11031 E •111ATTEliS, WEDNESDAY, JULY *9;18(18. "Now Advertisement • kdmistratore Notice—O. B. Wells, Eat. Conti Proclamation — Sheriff Potter. Banuniptcy—J. HartiSoD, Arsignee. Agents Wanted—J; B. - Burr Co. Notice in Disoberge—B. Wilcox, Bankrupt, A N E n• TErING.7 — M> M. COnVi4,litli a bran a.por strect-Sprinkler,. and 18, d o i ng good job on Main Street, :betweeri - Waln and the To PRlNTERS.—Printers wishing to buy a completo offico at a bargain can find it ad vantageous to address E. W.- Barnes, Courier Office, lath, 13.7. PERSONAL. — We regret to record the death of Mr. Peter Green, one of the oldest. and most prominent ditizons of Delmar, which took plate in this vil Green had been in his 75th year SEWING 31 rENCY.—MrS. A. M. Pitts, of Mansfield, is an agent for the sale of the Wiloot & Gibbs Sewing Machine. In quirers are reqnested call at her residence, rieikr, Owen's Mills, and see one operation, and test its work. • • PERSONAL.—Gen. Thos. L. Young, Recorder of the city of Cincinnati, has been visiting his brother Hugh Young, , Esq, in this village during the past week. - The General re gards Ohio good for an old-fashioned Republican majority next November. CORNER-STONE LAY;NG.—The Cor ner Stone of the men M. E. Church edifice will be laid with appropriate ceremonies on 1-Ve4nes day*August sth at 2 o'clock P. m. Addresses will be delivered by Rev D. NV. C. Huntington, D. D., of Rochester, Rev. Dr. Lore of Auburn and others; The occasion will doubtless - prove exceedingly interesting.: Grant & Colfax Clubs.—The times of meet ing are as follows: Brookfield—Saturday evenings. Mansfield—Saturday evenings. Tioga--Saturday evenings. Westfield—Tuesday evenings. Wellsbora—Friday evenings. Other names will bo inserted as fast as they are received, and the table will be published weekly during the Campaign. A LUCKY BABY.—A child was born in Delmar, on the 20th inst., which, could it ' speak, might, boast of having relatives as follois On the father's side—A grandfather and grand mother; a great-grandmother, great p grandfather, and a great-great-grandfather. On the maternal side—grandfather and grandmother and great grandmother. These grand:ielatives are all in good health. Probably there is not another baby in l 4.he county ed-well off in the matter of grand-relatives. HAIL STOII.II.—A storm of hail and rain, attended by high wind and thunder, passed over this region between the hours of sik land seven, Thursday evening. heavy masses of black clouds had been hanging low down in the ;west and northwest for several hours, with freitzent thunder. Hail fell plentifully •in this village for ten minutes, doing little damage however. South and west of us the storm raged more fiercely, the wind being high and the fall of hail very des tructive to corn and wheat. Some fields are ut terly ruined. As a general thing the rain bone fitted the crops beyond compute, being the only considerable rainfall in thirty days. MANSFIELD. 4 !Aecidental' writes : "Mr. Randall Richer and Clayten Blackwell killdd a rattlesnake near the river billge in this Sunday evening, July 19. It had seven rattles. "The Furnace blocked its fires Monday week, for want of labor. ' "Benj. Peterson is building a dwelling on Elmira-st., near the firic!go. "The School Board of Richmond has built a fine school house near the residence of Dr. 3. P. Morrie, said tobo the finest school house in the township "Those who have money to invest in tenant houses will find abundant opportunity to invest in Minsfiold. Four families, aro now living id barns, waiting for dwellings. Rents are good. "P. M. Shaw is building a neat house on Xfain-st." • ON THE ROAD.—Last Wednesday we Imade a trip through Middlebury and Farming ton to Oceola. The corn, wheat, potatoes, and grass crops on the route were worth seeing, and seen, not easily forgotten.' The day was sultry, but a light shower had laid the dust. The early sowed wheat and oats are very fine indeed, and we saw one field of rye which promises well.— From the Crooked Creek Valley to the summit of -the Farmington Hills the dronth has not hurt much yet, though potatoes need rain, and with lout it will not yield well. We, had nearly for gotten the . Farmington Hills. Having tramped up them there is not much likilibood of forget ting them again, soon. They are something tre_ mendons—high, long and innumerable. But then, they, are cultivated to the crest, and are splendid fo the vision. • Farmitigton is well farm ed, and' has improved wonderfully' within six years;, I - • Reaching,the Cowanesque water-shed signs of the drouth thickePed. The corn appeared to have been scorched as with a flame; the broad lance-like leaves being rolled together, and brown. The,eats—late sewed—are short and thin, - and the potatoes hang out the sign of distress. We found °mole. all right, but the Cotranesque had disappeared, leaving a broad channel of silt and pebbles broken up by two narrow rills of rery warm water. The village is growing fine ly ; and we noticed several buildings of concrete, completed and in course of completion—tbo only structures of the kind, we presume, in the county. We found an attentive host, a good dinner, and a quiet place at the Oceole Speaking of Farmington: What use do the fanners intend to make of the Canada Thistle which threatens to become the main crop on some farms? Now is the time to cut them, while in bloom; cut them low—before a rain if possible— and sow thg stubble with salt. And again: We raw but one water-trough 'between_ Potter's and °eft's; tbat one entitles the owner to the grati tude of merciful men and horses. Let his taxes be abated and his name writ in letters of gold. Gosslr.