11011 E MATTERS. WEDNESDA.Y, Nqw•' Adminiatrato's 43 . E:toiions. ' • ,::;" :41."1 1 4.' D".. rag- Application foi Cbartin—J. Donsiagoth,: 000 dri t qh Oped Rotatoes,--,Lee dr, ,Enokan • • Bstray— y. - . Gil . . Win address the rieple Vega oouity at ***:11 4 4 . ,i - *Oito:i::- MONDAY, OCTOBER, 6,, 1868. —We make this tinuOuncement oti the authoil ty of Gen. Cameron, from whom we have received the following note datodEkept; 23; aGen..itutler, - Witinn I saw in Virliaebingten, will be in Welleboro, Monday the sth of Ocer.": Oen. Camerii and don. Geary:at:6 expected to be present also. Let every Council and Club take notice. • AD.ToINED COURT.—An adjourned s,. Court wail be held ilesthe 9th-day 'of Ociobei, chiefly for the purpose of naturalisation. Our friends, and othkrs will please take notice. bon's forget it. DON'T BETI—We learn that certain of the Democracy are trying to effect bets with Republicans so as to challenge their votes on election day. BettinVen elections is' illegal, and ought to be • puniahed. If we can get hold of any such blaoklegging the Stakes shall go to the Poor fund. Two ACRES.—Mr. H. H. kot l ter,J of Middlebury lately harvested 75 bushels of Spring wheat Min 21. acres of ground. That will dO for this year. _ ItELlGlOUS.—According to provious arrangement hetweonthe WelMore and Delmar Baptist Churches, Rev. W. A. Smith, the patter, will preach at pelmet' in the morning, and at Wellsboro in the eieriing, at the nsnal hour— commencing Sunday inert. PERSONAL.—H in. 8. F. Wilson re turned from Washing on •laet Friday, Congress having extended the recess to. October 16. Ho represents the state of feeling in every part of the true-hearted North as earnest and confident, and says that Indiana and Ohio, •as well as Pennsyl vania and Now Jersey, are certain for Grant. ELK.Le.ND—TIiii3 village bids fair to become an important manufacturing point.— Measro. Fitzgerald t Monroe have shout finished their Sash and door &gory, the machinery being all on the ground. Mr. Coates is\ progressing rapidly in the oonstruetion of his fakery for Him , ilar work. The COl46iliotel is in running orderl and nobody need • stay away from the Pair for fear of losing a geod.4d . oi a warm meal. . The Presbyterian Churob is nearly done, and will be an ornament to' the town. The Graded school :Is flourishing finely under the control of Prof. Ward. The-Pair begins to-day. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.—We are oblig ed to Mr. James Steele, of Delmar, for a bouno tog watermelon, girthing between two and three feet. Mr. Steele hei loft with us two bunches of Dutton - Seed corn, very handsome indeed._ We don't see how it can ho improved upon. - We are obligod to Mr. M. Conway • for a mag nificent eaulitio/sr, the first We have seen the pres ent season. - " Also to Mr. tam, Carroll, for a fine lot of To matoes: • s. 4. - ELoi , p3.7-Thl Agitator is indebted to Mr. John Spaulding, og , lnathatu, for several fine morons. May no irreverent band rifle hta •melon peach. . . SPLENDID FRutr,i-"Wettie obliged to Mr. Vine D. Patchin k .of Itichmond township, for 52 apples, repre s senting 25 varieties of choice fruit growing in his orchard., The 52 apples inadehalf a bushel, liberal meta9tire3' and constituted as pretty p display .of apples ',as one ever sees at a Pair. PRAPES.—the .elvitator makes a very low bow to 3.fesers. T. D. Sion° and IV. E. Rath away of Tioga .for a - box of suporb Concord grapes, with the following neat) Terse inscribed thereon: . „ "We love tho products of the vine And toast Our leader, Grant, in Wino ! littrra,.then;libys, and pay your poll-tax, And east your vote for Grant and Colfax!" Messrs. Stone tin& Hathaway sold several hun dred pounds otgiapes to James Ai. Bunnel, the Grocer. The fruit is ftom Hammondeport vine yards. M.Augsromoa .ITEMS.—Our local COT respondent: Writes: "The time of meeting, of the Grant it - Colfax Club has been changed from Sat urday to fittetidaY:' e'vening. The meetings' are well attended. The Republicans of Mainsburg and Sullivan are wide awake, and will do their part toward making the Union majority in Penn sylvania thirty ihnusand. "The Copperhead Seymour Club has caved in for wantof members and interest in their candi date. They aro troubled as much" by the news from• Vermon t -and Maine as they used to be by the news_of Union victories during tlip. war. "The first thing that Mr. Peleg Doud is doing sinoe taking possession alba Hotel is, just what any one who knows him would expect.' lie has raised the building two feet, and is ging at a ' 1 thoroug repairing inside and out. It is no lon ger the dame hotel; and trivelord who call there will not fail to notice it. '4-. , •`On Monday tho net, Mr. P. E. Kniffin closed his tin shop add took, his departure for Bricks burg, N. J. He intends to go into the tin busi ness at that place. Honest, industrious, respeet able, always attending to hii,.own business; he deserves prosperity, and We sincerely hope he will have IL" Gossip.—Leh often become, so 'thor oughly absorbed in business that they forget to look above the level of their eyes. Weald you believe that a man ever lived ten years without once looking at the stars? sueb is-the story, re lated on good autheilty , 4 Ho had been'favored in youth in all ,things pertaining to education; had a good knowledge of the soienees, was gen erous, frank, and-had 'noble aims. Attaining his majority, ho entered into the business of life with all the zeal of an impulsive nature. For a few years ho accumulated for the double purpose of liberality and gain. Then ho began 'to look straight before him, and forgot to look higher, until it camp to pass tliar • ten years pissed away and the etars,-and the blue sky were to him as tradi tions. He became like a tree l with leaves turned care and yellow by a Juno frost. The springs of his best and brightest youth - dried up, and the dust from their parched channel's was churned up by the remorseless wheels of traffic. The teach ing is thii: For every transgression of nature's km there is a swift and sure penalty. If a nisi suffers his soul to boot+ absorbed into a °butt* for gain for the sake - of gain, and neglects to eul tivate his sympathies, and the better relations: which unite men in a common bond, the world' will chill toward him as be chills toward 'the world, and the sore autumn of life will come to him, when the flowers and bright foliage of Juno are blessing the wise and unselfish. To him ago will. not Mite be unlovely, and the sum of life bitter ashes. Obey the higher law ; look up, eveii , hour of your lifer study the skies in all their ;starry grandeur; if, only for ten minutes each pleasant evening; keep the warm Ado of your heart to ward the world ;ad shalt.tnen and women respect and love you, and so shall the fruitage of life'ri• port beforelle frosts of natation destroy the - vine to its root. —Wanted—a copper the Tinges Eagle, contain,. ing a rhyme 'entitled • "an Irishman's Dream."-- The verses appeared in 1842. .Mr. C. Lewis, of Ulysses, Potter Co., writes us that •he - half a dollar for a...copy of the paper..-Ne doubt if a Copy can be found. for sale;. but 1f tiny one has such a copy and Will idid it'to 11Sr. LoWis, tbo latter will pay the price and feel greatly obliged. SU= Great Poaniar 715emonstrationi—Ohar-. iekton t Debnat-Niddiehtiry, , and- Tv'' oga ont 'ands oar. • • tat of Wagons; 11* , and /3typiekli • ,-- Grant'OolOA,Tteli widl,ll' ME As a measure of Republican sentiment and en thusiasm, the turn-out to the Mass-Meeting in Able village last Thursday was overwhelming and cone/naive. Rain commenced falling beforosevon o clock in' the morningiutd throughots,thtifore r ;noon'" continued to fat iritii ' little interniiselon:' I`iie prospects were not every promising, but at elitven o'clock the Debi= delegation led by the Wellsboro Band drawn by four fine greys, entered town and pasied down Main street. It consisted of 4. - Utagenic sin of them drawn by four horses each,, and all loaded - down ivith'sniett add women looking very much in earnest as they braved the rain. The horses wore gay with flags and the wagons were blossoming with fine flags and np. ioropriate banners. It was the best turn-out from potoaar that we (Tor end -it . 1005 its 15trAY, Republicans grbut credit. They ttie, thOrougbly 'in earnest, trusty and true as Steele. ' At 12/ o'clock _ the Tioga and Middlebury del egations, led by the Tioga Cornet Band, entered town and were halted by Marshal A. W. Potter in ' order-to perfect the junction between them and the Charleston delegation than waiting on the State Bead., The Wellsboro - Band went out to escort theins in, and at .1 o'clock the procession began to move up Main Street. - Teams of four and six horses,,froni Charleston headed the line, and the combination of banners, devices, mottoes, 41te.; was something to be wondered at. East Charleston came in behind an eightyoke ox team, . drawing a tannery in 'which the work of tanning and currying was prosecuted with much vigor,amid the cheers and - laughter of thousands who lined the street. The Mottoes on the•arest.of the tan nery roof and on its sides was—" East Charleston Grant & Colfax Tannery t Reprobateskins tann ed-free ! Democratic bark taken in exchange !" In the center was a neat spread eagle with a cop perhead in' his tier*, and the, legend—" Liberty Triumphant! Death to. traitors I" On the other side was—" Copperheads tanned on short notice, and warranted to turn salt water! All skins de livered Nov. 3,1888; bring on your bides ! The SeymOurnbrs and‘"Blairites will remain ,in the woods as long as they stick to their Forrest / Johnson's policy played out !" Over the tail board hung a hide labelled "Seymour." On the near side hung another rather damaged in spots, labeled with the name of the hero of Oter 'pant!. We noticed another hide upsidedown, with a pa per collar affixed over the stumpy tail. Behind this original affair came• two lugubrious looking creatures, bearing a rebel flag and begging the spectators to hurrah for Blair and Seymour.— They sported enormous bandanas which they used - . to sop up the tears of ilisappointnient,'• only one Democrat being honest enough to salute his flag and his candidates. One no sooner saw the stars and bars than he flung up his hat and cheered.— We learn that the Seymour Club will administer a private rebu" to the incautious rebel at its next meeting. Next in order came the delegation from the County House, With ex-Sheriff Tabor at its head, and a banner borne by a gray headed gentleman who seemed to enjoy it amazingly. Upon this banner We road: "Democratic, Taxpayers, this is Joel Culver's Team !" On the other side: "We are Poor, but not traitors!" Next came the Round Top Delegation with a beautiful flag in scribed with the names of our gallant standard bearers. Then followed the Welsh delegation with a truck planted with evergreens end labeled the "Wilderness." Among these evergreens was the-Welsh Glee Club which sang patriotic songs as the procession moved slowly along, so that ono Man called out—" Even the birds are singing for Grant in the wilderneß?." Then canto a : wagon bearing a stalwart sour apple tree, in full leaf la beled "Appomattex;." This was one of the land things,in the procession. • 'Further along,. came a load of wood, labeled "Grant the Wood-Draw er." • Catlin Hollo4League came in with a Bix horse team, in capi4l style. , The devices of the Charleston delegation pOssessed the unusual mer it of originality. Without intending to be pat. tial we must coincide, with the universal verdict— " Charlesto- isliard to dmat." , Tho,•Delmar : men furnished some of=the , _finest leanii , in the pre-'. cession, and were riot behind in number.' Tioga: did nobly, and her - .l3and added nineli,,O,'theen-, , joymont of the occasion. . , - ; At two o'clock the Grant Tanners of this• vita loge, preceded by the Wellaboro -13andi• marched down Main-st. to Wain, crossedto the north side, add halting at Goldsmith's Hotel, mottett the" speakers—Messrs. Briggs and Culver, to the:stand on the Square: The clouds Weroliterally dis solving at this time, and the rhinwas, cold and pitiless; but still, the orowd was tinny times too_ great to get into the Court House.. : Hon. H. W. Williams was calledto preside, 'and in' a few pre litainati remarks introduced Hon: As. A. Briggs, of New York. Mr. Briggs plunged into his.sub joet without delay, land delivered an agument of great power touching the finitticerf, the restoration of the revolted States, and the duty of freemeti.— ' His speech bristled with official facts and figures, embracing the subjects of revenue, taxation;debt, &e., &e. His long service ,in the Treasury De partment peculiarly fits him to discuss theisub jeet of the finance. ~, Notwithatanding the pour ing rain 'the iminenee audience stood for tido hours earnest listeners nd enthusiastic applauders.— Judge Calvet- followed in ' a short speech full of patriotic fire, wit and humor, at the close of.which the meeting adjourned, with three boisterous cheers for the ticket, to meet in theJConit House at VI o'clock, evening. • . . 1 , Evening came; but wiiii it increased rain. The prant Tanners, preceded by the Band, left the Leagne.room at 7 o'clock. with lighted' torches, and after parading the streets escorted the speak ers to the Court House. Such a dense crowd was never before seen in that room, 'iCery inch of standing and Bitting room being occupied. • Dr. Webb sang "Rally 'round the tiag,;' -in the stir ring chorus of which the vast audience joined-- Judge Culver was introduced by His Honor Judge Williams, and spoke for aillour -and:three-gnar -1 ters as only be can speak. The subject of t'econ- Struction.was handled with such ' ability, and the 1 points mailo were so tolling; that , the house was 1 ( fairly sha en with the . ,applans'es. 'We can say for this s eeeh that it, was perfeetly . tineissailable : by tho en r iny. Every affirmation, was sobstan •tiated'hy h i e record. The speaker's illustrations l varied . "fr in grave to gay, from lively tQ severe,' , no* convulsing with laughter, now dissolving to tears, and again filling the audience with deep indignation at the villainies of the hpposition. The Band furnished capital in,tisio and la - entitled to the thanks of this 'community for its successful efforts to please. Altogether this was a'day long to be remembered in `Republican annals, and•the Seymour; Des will:: not " .. 3 i . ,4i1: forget it..- 7 - Islotwithstanding the pouring, rain not less than 500 people weio`Present iti theettr ` ;rtioon and the crowd in Tno Co(irt liOnso'o%iiiitl not be rati)(lles'e than CM. All honor to the Republicans whose political faith will waith. All honor to the prin: ciples which can boar the teat of the:eqiiinoetial. - What would it ' hare-been, had the,day..beeu fair? 'Think-of it. - •.. 'Unqei tlieeffielent. direction of idarsind Potter the best of order preVailed all day./ . •TO ,„ O Committee for the Building Fund rip. the Tic g u: bo'uuty Baptist= Association ‘youl3!.urge the Ile; cessity of each 'church belbg'prOmpt in sending their respective iullicriptione to the eNtirslian of "the Cenunittee. _Let :the name oft, every Member be attached to the list•,WhothenFlinything is sub s rmbed or‘rwit. atis,inntter will greatly iissist 'the conimillee,'.;d:pleia,!'ill, : ,.;,lheir books to report at the nextQuarteriy•me;ling. ' P. C.'VAN GatuEt4 Oh*:Wellsliere i .Pll. ' E. D. Mit6he,ll Sister, having.lor some. time past supplied the ladies' at Tioga and 'vicinity- with Millinery, hare recently Y., trlitne they iniond to engage tune extertsiYeii ,They are practical and tasty milliners, thir : dealnroia t pd we hope their nowifield^of iabor may be , onia of pr9spority, • GOOD TEMPLABS h e Blossburg Good Templars had a pie-nia eelebra, Goa at their Lodge Room on the 21st inst, is irbielithe Vega and- latinitleid" Ledges •weib ritpresented.--: A line eolleption was prepared,and -enjoyed in the Li:idgc; Hewn. - • 'After- dinner this nitirobera repaired to 'the- DenatiorOtte', iftiotoy ',Whore'speeehea by Revs. Reynolds,'W -L. Kern, and S. B. P,Illott;, ; wore liatened with ~noh intereat. O.V. Elitett presided, and Mr; J. Q. Horton who - thiStood Templare:' 1J • Secretary. . Stream ,to t ' ;- Judge 'limy - any` ivilE• - *Often'. the citizens of TIOGA Saturday evening, October 8, Agentral turn out is expected. Messrs. Wilson.‘k silos will address the people of DELMAR at the Graded School Rouse, Stony Pork, Saturday, oe'ning, October. 3; • . - Meagre. Wilson, Niloa, and Dr, Webblvill speak at BOLLTDAYTOWN, Saturday evening; Ooto bar 10. , , GAINES.—Tho Republicans of Gaines met Sat urday evening, slept. 19, and organized a Grant do Colfax With, with the following caters: • President- - . Ethan [strait; .yioe Presidents-7A. Cgden, R. Persing, Furman,' D. K. Marsh; D. A..Barnhart.' Secretary-7; 7 lnm Locke. Tread, z—flenry Crofut. The &iub meets every Saturday evening.' JESSE LOCKE, Sec'y "A Union Soldier," writes us from Union that the meeting of the 17thtit the Swamp Church was a grand success. The church - was tee small to hold the crowd. Messrs.. Niles , and Smith ad dressed the meeting Very acceptably to the Re publicans and damagingly, to the Democracy. The Canton Baud was present and added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. - I - ill:.ee , LIOERTY.-A correspondent wr t of the meet -Niles, on the 18th inst . Great a ing held at the Block House by D °sm. Smith de, its were made by a Copperhead showman and her friends of Blair and Seymotir to draw the c r owd slay, but the hall of the Grant & Colfax Club was literally jammed with earnest listeners, not loss than 900 people being present. Gen. Cox presided. Dr. Webb opened the meeting with a stirring cam paign song,,which filled the audience with, en thusiasm. Able speeches were made by Messrs. Niles & Sniith, covering the whole ground and bringing conviction to the hearts of the au dience. The occasion was one to be remembered, and the Republicans of Tioga may rest assured that the altar fires of liberty burn with a steadily increasing radiamig in -, old Liberty. We shall give over no effort until the ballot-box..is closed. TIOGA MASS "MEETlNG.—Wednesday was the firist.daY of the equinoetical storm, cold, wet and inclement; but this did not prevent a grand outpouring of the people to hear Judge 'Culver and Mr. Briggs, at Tioga. Prom 1500 to 2000 people were - present, and the enthusiasm was marked. Delegations from Delmar, Charles ton, ' Wellsboro, Middlebury, Lawrenceville, Jackson, Rutland, Mansfield, Covington, and Blass began to arrive a little after noon, and by two o'clock Tiega was a pretty lively town. The display of flags and banners wascreditable. The speeches, which held the crowd earnest attentive and enthusiastic listeners for more than two and a half hours in a drizzling rain, were efforts of marked'force and ability and very effective. • It was a grtind day for the cause and a blue Monday for the Copperheads. . . , KtioxviLLE,—lf it "rained" on Thursday, it "poured" on Friday the day of the Mass Meeting at Knoxville. From early morn to 10 P, DI., -it poured- in turrent.i. Verily, thought we, If Tina Republicanism can stead a three 'days' wash it will never fade - It stood it. 'Knoxville was cram med, and , jammed. Through the down-pouring deluge came the people from Clymer, Westfield, Brookfield,. Deerfield Oceola, Elkland, Nelson, Chailtanceinl Farmington with ,an ardor which no equinoctial, could ,dampen. The speakers, Messrs. Culver and Briggs, expressed their sur !glee at this thrice repeated expression of disre g.trd for the weather on the part of Tioga Repub. li*ns, hailing It as an earnest of victory. It is anfearnest at . vii tery ;, and the Republicans of Tibga arc eatitled to highest praise for these great pepelar lenlonetrations in the midst of difficul ties. ' - NEW STORE—.NEW GOODS !—BULLARD Lt Co , have put iu a superb stock of Goods at the old ;fond, next door above Bunnol's Grocery. The be goods, and selected with taste and care. Gall and soothe stock, ladies. Liberty, October 6tli Ogdensburg(f 6. • Sullivan, Llakorsburg, " 7. Rorevilic, • Jaokson, Cotton S. IL II 9. Chatham, Starks corners, " 12. • Knoxville Academy, " 13. Rroukfield, South Road 8. R. " 14, Westfield, " 1)5. Sitiiinsville. • - " 16. Vcrinilyeter, " 17. tollidays S. It. " 19: 1 Tiogn, • " - 20. 1,11 v: TelieeN ille. " ' 21: Nel l oii. " 22. Parmingtoo Cea S. 11. " .23. I , ,_. Cot iu Urn." 26. , Nouslich!, " 27. Churicrston, Monk S. 11 " 2S. Detinar, Doane S. H. kft . Welleboro; - • . " 311. Weltehoro, Nnv. 6th 13th and 20th. Nnyrivare•e•NroninationB.. _ No, certificates renewed or endOrted. Examinations commence nt 10 o'clock A. M. Applicants are expected to be punctual ; to he, examined at the first examination they attend, and on US. History in addition to the usual branedies ; to bring with theta O' and ink, a sheet of foolscap paper, and nn envelope with address an t stomp if the certificate is to ho mailed to them. Directors And all friends of Education aro cordially invited to attend, ' Grant & Callan Cluba.—The times of meet ing no as follows : " Brookfield—Saturday evenings. Charleston—Tuesday evenings. Chatham—Saturday evenings. Clymor—Saturday evenings, sabinsville. . Onvington--Friday evenings., East Charleston—Saturday evenings. Elkland—Thursday evenings. Farmington—Thursday evenings.. Gainei—Saturday evenings.' daekson---Tuesday evenings, Knoxville—Friday evenings. La wrenroville —Wednesday evenings. bikrty—Tties.lay 'evenings. id;llis ltidgo--Saturilay evenings. Nfiddiebstry—Saturday , - evenings. . Mansfield—Saturday evenings, ' Nelson—Saturday evenings. poooja—Wednesslity evenings. Round Top—Thursday evenings. Rutland--Thursday evenings. Sobth Charleston—Tuesday evenings. Stony Fork—Wednesday-evenings. Tioga—Sataiday evenings. Tinge. [U. L. of AA—Saturday evenings. Union—Saturday evenings. Ward—Saturday evenings. 'Westfield—Tuesday evenings. , Wellsboro—Friday evenings... Utiles names will be inserted as fast as they .are received, and the table will be published Weekly' duringthe Campaign. X min, c 9 al 312113.611.23. c• ow na . The subscribers aro selling all wool Enipress Cloths, handsome colors 50 eta; plain and white Alpacab 31 its; handsome Dress Dodds 25 cis; good fast colored prints 121; good wide Shoot ings 121; good wide bleached Mutlina 121}; win ter Bnlmorel Skirts 51,20; double Shawls $3,50; pot! wool Cassimeres 75 cts. to $1,25, and lots of bargains in the, entire stock. Cali and see for yourselves. J. A. PARSONS, ' _Sept. 23, 1808. ' ." Corning, N. Y. Nuw (loops ! New .Goons.—Charlie is now in, New, York buying a fresh supply of Dry Goods GrocOries. Boots (F.. Shoes oke., which will be scold at astonishing by low prices. So look out for bargains. Bring on your Batter, Eggs, Grain & Cash and take home lots of the needful. C. S. MATLIER,& Co. Lawrenceville, Sept. 23, INS. State Street; Wolisboro, Pa., finishes photo graphs in India Ink, Oil, or water) colors, for th,C trade or to individual order. Copies old pie tures, large or, small in a finished manner. • All kinds of Oval, and Square Frames on hand, and at as low prices as can ho found elsewhere. Cash taken in exchange for all kinds of work or goods.—Ap. 8. 68-tf. SPECIAL NOTICES. ••, • . • • • • • Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. "Its seam is stronger and less liable to rip in TOtie - or " - wear than tho Look-Stitch."—"Judge? 1 Repprt," at , the y "Grand Trial." Send for the I -Nteport," and st4nples.of Work, containing both iiipt)siptetitehes, on the sewn pea of goods.. GEO. C. BOWils', AGENT, AEA 29,18-4 y. cot:TOWN Go. 47126.1000 1 Pat Republican rdeotinge County Political News. I= Examination of Teachers J. P. CALKINS. • Co. Supt C. 0. THOMiS0 . 1,N,, J YES I YES S YES. I . . • • in* WILLIAMB CO.; have got Ate best; largest and cheapest _Moak of Dritpqned leines,Patentliedieines, Paints;ollsi D 96 lotus, Bnisbes, Varnishes, Glass, Putty,. Yankee No. tions,'PerfninerY,' Toilet Soap, Fishing Tao Mei 4434 rover brought into thistoouuty.l :They will positivelyiell everything in their line oheap. er than can bought ebuiwheta. l Theylpenght their goods in large itus i ntWes und'for,netf gush, ' and can and will sell ebeaPar . Thawany flier es tablitiltment in this county . 'Call and 'examine eteek and prices, P. &WILLIAMS 46 . 00. May 9; PBS. No. 3; iinjoik ' it ' 7 I aeries., lar SERE can close buyers find Pure Th4l'lBll l _,V I' White Lead and • Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Laelter, Turpentine, the :cheapest, at P. It. WILLIAMS, & -00. Who sous the purest 'and beet 'Otago, Patent Medioinee, and bye Sin% • • P. B. WILLIAMS, k CO. Who keeps the largesi stook of 'Pahit Powders, Tooth, Hair, Cloth and Nail lirtuthes, and sells the cheapest, • P. R. WILIJAALS, - ..k pO, Whero can you go to find the best and cheapest Toilet and Saving soap, Pocket Knives, Perfum ery, Hair Oil, Pomades, Writing Paper, Pens and Ink, to P. R, WILLIAMS, ft CO: STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. WILLIAM 'ROBERTS; Agent fot all titst:olaSs Stoves, Main .Street; A VINO been • appointed 'agent for all first ja class stoves mannfactured by Shear, Pack ard ,t Co., of Albany, N. Y. Aina ,now ready to furnish the following named celebrated Stoves : COOKING STOVES; AMERIOAN I 'NATIONAL, HOME COMPANION, MONITOR. THE BENEFACTOR,' the latter of which is the best sieve for common use over-in market being cheap, welhnade, and convenient. Thave'alse, a variety of ELEVATED OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, CAST IRON various patterns, SHEETIRON, Self Regulators ALSO—Stoves suitable for burning bard or soft coal, will bo furnished to order. Customers. will do well to examine my stook, which is as full and well selected as any in Northern Penn sylvania. I have also put in a full stock of MICEZI•SIWEtr i e of all sorts. Thankful for liberal patronage in the past, I respectfully solicit a continuance of. the same. Sept. Its, 1868. Whi. ROBERTS. AGENTS WANTED FOR Men of our Day: The men who govern our country, make its laws, have fought its battles, charmed us with their elo quence, founded our colleges, control our railroads, manufactories, and our finanees-0110 attractive vol. ume, full of vivid interest, lifelike illustrations and characteristic anecdote. 660 well tilled pages-12 firm steel portraits, and the lives cf over 60 men, Price low to suit the times. The cheapest us well as themost In teresting book published within five years. Bales lin. menso. Every body wants to know the life history of these men. Send for circular to ZEIQLER, MeCURDY & CO. Philadelphia, Pa., Cinch:math, 0.„ Chicago, lU., or St. Louie, Aio. 8ept..1.00.812.8-7m Farm for Sale. r 'llfillE undersigne offers for - stile Oa reasaia- J_ able torms,a v noble farm,'sitnated in Chat ham Township. Tioga County Pa., (Oho direct road dom. Knoxyill. to R. eaneyvilKalx. miles from the former pladea, containing 150 tieres, 116 acres improved. A good frame house, large hay barn and shed, and ,a good horse barn, also two good • apple-orchard/. Well watered• and well adapted to dairying.' Any one deairiuma, good farm and pleasant home wilt do well to apply to - VANDUSEN. Sept. 2, 18138-tf. , Executor's Notice. , 1 T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY having - 6,6 L granted to ,tho undersigned upon, the list. will and testament ,of Richard Phillips, let, ' of Westfield borough;Aeo'd; all persontiindeld'e to; and all claiming s against said docedent,,raust et tie with . FRANCIS STRANfi. Westfield, Simt. 16, 1.866-6 e- . ' E . .. , --- A. 3. THOMPSON ; ' DlAlia FIELD PAT . , 1 • BLACKSMITH, has two fires, and is ,preihred to do all kinds of work in his line' with protipt. nese, and in a workmanlike manner.' He draes at tarellence in his trade. ' Mansfield June 3,1888-Iy. . , ,' 1 ' 0, TOP THIEF !=-if 'the• man who took'' gun k) lock from my shop lately will retur it, I will not expose him ! and if the man who Mk n band•vice and pliers on another tceasloimirll re. turn them; ha further proceeding - 8 • .will ~b, bad. lam on the track of both. JAMES,4I4OC - E. , ,' Millsboro, Sept. 16, 1865. • 7 . . I 1 .11 ON 1 1 1 ‘ crq H 2 1 1 3 ; - 1 H .111 - 1 ..8 . 'l4l 0 5 0. 0 cnar r-4 • - . C I tr .i tt ' I " In; cD f CD O^ 6 4; R 4 H - N• ^ • )'a L - gr =Li ' 0 Ul co • g g unii or. • g. 5 , . o .-1 0 a. •GO , t:r CD' %) 1.1. E . f lt .: M i 9, CP IT" ID 0 p.m( • ,a l4 •Ft r e# C 4 • ' MI g, ' g. L 8 1:2. 0 i... , . ~..,,, ~ .......,,i . O t. l ‘ V i o crs„ I 'l ,o .0 •-- ...• m 0 1-4. g V I 6 , .. , . t 4 ca, 0 . 4 „m, . ~, • ,„, a s 'Xi so ~ O .7 .-.> P p:7- Pi z 0 0 cDr . ~.. hi c , ) s . , s • L ., v... _sFa r ! 1 lc ti '•., R : , - :g . , F., , B so , et beeitigi !--, V i g • 0 ' , : - o cc. t oiN cr , m 0 a 0 5. 01 li i . 0,1 +-ft <••• 5 -- P• , co 'LI ....4 1--i .4+ 0 SW til 0 FL . i ii ' 0- 1 CD t 4 ". 1 -• Vi P.. 1 FL . : t-4 CC it : 1 a • Executora'••Notice. il_,/ • . , ETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the undersigned upon the last twill and Testament of Peter Green, late of Del. ;mar, deceased, all persons indebted to:the estate, lare requested.ta make inimediater pap:butAd all having drams against the same wig ,preisent, them to • AGNES, GREEN,. GEORGE GREEN, Sept. 2,1868-6 w.. Efre. Estray. t TAKEN UP on the Cominons in 'Wells,bero; Ang. 21, ult., trio Three.year-old rod /item. Autiee is hereby given to the OM:* or owners to prove property pay charges, and take them away, or they .will be disposed of,attoording to law. 0. E. ELMS.. !Sept. 2t, 1868-4 w, nigh Constable. MILOIIit 111 MEAL, always on hand at • Juneff, 1868. JAMES M. BUNNEI'B. NEW A.DVERiITSEMEIV-T,'s. : 7, jf ,p4EPOED FOR Spring and snmmer Trade T. L. BALDWIN. Bk_oo. TrooA, PA. . .1 1)111 - AVE now on hand and still coming, a largo IM,II and well solooted stook of "Goolx:GooDs bOratlr 3 tains everything needed.:. stock 24111 20.111112.1120b1i 000,190 can't be beat mueb. ALPACAS, POPLINS, •CAMBRIOKS, ' FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, lEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO ,TIONS, HOOP %SKIRT% - BAL.) MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, 'CORSETS, DOMESTICS r ; at a very eniall margin;" .READY-MADE' CLOTHING; cloths and•Cassimerea and a Tailor to Cut and Fit. Roots ans' tops, HATS . AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, I SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Don t forgot to look over our stook of GROCERIES, the most complete stook you can . find, such ai TEAS. We are old tea drinkersand know them to be good. SUGARS, MOLASSES, everything hi the Grocery line, Gunfa Bank Oodfkh Bay Mackerel, Ashton' Salt, *hat - makes the liuttee good,,and nice firkins to put it in.— Alsoißutter Tube and Pails ; Butter sold on coni roisshn—noi charges for handling; but would like a sruall portion of the money you get in re:, turn, that is if our prices suit, FARMERS TOOLS, Mince. Wo are agents for the Ohio and Buck eye canbined Mowing Machines; general depot for fixtures and extras for the the above ma chine'. ,All kinds of , , OC I U - NTRY PRODUCE, taken, In osohango for Goode . Wo proposo to Sell oui"Goods reasonably. "Live and let Live" Prioes i given at„ the counter—only one price. T. L. BALDWIN & 00. 'Baia, Pa., April 29,1888. Doin'esties Yankee Notions, Hate ; ~and daps, Boots and shoes, ; , hitt as wohave neither time nor space to finish he beginning, wo will merely invites you to call, ask for in", ,what y want, wo will toil you the iirioe, and 'then weigh out,or measure off tic. `corokini,to order. PORK, FLOUR AND SALT,,, ho three groat neoesearlea,,alwaya on hand. ; t - • ' Remember Farmers, that tre'oan supply you with BUTTER FIRKINS, TUBS, OR PAILS, . „ an old Astir°it by the sack Of Wo pay Cash for l3attor. WICKHAM ,t -FARR. Vogl), May 20 4 1868. LOOK AT THIS? A ,B the Printers say . that success follows the liberal advertiser, and other people seem to believe them, so we (that% Wickham it Farr) will take warning, follow the example, and in form the public is general that we have a good stook of good , GOODS, to be sold at good prices 'for good customers= dud as we oorkbider all customers good—they will be very apt tO,he offered. the same goods at one and the same price. We might begin and men tion some of the various articles and styles that help to make up our stock of • • . 111 6.001130 E. EL HASTINGS, DEALER • IN Groceries and Provisions, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, SEWING MACHINES, AND THE E t ureka Melodeon, • At Wholesale prices. E. H. HASTINCIS, May 6,18684 f. Alniq Welisirr°. JAMES I% 'RUNNEL - .First Door tibooe Roy's Drug Store. Weßebore. • DRALRR IN . • • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.. •' Will keep constantly OP band everythingin the line of Family Groceries, as well a's Provisions, FrnitO;Confeetionory, Yankee Notions, Toys, ete. All of which will be sold at reasonable prices. JAMES RUNNEL. May . SUM : cati,bo hod In any quantiti , at WiOILHAM. &.I•Attwa. Tloga June. 8,1888. ~ :Y, - Sioring'iNDods W i g have reciervoil a very Llama STOCK of on , the moat favorable terms,' and will be sold lit very advance feoni ' We think we b gard nothlng in laying that we - keep the- Elf ' : ' i lWor ASSORTMENT and the BEST QUALITY of Goods that are kept in the place.- Dave a store light enough to seo what Yortare buying, and pledge ourselves to , quality Ooneidered, as at any other establielimeni. We oontinto to make our , A", • orie Ot, Our ispecieltiec, cl d wben desired on short notiOo and In the best manner; Wo have added to our stook a good assortment of BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY. INGRAIN, ' COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. GREAT E. S. TEA COMPANY, and sell TEA at New York prices by tho single pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to call and examine stock and prices. SMITH & WAITE. Corning, April 8, 1868. 1 4411 r Go to KELLEY'S and see the Latest Arrival of NEW GOODS! to ct ° d i i 2 ed - 0 cn tzs CI? s'' C/2 0 1 . lg Cei g GD CI C ) I.l{ M I d a , 14 0 iC. 0 A 8 04 ' z 41 MRS. FRY'S CORSET OD SKIRT SUPPORTERS, xi saarmax PI mina An exo NEW DRESS 600DS AT KELLEY'S. No charge for SHOWING GOODS at ..eff -0. B. KELLEY'S, Wellaboro, Oot. 80, 1867. NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS. WOULD say to their friends and tke public generally, that they are now receiving a splendid assortment of Summer SHEETINGS, SHIRTINOS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, , READY MADE CLO THING, HATS 8 CAPS, BOOTS Ann SHOES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO- SENE OIL, PAINTS 84 OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTO., ETO. WO are able to offer our customers the benefit of the in the New York Market, our Stook having been , purchased since the great decline in Goode. • Dr. C. IL Thompson. tassosouos Ps.) Will nttond to Professional calls in the village, and immediate vicinity of We'Moro. Office and Residence on State St. 2d door on the right going East. [June. 24, 1868. 100 000 BRIOIi FOR SALE,-, AIGHT it BALM, Wellaboto, Pa. ME IN:, ,OQIVNINCt. =I .1•••••:-!-- DM SPRING GOODS MI 'B.4L AS LOW,' CLOTH .TRAVE MIMI MAKE THEM TO ORDER CARPETS, gonviating of FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can sell them s HOW VERY LOW. I ' ,-;_:_. We are the agents for the Connisting of a general assortment of _! Sl.A.H i rlaß lu ErIAMIIB IaPIM 1 GENTS' SUBS AT KELLEY'S _, TOLES & BARKER, l(NO. 6, UNION BLOCS.) DRY GOODS, such as i also a large and well selected stook of " LAST DECLINE OF PRICES TOLES k BARKER Wellaboro, July 1, 1808. ''''Bl&,gifilVg,," EXCHNGEr =I I sing,'l sing oft* curious thing, ~ Alittost•as strange as Boggs upon Tyng; Litre owing 'round a otrolo as round as a ring, • And rrhila on tho.downleart part duly owing, I doped at tho Pity and took on'tho,Spring 1111 TYOgS r OF, igit46lllßi Tho fashions for — „ • • SUGARS ARE LOW IN' 11E'NE6K, ' And more astoniehingBllll, , Molasses yrtips bore n freor run downward, with a funnel-sha pod trail. 3~aol~er~Y, however, are cut from the neck downward, and tho style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA Will be prepared from a drawing furnished to every customer who buys a pound. Ofthestyloa to'suit complexions, &c., I may mention that . - you eel] have if pea-long for ft. I oannot get time to look up all the bard words which the (TREAT'. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY use. to startle the innocont people, about th e eon ttY; but you can depend upon finding the very best of Teas at the' - BEE-HIVE 'EXCHANGE? tho styles ,. are various. You can have the tritest styles from the following fashionable foreign MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAW:TYRA JAM• Flour still wears Loops over all, and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades eatable. A Ito, PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, together with a full assortment of light groceries and canned delicacies. As ever Pays Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE. WellebOro, Apr.).,'C.B, W. T. MATIIERS 100,000 Pounds of Wool THE subscribers Trill pay Cash, Fall-Cloth, Cassbneres ' flannels, &0., &0., for Wool.— They also mae l afaetnre as usual— ) TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to suit customers. All work warranted as rep- 1 resented. They invite particular attention to thoir Water Proof which are warranted in every respect. Partieti lar attention given to ROLL•OARDING & CLOVI-DRESSING, Twenty years experience in the business war rants them in expecting a, generous patronage. KELLEY'S Darin° .4. Co., at Wellsboro, are agents for the sale of our Cloths. JOSEPH INGHAM & SONS Deerfield,Oklay 13, 1868-tf. Special Notice T°GliTteAhNots°.::lk‘:fie':t'cbdorinkitnt purchase i FEED, MEAL, PORK, HAMS, FISH, &e., of all kinds, will find it to their advantage to nail and examine) N. B.—Cash paid for Grain, Potatoes, Bees- Wa:d )3eaus, Egge r Sec. Viollabor°, Juno 20, IS6B. M. B. PRINCE. WELLSBORO BAKERY. THE SUBSCRIBERIhaving established him. self in the BAKING BUSINESS. in this village, next door to E. It. Kimball's, Grocery, is now prepared to cary on the business in all its various branches. I will hoop con. stanlty on band an assortment of Bread, such LOAF BREAD, ; BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM. BREAD, SUTTER . °. CRACKERS; B ROW N BREAD, W A.TER CRACKERS, SUGAR ; CRACKERS, - I DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS, OYSTER CRACKERS,' CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, at all hours of the days Sundays excepted. • By, strict attention to business shall endeavor to merit the public patronage. • CHAS. STEVENS. Wellsboro, Juno. 24, 186 S. lAMPS.—A now of lamp for Kerosene Ano bronkaco4Yr chitnno - ye—nt Fol,Ers CARD PRlNtl"Ao,—at New York prices, 10 Colors or riiiitOfind cut to suit orders, at ° - • TIIE AGITATOR OFFICE. ATTORNEY ANli 'COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Otlloe with W. R. Smith, Esq., Main Street oppoiite Union flock, WelLibor°, Pi July 15, 1868._ : t roop SKIRTS, at lIM TEk-TEA-TEA I Black Tea As to `Cic:Priree, porta, to wit : AIOA, &O. in tLo metier of PROVISIONS MATHER,S CALL AT MATHERS'S. Wanted. I OLCCE lilirago No shoddy cloths made Flour, GOODS AND PRICES at M. B. PRINCE'S, Mozart Black GE,C* w. -MERRICK, Da LA/!I0 & 0018., GlpiD GIFT. GALLLR ' Go 'to Ifint : SC . Eutp:Ein'g. tY`. GAAN,D., `2GIFT . GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHS. A splendid Gift with everrlgiwortA o P tuies, Frames, Cord sad Tassedi. . • OVER 500 PRESENTS TO Bz.orvz The largest assortment of Framtti end emit • Tioga County, to , be sold low for midi'. Its 110- , dition to -the low prices ' we will give: away the following Presents worth from fifty cents to fifty dollars ; one hundred prosonts worth from $lOl9 $5O; two bundredlresents worth from $3 toB/0; two hundred presents worth from 50 cents to tB. , The presents consist of Gold and Silver Watches, silver Cake Basket,'silvir Tea Bells, Castors, gold Watch Chains, Seals, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Studs in setts, Watch Hooks, silver Plated Forks Teaspoons • all gilt Promos Cases, Setts, Cord arid Tassels, Gold Binge, family Bible, Hiato423l the Secret Service by Col. Baker, with other pros. onto foe numerous to mention. COII.E ONE; COME ALL, AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES AND BE CONVINCED, Your koseitt given to you the aurae day dolt& lug. PrVees tho same as hat year. GIALLERX OPEN TO PRESENTS, JULY Ist. Don't forget the place—over Eastman►A Den. tal Office, and 4 doors below Roy's Drug Start, Main Street. 1 ,CLAY KING d- EUGENE EASTMAN. Wellsboro, Jiino 25, 1888. Itup4rtant Facts. SINCE tialutifer is now being used in thou s -. ands of families the following facts are itu. portant to bo known. FlR . ST—Though it is the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet it is so compounded, as to be safeland harmless. - It is of such a nature-that, it may bo handled and used by children, ant persons who . are ignorant of Medicines. SECOND—It is found that Salutifer will relieve severe pa in in any part of the body sooner than j : any other application.l I Tulare-14 is important that the bottle be i rrell, corked, if-left open only a few minutes it loseSl strength. _ , .Youn.ru-L.This useful remedy can be obtaine d from almost every dealer in medicines. (P I IE attention of Merchants and others liablato a License, is respectfully called to the aot.of th e 11th of April 1802. pamphlet laws, Maas ulating the collection and payment of LiCOllllll which are payable at the , ..Treasurer's Moe on the Ist day of May in eah and every- year, and - by said act, all Licenses remaining nnpal4 on the first day of July, the Treasurer is required to sue and press- to judgment and collection, sr soon as practicable thereafter, and in default thereof, to be personally /labia. Those liable to. a Licensq aro therefore requested to'be prompt in making their payments before that date, there by avoiding any trouble to themselves and unit& • perplexity to the Treasurer. Juno 3, 1863. 11. 0. BAILEY, Treasurer. YTIIIE undersigned offers for sale the following - 1 described property, 'situated in Mainsbnrg,. Tioga Co., Pa, ono Howie and pot—the House le 4,3- Stories well finished off, a good cellar; also S. splendid well of water, on the stoop. The lot Contains 2 acres of the best of - gardening land,, plenty of apples and other fruit trees thereon—a good barn, and everything pertaining to the said House and Lot in good order. The above') des- , eribed House and Lot I will sell at a low ligttre,YL such as defies competition. Apply to ' Wm. H. RAMSEY. Mainsburg Tioga Co., Pa. May 27, IS6S—Ome ATTENTION FARMERS 1 S P bt i ! G ea h u a h 3 av e rt l llOm at b l y 4 i t l Q y a l e ng desiring f I =l l.4ls l Vatelti . at tlie Dlill of I. Cliampney;& Co.,:whieh we a..4e selling at $0 per ton at our mill on Elk Rnp.l All kinds of. produce taken in exchange for Give us a call. I. CHAMPNEY t CO. • Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March 26, 1866.-6m* Coal for-Sale. COAIIBE BITUMINOUS COAL for Sala Cheap, by Sopt. 24, 1867. HEAR YE I HEAR YE 1 HEAR YE 1 BARRELS, FIRKINS, CHURNS, BUTTER TUBS, &c., . Kept constantly on band, and furnished to or der, by W. T. NIATHERS, at his new store, 2d door above Roy's Butldi4, Wellshoro. (June 10, 1808.) Attention Farmers! . -• 'IUrANLY'S ALL-HEALING SALVE, for IVI gale, contracted Hoofs, old sores on Hos.. ses, Ifoof•Bound Horses—the boat Salve In ex isteneel-for,sitle only by P. R. WILLIAMS & CO. • iVellsboro, Aug. 19, 1868. CASH Paid FOR WOOL by TOLES k BARKER Wellsburo, July 1,18138.4 f Adrninistrators' 'Notice. LETTERS of administration having bean granted to the undersigned upon the estate of 0. B. Wells, late of Jackson township, deo'd, all persona indebted to aaid.estate and all hav ing, claims against the same will call at onmand settle with BENJ. WELLS, JNO. W. GUERNSEY. Jackson, July 28, 1.868-6 w Aden. , A. W. AYE j RS azicyr• S tho only - place this side of New York City I whore you will find constantly on nand, a good assortineut of GRA.NITE 111QNPIENTS; cut at the{ celebrated Qulaey and Concord clam ries, sniped direct to his 'order; also a Sue as sortment of Marble and Slate Mantles, Coal Grates, Marble Shelves, Eraokets, 88 ob•BP as can be bought in theiState. All orders will receive my personal attention. Shop and wars rooms on water street, a 'few dears plow Ayers Jewelry Store, Elmira, 11. N. t _July29, 1868-am: IT &qr. AYE4RI3. • Orphan's Court Sale. virtue of an order of the Court of Con i tmen JOI/ Pleas of Tioga County dated 4th Septem ber tho underAignod ,Guardian of Sarah Gray, Georg° W. Only, and Amoa F. Gray, mi. nor children of Peter Gray; deeeased,:will on Saturday the 10th dtLy of October, 1868, at 10 o'clock A: M,, at the qourt House Au Welleboro, expose to public said 'the following described lands, viz: . all that lot of land situate In the Township of Osceola, Tioga County Pa., begirt im; at a Post in the highway loading from Osee, ola to Wellsbero, in the North lino of lands of C,1,1r1; Kimball, thence South. 74 : 1° 'Rost along la ids of Clark 'Kimball, 20 road to a post, thence., North 21° East 20 rods to a post,' thence North 711° Wtnt !!,0 rods to said highway, thence South Wet,i 211 roes to the place of beginning. Con-. tailling V: acme. Terms cash. , • MARGARET FRENCH, Guardian. Sep t. • J. I SOS-3w, LOIKIH, No. SIT, A; Y. Al., meets at tholr Ball, orcr Dr Roi:',4 drug ntopo, on Tuesday arentug, oa or beforr the Full Moon, (IA '6 o'clock P.N. TYfitiA. OItAPTEI , No. 104, It. Ai* IL - meets at the Ilnll, au frhuttalay. eveaittg, on ot before the rail 'f)1(10 n at 6 o'clock P. M. tno A COUNCIL, No. SI, It. & S. MASTERS:meets at the- on the third Friday of each calendar mouth, :it G o'clock .P. DI. _ - TYA(ROWLTON CIONIMANDIntY, lsiay-118, of ENDA:ITS TIIMP), Mt, aria tha , appendant ordera,"aibeta at the Halt, on tho li t 'Friday or 'oath Calendar' month, at E oNlack k), DL, - 2- nASIT PAID FOR WOOL, MUTER AND onßESb,', by O. L. WLIALCOX. Juno 17, 1868. • ~ ~. FOR YOUR AWAY I , Notice. 'For Sale D. P. ROBERTS. MASONIC.