HOME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, SEPT'R 9, 1899, • New Advertisem ents Notico to Bridge Builders—rcmmissioners. Orphan's Court Salo—Margretrronoh. HoPo.—Mr. Angus Gfiffln has left with us a spray of hops which is very handsome. Doubt if it will be beaten in this or any other region. • , FLAG RAISING.--The r an & uot far. Club of Wellsboro has flung a beautiful ban ner to the breeze from a repo stretched across Main-st., from Holiday's to cloldsmith's Hotel 'B is the work of Mr. T. B. Shakespeare, who will do just as good a job of worlefor any other Club. SELECT SOl:lOOL.—Mi. William A. Stone has found it necessary to remove from the Union School louse to the Academy, his patron age being mnoh.beyond what was expected. We can recommend Mr. Stone as a therough and conseientious educator. May he prosper. Pic-Nio.—There will be a Sunday School pi,-nic in Morse's Grove, Chatham, Saturday Sept. 12. A band will be in attend ance. J. C. Strang esq., will address the people on the questions of the day at the Close School house, in the evening. t PERSONAL.—We are glad to chronicle the union of the 'taint?' Free Press and the Champion, two of the best papers in Kansas, un der the head of Pie Champion & Press. Our friend Frank Root 'is the publisher of the united papers; and may be considered on the high road to fortune. Frank is one of the best business men in the country, and he is likewise a graceful writer. &mess to the marriage. OECURCEr MATT.ER4.—Bishop Stevens will visit the Episcopal churches in Tioga county as follows: Mansfield, Sunday, Sept. 13. • Blossbuig, MOnday, Sept. 14, at which time the church Edifice will be consecrated. Lawrenceville, Tuesday morning Sept. 15. Tioga, Tuesday evening Sept. 15. Wellsboro Wednesday, - at 3 o'clock, P. M., Sept. le. . MAINSBURG.—Our correspond erit writes : , "The several Sabbath Schools of Sullivan united in a Pie-Nie in Gray's Grove, Gray's valley, Saturday, Sept, 5. _ [The notice did not reach us until 'Tuesday night=just twelve hours too late for last week's paper. Monday noon is the latest dour at which advertisements and notices can ho received for the issue of that week.] "Messrs. Lorenzo Doud and A. Redfield have purchased Strong's Carriage shop, and are pre paring to do an extensive business the coining winter:, SENATORlAL.—The•Republican Con ference for this Senatorial District met in this village Sept. 3. Present—L. Rogers, Dr. S. D. Freeman, awl A. H. Barden, of McKean county ; H. S. Beebe, D. C. Larabee, and" C. S. Jones, of Potty; County; Hugh Young, J. B. Potter, and J. C. Strang, of ,Tioga County. S. C. Jones was made Chairman, and J. C. Strang, Secretary. A. G. Olmsted, of Potter, was unanimously nominated for Senator. On motion, the Senatorial delegate to the next State Convonti)m from this District was awarded to Clinton County. J. C. STRANG, Clerk. PARTON'S GREELEY. Everybody has beard of Horace Greeley, 'or nearly every body takes the Tribune; but whoever has not read, Parton's Life of Greeley LIIELS yet to know the veteran editor as ho deserves to be known. It is the record of a man who from poverty has risen to the first place in American journalism, with little assistance from others. The new edition just. issued is materially enlarged. It contains an interesting record of Mr. Greeley's public life and acts during the last fourteen years, with notes of his trip across the continent. his correspondence with Mr. Lincoln, and the true version of his part in tho "peace negotiations" with the rebel agent° rtiu bum, ought to be iced by the Young men or tpe coun try, to whom Mr. Greeley's success is a noble teaching. Agents for the new edition for this county are in the field, and we commend them to the generous patronage of the people. M. E. CHETRCII.—The Conference made the following appointments for Troy Dis trict at its late session . .Maineburg—To be supplied. Mansfield—Henry T. Giles. Wellsboro'—Otis L. Gibson. Blossbnrg—Milton S. Kymer. Tioga do Lawronceville—J. J. Turton. Jackson—To be supplied. Charleston—Merrit T. Wheeler. Farmington—William M. Haskell. Knoxville—lsaao Everett. Westfield—Otis B. Weaver. Brookfield—Carlos G. Lowell. West Chatham—To be supplied. Pine Creek—Theodore L. Weaver. Troy—Micajah C. Dean. Towanda—Charles S. Pox. Burlington—FraneiZ M. Smith. Canton—Ezra Tinker. Monrooton—George S. Transu. Liberty Corners—Charles Weeks. East Smithfield—Walter Statham. Ulster—to be supplied. Forksville—To be supplied. ,Dushore—William H. Rumsey. 'Springfield—C. L. F. Bowe. Presiding Elder—Rei•. W. Cochran church at WelMoro certainly has no reason to complain EPISCOPAL CHURCH.—We have re ceived the subjoined oommunication touching the propose(' division of the Diocese of Pennsylvania . . and very gladly lay it before the public : This whole qu'estion of the Division of tho Diocese is equivalent to determining whether or not the Episcopal Church in Central Pennsyl vania shall advance or recede. The division movement is a progressive measure, and involves zeal and earnestness in missionary operations, the formation of new parishes in every town and village of any size, and general activity in all departments of church work. Failure to divide involves falling back into the old rots, the decline of interest, and the mortifying spectacle oflagging behind every other religious !organization. Can it be that our vestries and communicants will be content with the slow. pace at which we have been advancing? Can it be that gentlemen of intelligence will be satisfied to see the church with which they are identified making so slight an impression upon the surrounding masses of the people? Haven't we as a church in the past resembled too mach the progress of the old stage coach which comes rumbling into town after the express trains have gone ? The day of better things will come with the passage of this division measure. Every vOte against it is virtually a request to be let aleneln the old ruts, while every vote in its favor' lis equivalent to a wish to press forward to beqer "things. Tt is hoped that the vestrymen who will to deckle this question will look at it in this :its true light. Yours very truly, Look Haven, Aug. 28, 1888. G. W. SHINN. Gosarr.—Mankind has ever 'had au amiablo weakness for heroes; but the world has not alwpys been sagacious enough to know its true heroes in • their lifetimes. IVashington was not idolized in his lifetime. It was only when he died that men . knew by the gloom which overspread the land that a bright star had fallen from the firmament of the young republic. Be fore the war of the rebellion the American peo ple knew little of the heroes in their midst. How many mothers, five years later, were thrilled by the knowledge that they had suckled heroes no lees than the mothers of Sparta I We have seen many of these heroes! and wo r never see one of them that we do not gather new liol4 . es of the re public. —So, there came into t ur office the other day one of these) heroes. U iko the hero of a novel he was not tall and commanding in person, nor was he one'to remind you of the British lion or the American eagle. Quiet, modest, unassuming, of medium hight, and plain in attire, no one would have pointed him out as a hero. Yet in this modest young maw we fOund, by merest accident, it genuine hero. In conversation it fell out that he had been a soldier of tfie Union. Upon the back of one of his discharge papers wo found the certificate of a gallant Pennsylvania Colonel to this effect : Philip Petty, of Company 4 , ~ .. .... , A. 136th Reg% Pa. volunteers, is entitled. to ' f lit ' ' , ' admiration of all brave men, At the battle of Fredericksburg he seized the colors which had` been abandoned by the guard, and bore them' forward amid a storm of bullets into the teeth of the rebel batteries, bringing them ,safely off,tho, field. For this gallant act he was made color sergeant. Ho* Philip Petty may feel about it we cannot tell! but 3v . 0 wuld rathei 0#13.'. ZIA discharge paper than l President. Philip Petty was born and re ined in England, bet , offered his life for his sidolled land. Is he not a hero? And he svill vote for Grant Colfax,, because be rotes as be shot. He 'resides in Chemung t County N. Y. , , -It so , happens ting some men=iirjrniseducated into a state of helplessness painful to contempiati'. In spite of the boast of the American people that' class is not tolerated in this republic, there is + constant and seemingly irresistible tendency of the people to separate into classes. Among these classes is ono composed of men and women .Pit) have been miseducated into a condition of help lessness. Therbx l pect to be carried over all t o rough places in life, and do not expect to pay f r transportation. They play in the role of pe -, I/loner upon the bounty. of others. 4 With the d - 1 tails of life they neither. profess nor' desire an acquaintance. They object to burdene4 all sorts, demand that somebody go before to fling the stones out of the path, bruise the thorns off the roses, and level the hills. But these services, they consider matters of course ; and if asked to' pay for them, put on an injured look, protest that such a, thing is an insult, and so generally manage to got along without much trouble. .This may be right hut we don't believe it. It is not Christian, bitt-sellisbly pagan. No class bas a right to exact special favor or claim unusual privilege. Alt must do 'their allotted part, and• a quid pro qua is the entering wedge to a good understanding between men. —We have a word _for young men; As you would shun deadly poison, rattlesnakes, and certain death from any cause whatever, avoid the man who never speaks well of women. The , man, or semblance of a man, who professes tb disbelieve in the virtue and integrity of woman as a sex ; who lets no opportunity pass without sneering at her, and who makes her the subject of light and disrespectful remark—sudh a man is essentially vile, and moves. in an atmosphere as deadly to the morals of the young as carbonic acid gas is deadly to animal life. The parent who sends a boy into sti4ll an atmosphere knowingly, or subjects him to its baneful effects when apprised of it, directly connives at the. moral destruction of his child, and is, to all practical tests, a murderer. Boys, avoid the company of obscene and profane men,.though of the twain obscenity is worse. Life is not long enough to unlearn the lessons of vice. J Aim to be good and pure; avoid the appearance of evil; be manly; and when tempted to speak slightingly of women remember your mother and your sis ters. Round Top Choose Pactorv-Roport for `8.1 7 ., 1868. Me. of f Milk: 11,727 6,929 2,014 3,383 1,200 3,089 8,073 2,019 3,55$ 3,293 2,309 4,703 2,539 , 104• 3,271 3,274 : 717 2,519' 2,340 1,112 399 Patronn, W P Shumway, John blathers,_..:, Betsey Jennings, Nelson Claus, ... Charles Olosb,.:' Willis Peake, John Bliss, Samuel Morgan,... Elijah Poako, Archibald Wziker, Philander Bockue, Phineas Von Morn, A J Tipple, ... S A Bryant, ... Charles Johnson, Alden Thompson, Abram Walker, ... S. Mills, J. B. Griffin C. Coolidge, I J ME 59,001. CHARLES CLOSE, Maker. Round Top, Sept. 2,1868. Republican Meeting's' CHATILAM.—J. C. Strang will address the Chatbain grant 'Club at •the Close school house, Saturday evening, Sept, 12. • • • , SULLIVAN.—A. C. Witter T. Ames will addresz the people at thallaits ruurtratty avaning, Sept. 10. • • TIOd.A.—T. I. Mitchell Will ttddree the Grant Club at Tioga, Saturday* evening, Sept. 12. SHIPPEN.—Geo. W. Merrick will address the people at the Big Meadow School house, Monday evening, Sept. 14. • CHARLESTON.—The next nap‘ting of the East Charleston Club will be at the Perry School House, Saturday evening, Sept. 12. Speakers will be provided. MAINSBURG.—J. B. Niles will ad dress the people nt Mainsburg, Saturday evening, Sept. 12. TMT of letters rornalning tinclairoOd to {Volts 4 boro I'. S., Sept. 1, IStIS. Franklin Ashley; Henry Archibald, T J ler, Wm Bacon, Philo Bel'inser t Liout ton 'Bogart, Licut John T Baynes, HelenCom stock, _David D Colegrove, Madatric, Prudence Jeanne Cranee, George Cbaltnus, S Card,A Son, Jacob Crane°, P easier, Licut IV A Falkner, George Giles, 2 (foreigh), Capt W B Hall, Jennie Krause, Wm L Lewis, John B Kilos, Wilson Parker 2, Licut John Pickering, Licut H Picker ing, James.L Rnbb, Clarissa Sattorly, Myron D Stewart, M. 11i. Searls, Capt J - F Trout,' Thomas. Wilson, Henry Smith, Harvey R Smith, Maria Smith. Please say I. Advertised." Sept. 9, MS. M. HART, P. M. County Political News Tho BI OSS.-Our Correspondent write? "The Democrats have h&d their powwow. The Wigwam is opened ! Special Trains brought the denizens-of Fall Brook, Morris Ruti, and Arnot. A Canvass'was suggested on the Morris Run road, which resulted in a vote of 28 for Grant and 20 for Seymour. On the Arnot road a similar movement was made, showing a vote of 45 for Grant, and IS for Seymour—to the extreme disgust of our Democratic friend, Joe M—,who said it was "a d—d Republican bolo anyhow." Only one conversion was known to be made, which has made a good Grant man out of a McClellan Soldier ! he not being able to swallow the whole Hog that was presented,to him respect ing Grant's incompetency as a General. Towards evening a morked distinction could be observed betwixt the Democrats and the Republicans; the former at every opportunity having put a Brick in their Hats." MAINSDURO AND SULLIVAN.—OIIT Correspon dent writes: The Republicani of Mainsburg and Sullivan met in Strong's Hall Saturday evening, Aug. 29, and organized a Grant .4 Colfax Club. Agoodly number were present and a deeper interest mani fested than ever before. The people look upon this contest as ono of greater importance than any of the past, for if we lose now all the victories of the past, all the sacrifice Of life and treasure during the war, will have been in vain, the meeting--; s - briefly, but effectively addressed by Herbert Amu., .D. Maine and A. C. Witter,- A full vote, and n d fashioned majority is promised for next Novella . ^ The Club meets every Saturday evening. "A Democratio meeting. was, held the same evening at the Hotel (a vary proper place fox it); and was largely attended by about ton 01 4 twelve persons,- No doubt 010;4(141 wars 'tithe, and went away full of Demociatic enthusiasm." Iltirtaxt).— Our Correspondent writes: • "The Republicans of Rutland met at Roseville, Thursday evening, Aug. 24, and organized a Grant & i Colfax Club with the following °Ulcers: President—Capt. E. R. Backer; Vice Presi derits—q. W. v.,. Allen, P. V. Vitnes.s, J. W. Colby ; Secretary—Dr. J. M. Barden ; Treasurer— W. 11. Sherman;' Executive Committee -4. W. Van Allen, .Selah Frost, IL 'C. Johns, D. T. Smith E. B. Backer, H. D. Wood. , Club meets every Thursday evening Rot:Nu Ter: • The Republicans of Round-Top District mot nt the school house Thursday evening, Sept. 3d, hncl organized a Grant and Colfax. Club by. electing the following officers : President, President, ; Vice Pregidelt, Samuel Mills ; Secretary, Samuel Mprgan Jr. ; Vigilance Committee, Nelson Claus;* Archibald Walker, Willis Pcake., • - After short speeches by several of the members, the Club Mijourned to meet again at ,the school hause.in two weeks, Sept. 17th ht which' time able speakers are expected to be present. • • MANSSlELD.—"Accidental" writes : "Our Grant etz, Colfax Club.. hold a special meeting at the church, at Canoe Cainp Creek, Thursday evening, 27th ult. Addresses wore made by Prof. C. 11. Verrill, Hon. S. B. Elliott, and A. J. Webster Esq. The meeting was well attended, many ladies being in the audience. Ye democrats sent in a delegation of two, we wish it had been more. • "Owing to the storm, the • Club did not make its proposed visit to Lamb's Creek last Thursday evening, but will go nest Thursday evening,loth inst. Prof F, A. AllertA, J, Webster Esq,, and • ot e.expeo spea . 0 - Clu rioted to go to,Larah'e Croak n force, a i rgied with tsMisiip'teneies; Clilnesb 1an:404, *,14740,1 Sliat indltryal principles. 43 , a Z "We bellow) our Club has got the start in, this , matter and manner of conducting the local in, but hope to eel the -orusailcmade general: We intend making a raid ihteiererN , 'school dis 7. Wet. in Richmond, . "Ye coppers have been taking Vermontifuge it operates like Vicksburg pills, Glett,yaburg syrup, and Appomattox cordial; symptoins—long faces and irritable tempers. It's no use for them to male faces , their disease is past cure, and prudence would dictate preparation for final du_ solution." , 31.—.0)1 • • • • r r • „r, • ", • rrLta , ^ • • Legislative Confei'eliee:b. PunsuANT to Public notice the Legislative con femme fer the Didtrict composed of Tioga end Patter Countioe,roet at Wollsboro, Sept. 3. 11,:retieri 'Strang, auoil Hugh .YoungAvere preserit to represent Minn' Cofinty and Itiaadliehtton. W.W;Brqwnand.,T.lVAlleu,torepresent Potter County On mcition'ffon.leatte - Iledsval trits'eletteli 'President and Itugh,Young,Seeretary.ef Ole COrlf(irellee. TheConforeen flidn'proceeded•to ballot tit two mem bers of Assembly, whettJtohn S. Mann and B. B.Strang received the three •Vbtes i of %Potter County, and J. B. Niles am) B. B. Strang received the three votes of Ti. oga County. Attar balloting unsuceessfnlly lom/ times the Cenforence adjourned. • The sant derife're f es ' vatt: resolption Itepuhlican Comity ,Convention w;18 then read; in'strtiefing tliet‘mferees lo elaiMboth Ttep resentatiecs. fot Tioga County in the event of the nom ination of n4'otter County Man faSenatbr...'ll'hureinre I On motion_ 11,.11. Strang and JO. Niles were duly' nom inetteil ás` candidates for; the 'Legislature, aftbri which the conference adjourned sine dir,. • J. B. POTTED, HUGH YOUNG.. '' ; J. C. tiTitANO, Lobaai3sim.iesoiiica - isa OY Eg,gs, l'ick.l4l !Tongue, Tripe, and nil s-4, 1 14 eatables, can be had at' James Bunnel's , ' James knpivs flow to do it. DIi3ATHS PILILLIPS .. .—fn Westfield, Aug. 2fi, Richard ngtld'lS yrs. 10 mos. 10 days: Mr. Phillips was ono of the pioneers of i Tioga County, and lived and died universally- respected. ROSE.—hI ,Dvertidd, July 30, ult., Jesse Esq., aged 75 years.' ' ' waa hoiln iu ilbit!gicCeunty resided for nearly half a century. In it large degree ,lie possessed tie respect and confidence of his fellow•citi-, zees, representing them in the Legislature of hisltate• find serving them several years. as Clerk of the Courts of his county. The financial crisis of 1838, brought ruin to his largo manufacturing brisines..3 acid in cm barrassed eircurnstaticen he 'emigrated to this - county: - where he has iuco rc,sidcd, bearing uncomplaiuingly the pecuniary embarrassments incident to his changed fortunef;tind patintly enduring the long ilincw which c•inaiglied him to the gray.'. , I SPECI A L NOTICES. -0- Willcox & Gibbs Sewitg - Machine. "Di F . 1).1111 it etrOnger and 1048 liable, to rip in us . ° or wear • than. ilia Lock-Stiteh."--;'!Judgee' Repeat," u( the "lirand Bond for the "Report.".ocil h"qiniil'es of lircirU, cotitaining both kinth at stitcheß,•an the antno pieeo of gflocik. GRo: :C. 'IIOWEN; Apr. 2% '66-13 , ." for Tioga Co. Knoxrille, pimILIA •SIDIILIBUS'•OUR'ANTUR; , •• HUDIPtIBETSx •, • - FICIVICCOPATHIC SPECIFICS, A,lficiANT Pit9yß,D,',Flloli TIIE p r i cjAce , ea -entire success; (21mule-L,-,Piompt— ent, and lteliuble: They Aro the oroy, Medicines perfectly Mlaptthl to popular userr-so -. simpie Abet tale. talece cannot tie mude in uslug.thern ;'so' ha'rmless as to be free from thtnger, and so efficient as to' be always re. liable. They linen raised the highest commendation froth a lt, and uifilliWaY9 render satisfaction. • . Conte. 1 , Cure , slPOVeltB, Congerdiun, Inflamuntion...... 25 'do IWOrlail, IVorni-Fever, Wiirni•Colic 25 3,. do Oritircolfc;c:r Ty3fhliig Of joTants,.. 25 do • Diarrhcoart children ,0r.infu1te... , ,.. 1 .; 25 '5, do Dvsentertr, Griping, Bilioiis COM - 25 0, do Cholera-Inorlius. vorniting l ' 25 7, do Coughs. Colds, 'Bronchitis — 2G 8, do Neuralgia, Toothacbeilfneefichl....,.: 29 9, do fleadaches,,s;Ocuesthicbc, r g 10, do t gljepsia. Bilious Shimuch 25 11, do Suppressed or painful Periods i 25 12, do whites, too profuse Periwig., 25 . sliffirlilt. Brefiallin" '25 14, ,4, Sate RhCiiiltii Erysipolaq, .Ernetfolfr4..,- Lfs do' litheninatiim, 25 16, do Fever and Ague, Chill Ptieiz,:ligneil 50 17, do , piles, Wind or bleeding ' tiO 18, do Ophthaktny, itikilisorcc,or weak Byer 50 10, do gaitllittrh; acute or clirkihic • Intliienza.... 50 20, do Whooping-Omagh, °tont coughs... 60 1, do Asthma. 099res.eil Breathing 50 22, do Ear Discharges, inipitiv..d Hearing.. 60 /3,, : do Scrofula, enlarged, Glands, it'grellings..' 50 2.1 5 : do D : General rolisv, Pobilit , Weakness. 50 2,; do and scanty' Secrell'ons 50 20, do' • Sea-Sicknells, sleknri,s from riding... 50 27, do Itianesi-Disoase,nravoi 50 28, do Nervo u s Debility, Seminal 'Ends% invuhlittary Ditichtti gen 29, du Soro Mouth, Cauker 30, do Urinary Weakness, wetting bed.:. 60 3 1 I: do Painfuklilbrildsorith, , 50 61;a116 bf •-4 ' 100 2 ; 1 .6 . llfreilligii 33, (10 Epilepsy, tirasms, St. Vitus' Dance 100 34, do Diphtheria, ulFprf§tFd :Sore Throat . 50 FAif IL Y CASES'. OF 35 L.111(311 VL 1. d. I , IOIIOCCO CASE, CONTAINN9 • CIPIC Pon kvgret 011DINARY DIsEAEiE A Plant! • 18 NM:JUT TO, AND A COOK Or DIRECTIONS oo Smaller i'AIdILY and Tnaveuxo cases, with 20 to 28 vials ssf o $9 Specifics for all Pincers DINEAFEA, both . for GUn- MG Awl 101 . PREVENTIVX trcalnwilt, and vi- Ms and pocket ca.es'C2 to $5 These Rented/es by the‘ Case or riegO : box, aro sent to any part Of the 'country, by Mil or Express, freo of charge, on receipt of the [nice. Address Humphrey& SPecifld Homeopathic" Medicine Company, (Vico nni Depot. No. 5f,2. IlnomftrAy, NEci Yoxi Dr.' IlmtptittEry is consulted daily at Las ()Mee, per eOttally 61- by let ter z as abpt•eisorall 10nns of illsease. SAL'I? hY ALL 1512t'GISM. Auirust 21, 1867-Iy. lv E RVOUS DEBILITY W ITil I'IS GLooMY ATTENDANTS,-1.014 FPIRITS, 11F,FRE..$810N, INVOLUNTARY EMISSION-{, I. , ss OF SEMEN, , SVERAIATOT:RIIOO. , A, LOSS OF POWER, DIZZY HEAD, 1.053 or ORY AND TII.EA_TENBD IMPGTENCE AND 111 4 - DECILITY, Pura SGVEREICN CURE in HUM PHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. T WEN TY-EIGII T. Composed of the Inn -it Vitillnbin Mild an Futent C naives, they strike at-once the root of the matter, ton up the system, arrest the discharges, and impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the claire man. They 'taco cured thousands of cases. Pricoss per package of six boxes, and vizi', Or $1 per-single box. Sold by drug. gists, and sent by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDI. CINE Ce., 602 BROADWAY, NEW Yens. X 2l _O -Iy. lfAccutors' Notice TjETTEIts TESTAMENTARY having been granted ho this undersigned upon no last Tra.tatuent of P . ofor, Green, late of Del mar; aicelised ; all pe4opt) indebted to tlio °Onto aro requ6led to moiteltninailiato' payment, and all having claims against the fizun e will present them to AGNES GREEN, 0 GEORGE GREEN, Sent 'a, h. "7- - - - Rxirs ENrizy. TADEN UP on the Commons in Wellsboro; 41tig. 21, tilt., two three-year.old.red steers. Notice is hereby given to the ()whet' or oivners to prove property , pay charges, and take 'them away, or will be disposed of according to O. F. Sept. 2, 181i: , —;:.w. High Constable. Farm fur Sae:, PilnE undersigned offers for Fab) on reason ', able tern:, a valuable farin, situated in Chat ham Township. Tioga County Pa., on the direct road from Knoxt•ille to Keeneytille, six miles from the former places, containing 150 acres, 115 acres'itriproi•ed. A' good - frartue:haust, large hay barn and shod, and a gotta horse barn, also two good epplo•nrchur.la. watered and well adapted .to - !Any ono desiringa pod farm and pleasant home will •do well to applyld 11. VANI) UsEN. • Sept. 2,, iSittt--41. Teachers' Institute AT the Deerfield Academy,' Knoxv lie, Mon. day Sept. 21St at 2 o'clock P. M. to Friday M. At the Dietrict School Douse in Mansfield, Monday Sept. 28, itt - Xo'clock P. Al; to Friday M.- aoard at the Hotels at 50, to 75 cents _per day. Professional certificates annulled, whose holders do not attenti one, of these , Institutes, or send a ititiefacterrtrritten excuse. • . Provisional! certificates hereafter issued to teachers - who, , svithout saiistactory excuse, do not attend the rnstuto, will ho marked Mc. on theory and Practice of Teaching. Sept. 2, ,118138. J. F. CALKINS, . , 'YES i YES ''t YESI 00;,' Lave got the heir P • largest and cheapest stock of Drugs, mcii doines, Patent Medicines, Paints, 011 s, Dye Sttei Drublies, , Varniihee, Glass, Putty, Yankee' N'- tions, Perfumery, 'A'ollat , Soap, Fishing Tack', to., ko., over brought' Into• this county. Th)s , positively soil everything in theirllnecheal .er,than can be bought elsewhere. They 'bolt their goods in large tinantities and fdr nett,ca and can and will sell cheaper than any other s ts4ilithmotkin_.thts. county, ~C all t and emanate stock and prices., P. R. WILLIAMS .4 CO ; May . ii,`1368.' ;, ' No. 3, Unicin Blocirt VITHERp 'eau etogd bnyVni find Ptire Era . O t ti' 1 , V W,hito'Lead and 'taisboa . 011, Virnistuf taoliir, , Turpettine, ate. ehe'aviest, P. R. WILLIAM'S, do 00; Who sells the-pufobt and best Drugs, Patit Medicines, and /?ye Stuff,, ' P. IC WILLIAMS, & CO. Wijoi.deisihe kirk, qt stook of•:Pajut Pi:44lst 'Tooth, Hair; Cloth and Nail Brushes,' and sal tho_oheatsost.• •P. R. WILLIAMS, &.Qo+ Where'ean you go to find the best and cheapit Toilet and, Saving soap, Pocket gnives, Perfut ery, Pomades, IVrittng Paper, Pena at Ink, to P. It. WILLIAMS, tt COt 141,1134c1K AT THISI MERM A s the Priatra say that 'moms follows tl libeiattidvertiaer, and ; other, people see to believe aide, tie we (that id, Wickham dc Far will taltn warning, follow thei example, and l form the public in general that we have a gdt tikoelc,or, gocid , , . . 0-00I)S, ; ,•• , • ; • • to be,s(dd at, go . od• • prices for good customers and Ws We consider:all customers good—they w be very apt to be offered • the same goods at and the same price. No might, begin and me ti6n seine '¢f the various articles and,stylos th' help fol'fo up our stock ' ; mug oapmshi, Ponigstics, • Yankee Nations, Hai and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c., ke. ; - tint as we have neither time nor space to 'tint* oven the beginning, wo will merely invite ye SALT', LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR to call, ask for what you want, we will tell ye the price, and then weigh out or measure off e cording to order PORK, FLOUR AND SALT, the , three groat noocssarios, always on hand, the most complete stock you can find, such. as TEAS. We are old tea drinkers and know them to be good. Romoaiber Farmers, •that wo oan BUpply ye with BUTTER FIRKIN, TUBS, OR PAIL I !!11 and genuine old Ashton by the sank orpounde Wopay.Cash for Butter. Tioga, May 20, 1868 E. 11. HASTINGS, - . . , „ . . • fulilino. We are agents for the Ohio and Buck , pEALER IN Oye combined Mowing Machines; general depot :or fixtures and extras for, the the above ma- Groceries and Provisio ns thi... All kinds of • CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, COUNTRY PRODUCE YANKEE NOTIONS, SF, SEWING MACHINES F4iikit s.Melodeoni, May 6, 1868-tf JAMES M. JEWNNEL , First DOor abooe Roy's Drug Store. Wollaboro. ' DEALER IN • • ' FAMILY GROCERIEN , AND PROVISIONS. , • Will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Family Groceries, as well as Provisions, Fruits, Con teetionery, Yankee Notions, Toys, dr.o. All of which will be sold ,at .reasonable prices. JAMES DI3NNEL. May 6, 1868' ' --ly. MILLINER FOR 1868. W l;' beg to cell your nttontfOuto our stock of READY 'MADE BONNETS and PATTERN HAT FRAMES of Madame Rolling's large and exquisite assort ment, of which we will give our friends the most desirable styles. Mrs. E. D. MITCHELL. Aug. : 5, IB6B—tf. Broad Street, Tioga, Pa. C-4 0 "- 1 (D 1 ,3 4.- ;:i EMI ~~.' Co.'Sup't. WICKIEAhI & FARR AND THE I At Wholeoftlo Rrlaes, E. 11. HASTINGS, Main St., Wellsboro STRAW -JOCICIES Which tra.firo . solting at COST 6.4 \i =I 0 (1);1 1 t --t NBTfr ADYE.RTISEMENTS. PREPARED FOR Spring and Summer Trade I T. L. BALDWIN 8c CO. HAVE now on hand and still coming, a large and well selected stook of ",GOOD GOODS, I, compriaing everything needed., .onr stook cf EMMUMO * Malglig ISCOMg ~. J can't ba boat much. ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JARONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART . • MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO• TIONA HOOP SKIRTS, BAL MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA - FLANNELS, CORSETS, DOMESTICS, at n very email margin READY-MADE *CLOTHING, Cloths and Cas'sinieres and 'a Tailor to Boots and Shoes, ; HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, . HARD WARE, SHELF HARD. WARE, NAILS, IRON, - Don't forgot to look over our too of :GE,OCERI.ES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, everything in the Grocery lino, Gunja Bank Codfish Bay Mackerel, Ashton Salt, what makes the Buttec good, and nice firkins to put it in.— Also, Butter Tubs and Pails ; Butter sold on com mission—no charges for handling; but would like a small portion of the money you got in re turn, that is if our prices suit. FARMERS TOOLS, 'akon in exchango for Goods. We propose to ell our Goods reasonably. "Live and let Live" prices given at tho counter—only ono price. T. L. BALDWIN do CO. Tiaga, Pa., April 29,1868. ,NEW SPRING GOODS JA. Parsons & Co's NAP CAM STORE! E T SUBSCRIBERS ARE OFFERING (at Inducements W-Goods, . Boots, W Shoes• r stock is all new, and cannot be surpassed lit VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS. pfollowing is but a small portion of our ARGAINS: 0-1 CD r I '•OOD PRINTS, lOors. • EST " 15 " ;00D Y'D WIDE SHEETINGS 123. te.) -• • C) _ 8 CD bmimm..l ~. et ." BL. MUSLINS 150 Ts i ? "XTRA " SOFT FINISH 200 Ts. UMMER PANT STUFFS 20 TO 500 Ts. !ICKINGS'is GD TO 2s Co FOR BE ST. .LL WOOL SHAWLS $3 IL WOOL CASSIMERES 75cTs To $1 lEA VY GINGHAMS 16 CTS. LINE ALPACAS 31 To 50 CTS. LPACA POPLINS 50_CTS. ARASOLS 75 TO $3. N UMBERELLAS $1,25 TO $2,50. OOP SKIRTS 75 TO $1,75. • ADIES' GAITERS $1,25 TO $3. INEN HANDKERCHIEFS 10 OTS INEN HOSE, GOOD 25 OTS. 0 COD ts, 'i d Ct . E CD -.,a4 R ~r ev+ 0 p='" Awlll pay to call and examine our stook as wo *a buying now Goods almost daily and sell ing them very cheap. 54D 1...1 11::/-. 51, F- 1 CD =EI June 10; 1868. SALT can be lied in any quantity at • WICKHAM FARRT, Tina June. 8, 18013. TIOGA, PA. Cut and Fit. to all buyers of J. A. PARSONS & CO., Corning, N. Y New Sprink Goods 111 IN CORNING. W E have received a very LARGE STOOK of SPRING GOODS on the most favorable. terms, and will be sold at very small advance froni cost. 'We think we hazard nothing in•eaying tbat wo keep the BEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST QUALITY of Goods that are kept In the place. Have a store light enough to Bee what'you are buying, and pledge ourselves to SELL AS -LOW, • quality considered, as at any other establi.lament. We continuo to make, our CLOTH TRADE ono of Gnr specialties, and when desired MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notico and in tho boat manner. We hi}ve addod to our stook a good assortment, of CARPETS, consisting of BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can aell,them HOW VERY LOW We are the agen ' te for the GREAT 11. S. TEA COMPANY, and soil TEA at Now York prices by tho single podnd. All visiting Corning, are invited, to call and examine stock and prices. SMITH & WAIT.k Corning, April 8, 1888. ICMr 4O Go to KELLEY'S and seo the Latest Arrival of NEW GOODS! Consisting of a general assortment of al al' A A RI et O u) g O en P-1 . ei •m t z Pei E -4 -w P - 8 d XI - 141 MRS: FRY'S. CORSET AND SKIRT SUPPORTERS, AT saaquax sutra A " )EI °l n 0 " Puti jp o ON' •-•-. • • NEW DRE 7 GOODS AT KELLEY'S MarliaX 1 11 TIAIVHS 101E114 GENTS' 'FURS AT KELLEY'S jni- No charge for SHOWING GOODS Wellaboro, Oct. 30, 1867 NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS. TOLES & BARKER, (NO. El, : UNION BLOCS.) WOULD say to their friends and the l l public generally, that they are now ree lying a splendid assortment of Bummer , DRY GOADS, such no SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE CLO -1 • e HATS & CAPS, BOOT' A ; HOES, also a large and well selected stock of CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTC., ETC. We are able to offer our eustomerli - the benefit of the LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in tho New York Market, our Stock having been purchased since the great decline in Goods. Welteboro, July 1, 1868. • Dr. C. IL Thompson. [WELLBIIOIIOI7OII PA.] Will attend to Professional Calls in tho v Raga, and immediate vicinity of Wellsboro. Office and Residenco on State St. 2d do r on the right joing East. [Jane. 24, 168. 100.000 BRICK FOR S II. LE : by WRIGHT k BAILEY, Welleboro, Pa KELLEY'S C. B. KELLEY'S, TOLES & BARKER. " BEECH MANGE!" I sing, I sing of a curious thing, Almost as strange as Boggs upon Tyng; I've swung 'round a circle as round as a ring, And while on the down east part of my swing, I stopped at the city and took on the Spring L i STYLES tiv CROCERIES The fatehions for , SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NECK, And mori, astonishing still, Molasses & Syrups have a freer run downward, with a Cannel:An ped trail. T~aclLßr®l, however, art from the neck downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA TEA. TEA TEA ! will be prepared from a drawing furnished to every customer who buys a pound. Of the styles to suit complexions, &c., I may mention that Black Tea you can have if you-long for it. I cannot got time to look up all the hard words which tho GREAT AMEp.ICAN TEA COMPANY use to etartlo the L intocont people about the coun. try; but you can depend upon finding the very best of Teas at the BEE-HIVE EXCHANOE it, As to C3ebfreqe, the styles aro variois. You can have thi latest styles from the following fashionable oroign ports, to wit: MOCHA, JAVA, RIQ, LACIIIYRA JAM- 14ICA, &C In the matter of PROVISIONS Flour still wears hoops. ovor all, and dispenses with trails as tTrofitablo. have all grados eatable. Also, PORK, DRIIED . TVEEF AND HAMS, together with a full assortment of light groceries and canned delicacies. As ever THE R S Faye Cash or Trade for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE_ CALL AT MATIIERS'S Wellsboro, Apr. 1,'68. W. T. MAT lIERS 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted. T HE .1511113Cribowp will pny 0 , s t b, l'n II el n t h , 7 Cassi ' t rex Flannels, 6:c., , (to., for Wool.— They illso anufacture as usual— ,l TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, stomers. All work warranted as rep • They invite particular attention to their Water Proof to snit 0 resented ci44,sagunmEmoi, which,are warranted in every respect. Particu lar Attention given to ARDING & CLOTH-DRESSING. ROLL years experience in the business War m in expecting a generous patronage No shoddy cloths made. Then rants th o S, Co., at Wellsboro, are agents for of our Cloths. ' DeLa the sale JOSEPH INGHAM ,t, SONS fi eld, May 13, IS6S—tf. OEM pecial Notice LL thoso intdrestod in tho purchase ' AIIAM and all other kinds of T" flour, MEAL, PORK, HAMS, FISH, FEED all kinds, will find it to their advantage nd examine - ' &c., of to call GOODS AND PIIICES t M. B. PRINCE'S, Mozart Blook I.—Cash paid for Grain, Potatoes, eos4 leans, Eggs, do. sboro, Juno 20, 1868. M. 13. PRINC N. wax, OD lii_ELESBORb BA 'cEBY.: MILE SUBSCRIBER having established him milt in the BAKING BUSINESS hi this village, next door to E. R. Kimball's Grocery, is now prepared to eary on the business in all its various branches. I will keep con stantly on hand an assortment of Bread, such LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS •AM BREAD, BUTTER • CRA - BROWN BREAD, WATER CRACKERS, SUGAR • CRACKERS, . DYSP4SIA AND SODA BISCUITS • OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, - • • at nil hours of the day, :;Inulays excepted. liy strict atteatien to husinc.is endeavor to merit the public patronage. • CHAS. STEVENS. Wel'shore, Juno. 24, 1888. - LA M PS.—A now kind of lamp for Kerosene no broskage of chimnoys—fit FOLEY'S. CARD PRINTING—at New York prices, Colors or plaid, and out to suit orders, a Tnn AGITATOR OFFICE GEO. W. MERRICK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office with W. 11. Smith, Esq., Main Stroct, opposite Union Block, Wollsboro, Pa. July 15, 1808.' 200 Bushels Timothy Somii. 100 bushels Clover seed, choicest kinds WRIGHT & BAILEY. GK ND- GIFT GALLERY Go to Ring & Eastman's GRAND GIFT GALLERY FOR YOIJR PHOTOGRAPHS, A splendid Gift with odery $2 wortVof Pio tures, Fraines, Cord and Tassels.l OVER 500 PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY 1 The largost assortment of Frames and Cases in Tioga County, to be sold low for cash. In ad dition to the low prices, we will - give aray the following Presents worth from fifty cent], to fifty dollars ; ono hundred presents worth from $lO to $5O; two hundred presents worth from $3 to $ 10 ; two hundred presents worth from 50 cents to $3. The presents consist of Gold and Silver Watches, silver Cake Basket, silver Tea Bells, Castors, gbld Watch Chains, Beals, Charms,Sleeve Buttons,' Studs in setts, Watch Hooke, iver Plated Porky, Teaspoons ; all gilt Frames Cues, Setts, Cord and Tassels, Gold Rings, family Bible, History of the Secret Service by Col. Baker, with other pres ents too numerous to mention. COME ONE, COME ALL, :AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES AND BE CONVINCED. Your present given to you the seine day Of sit. ng. Prices the same as last year. GALLERY OPEN TO PRESENT, - JULY In. . Don't forget the plaoe—over Eastman's tal Office, and 4 doors below Roy's Drag Store, Main Street. CLAY KING A EUGENE EASTMAN. Wollsboro, June 25, 1868. Important Faets. SINCE Saintlier is now being used in thoti ands of families the following facts are Im portant to be known. Film—Though it is the moat powerft►l of all popular remedies, yet it is so compounded, as to be safe and'harmless. It is of such a nature that it may he handled and used by children, and persons who aro ignorant of Medicines. SECOND—It is found that Salutifer will relieve severe pain in any part of the body Sooner then any other application. THIRD—It is impOrtant that the bottle be wall corked, if loft open only a few minutes it loses strength. POURTIT—This usefttl remedy can bo obtained from 'almost every dealer in medicines. Notice. .; • E attention of Merchants and others liable to 1 a License, is respectfully called to the aot of th e 11th of April 1852, Pamphlet Jaws, 492,reg ulating tho oolleotion and payment of Licenses which are payable at the Treasurer's Office on the -Ist day of May in each and every year, and by R aid act, all Licenses remaining unpaid on the first day of July, 'the Treasurer is required to sue end press' to judgment an collection, as soon as practicable thereafter, and In default thereof, to be personally liable. ' Those liable to a License are . therefore requested to be prompt in making their payments before that date, there by avoiding - bny trouble to themselves and much perplexity to Cie Treasurer. • Juno 3, 1668: li. C. BAILEY, Trdasurer. .For• Sale. re - I.IIE undersigned offers for sale . the following described property, situated in Mainsburg, Tioga CO, Pa, ono House and Lot—the House is 24 Stories well finished off, a good 'cellar; also a splendid well of water, on the stoop. The lot contains 2 acres of the best of gardening land, plenty of apples and other fruit trees thereon—a good barn, and everything pertaining to the. said House and Lot in goocrorder. The above des cribed House and Lot I will sell at a low figure, such as defies competition. Apply to Wu. H. RITAISEY. Mainsburg Tioga 00., Pa. May 27, 1868-6 mt. ATTE,NTION FARMERS I n uxnua_ _ dealriug full . 3C30311...C1LM11161 at the Mill of I. ChaniPney &, Co., which we are selling at $6 per ton at our mill on Elk Run.— All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Plaster. Give us a call. I. CIIAMPNEY it- CO. Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., Maroh - 26, 1868-6m* For Sale. 18SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS, in the Borough of WeUsher°, and a TIMBER - TRACT of 400 acres in Delmar, three miles from this city—heavily timbered. Terms .asy. [to. 8, 1868. - 1 WRIGHT 2O ILEY. Wellsboro Wool Cardir THE proprietor having put bis Ma .bines In fir.4t.rate order is now ready to card to or; der any grade of Wool. His Cards are of the fiees , t quality. Ail wool, fine or coarse, should be well cleansed for the benefit of both, - parties,— All work done with despatch, and warranted. May. 27,18.68-2 m. S. A. HILTBOLD.' Lath I Shingles Lumber ! ALWAYS on hand nt Foster's Mill, Niles Valley. Pine and hemlock, lil, shingles, and lumber, as well as all kinds o hard wood plank and boards. Lumber delivere. to order. ' 4. NY. Niles Valley, May 13. 1868-3m.''a Coal for Sale.- COARSE WITIIMINOUS I COAL for Sale Cheap; by Sept. 25, 1867 Hero Fruit Jar. e k EI GROSS of the RRO FRUIT - JAR 50M for solo by W. D.', I IERBEL &-• CO., I , i Corning,N.Y, We are prepared to fill orders for : the Horo Fruit Jar as low as they can be bought any anywhere, and shipped from Corning. We can give special rates on largerquantities. It is the best and most salable Jar in the market. Get quotations from us before ordering elsewhere. March 18, 1868.—!-8m Notico. ETAVING eold my location and ea will in the practice of Dentistry to Dr..p. Thomas, I would respectfully recommend him to my pa trons as I have made arrangements with him to Perforlin ail operations- 4 4er which I have contract -01. r_ctin recommend him as a gentkeman of ekill and ability in the dental art. • ' J. H. RANDALL, Tioga, Pa., May 13, 1863-tf. Surgeon Dentist. HEAR YE I HEAR YE 1 HEAR YE I BARRELOIRKINS, MORNS, BUTTER - . TUBS, &v., Kept constantly on band, and furnished to or der, by .W. T. MATETERS, at his t l pattr store, 2d doolrabovo Roy's Building, Wolishorh. (Juno.lo, 1868.) A. J. THOMPSON,. [MANSFIELD PA} FS has two fires, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lire with prompt nerss, and in a workiriarilike mar nor. He aimes ut excoilenro in his trade. Ninit,tield, lnno 3, 1333-I.y. Adni,inistrator's .Notice I . 4 IITTFIRS of Administration having been -1 granted to tho undersigned upon the estate of C. P. late of Lawrenceville, deed, all persons indebted to snidlestato, and' all per sona claiming against the same are requfred to settle with JOAN A. BROWN. Lawrenceville, Juno. 244868-6w* • • Admr. ssignee's 0 tiee. IVevtern District of Perinityttioliit, as MO' WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : The un der,ignoil herobygivos notice of his ap pointment ns assignee of Massona Bullard, of Wellshoro, Tioga Co: Pa 4 who has ban adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of ;old Distriet. • JOAN i. NrTertELL, Assignee. - " MEAL, always on ,hand at 11868. FISHER k 119NNE1,113. ZEE Aug. 12, IS FLOUR June 17, OSTER D. P. ROBERTS