SoNit:..i,; ; #4yy-!goi WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1868. --- • row Advxiitieteiitslits ' _ Firms ToiSnlo=—B: Ellis • • Executeei c ar dG. lit..bierrick. - -• oE nc o IVonDs." --Mainitbut Lent . ; ie on file foi ": ' • • g P' "7 - Tbe Jour nalbas procure pew . ..ype for Its !oral colonins, ivbiol , (the-colutriia!s)' tire, as i r ocr4cji with r E tisoNAL,—Hon . ..L.T.;WILLISTOi4; Asioeitite of 'Mpninna . ,' nstiv:ed at binne this village, Monday, eller an absence .01,- mire than two years. 14) is,loobing well. • - - Republi*mt - Clittb.Meotingse ' The Mansfield Grant * Colfax Oflblneets every Saturday Oietting.,_ he Wellsboro Grant_ Club meets , Friday evenings in *ha room under,Brinnel Correotion.--Itu our brief mention: of death of Mr. Wells lastlvek - W - a • , „ Wells was universally respected 'and - hia loss 'is widely regretted." T lho"cmiSsiork of o few words, as it appeared Inade*onaeinte of the lase Th9 - 13apti4 council - meeptig,iwhich bas been adveitilea to tithe, place .on the 29th inst., .eiltrbti held in the Coltit Hause,,and'not in Bunnel Hail; as announced. . • The mother of .Dr. Pratt, Editor of the Corning Journel,a►as one of the fonilderi . of ' the Bible Betioty I Yates county, N. Y., upward of flirty years agi - 11111 • L :e E Piaila isms, of 'the Fonndry, - has: left' with us "a - loonst shoot grown within the lait. four *coke,4l:l meas uring five feet four inches. - ICE-CREAM:—MP. & Mrs. M. M. Sears will devote the proceeds of their sales of ice-cream, Thursday evening, 23d init., to the use of the ladies of the Presbyterian Society. Let theta' bo , • well patronized, . .c c LYCOMING Irrs. Co.-CORRECTION.--In addition'to'onr as week's notice of the Annual Statement of this Company we may state, the at settliahle . for losses - ,aincittut to $4.„874,67,11—an increase $ 978,887,62 _ over 1887. ' The Proprietors and printers of - THE AGITATOR beg to acknowledge :'the receipt of a large dish of delicious Ice-Cream, with the com pliments of Mr. it Mrs. M. M. Sears. , It trans ported tbe, "Devil", to the Seventh Sphere of Salubrious Bliss, and awoke the proprietors from a perspiring dream of the tropics. It may inner est the pnblio to know that Mr. it Mre. Sears keep ice-cream to sell, as well as to; give' away. k Nobody keeps better. TICE WEsr:4--Mr. A.J. Roblyer writ= Mg us from Denmark,' Lee Co., lowa, renewing his subscription, says in a - postscript , "Crops.are good, but the" Weather is very dry. We are now in the midst of haying and harvest ing. iy three boys and myself -hare cut :forty, acres of grin With Wood's Machine, and plowed fifty acres of corn in three days, using three spans of horses.. Farms, with good orchards; can be -bought from $2O to. 40 per acre." Ti' CRoPa.-=From a private letter from a gentleman in Lycoming county, WeJearn that the wheat crop loOks well,but is being dam aged by the midge: Coin is 'thrifty; and the weather hot and showery. .A.littie of the "show ery" would dia'this region d bear of.good, bid we have enough of the 44 h0t." 'I CURRANT WORM - R.—Mr. Jai 1108 Tnke, of thismillage, assures us that the following is a dead shot on these pests; Take a pound of cop peras; dissolve in a gallon .of hot voter, and add four.gallans of celd water.- Sprinkle the bushes with•this liquor; using a clothes sprinkler for the purpose. He has tried it' with porfeCt success. 'lt is a cheap remedy. Try it. I TUE OR'PHAN'S ficatrol...HWe hear • that the next term of the &Adier's Orphans' (,School at. Mansfield will open with One_:hsindred scholars. This will crowd the eiOhool building now in use semewhat, we should guess, and may necessitate building larger. Col. Mao Farland, State Superintendent of these Schools, is new on Ihis tour of inspection, and .was at 'Mansfield last week. CoßßECTlON.—=!Vermllyea s extra stage for Gaines leaves Wellahere every . Monday'4 1 Thursday, on tho arrival of the Tioga Stage, in stead of thrcetimes i a week, as we stated list week. Pine Creek is getting to be a fashionable watering plaez; We learn: Why not? - '1? hie thin oral springs t 'brook trout, :rnagnificient scenery, and an affable, wide awake landlord ought to make that region a favorite Once of resort.. COMMENCEMENT.—WO, are•cailig9d 4.0 Messrs. B. B. Van Dollen and • A. D. Wright, of Farmington, for a i'Complimentstry'l to the 15th Annual': Commencement of the • Polytechnic Collegeof Pennsylv f ania, Class of, I£BB. We congratulate our friends upon their graduation, we hotelmen to believe with honors, and regret that we were unable to attend the Comm'erice.i moat. Success to them, whatever may be their choice of vocation. - • ~:• • TEE FOUR= AT TioGA.