The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 30, 1868, Image 2

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    'fir -
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•188& , _
Gen.ol/16YSSES S. GRANT.
Hon. : fiehuiler Co lfax,o :Inglana;
RelipliOan State Nominations.
L iIOR GElttgll.AL.'
eithirwrit.oiNTßAL, •
COT - 4: , j.T40,98 A2.-C.AMPBELL;
‘'.i 'OP :poanlA Cou{iTY•
...,Cf.csimarv . jr t 910.1.63.*.. 4mt.
-, • •
- For g i oqi*:ll.* IL AIDISTRONG, of • Lycoming.
Senatork. 6..01,1110iit of Wiper:.
Pcliiiiarqbli. - T lll . B. STRAMIi
For Ditif. Wi.-40)Ti f . Y. 447'0n it, of tfelisboro
For WETIIEEDEE: of Delmar
For Attait,or...ll. B, SEELEY. of B °oilfield; - ' '
Forporoner—LL BORDEN; of Tioga.
Is it true that certain of the Democ
racy_4ohis county are hefting with a
• dozen green Republicans - each, in otder,
to kill_otr as many Repnblietin votes as
they necessary to say anoth
word? - •
COMMend us to; Mr. - Jones, of the
Jersey Shore Triaette, when we want to
employ a Constituti nal lawyer.; - He
conilireb'ende the Representative appor
tlontitent in . PennSylrania' to 4 dot..
• - ,
• i
3Twp . ,:Wecits ago,Welpublished an arti
cle froth_ the Potter county paiter stating
Btiv-44stin's position upon. the:Repre
sentative. question, with , a brief coin
inent,, In, which .We stated that, there
was no quarrel between tlit Republic-
tins of Vega and the -Republicans 'of
Potter.: In t , lle article alluded to an ap
peal, made the .IteptOlicansor Pot
.ter not to .rote for Messfs. Strang and
Niles;tut'for Mr. Mann, instead of Mr..
:', 1 17 . he Republicans of 'Toga are
requested to `accept 'the challenge so
plainly submitted : by Mr.' Mann, and
,vote iolad Jor Striipg,i4tAd Niles. We do
not - expectrthat .Iv4 l .:l\lanii will remain
- •
•in the field agnirnii thi. Assembly ticket
atAe 4ead of thie:f)Aper., We. regard
hie.action ; and
in`liiew of the nomination of Mr. _Olm
sted for the Sennte, kthree years' office,
iire -take It , for granted that reasonablerensonapi
men will fait_ to discoyer any injustice,
to Potter county :in electing both As
seinblyineh Tioga county. It was
done When-Mr. ,IletiSon, of Potter, was
elected to the'Senate, and i3Ohus sus-
tallied and justified by, precedon t.
We 'repeat our -exhortation to the Re
pnblie,anf,of Mitt: eottnty----vote solid for
Noiv;.lf You ',Pleise,
Let us: to busineis,
'OnO Week from' next Tuesday, that be
ing the 2d Tuesday and the iSth day of
October, theifreemen of Tloga have to
vote for an,A.uditor Genera', and a Sur-'
-veyor General, the State ticket ;• and
for ,a, Congressman, _Senator, two As
semblymen, =District Attorney, Com-,
.-miesioner, Auditor, and Coroner, es the
• County ticket.
Two bellots‘will be voted. The Re-,
publican .t,lcket is as follOws, both in
Auditor General,
Survey or General.
, The county and district caudidafes
are to be - voted for as follows:
Uongiess—Wm. H. Armstrong.
Senator—A.-4). Olmsted.
'A.ssetab/y-p-B. B. Strang, J, B. Niles
District Attorney—John I..litchell
Commissioner—M. W. Weth rbee.
Auditor—H. Seeley. I
.Coroner—H. H. Borden.
• ' , —The Several Grant (St Colfax Clubs;
and the Union Leagues, are requested
to.makenll necessary arrangements for
preventing the circulation of fraudulent
:tickets and the polling of illegal votes
, bitboC9PPerheads. Rest assured that
our opponents will not stop short of the
utmost of crime to increase their vote
on the :State - ticket and for Congress.
In snob countle's as ClearBeld, Clinton,
Center, and Lygoruing, where every
Democrat la' red 7 handed rebel, these
.fremde will be perpetrated in spite of all
- preventives that , our friends there can
make use of. But here,ln the grand
old Republican- Banner County of the
State; we? can and we Mid prevent the
circulation of fraudulent tickets' and
the polling of fraudulent votes. We
know enough -of the quality of Tioga
Republicans' to say that the trade in
forged and coffee-colored naturalliation
"'Papers' cannot 'be safely prosecuted in
irloga . - '
' The fight in, this countyds .on the
State , and' Congress tickets,i but PAR
-4 potrLAßrx ON. cOnaugss. :bo
, ion' see' how these brawling Copper
: head deinagogues assail... Ur. :Armstrong
as an aristocrat? • . "Who'are these men
,who braiv . ksibqut kid gloves and aristqe
racy ? . Litopn vilioni do they lavish,
,• .. , ,
• .thealizne and slaiier' of their fawning?
UPon merit, thouglipoor in cash? Mt •
~00. On the contrary you I nlay always
find them sitting at the fee of rich cap
italists, and In the train ervaded by
the odor of millions. De agogues to
the marrow of their bones! Men who
• .
0; tE/NN'
• •t1,21:4
patronize the worhingnian;ctith s tl/anx. ,
peet4Oon of centroilink:hia , te
trade on this sort of influence for their
Peyote aggrandizement'.
y hese, in the
main; are tSe iert Of men NNitio - are fre.; ,
;dricing Win. H. Armstrong; but mark
ndpipaged te.)llprelivee, and has lived
from his 6eyhood. -- it' is a cowardly,
underhanded; le*.bred - Way of malting
war; but it is as'fair and honerablo
the warfare carried on -in the rear of
I the Union soldiers hy., the 'Del:neat : cal?
leade'rs during, the
REiITBLICAI4S",• this;•iio holiday pa
rade -,; l a soleiiiri sad'
.Momen ts: are, ipvo- , •
lkitlandry elirt-th robs, - its f hours- and •
days the ar;leqicp'aueo:going -149ft#e
bloOdless but vital struggle:tgr,na,tigtial
initO i tion. • -oVerrate.ity - on,Cannotruni
derrateit at'your perfli
not, the central filet aronn'd which Ws .
4,:npaigrirevolves is REBEL, on hin.` 7 ,
bOt!lriclATIO11. Which 'do you
ehoOsel • ~ ;You ; Must' choose'
ort,the .13th .day• of - October.'
yon want Rebel Ilt , minatiron - you can so
signify it., to the world, by Voting for
.MaciteYjfor ,Congress, not`yei
ing t all ori,that day. But it you hold
-that, loyal •xnen shall: rule this nation ;
you ;will vote fOr WILLIAM H. ARA:-
STRONG, and for the entire • Republic?
an- ticket, from Hartranft to Borden.'
•13.0publicanS, 'these are: days - ,,forbard
bIONVs.:, 'Strike hard and wound deep.
§Mitip them hip and - thigh; as GRANT
andiAle,Boya in Blue smote i .theni in
'64 and '65..f. It, 18 the old contest; and
thei,old'enernyfingray, is in our front.
, •
.:Sp, Foiiviiitio! 'We strike for bon
greo3, the Tribunes • of the people„ and
ngalnst the'usurpers who would erect
despotiii& upon the ruins of the:Re
public. - We. str9e for "laliAtiT and en
during Petiee,,against Blair and. prom
ised War.' Rally, then, and bring every
loyal man to the' polls on the 13th. day
of October. . •
We are informed that the Copperhead
letiders in this District have been Tier
fecting.arrabgements to induce .Repub-'
licans to trade votes on Congress. The
plan as it conies to us is, to induce Re.
publicans to vete for Mackey by getting
Copperheads to vote a part of th.Re
pnblican ticket. We don't doubt the
willingness of the Mackey Copperheads
to:purchase votes for Mackey at theYex
pense of their county ticket; For their
TO ..TIL4DE 00'1: •
Now be it known that we' want-nO
help to elect ! , y an overwhelming ma
jority every man on the Republican
county ticket. TRADE NO VOTES.-
Beers of Clubs and Leagues are ex
pected to picket the lines'on every av
enue of approach, and so .keep the en 7,
eruy always-in view. -Be vigilant, neg
lect n'o p'recaution . against the designi
of au unscrupulouS enemy. Remetn,
ber, we have to deal with the party of
fraud and forgery.
Remember that . L. A. Mackey, the
Copperhead candidate for . Congress,,na
gociated the Clinton • County =loan. of
$50,000, free of all local and §ntrnioipal
taxation.,, Here is - the adyertlie,m - ent,
taken froth the Democratic paper. in
that _county. • Read it: ,
The comnaissiahers of the Comity of Clinton are now
'offering to the citizens of the (Minty their bonds to the
amount of fifty thousand dollars: These bonds aro is=
sued hi pursuance of authority granted by an net of
Assembly approved Teb..l4, .1868, bearing Interest at
the rata of 8 per cent. per annum, payable Sembatnu
ally nt:tho Lock Haven National Bank upon presenta
tion of the coupons attatched, and are by law clear of
ab, local and municipal faxatfon. They are payable in
lawful meney_ten years from May 1. 180, but aro re
deemable at We — Option of' tie commissioners. , at' any
time after five 'care The I/Odds I have been, deposited
With this bank and when issued are registered, in the
name of the parties to whom issued, thus furnishing
additional security against loss by theft or lire. Thal offered at par, with accrued Interest, and are
mommended as the safest and most rellablo - securities
ever offered to the citizens of the county. _
joiS-ti ' Preaident.
Does tilr, Mackey propose to go back
on the takers of theit loan and tax the
bonds ? An answer will gratify the
A massacre of from 7l to 100 'negroes
came off under Copperhead • auspices in
Georgia the other day. The negroes
were u n armed,' and • were slaughtered
like sheep. Two or three of ' the Cop
perhead leaders in this region ought to
emigr4te to that rebel Paradise,' so that
they Ould gratify their murderous de
sires Without risk.
Listen, oh, ye bawiers. about econo
my I •Itve are prepared
, to show from the
official reports that under both Pierce
and Buchanan, Democratic Secretaries
of the Treasury purchased the national
evidences of debt before they were due,
paying more premium than the interest
would have amounted to. They bought
up bonds hearing spercent.interest at
a premium of • from Bto 15 per cent.
More than this, the present leaders of
the DemocratiC party
.propose to pur
chase $1;800,000,000, of the public, debt
before it is due, and not a dollar of it is
held at less than $1,13. Let 'IA hear
from the great financial statesmen of
the party.. How will you pay for $l,-
300,000 in bonds in greenbacks, when
there are no greenbacks in the treas
ury to do it with ? iThe people have the
green backs doing business With them.
Do you propose to . take them away
from the people and give theni .tothe
"bloated bondholders?"'
' Mr. I,tackey Is the candidate of , the
rebel DeMocracy. Every foul-mouthed
rebel sympathizer in the District is sing
ing his praises'and,abusing -Me: Arm
strong. If a man may be judged by
the company he keeps Mr. L. A:Mack
ey is no better than the men who ad
s;Ocate his election ; and if he is no bet
ter than some of the noisiest of them
he is fitter to represent such men as
Wade Hampton• and Forrest than a
Northern eenstituency, We- measure,
lifir„Mackekby . the men with whom he
associates and for whom lie is the cats
•paw politically. The Republicans of
Toga County win , • see to it that, that
catspaW. IS toasted thoroughly. Strike
down'the allies of Treason ! • : • '•
tieforo uU lies a.Copperhead paper in - 7
°which the edi tor threatens the: , visi
tation of a "great tidal wave of rePt4l-,
*don?' lit'ease the people elect. Gen
!Grant, :41' We, intst.alce not,' the Editor
I`has practiced repudiation aS ,
And easy i .. riode of - eying his private in
debtednesss, for several years.
However, if these threats of repticli : .
ation mean anything they m more
than their authors suppose, They
Wllliamepeit. • lie'iaj , e tlitte:,- - tserc±A , l:4;
strong, in iv -- spccon , , , inati'd
leaders under ' llif f identienlr enilf sport lately , declared' that ':'.,"4f:the'''4er
appleftree from whiclii',unfOrtunately, publicans do not., succeed at the ballot: 7
Jefferson: Davis was not, suspended, atto-the bayonet."
Titial waves are carious affairp,,, In NV4. 1 4 , *r7-krill 8 trollg: aid ,
'was this:
tieS i :lll.oko.P4.ll.lo/440y.Z.... ',lre can Meat themaltheb r eq(tit:bpal
atii2 - if they refuse to - submit -la th-e-decis-F
-ion of the i .4okot-hp.F, we can beat ,thfrit
wtththe bailbizet." ;,..
WV tear n that - Opole -Le insists - 9,-
- 0n,'1,),15 - i?ct*lp!i , ,nt the epepeti
,baud we 111 1 1 P:
Whose; - word • •wontd: - be, geoll eou#:
tins,ti - ,4i Hie TThole :Levi's
Arnritrong gives tie m . t tree o t he
* t,'i
'story.;;- and that
iiier it grOehi. • ,
Here is a straw showing
_which way
ttLewlno, )19wEi . , TiOtga. County.. A
gentleinlin'in':iiffeucliCni4i . at-tli4 r Tettelt;;'
ers' I n's r lifiii.elielti" at lti." - itexilo6 .
tuig,T . 4prdeq,usitike , rObr.,WillAy:vote
talcqn by; Ake teafAion;
• :For r 6.31 t '•••
For 'l - .413 , 01011
Lad e V.
PH , 4I . jority 1 •, . - .. 741
- That ' 'is a" iiretQ . 'sood , indication of
the, di reetiori of ille'vind i.n thiSijii6ter.
.'Several Cor.l:evondgri ‘ ts
. writc, for
• - :;: ;, • ; . •
formation,' and we•cannOt; reply them
by mail - . We t will reply;hrietly: in- this
place 1
1: !the mail Who circulated the aeries
riffedting Mr: 'lrinstrotig's 'character as
s..naan;'!F;r a citizen, Is undoubtedly ,a .
very great it Is safe enough so' to:
hbld him; or Omni, if there, .he more
'than one In the business','becauso, the
*rebel mode of attack is by fraud, false-:
hood; arid forgery. We don't -lcnow of
'any traveling" COliperheadi* Who 'can
tell the truth without damning,, their
cause. - ; , ; • • ; ,•!—; -
2. If there•bela Vlatii 'on foot to'. Color
size any pa' Of‘irloga county it may
likely enougii be at vot 13ii l 'oe. It Non
not be a sare,al4 paying fitfainea4 . any.
where else and therels.a shade of doubt
in-our • mind about its being entirely
safe and profitable there;''' The U'. L. A.
Will of Course rice to it that,ifo cOlonist
votes without perjuring himself .before-:
hand. • •We disagree with , our friend as
to the,pecuniaty ability of• any man to
defend' against a COncerted attempt, to
-prosecute to ,ConViction , any attempt to
force the ballot-box ,county.
We will guaranty ' some • sort of justice
Withoutrespedt to persons or Wealth.
'3. We agree . , with qui WeStfleld friend
that it' is a' ery good , - pian..tolet
emocracy furnisivtlieirOwn audiences.
Any mail, 'why can, :pick up a copy of
Sin bad the SallOr, will' find just the sort
of - information therein as in chief con
stitutes the staple of a Copperhead
speech. Of the two Sinbad is the more
' For the inforrriation of f` Vindex,”
who appears in' defence of Mr. A, C.
Bush in a small poster, we state: The
ordinary expense of a 'OON'ernmen tnre
its 'expendithre,s to maintain n peace
looting ; less all 'payments on account
of Public dept and certain , periodi
cal outlays .. like . that forthe , cen
sus. ' In- tithe of war the . mainten
ance of the, 'army and navy become
extraordinary "expkneee; and of, course
are never reckoned into the ordinary
- expenses. Thesamels4rue of•pensions
acli It expenses—`both increasing
largely o i account of, war. It, is. also
trtie that hat; are known , as the "or-,
dinary eXpenses," ,are much" increased
by , dome tie ~eonvitlsion. „War,. being
an ." extraordinary state," the 'army
and navy, operations, become a positively
extraordinary charge, and all other ex
penses are proportionably increased.
For his_ further information,-and he
appears to.need it—we assure litm that
our table of expenditures under Pierce
and Buchanan did not- include pay
ments citi' aceount of the Public Debt
in a single year. . We.. might :dismiss
" Vindex," right here, ' , without anoth
er word, and preserve our Statement of
two,weeks 'ago, untouched . by,, and in
vulnerable to such ' attacks. . But we
can ailbrd't6 be generous; We there
fore-present a table Of anOal ,e*Fiendi:-
tures tinder,Mr. Lincoln, il4Qludingpen, 7
eione, — lndians, and s2o,oo9 , ;o(itiper an
num added, as , the cOet of the army and
navy on a peace footing,, reduced .to a
gold basis. Here is-the table for years
ending June 80- 1 -, ' .
1862 $39,526,400..
1864 '537,611,765
1863, 36,241,381 !
. 1865 .. . , 45,338,814
Thus with from twenty to thirty-two
of extraordinary expenses
added annually'• frOin 1862 to 1865, the
cost of , Mr. Lincolnle rut Q was from six
to twenty millions 'less per year than
under Pierce and Bdehanan, from the
year 1854.
However, the.ordinary expenditures
annually, from 1861 to 1865—including
pensions and Indiana, which were ex
traordinary, in, fact—Argro r in gold
1b62 $0,526,400. 1864., $17,511,765
1863 16,241,381. 4865 25,333,814
—ol froni $20,000,000 to $50,000,000
iess . than in ally year of Buchanan or
Pierce. We take our figures .frOtri the
official reports from 1853 to 1,505. If
" Vincrex" or Mr. • 'Bush, .or •allybody
else wants to npset there, he, or they,
must lirst upset the official records.
—So, will Mr: Vimlex Bush be good
enough to inform - a tender-hearted,
thin-skinned public, if• -the "great
Sphinx who rises a had and shoulders
above the common literary ' plain ' of
other men," • symbolizes the talents of
the author of the aforesaid mendacious_
If not, who? Why ?. What.? 'and of
We see that the Copperhead papers
in the layer part of" the Distriet are
condoling With Hon. 8. RAVINon. Mr.
Wilson was not a candidate for tenorni
na don, - and therefore was'not " Pushed
aside" for Mr. Armstrong. The troub
le is that you are licked from the word
"go;" gentlemen. Mr. Mackey will
not come as near it as, did the pecunietis
Wright. - Of Mr. Mackey it might well
be said—
Fares the land, to hasening itta prey
WlicrOvealth - aceutuulates and men decay.'
• Tioga'has a huinorsome chap; who
sends shreds of cow fort to the Coppery
sheets over the rueuntains. • HO hist
bulletin says that "Lweliave strong and
skitisfactory 'eyideneee of•ii decided rev
olution lup;ilities iii:this,,our radical
county.", :1 - I,e,7l:oesOi to Oy: Oatitt , is
revival , ofy iiiekson., ti This
.niuSt he the felicity' Who reti3 the pfttn-
Phlet noticed I„wfi wOk's' ago. ',,The pro- .
'pow& n crease of piiper currency-by the
' ieniarit able
" time '"' '
.for 'Copperhead lies
is never pleasant, but It bas to be done.
ChM of the latest, It tui silliest, is that
promulgated by Levi Tate, an obscure
old gentleman who rune a machine in
Will he distributed ,next
trusty messengers. tit aim- be, ( 44
in'a secure place and by sober,. trusty
parties. On the day of election a corn
mittee,should be put in charge' of the
tickets, and trusty, men should be on
thaground all day to see to it thaeno
fraudulent or spurious tioke i ls are cireu
lated or voted. Look out for your tick
ets. The enemy is desperate and capa
ble of any degree of fraud,-forgery, and
lesser description., Be vigilant, be ac
tive, .be on hand early, stay all day,
and:work as you never worked before.
, As the SuPrenie Court of the, United'
States, through Chief Justice Marshall,
three - tibleadeolded that United. States.
took could not be taxed; anii•thaf-411-
las subjecting
- them to taxation
repugnant to the ConstitutiOn;- 7 -tviiat
do these bland Democratic, oratori
mean when they say they are in . favor
of taxi* the bonds? .Dorthey nian
that they are, in' favor of. 'violating ibe
Constitution as interpreted by ,the 811;,
prente Court of the United States?: We
thought the-DOnocraey as6urneti tci bey
.the champion,' defender; and -. preserver
'of the Constitution.
Again : As exemption from taxation
is 4 part of the contract with the lender,
do these champions of law and Consti
tutiOns propose to violate the terms of a
legal contract? Which horn, of the di
lemma do you want; or will you take
both ? J
[After theaxtanner: of Wallace.}
, ,
Did You hear the
reveille rolling in Vermont on Tues
day? - " " -
Awake! arise! or be forever Mien!
The Green Mountain Boys kept quiet
and noiseless, but they were lying In
their trenches, and whbn we truck
them:we felt their deadly t musketa . r
Danger:threatens ! The tyrant . rant
will succeed the tyrant Lincoln; ; The
mudsills, hirelings car pe tr.liiikgerst
minions, are rising in ,their strength, as
they rose itt 1881.,
Unless we carry Pennsylvania - now,
by foul means or fair, hope Is gone,,,
The lost cause will be lost again. '•
The stars and bars will be folded for=
Peace will reign.
The national debt will be'paio. '
The soldier' bounties will be paid:
'The wjdows! pensions will be `Paid.
The soldiers! orphans' sehools'Willbe
Gold Will go down, credit will go up
Prospekity and plenty will aboan4..
LS •--
Defend nothing, for you cannot de-
Send yourselves.
More money ! More money I -.Moie,
money ,
Advance the price of votes.
More coffee-stained naturalization
More Father Traoys.
More murdered John Caseye, if the,
Irishmen 'peach. , ,
More James S. Keileys, if they get
More Schuylkill-county prothonotaries. ,
: .
More "active Demoorate." ' •
• More railroad colonies.
Work I. Work ! Work I Direct your
appeals to the passions; prejudices, and
ignorance, of the worst classes! Stir np
the just-landed Irish against the na&
gurs ! Rally the White Boys of Bed
ford street ! Bespatter the enemy with
filth ! Revel in profanity, and excel - Ift
abuse that distinguished Democrat, our
illustrious leader In ' New York, Brick
Pomeroy ! Out;Pollard Pollard
Outlvith your wood cuts, your rocs
tors, your cannon I Magnify the Da.
tional debt I 'Multiply your.witticisms
on Grant's initials I
AS you never did in war dines, "Our
grand old State moves sloWly." "In
very slow districts I would suggest a
special contract with active men, thus:
In 1865, the district polled 100 Demo-
cratic votes ; in 1866, 120 Democratic
votes ; now, for every Democratic , vote
over 110 polled WE WILL PAY YOU A
By order,
NEN4J YORk, Sept. 22.---Gen, Dix,
American MniSter t o Fiance, has
written the • following letter - to a friend
h ere. It was not writtpn for publicatiOn i
but the gentleman to whom it was ad
dressed has consented to give it to the.
Rams, Sept. 4th, 1868:".,
MY DEAR SIR: It was my hope that
my distance from home would have
saved me from all participation in the
political excitement prevailing there,
but I nptice in one of the evening papers
that I am heart
,and hand with Mr.
Seymour. I am' not aware of anything
in the present or the past which. could
rightfully subject me to such an impu-,
Whin.' I "had . been acquainted with
Mr, Seymour more than a quarter of a
century. He is an amiable gentleman
of unexceptionable
.priv . ate character
and respectable ti tents but you know
as well as I that be has not a. single
qualification for the' suCceSsfur execu
tion of the high official trust to' which
he has been nominated, and !he i s es
pecially deficient in that firmness of
purpose which in critical emergencies
is the only safeguard againstpublie dis
order and calamity. He has• been twice
at different time.s Governor of the State
of New York;'and be has in neither
case had the talentbr the tact to keep
the democratic party of the State_ to more than two years. I , shotildr
regard his election at this
. 3 uncturei Aithen+
steadiness'of purposed decision and Self
control are so much needed,' as' one' 'of
the greatest calamities that.-eoubl- be
"fall the Country. MoreoVer he has been
pit in nomination by , * Convention
Which, haS Openly declared the purpose,
of thoge it represents to pay the greater
part of the public debt, made to; preserve
the Union, in depreciated paper: • Such
a measure would, in my indgMent be
a:palpable vielatioo of:914.0011e -faith;
pledged''under, - "eircurriStanCes 41tieb
should have been binding on all hon
orable men. :Mr. Seymour- has =ado,
public speeches to show that it hrour
duty to pay the debt in specie. In
accepting his nomination to the pres
idency be adopts the declaration that it
Addri3ss Extraordinary:
HARRISBURG, Pa.. Sept. 2, 1868
ugit&e n
,Aaper. • I kiinty,
liPthinKeo; koiniltating in the histOir
orAhierieiinpellties as this tergivetba r j
tiOn.'• It , was ',perhaps not unfit that: ,
Mr. Seymour, after presiding in 1864
over,he Chicago Convention, which de-,
oared-the Nara failure, should_ preilde'
ever,the Convention ellBoB Ili which a
proposition ; ,, to.-'4llseredit the debt con
tmcd to carry-on thewar was received
with "tremendous cheering,, " the °bes
. instrument , to ; execute 4 this"? act ,
-of national turpitude?'"rdo . not ~ believe
than tho,wisbekoropinions of the great,
;hvoly'cif the - democratic - party "ere, fairly
,expressed in these r proeeeilings * *;They
have nothing in. comthon with the
,stiiteernanlikeNlewe of policy -and the
high 'sense ',of• . national ,honor Which
guided the , party when - Martin Van
I Buren; Wm. L. Yancey * , Silas Wright,
1 Lewis Cass and Stephen A. Douglas
were among Its Most conspicuous mem. I
hers. I see but one, source of safety for'
thesountry underelleting diremnothwi
eeic end that .is -the election of - ,Geir."
Grant. On his "debision of character,
good sensemnoderation and ' disinteres
ted patriotism I believe the South, will
have a far better hope of. regaining, the
position in the Union to which it is en
titled than under a man whose political
career has been in nothing more con
spienously marked than in an utter
infirnilty of purpose:. Independento'of
all , these considerations. I should be
greatly surprised "if the people ,of: the
United States were to elect as their,
Chief Magistrate a min who anyi rOalt
ing, at the Academy of Music ,on the
4th of July, 1863 a speech deficient. in
all the characteristic of an elevated love
Of country, and the very hour when,
Gen. Grant was carrying the victorious!
arms of the Union into . V3nksbilrg, and
when thousands of our fellow country.
Men were pouring out their blood on
the 'plains of Gettysburg in' defence of
their ponies and the government; ' and
which Mr: Seymour was 'doing' all 'in
his po w er to el:la barass and discredit: I
am quite willing,that you should shoiv
this letter to any friends who.may take
aninterest in my opinion iii - regard
the• coming election, and I am particu
larly desirous of removing the impress
ion; if it exists, that ; I am in favor of
'Sir. Seymour, or the repudiation of any
portion of the public debt, I am, dear
Tilr, very truly yours,
. •
JOHN A. Dl ±.
PF I ACEg.i.
If elected to tho omco of
President of the United
States, it- win be my endea
vor ;to administer ALE THE
LAHA In good- faith, with
economy; and with ,the
view of giving PUCE QUIET
Alt D PROTECTION' %vault-
WHESE: ' In times lke the
present it Ii impossible, or
at least eminently improp
er, to lay down a policy to
bp adhered , to, right or
wrong, Through an admit
hittetion of four years.—
New' political 'lmes, not
foThseen, areconstantly
arising, the,,viewe of the
public on old ones are con
stantly changing, and a
purely administrative offi
cer should always be left
free TO xxxouTh sus WIIS OP
THE PEOPLE. /always have
reipected that will, and al.
waykehall. PEACE AND UHT.
PEW, 'PEOPPEEII —its se.'
quence—with economy of
adminis tre Om, will lighten
the .burdot, of taxation,
while irconetantly reduces
ttienational debt.' LET US
"With great respect, your
obedient, servant,
-The AePublican Canvassing Com
titlpoun6e tliciliFosetution of
The campaign . Tioga .County in
a series 'of . mectinga aa:followe :
Pm"ri wihnn : and _J. B.: Nile.%
will address the people at • • . .c
Oct. `l, .
CRANDLE.RBURO, 00T. 2, evening..
Iltestra. john . Z Mitchelt and 'Geo. W,
Ifeitick, win address the peaple as plinoS:
COVINGTON; Sept. 30, evening.
MANSFIELD, Om. 1, evening.
CHERRY FLATS, 0ct. : ,2, evening:
.lionsa L. P. Williston nd.A.: Humphrey
will address the people as follows;
UNION. Swamp, Oct. r, eve'g.
CHARLESTON, /turn's School House,'
"Oct.: 2,‘ evening •
XeSsis. Wm.' H. Smith and' Robert Ca'.
beer, will address the people as follow.*:
lIIIDDLEBITRY; Shingle . School Souse;
Oct. 2. ,‘, • I
NILE 8 *ALLEY, Oct. 3, evening, .
Magas. S.. B. Elliott and. A. Allen,
will-address -the people as follows ; •
GRA 17 VALLEY, . Church,
,OCe.' 1,
Messrs.' Fred. E. Smith, and S. , B. Elli
ott, Will addrei r s the people at ' '
I r
fIVELLSBORO, Oct. 2, evening.
Messrs • B
,wilt address the people asfollows
f .COVINGTON; School i lroute near John
eon's .Run, Sep!. 30, evening.
• ROA: Humphrey • and W. H.
Sniith, Will speak at
OCE .LA, Oct. I; eveni#g.-
Messrs. C. 'lTr.' Beach and T. C. Strang
wilt speak at .
3, evening. f "
Hons. S. P. Wilson and L. P. Willis
ton will address the people at
MILLEATOWN, -Oct. 5, 'evening- •
DAGGETT'S MILLS, Pee; el, evening.
OUANDLERBURG, Oct. 7, evening..
GRAY'S VALLEY; Oct. BAvening.
COVINOTON, Oct. 9, •
Messrs. Strang and Niles,.lll sp,etgic
„ .
TIOGA; Oct. 5, evening,
MANSFIELD, Oct. 6; evening.
111,6SASBURG; 00.7 ; evening.
AINOT3 , Oct. B,evening. ` •
MORRIS-itU,N, Oct; _9, evening-
"-` 'Veil. Cox and". Win- H. Smith will
larOlITILL:El„ Pet, 5, evening.
ELE.LAND, Oct. 'O, - evening.
•NELSON,.Oct. 7, evening. ,
Ii.g.TVRENOEV/LLE, Oct.: 8, evening.
nOsEriLLE, Oc1:9; " •
MAINSB DEG, "Oct. 10 , evening. •
Messrs. Mitchell and Nichols , wfli ad
dress the people at , •• • . ,
OGDENSBURG; -Oct. 5, evening.
ITARI),' t Moot lionee,Oct. 6, evening
18.10 CI CHO fI.SE,` Oct. 7, eve g.
Ts 1 AtlVoo;o4 i
MORRIS, lia4b' 8, Oct., 9, evening. ,
C. JohTis
•will ',speak at; •.! •
'SUIPPEN, Newton's, Oct., s, l k'vening, -- ,'.
VERAVILYEA!S r Oct. 6 . , eve's.
..SABINSTTIZE,.det. 7, evening.
BROOXFIELD, Mink Hollow church,
; • Oct 8, evening.' •
DANI.P'LS Sabot 'House,
~ Oct. 9,.errning. , -
Messrg IVilliskinanitSlrang will ad
dress the peeple'sitl ,, t..:
,S7 l 4Rir School' gouge, Chathain, Oct.
~..TheSpeakers,are ixpepted to .fi/l;t1 *.
appciritinenta.accOrding s to the i foreguing:.
programme, pithout fail.. Jf unable in
any ease , to do so they are expected to
send a substitute. These meetings are
intended to be in addition to regular
Club Meetings,
• 0010110* • •
The'rirainatian 'Of 'a POW/ Ito toireiiii" for the
l y '
;41t1!41:1i:;,f,:,ittekotie* , heittokbpen*veriee*tat' by the.
Ootiittliiiatimittee lative . named Dr. IL 11. Bon.
b*s 71 1 1 1ogi 7 fotthet Offil36: - . V - " 7
; f; ' , l - 11:0,0.4 1 .1 (01 SNCIP'
' -- Pubirglia 3 l•RepC o f
-Sept. 19, 1868. ' •
NA Watt. ! •
nem Gen. filsir's letter
seeking the no;nination:
"There is but one way to
restore the Garernment
and the Constitution; and
that is for the President
elect to declare the roots. ,
Attraction acts null and Told,
coMperthe' army to undo
its usurpations at the South
the white people to revs
gnolze their own ' govern
manta and elect Senators
and Representatives. .The
Rouse of Representatives
sYlllcontain a majority of
democrat* front the North,
and they will - admit the
Representatives elected by
the white people of. the
South; and, 'with the co
operation of the President,
it , will not he Moult to
courts IRE BOAT* To SIM
SEZX once more to the obli
gations of the Constitution.
* e.e ,We must have a
President who will execute
the will of the people ' by
trampling into dust the
usurpation. of Congress
known as the reconstruct
ion acts.
•'FalNt P. DLuaLP'
labtOorita'af'thi'iorthei - ou
lathe • aith• • •
21st Inst., a rod cow e the owner to ram&
od to pay charges and take her away
Ttoge, Sept. SO, 1869-3 w.
, Admfnuitiator's -.
T ATTERS of AdOtintstratlon on the estate kl
JI.J Rem I. Stevens, late of Middlebury twp, de
ceased; havA,ug, been granted to, the undersigned,
personsoiwing said estate and ail 'haying
claims against the same are horribly `flotilla& to
'Sall for settlement on
.'DANIEL , (3.-STEVE H, • '
Middlebury Sept. SO, .1,868* -„ Adieu:
LETTERS of Adroinistration.on tha estele of
Dr. Joel. Roe, late ocltiitltinit:"A s y s ip/do-•
ceased, having been granted tathaundereigned,
all persons owing wadi estate,; aryl nI I having
claims agaius ,the same are, hereby notified to
call for settlekoaff on .'DANIEL G. STE V LNS,
Bliddlehari , ; 'Sept. 80; 180 P -, Miner.
Applieidi96 fOr tutor. -
NOTICE is hereby given that-an application.
has been made. to the. Court ; of ; Common
Neal of 'pop County by Ira Johnston, W;
Sbumway and others, for a charter of incorper 7
ation, under the name and style of the "fibuta.
way Hill Cemetery Association," and that the
said Court has appointed Monday,Nov. 80. 1808,
for a - hearing in the premises, when 'said* appli-'
cation wilA i be granted ,if no - validobjection be
made. ' '-1'• J. 1"; DOPIAI4)SCfN,•Preth'y;.:
Sept. 34;:f888.4.
GoodriCh: Seed - Potatoes;
IcvE have a nimi:or'llatriaon,''Caltee;.
son, , inad.:Early ,Goodrich". POtatees ',for
Seed, all true to name, direct irool the original
Ciendrlolfsibelt. The E. O's now ready to ship,
others after lit'Oetaber.
Orders Invited by, Bushel,or' Barrel Paoliaglit.
Terms Cash, or•satiefattory referepvi:
PRIOR LIST, THIS 11 1 .6:4.
Early Goodrich $1,25 per bu., or $2,2 per bbl
Gleason and Cal. 1,50 : " 4,2 "
Harrison 2,26 • "
Correspondence with dealers ?Ones ed. Ad
dress, • - LEE it ENSI N,
Broome C
Sept. SO, 1868. • 1,
JOHN c..,4•Ac0p5,,"
. r .
: ' Agent for , -.,. , • i
, , ,
. _
Lloyd's . Double Revolving -garr=of
the United; States and.Enrcipe, , -1
WAVING all 4Co lines .of 'Railways in both'
liemispberee, the - political and GeogiaPhlear
Divisions; Rivers, Ilionntains;_ Lakes, :Seas. and
Oceans. AU orders addiessed to John o.4Jaeobs,.
Tiogs, Pa., will be promptiy. attended to. j ,
• Sept. 28, I.B6B'.—tL.
. . .
Strai , ed or Stolen. ,' • ,
premises of the subscriber, in Delmar. If
he partyylto drove the steer away willreturn
it he may save oosts and trouble.
Sept. 24, 1868. GEO. SKELTON, ,
Maelinery for Sale.
in good order, and•alohnsoirShingle Ma
chine, Also in good'orderovlll be sold,on reason
able tenni by ' 'BENJAMIN AUSTIN.
Charleston, Sept. 10; 1868:4w 11 . •
, .
, Farm for . Bale.
I,TUATED, on Elk Run, Gaines , township,
►Containing I.2s.aerai," 50 tunes 'improved.—.
Said farm Is well watered, ban a frame honso and
barn and a choice apple orchard, and is well
adapted to dairying purposei. Title good and
term...miry. Inquire of ,Wm. 7 H . Smith, Wells
hero, or 'L. L. RUSSELL, Delmar.
0.0 1 -ne ) 10450. - - •
• •
Notice'to Oarectors.,
kOLLECTO In chi' servial Districts are
requited to be u prompt as possible, and
pay Into the Treasury on October let, all fonds
that can be collected by that time.
• Sept. 23, 1868. 8. 0. BAILEY, Treas.
admic) - L ` 4-
Ari;tiojir'.oPening Abe Laigest; nest end Cheap
• ; • . est Stook of „
Fall and Whiter Clothing
Eon? brought into
Sept. 23, 1868
J. A. • Parsons & Co.,
Are now receiving a large stook of
We . lara CIO OP,
• , and are offering
Seo new advertitenient next week.
'2ept. 28, 1888.
ted Stater for the Western District of Penrose/
Phillip Nast A If.onis M. Auerbach bankrupts,
under the act of C on gress of March 2 , 1887, baying
applied for a Mach rge from all their debts, & other
claims provable u der' said act, by order of the
Court, notice is heliby given to all creditors who
have proved their obts, and other persons inter.
-sated, to appear on the 2d day of N0v.,1888, at 10
',Aka, -A. M., before F. B. Steltb, Esq., liegis4
ter, at bb office in Tioga, Ps:, to show cause, if
any they have, why a discharge should not be
granted-to the said bankrupts. And thrther, no
tice is hereby, given, that the third meeting of
creditors of the said binkifints, required by the
28th :'lleCtion at said aot,; will. imbed before, said
Register, at the, - same.time aud place. '
. S. 0. WOATIDLESS; Clerk
. of WS. Dlitilot Conitlbr Said District.
Sept. 23, 1888-21. • '„ •,,- ,
~, . •
HIS IS TO AsPirE NOTICE,'Ihat o the .
12th day of Septembet, 'A: 1868, s War
rant in Bankruptcy was issued 'agalisitthe t stater
of Ira Baker, of Tioga, Tioga county, and 3tate
of Pennsylvania who has been adjudged a tank
rupt on his own petition; that the payme t of
any debts and delivery of aby property belong.:
tug to such-Bankrupt to him or for use• and
the transfer of any property by him re forbidden
,That a meeting ef thee ditors,of the
laid Bankrupt to prove theft debts and to ellooft
'onro or snorer:Assignees of. his estate:wilt, he held
'ate eistrt orßankruptoy„ to he. holdeulat the of
fice of P. B. Smith in Tioga, Pit'2; beforti"P; E.
Smith, Register, on the 2d day of November,
D. /808, at 10 o'clock A. M.
U: S. Marshal West'n Dist. Pa.
Sept. 2% 68. Per Davits °AMMON, Dep'y.
it, - TtittNif'JlNstitiNtr ail
C. 8)11714
II Beey. Rnsi, Pre,.
RAD, ain't Aq't. L. 1.). ormAicttly V. P.
IHIS IS Ow, tOhipnui, lid yijikli , ,, , T,liouitorii
Rilitnold was luto)y agent, tirof policy hold-:
. whd wish„ to renow. bc‘i• inFutance aro re
aged to driply to `tho stihkriber.,.l:-
hard Piro Insurance Co:,
3.1 B. ALvottli, - Taoaras CitevErti‘Piesident.
7 *, - Bicreittry.: A. S. OIIMETT,
4, • -
Capital *2OO 000),
All pnitl up in CitA)l
Surplus Over
o4tineotal, lii QcpipOiy7
ash Capital, $500,000,00
Gross Surplus,- Jan: 1, 1808, 1,814,590,81
Cash Assets, do 1,814,500,81
written at this office. '
B. H. LAMPORT, Vice Pretident, PEOR,•Seeretary,
. .
The subscriber takes this tnethe'd - of informing .
the Publics that be hns , the agency of the abore
companiee; and will _be found at, his office Qv cr
Rore'Drug• Store, adjoining Agitator Offide. ;
Welleboro, Pa.; Feb. 26, 1868—tr.
ba , ) 7:1 h:s OV -1 ,,, R''
50- o
t r. : to t..
Agl • :-°::• zz 53 p.. z
2.. v.- n,. , >-
0 , ' l.' gPI )--1 rz
0: . ii
Z 0 "
cn t -. 1 ~
id . , • f,, , o. ~
.. t
til wil
..,... , 0 ,-4 5: LI
. 8 t.e. z tot
t - , t r. : +V 0
4 ›. :V
• 0 r i sib
' e
' . C .' 9 ...
L 4 ,
rs ' W t i t,
4tv Is Pg tt F. 4 z ~,., 1 blvd
6,1 E a .-. Bcn tr' tri Pr tl ire,
P -P 4 h 1 40- p
--P; :10
0 - .-4 x ha 1-4
I* 0 ti til 0: c.. 1 hi Z
110 p 1
0 t% ii• 2 , 'A MI
N 6. 0 .4.4. t ..4 ' t 4 lq
% )e l I I Bpp
, ~ . r+
0 S CI
41 V scl .
V ,
0 104 : . I n ° P li
, id :,1 c.. ,
4OD Oi, ' . I ' g W
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il til
SP 0 ° . .. .
. .
gi O 0 I: t
i-i . ! i 0,,. tI 11141 MI
a l C C)
te ** ja r'
-V ti l l
iit • 4 11 1
0 a B . ~„-... .0
.1. ..._. , . t ?Ps ,, 2- 0
c. ,=. 00
1 , 4 4 :1 ut c 1 • E T . ~..L c). H i
2, op so
i-,‘ S 4 SIT . • ~,,, '
1 a tr 88 c ' 1 g I t. C t: > i
~.... bc',P.S%.PPP
I WI q v r . .... , C:. C:7> C.* ' , l ''.l CA
' C) C , 4I D CA e,^
J. B. Bowen &
, A RE now receiving a large and complete as
sortment of
bought since the late decline in prices in New
York, oonsisting of
- ••
31:13e3r Gra•cocita,
Groceries, Hats & Caps, BoOts & Shoes,
(fze., &c
Particular attention is invited to our Stock of
Gaitera and Hoop Skirts ; also a nice
line of TEAS, New Crop, very
fine at-reduced prices,
all of which will be sold at the very lowest mar;
ket prices.- Wo respeotittlly invite all to can and
examine our stook before purchtuting elsewhere.
Empire - Store, No. .1 Union Block,
Welleboro, June 8, 1868.
Valuable Farm for Sale. ,
Afarm of three hundred acres, with two hun
dred and twenty.five acres improved. Sit
uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the
Tioga River and Railroad. Well watttered, un
der a good state of cultivation, and good build
ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga
village. • T. Ti. BALDWIN.
Tiers, Feb. 12,,1868-tf.
MRS. A. B. EASTMAN fa now giving los-
Rona in
Hair Valera or Wag • Work.
Persons wishing to join a class aro requeshid to
call anon. Terms reasonable. -
Sopt.•9, 1888-4 E. ; • -
Something New
A LOT of the latest styles of new Jewelry
just reeehred at
Aug. 2, '6B. I. M. S. B. WARRINER.
AGOOD JOB of work done on Clocks, Watch.,
ee or Jewelry, go to
Sept c 2, 1868.- I. M. &B. B. WAR RIOTER.
ririarsa inieited just Thirteen hundred and
eleven and 09-100 Dollars on account
my health and business, I withdraw my interest
in the Banking Ileum of 3.4 3. Parkhurst; but
still hold myself as security for present, and fu
ture deposits. The 'brininess will be carried on
by John Parkhurst. -. JOEL PARKEURST.
Elkland r 841.-2, 1868.
Brick ,
for Sale: .
125 1 0001
t .. O e O y D aid ß o ß p l po C e l i,i e to t i b 6 8 tru a e t .
tery, Welleboro, by FRED . MAitsiRAFF ,
Sept. 16,1868-B d.
LAX-SEED—Cash paid for Fltucoood by
, ' •
Art, . • 7.,
; ti
1 •
••• •
N 14',W
Lth:T/1(14,tS WARAEN:have eileiB4. -
ae*.l.ltln tat ovit:11. 'n, Eerdon't
Drug Store in I:lt,ga. lye htvie 'lutrittltiCed - aft
•the moderolUiplitvitnef.ntlri th - Oicntal
tfie prepared to ''perfor to' tit t opetations,.upen the,
teeth in the west approved end scientific paean:ten.
desiecil*o extract teeth %Odic' t
the nay of .Naroulio Splay, Ether, Cliloroforniilid
the Nitrous Oxide tras. !line, a large , assort;."-%
went of artificial tooth and
,put 'them up In 'a
superior Inatindielthar uPen , rubber:9r -11101A10
hose. W 0 warrant all our ,woric ; And• gee:matte
perfect; satisfaction to reasonable itartles, or ne
will not require pay, for • our;' services. We pay
itartiettlur attention to fillip's and preserving the •
natural teeth, and to treating all irreLnlatities of
phildron's tooth.. ,1 - Our pticos shall correspond
with the kind ot work done, in all eases doing
thtt satnettral of wurl usefieep asourneighbors.
Welt/ill visit La wreucovi;le the 3d, Slogs the 17th,
and Roseville the 2flif, Ardv6ry month positively,
at which tipliqt hi; int:pared' to perform
Lent:rations tinoti U.i ut,turta teeth 'and contract
with parties desiring artificial
Our oftfeu tit Toga will not boulOsotl during our
visite to the abe named places.
• • ' . DR. C. 1110112i8,
`T. D. iutgs D.
Tinge June 17, 1868. -
Roy's Cholera Drops.
Is the mostpepular anti successful Helsel crar
re-ctunth can be found. 'Physicians-proscribe
it, and theyettple will ut-o it for the aura of Diar
rhea. Dysentery; Ottlic,'Cholerri Morbus and all
disard e t gof tilt, btisvele. • This medicine gives
relief immuiliately,,and travelers always carry
a: bottle of it trial them on a journey; and fault.
nos keep it constantlyin tote house.
WeLtiaono,'Pa., May . lo, 1888.
I have used floy's ChUlerst.Drope in soy fain.
ily fur many') ears and know it to be an effect
ual remedy fur the complaints' for • which it is
reclitontentled. It ip 'pleasant to -the- •taatts-; is
liked ; by Milo cbildren,and, fur this - reason it is
liet•irablo as n family itiedieine. l 4'wOuld That be
without a bottle in the.bouse for, ten times its
boat., ' • I HUGH 'YOUNG.
Fa.rrn. for' Salel
rpa E subscriber offerejor sale - his farm, lying
about 2s} tulles east of ' ellsboro, in Charles
ton. Sail farm contain: 5.2 nom, about 40
aerii eleared, well fenced, well.. watered, a nom.
fertatle house, 6rst•ofus yarn, other ontbulld
ings and a good Young be flag °retard thereon.
Inquire oh the prousisos.
tharim..ton, Aui. 19;481
Where:Le ; by au act of the General Assembly et the
Commonwealth of lennsylvania, entitled, " An Act to
regulatetheGoner Elections of this Commonwealth,"
enacted on the 2d dny of Ju1y , 1829, it Is enjoined on.
me to give public nbtice what officers are to be elected
—therefore I, J POTTER, -High, Sheriff of
'flop County, do herebg- make known and give tide
public notice to thd Eleatora of ,Tiogo County,•that a
Goner Election will be L lieldithroughcint the couotj en
the 2d Tuesday of Coto r next, being the thirteenth
day thereof, at the sere al diftriets within said county,
namely :
Bloss, Union schtiol h usu.,
Brookfield, South Ro d school house.
Charleston. Dant Bet iemept ecbool 'mere.
Clymer, Subluyille ec tool house.
Chatham, ht the Clay am Center school house.
Covington, hotel of Samuel Riff. ; •
Covington Borough, hotel iof Simonet Riff.
, Delmar. at the Court liouSe.
Deerfield. Cowauesque noose, Ira 'Wagner
Inland Borough, Bonnet fete!.
Elk, at the Smith school house.
" Fall Brook Borough, Fallow sohool home.
Farmington, house of Peter Mowry, &ceased.
Gaines, 11.'0. Vermilyaa's.
Jackson, lions° tit 0. Hamilton,
I, Ds. dile Borough, Eagle Honey:
Lawronce,•Blosson's Hotel. i
Lawrence Borough, Slossou's Hotel. • •
Liberty, Shaffer's liotel. 1
, Mansfield Borough, Model school house.
1 lilninshuri /r florough, P. Bond's IbiteL
Middlebur , 11ollidaytown school house.
Morris, hOnao of Geo. Cast.
Neleon, house of Charles 9oodrieb.
Oceola, - /lotol.
ItiChmond, hlathodigt Church.
Rutland, houso of Elmer Backer.
Sullivan : P. bond's Hotel. _
Shippen, Big Meadow school house,
'Mom B. h. Fart's
Tioga Borough, E. S. Fart's Hotel.
Vellsboro, at the Court )401180. 3
Westfield, 0. Wire Hotel.'
' I Wedflold B, G. Bill's Hotel.
Ward, !Muse of William L. 'Thomas.
ilrolott,,house of John Irrino.
At uluch tbno and placea!tbo followl.g named ,State,
District, and County otnconi aro to be elected:
Ono persen toll:. Auditor General o the Common.
One poison for Siiirvoyor -General 0" the Common.
. ..
wealth. ,
One person to represent 'Zion, Po i gi 'Clinton, Cen
ter, and Lycolning counties in (ion ,
One person to represent Ting*, Potter, McKean, and
Clinton counties in the State Senate,l
Two persons to represent Tioga and Potter counties
in the General Assembly.
One person' for District •ttotney of Tioga county.
One person for Commissioner of Tinge. oonnty.
'One person for Auditor, 'liege county. •
Ono person for Surveyor of Tioga County.
It is further directed that the meeting of the Return
Judges at the Conrt Hondo, Wellshoro_, to make out the
general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeeding
the said election, that being the 16th day of , October.
I run by said act further ditectecitii give notice that
every person, except Justices of the Pettc% who shell
hold office or appointment of trust or profit under the
government of the United States, or of this State, or of
any City or incorporated district, whether a commis.
stoned °Ricer or otherwise, a subordinate ofiker or
.sgent,. who is or who shall.beLemployed tinder the les-
Watt vo, executive or., n diclaty. apex tm en ts of this &SR,
Or of any incorporated dlatri tr and also that every
member of Congress, and of the select orcommon cote•
cil of any city, commissioners of-any incorporated di*
trict, le-by law incapable of _holding or exercising it
the same time the office or appoiiatuient of ledge; it.
vector, or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and:that no inspector, judge, or any other officer et
any,subh election shall be eligible to any office then to
he voted for.
In accordance with the act of Assembly of Meth
1866, regulating the Manner pf voting at all electiontl
further elate for the information of voters that all fate
”fileers-will be voted fur on a single slip of paper Mel ,
ed •• State ;" and all ebrinty officers, including member
of Congress, Senator, and members of Assembly, vii
be voted for ono separate ballot, and labeled "County,'
cacti class to be deposited in separate bellow:Ores.
For instructions in regard to the organization of
boards of election, etc , see act of Assembly of 2dJely,
/839 pamphlet laws, page 219; likewise contained in
practical digest of the election laws of,,this Common•
wealth. furnished at erery place of holding general
elections, page 86,-erc. r.
Given under my hand at iVellsborono this',,) dal
of September, 1368; —J. B. rorinn. fib ff.
caving uliy ..aing In Lily
cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in
tho world ! Ilas all' the strength of old rosin
soap with tho mild and lathering qualities , of
genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Sold
Front Street, Philadelphia. sepcs2, 'BB-17.
t. THE be
ii i assortment of
4 1 :4 • Teeth, a d largest vial.
.rte 74.,„ sty of different Minis of
Plates' is • well as the
best operations:of Fill.
. .
k ing and EXTRACTING
• 'LW" TEETIL array be bed
.the now Dental Office." lila 'Oxide Gee
given for extracting, whiCla giveti leasant drreme
instead of pain. Also,- Narootie Spray. Liter
anal Chloroform administered when desired. —
Prices as low ,ne can be found , elsewhere' All
work done priemptly and warranted.
Call and see speoimens. Remember the place.
A.; B. EASTMAN, ...
No. 13, Main St.
May q, 1868
% s•' Lawronce vine
DR. H. E. VAN, FAORSE, Into with Par.
dean Bro'd f fictinilton and .Noe York
City, has opened new Dental Rooms at the Ford
Rouse, Lawrenceville, Pa., where be is prepared
to do work in all the departments of his profess•
ion in the most scientific manner.
AU work warranted and satisfaction guaran
teed. Call and examine specimens of wolk•
Lawrenceville, June; , 24, • lB6B—tf. • _ ,
ONEpair of 4 year old Stags, both red, one g
little lighter, color than the other, ghee
horns, and small of their age, Any one heripg
said Stags or can glee information whery_tbe.l,
eau be fo l und, will' be liberally rewarded. 915
Stags'htt've been gone since the 13th of Augusi•
Sept 2,1868-3 to Knoxville, Fa.;
• •
i ttl. LOT OF
THE best 8 day Clocks ever sold in Tioga Co./
elm be foun of
Sept. 2; 1888. , tf S.D. IVARRINE L
FOR Sale, a small olioni, Printing Press is
good order, suitable for Carde Wanks, , ic•
Enquire of •• JOHN Al
May 0, 18118—tf. Weilsbore, Pa.
nALENDER, French, Maiine and Church
Cloak.. at @0.19) BOLOS