—There is ont thing of little intrinsic value, yet if it coul he sold for what it values itself at, would refslize millions. It is but an atom in the world df sentient being, yet it grasps at the universe. •It has an eye for everything. yet it. constantly beholds but itself. Its field is the world, and its home everywhere. It labors to bring the universe of Mind and the noiverse of 3fatter into Subjection to its will, and to render them tributaries to its ambition. Not content - v6lE — Monopolizing earth, it aims to monopolize heaven as well. Of course it succeeds in doing neither; but it is the father and mother of the mighty brood of vice and crime, as well as of the minor troubles which afflict Society. tvet :rhedY has it, some enslave it, and more are enslaved by it. Its name is "Sr.r.s." -- I lhero is mother thing which, like Charity, "Tamteth not itself, is not puffed up." It is pow erful, yet silent, modest, yet carries the world be it, It obtained the independence of this na tion, tided it 'over damfprous reefs and shallows to the morning of its existence, and enabled it to Vindicate itself agaimstithe machinations of trea tm but yesterday. This thing, or qualit4 al etYl gains a fair competence for its possessei, is the parent of every fortune honestly accumideted, Sill enable a young MID to hew 4 farm tint of the t tretl: an intelligent mechanic to become 'a mas ttT-Isoricatag, and when rightly directed, opens the path to usefulness and immortal fame. Is :t amity? 10, Its name is 41 S•rzcsr I" --Ther e is another thing without which the 7/rid would come to nought. A man may count f, b 7 million and if be have not thisfuns he is a pauper. With it thijooreist min Is rich. If a man be clothed in rags; yet, have this thing, he in more richly. clothed tipetythrat King in his robes tit silk. and iniiple. — 'l'he ' gri my tinker, traveling from house to benso rester.- log pots and pans to tutefultiesi,' he have this thing, is higher and better than. a,PSs . ident nbcs, lacks it. It costs nothing to have it; (nothing to keep it; but whoever neglects to, got It, and , keep it constantly on hand', and bright;isith use, is quickly impoverished. Is it money? i Not so.— Its Marna is "Boson." --There is another thing which takes root in almost any soil, thrives _despite .of droutb,_ and froit, and wintry. cold. Its growth is rapid, its progresS without scruple. Some it 'carries for ward ort_tbo ‘ psthof honor and usefuldess, resting them in pleasantplaces; others it hurries •along dovioxis and dangerous paths, rests thCin in anx 'iota untest upon the perilous edge of feerfei Pre cipices, and by a false step hurls themidownryard to destruction. Elic;ert its will arLwaylunques tioned it dares an and stops ,atmothing; but di rected with judgment and good intentitt does the work of the world. Its name is "Ausicrios." —Since we are in this vein we remember that our ooriespoptleni Homespun" • has sent us a screed,derotect to "Kind Words." "Komespun" opines that* is a mistake to say that rind words cost nothing. We extract the followi .g from the article: 26th inst. Mr. ntbs. • He was "It is written—"lf thine enemy biro, if be thirst give 'him drink." kindness, and kind words will attend not nu offortin doing this? If wo sto o r the injury and. wrong ho has don certainly is, It is more in accorclancei sinful Untie to trent him ati he tree in speaking kind words we gain n -vi, ensure the smile of heaven. I look 'words as the pathway tb heaven ; if we kind words ihoss around us 'hay° ,1 faith id "ourreligion : but if Tro speak and do kind deeds, we have the sympa fellow-creatures. Christ is our ex went through the uorld speaking kill It may seem like a small thing to s words--tiro think that it is easy 'snot'. is often. times a cross to follow our S though it he in speaking them." FIRE!—On the afternoon o July 17, inst., a dwelling upon the pre ed by Mr. E. It. Burley, in Chatham took fire and was burned to theground is estimated at $3OO. :No insurance. SOCIABLE.—The Sociable of byterian Society mill be hold et Mr worth's, Thursday evening July O. liousEKEEpr.Rs: The "He I I jar is the beet in market, beim& sim sealed, as easily opened, and perfectly P. R. Williams & Co., Union Block, sizes of these jars, and will sell them advance upon cost, wholesale and retai BROOKFIELD GRANT CLU meeting of the Republicans of Brook Saturday owning July 18th 1868, at t Creek School House, for tho purpose of a Grant 4: Colfax Club the followil persons were elected officers of said CI President—J. H. Fish. Vice 'President—D. W. Nobles, Secretary—L. D. Seeley. Treasurer—J. W. Gilkey. Executive Committee—Wesley Gr Plank, J. G. Flolmes, Andrew Simmons Seeley. The Club was addressed by J. C. VA of Addison & Geo. It. Graves of Co meets every Saturday evening in the School districts in the the town, the meeting being designated by the Club. .J. WESTFIELD G RANT CLUE. young men of Westfield Bore, and vicini the Hall of the "Petroleum Honte" in es on Tuesday cvepindthe ith inst, and a a Grant Colfax Campaign Club. A. A. Amsbry was chosen President Murdock Vice President, J. C. Strand and N. P. Close, Treasurer. The Ch every Tuesday evening in the above nan We start out with-a good number of non our list, and expect, by-the time the C is really open in this cotnity, - -to_have tln name of every young man within on We proposo*p retaken lively fight in 't of the county this -all!, and hope by org to so discipline our force thatthere wi more threshing buckwheat on-election have seen enetigh of that in the recent de the Supreme Court in the case of, the 1 tion Act. rr„il • TIOGA GRANT CLUB.— xe cans of Tioga met. and organized a G Colfax Club, Saturday evening, July 18. ing are the officers : 11. S. Johnston, President. Rev. F. Graves, S. M. Geer, C. F. Mil Presidents. David Cameron, Secretary. John C. Horton Assistant Secretary ,C. H. Seymour, Corresponding Secrete 0. B. Bowel), Treasurer. Executive Committee:—Did Camer. C. Horton, Plido Tuner, Wm. Garretson. Vigilance Committee:—James Dewey Niles, E. T. Bentley, James Cady, W. G. ' C. W. Loveless, H. B. Adams, J. I. Goido A. Cornell. The Club meets every Saturday even o'clock. J. C. HO TON, BRADFORD COUNTY.—The •Tro frette chronicles the sad death of a lad Newberry, fifteen years of age. on the 11 in Columbia township. The boy was lei horse into the barn, when a two-year rushed out of the door, running over the so badly injuring him that he lived bu; seconds. Asa Moore has sold out his livery Luman Putnam, of Granville. The Reporter says that George Me aged 24, was drowned while bathing in Creek near Monroeton, on the 20th inst Alm that the new InraneHospital for Penney/r.snia has been located at Danth HAS RECOVERED.—That young. l l rn whose leg Dr. Tip De Graff some wont , removed a portion ordiseased bono nclar in length, has,called upon the Doctoir, readily and as free frpm limp or any d, as anybody. Even the shortening of 51 which was naturally expected,' is not perceptible. Dr. U. does lay his hands o, to some purpose,—Elmira Adrerther. SOUND AND SENBIDLi. - Would yo some genuine entertainment? Read the 11l Phrenological Jourual for August—Now containing Portraits and Biographical of Ole Bull, Napoleon 111., Bismarck, 11, of Bavaria; the Russian General Fischer the German esthetic scholar; U H. D, Stratton, James D. B. De Bow, others; Patterson'on Phrenology; Faith Murder of the Innocents; Self-Culture, Muscle, Ideality and Sublimity, Poets and Are You a Romanist? Living for a What is a change of heart? A very ioti Number. $3 a year, of $1.50 for a ha Address, S. It. IVells, New York I v 'ITo and upon the Amoor i ver," "Among the Andes," "John Ball id Aby siiiiiia" —three finely, illustrated paper!—folio each other in the August Harper. New cha here of ‘4Tbe Woman's Kingdom," by Miss Mulo!lt, also appear. "How Fort llfeAllister vice - taken," "Duels and Duelists," and another chaple pf En glish Photographs, make up a very ehoie,:trivty of reading. The Easy Chair, is delightful, the .Record indispensable, and the Drawer risible. • ROTC ABOrT TDE STITC/I 7—ls IT Reunatt?— "They tell us you harj a splendid Inaehine, but Iht#, yor(r stitch is not reliable. How' I's it?" 'lbis is' the sabstance, of an inquiry i malty made at the (ace of a certain Stewing Si chine, by parties visiting it in sere of the htst ma chine for family rise," ," „ , If asked who "tli are that tell them so? whether any who harp used v f li the machine, and proved its work, mad: that complaint? the uniform reply is, ' . N.,; it s only at the °likes of competing machine' that A.! !war any•ohjeetions made; but we woull ilk , : o bear vi hat you have to , Fay about it." TO, sue , our answer is this: If you will consult any of the sway thousand housekeepers who aft! nut using machine, you will fin 4 that thetwl-r I loop paver tails to give perfect sati:f.tolit t, arid there is no better authority on this Fia , jeZ than experience. -The followini testimonial presents the experience of a neighorhood: "We, ti", Wl &reigned, having used the•Wile o x & oiis Sew ing machine in our fernlike!, tonvider it t is best Machine for family use ACM illVelitei . The Stites is unesciptionattle l"—M ts. (t.:l'. 'orris, Mrs. Dr. pricst l and 15 . other lc i dics if Vtic: , N. Y. "Will the Coming Man Drink. W is tho name of a notable paper - in the Aun t lantic, by Parton. Everybpdy tbouid tea , New Chapters of "St. Michael's Night," markahlo case of .Phyekal! Phenomena," " the 410ef ) '. 1 f 516,11 Property," &c., utak good member. T,he Mien are alwaysgoo Milzl9lil3:eisone. THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE The following letter-speaks for itself, and is e'Ruolusive evideneo ' of ,tho Superiority of The American Cooking Stevo.over all °there'. Onxrano, N. Y., duly 25, 1885. Messrs, Shear, Packard . Co : Gents.—l am soon to return to Vermont, and I wish you to forward to toy address, itmnediately, by railroad to Manchester, Vt., ono of your No. 8, Improved Atherienne, with Extension - Top, and when it is received I will remit the money. I was the first man who purohnsed your stove in this town, threo years ago, and now it is the etovo of the place. We bad previously knell the Stewart Store Pico years, and we tind 'Tho American a bettor stove for every kind of cooking. In foot we are fully satisfied it is the best cooking stove extant. The ono we had was 4110. it, and larger thou we need; so, to got the size we wish, and to ettoo transportation, we sell this (and ' for more than it cost three years ago) and order the new one. So push it along. Very respectfully-yours, R:. P. CHENEY. • For Sale by CONVERSE .t Osacion Wellsboro Pa. July A CARP.- - -/ see by The Agitator that Air. Young advertises arding's Bibles at from $3 to SO. and gives an ungentlemanly fling at agents for Mr. liaroling'a Biblcs, by calling them "pro.i tended agents." The facts are that Mr. Hurd. i ng publishes no bibles that soli for mote -t4ll. E• 35, retail. 01).1 that I am nn actual, accredited agent of Mr. 'larding fur the counties of . Brad. ford and Tioga, as may be easily verified by ad. dressing Win. W. /larding, Philadelphia. Very Truly yours; • E. B. CASE. nger , feed This is a IS there to think us there with our us, but story and ,pon kind speak un tie or no AT YOUND'S BOOK Sporn.—You will find : All the New York Dailies : the NeW York, Boston, and Philadelphia Weeklies, and Monthlies, at the Publisher's prices. One advantage in taking periodicals from YottNo is, that you can take them for a day, week, or month,and stop hem at any time. Back numbers 'always suppr d.— 'Call and see Conant's Patent Binders for p erv -ing, pipers, magazines, and music. .. i IlVells.horo, Alay 13, 1803-tf') —...-......--. C. O THOAIPSON, • , Sulk, Street, Vellsboro, Pa., finishes photo graphs in India Ink, Oil, or water colors; for the trade or to individual order. Copies old pic tures, large or small in a finished manner.„, All kinds of Oral, and . Square Frames orr.hand, and at as low prices ns can be found elseishere. Cash taken in exchange for all kinds of work or goods.—Ap. 3.11.3-tr. int' wordi. by of our I nxple ho .d word.& cak kind b —but it vior OVen Friday, ises own township, The loss you want a Harding Family ' worth from s 3 to $3O call at Young's Book Store and examine his stook. Remember that pretended agents always add their traveling expellees to the-price, and make you pay it. I sell at Publishers prices. April 29. tf. he Pres- IS, E. En- Must: CLEANING.—IIuart 'Vents() has just re ceived Thousand Rolls of Wall Paper for Spring Stock. in Eighty different Styles, inelytd. ing Browns. Leather Color; Whites, Satin; and Satin !tilt. for liitehen; Parlors, Halls, Dining- Room; fled-Itoorns, nt prices 20 par cent, lower than ln4l year, with Borders of nll kinds to match. > 1 Fruit ,le, easily air-tight. ace three t a small At.so, Window fixtures, (4 kinds,) Window pa per (17 styles) Cloth gilt shades styles,) Cur tain cord, to;zsolls, pieturo-naiis, hoolcb, and 9CrOIV oyes. i a F:eLl, At held o Troups rganiziug .g named I : Ar.s.f, Looking glasses Pictures, Picture.- Frames, and almost everything necessary to bonutity your homy:. Remember to call first nt the NV ELLSBORO BOOK STORE. RUNNEL—TABOR—At the Tioga County Poor House. July 22 d , 19$R, by Rev. J. F. Calkins, Mr. Janace M Runnel and Miss Alice L. Tabor, daughter of es-Sheri fr Tabor. I:fin, Isaac Win. R. [The box received alai MO "compliments" of the above happy couple, contained a large variety of very excellent wedding cake. The donors have the best nislies of the printers; and may their "path of life" ho strewn with blooming flowers, prosperity and son. shine, and in old age, may they hare—"treastires laid tip" as a staff upon which to lean In declining . yearsa WORDEN—HART—In Charleston, July 18, by Rev. J. F. Cu,kins, Mr. H. E. Worden and Hattie L. Hart, W i th of Charleston. SMITH—HEISt—At the M. $4 Parsonage, Wellsboro Jaly inst., by Rev. 0. L. Gibson, Mr. Henry IL Stu tit to Miss El:ira M. Heise, eldest daugliterof /avid Heise, Esq., all of Delmar. n Ordalo ning. It different place of EHUI The ty met et id Boro, •rganized S. 0. / 1 , Seey. b meets ed Min. es upon I,' mpaign I reon the r Mach' t is part nlzat on 1 be no I y. We xision of Registra r. V. S. ROSE—In the city of Detroit, July,9th, of heart disease, Dr. Joel Rose, of the firm of Drs. S. C. Rose Bro. ' aged, 4S. years, formerly from Rut land, :Five Co., Pa. SPECIAL NOTICES,/ publ 1- r nt and Folk w- Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine "Its seam ig stronger and less liable to rip in use or wear than -the Loch-Sliteb."—"Judgea' Report," at the "Grand Trial." - Send for the er, Vice "Report," and F. utpples of Work, containing Loth i kinds of stitches, on the same pieee of goods. GEO. C. BOWEN, AGENT, Apr. 29, '4g-Iy. for Tioga Co. Knoxville, Pa. lIIM A. E. 'obnson, Tbos. g at 8 . cey. Ga named SIMILIA SIMILIBUS bIIRANTUR. I inst., ding a ,id Colt , y and a few able to HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECEPICS, ILT AVE PROVED, FROM TEE MOST AMPLE EX perience, nn entire success; Simple—Prompt— Efficient, and Reliable. They are the only Medicines Perfectly adapted to popular nee—so nimple that infs. taken cannot be made In using them ; so harmless as to be free from danger, and go efficient as to be always re liable. They hare raised the highest commendation \ from all, and will always render satisfaction. K iggan owaindl. ' Cents. 1, Cures pevOrg, Congestion, Inflammation 25 2, \do w or m s , Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic 25 3, \ do Crying Colic, or Teething of infants... 25 4, do Diarrhcoa of children or adults ress 5, do Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic 25 d° Cholera-Morbus. Vomlting 25 7, do Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis r,.. 212 8, do Neuralgia, Toothache, Vaceaclie 25 9, do Headaches,' Elck•lleadaclie, 'Vertigo— 25 10 , do Dyspepsia, Bilione Stotnach !25 IL do Suppk\csSha or painful Periods 12, do Whiten, too profuse Periods 13, tin CrOUP, \ cOUgil; difficult Breathing 25 14, do salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions... .25 1. 1, do Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 10 . do Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues 50 17, do pile s , blind or bleeding 50 18, do Ophthaillly, 4EI sore or weak Byes.... 50 19 , do Catarrh, acute 41 - chronic Influenza..... 50 20, do Asthma,Wh"Pingyfredtlht'rveti l : l eli n n t g Coughs". 21, 50 22, do Ear Dischorges: s i(npalred Hearing.. 50 23, do scrofula, enlarged Glands, Swellings.. 50 21 . do General prhility, Phys i cal ;leanest. 40 25, do Dropsy, and scanty kl.tertCons LO 25, do sea-Sickness,siclitleis from riding... 50 27 , do Kidney-Disease, GrareM 60 23, do Nervous Debility, Stanit\al stens, involuntary Discharges 1 00 29, do Sore Mouth, Canker 4. \, 60 39, do DrinarrWeaknoss, syetOug\hes.., (to 31, do Painful Periods, with sp4insts \ 50 32, do .Sufferitlfrg at change of life \...1 00 33, do Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dauce..A.l 00 31, do Diphtheria, ulcerated Sore Throat \5O FAMILY CASES, Or 35 LARGE SIAM itott,K:Co CAert, C0217412111W A \ orthcrn In from .9 since y< n foot king 111; fortuity e limb, at all 1 people hare strated 111,u4wit, foltke; and if in God; rain of I IPoetry ; ryo!e ; noting f year. IrP: LvEI:T VIICIY6IIT DIFF.A.a. A FAIJILY SULJECT TO, AND A Duo. 6 OF DIDEDTIONS gio 00 F. mailer F 6371.7 and DDIVELINO cdseß, with 20 to 23 vials Frtows3 Epoeil)re for all PC.WATE InstsPra boat for CUP.- l?'G and for l'itityENTivE. trcattnent, and vl• . als and p9i7k , :t VliP2 $2 to , 432` 'Chess Reoirdles by the case or single box, are smut to any part of the country, by Blatt or Expres so tree st eltsrge, on receipt of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific • Homeopathic Medicine Conspeny. Office and Depot, No. 662 prOADWATi Nrw YORE. _, I)r. flux:worm is consulted daily at iris office, per: soordiy OT by letter. sh above, fur all forms of disease, i'On 84LE I? Y ALL pittruGmrs. 21. 1657-7 y. ItTERVOUS DEBILITY. • W ITII ITS (;),,tomr ATTENDANTS,—LOW SPIRITS, DEPREIOION, INVOLUNTARY 1.(401 of' SEMEN, SPERMATORTMCDA, m)Sti or rois-Est, reizzr DEAD, 1,058 or sum OftY AND TIIREATENEP IMPOTENCE AND Ili— urcitare, poi a SOYELLEION CURE in HUM. PIIREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. TWENTY. BIG I.ll'. ibe?" at At. it.— IA Ro ut o 1 up a Composed of the most valuable wild end potent Cu ratives. they strike at once the root , 11 the mutter, tone up the system, arrest ma dircks.r, Hutt impart vigor and energy, life. vitality to f eatire man. They have sure } thoultautle of rues. 'rice f 5 per packageof ad bogey, and vial, or $1 per *lngle box. ifold by drug. gists. and *eat by well on receipt of price. Address aumptingYs , • twi ctYIC 11011EOPATI1/0 MED/. (UNE 00 4 649 asounca, lira You. 21snifTb4y. MARRIAGES. DEATHS. =:= YES 1 YES 1 -YES 1 Tb. R. WILLIAMS & CO., have got ih0 130 4 „E" * *largest and cheapest stook of Drugs,,mod 'eines, Patent Modicinos, Paints, Oils, Dia Stuff, Brueloa, Vninishes, Glass Patty Yankee, Na lions, Perfumery, 'Paula draw,' Fishing Tackl, Ito., &0., over brought into this county. •sAlkey will Positively sell everything hi thelrllnooheap or than can bo botight elsewhere. • 'They bought their goods in largo quantities and for nett clash, arid can and will salt ehoapor than any other es. tablishment In this county. Call and examine stock and prices. . P. R, WILLIAMS A 00. May 9, 1869, Na. 3, Union-Bhick. Queries. con close buyers find Pare English White Lead and Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Lacher, Turpentine, the cheapest, at P. R. WILL/AlO3, At Cp. Who sells the ,purest and best Drugs, Patent Medicines, and Dye Stuff, - • P. TLAVILLIABIS,--& Who keeps the largest stock of Paint Powders, Tooth, Hair, Cloth and Nall Brushes, .and sells the. cheapest, P. R. WILLIAMS, & CO. Whore can you go to find the best and cheapest Toilet and Saving soap, Pocket Knives, Perfum ery, Hair Oil, Pomades, Writing Paper, Pens and Ink, to P. R. WILLTAMS,4 00. CASH Paid FOR WOOL by TOLES & BARKER Wollsburo, July 1, 18614.—tf :t.• Dr. C. IL Thompson. (wsw.ssonotras PA.) Will attend to Professional cans in the village, and immediato vicinity of Wellsboro. Office and Residertoo on State St. 2d door on tho right going East, [Juno. 24, 1809. 100 , 000 by BRICK FOR SALR.— NV RIG HT Virelleboro, Pn. • CASIR. PAW FOR WOOL, by June 17,.1868. D. P. ROBERTS. NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS. TOLES & BARKER, (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.) WOULD say to their friends and the public) generally, that they are now receiving a splendid assortment of Summer DRY GOODS, such as MEETINGS, SHIRTING% PRINTS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE OLO• THING, run & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, also a largo and well selected stock of CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO• SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES ; SYRUPS, MOLASSES, DTC., ETC. We are able to offer our customers the beuell o4tbe 1 , LAST DECLINE OP PRICES in the New York Market, our Stock baying been purchased since tips great decline in Goods. TOLES it BARKER Wellsboro, July 1, 1868. 'H 07 Pt! 5 t i t 2 0 ID p 0 I'4 C CD° . e g. i.i . ~... - m ~.L., o 0 a> M 2 ' U 2 5 p '7": r• aq t'd sa i s • 00 ... a. CD • 0 . O , 0 0 pd ~ oa }toco ..... tzi a ~. E 0 sz" 0 C c? t ci CD t- i CD 6 * 1., ft) To the Soldiers of Tioga County. YOUR attention is respectfully called to th e following "Act of Assembly passed at the last session of the 4egfelsture, and to the facili ties afforded by viktuo of that act, of preserving the evidence of our service as soldiers in the war for the preservation of the Union. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania is General Assembly met, and it is here by enacted by the authority of the same : That the Recorders of Deeds of tho several Counties of this Commonwealth are hereby authorised and required to record all Anal discharges of Com missioned and non-Commissioned Officers and Privatds upon application being made to them by the holders of the same, for which the Recor der shall be allowed the usual fee for recording; and that the recording of the same shall not he \ übjoet the payment of the State tax. JNO. W. GEARY, Governor. Wellshoro, Pa., July 13, 1868.-3 m \ \ D. L. DEANE, Recorder, Tina Co. _ _ Hand Book of Politics for 1868. \ Ready In July. PECIALTY adapted for use in the coming Pre. ide4lo campaign. Will contain all the matter in the Political Manuals of 1866, 1867, and 1868, Compiled from official source/. Will give the Rhode Political Action of the Govern. meet, and of Parties, including Impeachment, Reconstruction, Gfneral Politic*, Platforms, Acceptance of Cand dates," Ac., from April, 1865, to July, 1868. Tablas on Debt and Taxation, Revenue and Expenditures, Ranks Southern Registration and VetcS k Election Tables from 1800 to date, 400 pagei, Bvo, cloth, $2.50, post paid. The Political Manual \ for 1868, separately, cloth, $1; paper cover, 75 cents, post paid 'Address - it EDWARD 1111 e I.IERSON. clerk of the Hoare of\ Repredentativot, Wasainatort, D. Or GEO. W. 111ERRIeK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOJI\AT LAW. Office with W. 11. Smith, 'Esq., Mein Street, opposite Union Block, Welisimo, July lb, 1868, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PREPARED Fo y Spring and Stunnier Trade I T. L. BALDWIN tr. 00. it AYH now, on band and'atlll doming, a largo and troll aidoctod Brook of $, ; "GOOD GOO, S " ompprising everything needful. Our stook of 11715 Dll3llO-a,06210 can't. bo b aF prob. ALPACAS, POPLINS, OAMBRICES, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEW" VERSA/LES, BLA:Olt AND COLORED ' " ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL' AND ,CLOAK,DEPART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL. MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA • • FLANNELS, CORSETS, • DOMESTICS, • at a very s'axallplargia. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cloths arid Caasimares and a Tailor, to Cut and Fit. .BoOts and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Don't forget to look over our atoolF of GROCERIES, the most complete stook you can end, such as TEAS. We aro old ton drinkers and know them SUGARS, MOLASSES, everything in the Grocery line, Gunja Bank Codfish Bay Mackerel, Ashton Salt, what makes the Butteo good,,and nice firkins to put it lb.:— Also; Butter Tubs and Pails ; Butter sold on Om mission—no charges for handling; but would like it small portion of the money you get in re turn, that is if our prices suit. FARMERS TOOLS, ' fullline— _We aro agents for the Ohio and Il'uck eye combintid - Mowing Machines; general depo for fixtures and extrai—for_the the above - ,ma chinos. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE to on in exchango for Goode. We propose to sell our Goode reasonably. "Live and lot Livo" prOeglveti at the counter—only ono price. T. L. BALDWIN it CO irioga, Pa., Apr,ll 29,1808. NEW SPRF N ,_-• . C) Cl" .O,D 4. A. Parsons & Co's = il i=6l ...., = ty CD CHIP Mil STORE! C 1) 0 ..- 5 CD I 131 1........ p- , 5:12 ...4 $.... . p......, e- p4E BUBSORIBERS AWE OPRERING -a- Great Inducements C 6 cwt.- C ) C' . GN" - CC> 1;:a... El Dfy-Goods, Boots t Shoes. 1 Out stook is all new, and cannot be surpassed FOR VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS, The following ii but a small portion of our BARGAINS: GOOD PRINTS, 10eas. BEST " 15 " GOOD Y'D WIDE SHEETINOS 121 if " BL. MUSLINS 15ors EXTRA « SOFT FINISH 20sTs, SUMMER PANT STUFFS 20 TO 50ors. TIMINGS is 6D TO 2s 6D FOR BEST,. ALL WOOL SRAWLS $3 ALL WOOL CASSIMERES , 7SOTs TO $1 IEA VT GINGKA.MS 16 CTS. a FINE ALPACAS 31 To 50 OTS.. ALPACA POPLINS 50 OTS. I PARASOLS 75 TO $3. SUN UMBERELLAS $1,25 'Co $2,50. HOOP SKIRTS 75 TO $1,75. LADIES' OAITERS.SI,2S TO $3, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 10 CTS. LINEN,HOSE,OOOI3 25 OTS. • ' ( It will pay to oall and examino our stock as we are baying now (hods almost daily and sell ing thera,very cheap. June 10,1888, SALT ono be bad In any quantity at 'WICKHAM & PARR'S., 'flop June, 8, 1868, TIOGA, PA. to bo good 'NG GOODS to all buyers of 3. A. PARSONS k 00. E Coniing, N. Y. BM MMEM=I New: :000(tal IN CORNiNG. INIMIII ME • ' t brive rie'cetvad a very LARGE STOCK df SPRING GOODS r ' oa the moat favorable, derma, and will sold at, vary eating :advkiziae from cos We: thii)liefe hazard nothitig in Baying that o keep tho' BEST ASSORTMENT and "the 'PPM QUALITY of Goods that are kept in tbo place. /Inv° a atone light enough,to see what you are' buying, and pledge ourselves to SELL AS LOW, • quality e6ushiered, as,at buy other e `bliehment. We continuo to make our %. • CLOTH TRADE one of our Specialties, and when desired MAKE 1:11EM--- TO ORDER on short notice and in tbo boat manner. Wo have added to our stook a good assortment of ' CARPETS, Odnitsting of BRUSSELS, THREE -PtY. INGRAIN COTTON WARP, li MP, AND STAIR CARPETS FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can eell them p HOW VERY LOW We aro the agents for the GREAT L S. TEA COMPANY, and sell TEA-at New 'York prices by tho singlo pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to call and examine stock and - prices. • SMITH & WAITE Corning, April 8, 1868. ) , .IE3C4COX:OI3I 01V" ! Go KELLEY'S and see the. Latest Arrival of r NEW GOODS , ! - " Consisting of a genoralvssortment of :I5 41 p' ca w a Q 44 A rn c Ei m p 4. 0 C.) 0 ob V PI 0 -‘ I=4 01 r 4 ' W E. c) " = eg '' 0 tzi H tt a g 0 g E ., I.a. O . A 8- es a pp Z 0 MRS. FRY'S CORSET AND' SKIRT SUPPORTERS, AT :-: saarnax qv suaa MOU am 00g pts:o wao lent, NEW DRESS GOODS AT KELLEY'S. "SiMITIa3i 1 11 S'IMVHS aolulAi GENTS' FURS AT KELLEY'S: ,0111" No charge for SHOWING GOODS C. B. KELLEY'S, Wellaboro, Oct, 30, 180. Special Notice TO ALL those interested in the, purchase of GRAHAM and all other kindi of Flour, FEED, MEAL, PORK, HAMS, FISH, &a., of all kinds, will find it to their advantage to call and examine GOODS AND PRIORS at M. B. PRINOE'S, Mozart Block N. 8.--Cash paid for Grain, Potatoes, 11f;os. wax, Beans, Eggs, &o. . • • Welloboro, Juno 20, 1868. M. B. PRINCE. TV ELLSB ORO BAKER Y. • THE SUBSCRIBER having establiehed him. eel(' in tho • u BAKING BUSINESS. in this village, next doer to B. It. Itimball'e Grocery, is now prepared to can , on the badness in all its various branches,' I will keep con. /gaudy on hand art assortortent of Broad, such as , LOA' BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAAM BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, B ROWN It El AD, WATER CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, • • • DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS, - OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, . at all hours of the day, Sundays excepted. • By strict attention to business shall endeavor' to merit the public patronage. • • ORAS. STEVENS. Wisher°, June. 24, 1668, LAMPS. -- A new kind of lamp for Kerorene I no breakage of oblinneys—at FOLEY'ii. CURD PRINTINOt—ot Now York pricer, in Ootors or pktln, mid out to suit orders, St Tna AGIMOR 0/Vlollle " BUHANOIIi" I sink, I si'ng of a cartons thing, Alamo, as strong° as Boggs upon Tyov. , • I've swung 'round a firelo as round as a ring, And wbilo on the doWn east part of my swing, I stopped atlhe city and took on the Spring STYLES OF CROMIES SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NECK, Molasses & Syrups have a freer ran downward, with a funnel.sha ' pad trail. MEtals.e.ro4. 7 • however, are cut from the meek down Ward, and the. style is blue and silver with ilipes. TEA-TEA. -TEA.-L-41Ell. will be prepared from a drawing furnished , to every customer who buys a pound. Ofthe styles to suit complalions, dke., I may mention that Black Teat yoreetin have if you -long for it. I canpot get time for loolc•up all the hard words whichthe GREAT AMERICAN' TEA COIq'ANY use to startle the innocent people about the coun try; but you can depend upon finding the very best of Teas at the , BEK-HIVE EXCHANGE? the styles are various. Yon can have the latest styles from the following fashionable foreign , ports, to wit: MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAW:TYRA JAM AICA, &C. PROVISIONS: Flour still wears hoops over all j , and dispenses with trails as unprofitable; I I hiivo all grades eatable. Also, PORK, DRIED BEEF AND II IS, together with a full assortment of liglni gr series and canned delicacies. As over Pays Cash or Trado, for all MARKETABLE CALL AT MATHERS'& Wellsboro, Apr.l, W. W. T. MATIIERS ic t .OVERNMENT PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE ' OPrfIiIN&CO. AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF PROPERTI BOUOIIT:ATLGONERNMENT SALES Consisting chiefli , of 10,000 Sets New and Second Hand Harness,lMidles and Collars, 3,000 Saddles, All styles, 2,000 WAGON OOVERG,aII sines, now itt. worn. 5000 WOOL AND ItIIBBEIt . IILANIq.:FS, „. .4 HORSE COVERS, DITLITARY CLOTHING, GREAT COATS, FROCK COATS, BLOUSES, • PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &c. Also a largo lot of Reins, Lead Lines, Buggy Ambu lance and Cart Harness. Double Trees Lead liars, Port able Fotgesote., do, Wheel Team Harness, little worn, all oak tanned leather, serviceable, cleaned and oiled, $5 per horse, including Bridle Lead, do $4. Am balance or Stage Harness with superior leather Truces, perfectly suited for farm or general team work. double sets complete $25 to 30, Bridles $1 to 's3 extra hair lined Artillery case, do $2,50 and $3, Doulfie Rein $1,75 to 2,25, Halters $5 to $l2 per dozen, New 'Officers, Mc. Clellan Saddles, $l6 do, with plated Bit Bridle - $l9, Brass Mounted Saddles, good as new $9, with; Bridle $ll, Boys Saddles $B, Wagon Corers, snporior, 10 and 12 oz., Cotton Duck $0 to $l2, 1000 Hospital Tents, new and good as new, 12 oz, Duck, 14 feet square $25 to $5O, with poles and pine complete, Wall Tents $l5 to $2O. Wedge do $5 to $B, Shelter Tents for Hay Caps $3O to $5O per 100. Grain Begs, 12 oz. Duck, 2 to 3 Bushel $0 to $lO per dozen, oleo full assortment of Seamless Bags. Smell order by Express, 0. 0. D. LIBERAL, DEDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEAL. CRS. PITKIN & CO, (Formerly on Front St., now) KELLEY'S 71 NORTII SECOND! ST., JUST BELOW Anon . S,T7, PHILADELPHIA, PA:' Also, 5 PARK PLACE, N. Y De2criptive prienlist sent on applicat'on. April 8,1808-3 m: 1.00,000 ) I:)unds of Woo Wanted. eubscribors will pay Cash, Full• Cloth T Cassimeres, Flannels, so., dco., for Wool. They alga manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to suit customers.' All work warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to which tiro wnrrunted in evtcry respect. Partici ROLL•CARDINU CLOTILDRESSMO Twenty •oars expbrience in the businove war rants theta in expecting a generone patronage No shoddy clothe made. DoLan° dr, Co. nt• WollahUrn, nroi ngonto fur the solo of our Clotho. JO.SkIPII INGHAM' SONS Deerfield, Iday 1:1, 1868-If. SPRING SI, SUMMER GOON W beg to call your attention to our bloc!: of Milline'ry and ,Straw Goods, far tlio Spring 'and Sainuter Trndo, which Is now coMplote, and' imlomoil with care. to moot tho wants of 044 and embroiling full linoo of all that -l o now o w l naval, and at. Om )(mot poseibio rows. PAIVERN FIAT' 'FRAMES of Madame Hulling's largo and exquisite !wort mow of whieh we will give our rrionds.tho nine dosirliblif 'styles. , Mrs. •1;. I). MITCHELL. • April 22, 1/3613-tl. Tread Street, Vega, Pa. 200 Bushed Timothy Heed. lOU !mallets Olovor aged, choicest kinds BAILEY, The'rtiebions fdr And more astonishing still, As to 4corree, In tho matter of ' MATH E R S PRODUCE their Water Proof ak,00,14E141}323 0 Inc attontiotigivon to FOR 1808. Paint for Tarn:fors:and °then,. GRAFTON MINERAL" PAINT . C'. jj aro now mitriufliottwing the, Best, Cheapest and moat Durable. Feint iln; mit; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed. Oil, will last 10 or 16 years; it is of n .. or beautiful Choeniate color, _ and can be charged .td ,green, lead, stone, drab, elite or prelim, to suit the taste o f the consumer. 141 valuable for :110Infear Barns, Fences, Carriage and. Car makers, Plsiie and Wooden-ware, - Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bcdtoras, Can vas, Metal and Shingle Bears, (it being Fire and Water proofs,) Floor 011 Cloths, (ons,noi on f ao . turer baying vsed 5,000 bbls. the post year,), and and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, 'alasticity and adhesiveness.—. Price $6 per barrel of SOO lbe., which will Supply' a farmer for years to contd. :Warranted. In all eases as above. fiend for a circular whieh gives full particulars. None _genuine unreal/ branded in a trado mark, Oraufton Mineral Faint. Po- sons ean order the Paint aid remit the m oney on receipt of tho goods. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl Ft, NeW June 3;1888-8m OE f plip., attention of bl preheats and others llableto I, a License, is respectfully called to the net of toe 11th of April 1802.. Pamphlet lam, 492, reg.. elating' the collection and payment of Licenses, which are payable at, the Treasurer's - 01#00 on • the lst day of May Old; aid every year, and by raid act, all Licenses remaining unpaid on the first day of July; the Treasurer is required to sue and press •to judgment and. collection, se soon as practicable thereafter, and In default thereof, to be personally liable. Those liable'to a License are therefore requested to be prompt in making their payments before that date, there , by avoiding any trouble to .themselves and much perplexity to the Treasurer. • . _ . June 3, 18G8, A. C. BAILEY, Treasurer. , /VHF. undersigned offers for eale the following 'described property; situated in llfalnsbnrg, Tioga Co.; Pa, one House and Lot,—the douse Is Stories well finished off, a good collar; 'also a splendid well 4 f water, on the stoop. The lot contains 2 acres of the best: of gardening land, plenty of tipples and other fruit trees thereon—a 'good barn and everything pertaining to the said House anp.ot in good order. The above des. eribed Ito Se and Lot I will sell at a. low figure, such as defies competition. Apply to Wm. H. IttrltiSEY. Mainsburg Tioga Co., Pa. May 2i, 1866-Gm's Important _Facts. S , ,I CE Salutifer is now being - used in thous• a de of families the following facts are im porta t to be known. Finer—Though It is the most pOwerftil of all popular remedies, yet it is se compounded, as to be safe and hand se. It irtif such a nature that it may be handle and' mod by children, and persons who are i norant ofilifedicines. SECOVD-It is fund that cialutifer will relieve severe pain in an part of this body sooner than any other applicat on. Tarn—lt is int ortant that the bottle be well oorked, if loft open only a few minutes it loses strength. FoUrtru--This u from a'most ovory Now is Your Time; to Buy! . , - • nr-AVING more goods than is necessary for . JUL this market, I will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED' WARE, 'AND FAN CY GOODS, AT COST. 0. G.' Clocks at $3,50. . Gothic " " 3,63. Cottage " " - 1,70. American Watches it Silver Hunting Oases at $l9. Finer Alovemeats, in heavier Cases, at cor respondingly low prices. Plated Ware at Mail ufacturers' prices. THIS IS NO HUMBUG, BUT A VER ITABLE SALE!. • • nil and see for yourself. Wollsboce, April 22, 'BB, A.-FOLEY. TIIE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE of Penn sylvania, re-organised in 1800, as a Solon aitlc,.Bcitool, gives courses of instruction in GENERAL. SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, MECHANICAL AND CIVIL EN GINEERING, &.ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL LITERATURE. First term bogins,July 29 and - ends Dee. 16th, 1868. For further particulars apply to JAS. Y. M'KEE, Vice Pres't. July 8,1868.-4 t Agricultural College, Center County, Pa. ATTENTION FARMERS I SPRING has come, and those desiring full barna can have them by buying • X . lllsifErtOr • at the Mill of I. Champney & Co., which we are soiling it $6 per ton at our mill on Elk Run.— All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for • Plaster. Give us a call. I I. CRAMPNEY 44 CD. Gaines, Tioga, to., Pa., Blarch 20,1868-0014' SPLENOID BUILDIN G , LOTS, in tho f 18 "Borough ,' Itellsboro,lnd a 'TIMBER TRACT of 400 os in Delmar, three milostrom this city—honvi y timbered. orms - easy. Jan. 8, 1868. "- lIIRIGIIITA BAILEY. Well,3boro Wool rafriling, T"E proprietor having put lie Machines la first-rut° order is now , ready to card to Of.. dor any grade of Wool. His Cards are of the finest quality. All wool, fine br coarse ) should bo well cleansed for the bonefit df•both partles,— All work done with despatch, and warranted. May. V, 1888-2 m. ' S. it. JULTBOLD. Lath I Shingles I 'Lumber I• A LWAYS on band at Foster's Mill, NRes Pino and Ilemlook, lath, shingles, and lumber, as Well as all kinds of hard sod plank and boards. ; Lumber delivered to ord r. G. W. FOSTER.. Niles Volley, Mai 13. 18138-3m.0 Coal for Sale. dOAII.SE BITUMINOUS, COAL for Salo Cheap, by Bopt. 28, 1867. Helm Fruit Jar. 500 GROSS of tho HERO FRUIT JAR for solo by W. D. TERRELL it CO., . Corning, N. Y. . , We nro prepared to fill orders for 'the Hero Fruit Jar as low as they can be boUght any anywhore, and shipped from Corning. We can give special rates on largo. quantities. It is the boat and most salable Jar; in the market. 'Get quotations froM us beforoiir °ring elsewhe + re. March lit, 1808.—tint ' ' Notice. HMI NO Hold my location and goof,. In the practice of Dentistry'? to Dr. C. ThOmar), 1 would reepectfully rooommend'him to ray pa trope /13 I Imo inado arrangements - with him to perfcrin alt ”perations for which I baveoentraot o 'ran recommend hint no azontleman of skill and ability in the dental art. . Tiokt, Pa., Al' rl. RAIL YE nEAR YE I HEAR Y. 14 BARRELS, VIRKINS, CHURNS, BuTTER. TUBS, tVq., 1:11,1 vanmanily /ark band, and furtAisliedto dei', I,p i W. T.. MIATITTIS, hiA 1113 w 3111 V, d lima 'down 116y's Building, Woll.o.ore, (Juno 10, 1866.) A, S. THOMPSON , 131pwro4N11'ril,6nth two tires, and 1a prepared to 410 lilt kinds oluork in 111,1 line svith prompt nepar, and In n woritinitollito tuannbr, .110 nitnes at IlNeCilVnee it) his trAlle• hlainsiloki o pium 3, I Stiti-ly, , I '1 , 113141.t.$ 'or Atimlntatrution !myth*, teeli ,A graded to the undermigneq upon the Mete 01 tl, drown, hole of Lawroneoville dee'd, all poroutm tmietltmi to halt' came, and all per none claiming against the Ha tno aro required to tootle with JOHN H. DIIOWN. Lettsv nuociv Mo t Juno, 24, 1808-Owc Adair, Notice. For Sale. soful remedy can bo obtained dealer in medicines. For Sale. D. P. RODERTS. i .1. 11. RANDALL, iy 13,18118:1f. Surgeon INintist, ,Atintili4trator's' Roace.. il