Cu. Nitato. W.EILLSBORO, PIDNN'A. - . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 18681 The,truthat - last!" pipes a ieci-liot Democratic sheet just before -election If any. paper of that stripe has foUnd the " truth " even at the very last, there is, hope for that paper. During the campaigri we searched diligently for the smallest specimen of truth pos sible to become visible to the unassist ed eye in the colunins of such papers, but i n n vain. " Truth at last," el:l'6 ono, when it was fourid that lying did not pay: - Pity you did snot discover it soon; er. Mackey, the defeated Democratic candiciato for Congress in the Tina distriet, says the Agit dor vote.for Grant and Colfax.-=,Statc Guaict Not. a word of truth, in tile atory, Air. Cinerd. Mr. Idoeltiy will veto the l:)tneerntic Ticket.— t And in tale choicedanguage of John Covode, we road Ba} to the Agitator and G'afred, that the " allegati nis false and the A/iyotor is aliq." Williaidwport Standard. . .A.tile. AGITATOR never stated that Mr. Mackey would vote for Grant & Colfax -will , the Robert Acres of the Staidard inform somebody where the lie comes in ,? . , _ VICTORY The prayers of the true men and women of the republic has been an swered : "LET 17,S HAVE PEACE!" This is one of the victories of Peace of which the poet thought when be said : " Peace bath its victories not less re ,nowned than War." Let us rejoice so berly, as men do when some great, threatening danger has been averted. Rejoice, but be gratqful. The boon was granted_ as the reward of such unsel fish labor as political organizations are seldom capable of. The forces of Wrong - Were never more fully and formidably marshaled. .The fight was never more bitter and unrelenting. Never before in our national history were the deeps of Popular feeling more profoundly stirred.' On the one hand was passion and prejudice; on the other determina tion to Complete the york of national restoration. It is the old conflict of relative Right with positive Wrong. To some it miy seem ended. To us it seems but just well and successfully begun. Do not expect that the lion and the lamb, ure about to lie down together, with a little child to lead them. Vy'roug and crime die hatcl. We shall be wise to recognize in the election of General Grant the healthy beginning ofPeace. What wellaennineti "Peace" for three years has been little more than a pause in a ?aging fever, not convales- ceuce Without doubt our opponents con templated revolution if successful, and .revolt if unsuccessful at the ballot-box. We speak - plainly and advisedly. The purposes of the vile men who lead the Democratic party are well known ; and we may add—well provided for. That they may be wiser than they intended to be, and submit to-the will of the peo ple constitutionally expressed, We may expect; or, if they choose the other part, weinay confidently assure our selves that the work commenced in IS6I will be completed, and this time so to put the result beyond question. We now go for and to make a gov crument by majorities tt fixed fact. The time for theorizing has: gone by, we hope, forever. From' this day forward there can be but two considerable polit ival organizations in this republic ; the ono pledged to maintain a republic, and preserve the ballot-box in its ptirity ; the other combined together to control the nation by fraud, forgery, and per jUry, and through them to destroy rep resentative government. Was there ever a more devilish con ination in any country, or tinder anr circumstan ces? Though Grant & Colfax •are elected by morb than two-thirds of a majority in the electoral college, we do not con template the result with entire satis faction. Reflect that from twelve to fifteen thousand fraudulent votes were cast in New York city; and that Mayor Hoffman, if not a party to the fraud, was undeniably cognizant of the in tended crime; and in view of this who does not feel that more than armed re bellion threatens the liberties of the American people? It is time that the great organs o public opinion like the Tribune, the Times and the Press, speak out the thoughts which are in their conduct Ors The evil alluded to strikes at the cor ( ner-stone of our system of governrnen .1 —popular will. If, thesd abuses be no, strangled by law, they will grow too formidable to be disposed of in 'that way, and finally bring the fair fabrid of freedom toppling downy a mass of ruins. Reflect—if the legal voters of the republic can be defeated by frauds like those practiced under the direction - - - of Wallace in Pennsylvania, and Til den, In New York, how long will the legal custodians of our liberties consent to the unequal contest? There is a litn it to human( endurance, as there is a -. strain wnichl even the toughest steel -cannot resist. Will you, who confess edly lead the van for pure and unadul- terated republicanism, longer hesitate • to say to the American people that there must be such changes "in the or ganic law 'as shall protect the nation against the machinations of Old World enemies of free institutions? We put this question to the conductors of the Tribune, 217tes, Post, and Press. We trust that this appeal does not ' strike pur co-workers as inappropriate in the midst of joy and gratulation for the grand victory of November 8. This is the hour to look forward and back ward, and to regard the work left un done as well as that finished. There is no rest while these crimes go unaveng ed, and their perpetrators unwhiet, of justice. The'word is " rouwAnn." All that we have done must be maintained that the next sttuggle may not rend the na tion. Taking up a red bet popper sheet the other day, our attenti6l l was arrested by the startling lino, in big letters— " Stop Stealing That was lust a clay or two before the election. The People rani and heeded that l e 3d or November. seem to have h monition on th - WIT has bee l n stealing, 111ef-sni. 1) ocratic editors You have been m ing a great ado about stealing, f chart 4 ng it upon Republican part 3 Tiowdver, as you were and are awi the entire sum in millions raised taxation for national purposes has 11 collected by Democrats of the redi order, for more than a year past. T the stealing - has been immenge-we not question. , How could it be'otl wise with Flofrd and Jake Thomp to lead the way ? " Stop Steal i ng?" Well, when 17c ocratic editord get pluck enough to 'admonish their readers there Must some hope of. reform. Pity, thou that the admonition should have b so long deferred. I We have believed Mr., T. J. Ham itor of the 'Wayne County Herald, t a man of truth. He is, if we mis not, a church member, in good st ing. He thOefore, in that case, at 'Uses somewhat for decency and d um.l However, on the 29th of Oct( five days after the result of the ele in West Virginia was well known a Republican majority of several 11 and, he published the following: "( agel Cheering and very unexp news! West Virginia .Elect ion. moeracy Triumphant!" Ho then I on to state in detail that tne Demoel had carried that state. Now will Mr. Ham show hiS co Did you know no better? Dili q yo liberately falsify, and so plot (6 I de. your readers? Come, sir, wash hands of the fraud, or acknowled: and get out of a church orgb - niz which cannot defend 'or shelter hood so patent, unless it has jur ' tion over,the bottomless pit. The majority for the Republican et- in Western Virginia, on the October was not less than 3,50 think it 'will reach 5000. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION-T COUNTY OFFICIAL-NOV. 3, 1 liit, trier: Bloss, 3.32 , Brookfield, 1.58 Chatham, 240 Charleston „.. 400 Covington ..... .... 150 Covington Borough 39 Clymer, 2 DI; Delmar, 394 Deerfield 118 Elk, 20 Elkland, _... Fall Brook, .... .... 41 Farmington, .... .. 187 Gaines, . 71 Jackson,...... .... 208 Knoxville, s 2 Lawrence, ... ...... 130 Lawrenceville, .... 70 Liberty - 173' Morris 78 . Middlebury .... ..... 248 Mansfield 108 Mainsburg, 49 Nelson, ....... .... 78 Oceola, 100 Richmond, 304 Rutland, 171 Shippen, 47 Sullivan -282 I Tioga, 100 Tioga Borough, .... 82 tnion,.... 2•'2. Wardsl _ _ _ Westfield, . 189 Westfield Borough; 72 Wellsborough, 170 Totals, , 5549 GRANT'S Majority.... NE7 X 40 'T® I=l. `Y "o 17 , 1i 1 4 ( ~., ,3 V :ii di r e' 4 , , 4 4 ; 4*- : ;') ." ' " 4:1 , ,:' •, i+—L.,,fi;P,' ' ' )Y / fr ' ; Arr ," ' i s ' ''' - ' ` /1,,,V7-',', , , At,* ~, i f *,,. , , „e -:-.- _ , , {: gl.',: r :tl,it 'f;:;," I`;'. : l ir .-..-- ' i . ' .•"! tt , 0 . 4 .,,t.:',,,„',4, ' , .) : 1 , - :) ,'-' - .-::-,,,:§ z s ;- - 4 .. , '";.. , 1 .. ' „ 5,:;.j.4- 4- 4 4 :-;;..-.) , , 'l.•‘'.‘ '.., • .•,,,,. ~., v..e, , , i'jli - -...P 'tl , ) -, 4,• T.•_. t.,7„,, , , . - - , ....:'2.ti t l y - .-.....:-: -.V ; .7.i:t-;. , ..,,- , -.7.. , .. , ... 5 . :, , 1, :.!- - ...: , .:A,..:, - ..' ;- 4:;.. ‘ 6 ". ---,...-- ' - '. ' ' ' ~, ..! ..: ' ' ' Z ;,;. ,":' ',...." q - 5".. •,`-•!...1‘'..5t - iP s: 1.. C r . - I — 'q'',...'"Y ':? \ , - , , "' - ..i . "'"k".7 . ';' , °- ~•'--.. ''.;",;, " 1. .,: , .:, , . • :t,. - ,.. ' .i'.=;;,. ''',.!;,,.".%,:*‘';/ ../ ''..- • ' „ i• EF I. ' • , ,' , -1 /,',- '' --- -4 - - - ' • 1 - --.-r;:,,,,-- •-..,ze..-r.,t,,,t -1 - -.(e-- -- -: - - ME EN= ~r}~-~yi GRANT ~C COLF.4I:Si ELECTED BY AN OVERW IIN G MAJOR OA: ! Tioga County Blows the Bebe Craft out of Water! GRANT'S MAJ. 3,598 Then 010 p; to the Lord of Hosts, the victory is won ! And GRANT shall lead, in War and - Peace, is erst did WASHINGTON ! Wo congratulate the true-hearted men of Tioga County- upon the last and most brilliant of the whole cata logue of Republican vietories achieved 'y them since the first in 1854. For the NINETEENTH time you have had your efforts crowned with victory. The. history of the Republican party in Ti oga CountY,ls without a parallel. Four teen. years, and nineteen decisive vic tories! Such, in six words, is the his tory of the Republican ,party in Tioga COunty. Like Paul, let us . thank God and take courage! -;Grant's majority in the county is 3598—tw0 less than we asked for, but positively grand, nevertheless. Our gain on the majority is 243 ; Cu our, tOt tal party vote the gain is 130. Our op ponents lose exactly 100 since October. We mention this for , the iutbrmation of Mr. Wallace, the coffee-411er, having no doubt that he can show to a dot just how long it will take the Tioga Democ racy fo catch up if they lose at the rate of 100 a mouth. According to his arithmetic , the Democracy will have a majority in this county in the month of June, A. D. 4000. Friends, never was there better work done thane you have done during the campaign' The result measures the worth of laborand organization. ' Nev er before did . the people work so well; never were they so well organized and so determined. The result, is your best reward. We cannot add a word which shall increase the exceeding richness of that reward. Our' majority is nearly one-half the aggregate vote of the coun- I, so 1 i ov ghl, ,een ed . be lake nd- Ern car eer, Hob o be oils lour leted De- cut acy ors? de- MU , our I,re it, ttion alse sdie- ick 12d of ZEE is (Ira; I ) 3 )0 21 0(i 53 , i 131 11 76 33 110 19 83 20 10 13 Jo 89 11 G 9 45 12 I IM ME ME 11123 ty, mid we doubt if any other comity in, the State CUII show such 'a balance sheet. We defer what we have to say upon the gains in the several district& until next week, space in which to do it not being at command this week. The general result is glorious. We resent herewith a table of the electoral and popular - Vote in the, several States: .2 — F6II . 