The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 30, 1868, Image 1

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Is pUblishea."lrtilil--ViredifesdeCyls.l4,6iiiriyoitl4-..-.-,..1-.-";;,%-*?--i':,kk...1-1'.
invariably fn a4y4 90e..
COB B: & VANL`GELDEIf , ::=- ,
' - • - - r = • '
I/ • C °83.1 •
ArArgr*T'T.W . VF,C 2I .„ .
.10 Dos - °! 161 " 1324- L 4188;',. * *rigathylz.,
i 5.178. 11. . 2 Ms. 41114, EtitPlic lkidois. 1:1100
No, 0 ..,.. —. —..—... ......—.. ...—... ..„.....-- 4.0..........
." ----"— re. •-•• VAQ $ 2 _,90. VP 4W 157,04 'Moo
t(CA, — ,
.2,011 - spo .. - 4,W 'BM IS A Attho
„,,Te c i:::: . . 10,0.,
t''' ..1 1 8, 00 00 8007 4000 -43,00 01,03
p pe eita Notices IG7 ito
1,0,20 coots Xne- - = or
ur. oi.TEffinELL:ar:..ta.),,, •
00LESAW liltirtidiSTEV attar , - 4ealera In
Nell Pitton.;''l.iridietio oVanaliin I .Window blase ; .
Pedal:dory, Pitinti 04::0111,40:4 lf elk , 1
Oornind, '%;39,11 - . 1.;'"113159Ay., 4
• .
WILIE4AItiAEL • •filtirrn -
ATTORNEY , . 6. - 647,N3 ,*l 7 /011 : • AT:' LA:*
Insurance, , ..liinutty 11.04.Paninoti Age oy ~ Y414
Strad Wellabor°, - '
5, R. IYiisox , J. $, A1;1 , 0;
ATTORNEV B 01)13118gL,01115
(First door from pigoOy'ii,on the Avehue),
Will attend to-linernese entrusted to their oare
in the ocruntilia'ar 'tags and •Potter.
Wellsboro, 1868. .
WESTFIELD: :Borough,. Tioga„ Go. E. G.
Rill, Proprietor.;l :new and commodious
building•with ail the- modern, improiements:
Within oozy drives ofibebest'hunting and Rsh
log grounds in NOtthern palm)
. Conveyances
furnished. Terms moderate. . ;..,
Feb. 5;18684y..i., : , .
TAILOR. Shop flrit door north . of . .".o..,Seiree
Shoe Shop. par , Cutting, Eit.tipg,erta Repair
ing done promptly and, well. ,
Wellsboro,Ta.rJan: 1,1868.-13 r. • .
soupt.,ii.-siiAtasrOdinE ' ' '
D A APIIRS,A,NR, TAILOR:II Shop' over.: Johlt-.R,
Bowen'e" SiOre: Ifj:ol4oatting, Fitting, and
RopafiliiToiiiiiiiquptly wad in - bast itylen---
Wellsbora, Pa., Jai .'dol,eBS—ly,,; ,; ~
Notary Pubiii? Arid Anenttiaee. Agent, Bleu
but:, Pi. Oviar,.caldviell'a , Store. • • •- •
W e llsboro;'Tioga'Otii,
Claim Agent, Notary Ptiblio, and: Insurance
Agent. Be irilratteturraromptlyto uollection of
PED6101:111, Back Pak'. and Bounty. Aa Notary
Public ho takes aokoorledgements of deeds, ad
ministers ortheoiiid: will tictati - Cdtismisaloricr to
take testimony..:irgif 4 Ofilde aver ItOyfe Drug • StOre,'
sajoicing AgitestsittOcdde:• , - - . -.Oct. 130,,1867
• ;144091VIlithriittaVi - • • = -'`--
4TTORITEY :AND s.CotritSitOß LAW..
flovitig (mutt .a :view of.
making iti hie 12RFoianAtt'irturidence,
share of -public! Ontronake: 'Mr briefness en.:
trotted to hie oaro will be attended to with'
promptneu and fidelity. ..Officto.2d'd - rior south
of E. S. Fair's hatkol.'•'',l7:4a, Tioga Co.,
sept.2B.l6.ertf. .
G ainos,, Tio¢fa County; Pa. : .
HORACE C. VErt..sil.l.,Yi9iffrior!a. , ; ;Ahis"la
a now hotel located within easy access of the
best fishing, ikia hipiing',..groundf3 in' North
orn Ponnsylitiniti; Nr.o talAtt be Spared
for the aocommodation of.iiittaagrajanliore
the traveling publlo.-4 [Jalk.A,lB-68.]-
WESTFIELD, f!A.,,,,qp().E.G E 'CLOSE;;:E!ioprl
cm.. A new Ilotolkakuduoted . on'tkO:iiiinoilp,le
of , live and let - livei-fottho aceonmodatfn.,
the publio.—Nov. 1408136.-1.1.
GI;10. W. RY9N,
renceville, Tloga C. 0., Bountyi Pension,
and Insurance Atha. Collections promptly
attended to. Otltca,gd,dogr below Ford House.
Dac. 12, 1887—ly , ' '
R. E. 01;NEX;
PLAT ERYT4RE r SpeKtitillitaiAri itt'S trings,
bs., to., lionialf4h "11. JeWS
dry neatly r~pairoch cl:pgraVipg ' doae, in, plain
_ llsept67-Iy,'
Thos. 13.'Zirydott. - ••
su EYO,II, -'1)-1AFTS-M .;..--Ordors• left of
his room, ToWtie,44,llotol,,,Wolleboro, will
met with,pr,oropi4tqatitEp;: • •
Jon. 1807.•-tf. .• :- • • • "
T I O,G TV, PA.,
•-I' : • •
(boil ittiiiling,iettaehoctA.tind an attentive holt:
tier, aistreiititi - ettendate. , • • .
E. S. 'F'Aitlt,.; Preiqiet,or.
114irdrepsingAi Shaving. ,
Salpon'over-Willeois. Qc Barker's,"Sicire,ltells.
6045: PA"; ',•-iNittlool.kfu•tittontion • paid to Liailieti
II air. fitA etc, - , liraido,
Pude, evils, o t r4litylolreg - 0121fintid Trod or.
• ..,• •
11. W.' 11CiRfliY; •
n.. the 2d Pat Cavdtry; s ifter
J nearly four yettrd of army Qervico , ilth Inike
tcpdrienbe WO old and hospital practice, tla.l Oct:m*6'pm
ogico for tho pratico of medians and surgoty, In all
Its brad6lad.!-Pfornonto, from a distance env: and Ow
Wanting at Abe • vr Led .4pired.-,
Wilt vhitanZtitsflOf - 114 d OfOo in ,conottl(citibp, dr,
performsurstad qmoktions, Ad, 4, )7 iniqu' Itigek,"4:
has the piptiSur - o- te inform_ tho c , ittzens of Tioga
comity that IC has coMplotett 110' ,
and in on kinds of Pioturei,
Inch as Ambrotypes,Vorrotypos, Vignettes,Oarteli
de Visite, the Surprise and i3preka Ploturoki also
particular attention-. paid to copying and enlargi
log Pictures..
..tristruotiop given in, the Art (in
- releoriable tartrts:':'Elittira fit., Artinsfleld, Oct, I,
:•ttrilt . . 8. ` Smith, '.l ', , -' -
KNOXVILLE, TA.!. ,Benition, Bounty, . anti 'lit=
m i .
ranee Agent. :•Communieations sent fa the
above address , trill .receivepyompt at ntion.
Terms moderato. ~,- .: :, ban 8, 188 , ly•]•-.
. _ ...._. ._ M
N. 8. C.LAI - ACt-EN - C - Yi -
~ • ( .., . ,
For the Collection or , '
Arint:and Nava` Claims and Pensions.
i-- ,
ftilliE NEW I3OUISTY LAW, passed July 28,1 . 860,gtvea
1 1 two and three plane soldiers extra bounty" . Bend xln your discharges. , ,
Three months' arittt pay proper to votiuiteer office ! .
,-, who weratu seisteelltatchi?.,lAos. ' ' t ' f
Total rlici hatii lbat a Ilmb and übo have been peruke
, asntly and totally dlhablact , ~.k .
MI other Geiernment claims prosecuted. • ,
~, .., JEJIO.Mg 11.-N/LEI.
Wellsboro;October , 2o,lB6o-tt --.
AGENT for- the, National Series of Standard School
Books; published by A. 8. Barnes Co, 1116113
William, corner of John Street, N. Y., keeps constantly
a tall enpply Alt orders promptly tilled. % Call on or
address by mutt, N?irritArT
Osceola, Pa., Juno 10, 18614y,-
THE undersigaafl - having 9tained- tcio
born aitd opoireit on IVtiterlskriet,
!Weitz abara-of li t itranage., ° Ha pioposiu 'tpkicti
Shoing horses $ . 3 ) 50 and. oth work ; propor-
ApriV29 RITTBR.•
MILL WRIGHT - --Agent — for nil - the best
for titewati!gi Oseillatlairtlovotaent, for Eint)&an4
guilty Sawa. ' "
. :
BtkiAtkari . 4 - o,erision' Agoney.
R.&viNG received dellnitainstruct ions in reiiid to
the extra. bounty _allowed - by 'tho act approved
28, 113,80 7 and having On hand largo - supply of all
riet 'essary blanitl, I MO prepared to prosecute all pen
din and bowl ty claims which may - be-pieced -in my
Rends. Persons II ring at- a-, diatanco can commnnicatil,
with me by letter, and tb:slr- coremnilicatlonti will be
annwezed; TO L g*' B3 fiTA"
Welliboro.l)ctober ' ' '
Datier in DRY G 60.DS kinds, Dardware
an dl r ftritteolipttong; Oar negortment is r iarke
Oioes low. :Stare la" triilog pall,
in goitleman.—.rany 201908 -Iy..' •
• '
1 . •
4, . , •
„ 1 0- .4 4 „X. Alkit5 , 4 '"•1' t•l•
:1rm.:1108 . V-:;-BINDERY,
Big :BOOK ti tlFi~bßYa';.
: a_x3o 4 wiii
tztuumm4.*N„ - _ - _*:.ri
•-; - .
, CYCTXt - .IiCr•CPX"rOI: •
00Ori 41243111;13.134Tp:PAr4F 42 . 3 THE on.pAy, , pw i
•• - •
:.• .1340ORS',
• . o t:(: , lol44444 o iiiiti - igfitilis: oqioA i ri
and as low, for qualqy, st.'os 4 e
in the State. Volumes 'of, every. deleription
Bound in' the best manner and in • any style or
dered.: -
Executed -
,in the best tuniiiiiiiT - Old Books TO- .
bound and made good aft new.
- cord pLETE sAwsl,„
aii prepared to furnish back aurtibers of all
.Revinws or Magazines published in the United
States et'ilieat Britain, at a low-price..
's tlitritgA:6
• PAP Ili— , •
Of any quality or size, on band and out up ready
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER ? and CARD
BOARD of all colors end quality; tti
'oat to any site. - " ' •= ,
• S I r ;
Cupp Letter, Note Plperi Envelopes,
• I aia ecie
, C,tll-2(D ON niggeri,
-,Wh4h I warrant :equal to . Gehl:Pens. - - , 11.'110
.best?n Use and neemistntre; -
'The above stoekl. will:14011813hu, Lowest r lta tes
at all times, at _a malt adviinei . on New ..York
prices, and in quantities to suit purebaiera.
work and stook niarratited - tar,apresenteit
I respebtfullSr,solioit a share of publi patron.:
ago): Rrders br prompt)) , attended 10.—
• j: Addrossi.LOUlS
Elmira, •
1867:.--13 ,
': -- i `,. - ---A- UNION- -HOTEL i.,. .
ti '.7
,: " .....,
-RAYING iflttell.ny'. a new hotel building ow the once
Of the Ohl Union Ilptel, lately destroyed 14 , die,
tam urnikready to receive and -entertain; guesfs - - The
Unlen;liAtel was intended for ttVentOeranettiletitie,
'anditbe Prolikletor believealt dark WeestalnedMtlialt
grog k,Ain attentlitelostler In attendance. 4.-4:!
Wellelioro'r3une.26,lB67. ' , --, -' -„--,• - l'r.Z - 1:4
•TAX LOR ANDL, CUTLER, openede,A,,fill:6l)
crat:ton strect; fear Of Soars 14.15,Orti* r a
! hoe
sit* where ifupropare4 to raariuracria Or.
nootito order most-substantial Attune?,
and with dispatch. Particular attention paid
to cuiting and Fitting. March Nt;.191.18-1:y,
On sfrintly TemperanCe prineiplea;r:Atorria Ir4ll
V. BAILEY, Proprietor: 'ilor6esln
clairlagea to leL—Alarph 8, 1868.---Iy. rte
. : E. R.
• ,
GttOCIEiY-__AND' RESTAII • zwre.!
'Ono' door above the Meat Market
1W 41? LSE ORO,_ pENN - 1 7.A;
I thdPE - CTFULLY announces to thcl:4l4
ppblio gr
that- ho has a desirable . stocyi,l 144 ,
eeries; , :compriaing, l'eaa, Coffees, Spices,'SuOars
*lasses, Syrups, and all that oonstitutos, a 4111 , t(
ohlseitock. Oysters in, every style -af . '"fdi eta'
seitahlti hours.
INVialtislbero, Jan. 2, 1867-tf.'
. i E.1.1.•+ . -.. • . , .. •
..acscocittier cei, 03,22.icselis -
. .
43, reit Exclternetal-JOtinlittb Ampedebill,:;iiinti Etanr,
btee's Booots and sEdiciee trtumpbttpt! :The tocribti,
wtiulti say to the fit4le or-Wnetfield and vl ' ity that
he le manufactitring a VateriflhNit wlitch he bu)leves tt-t
-polls ess 'the following advatitagli.pvek ' all o rs; 15k,.1
titers is no crimping; 2di nonrkinkjing,savons ily breaki
ta the feet; 3d, no rtirplng,''...: In, short, the : are just
the thing for everybody. Baniples on hand anti orders
solicited. Sole right- -of-Westfiehl township And-Jinni
4ectired. lie ,hne also just.recuiyed a splendid set of
MilmoralSt.triyint, talon ;Aline. Cemo °Mi . , 01Ve.,_4111
~re tird,bounti t 6 shillhottp for capybr readand s igiiip
ne door south of Sanders & ColLegroire. , ..
Westfield 13oro', Fob. 13 1868. J. It. Illtillitliti.
1----- - --.
;;N 3 ( 1 4 - Jgalgt l 4ckry #9,1 1E/ q7 z
Ti. OrDStitrif; irCii)rie l tti: rl llli4l4
ed this popular Hotel, tho proprietor respect
; fully l soiltiits azifair,..eltaro ef,pMre,tinge.
i attention given to guests: _
the county always in attendance..."'" ' l ' -A
t April 28, 1888.—ly.
• _
5 TiOGSC - Olitaititre T.
• ,
jTr would respectfully inform the citizens of Ti
.tigortand riqinitypAhat ljay,e bpilt
P II 0 TO GI R A P 11
th .vA c t r s iu ghtf: -4 549074ind4krislitf b t" .(1
;PhoicikraPhle'Attler'ln •trtY k e huitt ovs
prepared to furnish alt kinds of Pictures t s u e a n
to the seltotogzaphic
employ a number of &hit Otaee — Valritere,
Iprepare# to answer all calls for house, sign, ear.
ridge,.ornamental `4o3o.liceiabry:lMlnting.A.
" " =-20-11.41Eibia
I May 6,1868-6 m, Tiogn, Pa.
/Trug'St9re; wheroly In!
- - every think pi-opeily 'beltingingA4
the Drug Trade
and of the beSt Also, INiintiO
Oils, Vaiiiislini; RienoYiliotiongraiolln
Strings, Pishing - iTnekloilVindonr ; ;Gdare,
Cash_ paid for Max Seed.
4sov fif;*7 (f;f - t;' , ~s•
•Insurande 'Company
GLEN'S F.Alja L Y.
Capitiir 414 Sarplizu $373;45373150FT:d
FARM RISKS, Only,inkete.'" l4
It is LlBERAL,paislititnagns:'4l Light
ning, , wbotbor Fire ensues or not.
-; /2 pfts: for 111 , 6'141606H niettlw Lightnlogtin
barns or in'
• brt
Tti rates airs lii49er tininl'
Mby 20; 11:17—)y,
5,2: 1 0.VE5,„ TZ1V 7 ,1jf.4104 1
f •
•:, IMARNEBAS,..B4PP/Y}:§s .it,4 •
C9rnii?g,N.,Y,JAia, 2, j130:2 -1y,!,-1.
OVR 413 6iitiakt :
'9lllllB well known hdrsit t
wit boioutititho pies
-. n t season , as rollaws, - tiz it CI
illquday afternoon .tind ,Tties - dajr
Wh I tney's- e6rzierii ; `it 1 tern rtln n .
Wednesday. stables& I;intmfilitli•
Dartt's Settlement; AY.ednesday afternoon anti
Thursday morning etierry Flatts: Thursday
afternarnv atAlic:stable•ter 7 Tlropmji I,le
Covington , :lloro;rtFrldti3r, - ..tind,*ntnrite:y, tiLWc
stable ofithe subseriher c iaNgiriktv i; Jt l otnk j,
awners par tin g ttiittit:nate& b eflg foi.) f P ti 0-
- held vedponsilite.: TOJlnitureAlut_• , =' r 4 ,1,
• Mainsburgi klaY:20;48#38111‘
Vellebord, Jafie
(*Asti r
4 . itho 17, ;1: Ql3i•3lixtV
- •
i g 1 . 1
.3.1 ';',..;i11.
-'O - 1,) 4
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, tetiff I
WALIZER & iAltiriCiPi"
f.-4.:1tt,:".;i6..t t k
D trg,r)D(Ati,T9JAlAFAfgfr2l
I ' t IFRON ,I 7.4,Brof4Nr; ifi0,3 1 5'.. • "TI ''
•• t , ..6.rk - ‘ 4'' i4 0 4 1,4 v,it• ' ' kiro ll'i .3.iltr ,t,i 3 .• to.',, .:1 In
HO r , • - , , at• l 7
A 4
, ....... , ..... cP . a ' 1, - qatt.,:.. - at; s.t:•+ tp.;
a A
; „ ,,,, i :4— it ‘ E.PA7iii".ll' BY DR:• 4 ..,. 'll . l4Atlirg - 0.1,4%tai
w ) '
, usaxtrins,"Pi.'", — ---
Li ;
11- V . : 00 ~••• - ,, ........1) ?I
' The
, griitlit knortun remelt:ft-pow .., -
vol. b#4ol,tiit;t , isk..: ‘ ~,“-, ij 4 1 3 ..;'l. - .11
: }.4 D l EBEitis,;:!.:, ' • ,
':: ,::: f ',, l ff r u l ' Ll a
1.; TirerirolllPD itrility; 0 ?:( -7
- '' ' ''' V '• I'AtIADIGVA:
Diseateir of the , X4iiich
!- - Eatgalwroultrio -- Brim -
and all DlSeaSOP'sikisiikk 'frisiliViiil4••
ordered 16 N 1Ver,' litomach,!oej):.l i 14 )17'
~ ,
~..r:- . ) i tiatiO,4ll - P , O.F ) TAN • ,, ,11Z00.0.-,:, f 5. t 1
Cei fßeiuiffibtiriai;g6),Vials, :aii k i:o*iotßfinacrael ,,
''4lWria '4'
A* 0 eir . 'IT Ang ctr- era, viarnirt, ;..
•thai mare heweconatenced. Os afteekon.fik,,
.., mod isifoottasit mains tial your 45sfyartnieu soon. f , „
checket l(fe l s77r, ; g i li i e ; iaati j :::e:R . ,i i jr ::F •r el/t: c l „ eortt/ :: :1 4 i1..:
j t s t::: i :4 : 7 171/1: .. t .5. .7: 0 1 :1 17vii .
Fidness of BlOod to the esti ,_Ao dtty
et the. Stomach, Nausea nea rt- ,0 : .
1 burd - DregthitVrFood, -•4,--,--
wt*Stg r iat.WW4lol, oi-J
-,. .
f n i , r.
; ~.,4,„,prViutter!iag et the t ,,
i.; ofltuffitnnackeh, - StyitrUning oft - •
~ 41 i the 'Send, Ertirtitid - - or•lDitticult..-t.t.
v Briii(thingk Fluttering:at zillshateet. r,
ChOkingOr tiulfacatingSonsatioruslvAtoik
' in a Lying Posture, ,Dimness Of•VialeT.ii,
1 Doke ;Pr.tiVlTehti .before the Sight - , • . . t •.•
Dalt "Path in the'-lifead - 41 , Dei1,./ az .••.,,
oiencybfretspiratiosi.Xell,, ,a.,0'.. , e•-1
.lowneisspikthe Sian and ~.
_-_Eyes, •lii "in" tiab's Brad,. •
t ' ' Back. phsistf Linabs, - etc.',l3lld.;l ••- t.:* 7,
, den Flushes of Seat, 411in:sing m. , ~ •
~, the Flesh, Constant Imaginingst. Of •
: Evil,• and Great Depression - of Spiritsi,`l7
-•;= :4111thesiitulSX4desedieef the Pier (So Pines/4'o- 1 1T
I _ Orians;eombfned with trop ire blood.
, c.. .... , 7 .._ .•-,,.. • - 7 •-• , -,---
.; ~
- • s.' = •
--, g100 2 4 1 1V,. 1. 4.-Attrnall-13.itkte` " ' 1 '
q is entirely ;vegetable, and - iiiiitasis no
1 liquor. It Ist itikeiftscitistellerFtrild-Xx
tracts.- The ltooterrieins a, An' 191ierks
.• scrom which these extracts are made
F. sire gathered .In Geratany. All the
medicinal virtues are extracted front
I • OteinstPY#l4 110PintlAcii cilseniiat. eVis ft
e , '
A extracts are , then forwttided-16 til %.,
4ouqtievit...*elop 2 4;nrristaolitu i
manufacture of these Mos s. -Them !
-e -- , , Itsßs al,oehoi is, substance of any kind
-g f Sisal OUR itieliiiiii
kin:it:lolll3li' the , okthjllltito tat ,'ti
1 beissed-hlanyilsimil tv
_erii„ 0P 1 A4.1t4:10/9197.zi-,
kl islantsTivressiat atiliMull'eNti , .-..1 , 1n tifi " sr•lSt:o
' 43oottaiiiri Vivittitufirpt- el , 1
. & A ~, , ,
t - I
fa a eombinatitm Ojai flis_ftwedarirrf T i B itte r s 1,,
) toith PURR Santa env Rtpn, orawle, - eR. It istactfor -
, the same diseasegraitektyticpsonvomilidpra some
~ sure alcoholic diarstutt:s revved: '--You on// bear in
'''' mind that - t4as reniedierlaressidveli,lllofodiflrtin
1 Way others' ladoertised• fix , N •fh.screnro ,al;,fhe-r sp j
• iutmesto Mete beinasoktafticymams'ons of 71.1 ' $ *Old
extracts, white the others tire mere dteocittoits l'Alkt •••
4 in sow/brut, rhe TONIC is decidedly ithbajr-RiKsbsost 4.
' pleasctnt 'thirltilgreeable remedies ems. .o„renstad llit-,..1
;• public'. Its taste Is e xquisite . It is o..Pltitsltre to saki
it, while its t(rooion,o„ ekhitarating„anti.7sedreinat
iqualities have Maki, tt tote Ihjewhotth.givatest of
;Li:: 011141-ide,ON v
10/to hoc A h.; - ". 1 1 '
~, **Rini:aria iltsasea s cu
s of rbetti c r
~t v l M3if
:tlettit'suMiciihittlthllletzs millet
A. 61
title terrible iliflpietrft allripLeln .4 - w. .. ~ ,
1 hy_the use of thesere cot . 'saki MEW- ,
• emaciation, debility, and- eough- are-.
j the usual Itl.le*dati,ti ff uptu severe
eases, of dyspepsia ' or ditOttlie of the
1 dlfiesttVe t +=geniis ceVIVIn P as t* o4 ' r
t geuttlukcpusntßill 90%0 rekhed els
1 I , o4lgitt follgtVar Ansi, great* illsencilit?
1n gtlieniitirenef iirelliffir itick.ntl32 bi:,
.. et te. „ r. , 041 ,tp.c,lllla •):;ri:s , 1:4 , :?4) s I>• , tl ars
I:kr , : ~ 10.:, 1/nnsin
1 ~;,,J
, : flln „, 4.9.141Wirc7,1151) of L.)irfet
1 7 % A -no impt; itc n e t e r ietual.crolt,- 1,4,121 -re: 6'oo/Mal
i Billets or — Toathilesfat of Delaay. They ImparS tr.slc
,• g 0,,,, ~,,,z ri g or , 4. , U. NM" sI , if rAIIDUZIA_nrk. _2 _
1 ITottte;'ernise - an e;yment-qf- the _food, s - thi. __
stomach la digcst„,i fipArAt . he l blo,o,d, i gintja go od,
*nand; healthy' tIMI ebatims, ditaVl-40 , 0 111011, Illife ,
Is vaoh . 4l . ve r immAs Noam,tp Vie ette#•sststifkagle.,
fhe,,pattetelys a ,volt-intztmettemetatect;. , wme,l
"via n*torts i relier,VlCall,l,Gteid, EllniVtinttOpm_
, a id r i,i,g, s le 7: dol it 0. , . 7„ , T.rt. it! ,. . °di w.tai r , -.
. - ..: •,• i; 31 ....":' t.a.; , ,:,-,, , ..,•) 4 , ar3 1-c,
-,. . - c.r,i.;.p. ,- t.•,. :!...- , -bar .;:it ~..,:..
j J : t
; .
Weak and Delicate Children
are made strong by 'toting the Bitters
or Tonic, In fact, Choy are Family
Medicines. 'l`ltcy can be administered
f - Avitwitexp r ymitoffltvto-ar=o,, Atild t
InontinktoutiarolmostigteKtp - ikojs
or a man of ninety.
. ' Theft? Remaiits are the beet
ever known, and will cumaadiseaus resyltina from
bad blood.
Keep your blood pure.; keep your Liver in order;
keep your digestive organs in a sound,-heattby condi
tion, by the use oAtliese l remaieg, qui diseate will
ever avail your "
Ladies who wish a fair skin and
110.14 cquiPAltriOth- tfolilaho n r A
a tinge nut al
,ot len rt--
should use ' thaeLVeitridieir oceasion
allp. The Livor in perfect order, and
the blood pure will 'result in spark.
ling eyeit_tand blooming-ehe.eks.
."`"lfooflanti's, G'erman Remedies are counier Wed;
Vhe genuine hare the signature af- C. .21r. Jackson
on the front of the outlitle wrapper of each bottle, and
the name of the 0111101;r5Thifs visKpoelle. AU others
are counterfeit.
—ClilelJnelleaSf.flio Surma Court of Pennsylvania.
PHILADELPHIA, MASC . !! itUrcifer.
4:? ( 4%,finit " . l AOa/tki -4 014 t a l a t e L it s n°l
beeerage, a good — tniiic,l i
_tiers of ate (legality organs, and of great benefirfn
caret of debility and want. of nervous action in the
system. Yours truly,
r „. L
Judge of the Supreme Court of Penneyirauia.
PHILA.DELPITIA, Arum 28th,1860.
ifttreitr e it sitediTeVPi. 7 ; 4 llAre
tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I
• can certify this from my experience
of n u Yours, with respect,
Patitor of Llio Tenth bptL4B Church, Philadelphia. dept -.led on .. ,e result, am fat :Mrs. ..- IP - ild remained' going home.
I Dundee was as ignoxant gs.hehnsb,uPfl •
DR. JACKSON--DCAR Silt :—. I hare limn fre cagy re- ; of.
MY•in te11.49,4 , . iLppearanc9„: .Imaiige' 'thing - likeit';-' 4 -'h
Nijue,h weather ! no one ever saw • any
...b. river was ' sWollen,
quested imannreA um pm! e l vitit. r _
,0 atims , • me-with a,protuidenottalefeb E lacliedrle I the-ford impiissable._-, The house 'WaS
&Arai t koideaftteefaltletivlco #i '6 Pra cg ' • .• ' •• ' ''' ' c 4 V largo'• the ou g ladies could sleep
al out of viy appropriate sphere, hare in. att eases cio. , a flower Or tWo stplek ere nil Alit*, iY. • I, „ 3 7 - u .
dined; but with a clear proof in tartans instances, and I
endof 1 die . t'leVeliy s -r-fined , ear-' t , , itak,be(L"'• (Oil, goodnessdmw my
particularly inmy own famitzof the usvralnese o fDr. f no a B • . , . , r .,
Ifooftewl's German Bitters, I departfor once/son eny : rings, brodnit;seitt..—a3tbiltr-rnasliblklieg,l ''. 4 14 .4 6,..iitt:i .finic ... !') ihf,bachelor must , ;,reugh
=oat roitii4 'ira .. .clpvzimitt.iltaa.tqatictiow that fur , t y f ikh r in g b,, , b oo k y fi o. nl y t facq. ,Eatill'Ally : A9t o.lCe‘ t • the , cushions -in :the smok
general debility of the eyetem, and especially for Liter ;
painted. In faCt, r was al4igetlier,very
Complaint, it la a gala and valuable.p ~er‘ t icyn. , ,In t
I it" s " ' ' • ) ' •'"
',ll)g ~ti o orti and ;I - 01sta rooms Avere very
some cases it may ; but usually T. . ‘t not, ft WIZ ,
, well made. up by, ejfiret T rate ,44.4 .echtl ..9,, -,,,, . . ..; ; ~ ~ , ; . ;
;711 irl s errtildleica., ~ ~,.. l' 3- thet 44 ,,,,"* 41 Wa.,",,, , fra1a- 14 -abilva" : for from Dublin.'" P4itlY • - to'_ keeliAti,pl ~: 4',..,few; desperate, and, 'as' I thOght,
- '''''''''.` l ' '' '''''" V " Y rjr7:4li62, l '-' , - - 1‘ -,- - - 1 - i my courage andtget me n`l) id the taint,, iliaploklleOple*ould:go. Mro.` Dundee',„ ,
"".- --. 1 :- • , ' , ':t ct i. - - Piuhen; , l4otklofteee sc. ' and partly becauturiltriewilnit'finlliify: _easily persuaded,her ' I.Msband: to stOIL.
:"”' ; assnmeds chttraCtetk.Zirfiust";liet Oil* , Wbut2rl earth was I ‘to. do 7. - t iqy, face
71- Tt'4 4 : 1 4 00311 4 c ePt 1 . 4 9: 1 0P1i'!', 71 , 6 1 t",i, i much wine, I iml,dbed ; rr.;al.4.l3 ,1314.0weci,the naeSs r way iv, • f9r, Plle , :of
,dj,i4i:41 , .,11,41:414 t4 „ u . Orlfc,c2,ti:, 4 " )',' '.. , I'4 l ' l ' i quantity., : X i staxteti. - iliMorectVor i l tiny, friends come.'up, and whispered `to
; 4, *S•Rmil l i.l.l, - ti' L l ) -”, l l 3 'l;it! t i ft t n l i ttAirr l I riu 4 seciefpOCket I' cenbeilled` - a" 'small i l .l, V.1.-Nceop‘.y9lll i pluck,,tip;;.,9lo - '14 0 3'4' a
.17: sQri A tkPl , MslmllP..l- 1-
"t`M ‘ q•";i ;; I; „':, ,I ; :;;, 6 flitketift , briiiiiiSrAintfr whiehl , hoped tg :JPW-24 - Pre all.putes, arid ",y,exi,..Wiill"haVe
, - .:Therohleoindsupqativaribbtdeaar 1Wi..,1., ~ 17 ^.,J f keep up my spirltwkethosly.. bli.. , ,wou your bet, for yoU, AITS: snrel:tn to'` be
R, '..„.. .pib - iftee.tocit,l ,- Lvph ifoolancra gerrn .14141ip i
~ At the kpahltr,•l played cf wgzrpgkoyAll separated from 'old,D,undee, t ' OW :; 211 ,n,Y;''
. ...." I "'"n iini ' l4/114/41 ' ima 7 1 2/ I k- F PT I W I T 4 '' ' )liktfalt eg and flirted ebidtedtput dair lac) wickedly added, "perhaiiS be Shirred
• ..-• , ..Vanfie4teAnot at tog tiie ay ' - su,•-11fe /10.-J4i ' ~. •• . • • .. ~. -, .1. , - ~,
... ti ~ .„, . .
~,, ,
_. ." i , . ,
Ki Ink. , n r .„,„,,,„,,,,,,,!,,,,,„„„, ,‘„,9„,„,,,,,,,.., ing an so rortu, l anu-I Prn„ q p. I N 1 a
.t 9 soul,e One better ,• —,.
~ .„ , . , 1
~,, -- ciAitatro. fia7,4r46eiWe-ohiei ,, 27le.fenerndifts I mad about balls; - W1 . 64641, atl:Wtiri; -1' 0 Q l .44Ftw I did inwardly-Ohuse. every.
' 'egg U i tb i et i nttif44o44444llll °.'" ol4444l l - fish I had heldiry'rougde ; , Ttvadeun ,tI II 4 I K-4!;44:ei.er33,odY T , TAP ' Bleu V il),3 6r
-,:ftion: ...1 off: t .re-571--• -7 , nut, t ! i',. 3 .,,,,{ : IL a. , ,f- , .4 , i- •ve k cj i -f.r , ..•
dl •-: : 1 , .-:'ls•VßX,wpfrioNg...,Aßg#,lF,, rib 2 1 ittingly . c. , ll.lolbo k p to-' svru i ... 4 rangeMents Were soqu i naPtre; :. Oteoqrs t ol
:-u - A , e'N TH i - riiltriotix t e rivis t o o n , isisroftc
~ ..4 1 1441!...45, wpch,gliampagne, ss, I, dfit , red ,mnigsp pimp . ..ell
f ed .-by, i.,'cli: i cum i sla. u n__,ce . s . ,
I t
'! 3 im my assumed character ,mid, though ; was not going, o state,_ m to, ,al ,
f; ra..iitii t Pci;j4:iiiyif WaiketplaVab-4 '..,.. ~, , ,mid'' though I, . , ,
o , ,
.),lulifi unAll.,ll.4M4Artoßt.c!Pitetur, everyt,bing .wp.e., goin all:4lglit i , ap r u es me that 11frs..,P,4ndee, ~.cvn , ,
, i thatr'n4 YriendkAvere quite - sure. to' 'iVil ,4 1 ax„rat friend ,911;ady, , (Meionell, - 'rath.-
. _
_r ormor t r %*,lAggi39:pk:ol 2 ,f.t.: .: ~.' .1 CI ~' their money'."` tBeit'ree l y !had , the -clot er favoredme.- „Hurrah! jf, elided '.that
Th ., nony pi e i, ,"ii,.* o i. --- 4 ,-ai,-b k : 4 been removed , wilinii. rewahindeeisafti .., i.po to sleep t f;: i 'l t . ' l '. l lt 41 (. 6.t) ' • t t i fi i i Y r i; l a it 4 t o... l § r i‘ b l b r d ti :,1
~ D ragiosiffijiStioraketipersi and /Spilt- i ... , -,L have Ei s .filbasasitrsurpriV,Ccir - 31:0414)1 2 ..• alf.o/ 11 ,f 1419Pe,....,? . a ~9.i p . , ~,•,- v 4... , vill _
- 9/7/..f.,..P,
_o!al.?rli t tlStr
.FPr,filr . ° j ,.._.' , ~ 1
~1 . - L , r ,- ;x I good people. A. few dayamo, I reeelved ;13untkee,,, v .uut:ra.._:,..
, ntmy.o , ,‘, J. ; , ~..,, N . _ , i.
471 ,4 1 " 4 07.. i rkt,,krINPA I T:7;11 , `M'YC'i . AtiktrivAtation , trogkiVorge .and4adY ]deicing n 9 034 ,fiq' s i,tl,,' utuY 5 I P a i t ' s- al l
. .16 5 1 . 1 1 .11,411"... ;;;..ii77%. it a 7 ,0., ; 1,',.+` I T ; if ';, I 1 :',,,- 1 , to melt tii a`liall'aV'theit T hOUtfik .1143 dearlileq L _4/} t4row thy Self • ti-Ericif , r9w,
"''-'- 11 ='" TVat'''' .1 l'' r:- <:•1:' ,. 1! J . . :51 4 4.:! :;'). lo‘ i evening, with permifslohlii'billigfany, onildra,,D . ap e s fiqi i. hel . p 4).10.11 1 :9te 6 1. 1 9 1 i3
,‘ io ..!... ,. .lif , 2-,-: , c.,' otf ~? •:„; r,tt, 0 tT,!,rl 1,• I - . 4l fility'fidends.isiafgrt(4oll4geiltves j ,tweive,, l NlA4 P.X II4 IXLE. 4- •q °l ;ltte. s ,§ l l._T l ' / Pqt" , tt f it) .l ° ,,gY'
•holtrt - •1 I>AI ;'•(tr'l Iqc o' 4 - , 1 il''-•.•i‘M ilo 1 i:rir t i miles oil: DuMiee.ll444 4ectircd tliefarge.
,fqr glle irtyattia;4o3` 7 o,ife.,,,All i /CW , iebYst .
" ,f ° l -' - 4 1 :';' , ' , s 1 0 , -- , 1 •' 7 '' ''''.'4' f ini" 'kW" i:" 1 1 : reDl4ibligt Apra thg- 7 -,,,tnp, • I.,and ,or,dered. - ,1;1 3 Av
'". '''''"'" ''''l '''s z- , ..:' , ' I ) "': -- ;.if, - ,l't e D., 4c ) 2 , ' , I. ' four horses, and We Are tClathre:ht,'" Mile ,ont, Cif 1 1V:Iliff. and , out;; of: 'tli6 'house.
-: ,,, i4.1.451k, n:ri. cf . ..1, ,4,,- 1- s ;t,i, 1 , 'A I , ~ ...., . •-•
1 ii • • ' ,. , rt ff' I.'
i, l l i -' .,,,..... '. ,Iliv i t o'clock. We eau all go togetbef ; we, ~ ,u , -,loopd.i.»gli- t ay QOU,lnell• ; , . , •
gie 4rl, and-tme -W1.1.1 help. , me .
,Ae 4, 13 've R )6111 ' 61114 " tit* f " sal " "Y '"" 1 "g" . ; shall have a, lolly - evening and I ath , I PPP:44I)IcI 1 12 1 $ clear • 5 / 1 0'e l l w i9 1 Fr
e t O i t i F ei W i 'lt n4 Media " 41944114 evilr " hera . ilgllihtediiiliiiiik , thav , ell
v Bvill , bei able - r.jiluipeliQu'N illiilgsp,cothfortably;? ) ,
,t 04ghtiPa Milad -Bttitaiqeanad "' 41A9 P 1 '10414 * OnreelridlitataiwittkAt , - I t ) , .MY i9• 6 449 4 . 32 4 12 ,ut:e 04 0 the ' hl h d-
li.IR- . . 4 , , I , vi Ltrala ..t.:l -, i. •I_, o, , pl l3l ,t'or ) `•; k;• •', - . , , - )A.H1. , , ~ , l;', -z •V‘,4I, . :A , -If! `L .it 4 '''• ? 1 "•• 6 ti • 1• ••• ' •''•-'•• `.-•'• •
*thil WlAilhal.L a ‘Mlit e llifl* l .' ?Y . , ~, P. , , . ' .'") 1 1 '.: „ 1 ., .. . ~. -.5 , r i ‘. ' "
' '1
11. ' ' ' ll 110 .41 1'i ' 4" 1 : - E v,fil-PP. t b'i ~- ~,,,,, -, , -,.. ...,,, , .-., ', ~ •,. . i atiWqr-', ''' '' ' f'iititli . "4 - 4 .IZ`' :, ' -
1; i•-. + :' 41- t ' - {"•'' '- ' ' .'' "'''''' '' ' ''''=":" ''''.'" 'Pi' ' j .rf - t- , s' f ! „
. ,e..i. pr.
r. IA . i sj,. a 'tli. 4- 1 e 3 r) ~,, , -
, et. .9 , :,-_:-..f . ,,,. la / , .1.4., ; ',,i- - -_ , i , ~! --:,q; ,
,(.' , qo l 4' i l x i ,,, rr i zltt ° ''l6 4l7 cl l , 7 '-' 4 ".1 .7 7 A , '..3 il, , - ' 1 '';i l lnT , ''."7 c•A'; s AV= l ;: 11 :"‘`: i•, • -•. 4 t ; I . 3 "...''''' , 3! , ‘1 • --riiq 6,1 i I (:J ItOilt,A1:1:••01 tali • : , ;;.'.(1!
. 'A tD 4 t2 ~. .VB i ,
,v,lsii',..f.. 037.) 111 :. , ;;II stelrelsl:) , J.t. fit' ,:lqobn I.Li ...du 1:; ..,.,
4 t . :1 . 1 •tj
• • - 1 •
- r
_ , — ~..... -.,e, , , , r;p ,•,•=-7
_i•I . L , ;", 1,-..
_ _
- • . - •
..- .- ,_- -.,; -- -- - ---- ='-'7 64— : - ' ....,. ...!.. lis - iL;iii • - a=4l-1 , :: , . 1 .--•.-;,zic ? - 7 1 4i;awi..160 i-N,14 1,9-f Li i- - , . ~.;' • - , ! , - f •• ---•?. 5- ''-. •' ' C'-'..01 - ' • a . "' iliz a iilei - N . ,4 ,•,.•-!h :13.'7' i., ..- - 4. - :' ?••_•!. el. - a ii-,ersil' ; -4. - --_-,,-.- ,_ -4-- 4
„ • .!
.1- ,--, _4 , .., - :...-•,:..44- , ."5
1:41) alf* ' * it t, kititz , .- - 4Liwitavtiadnii.*. icif ), VMol l 4ll l Aft'Fill l . 'tP4 . i' , A3 (4 14 .1 447.;4 23 4- 113 LIN' : . :. c ` r, 4.: ' ,l r r PP CP -
- .4 rs'se , l4/1-4-5' ~.... ~ -i; vi .<:: e. == i . ~,,,- ..;...,:,
._v.,.., ' ,_,....,... . . • •
. 1- , • f 4 7 tyk4"'
To: ia„
• ,
, " 4,14, A s ' • ” .0,
.113lood. Purifiers
ernm cortrz,nziorr.
Whouso.nde of letters have been re..
celved,tostifyingtotluo virtue of them.
rentelees• l 2 - 07 r`l"7,""r,
1C,,,,t , , ,-). ,
~; „ ..1 „. 2, , , , ,,i , - ..k 0t . 4•-•4„, ~ ,,t,l t ,Hot•kos_f...l-1-e4 - ''''=
pill' ' i r?itlllitifilifo2l :2 ),,T,
t V nii e 4. W, , ;• _i'litx,l::t“ .:1 ...ft ~.:•- ,g 1.11. , .:;it , •;'
, :1 , '4 - i - -e.,1- 4,,ilit ',r,'..7i;‘_, 4 .'',.... ~ t _ , •: , ..e,,:.:1,',„,,1
11 ,7 1F111110 r.iljtEi; ISISMIN G',
4 3
.1' 2 - f.C.,. 14.r4:4--4-4:; , :f(7,1._ ', , r,11.4:1 , 4;•;,i,, ; 4 ,
T 4eY -rag' . l lo on - faliirsigiOoVartiAttik o9 ,KOf ,Vi-010 71 ;
ra' t • - tr. WqVi>"l"kir.t . ', 11• 1 ;,•ths , )n:-.t I - , ii• t ~,,
ftt ygmit - JunilAiea - Akcicl,filt i.rl;c9lo-!)V/I9,
t ., %;A45 IwPdie alt. 1 1141%; -4 .:,1* , ,,34',)-• '1illf) l' ' . ;•‘-•__'' .., i, -- ' .
I #-,P l Pa y .E,.tri t h:, wAns 4m , r# ART,..iiiVll
1,1g4,Lavg.iii4, , k,A44,-..ii i ii4, , ,n,-,i,,idefk,t,
i`l'o shieTtrthiiiViniViltig.:,thoikfehbli:i:driii,traltir*
, ( . i,i,r . Sykiak dilitt i ... L ..; ~ t ? :i7::+1.1;:.:It /. 7.h, f l--u l ic,: i
!they, •atliiidoogttlit,fite r f gasintodtvalhast.or'hOk
- InchluteL d 1 .4:),i171 - ; not i I ' 7 'J:fi - D . j . i'it l t
• , -14Vii;i11 , .“ - iEv. , e,fl - 1., - i. , t,/ .ft i-W . ... , •):1 is,:ilt n
;till itreeouting , Mr. Saytiniurie.thaloyal- ; boy,;
-iriatti '1 % 1 0 1 0 ,- filiall'Arq'thoW littinl4l l4) l; ll Ps l : l Yit ,
-' ,1 4 l' I.IIIW atfkit Tufi itruP,l,:i,l, , ci- €;:., . • - .-1 ;• ~) I .
Ijkit;trtithoikt reop mitkt!iitaimj,9c ti?rruo j n't;'andlit 7 - :
tt,rl- - 14 ~---% - : '- i -1
.4 - .-
‘•, "04 ) 1 ,
...fircmp9o6lit,94l3 . .i?Eii il k :
-- ,cla • P onF il iPhia 10:1 1 : . /tn!'"fhffla"n . i4) . -,llio',trioyhiof:. l
O r g inteYfr ? X -0.),•-„ : •. ~ •,,, ::, , .• a ,I t , ,
,• 9 y aff i qitilnialffii.Elaytatttki this- Iciptdboil- in,
I ~,„,-„ i blinkt, •ttgttl . 7.797 ... , ,tis` h,A._. 4 1.-'/,' :512
1 7;', ; ..... :.! atstlijiiit)l7 :•;11' 41--.. , 1 ::r_ , ,,,...r...a '‘ , :r,t ; r Y .
4'4031 Sili ikanilldititliioSirj . thtiltiiii , nye - In i
::- . - r= 1 blan;:43 ,- P -1 - 4 - ,011 , ..4, i'.. , :: tr, ,,' •;'l':•' . . ;';
Vri)Til Now .3'brsici anflli4ln PnlaWke.;, and I:l‘nry,-
_ • ilant - tcktX4e ;T A ' t - t - tp. j-5?: t z i_` ~
.„;- , 2',V1:
-4-Ptlift9AV;thgrßA-0E4'.40341,q99 thlll,°;nll'4,4"4\'..
,rot, • Ailvr,!Pg Thr 71fk i1 f... % ' . "i:' , /. , :
With plodgsokotAlm,Stai,u . rlOme,''thoblilOk: In•
--- • i 44 00 : 11 d : c,'-:‘:i ,' 1 1": --- ' :•:: -''' !-
- to 'd the `Soldiiir7sqn_bed'n.f . -ii . rtitio; i.6,' Worth':
1 siidviler" - duis i : - -- ' ' • ", X: •''' • '•:‘:-, ; • ;
lhey iiio.nntlililif, Mr gorilla** pro ioym boys in
1 .„, , . : _ watt t.' , . , J 2;,01,t•iv:,.,1",:',.. :J.', - ::• •! - I , 2 ',
,„, .:1 r 1 , 1 , V ;••• ' ~,, t ;..4 , " ~
,;, 1 e arn e s t!-- ;
1 "4.110 t V.rp ‘ oolnlng;lllr. 001q11101.1r, 1110 b oys
; f ".'J'!
, Proirt'ihi4, and forge ..,4 , 1342,141-)tilo-stoadfitst and
thn . true, - -'''•.;t '''
ThO heroesrof this li,in - pliitate, despite her r0,,,,-:
,,,,-: orcant ion, - • -,- ~:__-_,,_.
VIM turns to-shame and mookery,tho good that
i. t.; • has lnielti'don - tif - ' - • • • - ' - ' L -
;To 'spurn with wrath the thill's • faults the faith i
• 'leis •ditili, ton; :,:,,,-• --,•_. ,-., • ,, ~ tl,
'They,;iMt;ndrnifygi.!lt. Snyrisour, the earnest:boys '
-; . a, •t
a :4 moor, •••
%tamptbe veterans of.
-'"" ' '
Frorri-,their gaud- ,prairtak• andtbet r takes; t b e',
53 .;filiestiandrtlio , besti Tti ,
ifhb i 3 0 , 1 1 (1 . 9ng ,- ear:
Tga rlaaa tq13 , 4 7 .4l3g i ee ntiri nt; hcr‘tribirte of
, 7 ,, thelreo;.. tv- ''• ,
reo.roil i thunder , leittip; p4 . 9oe'il,
14liejfiftytlgcakifig , 4j:::',Aiiiiour;,-tlie veterans a
then: West, ,
- 351! "3 , to!: ' 4 . 911 17: 4 PIL 40
' k;
" —1157 te.,:
• • CRV":2OYA • ITLAN . I`,ol,lNrll - 11. 7 iME,,
iyak(tiltvay,s eon-
Very a fire4Y - WY. , : early'
dajc WIW We - We - 4;16,11 ,children, .you
used luso that,l" ought to have"beemite
girl. When I , was aboutftwentytons
-years old, I was stayingone. Viied;.
Lion with some frieudaorinine in- the
r 'lloth regiractit;thelf - iiiiiiiiiifeii in Ire-
Jan PI" tite r it .40:men:pi
er a heavy stupid--fellow, though a:
pratly r 2fgoolVAMenr) fall4 r, Vh9YPrlded
gpf44,, verl pimp. :Re
sell hotiat thht.% Vbb(al 4ioltild
?Oersbn in' ,oll, St4ingel - gol9_,l4asiNisf3. r l 4
;was;.V.cry intimate with uaritain "
deePeed.lio far 'fr , ora veit
Sharp, I used to abuse him for •a 11,113 41E411.k
pidlty, and was alw t ayp IF?? F. ; hill!.
'On the sublet " L ''''
One'eveningtiVlCleaS;-' ivtdrik st f aiitattf
Ann deb rsvag ,p i otpresep t, • e ta,W era made
',.tli3t,4,cnaltl.potTeaaan "evening - In' %la
confiDaily dres'settlaa'aletlY" . *ltheufhie
disco veringthetriek..',-V.,blittell that (I"
Could do so..r,i , Manyi Oleos Aftook,cmy..
aide, and„at - I last ; it endedAn Very heavy .,
bets being made, not by ta,e, but, - What
WitVW6rseheinlyfrlelidg•c - for'l felt that
their losing - of gainin - gallno:st•afertune
depended entirely on,me,-.4B4hcsir,Y
-drevis„-tiear,„ Wes° V ere - 40)41e - .
for the the l'esult:" liativ - tn4 .
that, though I did not knOWlt',' almoat
allstheee bets yere iiptiticras,-; And , only
proclaimed for the Sake .at :keepinit,
th'ese - 4on
ceTned, t 144 htleisly -Wanted' to lid, ii
jolly lark, and were afraid of my. -back
ing out.. :21.a itoraai , tl ,about:
fifteen thousan,d pounds, in„ bets depeu
iltid'on my OUP,* tlitaiigh'the evenfrig
Isafely in 7 ftlySkssunieit.seharacter'LasVa.
57 " 9" Y E ' 11Y 19 d -r
' '\4lldti
Cap tun ee a y
Ist.rky, care-for-nothing Irish girl. '...1cd0
f inft - fittglAnean spy' ttlflt! she was
,really bad. but' thinightrpstn,4ifs;
from a not over-relined "nathre, end
from v exuberant; ,altieentrPllo
'exilrtts, ,she rnfib into a scrape,
i - tbinkinik!retiting•about the ton
, sequences,' or how - she -would :get eutbf
shecessfully., bet waa,. that.. tha
tlit , _;OvvAingUi . ';',FetriviCk,CoOlitget
inVitatlon•for ifitusklf and ailiMaginary
u th : the
Du ndees, I was to - personate. orattenipt
to personate, the nieee 4 , 'Mid the 'said'
bet, moreover, sills to:.the ‘_effetatjhat,l3.
DoUld .-successfully „deceive Captain
iindee ilf - the'tithe the' 'terty.'ileNtra
ted, liewever late the houi•Might be:'
..I')liiiithout my :#noW,/..Ptigoi IPun
ee was let into "the secret-=hencii ,tat
my trouble. She iu her ‘wild'lrlah
veti7i , ,quite,eEtere,d o intp joke ~aid
at once a etcti!! . #4l.,e4 ;9' 7 , F 19459, ,0 1 4 c9iiiktEt!
worse confounded: '-
Very sdie;fti ilote o9me, of stti ?that
Catitainp absr , llirti;- I Diatideti!iiciueited
the pleasure of bid. andlidiSa - ,Feriwiek
to dintlerAn quiecsi_Mirs ton ;the- Inst. Only one or cviro, nrothel;-,-Offigers
were e. Ingo „Yhd fatal ' dily Melt - ed.
=mire We TEAhoifghti.;
- ,ended thr It. \d the4'
1 867.
:eV ,
RCI r-`? '
~„ ,
..': cii t atrpitients him* iny bear& sank
- Withlo4.lWcti , f,,lllybet. i held goed till the
til Yf,e separated. - To , friendi 'Must
hi - tinge. Money. "4 I ' Could', never. , get ,
1 th04:11 - 4 balk 4- know.- .I ,sald ,my
dffo.mtpl4ol,An4..svoon no t (10. for a
.:,, ifrtiid,'tSiild Mtsl.ftliihdedf"shall
'oiesit you in one of my evening dresses.," '
4) ,N0, she shan't,"- I almost shrieked
%iit. l "If I must ga,..r_ vtl.l go dust,- as I
It-iii' ; In so, gelicate the ,t, the , doctors
t - Skilli P. tillOW'ino tO Wear it low 'iiresa. ll,
s y
o'TE'Pe lifilisoettrcYClPP*ouldlike her
/6 dr+Atyourr, hair differently ; z t , abc.•is
Very l oleYer ; :or, to ,Rut' ; fmothepi IX fett th
1 0ii; 7 4 : 1 4r kW , " „
s Oh; no, thank"' Yell," , sat'd ''.l';'Etiitt
most bitterly did I inlirardlY abizse - my
'hick rilt' I , altxtost gasped; :."Ift,you
have a:spare-room where I: could waith,
' my, hatAttif andjust, put rny halt:straight
,:for MAO; I ;should b Very e Ve xnuch
Obliged." ' ' ' ' - I
".I'vtiiiithewli-Itittila'lrOomi• anq..sato
- (lo , rnthe very pletare, , :il am: !sure, of,
deaPalr,; - .1• It ney.,tbeg,an.-Vz•iiittsh Across
'titlft9s4, , ,,tbatiwitivt,,Avaajo say the lea4+
a listlistovet - eteditableJoke,slmbog a fs
larkyi v ketber:iotlileera wonld, be, very
dishonorable if "practteed - o#ciety 'Et'
'lhegbi 'that it'Weitildbeverly wrong ‘for ,
) OC - to gd to Ei,bliWitetSirfGeorgets..dlB
- a young ladyi, tbat i , )4,might ,
et into some. ay lilard ~seette; tbat I
Might , ,,e,theln . eans of' litiintelitlinitilly'
atringPalti4il'idshatilletci sornei ladies. ,
4 ii, l dear!' I wits doubtind. whether. 1
aco • uld •be taken suddenly ill, and have
raysel f, cony eycti • ,hom e,_ or. 'whether, .I .
,gbouN . Ond for Mrs. Purtilee, tufa Make
a cleabrea s st of it;'little thinkhig that
allthe time' tli6 ivretelx - knew my-fix.-
'But th 0 my friends. Would lose -their
i lifteen thousand pounds. Oh, horrible:
Just at that rnomentmy, hand . unluek
ily'ctouehe the 'pocket in which was
my ilaak; t pull it out` and 'drain it,
was only the• ork•of a moment_or, two.
My etntrage re riled at own ; my spir
its rose,only, to -rapidly ; I ,would g.'o
througl,3 with it
•; I would. win- ' •71 / 3 ,
scruples vaniShe rite thin air-=-7' for=
gat thein. I' Was' t drunk butterribly
:,exeited, - ,'_ ~ i •7 ,• • ~ - ' , ,
'' ,Soon the lady's id entered with
hot water, brushes, & - - I remember I
felt very much'"" 'to' chnok her
under the chain, and 11 her to get me
,some biore' Einiil43s tiii: le sly,' -I-The
mere tlioughbfhowever, s adied me at
(Mee, asdt struck Me how n arly I had
'made alneas , of the Whole-
_atter. I
sat down before the glasS, to telied up
7 fiay,loir, somewhat composed y flush
.ed ,face, shoot onknlyskirts,,rin ed my,
nitmitli with eatide eorogne, - fo' i'move
the smell ,of brandy,-and put seen on a
)4w hiee'liandkerchief r had . herr wed
.froni s tfrd.totuidee. 'l' had 'often 'act' a
ladi'spart in 4 private . theatricals, • Et d
Wat - telorably' ati c yait ' in" my wor
Wheal descended tolhedratving-room,
111f4PundeelOoked me:over. Oh, how
I,stteildered'AVhen 'She , touched , oae of
inly'eOlkarid'ilalied' AO Pitt . it, quite
fatraight i 'Rninirltig c tis ' 1i.1.W; did; 'MS' ,
assumed obaracte . n she rpOstthaVe-been
'Mightily aniusechit'tlhe.Nirrty'in *hich 1 1
said, "OhVple'aSe 611 1 0 1 I luit6iiiiiShed
tOsettes:bt eVerrisind.- '-'. ' . -, ' •
'J Ili' dile cOurse of 'time, tile' fOtii-horse
.'bus cama round, and we
. droye to Sir
George Clopmell'a, ,MY - spirit - had
Oink agaid to zere; ",L,'fehred , I 'should
,riot bOiable`,to, ..kee,p, ;up ,thy: 611'0ov:ter,
anikipafthietpi,ely felt,that l',.,Wlt'S" doing
rong: ` 'o`, - those horrible beta! ,- '
'Pyre were soy c eral,oll i t : he,lloth.rillki?
,T, flanged. , flanged. With, WO. - - .ttoo‘'was
qt_in -,- .6t,f . ..ftie. /guy vit.Q r _ riioti:iis
one who. aa over eauo woh wave
been amazed at 'the , 'd
oinversation be
' tWeen.'My' par tner who , was in in the
'tiiecifet and myself. , , - ; , ;...t • • •• ,
' "Fred, my boy, when , will supper
eo'rne Do take me tbsome room where
"I can get some bitter beer or something
to drink." :, .- ~ ~ ~ ,- •. • : ,
"CanTclo it, old fellow, at any price;
you would be found out, and I should
14se my money ; y,ott must get on as
best'yOu eith withoutdrink." ,, , ,
1 "But I am dying with•thirat; r taut
bola oiit till sutgior-ti'me, and my pluck
is 9PziPg. out of my finger-ends ; for I,
triftidtheS4, andl am sure I shalf'put
My foot into it,and be discovered, if-I
do not get some' Stimulant to keep Me
Pp?! ,
iffpan't,hlp s it,inybey,;'"lop must do
Yeu e i s ; heat: - .l l ll,.terr,si, .;,;i1 wilily y ou. , hod
bgtOr,d9-14E6,1:Igegle your , i flow put ,:of
YearYoUrpeeket,,Mid•give it'AO, L stifte.;„ I :wilt
, wAl l 'sber,ey,;; aid, then ,''` while
' 1 4Pe , '45 1 Xit4ke• the One turn-together on
thR, erragewhiell;prOpriety' i tillts, yeti
inoit . .e,oo,triVe,te drilik it:v . •- f , ,
soon 60 . per; N:7117S , fli3 ddhi4 : eeif; , t l4 d 'l '
telt better. ll,Atow l ever,'• My - partner,
Who was Fred; hail Vet beetri tr'- the se
cret,' he Would haVe beemastuftlithed 'to see hoti ivert tin ilch : I 0 at% 2 and rhOW,
many .glasservllirabit ina.t.thet sly... , Wh On J
,I thought nobody was , noticing.. Fred
.watched on•one side of the kable and I
i the - other. Nhett he • thought , .150, one
•woia , looking„he wouldgrve meta kick , -
'and if I was= iatlslied '
;S.v,PAChed cktl rny side,. :dos'' l' tent the'
:ebavapagne in, the tw.p*,t;tin, 4, 0 -1
1 At length the eciin . pany lleganjo dls7 ,
Lippe, and rather- quickly, r tod,' L l'or'' the
rain i was peurldg . , and aft awful thtm
der-storm, Was, evidently. coining - en: ,
I - had' more than' one anxious parent,
hastetheir, charge away with, "Come,
, come, y dear, ,you must come now, or,
as pa a says, welhall be obliged to'stay
all ni ht."" • - - • •
, . The • words did iiii r t•striko me much at
the inoilloit; b ut did they not after Wards?
Soon the storm broke ; it was something
frightful ;
,and after the severity of the
thunder end likhtning spent itself, the
ml eatoe i down In - torrents, and gave
It:dry Alga, of con tirtuing•PS'pour in that
/Ay .for sear° hours. Sir George and
/ 4 W 4,. Cid* el I Would net' , hear' of !the
, guests Whr ' 4, otiined' ling h-
r i • 411
hearth - it,
. I. lMplaive - ,Old - rriatiXitd, l lSsed .
niroF94ea ;•,; : '
~ .:' .- ' -
; • ' • , tvas'alone'in MY' bett-rogn4l -bad
nut.;-looked' My door,' because ' r had 1
.Wiatecbgitil thc - lady'o maid had 'called
amftblted'it she: should.. do anything
more for me. Of course a decided, per
emptery - "No, I thank you,'" would
have been the answer. And there I sat elbows, in amost unladY like
manner, on both my knees,, my head,
filled With most uninaidenly 'thoughts:
The !:were cum pounded.of a,petniv:kay.;
ekt• Cot thankftfineagta pAe presiding gen;-
Woof luck, for having . palled' Me; - ati• 1 1 1
thanght, qnite.through ,My scrape, and
a' Mixttire of doubt as to whether I -had
better tidi3ttlie - beathen . deity of ''Bats=.
ey; l . ll and'arrioke a edupla of , cigars out
of my own window, , or, for once, in a
choWa.biti„,TObaceo in.,spnie - shape I
felt I must have - 1 4-6 soothe' my ' excited
iletOes; . '' l ' - - ",i•' 1 '• -," •--' ,' •-, - •-
• ,- "A knock' atlthe 'doot. -- ,!'Como' .in ;"
and T. added:to, myself, ."*lt is only that
4dgee noir f of a lady's. maid: , I: . will die-
Allis het, and then hey' for' ‘bacOY:' "
..Slie did' eon* in, - butllnot the 'lady's
Maid - WiEfsh'eilc. 'Radiant !with': beauty,,
Midi exquisitely :• Bushed
. with,, excite- -
inertt. r robed in a mpst eliarriaft ; 4 reiS_-
log-gown, With hiathatigi4g down her
1040, 1 titereetitefbd 'a S'routieladk I' lidd
.11cen introduced to and Who had rather
take-My.• fancy , •1 --: the.. course,, of the
.evetkiug•one Mia Evenhola I. ~ _, ' '.,,,
fl,-`•'NVAlati , Ctuwl s.; • • that i WaS, your
i t
wifc'amaiden nii ' e,":ejaedlated - .' mote
titan One .ofthe el le Who were. assem
:Wed in - parse 's-;study, l listening.
"My wife looked sheepish; butr went
'oh.' Do not intertinpt me, but hear -me
,out, 'O dear - Miss Fenwick,"said MISS
Evenhcile, "I am sorry to disturb you;
bUt Youlknow what a state of confusion
the hguae_is in, and I- find that some ;
body elsahtts got My bed-room. "have
beennndoing my, lair 'in Aunt .Cion
mell'S room, and now she hati 'sent me
hereto say; with 1 her love, ' that ' she
hopes you will anew me to share your
Chamber.: She knows, Miss Fenwick,
•as Mrs-Dundee, told her, that you haVe
Always been accustomed - to be alon e an d
cannot bear anybody in the'rooni; 'but
'she 'hopes that under the circumstances
'of the case,:yeu will 'excuse her request
this time. ,And
'W e. shall be: jolly , to-.
gether; - , won't We 1-talk
,OVer, our part;
nets; and quiithetn nicely VI .- ' '
The tiis spoke in a very lively, - natn
ral 'Manner; - but ';did net particularly
look at me: - liad-She done so she, must
nave noticed that; I was 1 almost chok
ing—black in thelface—doing into a fit.
"1 ,won't—you niust , not, you ought
. not—O' dear!" in 1 the' horrible 'unbar
,ka:ssreent of the-moment I .covered' my
eyes with my hands. , Alles Evenbolc
seemed struck dual!) with astonlslnnen t?,
and no wondei. "You must 'go;" said
I ; '"I can't—l won't - have you ' here."
. , "Of course," she replied,' ~."I will go
if yeti wish i, and tell my aunt Lady
imithell, what yo . say ; 'but I have
lii Se
Stich trouble t avoid being seen - by
41i Se lorible Ea that F must wait a
• bit,to see if the coa t is pleat; You,. see
the, Men are, v,eryl ell in their way and
l' 'enjoy - danein ' With' them, but 1
shoal not like t -be caught by them
ldoltin the frig t I;ittn, now."
, •I. groa ed audi ly, and shivered with
shame. ' I\eguld - ot tell what - was the'
right thing for - me to" do,' Another
knock at the doo —no, not a' knock, a
buntnand pit en ranee without perm's-
Sion.. 'Enter,Mi ;Dithdee, • - :-,' '
, • "litticiAv • wit t's. the:: matter," -said
she,;.:l:haVe kug, nthe secret all along.
1- Mkis-__Eveg,hole, _Mr, •Fenwick is a- man
...luld - ti'kentteinaff;"'She - added - with" em
phasis. • As Aar -Mies Evenhole; she
seemed inclined to- failit - --;----s being
here in this disguise,,, continued,•Mrs.
Dundee, "has been 'brought about by a
chainoreirettig l tances\ quite tittlooked
for by him,. and not- expected -by me.
-If you will take toy advice, bliss-Even
hole, you will c me with me, and keep
your own COnuSel abOut this silly' busi
ness.: • Nothing' pert of 'perfect silence.
will prevent awkwardness (to say -tile
least 900 to evelybody. - Miss Fenwick ,
who - Is:Mr.' Charles Temple, - will ' 'leave
ettily to=morrow with me. - 'I will 'stop
my husband's mouth. , , : . • 1'..';.: • .
,: _yen can, tell Lady Cionmell to-mor
row that when you came to Miss 'Fen-
Wielt'a•roorii Yon - fo - ,ind it quite empty',
'Ere long; part Of , the. story' mar !come!
ont,s. If your aunt thinks at all about
it, she will think that lir.:Temple ;was
'''gentleman',Mid never Olen' wehtinto
his room atall,4hCit' contrived-to shift
ferlimselftelse, bere.- 1 7 ...„-,- ~ „ T f . • ~
' Miss Evenhole fell in with the ,plitg,
which, under the eircuirtstartecai was a
Wisp' - one; —Durink thefew moments
that 'fblioW,edi b Atene remark was made.•
f cikfisikEiientoleinl-s'aid•-"I grieve that
through my..follyT4or. it -deserves tto
hart her inme—iyop ; should be in such 4
' , "“111 - f.'bhaileW rz T4 l / 4 ipley . tr, •said - she; •
llaughing,-. "do; ~ not ,;trouble :yout.sP l lll
about me,,. I aOh very- sorry foryou, • forl d o think that 'YOursle the biggest tlx,"l
, That Miss Evenhole of those' days'-iti
Irewiny wife_ ~ lid; • Mrs...Charles-.Tem-i
ple,„ this moment ..sitting before'
I you.—dtanzber ' Journal. .
TOr3ACCO I iY''I giilA:Liz BOlrTobticeo
.someth fig like cabbages, but I
never saw non I of it boiled, although I
hnve eaten boil • d cabbage and; , vinegar
on it, and I ha , e heard. men ,say that
Cigars that Wits 'iven to them on election
day for 'nothing, was cabbage lea.reS.
Tobacco stores - are - • mostly 'kept', by
wooden ,Injuns, who'stand at the doors •
and tryto fool little boys by offering
thein a bundfcif Cigars, which are glued
into thelnjtin's hands and, is made , of
wood alset.....Hogs do not ,like tobacco ;
neither - de I. I tried to smoke' a cigar.
once, and Irtride me feel like Epsom
Salts: TobaCco was invented by'a man
,named ; Waite •Baleigh. .'W hen , the
people first s ... him -smoking, they
i i 7
thought he W. a it' steamboat, and as
they 'had' neVerSeen a steamboat, were •
frightened. • Ily sister-Nancy is ft, girl.
I don't know whether she likes tobacio;
or not.
.There s a young man named'
'Lerdy whoen es to see her. . He was,
_standing on th steps- one night t , and
he had a cigar in • his mouth, and she.
-said, . 4 'Leroy, the perfume is agreeable.' '
But,the next Morning, when my big;
brother Torn lfghted his pipe, Nancy
,Said; "get out of thelionse, you horrid
creat' t ure, :the :smell- of tobacco makes
.me s ck." „Snuff is .Injun, meal made
out'"f tobacc6 I - took a little snuff
'and hBri I sne zed. Theend: ' r '
Ail -fashi tied ,clergyman, _named
11,10 • wa , riding on , horseback one
St" Inv ofist, enveloped- iti'it loose*•eloalt
of large proportions - , and having a large
i rlet collar. By the action of the
'lid the cloak.was, tossed about in all
di f tlona when, a gentleman rode up
on a•spirited uger, and the horse
shied and al) ost threw the rider.—
P:That.; cloak Lyours would • frighten
fl,lO. devil,!?' , said the irate rider.' . - ' You
'don't say so!" 'replied Mr. - More;' "Why
'that's' J itst : My, tiade.":" , '' '- -- ' ;
,though, Is ; i
'there is often
tiiosthiUons ;'
for , i the
shop girPs fare'
are'alw4s shay
;Inicit it—the fi
.ping ajtisaypi hunge
something a*
o r
;•i ,1 11 ,, , ',, , T.:.::'1'. , i. , ;',,i'i •,....'',
,Is J as goodas earned, •.„
be remembered' that
uell' good in, spending:-
I InVesiiments, even if
tenefit of the; deserving
unate ; paying ,a pretty
lin a horse-ear (her 'wages
.14) and notletting her.
re not ,the wages; dreg
on the lips of some lady.
'ng and thirsting after
()Vaud wicKL ; ;
t. .1 1.1,
I T4' 4 : - 1 .„ 39,
ilrt , •.>
—.. . .
7'-'-'fhe-Ilajmistirts,-,Wifo.'i .
-- This rare, .because t pleOlPg:Pc4igige; -
in the domestie history 'eta: gamester'
(ive do „not mean the having ii•witai.too
good fer:liiin-ir , l Willa must be : the, case.'
withall,, gamesters' whose wives ,are
good for anYthing.--but :the ' agreeable'
. 1
anti: riaa 'Which - slia'had•' prepare&for
- him againstlhis.doWnfall) .J 0 related. by,.
,4216 k smith,- in his life of _Bean.Nash,7--;
'lt looks;*0,1;gr. Leigh .IftiritOika • a
page out'Ot orient TieldhigliineVelg .:,•:•-t
.A.t.Tunbridge, irt:thet; year:ll46 i Mr,;
3, ne dges,in Adel a very brilliant appear - -
Juice . ; he had beet married about' two Years to ti 'yinxil j g lady. .of gfetit'; beauty
and large:fortune . ; 'they had oneichild, •
a boy„ on whom they bestowed all_ -that
atieetionwhich they, could spare froth'
each' other: He.knew 'nothing cif gam
ing, nor seethed 'en have the-least I 'pas- .
sign .for play; blit hawaannacquainted.
With his own heart;: diebegan by ',de.' ,
, grees 'to , bet' at .the ' tablefer • trifling '
stuns; and his soul took likeiallie-pros
., , , ,
of .
,pegt immediate. gain_; I : he.,was.,soon ,
'surrounded : by: sharpers,„ who :With' ,
calmileeiley in,ambilsh for hiSforttine, -
and coolly '• t•:i6k"advtintSge Of the' pre-' r
•ciplianeynt hie:passions: "_-' : •
.; ;,; . ;,,
His lady-,.perceived., the, ,ruin of •Ifer„
family, appreaehing; but, at iirie,` with- ',
out • being able fci ' feria any schernato
prevent it. • She adVised milli his broth
er; wheat that time ,was z possessed ,of a
small, fellowship at Cambridge: It 'was
easily seen that passion. ', took
the lead in her'huaband , s mind, seemed
to be there lixedunalterably ; it,was de
termined, 'therefore, ,te let hint pursue
fortune, btit previouslylake'rneastire to
Prevent the pursuit being , fatal. - '._• . ,:.
"A.ccordingly,.every night, thie, - gen.-,
tlemarliwas a constant attendant at the
haiard tables; - he iniderStOdd neither"
the arts - of sharpers; nor even-the fallow- '
ed Strokes's:or la eonnOehr,•.yet_still he.
plaYed.: The :conseioinerie is.
• obviouo ;
ho Jost his : estate,, hfs eqUiPage, - his
wife'S"jeWelS;and'' , eVeryother'inovable .
that could be parted with, except'a re_
peating watch. His • agony, upon this
.ocaasionlpas inexpressible ; tie was eveq
mean enough to ask - a gentleman who.
sat near': to' lend 'him' a. few pieces, : in,
order to turn his fortune, but, this pru
dent, gamester, .who plainly Saw there
was no expeetation . Of-being repaid, re- •
fused to lend' a farthing,: alleging a for ,
crier i
er resolutien against.lend n,g. , Hedg
es was at last forious with he centhiu
ance Of 111-subeess, and phi ing out his
,witch, asked if anyperson`n- the Com
pany, would set ,him sixty gel neas ,upon,
it,.! Tho compaey.were silent ; , hethen
demanded 'fifty; still ea ;answer-; -he
sank' to forty,. thirty, twenty; finding
_the' companystill;without, answering,
he cried,out, "By heavens, it shall nev
er go for less!" and dashed 'it against
the floor, at the same time attempting
to dash out his brains against thernar-,
ble chimney-piece.' 2 .
This last act. of desperation immedi 7
ately excited the l attentiOn, of the whole
company ; they. : :instantly,: gathered.
round, and proventecl,the effects, of ,pl 5
passion ; .and after heagain became
cool, he leas permitted AO' return hoine;
With 'sullen - discoatent,‘ to his. wife.-
- Won I his- entering her,- apartment,; she
received him: wih her usual tenderness
Old satisfaction ;'while he answered her
caresses with contempt and:- severity,
iiik disposition being quite altered with
his misfortunes. "But, e my dear Jem
ray," says his wife, "perhaps you don't
know the news I ,have to tell; my
manimar's old uncle `is - dead, thei Mess
enger is 'now in'the house,' and: ynn
know his estateis,lsettled upon. yew":
This account-. seemed . ikis
'agony, and ldbiting,angilly itt her, he
oried,—"Thera you are in Wrong; my
dear; his 'estate-is not settled upon me.
"I beg your pardon, gays - she, 'I 'really
'thought it waa,,,At least you-always told
me so." " "No," returned hp, "as sure
.as you'and- I are to be miserable here,
, and our children ,beggars. "liereafter,, 'I
have sold the reversion of, it- this day,
and have lost' every farthing I got ler
it - at the haiard, table.", '"What, 'all ?''
replied the lady.' . "Yes, every farth
ing," returned hei . "and I-owe a thons
and *muds more than .I . 114yd`glit,':to
pay:". -,Thus - speaking; he took a few
' frantic Steps across the:room: -• When
the lady had enjoyed his
. perpleiity l2 - 1 .
"No; my dear," cried _she, `.'you have
lost Init a . triiie, and yOu owe - nothing ;
your,broth .r and I have taken care to
prevent the effects of your ,rashness,
and amactually the persons who have
wet) your fortutie,; '.:syli employed prop
eri persons tor this purpose, w O brought
their winnings. to Ine.-i Yo ir Money;
.yoilr equipage, are in my - oSSession,
and I hero returii - them - to. 'ou, from
,W hem - they 'were: lately 'take . I. only
ask perraissiOn . .to keep bay j . wets •aull.,
,to , ,keep you, my greatest 3 , ivel, , freln,
,such dangers
,for the flit:tire.' • ' fler pm-,
dence had . the inoper' - effect.' ever
-after 'retained' a t ei3 Be'of his former fob ,
:lies, and never played :again,nven 'for
amusement. -: , -. . .. : ,
" Never," said Theodore' Hook,' ". let
man and wife play tegethetat whist:
They are always 'telegraphs ; if they
fancy their looks are watched. they can
always communicate hy Words. I Mudd,
out that I could 'never win of Snligsmag
-and his wife. 'I mentioned ' th is one
day, and was.answered,lt no, )you can
never win of thcm.,". ! Why ?' ,sahl I.
' Because,". said iny'friefitt;
establishedcode:', 'Deed' met Signals
lookS?' said he,- 'signals-bywMds;
If_4llrs.-Smigsthag Is VI lead,,sD4priijitt
ricar, begin.' Dear - he:dins with
(I,- so does' diamonds; ithd . --"out eon*
one from the Lady.: , -If- the -lead
and she says, `S.; my love,? ,she,w4l,l,p
a Spade. ' Harriet, my, dear,' how
yOu are sorting your cards.'3lra.' Em ;
'nag stumps down . Sheart, and a gentle
Come, my love,' n Other side, ~Ker,
tinges a club.' " , - .
' A youngster , once happened4o,,lbe
n 1
playing in the room.. where his 'other !
and, A lady visitor , Were ng.
Another friend called . hi 'the i ieliti--
time, after she 'had left, the two ceroi
raenced to discuss , her , peculiarities
very freely.,. . Willie was apparently:
-busy with his tay , s ' 'but; after a 'little,.
looking up shrewdly, he said to -(thd
visitor : '-1 - - ' ' ' - ' ' • • '- i
" Mrs. Butler, thatls the wily,Fnampol
will talk about you,WhenryoUgo away 'PI
The highest --- niountain - in the :wbrld
is the Ivy Ganatti;2o.4s9-feet.. _Tho tog;
lest peak is Mount-Everqsti,29,ooo feet.
,The highest,, , ,perrnamently,, inhabited
place in the Nvoy,lsi is 1;e0:141 t;:15,117 W , 6t.
The , greatest niountaiii bight' yet Visited
by nl.iii iS beimnd'lliYt3arnin, , 22,3s9lli
The highest pehitnt -AV hich a man
without - having his health spi'k
eusly ittreeto, hi 16,500 feet. The high
est balloon. ascent yet made is ;40,000, • ,:-
kGernian editor . asserts that
. ;a
metal has ;been discovered ,. tile, Cempo
tient- parts pf which are. Wattif, -
and copper: "It is of a "deep , 41 - firi3ge':
hue. c l in be` inelted atl l .ctiSt4 , -wrcrught.
'hammer and rolled, ...Wos
, will riot scratch It., It is translucent;
and capab,lo og boing ,wrcitight intd"or
'laments ofrare beauty:" ' ; -!
~...Ih, (3 ( w
gra oryl ; Ail. i th
aae: that' are in
.eprikes 4, there IS` 1.1 4 'hill (lit , : I No !ivntd
'earnestly iiiiokeiVir.h9; ,aerillee freely thadP2-wateeVer tualle - ,-.1 .vain:. .iNpverl
(141 otlie cut) . or. cold - iiiit,or, Oieti . ' for
Chriao4 Oake, lose 'tin' ward. - , 1 , -:i '
'' -- - • r
• "
. 1 ,A; 1 / 5 1; , ;t IltItt;1
e tt..
The proiroletere have allooked the estntilifunent
With a now a slated essoilment of •
.t" -
a* d 'ivt.Pr.. l o ll St4 , e4o3o4.sllo4.4l P 6 ROVr..
• PeSTERS, iII ‘,-,
lin q 414:
Ido#gogne - , nesOrtnulet
'CiSh tableelndlnifiat t lnidddokilitkit. -
10 UT s'ita dietstiattean'aspiamium„.
itifiiheir work done promptly and sent bank
reteftilmail. - - ' •.- -
~; t~':.v.';
•z. ,
. i ,
~ ,~
~. _ _ ..,...*.i i 4.,^;‘,e,,.t
. -•` >si 14,Vrintt the N 0111,40 . 'a V - 4 - :::- ,, y- , • '
DAVID '- ititrOit ' l r:
11E7. 1 1 .4(-261 •-.; ,
..„ . ,, te r
. 1,i4
, A
in , 04 t ° ,.fq.ft . 4.,7 -t-1, •.'. '''.
. .•:__.`:--.; ,• ,;.!.',,L4l*- i . 0 ,
111 t) MIA'S thiViOntre - Petlant 141 tinr.347: Al. •
- -Deatt4 0'4..4_05.h
-cis Wings to Ja?iaßtAiAlf,,ol,i • ~--;
"i f
:t About - ten , ,irr,`,,n,to; l ll.l:s,Vrik
ping i of' , llW4 - I,Olinglnan-z.07 . , ' entY4'4,
three yeartcOP.age:kinel to : IklOrristopn's;
to cam ,TilVlo - -bigitiresi,`—a Perfect straw .
ger. : Ifestarted the dry goods business
An.hlain st., in the store now occupled.,l'
by.B. L. Frees; be made friends ; i
idly ; his earrectdenortmeut,hci i . . 1 •
dealings,'obligirigdittition,s4. 441. 7 ;' , '-.
N it
Ant manners not only attracted cus ra , .
but turned acquaintances, , Into .
'frieridS.',l il.;. `-T ., , r. 3- ,;', ? --:`,:,*:--- - ;;T 7 ffi . _
••: On corn ingrationgst utitie at:OriceUo • - •''
ari active part iti - all matters , of it„relig
imn3;nature,., In the prayer-meetings of
his (Ain Chnith , (theßafitist4lEttadrit!,if,:.
school; at every effort - to promote the.. ,
:good of,othxtvklie 74E4. 41terea ted,,and en.J„, „--,-,
thusiastically gave all.l:diltillueiree , - -- - i
-Often have j li,nowti, litin• to go,two or
tli'ree miles to attend a meeting:hi some
school hbuse/after the !Nigh:less }of the: i.)
day,was over. - - ,, ,-- ,
- , After being in business a bout two
'years, be was urged by ,frienda_l4er),
! well as those whet- kudvF;bitzi,i.l3nua
:ilelphia,.and especially menifie*Ottlicr?
First Baptist Chureli td .- that 'city, of
Which he was a mentber,ms well as by
his ' own COninetkilid'Of_ dilt/ t 4A:Y — Preldre
for tbelginistry.--, pg
and many Prayers; he sold out b,is•Mrei.' l
and made preparation - feria) course:o' :-
studies at Lewisburg. , ..Xle weal* Idgh-,..
-ly 'esteemed by-the rnetnbers of the':
"Tirst,ChurchT that . t hey
,iiff,er01 . 10:11::
astistanee.- - 7 •- -- - . ,-- '
.• '- -"---:' '•
- 1 - Ile entered-UPori hialittrdidt ;with 11 -- -
zest that evinced, his leve:_ter Wcirk.•-;- .
se: took a decided : interest - in - theliter; ..•-='`=
ary sobietiesnt The coll4gennff 4111444‘: 5..":',..,
ed an honorable position in thisdepart- - "
meet during tbe entire course. sot
;content: , with his studies and; litelgy,_,! .
eilorts,:for most of the three years - Whir°
at Lewisburg he sustained'a 'little niiis.;', - r-Ir
.ion, a Sunday-school three Mlles•out O. --., )
town; here
-by preaching and,labore he, .
wasinstrumentld in - doing great geed,'
1 and_ betind the people of this-section to.- I:
him by bonds of loveand ' affection.. ,
While pursuing his studies he voila.;
teered•in both calls for men to serve in.,
the rebellion, for special occasions. ' Ile --`
felt strongly 'impelled
,to vcilunteei 'at" ,--
the-beginning of the war for the whole,-
-service, but his imptdred-healthaturtbe,-.
fact would destro.Y.his 9 1 4ent'of , ,
life-"--preparing for the m inistry —pre- -
vented him from entering , the aripy. at
the ilrst call of the - President. -Thel
friendships lie formed'' tit 'Lewisbitzg -..--
were 'many and of the most affectionate
kind. t . • • •
Ho had scarcely coMpleted Ids studies"'
`rhea a"calP was tendered him by the ' •
Baptist Church of 'Doge, in this:State...;
The town is small and contains several-,, „ ,,
churches, but thelife, and vigor ,he.inl,,
.fesed into the church, and thcCzegaluni.' . ,-!
attractiveness of, his style Made hit and
-leaditig . one ' of the village'.'''Fitor more
'than' three year§, and under difflotilties: 2 - ., - .
hard for a young man, he labored faithri ;-
fully and most successfully, and, only
when the circumstances compelled bin:o'T
did he, with nineli , ' hesitancy, 'resign% -.;
this field. To show-the warm affeetiortc..,
this church bad for hiur;::tile: fiStikaYL4 ~.
day after they . , - heaxd of his ,death tire
. was draped Jii, Mourning and' -
especial services - werelield aptiiciprlistez:'
to the solemn occasion. , Severa,Vortids:.,
congregation have written letters tolhe,, ‘„
widow of •their late pastor, ozpress. - ing - , , ,
the most profound sympathy.., -
1” Sonic seven or eight mcinths'aid-he 7 P
left,'`,L'ioga, alnd 'ho and his , wife brave:::
been making llorristewn their herne.l-•:.:1
One or two congregations had, tgntlered ,
hi tu -: calls, end since.hii death Aettefi - ,
htqe been received splieltinghis - ekcePi•''
tance of ah InNiitation'lhe - whatliobillikte2. ,
a a deradvisement.. 'He ' haslie tiently,::
expressed to me his desire, tolgo ( AW-,ttle,
leading of the,spirit.and, , , to 40 3 , 2 k . i
w here duty called 'Without reg.ar4.o4,tlT.'
preferences of hi§ Own.' -' • - '-' - - --,
At the request ang solicitation of sev
eral friendspin,the 'ministry, be ;:farted
August 11th "IdSt forlithany;NO•WYork,
where one or two field 4 oft ishor:wefe II
Waiting;,..he fixrkied,there.on
Wednesday the 12th: "Naha4ll4 beim
in vigorcius heal al; for:inorith's :treat; tre,i 1
on the:Friday 2 after.reachingiAittigiyi
felt,quite unwell. _On Siturday'lliere
iippeafed-a. "oft 1318;"
-with4rkcessive pal,n,;An; i lA
"lint snpposing _it, to be of small impcor-.
tanee a phySielen waalicit
Li Sunday; <: he- was - 2. tbert
'orysipelaa t , Tries.clay , atp. nook. the
physic San aated"(t6'a - VlliketOnidietlierri
it were best to send for hisjarlfei)..tiaicti
hedid!not regard serl,9,uit O,OXI-
'dition; that there was riO indienidris'of
clanger,- tWednesday , Lnerifuthw..dOttfor ;
found I
the disease had, . grown- ONAlliy
worse. Disappointed gitthe'tun'Of -
patient'every effort was - made to reeev
bim, but all too late.. .4. -f fight o'dook
he was •
When it wai 'Tonna tnat:heoiiras so
dangerously:;lll-WAelegn3ghle dis_pateh
was sent "to :11 , 1ra - .. 4g,,cnerr,Tad.; =With
out any delay she started` on t
• long
ride' leaving Thiliidelphittlatmidnight
on Wednesdayi: oho. rode Ni,t4loiLt s liitop•
ping a moment 'Ttytfis., -
day, arriving find her hus-•
band dead „the ,ice-box ready to'
be senfteelifeortistciwiir..uTlitildelings - of,'
.young deVfted
lie 10u111011;74iVian
guag - t press
e 'l}3atti - tiftetri v it,4l46:*ife,
, her'cehtsed
Benedict; at *IR& botnejle - dlitaillkar•
ted for NorridtdVitii-l- theyaall l :4lllV4l:lg
here "...Friday --, aftertift9ll-1 , -111.rAejNItla,ys
from t ihe, time he left „peifi. iikapp_drent
geed •
'eight I' hundred 1
,asofnse.l No wonder his
tiffany' friendd'feel ,
riniditien3froriOife tc4lt{{attic.l„2,, - -!-_ , :;
;14. Suner4l, -took,-place on ,Vuzloa_y o
A Og ogt 23; iitteridedbytilargTiremiabilree
of we.apingirietals; l'..RevANfritile t yings
•preacb.ed„anct-BeYS-Sktnger f15: 1416, , CFM - •
diet took- part in theitierVieei. - The' tWb
Werb"&nasrnated "in tollege. till:l:if:the de
, ceased;:
',plainly the depth of feeling. - - Jae - Veda
at' 'Mon tgclM6fit temettetni„.
Annial-plited.he RiMttlY*
•of •jsre,nt, beanty i and seemed, to possess
for him - -aloVelitieglhat
'ivitnessiiti - ir y other, Qe,ol etersm More
; peacefully*aleeps !Ay, oom
• „, . ,
punon;l ~
nip: wifei , f4l,CP2j 3) .A e rq ale9 '
/1111 ,T. am gotte.,..lT 4_la,""'
had met "the'' ke'Pqt - tOtlit! .: l7olP/ 1"
'9{l A than a Mb> road a 9 fricitads, while
, 1 - lis ; death ..proclucea grdat ID1•
phf6.51611 is that ""eitY:. l e
ptiper 4 S tititiced thnevent.,aAlstng, t tip -
• .4:11TI! kit ttne,e: ini,nute,.agen tioo. „
Ile had per4liective - pnwerk - iitiniing
usual facility ; his mind was very dente,
scarcely ever using in his preaetiliag
thiYtlbinginoreAluin - AeirtMeta9Attines
5 111.,ti t hpaociai !fleeting,
-et Ow, §f1t.).13411 elloot, — inforiviEVP Ina
'Bible clagii - his , ' 7 l\tiiiiiitsiejaiterilltigited
-nor did', .lalaiietOneAth rlyef-R.row„ ly,egyr
9f, his. 11d(11114st. ,
Si]ehl3 tie Llifeh of
.03, '3 0 10 1 . ,! . 111'Q, alciA,st pad . . - r .
Of ilii•-4.eni6VlB - 11 - bitasialitiliia6!_,Wits,
IsTightriaoil - fitlblokawr- i geAt s tt , ir t ip r ag .
sYp.rjr- i rxririhr.p.putlr nd? rap
t-4 :t l ./ .a.:/,• - c.N Dag
Sit Tien,; ,1;•1 - Sn1
flO' V 7." )1,10 CIO j
I 113
' 4 417'1f: 0 1 ~ftz
c' , ;;;l= , ,?l , t.tivu
LUIZ e i .}ill
1!9 0 1:.I '"firtrs -1!! t