~ _ the eigga Olignittg Alitatia, .' _ Is published every - Wednesday Mourning at *2 per year, invariably in advance. ' , • . q - . -,. z. ~. COBB & VAN GELDER. ..H,eone.) ' -----..--- ----- 7 r7 t - V, ,----..---, .i....7Jv.I9II 3 I.V'T.SrZ.Ter Izt.:A.T.F.S. • . Tex l'arirs or MINION, Oa LE:3B, 3rd Hr, .Na. Sql:tAnt. N o .ofSirrs.lTn - . - llns. 4lns.liThos.ifild47l.Yerir 1 I r ~.._ _. - _ ...._ I E lua r e , • ,i,OO $2,00 i',2,611\ $ ' u,OO $7,00 $l,OO 0'2,05 ' . - •' • --- ,' ' , ' l7, -: ' 1 ; Squares 2,00 8,00 •C,OO 8,00 12,00 18,00 • ' fialt - C01........, 10,00, 16,0007,00 1 22,00, 30,80 aO.OO . _ • • , . One Cel ...... ..I 18 001 20,001 :.'..0 001 40,001 60.00 9000 • _ .... Spccial Notices 15 ce is per line; Editorial or . ' VOL' Xlr . Yoesll2o cents per line. • , t i ,„ : • _ . v. • ...t, t BUSINESS DIRECTORY. _,.......-: • At. rp. TERRELL & CO., .„ . TfrohosA.I.E.DIIII,4OISTS, and deajere - it. Wall Paper, liluTOSeile Lamps, Window Glee Perfumery, Paints: dud Oils, &c., Ac. morning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1808.-Iy. lity ltiL 11..1 A 311 J. SBII3IIII, I _..„...„ _,_ _,. ... ATTORNEY ANT/ COUNSELOR AT LM' PirL.C.' insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, ?Jail, ,C,&eats Street Wolisboro, Pa,., Jan. 1, 1568. __-_ _ - - S. P. IV;tt,ston. J. B. Thins. WILSON & N ILES, • A.TTORNOYS t COUNSEIORS AT LAW. 'First door from Bigoney's, on the Avaituo)- Will attend to business cotrusted 'to their ear., it the eountiei, of Tiog,a and Po ter. ' ' Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1868. ' . ..-. UP - - • ...0 in " RILL'S HOTEL 4 1 ~and - - wES CII.ELD Bormigh, Tioga . qq. PA., E. G. 1 ' iltll, Proprietor. A new and commodiont heading with all the modern improvements Within easy drives of thebestihunting and MA log grounds in Northern Persieui. Conveyances furnished. Terms moderato. I • . Feb. 5,1868-Iy, , GEORGE -WAGNER., " A ILOR. Shop first do"or north of L. A. Sears't. Shoe Shop. Cutting, Fitting, and Repair., ing done promptly and well. I I Wellshoro, Pa,, Jan, 1, 1868.-ly. t ~' .IFOIIN B. SHIA USPEARE, ST ATI ONE11:17, it RAPER :AND TAILOR. Shop over John R. Bowen's Stoie. .",... Cutting, Fitting, im}d to Repairing done promptly and in best style. 2en Wollsboro, - Pa...Ton. 1,1868--1 y clot WM, GARRETS6N; iON• ATTORNEY AND COUNSBLOIV AT LAW, ous s Notary Public and Insuranco ,Agent, BIoSS- Oe:vrt. burg. Pa, _ever Caldwell's Store. _ i t equal -----i....; .TOIAN I. MITCHELL Wake 4 VTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATi LAW, trill eel 14., Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa. tall ads. Chain Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance ides to s Agent. lie will attend promptly to collection of t ranted as Pansions, Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary ieit a steal Politic ho takes acknowledgements ot deeds,•ad- sail pi rani ministers ortha, and will net as Commis:dotter to thiress, Li take testimony. ,W..1 - 0111ce over Boy's Drug Store, Ad ver adjoining Agitator Office.:---Oct. 30. 136 i john W. CatornsO l v, . tfTOR'NEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. !Livia, returned to this county Ivith a view of ' walling it his Permanent residence, solicits a rT , Atare of public patronage. All business on. I trusted to his enre will he attended to with 1 Mil vromptness and fidelity. Office 2,1 door smith VitioL of N. S. Farr'§ hotel. Tioga,lTlogo Co., Pa. ' 3 " tit sept. 26.'afr-tf. s grog. Well 4.Z4Ailli. WALTON 11010 SE„ ------- - ---- ----- - Gaines, Tiog; County, Va. SOHN EITNER. IltatkilE C. IT ERMILyEti, Paotoit. This is .1 new hotel loclited within easy access ul the best fishing and huntir , g grounds in North ern i'eansylvarlia. N - Q • pain.: OM be spared i•tr the accommodation of plea slim :seekers and the traveling public, , I Jan. 1, 1868.1 - ---t- PETROLEUM nou \ sr, - _.,i..coN - ~, ; V.TViVA,U, PA.., GEORGE CLOS.Lt:, Propri. . „ rlet i y r,.. 'mon A now Hotel conducted on the principle I p a , t of lire and let live, for the accommodation of I tho public.-Nov. 1.1,, 1866.-ly, 1 _- ) ari.). W. RYON , ArrohNILY .1:. COUNSELOR, AT. LA'', Law• rencevilio, Ti,go. Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension .1,1 tn,,uptueo Agent. Collections prompti: attended to. Office 2d door beloWdzord House Dec. it., 1547-ly_ ,,,,{ _ ....1 _.-. • IL E. OLNET • ui , ,ALER, in CLOCKS A JEAVE RV , SILVEt ittPLA KED WAKE, :Spectacles, *.iolin String 'Ac., Ac., Mansfield, Po. Wat,hos and de.. elry neatly repaired. lingravini done in plat English .ind Gurtuart, I,lsept67 ly. Thos. ..Z. Brydv.33 ) ' SURVEYOR A. ',RAF is.ilA:N.-Citoott, left._ lite rouin, 1. ownl‘entl. Hotel, NVi-libto.l'il, v.. wee( with prompt, it LictiLion. i Jul,. 13. 1:57.-u.I , i 'k , A. Mt 11011: 1 ...,, 'r - I 0 et ..1.., T.100.A. COUNTY, PA'. - , G 40,1 stabling, attached, and an attentive hem der always in attendance. ._ , E. S. FARR, . . . , Proprietor. - .. ~.. ~. Hairdressina• &, Sha.N.T illy% c Saloon over Willcox A. Barker's I btoro, Wolh- if 1 thew] bore, l'a. Particular attention paid to bailie: ir 1 io per 11 ar.ettt ling, S holm puoing, Dyeing, etc. Drat& ate. of ptt Pads, e.ots, nod kir 14:110J 011 hand and made to or en - I . - TI /er, way entint 11. IV. DORSEY. J. .3011;k1SON. =llB, D BACON, M . 11., late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, mite, nearly four years of army service, with a /arg, GA RY StionlenCe in field and hospital practice;ltas opened at taco for the practice of medieinn cud surgery, in al CI branches. Parsons front a distnoco coo hod A oot ego 011 i t i.oattlin g at the Pennsylvania !I n tel when deviled.- oily 1 hat ti.li'vilit any part of the State „in consultation, or t , Worm surgical operations. So -1, liniou Block, tu 'GR • 0 ditty. WoltsborO, Pa ~Alai 2,1800.-Iv. 1 ~ i. W eicTuitE (mbLER __ ..i , lin IL ito ny . o iris - ,i. : ~ t, , PRANK SPENCER i.t.ie . A citizens •t• the plon-are to inform the of !loin r ol el.) 41mity alit ha-has completed his i or a Is I' NEW , etioTouitAt , ii CADL al a coneEltY, roil is on hand to take all kinds of Sin Pictures, ilia. met to k tub rotypes, Ferrotypes, V i4mottes, Ca rtes --- __- tle Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pieture,.; also OE ) B piaticular attention paid to eopyin and enlarg-- . teovi Dm enlarg ing Pictures. Instructions given i i the Art on reasorrible terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1, try a gpr I'M, • '---------- • 1------- ' . ~ Wm. Is. Smith, ' I.IIIA ;ft, KNOXVILLE, Pa. Pen.sion, Bounty, anti In. inranee Agent'. Commithications sent to the anlity or tilt e fldro., Will receive prompt attention. ..aotp: _- 'Pettis in,,dmite. Liao li, 1868-Iy3 p; P• Ill'il .U. S. CLA.I.NI AGEN-CY, lox St .d, tiny S ISt Far the Collection of - ____ Army and Naty Claims and Pensions. InS ar . , S F4IL; 1. ut NUM BOUNTY LAW passed Jul",v 28,1860,givcit I \' , o sail tutee years' soldiers extra I bounty. 'Send ......