7 N . i) ltiirtne, New Hain psli ire, 5. MasAachusetts, I. Rhode Island, 4. Coninecticut, U. Verinont, - Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, lowa, Nebraska, Tennessee,. California, Nev Ada, Missouri, Kansas, North _Carolina, Minnesota, South Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Ll r of ) 26 States, . '2,14. FOR SEY.M6UR AND BLAIR. New York, ,‘ 33. [bY fraud] 7,000 Islew Jersey, 7. [do.] 2,700 Delaware, . 0 . 4, • , 2,500 Maryland, 7. 1 45,000 Kentucky, I). 1 70,000 Georgia, 0. terrorism 35,000 Louisiana, 0. tdo.] 30,000 Oregon, S. [dubious.] 8 States, Walk up, gentlemen, and settle. Just before the election the Blair papers published a schedule of prices for va rious necessaries of life, giving the pri ces before the war and present rates in contrast. We propose to hunt these glib falsifiers into the.Vtrd, dry realm of fact, where, like fishes out of water, they will die. Tea (old price) 33 cents a pound, rated in schedule alluded to, at $1,20. We will furni6h tea, sold before the war at 50 cents, at $l,OO. Sugar (old price)- 7 cents per pound, rated at 10 cents. We will t'urnish• sugars, sold before the war at 121 cents, at 18 cents. Boots and shoes are rated 100 per cent. higher than before the war. We will furnish boots sold at s3,be fore the war, same quality, at $4,50 ;, or at 50 per cent. advance on anti-war prices. Dry Goods are rated at from 50 to 300 per cent. advance on anti-war prices. We will furnish you as good prints for 12 cents as you bought before the, war for the same price. But if you want silks, satins, and other costly fabrics brought from abroad, and which the working classes cannot live without, you know, we shall have to charge you about two or three prices for them. This schedule of prices was published to show that the poor man pays all the taxes. If the poor mar pays 15 cents a pound for•sugar now, lie sells his but ter for 40 cents. In old times he paid 7 cents for his Sugar and sold his but --t< or 15 cents. He got, if a laborer, froni - 50,cents to $1 per day, then. Will you hire a few men, good ones, for less than $1,30 to-day? Take your - time, gcntlemen t but try to reply before the next Premictentlai election. J unous DRAWN FOR Nov. TERM, 1868 01:AND ha:0119. ilronbilel.l-1. D. Seeley. John R. Coffin. Charleston—Dm hi Reese, 1 • chin ham—Newherry Close,' Coviinlon lloromili—Thomits POl.llOOl. Del on in—lawn) Wilcox, lPm. Campbell. M' ffo eland. Dorrance: Fall Brook—John Lewis, Libeons Phillips En ming - too-3)3pin A. Johnson. Jed:son—Wm. Edsel, Henry Gan loon. Knox v letor A.Cnee. Lawrencovine—Royal Wheeler. Lawrence—Dyer litscho. l.ibertN—C,harles Zink. Man,lieiti—ftetiben At Rolston, lleeola—Morgan Seeley. ,u limn—lieury I.Rwrence, Jnineg Ut oik—Oeo. W. Ellis. Westtleld—lra D. lime. TP.AVEIIbE JURORS -Ist week. Moss, Thos. hail, Brookfield, John Simmons, D. D. Nobles, (lYit!er. R. J. It nolds, Samuel SIN hiller, Choziodton. John Brown, D. Thompson, D.MainroYt Covington Borough, Charles Yitlean, Chatham. Samuel Love. Covington. S, It. Richards, R. Videan, M. Butler, Deerfield. Geo. W. Gilbert, John Howland, Delmar, Wilkinson Furman, Richard Moons, Farmington. Frederick Cady. Jackson. Sidney White, A, Gage, Jacob Larrison, Wit. S. Miller. Lawrence, L. Knapp, Jr., Samuel Rockwell, Liberty, George V. hurt, John Black, J. G. Albeck, Middlebury, Philander Niles, Samuel A. Cady, Deal Holiday, Henry A• Stevens, Wm. Stevens. Mansfield, Thomas 11. Bailey, Oceola, Joe, li, Bosard, Philettis Crandall, Rutland, Win. Brace, J. Sherman, John Newberry, Richmond, Justus Bailey, Albert Sherwood, Suninor Wilson. Thomas Wilson, Sullivan, Calvin Reynolds, Tiogn 8010, James Cady, • Tioga, B. Tabor, Union, Sanford Witting, Wm. Bailey, Wells! ore, Pin. Bunflei. 2D WEEK, Voss, Dankl Ihirlay, Charles Evans, E. J. Bosworth, Brookfield. Chauncey Brace. Clymer. Robot t W. Briggs, David Cs rr, E. Wetherbee, Covington, Lewis Walker, Chatham, Lucian 0. Beach, Isaac Sutton, Charleston, Rosel Gilo, Delmar. Russel Lawton. M. Watrons, W. Horton, Deerfield, If . Ingham, B. S. Bower., Elk land, Horace Johnston, Gaines, Benjamin Furman, Jackson, Joseph Illy, Lawrence, Aaron Cole, ylidd leburs, Jerome Copley, :bison Prutsman, Neb.on, Samuel Bogart, Oct uhf. Chat les Tubbs. Rutland. Henry Oldru3 .1, Richmond, John Churchill, Jesse Wood, Reuben North. Lorenzo Pond, Levi L. Smith. Tioga, Henry 11. Goodrich. l Linton. John Sechrlet, Wellsboro, Charles Williams. Alonzo Howland, Westfield lloro, William Palter, A. Miatony. E. B. Et:WILEY: WIIOLES , 'ALE AND RETAIL DEALER. IN Flour, Feed and Menl,Wegtfield, Tiog.a Co, Pa. Not•. 11, I.Stig.—Ty 1 -- ;h4TEES of Administration baying boon 1 gnitrtql to the undersigned upon the estate of John Belt., r., Into of Knoxville, deceased, all persons indeb estate, and all per kens having claims against the same will call at once and settle with 'HANNAH ICELTZ, Knoxville, Nov. 11. 1868" House and L O' large, honBecorninciilious and convenient, will be rold cheap for ready pay. Also, a liersc, Buggy, Cutter, Ilarne:s and Buffitlo—all in good condition—for hale cheap. For particulars. inquire nt tbiB office. Ft))• Sale. t 'BLACK MARB, seven years old, good fur any merle; way be seen at Alonzo Wan farm in Charle,ton fur a few days. Will be Gn long crodi t. if the security ho fati s t t ry. Enquire ot• Mr. Muth:ill, or at the Of :co of the Dia!rhuto E,tate. Wellehero, Nov. 9,1.666-31 s: • Notice to Tax-2! Pt/ROI:Cif TA XV.S.--Teo I urges rind Conn cil a iil meet at Ike ISugirc bou-c, on Mon day eveningt•Nov..l6. anil un :nturday evening, lit 7 o'clock, I'. Ni., to receive i'r the correction or abatement cirri...gee, antic the la-it .toititioned {late, tin F Ilc h DT - 01U iltuirl trill i 3, ft, Si ENf:'; Welhboro, IN 01% 5, 186e.Clerk. Popular .fififi. 28,000 - 7,000 75,000 0,000 3;400 31,000 ' l B 000 " 8,000 35,000 10,000 50,000 - 30,000 16,000 55,000 4,000 30,000 1,500 1,000 !.).0,000 5,000 3,000 r - 5,000- 6,000 [By Leg.] [Probably.] 5,000 1 1 A d ta'rx !t for Sale MI ►y er6. Sheriff's Sales. BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Ficri Levari Facies, and Venditioni Exponas, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Ti. oga county, and to me directed, I will ozpose to public sale, to tbo highertr and bort bidder, at the Court House in Wellrboro, ott Monday, the 30th day pf November 1888, Et I o'clock, P. M. the following described property, viz : A lot of land in Lawrenceville, bonnded north try-lltiii street, cast -by lot formerly . owried by A 211 Trough, south by land formerly owned by George Diann and J Diurdoelc, and west by Sam-'• nel-Ohapronnenntaining 3 neve, more — or less; frame house and a few fruit trees thereon; Arse—another lot of land in Lawrence twp. hounded north by State Line, east by conter•of Tioga river, south by Milt st. and west by lot in possession of C Irranch—containing i• acre, more or less, frame house thereon Also—another lot in, Lawrence, bounded N. by Stpte Linn, E. by lot in possession of E Botha, south by AI and west by Joel Park. burst—containing acre wore nr l ess , f rame house thereon ; ALSO—nnotherlot in Lawrence, bounded north by .Mill-st. east by the center of 'Tiogn river, south by Vega river,and west by lands of tt rats estate—containing : 2 acres more or less, frame house, frame barn end senor fruit trees thereon ; lot in Lawrence, beginning at a point- on an island in Tioga river, and in the lino between the States of Pennsylvania and New York, and running east on the State Line about, hix chains to the center of the track of 'of the,-,corning:& tßiossbnrg ltnilroad, thenee southerly by track of said railroad to the west erly bounds, of the Granger tract, thence north erly by the westerly bounds of said tract. tothe center of Tioga river, thence down the center of said river about 18 chains to place of beginning —containing abelut 8 acres more or less ; a tnill dam and appurtenances thereriacto- belonging, & a t'rume shoptthefeen ; •.1 1 • • Also—another' lot of land 'in Lawrence, be ginning at the renter of the track of the Corn ing Blossburg roilroad and the State Line aforesaid and, running east on said State line 82 chains and 60 links to a stake in the NE eornqr to a stalio in tho southwest corner of raid lot of lot No. 7, thence south, or nearly so, 37 to a stake in the south cast corner of said lot No. 7, thence west, or nearly eo 25 ch'ris thence north about 13 chains to the ' , alloy Brook so called, thence southwesterly down and along said hrook about 21 chains to a stake in the east line of lands formerly owned by• James Hill, thence northerly by said lands about 16 chains to 16talto in the NE corner of said 11111 lands, thence westerly by said Bill lands about 23 chains to a stake in the Corning and Blossburg railroad track, thence by said railroad northerly about 17 chains to the place of beginning—con taining 193 acres more or less, about 50 acres iw. proved, 8 frame houses end 2 frame barns there on;—another lot in Vawrence borough, be ginning at a post south side of State st. and on the west side of the Mill lot, thence south three dog. west 24.6 perches to the Tinge. river at low water mark, thence north 87P west up the river 61 perches and 12 links to a post, thence north 3° and 23 perches to State at., thence south 87P oast Co perches and 12 links to place of begin ning—containing 1 acre more or less; ALso—another lot in Lawrence, beginning at a white oak in the State line on the west bank of Tioga river, thonce south 3° west along said riv or 7 perches and 5 links to the State road, thence north 87V wont along said road 10 perches and 23 links, thence north 3° east about 7 perches and 5 links to the State line, thence south 87P oast along State line 10 perches and 23 links to the place of beginning—containing 82 rods pf land more or less; ALso—a lot of land in Tioga twp. bounded north by Richard and W K Mitchell, east by Win .K Mitchell, south by Weston Bronson arid west by W K Mitchell and Middlebrook, Moote Co.,—containing 3GO acres, about an SOTO im proved, log house and frame barn thereon ; ALSO—a tract of land in Middlebury, begin- ning at a sugar maple, the northwest corner' of lot hereby describes, thence north 88i° west 142 perches to a beech tree, thence , south 1° west 40.3 perches to a hemlock, thence east 80.7 perches to a post, thence north 15 perches to a post, thence 'north 87i° east 365 porches to a post, thence south 1 dog. east 110.8 perches to a post, thence south 87 1-4 dek. east 115 perches to a post, thence 88 deg west 171 porches to a post, thence north 4 deg west 16 porches to the north oast corner of II A Stevens land, thence north 87 1-4 deg west 140 porches to a post, thence south 88 1.4 deg enst 118 perches, to a post, south 88 1 4 dog west 182 perche's t a post, thence north 1 dog east 16.5 perches to a post, thence west 218.9 perches to a post, thence north 1 deg. east 248.1 perches to a sugar maple, place oflbe. glnniag—containing,s. 711) acre more or less, about 25 acres improved; Also—another lot of land in lawrcuce, bound ed north by highway, cast by Tubbs, Giles and 'Ransom, south by Julius Tremaine and Son, and west by S Tremaine—containing toe acres mete or less, about 5 acres improved. To ho sold as the property of IV IV Ballard and J C Samp son, suit of Tioga County Bank. ALSO—a lot in Elkland, bounded north and east by John W Ryon, south by Main st. west by J G Parkhurst—frame house, frame barn, a some fruit trees thereon—containing 1-4 acre. To be sold as the property of 0 F Marsh, Suit of W k J Richardson. ALSO—a lot of land in Norris, beginning at a yellow birch corner 90 perches east of a stone heap in the eastern boundary of Wm Blackwell land on Big Pine creek - , thence north 186.8 Per ches to a yellow pine corner, thence east 102 per ches to a white pine corner, thence north by land formerly of Nathan Broughton 196.8 perches to a post corner, thence west along the warrant line No. 4381, 182 perches ,to place of beginning— containing 210 1-4 acres and usual allowance, being port of warrant 4381 Atao—another lot of land in Morris. begin. fling at a post in the northwest corner of survey 4366, I elictice cast 313 perches to a hemlock, thence south 218 porches to a beech sapling, be ing corner of Messrs. Reim's tract, thence south 30 dog east 120 perches to a hemloch, thence west 220 perches to a white pine, thence north 131 perches to a chestnut tree, thence west 50 perches to a chestnut tree, thence north 45 per ches to a chestnut oak, thence west 60 perches to the warrant lino north 137 perches to place of beginning—containing 500 acres more or less, being part of warrant survey 4366, in the name of James Wilson— ALso—another lot in Morris, beginning at a post on Babb's creek, corner of warrant une,, in the name of flows & Fisher, thence along the same east 272 perches to a post, thence along warrant 4364, in the name of James Wilson, N 170 porches to a beech, thence along lands in the name of James Wilson, warrant 4364, west 282 perches to a post on the lino of lands of Wm. Mitchell, thence along the same south 20 deg E 3S perches to a stone, thence along the same So. 56 dog west 44 perches to a'post on Babb's creek thence along the same south 29 dog east 9.4 per ches to place of beginning—containing 317 acres and allowance, more or loss, surveyed on war rant 1687 in the name of Hewes A Fisher, about 50 acres improved, 5 frame houses, frame barn, sawmill, gristmill with 2-run of stone, and other outbuildings and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as tho property of John IV Humes, suit of Jersey Shore Nat. Bank. Anzio—A lot of land in Middlebury, bounded en the north by L. C. Bennett and lands of the Bingham estate, east by L. C. Bennett and lands of Jamies Carpenter heirs, south by; Viseher dc Randal, and west by lands of Bingham estate, beingt No. 131 of the allotment of Bingham lands n aliddlebury township, and part of war rant I . 1368. To be sold ns the property of i Sarnuell E. Hall, suit of W. B. Clymer, et al. ALSO—a lot in the village of Blossburg, be ing lot No. 3 in block 12, lying on the east side of Williamson road, beine'4o feet front 'and about 774 feet deep, more or 14 ) s, a frame house thereon. To be sold as the p erty of Thomas Sample, use of 0. F. Taylor. ALSO—a lot of land in Union, beginning at a Stone heap, the southeast corner of warrant 4012 thence north by the eastern boundary line of e'd warrant 4612, and by other lands of John Green 251§ rode to a hemlock, thence west 191 reale; a beech, thence south 514 rode to a post in the warrant line, thence east along the warrant line 190 rods to place of beginning—containing 300 acres, being part of warrant 4612, John Vaughn warrantee, about 20 acre, improved, frame house frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of John Green's Executors, suit of E. A. Brigham, Adin'r. ALSO—a lot of land in Lawrenceville, begin ning at the State line at the northeast corner of a lot owned and occupied by Curtis Parkhurst, and running along said State line 23 rods east to the corner of a lot owned by Adrian Eyon, thence south 7 rods and 16 links to the highway commonly known as State st. thence west 23 rode to the southwest corner of the lot of said Curtis Parkhurst, thence north 7 rods and 15 links to place of beginningcontaining 1 acre more or less, a frame house, frame barn, other outbuild ings and a-few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of Judson C. Beeman, Achn'r of Benj. Harrower, deed, suit of 0. I. !Harrower, Assignee, • . ALBO—A lot of land in Richmond, bounded on the north by A. J. Enowlton, cast by Ai J. Knowlton, eolith by J. It. Spencer and meeting houso lot, west by Tiogn river—containing 4 acres more or less, with fr tine house, frami barn, and a few fruit trec , : , thereon. To ho sold 'as the property of 11. B. Tuttle, suit of S. S. Gillett, now for use of A. M. Spencer. i Ai-so —A lot of !and in Brookfield. bounded On the north by C. H. Plank and .1. S. George, on the east by Benjamin Cm e, on the south by Ben jamin Cure and-Jwicpli Griffin, on the west'by S. A. S. Murray—containing .t!. .. acres, 60 improv ed, two log houses, ono frarac barn, apple orchard and other fruit trees hereon. To be sold as the property of S. L. Plank, suit of John and Joel Parkhurst. ,—A lot of land in Chatham and Middle bury townships, bounded on the north by Bing ham lands, east and south and west by lands now ; in possession of 10. IV. Fos . er—conttining 407 acres nod 110 Itslrebes. Crondall and Emery, warrantees : ALso—Anothef lot_ in Middlobury Township, bounded north It%t lands in possession of G. W. Foster, east by 1.4 cher & Randall, south by said G. W. Foster, and west by Viseher & Randall— containing 411 acres and .0 perches, George W. Wood, warrantee: ALso —Another lot of land in Middlebury and Chatham townships, bounded north by lands in possession of G. W. Foster and Vischer & Ran• doll; east by the same, south by 0. IV. Foster, west by G. W. Foster and Robert Morris, war rant No. 4072--containing 409 acres and 91 perdu:sr Samuel King, warrantee: Atso—Another lot of land in Chatham town. ship, bounded on the north by Hobert Morris, warrant No. 4072, and lands in possession of G. W. Faster, east ly lands in possession of G. W. Foster, south by lands of Phelps W. Dodge, and west by lands in possession of W. IV. Foster; Isaac A. Crandall, warrantee—containing 424 acres and b 2 perches: -- - ALso—Another lot of land In Middlebury and Chatham townships, bounded north by lauds in possession of G. W. Foster, east by the same, south by Phelps & Dodge, and west by lands in possession of 0. W. Foster; Joseph E. Lyon. Warrantee—containing 424 acres, about 20 acres improved snore or loss, with a saw-mill, five frame houses, two frame barns, ono frame store house, one frame blacksmith shop and other outbuild ings and a few fruit trees thereon : ALSO—Another lot. of _land in Middlebury township, bounded north by lands in possession of G. 15'. Foster and lands of Viseher & Randall, east by lends of:. Viseher & Ractilall,. south and west by lands in possession of G. W. Foster; John Luchiger, warrantee—containing 423 sores and 43 perches: , _ • Also—Another lot of land. in Middlebury tow ship, bounded north; oast and west by lands in p 880881011 of G. W. Foster, and south by lands of Phelps, Dodge & 4 „C0.; T. A.. Baldwin, war rantee—containing94 acres, with about 40 acres improved more or less, with apple orchard there on. To be sold its the property of Aaron 11. Fos ter and F. A. Barcalow, suit of Flora A. Hoyt, et al ALSO—A kit of lend in Wellaboro, bounded on the north west by Walnut street, on the north east by Wm. Bache, south 'best by Wm. Bache, and south west by Lincoln street—containing 2 acres more or less, all improved with frame house; frame barn, frame blacksmith shop, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the prop erty of G. W. Barker, suit of Maltby & Richmond. ALS/X..= a-lot_of land in Clymer, bounded north by C. Schoonover,--ettnd south by highway, and west by C. seitoonover—euntaining i were a frame store and dwelling, and - a-fawfruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property - Of - George I. Bristol et al, suit of Terbell, Jennings & Co.' ALSO—a hit of land in Tioga twp, bounded north by C. 11, Seymour, cast by Mrs. P south by highway nod west by said Seymour— containing 4 acres, all improved. To l i m sold as the property of Horace JOhns, suit of Alin Ben. son. ALSO --a lot of land in Gaines, bounded north by Christian Hanson, and lands of Samuel Fox estate, east by Stephen Babcock and George Harvey, south by Edraunil Miller and west by Potter county lino, part of warrant 2297--con taining 336 acres more or less, two log houses etr, log barn thereon. To be sold as the property of S. M. Conable, suit of S. X. ALSO—Another lot of land in Tiogn bounded north by A. S. Turner, east by Rodney Niles, south by B. C. Kingsley, and west by A. S. Turner, containing 83 acres, more or less, with about 10 acres improved, apple orchard, frame house, frame barn thereon. To be sold as the property of Edmon Falkncr, suit of Wm. F. Ba ker. Weßober°, Nor. li, 7863. J. B. POTTER, Sheriff'. New Tobacco Store ! PRE subscriber has fitted up the rooms ad joining D. P. Roberts Tin and Srovo Store for tho manufacturo and sale of CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Common SMOKING TOBA CC o,Micleigan Fine Cut CHEWING, and all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the choi cest Brand of CIGARS. il5 -- Call and sco for yourselves.. JOHN W. PURSEL. Sycllsboro, Nov. 11, 1868—tf. WINTER GOODS W Cox* 1043E3. PEE hirgest stock of Dross Goods ever opened _ll_ in Tioga County, at DeLlaiio at Cogs. FRENCH MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, OTTOMAN CLOTH, ,1 Alap acas,:klaidaAnd a great variety of mittfd Fabrics for suits. A large stock of i t BEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS,' VEL VETEENS, BLACK ASTRA NS 1 For Ladies Cloaks and Saques Al/ the now styles of Shawls and Knit Goods, Furs! Furs! Furs! Furs Call and look at the stook GENT GOODS. CLOTHING, CLOTHS T HATS AND CAPS, Boots and Shoes, RUBBER BOOTS, &C. GROCERIES : In fact our stook is full and complete Nov. 4, 1868. GENTS FUR COLLARS AND GLOVES a DELANO & CO'S RUBBER BOOTS at nc T v lotof : ROOP SKIRTS at D. etr, CO'S A largO lot of SIIIItTg r anti pIit4)VERS at Nov. 11, 1868, DgLANO 4 NEW GOODS! loy AS just returned from the City with an as. a sortment of CHOKE -INTER _GOODS.- for the Ladies, Republicans, Democrats, and even those who feel a little Wolfish. Hate, Caßoots and Shoes, Hardware, r r Crockery, &c., &c., always au band. 1 010112:211(e. acuanti Kis. Ladies' Dress Goods, P 51 1.4:ZE4 3FlllXV'fi3 The old Store on the corner of-the street, With Winter Guoda—is filled complete; So como and see If we don't deal fair, And'sell you Goods— cheaper than elsewhere. Our Goods aro fresh, just from the City, And if we can't suit you,—'tis a pity ; For Goode we've solcithis many a year, To be undersold by others—we never fear W Alsboro, Nov. Roy's Drug Store TPHE stock of Drugs, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, j. Glass, Fancy Articles, Te the moat complete and carefully selected. The atook of MICE§ &NZ 21124101130, Aro warranted to bo old, pure, and of a superior quality, and will bo sold only for medical uso. The subscriber wishes to say that be is now making large additions to his stook, and would assure the pnblio that be wilt not only sell goo, of the BEST QUALITY, but also the CHEAP Call and see ua bcforo purchasing chamber° Oct. 14, 1868. J. A. Parsons & Co., Cdsh Store. TSUBSCRIBERS invite tiie attention o close buyora to our Third stook of Now PILL & WINTER GOODS just reeeived—purchased Oct. Ist, at the lowes prices of the season. The following list of Bar gains must convince any one. We are selling Heavy yard wide Shootings u " bleaohod Shootings,. Fine yard wide ii. . to Common Prints 1 Handsome Fast Colored Prints . Heavy Red Twilled Flannels '' Gray ei .. Panay Shirtings Kentucky Jeans • Heavy Pant Stuffs .. Handsome Dress Goods ... English Borges All wool Empress Cloths . Fine Alpacas Best French Morinoes Woolen Double Shawls... Extra Balmoral Skirts Hoop Skirts Hosiery vary cheap. All Wool Cassimeres, Double and Twisted Heavy $1,00; very cheap indeed. Black and Colored Pelt and Beaver. Cloaklngs, at very low prices. At equally low prices for good work. -We do not keep any but good qualities and sell them very cheap. Our trade is large and and expen ses very light, enabling U 9 to sell goods very cheap indeed. DaLANO dc CO Thankful for the liberal share of patronage re calved during the past, we shall endeavor to de serve a continuance of are same. DELANO tt ,OO'S C. IL KELLEY, for gentlemen arid boys, ail kinds that can't fail to please, and hosts of FANCY FIXINS -cun.aiod see them' C. B, KELLEY'S, 1, 1868 IS THE OLDEST. Drug Establishment IN THE COUNTY PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS) &c., Et2l CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES J. A. PARSONS & CO. Corning, Oct. 14,1888 Insurance ,Ageney. WYOMING INSURANCH CO., R. C. SUITILI, Sec'y. ' W. 8. Ross, Pres. W. T. READ, Gen'( AO. I, D.SnoEltAxxir, V P. CAPITAL ANII BURPLUS I $150,000. /VMS is the company fur which Theodore Hattield.was lately agent, and policy hold ers who wish to renew their Insurance aro re quested to apply to the subscriber. Girard Fire Insurance Co., J. B. ALVOTID, Tito ALAS CRAVEN, Pte.vident Secretary. A. S. GILLETT, V. " Capital $200,000, Continental Inj, Copany, Cash Capital, - - - .5500,000,00 Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1868, 1,314,590,31 Cash Assets, do 1,814,590,31 Aar Policies written at this office. GEORGE T. HOPE, .President. 11. H. LAMPORT, Vico President. • CYRUS PECK, Secretary, The subscribor takes this method of informing the public that he has the agency of the above Companies, and 'will be found at his office over Roy's Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office: JNO. I. MITCHELL. Wellsbore, Pa., Feb. 20, 1868—tf. fr7'., H- , 10 -o cz• H c '.; E" ^-•:, 1 ; 7 ; • ~ 4 m ',z, t:1 ...'• 0 7ci - e, 'et . r.. 1 0 ;. z c..,. p-- 14 r.l. .1 cf. 0 , :: 0 0 :,, ''',; l . 9:: ~1 ..., - 2. , - in IN ' l . ._, '.. 0 ~... c.-., ...., C) 0 ", , ~.4 :, a F. 0 1:1* p a. G -0 el ..1-- E r 2 0 1 P 0 _4 % '0 '-' : 14 o 0 , ~„;„. 1.4. - Ns :.1 g C; ri g'. "1 = &.-• 74 ... ... IQ E. Q , - m r4 0 . 0 'O l ''2 t va, 0 411 A 0 . Pe, 1 1 .. :f; : 1 ' r; '7. ~ .. . . CD Ei . P 1 4 1 1 1 OCI —'l ..--' opt , , , v so "A" t 2 1 64 g ~ 9; i l .. i al . 1 co 0, - , n 1 .1 1 Oa ED I -... f, 0 'W . .cu 1 1 1 V. CC 0 :!: 1 1 1 Fl Vi I -I in l4 a • g i Cl - d czi c' . , , ~.. ,_, FP h._ . t ''. . 6 , 0 m 4 11 Ph C 1 , 0 9 0 .• 0 a v . .. ). -L J . -+ [ND CA t•Ps 0 _ ~D ..-, Cn M O 'C'• CC Pill s:r CCD --, CD tsO cz )41 2 =;'Ps oi- 1..?"..? 4 ' ca. 00oIv r , c.,-1 'm - CD CD -4 Mco 4=. a . 00C*-4 -4 cg, CD CD 4 , ... bD Cc c 0 JOHN A. ROY MORE NEW. GOODS! IS now receiving n. large ii'nd complete assort. mint of Fall 47, Winter bought alma the late decline iu prices in New York, consisting of Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, Particular attention is invited to our Stock of Zl4Z2n ME 14 gg' (500 Mg Gaiters and Hoop Skirts; also a nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very . fine at reduced prices, A lino assortment of Ladies FURS, very cheap, all of which will bo sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. We respectfully invite till to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. 12i cts .12i " 16 " .8 it .123" .311 " 311" Empire Store, No. t Union Block. Wellsporo, Oct. 21,1868. 374 " ~....20 to 44 " .. 50 " .. 25 " . 3/i " . 50 " . 31 " $l,OO 3,50 $5,00 and 6,00 1,25 to 2,00 75 eta. to 1,26 : - 1 Valuable liarin. for Sale. 1 A farm of threishundred acres, with two hen ...M. dred and twenty-five, acres improved. Sit uated'two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Ti;ga•River and Railrocd. Well watttered, un de a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four bousesland lots for sale in Tioga MIR • village. Tio!a, Feb, 12, 19118-tf. IN BANICROPTCY.—This is to give noileo That on the Ist day of Oct., A. D. 1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Elisha J. Purple, of WellsbOro, in the county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his • own petition; that the payment of any debts and de livery of any property belonging to such Bank rupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove thoir debts, and to choose ono or more Assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at thevotßee of F. E. Smith: in Tio ga, county of Tiogn, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. E. Smith, Register, on the 14th day of Nov., A.D. 1868, atllo o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal Westeirn Diet, Pa. pr. J. CA.lttittoN, Deputy. lt/rRS. A. B. EASTMAN is Itt sons in Hair Flowers. ar "Wax Work. Persons wishing to Join a class tiro requested to call noon. Tprme rpusopablo. Sept. 9, 1868—tf. Something New A LoT of the lutobt stylog of now Jowolry just received at Aim. 2, 'CR. I. Al, WARWEIt. Ti? YOU WANT A13001)7013 of work done on Clocks, Watok. es or Jewelry, go to Sept. 2,1868. I. M. WARRINER. WILKES-BARRE, PA i ___ PHILADELPHIA All paid up in Cash Surplus Over $160,000. OF THE thilt uF *CiltH John It. Bowen,- G-oods, Dry Grcocscl., &c., &c AND TRIMMINGS, Remember, Oct. 19, 1868-4 w iASII f.,r everything I itity, e%ery C thing f always on hand and for sale at rho lowest CA,,I II Price.. A I ltiroll:t of Produce ',ought and told for CASH. - • N. /I fur crudit 41; 4.r tLii date Wellsboro, Oct. 1, 1868 3Pletiaco-Ptc•ipte.% rrlllE 13EPTHEM PIAICOE:i ure universally acknoriledgedAtc be the Cheapest FIRST-CLASS. PIANOS MADE Every Pintio i 6 vravriitite.l for five ytiarti Sold by Manrfield, Oct. lt rIIIIIE undersigned has fitted up the old Fuun I_ dry building, near the Itrowory;Wellshorct, and is now propared' to turn uut tine call, kw:. cowhide, and harness loather. in the best man- Hides tanned on shares. Cash paid fot M. A. DUMF. • liar hides IVcll;iburo, Oct. 14, !se,s NOTICE. ' - rilllE annual Meeting of the Stockholders of _IL tho 'Lingo 'Railroad Comp l uny for tt.e elee tion o President, Dircetert, Secretary and Trea: uret, ill he held at the office of the-Company in Corning, N. Y., on the 211 day of November, 186 S at 10 o'clock a. tn., the election to close at V. o'clock, m. A. C. STEARNS, Oct. 14, 15 , 68-3t 4- . , y, rpHE subscriber offers for sale his farm, about,2i miles cast of Wellsbore, in Charles ton. Said farm 'contains 52 acres, about acres uleared, well fenced, well watered, a con, fortuble house, first elasi barn, other outbuild• ings and a good young bearing orchard iherevn• Inquire on the premises. ARTEMtiS BORDEN Cliat leston, Attg. EY, ISCS—tf. tii ri LETTERS of Admin6trati6o on the estate ut Dr. Joel Rote, lai . e of .Rutland twp, do. ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons owing said estate, and. all having claims ttga,ins the same are hereby notified to call for Pettletkeil on DANIEL G. STEVENS, Aliddleblary, Sept. 30, 1868 Adm'r. ti• r i tin 4 ri cn pl v ',l Goodrich Seed Potatoes, WE have a crop of Harrison; Calico, Glea son, and Early Goodrich Potatoes fur Seed, all true to name, direct from the original_ Goodrich stock. The E. G's now ready to ship, others after lst.Octaber. Orders invited by L'u.:dtcl ()col Barrel Packages Term Cash, or satisfactory reference. PRICE LIST THIS Early Goodrich $1,25 per 1,u.. or X 2,25 per LW. Gleason - and Cal. 1,50 " 4,25 " Harrison 2,25 " o,bo Correspondence with dealers requested. Ad dress, LEE A: ENSIGN, Union, Broome Co., N. Y. • Sept. 30, IS6B. TIIE linhscriher, being about ro go west, of fers for sale at a great bargain to the pur chaser, the following property, to nit: One hun 7 dred acres of labd, bituate about .1 miles South west of Westfield Born, on Potter Brook Road— seventy-five acres improved, the balance good hemlock and hard timber; with good sugar bush, good apple orchard, good frame barn and log house thereon. The farm is . well adapted to derying purposes, haying a plenty of living wa ter on all parts. Fur terms, call on the subscri ber on the premises, or address him at Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa Oct, 7,186 S .( 1 Administrator's Notice. .lETTERS of Administration on the estate of 1J Ezra I. Stevens, late of Nfiddiebury twp, do ceased, having been granted to the tini - aigneii, all persons oningi said estate and all baying claims against the same are hereby notified to call for settlement on HARRIET M. STEVENS, DANIEL 0. STEVENS, Middlebury Sept. 3t), ,1 Adler& JOHN C. JACOBA, A t Lloyd's Double Revolving Map of ' the United States and Europe, SROWING all Lilo linos of 'Railways in both hemispheres, tho - political and Geogr., p Li ca ! Divisions, p.ivers, Mountains, and Oceans. All orders addressed to John C. Jacobs, Tina, Pa, will be promptly attended to. Sept. 23, IS6B.—tf. For &link a family washing ine the be,:>t and cheapest manner. Ai narantvl to any in the world l; Has all the' strength rosin soap With the mild and lathering Di genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia. ' sept 2, '6B-Iy. ..---r*- , , TflEl c.,t aso.rlinent of -,-", . I'Lo 11, and haree•t ruri •• - i • et% of dillerent kinds of i ,_,,, ..,...:. _ ~,.„.„.. ';?,- Plates as ell as the :. -1.- ' ' ' :'''''4' .1 t of rli ~. .„ ~ _ , , 4 3 , .s operation,' •1 - ~ l i s ii ot ,. ing and EXTRACTING TEETH may be' had at, the new Dcn4al Office. Nitrous o.lido Gas given for extracti l g, which gives pleat-ant &milli., instead of pain. Also, Narcotic' Spray. Ether and Chloroform administered when desired.-- Prices as low as can be found elsewhere• AEI work done promptly and warranted. . Call and .ec specimens. Remember the pia Cb. A. It, EASTMAN, - No.1:1, Main St. Dentistry in 1 44440 4* : Lawrenceville. TAR. rt, k VAN HORN E, late pith Au , 'hie" nro . 4 of Han/a nd .e'en k City, has opened new Dental Rooms at the Ford House, Lawrenceville, Pa., Ivliere he is prepared to do work in all the deperiments of his profe . Fs= Ten in the most selentitie manner. T. L. BALDWIN. All work warranted and satisfaction guara4- toed, Call and es:amine speciatend of wo l-k. H. E. VAN HORNE. Lawrenceville, .Tane. 21, Is6B—tf, ORN" pair of •tycar oldiStags, both-red, one little lighter color than the other, :port horns, and small of their afro. Any one having said stags or can give information where they can ho found, will Ihe libprutly rc warded, Said Stags have been gone EinCe thd j;,th of illigurt. JEFFERSON AIt‘TTISON, Sept 2, ISGS-3t K Pa. A LOT OF T"' best 8 day Clpcks ever sold. Tioga Cu., ea. , 11 be found at `. Sept.: 2, isGs.—cr I.M.WAIttIIN FOR Sale, a small cheap Printing Press in good order, suitable for Cords, Midis, 4.c. Bonaire of ' JOHN A. HOY, MOP 6, 186S—tf. " Wellsboro, Pit. ' , ow giving les- NTOTICE is hereby givenithat nu applicatiop IN has been made to the Court of Common I'lens of Tioma, County by Ira Johnston, W. F. Shumway niZde'pthers, for a charter of incorpor ation, under the name and style of the "Shunt way TIM eemitcry Association," and that 14 said Court has appointed Momlay 'Nov. 30,1866, for d- hearing in the promises, when • said appli cation will to granted if no Vflia objection be made. , J. F. DONAT.DSON, f'roth'y. Se it. ?,0, 18118.-4. --- S ALT ; J an :40 in cny qpnntit; fq. Tioga Juno. 3, 1868, Cash - for Dried Berries ! FEED, PORK, FISIT, SALT, &(L, New Tannery Farm for Salo ! Administrator's Notice Farm for Sad! ENIBRE SPECIA I, N Mly 6, 1863 A BARGAIN, a for Charter. Applicati [I El II M. IL PRINCE ISAAC Q. HOYT TIC El,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers