0 • it-NIOW SEWING MBO.IIINE One of the sort that a map oan Ion; Thistivearsa jbiira . and.a soft kid glove, With a worry-eyes and a dainty foot; And sports the-oharnittigest gaiter-boot, A hat.witb faittVers, ribbons, and loops, Andiaa itidetlnite number of hoops. Olio Ojtt Ciao danoe, or possibly flirt, •Andinake avidding as well as a shirt. Ono that Can few without dropping a stitch, And.play_the honiowite, lady, or witch; Ready to 7 giyo ,ttio Sagost advice, Awl do .up our ootlums awl things so taco. IVOidte the Port that can laugh and ta)), And take "urn= for n evetting"walk, Thitt will do whatever the owner oho :se, With_the slightest perceptible tnrn of the screw ; Ti's the cleverest thing shut ever was seen Our wonderful family Sowing Machine. -LETTER PROM -WANDERER, FORT SA..NnEst-Wyoming Ter., 1 , ' Oet. 20, 1868. Once more the Wanderer takes u 1 his pen for his benefit of your reader. In" my last Vdeseribed my. sourn ey lion , New York to this point 572 utiles we,t of the' eastorn terminus of the 1.7. l' R. - R. at Omaha Neb. The great worts stilleon ti it nes, and ere another 'ear th. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans will 1.. united _by a continuos line of rail will from New York to San Ftanciseo. :\ few more clays, and the iron Horse wit reaCh Pint Bridger, U. T., and ere tl,. 4th or 'July 1869, the Saints in the val ley, of. Salt Lake, will be awakened be the. whistle of the Locomotive, and tit. , rumbling of heavily laden trains. How the Mormonsl will be pleased with thi intrusion info their quiet valley, re mains to he seen. To those who know their habits and-have heard them ex press their opinions, trouble seems lin millet - ft,. _They declare that they wit not allow the Gentiles to remain peace ably - among them, and that they wii not allow any of religinus observanctq to be interfered With, r commente, up n____Buth then - dangers titivate' them, , for with th completion of th , Pacific Railroad opening to the view of . their Si. \cur he io aiid habit ,mence tb, Td thr at,- a the Val ie. coin pel . i or Kohl leeided up fillblllit t , it instill, for a otilig an army u n'ately wel , ult canno aortromise tccomplish• led ou butt ith a tixec 41. Churcl 1 Lit martyr/ for their re al one, es upheld by :ivies them They mak, It only it• Since 1 _,-- -........., ...ose, , least 2,001. Mormon emigrants, princiP Ily from Eurcilie have passed here enro to to tht Mormon Meccal,at Salt Lake Cit . The) all seem very enthusiastic, and speak freely of their intention to fight r the. new faith. 'But to leave the Mor on, to adjust their own difficulties, we h ve had Otte an exciting time here wit t in the past 48 hour., the origin of whit ,I will try' to explain. - A very large gang of Horse Thieves, have been pl) log their trade along the U. P. R. R. since its_ commencement. A branch o this gang hive had their headquarter: in Laramie City, 'two miles from thi Post.- On ,the night of Sept. 27, tel mules were stolen front this post. 1 t the morning a squad of Cavalry starte, in pursuit, and coming.up with the des 'peradoes were fired upon,' and two 0 the horses shot, the ; Cavalry rewrite, r the fire, and wounded both of' th thieves, who were ironed and brougl, to. the Post. Their capture created con siderable , excitement in Laramie, all , only a few nights elapsed ,Until the. stole 17 horses In Laramie, getting o. safe. Oil the night of the 9th or Ocr a fine span of gray horses belonging I Lieut. W.'S. Slurring of the ;kith ii. fantry were stolen from the Post, b., retaken on the 12th near Cheyenne. - Much talk was made /11 the quietn,ess . the Vigilance Committee ; they lee; not idle however, b it layhig their trio, with care, and reliantly; tom a grail strike. A saloon and Danue House it Laramie hall long I been looked upit• with suspicion, as the rendezvous of 1 .,• only horse thieves; but also gamblei, burglars, high way Wen, and suppose , murderer,. On Sunday night ,the DR: about midnight, about 25 men emery the Dexter Saloon, - alluded to above and after a short but, bloody struggl h succeeded in arresting two of the pro prietors named Cornelius Wager, an. Asa More, with' entailer burly ruffiat known us Big Dick. The thie wer, i at once taken to a vacant buil Rug 01 the outskirts of the town and at one hung Ma beam, and a posse well-urine, left to prevent their-being cut down In the struggle to arrest them, 1.11, Dick was shot se en times, and was a most dead when hung. They then went through thd town and urreste tweiity more of the gang, who wer sent on the Morniog of the 19th to th. lrison at Cheyenne. The same morn ug they succeeded in arresting :moth 1 er of the principals who was offered hi: liberty if he would at once leaVe tle Territories; this lie refused to do am. made threats of vengeance,. ho was a once • seized and hung to a telegraph pole near the Depot. About boon the - were cut down, and btfried in one grave on the prairie. The result of the night's work was, 4of the gang hung, 1 shot dead, 7 wounded and 20' prisoners • and _ about 60 ruffians and gamblers ordet eu to leave town within 24 hours, br be hung; , they seem to htive profited b 3 the advice, for Laramie to-day has been very quiet, two of the Vigilaht ens and two by-standers were severely wounded. ,There *as only about 50\o; the Vigilance Cpmmittee engaged while thee must have been afore th In 200 of the ruffians in the town but th y seemed tii tick with -terror, and only \.. tried to escape; knowing how certain was their fate if they attempted any re. sistance, for the Vigilanters being un known ttheir viethns, are hard to es cape fro . But I fear I have intr , ded too far u on your space already. ' S 3 I will stop with the promise of another tip etter erelong. WANDERER. . ANCIRt I q T HISTORY. The-- Boston CommerOal Bulletin relates the follow ing: - 1 . Rather !a good story has been retailed to us by an old State street man, in re gard to the author, of the life of a fa mous Nev England advocatei-- .P-- , --, the anti* of the aforesaid, was rather - a pedantic, individual, and fond of asking qUestions in regard to ancient history,' . ;with the view of airing his own knOwledge on the subject. After posting himself well in Rollin, he came to the I.4eakfast table of the United ,States s6.tel one morning, and seeing John Holmes—Who. having ordered his breakfast; was sitting in that calm state of mind which pre edes the morning meal—he accosted him pompously with : 1 " Ah ! Holnies, ynu are just the man to answer a question that has come up in my mind this morning. Can you tell use in what year of his reign the second Ptolemy-died 7" Holmes leaned back in his chair, and looking at P with well co nter felted amazement, Bald in a voice audi ble the length of the dining-room : 4 , I s Ptolemy _dead, poor old cuss? I looked-Jut u - newspaper these three days?" Y . had no more hihtorical ques tions to ask while Holmes boarded at the Suites. l I AS..()V4„t ME L. itlit sty (Pil hut.. to , 444417. IbGiS. JAMES Sl. DUNN EL'is COUNTRY MERCHANTS Dairymen, Fafemers and Others. CONSIGN Youn ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTEB, CHEESE, EGGS,, FLOUR AND MEAL,' FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SKINS, DRIED AND'OREEN FRUITS. CRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, NAVAL sTous, uoPs, GINSN 0, FEATHERS, .lIEMP, PROVISION'S OILS, LAM), TALLOW, SEEDS, TOBACCO, SOBGIItM, - MOLASSES, &CL)S:C. JOSIAH- CARPENTER, General Cenmiseicn Eurehant, 442, 444 and 416 Washington St., ii. 7 let vv . "Sr ,c;:) x-17. - _ C .i. t gr. And reeei e his weekly Price Current of Pro leo and Vrocettett the tnottt, et,ntillnte PricoCur znt Publizhed in the United Stateti. SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Aarking Plates t Sr, Cards ft roished Free. k' Aberal Advances nzade o Consignne Ertablichcd May Ibt 1500. First Clues References given ivlien Required April 22.1568 NEW yIIAI DWARE STORE 1 GONVERS & OSGOOD arlaition to their old builners in Dry Uoode, Oruceries, have o.tabiteheti a iTOVE,I TIN, AND GENERAL lIARD WAbE S FORE; wo doors below the old stand; ero they wan facture TIN-WARE ON /UN ' 1 HUMANITY hat Is. in the most substantial wanner. In the 'latter of S OV - E.S 9 nough to do all the cooking and warm• .gtt County. In fact, wu have Swab MAKE A SUMNER in TVALRUSSIA. 4e have ng in Ti awash t e only agent 3 for the sato 'of the .Va are t ARRICIN LOOK STOVH n Welleb t oro; and thin Stovo io tho it±'OCIIAT OF STOVES. Vo keep nil kinds of Hardware, Iron, Natle, tee Uoree Shoes, end a co:uplete variuty of SHELF HARDWARE. - 'f you do i t holier° it DROP IN. COYVERS & OSGOOD. Wello)dr°, Sept. 4. ISti7, ly. - 1 SitOlire' 0 9 stoves 6 6 . 9 8 --,- ,11.. .. , :- C -^• - - - ,,L,.. -- .. s \ I , 4, , ' ,Z?,.' 7.- (6; "" -,--.--,2 .::'i ":1 • 1 - .1 ':.'-‘ ': ::1 4 '.u'ri."•,' ', ' ' /, ,:w-----,:,---,;ty., :,,,,:,-1,---;; i,r.. ..c.. -.. ----,-------. - _r;, -., -- , 3;1, l, 4, ;,:,k ~ :---Z 5 r7:Z.,F.----4.-,---7-7-.'4Cts , e,' , 11. i !PPP : - '-'' -' '-.-„rlIel'il;101;i1 ii,..l,t`i! i a ::,,--,z--,;(-.7.--; ~.„--- - -:_es . •', l .E(.,....‘, -k- ,:‘,..xt, --..it'..- 4 1 7..------ , .el .. , : : -,-,- 6 , 2 - . , 4 ,,, t 'I MI .. .!",i` . ; • 4 „i . .. 1 3,1:21:y..747i , Itf,-.-:7Q,iNV,',:,,,,-A' • ~'.." t ;;;f:N:-... ' ' " ;T•if ..k.A i ii t l . ' 4 ' I T.P! IP r' t 4 M, , l.ll...ii‘'l4if !"il.t,::':t!'..--'',....1.:::::',V.-.',:,-. <‘4",. 71,10'4:-.%;•V'''l'V-I:-.-":14.:::: ~1;' f vriA.V . .. - ;,,7,:-,:.:g1.:'';':•;;' -q-.) -; :i_' - ; - . :•:e.4.A.1.:,C;-vil. - - - - . :S . ' t -- - y -' tfIEA2 P. , r /CARD t. CO ALSWiv.I•• • A 11 D 111 A it D '.V AIA E {R. 1V I L LIAM RoBERTs liege to L valyUtle to the eitize.hz, ut Tiuga Count 3, hat In atittinuti to hi. , uxeulleht 6tuVerw Wart tirittania, mid zitieet-aron Ware, Lt. ots, 4 t a great uilllily, SLuektAl hia :store otl MAIN srREET, WELLSBORO, vith a complete assortment of Shelf hardware, whieb we enumerate the folluwlng artielee: lAILS, 'SPIKES, CJtOWBARS, X CUT, MALL,I ti tIAND ABU BUCK SAWS, B STRAP \ UES, • 'ARPENTEWS '1 OULS, PUMPS. AXES, AUGERS, 13.112T5, OCIiS, HATCHETS. CHISELS, VhLS, SPADES, FORK .S, BENCH SCREWS, INE CHEWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, RS. SKEINS, W ASLIERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE- . I ' TREES. ELLIP TIC VOOD BU iPRINGS, HORSE SHOES HOOP, BAR,J & BAND IRON,.GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUrTP.RS CO* IN ED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, t , POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT HASNDOOR HANGINGS K new thing, and Made for uso. 