0 13tIliti34 - 0 - : 1 ' Or' ''''' - Wire 1C> 22 3.." .., •,; ~.1, 1 :i1._43.fi.T5•Jf...1, , .:,.. • v.,,..3' 1, •i - i. •::•. rt •-,, .1. ; - ...• .••... ;,•.• 2 .li., ...! •_..ir ~;• ' , „4'.. , t,',44. 4 .4; _....'. J , , --, ~,-.., ~.? ~. ~.,‘, : -.; ..,:'...',.. .--, ~• .--.- - C ~' .',' „-i . :+7,' ....-,..................... _ _ ..,......-................................. ~ . • , .47:7, ,,- ; -, kr , r- - • ••••T. 1 , 1; ..;..,.•„: • - , -;'•" - k-'''''•' W- 4$,` • 'k'' Y'• - r'''•••x;• , •'' m '' T-,- V . "..%•• ii .- .1 -:': --' --, -'•• - ' r• - '-' • - ' '' • - - "•-- ' • '' - ' 2 ' C'-''' '• .: • : V - . '-.. .--,—,-: -- .r --‘-. -,':;-;,;;-'':- '; • _•, - ''' .. 1 ' .- ':' . _ - - ' ' ' . . * 1.." , '-, J.. ' VE . TiLSBODO ( T PA. '' :; ; SOV EMB ER ' ' 25- . ' 1868 - .; , -,,,c.. .„ ...„., !., _. ti. „Tror.4: 1 •-,, ' -:‘ .4i- ' .l - _=- ~' ,;i: : - : ;,itt.*i. : . . - 4, --, 0,;-;; '1 a'4l - . ..i-,. : . ,- : : ': ;:. - 4 - 11'.: , :;,:v:::, - , :-. i..:iz" , i_ . 0 ,'; .!'..4.4','-.0.'.' :INTRODUCED" INTO AMERICA • -PROM. ORIW4Wr in - 815% • ME HOOFLAND'S BERMAN BITTERS, I{OOFLAND'S VRIVIAI4 'TONIC , PRYPARRD BY DR. ON. _ • • PLWADUP/114; PA. ' Y .4 ,e'griaillett.b_ o l4. l 7W • d i es . 1 1 3 r compiainti, f DYSPEPSIA, - Nervous Debility, • 7 " iIAtrNDISIE Diseases of the Ir. ithula, ERTlPTlolloi c 'tlie.l3sllT, • and -all Diseases ctilattiatrim a DIR. •o•rleredliiverrSjonrte&t, or ; . _ LIIIP.ITB.LTI - OF I'HE *cad thiligtOftsintvioDts, ,fr ; „,yqur •Thyo-01-thimi;g/mb eig rata - atacect that disease has cmitmenmeits attack on Cho Most important organs of ynnr body, and unless anon checked by the use of poweiful remedies, a miserable 41:4 soon Atrotbuttitty in death, will be The rezult. Constipation, • Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head. L _Aoidity 1 of the Stornaoh, Nausea, lioart- . t burnMeigustforFond.Ft;lness dtdrtmajl4 ; r 4. , 156 • frig or Fluttering at the Pit' of the. ,Stom itch, Swimming of • ' •i the Read, flurried or 'Di ffi cult ;Breathing, Fluttering .at Ch:oking or Stlfil:Mitting EtenatitibriliWhen in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, I Dots or Webs before the Sight, • Doll ,Pain- in the ,Hend, Don ' cleney of Perspiration, Yel /oWneilkoki:the,Skit,t,andr Vi 90.1.3 ens 1. 1 04 the Add, ;y1 Mum, uheat, tambs, ere., stid6 •"'"' den-Plushos of Rest Burning in _,the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of • .Iqvn, and Great Depression of Spirits. dil theseindlcate disease of the Liver or Digestive' ' _ Organs,cornbtned witli impure/40d. 1- c f4 ' r ' tjcicitrattbitic-etrninn' , 14 entirely vegetable, and contains no llfinor. It is a compound. of Fluid Ex. The Roots, Herbs, nod 13noss ''-'ffom which these extracts are mode ate gathered in Germany. All the medicinal viet, ues n.re , „extritetedarom fru by a tielentillc'ZlionthitV — Titese Is tracts are then fortvarded to this lc untry to be used expressly for the -,..-j.manufacture of titese Bitters, .'There fgls no alcoholic substance of any hind • .'` - tittedi in compounding the hitters, hence it is the only Bitters that can ' be used In smas..V! „ visccre4goeshomsktatint,..4-V-' niantshielituiffidvistitlilicVl; -• • ijaoflanb's V.sermau Baltic ita combination of all the ,ingredlents of the Bitters, with NUM Santa Ores Rum Orange, etc. Ris yard for the same cihreases a; the Bitters, is eases where awry: piere alcaleolic stimuliack tequir4t2. ray vig,./irr in mind that these.:remedieS: kier.ontirstil dlttettant-fiYon any others advertised for the cure of the divans 7-1.• any these bang scient ifi c preparations of medicinal eh, white the others are mere' decoctions of rum fit ROME form. The TONIC it decidedly eve. of the 'most Peasant and agreeable remedies ercr offered to the public. Its VtattirddlasW s7,,il4r2fgastk•e - Kroh • it k while its liAgithVeallMatinot; qualities hays caused fit) be known as the pre:tied of ati tonics. I CONSUMPTION. 'Thousands, Ay!' h e' ha _lptok t tient sztppaired he' Uraertellitetitcr With this terrible disease, have beets cured hy the use of these remedies. Extreme enmeint y, and (lough are the 'tinder: , attendants upon severe civics of dyspepsia or disease, pf digestive organs. Even in eases of genefittetepqnsputpilem, ceft,remetet telt,- 7 foit.Otd",Oriftle ggenitEdt streligiltenititeteridAnvigorretlteg. •mg-ta, nerd is no roodteint2ual to Meat:cr., German Bitters or litoio cote./ o Debility. Th 41 . ey impart bite asidaq - yot to G mg.. • 'iliAtitt, tr*Weri. theaps pa . ':fte, cause an mtfoyment of the. food, amble Use ctomach Co digett it, purtfrartdrAci, OA , : a good, sound, 1,4,17(4. mpfszion, i•radkrift,l4l/citeno /ince jrnm IfteeyeAFtpliptcd:Lthr , l4: WO!. &leek% amt cheiNtir , Ufa pa ficrii- ; j?») , 20,1t1,1441 athcd, twacipletittuvic,,, c t and nel•valis titraTiV, to cr./an:A=l, stout;bild rigor. "if-2 MEI ,+ , gr. 3. S", , • f' ws _ •• •, 'Weakand _Delicate , Children- - fi 1 „1 r std (Welt t nni Tonto. Xst 'tact, they ~ar.e_,Ettottly Med lelnel..!ritcy cats be administered With perfect sa,fe .to za, ah.l 11 . 'toolitiaolltillte most activate via oe a matt ofttiret.3..;. rhea Brinaici arc the heel"t a ‘:.,44ertr A•nrnan, - roul livages leanly, {bad blood. iKev•Youi-blux2..puie4.l:eep•YUUT-Lita-i7L t--;. , keN . 3 your digestive or in a eo_utz,cl,.kanlg/cc?u.l.t -; :dr, by th e usa'of. 4 lAtterviediesi alcUsur' Weasel:Nil FTV if.' 7 1 ;", N 0 - 01tamidX1'011. , 11.4 `."'f r:ir 6111ci Ittriti"," gpoa - catatae Xi 001 fro e•f m,d reltovews . . , &telt t I stOrs. , }xd i rtil; o'Siter d sligacesavitt ) ,s. shoal& use t e reaketi op easioo7l ~ • ally: ' The Liver • if ct.'ordeki 1 he blOad 'pat' c, - tipallta dbl ;•<•.> Ihig eyes an , vattlhag . . ...„• 'Howland's tam? Pr media qtr4"eartnlereetted. l l) t Vie gejefeirie - Grtyc tlicrianTdure of C. cradisatt •,•• Lq,oit the fronCifr the Oittn,t;-wriippfr of Fuel,. - Cottle, arid - . 