I TEL : iWZ:l3olt l P3lliftl3:bt3: , TUNE-=." Three Blind Mice." Two Copperheads 1 two Copperheads! See how they gaze ! see how they gaze! They look`to the North andthoy look to the South, They look every weir to sea the White noose; But they will And it nix coin arouse, To two Copkprheadel to two Copperheads! Two Copperheads ! -two Copperheads! Sea how they run eco how they..run I Tihey run to get into the President's chair Bttt they will find a get General there, .one who will make them atop,and stare-r These two Copperhelt4l:"Gle , se two,CAmerheado! 'Two Copperheads! two Copperheads! Hear how they hiss bear how they-hies' They hiss at the nigger, but want his aid While they,ure . making another big raid, But SanabO•iis ' • " Of two COpperheads! t*o Copperheads!' i . Two Copperneads I two Copperheads! See how,they coil ! see how they coil! They eoi)?todortroy our nation again, But thdylVilltiad'their heads full of pain?': For they:SliallhehrOiseidatid . hii.oth of them slaln— Two &raft Copiserlivids I. two dead Copperheads! lux lOWA Okartic.,ll.iimps, Sept. .12, 1808 DEMilActifA.fOXi:—Thinkingithtight be interestiVetOinariy of your readers • to hear froiathe far_,Nrorth West, I send you art i p p itoe bf,y journeyings,and experiecs since leaving :Mansfield, and its Aeasatit surroundings. Afteri Li 7 2,jetieney of. a fortnight, via the great )asses, " we found ourselves steaming up theFaher of Waters from La Crosse to Winona - . The scenery all the way:ls,4oY, beautiful', vieiug -with that of the far" famed Hudsop. The eastern shore is mostly flat, While the western :shouts jranges - of :hills, ' and ledges of uncovered rocks all untouched._ by art. The hills rise from 500 to 1000 feet. iltildi-rock.y promontories push out clo - Se• to Me' Water; Tnetir die. sum. in its of the.wooded bilis.ledges of rocks' with theitzperpeiidicularstratifled sides, Weather 'washed, present . the' appear ance oriiiiiied eaSileS; Walls, and towns overgrown'.:Ntitii: .'r,ineS,;,,iftici kushes; these _-witl ,-the ,hroad expanse of the and: he. bluffs present landscape:, varied . and beautiful enough to Make ti sick Man,- for a time, forget his pairiE and iliktind lose himself iii the wonder workUlgs'Oflthe' , Itiiiiiite: Four• hours ride, throtigif this varied scenery. of 'river, hills„ an 1_ ditles,,byings us to WIZioNA, ‘ - o ft is a new 4, , e- , ,tern town of 0000 or 10,000 inhabitants. "Here we were oblig ed to stop abotit a Week to reerifitntir wasted eneyiqes; but notwithstanding the eitekgsive'heat, 'a_very unfavorable in troduetteu_tooup . of the_ worst, hotels -of the town, (there are k.cood Mies), and j our extreme weakness, ui,t recovering from .a- 40311 of_ severe hemorrhage of t 4 lungs—we received very. favorable impressiohs of . the place, The best building- in _the town- is_the _School Hotitat; built of brick, with towers and MailSard roof at a cost Of aver '550,000. I ndeed. I fOund it characteristic of the -Miuutsota'towns, that the best build ings'are - the School Houses. - Not far from this, 11 one of the three State Nor mal S . i.4loch; Of Minnesota Is building, at a cost of SIOQ,OOO. It is a liner school building than have seen in any of our Eastern cities, have will with its fine architectural effect, form a lasting 11101).: ument - tcr L the-foresight of the founders of our young giant Sister State in pro vidipg thus early, for the training of her common school teachers. The school. is now under the direction of Prof F. Phelps, as Principal, occu pying rented apartments in waiting for the most ample rooms and equipments cf the Saito Normal,-and is doing good work.' • Minnesota—praise be to her ! has already - -appropriated more toward the education of her teachers, than has Penn'a.._ Her :Legislattlre has already given to the aid of this school, (and she has two others under her care), over :.i , i30,000, besides a permanent annual ap propriation to each of her Normal Schools of $5OOO. - Had we inMansiield the benefit of an appropriation, like thig last we would think it no trouble to keep our heads above water. Let us hope for it yet.: ; Pennsylvania though • slow is generally' Sure to come out on thoright side. If we could only get a g,alvanicr battery, dr something else to open: the eyes of our . legislators, it would save much anxiety and hard la bor on "the.part of the true friends of *'education, and would.prove a God-send to the State. THE \VI-TEAM kIELDS. Leaving Winona by rail we wended hither and thither for 10 or 12 miles to ascend the bluffs, when the most.beau tiful prairie covered witliwaying golden - wheat greeted the eye,. far out as' it could reach: The same rich scene of a sea of &idea wheat almost ready for the harvest continued through Winona, Olmstead and Dodge Counties until, we are stopped in Mantorville, the county seat of the latter county. It is a pleas ant little hifandtown of over 1000 in habitants, built on nearly the highest prairie lands of Southern Minnesota. Here, finding friends, we stopped to try the effect of the lifegiving air" of the " Asylum for consumptives." A few weeks Stay- here found my health so muCh Improved, that from being able to lotter across- the room on my arrival I could walk a mile anti back without any feeling of weariness. It was then truly_a_litztusyto ride over the prairie • drink in . the 'mil . scenery, Snuff the pure .breeze, Shoot prairie chickens, watch the gophers in their curious r cy rations, and maneuvers, ezc., arid then go back and dream it all over again. free. as one can be front • the cares and 'an.xi ties of life. - But the Cat! the wheat! Ofie would almost think there were enough M supply all the hungry mouths for a Year' to come. The yield this year froth the 1,000,000 acre. sown INliiinesota is estimated at not less than 20,000,000 latishels. More anon. (• -Yours truly, J. T. STREIT. P. A. -Minnesota and lowa are good for Grant by au aggregate majority of PARTING-WORDS.— A lady parting froth her husband a few days since iu the'cars at Albany was overheard by the 'passengers to utter the following paragraph, all in one breath: "Good bye;Wlll. Write to the every, day. won't 'you? - I'll expect a letter three times a week any way. Take good care of my Sunday school class, for I want it\When I come back. If Miss Smith cAlls don't give* her more than fifty cents, for 7e have to' support our own church, you know. Don't forget to bring my silk dress and my othershoes. Come as soon as you can. Good-bye. Don't forget. your cane, and let you moustache grow:" ..A -lady advertises for sale one babpon t three •tubby eats and a parrot. She States that, being now married, she has no further use for them, for the reason that their amiable qualities are all corn , blued in her husband. Arternas War&bas been heard from throughh Planchette. _lle says : " I'm trying to figger, up how I could give a wars2s,ooo at my deth, when, geeord ing to reports sense I didn't hey but 5. We like to see a farmer increase the growth of useful plants and shrubs around his home, taut do not like to see him use rails, poles; and boards. o prop agate with. The Ohio Farmer lets off the follow ing;, Large horses are generally admir ed by farmers ; but farmers are most admired who Pony up. • Pillicoddy Wants to know who WAS er shed by the Icebergs, and why ihey didn't get outof the way when they saw them coming. • LI Beeauso a man who attends a flockOf sheep is 'a shepherd, makes it no reason that a man who owfla a cow should be 'a coward. • „ „ C tll3 Yl. 14,1i8HA Ni! Dalryinen, Faxviers and Others.. ,; N _• " k mato If •• , , AsHE,I,BEESWAX,ASEANIS,.BTTER EclO,S, FLOUR, AND ; , • dYt tAL:ptAk, COTTON, liZOIll PURS AND SKINS,,, DRIED AN4 GREEN PRUITS, GRAIN, . WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, NAVAL sTORks, HOPS," ,- - , ,, f!.o . fpi!sE,Nci, F.ETHERS, HEMP, PROVISIONS, OILS, LARD, TALLOW, SEEDS, TOBACCO, SORGUUM, MOLASSES, &0., &O. JOSIAH CARPENTER. Geno,ral-C4mmissionTlerckaut. 442, 444 and 446 Washington St., Ircoovr3rcsa.-3tx. And recOis o lil weekly Pries Outrent of Pro duce and Groceries the inept complete Price Cur rent Published in the United , SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates &:Cards furnished Free Liberal Adiicineee made on Con . irgnm'ta E_tahliehed May ht. 1860. - - Fleet Clore . -Itefim'one99 given when Acquired April 9.2, 1 g6B.—ly. • „ •• NEW HARDWARE STORE I CONVEAS & OSGOOD N addition to ( leis old business in Pry : Goode, I Groceries, lc, have est?liiiiheti- • STOVE, TIN, AND GENERAL HARD two doors below tho old Et:lll , i ; where they man alai:Aura • , -- , ' TYN-\V A .1.4, lIU'AIANITY PRINCIPLE, . . that is. in the must substantial mariner. In At / matter of S'TOV . IA:S, we have enough to do nil the cooking and warm ing in Tioga County, In, fact, we. have Stoves enough to MAKE A SUMMER in ' We aro the only agent 3 for the Bala of the AMERICAN COOK STOVE in Wellsboro; and this Stove is the: AUTOCRAT OF STOVES. We keep all kinds of hardware, Iron, Nails Steel, Horse Shoes, rind a complete variety of SHELF HARDWARE, If yoli I r lim•L it D' . .)16.P/N. CONVERS fi OSOOOD Well.sburii, Sept.. 4, 12 t 5 ii.,JY• i • Stoves: Stoves AND HARDWAIKET Mll. WILLIAM ROBERTS ' bege- to LT L announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, ttn.Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, lie: hae,'at a groat Outlay, stocked hie attire on MA.IN STREET, WELLSBORO, ARh a complete misortment or Shell Hardware, if which we enumerate the following articles: VAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, RAND AND BUCK SAWS, Burrs; STRAP - 11INGES, cARPENTER's 'COOLS, PUMPS AXES, AUGERS, .BITTS, !iITT STOCKS, - HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCII-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS. SKEINS, WASHERS, ' PIPE BOXES, AXLE , • TREES, ELLIP TIC • SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS • COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES,• POWDER AND i CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS n.now thing, and mado for use. Theso aro but a few of the many articles composing onr stook of Hardware. We invite tbo public to call and examine for Aemeelves. We aim to keep ttio'boat quality rdsin our line ; and Rli Work to ,order done mptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS* Welleboro,Sept. 1,1866-tf. Hero Fruit Jar. 500 GROSS of the HERO FRUIT JAR for sale by . • .-- ; , W. D. TERRELL & CO., Corning, N. Y. We a eprepared to fill orders for the hero Fruit J r as low as they can ! be bought-any anywhe e and shipped from Ciorning, We can give special rates on large gust' titles. lt is the best and most salable Jar in the market. Get quotations from us before ordcring elsewhere. March 18, 1868.— . - - .6m • -7 1 . WASHING . MACHIN - E. , ; TAS; M. WILKINSON, of Charleston, having ta• _purchased the' right to make and vend the H. P. - Jones Washing Machine is Tioga County, hereby giies notice that the inachines are being made at Van fern's Cabinet Factory, Wellsborc, where they Teo' be procured. , The beat, cheapest, end mort sensible machine ever invented: Juno 24; 1868—tf. , • 200- Bushels ,Timothy Seed. 100' bUsbels Clover seed, choieest kinds 't , - • , WRIGHT & RAMEY. • .1. ME 1 WARE STORE, ON 7LIN WA LRUSSJA. No* is: otir limr!to , :Buy! „ • HAWN 44 more goods than is necessary for this market, I will Bell my entire stock of .•1;:. ? ). 1,0603 : AN4 r iLitt` 1 -; VATOIES, C • , - , 1 — PLATED WARE; AND FAN "-i- iCY GOODS, AT COST. - f•, , ?. 0. G. Clocks at . $3,50. 014 lc " " .... Oottste " • " 1,70. American Watches in Silver Hunting Cases at $l9. 'Fluor Movements, is heavier Cases, at cot.- rev oudipgl3oolV VMS .'4 149 47At , MF. 1 9 - idacturers' Fleet. THIS IS NO HUMBUG, BUT A VER ITABLE SALE I 3, :,9 all and see for yourself L.' 74 Welleboro, April 22, 1 08. A. FOLEY. Paint for Farmers and Others, T"E' RAFT N ~,iitIAEAAL 1' A INT 90. are now,maau fe tun ng" the 'IB piit; Olieapesf and most Duralrle,.painCiu tuiti; two Oats well put on, 'mixed with"puro Linimed - oil; will latVlo* -or lb years; it is of a light brown or beautiful Chocolate color, and can he charged to green, lead, titone, dreivplivp or proato,, to Fait the taste of the consumer,. It Ifs , rattihbfe'hir llostiont,• Barns, 'Fences, Carriage and Car makers, Palls aid Wooden-ware Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Can-1 vas-y.IIIOAI and Shingle Boofs,lit being Piro and. Water proofs,) Floor OIL Cloths, (one Manufae hirer having vsed 5,000 bbla. the past year,) and and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, alaaicity and adhesiveness.— Price 450 por barrelprfOO t lbs.., which will pupply ,a farmer for yeara4.6 'chine. • Warranted th:f all cases as above. Send for a circular Which gives Anti particulars. Nono genuine unless branded a trade Plar.hilfArauft9n Min eral Paint. Per lsons can order the Paint and' Vomit :ihe 'm ney on receipt of the goods. Address — " DANIEL BIDWELL, June 3,1868-6 m 254 Pearl St, New York. . :the 4otilidk Tiog&C. • •, YOUR attentitin is respectfully called to the fpllowing "Aet of Assembly" passed at the hyt session of ,the LeKislature, and to the facili ties 'tat:forded 'by virtue of ihavent,'of Preierving. 'the evidence of our service as soldiers in the war for the preseryatiqn . ,e(the Union : , : Be it uncoated by the Senate and House` of ReprOsentatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania.% General Assembly met, cud it is here hy enacted by the Authority of the ; same,: ,Thai the lieeordors of Deeds of the several Counties of this bieounortweititit ore hereby authorised and required to record nil tinal discharges of Com missioned and norr.Cetnotistioned Offieers and Privates upon aipTicogoollieirig ipivietto there by the holders of the nine, for which the Recor der shall be allowed the usual fee for recording; I"iiirii`tbat the recording of the came shall not be subjobt rho payment of the State tax. JNO. W. GEARY, Governor. Wellsbero, Pa., July - 13,1813.8-3,4 - • .IJ. ..to - BANE, 1 ; I Recerder,'Tioge Co; Hand Book of Politics for 1868. Ready In 4nly. I= ' ; •• SPECIALLY' adapted for nee in thv 'coming Presidential Campaign. Will contain all the mutter in the poptical Manuals of 1566, 1867, and 1868. Compiled from official sotiii•es. Will give the whole Political Action of the Govern ment, and of Parties, Impeachment, Reconstruction, General Polities, Plailerms, Acceptance of Candidates; Re.. from April. 1&65, to July, 1868. Tables on Debt and Taxation, --- RiViintie and Expenditures,— Iteaklis ti outhern Registration and Votes. Election Tables from 1860 to date. .100 pages, Bvo, cloth, $2 50, post paid. The Political Manual for 1868, separately, "cloth, ; . ,pnper,_ cower, 17h cents, poet paid Addresw 1 _4 l . McPHERSON. 4 Clerk; of the House of Represeptativos, WAsEttstvrrni, D. 0. S A.T .--I\.l '6'IIIIMR/18h; 1 - ,11 II N E - S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE f '; '411k1,1) saying that a penny saved I, a penny calmed, justifk.s (iARDNLIt in aaminghis establishment a Savings Bank. Eeonomy is Wealth; said same old chap trhoFe natty I havo largettce; and it it camiiimy to track. a herd the SLAUGHTER of high prices i Leing o.toFeoul4l, it)) ri,rar and without — roprioier 1 eats sell Sug;tr,,, laws, 'risk, Flour, Corn. "Ale.il;_AN,ffees, Con»ed Fruits;:ipielak, that everythiz. l 4 intended for family use, diving the buyer the hentllt fall of tho market., uu tidy:lnt:lga duly appre- Ciated by everybody, excepting 0 Lily those verdant T• : • INNOCNTS who , prefer PRO.III:STSO TO PA Y . one hun dred peiVelif. - protits to the teller, to PA YING twenty five per earttl.oadt_ott. tiolirtry of the goods. r shall offer my stork of good] at fair priiwt EVERY 3.I4NDIVY, BYERY:THESDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, EVERY THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY,' AND EVERY SA TUT DAY, and till up a-; I;tst st, ! , I &011 Out. • L. A). GARDNER Well::1;;;;W; Juuo 12, is; B. CASE, • • ; 'Ati ) EN'T FOIO HARDING'S EDITIONS OF FAMILY, PULPIT, & PIIOTO GRAPII BIBLES. I Wholeselp j)eali.rji n , lll find tho list to 6Eo:U:eft the laigesr egsertment of Bibles in the country. The publisher has no, hesitation in pronounc ing thorn more Saleable than any Bibles publish ed, The various editions embrace 'all the vari ous styles of binding and sizospf type, varying iniprice from, $2 to s3o t for Family LlV~lo, large .;; 1 1 1 A. Itij PATEN_ FL EX lAL C f,N-.04 OK • - P1IOTb(1 RAPTI AL UM, Ilid - ruperiority of - " Harding's Patent Floxiblo (Main-Back Album," over ill others heretofore manufactured, will, upon the slightest examina tion, be apparent ;.:- "Pitt/lagers are assured• thatthe above ,buoke aro all ef-tpo best Philnlichiliiti.matutictiire. • • - • • - E.*B. CAI 3 -0; Pa. Jan, 8; .088.1-3 m Welizboro Meat Market! BE E.vJ Poik! ItturroN'r THl4.solpseriber opened Meat Market In the balltllbg lately! tieaupieif by Dr: Webb,', on Crafton-street, Morality trroitiPn'g; Feb. , lt.'Nvhoro ho will,kebp aefull ailtiortMOnl .0f ft " irliErf /if.A Hams and ShOultlerA. If tho people will give me encouragement• I Will kt , "p ura : gorolMarket. 1868--3 m. A. J. TIPPLE. 'cales! Scales'. Seale.k! rr TIE Buffalo Platform Scales, all 'ordinary stioc for heavy, and- counter use,. may be found itt the Hardware 'Sioro of Wm. 'Roberts, IV ellsborm 'novo Settles are the Fairbanks pat ent Intve k tm superior. ups pher. are made-N-0e ,best, styie and !lay': taktin.tbe,prepij-' utn at all the great exhibitions. I haWthe tioleitOncy ler. these Scales in• this region. - WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wellfthore,-Peb-12, 1968 . • , Q AC IC ING for Iwo, best quqlity 25 Ms peryard • ; DEO,AI9 C ClyS. R, ALTO: I ,IINAt Sup D ERS, for salo . ittlipy!q Drug Store. JOB-WORK, IN ' Aittedespatohitit THE OF THE 3T - IL ifEV 17 BST LEl 6nd „1111.AGITATOli Office. EMEIN , • 5t 7 A11>2.4:FX.P.P!!4[i,,, - ; =EMI .pl,j;roS, MEDICINES, PATENT MED— tOINES,;PAINTSe OITAS, WI, DOW lOLASS; & -PUTTY, k Have come down to Old. Prices at last. .• .r , wE tiot-h teitsit• to - wig. that Aro Imvo tkei Largest Stock of Pr LAR E ENGLISH DRUGS ; PIT U.NT REByl I NHS, • IJ. I, ,'L~'~'• :: '' ~,',d YANKEE, NOTIONS, BIM PA'PE,VAN-R, 11 ; ,• 'l9 I, FANCY ART ICLES, CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES„, MIRRORS, WINESTIAVLIQUORS; AC.,7, EVER •RRCWOHT:IEI',..3IAREET. , We have also the L rgest Stock of PAINTS. .GLA S AND PUTTY, 1111=1 - Sucks's, , , "- ' . 1. 7. ; Pure White Lead, ,Pure White Zinc, Linseed - Oil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel low Ochre, Venetian Red, Chrome Yet- Green,, , Prussian;Olue, - , - Patent Dryer, Lacher, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kaisomine,-Resin, _Tar, Log Wood; natio, Broicil'Wood,:eolz.l- , • wood, liiithioo•t Potash, Putty, Aldo-`eohol, Benzoic, Spirits Turpentine, " tindlihroiene Oil, Paint and , • • • VarniSh 'Brushes,: Which we will sell 25 per cont. cheapoi than any other establishment in the county. In short, we have every thing ever kept in a,first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for you to call and'examino Out stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re! member we can't be undersold. - 411-goods wiirratt ted or no Bale. . , 1 „ . , •.;- P, R. WILLIADIS, 1 P. It WILLIAMS & Co.. ' J., L. WILLIAM S .,L J Ami.No. 3 Unimi Bl.nek, • Wollsboro, Juno 28, 1807 1 I A Patent Right thafts No ilitinbitg. mHE SUBSCRIBER. having purchastid"ih right of D. B. Sturdevant's Milk Shelves Provision dtack RirTiOga. County, is prepared (o Bell Township or individual righttat fair rates. Tb o trie Rack is portable and si, airange That it cab be taken apart and put togetheragain in dye minu r tea., ;it occupies less Ahan_four feet *quarts of a roomand ' placed - i&tho kirA4t, cold weatheirp•untlia tbo, Cellar in warty Wtiallter, and will hold fron 72 to V i pans of milk. The shelves are made in skeleton foirirtio as to allow the free circulation of air all around the pans. It has been proved that milk will raise more creatn,eo from four to six howl; longer than ou prdinary shelvits. ' Each shelrturns by, itself ,Independent of tbn other, so that the cream of the formei,irtilltlng not disturbed by the removal or putting on of pans. Tho frame' is such that it can ho roadi. Iy covered with a cloth or gauze, etToetually chiding insects or dust. It is a amhploto arrange ment to dry fruit upon. Tbo subscriber will soon visit differont parts of tho Catip,ty with a model of this rack, or ho can 'ho addiessed'at R r ollabo> o; by those desiring to purchase Township or indi vidultl.rights. Sp9qiineps,can also bo.seonat the Foundry' building of Sears , t is Borough at any time niter the middle of March. GEORGE THOMPSON. Walisboro, Mareh;ll, Stoyes & Tip Ware FOR THE MILLION. Good people all, both grant and small,—if you wok to'keep ' ' ' • PEACE' IN: TIIE .FAMILY you bunt have enough to eat, dry wood, a good wife, well-behaved children, and to, crown all, air, TIP a TOP COOKING STOVE! This.lastAnd crowning good, have at my Tin and StomiepabliWinentiopposito Boys Wellaboro, and its 'souse is the •, HOME COMPANION ; on'411: Idide itainitted to btt'.oqual toariyin Vic world. TIN WARE MA promptly!, ntuljv4rr4n t SFiPQI eTeouted In the best mann CALL AND Wellaborough, Nov. 21, . , - - Public - 1 — A - MONG-tho-useful- .. .1 _a; lbecrearerfow,.. that,: t eedi.few- se wail adapted' ! faring, few so well approvd new - and ii6werful remedy : the German people call it It gives ease and comfo' from Neuralgia and 'Rho l IL speedy relief to t at large) are often . cured, a , d alwa ward appliettilew, .4 . Foi. sale 'b all-Diuggi , Wholesale Depot DAY, GER, No 84 Cott rtlandt 13 T 'o LAWYER 1.14) T C ih fall gette, at -.YOU, FOR -,SALE elegant li open B open-buggy 1 sulkey. I two horse Io IMEI • 'T ; • .7 ER !OM .~ 1 7~.t E TO. ORDER, gigs iatiefaction OXI .r and with dispatch lEEE D. P. AOBER:Ii9': EIM enefit . allocate of•the-day, more proiitiotor :area - eve hutniit.suf. id by the public as that ed , Seintifer (or as ealthbringer). to the poor sufferer thatistn, and brings , class of diseases that beneqteci.by tn. HOAGLAND dc STI . New York. 6 - BLANKS, G'S BOOKSTORE. CHEAP. got.- 1 80°00.11i:1nd 1 ,-- hand top..buggy: bor wagon. 