" N - ww three groans, and let them be good ones, for Seymore and his c l ussid doctrine with will grind us into the dust under the heels uv Belmont, and aid the furrin capitalists by paying the bonds in gold I" And they groaned as heartily es they cheered. "We, ez Dimocrats," continued Joseph, "hey sworn by our altars and our fires, never to support for any offis, any man who would pay a debt inkurred by a unconstitoosheriel government in a un constitooshenel war, in anything but the debased currency wich that uncoil stitooshenel government ishood." " Never ! never ! we aware !" " Very. good !" said Josef, " this pa per wieh I hold in my hands conveys the ailllctin intelligence - that on the twenty seckond ballot Gov. Horasho Seymore, uv Noo York wuz nomenated, and that - Frank Blair wuz nomenated Vice'President by acclamation. "Ez Seyinore is opposed bitterly to Pendle .ton's greenbax policy, I -spose, uv 'coarse, the Corners will repoOdiate the ackshen uv the convenshin." - And with a laff wich wuz devilish in the extreme, Josef left the stand. The meetin broke up in a row. , The -Corners felt that they bed bin imposed upon, and hed I not got out uv the way I mite hev bin personelly injoored; The Deekin, Bascom,Kernel McPel ter, Issaker Gavitt and I met in the postoffis after the excited crowd hed - dispersed, and consulted. We was in a ruther a tits place. Relyin on the strength uv our candidate, we hed gone too far in denouncin the others, the for that matter what coed we do ? The two policies is so cussed opposite that we can't support the one Without de nounsin the tother. It luz desided that we support the ticket. We felt it wuz safe. Seymore, if he, is electid, can't discriminate between his suppor ters in the distribooshen ' uv- the post arises, and after all that is the real ques tion at ishoo. After giving the subjick a more iatoor considerashen, we come to the ednclooshen that the credit and staudin uv the Goverment demanded the payment of the nashnel indebted -ness in gold, and that anything short of that would be repoodiashin. "I wonder," sed I, "that any honest man—any man who beleeves in man timing unimpaired the 'credit of the goverment, shood think for a moment uv payin the debt in anything but wuz contemplated—honest hard gold."I At a meetin the next nite to ratify Sey more's nominashen, I sed this over agin, and asked em of any Ditnocrat who re membered the glorious Fite Jackson made for hard-money, wood consent I . ol' moment to multiply a irredeemable .paper currency .? No! Let us, ez our glorious standard bearer Seymore dkez so boldly perclaimed, let us pay (Air debts in Dimekrittic money—gold— hard, shinin yaller gold. Three cheers. for Seymore !" And they cheered ez vigorously eZ eye'? heered men cheer. Ther aint no trouble in managin the Dimocrisy: All they want is to hey it settled vat they are to hurrah for, and they hurrah for it. Notwithstandin the fo paw I made the first nite, we shell poll the yoosual vote for Seymore, and possibly more.— Yet the experiment wuz a leetle risky. I will never ratify agin till I kuow,Fat I am ratifying and for whom. PETROLEUM V. NASBY, P. M., _ (WM:lls Postmaster.) POLITIOAL PARAGRAPHS. - Mr. Seymour's " friends" are Just the men to carry out the designs of Blair. " Democrats every.wh i ere confident," announces The World.(l •That party in cludes all the confijlence meu. Mr. Parton asks, "'Will the coming man drink wine?" If he's a good Democrat he'll prefer vhisky. • The Libby Prison has been suggest ed as a suitable place for a Democratic headquarters during the Presidential contest. A new Seyniour paper has been start ! ekby Messrs.;'ones, King: & Co., in Houston, Texa . It is called The Ku Klux Gazette. If the war was "a failure" as the Democratic party declared in 1864, why are!they so anxious to prove that Sey moAr.was in favor of it ? H6ratio J. ueelinecl so ma ..y times, and so persistently, that there is no:doubt he will soon go into a gener al decline and close up business. - " Blair had been tendered the nomi nation for the same office by those whq had the power to confer it in the Con/ vention in Chicago." Seymour Man—l toll you what, sir, Democracy is looking up. Grant •Man —Well, your bogus Democracy is so flat on its back that it can't look any other way. The Democrats of the West are be ginning to think that , the New-York Convention consisted of Greenbacks and Greenhorns on one side, and Bonds and Sharpers on the other. Blair says "we seek , to restore the Constitution by executin the will of the people." The Chicago Post says if he doesn't look sharp, the will of the people will execute him. The Warrensburg (.111o.)' Standard is informed that there is a rebel flag in the sanctum of The Warrensburg Journal, for " the faithful" to weep over. Send it to Frank Blair, by all means. There is some curiosity to know whether Seymour, Ind., where the- Adams Express robbers recently were lynched, was named after Horatio. If so, he should call there with a speech addressed to " My friends." THE Democratic programme is noth ing less than revolution, anarchy, and A NEW CIVIL. WAR, beginning with dis union, and leading to either a rebel des potism over the white ana black Union men of the South,tir another great and bloody struggle, in which both the North and South may liecome involved. This is the feast to which theDemocrat ie party invites the nation —Detroit Post. Daniel S. Dickinson used always to say that he knew when Horatio Sey tnour most desired to he a candidate for / office, by the pertinacity with which he , declined it. When Seymour received a complimentary renomination in 1564. nil was expected to adhere to . his de ' laced purpose not to accept, he disap pointed and disgusted the wiser mem bers of the party and was defeated at the polls, as they knew he would be.— The late Dean Richmond was in the lobby of Tweddle Hall at the time, and some one informing him that liieyniour - was making a speech accepting' the • nomination, he turned on his heel . in anger, saying, "I always knew he was a fool; and now he has proved it." READ:AND REFLECT.—The following is an extract from the speech of F. P. Blair, delivered in New YOrk, on the - evening of the 10th 'inst. We recom mend its careful persual to our soldier, friends " What civilized people on the earth would refuse to associate themselves in all the rights and honors and dignities of their country such men as Lee and Johnston' [Voice, " none," " none."] What civilized country would fail to do honor to those who, fighting for an erroneous cause, yet diatinguishedithem selves by gallantry never surpassed [ap plause] in that contest, for which they are sought to be disfranchised and ex iled from their homes ! in that eon ,. teat they proved themselves to be our peers." Rebel Generals may be the peers of F. P. Blair, Jr. - Union soldiers do not consider them their peers. -, The Milwaukee Sentinel (Rep.) says : " We have a gold candidate on a green -back platform. That a man should stul- Ify himself by going before the people as the champion of a policy diametri cally opposite of that to which he is un equivocally 'ommitted, Tight excite some surprise were not, that man a. pro fessional politician—in kkunt, Horatio Seymour. Seymour!' She agitittit?x. WELLSBORO, PENN'A. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1868:( NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. loit DR ESI DENT, Gen. 111.141SSES S. GRANT FOIL 'VICE PRESIDENT, Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana Republican State Nominations. AUDITOR UNE:UAL. OEN. JOHN F. HARTIZANFT OF MONTWOIERY enIINTI SURVEYOR OENCRAL. COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OP CAMBRIA COUNTY THE TWO P MEM FROM GEN. GRADIng LETTER I= If elected to the office of President of the United :Rates, it will be my endea vor to administer ALL THE LAWS in good faith, with economy, and II ith the view of git ing PEACE ones AN n PROTECTION EVERY wrteer. In times like the present it i 4 illipOSEibie. or at least eminently int prop. er, to lay down a poney to be adhered to. right or wrong. through an aliMin isti tion oI four years— New political issues, not fort-Seen. rtes coo Omit iy arising , the views of the public un old ones are con stantly changing. and a purely administrative olli• cur should aiwn)a lie lett free TO EXLCFTE THE WILT. OF Inc PEOPLE. I always have respected that will nod Al ways shall. Prace UNI VEW3IL PRoCPLIIIT se quell ce—ivi h economy of adminisiAlion.will lighten the burden of taxation. while It constantly rednc.,l the national debt. I, HAVE PEACH. s "With great iespeet,sour obedient servant. "U. GRAia." We don't think much of such quips and quirks as we occasionally manage to scribble. But that is no reason why the Potter Journal should copy them and credit to the Bloonisburg Republi can. Gen. Wade Hampton is to edit a paper in Columbia, South Carolina, they say. If he shoots paper bufets as well as he did leaden ones, the Yankee carpet-baggers in the State will have to "get up and git."—Clinton Democrat.___ Exactly. Wade Hampton will - vote as he,shot—against the Union and the • Constitution., James Buchanan, Democratic Presi dent of the Milted States, surrendered the jurisdiction of eight States in the South to Jefferson Davis, in February 1861. He surrendered the remaining States to Abraham Lincoln on the 4th of March following. If you never thought of that before think —r eb .2 ,, Iv • There is one iee=cooT - cnap editing a Copperhead sheet out west. He knows that August Belmont, the principal agent of the aristocracy of Europe is the chief of the Democracy, and carries a bag for them ; yet he accuses the Re publicans of using British gold to carry the election against Seymour. What a fellow, to be sure. The fragrant Democracy which has its headquarters. in Center, Cross, and Division Streets, is to have an organ of its darling own ; and the La Crosse man is to be its proprietir. Good-bye World; Good-bye Express ; Good-bye Daily News; Good-bye Venus Miscellany.— Your occupation's gone. The Williamsport Bulletin now pub lishes a daily. It is small, but right keen and smart. It is published as a campaign paper at six cents a week, and Capron says its continuance be yond November will depend upon pat z : ronage. Williamsport has now three dailies, none of them paying a profit. Go ahead, gentlemen, but save enough to kee • you out of the Poor house. Gen. Charles G. Halpine, one of the most brilliant and erratic geniuses in the newspaper and literary world, died suddenly, at the Astor House, r New York city, Sunday evening, Aug. 2. The immediate Cause of his death was cerebral excit merit, caused by an over dose of chloroform. Alas for " Miles O'Reiley P' Like many another erratic star he has fallen from the heavens, be cause he put into his mouth " an enemy to steal away his brains." We admire the exceeding innocence of a Republican eotemporary who asks the Democratic press of the country_to deal frankly !with the Republican party on the subj,Ct of the redemption of the public debt. i Sir Innocence, "do !men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of this tles?" •In answer to your prayer for a frank, fir M and square contest, yoti will get a bier lie an ever. Good friend, keep out of the way of the cows. T° the noisy clamors of the Copper heads, who insist upon redeeming the bonds of the nation with greenbacks, we put the question again : How will you redeem the greenbacks? Let i us have your answer, without prevarica tion or cercumlocution. No dodging, no shystering. Toe the mark. j-fpou propose to • redeem the greenbaeltriAp greenbacks, how soon will you get back to hard money ? If hi coin, why ndt redeem the bonds in coin and let, thlit eud it? - Were we a particular friend of Go . Seymour our first move would be o buy up the horrid caricatures of th.t gentleman now being published in tl e Seymour papers. He was not of ti e African type when last we saw . him, thougit by no means. the fairest speci men of the noble Caucasian. His pic ture, as published, has less of the C 4 easian than Fred. Douglass. His com panion on the ticket is made to resem ble a Bowery Rough.. The original is rough enough, but not quite PA) outrit meows Los the picture. OGRAMMES ND WA I. Prom Gen. ItWee letter seeking the nomination: "There is but one way to restore the Government end rise Constitution; and that is for the,Prealdent elect to declare the recon struction:lets null and veld, compel the army to undo its usurpations at the South . TILE CARPET IMO STATE. GOVERNMENTS, allow the white people to rem , gimize their own govern' useists and ..feet Senators and Representatives. The House of Representatives wilt contain a majority of democrats from the North and they wilt admit tie ltepreventatives elected by the white people of the South; and, with the co operation of the President. it will not be difficult tc comma. vat SENATE. TO SUB MIT Ones RUM. CO the ohlt• otions of the Constitution. we nnt••t have a Prefldent who '*III ext•cute the nil( of the people. by narniiling into dust the murpationa of Congress known us the t econstruct, ion acts. Tn.ANK P. BLAIR." PACTS TO BE CONSIDIVRED. The ellin4s of the Seymour party are directed to the work of covering up and concealing the serious questions to be decided by this campaign:. Ours must be directed to the wnrk of keeping those 'questions upper moSt in the 'White mind. A vote this year is a vote to go forward in the race for national greatness, or a vote,to return upon the path of progress and stand again where We stood in Feb ruary, 1801. It matters not, a jot what motives may 'control - the vote of any than, the vote itself is a vote to do one of the 1 wo thing above mentioned. —ln other words we have to decide whether we will return to Slaveliolding domination, under which the Condi tions of slavery must inevitably be re stored ; or, grown wiser in the trial by battle, .we shall retain the powers of the General Government in the hands of the party, which saved the nation from _the horrid embrace of treason. With many the choice had not to be made. With others, governed by narrow and selfish motives the sport of designing men, the choice is to be m l ittle. It is to the former as to comrades that we ap peal ; and to the latter class, as to men whom a feather's weight may convert into enemies of free government, or in to temporary supporters of the same. We do not suppose that there is to be much proselyting done this season.