The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 05, 1868, Image 1

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    (cite gicrig (fitfunk agitator
lipiil:ollshad, aver* )Vednnad4xlitgoviihk $ g
per year, invariably in adyanie. ""'
1t.n.c08 13 .1
Tll3 LIN La a ! 1411 . 419 N) ° F 4I3/88 1 %/A l Llte nt gralinE.' ^ ;
3 Ins. dlinCallos.o - lifos. 1 Yoiai.
$l,OO $2,00 $2,60 $6,00 :$7,00 $12,0 -
Eigner o-
2 Sgosres ..... 2,00 3,00 4,00 8,00 12,00 ~. 18;00
11611C01..... 10,001 15,00 17,00 22,00 / - 80,30 50,00 -
on , c o l ..... , .
18 00 1 20,00 20 00 -40,00 ,e. 0,00
Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or
Local 20 cents per line.
D.,,,TE1113,1CLL &
WHOLESALE bRUHeIEiTS, and di:34bn in•
Wall Paper, Keroseno Lampe, Window Glais;
perfumery, Paints and Oile, &e.,
Oorning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1808.—ly. •
WILLIAM 1k SMITH, ; ;,-. 1
Insurance, Bounty od Panatela Agency, Main
Street Wellsbnick, Rt.i - Jan. 1; 1888. .
(First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue).-,
Will attend to business entrusted to their care.
in the coUnties of Tioga and Potter. '
,Wollsboro, Jan. 1, 1868. '
WESTFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Pa., E. G.
mu, Proprietor. A new and commodious
building with all the modern improvements.
Within easy drives of thebest i bunting and fish
ing grounds in Northern Conveyances
furnished. Terms moderate. .
Feb. 5,1888-Iy. ,
TAILOR.. Shop first door north of L. A. Seats's.
Shoo Shop, W•Cutting, Fitting, and RepOrL
ing done promptly and well.
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1868.—1 y.
DRAPER AND•TAILOR. Shop over John It.
Bovren'e Store.' '- Cutting, Fitting, arid
Repairing done promptly and in best,style.
Wollsboro, Pa.. Jan. 1, 1868—ly
Notary Pablitizand Insurance Agent, BIOBS
bur., Pa., over CaldwolPe Store.
Wellsboro, Tiesa Co., Pa.
, claim Agent, Notary Public, and Inpuiance
Agent. Ha will attend promptly to Collection of
Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary
Public he ti4tes acknowledgements of deeds, ad
ministers orths,, and will act as Commissioner to
take testimony.- xelr Office over Roy's Drug Store,
adjoiqing Agitator Office.—Oct. 30. 1367
John W. Gnornoo9,
li s tavitiLreturned to this county with a view of
makM. it his permanent residence, solicits a
share pf - public patronage. All buginess en.
till j 1 to his care will be attended • to, with
promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door. south
°IF, S. Farr's hotel. Tioga., 'pogo. Cto., Pa. ,
SO t. 26.'66.—tf. . ,
Gaines, Tioga County, Pa.,
a new hotel located easy 'access of the
best tlehtig and hunting grounds in North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared
for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and
the traveling public. ' [Jan. 1, 1868.]
etor. A crew Hotel conductcd.on the principle
of live and 'l4 live, for the nocommodationi, of
the 14, 1866.—1 y.
reneeville, Tioga Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension,
and Insurance Agent. Collections promptly
attended to. Otrieo 2d door below Ford Rouse.
Doc. 12, 1867—1 y
& PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin Strings,
&e., &c., Mansfield, Pa. Watches and Jew
elry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain
'English and German. Ilsepto7-]y.
Thos. B. Brydon
SURVEYOR tt DRAFTSMAN.—Ordere left at
his room, Townsend Uotol, Wellaboro, will
meet with prompt attention.
Jan. H. 1867.—tf. .•
Good stabling, attached, and an attentive hos
tler always in attendance.
E. S. FARR, . . . Proprietor.
Hairdressing & Shaving.
Saloon over Willcox .k Barker's Store, Wells
bore, Pa. Particular attention paid to Dailies'
Hair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids,
Puffs, coils, and siviches on band and made to or
r\ BACON, U., late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, after
Li. nearly four years of army service, with a large
Aperiencen field and hospital practice, has opened an
office for ho practice of medicine and surgery, in all
Its branches. Persons from a distance cau Lind good
boarding at the Pennsylvania Hotel when -desired.—
Will visit any part of the State in consultation, or to
perform surgical operations. No 4, Union !Block, up
stairs. Welishoro, Pa., May 2,1866.—1 y.
ihas the pleasure to inform the citizens of Tioga
icounty. that he has completed his
and is on hand to take all kinds of Sun Pictures,
such as Ambrotypos, Ferrotypes, Vignettes, Cartes
de Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; also
particular attention paid to copying and enlarg
ing Pictures. Instructions given in the Art on
reasonable terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
Win. D. Sinitb,
KNOXVILLE, Pa. Eension, Bounty, and In
surance Agent. Communications sent to the
above address will receive prompt attention.
Terms moderate. • . fjan B, 18.08-,1y3
For the Collection of
Army and Navy Claims and Pensions.
THE NEW BOUNTY LAW passed July 23, gives
two and three years' soldiers extra bounty. Send
In your discharges.
Three months' - extra pay.properlo volunteer officets
who were In service March 3,1b65.'
To all Who bade lost a limb and who hare been ,erma
nently and totally disabled.
All other Ooyernment claims prosecuted.
AGIE,ZiT for the National Series of-Standard School
Books; published by A. 8. Barnes & Co. 111 A 113
William, corner of John Street, N. Y., keeps constantly
a full supply. All orders promptly filled. Call on or
address by mail, N. STRAIT.
Osceola, Pa., Juno 19,1867-Iy.
T ll.undeigned havingrolurlltto Rells : boroanpopened sopolsterstreet
solicits a share of patronage. Ete proposes to do
shoing horses $3,50 and other Iv orh in"propor
April 29, /868.-6 m. J. W. HITTER.
ltirlLL WRIGHT—Agent for all the !Jest
for Statres Oscillating Movement for Gang and
Malay saws.
flog. Pa., Aug. 7,1867, ly,
B unty and Pension Agency.
HAVING received definite instructionis in regard to
the extra bounty allowed by the act approved
Julys'4Et, 1866, and baying on band a large supply of all
.necestary blank
bounty lam prepared to prosecute allinpen
sion and s,
claims w ep hich may be placed my
hands. eemous !lying at a distance can communicate
with me by letter, and their communications will be
promptl answered. W 51. H. SMITH.
Wellsb y
orchoc tuber 24,1866.
Dealer in DRY`qOODS of all kinds; Hardware)
and Yankee No ions. Our assartakent is large
and prices low. Storer in Union Block. • Call
in gentleman.— ay 20 1868-Iy..
.. 1 ;
; • •I /
_ t.
„ ; •
BLANK-,, 130011 MANIIFAV i I 4 4SYyi''
• 8 rialdwln Street,
- (SIGN OF TEE BIG 11004,i 21)
- : ELMIRA; Ni. Y.-51
•l cAT'Et.