7.; thf twiner/ th , . rerlfrie blonnittreaclitfrottltcthert -" jarooozole,:ty., '' tlTlroti~ttttci ' 9 's kttrirliit'voYte ere.' fa - evil. ea, test ifi,ritta to toirVltttto of these r OV !ICA• •.- • • t-1 • f„: 1 61,4: 4 .t A c 0 .0r Pie Sa jt rop a p pavt. v. fiP a paisyly m il4 l .-( • i ,-114otAiStlanity;tllena511)di;1¢fi".e,,: , AV Veislar..Bllbirebis,.mit eiu brio* fclicciti9g 'ter : p.(l4,l Gukis.l.% ,toiff. sise,E4l, frf,(tisPlt % r • 1 der pf the, fitgestive Ar g azi,a,, of,,greal eater of VfkasA;clsq Fels? usi•sous,cleub4:ta 1 1 1(ifent- '` • .'- • ~Pisfp • . 1 • ; we& ittfro,opinkaw.t , .- Flt9Nl .1u41 6 0'.0f so i -Tee; 0.4 q? ? url,.or • r • P " q'AM.P .4" Aqqh .1 1 , 8 . °1 4,f •a; ' , 13671 . 11i tic r iiiionniVtVe Gi rm ;xis t 4 &' ruldably 7itertirisso In ease of At:. • tech.. of 'tad' gesitiat or-Drupepsift; can ors tity.this fronr•ntY-es pretence- • Of it. ../.• 3 f ir oA:ive r From ltily.4oska),4ol..icavviD e p,, rostor of thororaVii,iigta iisuJaca.t.73i.:4llr:e;il. Sift :-/have bre,thrpreatl re quistfil to, corurra nary; with. recnounbidulirola•qf kiryle qrtOstict nes, Gut regard:o tire i c i t i j b . rtit l t i k ( SL ' l la rr e parlieulaily inlay son lakirgiVir trittatifahm SermOt,bles•S; 440.1girktahiscsOwlAy!,;' , , usual wane, emprer.o.l4,4full , cop Op tfin, Writ for ; gessod debility tit the sygleltband'efAßl,sily totiAttith?, 00111E1111st, tt . b.ft.,) and y'uluitble pliggoitiota smnerxxiset.it liza g yaq ; Gal itaiwity,'ldatthCant, it wig be . lk;y;bgrll/iciul, Oil/4.9 3 ( 40 0 suirir".ritra the ribtott #utif! vfl.'..relirt.,Neri{rgsPea.filli(i,r • f. t r X6P, /T 1), T ~Etahth, below aides Sl.' • Tz - ;,1 1 •, , , Price of the 33thoth, 81.00 - 14 ti +" or; a half-dozon for $5.00. • Pi+ice of tho Tapp:l;l3LO° pez , ..bottle: • 1 • o r , half dozeri j fa ' t 7 sl;s6.". -s••l , s_to - s+ 1.) ,1 The 'Ni 3 / 0 3 5 MVIP ° f l 2pi Rico - tfr'Sl ilosialAr • Dr e .:41.7uts:aresollulserStUV ree93iintbta. - h ed j do` ttheiiiinto" the rh-tWilt• 'pi yrits tOY take 'any fain g reaiWiat helitay..say r iejatt,as- d ooc k bekv.: cause „At makee4t losVorPrglit' bulb • Tbes,e Semulitt ; will besajt i p,v frP):pl,t , jOF aii upon applicattaa,, , , to tilt PRINCIOAL OFFICEI;;:'" • s • ,AzAt MIE - titittillM - Ntrbfelitt' - '81`0111;' - r No. 031 'gßtif §.l 4 2tat..oltriattpiiiiti EXTL&NlipProptiOtOre L}' Fr a 115/11,,,,, 7 1;1! "ntf se, foureiliost "Tit I r,Or sftle r Drift gotta t 1 4" S t Or 4. iroopc vs, Auld . -.;19 oltto over'„Ovltoro. f • id - rietrifdlo - a• - altittifibat :order to get 14e i. ,t ?salt ; , .7-401 ,/ • - irt *e ll ;44*igii 4 W 4) egi ': tbrailightui 'the t7tlitt.ll SteNes;"thttilildslS Analog. and the Wfist, ''. '" TIEE)4 x.gvaz.,z44: : . -:.,-,.., ,- .._...._. -,-* ..,.". • ' - ' -7- !'.. - rii , ;!iifoi.':i'ilid:rtiir4;.." "- : " . •, ~,), , ,• , ..7--,-. -. ,- .. , ..1 •.,-." ' .t. ' ,-.• ' , ) • - ):` ~ •,-,.... , ,LKititi'i 2 O%ieedilq Xt, 4 1111311,, . sidni iatord bkprprdAtit•):cildl' , , ~ ,_ :And .tho..Ogn nf i tiuth iandltratf.93,4' q • .' , lfitli-teliove •SA lilithifillAct i: , 'r. ,41.,thiqniitilid t 'tiitkilii 9r ` nf i l itql4ai-!1 , . ' , PAttaiiitrjoijitiVani.pg:ll;tlaV.'" '' i'thilliiith,olnit!sycifi and' th 4i 4 f6,114., . ~ 'Wit -4 ibetr ithacir btiiiiiskie'd' brigtit s fi --',. ' IIl:and• dolfikt ntiblisifOrkbrit `' '''' '''"- : • In.the caul° of f eruth and rlstd.' ''''''''" ' . e et f} i^ i , 1 . 4 U 1 1 ,3 . "r ' ',',." ' r ` oi g iw ti tio, s ro o f it atif f z w io p s . 4 r , 3il,.t,gl.! . zytitirri.n . ktiote, _ , ._ -,, , ;4 1 A.1. 1 0 IRiAln.fithed 0P1iP7 , 4 1 : 0 4143:-.: , . 4 .?AY,g. / 4FEiffiltiti I I,4°P,,t l uPEitt. : r.- ~e vs .f.P?l'lß-ti P R.s i ...AL) . , , Le:4l4txr .j i t tr t r,,r i croaartogno n ! pi:Tar; , -, , ~;, ~ Titrt 'trona 'clue tlny'2,idoOp iiit 'ftges, • k , i'ltrditatthoifinit - bnptle . racd'ialo, '::,,,-- • ( i, Woifielt, , Vol i alli; tiat4ro,,, .c , , v, ,,, ~y kisho- d hia, tll6ldkiiiir no! , .,ki I' ' . 14":141.5•'al , )--zt.: , ,at , 6, - I_l •., ....--1 , •-,4 4•11; ~L 0v,..1A-N*, f f•s, P , ••••• - /0-4140 /03014 .41witi troiablo 1 .. '44,)c1it„V,,,:, 0 ur iblikhOT)s• lsl 7 4 Y i caadnico:a6pre nare toitnii,cuid.,.rainunf ,i , , • ~- , ‘,,r i lts'iliVltidri,nr:tl.oll4, , r, .„ , ~_. 1 g'gfl ili4 !di irti oy,9rrii - d_witti,k.to`ri * , , . • ,1 , 3 I '-'13 1 2/Iqink.„ Ain: 114:i' lifOri.litliairee I• ; :e. 3 .tifAge;yr; ' y' 0 :4.10 4-10 .S.tral , i4a! ~-. t • '4051,t 1 ;9 4 aikin#,irtil„Oit o .tearf,, • ...,,, It r tiflaSP: s ols - fitti qfice,s'ileA4A4toffi4e4;:l l - 'T 1 : il 'c fltfrie,/ 1ti r ,t#4 13‘, ,Y,94 1. , , i,. ": , ' • r ..,' '-' il =MM= TIL:EI9ArikR,Z.RAND 211 E :RUBBER.; S "C _1 Iftu;_ -, ,,! - .j .11 errr.l: j).:::.1 .1: ..i'll i.;"! ri-7....",:i1:71 -, 1 "flief mos Ltioueatonflalt Quakers, ;Toby 1 1 SitripSoncilived litifl,Aindon';',itiffe:!pleatf-s? ft 11 i little-fiWelling ' , graced lizr ille:prea . -' I ezidolof big ihingilteri Milky.''6ll•44'','•Wii.'4 not tru fterist , gen fetd4' yeivi.g bf', agf i :l" iffiii: charmingly fail r .,;:'hati . 'bltOi',,'Ores,,7itn - fl", Poqs.No4:l4,4l.nel4.,'lnefl'eittS . T . 'l4.a. i heality.; Ali tyie'iYnlifig !,inen: 'Ors 4ity, flithees;:ac% ,Nutiiiiita4e wer:e g heirSEStilfors,-; : a11 :those ' of the s ,n'ell4l4hArbefid;Scuglit i t-O gain het. 1 - 10it,e,_,V r ixib , efflif t sl-,,,-.alti ry: :. Was :440., . - roctoettei - turd instead - i_otenjoying•llie efrect produced by her charts, she was vexed on!afieourit - of the trriannekwotall , he athelteN, except on' Edward Weresfordra-young-artistotmitted-to ; thd intilnac* of 414,44-fandiy.. ---,',:-. -- - t - ,....1.- 4. very sfint4l6 , eeSad 6 ifsekibis t friendshipi A premature eath had caryied off the Quaker's wife: She was young and beautlftilz and; 'desiring to peipetuate the image of her wlio was so tlear to him, he had caused the artist to oin 0 r.t cttol Rind ofl.",tleat,h.:' , ' It; Affid', there thatzrdukaid saw: the , desolate"' dainsel; it; was there a serious first love tot* placo amid the tears of one and tild,lllou§likotk.:7 4 3E4llo (Aber. :TllE:Tye - dr witch - elapsed after this epoch had but str ngtheued the bond under. these aus pices, and the young man.,,had showed CO the father both his deSire and hope. The excellent Toby bad no reasons whatever for 94'41404ns the mutual itiP clinations,,et ft.n - ,,e twq: y#ll -- nit Ferffithiii;'4,-.: Without - challis . rich,' Edward earned, by means of his pencil, what sufficed to inpport a,..4llfilily, h9f494 . 