—Rev. C. L. P. Howe; Ofllainaburg, sends'.na a short report of the Good Templar? celebration at Tioga, for which Wtitire 'ziciibrebliged : "It prdoed" a graU'd "success. Eight of po Te4i•F plar_ Lodgbs in the county. were well ` represented. Nearly 2000 'people were on the ground, and the crowd listened withimanifest interest and profit to en able temperance address of an hour and fortyleinutes, by Itev. W. A. Niles, of Corning. Sing WhiskYleceived' home telling . blows froth ono who knows flow to'strike to bit. • ' - "After the address the company partook of an elegant repast, atter which short speeches were made by Revs. Garretson, Rawso, and others. The Tioga Cornet 'Bend enlivened the occasion with good Miele, and the occasion . reflected stedit upon the temperance cause, more especially upon the Tiogime t who invited their neighbors to celebrate with thew not only the natioieetreedent from foreign oppression , but from the chains of that more . cruet and merciless tyrant Ring Alcohol." 4 - [We reeelyed the foregoing. report on Friday, PO of course it could not appear sooner.] MANSFIELD. "Aceiderttal," writes us: "The furnace was „again put under blast Monday 13th inst. - , 1 after standing'six week's with tires blocked, for repairs. I am informed that orders for 400 tons - of No. I iron have - been re ceived from Chicago parties within a few weeks. "Dr. Cole bag established a livery "Stable - on Churoh-at. "Dr. E. J: Eagle, prostrated with cholera last May, has so- far recovered as to be able to travel. "The reports from Prof. Streit, now in. , 111 inne sots, are favorable to his recovery. "Every effort or . the, disheartened, and consump tive tletaecmcy of this section,'. -to discipline, themselves to the support, of the'New York ticket reveals the terrible fact, that the party is " suffer ing from chill* and fever, contracted during their long residence on swampy greand, ind too free use er stagnant waters that ;exist in such places, The Blair letter is not exactly the sort of quinine needed, to . . give this isickky, paten, relief."' Why didn't they trot oid:mitinder bagq ?" MAINS o.—Our correspondent "'rites; "Mr. Peleg 'Dead has• purchased the betel property owned by Mr. p. R. Brundage, and will take possession on the first of eptetri ber- Mr. Brundage -will locate plsewbere: • "I 4 KII send you the "statisties, of production tad manufacture to ovinivol; •so soon- as Ican complete the nor We shall be obliged to our porropapdept, A. D I for the satistics promisar bur , corres pondents elsowbe ril will oblige is by collecting loch statistics- in , their, localities and, vending thin to us. ( 'We are in . correspoiicneo with' the of Btatistlgai 454 re4q want Tioga county to figure as well, according,to reiour 'eta and enterprise as any county in the State.--: B y Biting' publicity to dies() focal records of e r it erolms and improvement wo'll'oPO _to v attraot, sa o 9siterprisp to, Penni ip apa pettlaup'*? tY, 'tio better cottnty ,fer butter and cheese 940 he themiginYwhere. There ris plenty of land; Yet n esettled;and contrenieut tei — elieetni &dories; 11 . 1 ' milk, and grist mills, ohttrebetanCschciols. The laud is cheap and the sell ie strong. " Come on • (3 ctssi P.-4-We , r4ttieiq 1/ Ito , ' t 6 . iiietieh I _. what ye praotiee and, practice What . we:preach ;/ and as iva , slia.Y 1 this,liitof `,gossip :seitb:tlal in ercul at !it2 i in' the: _shadiest:: spot hereabout,/ we, Can think of nottling ; santiprniirlate:,to write ; 'filiovit as poreeveriaceiMV-faith IfiMdciri,ailverse eircumatancesi s ,'_SO; : inorgbig-the'yo94 , men' to: choorto tin nbjehj.i.Wlife; and never . t.O IFI - 4 - :nier. =until it shill his'attainekireiet the' eitaretiianfa' .battle withlenguer Miti'disinelinatien;;lvith - tha , perspiratieri 'dropping fronf:flitgeil,ende' to ;paper, and sadly 'interfering 'W , iiiitbnjettinesi of,"Thad aus ,David'a . Beit."" In "the fir'st - place,i'YoUn`g man, or Young liornan',' ti - trini, life' iii : 'a' bettiti2 -field. 'Life Withorkoiobjeetia life Without effort ;' - kid life Witliont'effOrt is oulta liVinideath.,". No, young Man of , womanyesria . - 'afford' to long for 'flowery, paths, aad•a 1146 f unbroken' 'ease: The ,suceeieee'which'shindih iindimeried'hiSter *re_ and there in history have hien, literally; ~ _. , quered,_and carried=,off captive, , :: * . the "perse vering valor' and tintlitteliing ptirpaser:,f: a fear= ,less and,deterniined nsitii'Or woman.'; -Lao* at and yOn'Will at onee,'see thEit"Wti ,aiti : right I,Foi;a, : bettle with 'inertia; . and, you have only to look at the bigintuacie of thehlacksmith's arm to find a lesson pertinent to our subject:' By, „ , , swinging the a,mmer and sledge the . ' muscles. ..of, , the abed, back r and arms are brought _into . use; and to the.demand'upon these sets:of muscles the organs .of:aisiMilation' arid "nutrition respond * , l ) ramptii; .9ti'?9,3'illi ‘nn_ritOn ,O. , rapalr, ,Ica* build up with greater strength, and renew vigor, - 8o the physical system is perfeetedy_and the same law holds good 'in reSpeet 'tO ',,;' and chaMeter.