'Elton are but a few of tho many articles composing our stock Iftirdwaro Wo invite the pahlivito call and examine , for •hetneelvos. We aim to Beepthe best uunlity of oods in our lino; and all work to order done promptly :tad well. W ft,LIANI ROBERTS• Wellsboro. Sept. 1,1866-tf. Hero Fruit Jar. n RO:3S of the HERO FRUIT Jlll 5OU (I 14r ;talc by t, W. D. 'mum LT. 3, Co.. Comin g , N. y. We are prepared to fin (mien. for the Hero &'suit Jar as bnv a 4 they run 6e bought any. Lnyvi hire. tluq bliipped iron) Corning W e can .tive tote- on large El it Ihr bear find tnu, r i4,lltible .I.lr in thu tnurkgt Gel tu• from up before of legit,;; ckewhere. March 18. 1868.—nut *AsIIING MACJIINE. 15. MI LITN!zt*IN, Of oh .r14,t , 411. having purchat•ttl the tigt,t to twitoe and vend the It, P. Jones W.l-tfing Vllfehin . ff nt Tiff,:fl 0421,1 3% h ere by giv ed niotivt) tilfil tie arc being wade at Vita 11 , .rn . 6 Claim& Fact"' y, Wellsboro, where they tw , y be nroeurk , fl. The he6t elleapet.t, and tut,: t sensible machine ever invented June 21. 1864—1 f. 200 Busiiti• tin., It Clover reed, t•li,ore,tOil+ WKLt3IIT do BAILEY. WELLSBOIIO - BAXERY. P WILLIAMS 8/: rrI3S'BPSCRIBER having eatnbliabini hint;' • -• • i• ill' in the '" BAKIN G BUSINESS. in this vilingo, next tbuir to E. It. Kimbell's Grocery, is now prepared to eary on tho buslnese in all its 'various brapelles. I will'lteep eon• stantly on hand an rtiiotluent of Broad, each as LOU BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, BROWN BREAD; NT ATER CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA SAND SODA lIISCUIT, OYSTER CRACK EPS. CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCII, at hours or thp,day,•sundays oicei)ted. • I.v'tOirt alto LOA (0 , businesz: ondenvor tQ merit the pittrilcimft:irtage. CtIAS. STEVENS. WeitA,srt), Julte, 24, ISWS. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Waotted. subscrilkers will 'pay Cad', F'ol.:Ctoth, L Cassimerer, for Luey also mAtut!acture as usual-- TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to sult'eustotners. All work warranted as rep• reeeoted. They invite p.trticular attention .to, their Water Pr.wf —iDeLsawlx.mmggi - s ~.t 7~ 11111 which nie warranted in every reapeet., Particu lar fatal, lion given to ROLL.CARDING & CLOTII•DRESSINO. • Twenty years experience in the business war rant them in expecting u generous patronage Nu shoddy cloth! made. Dhano t Co., nt Wollsboro, are agents for the sato of our Clothe. JOSDPII INGHAM dr, SONS. Deerfield, May 13, 1868—tr. SAVINGS BANK. OTHER WV F GARDNER'S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE THE OLD saying that a penny saved is a penny earned, justifies GARDNER in naming his establishment a Savings Bunk. Economy is Wealth, said some old chap whose name I have forgotten-;_and it is cam:witty to trod,, where the SLAUGHTER of high prices ie being prosecuted with• vigot and' without reprieve. I van sell Sugars, Teas, Me• lasses, Fl h, York, Flour, Cotn Coffees, Canned Fruits, :spices, stud everything intended fur family use, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE fall of the markeß nn advantage duly appro• slated by evelybody,except hug only those verdant INNOCENTS who profer PRO:VISISG TO PAY ono bun tied per cent profit, to the seller, to PA);'ING twenty live per sent, earl) on delivery of the lam's. I shall offer my stock of goods at fair prices EVERY NIONDAY, EvERY IUEH)AY. • • EVI..;I{.Y WEDNESDAY, EVERY TIIUItsDAY, • EVERY FRADAY, AND EVERY SATURDAY, !11l up an fast as 1 sell out. L. A. GARDNER. Wellsboro, Juno 12, 1867. GRAND GUFT GALLERY Go to King & Eastman's GRAND GIFT GALLERY FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS. Asplendid Gift with every S 2 worth of Pio. Lures, Frames, Curd and Teske's. OVER 500 PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY 1 The largest assortment of Frelnes and Casesin Tinge County, to be sold low fur cash. In ad. dition to the low prices, we will give away the 'following Presents worth from fifty cents tii fifty dollars; one hundred presents worth from $lO it, $.50; two-hundred presents worth from $3 to $lO two hundred presents worth from 50 cents p to $3. Thu presents conaistiof Gold and Silver %mhos, silver Cake haricot, silver Tea hells, Castors, gold Watch Chains, Seals, Charms, Sleeve. huttims, Scuds in setts, - Watch Hooks, silver Plated Forks, Teaspoons; all gilt Frames Cases, Setts, Cord and Tassels, Gold Rings, family Bible, History of the Secret Service by Cul. Baker. with other - pres ents too numerous to mention. COME ONE. COME ALL, AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES AND BE CONVINCED. Your pretent given to you the same day of sit deg. Prices thu Baia° as last year. ' . GALLERY OPEN TO PRESENTS, JULY law. • .'i Don't forgot the place—,over,,Eastutres Den tal Office, and 4 doors helve , •Roy's Dtug Store, Main Street. CLAY KING th EUGENE EASTMAN. Wellsburo, Juno 25, 1563. Important Facts. SIICE zsalutiler is now being used in atone. iitidb of families the ("flossing fncts are itn. partant to be known • \ , rifest —Though it is the most powrtal of all p"ular reuskdieo, yet it is so t "inpounded, ns to f.: ra le and ha i takes.- -It i‘ , of such a nature that I may be lt:indittlat.(l tt.ed by children, and por:".1" eh,. aro igilorailt of Nl6ijejtios, zzt.como—li is found dolt zeliove revere pain in anti p:.it of Tito body Benner than 'lb ) other opp:ivolion, Tnunn—lt i, iinporinni thut the bottle Lo well corked, if kit open only n. lee' minutes it lose? rn•ngib. For r:Tll—Thi, , tuiefkit-retire.ty rarrber-Obtaincd from .tltri. , t et tI;;; mcdieiner. ATTENTIoN FARMERS! SPRINC. 110 rotiii, 3h.1 thi),.it desiring ful barns c.w he% e thou by buying 1 1) 1Vc.flt01 12 • at the Mill a' T. Chimil.ney LtCu., which WO are eclitn~ at EA per ton.rut our mill on Elk Run.— All kitols of Produa ' .e. taken In exchange fur PlaAer. Give um a 6201. CIIA.NII".s:EY & CO. Oeinno. Ti. tin. Ca , fta. , Match 20, IF4lli-retie ink-NITA :.. —A now kind 01 -limp fur liero-ene Li no urea - kaput otilumoys—et FOLEY'S. SEMPER IDEM, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MED: 7 ICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN DOW GLASS, & PUTTY, • • - 1 colas clown to Old Prices at kit. VVE do not Stoop, to eny that we have the V Largest PURE ENGLISH DRUGS i• MEDICINES, ,PITENT 111111DICIINES, -- Y - LVIKEE4 NOTtOti,* PERFUMER • • • • FANCY ARTICLES, " TOILET - 'SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR; 'TOOTH & NAIL .1 BRUSHES, MIRRORS, WINES & LIONS, &C., EVER BROUORT INTO TRW MARXET. Wo !save also the Largest Stook of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Such as Pure White Lent!, Pure White Zino, Linseed Oil. Coaoh Varnish, Furniture Varmish, Yel low Ochre, Vonetian Red, Chrome YeL low, Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Patent Dryer, Laclter, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kalsomlne, Resin, Tar, Log Wood, rustic, Brazil Wood, Cam wood, Redwoo Potash, Putty, Moo. cohol, Betizoie, Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint and Varnisi4i J3rusholt, Which we trill sell 25 per cont. cheaper than an, 'other establishment in the county. In short, we have every thing over kept in a first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for yon to call and examine our stuck and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold. All geode warranted ur no ealo P. R. WILLIAMS, 1 P. R WILLIAMS it Co. J. L. WILLIAMS. f No. 8 Union Block. Wellaburo, Jane 243,1561. Nov isY our Time to Buy! HVING A more goods than is necessary for this market, I will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, .PLATED WARE, AND PAN- . CY 500DS, AT COST.' , 0. G. Clocks at $3.50. Gothio " " 3,83. Cottage " " 1,70. American Watches in Silver Hunting Cases nt $l9. Finer Al ovemente, iu hoarier Cases, at oor respondingly low prices. Plated Ware at Man. u factoring' prices. . - - •- - . THIS IS NO HUMBUG, BUT AVER ITABLE SALE Call anti see for yourself!: Wellsboro, April 22, '6B. A. FOLEY. Stoves & Tin Ware FOR TIM MILLION, Good people all, both greai . and small,—it you want to keep PEACE IN TIIE FAMILY you must have enough to eat, dry wood, a good wife, well-behaved children, and to crown all, TIP. TOP COOKING STOVE! This last and crowning good, I have at my Tin and Stove establishment, opposite Roy's _Block, Wellaboro, and its name is the HOME COMPANION ; on 211 hands admitted to be equnl to aiy in the world. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly,and warranted to give satisfaction, REPAIRING =muted in tho hos6natiner and with dispatch. CALL AND SEE MR D. P. ROBERTB. Wollsbornugh, Nov. 21,18(17. • Public Benefit, A MONO the u'odul improvements of the day, , there [ITO (ON that give more promise of good, few ro well adopted to relieve human inf. tering, few so well approved by the . publie as that now and powerful remedy ealled,Salutifer (or as the German p3ople call it Ilealihbritiger). it F i ves ease Mitt comfort to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and ltheuruatism, and brings speedy relief to that largt, class of diseases that are often mired and always benefited by an out ward applunition. _For rule by all Druggists. • Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND it Sri- GEIt, No 54 Coltrtiandt St. New York. T O LAWYERS— B , tINZIC.RUPTCY BLANKS, in fu 1 tette, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE;" FOR SALE CHEAP.' lyl elegant new open Ruggy. I top bug gy open buggy. 1 second Mand l top 1 - sulicey. 1 two horse lonber wagon, W REG HT .L• BA T OD-WORN. IN THE nnsl' STYLE, and U with do.e.patob, a CTRE AGITATOR Otitis. • ..- +9, , , - -..p . ux.-,6- ::''S.E; L,L, ;is"- OUR WE will buy at the bighost market price, the following, attiollit., SHEEP PEL T S, DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, HIDES, AND yEAL SKINS, - for which WO will pay ca.o._ We will manufacture to order, French or home tanned CALF Or ICIP:BMS, in the. bOst man nor and at fair rotas, and pay especial attention to REPAIRING. „ on whlela see will not bo undersold, and from this time wo shall make it a point to ke_p up_ Op Bost stoelrof to be found in the county, ribleb we will sell at a lower prof° tban such•artieles have ever boon offereLlin this region, • ' We shalt keep up Li good assortment of LADIES' BALMOR I ALS, L E 4)1 II Elt LEATHER gp PINDLIV&A can b . o bought of us as cheap as any where this sictoof Now York; and keep a fullitook of - • - FRENCII CALF, FRSNCII RIP, CP PER, SOLE, LOTINGS, AND , • Our sleek-et.P-EGS, 11 . 