11011 - MATTEIit S. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1808. New ''Advertisements "'Sheriff Bales—J. B:Potter. • ..Application for Charter—Prothonotary Notice in Dlsoharge—W. 13. Keyes. Steam Engine Wanted—D. Angell. Estray sheep—Delos Field. Estray Steer—L. Kimball. —Eraatua Niles, 2d. ARBigneeB Notice—J. Harrison. \- ,t I. Mitchell. Caution—Stephen Morrell. Cirous— : Gardner AV. Kenyon. Reimblican Mootings• _ _ _ KEENEYVILLE.—The Middlebury' Grant .t Colfax Club will bold its next meeting at Keeney vine, Saturday evening, 15th inst. J. B. Niles & John I. Mitchell will address the_Club. The Charleston Club will hold its next meeting at the Dartt Settlement School House, Saturday evening, Aug. 15. Speakers will be present. ' The Wellsbore Grant & Colfax Ciao will hold a public meeting in the Court House, FRIDAY EVENING, 14th inst. Ilona. L. P. Williston and S. F. Wilson are expected' to address the meeting. Mnsie by the Band. SOCIABLE.—The Ladies of- the Pres byterian Church will hold their Sociable at the house of Mr. C. L. Wilcox,. Thursday evening, 13th inst. DEDICATION.—The M. E. Church at Knoxville, will be dedicated to the service of Al mighty God, Tuesday Aug. 18, inst., at 101 A. Z. Rev. William Searles, of Auburn, N. J., will Preach the dedicating sermon. • THE Crocus.—Gardner & Kenyqu's Consolidated Cirens, of which the newspapers speak in terms of praise, will be in \ Wellsboro nest Monday, 17th inst. To urge -peoiplo to go to a 'sirens is like urging a hungry man to eat his dinner. See advertisement in anotherplaco. HoP AT TtooA.—A. "Hop'? for the Benefit of the Tioga Cornet Band dill come off at Farr's Hotel, Friday evening Aug. 14. A general good time is promised. PERSONAL.—J. N. Bathe, Esq., of this village, •reached home on Friday, on his return trip from the Rocky Mountains, vfa tho Pacific Railroad. We are obliged to him for an ~ I ndian pipe, wTought out of a beautiful•speoimen of pipe -stone, and weighing about'half a pound. A VILLAIN!—Look out for a short, thickset, dark mulatto man, whotraveling the country with bscene pictures which ho sells to boys. ; Ho )Xas been in Wellsboro and done conside - rable toward ruining the boys of this village. A warrant for his arrest was issued, but ho got away. Catch him, and put him through. TiOGIA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION.—The 26th Annual Meeting of the Tioga Baptist Asso ciation, will be held with the Tioga Church on Wednesday and Thursday, the 26th and 27th inst., commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.—Rev. N. L. Reynolds preaching tho opening sermon. HONOR TO WHOM! tioNoß.—The Bor ough Fathers are entitled to the thanks of the citizens of WeHeber° and surrounding country for graveling Main Street. From a mudhole it bas raised to the excellence of a gravel road-bed, -=l3 - y far the finest improvement of the last ten years. DEATH or A TIOGA. COIEINTY MAN. The Steuben Courier of the sth has the following "Mr. Isaac Baker an esteemed citizen of Occola, Pa. while on a visit to his relatives and friends at Elmira last week, met his death in a singnlar manner. Ho was stopping for the night• at Wilcox's Hotel, and having occasion to get up, left his room to go out of the house. Mistaking his way, ho walked off • from the front balcony, falling some fifteen feet to the ground, his head striking the ground so hard as to kill him in stantly. Mr. Baker was upwards of sixty years of ago. " MA.NSPIELD,—The Furnace resumed blast on the 4st inst., with a, set of workmen who can be depende- upon, and who thoroughly un derstand the baldness- Mr. Lutz it" akin in 'barge. The " Star of Hope" Society had a festival on the evening of the 4th inst., which passed off very pleasantly. The Society numberA_ over 100 members. Letters from Prof. Streit bring the - gratifyit intelligence of his improvement iu health. A GOOD BED.—SOllletillle ago we purchased a bed made of birch splints, made by Mr. Elisha. Graves, of Richmond. Its perfect cleanliness and its elasticity commended the bed to our judgment from the fast. Use only con firms us in the estimate of its excellence then formed. Better than straw or husks, and abso lutely indestructible, we prefer it to the best hair mattress ever made. Its price is within the reach of the poorest.• As we-paid cash for this bed this is not a puff for a consideration. Mr. Graves often brings these beds to town, and we commend them to everybody. HAIL-STORM IN LIBERTY.—Mr. Fop. R. Sheffer, writes us from Liberty, Aug. 5, concerning a destructive hail-storm which ravaged a portion of that township, as follows : "On Wednesday, sth inst., our township was visited by the most destructive bail-storm ever experienced in this region. The storm appeared to gather in - the. southwest corner of the township, and moved with great rapidity in a northeasterly track, passing over the northern portion of Jack son, Lycoming county, and the southern half of our township. The storm was preceded by a ter rible gale which prostrated the crops, and the hail, which was all the way from the size of a pea to that of a walnut, literally cut everything in pieces. Fruit, corn, oats, buckwheat, wheat, and the uncut grass, in the track of the storm, are nearly a dead loss. The destruction of glass was very great!! This storm gathered on tho Marsh Creek mountains, and passing south of Wellsboro, was visible in the direction of Liberty for an hour. GOSSIP.