01y,,,; ; „4.4,,a-1 thqr, .fi'.' ll l4l`.o-03,1_',-..44AA1),,41.0_rt kali t pfAid, city; "bad. retired from business with a fortune increased more that ten- Jbld. - This ,was a are example_otrapid SuCcessin-Spectil diiii--rSo,ri4pltl. indeed i ,4 thdt - few vvVoab bio - foll6wisai3rcisr.ario: ' Yei, Weresford, of so blunt and stern WV - position, lived alone in the suburb of_ Lonpan'iltristigiat-cariOg - Aytifkiliks son Winta6l4, left film entirely at lib= erty. Ile was one of thoie acconinio dating.egotists whoyouble.up:one f pre.-:,- 'vided - -firey ttbubib - - not' tileth'-'--petiOns 44f ',perfect complaisance if you ask -nothing of than. • .14:dward, therefore, reiiiird k-without in terruption, court his pretty Quakeress, well assured that his father would not ;.- 0: ihk of opposing his_miirriagt:',Tlfesit *tion of the lovingcouple was, to all appearance, _ very prosperous; and lion 'gat!Toby'did not put off- the day catheir , 4 4narriage longer than to collect the ar ' • Itt i#Ves Alf - 13 i# Xet.4,,i.-; l 4.e:l;le,§tinvtl , :tbe. mitsw,rorAi 0 : eittraordinary,expensesi p 1 the ceremony. For this purpose he went to his country' seat, some miles from Loidioniiiii:tittier tooregulate - his - JLIRIi rs• 1 3 -e h.4,d, _llASSeci,._ bA4i , On e_day - I3W ajilloiirliC;O: e j_ _au d , as, , h e,, , qa,s4thpu t .te put up liln c niorifiher'thellight;;:lie, erceived att - so nitfidis atria arliOAettitill; c -) who had barred the road. IleAtbliPed ii n I erra I n ," Iv het hei,.., 2 . to' '' 46. - I:lli''., - Oc tarn' bAck. Mean wiiire_. the horsenittCad-' saiide - d fO‘viirdshiin . . --- The QUakertoilitl' .14.06 eych, think,, of Ascaping,i , ,he _there:, ~f t.;ret put on ri.guddiAce . , },rate, 10:04ght his :ifeise ,t9it i walk,;'-14 . 14 approaching the ' - ty lap Who caused ViAtmeasiness-,:,ife,per= Ceiyed_tilat.lie_sitas.niarlted r a--gervious augury;:whiehimas i soen!cpatirmed. "he unkimivnAlib,Wed; 'a pistol and 'di= te _ the muzzle to the traveler, ,de la audin ;- 7113tife3 rhe ''',!4,ii alit, did 'hot; want cOurah,:, •ut calm by charac- . - ter; inoffensive Eby re I '.. - '144 - I'cr"eiren unable, Without --artruir-z`to'--leidat'2-tui .,,,. araied man„he.,pulled-, Il' 0 lart, 11,-mcket ,yery coollyra'puttie - t dntattlif f f f - tttelve 1': trig , The :rubber .t i cf - it 4,l,o4inted i '•e ttte 6 4 , frE' l left` Ak1 ) 44rv,41g1044 1 W, he li n'." - tOppoll,:l6;pu4seT4i,phoyillite :he ti Liigliorbe io the trot. J;?.up .: Ow rob.: :Arlseeing the slight resistance he had ; Aipposed ; andi allured by 'lt h e hop a Of , \ ii, isecoud bp,ety l ~ - i imm- v tlianfly, ~ r ejfilia,eA A:fullest 'Toby, Tladed himself anew in , ins wayi.-aild 3: prgEtiuting his,}lailstol - LIS beforeveriedlout tohlt4i ~ # -!YOlfrWiltdft l' 7 , ' 2 4 4' "lie i gnafterfinrAiritied;'• wtOslileifel , the , 7 1g 4u 13 u/oN;e44 : , tie.6oitiliyidOlt, 'lli S Witte ii 'Edit the' fah,' ilOeketitit t he„ bous f ,and, ift,40t 1 .4 4 1 co 4r_ilidie'lAtt.tthe',..l4l4b,d`..,,or 4"latiro ''' ber, saiing: . ~,,. __ • _ ;.Now, I. beseech thee,-'permit me to gO co ;my 4mielling - 7 ,-thy ‘,, daughter !will' 'he uneasylat,nly„abseriee4A-1; ; ----":. ', ~ t • ' ''Al'.-ime,Meht;;_ithoit,l 3- -; a repliOd- { the th as it e'drenvull evl' '' I141;1 i mend " bitrdefied, by tliTalddellftyr; i - ti,..iitittiir" to ii . l4:',U4i.i t you', thtvoinifi'bthet sifill-A l7 ' .- . - ' '''",, ,: "1 'ftiivee,4'iire , ; , isi,'r'Si4id'tilie 4iffifeer.;" '-'''.& " iVetY'Well. - 2 4 . pki* that . ,you ,have ly other.reimey;_alid wahel-tuitii-ok-an nest , robber, incagable:of, taking by It, ihtence from a twin - Wheo Yields with 'l'46 good; glite,9; :14111. •retypii On tintia, lou'r-jourtinyw,:: , ;-:!. -,.:) r ,-,.. !Ly, ~f =BEE •1! : • f .l`).li - ,Qiialierrefteptedrlti ) nielalent:itt!4. : ! . 6 ; Ia& ; grqds;:" , r4o4 titr'cii4covore s ctlioti j am p:;Quii4#k,A44,ipity,liot ß tios . _ tfie:, , ;my: truth, thou lb its}the ii le. t Thtis 4detliare to thee .tbet-.li, have nu -r rder Isuyaladti le, cloth 41,-eu hu n-' - o,ed hounds Yi.;„zt‘lvfo. - b_undred" pounde . •erlea - titeWfaer'',s*iiLlp, i ', l 4o' . 9.YA6' l 44rlC-7 , , I •`.`l.y.toY.:fiZitr..,4i4t,`,4oati' ! :estab• kay,,,daggbter-oluct,i this auei.iar,neo.; essary4',dfor f tong', time' aiot have aTeiaillak.irebUV-, al • ,n3' dear eldid„ hetvinielifie k Istrd ~L rA49ll hast,T.ls# l .itlOperiOvetitar6,. l and Atte woulcst - not gem t k 0 4- . -itet•? r lT' "1 5 Z 47 .,4 4 '( 0 4° 1' t?e-144.45 1 4g4i0h - tin her~le el. d• 'ith 1 ' i;iffy 41.4r.1 age ' •Lees tilt tullk, h ";. ( 4 1 ,.. 4 - I r.e.itiArPalp.titb.‘let exepu ,,.9t on. Itlu t4/14Withitl..111QUey/1t;'7 , ,:: 01 0tilv , took a bag.heavy e4v4g11, - .and passed it (aleiely to the thaske s d'utat4Aiis Wiwi -tht life& Ar,as ‘ aaahl, (I,uakeritr , 7qatild -- ,44lelotla;V. i 'layfiVilia .l .li'aittl upon , the I bridle; "beau as you arrive, you' will • !Al A x g r F g ftetirtigtt . i . P.144. 4 M.7" , , Q.. 134 ttlatnalts l,l; gtad, NM =CI , , Oenouncenie to,the rikigis,trateS.',',Thir;„ , litiacCording, toerder.._ .1. have :notliltiV, tti say; but I' must - Dave the advance vt' .the process to-night, at least.. My-mare. Is'feeblo, and - la besides fatigued; yolie lierievok the contrary; , :appears- - vigor oUd, for of , this bag does'not Vconimodiit - him":- Alight and 'give the - yOurheast yeti may take ,yeti • - " - ~Titi;*.as, Slew. hi begliitilng to comply, .tieetihse these, ertiiip_CZigell,gea to. of nature to2ralso ,the choler, of the,. 