GOOD as pre BEST, CAEkr As lin 0110.FES.
Of every 'description, in All styles of Binding,
and as low, for quality of Stociti,ai any Bindery
in the State. Volume Of every diuteription
Bound in the best manner andlit any. styPs, rr
tiered. , ,
Executed iti'the best manner: .Old tioots re
bound and made good• as now. •
EIL6LIZENDS 2i142111111ta
I 11123 prepared to furnish tacit numners of 'all
Reviews or Magazines published In the iNited
States or arent Britain, at a lOW price.kt
Of all sizes and qualities, on band, ruletror plain:,
Of any quality or size, on band and um. up ready '
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, Aid dAllll
BOARD of ,all'colors and quality, in'tmaids or
cut to any size.. k
, ---1 ::,
. STATIONERY, ' -.* )
Cap, Letter, -Note Paper, Envel o pes,
Pens, Pencils, &c. . ~
~ . 4 ,....-
‘ .l arp ao) a r gent for •
Prof. SlitPA . ltio'S NON `CORROSIVESTtEIi;
Which I will warrant equal to Gold Ilene. The.
beat W usOlaiid - no - miitakti; -.; 's' 4 ' 4l ' '
The tilieve4tock I Wileielrat the LoW'est Bates
at all times, at a small advance on New,,York
prices, and in quantities to suit ptirchasers t ," All
work and stock warranted as represented. i
I respectfully solicit a share of public Karon
age. Orders by mail promptly attended, to.--
Address, LOUIS KIES„' •
Building,' :.
Sept. 2 , 3,1867.-4 A . -....-,.• ''-,ltlmira, Nt* , '
WOULD announce to the citizens of Weliebo--
d ,ro and surrounding ;; country..t - he "!ittie
opened - a
shopon die anrttpi,of,,Wntetald
ton streets, for the purpose of manufaeturingA!
kinds of
, ,cABT,NET I yu4N '
to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished'on
short notice. All work done promptly and lex
ranted. ' i'• -- Welchem, June 27, 1860.
HAVINU fitted up a new hotel building on the site
of the old Union Hotel, lately destroyed by fire,
I. em now ready to receive anti entertain guests. 'the
Union note/ .was intendcd for,m Temperance Muse,
and the Proprietor believes it can be sustained witituut
grog. An attentive hostler in attendance.
Wellaboro, Juno 26, 1867.
. - - JO, 111117, T E
TAILOR' 'AND :buirtEit, btht Opened a t , 11..p
I on Grafton street, rear of Sears & Derby's shoe
shop, where he is prepared to manufacture gar
mtints to order in the most substantial mail nor,
and with dispatch. „Particular , attention pa ill
to Cutting. apt Fitting., March 26, 1868-1 y
On strictly Temperance principles,-Morris Ron,
Pa. IL C. BAILEY, Proprietor. Horsey urjrl
Carring'es to 1ae. 1 7 -Mareh 8, ' ,
,; t One, door, ahoy© the Meat Market, ,
• ' . 13, 1 E LSit 0 R ,
RESPECTFULLY announces to the trading
public that he hasa dosirablo'stock of Oro.-
cartes, comprising, Teas Coffees, Spices, Sugars,
Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a first
class stock. Oysters in every style at all 'sea..
'minable hours.
Wellshoro, Jan. 2, 1887:41% :•t ;
Great Excitement! Johnson impeached, and Em.
bree's }Moots and Shoes triumphant! The subscriber
would say to the people of Westfield and vicinity that
he is manufacturing a Patent Boot which he believes to
possess the following advantage over; all others; 14t.
there is no crimping; 2d, no wrinkling, save as they break
to the feet; 3d, no ripping. In short, they arc just
tire Wog for Bvprybgdy. tic.mileb on imodlnuil orders
solicited., Bole right of Westfield township and Ilofo',
secured. lie has also just received a splendid set of
balmoral patterns, latest styles. Como one, come all!
We al.° boned to sell cheap for cash or ready pay, Shop
ono door south of Saudgra Colegrove.
Westfield Boio', Feb. 13 1868. J. It. Milli:BE .1
, ;
C. H. GOLDSMITH, Proprieter.—]lacing
ed thin popular Hotel,, the proprietor respect
fully ifoliefts atfairshare of patronage: Avery
attention 'Wen to kuests' . .. Ttie best header in
the eetinty,ulnraya in: att#ndance.
April 29, 1808.—ly.
would Ibsbeetfullyihform the citizens of Ti.
oga and vicinity, that I have built a new
in the BoroUgh of Tioga, tied having' ui good
Photographic Artist in my employ, I 'am no*
prepared to furnish all kinds of Pictures known
to the Photographic Art. Also • hievim_,- in my
employ a number of first class Pointe, 7's, :I am
prepared to answer all calls for house,l 9gd, car.
riago, ornamental and scenery painting.; Ad
dress A. B. AiE f thg.
May 6, IS6S—bin. ' "Tiogm Pa.
t , THEPL - Or k TO Blirg ; I,4ITdS.
T the Lawrenceville Drug_ Story., where Wier Awill find every thing properly holonging to
the Drug Trada--- -
CHEAP, CHEAPER, cl.l 1 , 1 A PEST, '
andoritio best - 11
quality for''Cash." Also, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Lamps, Fancy Notions, Violl tt •
Strings,. Fishing 'yackle, Window 4111 r: s, .te.'
Cash paid for Flax Seed.. , ,
C. P. LEON'A t{D. ,
Lawrenceville, May 8,1387.
Gleri'd Falls 'lnsuitince Con Milky,
Capital and •Surplus $373 ,637 , 6 6 .
FARM Amiis.. 6 , : only, taken. •
No 'Preiiil.4Notea reqUired:
It h LIBERIAL. It pays damiges by liigb . t
[king, rhetherFire.ensuos or not. '
paYelei" live stock killed by Lightning;
barns or in the field.
.. •
, Tava p op' Art wet. Chap ;(8,10 go mon ies'o r
MintiVrestofielbility.' L eE, Atcut,
Farmington Centre. Tioga Co. Pa.
May 20, 1847--ly*
•. .
Carriago and Harness 'Trimmings
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-Iy,
%,_/ cheap ! at WRIGHT (I, CA 1 I,BY's„ ;
Wallaboto, Juno a; 1887;"4:: 'r
_riench;'l4farine and Church
Mob, at [doolg] FOLEY'S.
:sue n~.. _~:rt.:..
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• * 4'4 nrirs , .l ,- .y ?Ais
•", • , lirr• t
i4 i
v.; '
I .1 t :1-
— IisITRODUCED • 11 , 1'1k!V AD:1.60c4,,
• -; • ' 4 l:q f i.
~; • -.,,-
'PREPARED - 13.1 .- " DR. C." AL JACICS0:11;
ne - greirtest kntrumi remedies fir
Liver PC '4 4P/1 9
,442_1;:ii I ±. •
Diseases of the' tango,
ant an Disenies' artsfnia 041 •
Oreyed Diver; Stimaisigp,
' XI 7I C P ERI : O* . 9 . 4 r, : M X : 11 ; 4 ' PP:*
f4ffl thy folkiping syntptoms, and if Y9tf find that
s wit?' syslon. is affected by, any.,V thept, yen, rest
ash:red that diseaSi had eonillieneirt its tttlath, on the
' •' oryasSror liOnr , baly,•and. "Unless soon.,
' ;checked by •the , use of powerful remedies,: et miserrable
'life, loop terrnixating ,ill:44gth, will be ihe,resplo
• Enlneaa of Blood to the Head, Acidity
of I the Stomach, .Nausea;
hurn Dpguat forPoOd,Fuineari
Or ight in the Stomach;
Bour_rnotatiecia, Sinka A' I
ii „...., ......
- , . • ... in or Flutteritig at tho Pit
•.' li II; of it e Eitosnapibßilfrilzmina of
—,_.tbe clad, . Hngried,,pr Diinoult
BreatbAng, lift ring ' at the' 'Hart,
Chtokiiik br Etuffwating Bens - atirini *hen
' :iti a loyingPostureiDsmness of Vision,
Dots or Webs before:the Sight, '
Dull Pain. in ,the Head, Deft
._ eieney.or Perspiration, Yol.
, 1 e', t , 'l 3 1(1% , 110;q a t i k P 13 and
- ' yes, fri• n* tii "Side,
-i; Back " Cheat, Litnba, eta, Suci. 7 . i
den yenshes.ofHciat Durntnit &a
the Flesh, Constant. •imaginings tof
Evil, and -piNsat
,Depression of Spirits:
Ali:these intricate disme qf the lARer o Digeslits
Organs, emnbined,uails impure blood. ;
itjoottalibli3 'deritt44l,l3itteio
is entirely vegetableeriud.contaihs no
liquor.-Ittwa compound of Fluid Ex= , :
tracts. The Ttoots,"lierbs, 'and Burks
from•which&thesO vitracts are made.-
are gathered In. Germanyi Ail 'the
7 - meilicinal virtues are extracted from
them 4iy a scientific chemist. These
extracts are, then forwarded to this
Icountry to be used ci_pressly . for!the •
.• manufacture of, thpitit,Bliters- :,There •
is no alcoholic Sithfittineoitif,tiny kind A
used in compounding the
hence it is the ,only, Bitters, eikiq te a u
be used in casewwhere alcoholic stim
ulants are not advisable.
eerinau (ironic
". ' ::/11 " 7 f
is a cm,inaticrtio p t he sngre lents o
with PURE Santa Cruz Rum, Orange, etc. It is tistelfor
the same diseases as the Bitters, in cases where. some
purriegnAnlic ; stimuias is reguirest., Ai 4s icii4,,bsar in
thesi,t6Wirs arA , itn4l:ol44ltikot t
~ from•
any others advertisiti for - cure of the " - diseases
named, these being scientific preparations of medicinal
extracts, oltite the others are lure decoctions of cum
in some form. TketrONlC is decidedly one of t most
p/sasant and agreeable remedies ever ofered fo the
pnblic. Its taste is exquisite. IL is' a pleasure to fake
it, tohite its lifeviving, exAilantdin#, and 4nedicielai.
iqualitiet havS caused it, laungti-ea , the "realest of
Tlionasirida - nt 'rented, When ''the pap.•
tient supposed he wait . tittlicted with
this terrible disease, have been cured
by the use of these remedies. Extreme
enaFinicfoni dshMilyi and tough are
pflie tusual. A, attendants en of serer°
ettiiels-of.-dysperinia.-Or dise p ase of • the
digestive organs. Even in eases of
genuine COILS uniption, these remedies
• willbelOund of the greatest , benetit,' ,
strengthening. and, invigorating. _;
• . There it ten. medicine 7al to , Hordland'a ,German -
Ritter: Tonic in cases o They impa rt lone and vigor to the mho e system, strengthen the ap
peli!e, ean.:e an enjoyment of the food, enable 'the -
stymuch to digest it, purify the.,Llopd, give a OA
truaut,-Itealtley , ,complexion; eradicate the yellow, tinge
from ag e
e, mpart a btepnittn'llle cheeks ! and change
the patient from a short-hreathed, emaciated, weak,
and nervous invalid. !o a fall-foccd, a fid, and rigor
.out.perena. " •
~~; t
• Weak and Delicate Children
ard`titinle'strong 114 - usingAlte Bitter!.
or Tonic. In fact, they hte'Vattilly
Medicines. They Ca D. be administered
with perfect safety to a child three
o T h u: ra ti n g:J o d i
a t i l i t i e l i t h i Tit 11cIte female,
, rave Remedies are the ben
- - Equelfters
erer known, and mill care all diseases resulting from
bad blood.
.• cp your blood pure;, keep your_ Liver in order;
keep your digeslire organs mn a sound, healthy condi.
lion, by the use of (hese remedies, and sio 'illsease. wdli
ever assail you.
, •
Ladies who wish a fair skin and
gboll, complexion, free from a yellow
sh tingpianyl,p4o.thcr dlsglgprefixtent,
should use these, remedies. occa,sion
ally. The Liverin perfect 'order, and
the blood pure, will result in spark
ling eye s and blooming cheeks.
• .1 ( • it
German Reniedies are coiniterfeited.
Tle guittinq • bae4lhe fignalure. of C. AL .Ta . oksott
of Ifa nufsi4e wohner o4 ckch bottle, and
the MIMI' of the blown in each baffle. All others
are counterfeit., ?..
Thousands of letters have been! re- ,
- rFisielit , g• ; , 1 ", .
Gillet 1 notice of lliAlinivine Court of Pennsylvania.
Pittr.sqr,t.plits, iitn,ftety6tl3, 1887.
=l,and,"4 , ootaturs At r , : nynf 44.0p : i' , is:not an intox,
icating beverage, but is a good tonic, utfut in disor
ders of (he tlittestfre. organs, and o I bensfit in
cases of: debility and want of nervous action in the
sySteth. Aura
.111ge of tbsSo)ormo Court of Pennsy . lvtinia, , g ;
Z:cs :17 g 'ill "141•Dti
A', "At t lBB6:l' .iir
I consider s lioonand's German Bit.; '
ters" a raft /de stsecliclue in case of-at."
tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia.. I •
.can fey ttfy this Irons my experience
•sit , it.'" l - • Yours, with respect, 1
• , • . JAMES.V . IIO4IPSON.
. ,
Ativ. J(01%4 ,
DR. JACKSON—DEAR Sin :— I have been fregutnqy,„••
guested lo ootmect. my name with recompenclaficuts
different hinds of medicines, but regarding the practice
as out of my appropriate sphere ; I have foal/ caustic.
(lined; but with a clear proof in various instances, and
. particularly iastiy ottm Amity ,of the ussfulness of Dr.
Hoofiand's German Bitters, I depart for once from nip
usual course, to express my full conviction that for
• , @moral aritrof the Rygtinnitgiletlettotly for Liver
• •GAtattlath Side ancl s va tinkle reborstion.
• tonic Mcify:fiii/,- but tt it/tY, cioald not, it will
be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above
causes. Your:, very respectfully,
-1 „ '
'Eighth, below Coates
Price of the Bitters, $l.OO per bottle ;
*ti •Or, a half dozeri f0r:65.00. , -•
- T - Price of 'the TOrtic; sl'.lso`pi;i-b - cittle; -
'Or; a half iidien fot; '
. . .
The Tonto.
that i s V'
is put up in quart bottles..
Reeollec allintjlaturs.G rman Remedies
that are so universally ttsed and' so highly-re-commend
--rti; and do -not allow the Ih-twist to induce you to
take* any ttiingWse Mitt he may sad is just as good, be
cause he makes a urger profit on it.' These Remed(e
udil be sent by express guy, locality yr . 4 12 application
to the
• Pitlio2olPAL
• •
••• :No. b3.I.4.BOII:STRRET, Philadelphia:
- EVANS, Piopiletori—
Formerly 0, g.,, 00, •
-These Remedios -are for lisle 'by
Druggists ' , titerekyepers" and 140 1 11
. chits - Dealers every 3 rrhere.-
.1 • Domotforgra to examine well thiiirticle tyoUbity,
. order to get the aenufne.. •- • • ,
The Above Remedios arp furm4eii)y prOggists,
Storekeepers, and Medicine-dealers t everywhere
throughout tlie United States, Canadas, South
Amnia% an the West ludies.—Mar. 11,'68-Iy.
, f" r u,";
J• • , [0 , !. , :•)11,:
i ..krt
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Itespooffullyidedicated to the irrepressible anti
ferocious Wlfite linen of the New York Detoo l oratie
Convention,— •
• On by boat;oii 7 bq road, — • • • - •
• • On' by -
old Tainmany' •
• '' , •Rushed the'Threo Hundred-1'
• Onward the Copperjlrigade,- „,. •
"We'll 'win the day." they said, !
'lnto' old Tbrnmatly
•• '• Rushed the Three Hundred!' -•
, • .
Onward tho Ilcbel•Drigade
Was,thcro a man dismayed?, .
%:t though Democracy knew
Its days were numbered : ;,
tici‘ii.s not to make reply!
Theiri not to reason,why 1
T:beirs tut to vetc.,or die , .
luta,ota . :TainMany ,
th . e. Three nuncired!
Vallundigliatritutight of themi•-
riiVrest to left cif them,_ • . 1 - ' •
u tur'tl 'aro them— '
.; 'Loudly they thundered ;
•clreniiing, with jeers and yells, •
• , lireathing'brict whisky stnells, '
• , 1' Prom pits of earthly hells,
Into old Tiimmany •'
*Rushed the Three 'Hundred!
-cI , • • :
.',onftmidti ; y inuiphymt there,.
• ; I* . n such Woocl ; wll3lair,
. ,AmtS4mour. in, the elmir, ,
• • Quietly wondered;
To; speak all o once they toil,
Midst, tumult and_broil,
And the bravo soldier,
Not having;foto dr voice,
Thought he had blundered 1 ,
Badly 136 laft '
But not the Three Hundred. 'il ;
, , • ~ .. .•
~„ , , 1 5
Chase,,tOtii,right t etn,
Hancock to left of .thein, • ,
'Candidates around them,,
Ana, yet : thei had bundered
i ,Stprpid Opy lv . tth choors i nnd yells
Eord rhow then; 1 4
3 , 10i3 fop) ti •
..Ilearing.the death knell,..
Qt Deplooyae,y, plundered ;
Staggoring- out. they edmo
. 1 Jteeling Three ifundreti
liow can their glory fade? ,
Uh irbat.a mess they made !
All thd world wondered I; ,
Oh what. a lovely pair,. "
Seyntoni and Frank P, Blair !
, Somebody blundered!
"It Is no use, 'Papa—none in the
world - ! I can'f, lielpit 'if you dO call
nig diSobedietit,;" and Edith, Ains
worlh's 'pretty; red Moutlijook on a de
cided.pqut, and she . tossed , her brown
curls with an-air of ,determination very
becoming in the spoiled child of an in
dulgent father. • ' •? • '
' "Edith, my dear, do not be 1 11111114-
like," aid aunt Lucy Allen, Afri Ains
worth' • fashionable sister.'
• ' 44 Ex' use . me, Mmtie. . - Siit ' ,, vexes
f t,
Mto uedi„,,sed,orlike 'a face° ,of
,meth ndise ; es if I hadn't a - tiy mind
of y 'own. And I wait nineten last
Sabhah !" , ,
"Bdith," ,said her father, " Hiiriy
Melville is all that any woman could
ask for in a lover—young, handsome,
wealthy, and traveled ; :and his'habits
are good, too. I have taken particular
pains to ascertain about liim,..and am
entirely satisfied with the ;accounts I
'receive. Osmond, who was his travel
ing companion in Europe, says he is the
=est-hearted fellow he ever met with."
"Oh I I dare say he is perfect I I
wonder Barnum isn't after him I"
• " Xow, Edith, my love," said Mrs.
Allen, " don't be disrespectful. I have
seen Mr. Melville,'land am pleased with
him. He has fine eyes, and a very be
coining mustache."
" I hate men with fine eyes and mu--
tactics 1" said Edith, spitefully.
-" Edith, : hear me - • a moment,"' said
Mr. Ainsworth, Ara Wing her . down on
his knee, " John Melville, Harry's
father, was my best friend ; and his
last dying wish was that you and Har
ry might marry at a suitable age—his
last dying wish, Edith.", ;
• " Papa, deaf, don't talk that way.—
It is impossible for me to love this Har
ry Melville'; and I Will not marry, a
man Ido not love. I know I have
never seen him, but I have got such a
prejudice against • himl• that, I never
couldoverconie it if he should prove to
be the Apollo Belvidere come to life.—
§o, please don't urge your little. Edie,
when I say that I shall not , be kept at
home to' meet :this • dreadfully perfect
gentleman, hut shall go out to Hadley
and pay nurse Downing-a visit."
Then she..kissed him, and smoothed
babk his slightly silvered brown locks,
and the day' was wail. , 'Edith' Ains
worth was to have her owns *ay this
time, as '
A Week later,iehe.waS: put • down by
'ihe stage-coach 'at the door of nurse
•)30 , arriipg'e pretty cotta
,A very cha r ming place
~it was and
Edith put back r her coquettish little
black veil; with the white border, and
looked fironnd her 'in delighted sur
prise. The hotrie Was small, 11rith a
wide , Veranda,' ever - which' - .clinabed a
lukuriant grape vine, - By the door
step bloomed a white rose, and under
its sliadow' 'gray ' bitten was' playing
'pepps)lgal its mother j•Jihd,a cunning
leoking speckled hen, With a - whole
beg of yellow chicken's, was sunning
,herself eicisehy. -
2--Var to the north stretch 41 a line of
hilks xrility with the distance ; a broad
ttitOlg- ofvtluit
the -*trite thread'af''a river
that looked like 'silver in the 7 : bright
Edith felt that she could be very hap
py bete,' awaylrom that odious Harry
„Melville, whom she would -not marry
for all the world. .
She met. with a warm reception from
nurse Downing, and the two went out
and Sat on the veranda, and• watched
the hay-makers in the meadow as they
raked up the swaths of richly-scented
• By , :and 7 by _it was
_SupPer,time, and
nurse Downing went into the kitchen
to set the table for the laborers,; and
Edith sat on , the veranda, and saw the
men-come up to the pump' and' wash
'their 'faces. The were' rough, sun
bUrned.fellowS, all but one—and be was
'sunbuined,enough - ; but still he was
different from the others—tall and-.well
built, with curling chestnuthair, brown
eyes and a blonde beard.
She asked nurse DoWiling who ,he
~ _ •
"Oh !. Mr. biiwning,hired Win yes
'f,erclay: His name, Jenkins; - -I be
" , . ,„
, .
"Jenkins ! Oh, horridi" cried Edith.
" Yes ; I knew••a mambrthat name
who was hanged' once," said nurse
Downing, solemnly,
After that Edith and Mr. Jenkins
met frequently. She had ft wonderful
faculty for getting into difficulty, and
he had quite as wonderful a faculty for
appearing• just at the right time to res
cue her. •
'Once c‘ cow ebOed het, and once the
turkey gobbler would not let her pass
because she wore a red scarf ; and then
she, got hpr_dress caught in the i brushon
the pasture fence.
But' Mr. Jenkins iieVer presumed
and When 'Edith thanked him'ildr
favors,he, had - a way of .whistling
snatches of tunes, which ,was anything, ,
but polite or agreeable. - " •
Edith wore her prettiest dresses, and
put rosebuds In ,her hair ,every, day . ;
hilt Mc. Jenkins went -.with tis
wo r k as if there *ere ricistichthings,as
pink , Muslitt dresses and rese'-budain'
the world. - ::. • -, •
So she took to cultivating, - him. She,
carried his luncheon into t1 : 1 ,, e ,. held, and ..
put flOwers in a little white vase in his
ToCt/X4 and read him the city 'gossip con-'
taitted in her letters from Mattio,Torrey,i
her dearest friend: :
But by-and-by, When one Of 'he'e city
admirers; , Mr. itz Ludlow -came 'Out
to visit he she ignored Mr; Jenkins,
and went off riding with, Ludlow. On
their return; they dame thrbugh the
meadow where Mr. Jenkins;lyas at
work. A gate obstructed' thOit pro
" Here, you fellnh !," sung out: Mr.
Ludlow, "come and open' this gate,
quick !"
' •
Mr. Jenkins notice, but Went,
on with the tune, ho was whistling.
"Mr. Jenkins, the gentleman asked
you to open • the gate," said Edith, a
little haughtily.
• " did he ?" returned Jenkins,
with provoking coolness. " I was not
aware that any gentleman had address
ed me."
"The insolent puppy,!" exclaimed
Ludlow ;-+" but I will not bandy words
with him in the presence :of a lady!"
and he dismounted and opened the gatO
himself, while Jenkins went on 'with
hie whistling. •
' After that-Edith was as • cool as an
icicle and Mr. Jenkins did not make
any atempt to thaw her into sociabili
ty. He I brOqglit all the wild blossonis
he found 't,O,nurse Downing - instead of
Edith ; and coaxed the kitten so much
the ,little, ungrateful quadruped
never would : go to Edith when. jenkms
was within call: '
One day he came up from. the river
with• a splendid cluster of cardinal
flowers in hie hand. Only a day or two
before Edith had been wishing for smile,.
and now she felt sure they were for het.
Stie.ran down the path to meet him:
"'Brilliant aren't they?" said the Im
perturbable Jenkins, holding them oft'
and gazing at them admiringly. "
promised Mary Devon yesterday that I
would get her some. They are so be
coming to persons with black hair, you
!, 'Edith groland her white teeth togeth
er; but her voice was very sweet as she
" Yes, to he sure. Contrasts are very
Then she called the dog and went
singing into the garden, and Jenkins
sauntered off down the road in the • di
reetion of Mary Devon's cottage.
That afternoon Fitz Ludlow appear
ed, and the horses were brought out for
a ride. Jenkins took Fairy, Edith''s
pony, by the bit, and turned her head
around so that he could look •into, her
face. Edith was just gatheriiig up her
skirts to mount.
"You had better not ride her, Miss
Aitis`worth," said he ; . "She is natur
.olk.vielous, and to-day,she is in a very
bad humor. litiok at her eyes I"
." Thank you for your kindness, Mr.
Jenkins," Edith said, haughtily ; " I
am not afraid of a hrse. Come, Mr.
Ludlow, let us be off." .
Jenkins released the bit, shouldered
his rake, and went off•toward the rye
field, whistling, "Auld Robin Gray."
Edith was cross,l and answered all
Mr. Ludlow's attempts at conversation
tartly. She felt as it she did not want
to be spoken to. She whipped Fairy,
and got the beast into a nearly unman
ageable conditioh. When they turned
to go back liome;, Edith insisted on go
ing the Pond road. It was a shorter
cut, but considered somewhat danger
ous on account of the steep hills, and
the half mile of cliffs overhanging the
water, and across which the road ran.'
' Of course, she had her way, and they
dashed along, Fairy at the _top of her
speed, and Ludlow keeping - up as well
as he could. Just - before-they reached
the most perilous descent on the road,
a huge bird" swooped dam from the
trees which bordered the path directly
in front of Edith's horse. The animal
started and plunged forward. Edith
was a good horse-woman, and did not
lose her presence of mind, but she, re
alized her danger. Her slight strength
was a small check to that' headlong
speed ; and half way down the hill the
road curved shaiply amid a group of
jagged rocks; and she had little hope
that she could save herself She never
thought of asking Fitz Ludlow. for
help ; but she uttered an inward cry to
heaven for preservation.
And simultaneously Jenkins sprang
out of the copsewood just ahead of her,
and seizing Fairy by the bridle, was
borne along for a fewyards before he
brought - the beast to a dead halt.
ai l ,
" I came across this 1 ay to go home,"
he said, quietly ; "an thinking you
were riding a little t fast for safety ;
I took the liberty of opping you."
" Oh! I thank yon " she begun,
her face glowing with feeling, but Jenk
ins cut her short in that hateful way of
"Oh ! it's'of no consequence cit all,
thank you—not the slightest ;" and
gathering up his rake, and his striped
frock, he climbed the fence and was
lost to view.
Edith decided that he was a brute,
and made a resolve never to speak to
him again. And so when it occurred
that" M.r. Jenkins ventured any remark
to her; she was talking to the kitten, ca
the chickens,:and did not hear him.
, In September there was a great storm
— the.equinoelial ; nurse Downing said
such a storm had not been known for
years. It rained and rained, and- all
the brooks swelled to rivers, and the
river itself becotne a wild torrent,
spreading ruin and desolation all over
the lowlands.
Edith was beside herself to g down
to the old mill, which stood on t e same
side of the river as the hour . She
wanted to see the water boil over the
great rocks on the other shore; but Mr.
Downing refused to permit her, and
Jenkins looked up from his plate, at
breakfast, when she urged her plea, and
remarked : .
"It is dangerous to attempt such a
thing, Miss Ainsworth. Herm Brook
is quite a river- now, and you know that
must first be crossed to get to the mill,
and there is only a single piece of tim
ber across it. It would require a steady
head to walk that now, I'm thinking."
Edith made no reply, but Jenkins's
remarks: decided her. She would go
now, at any cost. She was a willful
littleithing, you see, and fond of hav
ing herown way. So, before the fami
ly had finished breakfast, she threw a
shawl - over her head, and flaw down the
path to Herm Brook. The meadows
were very wet, and Edith's dainty gait
ers, were soaked through, but she
would not be deterred by a pair of wet
feet—not she.
The brook was a roaring flood, and
the frail "string-piece" trembled .with
every dash of the water. But Edith
had a steady head ; and 'with a light
step she crossed, it; clambered up the
rough bank, and reached the mill.
The scene was wild and fearful en
ough to merit the breathless admiration
which pervaded the spirit of Edith
Ainsworth. She clasped her hands and
gazed silently out at the mad host df
waters, which tumbled against the old
mill,. making it quiver and tremble in
every ancient timber, and then' went
breaking into Yellow stviirls of foam
over the-sharp rocks beloW.
Suddenly she felt a severe shock,and
turning quickly from the window w here
she had bee[?
of she saw that'
the east Wall the mill had been torn
away and was • being• borne rapidly
down the . stream. And, even as she
gazed ) she became conscious that the
whole mill was being Swept from its
foundations. She started forward to
Make-her escape, but it was too late.—
Already the structure was moving
down stream, for she saw that the great
hemlock-tree which - had'stood close by
the west door of the mill, was• yards
away !, • . •
And as she looked back; she saw just.
inthe wake of •the.mill,'half hidden in
the clouds of foam-and spray, a human
face ! ,The tossing; brown hair•the
White forehead-she:could not be mis
taken ! She understood tit at once.—
Jenkins hadfollowed her to the mill,
had reached the platform just as, it was
swept away, anti now be was at , the
Mercy of the foaming'floocl.
She ran back to the extreme edge of
her confined limits and flung out her
silken scarf across the water.
She shouted to him so hoarsely that
she hardly knew her own voice.
"Catch hold of the scarf ! Quick ! I
can save you !" She threw her arm
_around a post of the mill to secure her
self, and wound the end of the scarf
'which she still held firmly around her
wrist. • '‘
"Do not hesitate a moment ! Delay
may be fatal !" . she called to hini.
He lifted his head proudly, his cheeks
flushing, his eyes shining.
' he said, " I can accept aid
trent' you on only one condition. If
you do not consent to that, thee' I tell
you solemnly I Will drown before you
shall help me."
" And that ? tell me quickly !"
He did not speak very loud, but above
all the roar and crash of the water she
heard him.
" Promige to love me and you shall
save my life !"
She flushed rosy red, drew back for
an instant', and then bent toward - fhim.
"I promise," she said ; and catching;
il l
the s arf, he let her draw him to a place,
of sa ty.
. He stepped upon the plank, and took
her nds in his, looking down at her
wit i those strangely luminous eyes,
and le rare smile which made his face
so be utiful. Only a moment thus, and
ho drew her into his arms and, prison r
her lips with kisses.
"My love! my darling ! Mine for-'
ever !—Are you not?"
"Yes, dear . "
"Jenkins, Edith. Say 'yes, dear•J en-
"Yes, dear Jenkins," she said obedi
And the old mill sailed down the
stream until it reached the "Birch
Bend," and there it lodged against the
hollow in the east bank. Jenkins put
out a plank, and, after some difficulty,
succeeded in getting ashore with his
He got a farmer, who lived near
where.they landed, to take himself and
Edith home, where they were received
as though they had been dead. Nurse
DoWning had firmly believed they had
both perished in that dreadfdl mill.
• 4ir. Jenkins quietly announced his
,engagement to Edith, at the supper
table; and the next day he went to the
city and brought up Mr. Ainsworth and
aunt Allen.
And singularly enough, Edith thought,
neither of these friends of hers made
the slightest objection to having the
wedding take place at the end - of a
fortnight, as Jenkins insisted.
The night before the bridal, Jenkins
took Edith to the little grape-arbor at
the foot of the garden.
"Edith, my darling," he said, "are
you sure really sure, thatyou love me?"
"Yes, am sure."
"Then, if you love me, you will for
give me a little deception. Dear, 1; am
not Mr. Jenkins; I am Harry Melville,
whom you resolved to hate so niteli !
No, I won't let you go. I came out
hereon purpose to win you in spite of
yourself. And yourfather, and aunt
Allen were both in the plot. I believe
I loved yiTu before I ever saw you, and
I would not lese i you for a mere preju
dice of yours. Forgive me, and call me
dear Harry.'!
"You are awretch !" she said saucily;
"and I would never forgive you in the
world if it were not for one considera
tion—l shall not have to be called by
the name of Jenkins ? That is the only
PHILADELPHIA, June 6, 1753
Six: I received your kind letter of
the gd instant, and am glad to hear that
you increase in strength ; I hope you
will continue mending, till you recover
your former health and firmness. Let
me know whether you still use the cold
bath, and what effect it has.
As to the kindness you mention, I
wish it could have been of more service
to you. But if it had, the only thanks
I should desire is, that you would al
ways be equally ready to serve any othz
er person that may need your assistancei
and„so let good offices go round ; for
mankind are all of one fah - lily.
For my own part, when I am employ
ed in serving others, I do not look upon
myself as conferring favours, but as
paying debts. In my travels, and since
my settlement, I have received much
kindness from men, to whom I shall
never have any opportunity of making
the least (Urea return ; and numberless
mercies from; God, who- is infinitely
above being benefited by our services.
Those kindnses from men, I can there
fore only return to their fellow - men,
and I can only show my gratitude for
these mercies( of God, by a readiness to
help his other children, and my breth
ren. For I do not think that thanks
and . compliments, though repeated
weekly; can discharge our real obliga
tions to each other, and much less those
to our Creator. You will see in this my
notion of good works, that I am liir
from expecting to merit heaven by
them. By heaven we understand a
state of happiness, infinite in degree,
and eternalAn duration : can do noth
ing to deserve such rewards. He that
for giving a draught of water to a thirsty
person, should expect to be paid with a
good plantation, would be modest in;
his demands, compared with thoSe who ,
think they deserve heaven for the little
good they do on earth. Even the mist ,
itnperfect pleasures we enjoy in this
world, are rather from God's goodness
than our merit: how much more such)
happiness of heaven ! For my part Il
have not the vanity to think I deserve'
it, the folly to expect it, nor the ambi
tion to desire it; but content myself in
submitting to the will and disposal of
that God who made me, who has hith
erto preserved and blessed me, and in
whose fatherly goodneis I may well con
fide, that he never will make me miser
able; and that even ,the afflictions I
may at any time suffer shall tend to my
The faith you mention ha certainly
Its use in the world : Ido not desire to
see it diminish, nor would I endeavour
to lessen it in any man. But I wish it
were more productive of good works
than I have generally seen it : I mean
real good works ; works of kindness,
charity, mercy, and public spirit; not
holiday-keeping, sermon:rea ding or
heaKing; .performing church ceremon
ies, or making long prayers, filled with
flatteries and - compliments, despised ,
even by wise , men, and much less capa
ble of pleasing the Deity. The worship
of God is a duty; the hearing and read-'
'ing of sermons 'may be useful ; but if
men rest in hearing and pniying, as toe ,
'many do, it is as if a tree 4hould value'
itself on being watered and putting forth 1
leaves, though it never produced any
Your great aster thought much- less
of these fout. d appearances and pkoß
fessions, tha any of his modern dis
ciples. He p eferred the doers of the
work, to the 4 ere hearers; the son that
seemingly re used to obey his father
and yet performed his commands, to
him that professed his readiness, but
neglected the work ; the heretical but
charitable Samaritan, to the uncharita
,ble though orthodox priest, and sancti
fled Levite ; and those who gave food
to the hungry, drink to the thirsty,
raiment to the naked, entertainthent to
the' stranger, and relief to. the sick,
though they never heard of his name,
he declares shall in the last day be ac
cepted ; whenthose who cry Lord !
Lord! who vale themselves upon their
faith, though'great enough to perform
miracles, but have neglected good works,
shall be rejected., He professed that he
came not to call the righteous, but sin
ners to repentance; which implied his
modest opinion, that there were some
in his time who thought themselves so
good that they need not hear even him
for improvement • but now-a-days we
have scarce a littl person that does not
, think it the duty f every man within
'his reach to sit under his petty minis
tritons ; and that whoever omits them,
offends clod. I wish to such more hu
mility, and to you health and toppi
ness ; being -
Your friend and servant,
Mr. Nasky Gees as a 141vyate to New YorP—He
Gives an Account of Sonic of the Difficulties that
beset hint on the way, and in the Great City.
NEW YORK, (at a cheep boardin
louse) July 4, 1868.
Ef I bed kown just wat I hed to go
thro with, I nev,er woodfiggered for the
posishen I now okkepy. Hed I knowd
the troubles wich was to beset me, the
Corners mite hey gone onrepresented,
and the Democrisy mite hey nominatid
a candidate without my help. lam at
a cheep boardin house, which is salu
brusly sitooatid on an alley, the land
lady beiu one uv the anshent aings uv
Ireland, wick her name is O'Shaugh-,
nessy. I coodent get rooms at the As
ter, nor the St. Nicholas, ez I 'coodent
git a clerk to look at me for an hour,
and when I did succeed in rivitin the
attenshen uv one, he flew into a pa heri
and ordered me to move on, with the
onfeelin remark that he hed no orb
for siCh ! And that insult mite be added
to injoory, the unfeelin woman whp
presides over the manshen I :inhabit,
peremptorily refoozed to reseeve me
ontil I paid in advance. I triedseveral
places, but ez I hedn't net baggage, the
prevailin opinyun seemed to be that ad
vance payment wood be better, and I
wuz forst to return to her.
My advenchers on the route were
noomerous, if not pleasant.
At some pint in Ingiany, wher we
changed cats, I found the trane we bed
to take full uv delegates . In lookin
around for a seet diskivered but one
that hadint two in it, and that one bed
in it a disgustin nigger, who- bed the
impoodence to be well drest, find hed a
carpet sack beside him. My Dernekrat-
W blood rivto wunst. Feelin that in a
car filled with Demekratic delegates,
anything I shood do to a nigger wood
be safe, I stawkt proudly up to him',
holdin my nose. 1
"Good Lord !" sed I, "wat a smell."
"Uood Lord !" ekoed the delegateS
wich got on at that stashen, "wat a ter
rible smell."
I"My gentle Afrikin frend," sed
4ezin him by the' l ,collar, "I regret the,
necessity of sayin' disagreeable things
and still more uv doin em, but the fact
is your impoodence in gettin'into a car
uv white gentlemen with the disgustin
odor inseparable from any part uv the
Afrikin race, is ruttier too much. And
more especially do I wonder at yoor
keepin your sect, -while I and these
other white gentlemen are standin."
"Out with the nigger?" yelled the
lately arrived delegates, "hustle the
stinkiii cuss."
"Delereiful lievens wat a smell!" sung
out others us' em, "hist him !" "liist
Seein myself thus licked, and feelin
that a MIN - zeal wood be safe, ez nig
gers can't vote, I knockt his pat out uv
the winder and follered up that demon
strashcn with a serious attemptat liftin
him oit uv the sent. I wood hey suc
ceeded but the nigger resisted, and re
sisted (vigorously, to-wit :ho knockt
three uv my front teeth down my throte,
pulled out wat little there wuz left uv
the hare that hangs in scanty - festoon,
about my venerable temples, and blackt,
both my eyts.s. I wuz (yin on my back
in the passage, somewhat astonisht,
the nigger a standin over me, with hiS
boot heel raised over my face, when
some gentlemen came in front unother
car and restrained him.
"Mr. Williams," sed they, "let him
up. He's poor white trash, and not
worth wastin yoor indignashen onto.
Let him up, Mr. Williams, let
"Sirs," sed 1, risin to my feet tremu
lous with rage;. "is this the treetmenti
am to expect all the way to Noo' York ?
Am I to be pounded to jelly by a__ nig- -
ger—a stinkin nigger, sirs, whose odor
even now makes Ithe car ontenable to
gentlemen uv refined sensibilities—and
to beer the nigger addresst ez "Mister"
after, instil uv bein toted to pieces by
the infuriated spectators ! Oh shame,
where is thy blush ?"
"Yoo mizaable sedoneuv these
gentlemen, "apologize to-wunst to thiS
gentleman for yoor insultin roodnis, or
we'll chuck yoo out nv the ears. Apol
ogize, sir, to Mr. Josef 'Williams, Dcle
gate at Largefor the State of Tennessee !"
I almost Wilted. 'This nigger, then,
wuz a delegate! Ile win a regler dele
gate, armed and equipped with regler
credenshels to tk, Demokratic, Nashnei
°lnvention, and l lit4t bid guilty
uiy zeel uv assailltin uv him (41adly 1
apologyzed,' and further, h, humbly
begged permission to. sit beSide 112111 ;
which he accorditi with a gracioUsnis 1
never saw ekalled.
wuz astonishin the change that
crept over thelnjeany delegates. 'They
crowded around us and shook him
the hand—they didn't smell any odor
at all any more; on-the contrary they
seemed to like him. They addressed
him ez "Mister," anti several uv em in
interdeocin him, to ther friends who
got on at variour stashens, yoosed the.
prefix "Honorable.' ' 1 t's wonderful wat
a difibrence it makes with a nigger to
hey a vote, and also how he votes. Had
that Williams bin infected with ablisli
nisin, I make no doubt that the stench
wich I recly fancied I. smelt, when ,I
fust undertook to subjoogate him, woo,(I
hey eoutinyood to the end uv the trip.
The proprietors have stocked the!establishmeat
with a new a varied assortment of
and aro prepared to execute neatly and promp t ly,
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and &fill assortmnet
of Constables' and-Justices' Blanks On hand.
People living at a distance can depend on bay
ing their work done promptly and sent back in
return mail.
NO. 31.
In olden times it wuz observed that
slave niggers didn't smell—it wuz ly
the free ones. It is a settled faetwnow
that Dimekratic niggers are inedorous I
I mite hey known, howeyer, that the
i 3
nigger wuz a free -nigger, by Ithe , y
he pitched into me. No ,I nigger a
state uv servitood wood ever, hey d
sich a thing; That much theq owe to
the war, any how.
My principal objiek in goin to Noo
York wux to do wat I cood toward se
coorin the . nominashun uv Jethro ,L.
Kippins. I found the delegates badly
tore up. The offers made for votes wuz
so ridiculously low that there wuz
much disgust manifestid. The trouble
wuz that the markit: was overstokt.
Hed the convenshun bin pretty ekally
dividid, and the balance uv.power held
by a few clost mouthed souls, they cud
hey made a good thing uv it. But
where a - whole convenshun is in the
markit, and al 1 their inflooenshel
friends no candidate kin afford to buy.-
' withdrew Mr. Kippins to-wunst, for'
ez he hez but a small farm, and that
mortgaged to a grosery keeper, the del
egates I approacht laft me to skorn.
I wuz on the Committee on Resolu
aliens, or rut her wuz in the room ez a
sort uv adviory committee "while; the
resolooshens wuz bein draftid. Gen.
Forrest, uv Tennessee, wuz partiklerly
anxshus that a resolooshen shood be
adeptiddenouncin the Radicals, who
wuZ, with unholy hands, a tryin to de
strey the best government the sun ever
shone upon, and on the destruction uv
fell wood be a calamity wich unbOrn.
Millions woodshed teers over. , He de
sired a resolooshen pledgin the Mateo
rrtsy to titan by the old Stars and Stripes,
wich flaghed bravede thousand breezes,
and wuz synonomous, et settrk. Mr.
Wooly, Mr. Cobb, (Mrs. Cobb's bus- - j
band,) and Perry Fuller pertikelery I
desired a resoushen demandin the
turnip out uv offis uv corrupten,
that the government mite be adm nis- ,
tered with suthin like thepurity ich
distinguished it doorin the admin tra
shen uv, the late lamentid .Booka non,
at the menshun uv whose name very
delegate present held a handkercher to
his eyes for five consecutive minits, ez
tho 'a grate greef hed fallen' onto him.
Vallandiguin insistid that a plank be
inserted wich recognized nigger surage,
but that wuz withheld ontil it cod be
definitely assertained whether M ssiss
ippi was reely carried by nigger votes
or not. Ef a majority uv the niggeT did
. reely vote the Demokratic ticket, was
desided that they2shood be recognized
' ez our ekals—ef not, we'd see 'em I d—d
• Cheef Justis Chase wuz espes l helly
anXyus for a 'resolooshun denounsin in
the severest terms them onprincipled,
fanatikal Radikels, who for year hed
bin laborin to subvert the government,
by interferin with the persuntrand pro
perty uv citizens, and also pledgin the
Convenshen to that wise conservatism
without wich ther cood be no perma
nence in our government.
I dropt into the Soljera' and Sailers'
Convenshen, but I didn't stay long.
Them whose nozes wuzn't red wanted
to be either President or cabinet orfisersi
and uv the balance uv em, the leastest
sed the better. My sole indignated ez
I saw seated among em the very sutler
who refoosed me credit when I wuz
servin ez a drafted man 'in '1862; and
also a claim agent who got $lO uv me
on the promis uv gettin my bounty,
which when he got in he absorbed in
fees, costs and commissions. There
wuz uv coorse some troo men. Ther
wuz soljers them wich resigned early in
the war on akkount uv its being a d—d
Ablisitin war, and others whOleftbecoz
Linkin wuzut rapid i enuffiniznakin uv
em Major Generals. Theie •, wuz no
limit to titer speekin. Every *un hed •
the speech wich he delivered at the
Cleveland Conveushen in 1866 carefully
preserved, and they all insisted on de
liveriu cm, wich ez I left they were
doin, all to',themselves. Ef they kin
Clan it I ani willin. We are agoin to
to hey a Soljers' Convenshen in -Rich
mond to taffy the nominashens, wich
will amount to suthin. We shall , hev
Forrest there, and;Boregard and Breck
enridge, and thee seeches will count.
We will hey the ft gs uv the two gov
erments entwined' ' , and we will heve
the moosic uv both seckshens played.
Sick a Convenshen will amount to
suthin. •
\Vat the platform will be, or who the
candidates will be, .the Lord only
knows. I am prepared for anythin,
and so are all the delegates. Efits Pen
dleton, on a repoodiashen platform,
weli, and good—ef its Seymour, on a
Nashenel Bank platform, just ez good.
I shood be happy to see Breckenridge
the choice uv the party, and, delighted
of Hancock shood be chosen. I kin
hurrah for Chase, and with ekal vigger
kin swing my hat for Vallandigum, and
I find all the delegates similarly affect
ed. The Post Office is the lean kine
with swallers up all the others. We
are willin to sink everythin in Post
Wilds. That my sincerity may not be
doubted, let it be remembered that I
hey rid with a nigger from Ingeany to
Nob York ; hey bin whaled by one and
-hey felt good over it; hey bin hurrahin
for an old line Abolishnisht, and swear
in the while I liked it. Ef any other
evidence uv flexibility is needed, -I feel
ekal to the task. Politically, lam ekal
to emergencies.
(With is Postmaster.)
Tife,'SrA.—The sea is the largest of
all cemeteries, and its slumberers sleep
without monuments. All other grave
yards, in all other lands, show some
distinction between the great and the
small, the rich and the poor ; but in the
ocean cemetery, the king and the
clown, the prince and the peasant, are
alike distinguished. The same waves
roll over all—the same requiem by the
minstrels of the ocean is sung to their
honor. OVer their remains the same
storm beats and the same e.un shines,
and them, unmarked, the weak
. and
powerful, the plumed and milionored,
will sleep 95 until awakened by the
same trump._
son who has seen the process of evap
orating at the salt worth,: knows that
the salt falls to the hottoth. • Just so it
is in the pan where your Mackerel or
other salt fish lies soaking; and, as it
with the skin side down, the salt
will fall to the skin and tl ere remain,
when,t-if placed with th _ flesh side
4km n the ,alt falls tQ the 1 Atom of the
!pan, anil the fish. cornea- tt freshened
a'A it should he. In the ISt er case it is
nearly az, salt as when put 'n.. .
" should like that beau ifully -spott
ed little tiger-eat," , said a latly, while
visitint.; a menag6rie. "What for ?"
said her husband. "0, to have for apet
and to sleep with." " What do you
want t ):-leep with such -a thing for
" Why, jubt to see the difference be
tween that and sleeping with a bear."
A little girl was lately for
playing out doors with boys, and in-•
tormed that, being seven years old, she
was too big for that now. " Why,
grandma, the bigger we groW the better,
we like 'em."
A it adfhinistrator on' the
,estate of a
deceased female, advertised, for Attie at
auction. : "The wearing apparol of"Afrs.
deceased, consisting of one bed,
two ea'kpets, and one sleigh."