„; A,:characier without Muscular properties iewortliwo more than a billowed rag in a hot daii': i ttitiii'ne" bnekbene: ' The Ulan ;who rules himself is the' best Man always. , If hi s . ,haelinotiobs.tO evil he'stiong, and co,nstnnt,. and hobattletsliem, and Tintsthem, down, : his lout, 'gains-what is, equivalent to . , the; rounded. end. • solid muscle of the ,_blacksmith—power and ea. durance. 'Leek at_thelields after a long term Of 'heat without rain; they have had too much Sun sbitio; the grass looks brown and sere, theleaves have lost their tender green; the 'corn, a Child' Of "tlio tropics, is pinched np can - with'ii. crimping= Iron: Nothing that lives can bear monotony of any kind. As inanimate natrire'requires thin:: . der, lightning, hail, wind and' rain, •as 'well 'LIS sunshine and caim,'so hUman nature requites 'to be subjected to tempests of trial,' lon'g nights of struggle, and peltings from-the clouds' eVadver sity, beforait can reach' its .40gbei . t. perfectness. So, young mart—Yon who chafe under the res traints of pokily; •and almost 'despair at. the= cruel buffetings of disappointment be assured that it is all for your good; that you cannot be raised to your highest estate `Without' it. - And • accept the 'challenge to combat like a 'true and valorous knight.' If you 'feel a longing in-your seta for rest, trample it out; it is a false-aspira tion, misleading to destroy. To be rich enough to live without work, is:a pommon . ambitien. Take it by the threat and kill it out of hand. It is another way of trying to cheat the soul of its, growth; and 'therefore a premeditated plan to cheat its Almighty Anther, • Thti • ,ineasure of suc cess extends through the lifetime Of an individu al. No man ever succeeded fully , in• less than seventy years. Yon may ho'ricti in ,millions; you may• sit in all the high places of the land; and it' you ever, end an l hotir without a duty, count it as, an evidence of moral paralysis and approaching inertia, known as death.- Go out into active life, wieh the sword's point ' for temptation, and a welcome to the true, however _bumble. So shall you succeed. - —Fashion is the greatest villain extant. With the mercury at 90 a waman must Wear stays,Closa fitting dresses, 'et cetera; and:Wmati mint wear trowsers,and,vests, ,and some tort of a coat over all. It stands-4areason thata nightgown' would put everybcniy at his ease, being a eondition s of freedom, cool, and not ongraceful. A linen smack frock, falling to the ankle, .would be a delightful dress these days: Itytould be decent, also; but the- mode wiltnot permit it. Budieither fashion nor the proprieties. can prevent l e . ne's apprecia tiOn of the uniform of a Georgia Major, to wit- , . a shirt collar and a pair of spars. It is easy enough to understand Smith's wish that he might. take off his flesh and ,sit in his, bones. in the . street the heat reverberates from the . buildings' and the sidewalks, like, the Waves of a chopping - sea. -- It - prayer - is en earnest - ttesi:eS or the sent, and if earnest prayers are effectual, why doesn't -it rain ? , - . -. : . .• • - . • =We had got so far in this. formal complaint 'of l'iredneeditY.3nly'lbi'ind Euro enough doin came, ten, twenty, perhaps a.ktundred drops of water, which the hot shingles.aividloiied rip in a jiffy.„ , • _ . :• . IMO • • 7, . • • We are,reqnested' to' state that Prof. HOyt town until , the 25th inst. All having: Pianos or Xelodeons to tune may leave their or ders at Goldsmith's Hotel: NOTICE.-C. LI. Humphrey Esct., Chairman of the Republican Committee of i Vigilancefor Mid dlebury, asks us tozive notice-that a meeting to organize a Grant Club, will be held at the hotel of John Redington, Crooked_ ..Creek, Saturday evening, August Ist. ,•• THE Poici is'shot Off iron thly by Chao. M. King, of Laporte, SullivaniCoiwty. -It is a oprightly-littliabeet and ,costs but 25 cents per year. Go it l!op,guiz. - • , „ - NEW PAPER.-,—We.c balm the initial number of , The Volunteer, published ,under the auspices of the Soldiers''crphans!ScheolatTitus : : ,ville. The object of the establishment of this pa per is tci:alTOrd the scholars , oppOrttiniti. •to learn the_printing- hnsiness.