The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 26, 1868, Image 1

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    6lle Vega 6onntg agtiator
I, published every Wednesday MoorninA at $2
per y ear, invariably in advance.l
L a coßn.] (e. 0 VA/WELDER,
is.r,vmv. , rxerisro mi , ..A.T.Dtes.
:o W . ; -emit in. Blns.i4tnal Mae. Moe. Year
liver§ $l,OO $2,00 $2,60 0,00 $7,00 112,00
I Ware! 2,0 0 8,00 4,00 8,00 12,00 18,00 ,
Of Cot ......, 10,00 15,00 1 17,00, 22,00, 80,80, 80,00 1
Ons Col. 1 18,00 20,001 30,001 40,001 60 001 00 00 '
• , ,
Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or
Local 20 cents per line.;
I. ‘ ` I 1 t t• t,
~ - ~,,,,,...--,,,' ~ -._ -„. • .-.. _
W. D. Ir , RIIELL & CO.,
Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils. Ac., Ito.
Corning, N. Y., Jam 1, 1868.-Iy.
Insurance,'Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
Street Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868.
$, F. Witsox. J. B. Nut.s.
(First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue).-
W ill attend to business entrusted to their care
in the counties of Tioga and Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1868.
WESTFIELD Bonnet, 1.
Tioga Co. Pa., E. G.
Hill, Proprietor. A new and commodious
building with all the modern improvements.
Within easy drives of thotest bunting and fish.
ing grounds in Northern Penn's. Conveyances
furnished. Tema moderate.
Feb. 5,1868-Iy. S .
- --------
f -
TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Sears's
Shoe Shop. MD-Cutting, Fitting, and Repair
ing done promptly and well.
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1888.-Iy.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John It.
Bowen's Store.
~fga• Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in best style.
Pv'ellsboro, Pa.. Jan. 1, 1868-ly
Notary Pablio and Insurance Agent, Bloss
burg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store.
1 1 811 N /1 11 . 111 1MIELL
~ Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
Claim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance
Agent. lie will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions] Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary
Public be takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad•
ministers orths, and will act as Commissioner to
take testimony. ;021" - Office overßoy:B Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator Offpo.—Oct. 30:1367
John W. GuernseV,
Having returned to this county with a view of
making it his permanent residence, solicits a
share of public patronage. All business on.
trusted to his care will be attended to with
eromptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south
of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa.
Sept. 26.'66.-tf.
Gaines, Tioga County, Pa.
HORACE C• V ERM ILyEA, Paoe'it. This is
a=new hotel located within easy access of the
best fishing and hunting grounds' in North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains will o bo spared
for the accommodation of pleasure sdelters and
the l traveling public. [Jan. 1, 1868.]
etor, A new Hotel conducted on the principle
of live and let live, for the accommodation of
the public.—Nov. 14, 1866.-Iy.
renceville, Tioga Co., Pa. BountY, Pension,
and Insurance Agent. Collections promptly
attended to. Office 241 dour below Ford House.
Dap. 12, 1867-ty
- .
A PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin Strings,
Ac., 4., Mansfield, Pa. Watches and Jew
elry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain
English and German.
Thos. D. Dryden .
SURVEYOR & DRAFTSMAN.-01 dors left at
his room, Townsend Betel, Wcilsboio, will
meet with prompt attention.
Jot. 13. 1867.-t f.
Good stabling, attached, and an attentive hos
tler always in attendance. •
E. S. FARR, . . . . _Proprietor.
Hairdressing Sr, Shaving.
L i
Saloon over Willcox A Barker's Store, Walls
born, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies'
Bair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids
Puffs, coils, and swiches on band and made to or•
11. W. DO SET. ' J. JOHNSON.
PnAco.., M. D., late of the '2,1 l'a. Cavalry, after
. nearly four years of army kerviee, a large
perlence iu field aud' hopital practice ; loos opened au
taco for the practica of medi tee and sui gory, iu all
Ito brunet - tea. Persons from a distaffee can find good
boarding at t Ito P 0111193 I van la Hoof a hen deified,—
Will visit ally pat tof the State ill cetiselollloll, or to
perform surtwal operations. No 4, Union Muck. lip
Bblll'A. %Veil:awl°, Pa, May '_', I Mai. —ly.
this the pleasure t... inform the citizens of Tioga
county that he has completed his •
and is en hand to take all ltilo/sl/1 Sun Pictures,
such as A mbrotypes, Ferrotypes, Vi,e,nettes, Caries
de Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures-, also
//articular attention paid to copying and enlarg—
ing Picture.. Eris.truetion, given in the Art on
e•isonalilc tow. Elmira Si., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
Wm. B. Smith,
KNOXVILLE, l'it. ,Pent.ion, Bounty, and ln•
enrollee Agent. Communications Eeut to the
above ittlttrei:e Will receive prompt attention.
Terms moderate. - [jai, 8, 1.568-133
Army, and Peary Clainni and renaions.
/111111 NEW 14011:\TY LAW probed J ....!!I,l6PAl,givee
two and three garb' boldi,•sb ,•Np I.unty, Send
iu your
OIP F 1 UE.B.`i' h . ...VTR:I PA Y.
Three muntlue exit It pa) 111 I,,pvr to voluutcer aticers
Who utre to ferric() M111(11 3, Ibi.s
To all 'a ho have laht a limb awl %flu> bale pcllllll
neatly and totally (11.“1•101,
All Other tiovel intent elainui 1,1,1.1.01 NA
Wellaboro, October Iti, UNG-tt
ENT for 1110 National tietilA of :3111alar,1 Sdioul
rt Bdokaz pliblioo4l by A. trarnrs3 Co. 113
'William, currier of John :itruel. 1".. keepc eotoaautry
a toll supply. All ordel el Kw - n . 1,112, tilled. Call on or by mail. •
tlaccoln, Pa., Jnr.. [S67-ly
THE untleniig»(..i ItAvii)g r, tugt,rlt t., %VOL+
born and ,parstM 111-, _'l up Wu'er :=1? eel
eGlicits a BitittOof pain.; 14 tit
Sboing, si,so nud “ther ti. prt.j.,l
, April 2 1 4 1865.--tion
Sri G. PUTNEkril l z-
ILL %%rich; f .01
or Nl"vetliclll ..I , llg
Midas Sam:,
fiogi, Pit., Aug.-7; :.567, ••.
Bo nty and Pension 'Ageney.
AVING receivr..l•Ntialtp {mau l . gard 1 0
tho extra bOanty allowed I; i l l • act p.pproved
lay 2S, I.S6s.and hiving. on band a ~ 1;14)b of MI
necesaary blanks...rani prepared to rat... Prate all pen•
sion and bounty 01011115 which ra•ty 1 , 0 1.1.tee,1 in ply
handg. Penanxiiring at a di:A:time van comatualeato
with ran by letter. and their Conliannicatiam. mit) It
Promptly am.wstv.l. WTI. 11. OIITTI.