4168; THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES,. LASTS, TREES, O R 14.1! PS, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOL'S FINDINGS, will be found the kw gevt in . the emintycitad we self 8;7101 profits. We talk bUiliness and we moan business. We have been' in this region long enough' to be well known- , -letthos6 who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm. erts' Hardware store; C. W.'SEARS, , , B USINESS ! A 14 S 0 , Wd'haVii a Eirise-iirtoi*ook pt REAIIY-MABE WORK, '.LADIES'`' q;y7tERS BOOTEES,• :CiiiILDREN'S AND MISSES -IV9lllri.a. VA., RIOUS STYLES, ~„ and all styles of MEN'S' WORK. • GEO. 0. DERBY WOlabor°, April 24,1867—tf. 1868, WRIGHT, FT, BAILEY. 1868. conamenco . tbis year with an exclusively CASH business. CASH PAID FOR: WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR OATS 1 CASH PALD , WO4 COIiNI CASII FOR EVERYTHINO 1 I A LARGE STOOK OF FLOUR FOR , cog - A LARGE STOCK OF FEED--FOR CASH I A LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASH 1 Call andses us: WRIGHT dc BAILEY Welluboro, Jan. 9, 1867-Iy. All persona indebtod. to us by note or book account toast call and settle or pay costs. 3, 1868. WRIGHT it BAILEY. To the Soldiers of Tioga County. , YOUR attention i is respectfully called to the A following 'Aot of Assembly" passed at the lost session of the LegislatUre, and to the facili ties affordd by virtue of that act, of preserving the eviden a of our service as soldiers in the war for tho pre ervation of the Union. Bo it o acted by the Senate and [louse of Represent, tives of the Commonwealth of Penn syt venni I General Assembly met, and It is here by enaote by the authority of the same: That 1 the Recorder', of Deeds of the several Counties of this Commonwealth are hereby authorised and required to record all final discharge,' of Coln tritssioned and non-Commissioned Officers and l'rivatos upon application being made to them by the holders of the same, for which the Recor der shall be allowed the usual fee for recording; and that the recording of the same shall not be subject the payment of the State tax: JNO. W. GEARY, Governor. Wellthboro, Pa., July 13, 1888-3 m" I Recorder, Tioga Co. Paint for Farmers and Others, 9111 E GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT CO.' are now manufacturing the Beat, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years; it is of a light brown or beautiful Choeolato color, and can be charged to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences; Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Wooden ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Can vas, Metal and:Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water prtloffe,) Floor Oil Cloths, (ono manufac turer having vsod 5,000 bbls. the past year,) and and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, ala.ticity and adhesiveness.— Price $6 per barrel of 300 lba., which will supply a farmer for years to come, Wsirranted in all cases as above. , Send for a-circular which gived full particulars.' None genuine unless branded iti• a trade mark, Graufton MB:er:al Paint. Per sons can order the Paint and remit tho money on receipt of the goods. Address DANIEL ',BIDWELL, 254 Pearl St, New York. June 8,18684 m E. B. CASE, AGENT FOR HARDING-'S EDITIONS OF FAMILY, ; PULPIT, & PHOTO GRAPH BIBLES. Wholesale Dealers will find the list to embrace the largest assortment of Bibles in the country. The publisher has no hesitation in pronounc ing them more saleable than any Bibles publish ed. The various editions embrace all the vari. p u s styles of binding and sizes of type, varying In price from $2 to $3O, for FaMily Bible, large quarto size. HARDING'S PATENT FLEXIBLE OHAIN—BACK PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, The superiority of " Harding's Patent Flexible Chain-Back Album," over all others heretofore manufactured, will, upon the alighteat examina tion, be apparent to all. Purchasers are assured . ' that kbe aliovo boolto are all of the beat Philadelphia manufacture. E. B. CASE, Troy, Pa. Jan. 8, 1868.-Bm. Wellsboro Meat Market! . BEEF I PORK I MUTTON jHE subscriber opened a pleat Market in the ,building lately, occupied by Dr. Webb, on Crufton-street, Monday morning, Feb. 17, where he will keep a full assormerit of FRESIit M4'.4TS Hams and Shoulders. 4lf the - people will give me encouragement I 7ilitap pp a good Market.. Fob. 10, 1888-3 M; " A. J. TIPPLE. Scales! Scales ! Scales ! • rrt BE Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary size, for heavy, and counter use, may be Mund at the Hardware Store of Win. Roberts, Wellsbotd. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat ent and have no snperior anywhere. They are madoin the - best style and have taken the premi um at all the great exhibitions. ' ' I have the Sole aige - neY th ese Settles in this region. ITiLTAM . RoBtRTS. - Wellsboro, Feb. 12, 1088 • •i •' , SACKING for hops, best quality 25 eta peryard at DR LANG ' Oat. 12. DR. FETCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT FRS, for sale at Roy's Drug Store. fIASH PAID FOR WOOL, by kj Juno 17, 1868. D. P. ROBERTS" WllOl/EBifilil Did STORE. CORNING, N. Y. 1 MIMS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS A# AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S '9O , PICENTRATED fREDELL'S FLUID, • EX. „ ,TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVQRING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCK . 'ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE• FINED OIL. Bold at Wholesaio Prices. Bayou; are roquostod to call and got quotations before going further Ellll t W. D. TERBELL &co Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1888..1y 1868. FOR SALE. 1868 • BY B. C. WICKHAM, T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND AL.OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOOA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, hefilthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any cmc wishing to get a supply will do well to calljand see my stock.pefore pur chasing elsewhere.; Xis Delivered falba depot free of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28, 186$-Iy* To Owners of Horses and Cattle. filmes , DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE warranted superior to any others, or ,no pay, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bots, Coughs, Hide. bound. Colds, Ste., in Horses ; and Colds, Coughs, Loss Of Milk, Black Tongue. Horn Distemper, Ac., in Cat tle. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no need of stopping the working ofyour animals. They Increase theappetite, give a Sue coat; cleanse the stomach and urinary organs; also increase the milk of bows. Try them, and you will never be without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has used them for years, and recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordbam, N. Y.. would not use them until be was told of what they are composed; since which be is never without them. He has over twenty running horses in hie charge; and for the last _three" years has need no other medicine for them. He has kindly per milted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box.. Depot, 60 Cortlandt Street, New York. [Feb. 10] WELLSBORO. FOUNDRY AND r MACHINE SHOP. THE eubsoribera having procured additional maehinery aro now ready to furnish to order all aorta of CASTINGS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, SLEIGH:SHOES, W 0 0 D • SAWING MACHINES, &c., &c., &c. We have also a WOODWORTH PLANER, for custom and job work, We aro also prepared to do SLITTING & SCROLL SAWING to order Eating a ftrst-class screw-cutting Lathe, we are prepared to make CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re quested to examine our work. We manufacture the Champion Plow, one of the finest implements In the market. Cash paid for OLD IRON. CHARLES WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. Wellsboro, May 15, 1867—tf. • • Gro' ery and Provision store, CORNING, N. Y. C. D. MIX-sr -iv "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS 'AND VEGETABLES, WOOD do WILLOW WARE, GLASS ib CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &c. • A fall iind complete assortment of the abode mentioned goods of the; best quality always on Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in tereat to examine his Stock before buying. Corning, N. Y., March 14,1'868. T HE largest assortment of Watches, Clocki Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioga county at [l9deceBj Sours. OOZED 7 1— A88 kniz !pieualuiu ' 'ma aant - 's •ri ' • -aLoS aOJ laptir putt ouituuko pun tutra 06:ow •uovoodsui AtIOCI iit t tl33f.td friltl 61)00f) ,tuo •Roimuunb uvula ui °timpani' 2uldowt osotll i)uti upoof) 4C.l(j 4JAO go2uluu.Aptt °Aug om 4 Sionpmloico A9nujrnq cuump,FlL otut ni suiploa -11 oan una Sort 'Suu 'ou4tpum NMI qipu Sup 13 SCCIOU qOl p cuo.o luuld 'UUJ DOM y -Goo °Avg wogs aoulara Saana' otea ao; deal ea tiomsi , pilqoalug .0 'ff Kg pouolud 1 ~~~,~~~; ~ ~~~~a~ • . popuqopa Aql oi luatzuttA imicumu oq/ pirtom oAt IitEINIVIJNI 3NINIIIIII Jo tools paint Lion u ‘osiv 09 (pups lsliq) 'sfiru, ttassnff tt I , smunna f5l MY/II (1011 'IIVII f2o► 15101.1.1 aOll9 asuou. `MR Nuvq9 PII O 9 Of 9 ipoipunq iod srayg 0i07736' 31IV 141 Vcr 'ffrEtTLISAIVIc • - (roily 0i0q 2 110,11 noj.100(1 %alum 2g gam 11 "3't 1 311VM-Nll 1311Vilil-SSVIO "SaAO.LS `a llvmauvil /no& Ilttibick Sq au/I:motor), eS'ati II OAVi pun sseuleng inoA -uo oda u - e ant; The American- Cooking Stove. ' AFTER twenty years experience in the man ufacture of stoves, we became convinced. some six years since, that a vast amount of money was being expended by the pboplo of thit country, in buying cheap and worthless stoves, o large pertiOn of which was wasted; and that true economy consisted in buying the best stoves that• could he made, notwithstanding the price was higher. With this view we proceeded to construct tho American Cooking Stove, and spared no pains or expense to make it the besi and most perfect stove? that could be made. And we have experimented with it, and carefull3 watched its operation for the last six years, and when an improvement suggested itself. we have at once adopted It and we have severa l of these improvements se c ured by letters pat nt. In i . this manner we d not hesitate to say, we have brought it to a higher state of perfect on than has heretofore been attained in cookin stoves. The recent improvements in this s ove has added largely to Its convenience and effective ness. In all the varieties of stoves we manu. facture, 'we study usefulness, durability, conve nience and economy in operation, rather than obeaßness In price, and in so doing we are satis. fled we study the interest of those purchasing our stoves. SHEAR, PACKARD, a CO., Albany, N. Y. For sale by CONVERSE -t OSGOOD, Wells born, Pa. May 13, 1808. To the Farmers of Tioga County. lAll a lnolA su b p u e ll r d i l o i r )g at my , manufactory, in Lawrence vole, FANNING i ILtILL, which possesses the following advantagesocer another • 1. It sena - rates oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, and cheese:l3d cockle, from wheat. .