• is a neat/paper and deserves "a litioral ,_patropage.: - 'sl;2s per annum. NEW. MUSIC.-Messrs: Oliver 1)ilsor! - &.Qe., 277• Washington St. Boston, send us' Hie `following named choice sheet music "La Belle Helene; 5. Schottische I "Orphans' Oalcip".! "Vi vandier Galoir"Well Mated,". popular Song; "He Doesn't Love Me," Ballad. Messrs. 0. Ditson & Co., also have several Grant sew"to; the Campaign.— They may - -be ordered through; bay bookseller. lIST of Letters .remaining ,unclaimed ttku j Postoffice at IYellOoro July 20. 1808: M. A. Allen, John . Atherton, Andrew Bcosigen Miss, Mary E. Baldwin, William, Bradiab, Rosette Borden,,Frederieir Boyden, Miss Hadsar Coddingion, Mry.. R., A. Bailey,. Miss Elmira. Davis,,B.ll . . Davis, S. F. Henderson. •Franli Hendersen, Ira D. Motchkies f C. L. Kimball,. William L. Lewis, William C. Marvin,_ Salomon Moyer, George: F. Ogden, E. B. Root, Miss Lottie M. Simons, Miss Julia Scott, Winfield Scott, West, S. B. White, Miss Sarah M. Wilson. .1 • Please call for "advertised" Letters. , ) M. HART, P.M. DENTisrity . . 7 - 7 0ur attentiOn was ttr rested the other day by a beautiful sign suspend ed over the side walk on Main street, inseribed-r , E. EaStman, surgical ariCineehankril den- Cit.". 'Woatopped into the office, 'examined the various specimens of work, including a beautiful set of teeth just being .finished, whir& did %eoto to us to be the nepius aura of artificial teeth. Aro also noticed is - ererre,envenient recentli, Arranged fox :ailminiitering, gas; extracting teeth, which we are told worke-te a charm. Dr. 'Eastman is one of our Wiest ingenious artists, and we catiasturfr in c need of anything:in his line, that by leaving orders withthey can depend upon having a goci. and ,e‘Maplete job on short notice: , DiPATiTMENT Oli STATE, ' - ' - WAsAIROTON, 91h'41loy, 11368 'rtk WnekLEn Jo WiLsber, of Yew • ' • Tlio .Depailmbnt 'hos' reetived One Gold 'Modal; awarded . ta - your - firm on sewing hod Button=hole Machines; • at -- tho-.P;01:4 Exirozition or 1867. -•i • , " • Your obedient gervao;. _•• - • • ' -•- „`- Ff• SEWAR.II. • G. N: Bulkhiy;.Agcint tho titi)6 , Uztvtittilmavai.v, Bens „watt Nutivr,a.-4ite. "busy him of labor" is a ptiatical.-14n. enough, but unfortunately ,t0zn0,.0f.,,i3s aro hum. with neives;,ntid.f.confess that the men Jtotions 'whir, whir,,of a Sewing Machine in the, hense,. hnp sometimes act ine out of it... hare often wondet-0 ennislnet be verne f lie(, witiont• inipaivik Ito ; itacfniness.. This tiod „you have lueeeeac4 in ,doing., hnvo lately : been, making Atri 1 of one of the "Silent Sewing , 'Machines"—, :the,nine , attracted:, me-"Silon t I f 0,1„, Oat 'one cati: - Casili lititenAo vending, while opertitiog if. copal; to,nie o, 7 ,p:tat gain on nil that, have piceeededle. illy dressoiniter,.Who 4.3,114 ten. yenta' .experience yith*Sewing , )slachincs, gives this hot _unqualited reference.. t ,bave owned 0130 olanother:sotike, for, Oglit,y,egsott, which, in toy judgment,. doee..not.: opproach „this in utility. , ror all tie , tiasene, above stateti,';ll Vise my hearty '0 o'e - re - nee to, the ' tlibb* Silent Sewing 1449htilth"-.-fantiiireili," o,, , i l L'e**-00, 1 420' NON, .4 1 Tug AMERICAN COIMITIRSTOv, The followlmtletterjnealo ' , for its_oft.,ta,,aa -, ,ir. 'conclusive ; evidenee' the itipi3flority.:9l - Tao; 'Asneriean-Coekiiig Steve Over alt others.; • "teuxwatis,N:.Y,, Julf-26,1405, •Measre. Shear, PatitMrtl : am'sbon to retain to Vermont; alas wish you to forward, to, my addiess; insnstaliately, ,ity,rallroad Illino'hester, Vt., One of yourNO.-B,' •Ituproved Americans, with Extension Top, and when - it it rectivedj.„ ; will tho money. thei Aran man Who jihrelitiserr Your Zate r ffS: in this town, three years ago, and ne'W . - - it. 4 it fn . ; store of the plaec. • - _ We had previously used the Stewart Stove five 'years, and wo find The American a bettor attire for every:kin/dor cooking. In,fact we are !satisfied it is the best Cooking stove extant. The - e ne . . ••wita oNo. (chid we rieetti'eo, to;get the ,8./40. We—lTL9N;old ~ co. dice transportation, wki iell this taiii/ 1 for liter° th a n it colt three years ago)„ and , order the new one: So push it along. Tory resnectfully yours, it. P. CHENEY. For Sate by boXvienin d °seson Welisboro Pa. July;;.,lstz,Sw. • GREAT:INDUCEMENTS - I' .Peatiful Sekrif Guth TeetA, Duly XlO nrtd,~oa = 'Oan'ted. l = - • Teel) eXt routed' with. tlio. eat: blitrous'Oxide, Chelorofortn, or Ether adminis lined' when desired._ Cell:and examine sped -mans of wetk before going elsewhere.. Remep l . the plitefk Over the Dook:Store-Welletere.:i DR, P. 3..110.WARD. -June 17;1 4 11384t , ' -.4 A CATID. , - - 4 toe ' l;3' `7910` : Agitator' that , Mr. IYourig athiertiscs ilording'e Bibles,at from $3 to 4 550; and gives an•ritigoiittatrinnii flin g ittagents 'fcirMr. ilarding'a Bibles;by gelling thorn ?