—Is there a man or a woman of memory so poor, that "he or she, as the case may be," does not remember how sometimes in his or ber.childhood, he or she awoke in the morning, each nerve projecting (seemingly) above the surface,' peevish, fretful, unhappy Not a rag of clothing fittingi Comfortably ; if n boy,— buttons and button-licdes contrary, boots hard, stiff, and uncompromising ; boot-straps * broken, and everything at sixes and sevens; if a girl,— hooks and eyes, pins, pinafores,—all missing, or bent, or out of sorts; a stoeliing gone, shoe strings in a hard knot, and a feeling of indcs_ eribablo "onpleasantness" prevading the body and soul? If you remember such an experience, do you not also remember how, as your peevish ness developed itself, your mother recommended you to "go to bed and get up right end foremost"! Out mothers were skilfull interpreters of childish inconsistencies and irregularities. They had good set terms in which to express themselves, "You got out of bed wreng end foremost"—ex:. Betty describes the "situation" which commands childhood often, and which 'we have faintly depicted inAhe outset of this gossip. Everybody remembers that on such occasions the trouble seldom departed with the morning hours, but cotnmonlySollowed on like a shadow all dtiy long. We pounded our tingeis, we stepped on rusty nails, we "stubbed" our toes, we ton , our new trowsers, and got spanked; and all day long mishap followed upon the swift feet of misfortune. —Which brings us to out "mutton," and per 'sits us to point the moral involved. That is to say: A young man may get himself up wrong end foremost in starting out in the battle of life as often as the child gets out of bed in the same reversed order. when a young man listens to the siren tongue of faliehood and folly, rejecting the counsels of men of solid character because it involves sacrifice to do right, he acts out wrong end foremost, and invites a lifetime of mishaps and misfortune. When a young man turns squarely about, and lays a big flat stone upon conscience, he sets put wrong end foremost. When a young man 'chooses to renounce his allegiance to principle, and espouses the wrong because it promises a pecuniary reward, ho sets out wrong end foremost; and if he ally himself with men of questionable morals and more questionable ehterprise, he insults the Providence !Mob Waited for him at the twenty-first mi/e. stone on the journey of life, and which wilt stand before him to warn and invite from evil courses, until by continued insult conscience shall shake the dust from its feekAnd depart from his bosom- . fold forever. Alf, yiintig man, how much easier it appears to be for you to listen to the evil whisperings of men who care nothing for you except to snake you fetch and carry for their selfinh aggrandizement, than it is to give laced to the counsel of - men who would make you fit inheritorS of the responsible trusts of human welfare; Who would shape your future so that the worll would be proud of you in life, and regret you in death ! We have known young men who kept the impressible side of their natures always turned to the shadow of evil counsel,' and to the sun of truth and honor turned always the husk side; and not one of them has yet earned tho respect 001:len whose respect has a value above dollars and cents. —Again : The man who deliberately ar proaclies a young man though his defects and weakness, is always a scoundrel ; and the man who makes human weakness and miseducation his opportunity, is a murderer, ' Is it not written "Fear nqt those who kill the body, hut rather those who kill' the soul"?—and shall the man who deliberately ruins a soul, be less condemned than the man who cuts a throat? We say "no"; a thousand time's "no"! And wo say it boldly, without fear of successful contradiction and without apology now or hereafter, that the mania who puts another man to his selfish uses, as citizen or as a servant, is worse than the man who cuts a throat or picks a pocket. BCCIIUfIe a man may survive lose of life, but never a loss of his honor and independence. The young man who parts with his money foolishly is to be pitied; but a young man who suffers himself to be flat tered and cajoled out of his independence must become the scorn of all substantial men, and the puppet of the vicious. —Again: - Young man of weak will and mi . * eduented,minds often aro imposed upon by' the ostentation of respectable acoundrellana. Perhaps you may take exception to the adjective, young man. It is the right word, however. A respec table scoundrel, and a respectable thief, are both facts. Tt\t3 man who makes man's extremity his opportunity, and waxes rich in that way, is a respectable thief. And the man ,whopresumes upon his social standing to deceive a yoUng man to his moral damage, is n respectable villain.— Such men flourish for a season and the superficial are glad to bow at his bidding. But there comes a day when his life putrefies, and becomes a stench in the nostrils of good men. Soon or late God avenges such outrages. Soon or late the victims of such men awake to see themselves as others see them, and to be broken on the wheel of publi contempt. CORNER-STONE LAYING.—IMPRESB - CERENIONIES.