'nest -howev- ' Or, :descended; aud- resignedly took the 'sorry:Jade which was • left 'him -in ex.: .folviege. " If:I - had krotiwni" -• said •he tdhluiselfi f' I would have lied at 'the 'l3 hit regtie, and it ikudtvitlithis:Couriiell that 'lie; *0)310 "44/,i , e gained in : the race." • • Ditrlug this likie the ,roan tient - 641y' Untiking,liitefor hle:Contpittlimiteicke; plied,heth spore auddisappeared,.,:-_, Blifore lie.reaehed - Lowlori;;Toby had. Ihrie.to reflect on-his ruisfortune,lou the , ebegrixi of the two young perldens::,Who and whose: halipinesii, , would be, ..ppt 9111' 'rile sum taken IttatChiiii vas irreVio-eably 105t.. - Not' r4Nallied,,- - norcoU 'the audacious' roti=: 'be-'recegulied. 1 autrtvLile as- a auddeit'ideg:estrtzettifith he stokiSd. • ~ , said; he, nieios . ;tuLY SticCeed. „ ;this man llyeth in-London, J_PaY:tperadventure meet hint again.. tlieaven;c no doubt, bath witted that he - she Adhave - tievii so rvery -- itopruilent: , * - , -°•, - Bem'ewhat'l consoled' by rano*, :What hope; Toby tivelit borne" t` 'liewingiiny trouble or &Ls ingougl,it of id o:yen tit re,. 13. ,0 did Wit 0 to;' inaglstrate; tint eniliruced:his.tluug(tter,,. ;.Who...Shkip - efkedriletlilng',l : 444 : lay - down , INext, day-be secretly ,thought ,of'- op4ration with Providence - in .making ,leseruch; the.iiiiire out cit ., the :stable where sho had passed•the - night; mid threihr:the bridle over 'tier 'leek; in /.10VeS Pitt - the;uninial; habit naturally gO . to the'liOuse other, *deter. ‘-lle'therefore Sentoir ' [ the•poor, lieast4 hleh 'had . bee'n, testi kg to. Wau -1 der tit ?Jose through, the: streets of Lou dou,.tuict followed,her. i But 110.14Lippus :ed her,to have ra.OlV , instinct. than she had ; for u long time she went right -and ;.left; nialthigA thousand turtis, and returus"witliotit! atinNfthout ciireetitin;' politetinpa;LiCa 'aiett4c4:llleu 'taking 'h contritrYceurge. .TOhy.deSpidied; thotight l ie, • ,:dOth'li - ot,live London.: " •Art,: e of geilig;te,the_Magistnate, When-I had tho typo, to: 'MVO suilered. ,myself to' be rlecliaway by'lhis wretched aniinal. • - !)„ B.uddenly however, 'the' beast pricked up her earsund'setroir on itbrisk trot, followed closely - by the, Quaker. • ",Stop stiip,'l l wits . the Cry "Udall hands. -' - • I . "Dethin,'idae' erqlecT.:„the Quaker,, "l:ellikeekt you; Aletain.t.ile it,ca • -.?" Ana I,anzioueiy, his eye 7 ,04 eetir,se-otthe r tiuiuial, he( saw her rapidly entering the gate of atiwell lag suburbs.% . Zsi ' " 1 .114 herein: thought , !the;' quaker; ral "sing= his 7eyes toward b9tayt , u l - 4.1 r thanks' to -Providence.-' - MIN =I MESE EMI ~. ;In !n ,passing the bouici, he pereeiVed in the court a dounestic, On) p attO `'l. poor beet an (.1 t , tj. her to th,e;.' - ',Sfahle..)ls, deinatided once the nitn,S - of the proprietor of the lioubO. - : - lA7,4;uxt, < litora you. .never the , se parts 2" was the,•answeri• r" that you don't know-that- thiais the 'dAvell- , log : of. the. rich merchant, Weresforci 2" ' — The.Quaker Iltood pettified.l • ' ."iWetesford,!':_repeated the neighbor, Jvhplfisite - ved that' he hildnOt ,under-. W.taul,:jf'hirp,,.`.‘ the.: man - who ;.tnash,ii,go rapid'A , tueonY fkierid, * ex(nnifiltae,.!; „ 1-1. , I, a;e010-not,:r9coyer, , from his stupor. 1. Werestora,- the lather atiltiwatid, a matt oi.uete, nkr-robber2l l • • }4o-litlieved,,, he:was Arentning;,tind desiredr-tor- - esOnte t )", -exaniplea,'',heeutked-te menturyj.u( inany W ire4eetable' ere - in'iengue wlldi banditti. TO :hy `):keic,,ed to invvstruate , the :_,-.1 - 16,`,enteiii,heicti;y tutu the ato dcapOuleit to„speal, with, the proprietor, ;who, 1i,444: lust zone to bed, Ilieugn dt W. 14 near Laidday,-.-11, new ui idght..ofrfatigne L' frlte,Quaker:itishit ed yu treing intreclueed" , - tied "Subalutind if b ,biplSdlt 11 . 1 ,1 1Vtir g1br , 0,!4; 1 6a- C 2•1111 ed his - ;eye . ',4 and 'deiliaiititicV,With f'Pertinenee; - • "?}Ylio are ftg o y :I•Vitilte*it,ll . .l.l6 ?" • • _ • „ TL),e. 011 /10 .of: his voice - Was. •reeogniz-J. ecl hy--Tnhyould thoroughly: ColllllLiCeLl .116 - ttamitillly drew- ti, :and _seated thinciselfiat,' tho • bedside, , his hitt on big : head; • "'LSO ,S , oti:re`*in',coye,redV.'erled the. merehitu r in S'uq.)ri§e• "' , .1-444 a Quaktr,": answered, the otli e,r,„, much, •••luntl,ythou cltnoweit that•shehls-our usage.) , • • -` t--- At- these word 3; of-tile Quaker, -Wer-: eslOrti sitt.uP!ln lied , and , qeirChe strait , ger, 'title donlitleia 'r'ecogniged' :AR eatiCed' 6 614'. ; We,11; ,, ' c 'dOpandect iiamin,erin , 1` _what , is - itLif you pleaSe 7 -' ject you_eoule at!oet , ' , o l . ; - _ ~,`,`l.l) a skOy:allor v allee appeathig, sti-pfe,sehlg',;:inksV?ere'd tolty ;" tweeh fi ioids, it •'thatteretn not- inueh r witheut-eeremouy, to,speak' ft. the watch that 'thou,. horroweuNt • ' i. '‘"'.l value it - tnuch ;' , i,eteldnged to my -poor -u'ileii;tiucl . I pail not' tio 'e-kbeilent,'_ fileiid, tfie - ;;UlUeou4o3', woOht never-forgive 41Q - were . / to full for ehe i i,ley V61(464-1,, the jeK vi to iiis, '„, • i e,,nancie of. an, altierinun appeared . „, , lo'page seque-impresioll upon .41 1 el'eS7,, .rO . O.;'4WILLout .waiung ,all auswer, To - • :Thou wilt do-rue,the..ol&isure to re= turn'aistr: the twelve t unteas'whieh -A ken4 tWee lit tlic'Seine less ii4tbo.u'lirt in'neeit Qr them, l-ew sent thee, have em lor-sOnie' cOnditiciii that. thou giveSt the it;recei fit,'. - . . „ of , the Quaker so , d Neon cerfeallle old .tnerehaut. that-he :could. 'Oup'deny - the : posisebsion of th'e ,, urtielee, but ; not likthoo aeku'owledge . hte e'rithe Uei itegltated , ..ie -tinstver: 4 hen.".lNiiiy . ,'‘ or, nix - -,dttfgiito,r; - Mary; ":1 buJ ke,s'erred -tlie 0%4 (4 I - two . huthired494,4tlalstili4g , tor_ tllt , Mita! ,pt i tiielg,spoused,L but au accident :hop to Wu! lust,night on the. rond to - wasretnntiletely.,fonbecti )0,1 - , C4111:010' pray to give thy ,-6On wort ton , whi'ch otherWlan 1 would not have usked '‘` I " n - nn -!''', 1. 5,Vea.,, - ,Pogt,-,thau not gnOw dint lie auttAt .110 thaw Is to _ifunkx - Yiterl?.?„— _ "EdWtii•ilf"- exeliiiined'the nin4ehlinit; pro Wing himself fy6ni the lies' ' ' • " -14icit. 1 ; 11 4 qiiletly -inking, CotneiCdo.., tbiß thing-r,foi,bini.- -1, woulit:not f -verily; Vint h'e ou - 10 • now% aught , of . ' , Wlt4t .pasded last ' , night ; fyt tiou 'dt - fg , , not Affittli ) tilt - stun Unit' I prom isedi, it _will be well for tin,: to tell filth' • 9.#k tool d revi out ti pasket th a triple loelt t `oDetied it out returned sucoetiqlvely to Toby , h .: 4 . .1v ..: at0 :.„ 4 , ,,,:• • : of money.live4l," Said theQuakei - as - he received see that I had 'reit , tiOo to couot on thee.", " this'all that you no?" .demand -61 the taerOhatit,vitlA' end Of his blunt . " "%Tay, I-yet. peed something of • • thy frlenthihip." '" Speak.' • Thou wilt disinherit see not hut that.some Que. :may bay. I have - specutated on the Eertune.. ,, in - linishing these words-the! Quake) loft the:ohaniber. • - • . --.' " \o,?'- 'inutile - red be, wbeta be found bil-fitildf alone,, ;" children _:;tire not , ;an s' fiir thigaultibettieir Piriints litsfyiihull'rriarry the ion of 'this man. :but the,stplen money she shall3nevet• :touch."' . - :When lie reaelied ilitietahrt.,.. be called .out to''Wuresford, Who - hild Cottle to tht windikw.- - .. .•• - - ; ,-", 010 my deur i friend, X ,Irouglii btteit tit - putare, return rtny, Im)rse."., , - - time Minutes - afterwartie, - Toby, NVeli meuhted,.cat•iying'hy- the top .. his bag of money, futon:hen with his watch - and purse, witched' nomo tit amoderatt: 'trot.•,!. •.' . ' ' .-- '- ' " I.mitde a visit this morning.. to th) .fatlier,", ettid lie ti),E,dWard, whom lit pyre's' veil ': en tering 9 witii him ; ' " I ' be ti.:Ve we shall - now agree.' -,• •• L i l - - , -filw,o hours, afterward f Weresfor , ar rived' tit the 'Rinse of-Toby, atid hling. , iiiiii - filitirt i 'said -:- ' • "1 - ietleSV'Qualter r - your proceedings ,iiiite,cluepiy,_,:.uilketo :to y :,Atry edut :- Y,ou , tllig4t , , buytl, Aishotkored -,tile7:,4lls lietaired-MY sail . ; rtiiiii4 Intl in his et,' .titnation;:and ettusedlite tiiisiortune o; !refitalhg hint yourAAtughter.; Ninth:Ave ,slitiwtt : _yourt,Of . ai;nntu, in head ant ,heart, I dial) not Vgitin - bilitili' - iii yott'r , preserice.C----'l'tiae - II e6e -- tiakers; • 'lvaite ,welll 11 1 .you will lv er see_ cue again.' , . . . 'And he deptused. . :The Qua 'ter, left alone, opened' the pa ..pers. - They• shoi.ved'obligutions of eon ishierableNalue on the • tirst .bankers ol I.,Oiatou, with, it long ilst,ol,nuntes ' • and uppoAte'onch mime, in figures, the sum greutei-or,less in autoinit. 'A.' billet Was added,wherein the,Qualier read as iol ,, lows. . ~ -.. .. .. i"rhese are the' names of persons who wei•elobbeii ' 'the tighres ere the soli which ought to be :restored ;=as to' Ow looney with the ,bankerth.lia let it - go to the strangers, but,iiiake •thi, resti tu don 'secretlY yourself.' W hat re be fey legitimate fortune, anti your cittUgh ter will -Setae day. pus sesS toy estate." , 111 e, next dt4' Wereiford left London. and everybody' waS eertaiti that' he had gone:tp slieue his :ortuou in France. , On. theAuyiel,the tharriage„the , Qttte . ;ter tirouglit together . a tomputly u. merry friends, ' uniting whom were noticed a-number of persohs euellanteo with the eoutluet, 01 the robbers ui duii, who, through the inEerpositlon u. Toby; had matte rebtitinitni of their lust capital. with iuterest.• -• • - WANTED-A GOVERNESS. . _ In a ~lOw_. narrow room—the single Window Curtained: with., course White . niuslitt- the door covered by 4 sejln t) earPet—pothellow, tilb - . 5 / a rehM4Uliiillt ; LikpligiliiMA every element; of poverty lb the. abotle,,Of the poor widow !And' het Atiugh.ter. ; „.- 1- _ • -, if- • - "i - qlt - 011 iii.` little - more 'Coal, Auly,” said - ;Mrs. Ardetiluiai, - BbudAefiliglj , , di a Wing lter slut wl elose aroun d her fi int figure ue she droppeti,her. needle-work ; "it IS bitter cold thishieriiing." ' AMY obeyed Biiriitly,' , yet' she could -not help notioinghow nearly the :huts •iteets.oi fuel ,was exhaustetl, arid. re membering how bitidequatetheir sicii• - der 'purge Was to the' replenishment , theretnylierThenrt - eank"a-little: Only a little, though ; tor Ably. was not. one, ta the desponding kind., No--she wail a sunshiny littie,creatilre, hill or bright; infectious Lopettkluess=and somehow i in that,aqualid room, „she .. seemed likt- a :resh rose .blossoming in a sandy desert: * She- was - very pretty, *ill, broWn tender eyes] just. the shade of thy lit- ivy braids-y of -hair, above-.- a -small . , eiwai tfietith ~ - and • ' ,obeeits . delicate!) Phad - ed; us She tusk up' the neWspapei, - you - "couldn't-Aiello •noticitig: wliat 1.1 -snowy .taper,:htuid she had,• w'ith„-pinh tipped ilogers and. dimples-at. every jollit: • - --• :"Mamma,"shesaid,suddenlY,"here's an.advertisement for a goverhess." , - "Well, What ofit?"' naked her mother. ' -'" \V hy,:: mamma," hesitated' Amy, "You .ittiow, we are very poor, and—and 1 sheiild like Very touch to earn d.little Money." • -I-' .:I‘.lrs.:Ardenbam had .bowed her face , .upen her builds, and-in au instant Amy was kneeling beside - her. ' ~.Nlatunia, Ihirilli,,, , , dont 'cry !" sh4'said. ' : -'•!';11ditl• hot...mean-to be.so foolish, loVe, ;but it, all came-back:W . l:oe at, ,t/n4, ale rqpik-tliii_ wealth' and - station we haVe :lost=the pci'verty to whicli 'We are ' re. -ttuevd"-` OLI ,1 : ,11 4,-it . is toWhardri" . , _ _... ...Cita' think, -mamma i'l ,ibuio . Am y-, 'clieerftilly, "how„cletightfol it will toa for nue to make alt . ) my school' ateetu-' plislithents help us along in Ilie- tverld!:. ,May i ktry fur this situation ? 1 bhouhr ;like it so moult." ' .' - 1 ~," .Ityco - think it bes t, my child," a . ?-, 'quieseed bli tr.' Arden hanii. resigoedly • ' ! " .r hell ;I must lose no thne; and 'Amy • beg.aci to : arrange . her hair :ht.! , adjust I the;details of her simple toilet. ','lloo, 'do I lotik. titanium? 