HOME MATTERS. • WEDNESDAY, OC3I I . 14, 1868. Yew -Advertisement," New GDO(lsl—Jas; A. Parsons. Boy's Drug Store—John A Roy In 13ankroptey—B J Pnrple Railroad Notice—A 0 Stearns ' House and lot for sale-0 B Kelly . Bank statement--J L Robinson. Costlier Pinnoe—Prof Iloyt PROLIPI > 3I—Mr. Richard Moore, of Delmar, has a sow wlticth lately brought forth a jitter of nirietten pigs I We hope no swine can do better. A BIG Bilt/E.—Ex;Sheriff Stowell had the luck to shoot a eplendidbuek last Frith?, on thelflarsh Creek. The noble fellow weighed 204 pounde'dressed. Ile'eported a grand pair of antlers. RFMOVE.A. --Mrs., E. E. Kimball, Milliner, has removed her establishment to the. new honse erected by Mr. Benj. Seeley, next door above the t'resbyterian Church. FALL MILLINERY.—MrS. Sofield will have an,opening of Fall Millinery at her sales rooms, Wellsboko f Wednesday, Oct. 21, to which ehe cordially invltes her friends and patrons., A FINE YIELp.—Mr. Joseph Guiles, of Lawrence, inforrrS us that ho harvested fifig five bushels of whe4 front one sere and forty-eight rods of ground. This l gives about 43 bushels to the acre, and it will dd, wo guess. elttNT & COLFAX.—Messrs, King &Eastm Eastman, Photographers, have left with us fine samples'of Photographs of our gallant leaders, taken from the Campaign oats. They hilve them on vale. They have also photographs of David 'Wilmot, taken from a steel engraving. Call and see them. Messre. J. R. Bowen & Co., have re ceived a fine stock of Fall and Winter styles of c Goods, fresh from the city. Their advertisement 'FrEts too late for this paper, as we print on Mon. clay—a day earlier than usual. S. OF T.—WellsborO Division No 305, installed'its officers for the present term last Wcdnpsdeiy evening, as follows: W. P., J. B. Shakespeare; W. A., D. L. Deane, R. S.,.lLligh Young; R. S., Jas Bowen; F. S., W. B. Van Horn; Treas. E. J. Purple; Chaplain, B. Mtn roe; 0., Chas. Lockwood; A. C., M. Spencer; I. S. R. W. Williams; 0. S., M. H. Cobb. NIANSFIED.—" Aceidental " write : " Messrs. John' Slingerland and N. W. Brown, have opened a blacksmith shop on Elmira-st., and are ready to do all work in their line promptly and in the best manner. ML,Slingerland has ini provep his lot on same street.." r. C. 0. Thompson has 'commenced giving instructions in drawing, water colors, and oil .painting, at the Normal Scheel, to a olgas of d. Mr. Thompson has the' graduating clus.g to in- '}trust in drawing beside." • AcS.NOW.LEDI:prE I NT.— The Agitator Is obliged to Dr. A„11. Eastman for a handsome niesS of sweet 'potatoes, fresh from his brotLer's dells in. Delaware. Also to Mr. Hiltbold, for peaches grown oil his premises in Delmar. Also for some beautiful and luseiu us apple. from an unknown friend And last, though not least, for a very handsome addition to its circulation on the day of the lIIIISS meeting. Come on, gentlemen, if you force us to put in a steam engine we than du it. THE MASS MgETING. —We gave , a meager account of the great outpouring of tl o I masts to hear Gen. Butler on, tbe - :::itii, in lai t week's paper. But that, event was too e.ittrriorth nary to 6o dismissed in so meager a ebremicla.— It will constant° a notable chapter in tbp politi cal history of Tioga County and must be accord ed roam equal to its infportauce. The credit of engaging Gen. Butler to speak in this county belongs tot oen. Oano:ron. - -Severnl weeks ago he endeavored to engage (3en. Butler to make the tour of rho Northein wastes, but found it impossible to secure his presence for more than ono day in the State. DIV ely a week's notice was given, and that not as extensively as was desired. But it sufficed to assemble the lat.. gest and, most enthusiastic multitude ever seen in Northern Pennsylvania east of Etie county. We rated the crowd last week at 10,000. This is, we are now confident, considerably below the true number. By measurement of the ground ocenpi od, and allowing one-fourth of the mass was scat tered through Main street!, being unable to hear the speaker, the aggregate exceeds 12,000 peo ple. Army oecers estimate it still higher, as a general thing. The day, which did not promise well at day. brink, turned out to be lovely. By nine o'clock at least 1000 people hail reached town, hailing from the more distant towns the county, With some from Potter and Lycoroing. Up to eleven o'clock no-delegation had mode its appearance: but soon after that hour the Delmar procession, headed by the Wellsboro Cornet Band in a wa gon drawn by four splendid greys, enteted from the West. As the proce.nnon s.tretcl,4,l down Main street the array of bannets, d e vices, and flags was grand. An .9-bor-e teals, early 90 men and a 0-Horse titt:fl with 72 men, were prom inent in the procession. Besides these the were 9 1 horse, 70 2-horse, and twenty s:tigle wagons; among which here loads front Elk, Gaines, and Shippen.: The Marital , ispott 12 , 1 teams from Belmar, come 10 of which fell-oitt of the process ion above the Coutt douse. The banners were plentiful and appropriate. We give some el the Inscriptions: Thin is a 1 , a,1 y(11 for saak.,.. - "Blair says Om is ::;r is //A Det)t Ylkt 'Z''‘.kymour :ay: the ), , tw 1 F.) ,t and " "horn) men rote for lhant rind "RebeD, Democrat-5 nna -levster-3 r.•to S,Y mour arid Blair." "Ben. Butler, the reld I.erFunder, the Hero of Nee Orlennc., an,l New y6k "Ben. Bittler. tho bH.t horror fu: Sertnottr's triendo At the end of the proe.ession on tic two wheeled vehicle labeled •'Fieetltnen't Bdteau, drawn by a pony rathe'r out at the ribs, and driv en by a counterfeit colored Loy who aetel his Vert to perfection. He was lihetally cheered fl 3 he palaed down the street. , _. Next came the Charleaten d e le ga ti on , led iv two ...t•horse [unmet bearing 36 young ladies dressed it: white, representing the !Rates of the Union, and making a beautiful appearance. Each girl store a starry band upon her forehead. There were 2 6-horse, 10 4-horse, 63 2-borse, and li single wagons in the procession. The marshals report DO wagons, fifteen of which fell out before enter. sag Main4l. - AsATetWeeriDelmar and Charleston, Delmar sent the most tt an:a and people it, pro cession, but Charleston bcara the palm Poi- devi ces and history in action. We dtattlt if a more olabtirato labporical tableau waa eler VNIIILiteq en a similarucension. The tirq wagon rept esential a plantation scene in ISSN, it ith the tiegrous at work. on a platform with :ro i!licti hoes. In their midst stoood the overseer with his wnir, and on a box, face downward was a deithylk lil, ..hond." being extensively "paTlied" !.y at,oth.o , of like hue. The mottoes ::ere: "185 S: My Prop.., tv.