[For tbo Agitsttor.) TEE VOICE OF OCTOBER Eleiniour_and surely tette care To stop all this "cased-' vexation; • _ . ,Thoy..hope, do you taliarto soon :also the wind 14 equalising aU our taxation. . ObxwAbiktrtutd malt, - tobacco aid salt, Our cablmoggi Mad also, our 'tatti,eal And all that's produced, or iu alb. Way titled, If , taied,tpoy swear to nbotalie., , . is titaway, , the Democrdts say, To lighten us up on our taxes; Make everything share, as much as 'twill bear— By jingo! the i y mean to - grind axes! If we turn the- arauk,•!twill.raako us feel lapk, Anti put on .eaote.llnger a blister They'll lessen our taxer. if we'll grind their axes— Mr. Demoorat,aiat that a. twister? The 3d of 'November you all will remember, (The people are candid and sober; That Beym lur it Blair can not have the:Chair— Fur such is the voice of October.: 'Z. Q. A Canadian -paper:relates that the mayor of Brantford; while reading a written motion by one of the counselors, broke out into a loud laugh at seeing canal'spelled kanne/1.• The counselor was indignant. The mayor explained that it should be spelled canawl. Other members objected to this, and a general discusstor§ ensued, which was finally endoid a compromise being agreed on. BS. unanimous vote, it was agreed that i kennell is the ,true root—a fact in etymology apparently ~ unknown by eit er Webster or Worcester. - :FltE - BElitOk of Pru . ssla, in the hope of securing au ,army, of giants, one day nieeting with a remarkably tall young woman, alighted from his horse, and desired her, to deliver a letter to the ogles of his crack regiment. The missive was to the effect that the be'ater was to be immediately married) to`the tallest enadier in the service. The young lad being somewhat ter rified, was Indy dto transfer the com rnissloo to minutive old woman whom she met on the road, and thus esbaped the arbitrary destiny. Jei very little boy, after giving every body a good- night kiss, k fleeted at hit mother's,aide to say his evening prayer. He repeated "Now I lay me down b. sleep," etc., and continued, "God Wee: papa and mamma, and make them good Christians; God bless little Jimmy and make him a kood boy." At this last sentence he was silent. His motheOre• peated a second and a third time; wh et, he raised hts. head and said: "Evir,) body but Bob, mamma. - Boudiddrow i my cat tb-day." The Chinese understood the scienc, of TtriMug" - paper money pass current for during the. Ming dynasty the goy eronicot notes bore this indorsement "At the petition of the treasury board it 'is ordered that paper money Lit marked with the imperial seal of tin Ming, shall have currency, and be use , in all respects as if it were copper mon ey ; .whoever disobeys will have his heat out-off.", Dien often lose opportunities by wan of self-conii . dence. Doubts and fears it the minds of some rise up over eve': event; and they fear to attempt who mast probably will be successful througi Mere - tiniorouenes-4, while a courageou= active man will, with perhaps half tit , ability, carry an enterprise to a pros Tennis to ruination. A young gentleman, Ave years of age was approached with childish endear ments by an Infant of eighteen month-. "Don't you see," said the mother, "tha the baby want to kiss you ?" "Yes,' replied young, maturity, indignantly "that's be : tilt takes me for his papa.' In an eight-cornered, catty- cornere. room, a eat attain each corner; sew., catajtre before each cat, 'and a cat sit on every elate tail. How many cat are therp in the room ? Go -to King tr. Eastman's GRAND GIFT GALLERY FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS. Asplendid Gi ft with every $2 worth of P.le lures, Frames, Cord and Tastols. OVER 500 PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY 1 The largest assortment of Frames and Cases it . Tioga County, to be sold low for cash. In ao ditlon to r tbe low prices, we will give away tht following Presents-worth from fifty' cents to Eft} dollars; one hundred presents worth from $lO t• $5O; two hundred presents worth from $3 to $l6 two hundred presents worth from 50 cents td, $ 3 Tho presents consist of Gold and Silver Watche? , silver Cake Basket, ail ver Tea Bells, Castors, got, Watch Chains, Seals, Charms, Sleeve Butt- n, Studs to setts, Watch Hooks, silver Platod Fork-. Teaspoons; all gilt Frames Cases, Set Is, Cord en, Tassels, Gold Rings, family Bible, history of th• Secret Service by Cul 13.ker, with other pees ants too numerous to mention. ' COME ONE, COME ALL, AND SEI FOR YOUItSELVES AND BE - CONVINCED. Tour prepent given to you the tin= day of sit tin. Prides the same as last year. Q&LLEAY OPEN TO PRESENTS, JULY IsT. Dnn't forget the place—over Eapttnanoa Deg tai Cane, and 4 dour.; below Roy's Drug Stur, "Main Street CLAY RING 1 EUGENE EASTMAN. Wellrburu, June 25, ISM,' Important Facts. Q Nt.k. Ittlllon is itutt belug Übell In thou: On ands et lau.tilies the folluwing facts are ha pva cant to be known. haer-z:Though it is the most powerful of al, popular marches, .Tot it is so compounded, as t bend° and harmiees. It ie of such a nature the It mpy be handles:Land need by children, an persons who are ignorant of Medicines. iiecoNp--11 is - found that Salutitor roller( ievere pain in any part of the body sooner tlia), tiy other application. ' fretaii•-lt is itriporiant that the bottle be vfel, •orked, if left open only a few minutes it lose strength. Fouavu—Tbie - useful -remedy can be obtained from almost every dealer in 'medicines. IN NOtice. • THE atteutlon of Akerehnnts and otheriliableto a Licence, iv respectfully called to the act o the 11th of April 1862. Ikatophl..t lawr, 492, rep Waling the collection nod payment of Licenses which are payable at the Treasurer's Office in the let day of feisty in each and every year, an by raid" act, all Licenser remaining unpaid 01 the first day of July; the Treasurer is required t, sue, and press to judAtuent and collection. a• soon .as practicable thcrenfter, and in defaul thereof, to be personally liable. Thou: liable t. a License ere therefore requested t.. be pr o w l ., In making their pa) menu before that dive, there by avoiding nay trouble to themselves - dud meet perplexity to the Treasurer. June 8, 1888. 11. C. BAILEY, Treasurer. ATTE.NTIPN FARMERS! PRING has cbme, and those siring fall O burns can have them by buying Pia~rte • at the Mill of I. Charapney it Co., which we are selling at $6 per ton at our, Mill do All kinds of Produce taken in exchange fin Plaster.., Givens acall. e CI4AMPNEY & CO. Gainer, Tinge, 0., p Pa., March 28, 1888-6 MO LAMPB,- , A new kind of lamp for Kero.ene I no breakage of ohlinnoyir-at - FOLEY'S. COUNTRY 3110104N,`.1% Dairymen, Fag raci's and Others, CONSIGN Your: t , ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER CHEESE, j EGGS, rLourt AND • MEAL, FLAX, COTTON: ; FURS AND ,SKINS, I DRIED AND GREEN 'FRUITS. GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, NAVAL STORES, HOPS, GINSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PROVISIONS, OILS, LARD, TALLOW, SEEDg, TOBACCO, SORGHUM, i-„( \ JOSI Gener 442, 44, MOTi3m77 And receire bid wealk Price eurre,,t of Pro luce and oreeeries the ihost couplet() Price Our rent Published in the Utlited States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. - Marking Places & Cards furnished Free 4 Liberal Advances made on Consig►im'ts - -Mobfished May Ist, RAW. Pint Clnsd Referenced given Inhenlnired April 22.1563.—1iy. NEW HARDWARE STORE I CONYERS & OSGOOD addition U their old Luidnesi , in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., have establii,lied iTOVE, TIN, AND GENERAL HARD WALL S VOIIE wa door. below thu old stand o hero they man .ntatura TIN- E ON l IIUMANITY PRINCIPLE, 'ant ie, in the most n1711:11t7. th latter of STQ T S , e have enough to do all the .ted wato, •ig in Tioga Comity. In tail, we have Stove noUgh to JIAKE d S'UMJIER in WAL R USSLA Vo ere the only Agefit.; f r ur thole ot thu riERICIN 4011 STOIT n'shorn; and this Ntotc¢ie tho AUTOCRAT OF STOVES. Vo keep all kinds of Hardware, Iron, Nail, teol, IlCrBo Sltue9, end a complete variety of SHELF HARDWARE 'I you don't bel ovo it DIMP Is. CONFERS J OSGOOD t. 4. 1P.67, ly. WollBlJoro, 0.-!‘)1 Stow s g Stoves ! g • - •',:-4 - -v!' ;-, .. 1- - -- -- ~,,40 .y....!.4..:,,i,;:r.7.A.3....,-0: IA „--,-; - t-,V -- AkA 94-WrtiA' - "----t: ./.„....,.", /p --------,:p ll> ,/. •i/ I:4VVM,;:A tli., ,"0: '. IV. 41-;AtM, 74:1.. %;Vgh.t.:n4 e•O'e.: ,4AI .':A' i ll t s .-- 4 - fiei/i...1VA!...a..- - 14.„- -- -w4b.:'--.:... - -AJ:4 :14.----_,•-:4M.-.-.+ q_:, ...,-- - 2- I .2tW ili£olPar.Vol2 CO @.Y. AND 11 A It D IV A 111 E l I R. WILLAANI ROBERTS begs -T announaz tbo eitvioua ut Tioga County, that In addition to his oat:uncut stock Of Sttives, Ltn-Ware, Ilritta(nia, and 'Shoot-Iron Waro, he tae, at a groat outlay, stocked hie store on MAIN S" REET, WELLSBORO, Pith a complete ausortment of Shelf Hardware, , f which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIIIIES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, lIAND AND BUCK SAWS, BU'l7B, STRAP LUNGES, , CARBENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPSi AXES,- - At.I4ERS, Briers, ATT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SIIOVEBS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH SCREWS, VOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS. SKEINS,-WASIIERS, • PIPE BuXES,IAXLE TREES. ELLIP TIC , PRINGS, HORSE SHOES HOOP, BAR & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE . HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, AUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Alpo, PISTOLS, PISTOL C A RIR DGIIS, ' POWDER AND CAPS. 11:1 1 EDIT BARD/DOOR lIADIGINGS now thing, and mado for uso. These are but a 'en of the many articles composing our stock .f liardwaro. We invite the public to call and examine for •bemselves. We alto to keep the best quality of •Dods in our line; -and all work-to order done aroMptly and well. WiLLIA3I.• ROBERTS' Wellahorn.Aept. I,lB6B—tr. Hero Fruit Jar. 50n GROSS jot! the ,1,1E11.0 FRUIT JtR k/ for sale y W. D.IFERBF.LL & Cornin g , N. T. We are prepared to fill orders for the Hero (?leit Jar as low aq they curl ho''bought any mylvbero, nue shipped front Corping, ICo can rpeelal rates on largo gunwales. It is the lost and most salable Jar in the taarltet, Got !notations from ur before ordering cl2.ewhere. March 18, 1868.—fim • VASIIING(MAMI NE. JWILKINSON, Charlesten, baying 0 purchased the right to make and vend the It. P. Jones Wushing Machine in Tioga County, herohy gives notice that the machines aro being wade at Van Itorn'd Cabinet Factory, Wellsboro t where they may he procured. The best, cheapest, and !Snort sensible machine ever Invented. June 24, IS6B—tf. Seed. 100 bushels 2 00 litisbels Tiinoth3 Clover reed, choicest kinds lin! WRIGHT dr. BAILEY. IM T .1 slt ni rh, I;LISINES tit nUall's In thus villa ,;t3, leux ti.,..r 1. , :t Grocery., i, pi Ltrgreil io val.% • %, ti • :amines!, in all its variutia bratitl,e,.. 1 ',DI ei p con stantly on hatid uu oeAattowit ouch as LOAF -BOSI 0 7.. CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREA I. RUTTER CRACK,ERS„.......A.R 0 W N • ' EREA 1). WATER CRACKERS, CRACKERS. , . DYSPEPSIA A N Sut )A BISCUITS, OYSTER CRACK EDS. CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, at all 13,)urs ot Sundays excepted. Hy strict ittto ,11.111 tuktioavor to merit 11)..! p tI I e pitronage. CIiA.S. Sl' EVENS. .lane) 24. 1868. 100,000 I Pouncls of Wool w anted. =l2llll 'FIVE Flip_clotb, Cassimeree, Plahhol:; r-r WOOl.- 1 hO3 also m lIIU tact ure as usual— TO ORDER, oil ()N sHARES, to 1.1111 ClibtOtti•-r: 1H work a, ttabtad as rep rosontod. They invite, ptirtivulot •ttiention to t6p:lf W:iter Pr • / o4AggaT.TAsc, which uro Warrahted iu ov# r„s telieez iftt glrcla ROLL•CARDI NO S: LO 111• DRESSING. Twenty years experience ho the business war rant: them in expeeting generna patronage. No shoddy Oaths made. Delano at VOW...oin, al u .I.4euts fur the ,:do ui &air Cloth,. .J0•31•31'11 INGII.OI 1 SONS 1)r, 1 1 field, May 1;.(, 18159.—U. • -_ . ___ _ _ ..._.........__ _ ___ _ 1.-Ild Book Of Polities for 1.:438. Ready In July. I.OPEiALL tia ti apica for ,u illtLu Liomitil PreAdopt:nil canipai;..li. %Vitt coltain all th. .:I t ter 'iff i lie 'Politic i I Al a null:: of 1.366, lERS7 .lid Ititi'l. Compiled trout official sources. Wil zive the %stiolia Politioui Aolion of thu Uovorti nent, and of P.frtio.s, including Impedetatient. lioconbtruc t i in, Geilet a I l'ol Wu:, Platform: keeeptalice .. Candidato., .tc. from Apill, 181:El to July, 18'68. Tables Oa Debt avd Taxattot . itevwliuo nod Expeocliturt.,, Ilantss F•outlier iteciiaration and Volts' Election Tolkks fro; 1860 to date. 400 page, livo, cloth. S 2 f,::, p a , paid. The Polifkal '...tilluil f.r If.iliS, ccperatol3 . olottu, St ; Vap.r cover. 7 , i , cents, p .et pen. Addreef! . EDWAItI) McNIERSON. Wail: of (he 11014-+e of liepresehtatitsob WesniNcioN. U C. SAVI N . S B 02'11.E.R1VLS' G A RDNER' S' 01.10CERY AND PROVISION STORE THE OLD Flying that u. penny c.lVeti 1a 11. perm; earucd, jnstitiar GARDNER, is waning Lit .tablisituier.t a z.iatings Baal(. Economy i. ea id Eglile Old chap tS6o>n ;Italie I bay. :tit - gotten; and it is ea-malty to (tittle Y he? att. rI.TJ - G-13LT 11 of high pi ire: , i:;beiv . girozecuted with vigor and ~ithout reprieve. .t. bnn Fell Sugars, Teas, 1110 Fish, Pork, Flour, Corn Meal, Coffees Canned Fruits, :=.pire,:, and everythlog intended tor lawny ore, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE 1111 of the markets, an advantage duly appre elated by everybody,oxceptiog only those verdant INNOCENTS •rho prefer PRONISISO TO PAY one bun Bred por cont. profits to the seller, to PAYING twenty-live per cent. cash on delivery of the goods. I shalt offer my stork of goods at fah pricer EVERY MONDAY, EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY W fiDNESDAY, EVERY THUR,SDAY, EVERYFRIDAY, AND EVERY SATURDAY, and fill up at; rant as 1 I'oll out. L. A. GARDNER Wel'shorn, Juno 12, 1867. E. B. CASE, AGENT FOR. HARDING'S EDITIOM!! OI? FAMILY, PULPIT. .c PHOTO UB.APII BIBLES. Wholesale Dealers will find the list to etnbrac4 the largm3t assortment or Bibles in the country Tho publisher has no hesitation in pronounc inv; thorn more saleable than any Bibles publish oil. The various editions embrace all the vari ~us PtyleS!,f binding and sizes of type. varying in price from $2 to ;MU, for Family Bible, large •quarto size. • HARDING'S PATEN FLEXIBLE CHAIN-BACK PnoToo RANI ALBUM, The superiority- of " Hording's Patent flexible Chain-limit Album," °for all others heretofoit taanufactubed, will, upon the slightest examinee don. he ariparent to all. Purchasers arc assured that the above books aro all of the best Philadelphia manufacture. B. B. CASE, Jan. 8,1888.-3 u), tro y, Pa. Wellsboro Meat Market! • - BEEF ! PORK ! MUTTON MBE subscriber opened a Mont Market in the building lately occupied by Dr. Webb, on Crofton -street, Monday morning, Feb. 17, whore ho will keep a full arsortment of FRESH MEATS 11ame and Shoullers. If the people will give me encouragement I will keep up a good Market. Fob 19, 1888-41 m. A. 3. TIPPLE. Scaps! Scales! Scales ! Butz) Matfett!) Scales, all ertitstary size , , ter heavy, and counter u,e, may be I..und at the Hardware Store of 1V in. Roberts, Wellshore. These Scales me the Fatkimatit pat tot and have no snperior anywhere. They are wade in the hest Elyle nnol Itave taken the_prensi• tun nt all the great exhibitions. I have the sole agency for these Scales in this region. W i.LIAM ROBERTS. Wellsi , oro, nth 12,1968. O ACIC INti fa 11cq)3,1. , ,cA quality 25 cts peryard ut, Dr. LANO & CO'S. Oct 12 IR R. FITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT- EltS, for :.ale at llay'g Drug Store. GEO. W. MERRICK, ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office tylth W. U. Smith, Esq., Main Street, opponito Union Pluck, Weilsboro, Pa. July 15; /808. / IP. it. lit 'Lill fS 1:.;; 1;im; 1111 SEMPER IDE DRUGS, MEDICINES. PATEN' i 40INES, PAINTS, OILS, .1 DOW GLASS, &PDTTY Have come doNvii to Old Prices WE ao not hesitate to say that ne ii Largest Stock.of PURE .E.IITGLISIi . DR .• 1 . PATENT IIiDICIMS, YANKEE; NOTION, PERFUMER Y, . . . .. FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET SO, CLOTH, HAIRi . ,TOOTH & 'NA4 BRUSHES, NIIRROBS, 1 WINES' & LIQUORS, &Gil! EVER BROUGHT INTO 1711.4 .WAR . We have also the Largebt Stock (,f PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUT Such as Pure,: White Lend, Pure White Zino, Lies Oil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varniali, Yel low Ochre, Venetian Red, Chrome Yel• low, Chrome, Green, Prusiatt Blue, Patent Dryer. Lacher, Japan, Spanish Whiting, PStis White, Ka!soulful), Res Tar, Log Wood, Punic, Brazil 'Wood, Cam wood, Itodwoo , Potash, Putty, Alco oohdl, Ilenzol,e, Spirits Turpeutine, and .Koroshne Oil, Paint and Varnish Brushes, • Which we will sell 25 per c'er.s. cheaper thau an , thor establiAutent irk the daub ty.YTti Ana, xr have every thing over kept in a tirtst class, I DRUG STORE, ind all wo ask isfor you to call and exunito.our .cock and prices bbfora buying elsewhere. tt t member wo can't he undersold. All goods warranted or no sale. P. R. WILLIAUS,P. R WILLIAMS .1 t J J. L. WILLIAms. No. 3 Union Block Wellabor°, Juno 26, MI Nov is Your Time to Buy •, • - A Patent : ight that is Na liiimbug. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the right of D. B.'Sturdevant's Milk Shelves .t, ovision Rack for Tioga County, is prepared to qTo*nship or individual rights at fair rates. .‘. Rank is portable . and An aratansact tha* it Zit a taken sport and put together again in five Min es. It occupies leas than four feet square of a om, and can lie placed in the kitchen in Rank cold oilier, and in the cellar in warm weather, and 11 hold iron 72:t0 84 pans of Milk. The ithelv ore made in skeleton form so as to allow the fr circulation of air all around the pane. It hast een proved that milk will raise more j cream,and keep from four to six hours:. longer • ' than oikordinury shelves. American Watches in Silver Hunting Cases a, Eaohlbelf turns by itself independent'of the '319, Finer ;Movement:, in 'wavier Cases, at cor., ether, se\ that the oream of the former milking is respondingly low prices. Plated Waco at Man.' of disturbed by the removal or putting on of itlaeturerb' prices. nns. The frame is such that it can be readi • ly covered with a cloth or gauze, effectually exa THIS IS NO HUMBUG, BUT A VER.-eluding insects or dust. Ws a complete arrange. ITABLE SALE! I mont to dry fruit upon. The subscriber will soon ' visit different parts of the County With a modal of this rack, or he can be addressed at Wellsboro, by those desiring to purchase Township or indi vidual rights. Specimens can also be seen at the Foundry building of Sears ec Williams in this Borough at any time after the middle of Marsh. GEORGE THOMPSON. Wollsboro, March, 11, 1888,6 m. 1121VING more goods than is neeitsnry 61, this market, I trill sell ttey (mare stock of wAnuES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY PLATED WARE, AND FAN.. CY 3000 S, AT COST. 0. 0. Clocks at . Gothic " " Cottago " " Call and see for yourself. Wellsboro, April 22, 'CS. A. FOLEY. Stoves & Tin Ware FOR THE . MILLION • I you must have enough to eat, dry wood, a goof wife, well-behaved children, and to.,erown all, a LIP TOP COOKING STOTE Phis last and crowning good, I have at my 'At. Ind Stove establishment, opposite lto,y's. Black, Weashore, and its name is the HOME COMPANION ; •ro all bands admitted to bo equal to any In th. world. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to give tatiofaotion. REPAIRING exciontod in th'e boat man+ and with dioplitott CALL AND 6EE ME. D. P. ROBERTO. Wolleborough, Nov. 21,181;7. Public BOnef it. - A MONO tho useful improtmmonts of the day, there aro few that givb more promise of good, few so well adapted to roliovo human suf. few FO well approved the public as that now and powerful remedy called Salutifer (or as the German people cull it Ilealibhringer). It gives case and comfort to ibo poor sufferer from Neuralgia and ltheumati4, and brings speedy relief to that large Mass of diseases that are (Man i cured and always benefited by an out ward application. For sale by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND & BTI• GER, No 54 Court!emit St. Now York. T O LAWYERS- • SANKRUPTOY BLNKS, infulisetts, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 elegant new open Buggy. 1 second hand open baggy. 1 second hand top buggy.- 1 aulhey. I two horse lunber wagon, IVREOHT BAILEY. T 08-WORK , IN THE DEBT STYLE, and U withdespatch,aallEAG/TATOR.QInne„ t,N ', -:.V‘A'ir-j-_-:PIA11 . 41 1 Cii. TO - ''.- 40 1 '.4 :-., a:ALi jS l :'` 6.6,:p WE will buy ut the highest market pike, tho following articles. SHEEP PELT 3, , DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, HIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, -i. for which wo will pay cash. We will manufacture to order, French or home tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in the best man ner and at fair rates, and pay especial attention to REPAIRING. ED‘• ItgABYrIVIABE WORK,. IN 3 on which we will not be undersold, and from this time we shall make it a point to keep up the best stock of LADIES' GAITERS, to he , found to =the eountY;Whieh mini)! sell at a lower profit than such articles have ever been offered in this region. We shall likewise keep up a good assortment of LADIES' ,BALMORALS, LEAP FIER BOOTEES;' ORILDREN'SL AND • • MISSES - WORK as VA- • - ItIOUS STYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WOWS. GS 4 LEATIIE.R FINDINGS eaa•be bought of us as cheap as any where-t. Is aide of New York, and wo shall keep a full,itoyt of FRENCH. CALF, FRENCH KIP, 17Pi PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND BINDING. Our stock 'of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, 0 R IHPS, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar. gest in the county, and we cell for enroll profits. We talk business and. we mean business, We have been in this region long miough to be well known—let those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm. Rob• , I arts' Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS, GEO. 0. DERBY. Wellat?oro, April 24, 1897—te. , - - 868. - WRIGHT & BAILEY, 1868. • • WV,isonnenoe this year with an exclusively CASH business. A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR Call and soo us. WRIGHT & BAILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 9, 1867-Iy. All persons indebted to us by noto or book imount trust call and settle or pay costa. Tan. 8, 1888. d WRIGHT ;Lb BAILEY. ME - • .$8,50. • • .. 8,68. 1,70, To the Soldiers of Tioga County. YOUR, attention is respectfully called to the following '•Act of Assembly" passed at the .ost session of the Legislature, and to the faelli ties afforded by virtue of that cot, of preserving the evidence of our service as soldiers in the war ter the,preseivation of the Union. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania In General Assembly met, audit is here by cnaoted by the authority of the same : That rho Recorders of Deeds of the several Counties of this Commonwealth are hereby authorised and required to record all final discharges of-Com missioned and non-Commissioned Officer and Privates upon application being made to them iiy the holder , of the same, for which the whir der shall be allowed the usual fee for recording; .i ad that the recording of the same shall not be buhject the payment of the State tax. JNO. W. GEARY, Governor. Wellsboro, Pa., July 13, 1868-3 m D. L. DEANE, Aeoorder, Tiogri Co. x Paint for Farmers - and Others. THE ORAFTON MINIiRAL PAINT 00. are now manufacturing the 'Best, Cheapest awl must Durable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or lb Years it is-of a light brown or beautiful Chocolate color, and- can, be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the tare o f iho consumer. It is valu able 'tor Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Wooden ware,Agricultural ] lmplements, Canal Boats, Vesses and Ships' Bottoms, Can vas, Metal and Shingle hoofs, (it being Fire and Water proofs,) Floor Oil- Cloths, (one manufac turer having creed 6,000 bble. the past year,) and and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for budy, durability, ala.tioity and adhesiveness.— Price $0 per barrel of 300 lbs., which will supply farmerl for years to come. Warranted in all eases as hbove. Send for a circular which gives lull particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark, °milieu Mineral Paint. Per spa can order the Paint and remit the money al receipt of the goods. Address DANIEL. BIDWELL, June 3,-1868-8m 254 Pearl St, New York. HARKN4SS dc BOOT AND 'SHOE. MAKERS, Over Wilson & Van - Valkenburg's Store, in the room lately occupied by Beni. Seeley. BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds made - to order and in the best manner. ttEPAIIUNG of till kinchrdone promptly and good. ,Give us a call. JOHN .HARKNEBS, WM. RILEY. • Welleboro, Jan. 2, 1868 -Iy. Home Life insurace Co: No. 258 BROADWAY, N w Youx. ALL the not profits of this Company go to the Assured." No forfeiture of Policies. No Limitation as to residence or Travel. The Homo has an amplo Cash Capital most se. curoly invested. WALTER S. GRIFFITH. , I Pres. GEORGE C. RIPLEY, Body.. I. H. FROTHINGLIAM; . • TREAS. • WM. J. COFFIN„' ./STITART. MORGAN HART, Agit, 'Welleboro. • Matroh 4,1868-Bm. B USINESS ! ALSO, Wo love a Qrtat•rato stock of CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR OATS J CASH PAID FOR CORN! CASH FOft, EVERYTUING 1 1 CASH I LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH 1 - LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASH ! STORE, CORNING, N Y. TIMIS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS -Lax AND OILS, THADDEUS LIATIDS' INKS,IKEITIPS CONCENTRATED MEDIC INES, IREDEWS FLUID, EX. TRACT , BURNETT'S COCOAIN , FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS. PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY; AND FLAVORING EXTRACT':, WALL PAPER, WINDOW (ALA la WHITEWASH LIME -' AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS VOR MARVIN kCO'S RE FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers aro requested to call and get quotations before going farther EITII W. D. TERBELL 85' CO. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1868-1 y 1868.. Fbli SALE. 1868 • BY B. C. WICKHAM, AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR.' N4BIENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA • 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000. Pear Trees. A good supply of KUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES 44 SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicelit varieties, good, healthy, some of them large n d in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stook before pur chasing elsewhere. „Oa' Delivered' at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1888-Iy* To Owners of Horses and Cattle. TOBIAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE warranted superlorlo any others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bote, Coughs, Hide bound. Colds, &c., in Horses; and Colds, Coughs, LOS,g of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, &c., in Cat. tie. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no need a stopping the working ofyour animals. They increab i t the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse the stomach au urinary organs; also increase the milk of cows. Tr them, and you will never be without them. Him Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has used them for years, and - recommends them to Lis rands. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the I Jerome Race Course, Fordbam, N. Y., would not use them until he wail told of what they are composed, s rice which he is never without them. lie has over t enty running horses in his charge, and for the last t hree years has used no other medicine for them. lie has kindly per mitted me to refer any one to Lim. Over 1,000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 26 cents per box. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. [Feb. 19) WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. sTan subscribers Jawing procured uddliloold machinery are now ready to furnish to order all sorts of OASTINUS, Stloll AS r PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, SLEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 D - SAWING MACHINES, &c., &Q., &c. Wo have oleo a WOODWORTH PLANER, for custom and job work, ' i! We aro also prepared to do SLITTING & SO*OLE SAWING to order. Having a first-elase screw-cutttng Lathe, we are prepared. to make CHEESE` PRESS SCREWS , to order. Builders of Cheese Faotories are re- Attested to examine our work. We manufacture she Champion Plow, one of the finest Implements in the mat.ket. • Oaeh paid for OLD IRON. 1 - r CHARLES WILLIAMR, F. L. SEARS. Weilabor°, May 15, 1867—tf. Grocery and Provision Store, CORNING, N. Y. CJ. D. MILL, 7HOLESALE \ "AND RETAIL DEALER in all Itlndifof GROCERIEJS, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liqnors and _;Cigars, FOREIGN L& DOMESTIC, GREEN 8; DRIED FRUITS, CANNED F.RUITS AND VEGETABLES, EMS nem WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &a., &c. A full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on band. Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will tlnd it to• their in tereit to examine his Stook before buying. Corning, N. Y.; March 11, 1868. T HE largest assortment of Watches, Cloaks Jewelry and Plated Ware in' Tioga county at [l9dede] room% , • -1, 4/ .'. 4881 ,61, 111 4 1 , 1 0 8eutail l'Oaa 83171'a 'O, • • - ' -an05.,401 alp F puu auicuuxo puu Ilya oeuabi •uoiloodo} auaq jot soood puu spoon an° 19rmluunb mum uI Olttdtp,Wrf liuldeeq °soy; putt quegolon upopp Saa Jane softquuepu OAI2II oat 4 SIOAISNOV)Inouisnq eaumplun al 9ulivaa can utra Soq ‘ouppulg alt; 'opt Sup n ill mon mos.) uuo num y •euo oeukt ptunqii,aetnaua 6.loZia '91,138 20j1 dae4 0.0 Opp' fputrpia •0 II sq pepolua 1131101.1 NllO4 popuqpicio iint; of custaxua Jo tiontiolve oql Ilea pinom add 9TINUI'd JO 3100{s OVltti SlaA tl goat%) 09 "••• (Pull laaq)'san,r, Hazlna 81 I smum Valana 4Ei i lslolll iioll. rIIVIg 41,0 . 'AMU 30143 snon 9/, 'salmi 3 tuvl mos Ot 9t4 loo.ipunq Jail livg 29N1772,9 HMV SAL i I 7cl - V'ISMSAT VIII I ';oo/19 cuoqsuom clo boa pitta viumuu ,4.41)1 'D 75' ( 311VM-Nll Illtll-SSVI9 `SSEAOJLS a w °v Q i v iT atipS SuiSnq Sq offulueo/od eEraut 9 . 43A1 puu ssouisna inoz, uo °Jiff ILE eABH The American Cooking Stove. AFTER twenty years experience in the man ufacture of stoves; we became dui: 011100 d; some six years since, than a vast amount of money was beine..... r vuaed by the people of this country, in buying cheap - and worthless stoves, a 1e..80 portion of whi6l2 was wasted; and that true economy consisted inbuying the best stoves that could be made, notwithstanding the price was higher. With this view we proceeded ,to construct the American Cooking Stove, and spared no pains or expense to make it the best and most perfect stove that could be made. And we have experimented with it, and carefully watched its operation for the last six years, and when an improvemene ; sugeested itself, we have at once adopted It, and 'we have several of these improvements secured by letters patent. In this manner wo do not hesitate to say, we have brought it to a higher_state of perfection than has heretofore been attained in cooking stoves. The recent improvements in this stove hat , added largely to its convenience and effective: ness. In all the varieties of stoves we menu facture, we study usefulness, durability, conve nience and economy in operation, rather that cheapness in price, and in so doing we are Bath, tied we study the interest of those purebasi4 our stoves. SHEAR, PACKAIID, A CO., • • Albany, N.Y. For sale by CONVERSE 4E OSGOOD, Well, boro, Pa. May 13, 1808. To the Farmers of Tioga County. lAM now building at my tua.nufactory, in Lowrance vile, a superior FANNING MILL, which possoeees the following advantages over allothe mills: 1. It separate° cola, rat litter. and foul eeede, an chess and cockle, from wheat. _2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and al: other seeds, portectly. ,t 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of fon/ill. This mill is built of the hestJ and most duble tim her, in good style, and Is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. I will fit a patent sieve. for separating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. 11 MATIIER. LawrencevUle,Cietober 10, 18664 f UNION ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA. FACULTY: ELIAS HORTON, Principal. Mita. ADA W. HORTON, Preceptress. Miss MIRA HORTON. Assistant. • Misa AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. - CALENDAR FOR 1867-8. Fall Term commences Sept. 3d, Winter Term Nor 20th, Spring Term Feb. 18th, 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM Primary Department Common English Higher English Languages and Higher Mathematics... Instrumental Music, extra Vocal Music, extra. Drawing, extra Room Rent Board per week... - Knoxville; August 14,1867-ti. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results: By BON. ALEXANDER 11. STEVENS. A Book for all Sections and all Parties. This groat work presents the only couiplett and impartial analysis of the causes of the War yelpublishod, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the great conflict only known to those high officers who watched the flood-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his po sition as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited with AP PARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and sal. utary, and an intellectual treat et the highest order. The great American war has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its importance. and at whose hands it will receive that moderate, candid and impartial treatment which truth and justice so urgently demand. The intense desire every where manitested to obtain this work, its Official character and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the best subscription bdok ever pub— lished. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscri bers in 3 days. One in Boston, Mass., 103 sub scribers in 4 dais. Ono in Memphis, Tenn. 106 subscribers in 5 days. Send , for Circulars and see our terms, and a full deseription of the work, with Press notices of advance sheets. .ire. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 20 South Seri:lab-St. Philadelphia, Pa. 82it7 2f,180841 30 S 5 00 6 00 .;00 8 00 10 00 1 00 3 00 . 2 50 'B5O oi Ili:4v EL. ERIE !yiILIAT,AIi. un ltud after 3lontay, 3lay.llth, Isa. narhh v.th loaveCoroingat abo t the folloalughourat VirE4TWAILD UpttlVD, ' 6:03 a tu Night Eiprees, Sunday. X1:4:1)tell s for blifth IF, • Salamanca, uud Dunkirk, /nuking duce conuectiu, with trains of tiro Atlautio & Great Hester),, Shore,and GrandTruuk Railways, to/ all points 11 ehr 6:2.1142m,Nig,bt Express,Dally, for Buffalo,Salateabc a Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above. 6:85' a. m., Night Express, Su udnys excepted, tor ester and Buffalo, via - Avon. 10:16 a.m., Mall Truth', Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 1:46 p: m. Baltimore Express, Sundays 'excepted, for Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 0:33 p. m.. Day Express; Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West, connepUng at at ~'..alattlanca with the Atlantic and Groat :Wenten, Railway; at Buffalo with the Lake 'Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, and nt Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railway, for nil points west and south. 6;40 p m Day Express,Sundays excepted , tor Roche.to: .12:30 a.m., Express Mall, Sundays excepted. for Buda. lo,Salamanca,and Dunkirk, connectin g with trains for the West. 1.80 p m Way Preight, Sundays excepted. 6:40 p. m., Emigrant train, Daily, for the West, X.58219.9D DoMsD. - 12:46a. at., Night 'Express, Daily, Sundays (mew e d, connecting at Graycouri fur Warwick, and at - New •York whir afternoon traais and steamers for Boston , and New England Cities. 4:211a. m., Clllelltuati Express, Mondays excepted,con necting at Elnarn for thirriebuig, Philadelphia pa the South; -at Owego for Ithaca; , at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Great Bend for Scranton, Philadsl. Oda, aud Trenton; at Lackawaxen for Hawley,and at tiraycourt for Newburg and Warwick. 0:55 a. in., Day Express, Sundays excepted,connectlug at Elmira for Canandaigua, at,Dinghasuton for Sprit-. case. at Great Bond for Scranton, at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight Espana Tralu of New Jersey nutiroadifar th Bea Moro and Washington. ' 10.22 am Accommodation Train daily, connecting at at Elmira for Canandaigua. • 2:20 p. Baltimore Express, Sundays excepted. 4:35 p. m., New York and Dunham° Mall. Sundays ex. _ cepted 8.03 p m Lightning Express, Sundays .excepted, con necting at Elmira for Barr/slang, Philadelphia and the South ; at Jersey City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington, and at New Yolk with morning ex press trains for Boston and the East. 12:30 p. m, Way Freight, Snudnya excepted. WM. B. BARB, - 11. BIDDLE, Gaul Pass. Agent. • GeO'l Sup't. - • Ellosstrarg &,Corning, & Tioga R. R Taains will run as follows until further Lutiee: • Iccommodatlou—Leateallitmeburg at 6,16 a. m,, 51ans. field at 7,05. Tioga at 7.41, Lawroutnvllle at 8,20. arriving at Corning at 0,35 a. in. 31a11—Leavea Hinesburg, at 2,00 p. m., Mansfield at 2,40, Tioga • at 8.18, Lawrencevillo ut 4,oo—arriving at Corning at 5 p. m. thtil—Leann 'Corning at - 8,00 n. In., Lawrenceville at 9,03, Tlogn at 9.45, Idanafielel at 10,22—arriving at Bloaq•burg at 31,00 a,to. Accommodation—Leaven Corning at 2.40. p. m, Law. rent:oolle at 4,00. Tiogn at 4.30, Mansfield at 6,30-- arrhlng at 1315331)nrg At 0,15 p. m. Northern Central h. R. • TRAINS FOR 911.11,N0RT11. Trains fur Canandagula leave Elmira as follows: tecomodation at • 7On a m Oxpress [fastest train ou road] 11 46 a ta 6 16 p m Way Freight, [pagsonger coach attached].....,.,,7 10 u m On and after Nov. 24, 1967, trals will arrive ane depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 10 65A, 11,—Dally ( tXccpt Sundays) for Elmira, Bun • :. a , ti C a a d n a a a n . daigua, Rochester, Seep. Bridge and the 9 45 P. 51.—Daily (except Sundays ) for Elmira and Buffalo, via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTH WARD. 000 A. 111.—Daily (excel:it Sundiqs) for notimArc iYaslilngton, PbilndclpL6t, &c. UO6 I'. 31.--Dally . (except Sundays) for lsalthuote, Walliington and PL adelphiu. J. N. OuBARRY, .11D. S. YOUNG Geu'l Supt. IlarrisburF, Gen'l Aet Baltimore, NU Philadelphia & Erie E. R. On and after SIONDAY, Sept. WI, 1808, TJ'aill6 on the Philadelphia. & Erie liallfload will run ne follows WESTWARD Mall Ttaintle.tves Philadelphia " Williamsport " err. at Erie Erie Express leaves Philadelphia' " " Williamsport •' nrr. nt Erie. Elmira Mall leaves _Philadelphia " " Williamsport.— " " err. at Lock Haven EASTWARD. Mail Trails leaves trio 10.50 ft Da " " " Williamsport - 10.16 pra " " arr. at Philadelphia 7.00 p m Erie Expres - A leareuErie 7.Z15 p al " " " Williamsport . 816 - a Is " " urr. at Philadelphia 6.00 ,p in Mall and Express connect wilt, On Creek and Alla gbany River Rail Rott.l. -Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Deng Supl. Ai'antic and Great Western R• W SALAMAtiVA 6TATION AVIV/WARD BOUND. EASTWARD BOUSD. Mail 5.30 Exprea , ' 6.10 Accommodation 0,35 Mad 6.6:. Eapices 1319 Accommodation, 11.46 Express 11.00 I Eaprcea.t 0.19 At Cory there is n Junction uith ille Philadelphia 61 Erie, and CH Creek Rail heads. ' At Meadville with the Franklin- anti Oil City and t'itholo Branch. At Leuvittaburgo tUo Maboniny Branch makes - a di rect route to-Cleveland. At leaventla connects with Mcveland and PittSmigh Railroad. ' The Road plisses through Akron; Ashland, Gallon, Urban 4 and Layton, Patel toictius various rail roads, and terminates at Cineltinnti.l 1,. Di BUCKER, Gen. Supt , 'Meath ille, Pa. Real Estate Sale. THE Subscriber, will sell or rut the follov, lug valuable property, to wit: One tavern stand in Lawreqcoville. Ono farm, on which ho now reiitics, one•half olio from thaw churches, t.tvo School Houses, no grog shops, and ono railroad, and about the -Imo distance from the lino of the Well bore and movrencoville Railroad. The form rontsins 160 :etes of good land, b 0 acres ' : tiniberv , l, well wa ercd, and very productive. 11 r.:t t a:tcs that the teashoultl be sowed and plat,t, u. I:.,wever, to .inure a harvest. One farm iu Jark;uu township, 115 acres; a irst-rate place for a cheese Inetor,y. Also—for 1.-ale-4 mules, 75 sheep, aid other itock, cheap on reasonable terms. Lwrreitco, Apr: 17, 1 Planing & urnhig. B. T. VAN HORN, AvING gut his now Factory in operation.H is now prepared to till orders for Cabinet ale promptly and in the best style of workmen- Ilavit,g procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, he is rawly to dress boards or ploilit with dispatch • SCROLL-WORK & 4itiCKETS, furnished to older. Ilia ittchint;sarelrfilie new est and most improved piit terns.... Shop corner of Pearl ;IA Wain :3te, WELLS 130R0, PA., Oct. 31, 1886—ti NEW - GROCERY At Dartt liettlethent. T HE SUBSCRIBEE has opened u tune GROCERY & PROVISION STORE - At the above u 111,41 place, where he proposes to tlimd- it. Liz lino cheap. Market Kiev,. paid for Farm Produce, either iu cubit or trade. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. A L BERT TIPPLE. Charleston, Dec. It; ip67—if. J. STICKLIN, Ohairmaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. BALI;ROOM, oppoz•ite Lartt'; Wagon Main StOct; FACTORY in Sears L Wil liams Foundry, second i•tury. • Orders proinptly filled and ,atisfactita. guarat. toed. Faucy, Turning dotty to order. Wellaboro,lnno 12, 1867. STICKLIN Tioga Marble Works. THE undersigned is now prepared to.ese cute all urdert , fur Tomb Stones and Menu merits of Other ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of tho latest style and approved workmnnshir and With dispatch. Ito koep constantly on hand both kinds 0 , Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orderq, on as reasonable forms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as now. PORTER WILCOX. Tina. Nov. I. 1807—tf. TAo LANG & CO., Agents for the Susquebon ,ILJ no Woolen Mill/. L. H. SHATTUCK, SW' —.10.40 p ra ... 8.20 a aa ... 9.50 p ra 11,30 noon 8.35 p m 9.00 a m 8.00 a M 0.28 p m 7.46 p ,332 M. S. BALDIVIN MEI 11. T. VAN HORN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers