The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 12, 1868, Image 1

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    6,41. glop Orioni4 Agitator
Is published every Wednesday blooming• '.2
per year, invariably in advance.
u.n. COBH.]
Tts Loss or MINION, OR LE6B, KARR ONE 1366,tnit.
No. of 139'rs. 11n. nos. 3 Mos. 6 Mos. 1. Year
I square, ...•• $l,OO $2,00 $2,60 $5.00
2 Squares..... 2,00 3,00 4,00 8,00
10,00 16,00114,001 22,00
Oro Col.. I 18,00 26,00 1 80 001 40,00
Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or
Local 20 cents per line.
Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Ginn,
IPerfamery, Pints and Oils, d c., &c.
Oorning, N. I , Jan. 1, 1868.-Iy.
Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
Street Wepsberb, Pa., Jan. 1, 1969.
§. F. WIL?,ON. J. B. NILES
(First door from Bigoney's, on the • Avenuo)—
Wpiil attend to business entrusted to their care
in the counties of Tioga and Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, IS6B. ,
WESTFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Pa., E. G.
Hill, Proprietor. A now and commodious
building with all - tho modern improvements.
Within easy drives of thebest hunting and fish
ing grounds in Northern Penn'a. Conveyances
furnished. Terms moderato.
Fob. 5,1868-Iy.
TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Searles
Shoe Shop.
..."-Cutting, Pitting, and Repair
ing done promptly and well. •
Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. I, 1868.-Iy.
DRAPER AND 'AILOR. Shop over John R.
Rowan's Store. Cutting, Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in hest stylo. •
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1868-1 Y
Notary Public and Insurance t Agent,,' Bloss
bur: , Pd., over Caidwell's Store.
INolisboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
Claim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance
Agent. He will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary
Publio ha takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad
-I:ministers ortbe, and will act as Commissioner to
take testimony. cirbOfEce over Roy's DrugStoro,
adjoining Agitator Office.—Oct. 30. 1387
Sohn W• GuerrisoV,
Having this county with a view of
making it his permanent residence, solicits a
share of public patronage. Al) business o n.
trusted. to his care will be attended to with
promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south
of E. S. Farr's hotel. •Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa.
Gaines, Tioga County, Pa.
a now hotol located within'easy Access of the
best fishing and hunting" grounds in North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains will - be spared
for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and
the traveling public. [Jan. 1,1588.]
etor. A new Hotel conducted on the principle
of live and lot live, for the accommodation of
the public.—Nov. 14, 1888.-Iy.
renceville, Tioga Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension,
anal Insurance Agent. Collections promptly
attapded to. Moo 2d door below Ford Douse.
hoe. 12, 1.987—1 y
_ .
.t, PLATED WAKE, Spectacles, - violin Strins,
&c.. Mansfield, Pa. Watches and Jaw_
elry neatly repaired, Engraving done in plain
English and German. Ilsopt67-Iy.
' Thos. D. Dryden.
SURVEYOR ‘t DRAFTSMAN.—Ordure left at
his room, Townsend hotel, Wefisher°, will
meet with prompt attention.
Jan. 13.1567.—tt. '
Good stabling, attached, and an attentive hos
tler always in attendance.
E. S. PARR, . . . Proprietor.
Hairdressing & Shaving.
Saloon over Willcox 4: Barker's Store, Wens
bore, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies'
Bair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing-, etc. Braids,
Pun's, coils, and suriches on band and made to or
11. W. DORSEY. • 3. JOHNSON.
BACON, M. D., late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, after
nearly four years of army service, with a large
experience lu field and hospital practice, has opened an
Wilco for the practice of medicine and surgery, in all
Its branches. Persons from a distance can find good
hoarding at the Pennsylvania hotel when desired.—
Will visit any part of the State In consultation, or to
perform surgical operations.' No 4, Union Block, up
stairs. Welleboro„ Pa., 3lay-2,ISGO.—Iy.
has the pleasure to inform the citizens. of Tioga
county that he has completed his
and is on hand to take all kinds of SunilPictures,
each as Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, Vignettes, Cartes
de Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; also
particular attention paid to copying and enlarg
ing Pictures; Instructions given in the Art on
rc.tsonalile teams. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
Win. B. Smith,
KN OXVILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and Irk
surance Agent. Commanications'Sent to the
above address will receive prompt:;zattention.
Terms moderate. Dan ,V18"-131
For the Collection of
Army and Navy flalnis and Pensions.
IIE NEW IIdUNTY LAW passed July 28,1LC6,,gives
two and three years' soldiers extra bounty. ;iend
In yon alscltargips.
Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer officers
who were In service March 3, 1805.
mall who have lost a limb and who Lave perma
nently and totally disabled.
All other Government claims prosecuted.
Wellsboro,October 10,1806-tt
A OENT for the National Series of Standard School
Books; published by A. S. Barnes A: Co. 111 di 113
Without, corner of John Street, N. Y., keeps constantly
a full supply. All orders promptly filled. Call on or
address by wall, N. STRAIT.
osccobi, Pa., Ji no 19, ISC7-Iy.
THE undersigned having returned to Wells
bore and period, on Water street,
solicits a share of patronage. Ile propoves to do
Shoing horses $3,50 and other work in propor
tiplit 29, 1868,-6m
ivrILL WRIGIIT—Auent for all the hest
for Sceivart's Oscillating Movement fok. Gang and
Malay saws. I,
fiega, Pn., Aug. 7,185 T, ly.
Bounty and Pension Agency.
ITAviso received definite instructions in regard to
the extra honnty allowed by the act approved
'WY 29, 1 866,and havittg on hand a large supply of all
tlecetsary blanks 4 ani" prepared to prosecute all pen
-63n and bounty claims , width may be placed In my
bands. Persons at a distance can communicate
i' 4(ll me by letter. and their communications will he
1-Promptly MIMS) ed • {ti M. 11. SMITH.
IVelisboro.Ochober 24,1866.
Dealer in DRY GOODS of all kinds, Hardware
and Yankee Notions. Our assortment is large
and pric es low. Storo in Union Block. Call
in gentleman.--may 20 1808-Iy.
. , . .
. . . . .
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"...ft...ft...., .- _ ... .•: . .
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[P. a .vAll a ELnzu
$7,00 $12,00
12 , 00 -19,00
so,sol , 60,00
60,00 1 00,00
8 Baldwin Stroot, ;
Of 4ery description, in all stiles of Binding,
and as low, for quality of Stoek,Us any Bindery
in the State. Volumes: of everyi;iieseription
Bound in the bestinanner in: aTfy style or
_ •
Executed in the best manper.,,.o.d, 13?olszi re
bound and made good as now,: ;
1111(44242C1 ',23.11 - 42%g
I am prepared to furnish baakuumncrs of all
Reiliews or Magazines published Inithe:Unqii
States or Groat Britain, at alba , Titian:
Of all sizes and
-qualities, on hand, ruled or plain.
Of any quality or size, on hand and ant up ieady
for printing. Also,_ BILL PAPER, and CARD
BOARD of all colors and quhlity, in' boards ,or
cut to any size.
Cap, Letter, - Note Paper, Envelopes,
Pens, Pencils, &c. _
I am 8010 agent for
PENS, or vanious SIZES, Fon Leninn
Which I will warrant equal to Gold Pens. The
beet in use and no mistake. .
The above stock I will boll at tholoiv est Rates
at all times, at a small advance on New York
prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All
work and stock warranted as represented. '
I respectfully solicit a share of public patruil
age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.—
Address, LOUIS DIES,
Advertiser Building s
Sept. 28, 1867.-Iy. Elmira, N. Y
IaAVIIIO fitted up a new hotel building on the site
of the old Union Hotel, lately destroyed by tire,
lam now ready to receive and entertain guesta. The
Union Hotel was Intended tor a Temperance 'louse,
and the Proprietor believes it can be statained‘rithont
grog.. An attatittvd Mistier in attanthfrka. ,
Wellaboro, Jane 3807 • - • •
TAILOR AND CUTTER, has opened a shop
on Dragon street, roar of Bears Jr. Derby's shoe
shop, Microbe is prepared to manufacture gni ,
merits to order in the must substantial LIM/ ',cr.
and with dispatch. Particular attention paid
to Cutting and—Fitting. March 26, 1868Lly
On strictly Temperance principles, Morrip s
; P.t. R. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. llorOs•ci
Carriages to let.—Al: reh 8, 1868.-Iy.
Ono door above the Meat Market,
RESPECTPULLY announces to the trading
publio that ho hai a desirable stock of Grit.
rtes. comprisitvr, Tons, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,
erolasetna, nyrups, u a soil
class took. Oysters in every style at all sea
sonable hou., • I
Woltsboro, daii. 2, 1867:1f:
Great. Excitement] Johnstin impeached, and Ent.
bree's Ilooots and Shoes triumphant! The subscriber
would say to the people of Westfield and vicinity that
he is manufacturing a Patent Poot which he believes to
posseSs the followin . 'o advantage over all other,; I.t.
there land crimping; ,no Wri'nklihg, Ravine they Will;
to the feet; ad, no ripping. In short, they ere jest
the thing for everybody. Samples on hand and ot dors
solicited. Sole right of :Westfield township and Porn'
Becured. Ile has also just received a splendid set of
Balmoral patterns, latest styles. Come one. come all:
We are hound to sell cheap for cash or ready pay. Shop
one door south of Sanders & Colegrove.
Westfield Born', Eeh.l3 ISGS. .T. EMP,1:1;11
C. 11, GOLD§AIITTI, Proprietor.-IJavii.g leas
ed 11113 popular .11.)tel; the proprietor reQpvet
fully Solicit! a fair share of patronage. Evory
attention given to guests. The best hustler
the ehunty always in attendance.
' •
April 29, 1868.-13'.
I , ----,..-- _
_ ..
'. T . GALLE R Y a' ART.
- r would respectfully inform the citizens .4- 'J i
1 oga and vicinity, that I have built a ben
In the Borough of Tioga, and having a good
Photographic Artist in my employ, l am now
prepared to furnish all kinds of Pictures hoes o
to the Photitgraphic Art. Also bay . in iu may
employ a number of first - Class Paintei•.; 1 am
prepared to answer all calls for house, sign, cur
ring°, ornamental and scenery "Watling. Ad
dress A. B. MEADE,
May ti, l's.
AT the Lawrenceville Drug Store, where you
will find every thing properly belonging to
the Drug Trade
and of the best quality for Cash. Also, Paints,
Vatnisbes, Lamps, Fancy Notions. Violin
Strings, Fishing Tackle, Window Ula, , ss, tte.
Cash paid for Flax Seed.
Law'renceville, May 8, IS&7.
Wen's Falls Insurance qempany,
-0------ - ---
Capital and Surplus $373,637,66.
FARM RISKS, only, taken.
No Premium .Notes required.
It is'LIDERAL. It prays daninfes try 'Light
ning, whether Fire ensues or not.
It pays for lire stock killed by Lightning, in
barns or in the field. • -
Its rates are lower than 'othei- Comp:lilies of
equal responsibility. I. C. PRICE,-Agent,
Farmington Centio, Tinge Co. Fa-
May 29, 1867-4,->
,and Harnesti Trinimings
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, ISa;--I
TillS well ).noun horse trn Lr fatirollhe Woo
eni season as follows, •
Monday afternoon a
laid II
IV I) itney'k Cornors;' it ,It, rotiai , arid
Weilne.l.tay morning at li.irtt.
Darter -zettleinont; 411“1
Thur'shiy morning nt Cher Matt ty
a Nutrition nt the viable
Cevingion Bora; Friday...•n t al the
stable of the subsoriber . 1., r ., Ait
OITT301"8 parting with mares 5. 4. I•• : on , rill t ie
held responsible. To insur, $lO
Mainsburg, May 20, 1808. 1 , 1 A.
Ili cheap! at "WRIGHT d LAJLEY'S.
W?llsborop, June fk, 18157. . -• ,
CIALENDER, Frond), Marine and 'Mireli
ki Clooke, at [clods?) FOLEY'S.
ELMIRA, 3V. Y. ,
or_rxt. MOTTO . ,
lii~MILTON 11 - OUSE, is ?;
T3aot is c€ SShoos.
STO V ES, TIN- 11' 1 1
, , F.1(0111' GERMANY; in 035,
pi:HP.4lmo BY DR. C. :LI CESON,
The ii-ediesi Aneavn : remedies for
Liver Complaint,
. —Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Ricinkys,
„ .
and all Diseases arising frOm a Dia
- ordered Liver, Stomach, or
Read the fallowing symptoms, and if you;find that
your sySthit is affected by any of them, yatt may rest
assured:ihal.disease' has commenced' its attack on the
Mund,impurtan? divans of-your, bodir, , and • unless soon
. checked by oe,use uf powenful remedies., 0 miserable
life soon terminating in death will be the result.
• 'c,•
ponstipationattilence, Inward Piles,
Fulness or.lllood to the Head, Agidity
of trab Stotnabh, Nausea; Heart
,• • • bnrn
_Disgust for Food, Fulness
, •
do Weight in - the iitornach,
pour Eructations, Sink, .
ing or Fluttering at the Pit ' '
of the Stomach, Swimming of
the _Pfeard i __,llurried or Difficult
Breatttingll l 4lUttering at the Heart;'
Choking or Suffocating Sensations When
in a LyingPosture,Dlinness of Vision,
• ,Dots or Webs before the Sight,
Dull Pain in- the Deft-,
oiency of Perspiration, Yel- -
lowness of the Skin_ and
Eyes, Pain •in the • Sidei -
Deck, Chest,7Linlbs, etc., Su& ••
Flushes of Hest - Burning ill
Clonstant- imagin i ngs of
" rest ,Deprossi on „of sPir,its.
An these inclimte. disease of the Liver or Digestive
Orgatis, combined Will impure blood.
1560t1anb 7 .0 German
is entirely vegetable, and contains ito
liquor. It is a comp lof Fluid Ex..
tracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks
from which these extracts are made
are 'gathered
,in Germany . All the
medicinal virtues are extracted from
them by a scientific chetnist. These
extracts are then forwarded to this
gottuery used expressly for the
*manufacture of thesealitters. There
le no alcoholic( substance of any kind
used in conisaitinding the Bitters,
Aenpe it is the only ptiters that can
be used in eases where alcoholic stim
ulants are not advisablt."
.oerman illontr
is a combination o'¢ all the ingredirAs of the fitters,
with PURE Santa Owe Rum, Oraiigem.te, fits used fo r
the same diseases as the hitters, in chits where some
:: pure alcoholic stimidus is required. Thu will bear in
mind that these remedies arc entirely cliffeiont from
[any others advertised for the cure of the diseases
named, these being eeient {fie preparations of medicinal
?,.extracts, white the others arF mere decoctions of rum
its some form.- The TONIC zs st&Vidt!forio' theanost
pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to The
public. Its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take
~ tf , while its tife,giving, exhilarating, and medicinal
qualities have caused it to be known as thr 'greatest of
all (mites.
Th.on. q of eases, when the Pa
tient' Anppoiteil lee 'was afflicted with
this terrible disease, have been cured
by the use of these remedies. EXtreme
emaciation', debility," ahil cough are
the usual attendants upon severe
vitscic of dyapopsio. disease or the
digestive organs. Even in eases of
genuine Cons umpt lon,,theie remedies
wilt be found of the greatest benefit,
strengthening and invigorating. •
1)1j fildlY,
. • s'
Tlaye it im 'medicine equal to lloajland't German
l'-hie in rases Of Debility. They impait a
the wh,de vtrettgthot the up
pd,le, to ate ,t 4 cnjn intu Opthe. eltabie flee
Sfrbi•ler Puri.fg• btaid;'..artif 4 good,
ram . ", 7: ronpirxmn, cratifrat4 the, y flora tinge
from the eye, .nipart a htn•mt to the checks, and change
paWnt from a .51ror1-beeathed, emaciated, weak,
tr+l , l in a
,frill-traced, elout, and vigor
na 14V ,
Weak and Delicate Children
arc made strop;; by using the Bitters
4r , fronie.- Ih tacit, they :are Pztit.l2l(
Medicines. They - C34111 be administered
with perfect safety to a child three
months old, the most delicate female,
or a mate of ninety.
I,' medica ai'ethe •
Blood Purlfikerw.
ever known, and rain care all clisrac'es resulling from
Gad blvod.
Keep your blood pare;keep your Liver in order;
kcrp uour diactln•r organs in a sound, healthy condi
tion, by Pic use of thrsc rfroedicS,lnd no disease will
ever assail you.. -
TI 001v.t7LaraZION.
LOilbfeti who. ty,islr ! n tale skin rind
gond complexion, free from a yellow
i Alt tinge and all 01 bier tthillgurcittent,
should nse these remedies occasion
ally. The Liver in:perfeet order, and
the blood pure, will rebuilt in spark
ling eyes and blooming cheeks.
Tma» Remedies are' counterfeited.
twutine low Me.signature of C. M. .1"flelmon
nn !ho /cool of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and
lkc mune f t f aie .1.114, Mown fnch bottle. AU others
err.on - ot,e let.
of letters have been re
eelved, tent ifying to he virtue of them*
Ciiier.liwfre of ti,e snprryno Coin t of Ponnsylvania.
MARCIT 10th,18137.
'find ' llo "tiland's Cerio;n ‘ e Ilitters" is not an *doz.
iCa ( ing loPerage, but is a good tame, useful in disor
ders of the digestive ' , walls, and of great benefit in
caws qf ih-biliow acid Wane of nrrrotts action in the
systrrn. l%,rers truly, •
Clio. ll'. WOODWARD.
Jadge of the Sept erne Cons i of Pellasylranla.
Prm.,kertrutA, A raii.24lr, 1866.
I C01154101' "Iloolland's German Bit
/ tiers , ' a valnabi, tnriliritie in ease of at
tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia.
can exttify Otis from ,may experience
•="Dill. Yours, Ivitii respect,
.TAMES TitotursoN.
Flom REV. 30:;31.1.11 11. KENNARD, D.D.,
PaPtor of the Tenth RaPtlet 'Church, Philadelphia,
DR. JACRSON-.-ORAR SIR kW! UM, fregUeilityre.
: quested 0 connect my name with recantmenaaticvnt of
. different kinds of medicines, but regarding the Padict
ai out of my appropriate sphere, I hare in all eases de
clined ; Ind with a clear proof in various instances, and
' parlicidarly in my alon the usefulness of Dr.
'kennel's German "liners, I depart for once from my
usual,eours , , to C.Tprf.4S my full conviction That for
general debility of tho sy.toin, and especially for Liver
Complaint, it Is a safe and voidable preparation. In
Some ORS it may fail ; but vitially, "doubt not, it will
be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above
causes. Yours. very respectfully,
Eighth, below Coates St.
Price of the Bitters, Sl.OO per bottle::
Or, a half dozen for $5.00.
.Fride t ; . Tonio, $!. - .50 per . bottle;
Or, 6.lialt dozen for $7.50.
Tho Tonto is put lip lu sinful bottles.
Deconect that it is p r . Iloyhind's German Remedies
that arc so finieerially used mid so highly recommend
' ed t and do not allow the Druggist to induce you to
- -take-any thing else that he 'nay say is just as good, be
braffei7rial: s
eVreso;yka t application
, PniNcipar. oPpipti,
No. 031 .412C11#TREET, Philadelphia.
CHAS. M. IIIiTAITB, Proprietor.
Formerly 0. M. JAOSBON & CO.
These fterriedles are foe Sale by
Druggists, '4torekeeperii and Diedt
eine Dealers everywhere.
Do not forget to examine well the article you buy, in
order in get the Dtrispe.,
•• - '
40 above Remedies are for•sale by-Druggists,
Storekeepeis, andhfedieine dealers, everywhere
throughout the thiitiid States, Canadas, South
America, and the Weitt ladies.—Mar. 11,'68-Iy.
" . 1 1 1 113:e 4=4' 9i9b.cought the 33.egtriaa.13ta.g
Insurance Agency.
R. C. SMITH, Sec'y. W. S. Ross, l'rre.
W. T. RES 0, Oen? Alt,. L. D. S9IIOEMAKEII, y. P.
V INTS is the company for Which Theodore
J. Hatfield was lately agent, and policy, bold
eo who wish to renew their Insurance' are re
quested to apply to the subscriber.
Girard Fire Insurance Co,,
J.. 8. Aluvottb. TuomAs CRAlalph Prclidefit
! S'''yerehrt?/. ' A. S. OILLETT, "
Capital $200,000,
AU paid up in Cat4t.
Surplus Over $186,000.
Continental - Ins. Company,
Cash Capital, $500,000,00
Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1808, 1,314,590,31
Cash Assets, do 1,814,590,31
tk;irPoticies written at this office.
GEORGE T. HOPE, Precident.
If. U. LASIPORT, Vico Precitlont.l
CYRUS PECK, Secretary,
The slibscriLer takes this method of informing
the public that ho has the agency of the_ above
Companies, arid will lie found at his office over
Roy's Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office.
Wellsboro, Pa., Fob. 26, 1868—tf.
Go to King & Eastman's
splendid (lift with eyory $2 worth of. Pie
-111.. InTos,Framos, Cord and Tn/sets.
TjOga . 800 Fay, to Ito sold low for cash. In ad.
dition to the low prices, we will give away the
following Presents worth from fifty cents to fifty
dollars ; one hundred presents worth from $4O to
$5O; two hundred presents worth from $3 to $10;
two hundred presents worth from 50 cents to $3.
The presents consist of Gold and Silver Watches,
silver Cake Britet, silver Tea Bells, Castors, gold
Watch Chains, Seals, Charms, Sleeve Buttons,
Situls in setts, Watch Books, silver Plated Perks,
Teaspoons ; all gilt Ft - times Cases, Sett -9, Cord and
Tassels, Gold Rings, family Bible,Bistory of the
Secret Service by Col. Baker. with other pres
ents too numerous to mention.
Your present given to you the seine (ley of sit
ting. ; Prices the SUMO as last year.
Don't forget the place—over Eastman's Den•
NI Office, and 4 doors below Roy's, Drug Store,
Main Street.
Wolleboro, Juno 25, 1868.
A'l' : I :,!itier, Lan:
• ,
TlO 11. k
TA RS. THOMAS & WARREN have opened
new Dental rooms over B. B. Borden's
Drug Store in Tinge: We bay e introduced - all
the modern itripiovements in the dental art, and
are prepared to perform all operations upon the
teeth in the most approved and scientific manner,
Whoa desired we extract tooth without pain by
the use of Narcotic Spray, Ether, Chlovoform and
the Nitrous Oxide gas. We have a late assort
ment of artificial teeth and put them up in a
superior manner either upon rubber or motalic
base. We warrant all our work and guarantee
perfect satisfaction to reasonable parties or we
will not require pay for our services. We , pay
particular attention to filling and preserving the
natural teeth, and to treating all irregularities of
children's teeth. Our prices shall correspond
with the kind of work done, in all cases doing
the same kind of work as cheap as our neighbors.
We will visit Lawrenceville the 3d, Bless the 17th,
and Roseville the 23d, of every month positively,
at which times we shall be prepared to perform
all operations npon the natural teeth and contract
with parties desiring artificial ones.
Our office at Tiogawill not he closed during our
visits to the above named places.
Tioga Juno 17, 1868
• -.75;
? Lawrenceville.
DR. 11. E. VAN BORNE, late with Bar
deco .Bro'e of Han lion and New York
City, has opened now Dental Rooms at the Ford
Dense, Lawrgneeville, Pa., where he is prepared
to do work in all the departments of his profess
ion in the;tnebt scientific manner.
. .
All work, warranted and satisfaction gunran
teed. Call and examine P peel to ens of work. •
H. E. VAN nom.
Lawroncovillm June.'24, 18138—tf.
• - THE belt assortment, of
Teett, and largest vari
e,., ty of different kinds of
- '
Plates as well ne the
best operations of Fill.
• ' ofte in g and EXTRACTING
' . Y11111(11i
TEETH may -be had
at the new Dental Office. Nitrous Oxide das
given for extracting, which gives pleasant dreams
instead of pain. Alen, Narcotic Spray, Ether
and Chloroform' administered when desired.—
Prices as tow as can he found elsetiltere• All
worfcaonci promptly and warranted.
Call and see specimens. Remember the place.
N 0.13, Main St.
May .6, 1868
June 17, 1808. D. P. ROBERTS
- 10 LOUR ic MEAL, always on hand at
I Juno 17. 1868. FISHER at BUNNEVS.
- engotto' gornei.
'When from the South thd echo caino, of Sumter's
booming guns,
Up rose tho legions of the North, Columbia's no
blest sons,
As through the land, frOm Enst to West, the start
ling news was borne,
Ulysses came to save the flag that rebel bands
had torn.
Fling out tho banner I unfurl tho breeze!
Let it float o'er our country untLher ships that
plow the seas,
0 long.o'or the Union May its folds in triumph
Ilurratilfor Ulysses and the flag he fought to save
A 1
The Angel of Disunion from our land has passed
The "Old Flag" proudly floats again J i mve the
"blue and gray ;"
The Union arms have triumphed and the sounds
of war aro done,
And we're bound to crown Ulysses with the lau
rels ho has won.
Fling out our banner! unfurl it to tho breeze !
Let it float o'er our 'country and her ships that
plow the seas.
Q long, o'er the Union may its folds in triumph
Ileroh for Ulysses and the flag ho fought to save
[N. Y. Evening POW.
11torrilanteno -Itendino.
In the year 1854 I was in Illinois, and
one night met with 1 the adventure
which I now propose to relate. I had
been traveling a long way on horseback
entirely unaccompanied. My road lay;
through a thinly settled, 'desolate region. ,
The last house I had pdased was many;
miles behind• me, and if began to feel
weary and depressed. Tho . night WO
intensely dark. Neither moon nor
stars Were shining. The darkness, the
silence, the long, weary way, exercised
au oppressive inflt4ence otrmy spirits
and, though by no means a coward:l
would have given anything for a little
pleasanter situation.
I spurred up my horse and dashed
onward. In this way I proceeded sev
eral miles further. Suddenly a low
rumbling noise attracted my attention.
I listened, and in a few moments it was
repeated. It was distant thunder, and
a storm was coming up. Here was a
nice situation, and I shuddered in an
Again I spt ,ed on, hoping to find
some place of s Ater before the full force
of the storm sho, ild burst over me. On
ward I galloped, but without any ap
parent success. Nothing in the shape
of habitation greeted my eyes. .I began
to despair. All the time, too, the flash
es of lightning were growing more and
more frequent and glaring, the pealing
of the thunder nearer and louder. Fi
nally the storm burst in all its fury.—
For a while I beat against it determin
edly but the violence of the hurricane
was at length too much for me, and I
was compelled to stop and seek the
uncertain shelter of a gigantic tree,
much as I was•opposed to such a course.
However, I had no other alternative,
for brave the storni I could not.
The deepest and most intense dark
*Rs eriveJ oned _ever TOMA ,
up by flashes of lightning, I could not
see a foot before my nose, and every
other sound was completely absorbed
by the fierce bellowings of the tempest. l
I dismounted and groped my way to,
the nearest tree. A flash of. lightning
showed me it was one of the largest i
magnitude. Beneath its far-spreading'
branches I might be as comfortable, it
not as safe, as I would be beneath a
After attendin g somewhat to my
horse,' I divested myself of my wet
outer-garments and disposed my weary
body to enjoy as much comfort as was
compatible under the circumstances.
The tempest continued with no sign
of abatement. Never before had I seen
such lightning, never before heard such
thunder. It was terrifyihg, and I
could not resist the temptation to shud
der. Ever since that night a thunder
storm has occasioned me considerable
In this manner half au hour may
have passed. Still the storm. howled
on in the most furious and terrible
manner—still the loud thunder cracked
and roared, still the lightning flashed
with blinding brightness.
Suddenly I felt, or thought I felt,
something brush slightly against me.
I leaped to my feet and' quietly de
manded :
'Who's there ?'
I listened, got no answer ; and noth
ing was to be heard above the roar of
the tempest.
The thought struck me that it might
be some wild beast. If such should
prove to be the ease, it would be almost
impossible to guard against its attack
under su h circumstances; and it made
my hear beat like a steam engine to
think of he danger in which I was
probably standing. I felt for my pis
tols; they were in the holsters, and I
dared not move from the spot where I
was standing for fear of provoking the
attack that I dreaded, and which I was
in such a poor position to resit.s •
Some minutes passed, and all of a
sudden the weight of a strong hand or
the claw of a wild beast descended on
my right shoulder. Almost atthesame
instant, and before I had time tothink,
I felt the same feeling on my left shout
I drew my knife-;-the only weapon I
had about me—suddenly stepped back
a few paces, and, without 'any thought
or design, emanded who was there, if
it was anything human.
At that moment a vivid flash of
lightning illuminated the surrounding
darkness, and for an instant rendered
everything visible. I was no longer in
doubt. A few paces before - me two fe
rocious and blood-thirsty looking men
were standing.
Plainly enough they were both cut
throats and thieves ; or if they were
not, their brutal appearance belied them
mosti wonderfully. Two more diaboli
cal looking _wretches it has never been
my ill luck to encounter. That they
meant no good I had no earthly reason
to doubt; and, situated as I was, the
prospect w.O anything but pleasant.
Both the desperadoes held pistols in
their hands; and the weapons were
leveled at my heart.
All this I saw at a quick glance, and
then again the deepest darkness en
veloped everything.
What should I do? I thought. At
tempt to reach my horse and trust to
providence for my final rescue? To my
mind that seemed my chance, for in
an encounter witl► two such brawny .
villains, ; ny prospects would be very
slim. Whatever course I adopted,
thought, I must be quick, or the next
flash of lightning would betray my
. Quickly I stooped down to the
ground, and prepared to crawl away in
'the direction of my horse.: What the
two cut-throats were doing, I could not
tell, for'the din ofthetempestprevented
me from hearing anycustomarysounds.
Their ears, however, were sharper than
mine, for at the very first movement I
made, a loud, coarse voice exclaimed :
" 'Tain't no 'use, stranger, for ye can'
git away from h'ar till ye've paid toll
We steal for a livin', we, doi'an we kill
for the fun o' the thing, so yer may ,
know what ye'vc got to expect.• Keeli
still, is my advice, or afore 'yer know •
it, ye'll git a bullet inter yer carcass."
For a moment I hesitated, and in
that moment another flash of lightn
ing lit up the surrounding scene., I
There stood the two outlaws,• with
their fiendish-looking eyes wickedly
glaring on me.
The flash of lightning also revealed
my position to them, and at the sight
they siet up a loud and brutal laugh.
" Must think we are a couple of nin
nies, Jack !" remarked one to the other.
" The cuss don't know we're sorter
owls, an' kin see better in the dark nor
in light," responded number two.
" Fancies he'll 'scape us, hi guess!"
continued the first speaker. " Well, if
ho does, he'll be the first man that ever
did that sort o' thing."
" When he gets away, hi 'ope he'll
let us know it," rejoined the other con
That I had unfortunately fallen into
the hands of two of the worst sort of
outlaws ; everything more and more be
tokened. I knew well that with such
men the life of a human being was of
less account than the life of a dog, and
inwardly resolved only to part with it,
if part with it I - must, inan attempt to
escape, however desperate the adven
ture might be, under suh.eircumstan
It was now about time for another
flash of lightning, and, straightening
myself up to avoid suspicion, I waited
for it to pass.
The next moment it came, with al
most blinding brilliancy.
'The outlaws had not removed a step,
but remained as at first, closely regard
ing the spot where I was standing.
Come, stranger V' yelled the same
one who had addressed me before, " it's
about time we had a better understand
ing all 'roun'. Yer see, we don't like to
fool long, an' we've been 'playin' with
yer, till we're 'bout tired, we are. Yer
money or your life's what we want, an'
if yer•don't like that, we'll take, both
without ask in'. What d'yer say, stran
ger-what shall it be? Ef yer for tight,
sing out, an' hi • guess we kin accommo
date yer. Fightin's our element, an'
'we're always ready for a scrimmage.
Now, of yer don't do somethin' at
wunst, we'll fire a round inter yer; we
Swill sartin."
During the time occupied by the out
law in speaking, I had been preparing
myself for my attempt. Summoning
all my courage, all my energy, all my
determination, I assumed an attitude
most favorable to my purpose and
bounded forward at a desperate speed,
in hopes of effecting my escape.
The outlaws uttered a loud yell, and
thus let me know that they understood
my purpose and were following in my
tracks. But I expected as :much, and
consequently was not much surprised.
Two muscular bounds placed me be
side my horse, and with a single spring
I vaulted into my saddle. I thought
myself safe then, but at that moment
I felt violent hands laid upon me ; and
a flash or, lightning soon showed me
that if I had been quick, my assailants
had not been far behind me.
I desperately attempted to start my
horse, but before I could do so the .out
laws dragged me from my seat and ;bore
me gspangt, c;z mai one or tliern.
" Yer can't git away from us, no how ;
yer can't, so you'd better not try."
I was down on. the ground on ) my
back, and the desperadoes were stoop
ing over me en eif i ber side, with their
knees pressed tightly against my chest.
Still, however, 1 resisted, for I was not
the man to give up without a struggle,
desperate as might be the chances, and
at the moment they seemingly could
not have been in a worse condition.
My assailants grew furious, • and
handled me in anything but a gentle
manner, but desperation gave me a new
. .lease of strength, and they found me
ho mean antagonist. By an effort of
fill my powers 1 at length managed to
iregain my feet. Unfortti . tely, I had
lost my knife in the stru gle, 'and was
entirely unarmed. Not with the
outlaws, for they still had the numerz
ous dirks which they were making
every effort to use upon my person.
Meanwhile the tempest continued
with its original violence, and, in the
din of the storm, almost every sound
of the desperate conflict was entirely
At length my superhuman eflbrts be
gan to weary me. I began to growl dis
couraged, too, seeing little Chance of
my rescue. My protracted resistance
tended also to excite the blackest pas
sions of my deadly assailants. They
tore at me, and cursed and blasphemed
in the most terrible manner.
Suddenly I caught my right foot and
fell heavily to the ground. The con
cussion stunned me, and before I re
gained my feet, the outlaws were again
pressing me down.
" Kill him ! kill him !" cried one, as
he clutched me by the throat and drew
back his arm. " Cut his heart, cuss
him !" rejoined the other, in a furious
" God have mercy on me!" I in
wardly ejaculated, fully expecting to
receive my death wound before the ex
piration of another moment.
The arms of the outlaws were about
to decend, carrying death to me—l
could not seo it, but I intuitively felt
that it was so—when the whole scene
was suddenly lighted, up by the most
blinding flash of lightning I ever be
held. (Instantaneously with the light
ning the deafening, thunder pealed
forth.' That was all 'I knew at that
time, for instantly I' lost all con
sciousness. When I recovered my sus
pended powers, the storms had passed
away and the sun was shining brightly.
I was lying upon the ground, and felt
weak and sore, but otherwise was not
injured. Beside me lay the two out
laws, buried in the aleep of death.—
They had been struck by lightning,
and just at the very moment when their
hands were. uplifted to deprive me of
my life. The great tree beneath which
I bad taken refuge was shivered into
atoms, and the whole scene was one of
de.ath and desolation.
- Under such circumstances my own
eseape seemed miraculous, and I hum
bly thanked God for his infinite mercy.
The lightning had saved mo from the
outlaws, and the Almighty had saved
me from the lightning. I had been
doubly preserved.
Strange as it may seem, my horse had
not escaped, and with a full heart, I
mounted his back and started on my
Journey. That night in the wilderness
I have never forgotten, nor is it likely,
I ever shall.
A little Berkshire five-year old, who
was hungry one night recently, just at
bed-time, but didn't wish toask directly
for something more to eat, put .in this
way : "Mother, are little children who
starve to death happy aftef they die?"
A good_big slice of bread and butter
was the answer. •
WHEN does a candle resemble a
tombstone? When it is set up for a
late husband.
HABIT Is a Ca /
of it every day,
break it. •
Ile. We weave threads
11(1 at last we cannot
General Campbell was born in
gheny township, Somerset county, Pa.,
on the 20th day of November, 1821;
consequently, be will be forty-seveli
years old next November. At an
early age he was apprenticed to the
printing business, in Somerset, Pa.—
After mastering the "art preservative
of arts," he emigrated to Pittsburg,.
when he " worked at ease's for some
time. He next found his way to New
Orleans and intoanother printing office.
Tired of the " composing stick and
rule," he tried his hand at steamboat
ing, first as a deck hand, and subse
quently as clerk, mate and part owner
of a vessel. In 1847, we find him in the
iron business, at Brady's Bend. In
1851, be followed the tide of emigration
to California, remaining there but short
time. In 1853, we find him in Johns.
town, Pa., assisting in the construetion
of the mammoth Cambria Iron Winks,
With which establishment ho WEIWCOII
- up to the breaking - out of the
war. In 1861, lie was among the'first
to enroll himself as a volunteer, to de
lend the flag of his country, and beony
ed to the first Company that entered
Camp Curtin. Upon the arrival of the
company in Harrisburg, and the organ
ization of the Third Regiment of Pa.
Vols. to which his company was at
tached,-Lieut. Campbell was appointed
Quartermaster of the Regiment, Which
position he filled with ' credit to himself
and to the satisfaction of the officers
and men of his regiment, as all those
who remain will testify' He was mus
tered out of service on the 28th of July
1861, and on the same month, was com
missioned by Gov. Curtin to raise a reg
iment. The regiment; was recruited
mainly through Col. Campbell's indi
vidual exertioes, and upon being organ
ized, was designated the 54th. His reg
iment was the escort of honor through
the city of Walhington, to the remains
of the lamented : Col. Cameron (brothel'
of Hon. Simon Cameron) who fell at
the first Bull Run battle. On the 29th
of March, 1862, Col, Campbell was or
dered to occupy the line of the .13alti
more & Ohio Railroad from North
Mountain Station, fifty-six miles west
ward to the South Branch of the Poto
mac. In that position, -the executive
as well as the abilities of the Colonel
were constantly called into requisition.
How well he performed his arduous and,
multitudinous duties in this trying posi
tion, the officers of the B. & 0. R. It. as
well as his superiors in the military ser
vice, do not hesitate to declare that but
for his energy. and sleepless watchful
ness, many miles of the road would
have been destroyed. On the 25th of
December, 1862, he was relieved from
duty along the railroad, and on the 6th
of March, 1863,, was assigned to the
command of the 4th Brigade, Ist Divis
ion, Bth Army Corps. In 1863, Gen.
Sigel took commaudl of the Department
of West-Virginia, itAd'in a reorganiza
tion of the troops, Col. Campbell, at
his own request, was returned to the
command of his regiment, and took an
active part in the battle of New Mar
ket, occupying the left of the line. His
regiment suffered severely ,ftn d was the
last to leave the field. 'lnt for the de
termined stand made by Col. Campbell,
itigers army would have been routed
uasa 35,.1 Urnerai report
of the battle, he acknowledged the
noble services of Col. Campbell in a
very handsome and flatteang manner.
A deserved compliment to a deserving
.officer. Gen. Sigel also took occasion
to thank Col. Camp4ll in person. "My
God ! Col. Campbell, I wish I had
knownyou better!"l Gen. 6x
'claimed, rushing to vol. Campbell and
grasping his hand in both of his own,*
after the tumult of battle had subsided.
The Colonel and his regiment took
prominent part; in the battle of Pied
mont, under Gen.• Hunter. He was
bievered a Brigadlier General Per brav
ery and " fitne , Alto commend," in this
battle, and agaiiit assigned to the com
mand of a brigade. 1I also took an ac
tive part in II on ter's celebrated "Lynch
burg Raid," his command suffering
heavily in the attack upon Lynchburg.
When Col. Mulligan fell at Winchester,
Gen. Campbell took command of the
division, and continued ill command
until, by Fevere losses in killed and
wounded, it was consolidated into a
brigade, which he afterwards command
ed. Ile also participated in the en
gagements in the Shenandoah, under
the gallant Phil. Sheridan, Winniilig
other and new laurels while with that
intrepid chieftain.
Gen. Campbell was mustered out of
the service in the fall of 1864, having
been in the army almost three years
and a half. He was never absent from
his command, except three weeks, sit
ting as a member of a Court of Inquiry
at Wheeling, Va., and had but two
" leaves of absence," one for ten and
the other for twenty days.
The political record of Eken. Camp
bell will also bear examination. Bro't
up a Jackson Democrat, he voted for
Polk and Dallas in 1844, but in 184 S,
seeing the determined encroachments
of the slavery prophgandists, he voted
for the free soil candidates, Van Buren
and Adams, and in 1852, again voted
for the fre - -soil nominees, hale and
Julian ; and in 1816, was the delegate
from Cambria county to the Fremont
Convention. In 1159, the.Republik4ans
of Cambria county presented him to
their district conference as their choice
for the Senatorial nomination, and
three years ago he Was unanimously se
lected again as the ,choice of the Union
party of Cambria, for Stato - Senator,
but failed to reciive the nomination
from the district conference upon either
occasion, not however from want of ap
preciation of his worth and services as
a citizen and as a brave and meritor
ious soldier.
On the 17th of August 1865, Gen.
Campbell was nominated for Surveyor
General by the) Republican party, and
in October of t le same year, was elect
ed over Col. liton, , his competitor, by
a Mire majmy .:-.. For over two 'years
he has admin'stered the duties of his
Mike with Fee gnized ability and to the
satisfaction of all parties ; and has
brought up a large . amount of unfinish
ed and intricate business. In March
last, he was unanimously re-nominated
by the Republican State Convention,
for the °Mee he now so ably and sat i--
factory fills: A unanimous re-nomina
tion from a State Convention of eitte‘,.
party, is no small compliment to mly
luau, and no one within our reeallection
except Gen. Campbell and -his colleagn: ,
on the State ticket ever before received
such a marked endorsement.
'Such in - brief, is Mt; hurried sketch of
the life and' services of one of Pennsyl
vania's noblest sons. He is first found
a "printer's devil," a "PO," a "(leek.
hand" on 1 a steamboat, a "clerk,"
" mate " and " part owner of a vessel."
He is next found in the iron business,
then in California, and finally in the
gigantic enterprise of the celebrated
Cambria Iron Mills, where his great
experience added largely to the success
of that stupendous undertaking. At
the breaking out of the war, ho was
Lieutenant of a militia company, en
tered the army and was appointed a
'Quartermaster, , then a Colonel, and at'-
ter a brilliant campaign of three long,
weary years, ho was honored with a
Brevet Brigadier- General's Commis-
' , NO. 32.
The proprietors have stookedl i tto establishment
with a new a varied assortmord, of
alstir PAST i'IIESSES,
and aro prepared to execute neatly and promptly,
• Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and n full assortrant S t
of Constables' and Justices' Blanks - on fia9. -
People living at' a distance can depend on ha, -
ing their work done promptly and sent back a
return mail. _
sion, &position long and doubly - earned
in a command of a brigade and division,
and by gallantry inrthe field. Thus, it
will be seen, that Gen. - Campbell comes
from the working class; and is emphat
ically a-working man.
His social characteristics never fail to
create the warmest friendships and a
lasting impression. He He is a shrewd
business man and useful citizen—a
man endowed with strong common
sense, and rarely fails in his judgment
of men and measures—is wellread, and
familiarly acquainted with all the lir—
ternal workings of the great machinery
of our government. Among the ablest
articles on the subject of our Na
tional finances, was one from his pen,
written during the early part of last ,
winter. He is a genial companion, a
clever, whole-souled, honest man, strict
ly temperate in his babits, and that he
will be re-elected by an increahed ma
jority, is alfeady beyond a peradven
.Ur. S4thhirßeturns from New York Before the Ad
journment of the Convention—How the Nona
metiong were Receired at the Corners.
0111 s, Confederit X Boa s,
(11 7 1011 is in the State uv R ,
duly 13, 188.
I didn't stay in Noo York ti 1 the
ConVenshun, adjourned, for a most ex
cellent reason, to wit, viz : my money
run out, The Milesian female With
whom I wuz forst to board, required
payment in advance, and uv coorse un
der rich , arrangement 'there wuz
nothing left for Fine but to suceum.—
The length uv My stay redoost itself to
a mere matter uv money. I tried . the
borrow in dodge, and the cheekin dodge,
but good Lord wat cood Ido with an'
entire Con venshun, all uv 'em more or,
less tryin to live in the same way ?
left and come home while I cood, and'
before it was everlastinly too late.
When I left I spozed ther wuz not
doubt uv the nominashen uv Pendle-'
ton. The " young eagle uv the West'!-
lied receeved 155 votes, and wuz a gain , .
in, and Seyniore bed Reclined so often
and so persistently that, goin- back on
my yoesual disbeleef in these; fellers,
lievin declined a great many offices my
self that I syanted, I reely beleeved the
cuss wuz in earnist, and saw, nothin
that cood stand betweeii Pendleton and
success. Ez I left the Ohio river, I got
out the reech uv railrodes and telegra
phs, and I told the people all alongthat
Pendleton lied bin nominated on the
Pit!! ballot, and that the country wiz
all ablaze with enthoosiasm for him and
green bax, so eertilLwuz luvhissuccess.
arrivin at the Corners I found the
intensest anxiety , wuz manifested by
the citizens thereof. They were all
gathered at Bascom's discussin the mat
ter when I hove in site on a mule with
I lied borrored at Secessionville to ride
over onto. •
" Who it ?" asks Deekin Pogram,
ketch i rt- the 1111110 by the bridle. Who
is it, and wat principles hey we got to
support this fail ?":
" Pendleton and greenbax," shouted
I. " Pendleton, the young eagle uv the
west, who is'opposedto the bloated . "ar
istoeratic bondholders, wich wood crush
us lahrin men into the dust. • Pendle
ton, who bleeVes that of greenbax is
good enuff for us honest laborin men,
they are geed enuff for the aristocrat,
who like the King in the nursery
rhyme, sits in his parlor, countin his
, noney. Pendle—"
kau‘fe ./1 Bascom " enuff. Save
that speech, Parson, till I...uur rat
ilicashen. In the meantime, get off
and take suthin. gOod do I feel over
the result, that I am.-4 to stand
trt‘et for the crowd. once one, come
These few remarks Av Bascom's. wuz
hailed with satisfaction. Ez one man
the entire crowd Moved into his place,
and ez one maii - they all asswaged-their
thirst. Bascom kin move the Corners
quicker than any :man in it. Waf a
happy posishettrisihizzen
The next uit&it u•uz desided to hey a
ratitleashen, that the Corners mite Con
tribbit her mite towards swellin the
enthoosiasm on the buzzum uv wich
Pendleton sweep to glory. We
'net hi the open air, in front uv Bas
com's, and the impashent crowd called
opon me to give an account uv my
I opened bYLstatin that I went to
Noo York and r pekoolyerly embarrass
in The ,whole money
power us- the east wuz arrayed agin
The- aristocratic Belmont, which is the
agent uv the nothehilds, the money
kings uv the world, wuz determined to
foist onto the Diniocracy either Chase
the accursed Abolitionist, or Seymour
the pelcoolyer pet uv Wall street, wich
street is, I may sling in here for the
benefit uv my hearers, where the money
bizness is mostly done, and where they
sleep on Government bonds and spend
the heft uv their time a clippin off the
"What is coopons ?" asked Deekin
I explained to the blessid old saint
wat coopons wuz,
and went on.
"This Wall street inflooenee wood,
my brethren, hey corrupted the Dimoc
risy. 'Wall street came into Tammany
Hall and wanted to control our ackshen.
But we wuzent to f,e purchist. The
more Wall street offered to enslave the
Dimocrisy, the more yoor,representa
tiveB,,glory in ther manhood, spurned
therVrofrered bribes. We went• there
determined to emancipate the yomanry
uv the country from the bendige uv the
bloated bondholder we went ther
pledged to Pendleton, the young eagle
uv the West,—pledged to - tender the
bloated bandholder the same dirty rags
°which he pade for his bonds—pledged
to pay the bloated bondholder, if we
pride them anything, greenbacks for his
'bloated bonds or nothin. We Went ther
determined to annihilate this yer See
more and his bloated supporters."
"Rah for Pendleton'!" sung out the
"Three groans for Seymour, thabloat
ed bondholders' agent." .
Both groans and cheers were given
with a will and I preceeded.
"At y friends, you nevr'll know wat we,
tbe people's defenders, lied to contend
with. The bloated bondholders hed
money—Wk.' lied none. They were de
termined to fasten the yoke on yoor
n,',-k.-;:-we W,cre determined tb hist it
ott: They Witiz determined to hey Soy=
moro with all Wall street, at his back
fastened on I,to you to .rritrd you. into
(lust, but re Ilin that et' he shoo be
nonienat , d we, eood never support him,
we riz in bur mite and manfully com
pelled em-to withdraw this man and
91Vt• us the people's,: choice, Geo. H.
Pendleton, the eagle of - the—' 2
At this pint Deekin Polgram's son
OP wuz seen puttin down the
hill ez last ez his mule eood- git. Joe
Bleier notist him fast and rusht out uv
the crowd to intercept him. The boy
bed a noospaper in his hand wich Josef
took from him and rushed to where I
wuz standin on the heti, uv a barl. •
"Here's the last Lboisville paper,"
sed Josef unfolding it. " ShO I reed
" Reed ! Reed !" yelled the crowd.
" Gie us the nooze writhe downfall uv
the bloated bondholders !"
" Before I reed," sed Josef, who hed
glanced at the heading uv the teigraft
collunt, " give three more cheers for
Pendleton and greenbax.
" Rah !" cheered the crewel-.