—The Corner-Stone of the now M. E. Church edifice in this Tillage was laid with appropriate and impressive ceremonies Wednes day afternoon, sth inst.; at 2 o'clock. The at teAdance was large, including Many persons from a distance. The day, which opened with fineztornise, toward noon became clouded, and the occasional muttering of thunder in the west caused apprelMnsion of interruption. The exer cises commenced by singingthe 961st hymn, followed by the Dedicatory Prayer by the pastor, Rev. 0. L. oibson. A boy, hermetically sealed, was then deposited in the Corner-Stone by the pastor, who reported the contents as follows: A Copy of the llely Bible. Cop' of the Methodist Discipline. Copy of the last annual Reports of the Church benevolent societies. The Methodist Almanac for 1868. Register'of the East Oenessee Conference for 1867. Copies of the Christian Advocate," "Northern Christian Advocate," "Methodist," Tioga County Agitator," "Wellsboro Democrat," "New York Tribune," and '.`The World." A historical account of the Society , since its foundation in 1520, including a list of its minis teA. The Corner-Stone was laid by Bev. Wesley Cochran, Pre t 'iding Elder, who concluded the ceremony with prayer. At this stage of the proceedings the promise of rain was sa much increased that the audience adjourned to the Court House. Thn Court noOm was densely crowded, many being unuble to get seats. Here, after singing the hymn commen cing— "On this stone now laid with prayer. Let thy Church rise strong and fair," Prayer was offered by Rev. J. J.Turton, ofLaw renceville. Rev. Dr. D. W. C. Huntington, 01 Rochester, was then intropuced by the pastor, and preached from Acts 3—" Therefore, they that were scattered t abroad went everywhere preaching the word." Of this discourse we flint it very difficult to speak as it deserves. As an unstudied, nuns tentations, extemporaneous effort, one will go far, and hear a thousand greatly inferior to one at alt its equal. It 'evinced rare command of thought and grace of diction, and proceeded to the elucidation of the subject by the most direct modes known to logic. The teaching of the discourse was the function of man in the gov ernment of the moral universe, and illustrative of the cumulative forces of Christianity in the ex pansion of the system through nineteen centuries of time. We suppose no manor woman heard that sermon and did not recognize in thespeaker, a pure, true, good man. ' Rev. 0. L. Gibson, the pastor, followed with a brief of the histoey of the'ehurch since its organ ization in 1820, a subject pleasantly presented and highly interesting to all. He was followed by Henry Sherwood, Esq.,.in a brief but. appro priate address, 'in which the importance of Church enterprise in connection with temporal affairs was urged With point and vigor, closing with an appeal to the generosity of the public in support of this enterprise. A description of the Church building as it to be will be of interest, and we present the I'M lowin,q-particulars Style, Size on the grctl, In 7 feet from front on Main. st., to rear wall of Le Intoroom, and IA feet front. . • Dimensions of nave 561t,0A feet. Of transept 9 f;?xi.,'§ feet. Height of walk "! feet. Of towers 1204z7S fret. Size of towers 12x16 feet. The towers will form the vestibules of the building. The order ol'arebiteoture resembles tie Norman- Cloth ie. , The windoirs will be mullioned and ,tained. The audience room will be finished with chest nut, and the ceiling open roof, with dre,f.ed raf tors and hammer-benms. The architect is Mr. Cyrus E. Porter, of Buffalo. Builder, Mr. Rucl Taylor, of Newark, N. Y. Mason, Mr. E. A. Lloyd, of New York. The contracts are let separately, and the Trus tees furnish the materials. The coilimied cost is Sl2 000, exclusive of the lumber, which is a gift to the Society. When completed the ediace will be the most notable object in oar village. About 400.000 brick will be used in the towers, walls, and buttresses. The stater tables, and window sills, arc of hammer dreswd sandstone. The work is going forward with iicrgy and the edifice will he a monument to the enterprise of the Society and a erodit to the genero s ity of the people of this region. Every be.itifl.l -arneture an educator, wrought fur the convenience of the present, but a substantial te , timonial of the tactc and liberality .of the ImilderS. sk;iking for this in the presence of coming genezations. At flit. close of the exercises th.• pn,lor anted That the plans of the edifice boa about it2oo, s..un tvafi subNribed by I The congregation was dismissed I,t Rea. W. A. Smith, po.lor of the baptist Church. Rev. Dr. Huntington preavii , ql i tLc evening ton large audience, and we hear the fioet,.poken of in terms of high praise. LECTURES.—Dr. Wilson t'v, Co., of the Oweo Infirmary, arc giving or. intioestingeiturse of lectures, in Bunnel Hall, this village. These lectures, being intended to n th public in the Matter of the laws of lifu bealfh, are of great value. The Doctors likewise treat those afflicted with chronic diseaSes,cfreetingsurprising cures of cases given up to die. nil:. Wilson & Co., appear to be possessedlof peenbai qualiika tions, natural and acquired, for divining the seat of disease and for adapting remedies to its curd. In short they are masters of, their profession, and none should neglect the opportunity of hearing the lectures and consulting the Doctors. Round. 11:op Cholas° raolorv--Itoport for Inn°, 18158. Patrons. lbs. of Mil!:. IV P Shu way, - ... ~. 11,585 John Mothers, „. ,„ ... 10,195 Betsey Jenpings, ... • ••• 4,488 Nelson Clubs. ... ... ... 4,990 Charles Close, 1,092 Willis Peaks, ... ••• 3'981 Solon Bliss, ••• —• 1,910 Samuel Morgan,— •• ... 2,505 Elijah Penlie, . 4 390 Archibald Wsiker, ... • ... 9,560 Philander Duel:us, ... ... 3.048 Phineas Van Horn, - ... ... 7,218 A J Tipple, ... ... ... 3,480 A Ludlow, ... ... 44 S 11 Bryant,... ... ... 393 .1 J Shumway, ... ... „, 431 Charles Johnson, ... ... 4,848 . Alden Thompson, "I ~. 3,733 Abram Walker, ... ... 3,840 S. Mills, ... ... 5,0111 J. B. Griffin ... ... 1,249 C. Coolidge, ... , . • 563 90,238 Totil Estimato 10 lhe of milk to 1 lb of elleoFe CHAULES CLOSE, Maher, Bound Top, Aug 1, 1808. Mr. C:A C:, sal .112, lax sal mi. es as; Is:. A I SLIGILT DIFFERENCE.— To the 0,01- (en, of the Union Fair: The undersigned, your Special Cognmittee on Sewing Machines, re port : That it ivit4 agreed, by the Agents rep rwienting the two competing Machines, to render to your committee, in writing, the peculiar points on which they based their claim of superiority, and in testing the machines each point was to ho taken reparately, and after a fair trial, adjudged to the best of our ability. Each Agent presented his cl a ims in due form. For the Wilcox dr Gibbs Machine, thirty-five distinct claims were made for its superiority, ALL of which, on a thor (nigh and impartial trial, were sustained ! For the competing doutic-atread Machine, but ten were presented, torn of which were sustained.— (Nigeed,) S. D. Tucker, L. 0. Chmaimey, J. Wheelock, JIMGEfi. SPECIALNOTICES. -0- Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine "Its seam is etrnnger and less liable to rip in qo or Ivy:it- ttinn the Lock.- Stitelt."--,ludgete Repoil," ut lbr "Gland Scud for the "Repal ," /I not : , autip los of Work, containing both kindt , Milehen, on the name piece of goods. GEO. C. BOW EN, AGENT, Apr. 29, '6e—ly. for Tioga Co. Knoxville, Pa, DAN GARDNER to KENYON'S UNITED CIRCUSES New upau their Itetutar Tour through the Mlthlle, West era auct Southern States. TWO GREAT SHOWS CONSOLIDATED \Vul Exhibit under One Mammoth Pavilion for One Price of Admission! OLD DAN GARDNER'S PHILADELPHIA CIRO' CIIAhLES KENYON'S GREAT NORTH ANERICAN CIRO Consolidated for tho Season of 1868-'0.9. This Immense Establishment has more money invested, finest Wagons, better Ilorses and !hulle r s, larger Can - vas, better Trappings. the finest BAND CHARIOT, the best Musical Organiza -17 tion, the best Leapers and Vaulters, the best TuMblers and Gymnasts, the best Male and Female Riders, the best Hurdle Riders, the best TALKING 'HORSE. COMIO TRICTKALLILTUES and A.o2lrul ktoNIIIIVB in the WORLD A GRAND PROCESSION, daily, at 10 o'clock, A.M., will be, witheut excep tion, the largest and most gorgeous pageant ever given as a public gratuity —giving a Grand Allegorical Represen tation of the n FOUR QUARTERS OF THE GLOBE—America, Europe, Asia and Africa, which will excel in niagni• licence anything of the kind ever pre sented to the public. Following this wilt be the Carriages, Vans, and 150 Men, Women and Horses, necessary for the transportation of this MAMMOTH COMBINATION I llicsnr a. GARDNER & KENTON respee laity refer to the generous and appre ciative public who have witnessed the performances of this Establishment, who, we are confident, will sustain the declaration, that this Circus has the most Superb Acts, Thrilling Feats Gorgeous Spectacles, Classic Displays Regal Pastimes, Picturesque Games Sumptuous Festivities, Marvelous Sensations, Graceful Horsemanship, Fascinating and Vivid Pageantrles, Beautifni Groupings, Brilliant and Arent° Gems, Racy Humor and Spark ling Corruscatlons of Witi It is only necessary to refer to the following list of STARS OF MATCHLESS SKILL: MISS ELIZA GARDNER! Nhe premiere Female Equestrienne of the World. M'ME CAMILLE I WILE MAROARETTA I WM, MORGAN, The Champion Hurdle Rider of the Two Hemispheres! GEORGE DERIOUB, Tho Bare-Back Rider HARRIS and PHILIPS, The Fearless Gymnasts MASTED EDDIE GAILDNEII:" The Challenge Boy Rider JAMES CAMPBELL! " i --' The Trick-Pad flirter. 4 1 4 w2,,,1 MR. GEORGE CUTLER Y The Caunon-Ball Juggler and Ureat . ..."...., „ . Morlzontallst, and the .r4l Four Funny Clowns . . A •.,p ) • • . DAN GARDNER I • - : '..-:$4. 0 !! -- - SA M SANFORD I • JIM MAGUIRE I i.--- i , - And ---. ....-- BOBBY WILLIAMS! 5t The Musical Momns, with Solos, on .. ",...,;' " Ills Penny Trumpet, and Clog lit -,. Hornpipe. • u sosl The Great Equine Wonder of the leth -'4,. Century, INCOMAR!""zrtfkiSpot,..— The horse of MOO, the only Thorough- Bred Arabian now on Exhibition in ~ the rained and Introduced by U. 5.,., - - -. MR. CHARLES KENYON, ?-• , ..1, The most Accomplished Horseman. ~,.:: ,•• - " 1 . ... • , ' - of tito Age. A large Troupe of Educated for the eqpeetal amusement of the :.44?. Juvenile Patrons of this Establish- .e 4 l'i went. Don't forget the day and (late / when this Mammoth Consolidation i• ' j i \ silo will Exhibit, so as not to conlound it A k c e? with any. othcreompany. This is tho N 1:,4, only Genuine Circus now Traveling I ''.* . ---'- . _ ADMISSION, - - OCA CENTS .._-___ _::: J Mild= under 9 Years, - 25 Cents Are See the Mammoth Bull Boards, erected In and tilmilt the cities and towns , , overe.! Ad tit the finest printed ra 1 nt erlal ever well ahead or any Trav eling Establishment. VI CHARLES WHITNEY, / tien'l 8115111C53 Agt. R. G. BALL, Advertising Agt. 4 ~,I. . - ...7. , . • ,i..l' . • " d-..-• ~, ~ , .„,,-.- - .4 .-i r k. (~„ i •2:? -- It`"t• - .., 01. , i bvis,,-..---_-_-:,.-- N . ‘• - _ . WILL EXHIBIT AI Verwilyon's August 15, WellEboro Aug. 17 Tioga, Aug. IS, and Blo:ts. , burg, Aug. 19, 1868. Valuable Farm for bale A farm of three hundred acres, with two bun tiredd and twenty five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tibga Village, on the Tinge River end Ruttrued. Well wutttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga . village. T. L. A LDWIN. Tlogt, Feb. 12 ; 1868—tf. • • YES 1 YES! YES I ill R. WILLIAMS 6c CO„ have got tho best, largest and cheapest stook of Drugs, med icines, Patent Medicines, 'Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff, Brushes, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Yankee No 11011P, Perfumery, Toilot Soap, Fishing Tackle, /Lc., &0., uver.brought Into this county. They will positively sell everything in tbolrllne cheap er than can be bought elsewhere. Tboy bought their goods in large quantities and for nett cash, and can and will soli cheaper than any other es tablishment in this county. Call and examine stock and prices. P. R. WILLIAMS dr, 00. May 9, 1868. No. 3, Union Block. Queries. WEER E can close buyers find Puro English White Lead and Linseed . Oil, Varnishes, Lauber, Turpentine, the cheapest, at P. R. WILLIAMS, Sr, CO. ' Who sells the purest and best Drugs, Patent Medicines, and Dye Stuff, P. R. WILLIAMS, A CO. Who keeps the largest stock of Paint Povdenr, Tooth, Hair, Cloth and Nail Crushes, and sells the cheapest, P. R. WILLIAMS, dc Where can you go to find the best and elfiapest Toilet nod Saving soap, Pocket Knives, Penni cry, Hair Oil, Pomades, Writing Paper, Pea; and Ink, to ' P. R. WILLIAMS, TN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE'INI j fed States for the Western District of fenn- sylvania. WILLIAM 11: K Iris a bankrupt under tin not of Congress of March 2, 1867, having applidfor a discharge from all his debts, and other dims provable under said act, by order of the find, notice is hereby given to all creditors who . nave proved their debts, and other persons interited, to appear on the 22d day of August, 1868,46 10 o'clock, A. M., before P. E.Smith,Esq..Regiter, at his office in Tioga,Pa., to show cause, ilany they have, why a discarge should not be grated to the said bankrupt. And further, notio is hereby given that tho second and third meetags of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th sections of said attt,i,lvill bond before said Register, at the same time and phcc S. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk - of U. S. District Court for said Distrie. August 12, 1868-2 t - 'l,Assignee'e Notice. Vestern Di4ict of Pennsylvania, ea T 0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Tionn dorsigndd hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of Massena Bulled,of Wellsboro, Tioga Co. Pa., who has been adjaiged bankrupt upon bis own petition by the DUTRA Court of said District. JOHN I. MITCHEL1 1 Asaigioo. Aug. 12, ISIIB-:,L, Caution. A LL parsons are hereby cautioned egain• 11,_ buying a certain note, drawn by Ory Morrell t Stephen Morrell for one hundrei a. ;fifty dollars, one year from date, with irrores payable to " Isaac C. Nichols, or bearer," ist same was obtained by fraud, and without mai oration. I shall not pay the same or any p thereof. STEPHEN MORRELL. Jackson, Aug. 12. 1868-2w..6 NEW ARRIVAL OF GOOD TOLES & BARKER, (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.) WOULD say to their friends and the pub generally, that they are now:, receivin splendid assortment of Sommer DRY GOODS, such an SHE ETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, PRIN' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE CLO . THING, nArs & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, also a large and well selected stock of CROOKE, ELY, HARDWARE, WOO WARE, STONE WARE, ICEA SINE OIL, PAINTS & OILS SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, I SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTC., ETO. We are able to offer our customers the be' or the LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the Now York Market, our Stock having purchased shoo the great decline in Goods. Wellsborc, July 1, 1808 I IZE o C H) " 1 1 . 1-1 1 ti 0 t f P-i TIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White, Presi dent Judge for tho 4th Judicial District of Penn sylvania. and C. F. Veil and Elisha T. Bentley, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their precept, bearing date the 22d day of July 1868, and to me directed, i;or the hold ing of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Termin er, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the sth Monday of Aug. (being the 31st day), 186 S, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coro. ner,Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own properpersons, with theirrocords,inquisitions,ex aminations and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done, and all witnesses and other per sons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree ably to notice, Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office. in IVellsboro, the 22d day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand sigh, Imndrod_and sixty-eight, JERObig B. POTTER, Sheriff. NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring and ; Summer Trade ! lar AVE now on band and still opining , a large. JUL and well selected stook of "GOOD - ' GOODS;, . ' tillEln IDM liggi 000E3 . . can't be boat mucb. ALPACAS,• - •i'OPLINS, CAMBIUMS, FRENCH 4ACONETS, ORGANDIES,.. • PM:US, VERSAILBS, BLACK ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, DOMESTICS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, full lino. We aro agents for the Ohio and Buck eye combined Mowing Machines; general depot for fixtures and extras , for the the above ma chinos. • All kinds of taken in exehango for Goods. We propose to L , sell our Goo s reasonably. "Live and let Live" pricei given at the counter—only one price. T. L. PALMITIN dc CO. Tioga, P April 29,1868. TOLES k BARKE 1-3 =--' a) 1•••- , • (=, cr AZ I=l = 1=1..., .... = 1-1 CD 1 C/D st p...g CI) I...•••• , CD SZ 6 D . " 14 4 1..." • posommi trde., W e-t- ~ (t) I=l-• _ ;?3 0 =' sw ►-y s=L— PREPARE]) FOR T. L. BALDWIN & 00. TIOGA, PA. comprising everything needed. Our stook of AND COLORED SILKS, at n very small margin. Cloths and Cassimeres and a Tailor to Cut and Fit Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, STRAW IGOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HIRD WARE, NAILS, IRON SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Don't fergot to look over our stock of GROCERIES, the most complete atock you can find, such as TEAS. We aro old tca drinkers and know them to be good SUGARS, MOLASSES, everything in the Grocery line, Gunja Bank Codfish Bay Mackerel, Ashton Salt, what makes tho Butteo good, and nice firkins to put it In.— Also, Butter Tube and Pails ; Butter sold on oom mission—no charges for handling; but would like a small portion of the money yon got in re turn, that Is if our prices suit. FARMERS TOOLS, COUNTRY PRODUCE NEW SPRING GOODS J. A. Paions & Co's CHIP CASH STORE ! THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE OFFERING Great Inducements to all buyers of ry-Goods, Boots tt Shoes Our stock is all now, and cannot be surpassed FOR VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS Tbo following is but a small portion of our BARGAINS: GOOD PRINTS, lOcTs. BEST " 15 " GOOD Y'D WIDE SHEETINGS 124 4f " Bra. MUSLINS 15ers EXTRA " SOFT FINISH 2Oors. SUMMER PANT STUFFS 2.0 To 50cTs. TICKINGS is 6n TO 2s 6D FOR BE ST. ALL WOOL SHAWLS $3 ALL WOOL CASSIMERES 760T8 TO $1 HEAVY GINGHAM 16 CTS. FINE ALPACAS 31 TO 50 CTS. ALPACA POPLINS 50 CTS. PARASOLS 75 To $3. SUN,UMBERELLAS $1,25 To $2,50. HOOP SKIRTS 75 TO $1,76. LADIES' GAITERS $1,25 To $3. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 10 CTS. 1 LINEN HOSE, GOOD 25 CTS. It will pay to call and examine our stock as we are boxing new Goods almost daily and sell ing them very cheap, T. A. PARSONS It CO., June 10;4868. SALT can bo bad in any quantity at Widiamm it FARR'S. Tioga Juno. 8, 1868. New Spring Goodi . • ',' - -: , E have roomed a very LARGE STOCK of SPRING GOODS on the moat favorable terms, and will be sold at very small advance from cost. We think we hazard nothing in saying that we keep the BEST ASSORTMENT ' and the BEST QUALITY of Goods that are kept in the place. Have a store light enough to see what you aro buying, and pledge ourselves to quality eonsillered, as at any other establishment. We continuo to mako our CLOTH ,TRADE one•of our specialties, and when desired MAKE THEM TO. ORDR. .~ on short notice and in the best manner. We have added to our stock a good assortment of CARPETS, consisting of BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, r.ND STAIR CARPETS. • FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can 801 l them GREAT L S. TEA COMPANY, and sell TEA at New York prices by tho single pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to call and examine stock and prices. • SMITH & WAITE Corning, April 8, 1868. H4:=0M.301 ON ! Go to KELLEY'S and tine the Latent Arrival of NEW GOODS! Consisting of a general 'assortment of cfi a O m w m . O a = Po pe, g Prq PI m o es 8 x q z tg 0 A cei I=9 :: c.) MRS. FRY'S CORSET 'AND SKIRT SJLa'l NEW I 'DRESS GOODS AT KELLEY'S GENTS' FURS AT KELLEY'S. plrff- No charge for SHOWING GOODS at. We'labor°, Oct, 30, 1867 To the Soldiers of Tioga County. YOUR attention is respectfully called to the following "Act of Assembly" passed at the last session of the Legislature, and to the facili ties afforded by virtue of that act, of preserving the evidence of our service as soldiers in the war for the preseiiation of the Union. Bo it °fleeted by ate Senate and Rouse of Representativ'es of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in GCnoral Assembly mot, audit is here by enacted by the authority of the same : That the Recorders of Deeds of the several Counties of this Commonwealth are hereby authorised and required to record all final discharges of Com missioned and non-Commissioned Officers and Privates upon application being made to. them by the holder's of the same, fol. which the Recor der shall be tfilowed the usual fee for recording; and that the reeording of the same shall not ho subject the payment of the State tax. JNO. W. GEARY, Governor. Wellaboro, Pa., July 13, 1868-3 m D. L. DEANE, Recorder, Tioga Co. Hand Book of Politica for. 1868. SPECIALLY adapted for use in the coming Presidential campaign. Will contain all the matter in the Political Manuals of • 1866, 1864, and 1868. Compiled from official sources. Will give the whole Political Action of the Govern ment, and of Parties, including Impeachment, Reconstruction, General Politics, Platforms, Acceptance of Candidates, ko., from April, 1865, to July, 186 S. Tablos •on Debt-and Taxation, Revenue and Expenditures, Banks Southern Registration and Votes. Election Tables from 1860 to date. ' 400 pages, Bvo, cloth, $2.50, poet paid. ' The Political Manual for UM, separately, cloth, $1 ; paper cover, 75 cents, post paid Address CASH Paid FOR WOOL by TOLES & BARKER Wellaboro, July 1,1868.4 f Dr. C. E. Thompson: (WELLSBOROUOR PA.] Will attend to Professional calls in tho village, and immediato vicinity of Wellaboro. Office dnd Residenco on State St. 2d door Op the . right going East. (June. 24. 186?. Corning, N. Y 100.000 b BRIM FOR SALE, WRIGHT & BAILEY, Welleboro, Pa. IN CORNING. SELL AS LOW, HOW VERY LOW. We are the agents Dir the SUPPORTERS, AT ax 7. sung AMU mu gag pui ilea mi. 13,XarITAX 1 13 S'IAIVHS xeiaiAi C. B, KELLEY'S, Heady In July EDWARD McNIERSON. Clerk of the House of Representativog, WASHINGTON, D. C. HIVE EXCHANGE!" I sing, I sing of a curious thing, Almost as strange as Boggs upon Ting; I've swung 'round a amigos round as a ring, And whilo on tho down east part of my swingy I stopped at the city and took WI the Spring STYLES OF CROCERIES SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NECK, nolagses & Syrupft, havo a freer run downward, with a funnel-ehar ped trail. IVLac3ls,.ere?,., however, are cut from tho neck down Word, and the style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA will be prepared from a drawing furnished to every customer who buys a pound. Of the styles to suit complexions, ac., I may, mention that _ Black Tee. you I cun have •If yeit.long for it. I cannot, got time to look up all the hard words which the GREAT AiIERICAN TEA COMPANY use to startle the innocent people about the coun try; but you can dopend upon finding the very BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE? tho styles aro various. You can have tho latest stylas from the following fashionable foreign ports, to wit: MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAGUYRA JAM - AICA, &C. . PROVISIONS still wears hoops over all, and dispenses 'trails as unprofitable. I have all grades eatable. Also, Flou with PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, - I ' ogothor with a full assortment of light groceries and canned delicacies. As over MA TH-ERS Pays ,Cash or Trado, for all MARKETABLE ' CALL AT MATIIERS'S Wellabor°, Apr. 1,'63. W. T. MAT HERS ori ,000 Pounds of Wool 11E subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth passimeros, Flannels, be., Sco., for Wool. also manufacture as usual— The TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to suit customers. All work warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to 1 01400111111altg o 1 which aro warranted in every respect. Portico lar attention given to 1 ROLL-CARDING & CLOTH-DRESSING Twenty years experience in the business war rants them in expecting a generous patronage No shoddy cloths made. KELLEY'S Dalian° & Co. at Wellaboro , are agents for he sale of our Cloths. o JOSDPII .IN9IIAM & SONS. Deerfield, May 13, 1868—tf. Special Notice I P G ALL.AoanigtaTosttzderin kindsth) o pr oh a s e T FEED, MEAL, PORK, HAMS, FISH, dos 4 of all kinds, will find it to their advantage to call and examine at M. B. PRINCE'S, Mozart Block I e 14. B.—Cash paid for Grain, Potatoes, Bees wax, Beans, Eggs, Sce. ' I - 1 Welisboro, Juno 20, 186 S. M. B. PRANCE. , l!, WELLSBOR6 BAKERY. rE SUBSCRIBER hiving established Mul sole in the 1 BAKING BUSINESS in this village, next door to E. R. Kimball's Grocery, is now prepared to eaon the to:minim in all its various branches. I)will keep con. Mandy on hand an assortme of Bread, such asi , LOAF BREAD, BOSTON -CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER 1 CRACKERS, BROWN BREAD, WATER • CRACKERS, SUGAR 1 CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS OYSTER,CRACKERS, CARES. PIES, AND LUNCH, • at all hours of tho day, Sundays excepted. By strict attention to business shall endeavor to merit the public patronage. • CIIAS. STEVENS. Wencher() ) Juno. 24, 1888. AM PS.—A now kind of lamp for Kerosene no breakage of chimneys—at FOLEY'S. ARD PRINTING--at Now York prices, in Colors or plain, and out to suit orders; at THE AGITATOR Cr !Ft: G 1 O. W. MERRICK, .-: TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAU. l OW° with W. 11. Smitb, Esq., 'Main Street, ropposite Union. Dlook; Wellabor°, Pa. July 15, MB. 00 Bushels Timothy Seed. 100 bushels Clover seea, choicest kinds . . WRIGHT A BAILEY. , i l,The fashions for Aud more aatoniehing.etill, TEA . TEA-}- 7 TEA I best of Teas at the MEI 4Ccorree, In tbo matter of PRODUCE Wanted. their Water Prof ' GOODS AND PRICES Paint for Farmers and Others. T B GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT CO. EL. now manufdoturing the Beat, Cheapest and, most Durable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will lvst 10 or 15 years ;-• is of a light brown 'or beautiful , Ohodolato color, and. can be cher-ged to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer . It is valu able for Rouses, Barns,., Pences„ Carriage and:Car makers, Pails and Woodin-rare ' Agricultural ImpleMents, Canal Boma, Vessels, and Ships' Bottoms, Can vas, Metal and,Bbingle Roofs; (it being Fire and Water proofs,) liloor Oil Cloths, (one manufac turer having vsed . s,oooll4s. the past year,) and and as a paint for any purpose la unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adhesivenesa, Price . $0 per barrel of 000 AR., which will supply, a farmer for years to come, Warranted in or cases as above. Send for a circular Which gives fulli,articulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark, Oraufton Mineral Paint. Per sons can order tbo Paint and remit the money On receipt of the goods. • Address DANIEL BIDWELL, _ 254 Pearl St,,New York. June 3,1888-6 M Notice. TIl E attention of Merchants and others liable to a License, is respectfully called to the _set of the 11 th of April 1862. Pamphlet 1aw5,.402, reg. ulating the collection and payment of Licenses which are payable at the Treasurer's °Hies ott the Ist day of May in each and every year, and by said act, all Liceniea remaining unpaid on the first day of July, the Treasurer is required , to sue and press to judgment and collection, tis soon as practicable thereafter, and 'in default thereof, to be personally. liable. Those liable to a Lieenie are therefore requeitod to be prompt in making their payments before that date, there by avoiding any trouble to themselves and much perplexity to the Treasurer. Juno 3, 1868. H. Q. BAILEY, Treasurer. For Sale, THE undersigned o ff ers for sale the following describe l property, situated in Mainsbarg, i . Tioga CO., PI one Honso and Lot—the House is 2i Stories we c finished off, a good icellar ; also • a splendid w,e of water, on the ifoulp. -The lot contains 2ac {e s of the•best of gardening land, plenty of app els and other fruit trees thereon—a good barn, an everything pertaining to the said House and Ldt in good order. The above des cribed Houso and Lot I will soil at a low figure, such as defies competition. Apply to War. H. RUMMY. I • Mainsbnrg Tioga Co., Pa. May 27,1868-6ml' Important _Facts. INCE Salutifer is now being used n thous ands of families the following facts are im portant to be known. Flusr,-Though it is the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet it is so compounded, as to bo safe and harmless. It Isof such a nature that it may ho handled and used by children, and persons who are ignorant of klediciries. • SECOND-It is found that Salutifer will relieve severe pain in any part of the body sooner than any other application. THIRD—It is important that the bottle be well corked, if loft open only a few minuses it loses strength. FOURTH—This useful 'remedy can be ettained from almost every dealer in modioines. Now is Your Time to Buy! - nrAVINGI moro goods than is necessary for this market, I will sell my entiro 'stock of WATCHES, .CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, AND FAN CY GOODS, AT COST. 0. G. Clocks at Gothic "' " Cottage " " _ - i American Watches in Silver Hunting Oases alt. $l9. Finer Movements, in hoavier Cases, at Grit reipondingly low prices. Plated Ware at Man ufacturers' prices, , THIS IS NO HUMBUG, BUT-A VER- \ ITABLE SALE! Call and see for yourself. IVellsboro, April 22, '6B 1111111 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE of Penn: sylvania, re-organised in 1868, as a Seen aifie School, gives eoutses of instruction in GENERAL SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, MECRANICAL AND CIVIL EN- GINEERING, B:4ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL LITERATURE; First term begins July 29 and ends Deo, /Bib, 1868. For further particulars apply to • JAS. Y. M'KEE, Vice Pres't. July 8, - Agricultural College, ATTENTION FARMERS 1 SP RING has come, and those desiring full barns can have them by buying 3E 2. lEiss - tear at the Mill of I. Champney & Co., which we are selling at $6 per ton at our mill On Elk Run.— All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Plaster. Give us a call. I. CHAMPNEY dr, CO. Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March 28', 1868-6 mo For Sale. LQ SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS, in the ..7 Borough of Wollsboro, and a TIMBER TRAGT of 400 aoros in Delmar, three miles from thig city—hoavily timbered. Terme easy. Jon. 8, 1868. r - - -WRIGHT tt BAILEY. • Wellsbor6 Wool Carding. tilllE proprietor having put. his Mnehineit in first-rate order is now ready to card to or der any grade of Wool. His Cards aro ,of the finest quality. All wool, fine or coarso; should be well cleansed for the benefit of both parties.— All work_d6ne with despatch, and warranted. May. 2.7, dBI3S-2m. S. A. HILTBOLD. Lath ! Shingles I Lumber 1 ALWAYS on hand at Fostor's Mill, Niles Valley. Pine and Hemlock, lath, shingles, and lumber, as well - as all kinds of hard wood plank and boards. Lumber delivered to order. -- G. W. FOSTER. Niles Valley, May 13. 1868-3m.0 • Coal for Sale. • COARSE BITUMINOUS COAL for Sale Cheap, by Sept. 28,1867 Hero. Fruit Jar. .(111 GROSS of the HERO rRtIT JAR t/I.JU for sale. by W. D. ttIIBRIIII & CO.; • Coining, N. Y; Wo aroyropared to tIll , "Orders for the Hero Fruit Jar as low as they" can be bought any anywhere, and shipped from Corning. Wo can give special rates on large quantities. It Is the best and most salable Jar' in the market. pet quotations - froth us before ,ordoring elsewhere'. March 18, 180.-6 m Notice. ITAVING sold nry location and good will in tho practice of Dentistry to Dr. 0: Thomas, I u °old respectfully recommend him to my pa trons as I have made arrangements with him to• perform nil pperations for which I have contract ,. t. tT ,an ,;`commend him as a gentleman of skill nd a ability in the dental art., • J., 11. RANDALL, Tio , L a, Pa., May 13, IS3S-tf. Surgeon Dentist. 11 EAR ! HEAR YE I HEAR YE I I;4 3 .RRIILS, FIRKINS, CHURNS, BUTTER TUBS, &c., 'Kept Constantly on band; and furnished to or der; by W. T. MATHERS, store, 2d door above Roes Building, (Juno 10, 1868.) A, J. THOMPSON, [bl A NSFIELD PA) has two fires, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino withprompt nesit, and in a werktnanlike.manner. Ho DIDIOII at excellence in his trade. . Manglold June 3, 1888-Iy. •----,-)., . '---• 41.itmini s trator's Notice. r - • ---.. TJ ETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of U. P. Brown, Into of Lawrenceville, deo'd; All persons indebted to said ostato, and all per sons olainiing'alainet the same aro regaired to settle with 1 JOHN 11. BROWN. Laivrencolle, Jane. 24, 1888-0 e Admr. $3,50. 3,63. 1,70. A. FOLEY. Center Connti, Pa D: P. ROBERTS