'she laughed, whew tit'lengili She was•ready tb repkt. And Mrs. Arden I iont's admiring allietionett: glance broualit the r•ses to her cheeks ,its.,she tripped *way. For she did look ;exquisitely • pretty ;: • the coarse Shawl took - graceitfl'eurves' about her' slender 'twin, and the cheap -,straw • •liat, with , its plain blault ribbon,,inik.tlithave been, "the:Mo4t'fashiolittlile of bomits Without .being a whit inorehecoming. '_'*'.l.trlitig, - ,Aii,37 I',' pondered . : the `Mother, us her light f ootsteps died away 'iitt, Elie stair'; - "ldie is 'it perfect little sun , litata in the.darlt ney.4 of tuYilliily' exis , -twice. Her,lieart - bud never ached with the hitter pangs oldie'sslotrpest trials - ?" ' , But i\lrs.-Ardentiatu -was; mistaken. Aniy.has tasted ill - bitter cup--;na y, She' hail drunk It to.the 3.7,ety d4egs-.1, ••::There was a Vein of poetic" aPpreciat 'ElOii slaiiewhere iii the jumble of inn iniil sentiment, good humor iditl surca-in .that constituted Vrank '•"A:ililey,--as' lie :lay 4Aily . on , the sofa,:-, playing" . with ; Iwo oe - tlii i.!6 wildeii :haired. chiltireit,, :who . Were_tbdtlling ciiiiiiMl. :the room. "I'll tell you - w Rut; Lizzie,":. iittld he ,to 1 his sisiei‘, w,h9 sat. entbroidering,- 'you ;spoiljthese , young imlis a- -out .as coin - . _rietely-aa - ithy inittitankof :my-: actinide "As..if ' you - - ditint-i - "spoll:. 'them' ten . 'times yorst..! , V retorted itirB:Jtiy,,,liftigh i i ii#iy.' •" 'When'' , l'sti . eceed -In '041 11 111: Ling a gc_reernes, 'ilofittps tfiey. :will be ptit,untler got* db: , elpiiiie. '.l.;ht, ref fly, It'ratili .. l a ~, have . alwys'. woodered • that you havelieVyr inaTi9o,)). l ~, ,-,..,...„: •._ .., ,‘• J‘ltillectl 77 wityi•?",' ~,, •-.- ,•-••- •. • : , . . . , . , „ "You. would make such a nice dotnes 'tic sort of-husband—you ate too fOlun of :Inane. ' I linoW.' .-that - - - :- tuait'oeit vexing" 'Miss-Roland , laid a desperate " - siege - - , to lhe"rnelty citadel -, of-• your' heart,-,i' hut 't.lit'aightyoU iligliked hey." , .2. Al intrWere'rlislit,i'l'Efe "replied'; """§' be i)V.tls littlesciitatttly repeltetit toliht."' 7 " , ~.:- i.; `J‘V ity' did - riieVerlnar,iy anybody ‘ 'e"l4el Well, liSteliAlzi , le"",..utid--4' ; !h„tell' you. I was once hi tovtiwith'otie of the sweeteat gir/s, I believe, - that' ever =MEI . . .. • . ~ walfeecl'on earth. It Was When I '`rte,. staying at Brighton; .she tab .wiviripeif. ding tile. ,I,V,interAhere. i'At 'ilr*t•-.1: *thought she encouraged my, suit .hut Ail at Once she grefr cold and dildle!, I deterinined-at all hazardsl v• O lino My f rate,- Toni felt how wretched life)rwohlo be wlthout.her. . But the very eVenin,.., that tined resolved 'to submit _My, sui• to hei-:-we were teeth 'lnvited lo a'ptirt: ' or Miss' Itieland's—.l. - learned • - tha t• :Oa • nad the town,. -: - Miss : Roland, 'tole me,- , not in direct word,hutaddelicatel; eta pos4ibl4that' it, diets' to 'avoid my' cOnthIUOUS attention." , -: "And did ; you credit, - this ??? f Tasite,c. Alm Jay. ~ • , • :"Ofcuurse," he replied".sflsblirilanc. was one of her most. iiitirriate-trietedi , i left Brighton the next dav, and thee and there, ended all of love ClAt,,it,:,w,ll over he my fate to know." , ~- ~, Ad - he Ceased speak lug, liserVimiCaMi ' in. '"lf you please •tria'aini a lady: 1: - 'below who says xnelma:egine„,,Lo' tip,pl.\-. kor.a . Satiation of goyerness. , 81.1411 J: :)116w ifer'uji?'°' • - ,' " , - -1,.".., " '111113:Jay 'assented, and tlYefi•iest'trio intuit A my A rdeu hum en tered,the room • ..Yny seem eery young 'Vas one of, til, first retniirks 111.ns. Jay made. -- . "I'atu eighteen, trat'ain,"- said Amy wiry. !, : • - !.. Frank Aehley,„ who'had been reading i lie ile),vspaper, glan4.l ' Citheldyl, up ti 4. ti tone of her voice; aid' riri3l3 4 io . 'llr. ree .- At the name titne.Anly!ti eye nit., iiti Anti Ite,gre:Nr_ (teacily pale. :,_,,fl • „ , "Aihy P' he exeldlinuil-!%)1i5.,5Ar4 , 42 linni.l" . , •• But Amyt.had fainted. - ; • , An Itt,or later, Fritait,-4Slilgy-wit,th , 3 accepted lover, to:4fli.e,ytist_ozlittly wti uad protui6e.tl to talto"clittrge hico,' was our little Ant,y; - ' " ~, r eit,utv. : 4bout it Frank," said hi: - sister when ut leti,Ln he Keturtled ri .teewapany Atli.) . to herhuutbie,hon n snot„ boen eetite to Li - home.” j• - • ''• Wie have both ,been the victims .o isrepresen tutioo. bald Frank ".Atit-s Roland absuied 'Amy that 1 wu . eitgagett to her: What - could- Amy dt out walid.l-aw ?" • . . , .. . "T4et slit: loyea you all the time?' totlied Ifis. Jay., ' ' "So Blte -ti, 8,11 1 replied her brother" "41t.i.„In8tead, or Illy (lading ttgoivern e4s; yvt.oLtkuitt a \vitt.. I" laughed' A.l.r, ..1 ty. ."01.1,' k'tallii,._ I. aui 'vtky,` 1,%-li ....,,,Ltil I" The GordOri, thQ.Olave . „ . . New York Walt, 't he great centre - w liert the slave-ttaders - of the • ‘vorld brougic their eessels.-. Havana' was-.the grey center. Where they laid- their plans Boston, :NOV Bed oh d, Neiv Londim, L.:sow., 11 rcelona, the WCSierk 15larids' .1 and 1 Itii iiv not where else, - were iii.' oh!0/' p itC4.2:3 All the operation. - Tilt voy gesi .0, ere art cubed at havana, VI( :stilll i b we le j .R i i t iy_th m t. i n . New - fork h te tee they slipped to sea, pit:lied. n, the lest Of their cqujpineni. and, tn., right papers eisew - bele - It' 'Nevi' You would nut 011aWer, and ~brought up on the Western coast.. ; I: have seen th'' ' record which Mr, Archibald, - the '01:ln glish CtiuStil and Cotninissionerin Nest lurk, kept u; Otte aunured and sevetit• one of these vessels in three year's time, ills Eile.l(4e LlgellW,Lwatlied tilt LII ill ~.LN 0,,M, - York /turbot', and' described 'theta fo nirn iii;iletail, even titYwil'iti 'the • brthi. or - cigars -winch the captain liati- - -in -ha" cabin. Mr. Arch ib•du sent the de;erip .tain to the Atimiraly,:and they. to tht Coast. '"Let inc go belbW,'' said in; English officer,. on - board ai slaver it ut the AL icon rivers, "1:oa go a, J our pei•il;" isaid,the captain, 'brave it. the perfectly regular pape,N he 'had, in • the Stars and Sin bels.ovell his head, li the new coat of parat he :had' taken :at 'Cite Wes , .ern lslantls,,ahci in the, tact. =perhaps, tinictliongli he sailed a• bark tip win.; not'it. brig.- ' "Yuri .go' below - • a ..%.biit peril." ".1..wi1l- take;:the •, risk,!,, 'Saki ttiek-wdslikihniati;,,vvent below ; atm ; Mund'all the'Slave.:littin‘rs, cask's; &kik': ono-stoveS, liiiini-etill's :ad the rest,-ant`: of course,.serzell 'the Vessel.' - The - out witted captain, white with rage, swore , heti: cell his' clenched teeth, , ‘•YOn, would n'otshave known- Me hilt for you, Roudy English Consul hi New Yorkt" Almost every ;mint of the 'projectors, war knoWn •to the, English , gov,ertinieto through this.steady see'l'et'serViCe But they all ran riot till Mr. Lineolti eiimi iii. and . then one line day : 01 -4 e (4 1 5011101 : was arrested for slave- trading„antithe: day he,Was tried, anti another he w_as' hanged I ' • Yes, my friend,: lid was hat6ett_ ] know about what is called , the sacred ness of human hie. ' ;FOC my part,' I .believe a untn's life is-as Siiercti) as' hi ;liberty, and - no mole's°. •Andl believc „, when his ,country • Ngtilres either ,his - life or his liberty, she may use it,, if she takesAhe resOnisibility. - •' Itf 'this case. 1 ani very glad lay • country tuolt.thti 'responsibility+ . -si'v,,inttelver 6- or : O qll'N. life' may, Inive,,been Worth to him, or to, Ilis'lriends; I . tillliiik this cpu titij - put It wit. Very" - gund• (tat '‘Vheti• slue -- hang -- en lam. ~: ; 4„bt.orlit of, .protest - was. hiadt ah'itinsA, his ,ileatin;',Tii ell tr. ii ve- ,thous, and people petitioned Abraham Liffeolli 'to spare that: tnatt'a liTi.i, 'rind 2 •A'brithall7 Liiieuln reused. Uoidult wag 'mooed. _ - 4110. all till ough the little . ports antr-bug ' pouts of the United, states it Was:k'now a that's, slavistrader had bee - it - hanged:- Altar when that was known, the - A tner-' feat, , . so:lye-trade ended. , All tip and down little Atrican , l rivers that you never heard 41'whatiles Of, i t'W as known' that an•Americalt Slave-trade' has' been It ttigeti; and cowardly, pirate :: : tiviohle t `i - . anti :wave seaman el/vett:d i :when tilt!). henfd it.' 'Mothets of Children thanked such gods as the : tilt new how:to. thank ; -anti staves shout up•it, bort - at:oohs, witit•-• ing.for the vh) age, 2,0 t -signal that,sottie• thing had hapi•ened whack vvas td give theta -freedom. ' That something' Win. that Gordon wits hanged. Bu: fur , that, little eantite threw its beams. -,_ ~ „ 1 _ I ant - told, and I betieve,tilittwhen the poor w£ etch waa'.'inuder" i-enainee 'o, tteittlX his t'irlentls':'.ltept hull in tliquoc to-the moment, uthilstleath,-,-q,oatkxhar,- were the.y .Jest , t-litiniti 'eettiplicalp, stone of their] by' a curate: skin, AUL!: What he'4•.:s dead they , celelirated .his death in the last great, orgy 01:t.he'14ve-! tradt.i, 7 -t££ one drittikeh,least tbey:_lieln together,L-so ) 4 - ejoic'ed .were they: that - they initresintped his testnitoity. , -;;Suilit• is the honor aniong.jhieves! ! —Agantio :tlfont/i/,y. for .L4cember..: ~. , - . t Allier/elm cautitl't;s, the vublio• iozaioittt' trlatultertited villegur- Tta.t . liettvv. UOVeiuturot. on the pricvsu Autit.ll loot to, i.7lo.tti)er 81111sta/ice ,ttigitti the rciltitred atiiiiity vinegar. For etick•e; Witte; altd aleitrz. its c att ti ea ; acid, 113 the oneala;at• aria .thing that: can is vey .ilefrootiyetto pieldo i s 4,0 9liatever.)is tbr , preservl4ion,.../ilq Very iujUilouS't.6 .- tli'c or thuht whu use the'vitiegar nitut6 ArgilifOO of ttlestuir tfAteti- NquA....gio..lttait ; ! ts); . -for a..cent ..t.wo ,froirk, §olpl)grie..ton,k( antitwitt - ezYwitli - "t;okkA; TU detect the Ikesetkii, - orstilifilltii•iii titiwtrouiall:quttutity . ,ur the vinegar 11•oleAr.14,1:ws at ti iikftvit,Roy 9p. 541 di? or eth Uit , t.iti! - , _. _ ot bttrytti.. r , itt ts • cloudy .uptieiiruneu; , lltere : < fa isufithurla atcid 14.14, , , i ,,,J 11 1.1tr , , 51t01ktd ttIL lie returt{ is to !he in4utifacLurer or turileif Aft() the glitter. 3 ~d.. ' ~~. = MEE DEPART/IEIM hairdatoeked dui itatidtliiblitit dritsicitinenviif • 368 1 - %AND::c4I44) ,Ai4rD PAST .PRESSES; 4'47 -POSTEIIS; AMADS, CAuDS; - PAAIrIiIETS; Deeds, Mortgageo, Leatea;atittafuti:esiortitityit: of Coustablee dud Jultitie,B* 3 l4- c d li an d, ; .- • 'Veal* tiviag ai a fifett434,v* For* aoxil riltgru . waif. ,o, THE SUR RY •TVORLD,9; , . 'The ~ ' h planet Morels the only aided id,' -he whole heavens whlch - is ithOwn CI: -?xli i bit features situiliti:' to xhose":Of Atig''„ :artli ; and .the.aceurnulated leselOrp.i..:, iiolilludtliscoVeries Of ''usfrononletadu 'ring the last - two hUndred yeats..ll4- 0 0,., ...eshltett in, the_ construction Of ii'globili; ..eri,rcsenting the characteristics Of tlitit :. ,datiet as eiStrollOineiti believe thetn;(o, - ,, , ?xist. At 'a recent meetirig of the A 5.7 .2 - tronotnieal Society of England, s'lotak, - ,-, d' Mars was ext4nited, en, which osis: ai _ • d - leas were depiaturEd as tipou a or- $ l, Unary terrestrial globe. .Xly tar the tat._ :est part o'f 'theses lands find peas' were, ; aid down as well known entities, re.„ .putting which no ntoreAount exletik. Among astronomers than is felt' by gpo.,, ;ciphers cone -ruing, the oceans and': ~ ,ontitients 'of our own globe. ". An in. , eqsting , sl6cription of , this appears , lia. ' ~I'l ! •4tzer's Magazine: ~ To the, laud bud:'- ' , -, 111:1 de'Veloped in ..he planet are , fie names of thine astronomers wheats; -- Vs 'firtli(VC/IWlidded to our knowlesigei, .tithe hiilbject. Each pole of Mars, it ' eelhs, is cupped with ice, which varies' n extent according to the .pregress of lie seasons, Around each cap - therels . ~ polar'Sea, the .Nurtherta sea being de.' iondnitted the Schreier t4en, thSl:3outh• •rn the Phillips Bea:' 1 . Tile. equatorial,- . egions 01 Mars are'mainly occupied by: ~ x ,tensive con tineui, l four in.number, ,nd ' imuied Da,wes 'C,otitinent; 'Wainer ";niltilient, Seechi Continent, and Her r clici 1. •(sir IV.)'eontitient. .lietweea .),me.s and Herschel , : 'ontineilitt flows ~sta shaped 'like , ant, ioupglasti, ertllo -" .i.elser Sea, the lurge,•outhern outletof c, ,nieLi ,it flows - belt, named' Daw,es. - Jevali. Ilei,ween , M Bier and Da,.wt a ,;ohtineni flows Dawes Strait; counec ,41, a large southern ocean and a - north, .ra P.ea, hawed after, `l`yclio-13ralie. 