— My Representation—iO." The next seers :1:11 TAliumil itizning. the I oela n w leatio of Et.i.eii.a lion. The multi w.l!-- , lan. I 1'SO:h . "1 Leo came the elo , in,r, ...e l e--11 WO ;oil w.lll a ‘loLtI; negrort thmeing an I 1•.. - 3.• ; ,•11111, leading and other:: QinILIA.. 111., in iktu.t4 : 03888 Itepresentation 1.1.' forgnt to that as the,firia wagon of the:tilde:in Jpnclied the Avenue the negroes broke ant ran, and ' l tre ha,' a grand representation of a shirr Lent in 041., streets. This was the be:t gotten vp nti i Bert managed ai:nir we ever e:Lre. knru thot. C. N. Moore conceived rnd pi , pilled tin gramme. Then came; a e r bors. , . tour bearing a butt, in which Seymour and his Cabinet wets tem estilted rowing up Salt !ter, Seymour at,tlic helm, and t iii4ir Nall:link I o a bench. As this team moved op the street )t w a greeted with hearty laugh , i •• • . ter and cheers. By this, !tree th'e orash'wes so great that we ware unable . to copy the ,mottoes of the- banners. The Welsh delegation came iu singing Untried° songs and attracted mach atten tion. Behind the long,procession, came a comi cal affair, being . a 2-wheeled cart drawn by a Cahadiau pony hitched between- shafts, grime 20 feet from the vehicle, and carrying a big bell which was dolefully tolled by a frightful look ing individual perched upon the cart. This affair was labeled "Looking for the lost Cause." The driver had on an . evergreen mask 'and wore an immense tail which • thipUetl abbut in a most ludicrous manner. In his hand he bore a long tin tube through which he looked from time fa time in vain search for the "Lost Cause." As ho came under the Blair . Seymour flag ho halted, took a long look at its inscription, and manifes ted his intense delight'by a prOlonged rebel yell. The sight of the Republican flag above seemed to put him in great pain. Perhaps nothing tickled the crowd more than this burlesque upon the • opposition. We forgot to mention ,a, three wheeled cart with a small white house on a pole, With the in scription; "Can't come it Seymour ?" The effect of:these rough jokes was indescribable. Next came Covingtori, Blot's, and Arnot, headed by the Covington Band playing in fine style. There were 3 4-horse, 14 2-horse, and 9 single wagons in the procession, though the Marshals report 36 wagons . outside of the village. We failed to get'ili - Oinottoes on the flags and banners, owing to the rush, which by this time was some thing immense. Next came the Tioga, Lawrence, Cowanesque, Chatham, Farmington and Middlebury proc.ssion merged in one, and led by the Tioga and Lem veneeville Banda. - There were 9 4-horse, 36 2-horse, and 15 single wagons in that part which passed up Main-st., but over 50 teams dropped out.arthe lower•end of the street and sought qulirtersfcir men and horses. The Marilials report 140 teams in this procession before it entered town. In addition the Cowanesque sent 35 mounted men, and Tioga 75 Boys in Blue, bearing their tattered and torn battle flag to the fore! Some of the banne'fi of this delegation were superb, and the procession was enthusinsti caly cheered as it filed along. By this time the streets were literally full of people. and tl;is Pub lic Squture was literally swaiming. When the containing the Geneinilisadeits appear rine°, the vast crowd rent tlie; air with repeated heers and swayed to and fro like waves of the sea. IThe Grant Tanners, of this village, numbering about 100, Capt. Curvey commanding, made a hno appearance. They patroled the town and preserved first-rate order. The speech came off at 2 o'clock. Hon. S. F. Wilson presided and introduced the General. The speech gave unbounded satisfaction. and was, beyond question, one, of the ablest e'orts ever put forth in this county. At four o clock the General and his Secretary, Maj. Do Kay, entered a private carriage and left for the railroad, amid the cheers of the spectators. At seven o'clock the Tanners issued from the League Rooms 100 strong, with lighted torches and preceded by the Wellsburo _ Band. The darkness of the night brought out the 'torches, bioiatifuliy, and the streets were literally packed e ith spec ators on either side. After Rallying around th:i Flag, Etna cheers for our gallant lead trs, the lino of march tees resutned, and preceded by Judge Williams, 3. B. Niles, Maj. Nicholi, and others, proceeded to the stand au the square. Here the Taunus formed in square around .the seats, end after music by the Band, Hugh Young Esq., introduced Judge Williams, who EpokF briefly in terms of congratulation to the assembly. Ho was followed by Messrs. Nichols, Niles, Smith, Packer, awl Kilbourn, iu brief but stirring Ire marks. :11r. E. B. Case, of Troy, sang several campaign songs which seemed to put the boys in good humor. The audience was very large- 7, at least 2000 persons being on the ground; Al together it was a fitting finale to the day. • At th close of the sp..thing three entlusiastie cheer were given to the Baud, and the Tanners wer formed in a circle around the flag-stun; furnishe with Roman Candles, and at the word the air woe alive with red, white, and blue fixes.i This was it beautiful closing up, and was most admirably managed hy,the otdoets of . the COmPatiy. ,Praise is due to Marshals Yeitt.rr,'U , -...., g-L terdee, mid others:for the admirable. system b (.., which nil confusion and aueidents tv'ete amide, There were no tights;'we believe, and little exces' -Nor do we hear that any of those present iiidu ged iu breaking windows on the remit . boine., Vas the ease 'on . the 'eveuing of the. Sesta° Meeting, the Saturday previous. • Of course this sketch, lung as it is, fails to justice to the occasion. We offer it us a chroni. of the event rather than as a detailed• report. THE C'OUNTY FAIR.—We are hula) ed to Mr. Jas. 11. - Busaril fur the following exc lent r:port or the Fair at Elkiand, Sept. 30, MB "The skies were threatening rain, and the ro were still very bad from the liquinoxiul rains the previous week, etill, lots of people were tr tiling, and it looked as if the I•'air would crowded. I found, however, that the travel almost all toward Woodhull, to the greatpolit` barbecue advertised for that day, instead of ward Elkland. "On arriving at the latter place, I found gnat: i a crowd of people, and so. I telt encouraged t'go i to the Fair Greunds., ; half a wile below. - Ott ri I litving there, I found Judge Bentley, the P esi -1 dent 01 the Society, talking with Hugh `Young l'Es.q., the Secretary, and neither of them seeined very much encouraged - by this proapeet. A opt 1 one hundred otherpersonswere within the en-. closure of twenty acres, and there - were thirty pro t ' entries on the be ilia at noun. Majors Ryon I t.riti Wood were encouraging people and doing t eir host to make the Fair a success. Some of the Eltiland ladies had done something towards des orating Floral tall with evergreens,' and Weidd have done much more no doubt;if there had been time; but the building, a very good one, was not finished until the last moment. And so it ihap pelted that on account of .the;:e, and other un toward circumstances the Fair was, on the first day an later failure. The second day was Stor my, threatening with a cold raw breeze. The otheers of tho Society concluded to hold tit en try book open until noon; and from S o'eloti the morning- tiolr noon the Secretary, the Ma and other racers, were kept pretty busy, en grounds .fiegan to assume• the - ::ptopostions Fair. Meantime, the places of absentees el committees were supplied - by gentlemen ladies there present, cacti class of -articles ' carefully and tastefully arranged by itself al as was possible to do so, and Floral Hall, was thronged to its utmost capacity with visitors, but not with articles, as I noticed 4 quite a space on eaeh table unoccupied. "There were good reasons for this, for many people , held back articles until too late, believing that articles of the salmi class would not Ltd en tered. This is wrong, People who har l f at tieles worthy of show should enter them witliOnt regard to competitors., Rut there was a splfrulid diiiplay of fruits acid garden vegetables and these attracted th - e attention for the most _part of the iiiim V.. ; diflille lhellowo.* -eMbroiders, hair-Work, and fariev hOUSehold articles, attracted the at tention (as was - natural) of the ladies It Was a noticeable fact that there were worsted slippers, worsted tidie'S, worsted shawls, worsted afghans, worsted pillows, worsted stockings, worsted i l amp, mats, worsted quilts, worsted. mittens, - vrtirsted baby cloaks, worsted ottoman covers, and I en(y two rhcep! The display of bud-quilts was quite as large as usual i. our good sisters and mothers leiievltig these to be of more importance than poultry, of , vtilelt not a single entry of any kind mitt Revd-. Hut the hop yeast bread, the One wheitt flour, the Fig carpet, the full-cloth, flaunt, and blankets. the harnesses, the canned fruits, the [...1t II (1. flowers, the bouquets of natural F flow ers, and he photographs and other pictures, were very ereditalde to time exhibitors and were a§ good lib I ever raw at any Fair. Out of doors, t the dis play of at-ticks was limited in number though all, is. re, %valued exception, superior in l ie:day. Tli.• Lot sea, /Natio, and hogs; the agricuitu al int -I.li ments, the buggies and wagons, were cf the v• ry lt , ta, and an worthy of coninacndation. This palt of the Fair was altogether tho best, as in deed it alwityq should be. At 4 o'clock in the Situ , iiiiiiii, teat as the Secretary, Mr. Tout g was its :eating the stand tie read the premiu n list, t he • , •Ittitif ni ttie his appearance, and Attached the iimet. ot the Fair. in the hands of it a ,!deers, at . sti : the suit of a creditor. The Secretary rind the i'st thrciugh anti then explained the 'situation of alliti,s as 1 . (111 as he wits able to do for the ex edenit tit .ii• ,and him- An indignation meeting was II: Ones illipiliVialti. • Specebts were made by several gentlemen, sonic denouncing, Wellshoro and the office-s of the ~:.,..iety, an I others - defending them. he :Me i-. ~ , i ill eiiiiyistaiiin iiiiiki it ilhiphiats,ll, l) iile the • mist:cue...dill scented indiarentti ,The eNhihitois, , iouly peaked up their drtieles% and reluov e ,j limn, end iti sin hoer the Fair House leo { ea lik e I"rote.; lettnitet hall deteited " The :Weisit dig of the frier iv.iii :1 ilfOided iit".- . "9: Th - ° f a, eer''' pr. sei,t did m their utmost to alike it I.a, .ina the thanks- •if i.ll are due to theta f. , r their prompt Hess nail oftleionoy." 1 BRIBERY.—B. 33. Holiday, of this yil- Inge, was twice arrested on charges of attempting to bribe.votes, last Baturddy.' liewaived exam ination and was admitted to bail by.Tustice Young in the sum of $2OO, and $5OO, respectively. The detectives are'on the track of others of the honest Democracy, and we trust that the truth may be made known aid Justice meted out to all snob offenders. • 1 NOTICE To TEA.OIITEAS.—The School Cistriets of Middlebury will - meet- at ilolliday's Oct. 31. last, to hire tedebers. M. C. POTTER. • Seo'y. • " Examination of Teachora. . . . • Liberty., • October sth.. Ogdensburg, ' - II 0 Sullivan, Bakersburg, • " 7. Roseville, " 8. - Jackson, Cotton S. 11. I. 9, Chatham, Starks corners, " 12. Knoxville Academy,.. " - 13 Brookfield, South Road S. R. " 14, i :11Vestfield, 1 , , ".' 15. Sabinsville. - " 10 Vermilfea's, • " ' 17 • llolliduys S. R. , " 19 • ' 1 • Tiogtt, " 20 La wrencoville, Nelson, Farmington Gee 13. 11. , „ " ,23. Covington. “'• 20. Mansfield, •• " 27. Charleston, Klock 8. li. " 28. Dohoar, Dnane S. U. .-" 29. ' Wellebohr, I 30. Wellsboro. Nov. oth- 13th and 20th. .lo private examinatiana. No certificates renewed or endorsed. Examinations commence at 10 o'clock Af M. Applicants are.expeeted to be punctual ; to be examined at the tirat examination they attend, and on U. S. Ilistory in addition to the Oual branches • to bring with them pen and ink, a sheet of foolscap paper, and an envelope w ith address an 4 stamp if the certificate is to be mailed to them. Directors And all friends of Education. are cordially invited to attend: - J. P. CALKINS'. . Co. Supt.. Grant & Colfax Oh:Lbs.—The times of meet ing are as follows : Brookfield—Saturday evenings, Chdrleston—Tuesday evenings. Chatham—Saturday evenings. Clymer—zSatnrday evenings, sabinsville. Covington--Friday evenings. East Charleston—Saturday evenings. Elkland—Thursday evenings. ' Farmington—Thursday evenings. tiaines—Saturday.evenings. Jackson—Tuesday evenings, linOxville—Friday evenings. - Lawrenceville—Wednesday evenings, Liberty--Tuesday Middle 'Rtitlg,e—Saturday evenings. 111i'ddlebuey—Saturday evenings. Mansfield—Saturday evenings. , Morris—Saturday, evenings, • Nelson—Friday evenings. . Oceola—Wednesday evenings. Round Top—Thursday evenings. Rutland--Thursday evenings. • -South Charleston—Tuesday evenings. Stony Fork—Wednesday evenings. Tioga—Saturday evenings. Tioga [U. L. of A.]—Saturday evenings. Union—Saturday evenings. Wit"rd—Saturday evenings: - Westfield—Tuesday evenings. Wellsboro—Friday evenings. - Other names will be inserted as fast as they are received, and the table will be published weekly during the Campaign. lr-' s' cs.csEll 331a.is;ixxotsitsi. NEW STORE—BULLARD. CO. —lf you Want cheap Alapacas, go• to Bullard & Co's. French Merinos, American Merinos, Empress Cloth; Bleached and Brown Musli', Prints and Delaihes, Boots and Shoes, Cloths and Cloaking,. all atlßullard's & Co's. If you want to seo the largest and cheapest lot of Crockery and Cass- Ware,•go to BULLARD THE NEW 0001)S HAVE COME and the great fall in prices has taken place: Groat reduction in Sheeting Prints, Delaihs, and all classes of goods at ill . her's. It: ,will 'do, four eyes and your heart go d to take a look , at' the Piles of Now Goods. Never did we have an as sortment to compare with the present one, and at lower pricer, than at any time since the close or the Ivan. Come and see us. We want.yon to look if you do nut buy. C. S. MATHER & CO. Lawrenceville, Oct. 7,1.805. S.P,ReI. AC, NOTICES. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, "Its seam is strot;ger and loss liable to rip in use or wear than the Loclt-Stitch."—"Judges' Report," at the "Growl Trial." Send for the "Report," and sainnles of Work; containing both kinds of stitches, otj the same pieee-df 1 GEO. C. BOWEN, AGENT, Apr. 29, '69-I.y. fur Tioga Co. Knoxville, Pa SIDULIA SIMILIBUS GURANTUR. HUMPHREYS' HOMCEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, HAVE PROVED, FROM TTIE :MTKLT AMPLE E.X. perience, nn enttro 1111CCC83 aims—Prompt— Efficient, and Reliable. They are the only Medicines' perfectly adapted to popu,ur use--436 Simple that mis• takes cannot be made in rinlng them ; no latrealvflis as to be free from danger. and so efficient as to be always re liable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. So. l . , . „. Conte. 1, Cures rev9rit, Congestion, ruilammation.....t 25 2, do WOPM,S, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic 25 3, do Crying-Colic, or Teething of Infants... 25 4, do Diarrhcoa of children or udulte 26 5, do- Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic 25 O, do Cholora-Morbus, Vomiting 25 de on "Coughs. Colds, Brchitis . ' r.,,. • 25 8,) do Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache '. 26- 1 7? :‘ (10 - EiGAtitaChou, Sick. Headache, Vertigo... 25 •,.,.,. „ 10, do Dy s pep si a, 11111011 S S tomach 26 11, do Suppressed or rainfill Period.; 25 12, rdo w bites, ton profuse Perical 25 13, do Croup. Cough, difficult Breathing ..... •... 26 14, do Sa t Mourn, Erytipelas, Eruption A... 26 15, do Ithouniatism, Rheumatic Pain. 26 10, do Fevor and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues 60 17, .10 Piles , blind or bleeding .... 60 'lt in shal e the of a the aria a as fur 18, 'do Ophthalmy, and sore or weak 60 19, do Catarrh, ticute or'clironic -Influenza,,,.. 60 20, do Whooping-Cough, violent Coughs... 60 1, do Asthma, oppressed Breathing - 4 60 22, do Ear Discharges, impaired nearing.. 60 2 de : Scrofula, enlarged Glands, Stelling.. 60 24, do• 'General Debility, rtkystcaL Weakfiesi. 60 2 . 5, do Dropsy., and scanty Sqretlons 60 26, do Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding- - 60 27, do Mitiiiey-Disease. Gravel __6o 28, do Nervous Debility, Seminal . • eions;•tncoluntary Dischafges 100 20, do Canker t., 60 80, do Urinary Weakness. Wetting bed... 50 81, do Painful Periods, with Spaeauf 60 82, do Sufferings at change of life 100 83, do Dpiispsy, apasms, St. Vitus' Dance 100 34, do Diphtheria. ulcerated Sore Throat -60 • • FAMILY CASES: OP 85 LARGE VIALS. IIoRoCCO CASE, CONTAINING A i) CHIC FOR /SERF ORDINARY DISEABE A PAIITLY Is SUBJECT TO, AND A EIDOE OF DIRECTIoNs $lO 00 t r Anit,T mld Ta4veuxo Nines with 20 to 23 Tln . $8 to $8 tipecitics for Itli Pravkre "DI , CAPt.9 both for 'DLit- Via and for I,qu.' - enNrrrn enttnent, and vi- • Ms and pocket 'cotes .$2 to $5 —These Remedies by the case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by Mail or Exprese, free of charge, on receipt of the pace. Addl•ess Humphreys' Brieciflo - - • Homeopathic Medicine Company.. Office awl Depot, No. L 62 13noALITAT, NEW YORE. Dir. HUMPHREYS Ia coneolted daily at Ma 01fire,lpelk soually or by letter. ay Abu ve, for all forme of . tllseatte. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Augut.t 21, 1.361-Iy. VERVOi/S DEBILITY. W ITH ITS GLOoIfY ATTENDASiT4,--LOW 6PIRITS, DEPRE:4SION, INVOLUNTARY ri a tit,simita s I, H,s of SEVEN, StiERbIATORRRCOA, LoSs Or roIVER, DIZZY HEAD, LOSS or HEM CRY AND THREATENED IMPOTENCE/ AND 111- MEXILITI. find a SOVEREIGN CURE in HUM PHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. TWENTY-EIGHT. Composed of the moat valuable rad potent C' naives. they strike at once the root of th. matter. tonj up the eyo tem. arrest the discharges, and Impart vigor and enutgy. life and vitality to the eLtlre man. They have eiir l tlittlf"Arldh C.""- Pr/et' IP PO . PU s kagl' of clx bone=, and vial, or $l-per sin le 1 / 1 11C. by drug. giqs, and men on terelpt of price. Addrees 111131141 REVS' SPECIFIC ILO Mk:op:attic mEDD 00., 662 BiIPADWAT I NzW YoItZ. 21•4047, " 22 --o--- YESI YES 1 YESI 10 It. WILLIAMS & CO., have got the best, largest and cheapest stock of Drugs, med icines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff, ,Brushes, Varnishes, Glass,Putty, Yankee No tions, Perfumery, Toilet oap, Fishing Tackle, Ac., &0., ever brought into this county. They will positively sell everything iii their line cheap. or than cart be bought elsewhere. They bought their goods in large quantities and for nett cash, and can and will sell cheaper than any other °s tabil/I/Mont hi this county. Call and examine 'stock and prices. P. 11. WILLIAMS A CO. May 9,1888. No. 8, Union Block. . . _ Queries. , . . v - num •can close buyers find Pure English Vl' Mite Load and Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Lacher; Turpentine, the cheapest, at P. R. WILLIAMS, .4 CO. Who sells the liurest and heat ;Drugs; Patent Medicines, and Dye Stuff, ' P. R. WILLIAMS, A CO. Who keeps the largest stook of Paint . powders, Tootb,,Hair, Cloth and Nail Brushes, and sells the cheapest, P. R. WILLIAMS,/ CO. Where'can you go to find the' best and I cheapest Toilet and Saving soap, Pocket Knives ' 'Perfum ery, Hair Oil, Pomades, Writing Paper, Pens and Ink, to P. R. WILLIAMS, do CO. STOVES, STOVES, STOVE. WILLIAM.' ROBERTS, Agent for all flrst•olass Stoves, Main Street, Wellabor°, rennia. HAVING been appointed agent for all first class Stoves manufactured by Shear, Pack ard & Co:, of Albany, N. Y. I am now ready to furnish the following named celebrated Stoves : COOKING STOVES, AMERICAN, I NATIONAL, HOME COMPANION, MONITOR. THE BENEFACTOR, the latter of whioh is the best etove for common use over in market; being cheap,"vrell made, and convenient: _ I have also, a variety of ELEVATED OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, CAST IRON, various patterns, SHEET IRON, Self Regulators ALSO—Stoves suitable for burning hard or soft coal, will ho furnished to order. Customers will do well to examine my stock, whioh is as full and well selected as any in Northern Penn iylvania. I halo aleo put in,a full stook of cf all aorta. Thankful for liberal ilatronage In the past, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. • Sept. 16, 1868. • WM. RbBERTS. AGENTS WANTED FOR Men of our Day: The men who govern our country, make its laws, have fought its battles, charmed us with their eh> queue, founded our colleges, control our railroads, manufactories, and our fluanees—one attraetive vol. ume, full of 'laid Interest. life like illustrations and characteristic anecdote. 060 well•illled .pages-42 fine steelportraits, and the lives cf over 60 men, Price low to suit the times. The cheapest am well as the most in teresting book publisqd within five years. Sales im mense. Every body Wia'bte to know the life history of these men, Send for circular to ZEIGLER, IIi:CURDY & CO. Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati', 0., Chicago, In., or St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 15,18 68-7 m Farm for Sale. THE undersigned offeris for sale on reason able terms, a valuable farm, situated in Chat hum,,Township. Tioga County Pa., on the .direet road frtan Knoxville to Keeneyville, 'six mike frbm the former places, containing 160 acres, 116 acres improved. A good !frame house, largo hay barn and shed, and a goold horse barn, also two good app/ePreh t lrds. Well watered and well adapted to daiiytng. Any ono desiring a good farm and pleasant borne will do well to apply to 13. VANDUI3EN- Sept. 2. 18134-tf. zwectuOrs* -Notice. LTTERS TESTAMENTARY !wing .been grante,d to the underiigned upon the last will and te stament of Richard Phillips, late of Westfield borough, deo'd, all primps indebted to, and all claiming against said decedent; must set. tie with . . FRANCIS STRANG. ; Westfield, Sept. 16, 1868-6wo , Ezr. A. J. THOIYIPSON, NANSFIELD Pa] BLACIdMITII, has two fires, and is prepared to do all,kinds of work in his line with prompt nest, aha in a workmanlike manner. Ho alines at excellence In his trade. • Mansfield June 3, 1888-Iy. TOP THIEF!—If the man who took a gun lock - from my shop•lately will return it, I will not expose him 1 and if the man who t a hand vice and pliers on another occasion will re• turn them, no further proceedings will be had. lam on the track of both. JAMES LOCKE, Wellsboro, Sept. 16, 1888. . P cra P c -t . g . H • 2 . 0 1—.3 a> I>, r=3- V. '-' P CC) - Z -,;.. h•-• 3 IC? ti El . 14 • S V' • ?j; CM/ ~..4 .i. tll c• - • r .c El 0 = re, SZ: eD 8 _ .......:6 ~.t - • - 5,) 0 , c ••• CD E ... t co rr g ... - 0 so CD ca 0 1:1, 0 CorD • 0 '7l t:r e-q- 0., ° 4 ••• 2 • * E. ... . •••• s Z ;:.., 0 ....rp• SD Co 57 t•-• 1 -: cn 5, -.I L.) 0 r.+. c, Coo' . I—l ""..•.; .i I C. • t il l CD 0..,..... M I ii 51; ~,.. e 5 PJI — a. 0 0 .; = . 0. • 02 ... Z . E .• 0 CI. W. ''''' . C.)„, ._.. ..... ... cn ~, i t g. _...,0 coo. 42 L (7 .:, - - Sr .-- ,-, 0 g so la P i:e: t i', r 0 0 '' ti w 0 , g • B 4' t la E .:l, vi •.. p. itl 4 .4 6.. • p i 1 , ... c 2 . 