The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 16, 1868, Image 1

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    14t gonnip 'Agitator
Is published every Wednesday Morning at $2
per year, invariably in advance.
is. n.conna
A,D vx.r.reXISINCA. Mi..A.T.ME3I4
50.01.8417:7-11/ n. 8 Ina. 4 Ina. 3 Moe. 10 Mo e.
1"-----maaro, $l,OO $2,00 $2,60 $5,00 $7,00 $12,0(5
2 sou. 2,00 3,00 4,00 8,00 12,de 18,00
gi1fe01....... , 10,00 16,00 17,00 22,0 1 .30,301 60,00
Go Ool.r. ..... 1 18 00 23,00 30 00 90,001 00,00 y • 90,00
Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or
Local 20 cents per line.
Wall Paper, Kerosene :Lamps, -Window Glass,
Perfumery, Ninth and Oils, &a., &e.
Oorning, N. Y., Jab. 1, 1863.-Iy.
Insurance, Bounty .and Pension Agency, pfain
street Prollsb'oro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868.
WILSON. _ J. B. Nuis
(First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenne)—
Will attend to business entrusted to their care
in the counties of Tioga and Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1888.
WESTFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Pa., E. G.
Hill, Proprietor. A now and commodious
building urttli all the modern improvements.
Within easqrives of thebost hunting and fish
ing gronndsl n Norttibrn Ponn'a. Conveyances
furnished. Terms moderate.
Feb. 5,1868-15.
A.ILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Seam's
Shoe Shop.
_ - , - Cntting, Fitting, and Repair
ing dono promptly and wall.
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan: 1, 1868.-Iy.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John It.
Bowen'a Store...' Cutting,`` Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and inibest style.
We}labor°, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868—ly
Notary Public . and Insuranco Agent, "Hose
burn., Pa., over Caldwell's Store.
Wellsboro, Toga Co., Pit.
aim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance
Agent. Uo will attend promptly to collection of
Peolons, Back Pay and .Bounty. As Notary
Patdie Ite takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad
ministers orths, and will act as Commissioner to
take testimony.ya -- 01Tieo over Roy's Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator Office.- 7 0ct. 30. 1367
. --
John W. Guernser, I
Raying returned to this county with a view of
making it his permanent residence, solicits a
:hare of public patronage. All business en
misted,' to'his care will bo attended io with
T e romptness and fidelity.' Office door south
of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga CO., Pa.
Gaines, Tiede County, Pa.
it now hotel located within easy access of the
best fishing and hunting grounds in North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains will bo spared
for the aocommodation of pleasure seekers and
the traveling public.. , Van. 1, 1868.]
PETROLEUM. 11,011 S,
etor. A now If Otel conducted on the 'principle
of live and let live, for the accommodation of
the public.—Nov. 14, 1866.-Iy.
renceville, Tioga Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension,
and Insurance Agent. Collections promptly
attended to. Office 2d door below Ford House.
Dec.l2, 1.967,—1y
PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin Strings,
Ac., Mansfield, Pa.. Watches and Jew
elry neatly repaired. Engraving dune in plain
Thos. 13.•Bryden
his room, Townsend Hotel; Welisboro, wil
meet with prompt attention.
Jan. 13. 1867.—tf.
Good stabling, attached, and au attentive hos
tler always in attendance.
E. FARR, . . . . Proprietor.
Hairdressing & Shaving.
Saloon over Wilcox Barker's Store, Wells
boro, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies
hair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids
NMI, coils, and swiches on hand and made to or
;• BACON, fit. D., late of the 2.4 Pa. Cavalry, after.
4_7. nearly foot years of army service, nit!) a large
I'l/silence in field and hospital practice, has opened an
office for the practice of inedidne and surgery, in all
its branches. Pet-sone train a distance can mot good
boarding at the Pennsylvania Hotel %viten desired.—
Will visit any part of the State in cononitation, or to
pOl form surgical operations, No 4, Union Block, up
stairs. NVellibprn, l'.t., May 2.;1800.—Iy.
ilas the plea:lure to inform tho t.iti•ren: of Tioga
county that ho has completed his '
.tud is on hattd to tako.!til - kinds of Sun Plutures,
ztICEI as A.mbrotypes, Verrutypett-, Vignettes, eactes
.le Visite, the Surp •ise and Eureka Picture: ; alito
particular :atilt paid to copying, and enlarg—
tug Pietureti. luAructions given in the Art on
re , .,vuabte•terms. Elmira St., AlausGeld. Oct. 1,
Wm. B. Smith,
KNOXVILLE., Pn. Pen Finn, Bounty, and In.
- , uranee Agebt. Ctnnudniention.2 ,ent to the
• db , ,ve address will receive pforupt attention.
Terms ininlcente.
For the Collection yt
Army and Navy-Claims and Pensions.
rim E NEW BOUNTY LAW 1.a: ,,,, 1.1t11
1 two and th"ree years' Polaiery extra honnty.
'Elite. months' extra pay proper to volunteer otTo
o were In service March :3, - 1 , 5(.5.
To all who have lost a limb and wyo have bcch perma
nently and totally disabled.,
All Other Goveintnent elalms in °sanded.
WellsbOyo,octobor 10, 1860-t t
CENT for the' National S6rtes of :?tandard School
Bsoks; published by A, S. Haws & Co.lli A 11.;
..oruer of John Street, N. Y., keeps r onstantly
full supply. All orders promptly tilled. Call on or
address by mall. - N .18111A1T.
Osceola, Pa., Jnno 19,1607-Iy.
run undetsignoi h:tvity , returned to Welk
born and opened his 811 ' 11p, on Water ctreot
t‘lieits a eharoof patronage. lie pr.,posud to d,
Shuing bums $3,50" awl tither a•nll, prop. 4
April 29, 1869.—fiui. .1. W. itiTTE U.
J. G.
If ILL WRIGHT— \ t for Lc,
for Stewart's Oseillaiing Mov•mieut nut
SI tatty Saws.
Pings, Pa., Aug. 7, i 567, 1y .
116nnty and Pension Agency..
ue VINO received defittlteinst met ion s tit regard to
11 am extra bounty allowed by tlto net 'tgiproved
July 28, 1886, and having o Oland nLu c supply of all
necessary blanke, I am prepared to prosecnte alt pen.
(ton and bounty claims which' tray be td.teed in my
hands• Personalising at a distance can counntinicate
with me by totter, arid their commnnicaticarti , *lll.lM
promptly answered. • • 'WM. It. SMITH.
‘Y o lleboto.detober 2.1,1866. .
Dealer in DRY GOODS of all kinds, — Ilardwara
and Yankee Notione. Our assortment•le litCgo
anctprices low. Store in Union Block. Call
n gentleman.—may 20 1868-Iy.
[v. c.yeNa ELDER
.- 8 Bald - virtu Street,
ova ; saecoriq
• ,
, .
Of every description, in all stylei Of Binding,
and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery
in the State. Volumes of every description
Bound in the best manor pad in any style or : .
dared, •
• •ALL KINDS OF GILt Wag • ' • •
Executed in the beat manner. Old Books re
bound and made good as new.
ate.uatxt; milieiziao
ma proPitred to furnish hack numbers of all
ROVIOWB or Magazines published in tho Pnited
States or Great Britain, at a low price.
br nil size '' s and qualiiies p on hand; ruled or plain
Of any quality or size, on band and cut up ready
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD
BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or
cut to any size.
Cap, Letter, Note Paper, ,Envelopes,
Which I w it warrant e.
beat in tii.e and no tnkti
The above steel: I
at all times, at a small
prices, and in goantitiei
work and stock warran
I respectft ly solicit
age. r, s by mail
A ddrc
Sept. 2 0.867.-Iy.
HAVING 'fitted up a n
1 - 1 of the old Union 11
1 am now reedy to reeeivo
Union Hotel was intend'
anti Um Proprietor heltev4'
grog. ,Au attentive host 4
Welieboro, June 26,1867
JOHN ETNEH, _ ", •
TAILOR AND CUTTER, has opetteßl a shoji
on Craften street, rear'ot Soars & Derhy's shoe
• shop, where ho is prepared to manufacture gar
ments to order in the most substantial mann9i:
anti with dit,patoik. Particular attention paid.
to tutting and Fitting. March 26,.:18.687ty
On strictly Temperance principlev, Morris-
Pa.- IL. C. BA 1.1,11 Y, Prokietor. Htfrsegnnd
Carriages to let.—March 8,1863.—1 y.
• • _
pSPECTFULLY announces to the trading
XV public that he has a desirable stock of Oro.,
aeries,. comprising, Teas, Coffees, Spi&ls; Saga*
Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a firsti
class.stoolr. Oysters in ovary style 5044
sonable hours.
• • •
. .
Boost EiIMeJobiEMENI4I -t
Great Butt - entail! Johnson — impeached, and Em.
bree's Booote bad Shoes trim:upbeat! The tininicriber
Would say to the people of Westfield and Vicinity that
he is manufacturing a Patent Boot which be believes to
Possess the following advantage over all others t Ist,
there Is no crimping• 2d, nowiinkling, saveas they break
to the feet; 3d, nil ripping short, they aro Jost
the thing for everybody. samples on hand and orders
Sole right, of Westfield township and Bore'
secured. Ito line also just icTcelved a splendid sot of
bailment' patterns, latest styles. Corse, one, come all I
We aro Ininnil to Bell cheap TorAialiet ready pat. Pkill)
one door south of V.andein k Ccilegrove.
Westfield Boro', Feb. 13 1363. J. R. EIIII3REE.
C. 11. GOLDSMITH, Proprietor.-11aring len.
ed thbl - pokular 11.,te1, the proprietor respect
fully solieilii'n..fdir share of patronage., =Ever.)
attention given 14 - guests. The host hostler in
the county always in - 111tentlanee.
April 29, 1868.—1 y.
I would rcl,cellutly it • fortu the citizens of
oga and tliat i hare built a new
in the 81'1.4101 tit Tioga, anti having a gaud
Phutogral.lite Al OE4, ill Illyalllll,lo3', LIM
prepared i, furnish all kinds aLl'ieitiret:4' . hrit.%tti
to the Ploangial.hie Arr. Alen having it, tay
employ a nintibcr of first cirit:s Painters, I :MI
Pri:pale.l 4ilsl,tlur all calla fur lionte, sign,
magi-, ornamental' n'nri .tcenery . painting. Ad
Ire.- A. D. MEADE. ,
May ioga , Pa; ,
Aii the LawreneowilluDru4 Stere, whei a you
vill find evLry thing properly belonging to
the Drug Trade ' •
and of the bei.t quality for Catch. Palate;
Var»ii.lles, Lamps, Fancy Notion:. Golan
Stringy, Fishing 'tackle, IVindow Gla Sc,
Cash pu.l tar
C. P LHON.11:.1)
Glen's Falls Insara i nce Zlompaliy
Capital and 5urp1u55373.637,66.
• -
FARM WISES, only, talt4ll . ; •" " • •-'
No Pretnintn - Nrites retoired
It. is LIBERAL. Tt pays dattfog,t , o I,y Light
fling, whether Piro ensues or not: " 2 1
It pays for live stock killed hp Ltghtt
barns or in the field. -• ,
Its rates ore lower Hull) other euthpettiof
equal responsibility. 1. 1 .1. PRICE; Agent; --
Partuington I .•'entre,,itotot
May 29: itrn7-1_ • ^ i
r ,
'" DCAI.:kIIN .1N - • •
IiARDIV ARE, 1 jtoi4; 'S'I'EGE.
w AT p,
Ala laTtaintAL NIP1:1•:.11 10:
Carrig6 , and Uainess Trimniinik
liARNIsSSISA 1.1,1FS . do
"Vornit.z, N. Y., Jafl, 2. 1 sil7_lv
=1:4 . )17N0i
r (I w h... • w Tau. l'uptotillptc3" : 4
I . 'it,.
Ainnday niternimit
IV noptt: Cotnerp; - eltet ;pita
tVedliesdny ~t Mot,
Darit'g T 4 .414..1)0.1; 11 - a Ata.i•Fas;y fa'f .l4 l l lAU) : 4 4
TharailayAithrniog Let ric
TITP .41.`11.1T- 1)10`.....T.,..14raye5'ii).
1);.r..; FriiliT)
etable of th ,t. NIAT.,1,1111! 'A)I
ownerm parting 1 tete t:ettl' nth
, T. ll klTPt.....Tpurisil•Fe.' - `1'.. ,, r. >itrr $ll/..
MainOtura, May !!II MIS" - ' "E
COI OICE LOP OF t311.A/N - 11.‘08 for sill°
I„J cheap CI Jr, Via:l7 S
Welle.htro June 5,
1.,/ June /7, 18613 P:11,9124,1tifil I ': I.
. • , ~ , ..... - - . -
, • ~,, -- -
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4 1 ''`''' ' 4.__1L.k,14 - tik,;((o.*:-:.. - ••••,,\.:1 1 41. , ...':.t - :, 1 111.. -,:./-----iit
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:.::.....: .,...,,, , ......... . .
_ , "I ' , . , • .. ,
Pens, Pencils, &c
I am sot° agent for
gaol to Gold Pens. The
11 at the Lowest Rates
advance. on New York
Is to suit purchasers. All
ed as represented.
a Aare of public patron
promptly attended
Advertiser Building,
PRoriu4'ort. ,
hofel builiting,Aziii the illtu
"lel, lately destroyed ,by
and entertain guests. The
ed for a Temperance House,
•s it can be sustained without .
in attendance.
One door above the Meat Mariet,
FROM GERMANY„i/r.X835• ,
- .
PREPARED BY DR. e. N.. J.40.140..N
The greatest km-10 remedies fanll: , .
Liver COmPfaint; • "
Nervous Debility,-
Diseases of the Kidnehi,
pita all Diseases arising from a'Dis.
ordered Liven, StOlWricht or
Read the foltolotag Symptoms, and yOusjlnd that
your system is affected by any of them, you may rest
aisured that disease has commenced' its attack on the
most important organs of your body, antlitadess soon
checked by the use of palely:fat remedies, a .miserable
Tye, fon terminating in death, will be the reiult
Coustipatiun. klatutience,Dlwitrd
Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity
of the Stomach, Nausea; Heitrt• ' •
• burn.Dicigustfor Food,Fulness •
or Weight in the Stornschi
Sour Eructations. Sink
ing or Fluttering at the, it .• •
of the Stomach, Swimming of . .
the Head. Hurried or Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart '
choking or Suirwating Bensations'wheit
.• in a DyingPosture,Dimness of Vision,
Dots or Webs before the Sight,
Dull Pain in the Head. Defi
ciency of Perspiration, 'Y'Bl- '
' lowness of the Skin and • • -
Eyes, Pain in the Side,
Back, Chest k Limbs, etc., Sud
don' Fhishes• of Heat Ehrnitig- in
the Flesh, Constantimaginings of
Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits,
All these indicate disease of the 1.11. , c nr Digestive
Organs, et mined wilh impart, Untd.
ijooftalib'cs Getman ttct.
is entirely vegetable,and contains no
liquor. It, 10 at compound of Pluid, Ex
tractili The Roots, Herbs, mid Barks
from which these extracts are' Made
aro gatheied'in Germanic All the'
medieinaivirtues are extracjed.from
them..hylasmientil/ei tdimniat-• , WPiefte
extracts are then, forwarded to this
country to he used exprOtsly - for the
ninuutheture of these Bitters. tirtiere
is no alcoholic substance of airy 4111t1
•used in compoundingo - the , Ilitterh,
t hence it is the only Bitters that. eau
he aged in cases where alcoholic stint..
ulants are not mai' isahle:
• .14croflatib'o ecrinitu , 51 . 0 nit . • •
it a combination of all the ingraticnts of the Plan's, 1
'lcriik PURE Santa eilit Ruin, Orange,' de.' iris uder for
the same diseases as the Bitters, in eases Wheill some:
. pure alcoholic stimulus is _required. You will bear In .
mind that thew remedies are entirely Offered from,
any • others advertised for the citre af, the diseates
named, these being scient(fie - PrePdrations'of medicinal
extracts, white the others are nui`e: decoctions of rum
• in some form. The TONIC is decidedly one of the most'
pleasant and agre,cable rrniethel ever, to, the ,
public. Its taste iS exrptisite..
,It is tt pleasure' to,take
it t while its life-giving, exhilarating, and - medicinal
cruhteties have Caused it to be Imototras the,yrratesc of
all tonics.
'•• Thousands of-cities' when - theopa.
tient supposed he wool-Afilicted with ,;L
,this terrible disease, have been cured •
by the use of these remedies. Extreme
inaciation, debility,l'And- cough are
'the usual attendants upon seVere
sates of dyspepsia l or• disease or the;,
digestive organs... Eyen,,in cases of ,
genuine ConsumptioU, these remedies .
"twill be found of the •greittest benefit,'
strengthening and invigorating.
` l Vlere ii-slis"-Midlein''.o4ttal td lillfitind'e:Gei:Maiti
Iti4fa;l4l; l 7 , 2»ic in cases (:f Debility. •They r iMpael 0
. .7 , loloaCh 10 dlipst +
i 7 plil . W7trkgrtgrAftll- 1 104
so 'mil, hdulthy complexion, priulac4te the yelled) ling;
froth the eye, impart a Nook idtke*Chreles, and change . '
;the ',orient from a short-breathed, enaciated, I.S. , tak o •
~ a nd.nerrous i roralid, In a ofind, and rigor, !.
nyt person.
, . .
1 Weak and Delicate Children,
are"made 'strong by using theAllitteri
.oir Tonic. In fact, theyhrirtl , JottArilly
,:iilcdiclitcs. They can be acluiliaisieired
with perfect safety to a child three
'Months old, the most delicate &Mille
oat it'inati of ninety. , r •,
peSr: Reined vs are ihe bes t
. : Mood. Purifiers ... - s , 1
. :
rt4r known, and will cure all diseases• resultitiertntt
Gad Wm/. ~. •
prep your blood pure; keg) your Liver in iv•tier;
?..cqi yuur ail/Wirt organs ,in p. sound, healthy condi
tion. by 11,4 tes'e. ' these i'hnedies; and no didectte
crer oftsail you.
'erzr, "oozvrriziziorr:
' Ladies who 'WWII it fair alai ,. Mid'
good complexion., free fraititir- 4 371t
heck tinge and all other dimegurainent,
health), use time ovemplies pefflkosion.•
tali. The Liver in pe,r pckorder,
I (le Mond pure, win' fi_klibriEGEißark
!tug eyes owl blooming elleakii. •!s•"
•,, ;,:1;. - .•'•,ct ••
G , 7111(117 Tloacilies . are cntiniofciltd.,
'l7e v.:1111ilr Inlrr Ur zril»tllttre lof C. 31. .la('kson.
nu the
,frr,),t "f atas , (l , l ,, lmpp;li ta, h Gone, and
0 " 7 nnn , , :/"P:n o,.i' F, h l,7 n)t Aa conchborne. , All others
ac,' C.ll»if
I'lloosiantls of Letters hevrtl been rt..
cehted, teal ifying o ti?e virttim of tlkes•
remitll cc. !0(
FRom 01.0. W. WOODWARD,'
Chief Imu.'m. flu SuriJono% l o:mrt of Pl : llVlll{illtirt.*
r IprurctrA.,Mmtcli Hilr, /SGT.
find Cernll.7,l IrilfrrS " is pot an iiia,x
-feail,il) Leer rage, bm i.i n arl hnrrc , uso-itz'indisor
r!f dif great 14Pb:fit fit
; co; ,„( 71134 . 0ta Action in 11,e,
• vs 11.10,
GEO.- w.liroonwAiti):
Badge of 0., Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Pm rion 1411 A, APRIL 2.BtliflBCA: :•
•; : joonsitler " lioofinu IPS Gerratin lilts
terkit , n rollout/to omlirior,iliterire.of at,*
tacks of Indigect lon or DyT t persin.
'c an ewtt fy this from my qxkierlence
writ: Vourg, with resin ecit;
.11A.1111 , 1S TIROMPSON.
:• d
Yeetti ItE V. 30SEI'll i ;
Paetor of the Tenth lttßtist eitureit,
; I.III3.TACIBONj-DEARSIIef-J-tithtie betiliregttelitty ref;
quested to COlllird MY 7541 . 10 C lOW{ ricannnendations of,
• different kinds of metlteroa•but ilistrding thepractiee
Ias - out of my approp int 6 4/h&c, /hare in all cases de
dined :but with a clear pywniin iwiourinktincer, and
mzruclurrlifikqty omn,janidyifjl/enMeilfbacti
/7,i6fiand's blerman Bitters, depar:lfononc; raw. t my
1 1 usual course, to cypress my full th t at_ for'
t o„n n e )i. - 7. l l?s , ll , trir. , n i t ' VP • ivt, ° ,„ n eini 6c o;ll. 4 l.l„ r
~..inieF a may fail e bunipitaily,t/ doubt swt;it will ,
be very beneficial to; those•who saffen from the, eLbanit
clanses. riaerl,,rery ,resrAl,:gflY, 2 , w • i r
,J, r evr.2l.2V.A tree,
• P , • •' 1 " ,1 ' hih,;•beloioli.; ° M.,'
Price of the Bitters,. $l.OO per.. brittle '
Or, a htilf dozen' fot $5.00: •
Price of the Tonic, $1.50 per bottle;
Or, a: half dozen for $7..50,- Y-.;" I ,
' t
The Tonle Li plit3ip 1n 'gin • Ct Alai led.,
IleeottedG'lhaG t( isPr.llhofiancrs Geiinrcii; Rem A -is •
; that are so intitersall.oAred and so ldyhly 'recommend
; tilt: and do, not altmi4 the. DIN/gist to induce YOU 0 ,
e any thing-else that.he »tot any is just as good, be
to me he Makes a !Pryer pray! on it. These ItentedieS
will be sent by ezpress'Yo any locality upon applleatiait
Ito the
PRI,ZofC 1r A L
AT 'rftiY iniiitaAk7ll-rixt
No. 831 APCM ,f3TREETI '
.cgAs. EVANO, Propiioor.
, . _ .... _ . .
Formerly O M. ZAOKEION & CO. _ _
i These BA medley are ) for „sale by
i Druggists, BA
and' Diedt
elPft itle 4l 4eri , eYPrrirbt, eret •:, ,' - .4
% Do not l'o;t Co exami reseiet•le mg the etrWe you bey,is I
:order to et. 4 - • 1 ~ •
Ji !1 ,, • t , r!ti Of' !, •c
. 1344611e901,' 'find' mild fain 64nat'ar's, 'ev6iStitire
thioi3oou!„ilfts:Vtilig,Pgliiftiii, 04104 86,fith
)141111iici; Mid - tile Wait Dial Attie 11 '88•;1 71
-m a
II 1
Yi r
Ant—" Ratty RotAn4 141:Ow."
On this
,first Sopleinber day . ,
! ' OW Vermont has Ind her say,
And has' spekendoitd aWd'stron'g roi Grant 'and
,:• •. -Freedom 7 -, •••
• . And the burden of her song, ,
. Sung by thirty thousand strong, -
Is'" llree'chcers for Orrint'iind Colfax, and for
• " Firmbdn'!"!'
' CHORUS—The Union forev'er,!
: . !.. hurrah t boys; , hurrah, be.,
.11)ov; the Rebel host will stare , •
• ro find Uoratio and Blair,
I>itc'of all, thUt Val.'and Pendloten could do,
' a voters' Ilia so scant'
That the friends of Gen. Grant
Cuo, ,say ,VerliUont's unanimous for Torecdoin ! ,
CitortuA—Thii Union forever, 4e., &a.
•" ' A'm'Ohg hiiiiiiitintifrO tall,'
Like 'a silver Clarion-call,
Rings' and tfe'lies'sharyi the glOrions shout • for
Erecdom ;
A•ntl, the contibent•norospi"
• ' 1 reedom:B'pin Und.Treason's.loss,
Will l,e hailed wltic,jo,••hy Orery Isomer Freedom!
•'• 1 01($111%.4---The Union forever, '4c., .e.
, The brave Oreen Mountain State,'
By her vote, lies scaled the fate
Of thedlebeeratie nominee* and party;
- And, snore cold Novembek• day,
Plat upon the grimnd ;
The rag-tag and bobtail Rebel party;!"
Bnonos—The Union hirever,
—'- The Tribune
Vtiorllantolo Nculinq.
The following story (coin a hashful
young nuui, 'if not literally true, has a
•versimilitude rarely attainable in such
fiction for any apology it may need for
its introduction into polite literature.—
;We do net•know ifs origin : '
118 neveliStS; say, it .was a beautiful
'<Ay iii :Attgust., .The heavens'Were,elear,
serene and beautilui; the trees were la
den with golden 'fruits, and the health
fulihi rds .tw i ttered their son ga of love' in
the-branches. Wo were About to say
'the earth had yielded her bountiful bar
• vest of. a •year'ii grass and clover and
' lioneysiickles, which the noble yeoman
ry'OrehesterVille had gathered within
their store-tioiVes, • but upon it second
thought concluded to. write thus:
?Thelarmersotehestervilluwere done
, harvesting c!'„
.Johninekson's sister..had..a quilting
that afternoon; his father had gono to
get some wheat ground, and John wns
left to repair some tools, to be ready on
the 'Morrow for cutting the meadow
'grass. Suddenly it Occurred to John
that if he remained abbut the house in
the afternoon he' would hi; called in at
, the time, and be ieciutred to clothe bon
.ors at the table. To avoid, this he qui-,
etlyi,shouldered his ,scythe and stole
away , to the meadow, half •a mile die
resolved,that he would .not
,leave there until it was so dark- that'he
could , not see to: mow at , all, and thus
avoid seeing the girls." The meadow
. I Wati surrounded on all sides by a denSe
foreSt,, which effectually shut out what
little:bree;zo there'miglat
,be stirring. =
'The sun pourixrcruwa
,the.little meadow was
mate* eat a'Aioat and
'plowed, until he;bnd to, siti.down and
cool oft:
Then it occurred to John that if he
took-oil' his , pants he , might be more
cotntortable. There would be no im4!
propriety in it, for he was entirely eon--
voided front' observation; andthere Was
not the,nlightest reasen to suppeSe . ' that
ht cOplir, he Seen .hy'hriy,person. Se
Jam stripped off, ariaP>ier
ing save his linen—commonly called - a
shirt—he resumed his work.. He was
ust congratultitingillimself:on the,good
time he:was- having, when he chanced
to discover a hdge black snake, agenu
lne twister, 'with a , white ring , around
his neck.' JOhrOVaB po coward, but he
WAS xri Oda II Y d of snakeS. ."Self
preServiitio ""was the first "passage"
thatili3o,led 411 1 9 n, John's nainti—,-"legs
take „care of body," Was' the next,
liropping • his . scythe, and spinning
round like a top, he.was ready tchstrike
at .a•.2:40 gait, When, at that moment
his snakeship was near enough to hook
his*CrookeittehtNi iii Mitts shirt just
above the-hem: 4. With' a `Wm en ablIS
spring he started ofrwitifilie speed 'Of a
lo&nOti've t "1" ••. ' •
.1.110, first J.tinip tool: 'the snake "clear
from the grotind, and JOIM stole_
hasty glance over his shoulder, he - , was
lierriflO to 4,ind too reptile 1 securely,
fastpned,to the hem .garment,
wAillothempeed with which he rushed
forward-kept the serpent at an angle of
ninety degrees with his body, - Here
was a quandary. If he stopped the
Snake would coil abbot his', body and
Situeeze him to death ; 'if he continued
the race, lie must soon fall' from sheer
exhaustion. On he flew,-scarcely daring
to think how this dreadful race was to
end. Instinctively he had taken - the
direction of home,:tind. as he had emerg
ed from the forest a feeling of security
came over him. Suddenly a thought
flashed across - his mind of the true state
of affairs ; his father gone—and worst
of all, all','the fjiip. This neW born:A:gent
the blood back curdling about,h,isbeart,
and he eaine to a dead halt. The next
moment lie felt the body of the cold,
chunmy,monster7 in. contact with .his
bare legs as though his-Snakeshin' only
meditated a little fun by the way of
tickling John upon •the knees. This
Was too much for human endurance.
'With a yell such as man never utters,
Savewthefiiip mortal:4.oor, pod iJnhn
again set: forwardi at break-neck'-speed,
and once more had the pleasure of seeing
the snake in his old position, somewhat
after the fashion of tails of comets. On,
spi they flow. John forgot the quilting,
forgoti,jui-girls, f(l4.:got. „everything, lint
- e srifate:- 3 ' he-wi shriek had
startled the quitters, and forth. they
i t rushed, wondering if some,mad Lndian
„Was not powling about.-.13y this time
: John was within a few rods of the barn,
still running at the top of - his • Speed;
his head turned so that he might keep
,one eye ou :the snake, and with the
other,eyseyytt,thecetirse . he must •take;
:tlfe'harn only conOaled him from
;the sight of the He' knew' they
were in the yard, having caught a
zglinipsesq, them as they rushed from
-the house...:,-;For., a -moment- modesty
overcame fear, and he-once more halted.
!Me snake, evidently pleased with his
rapid „transportation,.. manifested. his
gratitude by atteffipting:. to enfold the
legs of our hero within , his embrace.
With an ex plosive ''ouch !" and urged
forward by "circumstances over which
he had no eon trol,H.poor John bounded
on. The next- moment he was in view'
of the girls, and as he turned the cor
ner of the barer the snake came round
.wth Wiliti•imilniyhat after' the fashion,
of a coach whip. Having reached th
barnyttfil,qd his"disiliay he found thc
bars up. The time was tee, precious tt - i
,-beiwasted in letting down bare. Hs
Lgathered all his strength, hounded
'into the air, snake ditto, . and as .hei
alighted ou the other side -his snake{
shiliWtail cracked across the upper bar
;' Thethoupe now beearnahe eentet Of
`4tfitotibn,' andround' ip lie foliolved
I z+%" l I
o 'lL*.c; : nzaixt 31343.66123.113.125,g• ox ''SPlTiossci.o•332.9P
piffle ovwer.
With the speed of thought. Fouritimes
in - each revointion, „ as .11e turned the
corner, his snakeship came round with .
a Whiz that was quite refreshing:—
While 'describing the third circle, as he
came.near the group of wonder-struck ,
girls ~ ho managed to .cry out—" Call
man !"
The next minute he had whisked out
of sight, .and as 'quick as thought - reap'-;
peared upon' the other side of the house—
!Tall a man!"
Away he flew once more, but his
strength was rapidly failing. Nancy
Clark was the first, to recover her pres
ence of mind, and seizing a hoop-pole
She. took her station near the corner of
the ' house, and as' John' reappeared,
brought it down upon thesnake with a
force that broke his back and his hold
upon John's garment. . "
John rushed into the house' ands : to
his room, and at tea-time appeared in
' his best Sunday suit, looking IJut 1141 e
worse for the race, and to all appear
antes entirely cured of bashfulness.
That night he'vralked home with Nancy
Clark. The next New. Year's , th'ey
were married ; and now whenever John
is inclined to laugh at his wife's 'fol lies,
she has only to say "Call a man," when
he instantly sobers down.
Truth From the South.
• Hon. James L. SeWard, of Georgia,'
was' for Mk years a member of Congress,
from 18.53 to 1850, and was ono 4f the
ablest and most reasonable of the 11'.2ou
them RePresent.atives. He is still, liv
ing in ,southern Georgia where he
holds a high social position• andi pos
sesses great personal influence. He re-.
eently made a speech at Atlanta to a
large audience, in which he stated' the
trtithabout the South and furnished a
complete answer to the clamor. - of the
Copperheads against Reconstruction.—
Here is a report of his remarks :
FELLOW-CUIZENS.-.1 appear before
you as a Georgian to speak to Georgi
ans; to address you on the great ques
:tions before the country. I desire to
wound the feelings of no one. I wish
I to address your reason, and not your
passions. Do you know that you are
upon the eve of a revolution ? I tell
you it is so.' I' was in the Charleston
Convention when the late revolution
was inauguf,ated. opposed secession
then, and was denounced for it.—What
is the result ? To-day we are the poor
est people in the world. If (lens.
Toombs and Cobb made so sad a mis
take then, I warn you not to follow
them now. You followed them through
'four"years of bloody war, which has
l'eft, the eountry filled with widows and
orphans, deprived of means of support,
and .ou r people a conquered and oppress
ed race. But I forgive them, and will
not say that they were not patriotic ;
but 'they made a mistake. While at
Washington, in 1861, they were contin
ually sending telegraphic dispatches ad
vising Georgia, •to secede. I don't
charge them with crime, but I do say
they made a mistake then, and are un
safe leaders now. Public liberty is lost,
and how shall we regain it ? We arc a
conquered people / and must accept
such terms as the conqueror dictates.—
I assert that Andrew Johnson put
Worse terms on us than the Radical par
ty has ever imposed. He appointed a
Provisional Governor ; a convention
was called'; the ordinance of secession
annulled a Legislature an d State
..$11111....347 bat
tually required, , at the point of the bay
, onet, that we should abolish slavery af
ter it had been abolished by military
power and the proclathation of the
,The reconstruction acts of Congress
were not the first terms submitted to
the people of the South. We rejected
the-first and most liberal terms sub
mitted to us, thus still showing a spirit
of opposition to the Government. The
reason why these reconstruction laws
were imposed upon us was • that the
Northern people believed the Southern
leaders were opposed to reconstruction. ,
All of this has been the result of the
teachings of such men as Toombs,
Cobb and Ben Hill.
If y, o u accept the constitutional
amendment, known as Article Four
teen, you will, by that means, put the
suffrage question in the hands of the
people of the State.
Ido not look upon the enfranchise
ment of the uegroes in the same light
as Toombs, Cobb, and other 'leaders of
the Democratic party do. They take
the'Position that the enfranchisement
of the negro degrades the white man.
The elevation of the negro does not
degrade the white man. , And I tell
you, colored people, if the North says
you Pave the right to vote in the South,
and a lmit you to the rights of citizens,
you live the right to demand that they
admi you to the same rights and priv
iley,in the North. 1 don't admit
that the Southern people are inferior to
any, race on the earth. We are conquer
ed, aad the North has put harsh meas
ures upon us, but let us accept them,
and get the State under the control of
the people of the State. The fourteenth
article will become a part - of the Con
stitution whether Georgia adopts it or
not. North and South Carolina and
Florida will soon adopt it, and whether
Georgia adopts it or not, if she returns
to the Union she will have to accept it,'
But the dentobracy think if Seymour
is elected these reconstruction measures
will be set aside. Well, let , us see.—
Suppose they elect, Seymour, together
with a majority in the House of Repre=
sentatives ; they can't change' the Sen
ate for four, years to conic. Then what
will they do ? Will they inaugurate a
revolution with Seymour at the head
and take possession of the government,
anti turn the Senate out? If so, why
Las not Andy Johnson, as Commander
iniChief of the Army and Navy, done
This heretofore ? I tell you the people
Of North will stand by the government,
and no matter what they tell you about
'lighting for your rights, in opposition
to the government, they will not do it
when the test comes. We aredeceived
by that cry in, 1861. .I tell you if they
can't get 7 . nybody else to fight you,
they will ight you with the panners.of
Europe and the negroes. - , ,
•IThemegre is a dangerous politicateler
rfient, in this con utry, because they ,are
abused, driven to it. All of this is the
result of the teachings og such' men as
Bilk ToOmbs and cofib. , Let them
Stop their abusive,harangues and my
word for it, the miitary cs , ill be remov
ed from Georgia iu sixty days. The
press,-alsoj has been a great power i 0
engenderif g strife in Georgia. It, has'
endeavore to arouse all the bad pass
ions of th people in these trying times.
Let us cea. e this strife accept the condi
ons impo.ed upon us with the !Jest
grace Possible, and restore the people
and the State again to peace and pros
perity. (t people want peace, and I
fid n
feel cont that a majority of them
are satisfied that if the acceptance of
the reconstruction measures' would re-'
store peace,,they would say accept it.
OETIC. \ IILO A ra bians
have a very
pretty poetic method of soliciting a fe
male to marriage and their arguments,
though simple, are irresistible. Having
brpught.a. blush to thetnaiden's cheek
-by the earnestness of hiS gaze, the lover
sins to'liCt ' '"My loOks have planted
rogetti)in your cheeks ; why forbid me to
gather, the ? 'The law permits him
; who sws reap a harvest," •
_ i
Grant at thetilittle of l
the Wilderness.
To the . Editor of the lyashington Chronicle:
Sir,; The bright sun .of the 3d of May,
1864, saw the Army ,of the Potomac.
wifiding its ' way across the Rapidan
into "the Wildernesa." • The subse
quoit clash of the two armies came On
Thursday the 4th of, May, with what
result is well knewn.' The'morning of
thealfth came, and thus far we could
only say, "we have met tbeenem; we
have measured swords; , the los has
been fearful on either side, but W have
not yet crushed the Army of Virginia."
Before us, battered and sore, lay Lee's
veterans beaten back from most of their
former positions, but strongly fortified
behind breastworks, and lacking not a
whit of that terrible desperation which
they had exhibited for three long years
of blood, and full of confidence in their
ability to re Peal any' attack; a dense
forest surrounded us on all sides, and
behind us rolled the Rapidan; au at
tempt to eross.whieh, in case of adefeat;
would have been equivalent to annihi
lation. Repulsed again and again,
with'bad roads, with the dark pine
woods literally. blue with our dead and
wounded, it was positively necessary to
do one or two things—to retreat, or to
endeavor, by a flank movement, to
turn'Lee's right. To think of fighting
further, after it had been clearly de
monstrated that an Army of twice our
number could not dislodge the enemy,
would have been olly. Pleaded with
to retreat across the Rapidan by a n um
ber of prominent eneral officers Gen
eral Grant.refused to listen to the prop
osition and said : entlemen t I cannot
consider your recomniendation ;• my
course doesn't lie An that direction ' it
lies toward Richmond." I
The forenoon of the (lay referred to
pass away with no battle, although a
brisk insilade from the sharpshooters
wits kept up. Meade's headquarters
'vere on a beautiful pine-capped hill or
mound toward the right of our line, and
overlooked the dense woods where the
2nd Corps boys lay, along the Block
road, with their skirmish line well
thrown out.
General Grant was aL Meade's hen:d
elimiters on the hill referred to during
the afternoon, arranging his plans for
future action. A score of civilians
among them, I think, Mr. Dana, of the
New York ,Sire, then Assistant Secre
tary of War, and Mr. Washburne,
member of Congress from Illinois,
were present, including hungry news
paper correspondents, who would have t
given their horses for the slightest inti
mation of Gen. Grant's i tetAtions or
'the means ofgetting through theguerilla
country behind us to their respective
papers the little information they .did
possess. Suddenly, at about three
o'clock in the afternoon, a brisker fusi
lade of sharpshooters was heard in the
direction of the intersection of the two
roads where a portion of the 211 Corps
lay. •
The firing increased in rapidity ; shells
from rebel batteries began to burst over
the tree-tops ; the quick gleaming if
rebel bayonets vas seen in the dark
woods, and a moment more and long
lines of gray passed rapidly across and
open space in front of the coveted - cross
roads, and disappeared in the jungle.
Their object wits evident at a; glance,
and the necessities of the case required
immediate attention. They were char
ging the 2d Corps line and having, by
mits - ut. arrtna cTltVeit' lAMB g uii
ward to what they thought was certain
At the time when the enemy was
forming his divisions for the charge,
General Grant was standing on the
skirts of the pine grove referred to,
leaning with one hand on a sapling,
smoking a cigar and surveying the sur
rounding country. The movement of
the rebel commander did not escape his
attention, and on observing it lie re
moved his cigar, and, gazing for a mo
merit towards the woods on his right,
turned and beckoned a staff officer to
his side. In a low ,tone, and without
showing by his demeanor the •slightest
discomposure, he gave the aid instruc
tions to forward by the telegraph line,
which connected every division of his
army with ' head quarters, orders to
commanders of Corps to dispose their
troops in such a manner as to check
mate the pending movement of the
enemy, and again turned his eyes
towards the woods on his right, still
smoking quietly; and speaking to no
one. The' writer of this was sitting
within a few feet of the General at the
time, and was intently watching him,
wondering whether under the leader
ship of that plain, unassuming little
man,dhe Army 'of the Potatnac was
destined to better luck than under its
former unfortunate commanders. I
revert to the circumstances of my dis
trusting that same unassuming little
man with a smile when I remember
how soon afterward he convinced the
world of his superior generalship.
The hurried manner of the aid as he
left the Gener i es side attracted the at
tention of tl large of officers
near by, andNin Th. moment a score of
ii i
glasses were le elect in the direction
their chief was • zing. Simultaneously
several spran& f . , up, and, approaching
the General, Called his attention to the
suspiCious movements of the enemy.
Without removing his eyes he replied,
calmly : "I have been watching them
for some time; they are preparing fur a
charge on the 2d Corps'' line". By this
time Meade was at his side, pale, ner
vous, and apparently be in
the saddle at once; but a few words
from Grant in a low tone, a smile lit up
the grim warrior's face, and all signs of
anxiety vanished. Together they stood,
observing the enemy's movements, un
til the rebel lines crossed.the open space
referred to, Grant smiled with a kind
of exuberant satisfaction as they disap
peared in the woods. In thirty seconds
after the jungle rang with the rebel yell
(the same as. that heard at the New
York Convention), and a continuous
peal of musketry, and then commenc
ed one of the fiercest hand-to-hand en
counters during the war, lasting for
nearly half an hour. The result history
has told.' Hanceek's men, weary from
hard fighting on the day previous, were
scarcely prepared for such a desperate
assault, . and after a terrible struggle
gave way, leaving the - enemy in .full
possession of the cross-roads. They
wore taken nt a dear price, however, as
the enemy lost five' to one in eharghie
across the open space directly in front of
our works.
Meanwhile, by General Grant's order
troops had been rapidly transferred from
our right and left toward the centre, be
hind and at right angles with the rebel
line holding the Block road. But shall
the enemy be left in quiet possession of
that all important position? By no
means. Where is Stun. Carroll, the
dashing dare-devil of the Second corps?,
Ready for work as usual, but with on-1
ly-a part of his brigade, resting behind
Hancoek's headquarters. " Send in
your best officer," was Grant's order Id
Hancock ; "dislodge the enemy, but
don't pursue - too far." In a moment.
General Carroll, with one arm in a
sling from a terrible wound received the
day previous,, was at the bead of his
veterans charging down upon the en
emy with a.cheer. The works were re
captured ard the enemy driVen back
into the flicket—for what? Only to
meet deathlor capture, for what with
tho are In ont, on their right, and on
their left, hardly a'greyback escaped
to tell the tale of the terrible encounter
in the thicket and theArap into which
they •had unconsciously been led by
their own officers.
' . When the smoke rose thickest over •
the woods, and when the rebel yell
rang joudest, General Grant was as cool
and Confident as when at his headquar
ters in Washington, and never once dur
ing that struggle did he show by his
Manner that he doubted in the least the
final result. i ' . ,
_Tt is in such moments'as theSe that
cool intrepidity is required of a com
mander. A moment's hesitation, the
exhibition of unseemly haste and ner
vousness, has lost many a battle; for
the soldier, eagerly looking into the
face of his commander to ascertain "the
situation," is either buoyed up with
hope or cast down with fear. Had the
whole of headquarters gone dashing up
and down the line at the critical mo
ment when the enemy held the cross
roads, betraying their apprehension by
their general demeanor the contagion
(for fear is contagious) would have
spread throughout the army, and Might
have resulted MAO ignominious rout.
But, as it was, Grant remained placid;
his plans had been thoroughly laid,and
lie waited the result with a quiet email
deuce which told on all around him.
At the commencement of the attack
an aid from Hancock's headquarters,
dust covered and pale with excitement,
bearing the message from Hancock that
his line had been vigorously attacked
by the enemy, and requesting immedi
ate reinforcements. These, it is un
necessary to say, were already moving
to Hancock's support, and, as stated,
arrives in time to aid in cutting off the
retreat of Gen. Lee's charging column.
A late messenger froth, Second Corps
headquarters gave the intelligence that
our line had been broken, and that the
enemy was •in full .possession of the
cross roads. Still the same stoical calm
ness was exhibited by Gen. Grant as he
gave the order fo their dislodgthent,
which, as we have stated, was ettected
by Gen. Carroll's brigade. A third
message from Ha icock detailed the
hurling back and . unihilation of the
charging party; ii id Grant remained
as cool and undistu 'bed as before, his
.general manner indicating that he was
not at all surpried at,' but had expected
the result. 1
The value of Perfect coolness in . bat- ,
tlic, especially in, a commander, cannot
be over-estimated for many a struggle
would have resulted in defeat on the
inareh to Appomattox Court house had
not our "boys in blue" seen their lit
tle General with his headquarters well
up to the front, and noticed his bearing
as that of one perfeetly confident of the
1:(2:,.,:-3 of his p1an5.„,,....
At Spottsylvania Coll ft HIMISO, white
tidilg along our line when an engage
ment was in progress, a ramrod arum
the rebel lines came whistling through
the battle smoke, and barely missed the
General. Turning to an officer, he re
ma\rked, with a smile, "The enemy
must be hard-up tbr ammunition.” No
dodging, no turning back for Grant.,
but on he rode at a leisurely pace until
he had reconnoitered our whole line in
person, and knew the disposition of
every brigade in the Army of the Po
tomac. And this is the same little iiittii
who afterward received the s words of
Robert E. Lee—" an honor," remarks
the Richmond Examiner (Democratic)`,
which no living Yankee deserved!"
ruvanvunv,v- p
New York World to ,belittle the success,
ses of General Grant are. beneath tlie
contempt of any sensible man, espec
ially of soldiers. It is the attempt Of a
leading Democratic organ. to glorify
their friends, the rebels, and to villify
the soldiers of the Union army by in
sinuations of cowardice. Its arguments
are passed as falsehoods which are too
transparent to obtain credence, and t
is astonishing after this bow any soldier
who fought that the Union might live
can support a party of which that vil
lainous sheet is the' mouthpiece, The
force under Grant at the first battle of
the Wilderness was but 98,019, as shown
by official reports instead of 200,000, as
represented by this shameless . rebel
sheet, while Lee's army numbered 72,-
278. When it is remembered that twice
or thrice the number is required by an
an attacking army to that - acting on the
defensive in a fortified position, it must
be admitted by friend and foe that
Grant's Virginia campaign was one of
the most brilliant and successful in mil
itary annah4. Let this fact be remem
bered, that the enemy's lines of ' supply
were short and in a friendly country;
that he in variably fought from he'll lid ,
formidable breast-works; and that, with
the exception of occasional sorties, he
never al tacked General G rant after
Friday's dOastrous repulse in the Wit
(iciness ,
J .\ 1171 Y OFTHE PoToNA
yr, Sor.emotc?"—" - Wahe
t. 4 olotnou. It's time to get up !" shout
ed yon i ng,Harry to his sluggish broth, l•
one line July 1n0rnin1..,..•, as he jumped
gaily ouLor lied, and - began d .essing
" - What time is it?" yaw, • ,',oloinon.
":Nearly six," replied the brother;
"and.mind, Sol, we start at seven." ,
" It's too early to (..:et up yel q " said
Solomon ; " snoo:T till a quarter to
So the lazy fellow aimed round, and
was soon fast asleep again. When he
awoke his room looked sery full of sun
shine. The house was very quiet, too,
and rubbing, his eyes lie muttered :
" I wonder if it, is sby qi o'clock yet ?''
Craw ling out of lied, he dressed him
self and went down stairs. There Wfl%!
nobody in the parlor, tobody in the sit
ting-room, nobody in the dining'-room.
" What can be the matter?" itough I
Solomon, as he rang the bell or the
maid to bring him his breakfast.) i
" Where arc they all?" he as ed, as
soon as she appeared.
"Gone to the city," replicd the
maiden. " They starto tWo !toms ago."
"Why, what time is it ?"
" Nine o'clock.",
" Nino o'clock ! Ilut why didn't they
call me?"
"You were called at six o'clock, and
wouldn't get up. Your father wouldn't,
have you called again. Ho said he
would teach you a lesson."
" It's too bad !" cried Solomon, drop
ping his head upon the table and burst
ing into tears.
It was too bad that the 'lazy boy
not learn the lesson of the morning,
as to turn a new leaf in the book 41i•
life. I alit sorry to say he did not. Ile
loved sleep. Ile hated work. Ile wa,
the slave of lazy habits, amt is to this
" What, tiOrt of a man will Solomon
lour caaclt be ..,,, well, if he d on 't di e
of idleness before he becomes a roan, he
will be a shiftless, good-for-nothing fel
low.. He won't 'MVO ILII3' MIMI/Nage,
bet:all:7le he IS too lazy to ; nor any
good character, beeausc he is too lazy to
conquer himself.
Wake uP,lffinffin Walc-P up,
'dear boy ! otr the chains that
are upon you! manly, be n'ide
awake, be something! If you don't
wake up, you Will stain be a lost boy.
Wake up, Solomon, wake up! If you
don't, you will make a shifiwreek of
your life.
. II
A Prussian has invented a kind of
powder, one - discharge of which will
make a whole regiment cif the enemy
sneeze for an hour. , ,
The propriel.ors‘baverstoalied,the eitatlitent
with' a new a varied assortment of
and are preparea to execute neatly and promptly,
• I _
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and &fall assortmnet
of. Con.tablos' and Justices' Blanks on hand.
People living at a distance can &pond on hav
ing their work done promptly ; and pent back in
return mail.
NO. 37.
Yesterday , a strange and terrible spec-.
facie was witnessed in Cheatham Conn
ty,nbout 19 miles from this city, on the
line of the Nashville and, the North
\Western Railroad. About 1 o'clock,
while the, mew 'employed on the Planta
tion.of- Joshuiautham"Were going in
to a field to pluck fodder, the sun being
hidden behind clouds at the time, and
a genelid'' gloom prevading the 'sky,
they were much frightened and con
fused by the apparent opening of the
clouds, judging from the description of
the henomenon; not more than five or
or six degrees north of the zenith. They
judge the cloud 'to be about three-quar
ters of a mile high. The strange sight
attracted their notice. A brilliant whit
ish red glare oversPread an immense
mass of ;black clouds, on the center of
which appeared a funnel-like aperture
about four or five feet in diameter, the
sides of which presented the -appear
ance of ragged flames darting like fiery
tongues, and licking' and - lapping at a
large white object passing with incon
ceiveable rapidity down through the
aperture. When it left the mass of cloud _
it did not appear to fall in a perpendic
ular direction, but sloped at an inclina-;
tion of some 10 or 15 degrees • from a
plumb line, and grew mere- intensely
bright as it approached the earth. It,
swept down like a bright angel of death
and destruction. It struck the earth
with a sound like a sudden, terriffeclap
of thunder, and seemed to make the .
surrounding hills quiver to their founda
tions. Great numbers of trees on their
rocky sides fell, and continued falling
for several minutes afterward, making
noises like the prolonged verberations
of the thunder among picky cliffs. The
men were about 4.00 yards from the
place where the fiery missive from the
sky struck, were afraid to go and
examine te place for several hours af
terward. They took courage, howeyer,
and, being joined by numbers - of
the people living in the surrounding,
neighborhood, they proceeded to the
place, and found that it had struck
upon a fiat ledge of rocks in a wagon
way leading from a -farm house to the
public road.. The fragments of stone
-were. thrown arodnd for several rods in
all directions; the ledge, said
to be three feet thick, without any
seams, was disturbed for a distance of
about 50 feet, split and torn up in frag
ments ; the soil,' which was spread in
thin layers all over it, looked as if it had
passed through a sieve. At the point
where the strange body came in con
tact with the rock there appeared to be
no storm at all, hut ai very fine, white,
floury sort of paste, which was quite
bor!and a steam ascended out of the
hole ill which it had buried itself, which
was too hot to approach.
The place where it struck remained
hot three clays, but a copious shoWer of
rain having fallen, which temporarily
swelled the streams and water i'courses,
a largelllood poured down on the 'place
from tlie'neighboring hills, sending up
a constant and immense column of
steam. The earth around the place' for
several yards was quite hot. This gave
us the ilea that the rerolite which. had
struck must be of great size. The col
umn of steam continued to- ascend all
night and presented a - wierd spectacle
amid the gloom and in the silent depths
• of the woods. It could be seen from
the surrounding hills like a tall ghost,
changing its position betimes, and its
t tit fir s ntzti Es witalrlyj U.S morning ap
proached, inciting away in the light of
the rising sun. At ten or eleven o'clock
that day we organized a squad of about
ten ' with ,drills and other quarrying
tools, and commenced the work of ex
cavation. • We found great nemhere of
rents and cracks in the rocks as we de
scended: Not much poWder was lived
ed after the first blast. We did
. inot
propose to work all,round the Imre; but
began live or six yards. away frbm the
lips of the orifice, and continued to
work on that side alone; when -we
reached a depth of about 20 feet we came
to the terolite, s ormass of metal; still
hot, and covered outside with a slight
film or coating of oxide. -It ig wedge
shaped, the heavy end being upward..
N'Ve cannot account for this except on
the Supposition that It was globular as
it descended ; 'but the contact With' so
dense a body as a mass of limestone, •
w hile' in a soft condition, Pushed back
ward the mass as it passed through and
gave it the cone-shape which it It
had passed entirely through' the ledge
of liinehtoue, and was embedded- in. a
stratum . of bluish, tough, ,putty-like
clay, very closely packed, and impervi
ous to water. This bed of - clay-or Marl
runs sloping up the hill, to what ex
tent or distance I don't know, but, at
the point where the excavation was
niade it has.thatinclination. The rem"-
lit e we found to measure about • seven'
.lect from apex to base,„and at the groat
eq 4qm/inference about ten feet round.
it is specifically very heavy, and the
Ininp cannot weigh, less than five or six'
tons.—X(lshville Press, Aug. 19,„ • • •
, ,
Brilliant Phenomenon k Tetuiessee.
mouths ago, a 3 Deacon Ingalls,
swampscot, of Rhode Island, was tr V
elli•ig through the western part of he
State of New York, he fell in with an
Irishman,,who had latelyarrivetr in,
this country, and was in .searehT ti, ,
brother who had come, before him` mitre,
hadsettled in some of the cliggirig6-W-,
that part of the country, - -
raL Was a strong man, a true. Reiner),
Catholic, and had never 'seen'ihe in
terior of a Protestant church. ' '
Ingalls was a pious man. He, . told'
Pat he was going to church, and invit 7
~,l his new made friehd to keep him
company thither, - his . deStination being
a small mecting-houseinear by., There
Was a great revival there at the time, .
and into of the deacons, who was p,
very small man in stature, invited broth
er 1 nails to take a Seat in his pew. He
accepted the invitation, followed by
Pitt, who looked in vain for the altar,
'&c. After lie was seated, ho turned to
brother Ingalls, and, in a whisper that
could lie heard all round, inquired :
" Shine, and isn't this a heretic
church ',"',
" Hush .."' said Ingalls • "if yon,..
speak a word they will rift Out," -
Di vil aiword will I speak at all, at
all," replied Pat. - : '
1 he pleeili6g was opened, ,by prayer
I'Y ili.• pa-lor. .
• Pat wa-; eyeing him 'very closely,
au old gentleman, who witsstand
the peW directly in. front of Pat,
" Amen !" .
“ !” rqjoined Pat, in
hts hind whilwr, which IV aS heard by
" decent, and don't
make a I)l6d:head of youiself!"
fervent in his paismi grew more
devotions. . Presently the deacon • tit-
leaed "an audible groan—" Amen !"
" flint, ye blackguard ! have . o no
decency at. all ?" said Pat, at the Same
time '
iving him a punch Abe, ribs,
which caused him tolose his equlibrium.
Titc minister stopped; . atid' extending
his haikk in a suppliant" manner, said:
" Brethren, we eannot, be disturbed
in this way. Will some ,one put that
innii Out ?"-
" Ves, yer rivereuee, shouted
Pat, " will."" Aud suiting the action
to the word, he " hustled "- the Deacon -
out doors before ho could be'lltokied.
The tuatterwas - explained to Pat, and
be jogged On wktliout - .waiting for the,
closing service%