‘ pre tended agents.' Tho facts orb that Mr. Hard ing Publishes no bibles that sell for more than 's3s,.retait, and'that.l am an, neeredlted agent of Mr. Hardirig forlhe counties of Brad ford and Tiogn , ns may 146'811Y `verified by ad -dressing Wm. IY. Harding, Philadelphia. Very Truly yntsm,;.., ,„ , , E. B. CABE. AT Y.OUNGet3 fitenu.—.l'. ,will find : All the New York .Onilles :1 , thesew York„ Boston, ; and Philadelphia Weeklies, and lionthlies, nulls 'Publisher's prices. One advantage in taking periodicals from Youso is, that you can take them fora day, week.• -or mrinth, and stop them at any -time. Ilack'ninaliers always supplied. Cali and see Conant's Patent Bin,derster presery, ing papers, magazinas,,and mask. [Wellshoro, May IS, 1868—t1] se."'Ci...ll}lo.itPSol4; State Street, Wel!Aunt Pa., finishes photo graphs in India Ink, - Oil, or water colors, for the trade or to hidividnal:Oider. - ‘ , Copies • old pic tures, large or; small in a finished manner. • AU kinds ofval,'end Square,Prames'on hand; and at as low ice .as can be found - elsewhere. Cash taken I exchange for all kinds of work or goods.—Ap. 8. 68-tf. ~ :" --. , - A,', ' 4 i ' : ii) You • want ;. a: Harding Family Bible worth from $3 to $3O calla Young's Book' Store and stock. Remember' that pretended agents alWaye add their traveling expences to the price, and make you pay ,it. , 'sell at PUblieliers prices.' • - April 29. tf. , The Igrgeet; best and chedpest assort= feint 0 . frames ever brought into Tioga -County, with large pictures iti every way to suit, and card photographs at 51,50 par doz.,, ,going fast at Frank Spencer's Art Gallery, Mansfied, Pa. ' , liarding's Alban's-4110 beet' in market on sale at T. R. Williawa Post Qffico, Woyaboro, at Agent pricep. . . . „ „ „ CLEaNtso.—Httau ronita has just re: calved Two Thetis:lnd Rolls of Wall :Paper fot sprang tOe , ighty different Styles, n chid- Browns. Leather Colors, Whites, Satins, and Satin Gilt; for !Chehalis', Parlors;•Ralls, E0013:12'. Tted;Roomitt, tit pricei,2o per cent: linger than.lael year, With ,_Barders: f of all kinds; to" match. s - . Window tixt ' kinds ALSO, indow fixtures, (4 kinds,) Window pi per (17 styles) Cloth, gilt shades (10 styles,) Cur tain cord, tasselfa, pietoro-naiis, books, and screw , . , . . . ALSO, Looking ', gloms Pioturee, Pioture- Pramee; end almost yverything necessary to beautify yogi homes. Remember to'ealr Bret at the - - - WELLSBORO BOOK—STORE.— =I MARRIAGES. PETRIE—GOODWIN.—.A.t.tho M. E. Parson age, Llltist Charleston, July 12, by Rev. W. Stat ham,. Mr, lienyy Petrie, and.. Mrs.„ ,Clootl" win, boil of cbarleston. • • _ ,CI AL, NOTICES. -t . ...~. .a L ~. J Willcox &'GllibvSewing' "Its seam is strOngler and iess liable to rip in use or weer than the Look-Stitch."—"Judges' Report," at the "Grand Tr:leg.", Bond for the "Report," and samples'of trork, containing both kinds ofstitchet,.on,the sameplere of goeds.,_A • I GEO.. Arr. 29,'68-1y: for Tioga Co. Knoxville, Paj SIDTILIA 61ifilifIBUS- OURANTUR, 111111/11 3 11123HtS' - " HODICEIOPILTHIC morAvz PItOTED, liftoll TUE, MOST ,AMPLE EX, perlence, an 'entire ' success; •Sizipl:•Prompt—= Ellicieut,and Reliable. 'They ate • the' only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—so simple that mfg• takes cannot be made in using them; ao harmless as to be free from danger, and no efficient US to be &heart re , liable. They Imo- raised th 6 Rlgh r est coitimendaH6n from all, and will always render satisfaction. • ,t C e nt's. 1, Cures Povers, Congestion, Inflammation...—. 25 2, do Worms, Worm• Fever, Weria-Goli6Y ' 21' 3, do Crying-Colic, or Teething. of infants... 26 4, do Diarrhaia of children or adults 25 5, do ;Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic 26. 0, do chelera.merhus,Vomiieig 25 do Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis r... 25 do VlAlLlllBlol,ToothaehetFacesc .grr 0, - do Headaches, Sick-11Cadache, Vertigo.- 25 10, do Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach 26 11,', do Suppressed or painful - Periods 25 12, -do whites, too profuse Periods 25 13, do Croup, Cough, difficult Breathing 25 14 . ,, 40 Salt Shown, Erysipelas, Eruptions... 