--0........, /,' Tour divliargos. . I OFFICEILS" EXTRA /"..d Y. li'm, thoutto.' esti.. Yoiy peeper to velunteer ...Ricers `..., Sete in too Ore Va l eh 3, 19x5, / ' .1; A'S/ UAW, IS 0 R 8 A S E I , Loll 111,111,1. e lost a limb and two hove been perms imal) and totally di,abletl. All othcr Government claims prOgeelltea. - - JEN(AIE IL NILES. W e11,41 . 6,00.01t-r 10,1501-1 f . NORMAN STRAIT, c;ENT for ow National Stales ot titandaid ecliobl L A, na01.8; published by dl7. S. Barnes ic Co. ill A 113 . - • I S ll llsai, corner of John Street, N• 1.. l'itql , ' 3 " - m-' 4 "t 1. 1 •- I till supply. All ordets promptly filled. C , .11 on or IMrePS by mail, N. SldiAlT, mceola, Ps .Into 10 , 1807-1 i ---.....- --........_ BLACKBItITIIING. = ~ ~,-,,,,, . - T . RTE undersigned having returonh to Wells. ~• i I 'ill 0 * bore and opened his shop, ii, Water street, i 411 , • S ielieits a share of patronage. lie pr poses to di - ‘ ll O Ric O. 11 l' % A P t" ()-liCA S I . 1 - M B h 6 h - " horses $3,56 and other ii ..,;, ; 1 , 1 ,",,,,.. 3i lion. April V.). 1ttr,4,,-(lna J. w ~ i , ,, Ic , lii,,it 1, 1 7- P I TPATAVI T ir all Olt! Imst 111fIBIS1, ICATP,II C,r , re,meediali•rg .11“ver.nviit fur Garig 1111 ty Aug. ISQ. Tiomity ancl' Pension Agency . , letlnitt• nsi ruction , in regardin .etrt baa at). Mowed by the net approved .I q l v 2 i.lS4l,and h (Ainiton hand a largv unpply or all oc^stiry• bl tnkis. I Ain norm rp,l to proßeente all pen. 1"r , Ind ! ,, inn v wltitth may obteed in my P eNolls;iTing a ,Iktance can , onununteate wan in. by letter, mild their cointriantr4tioPP win 1, 0 11. ' 41 1 1 ' 21 Y •inßweiqd SMITH. We llaboro.iktober 24,1860. C. L. WILCOX, b.at cr in DPI' (3 nODS of all kinds, )lardvrare °niYankvo Our largo nod ['rico& law Stiani in 11111011 131 k. Call is gentles/Int.—WRY 20 160.8-4. • . . ,•,' I . . .. , . -, . .....„, . .. ...,,, .. . . .. . . - ';',.. 5. !'-..- '1! , .., V:..-,- ' . i . . . „ .-. . ' —, , , r;.7 .-- l ' 5. ;. ) ,..:? 77- ' < .4, 6 • , . . . -,- ,-.7.7. " ,, ,,,„ ; .. . . , """ ~,, r' e. "r.! .., ' r.: e , . • , / r ,„•,..,- ; , , r - , ,-------„ z-,c4 . ' +- J . JOBBING' D '._. t— The proprietors bay? stocked -- 1 .1: 1 'i 5 *,. r '',r - '-':' , .: 7, r .'l''.3 - ': . 4 :':' , . • . ... ' , ~; 1 . • ,-.: . „.,,,. •• -; 'l' 4 . \ . 4 4 ' , : ' ,.:,k?7427 !' '' ''t * •;"'. 4 -.) ... C• '.\ . - 4. ' i . V. 1 '-' o..iii i i t , . • 1 1 .• ,- ..... : . ' t .' , Z . . ) 11 \ .1„ 2 , ... ,.,,,, '.._ ,, ; Fc,.. ` . 4.;;; , , , ,, -- t. i l I / lt i' t '''''' ,'''. 1) -‘' • ' l': ' 11l - , ... - ' -: .1 - .. h l .: 1' , ..1 . „ " . ‘ `-‘, :i. ~ • •:, , • ~ ~.." . 4 . . ' l i, s .11 - ' • 46 1 . - \ -*, f . 11116 4l ...7 ,'? i : I' . \- 1 ‘,.. ' , 4' JOB AND CARD . . , 49 1:::o nc p w re: A l Yil :: : :: : : A ll es3 . :r u iP t; e :1 5 ; , ... -,;. i :.:, 1,, i l i , ::-..: , . ~ , . . I I : t t- t 1 -c. ' . .1 '' 11 :- •'- Il k ~.. t 4 ' .., ~ , • ' z. ..., : - ... ,,,, ... ..„..„,,,,,, - .. k i '-", i. , , ,/*7 ‘... , 4 ,-„.! ~,. r.„ \/1 ' , „ . „ •-f . -.77.N, \ 111 ( 1 ', ' '.4: :: ” ... ~ . . , A, , ~7 ?". 4 , ..' 6 ', , 4 ‘,.' . 'T, '; -•,,,, ','", - ,:....:•,1=','. ~7 1 71 : ?` . . POSTERS, TIANISBILLS OTTU CITY IttiilK BINDERY AND cBLINK 'BOOK 31ANtlilk i t i OgY, Daldwin Slrect, (SIGN OF THE BIG .HO'SE -- 0 - 21) rLoond EIENLIRA, N. Y. 01:Yri t pa..CPXZ`O z .. - . GOOL) ss .raj IiDST, Ceeac• As 'rue CUEAPEST. • BLANK. IiOOK.S Of erery'aeicription, in all styles el liluding, and as la r, for quality of Stack, as uny Milder; la the btato. Volumes of every deseriptieb Could in the best wanner and in any steylo . . ‘A.LL KINDS OF GILT WORK Executed in the best wanner. Old Backs re bound and nede good as new. X4&k22011M QOM PLETE 011 It SETS! 1 ILK! prepared to tarnish back: numbers of all Reviews or Magazines published ,in Oa? United States or Preat Britoil], at a low price. BLANK 1300 K & OTHER PAPER, Of all bizes and qunlitles, on band, ruled 'or - plain. •_ DILL IIEAD -PAPEF:, Of ii,ny quality ur size, on band and cut up ready for printing BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD at all colors and quality, in boards or cut to any eiZe. • Cap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelopes', Pens, Pencils, &e. I am sole agent for • Prof. SIIEPAMYS ..NON•CORE.OSIVE STEEL PENS, or VAIII(lUS stms, run L.Anins AND GENTLEMEN, Which T. I;arrant equal t,t) GOLI Pere. Tlie boa Su uto owa no Init,:take The above rtoek I will tell at the Lowest Itrites at nil times, at a small advance on Now York prices, and in quantities tki suit purchaser:, 41.il work and ti:outi. warranted as rt,proonteil. fretzpeetfully :elicit a share of public patrbn agl. Orders by mail promptly_ attended to,— Address., 1.1)UIS KITS, • Al verti2cr Building, . Sept. 28, IS6l.—ly. Elmira, N. Y. UNION HOTIIII, I . MINER WATKINS, Proiclt;EToft I_A NAN() fitted up a IIeNS hotel oo the Bite of the old Union Hotel, lately (14, , ,troyeAl by tiro, 1 Mil /lOW ready to reeeivo and, entertain gueldii. Linton Mud ve,ta iti(etnied ,for. a Ternpetnuce n 01190, and the Proprietor believes it ran he Rustaitied without grog. Au at tent ive 11,..411,r in attendance. IVellhbord. June '2(l,lSCei. Af t LUt( AM) WIT I En, hats opened a shop Claitun ar ut tic.trs & Derby'm shoe n keit he te prepaled,to manufacture par inchts tt, h" most rubsiantial manner, ant[ nith di-patch. utiension paid Is/14:n1.01,g:tn.] kitting. !,Hrel. 26; 181tSr-iy 11,1 111:1'0)c 110 USE, Ot; stilt:l.ly feuiperßuve :Nlorris Iti Pa. It. C. DAILEY, Proprietor.. fliase;.• and Curriagvs t., Ict.—Match 8,1863.—1 y„ E. IL KIMBALL, : GROCERY AND RESTAURANT) Oht, door above Meat Market, WELLSBORO, PENN'AS, R ESPECT.FtILLY anheunees• to the trading public that be has a, dv,ir. ble stuck of 'CV, COVlsrliCing, Year,'Colrcee, 6picee, sugar? tolasres, Syrups, un,l all dna eongtitules a 111.'4 stook. -03slersle every style at all . enable Insure. Nelkboro, Jan. 2, 1887-ti, .. c)c;sl,2Es crai I3lce.ooni 4 ; Excitvulow Johnson Impeached, uud En , i• Ifoootii anti Him , . II M1)4,1) . 111.0 The titscrilr , , ald nti to LIM tiVoilie ‘i vhlfivid nnif mg it I of w hick Ito belicto. -tal,n the following ;of vaiitntiti t blhet..; lh Nit 4 no crimping; 211, no wriuhlitig, gni they lre.ii the feet; :PI, no ripping. In jut,- 10 Ihlog for ever 3 hotly. Samples on Moot mill order dicitail. Solo right of Woiollelll lown.hip and 1101". ,t . Mett. llu tutu also, Swd, received It iqdrudid sot c. ,ttinort‘l Dtt.l.Vitynt, %Mott %tit. 'Com, kink:. comb all teal° tiound to veil clictip fur ea:Mint' ready pty. £4lOl no door ' , mall of liventlei s & Golegt eve. West fielit 'Soto', Feb. 13 1568. .1. It. 1:11/1111111. WELLSBORO -HOTEL IL GOI.I):_ 4 3IfTIL Proprietor.-- Having len:. t•ti Ibis Popular II )tel, the proprietor roe poet ,idly rtilicite a ffair alture.cif Ever; attention gicen - lo'guens. bfist hostler it the uourtty alt -n):‘ uttoltluuee: April 2U , iStlB,—ty. - - T1O(A GALLERY OF ART. Iwoaltt ret , Httqfully infnrin the eitivtena Ti ..ga and virinity; that have built riew PUOTOGIAPII • OALLMIY • o the Parch. h of Th.ga, and having a good_ enotvgrapittc Ai 0:1 in my tAnpin;,,,'tl mu non ()rep:at:a t., lurnn•ii all Ititak el PictureE known - u the ri‘on.gtapLie Alt. having in ivy 3wptvy f,(Jibtwr nl ti rat Painters, I ant tnepated to ,tlsn t-r anti rqr h ott:c,Eigli, car. trnatitental and seencry painting. Ad. irel•R A. B. MEADE. May-ti, Tittio. Pa. THE PLACE TO BUY DRUGS. A T the Lawrenceville Drug Stbre, where you will fing every thing properly'bolonging to the Drug Trade • ,CHEAP, .CH PER, CHEAPEST, and 1d the beet. (polity for Cin.