0 ..4_ , A; C ct 0 • SI CD •••• 3 PI ,t. g •-n I=6, c . • 1:$ "1 til 0 AD • et, 1. 1 Pli ...Q1 .... til U. " , , , u), :: , . 1 .., J ~, (-4 ".1 Executors' Notice,. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having seen grantekto the undersigned upon the last will and Testament of Feter Green, late of Del mar, deceased, all persons indebted to the estdte aro requested to make immediate payment, and aji having elainas against the same will present them to AGNES GREEN,„ GEORGE GREEN, Ex•rs. Sopt. 2,1869-13 w .e Estra,y. TAKEN UP on the Commons it, Wrondo.re, 1. Aug. 21, ult., two threo.year•old red steers. Notice is hereby given to the uwzier'or ownora to prpre property pay charges, and take them away, or they will h disposed of according to law. 0. F ELLIS. - Sept. 2, 188.3-3nt, High Constable. - - FLOUR ec MEAL, always on band at Amen. 1868. JAM M. BUNNEIII4. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPARED FOR Spring and Summer Trade T. L. - BALDWIN St. 00. TIOGA, PA. jr . ma now on hand and still coming, a large LI; arid Well seleeted'stook of "GOOD GOODS," oothirlaini everything neeied. Our stook of 11.1112 I.; RI , EMU 600119 Z can't bo beat much ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLOR,ED SILKS, ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, . SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO- TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL. MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, DOMESTICS, at a vary small margin READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cloths and Cassimeres and a Tailor to Cut and Fit. Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, • CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Don't forget to look over our stook of GROCERIES, the most complete stock you can find, such as TEAS. Wo are old tea drinkers and know them to be good. SUGARS, MOLASSES, everything in the Grocery line, Gunja Bank Codfish Bay Mackerel, Ashton Salt, what makes the Buttoc good, and nice firkins to put it in.— Alio, Butter Tubs and" Pails ; Butter sold on com mission—no charges for handlihg; but would like a small portion of the money -you get in re turn, that is if our prices suit. FARMERS TOOLS, full line. We are agents for the Ohio and Buck- eye combined Mowing Machines; general depot for fixtures and extras for the the above ma chinos. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in-exchango for Goods. We propose to sell Dar Goods reasonably. "Live and let Live" prices given at the counter—only one price. T. L. BALDWIN it CO. Tioga, Pa., April 29,1888. goornoaties.. Yankee Notions. Hats and Caps, - Boots and shoes, &c. ; but es wo have neither time nor spaco to finish even the beginning, we will merely Invite you to cal), ask, for what you want, we will tell you the price, and then weigh out or measure off no cording to order. PORK, FLOUR AND SALT, the three great necessaries, always on hand: Renumber Partners, that we oan supply you with BUTTER FIRKINS, TUBS, OR PAILS, and genuine old Ashton by the saok or pound.— Wo pay Cash for Butter. , L Tioga, May 20, 1868. LOOK AT THIS ? A 8 the Printers say that success follows the 1 - 1 liberal advertiser, and other people seem to believe them, so we (that is, Wickham k Farr) will take warning, follow - the example, and in form the public in general that we have a good stock of good GOODS, to be sold at good prices for good customers— and as we consider all customers good—they will be very apt to be offered the same goods at one and the same price. We might begin and men tion some of the various articles and styles that help to make up our stock of num eaccan, E. H. HASTINGS, DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, cRocKERY, GLASS-WARE, YANIqE NOTIONS, SEWING MACHINES, AND THE Eureka Melodeon, .._.. At Wholesale prices.. E. H. HASTINGS, May 8, 18681. Main St., Wellaboro. JAMES M. -BUNNEIL First Door abooe Roy'a Drug Store. Wellaboro. . . DEALER IN • • • • GROCERIES - •_ AND PROVISIONS. .• • WiU keep constantly on bid evorytbing In the _line of Family Grocerici, ns_well as Provisions, Fruits,Cetilectionery, Yankee Notions,/ oys. All of which will be sold at reasonable prices. JAMES BUNNEL. May 6, 186S—ly. SALT can bo had in any quantity at WIOKLIAM 3 FARR'S. elani.B. 1868. WICKHAM & PARR. Fall & Winter Goods I 1 IN CORNING. Ili 4,;.p.•••••:aw•:41.1..pr.. WE have roomed a very LARGE STOOK of • FILL AND WINTHR GOODS on the most favorable terms, and will be sold at very small advance froth cost. We think we hazard nothing in saying that we keep the BEST ASSORTMENT BEST QUALITY of Goods that aro ho place. Have a store light enough to you are buying, and pledge ourselves to SELL AS LOW, quality eonsidere l d, as at any other establishment. We continue to make our CIAIOTH TRADE I . one of our specialties, and when desired MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notice and in the best manner. W have added to our stook a good assortment of URPETS, • oomisting of ti • BRUSSELS. THREE - PLY. INGRAIN, CO E TON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can lan diem HOW VERY LOW We are the ager l as for the GREAT V. S. TEA COMPANY, apd sell TEA at New York prices by tho single pound. All visiting Corning, arc invited to call and examine stock and prices. SMITH & WAITE Corning, Oot. 1, 1868. 'IX ("Lap 4P*Q . Gio to KELLEY'S and see the Littest Arrival of NEW GOODS! Consisting of a generalessortment of A u 5 z d C/2 P 4 A 2 es .• 0 m r 0 al. F 4 V Pe , 14 ' 0 ti 3 . F A -to = og p pli M tt ar g Q 0 i. , c- A 8 at pa MRS. PRY'S CORSET AND SKIRT SUPPORTERS, AT Iv mina' Atotl Ges pau 11110 onr EW DRESS GOODS AT KELLEY'S. sawriait vg suiviisacquut GENTS' FURS AT KELLEY'S ,pFP- No charge for SHOWING GOODS at ..ctite C. B. KELLEY'S , Wellabor°, Oot. 30, 1866 NEW ARRIVAE OF GOODS. TOLES & BARKER, 11 (NO. 5, UNION BLOC j WOULD say to their friends and the public generally, that they are now receiving a splendid assortment of Summer DRY GOODS, such as SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSINERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE CLO• THING, furs R CAPS, • BOOTS .Azin SHOES, • also a large and well selected stock of CROCKERY, HARDWARE, 'WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KER SENE OIL. PAINTS & OILS, , SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTC., ETC. We are able to offer our customiii tho benefit of the LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the New York Market, our Stock having been purchased alnae the great decline in Goode. TOLES & BARKER. Wellaboro, July 1, 1868. Dr. 0. R. Thompson. [vF.t.Lssonduos PA.] attend to Professional calk in the villago, and immediate vicinity of Wencher°. Office and Residence un State St. 2d door on the right going Bust. [June 24, 1868. 100.00 O b BRI CI( FOR SALE,- W RIGHT & BAILEY, Wallpluiro. Pa, KELLEY'S [ " 8E13.111V8 EXCRINGE r X sing, I sing of a curious thing, Almost as strange as Bogga upon Tyng ; rye swung 'round a circle as round as a ring, And while on the titiwn east part of my swing, ,IL stopped at the city and took on the Spring STMES OF CRHCERIE The fashions for SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NECK, And morenstonishing still, Molasses & Syrups havo a freer run -downward, with a funnel-eba ' pod irail. TWICEtc.-..erely • however, are out Ifrom 1 from the neck downward, and the style is blue andisilver with stripes. .TE -TEA. will bo prepared fr m a deawing furnished to evory customer wh buys a pound. Of the styles to suit oomplezionis i i &0., I may mention that Black Tea TEA you can have ff you-long for it. I cannot get time to )ook up' all the hard words which the GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY use to startle the innocent people about the coun try; but you can depend upon finding the very best of Teas at the, BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE? Ai to 40 tplfre•c3, tho styles are various. You can have the latest styles from tho following fashionable foreign ports, to wit : MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAOUYRA JAM I tICA, &C. I . t.ll maltor of PROVISIONS : Flour still wears hoops over all, and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades 1 oatable. Also, PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, I together with t“ull assortment of (light groceries and canned delicacies. As over *ATHEItS . . Pays Cash or Trail°, foroll MARKETABLE ' PRODUCE. CALL AT MATHERS'S WeMoro, Apr.l, '6B. W. T. MATHERS 100,000 Pounds of Woo Wanted. :-:-.., TIM subscribers will pay Full-Cloth Casein:ores, Flannels, to., &c., for Wool. They also manufacture as usual— I TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to snit customers. All work i warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to their Water Proof akiMMUINEUS O which are warranted in ovjery respect. Particu lar attention given to ROLL-CARDING. & di v OTH-DRESSING. Twenty years experience in the business war rants them iu expecting a generous patronage. No shoddy cloths made. DeLano .4, Co., at Wellsboro, aro agents for the sale of our Cloths. . JOSEPH IN'GHAM dc SONS Deerfield, Ma' 13, 1808—tf. In Bankruptcy MHIS IS TO HIVE NOTICE, That on the j_ 12th day of September, A. D. 1868, a War rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Ira Baker, of Tioga, Tioga county, and State of Pennsylvania who las been adjudged a Bank rupt on his own petition; that the payment of 'any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to such Bankrupt to him er for his use and the transfer of any property by him aro forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debtS and to choose Ono or more Assignees of his estate will bo hold 'at a court of Bankruptcy to be holden at the of fice-of F. E. Smith in TiOga, Pa., before F. .E. Smith, Register, on the 2d day of November, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A. ROIVLEY, U. S. Marshal Wet'n Dist. Pa. - Sept, 23, 68. 'Per Divin CAMERON, Dep'y. • WELLSB'OR 0' BAKER Y. TILE SUBSCRISER having established him self in Gip BAKIN3 BUSINESS. in this village, next door to E. It. HArnballre Grocery., is now prepared to eery on the business in all its various branches, I will keep con stantly on . hand an assortment of Broad, such as LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, BROW N BREAD, WATER CRACKERS; SUGAR • CRACKERS, a, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA prscuiTs. OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, at all hotirs of the day. Smidays excepted. By strict atte''tion to business bind' endeavor to merit the public pstronhge. CHAS. STEVENS. ' Wellsbaro, June. 24, 18188. ESirl_?ll. CAME into the inclohtf the subscriber on the 21st inet., a rod cow l . the owner is"reqe.l4- ed to pay charges and tnko' her away. E. T. BENTLY. Tioga, Sept. 30, 1808-3 w L . ..... AMPS.—A now kind of lamp for Kerifßone no breakage of ohinanoya—at FOLEY'S. flAltli PRINTING—at Now York prices, in Colors or plain, and cut to suit orders, at TITO AGITATOR OFFICE. GE9. W. MERRICK, ATTORNEY RAND COUNSELLOR AT. LAW. ORlce with W. 11. Smith, Egg.. Itiniartirtet, opposite Union Block, Wolleboro, Pa. July 16i /1108, GRAND. GIFT GALLERV MIS SEM Go to King Sc Eastman's GRAND GALLEIY FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS.' Asplendid Gift with every $2 worth of Pie. Lures, Frames, Cord and Tassels. OVER 500 PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN il AWAY 1 The rgest assortment of Frames and Cumin Tioga ounty, to be sold low for cash. In ad dition o the low prices, we will give away the followi .g Presents wort h from fifty ...ante to fifty dollars; one hundred presents worth from $lO to $5O; t • o hundred presents worth from $3 to $lO two hu dred presents worth from 50 dents to SS. The presents consist of Gold and Silver Watahalp silver Cake Basket, Silver Tea Belle, Castors, gold Watch Chains, Seals, Charms, Sleeve Batumi, Studs In setts, Watch Hooks, silver Plated Pohl' , Teaspoons; all gilt Fiames Cases, Setts, Cord an Tassels, Gold Rings, family Bible, History of the Secret Service by Col. Baker. with other pram: outs too numerous to mention. COME ONE, CCIME ALL, AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES AND BE, CONVINCED. Your present given to you the mama tiara d 1• dug.' Prices tho same as last year. GALLERY OPEN TO PRESENTS, , JULY IsT. Don't forgot tb place—over Eastman's Den tal Office, and 4 d ors below Roy's Drug Store, Main Street. CLAY RIN' do EUGENE EASTMAN. Wellaboro, Jun: 25, UM. Impoptant Facts QINCE Salutifer is now being used in thou -0 ands of fam'ilies the following facts are im purtant to be known. FlRST—Though it is the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet it is so compounded, as to be safe and harMless. It is of such a nature that it may ho handled and used by children, and persons who aro ignorant of Medicines. Ste°Nn—lt is found that Salutifer will relieve severe pain in Ony part of the body sooner than any other application. _.- Tttian—lt is important that the bottle be well corked, if loft open only a few minutes it loses strength!. t Fou RTH—This useful remedy can be obtained from almost every dealer in medicines. Notice. rPTIE attention of Merchants and others liable to a License, is respectfully called to the "act of the 11th of April 1862. Pamphlet laws, 492, reg ulating the 'collection and payment of ideal:Mal, which are payable at the Treasurer's _Ofliqe on the Ist day e,fMay in each and every year, and by said act, all Licenses remaining unpaid on the first day of July, the Treasurer is required to sue and press to judgment and collection, as soon as practicable thereafter, and in default thereof, to be personally liable. Those liable to a License are therefore requested to be prompt in making their.pa3 meats before tlrt date, there by avoiding any trouble to thems Ives and much perplexity to the Treasurer. . June 3, 1563. 11. C. BAILEjY Treasurer. For Sale. fr HE undersigned offers for sale the following 1 described property, situated in blainebnrg,, Tioga Co., Pa, one House land Lot—the Howe is 2i tstories well finished off, a good cellar; also a splendid well of water, on he stoop. The lot contains 2 acres of the best of gardening land, pl en ty of apples and other fruit trees thereon..-al ,rood barn, and everything pertaining• to the said tiouse and Lot in good order. The above des aribed House and Lot I will sell at a tow figure, J such as de&os competition. Apply to 'Wa. H. RUMSEY. Maineburg Tioga to., Pa: May 27;1868-6m* ATTENTION FARMERS I SPRIN4 has come, and thnte destrin barns can have the i gt by buying Ipletfiertiefr. at the' Mill of I. Champney & Co., which we aro selling at $6 per ton at our mill on Elk Run.— All kinds of Produce taken in exchange* for Plaster. Give us a call. I. CHAMPNEY & CO. Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March 20, 18080 m. doal for Sale. COARSE BITUAIINOT.IS COAL; for Sale Cheap, by Sept. 28,11367 HEAR YE I HEAR YE i .HEAR BARRELS; FIRKINS, CHURN BUTTER TUBS, tto., Kept constantly on hand, and furnished to or der, by W. T. MATHERS, at his new atoro, 2d door above Roy's Bu, Wellsboro. (June 10, 1 Attention Farmers! ItTANLY'S ALL-HEALING _ SALVE, for .J.VI galls, contracted Hoofs t eld sores on nor. ses, Hoof Bound Horses— th beat Salve In ex istence--for solo only by - P. R. WILLIAMI34 Wollsboro, Aug. 19, 1868. CAT{ Paid 'FOR W by TOLES BAR \Vella oro N July 1, 1868.—tf Administrators' Notice. LETTER - 5 of administration having bean granted to the undersigned upon the estate yt O. 13. Wells, late of Jackson township, deo'd, itll persons indebted , to said estate and ',all hat ing claims against the smile will call at once and settle with BENJ. WELLS, JNO. W. GUERNSEY. Jackson, July 29, 186 S—Ow Adm'rs. A. W. AYERS iSXLCOrI vi Tsthe only place this side of New York City where you will find constantly on nand, ,a good assortment of • • GRANITE 'MONUMENTS, cut at the celebrated Quincy and Concord Quar ries, ehiped direct to his order; also a fine-av sortment of Marble and Slate Mantles, Coal Grates. Marble Shelves, Brackets, &0., as cheap as can be bought in the State. - All ()Mere will receive my personal attention. Shop and ware rooms on water street, a few doors below Ayers Jewelry - Store, Elmira, N.N. •! July 2'J, IStY-dm. • A. W. AYER:S. Orphan's Court Sale. • Bvirtue of 4niordor of the Court of Common Ploas of Tioga County elated 4th Septem ber 1868, the undersigned ,Giaardian of Sarah Gray, George W. Gray, and Amos F. Gray, mi nor children of Peter Way, deceased. will on Saturday the 10th day .ut October, 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court !louse in Wellrboro, „xp o se to public solo the following described' lands, via: nll that lot of land situate in- the Township of Osceola, Tioga County Pa., begin ing at a Port in the highway loading from Osce ola to Wellrhoro, in the North limp of lands of Clark Kimball, thence South 74i° East thence lauds tit Clark Kimball, 20 rode to a post, thence 21° EaSt 20 rod= to a post. thence north' 7W , Welt 20 rods to said highway, thence South, 2° west 20 rods to the place of beginning. Coq.' tainiog 21 acres. Torras cash. 1 • - NIA ROA tiET FRENCH, Otiardian. Sept D. l`M—:lce MASONIC. OSSEA LODGE, No. 317, A, T. 131., meets at theft Rail, over Ur Boy's drug etore, on Tuesday evening, on or before the kull Moon, at 0 o'clock P. Ji. ! . 1 "- • TVOGA CHAPTER, No. 101, R. A. M., meats at the 11111), on Thursday evening,.ou or beforo the Full \loon,•at 13 o'clock P.lll i v TYOOA COUNCIL, N0..41, .A. S. MASTERS, mecis at the ❑all, on the third ridgy of oacti' ctslandisr mouth, at 6 o'clock P. 1. • - TYAOAGIITON COMMAND :ItY. No. 25, of, TEMPLAR, 111111 the appe !taut orders. m Ilan. on the first Frhlay o teach calm:lda* - 6 o'clock P. 31 OAST! PAID FOR WOOL, BUTT l , OtIEESE, by O. L. 7/L I Juno It Mk II D. P. ROBE in YE I Ali:11111G .080 r• OL KNWITB cots at tho month, at ER AND