'len...clic:l Continent is separated from ;(..ccili continent 14 Higgens. Inlet, - lowing nom a large souttiqra,seatertn _A 'Aluialni Sea (a northern idea), eepa- ,•ates the Mather and Secciii Continents, Dawes Oceati separates iuto o four large eas, And ',Lige tracts of laud lie• between news", but whether.they Are lislands' or Lot ilutleertuin. . In Delarne Oceania , .1. small island, which presentis so bright did glittering an appearance - as to su7,- 4 ,-st the Kobability of its being usual ST • ..t)NI el cqi N% Ith snow. These seas, sep4- rated by lands of do.ilt 'ul ex:wit, readb ..olii .I.frehirue Oceau tuwaru the _ liott la - "One of the' most singular features of I' II:Li:b is the prevalence of-long and win ling fillets and bottle-neekeLi seas. These features are wholly - distinct :ruin anything on our earth. For ex !atiple, liiggiu,s Inlet. is- a long, forked tterain, extending fur tilloutlnree thcku and miles. • 1.3e:-..tel 'inlet is nearly as Ling and- Nastayth still-more re -1:a.l)le in Tulin chtiour earth the .... . _.,.. . .... .yeatts Etre tlinie tztnes - lis exten*iVe WI • zie coillthents. 'Oa Mara 4 eery differ-ILI t. arrangement pre Ile. - Itt the tir,lt place there is)ittle . drspars. ty between the e.Xtiat. of .oceaud and, -on tjnents, and then, these are nai.xed tpli4 the• most complex. manner.,, A .raveler by either laud or water isit almost every quarter of - the planet vltlibut leaving the element - on which e commenced his jourb4yings. ,If. he nose to go by water, he could journey ipivard of 80,000 wiles, always in Sight land, ganerally With ,Itclid-_nu both Ades, in .suchintriCate, labyrinthine .li - shion are the hinds and Witters of tLe I. •)lithet Mars intertwined; • • - . . • SLEEP.—In Turkey,lif a man, fall a._ ,leep,in the neighborhood - of ,a poPriy, de.lti,'und the wind WOW'S toward him,. :ie;beconies narcotized, and would . die ,c the ten otry people" Who - are well ac-• 4m/tilted . with the circumstances, 44. lEn b4iie: 1} inalld t..1/1? ne s t well or itreana -iad empty piecheratter pitcher of. wa-. 'l,r on 'his ifite and body. Dr; - APpeit. ,ehli; during his residetice iti Tur_ . itey, • .wed ills - lie -to this simple and elollea- Aobs - reineity. 1)r. Graves, frOm whom • his anecdote Is quoted, also repjOrts the .I.IS ar i a gentleman thirty years of age why}, .from - low , continued sleepiness, was reduced to a living skeleton, unable , o 'stand on his legs. • It Was partly ow, dig, to.dieuse,.but chiefly to the abuse Sf oPiuni,:tititil. , at last; unable to 'pur - - 'ioo : 115 to.o.iiuds, he .sauk,; ilito , attleet ooverly.am.l woe. - . _ I.l.eki mentions a- frietid of his vq.)o,, , Nyheilever- Einythillipsoccurred ;t -- ) 11 tre~a bitu, bOOll became - drowsylud ell asieep.• , . A student of Edinburg, upon hearing -utittetily of the unexpected death. Ufa, neanrelative, flung himself ou: 61 - hed, 'mild almost instantaneous;!', amid the. ~.!lier&of noonday, sank into a proroUnd ,1u inber. . . 'Another person, reading to-oueof his ;leareSt.friends stretched -on his - death- - oetl,-tell last osleep,:and with book in nand went on reading; entirely inacott- - ,_ eious of what 41e was doing. - .. -- . . A woman at Hannah slept seventeen :hr eighteen hourstt ay tor fifteen years. LAnbtlier isyreeorded to ha - vd sleKunce in four-days.'. -- : •. -' -•,-; -;-- . • Dr:Alaciti , .. , ll mentions a woman who spentAltree-.fourths of lier life..in sleep. Dr., Ell inuot i quotes 4. ease; of a -young: tadY-.:tiv h I bl tin f ix:wee lisaii ti-repovered.: - Al tivettetabie St.' Augttkine of- Hip . - 'pp,. r wuiiently divided ,his hours ;Into ttire., - parts—eight; hours to 'be tievoted ; to_shyep,34bt, - to,ineditation,Land eight to converse with the- world. . • :'... '.. . :ll:z6iutem are reported, partit'ularly. In the eostern 'lteidspliere,, to. become fu ,rtinkly. violent during, the -full niorm,... 'iliOre espeeially - ,W heti ;the deti;ritirating taj•s of itfv.p6larizeti'light are "allewed t.o. Cal ,'•-into ' their_ ttpartittent;— hence 1.116 antine•oritinaties. .„ '': •'. L • ' - . L i ' Tlie're . s ,cer(aiitlY' greater proneness . tti'dt;..eaf'e du ritig,e,leepltilatt in the we.- It llng F lAA Ce; for those-;tyke :w I'M puss the night 'in` 4 Cloniiitgint (11 - Itiiiiiit itieVitably be wane :fireeted:With. its tiOxious air, -yet'. Claveho-,s Wlikii;,6 thr;ntgli:Wilthout stop ping,,e'seupe the miasma.- - Intense' cold in4tuCe.4..sleep,and those . , -7 . .vh0. Perish . in the:bnoW sleep Oti to 0.10 i , leep a death. ' :i - -•: -•: ,-.,: •_ ' A laily re l eetitty- advertised -in a elty paper that She wanted a gentleman fur nrealifast t u rd tea; wlifle another advora ti:leb fur - tv IIU tm ti 'haVi iig - ilolTlll w Nag,' reltginug tendeneles."- kitilid I arty seeks tt, reetier . " a - `lust tec angiog to t. -- gentleman made 011,ea1f , .51 . ,n, ,, ! 7 + • ,; 'epeeeh iS OA; Av6rkt egg.?" . 130y 1 4 ,, 1%40u5i, eir."r. " l' l %V hat is the gender " Can't te11,,, .." li ye. Nininine, :or neutey?", ba j ,sir, till it's hatch. " then; my lad,.ean, you.tell trie the'k.a:, .„ • Thb mitt! who wrOte. , O'Olook hi toand • that -no siiition - wits 01,1 qt at that, early hour,.wherei• he on I ti hes - titled la= ter ip,w. tatkie man y ) having been disiklY ppi t is tkits,, threatnned Rat up ;:4 5311.10[1)0:Pr. `I coniktoull,§ed - •—• . • t jea . kins_ t•nys, that- lyiitead of inairyr ; a_ )‘'ninaii he. 13 !load prelvr, I , ,\FPCkv*PP B .. '• ; ; , • • • yiltthedt at&diten '' turns-'out to hell Lice say4 : piat. man.. was .thg ohif . f consideration at the creatiou. Woniatt was only aside/Muth - ME ' 'i' OE Eir