* 2. Itlcleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and al other 'feeds, perfectly. 8, It Mums timothy seed. 4. It does all 'other separating-required of n talli .• This mill is built of the best and most durable tim ber,in good style. and Is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. I will At a patent t 110470, for separating oats Iron wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. II AIATIIER, Lawrencoville,October 10, ISOG-tf UNION• ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA FACULTY) ' ELIAS EIORTOq,. Principal. - Mits. ADA W. lIORTON, Preceptress. .1 Miss MIRA HORTON, 4ssistant. Miss AMANDA-DRAKE Teacher of Music. CALENDAR FOR :1867-8. Fall Term CO mmoncos Sap[. d, 'Winter Term Nov. 20th, Spring Term Feb. 18th, 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM. Primary Department cs 00 ' Common English 6 00 Higher English 7 00 Languages and Higher Mathematics 8 00 Instrumental Music, extra , 10 00 Vocal Music, extra. . , ' lOO Drawing, extra ~ 300 Room Rent ' Board per week... Knoxville, Auguet 14,1807-0 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAIL, Its Cabses, Character, Conduct and , 'Results: By HON. ALEXANDER 11. STEVENS. A Book for all Sections and all Parties. This g' rent work presents the only complete and impartial analYsls of the causes of the War yet publishetLand gives those interiorlights and. shadowi. of -tho groat conflict only known to, those high officers who watohod the flood•tide of revolution from its fountain-springs, and which were so, accessible to Mr. Stephens from his po sition as second officer of the Confederacy. - To a publio_ that has been surfeited with AP PARHNTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of faro, both agreeable and sal utary, and an Intellectual treat of the highest order. The groat American war has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its importance, and at whoso hands it will receive that moderate, candid and inipartial treatment which truth and justice so urgently demand. The intense desire every whormmanitested to obtain this work, its with character and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the beat subscription book'?ver pub— lished. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 'i,2 subscri bers iu 3 days. One in Boston, Mass.' 103 sub scribers in 4 days. One in Memphis, enn, 100 subscribers in 5 days. , Bend for Circulars a'ati see our terms, and a full description of the !work, with 'Press notices - of advanee sheets, ke. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. _2O South Seven lit -St. Philadelphia, Pa, May - 27, 111115e4t 30 2 LO B 50 LINES 01? TILAYEL: ~'~ltl~l I'cAILW6Y. v- ~~ On rit:(l niter )I(ntdtty. May Ilth, lowo•CnruMteat nbout the foltoci higliourt4 I=l 0:034 to Nigh t.Express, Sundays excepted, 1.,1 Salatnancu,aud Dunkirk. duet cennecti,e with trains of the Atlantic is Bleat , 11 ester'', 1.1,1,, Shoro,antiG rand Trunk italiwn3l2,lol all points II to gal a, In,*tgl i t Express, pally; for Buffalo,salau, 4l ,,,, Dunkirk and the West, connecting us übole. 6:35 a. iii., Eight ExproJe, u udays excepteo, I:c t ester and Buffalo, via Avon._ 10:15 An,,Alail Train ,Sundays excepted, for Buffett. and Dunkirk. 1:45 p. in. Baltimore lixples.), Sunda . ) n eXeepteti, Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 0:33 p. tn.. Day,Exprees, undaya excepted. for ilutleb„ C. , :tlaraanta, Dunkirk and tint West, connecting si at .1 7, 411w:tan Ca with the Atlantic anti Oreat Wetiere Railway; at Buflitio,wititt he Lake e and (ittunt Trunk Railway a, 3 / 1 , 1 t,t Diinlarh will, the Luke Shore ithawuy,.r or all points %%est, and south. 0;40 p m Day Express,Suadays excepled.loi 12:85 a.at., Express Mall.tunda3.exckpted,for Butik lu,Salatnaucit,ittad Duukirk,conuectiug 'with tralcs for the West. 1.3 u p tu Way Freight, Stualays ixeepted. 5:40 p.m., Emigrant t rain, Dally,for tlio West. EASTWARD BOUND. 12:4611...111., Night Exprekqt,ly. Sundays excepted, co»nocting at Orayeourt for' 'Warwick, and ut New York nut, fternouti traiik and steamors fur Boston nut! Now Euglund Cities. ' • 4:20 a. rn., Mel:matt Express, Stuudity a excepted, Cott neCtitik, at Elwin:, fur Barrlsburg, Philadelphia and the Synth; at Owego for Ithaca; nt Biliglialattal tor Syr:tcuse; ut areut Bend for Set:Luton, Blilludel• and Tretiton; at Lacitawaxen for Hawley, and at t ttycour t for Newburg and Warwick. 0:50 a. in., Day Express. Sundays excepted,eannectthe at Elmira fur tianundaiguu, at Binghamton fur Byrd!' cuse. at great Bond fur Scranton, at Laelitmaxeu for Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight Expeeri Train. of No w 'Jeroey Itediroad fur Bliflade/phla, Balti more ;tut! Washington. 10.22 n tit Accommodation Train qaily, connecting at ut Elmira lox Canandaigua. 2:20 p. m., Baltimore Express, Suntlap; excepted. 4:35 p. m., Ne , w lurk anti Baltimore Mail, Suudays to, copied • . - 8.03 p to Lightning Expresx, Sundays exceptta. con • uectlng ~t luitira fur Harrisburg, Pbtludelplna sad the - South tt Jersoy City with morning expielq train of .New Jet soy Railroad for :Baltimore cad aml at New York Will DMAN; ea• press traitts for Boston and tho East. 12:30 p. in. Way il:Mit, Sllutlays excepted. WM. It. BABB, - 11, RIBBLE. Gen'i PUY,. Agent. Cele' Sup't. Blossburg & Corning, & Tipga R. R 'Dana will ran as follows until further notice: Accummociatiou—Leaves Blessburg at G. 1.3 a. tn., Mans fiell at 7,05, Tioga at 7,41, a Lawrence's(ll e at 8,2 , acrielug at Corning at 9,35 .m. Mail—Leaves at 2,00 p. tn., Mansfield at 2,10, Tioga at 3,18, Lawrencevlllo at 4, oo —arriving at Corning at t, p. Mall—Leaves Corning at 9,00 A. in.. Lawrenceeille at 9,03, Tioga at 0,45, Mansfield t ...10,22:—arrhing at Bless•burg at 11,00 a. tu, Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,40 p. , Law react:villa at 4,03. Tioga at 4.50, Mansfield at 5,80 arriving at Blossisurg at 0,15 L. H. SHATTUCK, Sap t ----- • tforltorn Central 11. R TRAINS FOIL THE NORTH. Trains fur Canandagnia leave Elmira its follow.: Acconrodatiou at 00 a w Express [fastest train on road] 11 45 a to Mail 614 m Way Freight, [passenger coach attached] 7 10 if ta On and after Nov. :14, 1807, trains niil aerive aaf depart front Troy, as follows; ' LEAVB NORTHWARD. • 10 65 A. M,—Daily (except Sundays) for Elmir a, DOA la, Canandaigua, Rochester, Susp..l3ridge and ;ha Ca mitts. 9 45 P. M.—Daily (accept Sundays) fur Elmira and 13utfolo, via Erie lifkliWaY from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 00 A. .N.l.t=Daily (except Sum fir Baltimore, NVagltirigtou, Pbiludelphia, Sc. 05 P. AL—Daily Stindiqs) for naltlibure, Wttlitngtori 011(1 11.1,tudelphin J. N. Du BAR Geu'l Supt. linrrlaburg, Philadelphia & Eric U. P... ❑ and after MOALAY, Sept. 14th, 1868, Trine o❑ the i'ltilitAleirlita & ltnil 'tont;nil] run +t, 14.11(11.4 WESP WARL Sail Train leaves Philadelphia " " arr. at Eric Erie Express leaves Philadelphia.. " err. at Elie Elmira Mail leaves Phil delpliu... 4( Williamsport.. r " " arr. at Lock Haven P.AC:TWARD. Mail Train kacca Erie ' 10 60 a in • W iillitlllSpVll, - 10.15 p m " `• arr. at Philadelphia , 7.00 pin trie Express leaves Erle.a: 7..% p to " •• . 6 Williawmpurt I ~. 6 iiia in " " arr. itt Philztgelphia COO pin Mall and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allo 4huny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gen'l Sept' Atlantic and Groat Western U. W SALAMANCA STATION WITTIVAIII3 BOUND EASIWALD BOUND. 'Ural 6.30 Expres- 5.10 Accommodation 6,i1 Mad Express 1211 A Leon:moth, tion. 11.45 express 11.0 C Express 6.10 At Cory there is a jinn:don etth the I'htlndelphln It Ht to, and Cil Creek Rail Roads. At 51eadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Vithole Branch. At Leavitteburgo the 31alionlny Branch makes a di• rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna _connects ulth Cleveland and Fittsbutgli Railroad._ The Road palses through Akron, Ashland, ton, inlet ecting Cal ions rail. roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L D. RUCKI2R, Oen. Supt., Meativilk, P 4. Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN, AVING gut his now Factory in operation. Irk is not prepared to iiii.ortiers Kir Cabinet 1 4 aro pronii),tly aunt in the bust liorlmun. ship. Ilavtng procured a WOODWORTH PLANER; he la ready Ludt es s hoar& ur plant: with dispatch SCROLLWORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. Ilis . tuaelaines proof the new est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and 11'dIn Sts, WELLS 8011.0, PA., Oct. 31, I&66—tf NEW GROCERY At Dartt Settlement. T HE SUBSCRIBER has opened n new • GROCERY .k • PROVISION STOIV, At the above named place, whore he proposes to furni,L Goode in lii line cheap. Market prices-paid for Flaw Produce, either iu cash or trade. The patronattu of the public is respectfully solicited. ALBERT TIPPLE. Charleston, Dee: 11, IS67—tf, J. STICRLIN, k 1: --,,,,. Ohairmakel, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. , , ,_ SALE ROOM, opposite Di ttt'p Wagon Shop; Main Street. FACTORY in Sears, S WT. Limns Foundry, second etory. Orders promptly tilled and batislaction goorer, teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wellsboro, June 12.1867. J. STICKLIN. Tioga Marble Works. TIIE undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu ments of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MAIRBLE, of the latest style and approved norkmanahip and with dispatch. He keep constantly on hand both kinds! 0' Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable torbts as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as new. vi".` PORTER WILCO. Tioga, Nov. 1, 181V-tf. Notice, 91 HE attention of Merchants and others liable to I a License, is respectfully called to the net of the 11th of April 1862. Pamphlet laws, 492,r0g-_ ulating the collection and payment of LiCl5D3e3 which nre paynble n t the Treasurer's Office on the Ist day of May in each and orery year, anti by said net, all Licepses romnitang unpaid on thp first day of July, the TrensuriirAls required to sub and press to judgment and collection, 59 soon as practicable thereafter, and in default thereof, to be personally liable. Those liable to a License are 'therefore requested to be prompt in making their payments before that date, there by avoiding any trouble to themselves. and mob perplexity to the Treasurer. Juno 3 , 1 365, U. C. BAILEY, Treasurer. 040.1 CE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS for Falo dheap I at WRIGHT ,t, BAILEY'S. Wellabore, June 5, 1887. S. YOUsu Ile, 'I Rase. Ag't Ealtimoro, 1090 pm 8.20 a, 11/ . 9.G0 p m 11.;30 noon 5.85 pm - 910 u m 84:0 a m 0.28 p - 7.48 p EU 8.1. CAN 1101 IN