1 - 49 , 1tT .16 8A1LE.74., TO B PT: ~ &,: - . A9-4:144 , H ia., ) :0 1 : '.';I;,;B:PWNPS -2 I '''':-:, '-' S ' tAty itt:the' highest !in`arket..prieei thislolleisint !nth:gee.''l‘,,+ SHEEP: PE 14 1 143; DEACQN , tr,SKINS, DEMI, ;'. for which we ri;ill4o 'e'a 1: sna , We will manufaeturo'iaiilder; French or,IMMe -tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS,`in the host man ner Marl at fair rotas, and pay especial attention id REPATAINcI i 0') p We have a tiret4nltiretoek of :READY-MADE WORK, Ant which we wilt not be tinclerseld;aMl from this time we i shall make it apoint to keep up the ,hesi, litock "Of r: • - ._- • "GtAiP.E'RS to be found in the eounty,,whieli wo will sell at a lower profit than such articles havo,, ever - been, offered in this region: We shall likewise keep up a good assortment LADIES I -41ALMENtALS. /.4 ; g T BOOTEES, CIIILDREN'S AND J ' l ; MISSES WORK of VA-. RIOUS STYLES, and ail stylos of BEEPS .W0.13.K. LEATIIZR ~FINDINGS ' can bo bought of us as cheap as any where this side of Now York, and wo shall keep a full stock of FRENCH .CALF, MUCH, RIP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS;, AND `BINDING. • Our stock of PEGS. NAILS, THREAD, AWLS, .?ASPS, GLOVERS'i ;NBEDLEB,-, I,A,STS, TREES, C I'd, PS, \ -ioias gIICEAMICER'S TOOLS and will be found the lar .gestltt the cottnty,Tautiltse sal for smelt profits.. We talk business and we wean business. We save been in this region long 'enough to be well those who know us try 4' Corner "` teflon . .streets;npposltei Wm. Rob " C. W. SEARS, ' • O. DERBY: k no of Mnin - ic -- , n ate Wellsboro, April 24, 1867-41. 1868, 1 Mt I-Gll-48v-TBA-liElf",-1868. oomtnenee this year with an exclusively 044311 business. CASH PAID FQR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR OATS 1 CASED PAID FOR C6RN, CASLi FOR D . EVERYTHING A LARGE _STOCK OF. ; FLOUR FOR CAM A, LARGE 'ST4IO . K. .FEED FOR, CAST' 1 A LARGE STOOK •OF PORK FOR CASH I „• • : Call and'see us. IVRIGHT Sc BAILEY Wellsboro, Jan. 9,1867-1. y.. All persons Audo lA ed to us by note or book account must call end settle or pay costs. Jau;),' ~WRIGIIT, BAILEY. TIM INIT DRAMA - OF ViNoi:k-bi . V . 4llo4og's PUBLIC! BENEFIT 1 • PROCCEAMME : I v:1 • ~ rent Pritar: , 4 In , on , of tht contemplated Railroad soona ( to bo - uilt 'to • Vellehoro, the _proprietors have conchs ecl to, give the people hereabouts, daily enter nMents through the year, commencing on the 14 of January. Thelrat piece, entitled, ( L • E A-NN;ET LIVE Y. „ IN Two CHARACTERS. Live,... WILSoNdE VAN VALICF:NDM O. Lot Li ' ' Tun pnont,n. Th' roof drama has drawn crowded : houses bothi this and the old Countries , and is ad -1 mitred ,y all to be ono of the most profitable, in tereeti*, o,Psl.l)est pieces extant Ti ets to the Dress Ofrele—.VßEE. , PART BECO.ND. , We isk- it distinctly understood, that all olassett` f politicians,•'nnd oven those who :feel a little VOlfuih-LArid In fact none aro excluded from tin BRIAR -FISIIIONI Whoi we can Nrnish any: iitylo, kind and quality l of Gentlemen's wearing apparel on short notice, tind nt'pricespstonisliing :CUTTING 'BONE ADMIRA4I, -. Clothi; Cassinaeres, Vestings, Ladies' Cloths, and' 4 . a large, variety of . Ladies' Dress Goods. Bost kinds, and es cheap it the cheapest. Tickets to the Pargiie.te—FßEE PART TIIIRR In this great Tragedy for Ilia benefit of the public, we would agt omit saying to the Ladies that we'alsu keep everything to replenish thoir VV'et*cixicilcie;, Come one and alljand ?Ivitne§s the above on tertaihtlient..: Wo do not claim • to ho old Stare, but shell endeavor to do - our,beet to give - all the werth of their money. Reserved Oats for the Ladiea. ' ReliOnbor the place, NO. 2, UNION BLOCK N. B.—We shall give our patrons the full ben efit 'of the decline in prices, an d , extending them 'out thanks ifor the very liberal patronage heretofore extended, we solicit a continuant. of the same. • r! • WILSON