-„h. Also, Paints. Oils, Varnisbeg, I,lll.pps, Fancy NotiOn.9, Violin Stringe, PiAing Tackle, Window (Anse, &c. Cash pa 11l lor Flax Sced, C. P. LEONARD Lawreneei ills , :gay S, 1667. - • GlenTs PA/Is Insurance Company, GLEN'S .y,).LLS, Y. Capital and Surplus $3 7 3,637,66. taken. Pre /tiltto I'otet4 Ittoireti. It ie 1,11.1E11.A L. It pays damages try Light tiltig, n heiher fire conic- or tint, It pip: for hue ,took killed by Liglitiiirii„in harm or in the fit.M. tire lnnrr tiiun other Companies of ulna) I. Agent, Farmington Centro, Tioga C,ti Pit. Nl,Ly 18117-.13, waLumn & LATIIROP, 11E.11-EftS rx ARM WON, STEEL', N STO VE,S; TLV- SIMS. MIER, N.TPR Carrimle and Trimtuinee : lIAILNVs.>SES, t4 . A11131.E5' , . e Cl.l nii g, N. Y., ja9.'2, IS(?—Iy. 11:iiihNESS RILEY, BOOT ANtI SHOE MAK ERS, Ore, 11714..1,' d• roll. 00“;, Mrif 6ZI PI Nt4jlll.l ... jjnooTs AND suoEs i‘f 3D hi):,),„: annat••;,:`,l indvi mid in the Leal lita I) her. -.--/- ItBPA Mt NCI of :ill - hinds done pivlpilz‘. end good, .; Give tit! 4 - call. ... ~ .. ... , ,, . 10111 , 1` IlAjtjclFS W\l. It ILIA. • Weliaboro, jail. 2, 18116 ly. • (41",0. W. :NT Ertlifel.c, j • r•JI:NEY AND CDUNSELT,OIt AT I.AW.i Tho above Ittmealos aro for eelo by Druggtate, H b;: q., Ma:ri .6treo r y Storekeeporp, null dealergorsvotymilacro .131utk, Welb,lit,ro, Pn, . throughout': the United States,: 'ault.tias, outl; July 15, 18021.. r Artenwat4 the Wean /1)111"4/6 *.ll' YN MMZI INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FM==SIMM HOOFLAND'S OEMANi:I:9F,EIp, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC , PREPARED DR.C. Jl. JAG ICSON, PIIILADZLIMIA. The &Tidal' known'teinedierfir Liver Complaint, • , ,P3E r PV,E;IZA) , • , ' • 1 ,;-' (JAUNDICE,' • Pizeaski' of ,the ,Kidneyo, ERUPTIONS of the and all Diseases arising - troop 11 ordered Ltvbr, Stomach, or - ,1 ;10,74ZA1T . ,!0:Z :az ppp, Reac~me ;knowing aymptonilti and iryou find that your system, is affected by any of them, you may rest. • assured that disease has commenced ite attack on the most important organs of your body, and unless soon checked by the use of powerful remedies, a miserabte Z(fe,spn term(nating in death, wig be (Ice result, • • Constipation; Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Ilead,Acidity of the. Ettoinneh, Nauseg, nort - burn;DiegUst for Vood.FilltießS _ or Weight the i3tomacb ; . - Flour Eructations. Sink- • ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Harried., Diillcult I Breinthltig,:rlutteilngt.tit the Heart, , - vhoking or iciuffotiating Sensations when in a Dying Posture, Dimness of 'Milan, Dots or Webs;boloro tho Sight, Dull Pain in the Hoag,Defi ciency of Perspiration. Yel lowness of the Skin. and Eyes, Pain in- the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Croat Depression of Spirits. All these indicate disease of the Lim? or Digestive Organs, combined with impure blood. iroflaitb ,o - C ettrialt - Bitteto is entirely vegetable, and contains no liquor. It is a comp IL of Fluid EY. tracts. The Hoots, Herbs, and Barks from which these extraCts are made are gathered In Germany. All the medicinal virtnes,are extracted from them by a seientille chemist. These extracts are then forwarded to this coluttry to be used expressly for the manufacture of these Hitters. There is no alcoholic substance of any hind used in cotnuoiroding the Bitters, hence it is the only Bitters that can be used in eases ;where _alcoholic stint- , Wants are not advisxbre. • ijcioflanb'ri ecrinait panic is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, WO PURE Santa Ch•uz Rum, Orange, etc. It is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in cases where some pure alcoholic stimulus is required. .31 - at will bear fit mind That Meet remedies arc entirely different front aqy ahem ,adveerlitesi, for, lid cure of the dkeasel 'fita t tphes M e beftWeteldf:tiain'ellarittion mediqqa/1 20tite e' belier":: hre'itrAw thcactlons 'of ram in tome form. The TONIC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever qtrercd to the Public. its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasuree it, while its iving, exhilarating_ nod medicinal qualities hare caused at lo be known a:" the irea;ett of all tanks. Thousands of elsocin ~Nv hen the otn. • tient supposed Ate Vette afflicted with title terrible disease, have been cured by the nee of 'these remedies. Extreme emaciation, debility, autt COMO\ are the usual attendattitc - upon uevere - citifes of tlyspepesin or Mucus° of tile digestive organs. Even in cases of -genuine C9lkeitiniptionfthesc remedies • 130 folind or she greatest benefit, intrengthening and Inc tgarai low, JZ.,r is An ;incrlitN:a4 alaal 4, HiNtitand's Certra (talent 61. 'hail; Ili t.a. ,, e.A De'4lil 1'1,0,11 impart a kale: azut Va <,rperzn, sts , v , pl4 , ll, (4 0 - ae caase. in rt!iaglilellt Of the• yard, ,010bli flee sf.nmod; deg 4SL. tf., "th.•14,0e., giro a paad. 1{)(1/, 1 1 ,41 .47 , Y the 21410)0 liege //OM AP rye, iinpnrt hi n , ,,n ter the , elo,:lo,yma change the pat emaeial,d, weak, air/ a, er,ma• j,,,,fifd, ti and ri:j?r• r4rJo/l. Weak and Liblieate Children are made s row; lry tt.sittg tGie Bitters or Topple. 11l fact, they' are Family Metticinef.. They can be admiabit eyed "- srlt it perfect safety to a chi/t1 three »)023t)1S the tapgt del tea fe female, or a matt 1101. Y. ..„ - - . s , , ?'a! R' 7,l Celled,a):€,Ae beet 13loocl Purifictr erer I,nnuw , coal will cart all disrints re. , 1111;n0 ,from Oa' Mord. Keep ,your blood pure hvp your Liver in ardcr; levy, your digestive organs in a.soitnri, hatitfry 1i00,1 , y Ue we of these. rimzectics, and no dircase wilt ever P,Csail you. ' TZ-Z.Lri 00.1, , Z"Za2.1 ZZOII. Ladles AVIIO wish a fair skin and good complexion, free from a yellow- , ibis tinge other disfignretnont, shontd-use these rentedieS,Cticeatkilan-• 111 _perfect 6rtler,tilmitt the blood pure, will result in sparks , ling eyes and blooming eiteeks• Gernecza Remedies, are cozoilerfeiteel. t The pen nine 71,11 T si.rpifrture if C. 01. , Tl(ehao) 4 krii. .frcynt nt the r.vleirle7vrapprr'of eack bottle, and tie name of ate allicfc brown in vide Gortk. Aft other's , -,•»? roulg.oleit. . , Titoitsatifin or lettern leave been ceivetl, teat ifyiligtotite virtue of Mena remedies. READ THE RECOMIENDATIONS, FI 081 !lON. GPO. W. WOODWARD, Cl!jet Ju,st ice of theS,l,ln ono 43 !2 , 01%rt of ,rOIIIIIIyIIIIIIILL. PHIL,IIIq.L.IIIIIA 1.601,3 W, I.find ".110 , 91Linti'S C.C l ')/ZWS not'an b , ecruge, but .r.; a food useful in disom derA of the digrqicc ',roans, and of meal brnvlG in cas - o of debility and wane of no•voits action in the gysteln. Yours truly, 01:0. it'. 