— Men who read, acid understand what they read ; and men who vote as their fathers 'voted or -as ,some prominent man votes, cannot be changed. Young men, just stepping upon the stage of active life, whose political opinions are yet to be settled on an enduring basis, are made the prey of conscienceless 'demagogues always, wherever it is pos lsible. Then there is the "floating vote," as it is called, made up of men of .weak minds and weak moral sense; of whom it used to be said by Democratic mana gers—" they go with the last man who gets hold of them." This vote is the " main bolt " of the Coppery voliti clans. A drink of poor whisky, a little job of work, a little judicious flattery applied by a gushing master of deport ment—and the work of proselyting is supposed to be complete. The proper place for such sovereigns, according to the laws of gravitation, is with the DemOeracy. We doubt if it ever pays to invest much in such stock, even when the coin which is its equivalent is plenty. But. men and part ies do invest in it. Unfortimately the inveqinent, only lasts one year at Longest, and a new ad vance of principal is i red. But as for dosing men wit •: whisky to secure their votes, we are now, as ever, utterly op posed to it. Nor shall we con nten'anee bribery in any shape ; for if the desti nies of the nation depend upon the ma nipulation of the 11o:ding vote, the ex periment of free government has thped already. It is about time that the Peo ple who have opinion , , who read, and have brains enotieh to comprehend what they read, took the reins into their own hands. If there be a man unde cided, and waitinir, for a reason, gite him the y facts,.and thus, if he be - a rea smiable man, secure him for progress and peace. Let no man of that kind fail to support llepublioan. principles because of a lack of a knowledge of the trt.te state of the e tae for e, ctua no 91:tol. ;mat( be inauced to vole for•our ticlet by whiqy or brib ery, by deceit or lies. If we cailnot, suc ceed by straitforward campaigning, without stooping to the dirty tricks which stand in the place of a good cause with our opponents, then success is not worth having, and had, cannot be depended upon. —And in so far as inatters'of opinion are concerned there must be the NV Iciest toleration. But in so far as facts and the unbiased record is concerned we shall abide by them now, as heretofore ; and now, as heretofore, we shall de nonce any wilful falsification of the re cord by the common enemy as false hood, naming actions by their , right names and holding every liar responsi ble to the public he insults. The, work has begun already. We see it stated that— The Radicals have provided for an army of 100,000 wen to control the elee tionsfin the South. This is a lie, and the man who retails It is a liar, of course. The facts are that the army of the United Stases numbered less than 20,000 on the Ist day of January, 18(38 ; and the cost of this army for the year end ing June.:,l3, was a little over $18,000,000. It is stated that—. , The National debt has not been re duced,since the close of ' the war. But the report of the Secretary of the Treas ury shows that the reduction of the debt has been at the rate of about $lOO,- 000,000 per annum since '1865. The counter statement is therefore false. It is also stated that the holders of IL S. securities pay no taxes. The income derived from stocks of any kind is taxed precisely like income from any other property. To state the contrary is to lie, either wilfully or ignorantly. It is stated that bends must be taxed directly like other property, for the payment of the public debt. " Other property " is not taxed directly by the Government, only n the income from property; nor can the Government tax the principal of its debt, any more than a debtor can make his cred itor pay his the debtor's debt. The men who otherwise declare, do it for political effect, or ignorantly, and to de ceive the unwary. Of course to expose a lie does not kill it. But we shall keep on exposing the lies which the opposition puts afloat, calling men and actions by their right names, as we always do. A Copperhead editor who has been sent to the Legislature, and who may be pardoned for lack of knowledge therefore, says that the expenses of the Government for May were $45,000,000. He multiplies this by the number of months in a year, and estimates the ex penditures for the year at 4.ti40,000,000. He does not tell his readers, many of whom must be as ignorant as he is, that $36,000,000 of this sum expended in May was for interest on- public debt. If that editor was to estimate liis house hold expenses by the sum expended in the month when he bought a barrel of 'flour to last three months, he would make precisely the blunder he has wade in estimating the national expen ditures. That's all. Mr. J. A. Hill, of Hill's Creek, has loaned us a copy of the last, " Wall pa per edition " of the Daily Citizen, print ed at Vicksburg, July 4, 1803,• though dated two days earlier. It' is about 12.x18 inches, on a gaudy pattern of Wall paper. Aiming other• things the editor says: " ON DlM—That the great "UlyiiSes—the Yankee Generalissimo, "surnamed (Jriuit has expressed his in " tentiOn of dining in Vicksburg on "Saturday next, and celebrating the "4th of July by a gran'd dinner, and "so forth. Nylien asked It' the .would ' "invite Gentral Joe Johnston to join, "he said, te'No I for fear that, there. will , "be arow at the table.' Ulysses must " getin to the city before he dines hi IL' " The way • to cook a rabbit is first to " cat c h the,rabbit, i,?,,c,." - In a note dated Juiy 4, at the bottom of the column, we fin the only Yankee contribution to the paper. It states, apro pos of the foregoing fiplurge, that "the banner of the Uniomilloats over Vicks burg, and Gen. Granrhas caught the rabbit." At the close of an article laud atory of Gen. Lee we find the folowing : " To-day Maryland is ours, to-morrow "Pennsylvania will be, and the next "day Ohio—now midwhy like Mahout " med's coffin—will fa I. * Success and "glory to our armsil., God an the "right are with us." This reminds us of the fact that the opponents of Gen. Grant ate to-day claiming 'Marylaed and Pennsylvania, and looking for the fall of Ohio. Can it be that the ;editor of this bit of wall paper now rues the entire Seymour press of the North ? It I looks like it. * , Mr. Hill, who was a elerk.ae Grant's headquarters at that time, saw this pa per printed from the forms as they were left by the rebel proprietor. The New York Copperhead papers are abu iug Hon. John A. Griswold, Republican Candidate for GoV'ernor of that State, Most shamefully. , Why shouldn't they ?—Mr. Gris Wold built the first " Monitor" at his own 'risk, asking nothing of the Government until the vessel should have been successful in sight. - The Monitor, as everybody knows, and nobody better than the rebels and their friends in the North, defeated the.most powerful iron clad the rebels ever put afloat, and opened the way to the extinction of are rebel navy. Is it any wonder that the New York Democracy, just from a hob nobbing with Forrest, Beauregard and Hampton, should hate John A. Gris wold? Not much. If anybody supposes that Thaddeus Stevens is about to join the Democracy because he half declared for repudiation the other day, they deceive themselves. We notice that Mr. Ross, a fragrant Copperhead, informed Mr. Stevens that " the Democratic doors are still open, 1 and we will take the gentler au n;"— thus acknowledging that the, 'en ranee to the bosom of the Democracy is by the way of repudiation. Vie Tribune, with an eye to the forgetfulness of age, has extracted the following from a speech by Mr. Stevens upon the . "Legal Tender Act ; , " A ,dollar in a miser's safe, unproductive, is a sore disturbance. Where could they invest it? In United States loans at eix per Ont.—redeema ble IN GOLD in 20 years—the, best and most sifed.''' Showing that Mr. Stevens, like every rother public man, and like the people who lent the Government the money to prosecute the war, understood that the national evidences of debt were to be redeemed in coin. Mr. Ste vens will not assist to defeat the De mocracy by joining that party in form. PERSONAL.—Mr. Hack Icy, agent of the Elmira A theriiNtr, was in town last Thursday on business for that paper. fle procured upward of twenty snbseribors for the daily in this village in a: few hour's. The ..tdrei //ere is one of the best papers published, and being a member of the Associated Press, publishes all the telegraphic news a day earlier than the New York papers can get to us. Wo commend it to all who want to receive a daily on the day it is , piinted. $2, for three months. UNION . GRANT CLUB.—At a meeting of the Republicans of Union, held at the t3pen cer School House, Aug. 1, 18111, fur the 'purpose of organizing a Grant and Colfax club, the fol lowing named persons were elected oflichs of said club: President—Ntaj. John Irvin. Vico Presidents-0 S. Randall, Lynda Spencer, L. N. Rutty, L. L. Washburn. Secretary—A. A. Griswold. Treasurer—lL P. Kilburn. - • • Committpc . ~of Vigilaucc--Justin Bothwell, Patrick Wim, Wm. Rathbun, Johnathaurrhomp son, Wm. Newell, Peter Skelley, G. M. Coons. The club meets every Saturday evening in the various school districts in the town, tha place of meeting being designated by the club. A. A. Giuswobv . , Sec'y. TIOGA. U. L. of A.—The Republican electors of Tioga Boro and township met at the hall of the Good Tempters in Tiogn, Saturday evening Aug. 1, for the purpose of organizing a Union League of America. The following named persons were installed officers of the League by D. D. G. P., A. F. Benjamine: John W. Guernsey, President. S. M. Geer, Vice President. David Cameron, 2d Vico Pres. John C. Horton, Secretary. John Stevens, Treasurer, Seth Daggett, Herald. It. Schleif°lin, Sentinel. Rev. F. Graves, Chaplain. T. R. Warren, Marshal. Forty five members were obligated. Wo pro pose to regain the loss by "buckwheat" last fall. The League meets every Saturday evening at Good Templars' Hall, at 8 o'olocic. J. C. HORTON, Sco'y. MARRIAGES IiOWLEY—BEMENT.—In Jackson, July 25, by Roy. M. Rockwell, Mr. IVillium C. Rowley, and Miss Eliza Bement. DEATHS CURREN.—In Jackson, July 19, Mt,. Duane Curren, aged 24 years. Mr. Curren'leaves a young widow and many friends to mourn his iOS$. ADAMS.—In Mansfield, Tioga Co. Pa., July 21, Ruth A. .Adams, wife of William Adams, Esq. Sister Adams was converted to (loci in the days of her childhood, and for thirty years by her consistent life, gave evidence of the genuine ness of her conversation. She exemplified in an eminent degree the beauty and strength of Chris tian principle. At home and abroad, she was alirays the same upright Christian; ready to de fend and propagate Christianity. The widow and the fat,tterless were remembered by her in their afflictions, and she kept herself unspotted from the world. Though death un loosed the bonds of life, it could not weaken ber love for her family. She suffered long and much, but never complained or murmured ; as she enjoyed in a very eminent degree the sustain. fug grace of God. lier confidence in God, and in the power of his grace, sustained her to the last moment, when she lay quietly beside ,the river of death, waiting for the life-boat to convey her over. She leaves a husband and two eons to mourn her loss. May the counsel and advice given to the husband and sons, bo received and carried out in theit future lives, that they may find comfort and consolation in believing on, and trusting in, the same Savior that supported this more than loved companion and mother, in the hour of death. H. LAMICIN. SILVA , RIFF'S SAL*S. L Y virtue of sundry writs of Fieri ,rucitis, Le. B vari Facing, and Venditioni Expcitee, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Ti oga county, Pa., to me directed, will be exposed to publio sale in the Court House, in Wellsboro, on MONDAY, the 31st of Aught 1868, at ono O'clock in the afternoon, the following described prOperty,,,to wit A lot of land in Wellsboro, beginning fit the north , east corner of Mrs. Meek's premises, thence 80 feet along the road running north to the cemetery to a post. thence to the east corner of G. 8. Cook's house 87 feet, thence bearing In a southerly direction until the line strikes the old line at or neat the fence, thence along said line or fonco to the corner of Mr. Young's lot 257 feet, thence along the old warrant line adjoin. fag lands of A. P. Cone in a south.westerly direction to a pile of stone to Mrs. Meeks line, thence along line of Mrs. Meeks lot to beginning and to the highway—con. taining 3 of an acre moro or less,with frame house thereon. To be sold as the property ofJ. B. Kelly, suit of Gideon 8. Cook. ' ALSO, a lot of land in Delmar township, bounded on the north by William Peterson, Ja1310313 English and George Stnrmer;east by Rohl Adams & Devil lo Stowell, south by Albert Landis, west by public highway, con tattling 130 acres, about 65 improved, -frame house, frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of Miles Swope, snit of John Dickinson. ALSO, a 10l of land in Union, beginning at n stone heap the south east corner of warrant 4612, thence north by the eastern boundary line of said warrant 4612 and by other land of John Green 251% rods to a hem lock, thence west 101 rods to a beech, thence south 251 y, rods to a post in the warrant lino, thence east along the warrant line 190 rode to the place of begin ning, containing 300 acres, and being part of warrant 4612. John Vaughn warrantee, about 70 acres im proved, one frame house one frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To ho sold as the property of Charles S. 'Green, Johtt B. Green, Henry Clay and David 8 Green, ex'rs of John Green, dec'd, suit of E. A. Brig, ham, adm'r. ALSO, a lot of land in Shippen stuvoyed to William Drew, bounded on the north bq lot surveyed to Na- thaniel Impson, on the cast by Urlah Impson and Harris Dartt, Booth by E. J. Dartt, and west by land of J. N. Bache and the estate of W. Bowie, containing about Ofty-flye acres, about fifteen acres partly im proved, two. ice; houses and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of William H. Mutt and A. D. Mott, suit of Job Wilcox & Co. ALSO, a lot of land in Clymer, beginning at the north' west corner on the Cummings road, thence running east along lands of John Harper to a post, thence south along lands of James Burt to a post, thence west along lands of Isaac Burnside and Chauncey South worth to a post, thence north along lands of Levi Stephens to place of beginning, containing ninety acres, more or less, about 80 acres improved, with a frame house, frame barn, frame corn or wagon house and other outbuildings, fipple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Mordecal M. Sears & J. M. Vosburgh, suit of Sarah Mitchell, ndm'x. ALSO, a lot of land In Tloga township, beginning at a point in the lino between the lands of John Dailey and lands of the estate of Augustus Niles, deceased, 18 feet east of the center of the track of the Tloga Rail road, thence along the said line bet Ween said Daily and said Niles estate easterly 20 rods to• binds of Henry J. Miller. thence southerly parallel with laid R. R. track 8 rods to lands of Henry J. Miller, thence westerly par allel with the first mentioned line to a point 18 feet east of the center of said R. R. track, thence northerly on aline 18 feet cast of the center of said li. R. track to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land, be the same pioneer less, all improved.with a frame house, frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of F. H. Clark, snit of S.C. Alford. ALSO. n lot of lend in Jackson, bounded on the north by Henry Furman, east by Stephen 'Everette, south by Bingham lands, west by William Stevens: containing 137 acres more or less, about 85 acres im proved. two log heuses and two log barns and other outbuildings, apple orchard and other fruit trees there.' on. • To be sold as the property of Lucy A. Baker, suit of Henry H.Dent. ALSO, a lot of land in Clymer, bounded on the north by Benjamin Eldridge, east by John Eldridge, south by highway, west by Orrin Stebbins, containing sixteen acres, 9 acres improved, frame house and apple or chard thereon. To be' sold as the property ;of 0. B. Collony, suit of Orrin Stebbins. ALSO, a lot of land in Clymer, bonndedon the north by highway. east and south by Riley Burdick, and on the west by highway—containing about g acres. more or less, a sawmill and the appurtenances thereon. To be sold us the property of Peleg Burdick, suit 0 1 / 4 f Good ell and Tooker. ALSO—a lot of land in Rutland, bcunded north by J, D. Vedder, Myron Mills and J. Sherman, south by said Mills and E. Rose, and west by E. Rose and Myron Mills—containing 3 acres, more or less, all improved, two frame houses, one frame wagon shop, frame black smith shop, frame barn and outbuildings and a few fruit trees therein); An.so—anotlicr lot bounded north by lot formerly called the Huntley lot, now owned by Urirh Lucas, east by Mrs. Caleb Garrison; south by Jefferson Pruts man, west by lot formerly owned by George Brown— containing 84 acres and allowance, about 70 acres im proved, frame house, frame barn, and apple orchard thereon ; ALso—nnotber lot bounded north by Jeffereon Prate man, east by Johnson Brewer. south by Uriah Lucas, west by George Brown lot—containing 32 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved. To be sold as the property of Urialt Lucas, suit of t Erastus Iloso. ALSO, another lot of land in Richmond, bounded north by Erastus Phelps, Gilbert Phelps and Frank Lounsbury, east by Seth Whitaker, south by Ninny and Barney Whitaker, west by Brastus Phelps, con taining one hundred acres, about 75 acres improved, frame houso, frame barn, and other outbuildings, and two apple orchards thereon. To be sold as the proper ty of a ollln Robinson, suit of Chortle() Maynard. ALSO, another lot of land in Elkland, hounded on the north by Main street and E. S. Culver, east by George Doriance, south by Cowanesque river and west by T. S. Coats and O. P. Babcock, continuing seven acres more or less, with two frame houses, frame barn,• and a few fruit trees thereon, To be sold as the pro* erty of J. W. Shoff, suit of J. & 3. Parkhurst. ALSO, another lot of land in the Borough of Law- Penceville. bounded. on _t_tes_enril..l...e-giced...rial±urst.. arkhurst, frame house, frame barn and other out buildings thereon, containing ono acre more or less.— To be sold as the property of John Potter and John Colegrove, suit of A. J. Colegrove. ALSO, another lot of land in Lawrence, bounded on the north by Ethel Harris, east by Seymour Ford, and Parkhurst, south by Seymour Ford, and Parkhurst and John W. Gee, west by lands of Bingham estate. containing ninety-five and six-tenths acres, about ten acres improved, a log house thereon. To be sold as the property of Thomas F. Thompson, suit of Wta; B. Cly mer and Charles Willing. ALSO, another lot of land in Brookfield, bounded on the north by Joel Styles and Wm. Clark, cast by Wm. Clark and Willcox, south by Skinner, and Lester Fisk, west by John Bedford, George —, containing seven ty-five six-tenths acres, twenty acres improved, log house, log and frame barn together, and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property cf George B. Fra ser, suit of Win. B. Clymer and Charles Willing. ALSO, another lot of land In Morris, beginning at a yellow birch corner 90 perches east of a stone heap in the eastern boundary of William Blackwelre land on Big Pino Creek, thence north 186 eight-tenths perches to a yellow Pine corner, thence east 102 porches to a white pine corner. thence north by land formerly of Nathan Broughton 196 eight-tenths perches to a post corner, thence west along the warrant line 4381, 182 perches to the place of beginning, containing 210% acres with the usual allowance, &c., being part of war rant 4381, 30 acres improved, with a log and frame house, frame barn, apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon ; Au°, another lot of land, beginning at a post in the north west corner of survey 4360, thence east 313 per ches to a hemlock, thence south 218 perches to a beach sapling, being corner of Messrs helms tract, thence south 90 degrees east 120 perches to a hemlock, thence west 220 perches to a white pine, thence north 134 perches to a chestnut trop, thence west 50 porches to a chestnut tree, thence north 45 perches to a chestnut oak, thence west 69 perches to the warrant line north 1 137 perches to 4he place of beginning, containing 600 acres more or less, being part of warrant survey 4966, in the name of James Wilson, about 30 acres improved, with four frame houses, frame barn end other ontbuild ings, one saw mill, ono grist mill, and a few fruit trees thereon. Also, another lot of land, beginning at a post on Dobbs creek, corner of Warrant 1608 in the name of Hawes & Fisher, thence along the same cast 272 per ches to a post, thence along warrant 4384 in the name of James Wilson north 170 perches to a beech, thence along lands in the name of James Wilson warrant 4304 west 286 perches to a post on the lino of lands of Wm. Mitchell, thence along the same south 30 degrees east to a stone 38 perches, thence along the same south 66 degrees west 44 perches to a post on Babbs creek, thence along the same sohth 20 degrees east 98 perches to the place of the beginning, containing 317 acres and allowance, be Menai° more or less, 60 acres improved, five frame houses, frame barn, saw mill, grist mill with two run of stone, and other outbuildings and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of John 11. Humes, suit of Jersey Shore National Bank. ALSO, another lot of land in Delmar, beginning at a hemlock the north west corner of a lot of land belong ing to John Phelan, thence north , forty-fivo degrees cast sixty-six perches to a sugar tree, thence east 84 perches to a beech tree, thence south 148 perches to a beech. thence north 62 degree') west 172 perches to the place of beginning, containing 73 acres, part of war rant 303, about 30 acres imprloved; A 1430, another lot of land in Delmar, beginning at a beech tree the' south-cast corner of a lot of land pur. chased by Charles Dartt & A. D. Brown, thence by said land north 29 perches to a post, thence south 41 do. grees east 16 eight-tenths perches to the center of the road lending from Wellsboro to Stony Fork, thence by said road south 34 degrees west 20 two-tenths perches to the place of beginning, containing ono acre more or less, all improved with frame house thereon. To be sold as the property of Phebe W. Digony, suit of C. S. Denison and 11. B. Kelsey. ALSO, another lot of land in Charleston, beginning at a post the north west corner of the Cooley Mill •tract, thence south 38 degrees east along tiro warrant lino 186.2 rods to a post, thence south 1 degree west 64.6 perches to a beach, thence south 88) deg's west 186.2 perches to a beech, thence north 934 degrees east 51 perches to the place of beginning, containing 03% acres, about 40 acres improved, new frame house, frame barn and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Zebnlon McConnell and George DicConnel. suit of Nathan Dandry. ALSO, another lot of land in Blossburg, known as lot No. 8 in Block No. 9. lying on the east side of Wil. liamson road in Blossburg, containing more less, with a frame store house. 70 feet long end 30 feet wide, frame barn and other outbuildings thereon. To ho sold as the property of Philip Nast It Louts Auerbach, suit of 3. H. & J. Danziger. ALSO, another lot of land in Tioga, bounded on the north by highway, east by lands of E. Bayer, south by Crooked Creek and west by lands of John Magee, con taining four acres more or less, with frame house, frame barn, and fruit trees thereon, all improved. To be sold as the property of G . E. BleKinney & Samuel S. McKin. nay, suit of Thomas Middaugh. ALSO, another lot of land in Lawrenceville Borough, bounded north by highway, east by I': Hurd, south by 0.8. Mother,and west by Main street, containing y, acre more or ess, with a frame house rud a few fruit trees thereon; ALSO, another lot bounded north b 'highway, east by Asa A. White. south by P. Damon a C. 8. Mather, and west by P. Bind, containing % acre more or less, with frame barn thereon ; Also, another lot, bounded north by Mechanic street, east by T. B. Tompkins. south by the Tioga River, and west by lands of P. Damon, containing about 2 acres, more or less, all Improved. To be sold as the property of Wm. D. Middaugh & Thurman Pattisou, snit of Cleo. Dorrance, use of Chas. L. Pattison. August 12, 1868. 3. B. POTTER, Sheriff. Es!ray. AME to the onolosure of the subscriber, July k.,/ 29, nit, a RED YEARLING STEER. The owner can havo the same by proving property and paying charges. _ . ERASTUS NILES, 2d. Middlebury, Aug. 12, 1868-3 w. Grant& Cararkelubs.—The times of meet ng are as follows: Brookfield—Saturday evenings. East Obarleston—Saturday evenings. Lawreneoville—Wednesday evenings. Liberty—Tuesday evenings. • Middle Ridge—Saturday evenings. Middlebury—Saturday evenings. • Mansfield—Saturday evenings. Tioga--Saturday evenings. Tloga [U. L. of A.)—Saturday evenings. ' Union—Saturday evenings. Westfield—Tuesday evenings. Wellsboro—Friday evenings. Other, names will bo inserted as fast as they are received, and the table will be published weekly during the campaign. Steam Engine Wanted. I. WISH to buy a second-hand Steam Engine of about fifteen horse power. Address, D. ANGELL. Knoxville, Aug. 8,1868-Bw. Estray Sheep. (lAMB to the premises of the subscriber in Delmar, about the first of August, four Sheep and a lamb. Sheep marked with a crop of the left ear. The owner can have them by paying charges. DELOS FIELD. Aug.3.2,18138-3t.. Estray.l' 4 l • ' CA t, MB into the enclosure of the'eubseribiT in Delmar, about the 27th of Jue, 1811 , a small RED STEER, two years old Tio owner can have him by paying charges. LAZELLE liI3iBALL. Aug. 12, 1868-3w*. IN BANKRUPTCY—Western District of Pa., es: To whoin it may concern ; The, under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Wrn. H. Thomas of Morris, Tioga Co. Pa, who has been adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. J. HARRISON, Welisboro, Aug, 12, 1868-3 t Assignee. Application for Charter. IVTOTICE is hereby given that P. 0. Van 0.31- .11 der, Charles Williams, H. O. Bailey, and J. B. Shskespeare, et. al., have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Vega County, for a charter of incorporation under the name and style of "The First Baptist Church of Wellsboro," and that the said court have appointed Monday, the 31st day of August, 1868, for a hearing in said matter, at the Court House In Welisboro, when, if no objection be made, the application will be granted. - J. P. DONALDSON, Aug. 12, 1868. Proth'y. ESTRAY. CAME into the enclosure of the subscriber on the 20th of June, 1868, a dark red two year old Steer, high horns, white ;nay in the forehead, and four white feet, about one half of tho length of his tail white. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he wiU be disposed of according to law. /Yoga, Aug. 1, 1868. In Bankruptcy. N the District Court of 11. S. Western Dist of I Ponna, in the matter of If, P. YEOMANS, Bankrupt. To whom it may Concern : Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of IL P. Yeomans, of Jackson Township, Tioga county, Pa., within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, August 5,1868-3 t. - ' Assignee. Administrator's Notice. T RTTERS of administration having been ±A granted to the undersigned upon the estate of B. F. Jennings, late of Charleston, deceased, all persons having claims against, or indebted to said estate, will settle with - DARWIN THOMPSON, July 15,1868-6 w. Adm'r. MILLINBRY FOR 1868. W E bog to call pitir attention to oar stock of READY MADE BONNETS and STRAW JOOKIES Which wo aro soiling at COST. PATTERN HAT FRAMES of Madame Railing's large and exquisite assort wont, of which lye will Rive our friends the mos Mra. E. D. MITCHELL. Aug. 5, 1888—tL Broad Street, Tioga, Pu LOOK AT THIS? ME 1111 A El the Printers say that success follows the liberal advertiser, and other people seem to believe them, so we (that is, Wiekham & Farr) will take warning, follow the example, and in form the public in general that wo have a good stook of vied GOODS, to be sold at good prices for good customers— and as we consider all customers good—they will bo very apt to be offered the same goods at one and the same price. We might begin and men tion some of the various articles and styles that help to make up our stock of 1 .1122 S 000119ittp Domestics,Yankee !Notions, Hats and aps, Boots and Shoes, &c., &c. ; but as we have neither time nor space to, finish even the beginning, we will merely invite you to oall, ask ihr what you want, we will tell you the price, and then weigh out or measure off ac cording to order. ; PORK, FOUR AND SALT, )!' the three groat neeti'ssaries, always on hand Renumber - Farmers, that we can supply you with BUTTER FIRKINS, TUBS, OR PAILS, and {maim) old Ashton; by tbo Babb or pound. Wo pay Cosh for Butter], WICKHAM Jr ( PARR. Tioga, May 20, 1868.1 E. 11. lIASTI*GS, DEALER IN . Groceries and, Provisions, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, SEWING MACHINES, AND THE Eureka Melodeon, ,At Wholesale prices. E. . HASTINGS, May 6, 1868-tf. 11i in St., Wellsboro. FISHER & !3UNNEL First Door abooe Roy's Drug Store. Wellsboro. DEALERS IN EMILY, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Will keep constantly on hand everYthing in the line of Family Groceries, as well as. Provisions, Fruits, Confectionery, Yankee Notions, Toys, dmc. All of which will bo sold at reasonable prices. JAMES RUNNEL. U. G. FISHER. May 8, 1808-Iy. 1 A BARGAIN. - 1_74,01:. Sulu, u euittil cliu sp Printing Press in r goad brdur, suitable for Curdd, Enquire of JOHN A. UOY, May 41, 1868— IL Wellebora, Pa. ,ri q goc4o.l 4 , , Get .st. v r.., ‘s‘ . --. m g; pi 'C7 l' ';-7: P . :5, ' V, CD ''' .4 5 1 1 • 0 r; co t ly v. 1 1 1 c - • 1 : i c:, .... 'l. ti . tt , v 0 P.- vi in OQ 'I. -- , CD '2 0. .1 C) ti -1 CI ` 2 ' ':'42l J o. IA E. t. ~.. ..,.,.v 0 b i d n '54 i 4 •1. rt w 0 . ~..,4 00 oli k , o 8 t=i• 2 - , '1:0 "s 03 ... pi ~,,.. 14 0 ,„ ,q . ..., ~., , .4 0 sal '-' 6- ' l l Vi ~, --", y y, , .. or 4 n „.. i 5 10, 8 p 4 g. 0 4 W ,:, N 0 ci g -W t: : •V ... Z .4 g Pny t< < ,y C"... ^ H 54 ig c IR g r: itl = 'Ol o t . I . I Z . '-r FA 0 g.tr - 2 . i 01 C Wil ri , "i'•. - pit P P I I •0 el , a. I o f_ ..„.-. I I V a .- o 1 ... , , 10 oig,E ~„ .., , 03 gn . co . c; . . , 7 2: ~.,,, co Ps i „., OD ig ~:, ~. ~, i , , • . ;I VI tr, -: s s ill b ° i I .5. p i .. 8 ., ° .. sp 13 .8 - i I 0„. tq pa rn - cn cri el 8 t 4 %Id -g P 0 0 0 eh 9 0 I ~....,I — . ts.D Co P. 0 =I pis F r . CA C.A 0/ OCMOO , .9 0 0 )--ii:Dt•DV. , , i t go g t 10 c) Fr_ .1 - =' PPP? Sx"' Gel •,m <_z) c.D 00 co A NEW STOCK OF SPRING GOODS!, Delman° % Co. HJIVING just reciered a rich and varied as sortment of LADIES' DRESS MOMS for Spring and Summer wear. SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, all of the latest patterns GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings; also a • large stock of LADIES' AND orn - LDRENS SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' HAI'S AND CAPS. CARPETS AND MATTING, STAPLE GROCERIES as can be found in Wolleboro. Wu have a good COTTON YARN, CARPET, WARP, HOOP SKIRTS, LATEST STYLE, SHA KER BONNETS, LINEN CLOTHING. Call and oxamino our Goods and Prices Wellaboro, April 29, 1863. , MORE NEW GOODS! J. R. Bowen & Co., RE now receiving a large and 1 complete a A c sortment of o Q - .odds, I bought since the late decline in prices in New York, consisting of T3r3r .Gc•c,4fi.ss, Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots &•. Shoes YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., &c. Particular titention is inv)ted tci our Stock of /LED= (wall; AND TRIMMINGS, Gaiters and Hoop Skirts -; also a nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very fine at reduced priCes, all of which will bo sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. We respectfully invite all to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block WeHonor°, June 8, 1888. We have also some fine 1 1 1 and as good a stook of otook of and a largo stook of DoLA Remember, Wo are rociao,st..,l to aom,ol.ek, It Hi '‘•Pb o i, 118 a candidate for the , to the decision of the Republican .•ount k y ll O,nr ventiun r • TO the Editor if the : V u ought to hare two good ntembers of the Log sl.tturo from thisDiFitriet ro.xf winter. and Mr. Strattg'a re. eteetion ns wm of mein, i• generally conceded. lieretotore Potter County with ono-third oar population hall shared equally with 'Fioga in th e reprasentation, but in the event of both teem. bars being conceded to this county this Foil, which now seems probablo, JEitoun B. N I LEN has consented to 'become a candidate, from this Dbitrict for the Legislature. Please announce his name, subject, of course to thp Republican Convention, and - MANN CritzliNe, DISTRICT ATTOTINEIt. We are requef.to.l to announce JOllll I. Mitch ell, o f wellshoro, en a Candidate for District At torney. suhject to the decision of the Repdhlt: can Convention. . , We are repeated to announce M. W. VetAtcrbec, of Delmar, as a - candidate for Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican county Convention. We are reque,ted to finnounce WlMato Botkr, of tiloarburK, us a candidate fur Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican Con vention. We are requested to announce ClaVendee Rea. pone of Moss, as a t•andidate for eetetnissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican Con. vontion. 1 A OENT6 IV/ NTED FOR " i WEIIRINU OF THE AR RN ." The roost' entertaing hook published, h rounding in Romance, Rumor and Wit. Agent say it is the best selling hook I out, as people are ti ed of the repetition ~r dry iletails'and army reports. ' ONE Aomer So .D. 58 tig O:*.F.: WEPK. ' 0 92 ~" " " uf " 182 " TEN DAYS Liberal Terms to Agents. Send for Circular Alen, Faintly Quarto Bibles. Best editing published. WM FLING, Publisher, 26 84iuli 7th Street, Philadelphia, Penna. . Juno 8,1888.-4 t NOTICE is hereby given that the following named Executors and Administrators have tiled their Accounts in the 'Register's Hies fo r Tiogn county Pa., and that the said Accointf will be presented to the Judges of the Orphse? Cpurt for said county, nt a court to he held at Wellsbore ' Monday, Aug. 31, Is6B, for confnma. Lion and allowance Account of Jacob It. Miller, Administratbiof tlin estate of Che:tor Wheoler, late of Jacloon, deceaeed. Account of Lucy Butler and Selden Butler, al. minittrators of the estate of S. M. Butler, late of Chlitharn, deceased. Account of P. P. Smith and 0. F. Richards, executors of the last will and testament of Philip S. Knilfin, late of Sullivan, deceased. Account of 11. B: Card and E. A. Fish, achnio. istrators of the estate of. Philander Webster, late of Sullivan, deceased. Account of Reuben Morse, administrator of the estate of Albert Clark, late of Chatham; Account of A. M. Spencer, executor of the loot will and testament of A. Ilebard, late of Rich mond, deceased. D. L. DEANE, Weilsboro, Pa. Aug. 5,186 S. Regitter. Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court .Ull Tiogn County, Pa.. I shall expose to pubbe sale at the house of Eli S. Farr in - Tiogn, on the sth day of September next, at 4 o'clock P. M a lot of land in Farmington township, Tioga Co. aforesaid, containing fifty-three !acres, bounded ns followsl Beginning at the north-east corner _of Lot 104; of the allotment of Bingham lands in Farmington township, thence east one hun dred and thirty-seven tbree4entlis perches too post, thence south- one-half degree west fifty four porches to a post, ,thence north eighty:nine three-fourths degrees west one hundred and firs five-tenths perches to a post, thence north three. fourths degrees east one hundred and fire and one-tenths perches -to the place of beginninc. containing as aforesaid, fifty-three acres, inure or less: Toxins, one-quarter down at time, of sAlo, and balance in four equal annual lusts!. meets with interest secured by Bond and Mort gage on delivery _of deed. JOUN IV. GUERNSEY,. Guardian of minor children of W. R. Gee, dee'd. Aug. 5,1808.-4 t. BY virtue of an order of the ,Otphans' Courtin and for the Cduuty of Tinge, I shall expose to public sale on the promistis in Middlebury township, Tioga county, Pa.) September 515, 186 S, at 1 o'clock, P. 111,, the following deseril.. oil real c0,...i...., t....- *F." ve.......t0 or A.lemolia mogb, decd: Bounded north by Jo eph Gib), east by Richard Brown, south by Isaac Locey, and neat by Eloper Bochus, containing sixty acres more or less,' with about fifteen acres improred, a frame house and other out buildings, and a few scattering fruit trees.thereon. Terms, $5O cash dpvinnt time of sale, and-balance on confirm. ation of sale. , 1 DANIEL HOLIDAY,_ Aug. 5, 1868-4w.* A dtn't. in Bankruptcy. • Western District cf Pennsylvania, ss• , To whom it may-concern : The • Tti l ndersigned hereby glace notice of his appointment assignee of Lawton Cummings ' of Mansfield, in the county of Tioga ar,d State of Penn sylvania, within said District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said District. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Assignee August 5,1568-3 w. In Bankruptcy. Western District of Pennsylvania, ea To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment A? assignee of C. IL Bartlett, of Tioga of the County of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, win> has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own pltitiss Itly the District COurt of said District. r JOHN W. GUERNSEYS August 5, MS.—StA esignee. --f— -t!' Admiilistrators' Notice. L ETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of 0. 13. Wells, Into of Jackson township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said estate and all bae. ing laims agaiwat, tbewame will call at mice and seal with BENJ. WELLS, N Jiltson, July 29, 1 j 898 °2 6 1. GUERN wVAS,IIe.e. iVeslevn District of Pennsylvania, x. rillo whom it may concern : Tho undamped hereby gives notice of his appointment ss assignoiii of William Bostwick of Lawrencevillein tho County of Tioga, and State of Ponnsylvani 3, within said District who has been l udjudged Bankrupt upat. his own petition hy'llie District Court of said District. 0 & CO J. HARRISON, Welltiboro, July 24, IS6B-3' Assignee ' A. W. AYERS Mare - Pale ]lacrp, is the only place this side of New York CRY whero yon will find constantly op rood, a good assortment of GRANITE MONUMENTS, - cut at the celebrated Quincy and Concord Quar ries, shiped direct to his order; also a tine as sortment orMarble and Slate Mantlos, Coal Grates, Marble Shelves, Brackets, &a., as cheap as can be bought in the State. All orders will receive my personal attention. Shop and war , ' rooms on water street, a few doors below Ayer) Jewelry Store, Elmira,' N. N. July 29, 1868-6 m. A• W AYERS. ,LETTERS Testamentary having been gram ad to the subsoriber upon the hit will and d eta went of lends Lewis, late of Cbarlestolb ec'd, all persons claiming againq said dead• e nt'e estate, and all indebted to 011 same aro re quire(' to settle with DAVID 07'ADIVARDS. EVAN LEWIS, Charleston, July 22, iSr.S—llty*. Ear. 'For Sale al a Isar; ain IL subscriber (acre to Yell his Skarn Saw 1 and Shingle Mills, leotard in South Charles ton, Tiogn Co, Pa., at a bargain, if application made within 80 days. Will soil rho mills separ ate, or ;140 acres of land with rho mills, or lend without the wills. or part of the land. Title per fect. For torms apply to :S. S. PACK Ait L), Covington, Pa• July 15, 1868-4 w. WASHING AtACHINE. JAS. M. W INSON;of Cinirlesou, haring purchtised the right to make and vuud the tl. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tiogu County, hereby gives notice that the machines tiro 1 , 04 made at Van 'Horn's Cilbinut Factory. Wellsboro, whore they may he procured. i The best, cheapest, and moft cansiblo machine ever invented. June 24, 1888—tf. .1 ' CASH PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER AND CHEESE, by C. L. WILLCOX. Juno 17, 1868. Announcements ASBEMBLY. CoSisiissioNzn Rey is tee s Notice. Orphans' Court Sale Orphans' C'onr4, Sale In Bankruptcy. Executor's Notice.