Welld ,,, ,1506
Dealer in DRY II in - IDS of all kindr-) Ilarrlware
and Yankee NotinnA. nnr nssorttnent is large
and prieei low. Store in Union mod: Call
iti g entlaman;—may 20 1868-Iy.
do • otTzt. MOTTO z
Of every description / nil styles of Binding ?
and as low, for quality of Sloolf, AS any Bindery
in the State. Volumes of every description
Bound in the hest manner and in any 'style 'or
ExeCuted'in the best manner; Old Books re
bound and made good as new. '
I 1% iIiZZU
I am prepared to famish back clambers 'of all
Reviews or Magazines published in the United
States or great Britain, at a,low price. •
Of all sizes and qualities, on band, ruled or Pfau.
Of any quality or size, on hand and out up ready
for printing. Mso, BILL PAPER; and CARD
BOARD of al/ colors and quality, )n boards or
cut to any size.
Cap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelopes,
Pens, Pencils, e. •
.•3 •
I um Bole agent for
PENS, or v,tattotis arzus,'Pott. bADIIIB
AND GENTLfi .3 •
Which I vell warrant equal to Gold. Pens. The
hest }al use and no mistake. • •
The q abole stock I will sell at the Lowest Rates
at all times, at a smodl advance on New York
prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All
work and stock warranted as represented. •!,
I respectfully solicit a_sharo of public piitron
age. Orders by mail promptly Attended
Address, LOUIS
Advertiser Building,
Elmira, N: Y.
HAvrNo fitted hp a now hotel building on tlio site
of the old Union, Hotel, lately destroyed by tire,
lam now ready to receive and entertain gnestis, The
Union Hotel teas intended for aTempereuce House,
and the Proprietor believes it can bo sustained without
grl An attentive hostler in attendance.. ,
Vi' lisboro, Juno 26, 1867, •
TAILOR' AND CUTTER, has opened a shop
on Craton street, rem-of - Sears Derby's shoe
shop, where tut is prepared to manufacture gar
ments to order in the most stibstantial manner,
and with dispatch. Particular attention paid
to Cutting and Fitting. March 26, 18671 y
On strictly Temperance principles, Morris ltuti,
Pn. 13ALLE1, Proprietor. lloms and
Carriagva to Jet:---,Morob 8,, 1868.-Iy.. ,
One door above the Moat Market, -
ESPECTF (ILLY announces. to the trading
ji.t?*publict that he has a desirable stock of Gro
ceries, comprising, Tells, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,
Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes n first
class stock. Oysters in every style at all sea
sonable hours..
Welleboro, Jan. 2, 186T—tf. . '
Great Excitement! Johnson impeached, end Ern;
bo'o's Booots and Shoes triumphant! The subscriber
would say to the people of Westfield and vicinity that
he is manufacturing a l'atent Boot which he believes to
possess the following advantage over all others; Ist,
there is no crimping; 2d, no Wrinkling, Gavel's they break
to the feet; 3d, no ripping. In snort, they are just
the thing for everybedr. Samples en band and orders
solicited,_ *Solo right of IYestfleld township and Boro'
secured. Ifo haul also just received psplendlCsot of
bannerol patterns, latest stylee.' Coute"ene, cnme 8111
Wu are bound to sell cheap - Par easkor ready pan Slier)
one door south of-Sanders fi Colegrove. •
Westfierd Dore', Feb. 13.-19C4. J. 1:1111111".11.
r I r.
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s Zia Streei,
(SIGIki OF 'PIE 13Id . BOOK, 21) FLOOR,)
• ELMIRA, .N. Y.
Sept. 23, 1867.-1):
c:. t ce IS b. c) elec.
C. 11. Propriutoy.— kne
ed- ibis: phpuhir ii altA, iLu prowietor'itispeet
fully volieitt , n fair xiinro 4 , 1 pats:ante. 'Every
nitetiticnn giver, to geeks., The I.4st hustler in
the p.m lay adltayti istezthi •
:kiwi: 29, 1868.—.1x. .
I - o•ould rerpeetfully itift ,l / 1 .1 t/JV Oizens of Ti
ogre Said rn;init4•, that 1 Lure bum a new
m the M 'flop, and Intrin4 , I}, good
PhmograiMm Attics in my cutploY, L tun n o
13E.T:tied I•. aill'idmls of Piet urmi -knonn
to .
tic l'i.blogroi,l,le Art: Also havlv .
ompl..y A mmdmr arst l'aintop; r am
meparcrl to ans:,cr all calls fur bouve, tow), car
, a).ainontai and I-via:cry painting. - Ad
Ark's A. IL MEA.I)II.•
May e!, 186S—tInt. t'iagti Yu.
T this Lawrenceville Drug 'Store, Acre .you
will find el:try thing; property belonging to
the Drug Trade
and of the Lest quality for Cash. AisiV Paints,
Oils, Varnishes.- Latups, Fancy NOtiotiC. Violin
Strings, Fniliing, Tackle, Window Glass;l,c.
Cash pail tur Flax Seed.
Lawrenceville, :11ay 3, ISO?. ..,
Glon's Falls "In4arance Company
Capital and - Surplus $373,637.66
FARM 111:VOS, only, Wien.
iiu Premium Note:. required ,
t LIl3Elt 1, pop! damage!? by Light
. A ;
nii 4, whether Fi,ky or not.
1 1 )4'3:3 'for live : , tuelc Killed by Lightning, in
or in 1116 field.
to rut, am tow, r ILau other Companies of
re:p.lisibithy IC. PRICE, :?
Variningion Centro, Tiogn.
\V AT ER 11,.11L
At; 1c te1.T1.1111611.
Carriage; anti FlarnG3S ; Trim S7Sings,
11 U(:: I.:.:•:.'ES, SA 1 - 11 1 1.EF, Sc
YOUNG ,I3i , ', lrritAND 1
1 1 1 111, wv/1 I,tv,wn 14,,r.5e 1411 he romp/ the ptes
ent • relluwB,
Al,,nlley itkonfnin Tuesday 'lnt)) Ping at
CornelY: n tter lawn end
4t, edcDl W.,tnes,lny terlif.wi ahtl
Eleti,•; Thoretloy
imein • :1.11.)•ne ul 'll;,:nie, Graves in
..oViltel• II /1.411 Ft.a.iily +. 1 1 , (S.i1111 ,1 . 41 the
1111. tqlti , 4 111,1 r‘l• illi
1. .4 mo g • }•1, ber. , le I. , : ii•tqrll : ill be
Aley 20, 1808 F. A, FL3.11.
0/10ICIE LOT OF GRAIN ENOS. for sale
cheap: at wit u T BAILEY'S.' •
June 5, 15117,
, •
CALENDER, French, Marine and Mirth
Cloaks. at (dealq • TOLE 'B.
i ~1
, tSLP:I • 7 -
. ,•1-•
FKOM GERMANY, in 1835•
HOOFLAND'S 9;E,:f.igt4,l3rt:Tßsi
PrizzaDiiiiiitt; -
'The greatest ASlV4i,::•i4okAei=ftr
Liver Complaint,.: 1. , • ,
DTSPERSI4:,' • •
Vervims Debility,,
Diseatjea, of .the . Kidneys,
awl 011 Dili- •
'ordered" Liver;,Seciiiiist'ohitile " r" •
/11 - PPR.t2I 7 c E ,V4, 00 D."
Read Me'SaUstmtlfisSimP(PAS.:ai;cikf 'yOlipiti that •
wucLagtoLic affected by any of, thins, you ,hay rest
. sw disease has conintenced . Its attack on the„
niostimPctuott cigaris of yoiti'l6din 'and' unlesa
checked by the use of powerful Ternediee, a-tniserabie
.I(fesoon terminating in.deatbooilt be the result.
.7 1. ~..
oriastation, - gIANI4IOIIOO.O 'Xl:Ward Piles,
Fulness of Blood to the - Enad, Acidity
of the Stoinaehy ,415eart
or Weight in, the litomaoh,
Stint.; EruStations. Sink-
ing orirluttering at "the Pit' •
of the Stomach', Swimming. of
- the, .Head.:Aluxried, or piMoult
Breathing, Fluttering, at the ,Heart,
Ohokingpr SafoicatingSensationswhen„
in a LyingPolithre, Dironeits of Vision,
PotB or Webs:beforn the Big ht,_
••rDall Pain lit the , ..Efentl. ' •
,cieney, of Perspir4tipp.Ye)-,
•• lowness of the Skin and ,•1
Byes, a'airk - .lfe.7the
Back, Chest, Limbs, eto.,
den Flushes of Heat,' Burning in '
the Flesh, Constant, l'inaginings•-nf
Evil, and Great ,Daliression; of:Spirits.
„ATI these indicate diseausof the:Liversr:Digcetice' •
Organe ? ambirie4Atialf, -
" • •
, ivollanD's'etratan 13itWo •
Is entirely vegetible; and contains no
Minor". It is a etimpottrid Of Pluld
tracts.-f The Xtoots,,llerips, and Barks
gram Avkikk Allege .extracts - are made
" • are' 4;talfered idermany. Alt the l
medtetnal yArtnes arc extracted front
theni by a - addrititie 'elteinist. 'These
extracts are then 'forwarded to this
- .o,truutry,to i” used expressly for the
rnartufnettirettf these Int ters. There'
'cis no alcoholic trahttance,ot,nny kind
L l.used In contsioundintr thir - .Bltters,
i,henee'lt Is the._only Bitters that can
he used In ca4es iritere alcoholic stun=
indents are not'n.dvisable. ~„. •
• . 1500fidllb Octinatt,QCoitic
it a ,
Combination of at/ the 'ingredielarof fie Bitters,
with rose Santa CMS Rum, Orange, tic, It is nted for
the same diseased as the Billet, in cases where some
• inetc (acetone Itimnlorit Peeptired; .'Ton will bear in
- Mind that these temedies ate onttrizty.Aitterent from
any others advertised for the cure of. The diseases
named, these being scientific
,preparations of 9nedicinaA
• extracli,!chile the otheh drs mere diebetions of runt
?. ittsomefo7l7l: ' 77reTON Pats tfecidealy one of the most
jiteaSant. and =agreeable remedies, r . offered to. the
public. Its taste is exquisite. It ts a pleasure to take
it, whili ifs life-giring; exhilarating, and tnedicinai
• qualities harreuused it Jo be .17taipti aA the. greatest of
aR tonics
Thousands ,of cases, when the pa
tient anti - posed he was afflicted with
this terrible disease, have been cured
by'the 'hie of these rcinedieti. Extreme
emitelationi and cough nee
-the ,usual. attendants. upon . severe
cases of dyspepsia, ,fr)e 'disease • Of the
digesitiVe ,organs. ' grew 'e its es of
gennineCiiitstlinptiou;these remedies
will be found of the greatest benefit,
strengthening. in.Flgornting. -
There is 110 mat to Theand't Gcnnan
bvio.p. ; rrmic iri eases of-Debility, .'They impart a
I °"' viati r L° Ihe.witrife s PI/stem, i hryr /Wien rim az).
caii,e,a Pr env:gimes?! p l f (Ire food, 111(114 0 the
etoma , h to digest it, purify the blood, glee a good,
mind, hsalthy complexion, eradicate the yettow tinge
from (hr rye. impart 71 bloom to the choke, and change
(hr pati,nt frQm a short-breathed, emaciated, weak,
'w p m: ye . invalid,ln tall;fac , d,xfont,'aivt rigor.
- - Weak and Delicaki.Children
nre made strong lo,V:nsing the
or Tonte. In faet,Jhey are naially
Medicines. They can - be administered
with perfect safety to a child three
mouths old, the moat, delicate female,
or a man of ninety,. t
Mese Remcdics are the - best,
33100 d.
ever ktro - tort,:pit4tcilt cure aAdiseases+essiling from
pad blond.
Sleep your blood pure; yiurilreirer in order;
keep' your digestive organs istAtlound; heillthy condi
(ion; tarthe fssem" these rethedies, and no clisease scull
suer assail you; •
Ladies, who WifiliClA _t a li) skin and
good complexion, freel,rairti a yellow
sit tinge and all other - disfigurement,
shoed& use tholereredlids'oeetlidon
ally. The Liver in erteeCoriler, and
lie blood ptire,,wil. refitit4 in spark.
ling eyes and:blooming-eneeks.
• 1: -. . . .
HOOjial?(I . X Gellllall ficnted fes tire counterfcited.
The °maine hate the nonittiire_gfial 111: intercsois
Olt Mc AMU n f the. mitside wrapper ~each battle, and
the name of the article hlausa.‘in-eac battle. All others
are coma? ?fell.
—e7 •:: I. j . .
7`tiotioiondis of lett e r, :fini7e been re.
ceived,testifyisigtOtlir&virilue of thesis
Chief Jintice of the Soproinit Cotireof Pennsylvania.
, Psi ILNDELPIII% ) Mtn 1.800887.
Ifind"Honlland's Gerliim Miters" is not an intox
icating beverage, 'iced tonic, iiseful in disor
ders of the digestive ergange l and of grad benOt in
cam of debility and towit of nertous action in'the
exsion., 1 - ouritt ulg , i."
eißo. W. WOOD WA RD.
- Eftwi JA:qt.l§ TriouPsoN,
ndge or tile Snpielne.,l3inirt of. L'ennilivania.
' 4ea
d Z all/I,ogir,/vO,
G"'0111.014rti" Itiocyatind's dermal" Bit
tent." *riituable medicine inecatie Of at
tacks of Indigestion or Divspepsith . I.
can civility this from niy experience
of it. Yours, with respect,
, • - • ' • '
T i From It Hl'. 3081.3 , 1,1 1141C,IINNARD; D.D.,
• •
I' for of Itto Tenth UnptiAt Claire)), Philadelphia.
DR. JACR-SON—DEA R SIR :—/ hare, been fritnity re
quested- ovontlect my name with recommen dations of
different kinds of medicines, but regarding the piaclice
as out of eny,hppropriate sphere, I have is all cases
e e
' but viir4 a chide Pragrin rations instances, and
particularly in my own fam ily, of the usefulness of Dr.
Ilbotland's German hitters, I depart fur once from: my
• " 1 ;4 1 co„ ,"r, 2 ,',„tc!.".„ tress my fail conviction that for
gement' tanning in tit o'vystem, Rua epee tally forliror
Complaint, It 13 naafi; trod vatuabltypreparation. In
some cases it mayfaa; but usually, I .34)01 not, it will
be rery beneficial to those who suffer from the above
causes. Tours, my 'respectfully,
• ir -, If 4 KENNARD,
, / Eighth, below Mates St.
Price of the Bitters, $l,OO per bottle;
• Or, a half dozen for $5.00.
Price of the Tonic, $1.50 per bottle;
Or, a half dozen for $7.50.
fleput uplu guarbt‘ties.
ltiiolliett e hat it issTir.llMilttrines German Remedies
that are so universally used and sadrighty reconu.nend
cd; and do not allota the Druggist to induce you to
take any tangrelsi that he may say es just 'as good, he.
rause he makes a larger prafil on it. These Remedies
will hesent by expressapylacaktpfpon application
Ob" . E4CE,
' Ni,t 1)31 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. '
• CitAS; M. EVA.P43, l Propiletiir
,Toir(ifaly.l3:ll. SAMSON & 00.
These lieniediee lire 'for sate by
Druggists, Storekeepers, and htedi...
'eine Dealers everywhere.'
Do not forget to examine eat 4 lie article-y:42; buy, is
order to get the genuine.
.• - '
----,{. ;fits
' The above Remedies are for sale by Druggists,
Storekeepers, and Medicine dealers r everywhere
throughout the United States, Canadas, South
America, and tho West lodlac—Mart:l4lB-Iy.
‘ g. %lite .A.g.ttettlioai Ana, t 1440, 33e4g1.33.2atzt.g. Witsocilcrm.."
I ' , _
Insuraoce Amer;
WITOMINGd 110E1114E CO.,
It. C. Siirrn;,s:6 l ii. - I W. S. Ross, Pres.
T.RES.i); L.',D.SnolurexEn, jr. P
,p4trjTAL AND
,stlintis, siso,ooo.
rplllS is the •e. onipany for which Thoodore
Ilatflobl - was lately agent, and poliOY bold
iireAvhomisti ' , to. Toms.. their Insurance are 're-
Atteste!.l . .,to apply to,pie.,spbseriber, • .
; • -. •
Co o
B. 4f..v0n34. , Mous CRAVEI4. Pre/a/lent.
Capital $20 0 ,0° 13 ,
- =Alt raid ill) In enah. '
. r . , ' •
Surplus- Over $160,000, •
Contmental Ins. Company,
Cri s h'Capital, - $600,000,00
CivrossSufplus -Jan. 1 1868, 1 314 690 31
- . • chi 1;81:69,0$1
0 Policies written at this °Mee.
UEORCIF, T.• 110 PE, Prosidcbt.
• 11:•ILAMPORT, Pico " Proeidoat.
- CYRUS- PECK, Secretary,
The pubscrii,cr takes this method of informing
4ho•agene t y of the /above
Companies, - aud mill ho found at his office over
Ri4 , l•ltrilg•Sklrt , , ndjOinitig'Agitetoy Office.
, • .
Wiillshoro, Pa., Feb, 26, 1868-tf,
Go . to,King lk Eastman's
A epl;:ndid Gift with - every $2 worth of Pie
Frames, Cord and Tassels.- -
, , •
The largest assortment, or Frames and Cases in
Tioga,County, to ho sold low for cash. In ad
dition to the 19,w;prItes, we -will give away the
following Presents worth from fifty cents to fifty
doitr,ro fautidrqttpresents worth from $lO to
1.4.50 ;' two htitidratrpresonr.,, or th from .$3 to sin,
two hundred presents worth froin DO cents to $3.
Tho presents consist of Gold and Silver Watches,
silver Cake Basket, silver Tea Bells, Castors, gold
Watch Chains, Seals,. Charms, Sleeve Buttons,
Studs in setts. Watch Hooks, silver Plated Forks,
Teaspoons ; all gilt Frames Cases, Sotts, Cord and
Tassels, Gold Rings, family Bible, Ristory of the
Secret Service by .Col. Baker. with other pres
ents too numerous to mention, •
Your present given to you. the same day of sit
ting. Prices tho sonic, as last year.
Don't forget the plaee- 1 --oror Eastman's Den
tal Office, and 4 sloors below Roy's Drug Store,
Main Street. N.
Wellsboro, Juno 2b , 1568.
somE T nix o
AT _
ff 0
• vttifoiti.
DRS. THOMAS .35 WARREN! have opened
new Dental rooms over B. B. Borden's
Drug Store in Tipp.' We have introduced all
the modern improvements in the dental art, and
are prepared to perform all operations upon the
teeth in the most approved and scientific manner.
When desired we extract teeth without pain by
the use of Narcotic Spray, Ether, Chloroform and
the Nitrous Oxide gas. Wo have a large assort
ment of artificial teeth and put them up in a
superior manner either upon rubber or metalie
base. We warrant all our work ' and guarantee
perfect satisfaction' to reasonable parties or we
wilt not require pay for our services. We pay
particular attention to filling and preserving the
natural teeth, and to treating all irregularities of
childien's tooth. ' Our prices shall correspond
with the kind of work done, in all. cases doing
the stun° kind of work as cheap as our neighbors.
Wo will visit Latvreneeville the 3d, Bless the 17th,
and Roseville the 23d, ofevery month positively,
at which times we,shall be prepared to perform
all operations upon the natural teeth and contract
with parties desiring artificial ones.
Our office at Tioga will not be closed during our
visits to the above named plains.
Tioga Juno i 7, 189 S.
: •
' in
! :; - i . 4, • ..t
DR. IT. R. 'VAN BORNE, late with Bar
deen Bro's of Hamilton and New York
City, has opened new Dental - Rooms at the Ford
House, Lawrenceville, Pa,, where he is prepared
to do work in all the departments of his profess
ion in the most scientific manner.
All work warranted and satisfaction guaran
teed. Call and examine specimens of work.
Lawrenceville, 'Juno. 24, 1868—tr.
A - :•••Dp.• TUE bet assortment of
, .;
• - Teeth, and largest yeti
ety of different kinds of
• • Plates as well as
i ll .
F best operations of Fill.
• ing-and EXTRACTING
.; TEETII• may be had
.tit; thwiloW,Dental ;Office, Nitrous Oxide Gee
given for extracting, which gives 'Poway edreams
instead of pnin.. Also; Narcotic, Spray. Ether
and Chlorofprin' administered when desired.—
Prices as low as can be found elsewhere - All
work done proMPtly and 'warranted.
Call and see specimens.' Rensernbor the placo.
. May 6 , 1868. : N 6.11.3, Main St.
CASii WOOL, by
Juno 17, 1868. • b. P. ROBERTS
ULOUR d 4%kli, always op hand at
.L? 4)=17. 1.48% P/I3faili t VITNNEI4'B.
vtfte goner.
' , ,
.[. By the radiant stars above us,,
Where the spirit lives that Joyce us,
By the green graves at our feet,'
By the shout and song and chorus,
By the battle banner o'er u,S;
We pledge. the :traitors. surefdefeet
Bithe red-stained soil we tread on,
By the sacred soiLwe bled on,
By,tho blood we freely shed, , .
By the valor of our brothers,
By the love we bear our mothers,/
We follow where our fathers led. •
By the dear Ones at our altari,
By the faith that never falters, -
By the hopes beyond the sky,
By the heaven that's bending o'er us,
By the 'martyrs gone befOre,us, ' • .
We will conquer or we'll diol.
By tho battles, long and gory,
By tho victory and glory
Which our hero brothers won,
By,the souls that we inherit, v.
We'vsrill win and freer with merit
Mahtles dropped at Lexington:
By the truth of song and-sermon,
- By the march wo made with• Sherman,
By, the bullets Sige) Bent, •
By the fight and rout and rally,
' Of Sheridin along the Volley,
Grant shall be our P,resident.•
V4igitellatteoto geaditc4.
' I bought him of Johnson, the lidrse
and he said he Wti - S dammed by
Flora Temple, sired by Black Hawk,
and desired by all the horAe jockeys in
the state. I wish they had got him.
He was fourteen and a half hands
high, and one finger over. His color
was dun, and his purchaser was about
in that condition also.
- Re was slightly sprung in the knees
and his tail had once been cut,. so that .
it stood on end, and looked mite Ilke
bunch of straw nailed on the• end of' al
log than anything else.
But he was rather a_fine looking
horse, and- the man w rranted him
kind. But It was a very poor kind I
afterwards found.
I{e said he could mak nsmileinside
of 2:35 without an effort. It was two
hours and thirty-five min ites he meant,
unless he intended to deceive nte. But
he could make a mile inside of that
time, if ho exerted himself and didn't
get one of his fits on him.
He was a peculiar horse, and was
subject to a variety of complaints that
would have killed an ordinary animal ;
but heseemed to stand them well enough.
The firSt night I had, him, I put him
in the stable and gave him a feed. The
next morning my wife remarked that
she didn't sleep a particle on account of
some locomotive or other out on' the
railraid, that was puffing and blowing
ail night, trying to make headway. I
heard it, too, and it struck me as queer
that the, engine couldn't get past that
I went out to see about it. It wasn't
a locomOtive—it- was my horse. He
was breathing, and sighing unlike any
other horse I ever heard before,', and I
was alarmed about him. I was sorely
Afraid he would blow the whole end of
the stam.—u*_._
.nn,l.ached him and
took him arourai to J mamma: - - -
Johnson seemed surprised, but said
he only, had a slightattack of the heaves.
l'Mosi all homes has it. It'll pass off,"
said he; so I drove him home, and
created an impression in the town that
the wind was freshening for a hurricane.
About half way up the main street he
came to a dead halt. I Clicked my
tongue for him to go on. ! He never
budged. I touched him with the whip.
He began backing, and backed the
buggy right upon the pavement and
through a plate glass window, worth
two hundred dollars.
Theh he started down the street like
lightning, and ran over two boys,
breaking their legs and crippling them
for life. I won't mention the expenses-
I was put to, as you wouldn't believe
me if I was to give the figures.
I was so busy attending court for two
weeks that I hadn't a chance to use
him •, at the end of that time his lower
'Jaw had swelled up until you couldn't
tell whether he'd got his head on upside
down or not. -
So I drove him over to Johnson to see
what was the matter with him.
Johnson seemed to feel hurt that the
animal should behave so. But he said
only a little touch of the glanders.
"It don't hurt a boss a bit to have
'em now and then—it does 'em good—
but it'll piss off," said Johnson.
So I was more hopeful, and drove
home again without any serious acci
dent, except that the horse shied at a
chicken in the road, and took the
off byrunning the buggy into the fence.
Still I didn't blame him much, for Mr.
Johnson told me that it was good for a
horse to be timid—"it's a sign of pure
,The glanders didn't affect his appe
tite any.. He ate more oats and bay
than would run an ordinary livery
stable, and not satisfied with that, he
chewed the feed box all up, and triedto
gnaw down a yellow pine partition.
John said it was a good thing for a
horse to be a hearty feeder.
I never owned a horse before, and I
was a little set up about it. Sol thought
I would drive my wife and family in
town to church the following Sunday.
He went along firstrate until ho came
M front of Ferguson's house. r. Fer
guson is jealous of my having horse,
and our girls don't speak to th Fergu
son girls, because they saidlre were
"stuck up" about our horse.
When this animal arrived here he
suddenly began to stagger from side to
side and bolt around like a drunken
man, butting his head into tree-boxes
and one thing or another. At last he
fell over the bank at the side of the
road, turned three or four somersaults,
dragged the carriage after him, and then
he lay stretcned out there apparently
as dead as any dummy.
The women had on their best clothes,
and they were completely, spoiled,
while Augusta sprained her wrist so
thatshe couldn't dos, stitch of work for
a month. And the whole Ferguson
family stood at the window andstai led.
I walked two miles to get Johnson to
come and look at the horse. He came
and appeared as if he was provoked at
the horse for his conduct. Then he
stoopeddown and stuck a knife into
his neck and let out a barrel or two of
blood, and the horse gradually got bet
"It's nothing but a slight attack of
blind staggers," said Mr. Johnson.
"Every boss has got to have it. It's
just like the measles in children. It'll
pass oil' and he'll be the better for it."
• We' got home by easy stages to• the
stable, and there he staid for three
weeks, until he seemed better,- except
that he still had•a touch of the heaves
and the distemper. •
Shortly afterwards I had to drive
over to Delaware City to see anul, and
I gave Johnson ten dollars to go with
me, in ease the horse came to pieces on
the road, or anything of a serious _na
ture happened,
. .
We stated 'at daybreak, and had
progresse.about a mile and a half by
dinner tin e, when the horse suddenly
stopped sl art, and would net budge atr
.ine - il, • - , 1 ,
I sugge ' that the barbed ' steed had
'forgot something and wanted to - go
'back for IL Sohn said:
"'No; it,is only one of his little tricks:
MoSt every boss has 'some. eccentricity
or other.- just let him alone for a
:minute and he'll get over it."
We waited full three-quarters of an
hour. Then Johnson got out and -un
dertook to pat him on 'the neck, and
the horse got: frightened and kicked
until he got one leg through the dasher
and couldn't get it out again. -
I asked Mr. Johnson what-lie thought
we- had better do now.i a said :
"It is all.right. All redly - good hos
ses kick. - I wouldn't gi a cent for an
animalthat hadn't pluck enough to
kick , . It iS a sign that he feels his oats."
'Ho we loosed his leg and got, in, and
before we had time to pick up, the lines
he gave a jerk and started down street
at lightning speed—lightning for him,
that is to say, about fourtuiles an hour—
and ran the buggy into a ditch, and
then tried to jump over a fence, but
- failed miserably, and got another blind
stagger on hina„and lay there till nine
o'clock - that night.
I didn't get to see the - Man at -Dela
ware City, and in fact haVen'tseen him
since. Johnson said it was a good
thing anyhow, for they had the fever
:down there, and I ought to consider it
it providential thing that the horse was
taken just as he was. If we had gone
to Delaware City we might haye-been
dead men.
It Is singular how Johnson. looks on
the bright side of things when that
1 horse is concerned.
Then I thought that perhaps after ail
I had better sell the horse, he was so
much trouble, so I advertised him. The
man who came to buy him was not so
hopeful as Johnson. He said the horse
was spavined, foun ered and distem
pered. He had t e glanders, and
heaves, and blind s aggers, and ring
bone, and a numbe f other infirmities
that I don't care to ention. He said
the horse was too ha,d in the mouth,
...,.o tins man I wasn't much Ltt —s 't
_ ...
driving a bargain, but still if la • would
take the horse off my hands for any
reasonable sum, he might' b ve him.
He said he wouldn't assume t e risk of
driving him for .less than ten dollars.
So I gave him that sum and lie took
him away. But he hadn't go!ne more
than a mile before the horsegot another
blind stagger on him and lalki down,
and gasped, stretched his legs out, and
then died, and broke for hors heaven
for all I know.
Johnson was called in, but he couldn't.
do anything for him. He only said he
considered it a good thing.
"Fdr the hoss, you know, must have
stiffered a good deal, and now he's out
of his misery, and as you're a kind
hearted man, Mr. Quill, you ought to
be glad," he'added. ,
So I was, but didn't feel exultant
when Johnson handed in a bill for one
hundred dollars for professionalservices.
It didn't seem fair. But I never had
any luck with horses anyhow, and I
don't care to speculate again.
Crtoosixo A WIFE. The wisdom
and importance of having a fireside
denartment in one's life were strongly
urged ny - concrspv..dca i t in a recent
number ofthe Country Genltentan. nut
it is certainly better not to marry at all,
than to marry unwisely • and perhaps
the following' good advice—from an
article in the Herald Health—may
be of service to some yoUng men who
think of entertaining, the holy relation
Do not marry one of the delicate die
away women, who are sure to degene
rate into invalids, and take a pride in
their feebleness; recount their pains,
and tell of the hazards they have run ;
sit all day in easy chairs, andlounge on
sofas, and become at last a sort of for
lornity ; and having worn your patience
quite out, will get up an ill-used look,
and on the sly abuse You to their ero
ines. Heaven save you from a com
plaining, forlorn woman !
Do net marry a woman with thin
lips and a glib tongue.l She may be
quite taking in the flush of youth, pi
quant and amusing while till is smooth
and prosperoms,,but wbe to you if ad
versity come—Woe to you, if you should
thwart her mood, or presume upon
dictation ; that ready tongue of hers
and sharp wit will work you discom
fort, for from the first she had the pre
monitions of a shrew, and few men
in our days have the nerve ofPetruchio
to quiet such feminine manifestations.
lam sure it is not wise to marry a
woman of a different religious faith, or
one far removed from your own social
rank ; or an ignorant woman ;_ that is,
one whose ignorance will annoy you.
Many traits may seem harmless, and
even engaging in youth, which in the
long run will be very, irksome if not
Beware of those thin-eheeked, blue
veined, narrow-chested girls, so much
admired by sentimental writers, unless
you would transform what ought to be
a cheery household into a hospital.
Disease should never be associated with
marriage; indeed, to a perkon ofa sound
mind and healthy physique, it is most
Do not marry a girl who sits in the
parlor and dresses like a fine lady While
her mother works in the )kitchen, for
this implies a cold selfishness, thatmay
be anything but favorable to the
and - geniality of a household.
A certain roundness of contour ; a
composure and self-poik, devoiki of
heaviness dr sluggishness ; an• e astic
buoyancy, a bright uppish look, nore
of pride than ;vanity . ; a clear,' pen
eye, and pure, child-like smile ; hinds
and feet ell proportioned, no . too
small, are outlines easily discriminated,
and constitute a safe, reliable character
.kcheerful woman, who can find some
thing bright and beautiful everywhere,
and who knows how to deviseways and
means to make others happy and con
tent about leer, is a jewel of inestimable
Cheerfulness of temper, candor that
rejects every species of falsehood, and
owns to the truth at any peril; tender
ness(ll to be detected by a f ndness for
and faithful care of pets, rather than hy
outward expressions; purl, y, instinct
in thought and action, intelligence to
appreciate all that is noblei and good,
and healthy, sound and }elastic, are
traits to insure duty as a wife and hap
piness in a household. .
A sea captain, trading to the African
coast, was invited to meet a committee
of a society for the evangelization of Af
rica. Among numerous questions
touching the habits and rtigion of the
African races, he as ask "Do the
subjects of Kinn. Dahomey keep Sun=
clay ?" " Keep e 'Sunday?4 he replied ;
"yes, and every other darned thing
they can lay - their hands on."
A certain little damsel, being aggra
vated beyond endurance by her big
brother, plumped down on her knees
and cried, " 0 ! Lord! bless my broth
er Tom. He lies ; lie steals; he swears ;
all boys do; us girls don't. Amon !"
to pull too .hard ; on
," said he( "foi: I
piit a horse lo
The following is the Globe report of
Mi. Blaine's speech, delivered In the
House of Representatives, June 23d : •
Mn. BLAINE. The fact that the bonds
of the United States are exempt from
State and municipal taxation has creat
ed a wide spread discontent among the
people, and the belief'-prevails quite
generally that if this' exemption could
be removed the local burdens• of the
tax-payer would be immediately and
essentially lightened.' Many' persons
assert this belief from a spirit of mis
cheivous demagogueism, and mat y do
so-from sine2re and conscientious con
viction. To the hitter class I , l 'otild
beg to submit sonic facts and stigges
tions which'may greatiy modify, if not
entirely change their conclusions.l
The total gold-bearing debt of the
United States, the conversion of seven
thirties complete, amounts to a little
more than $2,100,000,000 ; of this sum
total something over $200,000,000 draw
but live per cent, interest, a 1 rate not
sufficiently high to' provotte hostility or
suggest the necessity of taxation. In
deed it may be safely said that there has
never been any Popular taisatisfaction
with regard to the non-taxation of the
five per cents., it4teing agreed by com
mon consent that such a rate of interest
was not unreasonble on a loan negotiat
ed at guch a time . •
The agitation may, therefore, be re
garded as substar tially confined to the,
six per cent, g6ld-bearing bonds, which
amount to the large aggregate of $1,900,-
000,000. Many people honestly but
thoughtlessly believe that if this class
of bonds could be taxed byjoeal au
thority the whole vast volu le • repre
sented by them Would at one - be added
, i
to the list of the assessors. ' t is my
purpose to show very briefly that this
conclusion is totally unfound d and ;er
roneous, and that if the right of local
taxation existed in its fullest and amp
lest extent, but aiminor fraction of the
total amount of bonds could ,by any
possibility be subjected to any more lo
cal tax than theyalready pay.
The entire amppnt of these bonds as
I have stated, is $1,900,000,000 ; and of
this total, by the hest and most careful
estimates attaina de, at least six hun
dred and fifty m 1 lion are now held in
Europe. This amount could not there
ore be reached by any system of local
axation, however extended, thorough
nd searching. Deducting the amount
bus held abroad we find thee amount
held at, home is reduced to 81,250,000,-
000. .
' But, of this $1,250,00000 more than
one third, or to speak with accuracy,
about $425,000,000 are held by the na
tional banks, and no form of property
in the whole United‘Statespaysso large
a tax both local and general as these
banks. The-stock depositories, and the
deposits which I these .425,900,000 0 I
bonds represent pay full loctiVtax at the
highest rate besides a national tax
averaging about two and a half per
cent. .-Were the power of local taxa
tion made specific and absolute on these
bonds, they could not yield ra dollar
more than is now realized in that direc
tion. It thus follows that the 1,250,000,-
000'0 bonds in this country, presump
tively escaping local taxation, must be
redticed by the amount represented by
the banks, and hence we find the aggre
gate falls to 825,000,000.
The reduction, however, goes still
further, for it must - be remembered that
the savings banks have invested their
deposits in these the amount
of 175,000 ; 000. In some States by local
13 " *1.4 , dorooitv of savings banks are
exempt from taxation, ac an theyntive
to thrift and economy. In other States
wherb these deposits are taxed, as in
Colecticut, it has been held by judic
ial tr eision that the fact of their invest
ment,in United States bonds does not
exempt thmi front taxation. _Renee
these 175,000.000, thus invested in sav
ings bank deposits, are either locally
taxable, or if exempt it is by State law
and not virtue of the general exemp
tion of the bonds. It thus follows that
the 825,000,000 must be further reduced
by this sum of 175,000,000, leaving; but
630,000,000 not already embraced with
in the scope of •docal taxation. But
there is still a further reduction of 30,-
000,000 held by the , Life Insurance
Companies andilield on Precisely the
same terms as the deposits of savings
banks—that is,r, r either taxed locally, or
if exempt, detuting the exemption from
the local law. The surplus earnings
anti reserves cl these life insurance
companies invested to the extent, of
thirty millions in United .States bonds
are just as open to taxation when in
vested in that form as though they
were in State or railroad securities. -
Deductingthese thirty millions we find
the untaxed bolds reduced to 620,000,-
And still there is irtather large reduc
tion for the lire and marine insurance
companies and the annuity and trust_
companies and other corporations which ,
cannot readily be classed, hold in -' the
aggregate over 125,000,000 of bonds, and
these are held on precisely the' same
basis as those held by the savings banks
and life insurance companies. These
numerous corporations have their cap
ital stock, their reserves and their sur
plus earnings Invested in ' Government
bonds to the extcht, named, and they
are in this form just as open to taxa
tion and are actually - taxed just as
much as though they were invested in
any other form of security. Making
the deduction of this 125,000,000wefind
remaining but 495,000,000 of the six per
cent, gold-bearing bonds that are not
already practically subjected to local
taxation, Allowing for the possibility
that 100,000,000 of the five per cents, are
held instead of six per cents, in all the
channels of investment 1 have named,
anti it follows that at the outside figures
there are to-day in the whole country
less than
~600,000,000 of Government
sixes, not fully subjected to the power
of local taxation. And these six hun
dred millions arc rapidly growing less
as the various eorporated institutions I
have named invest their funds .more
and more in the bonds. These institu
tions desire a security that is of stdady
value, .not liable to great finctuaion,
and at'all times convertible into mon
ey ;and hence they seek GoVernment
bond's in preference to any other form
of investment. The high premium on
the bonds induces individuals to part
with them and hence they are readily
transferred t u corporate ownership,
where they become in effect at ()nee lia
ble to local taxation and are no longer
obnoxious to the charge of evading or
escaping their just :sliare of municipal
burden. In the hands of individuals.,
the bonds may be concealed, but in the
possessipn of corporations concealment
is necessarily impossible.
If these statistical statements needed
any verification it would be supplied by
an examination of the income returns
• recentl3.f made under, ;nth and publish
ed in ail the large cities of the country,
disclosing the fact that the amount of
bonds held by the wealthy men of the
country has been continually growing
less, just as they have been absorbed by
foreign purchase and by corporate in
vestment. 'The correctness of these in
come returns in reference to the invest.
ment ill bonds will be accepted even by
the incredulous and the interest of those
making them was to exaggerate rather
:than depreciate the respective 411101,111U3
The proprietors have stookedthe establishment
with a were a varied assortment of
and are prepared to execute neatly, and:promptly,
Deeds, Mortgages ~Leases, and a full assorttnnet
of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on hand. e
People living at a dictum) can depend- on hav
ing their work dono promptly And sent ,back in
return mail. , • •
NO, 34.
held by them. - Instead - then of 1,600,-
000,000 of these bonds running- - free of
taxation it is clear that less than 600,-
000,000 are open to that charge—less
than one-third of the whole - amount.—
The remainder, largely more than two
thirds of the whole, are either held
abroad where no- local taxations can
reach them, or they are held . at home
in such form as subjects them to. Ideal
And DOW let us suppose that 've were
in possession of the full. power to tax
by ',cleat authority these 1300,0004)00 of
bonds presumptively owned by individ
uals Would' we realize anything from
it ? On its face the prospect might be
fair - and inviting, but in, practice it
would assuredly prove delusive and de-,
ceptive.- The trouble would be that the
holders of the bonds could not be found!
No form of property is so easily con
cealed, none 'so readily transferred back •
and forth none so difficult to trace to -
actual ownership. Walleye hundreds
of millions of State bonds, city bonds,
and railroad securities in tiats country,
and yet every one knows that it is only
an infinitesimal proportion-of this vast
investment that'is ever represented on
the. books of assessors and tax collectors.
As a per tinent illustration, I might cite
the case of the bonds•of my own State,
of which there are over five millions in
existence to day, largely held as a favor
ite investment by the citizens of Maine.
Of - this - whole sum I am safe in saying
that scarcely a dollar is found on the
lists of any assessor
,in the. State. Jond,
yet the facility for concealing owner
ship in national bonds is far greater;
than in any other form of security, and'
the proportion in the hands of individ
uals that would escape the -assessment'
of local } taxes - may be inferred with
reasonable certainty from the analogies
I have suggested, and which are famil
iar to all who have given the least at
tention to the subject. Indeed, I' ven
ture to assert with confidence that if the
power of local taxation of these bonds
were fully aceorded to day, the tax lists 7
of our cities and towns would not be in
creased on anaverage one per cent.—'
Many of these-who to-day may be am
bitious of parading their . bonds when
protected by What is deemed an offen
sive exemption, would suddenly have
none were the power of taxation - appli
ed to them. Indeed, the utter failure
to realize anything from this source, if
the power to test it were granted, would_
in the end create more dissatisfaction
than that exdaiption, which in theory
is offensive but in practice is absolutely
of no consequence whatever.
But it will be asked, " Why don't you
tax the bonds L by national authority 2"
Granted, it will be urged, that thepow
, et. of local taxation would be nugatory
and valuelessi. i" that affords all the
stronger reason for taxing the bonds by
direct Congressional \enactment." In
answer to this
.I have only to say that a
tax levied directly upon the coupon is
simply an
.abatement of interest, and
that result can be reached in a_ better
and more satisfactory and more honor
able way.. The determination mani
fested by this Congress - and b the
great Republican Convention at hica
go to maintain the national faith has
already worked a large appreciation in
the value of the bonds, and with_ the
strengthening of our cred t it,. which :re
sult:o'mm an honest and high toned
pulley, we will speedily be able to fund
our debt on a lower scale of interest,'
running down to five, four and a half.
and ultimately four per cent,. per an
num. Should we proceed, however in
viotuti 'n of good faith and of the uni
form firactice of civilized nations, to
hold back part of the stipulated inter
elst instead of effecting an honorable ex
change of bonds to the mutual advan
tage' of the Government and of the
public creditor, we should only punish
ourselves, produce calamitous results in
the business world, and permantntly
injure, our national fame. •
• To withhold one Per i cent. of thedn
terest Under the plea of a national ,tax
this year might be • foll Owed by 'with
holding twO per cent. next year and
the three per cent. the year ensuing.—
To enter upon - such a policy Would pro
duce alarm at home and wide-spread
distrust abroad, for every man bolding
a bond would have to count his rate of
interest not on what was stipulated in
the contract, but on what might be the
will and caprice of Congress in' its an;-'
nual withholding of a portion of th 4
interest under the pretence Of a tax.—
Under such a policy our bonds, would
be returned upon us from _ Europe with
pallid like rapidity, and the drain upon
srnr specie ,resources would produce an
immediate and disasttous crisis in mon
etary circes. If even one, half 9f our.
boodS hel I in Europe Were Suddenly
sent home, it would drain us of 256,000,-
000 of specie, and the financial_: distress
throughotit the length and' breadth, of
the land wou/dhe beyond the power of
calculation or imagination,"-;And yet
that is the precise result involved if we
should follow the policy advocated by
those who urge tax.. the coupon
and withhold one or• two perent. of
the interest. Let us reject suc coup
t i f
sels, and adhere to the .steady, s raight /
forward course indicated alike poli
cy and good faith. And let u never;
forget that in the language of the Chi-i
cago platform, " the best policy to di
minish our burden of debt is to so im
prove our 'credit that capitalists wilt
seek to loan us money at lower rates of
interest thi we now pay, and must
continue to ay so long as repudiation,
either Marti I or total, open or covert, is
/ I
threatened r suspecte.d.'!_
A gentleman who is rather given to
story-telling relates the following :
When Iwas a young man I spent
several yes atlthe South, residing for
a while at Port 'Hudson, on the Miss
issippi River, A great deal of litiga
tiOn was going on there about that time,
and it was not alwaysoan easy matterto
obtain a jury. One day I was sum
moned to act in that capacity, and re
paired to the court to get excused.
On my name being called I informed
his Honor, the Judge, that I was not a
free-holder, and therefore not qualified
to serve.
" 'Where do you reside ?" inquired
the Judge. .
" r nui :+topping for the time being at
Port Hudson."
" You board at the hotelll presume?"
LtalZe my meals there' but I ' have
rooms in another, part where I
1O( ge."
so you keep bachelor'sliall ?"
r." . •
How long,have you lived in that
Al•out six months."
. think you are qualified," g"ravely
retnart;ed the Judge ; " for I have never
known ;t man jo keep bachelor's hall
the leno I) of time you name wbo _had
not diri enough in his room to make
freellotder ! The Court does not
excuse him."
The hearts of relatives are like gar
deiv, wherein they tire not only flowers,
but weed , :; ttml as the former must be
walvrea and cherished, se the latter
must be crushed and nipped. If noth
ing hut dowti and showers of promise
should fall upon the heart, though they
seem to tend to the cherishing of the
grad's, yet the weeds Of corruption will
Ise apt to grow up "with them, and in
the end to choke them, unless they are
nipped and blasted' by the severity of
throateninge.,—Owen. -