11'0001PARD. ' , FILD:11 )1(),14` . . Ji.3I,I',E•4:I,IIOMI'SON, Judge of the Sup:owe Cow t of reflusydyttoin. • r Irsl.l.VuojAilitr, 7.3ar,'1860 1- 0011il (der {f Vloiniantlls German Bit terse a valuable , pierlicliie In cake of at tacks of ItuLtgcst ton: 0i , .....D.,y.5pcp51a.'1 , ,7 can celdtlfyi this ftotn vasi c*p t erienOe write . , "-Vorurs,vc-ftin'rekraccti TIIONIPSON. Blom JOSITII 11. D.D., , Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Chinch, Phihvlelphla Da..TAC 1:,111:c—th: tr. ,!tr hate been/pig uentty . • itilmie;kith4l'eConKtetitiodionenY • fitedicinie•; bttt rrp . ardttiq fre'freattice' as o• ut of my appropriate sphere, I (alive in all casts de.- • ; but with a dear proof in various instances, and particulmly in my mon final ly, of theitivflanes3 of Dr. Irogitand's German Bitters, I drpurt for once from Iv ststal course, to' express my fail convictiNi that for general debility of the system. and eipoclally for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable Lticeptration. In Souse cases mai/ fail ; but usually,'l doubt not, it wilt be very beneficial to those who suffer front (he above causes. ]our;, very respell: S orb, Eighth, • J. IL .'ll`.Anb, Eighth, below Coates Se. Price of tho Bitters, $l.OO por bottle ; • Or; a half doloa . for 06.00. - Price of the Tonio, $1.50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7.60. no Tonic Is put up In quart bottles. Rccollect.thal,iA s it Dr. Ihrlfigulf 1. german Renteciiei elm?ttnicier golly meg roe ri lea ighly rectrouria4-' ectr : lind . do not *111,t1) 1 111c Druggist foliiduc4 pou t tO take any thing 'lee Mat he may say is:pal - a., gowl, Le tame he maker a larger pry It en U. Three Remedies wilt be sent by up, cis to unit Locality upon app/icatimi CO the .0113. • AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, CEA-Er;tl'; EIVANg, limVprlettirs Formerly C. bi. JACKSON & CO. • , These Remedies are for sale: by Druggists; Slor - ebeelperi", and nine Ven/ers its,Fryirhere. • Do not forget to examine well Jlu article you buy, in adar`toyet the genuine.‘ • • gib *Who .A.sitadticyzi 'off' i rkmakii.mixt itho 3E3 vtrlosicla2xL." si 9 14. , I=W MI 1,' , " CONSUMPTION 1 ..ii4.Bzrayiu - CA XI 'X" XOB4 . PRINCIPAL OFFICE, ME YELLSBORO, PA., NOVEMBER 4, 1868. guff Corner. " TEACJECA'R'S BEvuriv.". • As the weekly ohurobliells tolling, Tells that time's vast Wheel is rolling, - Bearing Sabbaths in"succession, In ftineral•prooessionA: O'er Eternity's wide river, Tu'the region, of _forever. 3Choolbelka lighter ringing, Young immortals bringing, , Rath a voice as full of meaning, Hinting of the future gleaning, When the seed that now is sowing, ' Shall - be stout and fruitful growing; • Hinting of the tare; and warning Least they choke tho wheat at morning, Through the slackncs9 of tlni sower, Thus I choose my schoolroom door. • Siriptuieread, and prayer repeated, - All my flock before MO seated, Still I stand a moment gating; " • - Silently - my weak •heart raising To tho Teacher up in.lleaven. Asking that His, aid bo given T'Uough the day. And nuw arcl taken -1136%ks.and slates; and I lutist waken, For the minds of bLesc immortals, Zeal to enter Wisdom's portals. ,Calling fort class, I notice - In his seat, sits gentle Otis; Sad, and very pate, his face is. 'All his class aro in their places; But - why.plays ho thus the laggard? Why that childish face so haggard ? Brief his answer; Oh! they've taken My poor mother I- Vui forsaken I Crary---so they called her; Mother 1 O 1 my Mother I Mother I Mother Words I've Pone fez. consolation. Is it 'neath a teacher's station, Thatony early loss recalling, Fast my, own hot tears are lAlling ! .• But, again, when all aro busy - With their books, t spy sweet Lizzie, With her dimpled face so smiling; My rebuke almost beguiling. Two fat hands clenched o'er each other, Strive the truant laugh to smother. . Following her eye's direction, - All now catch the strange infection. Pat Qiiin's goat, a roguiph sinner, Searching for it tempting aihuer, In the entry finds a' basket; And, nc'er stopping once to ask it, Thrusts his nose in, thro'it driving Both, his horns, and. his striving To release himself from trouble, Only tends to make it double. Such mad pranks, such capers, antics, * Cots his goatship, almost frantic, • As when seen, the eunninglcroature Drings a roar from school rind teacher. Day goes on, my heart see'ving i Lessons more than it is giv ug; Leisons front each childish sorrow Which I pray ho coming morrow D'er may banish—lessons learning Which assist roe in discerning how untaught is my weal: spirit; * Making we distrust and fear it; Showitigtuo its constant needing Of the Heavenly Teacher's leading. 'Ohl ler wisdom learned from Heaven, That litrc. ! ' lirranEss and affection, i t may. give a safe direction To tNese little minds expanding, Dailk into understanding. Blessed Saviour, do thou teach us, Let thy guidance daily reach us. In our little schoolroom) snaking • 1 'Old and young,tby grace partaking, Willing learners. Gently lead us, To that school where thou will feed us, With pure wisdom, ceasing never; There to learn of Theo forever. :I. I. A. Clinton, Feb. 213, ltiCtl. ._. * IL:cited a znozLagaaptable manner by Miss Ntin;a:llurton, of Knbx.rillo AcadeinY, " tuo Tcoc:rgi o' ItYatttuiv beta at that I Voce. J. F. C. GE9RET , MARTIN'S WIFE. 13Y'A IiANDOLPII 'An aunt froui .tiro country! Oh, George I ean, never eudure the inftie- Lion '' Duilly Penford paused in her,pecupa tion of fastening blue ribbon upon the crown of a jaunty , straw bonnet, 'for Emily was hut a girl, ' pretty and .graceful though she was, .and Just at present - she was doing "extra work," to earn tnoneY'td buy sundry articles of dregs, termed by . ladies a "trouzscau." ',Vor EMily Pentord was eugaiged Jobe Married atm the stalwart,' nobly framed young man who sat beside her, care lessly ..playing with her spools and scissors, and tape-measure, was George Martin,.who would hardly at that mo ment, have exchanged places with the Urowii Prinde of Russia. What though lie was but a journeyman Carpenter? did'nt lie some day look forward to the dignity of a shop of his own? and was lie not strong as Vpican, .and handsome as Apollo? And more Ulm/ this, had not pretty. Emily Penford promised to be Ms wife? , • . George Martin looked at the gathering cloud on Emily's forehead with con siderable perplexity. -"Well, llinmy, I'm sorry myself ; I know it woold be far more pleasant to live by ourselves, but my poor old uncle is dead, and Aunt Bridget is all alone in the' world; and I Somehow feel as it were my (hay to make a home for the old lady. You see, lam the •only , .relti• tion she has ekcept Cousin Isabella's folks,- and they utterly - refused - to be burdened with any such -piece of anti quity." 1 "They aye' a great deal better able to afford it than, us," pouted Emily : "Better able? of course they are, but I've always, found through life that it lenot'alone Lilo best 'best able' people who are willing to assume the duties and responsibilities. The matter is plain enough—lsabella and her hus band decline to do - ,anything for Aunt Bridget, and I can't see the old . lady homeless, or in want, so long as I have a cap to drink, or crust to eat. Eio I haVe, - written.to her to come and live With us, as soon as we were married." , "Without consulting me?" ' "Without consulting you—for there was no time,to be lost, and I knew my little Etnily,would not fail to acquiesce in ‘ ‘'Vhat; .1. "considered best. There's Plenty of room you know, for I have , rented a whole,iloor, and—" `!There will be plenty of room," said -Emily, with her cherry lips compressed in a manner George Martin had never beforti-Witnesz.ed, and her blue eyes sparkling, with ominous light, "for if your' Aunt Bridget conies to live in that hou'se,,l'pevt:i'hhit." 1 , "ErnilY; Why my darling*" ','Don't call me your darling," said Emily,i impatiently, withdrawing her hand trout George's grasp. "A man 1 wtso„watits to borden-Jhis wife's home 1 with disagreeable, old fashioned rela i Lim ' s, against her , wi , lies-a man who is so, settinnly iouonsfiierhte with regard to - his 2 wite's eomtort, should tie lime 1 Bp:sting of - Ili, aileetumate terms.'' ',.'.(..h .one l'inig )oil luny he &Truth'', (lOrge Martiu, I ,liat I not marry „pat_ )11 .1)0'P -to Wally .\ ou Unlit alm , :' ' Ueorge itaikk tl,iii to the petty, imlig i- nattto-P,teQ with a grieved and stat tied 1 i,.%/1;., . iii—otte 'who' has of teXpeetetily i fottilti h 4‘)111 ifisetajo the heart of arose. - Emily, I can't giVenp.iny old hula,— i illy him ii. r's °illy sisi et:, s rii- - tro---bt.i . glit her nil; add hestowed more thanparrr nal',,,e dpoo her, while quite young. , ' "Vet y welt—then of course -you are prepared to give toe tip ?" "Do you mean to say, Emily, after all our allectien, the wvelts of our en , - gafiitciit, qie, happy evettitigh we hive' i spent together, you ‘votild ezist we a wa2,., i rutimAluxu rau.i:u.the tritiluti, ittlexitive A ask T. Do you mewl that I elan uhder stauct you thus, Emily 2" “4.1. 410.11‘,.. ~), "Then I have- read' yout , character wrongly, all along, and suppose' our engagement is at amend 7" - suppose'so too,'.' said Emily, trint tniag.oir the ravelled edges of a, ribboi: fiow,' with a timid thut :never trembled the least. ' .• . "Good-bye; Emily—l suppose, now, 1 ought to say bliss Penford.' *Good-bye, 11r,Martin." Honest George went down the stair way'ivitii an odd, stunned , feell ng,soon, alas, to resolve itself 'into :active pain. I('the world had suddenly turned Reelf the wrong way; and themnr•-unexpect edly risen - in the , west,'''he• could not have been more puzzled, confused or bewildered. If Emily.—the Emily . lie he had deemed so perfectly- faultless— wail essentially selfish, then the world was a humbug.' ! • ' He went home to the' common, little third-rate boarding house which he had soon hoped to change fora 'cozy home of his own.' Jenny White, the landlady's step-daughter, -met biro at the door, • "You're too late for tea, George, can get you a cup in no times" said Jenny, wistfully. She was a fair,. deli cate looking girl, with grave l i 'broWn (3ye l and hair crushed Smoothly, away from an oval face.l "Thank,yon, Jenny, I feel' ' tird,and faint," said George. "But what's the matter? You've been crying!" "Oh it's nothing," h4id Jenny, trying to restrain an involuntary sigh; "only' mother is so hard with me, and—and— she said - to-day she conic' licit supping, Me any longer, :and I Must, go out sewing:" "It's a shame," said George warmly. As. Jenny lightfooted and skillful, moved about setting plates, moving cupS, preparing a little supplementary meal for his b_enent,',lie thoUght how thrifty,, and careful, and industricusfahe was—ho'w the roses on her,pretty el4ek were fading through over-work, -and lack of necessary recreatien. 'And" be wondered that he bad never before ob served how pretty Jenny White really was! "I dread the change very much," said Jennie;meekly, as she pettred out George Martin's cup of tea. 'My hoMe has not been a very pleasant one, - since father died—it breaks my heart to think of having no home l" IfJenny White had been a herelae of sdme novel, she would have burst into a storm of grief at this juncture, but as it was ; she winced very . hard, an d kept back the tears ! "Jenny," said George Martin, with a sudden inspiration, "you're a good little girl, and I like you very much. .11 you'll marry me I'll make a home for yowl" And within jupt about a month "of that rainy April evening, Mr. Martin installed Jenny White in the "second floor" lie had rented : and furnished', with reference to another taste, and looked with a pleasant smile, at her brighi.enraptured face. "Oh, GeorgS, how beautiful this Is," she:"exelaitued, with her. brown eyes, fu ot happy brightness. "And how, sntig—even down to the g'araniuni plants in the window I Dear George how thoughtful you have been!' And 1 st.rdi giad w 1,011 :,‘ ! ,,ur tiridttel Comes 1z_144.4* nu , rho/puny lit 1111; long days when you ure - Do you thinii she will like to live with Inc. George?" "61,e would he 1)1()1e, than mortal, li she did not, ,, said George, looking ten derly down upon the, VOIJWII 411 little being, and mentaljy eontnuating her with Einily Pen lord. ."People cannot. help likina you, Jeu,hy." "The hot bread is very nice, Jenny but I - like Graluun crackers," said Aunt Bridget ; anti the Jts!) b111•6b1)1.`li 160 highly, resides I think there is rye or peas, or something in the eolree—ican't drink such trash l can wake ,you a cup of tea in a minute, Aunt Ilridget." "No, no, ehlld—the tea George buy:, ain't What I've la:en aecubttaned to. And.l wish you'dhave the eon) stove taken out of my room, and an airtight wood put in." "Yes Aunt Bridget.t! "And 'Jenny, confusion, to my head to lieu you singing about the house. I wish you'd leave it •.11." "I Will stop, Aunt Bridget, if it makes your bead aehe.." . "Tain't : that alone, sighed the Old woman but the pisen air of them ger anium plants kindo' sets in my lungs:" Jenny cast a regretful look at her favorite flowers, all flushed with ambles of beautiful scarlet bloom. "I will send them around to my step-. mother if they annoy Aunt Brid get," said Jenny, meekly. And sothey lived. Aunt Bridget was oldfashioned, cross and whimsical, iu fact, a daily crown of thorns, but she was George's, aunt, and not for one in stant did Jenny fail in her dutiful for. bearan ce. Once, Emily Penford meeting young Mrs. Martin in the street with her aunt, went home to have a good laugh at the old lady's expense. "Such a fright," said Emily—"a poke bonnet, trimmed with snuff colored satin; -- and, a hideous - brown 'pongee dress, without a sign of eri neline ! I'm glad I didn't marry-George Alartin, nor this odious uld backwoods_ aunt People say she haq a good deal of prop erty laid up, but 1. can't see any symp toms of it.!' But the, tine came w hen Jenny was destined to be still mory severely tried. Aunt 1 -Bridget' fell sick, -and grew more petulant, irritabla and exacting than ever—but when she died, with her head on Jenny's arm, the girl thanked Heaven, that she LW been gentle with her to ie last! "Jenny," said George, With dim eyes, "1 should not soon forget this or deal through which you have passed." And Jenny was sath , lied—to'her mind, her husband's approval WaS the sweet est guerdon she.eould know "Here is Aunt Bridget's in a leather pocket book, under her pillow, George—she told :ne where I should find it," said Jenny, LL little while sub sequently. "Will you please to take charge of it!" George glanced over the quaint and format dot:nowt, tWI Lb a, rather tail lutoe smile on his nice. "SIR! leaves you lier wardrobe, Jenny, More pal tit;ul. s trty tier In oN+ n rongt diet_ssf. Ali ltnporthnt bk.(juvA \d ell poor, olci tliitq. l ., it %% us ail 2-i.e load to 11 10 Ow rag t.t , .1 ell y its give it 10 ..nottle "111l1kT.T. 1t.V.41c1111 l'ultitnt4 op lilt: aocivot gartoeot.l pot It it , .t ay and I:eup 1t f 0 2 ., Aunt 1. .1" ••1,,,i“..10t ;$OO wcil f e d Vt ry t:atil;% 1111.‘. %.%; hill all have :aitt I.3t:t),•:t: Siartto, illt g UVity. " 1 WWI - it tile} tit ensue to the tunetul i3iit nobody n•ilo . ,‘ (.41 pour ttltt ;1,(111t. 13401 : 4e! to liltt• arc, ol Celt outi, exc kt iii ai l tl kte:t4t (14,wit 11.'10 on uw_ tire, i,t the ‘vyrltl, anti licit, \Veit.) but leis* Lc; nomp - its fall pa-i,ed el,—anti the littio round ClIC( , :'!'0 24.41tt:,,111. "IL • Ltlitio u; itivt,c; ) tU ;ce:i fivb; Attie children," said he cheerily as he vomited out the market fends, for his thrifty wife, '.'hut there Isn't one of 'em we eOuld spare, eh, Jenny?" But when, one dreary 'November evening, he was brought home ou shutter crippled and helpless for mouths, from a full from the scaffolding, poor GeOrae thought the future looked, very au:promising,. "it's for you and the children I'm worrying,' lie said, to his wife; "we haven't laid up a cent, though we've always lived comfortably, and now Jenny, I don't see what is to become of "Cheer up, George," said the little woman; bravely ; well enough. know - of a place where they will give vests to make, and .i can sew the evenings l" "What, sew in the evening; after you have worked hard all day lung for me - and the children:" "I..shall not mind it, George!" said Jenny. 'Dear me, its nothing to the work L used to do before we were mar ried!" - So Jenny ltept the household pot boiling by her own individual exertiony —made and mended, and patched and darned with unceasing patience." Why Jenny, said George Martin, as he lay on his couch watching her busy dugers, 'surely that is Aunt Bridget's Pongee dress Isn't it?' Jenny laughed. - 'Well, you see little Kate need o a new dress to appear tolerably (Went at school, and as we have nut the money to buyone, 1 thought I would just rip up Aunt Bridget's bequest, and (3, , what I could du with- See—it is quite fresli and bright oh the wrong side, a little old fashioned, -to.---be sure, but Kate won't mind that.' As Airs. Martin spoke she cut the lining away from the skirt with her skillful scissors. "They made dresses very curiously in old times" said she smiling, 'the lining is elaborately quilted in oblong bloeks, itud 'see—it is covered with bits of brown paper inside.'' 'Brown paper? let me see, Jenny.' , said George, suddenly remembering,the numberless eccentricities of his aunt, and vaguely fancying he did not knoW what,—'why they arc really bank notes, child V • • AO they were bank-notes—fives, tens; twenties,—even fifties ! The lin= lug of the old Pongee dress, was literally covered with them, neatly sewed in, so as to be completely concealed from view, rof the last few years of her life, Aunt Bridget had been a walking forte-monnate, and Jenny no longer marveled at the feverish anxiety she was wont to betray about the brown 'gown' as she called it, at night. "Well this is curious enough,' said George, 'we can now account for thew fleeting rumors of her wealth which we ianeled So erroneous.' • 'How niutth is there, George?' clues } Lions the bewilderelt Jenny. *There cannot be less than three or four thou:and dollers,' said the husband— see—here is a hundred dbllar bill elwe to the pocket 'Ali, Jenny Aunt Bridget had a mean ing when she wade the will bequeath ing to you, her truest friend andlteuder• est nut:-e, Ow old brown Pongee dress? I am glad now that I did not destroy :he. tattier. I wonde i r•whatlsabelfaamid her ItUntialtd will :Say 'George' Jcun y, reverently, 'I think Ciod r itug E•ent 146 this money hi our time of need. had not enougl, left to !lay the rent, and I dared not think about the doctor's bill.' -The tears of frequent gratitude 'came into her eyes us he spoke. Little Kate a lleW drei,S to Weal :•ciloOrnut I. was not, I,llt. loW Pongee, Jennie Martin tteasored that up to tneniorA. la old Aunt Bridget; while Endly reoford, Cott.in and that ehiss ot* people, all exclainlea with one accord: • 'Who would have supposed such t thing possible?' As if fact were not often times las stranger than lictton .! [Fur die Agitator:] MADISON% Hav!ng reside:.' for a year and a halt in the West, several ntonthS of that time having been spent in Madison, \Vis., I ant tempted to.furnisli a briet description of that beautiful city an your eolutn us. Madison is located it) the southern part of the State, in the midst of a circle of silver-shining lakes —faithful mirrors of the ever vatiable skies. The sOeets of the city are lined with trees, w hese dense foliage in sum mer's prime gijve the town the appear ance of a city in the forest.. The Cap itol is it tine 'building, situated in the center Of a large park shaded by lofty trees, in whose leafy b •wers the notes of bird-songs are heard through " the mazes of concerted song." Among the the notable public charities is the Or plia47 Home. a huge and handsome structure, the insane Asylum. and in a vet.; commanding situation, the State Univ , rsity. There are many lioe)resi dencts, the inhabitants are social and intelligent, and strangers are sure - of a ljospita , le welcome. "The State Jour nal," Republican, published in Madi son, is a high-totted, substantial paper, with a large and grow'iug circulation. The seet - iery around Aladison is'very bei.utiful. One lovely morning I took a ride into the• country with frivntls. The sky was elondlqs ' and the lands seape w as carpeted witsbrig,h test green. Ascendipg - tin eminence, the city lay beneath - us, clasped by__lts cincture 01 bright lakes, fringed with — woodlands and brilliant lawns, combining, to form a picture of surpassing loveliness. I was entranced; cares and trifles van ished into thin air while gazed, and slowly,-but with subduing power, pure thoughts crept into my heart, anti the stormy passions of Earth for a time were forgotten. • It beemed as though Nature had shed o'er the tee/113 tier purest, of crystals and brightest of green." Again—l wits gliding smoothly over one of the lakes itt a light row boat in company with friend:4, when one di rected our attention to theslty. It, war more goigeous titan the brightest tir l eam of the ,inspired artist. and tilled our souls with wotsltlpt. incline faded hut lea its iniptyssion on our heat ts, rt anotitog of the otontpotence and oi l slivakable glory of titto who mane all things. MLtui,on grated in muter, when it, ktvottleti Incite vt2,l)lotki elli N Intl the 141( , litt. ill :•11/11111g, Lk.ll; jiValiiiig gum: . V \ rsiolli; tip o.ccooligl‘ h . .