25 16, do Rhot;matigm, Rheumatic Pains 25 ,10, -do irOVer - 111114 , 411ecti, - Ohill Eeser - digues 47, • '4 Piles, blind or bleeding 60 18, do Oyhthalmy, and sore or weak Eyes.... 60 19,`i do Catarrh, acute or chronic Influenza.,.. 60 20, doAsthma, ' do Whl4 °ini.C°llgh' violent Coughs.. 60 21, oppressed Breathing ' - 60 22, do Ear Discharges, impaired hearing.. 50 23, do Scrofula, enlarged Glands, Swellings.. 60 24' do General Debility,- Physical Weakness. 60 25; do Dropsy; And,,sianty Secret:Ozie' t ' 60 do SCR.SiCktlnifl, &Abase fl - ore tiding... 2 7, do Kidney-Disease, Gravel 50 211, do Nervous Debility, Seminal Ernie sious,lnvoluntary Discharges 100 ' 29 , do. Sore,fllouthc Canker oo, 30, do' ttrinsiry Vireihnose; 60 ,31,_ de Painful periedeorith:Bpaapn ..... 30 %.1.2, do . Sgtroringg at change of life 1 00 33, do Epilep s y, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance 100 311 Diphtheria, ulcerated Sore Throat .. . Writ Y CASES. Or 36 LAMM . rim* EtaROCCPPM, VOlrrfalia4l' CIPICMB &CART Onr.litAtilt 'DISEASE A . FAMILY IS SUBJECT TO,AND A DOOR OP DIRECTIONS $lO 00 .13141111 CT Fanny and TRAVELING CIISCa , with 20 to 28 vials 45 to $8 4tleltleirfoialf Par/Park Dtsitm, both for Can- , • '1:10 Rod tot Pitivritrzysireatment, arid vl. . , as and pocket cases $2 to $5 419,Tliese IZemedlee *by; t*.eitits:;or, fileft,§ liox, are sent to any part of itio edunt rY, Mall or Express, fcey v tif charge, on receipt of the p 3 Ice.. , 0 1 1441re:Se 'Humphreys' Specific llompopathp..faedicine 9.P4mAnr, OrMit'llatf'DePi:'l , t. No: f>B2l3soArsret, Ems' Tour: linmpancre Coneulted daily at his offiao, per clonally or by letter : as above, for torn, dieense. FOR SALL' Y ALL for, knali.-it 21, 18674 y. • rEutrotla '.WITEI ITS GLOOMY ATTENISANTB,-I.oli , , SNP ITSi - PgrRESSION,- pziroLuldy4Wf ,EgiBBleiNP, o , Bs oi? "1.0)39 I'uWER, DIZZY 1113,11), LOSS OF BEM. Ottr- - ANp fiIIitESMENiD: IMPOTENCE- AND Ilf 1061,14t..fifift CORE' in 1101. 'egrtßyS! SPEOAFIC k&TY•tIEILIT.: 4 , , • , Cvettpoied Of-the Vat& valveiblei nltd iiiikpiitent Otis - retires, they strike at once the root'of this inettektonn 3 1 11 . the system, arrest the discharges, and Impart vigor and mem:Oita and tital,tr to ow - ea ttre'rrain: — .Ther hovel cured thousands of cases. Pride per paelosnoff, sit boirei - i end' v fat, Or $1 per eitig!ehex. ftl,l4l4dteg•' eqs,and it gent by. , niail on reCeiPkOf PV .--,5 44dre5 1 3 WR ll itri 41 1 E 1 E 1 E- .4 0 )4P - 44 fiEl4, ton *At. 6967,17, VESTIETfitI"E- - 41; Co p bavo igkaie largssit attebeapeat'stooa ottlrugailned leinee, Patent MedleleaskTo.inpikollill AV° Stuff , ',BOuslies;Vainishes,'„Glaini; itoaa; eerfUrry3ry; Toilet Soat4 : Fisldng,Tatikle; Ltn-!,.:Pv,er4ireught;.intos this et linty., ,They; tt tray sell everything la theiriineistMp, :or thin-0401m bought elsewhere, They bought' .lbeirie,cis.illiargoViautilles ard: fanrfattleasii;' ,and ca n ehesper.thaoVietbcretr: tablishment'in otMety:' !OA and examine stook- and prices, 1; P; IVI LLIAMS 115 - 00. - May 1868. ". • Union „Monk., , - , 3nes - Arrasiew can close buyers find Pero ieidtah White Lead and Linseed Oil, llarnialuiii Lieber, Turpentine, the ebeapeat, at. P. a; VILLIAMB, Co. , , Who sells , petard' end 'best' Drag,'Pitent Medicines, and Dye,t3tuffrs , R.VILVIAIits , 4 , 4 10. • Who keeps the tergestatock of ;. Paint:TowderiQ Toßtb, - .lialicOloth'.and -Nall Bruskes, - ,and • sane rtifO - -ctitiapest, . WILLIAMS, it CO. • • • • - Where can yenxkte 9nid the • best_aid. cheapest Toilet and Saving soap, Pooket Knives, Perfum ery,: net r,ol4,Potnades,Writing,Paper;Pena and' Ink, , • W ILLIAMB,4-100.- CAST:Paid' FOR': WOOL istIXE Wolls b aro, 'ltily; - t*i Di. C. IC: Vhoinpaton. [wELLeuolcoulap.t.]: , = f,r+ • • Will attend, to Professional °Oslo, oe, village t and immediate vicinity Wellib6roY- - Offieo, and Residence on p,tnie fit. 2d door qp ;tbe right . 2, 11 . , -',lB Z 00.000 b BRICK FOR RALE,— . Wlll4ll'/' Bill/BY, Welleboro, Pa. CASH PAID FOR WOOL, by June 17; 18138. p..P.)ROBNETS. NEW'SItRiVAL,OF-'GOODS l''''Tots''.:.,t!)iiit'Oit: IXTOULD say to their friend's and the pall(' generally;; that they are now receiving a ',splendid assortment of Summer '• • SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, • ~ C LOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST. INGS, READY MADE . THING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Arm SHOES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN' WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, irre: , _ We are able to offer our 0115U:4130re the benefit of the in the Now York Market, our Stock having been 'purchased since the great decline in Goods. . - ' • *-- • • TOLES 4 BARBER Welteboris,'JOy. i;1038.; . „ . .._... ~, CD , izro .P 1 . 4) ~. F . H ac, e) 1 ,.. r;•• f, ,P c, - = ,-., h d t c j, ri rer SID rs 1 MI = •GP F r . e., 0 el> , .....• D ,'"‘j 5.% li ~,,er po ,- • 51, ' ;5 *, t , ~_,!l *4 ! ,e O . - - . : --" *•: • • 100,000 I Poods}of Woo Wanted* HR subscribers will. ay Cash, Pull-Cloth, T Cazaimeres Flannels, &0., ito., for Wool.— They also man ufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES; 211 te'eult cuatomera. All work warranted as rep• ,vesented. They invite particular attention to their t-'; Water Proof . " whieh are warranted in every respect. Partieu itOLLMARDING & CLOTII-DRESSING,. • • ,F :,t,, TWenty years experi ago in the basitieso war rants them in expeotiti a gonerans l patronage. No shoddy cloths = i,: beton° & Co q at Wallsboro, are agents for the sale of our Cloths.. ,JOSEIR4 INGIi&AS dr, SONS Deerfield, May SPRING & 'GOODS E bey , to call your attention to our stock• 11 a'iid Straw Goods, . for the Spring and - Summer Trado; which l i - now onitylete, and'seleeted with aro to meet 'the wants of all, and (=brining full lines of all "that is new and novel, and at the lowostpossible rates. , PATTERN HAT FRAMES;, of Madame 'ergo and.exquiene notiort itient, of whiob wo mill give onr•frtende thamot4 doeirnble styles. • litre. April 22, 18,60,0.-. broad Street, Tioge, i'o., 'OCl2Busisols . Thnotby Seed.•";l6O: thisheis Clovo seed; choicest kinds , WRIGHT & BUM. fr!• 11 ,. ._ , , `-' , 151: - .',....E . :.:'.?'!- , , -- r. q -4 .i - ..ti;';' , . , ' '',.• ~ '.'• r.', ' TEA:=-TEX I ' to AICA, &C. 'ln the matter of PROVISIONS M E R S-! CALL 'AT' MATHERS'S. ME _k,V,LCatSIIISIE,MO D Jar attention given to FOR 1868. .==MMM= Otters filaS •,-(l_lt2t are noir: nikuinfaeturing the ' • Beet; 4:Meatiest an c-Moat Datable iPaixtt:itt tvfo:ooatrwell.-',l put on, 'mixed with pare2Ourti4d - .',oll,•wiliiiistl4s‘; or 1614.1411;it 'o( - ii),Iiett brew* .ar„,- beautiful:l choeolatoogier,„and hltehatig.4' 44' 1/04/4 , '• ! lead,'B4 -11 0;diakeliyitor tlitoulhi to daft tha of the ieeniumer,,,,,- - /t-, is valuable for Houma, .X9 l 4'llatlettoeis °adage Am& Car mahou t Foe and iv ooden.ware, Inkplmnints;':: Canal If oats; -Veisel4:.suitifsl4ol'Petteme,tral-. vas; hieial and libirtsiejtoofi, (ikbein'itiffrilLatts Water prOofe,)-Ploor (Om Elenflrett—: , iurerbaringveed 5,000 ilble.:the and, as a paint-for any purpose Ii unenruus tu d for body t . durability, alaittleity.apd.- _Price $6 per band of 300 ihi.;;:tvhbith_iiiii etrppiry t atitriner for. years to:ioittri-'- cases as above. !Sendlbria etfOlit ithieb,gtve e MI particulars; qslatitt - geniiiiel tritest breaded in 'a - trade mark, tirisaiton - Idiniiii Pai4t.', - sone can order the Peltiesntritnni', , *B: , imoney;o!2 recove. or _ ! • • - ,'D/DWinftry: " June 8, 1868-66 - '' - 254 Pastil. 8t; York. !,_ HE attention of lierehantaand Otherat to T a License, b respaitfully to the ant' ot , :i the 11th bf April 1862 Pamphlet limn, 492,reit. elating ,ttio polies:aloe and-payment of.. Licenses: which are-payable, at 'the , - TreatotreP !Mee the letday,ofMay'fii,eaoh, at 4 ererr"Llegi; end . by said act;, remaining lnpald" on the first' day of ',Taly, the Trettaltrer is re:0640) ":, Mb- and prestrta 2 , judgment' and -:'oollestieni AS. 1 soon as 'practicable .thereafteii and `' ln ; default 'thereof, to be perionallyltable. Thole . llable`to• *Valise are • thereforeletpiested "to be prokopt - In making their paybents before that datei &ere.; • by avoiding-any ; trouble to thethselves andmach- z perplealty to the Treasurer,- _ ."3,7 'Jane 0 r 18680.. BAIL) Trettittir. , • - BO MI Ic 4 ; „ , “• : 1- 'T",undersigned ers for sale thefollowing 'described', property;',littiate:d in BialuillursP. Tiagn Pa; one •1145115•Ai1d L'ot+th6 Honed is . 2i Stories well 'finished nif; a'ped also a splendid well of- water on the' stoop: This- lot - containa 3 acres'of the best' of gardening; plenty-of apples and , rother fruit trees thereon-4. - good barn; and_everYthing;pertaininglo this said-- House era Lo gin: good order. The. abotret , ,des.:- eribed Souse and Lot soU at a low figure, such as dodos competition. Apply'to- • H. RUDISEY.', ,'•• • ..!' • - , - Mainsburg Tioga'Sto;, pa; • 6 • - • - • May m , , • IMpOrtailt Favtgi. 0 INCE Saintifer is not! being. , us in thou.: ands of ;families the following Itto are poi tant to be bnowni.' :f:• . • _ ' ••- Ptne; , -.--Though it - la the most pofulor popular remedies, yet it le so comp oun ded , to.` be safe and harmless; It leaf such aetnro tbar it may be handied'and used by children,: and persons who ate ignorant of Medicines.' finoonn—lt is found that'Sallitifer will relieve • severe istin in' any part or the bodi keener thin any other application. •, -'••• .1) •' - Turns: 7 -4c is important that-the bottle-bettelt: • corked, if. left open only a few rminu s tes it loses, strength.:!;.- j - ; ; . Pcuari—This.nseful, remedy can . ; obtained frornalq4st ever y , dealer in medic ME .sTo . yv:i§ YOli:114116.V.:IBilyr: AVI#4 more goo . di ihan iipoosieri fejt thiiiinarkist,-.-iriU 1411 my entire•sto,ok of, WATPUE§, . PLATED' :YTAR,E, AND FAN:. -. - 1‘ MOODS, AT, COST. -- ~ O. G.;Clocks . . .. Gothlo " 8,68., Cotta: Fe Amerieen 'Watches in Silver Minting; Cases at $lO. Finer Movements.. in heavier eases; at cor respondingly "ow prices,. Plated Nan:kat Man ufacturers' prices., ; ,,. ; . . • THIS IS' NO . HIJIIIMI(14. BUT'. A NT' R- d 800 for ywireelf. OM oro,April 163 Wells THE !AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE of Penn sylvania, re-ofganisedin 1866; as te . Solon aifio Scbooli gives coursetcof inetruotiva la • • • .GENE AA SOISNOW'AeitICTILTOBA, MkCHANICAL AND :CIVIL, gpT. AND' CLASICAL‘jirt.V,AATI)Ii.E. First term-begins,july, 28 and :audit Dee. 16th; 1868. For further particulars apply to . , JAS. Y. filliCEE,„Yice Fres% ,July 8,1668.-4 t ; Agricultural. College eenter.Couuty Pa. ATTENTION FAIMMS I i SPRING his Coke-, ;mill ; thole desiring full barna can haVe them by:Y:tying. „„ „ - in.ctigartel at the 81111 Of .1% Chaniiiney* Co.; *Melt we are selling at 46-per ton at enr mill on 'Elk Rum— All kinds of •Produce taken' -in exchange +for Phister. Givens aeon.- • -- , • ditA*l ) .NE;t4 CO. , Gainee4laga, Co. , Pst„,_*-arch';o,;4B6B--Bm*,,- ,• • yr a e. - 'Q. SPLENDID BUILDINEC:LOTS, in the Bormigh of Wellalmrp, and a TIMBER TRACT .Of - 404 aeron in Delmar; three miles from eifyrLleavily limb - area. Terme' easy. Jan. 8,1888. '• WRlG..llT.&')34rwr.'. .. . • „ *d4bord Mopt. arding • : • ~: • THE pkoPrietir baying. put - hislitaohitnei in firs trate - order is now , ready:to. tarsi „te :t4r4 dor any - grade of Wool. His eards are, of-. the finest qualify'. ._,All Wool, flue or °eerie * , should be well cleansed fo the,benflit'et botliptirtiee.:= All work idone with deppatob i and iwirranted.. May. 27 ; 1868—tin. . '.- - 8 .`&..W. JULTBOLD. ' Lat i hShin' gibs I: , 'fior 1 ,• Lath! • ALWAY S on hand at Fostor's 14Si 1, Niles Pine.andliemlook, lath, shingles,. and lamb or, ill well as:.all, Janda :of hard wbod , plank and boards. , ,; ,iit*?p!4elivated to order.' • G. W. POSTER. Niles Valley, May-13.-186S-Bra.*-- -- • ~.Qoal: f or • CORSE BiT1;4001T13 - • ; 'for Oho- ' • _ ' ' • Eopt. - 28, 1867. Higro Pratt Jai. " • _ .74. 50r-vmoss. . of. the. HERO BRUIT R kJ for_ sale,by, .=t .• - ' • r • •W. E. TERRELL I t CO,,*• • •• • • • ;Corning, NY. • We'sr,e Prepared to,. fill ordefs for. the:Hera Pratt Jar as kw .ek i thez paw. he: boegbt era anywhere,,ae'd, shipped ;firerp..Cornin . g. We dark. give :pedal rAtes oitlargei i quill - titles. It la the best and meet saltible "Jar' le ?the iriarkef. , ',.t;tet quetatiOns•fronies'befereorder,ingelsewhere.• March , , ' ow . e • • - "; - No tice. ~ , HAVIN G sold my location: and' good , Will , in IX tho 'practice of Dentistrylo Dr. o.,Theraas; I would respeotfully. recommend him .to my pa trons as I, have made arrangements with him to perform •all . operations for-whielt I have (Mitt - stet- I et. I erie .recomMend -b .as , a gentleman Of skill and ability in the d al art.) ~.,-.- 1 , ! ' . ' -.. :1 1. IL:RANDALL,. . • Tioga, Pe." Met i 3, tB6O.- f..:Surieort PentiSt• --- - 1 ,1 the . d aj ' art4 • ' ' ' ''' ..:' H:BA:Liu, ~_., lip." liiati3, ip6 . tk. P. :Surgeon 1"..16 4 HE'ki 1 ,_SR N t"RE4p. Yi TAR, ,-. B.AItWELSiI!iitiONSI.-0,4j10% 1 ' - BGTTE R :TUBS,, &0., -- : -.- , Kept b . i ns ' tbOiiy i;i; ' l;4n a' 'ilnd:•tiii.l2lsiiiiiiio.oi.-' -i-. e-fr , YV, ; T. M4: 11 T 1 :- , -,;, ....• • ..• . .• .- - , ~e . , • at ilk new btorc,.2d dobr otiose RoYtc%Buildbilb Wreils.hori: ~,, ,%• ,• .' .;":. (JUDO 10, 18684 , ; A; a. TRODIPSON „.,- • EIYANSFIELD P4' . ' r. - - gi.:ACliqblITIT, has two flees, 'And is prepsivid to dottil kinds - or work hie wlth*otript nego, mid in a watkumnliko manner.' isto Ott exeollenco in ' Muneflald Junp:B;.lB6BL-Iy.:l' s ;`.!, 4thruntstratmod".Nottee " • IFFM I I , O AthniolotiatiOtt ha pg t ,, to - tile littler/qv:ma upon of C. :Brown', of l i maitonoovijle,'detftN. Thil,p9ritoOs'itWel:44ll to ithid'erfote k anti. ;:per. tiofts claiming aptliefa afe"ieoilted sottio with • 401114 , 11:. BROWN:4' laveretkrorills, Jute. 114 1868-60 . Atm • - • Ix7o.1 x 70. ITABLE BALE! A.VOLEY P' : ROBERTS. 133 II