The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 26, 1868, Image 3
110IME MATT ER S. NVEDN' sDAY, y AUGUST 26, 1868,: exv Lavertisementv, Attention Farmers. Eetiny Sheep—E. P. 'Deane.' • Salo of Real Estate—G. R. Sheffer. Premium _List Tioga Co:, Agricultural Society' Meet School—W. A. Stone. 1 ------,---- REPUBLICAN MASS MEETINGS. Hon. Wm, H. ARMSTRONG and Pt.' Win: G. DOANE, of Williamsport, Will address the citizens of Tioga County at the following times and places: ' Monday, September 7 at 2 o'clock, P. M. mieL. - vcrirek33..ofeemarlize,, Tuesday, September 8, at 2 P. M. • io salta,, • Tuesday evening, September 8, at $ o'clock. . Wednesday, September 9, at 2 - P. M. - DR. WM. C. DOANE, Will address the citizens of • 1 1:7174313.651:3c=0wc›, Monday evening, September 7, at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL.—MrS. Bush will open her aohool for little follis, Monday, Aug 31. The Elkland local news reached us too late for this edition. The Fall Term of the Union Academy, at Knoxville, will eommenee Sept. 1. proximo. E. HORTON,:Principal. New GooDs.- 7 -De Lano &) Co., are resolving now Goods, Fall styles, at their store, nowadays, and offer bargains to all who way call' upon them. EitLECT SCHOOL.—Mr. William A. Stone will open a Select School i 6 the 'Union School House next Monday. Mr. Stone is a gentleman of fine education, competent to teach all of the Academie branches. He deserves, and doubtless will receive, a liberal patronage. OirriTAßY.—We are -inexpressibly pained to learn of the death of Rev. D. It. Mc. Dermond, recently of Tioga, which took place at Norristown, Pa., on the 20th inst. We have •no particulars. BUSINESS.—Messra. Fisher & Bufinel, groOers, have disolved partnership. The business will be conducted at the old stand by Mr. Jas. M. Bunnel. Mathers has now the finest salesroom, for his business, in this village. Thi3 room is high and airy, with a fine glazed front, and a capital sky light in the rear. The walls are bricked up from front to rear, and the sale and store rooms make together 'a store 100 feet deep._ Thank you, William. CORNING.—Dr. Pratt, of the Journal has been sick but is, wo are very 'glad to say, around again. The Journal says that Din Dock et:a:mow, has rented the Cold Sprin Brewery at Blossburg, and removed to that place. Also, that C. W. Brandt, Jolni A. Gload, and Jerome Huckley, of Hornellsville, have been held ,to answer as accessories of the late fire in that vil lage. ThojDoctor in his great good nature gives Brick Pomeroy's new paper a half column notice, and says that it, is very vile. Why advertin it, then, Doctor? UNION S. S. PIC-NlC.—The most no table social gathering of the season took place in &Hanger's Grove, Charleston, Saturday Aug. 22. The Charleston Sunday Schools and three of the Wellsboro schools united in it pie-nic,. and the occasion will not soon be forgotten. Upward of 1000 persons were on the ground. There was an abundance of provisions, plenty of amusement for the little folks, ,the best of order prevailed threpghout, and not n thing occurred to mar the pleauro of the day. The crowd was addressed by Tter. 0. L. Gibson, Messrs. W. H. Smith, J.B. Niles, and Cap. J. H. Shaw, briefly, and to the point. The Welsh Moir sang as it is famed for singing, and Wetmore'} Band played its 14st.— The Sunday, 2014 M or Charleston aro vigorous institutions, and doing a groat amount of -good. May tho•little'folks have many happy returns of the pleasure of last Saturday. RATTLESNAKES. A correspondent. writes us from Lamb's Creek tells a big snake story, or,ra,hor, several snake stories. On the 19th, Mr. Pittsley killed two, the largest meas uring feet bi inches. A week previous Mr. Charles Day followed a sna;ke trail- from the road to the woods and killed the snake. Tho next day another was killed near the same spot. In the afternoon a party set out to find the den, long known to be somewhere in that vicinity. About a quarter of a mile from the road .they came to a ledge of roan . , and found • the rattle snake odor • very strong. Filling a suspicious crevice with powdersthey fired the trail, when an immense development took place in the snake line. The boys went at it, and in a ,short time killed one hundred and I/ally-est:en rattlesnakes, the largest measuring 4 feet S inches, and the smallest 14 inches. Mr. 11. E. Cooper killed a large snake in his cellar. Mr. lU. Land, had a valuable mare bitten by a Coppnrheitil, Ctrs bite proving fatal. Our correspondent rejoices that the copperheads are not very plenty os tualtes, and hopes that the other sort may disappear after November. So mote it'bo. - U.L. A.—For the ittfor4iatiott of MI who °are to be lactated we 'Any state: The Union League of America, ..:übordinate Coun e 'ds of which are now being - organizedlby Mr. A. F. Benjamin in every election district in thin county, was instituted originally for the ikreservation of the Government during the great 'elm:lion of the Pont:antic party. Any urn whofought in the Union armies, and every Mph who supported the •measures for the suppression of ribellion, if still faithful, can join the League. On Eho other hand no r bel, South or North, would flail the 11850Cia tion ( bOngenial. Every mau who acknowledges the supremacy of the Federal Government, who is willing to aid in preserving the Union and the Constitution intact, is qualificd , to train with the Union League. The Untie vas terror to traitors during the war, and it it no less a terror to them now. It will keep watch and wird over Wm. A. Wallace and his pimps until the ballot boxes closo in Pennsylvania, and fair dealing to men will be secured. EAST CHARLESTON. ' I A. V. P., "writes us as follows: "I notice ,that the Cop perheads are circulating a small poster,. contain in gl a ohargo to the effect that. the Republican of 41118 place are stealing oil from the Church, ani p appropriating it to their own use. Ide not imp ose that any sensible person wil. believe the eh rao upon such authority, but I must be psr witted to say that it is as false as an out.and out lio Can well he. I trust that we can take a joke as quietly as any people, anyWherc but this goes a little ton far. even for a political lie. Republicans bold to paying their tioneq debts; Copperheads ulnae believe - in [hill, aml epualia tion. Republicans manage in get atom.; without resort to petty lying; Copperheads do nothing whets they do not lie. As for the liberal contri bution made by dr Johnny fah:, one of than put in a two-cent postage Amu?. pet les . ; from at' wrapper after it had passed throo;:it t tt,, sietib , . A small cheat, hut elannleteri.thi of at, at Their platform is a lovely eNainple of that t thing. Hero Is ry party Milting about -61.4 money" ouramoy, and io ()posing to backs enough to prevent a return to , peoie pay ments i n fifty year:. Ho wever, 1 shall admit that the members of that party have manufactured some of the "hardest" money that ever circulated in this region. Since :Tobncan became Pri he has been very kind to 91301 of ihes,.; makers of ."hard" money as happcnied. to into durance vile. And I wool,' call attetitieu to the Met that every ono of these counterfeiters will • doubtie‘e.. fling up their bate for Seymour II: Blair.", , [We can assure our friend that nobody will believe the "tic of circumstance" to which lie alludes. The Republicans of t East Charleston *wilt make the "home stretch" interesting to the spectators, Nor need they fear that the Copper heads of that or any other locality will depend upon the Church for either 104-light or any tilberlight.` The illuminacion which best twilit the coPperkead leaders cooties 'Crava t the nether world, or irouitb Orphan Asylums burned by Horatio Seymour's utri E.," ED.). , , MANSFIELD : writes:. „ _ "On Saturday-15th inst, Mr. A. J. Drake, one of the workmen In Elliott t Clark's, factory, while adjusting one of the moulding planers it was run• idg, had his right forearm caught in the, cylinder, making an incised' wound six inches in length. Dr. C. V. Elliott dressed the wound, which is do ing remarkably well, being now nearly healed up. ;"- Mr. 3larrisuu is ittildiug tVtlxvelling-house in that liart, of thid iforo' known as I Petersburg.' " Our streetjeonunissioner, Mr. 13.: - M. Bailey, has been waking some excellent iniproretnents; ditching and grading on the loiver end of Elmira Street, on Maiu-st.,.and the west end of Church Street. • Air. WT. Lutz, Supt, of ,tho-'Tio¢a Iron Works,' is receiving orders for pig-iron, ata rate much beyond the capacity of the furracc to pro duce. "That your readers way know what the "Star, of Hope" society is doing I send you the following programme of the exercises last Tuesday mot.' evening, before -a Crowded' audience : "The society was'ealted'to order by Mr. 0. V. Elliott, manager, and opened by singing by the members, and prayer by Mr. Compton of Oberlin, 0. 2—A dialogue, entitled "The Hidden Monoy." 3—" The use of tobacco,"l by. Master Albert Lay man, 4—Dialogue entitled "Country Aunt.'! 13—Deolumation by Adclia Elliott. 7 Dialogue—"The Miller of Mansfield." B—Tab laux4-"Evening prayer" 9--Musie. 10—A short address by Mr. Compton. Closing prayer by Rey. H. L mkiu. "Your o rrespondent is indebti Kelley, Se , retary of the society) p regrew m . . Bi.oss Prims.—The "Democrats" are building a small wigwam, about largo enough to hold all the Democratic voters of'this county. The Union League of America have a good subordinate Council in this village which will give a good acount of Itself this Fall. A thor ough canvass Will be made, and a strict watch over the Ballot Box will be kept. ' A Concert was held at the Baptist Church on Friday, the 14th inst., which more than answered the expectations of its patrons, inasmuch as the preparations made by the performers, and the decorations so neatly arranged, reflected the hightest credit on the small town of Bless. The Concert consisted of vocal and instrumental music. The instruments used were the •Organ, Piano, Violin and Saxhorn. The overture,, ar ranged expresSly fo ethe occasion by our worthy Friend Prof. Hoyt, j Mansfield, was. a decided success. Miss.-E. S..ttuck, Piano, IVr. 3. Brad bury, Organ, Mr. Wm. Copping, Violin, Mr. H. P. Erwin (leader) Saxhorn. Tho Quartette by Foster (Come where my love lies dreaming) was admirably sustained by Miss Mary It. Hollande (Soprano), Miss Maria Holladd (Contralto), Mr. J. Bradbury (Tenor), Mr. Peres Bonney (bass), accompanied by the organ, Miss Mary Boniloy, violin Mr. Copping. Mrs. G. Lewis sang the Solo (What shall be my angel name?) in an able manner. Tho pathetic piece entitled "Give , my love to Mother' was effectively rendered by Miss. Bell Gaylord. Miss-Mary Walker's part in the Quartette "Beautiful Hill," reflected great credit upon her. But the Comic 'Solo, 'Sting by Mr. Erwin, sustained by the Sompany in full Chorus, called "Jolly Days" received unbounded ap plause. The selections from the Opera of "Mar tha" executed by Miss E. Shattuck (Piano), and Mr. Capping (Violin),l was perfectly magnificent. In fact the performano'c was such that the audi ence were-deterinined to have a repetition of it which was announced to take place on the 18th, inst. Mr. it. P. Erwin is entitled to the thnhks of the community for his untiring efforts in ad vancing by his example and azlistance, the _ dig nity of the. little musical world ih Bloss. ACCIDENT.—AS l i Mr. Michael Mengher.was at his work in the rArnot mines on the 10th, inst., a piece of coal became detached from the roof, striking him on the head, causing almost instantaneous death. .111 r. 11feagher was highly respected by all who !knew him as an intelligent and upright citizen. He leaves a widow and seven small childken to deplore his loss. s * .. BANKRUPTCY.—We are advised by F. E. Smit h Esq., Register of this District, that the provisio a of the bankrupt act, permitting a discharge 1 i thout the payment of fifty per cent has been e. tended to January 1,1861), by Con gress, and uly approved by the President. Per sons desiri g ti avail themselves of these pro visions should apply at ogee, us there is no prospect of a further extension.' The Register suggests that at)plicatiens should bo ft übmitted to him for Exaannation as easily as - possible, to Inettre their filing in the Clerk's °flee .at Pitts burg before the first day ofJannary next. , MCPHERSON'S HAND-300K. OF POLI TICS.—IIon. Edw. McPherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, Washington, has issued his hand-book of politics for 1868. ' It is a 'com plete repertory of political knowledge, perfectly arranged, entirely ,imparetal, and very minute. Every official utterance bearing upon the ques tions which enter into the dampaign is here pre sented. The statistics of national finance are compiled from the official reports, and the several acts of Congress touching taxation and recon struction are here reproduced. Mr. McPherson is the most eminent statistician and collator in America and his works are acknowledged au thority. Every kumper muk have ono of 'these books of course; ariTheysry Grant Club should order as many or the elifaper edition as it can well afford. Price of pm pe r cover 75 cents,-post paid. Speakers should order the large edition of 400 pages, being a full history of -politieft from 1805. Price S 2, 50 post-paid. Address Edward McPherson, Clerk II: It. Washington, D. C. GossiP.—The Devil is represented in Seripture as one "going about as a roaring lion." On the ether hand, the Almighty is likened to "a still, small voice." The ,prophet heard a great wind pass by, and WO assured that the Lord was not in the a iud. Ile hoard and beheld a fearful war of the elements, and was assured that the Lord was not in that terrible din. IC Is well to iecolleet this fact when you estimate men. A brass kettle will, when beaten with a hammer, drown the shock of forty sledge-hammers upon a ton lump of pure gold. And most people would prefer the gold to the brass kettle. Much speech on small Liceasions, and upon no occasion, is the sign of ignorance and folly. The man may not be an idiot by nature, but he is what the Yankees call slack-baked." Such a man is not an cuss," hut something less. Ile cannot be called a "hum bug "beeause,he deceives nobody with fair com mon sense. A man may be compared to a glass tumbler. Fill it to the bi ) ina with water, and tap it with a table-knife, and it gives out but little sound. Half full it rings louder. Quarter full it rings louder still. Empty, it ,jingles the nerves out of tune —There it a remedy fur the everlasting racket made by the sort of mon above alluded to. Go to the tinner and order a rattle-box which can be carried in the pocket. NVhen you, meet a brass ltCttle man who insists upon foreing you to listen to his twaddle, listen if you have time, with' duo patience. When he stops from exhhitstion,' pro duce your rattle-box and shako it. vigorously for three Minutes. By that time you will have re plied full i r to his volley of small shot. If he do not take 4he hint then you may know that 1M is an idiot. tut if he take the gentle hint thus impat tet , write down in your hOolts that there is hope fur that man, nevi is not et erything, but more:than many people suppose. A mannerly boy or girl always wins his or her way to our hearts. We , dexaetly define manneis, but if called upon to live a d .linition should put it something this twat : the tin:Token language 91 the iamb itaml mannerd annnot be laid off at trill IRO WI upuu mieasion. They aro native and They' improve as. the rout develops its 1...acr., Irit whett native, they cannot be ,00dheiTs1 out, .A 011;111 may be rich :is Croestts, Y. if lie la. k. good IlitktillUrS. 1115 finds a barrier himself and those who possees the qual ity. We a ea!leet calling at the door of a ruinous 11,4 i.ou , e itiiies away from the busy 'world, some years ago, nail asking for a glass ofAvitter." The wi:'e - of the house was at the wash-tuh, her arms bate and red,h - er gown and petticoats the worse for soap MIN. SIIe at once ran l out 'to the spring and brought us a pint basin ef delightfully cool irlitm. "Wo think it the boat of water," amid she ; and se it was. Now, Mark : .We nelted for r . i.f r." There wipe not a glass . tumbler in that house, probably. The lady—for that was her rank=never apologized for giving us a - tin Latin to drink from. She never excused her nppearance in the auds." She was as easy and aolf.pnssessed as any- lady of noted accomplishments. - That woman had "man ners;" and though wo have never seen her since, and do not know her nitma, we alkali neyprltirgef bc,:sv ?e,i , my: , 4 Lkb‘.o,eirtnilefirtked:mz'-i: , Y 4, ,,,. e , 'X'ES t ,-, Val I' % '.l---Aid Vtidle4s; this italiestin-iihlW '14 , 0 sa '- ' ""' 4 '-'• -17 -• k -, "ir jfj - . g- . , gested by an inquiry' for - A book on etiquette—, , It. WILLIAMS A 00., have got, the lost, let us say that good manner's are never revealed ,1 ) . largest and• cheapest stock of Drugs, mad- . tomes,u Patent Medicines, Paints, - Oils, Dye Stuff, in .effusion; ' Tree politetteiA uover slops over, as Artemus Ward said of greatness. Effusion , be - lions, r i3h e Perfumery, ariehei 'l' O s i } l l :t .° ;l4, ll" ?'' st:t g Yankee a oflo", longs to simulated politeness. It always - em. &0., Ac., ever brought into this county. They barasses ong to meet with it. hut, after all, it Is will isositiVely sell everything in their finechecp oa;utlisranueaLi e bought elsawhete. They bought better than none at all. It is bitter 'than a 7 iiii tt i r u g u e il qkitios and for nett cash, rough, gruff manner, which is often simulated ( and can and chea per than ittyl other (m -ale°. On a former occasion, touching upoo this tablisholent in this county, • Cali and examine yery subject' top nhor9,l people,tntp,t,h,eingewes, stock and prices. ! .:. P. R. WILLIAMS eh 00, to he, and forgetful of se:li t i ) .;:i . 'l4,etio only May 6;1868; ' 146 ' 3 ' Union Bleak ' repeat that, exhortation, aud assure all inquirers that hooks of etiquette are of little account aside . from the teclintval rules of procedure in certain miiet. .• : '-: f• '. • . - -. .....; . ),.., Turriitit'a7iWtzer . i.Aper'rent,.LlM test tewcdy fur irolipstion arlil:its honors, caii,l4 Sound. at P. It. WiMinns S CA Drug store,VellAuro. Buy it ip)il try it, mad !ie,happy. SALE oI PERSONAL PROPERTY.—The se.te,of the personnl property of Datid H. Smith, dedbiseit,'' is- postponed' until &Aurally , ifiti 29th inst., nt •the .house of Mrs. Smith, in Wpllsboro. • J. EMERY, Afitter. • lives his reatliis a 3 good a number fur SeptmlAir nanny Magazine Published. Prom a somewhat cursory examination we should say that every article would bear careful reading. "Camping out in Sibbrin,'' the Saddle on 1.1/e Plains," "614yed frout,,the t isylunii," will please everybody and everybody's wife. $1 per year. Your ie 1160 diem fot:Ottlo.i *, • SELECT SurooL.=-L-Tho undersigned having procured k rooms in the Union school building will open a select school. Patronage iq solicited. Those who attend will receive care ful'attention iu:theik tftillies• ,wilt - organized to uteu,t,t,ho wants of students. Assist. rine° will•lie tWuttured ifinec.essary. d to Miss. Frank for the• above Those who intend to teach will find it advnnt ageods to review their studies previous to exami nation a Teneher's elastO will be organiztid, and they Avill reeeivo tinily instructions in the Theory and., Practice of teaching. Those -.who, 'attend will find this to be a liVing, working; sehbol. First term will commence •on Illonday,tAug. 31, close on Friday, Nov. 20. Tuition will bode. tertaieed by number and kind of studies taken, ranging from $3, to 53. Ono half of the tuition will be paid in advance, the balance ut.ihe middle of the terui. yo de. dnctions made fur absence except in cage of sick nods. WILLIAM' A. _STONE. cs cavil Su ma. ge. its ea. WHY TIOA , YOU TAiX. , --mays a lady customer to oue 01 their agents : "It's a charming little machine-41M., Wilcox a Gibbs: it rune so easily , and quietly."— "Oh I yea, madam," says the double:Wealagent, "but then it is only a single-thread; and a "iingle-thread , machine, you know, is of no value as a pewing-ma chine." "Why, how yon talkl';' Oly slat* has ono et them, and alio does all her sewing on it;And would not Ottchangalt othermachltinu_the44ld," "That may ho so; sho probably nover wisitaVytither:• but though it may satisfy her, it would never suit you. Why, madam, those single-thread machines were tried long ago, and rejected as totally worthless t"—Bee "Re port " of the "Grand Trial" at Island Park, where the falsity of those charges were prorod—by practical testa --and the fams was • fially established, that the work done on the Wilcox Gibbs is handsomer, stronger, loss liable,to rip, anti every way better than work dune on a lock-s(ltch machine. THE AMERICAN COOKING' STOVE •, - The following letter speaks . for itself, and is conclusive evidence of the superiority of The Atherican Cooking Stove'over all others. N,. Y., July 25, Messrs, Shear, Packard ez Co.: Gents.=l am soon to return to Vermont, and I wish you to forward to any address, immediately, by railroad to Manchester, Vt., one of your No. 8, Improied Americans, with Estonsion Top, and wheu it is received I will remit the money. I was the first man who purchased your stop) in'this town, three years ago, and now it is the ttovo of the Wee. ' ' We had preyioutdy used 'dip Stewart Stove five years, and we find The American a better stove for every kind of cooking. In , fact we arc fully satislicid it is the best cooking stoyeextant. Tho one we had was a No. 9, and larger than we need ; ,so, to got the sire we .wish, and to sate transportation, wo sell,this (and for more than it cost. three years tigo) , und order the new (lOC. So push it along. Very respectfully yours, - It: P. CHENEV: For Salo by CoNvEusu-& Osaooo Wellsboro Pa. Aug. • • The largest, befit and cheapest assort ment of frames ever brought into Tioga County, with largo pictures in every way to suit, and card Frank at $1,50 per doz., all going fast at Frank Spencer's Art Gallery, ilineflesl, Pa. Dec. 25-tr. Ilaiding's Albums—the beet in market on sale at P. 11. Williams & co's., Post Office, Welleboro, at Agent prices. A Cean.—l•aoe by The Agitator that Mr. Young advertises Harding's Bibles a f t frOm $3 to $5O, and . gives an ungentlemanly_ fling at agents for Mr. liniding'a, Bibles, , by 'calling tbom "pre tended agents." ,The, facts are that Mr. Hard ing publishes no bibles that sell for more than $35, retail, and that I am an actual, accredited agent of Mr. Harding for the counties of Brad; ford and Tioga, as may ho easily verified by ad dressing Wm. W. Harding, Philadelphia. Very Truly yours, E. B. CASE. State Street, IWellsboro Pa., finishes photo graphs in India Ink, Oil, or water colors, for the trade or to individual order. Copies old pic tures, large or , small in. a finished manner. All kinds of "Oval, and Sqinire Prames on .liand i and at as low prices as can he found elsewhere. Cash taken in exchange for all kinds of work or goods.—Ap. S. 68-tf. AUSTIN—GIBSON.—In Charleston Aug. 11, at the house of Frederick Ely, Esq., by Rev. 0. L. Gibson; Mr. Nathan Austin, and Miss Nancy, E. Gibson. :'CLAUS—CLOSE. —ln Charleston, Aug: El, at the house of the briae's father, by the same, M. Benjamin F. Claus, end Miss Martha E. Close, (laughter of Charles Close, Esq. JOHNSTON—STIUMWAY.—In Charleston, Aug. 19, at the house of the bride's father, by the same, Mr. Elbert N. Johnston, and Miss S. Ellen Slumway, daughter of W. P. Shumway. Esq. [The printer was liberally remembered.] HART—GIBSON.—In Wellsboro, Aug. 20,1 at the house of the bride's father by Rev. 0. L.'Gib son, Capt. Morgan Hart, and Miss Susan R. Gib son, daughter of John Gibson, Esq. HART—AUSTIN.—In Charleston, Aug. 19, by Rev. I. R. Spencer, Capt. Charles M. Hart; and Miss Sarah C. Austin, all of Charlestou.- [Twice has our gallant friend the Captain' been led captive—once as a prisoner of war, and now for life. We congratulate ;him and his captor, and hope fortune may bo as liberal in its favors to them as they were liberal in the good things of the marriage feast.) SPECIAL NOTICES. —o— • ; • tT • Willcox &Gibbs Sewing Machine. • .. i•lt.B 'seam is stronger and less liable to rip in use or wear-than the Lock-Stitch."—"Jadges' Report," at the "Grand Trial." Bend for the "Report," and samples of Work, containing both kinds of stitches, on the same piceo of goods. GEO. C. tOWEN, AGENT, Apr, 29, '9B-Iy. for Tioga Co. Knoxville, Pa. • pito subscriber , offers the following valuable Property for bale, situated, in the flourish ing village of Liberty, Tioga Co, Pa , namely : 1 Store House 18 by 30 feet., 2 stories high, suitable tor o Drug, Grocery, ittwelery or Book tt Stationery Store, Also-Dwelling Douse 18 by 24 feet., 2 stories high, with kitchen attached 12 by 18 feet., Also-the lot it land thoabove build ings stand upon, containing 4 of an etre, under a good 'sttite of eultWation. -'There is on the premises, 20 young Fruit Trees, also a never fail ing well at the kitchen door. The above pro perty is locked In the' most central business part of the village. nod is consequently the best location in the place, to carry on any . of the above - Darned business, Any person wishing to purchase the 'said property, eat do so by calling op the undersigned, at Liberty, Tinga Co, Pa., The pieperty will be sold . at a bargain for cash.— " Title for property, warranted." - G. R. SHEFFER, Agent. Liberty, Aug. 1,1868.-3 w A TTENTION FARMERS !—lf you would 11L save time and Make hood liutter got Will iams Laaaon's katent Churn-Dasher. Call and seo it at X" Hamra Grocery, lirolleboro. 'C. O. PII.O4F'SOIT, MARRIAGES For Sale Queries., • • • NiT lIERE ehn eloso'hujirs'ilnd PurtiEnglish Ir, ' White Lend and Linseed Op, VartOshas, Looker, Turpentine, the clioaket, at " • • .- P. R. WII.LIAMS, A CO. Who•sells the 'purest and best Drugs, Patent Medicines, and Dye stuff, , t a ; P.: R. ,W11.,D1AM13 4 e t CO. • e ; 1 ; ' Who keops the largest stock of Paint. Powders, Toothi .HairiCloth and nali Brushes; and sells thci cheapest, P. R. WILLIAMS, ,4 CO. Whero can you go to find the best, and cheapest ToSlet nn4 Saving soap, Pocket Knives ' Posfuni ory, Hair Oil, P t oinadee, Writing Paper , Pens and Ink, to P, IC WILLIAMS, & CO, LOOK AT THIS? • . .--. .• . I A I 3 tho Printers say thatsuccess follows the AL liberal advertiser, and other people. seem to believe them, id we (that is, Wickham t. , Earr) will take warning, follow the example, anditn form the'public in general that we have a good stock of good a 1 er001)S, . . to be sold at, good prices for good customers— and as we oiin'sltler all customers good—they, will bo vory.apt to be offered tlto same goods at one and the same pricM We might begin and men- Sbron of the various articles and styles that ltelp - to make up our stock of OCOMOD Ulna' esties, Yankee Notions, Hats • • and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c., &c. ; but as we have neither time nor space to finish even the beginning, we will merely invite you to call, ask for what 3 you want, we will tell you the price, and then - weigh out or measure off ac cording to order. PORK, FLOUR AND SALT, he three great necessaries, always on hand, Remember Farmers, that we can supply you with BUTTER. FIRKINS, TUBS, OR PAILS, andxonuino old Ashton by this sack or pound. Wo pay Cash for Bator. Tioga, May 20, 1809 E. H. HASTINGS, DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, SEWING MACHINES, AND THE Eureka Melodeon, At Wholoaalo price& E. H. HASTINGS, 41 '' May 8, 1888-tf. Main St., Wollaboro. E. B. CASE. JAMES M. BUNNEL First Door aboOo.11:o l tore. Wollsboro. f: f • • DEALER. IN FAMILY GROCRRIES AND PROVISIONS. Will !Edon constantly on band everything in the line of Family Groceries, as well as Provisions, B`ruits, Confectionery, Yankee Notions, Toys, Ito. All of which will be sold at reasonablo prices. JAMES RUNNEL. , May 6, 1888—ly. MILLINERY FOR 1868. W E bog to call your attention to our stook o READY MADE BONNETS and -STRAW JOCKIES Which we aro selling at COST. PATTERN HAT FRAMES of Madame Railing's large and exciuisite assort mont, of which we will give our friends the mos desirable styles. , Mrs. E. D. MITCHELL. Aug. 5, 1868—tf. Broad Street, Tioga, Pa p-- 0 OR ? , - CD • •-• 1-3 g°ti 1:r. 0 .-e 9. 5' ar. H • .::::. 5 tlsl CO 0 , aq %ID r a' a- ifiti R• is g ii 0 L 5 ; a . iEI . = Pa u - , 0 kt O . tt) .... 41 .) v • LO l"1 ot• cp • a il - Vq 6 0 hi to o P g ..1 7T., pc. s e. : 0:1 . . t.l z P). W 5 . 1 4 4 011 CI •-•, • Clq • ts 0 a a .B c t , . • ,2 -,,- 0 .7: c.,- ... ti . „, .....,, aq tf P---. a) •;" 11 P ,i t ''''' C--1 a CD ° co .O VJ • w e......-- • p CD Wi 'M ! P. C:=' o f c•• ' - '1 -ki g m— . P E tj , ip.. t o a) Jss. , a g;:,..t 0 0 omid , ' Pa a. • 9 1 6 1. ~...• • ip t lm i I ....... - 2 = rl !" 4 o' 0 01 0 . m 0 ta g t-• LI 6 0 co P - - 1 • sz:6'. fri EL FL , = -- - " -4 til CD CS li IL I AD 4' 4 '.. • ' •F L . 14 Fet P I '2 P i - ia , - s c ) , te' , :.7_, S WICKHAM & PARR, FW ® M N.E.W ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPARED FOR Spring and Summer Trade 111 T. L BALDWIN 8c 00. TIOGA, PA. RAVE now on hand and kill coming, a large and well aoleeted stock of !GOOD GOODS. oomprising everything needed. Our stook of Lk= ii it 211}31100 00011111, can't be beat much. ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRIOKS, FENCE JACONETS, ORGANDIES, EQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ALSO; IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART , MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO- TIONS, *HOOP SKIRTS, BAL• MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, DOMESTICS, at a very small margin. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cloths and Cassimeres and a Tailor to Cut ngtd Fit. Boots trid Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, STRAW. GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Don't forget to look over our stook of GROCERIES,' the most complete stook you can find, such as TEAS. We are old tca drinkers and know them to bo good. SUGARS, MOLASSES, everything In the Grocery lino, Gunja Bank Codfish Bay Maekerel,.Aehton Salt, what makes the Button good, and nice firkins to pnt it in.— Also, Butter Tabs and Pails ; Butter sold on com mission—no charges for handling; but would like a small portion of the money you get in re turn, that is if our prices suit. . FARMERS TOOLS, full line. We are agents for the Ohio and Buck eye combined Mowing Machines; general depot for fixtures and extras for the the above ma chinos. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchango for Goods. Wo propoeo to sell our Goods reasonably. "Live and let Live" prices given at the counter—only one price. T. L. BALDWII it 00. Tioga, Pa., April 29,1868. NEW SPRING GOODS J. A. Parsiins & ' ICON CHIP COSH STORE! T HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE OFFERING Great Inducements to all buyers of Dry-Goods, Boots ec, Shoes. Our stook Is all new, and cannot bo surpassed FOR VARIETY AND OHEAFNESS. Tho following is but a small portion ) of our BARGAINS: GOOD PRINTS, lOcTs. BEST " 15 " GOOD pp WIDE SHEETINGS 12,1 BL. MUSLINS 15oTs EXTRA " SOFT FINISH 2OcTs. SUMMER PANT STUFFS 20 TO 50CTS. TICKINGS is 6D TO 2s 6D FOR BE ST. ALL WOOL SHAWLS $3 ALL WOOL CASSIMERES 75CTS TO $1 HEAVY GINOHAMS 16 OTS. FINE ALPACAS 31 Tp 50 CTS. ALPACA POPLINS 50 CTS. PARASOLS 7.1 , ro . s 3. • SUN UMBERELLAS $1,25 TO $2,50. HOOP SKIRTS 75 TO $1,75. LADIES' GAITERS $1,25 TO $3. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 10 CTS. LINEN HOSE, GOOD 25 OTS. ,It will pay to call and -examine our stock as we are buying new Goods almost daily and sell ing them very cheap, J. A. PARSONS_& CO., Juno 10, 1808. SALT can be bad in any quantity at - WICKHAM 435 FARR'S. Tiop June. 8, 1808. New Sprints GooOs 212:2111 NM have received a very LARGE STOCK of SPRING GOODS on the most favorable terms, and will be sold at very small advance from cost. We think we hazard nothing in saying that we keep the BEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST QUALITY of Goods that are kept is the place. Have a store light enough to sea what you are buying, and pledge ourselves to qualltrtionsidereci r as at any other establishment We continue to make our CLOTH TRADE one of our specialties, and when desired MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notice and in the best manner. We have added to onr stook a good assortment of BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY! INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR 91L CLOTH and MATTING, and can \ sell them GREAT IL S. Tit COMPANY and eoll TEA. at New York prices by tilt) single pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to call and examine stock and prices. SMITH & WAITE. Corning, April 8, 1868. MEC:O3L:32O ON 2 Go to KELLEY'S and 800 thoLateat Arrival o NEW GOODS! Consisting of a general sesortmont of 12110 Cfi A 4 $ 0 CI) g 3., 0 - fg t E-4 A 8 MRS. FRY'S CORSET ' AND SKIRT SUPPORTERS, AT saarma as wand A" ern 090 pas il" ilinf NEW DRESS GOODS AT KELLEY'S GENTS' FURS AT KELLEY'S Oger• No charge for SHOWING GOODS at .. Welloboro, Oot. 30, 1867. NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS 'TOLES & BARKER, (11?;0. 5, UNION BLOCK.) WOULD say to their friends and the public generally, that they are, now receiving a splendid assortment of Summer DRY GOODS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE CLO THING, HArs & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, also a largo and well selected etolk . of 1 CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO - OIL, PAINTS Sc OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, _ SXRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. ETC., ETC. Wo are able to offer our customers the, benefit of the • LAST DECLINE OF PRICES In the New York Market, our Stook having bee purchased since the great decline in Goods. TOLES & BARKER. Wellabor°, July 1, 1868. - Dr. C. E. Thompson.'. [wELLsnonolussin PA.] Will attend to Professional Calls in the village, and immediate vicinitylof labor°. Office and Residence on State St. 2d door on the 'right going East. i [Juno. 24, 1968. • Corning, N. Y 160.000 b BRICK FOR SALE, y' WEIGHT it BAILEY, • Vireßiboro,P• IN CORNING. SELL AS LOW, CARPETS, consisting of I HOW VERY LOW. gi CIS 0 P 4 -0 U I P 4 et Z 1 11.1aillall 4 13 S'IMVHS laluf Ai C. B. KELLEY'S, each as "BSI R MOW I sing, I sing of a curious thing, Almost as strange as Boggs upon Tyng ; I've swung 'round a circle as round as a ring, And while on the down east part of my swing, I stopped at the city and took on the Spring STYLESiOF GROCERIES SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NECK, Molasses & Syrups have a froor run downward, with a funnel-sha pod trail. ME,olLol'al, I ' 'however, aro cut from the neck downward, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA will be prepared horn a drawing l'arnisbod to every customer wit° buys a pound. i Ottbe styles to suit complexions, de., I may mtntion thnt ! i 1 - you can havo if ybilong for it. I cannot go time to look up allitho bard words which the TEAT AMER!CAN I TEA COMPANY use to earth) the innocent pooplo about thd coun- try ; but you can depend upon finding the very best of Teas at the tEE-HIVE EXCHANGE? the styles are varionii",4, You can have the latest styles from the following fashionble foreign MOCHA, JAVA, RIO, LAOUYRA JAM AICA, &C. PROVISIONS : Flour still wears hoops over all, and dispenses with tra is as unprofitable. I havo all grades ,eatable. Also, PO , DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, :ogether with a full assortment of light groceries and pinned delicacies. As ever MA TITERS Pays Gish or Trail°, for nil .MARKETABL PRODUCE. CALL AT 'INIATITERS;S Wollstrro, Apr.l, '6B. W. T. MATIIEIIS.:. 100,000 Pounds of Woo MILE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, I_ Cassimeres Flannels, &c., &0., for Wool.— They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to snit customers. All work warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to akesituinag, which are warranted in everyj respect. Particu lar attention giden to ROLL-CARDING & CLOTH-DRESSING Twenty years experience in the business war rants them in expecting a generous patronage ° No shocidy cloths made. KELLEY'S DoLano 66 Co. at Wollsboro , are agents for the sale of our Cloths. JOSEPH INGHAM . tt SONS. Deerfield, May 13, 186 S—tr. Special • Notice GRAHAMTO L those : interested tther in ki t n h d o s purchase fc o FEED; MEAL, PORK, HAMS; FISH, (to., of all kinds, will find it to their advantage to call andtlexamine at M. B. PRINCE'S, Mozart Block N. B.—Cash paid for Grain, Potatoes, Bess wax, Beano, Eggs, dte. Wolleboro, Juno 20, 1868. 3d, B. PRINCE WELLSBORO BAKER Y. iIIRE SUBSCRIBER having established him selfin the BAKING BUSINESS. i inl this village, next door t E. R. Kimllll's Geocery, is now prepared io cry on the business in'all its various branches. I will keep. on stantly on band an assortment of Bread, sue LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER • CRACKERS, BROW N BIREAD, WATER CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA. BISCUITS. OYSTER CRACKERS,! CAKES, PIES, AND at all hours of the day, Sundays iJcepted. lly strict attention to business ~hall eildearor to merit the public patronage. CHAS. SITEVENS. Wellabor°, Juno. 24, 1868, LAMPS.—A nosy kind of lamp for-Kerosene no breakage of chimneys—at FOLEY'B. CARD ARINTI&G—at New York prices. in Colursor plain, and cut to suit orders, at TIM AGITATOR OFFICE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW'. Office with W. 11. Smith, Esq., Main Street, opposito Union Block,; Wellslioro, Pa. July 15, 1,868. 2Or' Bu'? hob Timothy §ood. 100 bitaliols Clovos seed, choicest kinds' WRIGHT 4 BAILEY. The fashions for And more astonishing still, TEA TEA Black 'Tea As to 41:Dcolfrea, ports, to Wit In the matter of Wanted. their Water Proof Flour, GOODS AND PRICES GEO, W. MERRICK, TrIOGA CO; COURT PROOLAMATION, , ± Whereas, the. Ron. Robert G. White, Presi dent Judge for the 4th JudiaalDistrict of Penn-. BY,lvania, and C. P. Veil and Mahe T. Bentley, Esq.'s Associate Judges injiega county, have issuedtheir, precept, bearing date the 22d day of July 1868, and to me directed, for the hold log of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Termin er, at IVellsboro, far the County of Tioga, on the sth Monday of Aug. (being the' 31st day), 1868, and to continue two weeks. liotice•is therefore hereby given, to the Core nor,Justioes of the Peace, and , Constables in and for tho county of Tioga . to appear In their own proporpersons , withtheirrecorde,inquisitions,ex- - aminations and remembrances, to do those things which of their - offices and in their behalf apper- 1 tainto bo done; and all witnesses - tend other per sons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth. against any person or persons, are required to ber • then and there attending, and not to depart at , their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree: : ably to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sherif:re-_ Office. in Welleboro, the 22d: day of July, in the year of our L ord one thousand (sigh, hundred and sixty-eight. ' , JEROME B. POTTER,,/Sheriff. TN 7'Iik.IIISTRICT COVET OF :THE UM 1. ted 896 - for the Fir Diska of Penn eiguanici. .W11.L149t B. RYES a b Israpt under the act of Cotigrepo of March 2,4 67, having appliedlor IT ' ' 1 ..., . , ..ig .. a disch — orge from all his debts, and darer claims provablb under said act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all ereditorti who have Proved their debts, and other perions• interested, to appearlon the 22d day of Augttst,4BBB, at 10 o'clock, 0.1. M., before F. E.Smitb, Esq.. Register, at his office in Tioga,Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discarge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notice is 4 hereby given that the second and third eetinge of creditors of the said bankrupt, req red by the 27th and 28th sections of said act , * be bad before said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. IWOANDLESS, Clerk of 11. S. District Court for said District. August 12, 1868-21 TEA I Important FactiN SINCE Salutifer is now being Vied in tbons ands of families the following facts are im portant to be known. FlRST—Though it is the most powerful of ill, popular remedies, yet it is so compounded, ae tel be safe and harmless. It is of such a nature that it may bo handled and used by children, and persons who are ignorant of Medicines. SECOND—Zt is found that Saintlier will relieve seviire pain in any part of the body sod - er than Lilly other application. TRIRD—It is important that the bottle be well corked, if left open only a few minutes glona strength. . FORAM—This useful rem* can be btained - from almost every dealerA Paodioinos. 11 • . . Notice lIE attenthin of Merohan and otliersrp liable to j_ a License, is reapootfall 'called to the got - of 'the 11th of April 1862. Pa phlet.laws, 492, reg ulating the collection and p yment of Licenses which are payable at the reamer's Qffloe on the let day of May in each;d'every year, and by said. act, all Licenses maining unpaid on the first day of July, the Treasurer Is required to sue and press to judgment and collection, as soon as practicable thereafter, and in default th4eof, to be personally liable. Those liable to a .lAcense are therefore requested to be prompt in making their payments be ore that date, theret by avoiding any trouble to hemselves and much perplexity to the Treasurdr. June 3, 1868. 11. C. EAILEY, Treasurer. 1 . I undersigned offers for sale the folloWing described property, situated in Mainsbarg, Tioga Co., Pa, ono House and Lot—the House is .2A- stories well finished off, a good cellar; also a splendid well of water, on the stoop. The lot contains 2 acres of the best of gardening land, plenty of apples and other fruit trees thereon—a good barn, and everything pertaining to the said House and Lot in good order. The above des cribed House and Lot I, will sell at a low s figure, such as defies competition. Apply Wm. H. AMSEY. May 27, IS6B-6m>• ATTENTION F.A.RILERS I , SPRING has come, and those desiring full barns can have them by buying - 1 3)- Ittsiter at the Mill of I. Champnoy do Co, hioh we are 'selling at $6 per ton at our mill titnl .Run.— . All kiwis of Produce taken "in exchange for Plaster. Give us a call. L CITAMPNEY it CO. Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March 26, 1868-6 me, 18- SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS, to th* Borough of Wellsboro, and a TIMBER • TRACT of 400 acres in Delmar, three miles filmy} this city—lieavilylimbereid. Terms easy. Jan. 8, 1808. WRIGHT & BAILEY. Wellsboro Tiro.l Carding. 1 . T"propriator haying put his Machines in first-rate order is now ready to card to or-. der any grade of Wool. :Ms Cards are of the finest quality. 4'lll wool, Eno or coarse, should be well cleansed for th - o'benefit of both parties.— All work doh° with despatoh, arid warranted. May. 27,1865-2 m. . S. A. JULTBOLD. Lath I Shingles I Lumber I ALWAYS on band at Foster's Mill, Niles Valley. Pine and Rismlook, lath, shingles, and lumber, as :well as all kinds of hard)vood plank and boards. Lumlier delivered to o tder. G. W. FOST R. Niles Valley, May 13. 1868-3m.* I Coal for Sale. COARSE BITUMINOUS COAL for Sale Cheap, by Sept. 28,1867 , Hero Fruit jar. ,V:4OGROSS rof , the HERO FRUIT JAR for sale by W. D. TERBELIi t CO.,. 1 - Corning, N. Y. Wo are prepared to fill orders fr the_Hero Fruit Jar as low as they can be' ought any anywhere, and shipped from Corni g. Wo can give special rates on large quantiti s. It is the best and most, salable Jar ip th e arket, Get quotations from us before adoring elsewhere. , March 18, 1868.-6 m Notice. • [TAPING sold my iocation and good will in I - 1 the practice of Dentistry to Dr. C. Thomas, I, would respectfully recommend him talky pa r I have made arrangements with him to perform all operations for which I have contract ed. I can recommend him as a gentle m an of skill and ability in the - dental art. • . • - --; .1. - A. RANDALL, , - Tioga, Pa., May 13 , 1868-tf. Surgeon Dentist. HEAR YE I HEAR YE I HEAR YE I BARRELS, FIRKINS, CHURNS, .. BUTTER TUBS, &0., Kept eonstantly'on hand, and furnished to or der, by W. T. MATHERS, at his now store, 2d door above Rey 4 Building, Wollsboro. - Pre 10, 1868.) A. 3. THOELPSON, [MANSFIELD PAj BLACKSMITH, has two fires, and it prepared to du all kinds of work in his line with prompt ness, and inn Workmanlike manner,' - Ho Mules at excellence is his'trado. • Mansfield Juno 3, 1868—ly. Administrator's otice. LiETTEtiS of Administration having been/ grouted to tho undersigned upon the estate id C. P. lato of Lawrenceville ' deo'd; u all persos indebted to said estate, and alf Ter- SIMS elaitning ogninst the same are required to settle. will JOHN Ili BROWN. • I •latlvrowo.rilte, June. 24, 1858-6w* Ashur. . , s i„, - i - Assignee's Notice. - ' - . 13 - ,th,,, l l . Atefriet Of Peialyrye ydati, as: ; rilo W I IMNI T MAY CONCERN: The mi i der:-.1 tied hereby giros tiotic of hi's ap pointment as assignao of Masson~i Bullard, of Wellsbaro Tioga Co. Pa.,who halt b an adjudged a tiatikrupt upon his own Petition b the District Court of said District JOHN I. MITCHELL, Aug. 12, 18138-3 t. Assignee Valuable Farm for A farm of ihreo_hundred acres, with two bun tired and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village,, on the Tioga River and Itallroci3. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale id Tioga T. L. BALD IN. , Tioga, Fob. 12, 1888-tf. For Sci,le Mainaturg Tioga Co., Pa For Sale. D. P. ROBERTS In MEI