‘ Illogic, \t hut} '%c1,1 l.l:ulltti, 111 u' " tie LIto " - raplt.ll.), ttto.l vazhturti IA:1111,0. I, I:- not that 1.1111 oil.' lit ZtUlt culit,latita kir h ea lt h , ano itapplnct-, A \t'e-tei 11 4.!..1101' 1cil1ail;8 that . gilitl to evolve Illarrity..e tilic,tz, 111.11 t it42' , 421i11t.c),.ti f i tlc LA! 4- a : 11 :u4l 11 4. .11k• slit., lull move.LLi rA,olleti iu till, Whatevcr the end (if man., eO.ll ,tw no) (,) u t,t \\•• .t 1, ) 1 1:2- 1 1:1 11 “: CIA eftrly t.co : • Ll,a; ;Lk: 61 01110,/t It, IMMI SUCH • PRETTY FEET. • Two ` r; en I - ) einen wore Lounging or Broadciftiy, one fine spring afternoon \ Suddenly one of Ahem turned to hi: companion and exclaimed : "Egad! Hall, look there! • Who h she?". " Be still, shell' hear you." And Dick gave his friend tin im promptu (lig with his elbow, as an en joinder for bilence. A lady was approaching them—a 81en• der, coquettish little figurc.—clad in t gray walking suit. ents.•talently to expose a pair of feet eidereda hersel might have envied; a black beaver bat and blue veil concealed her head 11111, face. And she actually carried lieu hands in her Porkvbs. " 'Whew 1" Or/cult/tell Didlt. mire her audacity 1" The wind played hideund seek with the veil and at lust, afteri several unsuc cessful attempts, ln,re it iproudly aloft and it disappeared from vi win edia Lance. " What pretty feet )-1 m lttered Ton. unconcions . ly, al° d. The owner of the of is of his ad' miration turned her ItE(.e toward, and flashed an indignant glance from her great dark eye:., and her face red dened to the roots of her hlair.• " There, stupid !" cried Dick, an• grily. ';you've put ;your feet in it now." But it was altOgether too late to re• pent now. She had evidently heard the remark, .for she walked haughtily pas, them her head erect, her eyes blazing, and the "peetey feet" coming down upon the pa:vement with an indignant ring. Tom drew himself up to, his full height, and eNelaimed ; Hereafter, Diet; Ilall, please to re• member that at hume; I am Thomas Grange, arid lam decidedly averse to pet names. You address me by that cognomen V' " The deuce!" was the cool reply. "Do you know-. who she is? queried Tom. _ "'Visitor at titA.A.davasrs, I believe; a sort or country enasi n." "j And deehtedly the prettiest, sauci est;: pirree of dry goods imagialtblel" cried Tom, entimwtically. crud you. get me introduced by some menus or other?" Dick shook his head dubiously, and replied: " I,think it would lie impos sible. The family leave'town this week. I understood they were going to sail fot Europe, Thursday, to the Sept Bird." "Bother!" ejt.eulated Toni. And, linking h tlrm through that of his friend, they t,auntered Unek to his hotel. A. few weeks after that, and Torn had departod Fairtidd, a little epun try village, wherein resided a' maiden aunt, who had deeLaTed him to be her Heir pro:Tect i ye. After the first greetings were over be tween Tutu and his worthy aunt, shii• asked: . " Ain't married yet ?" " Wasn't the Itt,t accounts I had," was the dutiful teply. "Any ;Igrl.s?" clueje(l the inquisi tive " I don't know what you mean" bti sigu6. If you mean that I gaze at th 111(11, tzigh d:•te:"1.:11y, and wake: a geu end fool of why, I think hot tan Otuu utiotli:ndit,z; IsitLeo, Chet kaltoly ell the cog before tit " Yon unclaciosn _.... , hrieket) hi. aunt, gill:pin s ; the injui'ed feline run ..,efzing the !hiker, Thei i'll :;tip. never meant t, hurt her," then vu - I'll wring iluz neck the tir6t oppor witity." Alter rose ap();(N.fie-: 011 t 0 part of Toni, anti wore r.oothin 4' on the part o: the old ound, applied p) the eat, the.‘ itIA tint (loven ngtlitt 21, ColnPar/10V* (jUiet. Npiustcr "'Thera is the 111(x:4 1;h - 1 over the " Wan t any nicegld," he inter 1.71 A •d. " Don't, eh?" u, wit'a in—nOt any l" emphatic he. " Boy:, don't know what they want.' " Alen do." " Bahl 1. tell you !here's the prettleb "confound the whole tribe of fe wales, Old nod y,,u ug—" His aunt Nicer! he, - finger - warningly, ankl, in dse,pela' ;on, seized his but 91111 left the roii,. lie strolled doxn towards the creek. which ran Close by his aunt's residene. A ,s he nutter] , ';l.ive, through which tt paied, lie thought he heard cried help. , Directly before Mtn, fact in the mud, t was a ieniale, hei hie° beplasteredwith the precious article, and her hand: vainly grasping- at the roots of trees, which grew on the With - , endeavorhq.: t- e tricate truth her painful and ludicrous position. To assure her of his assistance was one thing; to give it wag another. (4 rasping with one' hand a blt,-7..11, lie extended the other to her, ufic ;„ovevettel iu touching the cud of his lingers. Tom forgot and swore a Ii oath ; hut that did not mend the matter in the least. Aacr many attentpis he at last grasp ed her arm, and utter the most unpai el !clod exertiotw, lauded her on the bank. Toni glanced at his pantaloons, which had been so immaculate in their purity that morning, in 61:-illny. There was mud on his chitin's, mud on his faiev, and mud on his inmds. He looker) at his companion, anti then, despito good breeding, burst into an uproari shout of laughter. F.iheldid ,not app tar to be at all pleased with his mirth, mitl turned : up lid' muddy little nose in con tempt. Tom saw her displeasure, and attempt ted to apologize: " '.l.llll)4ltie I ought to let 3 , 0 u laugh to your heart's content, after rescuing we from that awful predicament," said she, a little crossly. , " Oh, h(t, by any Aicans, -Miss. I as sure you [(haven't I4e least desire to do a ) tY such thin:;," aht,we:Otl Tom, sooth ing his mill h as, hest lie could. She eyed him HispiciouNly. " I :•uppo,,e. I think the best.thing we can do is to (...0 horne," she min,cd. am of N tat said the fin pert th battle J:3lte „atlielt,l up her soiled thess one nand, and, tui n ;ng hesitatitl i gly . sit ; .11 would he plea-pd to kno 7the co. rue w h o null tou h Kate Nevilx: c,,dt. 31: holl7c I'4l , A ~,,', MN „its lnti,lCil w% :t 1111:1 1,, 1 11,1 lit• Ahl 1 IL vallt•ti ,t:: t Vi i I, l r nu , Im o, :N I j ., IL L., a•ht, la Vairtiviti," A Inky ik> i•I you g, (y.l ulorn -1" -;tol 11V1.1.41111- in 1.111:4 U• • .11-- eallvd Tom &ter c !he honor of 11 . S =NEE ' I -.1 , CI t ...W , s. l t• 1 , . t . vi.u." li.• • ••,-..,.- I ! , t- ;:z.l —:li:;111 1 '..v, awl strot4 a 0; ,• t.,, ~,t,•,,,,',!, w,lii. , I Wt.ll, ‘ri,tit is it that eaut:es th e Pelt. () ',:•.: , •' ~ - V ~ 1,', ,‘ h , " Vk FM • Ii ;•!1 V , I I' i ~'"'" ..! t 11P MINI!) :'iiltin a i):01 I : t.ta olor ~ g ~• ~ ~, „•; ,• -.1 ,t-ultk. (It ;,. I, itif ii.•1,,,,y. "Tile cod fish,3::rpoi•ed , , , ;10,:tttigt:ggtg, c'. i.,,..: L.ut. -. o ;attily tlitli. i 1.3 1 1.1 I.t.AL: 0.1.2i1/0.1. Deeds, Mortgagee, Lausesiand al,nll as2otflgtill). of, Constables' and Juatiees' , Blank,s ory _btu*. . People living at a distance can 4 3 .ePIrtil on baia ing thew 'ork clone pro'inptly and sent, back, is retain - mail. ,a. -,.:......- ,--% : r . ... 1= - ,i-,-...:.r.,...,..-..1 - ,..... . ,_ NO. 44. " I nd- ...OBLABB, BILL, CARDS,' PADITHLETS, - "it was none ofiher business." The next day be gOt hitrigelf tip lit 'he most fascinating man nekand sallied •Int to mil on diss Neville. The eer. %luta showed filth_ illtti tie parlor, land Kate rose - to meet him She 'offered ilm her hand, which To - 01013 itrktb, , ;11e freedom of an old acquaintance:- Where have I seen her? She is do• •Idedly pretty," he muttered to him -elf. A pair of sparkling dark eyes wells ,oulting kad havoc under his left Nest docket, She sang for hun, and played .he most:delicious airs, and talked o Alarmingly, that Tonkfound them n- I ,g far advanced before he took his de. parfure. - " ) This one visit was the preface to olany that followed, and Tom found ;hat existence' was ilupo.sible ,unleefi he -volt: call Kate his own. bLo the lasts dine he called on her,. die stated ;his, ease, and Date due o:t,d him—that is, •:lie answe. ea him " yes," . to a question ne asked her, and- a few weeks -later :hey ‘vere. married., i , When Miss RiVers lwas Ipformed:of the engagement,, she eemarked, dryly: " Toni don't like girsi" ' - " I swear I do,' I . dore the whole . ,ex—old maids, eats and 414" cried, I foio, triuolphantl3 , . Mi 8 R.vcrs laughed long and merrily.; A sett' weeks after their tilarfiagie Bate said to her liege lord : •• Tom, do you 1. - uow where you final :lIIN me?" " Certainly I (10, 4 replied he; in a - loud puddle, to be cure.'' "No, indeed, I was one morning tast 6i.n•ina, on Broadway—" Toni-sprang excited to his feet. " You were stopping at Adam's, .and l - tried to get introduced because—" • " Becatthe I had such pretty feet,” , i uterrupted his wife, smiling and bitiedl• mug: - - ----- _ . . _ .. . .. The Deccy's Victim. "I can toll you an event which altbol it did not come within- the sphere of toy own hui•incs relation, yet was with in my personal observation and for the et)ritt:ineEss of which I can vouch" staid Mr. the reporter seated hltia4 ~elf to hear ,some Incident 'connec ed With his eNpl?rience,`as a detective: • A'young Kentuckian bad come to:s the city in the winter of 185—, as wa y do, purely' for pleasure. Of great wealth and by no uleunB careful of ni's personal associz;tes, he soon plunged - into a ca reer of dissipation, which rapidly fitted him to become the victim of one of the most remarkt.iflo women of ,her age. ibis person the wife of it noted ambler. the had apartments at the not atOlionalde hotel, and acted as a decoy to her in ofligate and unscrupti- , r consort. :She was a Spanish Creole,' And ims%et-Escd every faeinating trait: /vh l ieb have so dit , tin ~t ished the won en Of her race.' But added to_ the ex quirt:ite beauty of her person, she pos. sys.i.ed au eilucated mind, and was in ret.4ty fitted' to adorn any sphere in sa eictA-. Always di essed in robes that ever‘unhanced tier rich tropical beauty ----easF. of access to the; uninitiated and sus9quilde youth nium whom she; lay ishedievery bewildering charm of Man. ner :id a , i kire:,s, it. is not surprising she soon shit acreature at wh - ose shriub Lottilea; t. anti sense were 4 1adly sm.. tentaireLl. He accompanied her to-fhe tire, k hair and .parties, and as the in -1 ; imenp_ of her a/ truhs woven meshes beea:Lie each day stronger, midi he less c.ipaide 01 rioststiog tilt,-in, she gradual .y dkcw him within the pale of her [Mg.' . hall:(: ,evil de:Lehis. Her elegantly [.appointed par;or became the . thentre of little cardl,ttities, at whielf'cctlY wines tout tale e matt t tilithelas of fell. ate beau ty mimed a eolobination of attractions a hick h is blinded perceptions could not resist. Step iv Step lie was led along the \oad to ruin. lin never s 10; his peril, pr if he did, it was only to be forgottetr in the. smile of hi.., dak-e3 ell encintiftre.ss. Vast sums had no w,swolfen [row the pittan ces toizaidcd at first. His own means 4rad been exhausted ; his friends had ocen 11 ppeafea to until they would loan Ito' lom.ier ; still unininalui of his peril ous career, a crithinal step was Wien, and a iorged drait, supplied him with [he Illezttia he could nut otherwise pro cure. Another and another followed till the vast sums lie bad squandered had .absorbed every dollar of his in heritance. And now he awoke from his dleam 0' ptis,ioo, to realize ..the utter aopete:::-net., of his condition. Bank rupt and criniinal, a single hope still ifourv‘ ll kilt/mid the memory Of his wretched Hie and fortune—one ray only of po,,sitile happiness was left him as h e brooded Ott his sin, and diet the - beautiful woman who had ruined him, To (din :lie bad heroine as an i;Elyira to Lainartine, the, Heloise of Alielard, iota now in fire cleft of his tort heart he cherished ber as a beautiful, flower in sweet it eiui a 'ial of a happier time.— lie . I ,;oew , ,he had ruined him; he knew: that the tariutitel easketshined nojewill (Tor purify ; hut he knew that beloved her de,,pito her eriLues and his own.— Plight wits still left him—the maguidll iy or his friends and creditors bad left" hint--t he magnanimity of his : friends itud creditors bad le t him this. From the consequences of his crimes and the scorn of his friends, he perceived Old unavoidable necessity of this, alterna tive of alit! criminal and wretched out ea,:t. of' 1-o,eietc. But, before he went lie si'ili , :ited and obtained an interview wifii l the ;tan n in LIP had looked, upon as an angel,'Litid worshiped as,such. What pas:_ed is that, interview *as never known Or ever Will-he. He had been in her presence about an hour when the seretna c,l* a womaiii in .deadly. fright echoed through the,house, followed by ;tie rt-ilort of a pistol. The startled ser• 'yams rushed to the apartment, but re eaed.in horror. In `the titer of the room, a bullet through hi , brain,' lay the tread hotly of the your Kentuelt ian--;t1 suicide; i beside bin , rigid, and 1 pale 'as death . ; stood the Mom:in; but the light. of teaoun had fl , t 1 from .her eyes—a ,i wit retribution ha l paralyzed. her mibd. The spells of her dark en. (than t ii.en L.; were loosened and none af lerwar& hart d their ruin o:the gam -1 if„ ) . , ,. inzmizte Wiro.--Yetil Orlcans - .116- ' 611" MEI A drunk, 1 : pzlptam met a private in h:3 u„tiljatly in the saule condition nod 1 ( „., : „.,, 1 1 ; 1,, to 11111 t, all the' vilitC: en ! ,i,. a v ollo g ta 11,_, , mile a iirm :pos.tion on Ili,: c,...,41, ,pt tt tth diltnitieil severity ex u;:witol : - Privttte t..30111ia-,- I'll give - You I (• , te) t • i fc , tir o'clooll to gisot, rill."— i "Call'tt,"tvpkit.6o.le , .. , ,o u lltier, "a. yo're ,1 iluvi)t.ii I:il , ,lit ilruultet"h I fllll, 'll gAvki i\ ou (11. e) I'l five <,', 4 , 40ck._ to ;4E,-4.<4.11.eriti." 4 - ........ - - . - - -- f'01;•1.. Nytkat t. dnihg c> that • ?'' " ' s.‘ I t t v I yuu tit Kj . . ten frOal hially Win I'olll2llll, SO I t,.;, A tt ,w hi m, ant i :-.l.olliti tAI 4 :"M kIIVeAC. " you do it, then?" •• -ir, I,t • would then lorget bow' i; ii•f! • yk,ur afternoon " the doctor -ay,, 1 :4!' til! rovroior he have ilupt.- but if lie don't he liun up." U U the tittiihlisbaie of, RE tlq and pFpmptl7,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers