The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 22, 1868, Image 2

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The Eton: Indianap
olis ()Chita years iad east hie ! loti
with the Democracy is unable- to mkt , '
low the Seymour-Blair prescription,
and says that he shall vote for Grant
and • ; "'
Two 10Pirttowso-y"aera they - aro - lAhr
der Doniooratio authority::• -
Nobody is bards enough to elitlin
1 /1/Et War:-,departmeut is, for the „pres;
(Alt, inzthe greet and:Able hams .',ofA
Gen. Grant;--,World iii August,lBB7,,
An tAreiitefotirnar Where :
was ritthVio Seymour: whew the *; battle;
of CfetVaburg,was being, -.fought
this ottyi- denonnelag - :tho , •Governme4
for Its waste - of we% and nioney; . l: ;And
when thervietorY waa - ,wop t the
war virtually:tteeided,..tvhat ,sal4 , eqr ,
• rnour LIU 'vindication: , the , nal ona)
-•-•' honor ? 14ot:one •werd.'?.l7 - ; , .2 l ribumv ,
• • •.• - •
The Philadelphia Pot' , eays;: --" ,The
candidates-ere yivorthy%nf the platform,
and Seyinotitatid Blair, and the princi-
Dles they :represent; are: alt. - that- the,
emoern,tiepikrty needed to • complete
its The: New-York COnventien
dug the,grave of the Derneerac,3 7 Yester =
day,"and;nOw it has bury - 'it
self ttß:deentlY
Will I:o7liit.', •,, ' = -
The Philadelphia _Pros says : .-" ae x ,
mour's - nomination is ao affront to. Ave
. ry Untorreoldier, an insult to the friends
and memory:of .every dead hero, and am
offense? to- s every, loyal man.. If. the,
Democracy can bear- this burden, we,
find no fault-mini :their. choice. ,- Had
it - the Rep party to ,
select'. - a ;candidate -to .-defeat,:next to
Brit*. - Pomeroy, they , would :probably
have flxed(On the nominee of the New-
Yorklerinverition," ,
The Herald says "The die is cast.
The Democratic Convention:has decid
, ed that odr neit ?resident shall be - Gen.
43 rant."' There is nothing in S !ymour,
- nothingin - ;his record,.nething inThis
platform `that Will bring a:single recruit
to the Democratic party; bid everything'
to rally, the*liole floating vote of the
UnitokStates,,with 'all the c'Conserva
: tive ICepablietiret, around the glorious
banner -Of • 'Grant. * -* Bey:Et:our
.itgain'SeGriiitt bri lig ell thellepub
licaneinto line, and ,the result Will be
. another political -reactions vhich will
give New-York to Grant - by 20, 30, or
40,000, inajorliy. - ":
-A Western paper sayi-: :-'_The beni-
Ooratto,platforrn-iika 'stump speech, in
its and from that stump speech
we make this choice excerpt : * - That
.our soldiers and sailors who carried the
. ,flag of -our country to victory, against a,
gallant and,dcaterallued,,foe, must ever
be gralefully_remembered.', Inasmuch
as are -:Convention .w a about half.
Northern Copperheads and, balf
ern Rebels, the - inquir naturally' Bug-
Bests itself,:which 'soldiers and sailors',
ure to; be remereberek and which flag
did they carry? The word 'burl-19,am
, blguouein ,
There was not' a'single Douglas Dem
()cretin tbe-Pennsylvania delegation in
the NeW , Ycirk - Convention, The- Le
compten. swindle, however, was fully
. represented:: • The Philadelphia Pre
" Ulna notealhe present - - •political status
ses'eralfold followers 'of the Little
. Giant*: " The Hon. John Cessna, who
manfully struggled for vim eight- years
ago as a delegate to Charleston and Bal
timore, was a ' Republican delegate to
• Chicago;one month; ago ; H. L. Cake,
• who printed a'Douglas paper at -Potts-
Vile in 1860, is now the able Republican
Congreiknan frem Schuylkill and Le
banon Gen. Tilly, who led the. Doug,-
fas Di3motiracy of the' Tenth Legion in
the same year; Vas a Republican' dele
gate to Chicago in May; Gen.`„Tohn W:•
Geary;- wito carried out the Douglas
doctrine - as 'Governor of Kansas; after
Reeder was betrayed, Is now the Re
publican Governor of Pennsylvania."
• ' The Journal of . ,
-Commerce says
the Demotic_pltform "`this isout
'end-out repudiation of =a solemn oblige
tion, as we understand it, to, pay all the
,bonded.debt in- gold.if That on the
questa:in Of repudiation " the Demo
crats.kre;boldly committed to the baser
nlternative, and will reap.the.main ad
vantage,where, 'this ,heresy, is -fondly
cherished., ~ T here Is no excuse for such,
.a proposition., It is both wicked , and
disgrfteeful. The authors know, :very
well that, the money.was borrowed with
the express understanding that was
to be repaid in coin, andtbat 'anything
short of this is repudiation I a solemn
,The same leading Demo
dratic , paper says of the candidate :
" Gov. Seymour has always warmly-in
sisted on'the Obligation to pay the bonds
in gold. „The platform is thus , the very
opp.mite of , his, well-known views.—
Bow the two be reconciled it is
not for us to decide: l) . .
The Columbus, ((kilo) jOuricit gives
the folting sweet specimen of Demo
-. cratie r enchment'in Ohio : 'a A leg 7
islativesessionof 134 days, at .$5 per
' - day—the longest session ever held in
Ohio - fit the' highest per diem ever paid
a State. Leeislature. An adjournment
• to the - IstOV November, with probabil
ity of, a six,montlis' session next. .Near
' $lOO,OOO 'excess otLesislative salaries
. wasted- 4 -the idiots, insane and other
unfortunates left with an inspfficient
app.roprlittiOn;for the purpose bf 'Mak
ing ashoW of retrenchment. Tax-pay
' ers, how do yen 'like it ? The expenses
• of the last session .of the Derhocratic
Legislature weresl6o,ooo—atleastsloo,-
- 000 in excess of what they should have
been. The'adjourbed session will corn-.
'mence on the. 28d ,of November next,
and will eviell the whole expense of leg
islation forthe year to $215,000. The
entire expenses of the Republican Leg
. islaturolast year were $93,843. Such is
Democratic retrenchment." ,
The' Lp' Wevillf3 Joual .(Dem;) Of the
Bth die - covered - a cat the meal, bag of
the Taimriany. Nationl Convention,—
It says, of Seyrneur : a Yes, he "de
sired that' the,-New-York delegation
would not present' his name to the Con
' vention,r• but lid expressed no such de l .,
sire cencernitieany other delegation,:
the contrary when asked
if other delegationi, should preieni his
name, he would still feel bound to re.:
fuse, lie replied that the question pre
sented a'different state of affairs from
what, he, Iliad; contemplated in laying
his injinictian on his own delegation.--
This reply discloses the attitude which
Seymour wishes to be understood as oc
cupying '; :the attitude, that is to say ,of
one who does riot seek, the nomination,
either directly, through his own efforts,
or indirectly, through the efforts of his
immediate' friends; but
, 1 / 4 vho neverthe
less stands itOdy to accept It, if never
theless it shall be tendered to , him.—
This is in fact all that he has meant or
at least all that he has wished to be un
derstood as meaning at any, time. The
attitude. in real i ty is that of a wary,
, proud, and consciously deserving man,
who wants the nomination very much,
who strongly. fears that he cannot get
it, and who deems that a self-denying
course is best adapted to promote at
once his peace of mind and his chances.
There is, certainly nothing dishonorable
in thia attitude.. ,It is dictated simply
by ttened prunc manhris
titm officeeeker. A wicked ould
not be so wise. .This is not sarcasm.-
- It is vindication. Seymour is not oily
one of the purest men in •public life irk, but perhaps the most ac
coraplishedstatf3smon. He is surelyen
titled to seek the 'nomination by, all
honorable means ; and that he - has
thought tit to-seek it by this refined and
lofty policy is highly creditable :to his
, ehrewfdneas without being at - -alt dis
ereditabloto his in ty. Li, this re--
Jetta', we cannot help( dding, it is
noticeable that Seymour ' manifests at
New;.York .now, as he manifested 'at
Chicagoin 1884, &strong desire to have
the vote•of New—York east in the first
instance for one who stands no visible
chance of. being .nominatedhis -favor
ite at Chica,go having been Judge Nel
son, as his favorite 'at NeW-Yorlt was
Chief-Justice Chase." •
-the .191ta. PA,
~ WEDNESDAY, J13TA1;:.22:18681,,Yt.?
•s . ,
Hon. Colfax,'of-Indin
• •
Rpp:uyitcJin, Stiitp Komi tio~is.;
. • ,AuprTon. .
' 'pP 110pITC:O1iEn't cOUNTI - . ..-‘,
; `NiThAlnpf,anp'Nvaifencni.lng Vkelcsburg
a 6n4ti s 6r:9r; A :it!id . :44(fe - 901iiiS 4 1)* the
'bloody.,, field of : reettye,burg, With ':, Ws'
NdetCortiiis legions, , Horatio Seymour with
pfnylnitb6: dernag(igne : .Nelir ' yoik;
and assuiing 4 ii 3 sew i4nUninn `;:Fiends'!
that -noting had; --been , gained up ' to
that _dine - AI! ihe'Vedeilli''ilinis'. '' Can
• • • -, • - 44. .
this bo LI e Horatio. whcise philosophy
was sot do ective long ago I -• ' . :..,..„;
Horatio scYrn i our's last 'appeal:al:lee as
a . candidnte for, cqiee„was nit the' Cop-
perhead nominee for GoVernor of
York. Fenton' laid , him out, handsome
ly. Frank last . ap Pearance as a
candidate was as,, the -nominee of , the
shyster party . in Missouri,- for Congress."
He was handsomely laid out
mourhas been ,live times a, candidate
for Governor of New York, and twice
successful:' lair gal into the Titil Con
grs, tint, wuir, too ,drunk ko attend to
business. :Grtut &Colfax will lay Bey?
tnour'& Blair On the shelf in Note&
We are waiting for some roaring rol
licking .Dernocrat of the Seymour .-per
suaSion , to inform us . -in what -sort of
. his- partY plrOpose tO . redeem
the $1 , 200,000 of greezibackslnepe,ssary
to redeem the honds which are' alleged
to be redeemable in paper. If the fsey
mour-Blair &mil? constitute the :hard
money pemopracy, of course they pro
pose to redeem in gold '• and if they Pro
pose to redeetn the gr4enbacks in; gold,
why not pay gold for bonds,- • and be
done with it? Wh e y circuinVallate fob=
in Hood'S barn : inn
. buSha's
transaction ? Come, let_ us have an an
swer. -
It is• related - 9f' Mr. Seyniour that
'when te;. announce to
him his nominati9O,,he found,thor sen-'
'Edit ve Horatio in - team
wept he ",whitt 'shelf 06?" l'; juSt",
What.the wagglsti Samuel repkd ,'does
not transpire_; butdonbtles& he assured
the weeping` eandidUte 'that . ' there. was
not the slightest - dander of an'
If Samuel did not assure :,Horatio, -,the
people long before;
. ,
Cheer up; Horatio..: We eannnt :spare
the "_masterly statesman," " the un
equaled oratory' . and the = " illustrous
_chief t
eilni t ers: fromfils'morm,al be
:eupation .. I ,f . up the ,enutifry.?;
We are glad to see - that- Gov:, 'Geary
clelines to call an extra session of the
Legislature.for the purpose of *Latin
211 mew • Registny Law: Judge Shars
:wood was elected hY„fraudulent votes,
and' is opposed 'to, any Registration
Laws which ..will- ; interfere with the
Democracy. 'Without
forgery, fraud, rotgut,
, ;find' atealings,
the Democracy of modern times .would
not amount to a row Of pins: 'The Leg
isla6ure 'Conlii not enact' an efficient
Registration laWAhat wouldpass.'mus
ter in the Supreme 'Court of Pennsyl
, •
,Better,saye the eiPense,of ari
extra session, aud prepare, to, plant ev
try forger and utterer of naturalization
papers without, benefit of clergy.
We •publish Portion of the nffielal
report of the (rands' perpretated by Sen
ator, Wallace and his coadjutors in the
elections of 1866 and 1867, . Let every,
',man read this report and Judge for him
self whether 'a party , which, resorts to
- fraud's° flagrant is fit,te
,hoid the reins
of. Government. We regret 'to say that
this is nothing new L- Stich frauds haVe
been the left
,boWer "
,of the CoPPer-"
head party for many years. They elec
ted Sherwood by fraud last fall ; they
will try to
- elect Boyle and ,Ent,' against
Stith:ann. and Catapbeli by the seine
means in October; Will , the American
people' ever see that . these Demperatie
leaders 'are a set of , reckless. Villians,
and bury them beyond resurrection ?,
'Do these scialrildrels see that they are
forcing anether American- ; movement
among -the people?
It delights is to agree with' . Cop
pery cotemporary when he: 8E63, that
4 . l Ymour has no uncertain . record."
His record is about as certain as any
thing mundane. In 1861 ho deciated
that the Montgomery. Constitution wait
better than our own, and suggested that
the North would do well to adopt It.
That is his certain record on the -Can
stitution. In 1,862 he declared that it
was better to compromise by giving the
South What it demanded in the Way of
domination; than: ,to be 'forced to sub
mit to its demands. This is his - certain
record as to 'patriotism and faith in the
resources of the North. In 1883 he in
formed the public that . a mob "might
proclaim the bloody, the treasonable,'
and revolutionary doctrine
,*of public
necessity as Well as,a .goyerninent." 7 .:-,
This is his certain record as to law and
order. And when' the Mob' toelc,
at his Word,. ten days later; he 'apologiS
ed to the devils, and' called them his
" friends." This settle.s liis social and
Moral Kato's, Verily , bis iecerd has no
uncertain sound.
wiumnig vators
'.4 is rightf - "that the. I,tOple -should!
litinill':tilogeSii4it's,OT tliw4.,arty-_#,liteli , -
*4lll*o4 . .ctincrijiheba4li)prr ...ltuots r
. (4 . 0i 14 1 11 '; o * ,,.l4' . 6 k f e: !,, t lw Y t '- 6 !i ' i l *F s4 °P 9-0 1- ,-
liht4ifileSig Y iiiinaYSlle*itt i nett ''fitM.t..op ,-
uttertinek.S °tribe citiititOtito,o,lprilseles,
Of the spolceFmen of thnt:'.oirty, oe : Its'
fir eSs. ' : 'ln `l. I i in ,' - nit'. I It' eVi.:iiy'eani fiargii' in
w !licit wo Mite been eii gaged fee fifteen'
Nett.Vl4;: wp "-ELMO: tit isrettmsent: :no:-tram , '
knowingly end - willingly ; i - Oor shall'
we he ein)lenl, \vith loose staaternent
:Wig!kil:lll.c. faets:Aie.always..yithin,reach:
The e ttereate(s.ef. :Mesres,-,,:t:!eyrkipu,r,!'4
'-Biicir are i aW ful'it eapolis i lo''llse-ngalust ,
'theniias; arejhe, utterances Of the.OrJ
'4lol's_____ .4 1 1(1 ' lii.:'•,l.)Tf-tbfi' whji ,.. ki'i : l' ll l?)Aq't,
th'eln:l'iro-iiiiri)Ose of :.t his i intieleis to:
lirekent"" . solliA:or - -11.*ciiii:.1.4e : .4 'utterances
,of theeainlidilieSnnd,'Of . ,their. partisans;
t . tiriOliq through a ,sluice of ' Mine.. in
,Which -ire issues tilvoled.nie!-:eerniiion
With the; issues up:ill ~Whieb the presentl
„ .t -. o
h ~,o
eatilphign. ma
,'oprth day cif-J0y, , ,103; fl-;
aiio ' 6;yniimi . qoliiclei ic speech in the
. .
Academy: Of'il insle, , city : of, New, York.'
Th4t3peeeli wag direeted 'Against:Abe .
AdrniniStrat t ion of
ti.. .'A . .,braliahl. , ' .. .1We.014 1 ..
and was, ealeulate.clmi' . intended, to
e'reate,:and-did - ereate!..intense.oStility. ,
'o4hii'nieiiillres_acloil,ted for prosecuting
the ivar, to S.SuceeiSstat is,we. ~; : Mainly,
t tsspeeeKi xv tis Anteuded_to' , apply;. to
:i li draft ; `anddelivered ln;tliirtiiidet of
't,i iiioa4hiehiexepiter:mtitii:.:4#4 . ,B”
the eiiy. slums, was Alio eliort of , a, Ara - k!.
' iOrler of7i — i — n ifresrionsible:Mildnian;:-Iti
ill s at.sieeti'ii9; l 4iPtt l6 ii -- .Cc . ttiO! - P .. :°l 4' i(!i"
licans as' ; foliows::••. , ..: ~. -,
'"il Are you not exposing yourselves;
:ionr interests, to 'as great a peril its ithat
which you :threaten ?
tier'', this, that 'the - bloodg, and treationw
`Ufa, and revelidionaryldoctrinevof
tic necessity 'can be iiractaimed by a mob
as avel& as by a government."
:The 'animus of lidanppeni.''and' con!.
. "
eluding deelaratien Was dem:ine : ed. by-
the press of the city:at
the time as in
,_ ~
'Citing to inob ; _yieience, . - .l' , Wrui'i*tlirefit:
of - mold violence ; . , and . - ,i teri days- froth
that day,-the seed so • recklessly . sowed
byltOratiO S eymour' 'in 'a - genial" soil,
sprang,up, throve, and ripened into,-the
bloodiest mob mob that ever rageden Amer
lean sod, 'lt':*aa,a ' period of: horror',
When the viN" • ereatbres„'WhOiv s . Votes
control the city of lstOr ...York, ''e*ed
with passion! titydlect :destrewtive'ston7
fiasnitipns; i i 4 t',' 411131..i0', and I.)lti, in
noCent men a d deatlilu, the
s#eetacr in their-helves ; and ,rceogniz
fed-their friends iii such jetirnalSna' The
World, Th6;:llrewsis : Xlie-pay-800 k, and
:770 - Eapreas. A'mob which,•:drunk
.With blood 'and `liower; Oxnetiinft.:!;failed
to.disorimin ate liefwE a trjoOl nlid foe,
and which Horatio Sey our, inatiga
taro as ye av e I iqw 1 . 4 ad 41 : coile,.111' the .
following sCry‘ilC,'C,owinlillyling,o'oge:
"MY FIUiNDS, I t have:, come 'down
from the quiet-of the country to see
what was the difficulty, to. learn what
all' this trouble was 'concerning the
draft. ‘ , Let me assure •you that I -am
your friend [uproarious cheering !) i You
have been my ftientle,[cries of• " Yes;
.yes !" 'that's so.; we are, and , will be
again I'9 and novi L assure you My fel
low-citizens that I.tuOThere. to show, you,
a• test of My • • friendship .[clieers].. I
wish to inform. yott.that l.have sent My
adjutant general to Washington to con,
fer With. the - authorities • there; and, ,to
have amp - - •
[vociferous - cheers _' • - 4
This'eittraet will ufrlee, fOr it i 9 not
qualified or modified by any thint4; : said
by him on ;that occasion, This wits the
apo.strophe:of the men W both
and Vaux lately otentioned.ite -" the
:wisest,.purest; and :greatest stri4)-roan
that ever lived."' Fitlrol the Vaux stand-
point, we suppose ,_'_thati'AlV):SY'' Pi tine
vOll bear ,thiA extrA . 4liv.4),s;,-,h4f , ,liie-,
MO -- -never ..yet' , : remeinheredill but:: to
damn; "anYlnitil ii.linSteeped 'to wheedle
a, crazy mod..: Bonaparte ) did. iliiit sort
of thing better. ••So did Alen: , Butler;
Who Sudo: 'sentgr.', beanenr's - friends'
- 1
4C4l,,iiiiJotheir dens an, ,iluniS:::;. - 1'
'We now turn-to an utterance of .Vrani
chi P. Bliiir;the - Vice Preiddential can
:didate.pli ,:the• 4 , Aey.MOUr,Yiektit., r,I t • is
proper to say of Alri:Blair -that 4)e was
early ' ll :heart aiiii'sbal iL ia for
the "[Tplob; hiS
habit of drinking, readereil hiin Utter
ly unreliable a great ,part of the titnei
and more thittOiliee,463.4,
for him, dismission .from thVseri'ive. in
disgrace. Like the rest of- , the family
• r• T •
he has air 'ltching 'ios;;,place,
and being liOng oyerbnaid s ,by t4c Re-,
publicans littcauSe - es ceSses, he
- naturally emlugh tnrned':fci,the Demo assistance:_ AcoOrding
ly, ou'the 30th of June,. five days • prior
to.the assembling of the Conxontion in
.Tammany, -,lo:,Dlaii . .addresSed a
sealed proposal for a place on the Cop
perhead ticket from which -we take the
,extract,', relaOng to: j the Re
construction acts of Congress:.: • ;
" There is but one way t 6 r6stere 'th'e Govern:
meat and Constitution, and thdt ia lei; the
-President elect , to declare these nets tiall'ollll void,
compelthe army to .tindo its usurpation at the. Roach,
diaperee the carpet-bag, State Govertunentf, and al
low the white people. to reorganize their . .pwn goy 7 ,
ernment and elect Sonotore and • n'epsesengt,tyros.
The House of Representatii:es will contain a,nia
jority of DernOcrate, from the".Naith, and thiiy
will admit' the,"ltlipreseptativeg elected `by the
white people of the South,' and With . the b`n:opera.,
tion of the; President`' it will not'• lit; diffuthlt to
'compel the Senate to submit ()nat . -wife to the ob
ligations or the , Coni3titittiow It will not be able
to withstand the public :judgthent, - distinctly
invoked and clearly expressed,' - on. this fundamen
tal issue, and it is . the ppre Way, t.(?•4 11 _ 0 i d fo4irp“
strifo to put this issue plainly to, the comatry;!,....„
Herd is ailida foreshadowing of Bi-,.
ecutilie :11 - stirliateon, , accorri=
pushed t 'inust.effeetually `close the `ex-
periment of. selPgovern merit and : result
in a, 'Monarch That- • 3 1kot
seem' ,to :nris - re,present-_•or' misconstrue,
Mr. Blair, ,i7O. offer „aini,iller e)itinOt
frorathesameletter-: • •
"There is ifo positibility of - changing" the Pelit-'
teal cliaract6' Of: the Senate, , even if' the Lori's=
orate should elect their President-end a ' , Majority
of the popular branch of Congress:, Wu cannot,
therefore,- undo the Radical plan vf-.. reconstruc
tion by Congressional action; the t3snalc Wille9P-,
tinue a bar to:its repeal.., , , Must we en bmit, to, it ?,
now can ,it bp_orerthrow.n? - It cap,only,bo,oyer !
thrown by the authority of, the R;ecutive; Who . is
sworn to tnaintain the Constitiition, and who will
fail to do his duty if lic:atioirs' the - Conseitatioif
to perish under a series tit Cookrossiobiel Swot
manta which are in ,palpaide violation of its fun
damental principles4' i . .. . :-.. • ' -‘ - ' - •
, 'Note the casuistry of the , iioni,tit;ogoo
The President ;' 'Willi). SytirtirtO maintain
the -CoAstittigoil ticf,vrilliiiis . .-', to : : Art.
Blair hos. Authority; to :civerthrour• - ;thO
Congra,j Of iho' J.oit Cd , iA e 31 „ thy;
'ls not..piOry. Ce4resokoio , ,,tworn
, to
maintain the Constitution - .ist,ll,tiv.p)l
„ . ~. ,
the Prowde l itT - , ,, , , ,: ir: course . '' Bcies 'Mr.
._:.. ' „, r ' • • .:'+ :,._.:.' , 5 : 7 .. ' ' F , j ,; ,„, I' 1 '
, .p 1 r, p cap , theo, - tbat-mto Ineo,,Au wed
~ ... ‘ ...„ ~.,
TresideAt,:haspolier: to:Abolish or Dverr ,
thio*” tin'assetniq'; o I' 284 lxiCA; his pekot
In all respects, and bib Superior JA
:That is - proptoee,' - _'. In' ,
,4, • \Mit
threat not to h!u,l4iit,it to41:a;
'of the ballot ?:,:,•?:;ArVe arrY
and - to all ,wlifi„.eticlartitY It Lai; ;Ireio'-:*
;elsewhere, _ tit*
glanime, It •Mile fit hn I.lfi•Oulflr' wlth
the formality it:4:01(1 4 .1)01W. we *re
to ' , be _ into another- - etriftr_.of ,
.ttrttra to preserve
r rlght
ple,as,againat the„tisurliatioltra,Of „*lck-, I
edly ambitions Inert, letlt:ba doie•noW;
and iro'tittlYti'the heavy espen'pe vow-, 1
, frotn -tlie` batiot'i;' made by,ttli4
avoid the., ballot altogether and aulimit
'to the aiblirairieij OW. 'ttWOrtl,' WO'
'` 'T "
whihit were pos)n gat
'yoeions tone of .thiarlettet,of :Blalr's
aS only tihid
_for titahonor:ot, Tiltua
t in ht'the Irands - 6(llis i rrierntOtini : Oin;:
tiona means more 7 ' It, means:-:that
pte,„)El Cif ..,1611hrt&on',Dattl4,•,-.Bltdie
. - gardlimi.)ten;'tOryeat, - BeNtimi.,4,;.St-.
plietis i lVjgfall,..._and other oltiefs of, the
retieillon ;animates the'bemeeratiepar
-01'; of this, clay;' a lid: trols
Beymoili and Frantilßlair:
'the facts: , thipeople look at them
'trod reflect. , , ,
the utterances of the orators, and
'the press in 'the interest of the Seymour
'and Blair ticket shallsaY.'intire here
after. .• • - •
' ' 'tVe notice ,thaf .tpo'Copperkeeds, are,
.publishing.ligurea to show , . that ~Grant
lest 117,009.jinen in getting ,:;from the
deli 'ter t C 4110 X. tatia;
EditOr of the N. Y. Sun, and Af3sistaut
Secretary of War during the eanipaign
.referred to, has loOked up the facts from
the official records. The facts are, that
Grant lost in killed .7,289; :wounded,.
87,,406;'''iniSialifg, 9,796; 'in' 0170019 i
inert—or 63,000e5s thaathe l vOriciaena
Copperhead authorities cliarge• against
him. From time Grant:took
mand,of the Army, of, the, FotOinac
til he received, the surrender of Zee, his
entire loss in killed, wounded, and
was 106,601 . men. iTrider:24oClel
lan the Arm'y of the PCltornae idst . 54=
098 men, and the end of the war just as
tar otr . as when he began. Thelesa un
,:der ItcClellan Wagt deiyi loss, oir_a 10.,Ts
-without a single fruitful victory. WI!
some of the eonundrninites put lir an
,Other question:'
• In the letter of our New York corms:,
pendent oil the ontside y, ome'spe,cula• .
tionatonehing 'the action of the 'Con
servative: Democracy, may- be, found.,
We are, not expecting any serious - , split
in the'renks of our' opponents, howev
er distasteful Seymour and Rlair May .
, be to certain of that party. The' real
war Democracy, of Conne,' cannot en
post that ticket. . No}.' do we suPpf:>se
that they will •all vote for Grant Sr, !Col
fat. Republicans must depend upon
vlgileuee and action, fetl, success,.. and,
not 'upon 'presumed-to-be discord in the
ranks of their opponents. IV is trtie
piiitt the outhu,siaStit :for, Seyulodr 4
Blair spent.iteele .in , tit e ayage howl of
the.mnliAn-ll'ammany IHall, and' that
all that haS Observeds t : b'as
been simulated; But "graudyirill - beetn 7
'ployed to make up any lack of euthttitt.,
'aim: - .'fintidre,4 of aliCris will,' lie far`
nis e •.10.cotii forges' semi
fully coloi'ed with' - toffee, and coloniza
tion will-be.resorted to in' close 'neigh-
ft County
a Meeting of the Republican county Cola:
mittee' held'in -Vellsboro; -Baturda4 JOY' . 11", c
That., it ivas resolved :' 7 • •''r • • •
' That - the Repiiblicarii:of the several election
districts oft .Tioga VOunty be -requested ib meet at
the usuallilagesof,:holding elections in their. re.
speetive distriets i ,013 Paturday, August 15, 1868,
at 2 o'clock P. M., then and there to elect Oro
delegates from each district, to the ponntir. Con
vention, to ,be kold,at ;:iVellsheio;Tuesday,,Ang
ust 18, 1868,,forlhe pUrObse, of selecting candi
dates for the several'conutY and district - offices to
hollhid et the October election ensuring. '• ••
Ihelentlelnen 'named below'as Committdes
'Vigilance, are requestdd to give:i immediate
Me of the meetings ;Jot. election , 'of delegates;
and they are further requested to- act as an elec
tion Board at such meetings, and to' receive the
votes of,nono but know! Republicans . for dole.
gates. -Commitiees. aro also .requested to
takeprOmpt'stei).4Ao- OrganiFe . ., Grant & Colfai
clubs in their resp,etiVe districts, and are
ed with a view to' an': efficient`' organiiation . in,
every townehiii and botough in Tioga Conety.--'
Following' are the cominittemof , Vigilanee :
C Baliei, •
Brookfield—Copt LIB Seeley, Istine .
013erteY, kenben Morse.. - '
Charleston-Aeo.Avotyo , Capi John J Reese.
Covington,Boto,-,a B•Pnekard, A M.Lennett.
" Covington-8 V-„ltlebords,,..lolm Lewis. • ,
~: Delnuu, - -RobertSteele, a A Stowell,.
At V Purple.
Elk- Juhn Mitynnrd, 0 li t r jinthLono. ,
Farmington—:ll.ob'ori Casb'oef,'James Thiebei."
Vall'Arbok--41exriniler Polloelc, Mitrtiti Sllnt
atnes-A • ermi yen.; 0-A Smith.- '• '
Jackson;-43 A - Doty, Geo. Hudson'.• • •
W hitt, jud son Dearronn.
' Lawrenee—SamaelHockwell,-N
Lawrence Born.—Till Tompkins, R: Wheeler.
tLibOrty—C F G R Sheffer.
Pdainsbnrg.:—Otis Rieriards,, E A Fish.. - • •
Mansfield—SH Elliott; Frank iSpeneer.
• ,lilidcllebnry = g,J_ linmpbroy t Brov ons .,.
Morris—Job Donna, AV: t-.
NelsOn 7 -Jdsii) Hoyre,:Erlinh
Osceola—Charles Tubbs, W T Humphrey.
•,Rioltmond—A M Spencei, L H Robbins.
Entland—Capt Elmor• Backer," . .P V Van'. Ness
"Sullivan—Russel Rose,'Lafayette Gray. -.
Shippon--H,XV Grionoll, Albert Harrison.
Tiogo-.--.D.L.Aikoo, A F Niles, ,
Tioga Abram,Farr.. •
Wellahord--John;R 13 °wen, E Etirroy.
' ,Westliolifiloro.--Anslarose Close, Jerry String
"_Westfloid—J, S D Phillips.
' The IMPresSion • that' the .qqational
BAnks carry - on `a 'whet and • profitable
,busin4ss without sustaining any of the
burdens oftaxation; is'shown 'to be a
inistake by Mr.'Allisort;'in his • reeent
'speech:en 'the Tax Bill. Mr: Milieu
hal been at tci prepare a table, by
States, of the eiipital - of .the banks, the
amount_ of taxes :land to the"Vnited
States; andlheetriount paid`to andnss
,eased by State; authorities.'" It -is not
necessaryhere to ' giNie the details' of
this ' The totals shoiv that the
'capital employed In-then:dicing' Banks
'of the tlnited.States 15'5423,804,881; 'the
amount' 'of taxes paid to 'the ;United'
States, $9,626,070 26 ; the , attunint paid
,to States, $8,812,823 92 ," the q,rand•
gyegate Of tilies, $18;33,,431 18.• :By the'
.now mix ' additional $3,000,000
in - taxes will. lierealized; making the to
tal over$21;000,000. As it stands;'the
bankii inty an annual tax on their eapit
-111 of about Ai per. cent.?-Cin. Corsi. •
;The Clev,eland Herald " can account
`lot -tile 'OWO'; tietneeratio: delegatien
moving the nomination of Qt• ov.
*Lour, Wile th e inantrilatiieef :Abe
Xew,V,orig tanoticaerY:by, which, Ron;
;'' enl'y - ,'ph : the
'Oppesitien - ' that, the ", yjce-.Pxesitjeiady
_w4apl./in:ire:olle Ohio. ' to
poye; just."after: the'. ; nroini; ! '
nation 0 , 8,0 - y1)101. 4 aid that Gen.l)teri;'
'gab' would Digninatedrerlye aeoogd
: place:The ,Ohie . -,4inwpindit'ehtil,of-:.
oistrOisAt*riAlli r JO, 440 ?sFrileClOtteip'
owder inetehatits on - the' rani; 4,614'
The Cincfriliciii am:pier-4W ' (on the
fence) soya: - congratulate
the Vallaudighain,ying Of the party
upon,the 8110,4410 7 7. i . ) 1,'„ their campaign'
againatAlie fhintlitearted 'and halting'
'nen, Democracy. They: have
lised i thena witifidt",:the skil l - and sueeQ4'
Of the '4;`:ruost . accomplished,'reforms'
gamblers,' andin'exhibiting the tricks
they nsedlo pnotice • in their wicked
days, they,have ' , taughtOmit` verdant
Tivoli one '-worth two of To those
of us-who look :en !row' the .. outsidei
thcte is, nevertheless, real [significance .
in The fact that' thatemper \ of the times
is such that the / radical wing of the
pemocracy - lielabeen flirceil to '"accept
thougly., nomina oondentnatioti
,of their 'contineeand leathflitAnihig
the war. Seymour oarried' on„ tk"-rtiost
consummate flirtation with the Conven
tion; slaughtered all - competitors for its
honors, and took Ibetn'himself with all
the coy pretension of modesty and in
nocence that a maiden of eighteen
plays when she accepts her hundredth
suitor. ' Such excessive virtue was very
beautiful before the Convention, but it
willnot SO easily gull-the masses of the.
feople in November.
List of Jurors Drawn foi August Term
; GRAND 111110/18.
Bloos-Jolin E. Taylor: - ' • ‘•
,Brookfield -Justus B. Seeley.
Chbrleston-Clark Barlow. -
•` Chatham--Sidney Beach. Amasa Clark,
Moe, llennni Short: , •
Covington-L. U. Gillett: •
- , S. Seeley. - • •' '
Elkland-3. W. Shoff, Jr. john Parkhurst,
Tillingh'isf, D. IL Mclntyre:
..LaWreneb-George Hurlburt. ,• • '
,LibortyL.-B: C Cox.' " "
Malnsburg-B. Parkhurst. •
Miniiiield-John M. Phelps, A'. J.ltogs.
Riehtnend-Sefferson Welch. . • ' •
- =Gee.'-Geo. W. Van Allen. ' '
'Flogs Boro-Thos. , L. Baldwin.
Ward-Chailes Riff.
IVellsboro --Charles Scare, Tsaac Sears.. •
$ •
Bloss--Henry Ellis, let week. Di. L, -;Baoon,
John Martin, 2d week. •
'Brookfield-Geo. W. Davis,•Jorome. H: Fisher.
let week.
! ' - Charleston--Nathan Austin, Hugh Molnroy,
- Ist week. ;Nelson ;: , Claus,„• Orlando J:pnes,
Thonias Mitchell; 2d' Week: .
Chatham-Moses Lee, Joseph Whitney,, Ist
week. "Vietor
' Mckise '2d week.
ClymerChester: B. pride, Tho!npsen,
2d week :'- •
Covington.-11: • ins, John Lewis, let week.
Covington Boro ohn 0.• Bennett, let week.
.Beerfield--;-Geo. W. Knox, 2d week. "
Delmarr•M:: Wetherbee, let - week De
Farest Bowen, William -Cole, :Elijah' 'Dimmlok,
John Dickinson... William Henry, P. ;Kelsey,
2d week. • 2, • •
"Elk - J. Bpi-natter, let week., ,• .
.•, , •
Fall Brook-Martin Strattan, 2d week.
,• Farmington-t-Nathan Dudley, Ist week. Carlos
!louse, Jos.' B: Redfield: 2d Week:
,Jackson -john Smith, 2d week. , " • ' '
Enokillle4-41. G. ; Seeley, Ist week.''
'Ritorts,:2d Week. • •
" awrence-S. I. Power; V. R'eop, Robert - Stew~
art,,lst week. - Julius Tremaine, William Thomas,
2d week,
, .
• Lawrenceville-- „
Joel Adams, Charles Beebe, ht
Week. .-. , • ,
. ,
Fulkerson, 18t week. Isaac
; Werline 2d week.
Strong, lef,Worek.",
Msneflelc~ N. A.Tallott, John L. Holden; 2d
••- • - .
Middlebury—E. Briggs,- Russel Niles, 2d• week.
Nelson—Geo. - H. Baxter, David Hoy t,lst Week.
Richmond—Zimri, Allen, '_Solomon ?Caehran,
Apollos Pitts, isc•week. • Stephen Waters, 2d
Rutiand—Horace . :'Reynolds, Lewis, Seeley, Ist
.week.„John Van Ness, Myron Mills, •..2a week.
Tioga-LW. T. 'then, lEit week. Charles Batton
Peter Minter, 2d week. ' • '
Tioga Bore -r-S, C. Alford, 2d week.,
Union -- Glee Coons, Edmund co', lilt week.
French, A: Furinrin, Dan'l
Hager, let week. • ' •
Wellaboro—Urban Fieher, Ist week. William
'Roberts, 2d week. ' • • , • -
Westfield Boro—Ambrose Cleos, lst week
`Westfield—A. C. Banereff, 2d week.• : •
'Dnuoutsv's YOUNG Eltldic•-•Of • all the
juvenile periodicals, DISMORBST'S Yonne AMERICA
.iiithennly. ono that has really made a distinctive
iamb' and., place.„ Its.; pictures,i its games, its
Pitilles,,rendor it:universally popular among the
little ones, while its varied and instructive, char
pter,ennaily recommends it to th e a ite n tt..,.,,
rents and - tor quatra._. of French
miens, or the Inuelcorbleh ie a feature, are alone
worth several times the'cost of tho book.' $1.50
yearly. ' W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 473 Broadway,
••: ecu or 8.. Mee.. „
, .
.. • • -
ETTERS T l atatticintary hiving been grant
_LA Id lo the subscriber upon' the last will and
testament of Lewis Lewis, late, of Mariam*
deed, alt meow) olattaing against said: : deoed-j
ant'eestate and ail indebted to the same aro •rel
gutted tp sattlaWithDATlD G. BriVARDE) ! , ,
cbarleston,'Jnly 208684wf., ,
! MERRICK • •:
' Officio witli W. Mail! ,Street,
'July 16,•1868.-- • '• " ' •
TO all persons ; to whom these' may oome:--
Notice is hereby given, that. an ,applioation
will be made - to the Governor of Pennsylvania
fer i ae pardonafTitus Ives , now confined In
Abe, Eastern Penitentiary at Philadellibla, by
"plop ten o a of the Court of Qiiartor &triton's 'of
ii;ta County: , • ' IVES.' •
` . Brookfield, July 8, 1808: • • •
lectiStake, for the Western District of Penn
s!-William Rose ,4t John A. Rose, bankrupts nn- ,
;der heat of Congress 'of illaroh,2d 1867,:lay
,ing Upplie&for a discharge frOnt all their debts,
and other °labile under said not, by order of the
Court,notien is hereby glien, to all person's who'
/laird proiid their debts, and other persoris
• COW, - to appear on the 22nd day of , August 1888;
•at 10 eclat*, ' , before E. Smith, Esq.,'
Register at his office in Vega, 114:, to show cause,
'if any they why as discharge should) hot
be 'granted to the said bankrupts. And further.
notice is herebygiren, that the second) and
pleitings of creditors of the saldbariltrupts,
;required, by the 27th and 28A Sections of , said
,act, will . be bad before the said Register, at the
same time and Ailace."
• ' S. O:BreANDLESS; Clerk
of 11. S. District Court for said District.
July 22,-2t - , • ) )
For a Bargain. `
T#B atibsoriber - offers to sell hie 'Steam Any
and'Shingle Mills, located in &nth Charlet.
ton, Tfogi•Co. Pa 4 at a bargain, if application is
made within 60 days. Will sell the -mills seper.
ate, 4'640 sores of land - with the mills,- or lend
without the mills, or part of the land. Title per.
fact. : .Foe terms • apply to ; , • • ;!! , 1
• • 41.., 8., 8., PACgARI, .Covlngtoni - Pa.
Tniy 16, 1868 7 41 y, • • • J
• , ,
Book of Politics for 1868.
• - , Stoady In July... •
-O PEOIALLY adapted for use in 'the coming'
Presidential campaign. - Will contain all the
matter in the:political Manual, 0f.1866, -1867,.'
and 1868 c Compiled from, official sources.. -Will
givelbe whole Political Milton of the Govern...
ment;and of parties, including Luppieliment,
Reconstr uotion,, GeneralPlatfor s,
'Acceptinie of Candidates,. &n 4 _ m 'lB_6s,
to Jaly,lB6B. Tables an Debt and Taxation,,
Revenue and Expenditures, Banks Bontilern
ltigistration and•Votee. -Blecition Tables
1860, to-dato;:- 400 pagee, Bvo, cloth, $7.50; polt
paid: ;
The, Political Manual., for 1868, separately,
cloth, -$1; paper: cover, 15 cents, post • paid
EDWARD, idetitEitsoli.:
'Clerk of the Rouse qt:Representaticos,
• •
, • -
-To :the SOldiers. of TiOga:County, ,
.. • •
'g 011/11, attention is 'respectfully called, to the '
following g•Act of AsseMbly" pasted at the
• ,
last session of the Legislature, ' and to ibefaelli
gee afforded by virtue of that not, ( of pres erving
• the evidence of our service as soldiers in tii&War
for the preservation of thelJnion. " ' 1 • • •
' • Be it 'ovlated -by the ..11enatto and t• House of
Representativeli of the. Commonwealth* of Penn.
sylvania in , General Assembly met, audit is here
by emoted by the autberity, of the• name ; That
tbe Recorders of Deeds of the several Counties of . this Commonwealth cite' hereby lauthorised and
yeeniredici - record 'ail Anil disobargeiC t of ;cont.
Missioned' and' non:Goiniallistnned , Ottinete and
Privitteenpon; epplica l on being initde to" - {beat • by the holderd"of the's me, for whieh the Wider.'
der shaille allowed th usual fee fOrrectordingi;
and that the recording of: the mane eliall mot be
"abject the intyment of the Etats tax: • , - ~.- . .
t . JNO. W. °BART', 'Oortruor.
,Nyillabor!),•Paii,Atto,4l,, ;SSA-4m,
• D. 14 DENE,
• Beesnier, Voss co.
1 • .
BnnalinCOMSl4ll„4, - 4
Ase AL
We are requaitock,to IPPaUnce. _*ai4 2 , 1 b
turlicandidatelot the subjebt to Um
denbdow nt thn 'Republican' °entity t tlonv tign
- . : *ol4!RditO o:f the Aro/tame: Wi'ought to
httialtiagoottme,libero tbe Legislature 'from
thleallitrict • next winter, and Mr. Strang's re.
dentinal's one or tbem, is generally coneeded.
Retetofe - te Potter County with one:third out
population boo shared actually i with Vega in the
representation, but
• in the eve , tof .both nICW
bers beineconoeded 'to - this , county' tbis
whioh now-".seems probable, aeons: .13. 'Tires
bee Collßßnlod to become a oa aidato from this
District for the Legislature. Please announce
Ms name, subject, of course t. the Republican
4.0 9 41 1! , Rt 1 .?..31,i1u1a 0b1t139, AVM, OrtlZl4.•
Wo Ore requested to atitsoun
ell, of Wellsboro, as is candle
torney. subject to the decision
can Convention. - ,
, • , Costaxspeas •
' We are requested to annormo
Of Delmar, as a 'candidate ,
subject to the decision' of the
,Consentbin. •
book titibßebed *Wending
and Wit, - Agents say R Lirthe
oat,, as people are tired of the
de_ toile and, army reports.
id u • it •,c• •
if 182 II
Liberal Terme to Agana: L
Alio, Family, , Quarto 'Bible'', Beat edition
publiehati, "Pnbliister, 20 South
7th'Street,- Phitadelphla, Penne.
June` i „ •
Valuable', Dairy .; 'aiia and ` 'Tim ber
' Land-fot*le: r
• - .
$5A01116 of laud la' Union" TowneblP,
kar Tiogs Co."; Pa., Innwn theto as the
"Bilis or Elk Valley Farm" ,Within 4 mile& of
Canton, iiud S'of the Willititnaport..and Elmira
Railroad;•atwbich. is a large Steam Saw Milt
180 acres improved, good buildings, well watered
—balanco'has over seven millions of hemlock
,and hard. woodlipon it—will he sold entire or In
parts to iulf ; pnrohasers. • :Price $BOOO,.- if sold
entire ; in parts the ptlen,west or, bitek'oy S . ' W.:
Wright containing,lo3 °Arai it s2o' 'Per Lacri'=.
Tbat south of S. W. Wright; 1n - eluding old orch
ard and spring near Canton _idad; - •Containing 78
acres at $3O pet aCre. 'The Pribeitioluding build
legs, water poWei,.!*o., acPlCiit $B5 ,et acre:
The lot-adjoining, Joieph _ leontaibing:
83 tares at. $25: per nor& • ,411 the parts well
watered. Terms easy) •for p Moulins enquire
of the owner •,` B. BIOR B 3 BUIS,: •
Near Hughsville,L coming:Co, Pa
July 8,1858.-4 w.
• -
ehowlng It" coodltiox: on die
onday of July, 1868: • ' " . •
U.S. Bonds deposited to scours c
U. B. Bonds on, bend,, -
Noted & 11103 discounted "- -
Due from ; National _Banks'
" other Banks
Notes of this 'Be.
Cash on 101104 " other Ban
leg4l ?Sondem...
Cash Items _ -
Capital Stock
Circulating Notes, ,
Surplus Fund '
Due Depositors;
Due National Banks., •••; ..... i;•
J.' L.
Sworn end sUbscribed before
1868. • R. 0. SIM
- A s the Printere,eay that so - coats follows the
211 L, liberal advertiser,. and other people seem
to believe them, so-we (that is,lirlokham &Farr)
will take watniiig, follow the example, and in
form thq public in general that we have a "good
stock of good' . , , ;
-to be good pricei 'fer good customers—
Ana - up good----tlaay will
be very apt'to be offered: the same goods at ono
and the same priee., , . We might begin and men
tion senile:ollb° various articles and styles that
help tp MAO pp our stock oft
, •
SHEINIZ 65001192 0
Domestics, Yankee Notions, Hats
'' and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
&c., iScc ;
but ns we have neither timo'nor space to, finish
even the , beginning, we will -merely invite you
to call, ask for what you want, we' will tell yeti
the prlce;aed that weigh Ott'or measure off ao
cording to, order.
the three great necessaries, a
- Remember Farmers, the
with "
and genuine old Ashton by
We pay Cash for Butter.
*logs, Efq;y . 2o, 1868.
Groories and Pipvisions,
SEWING isfAciarmts,, ,
•?, -I . AND THE - 2
Eutika Me Odeon
, 1 At Wholesale prices.'
11. 1 'HASTINGS,
gain Bt., Wellplioro.
May 6, 1864-tf.
, t 4 ret Door alliooe Roy'e Dru
Will keep constantly on ban
line of FamilyGroceries,,ae w
Fruits, Confectionery, Yaiikee
All of which will be told at'
' May 8,1868-1 y ' . I
-.' ' Valuable ltzHiloi‘ Sale.':'
Afaim Of three bandred tidres, ivith two bun
.- Bred and Sweaty-2in itoOR improved. ER
uated,two mile* north - of '. Vag 'Village,'. tut . the
Toga flyer and Italp.ood.,,N tl , wtttered, nal
der. a good state of eulttintion,'aiad `'good bnild.:
In Ai. 4 1 PR Nl ll ' l loo4 and lo for 'safe In 'nog*,
villae. • ''' - . •'
_ i 'ho g
rs, Feb. 12, /sn B . - ,er:. , , .- , .
Administrator'i otice.
Ic/ITTERS of administration having been
graiitedio the undersignedupon the estate
tifit.P. Jennings, late of Charston, deceased,
ali tenons having chime against, or indebted to
said estate, *lli settle with
-.14RW.1* THOMP6O.II, -
16'.7:111Y-144848-43W, 3.
OIitIEBLI4 '4".11Wr1X4107-
or' JOlin - X; Mob
to for DietTiot At
of ttio Republi-
. lli. W. Wethertee,
epubllcan county
• •
most enter Ming
RonicinfC, ;BurTr,
best sellink book.
repetition, of.t.lry_
INE WEift..
fir - rfi' •
4 iv•ioaboic,'
I zeoizalng Of the Alit
:slat lOA, ,$lOO,OOO. 00
50,650 00
)1 2V8 ‘3 9 6 0. 7 89`
4 02
838 00 -
780 00
:&.,835 00
1,010 01
- ,
V4 6 M I , 73:
• • $lOO 000.00
id,ooo 00,
40,004 24
100,007 50
' OD
$336,681 73
OBINSON, enabler..
a Ma oth day `ofJuly
BON, Notary Palls.
,ways on band.'
me can supply you
a aaok or pound.
Store. Welleboro.
d evegthlng le the
ell 'as Provisioni,
Notions; Toyi,
oasonable prices.
tr.'I3I:PI.BIIER. '
17101 t Sale. a sualle ll4l- 1 , , !'tinting Trans in
il good,oottkr„...s4iiiibrisp*T4vds,—ilinnks, &e. 'Engulf° t ; tl'- Vt.' 4 :!:1, ' • 's - 4011 N., 4. IIOY,
11,1 41 , 1 4,1 8 6 , 44r, I ".,..:., ' i :=..: 1: ' l'. : Weyabore, Pa.
'''' -- ---.4 - ----":": 4 't •••••' • - , ,••••":-,••••!;:4:-L,-----------
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C:i. C> IP. t.‘,S 00 CD
ZIO & Co.
- eortment of.
,cieved a rich and varied as
for Epriog and Sauimer wear
all of the latest patterns,
Cloths, Casaimeres,: Vestingii r oleo a
large stock of
We ha
e nlan'some 'fine
and n
good a stook of
ae can be found in
ellsboro. Wo bay. a gobd
nook of • ••- - -
and a largo stook of
9all and examine our Gooda and Priaee
Wellaboroi April 29' 1888
J. R. Bowen & Co.,
A RE now receiving a large and, emniileie a
_M._ ointment of
G - oods,
bought since the in e ;biotin° iu prices ip New
. :York. consisting of I r
Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes,
,•Partinular attention ie invite<llo our Stook of
ExcitinDAmee Monza
. Gaiters and 'Hoo r Skirt's ;" also a 'nice
line of . TEA SNew , erbp';ivery,','.•
fine at need prices, :I
all of which will be so pt veirloweet mar
ket price!. We respeetf oily invite ell to calf nti,
examine ouy,etpeit kocoie,purekaalag eli‘erikere,
*pine Store. Noe 1 U3llOll Riot
Woiliboro t
- gent v.
H. 0. 81/ ITH, lir f Pte/t. >
W.T REAP , ffesei I ') '4:II , OE3IAK ER V
CAPITAf; $150,000. I
rrt II 14* lA' itlid ootn)niti'y - ror --. 1.4.4i`...`T11 - e.ftlbro
I: Jlittl)old wliaVoliciy I?gont,.. iiiiA ,puligy:liultit' _.
lio'bitilisi - •vitrii" to "ilbpiiiV tlioietiiiiifo.oitu • ifiti rrit.:-'
;quested to ap ply tO tliO sobliggib.ot. - ::"1::'
, ~.
. . .
Girard Fire Insurance Co,
.'TtDiuksertenari, Pruident,
J. B. A.r.voitu,
Caiiitat $20043 1 000
- All paid up in Carlo.
Surplgs Over 1160,00().
ontinental Ins. Company,
Ciush - 4 ‘ - $600,000,0
Gross Surplus, Jan.1,'.1868, 1,814,590,81
Casn'Assetia, do , . 1,814,690,81
Se - Policies written at this office.
GEORGE T. UOPE, President. -
11.- 11: •LA P CRT, Tien - President.
CYRUS PECK; Secretary,
- The oubscribgr takes tbir noellied of informing
the public ibat 100 bas The agency '4 thiqboro
Coropanioi,' and` 1011 'be founciat bis oSce orer
Roy's Drug Stare, i;Ojoiioug Agitator . Office.
Wellsborp„ Reb. 28„1868-tf.
Eto . to King• & Eaititan's
A .
• aptendid Gift with every $2 w orth of Pie.
lures, Frames, Cord and Tastele.
The largest assortment of Frames and Cases in
Tioga County; to bte sold low for'cash. In ad.
dition to the low prices, wo will gig , away the
following Fresdnts worth from fifty cents to fifty
dollars; one hUndred presents worth' from $lO to
$5O; two hundred presents worth; from $3 to $10;
two hundred presents worth froth 50 cents; to $3.
The presents consist of Gold dud Silver Watohes,
silver Cake - Basket, silver Tea Bells' Castors, gold
Watch Chains, Seale, ' Charms SJ eve Buttons,
Studs in setts; Watch Rooks, silver Plated Forks,
Teaspoons ; all gilt Frames CaseS, p tts, Cord and
Tassels, Gold Riogs, family Bible , listory of the
Secret Service by Col. Baker. wit other pm
anti too numerous to mention. : - ' -
Your ptesent given= to yon tho same day of lit•
ting.: Prices filo same as last.yetii."..
Don't forgot the pinecover 'Eakman's Den
tal Offleo, and 4 doom-below Roy's Drug Stott,
Hain' Street. _
Wellsboro, June 25, 1868. .
• 1;
( 1 4111,1
AT -
, • --
. ‘r. • .
• 4 1 4
I 0 WI
TIRS. 11101(1AS do WARREN have opened
J.J nee , Dental rooms over B.- B. Borden's
Drug Stare lia Tioga. We' have introduced all
the modern improvements in the dental nrt, and
are prepared , to,perform all operations upon the
teeth in the most approved and scientific manner.
When desired we extract teeth without pain by
,the use of Narcotic Sptay, Ether, Chloroform and
the Nitrous Oxide gas. We have a large assort
ment of artificial teeth and put them
,up in a
superior manner either, upon rubWr 'or menthe
base. We warrant all our work and guarantee
perfect satisfaction to reasonable parties or we
will not require pay for our service& We pay
particular attention to filling and preserving the
natural teeth, Wed to treating all irregularities of
children's teeth, Our prices elmli correspond
with tho kind of woik' done; in all- cases doing
the same kind us cheap as oar 'neighbors.
We will visit Lawrenceville the 3d, Blobs the 17th,
and Roseville the 23d, °revery month positivey,
at which times we shall'be prepared 12 petfurm
all operations npon the natural teeth and contract
with parties desiring artificial ones, ;
Our ojpo at Tioga will not b 9 closed during our
visits to the above named plums.
•PR. O. IH.OMga.
: - • T. n. WARRUN M. .p
Tlnga June VI, 18138. I
- -
- • ' - Dentiitry
• •
i l
A , 3 , , , ,w 1 P4 Le.terencevllle,
R. 11. E. VAN HORNE, latt with Bar
deem Bra's of Ilarnaton anii New York
011 Y1 bog opened only Dental Rooms et the Ford
Iloutio, Lawrenceville, Pa., where ho is prepared
to do work in all the departments 'of his proragr
lon in the 'moat Scientific manner.
Ali work:warranted and satisfaction guaraa
teed4 Oily f and examine specimens of work.
•• • F H. H.' VAN HORNS.
Pa!alonotivillri - pgrinia. 24, 1868-tr.
.. .
. ,
~?-.4 . , - -7 : --,,. TEE boat assortment of Teeth, and
(iii ~.-..:'-' - largest variety of different kinds of
. Ilailiisso Plates as well as the Lost opera.
Hops of Rifling nnd .Extraoting Teeth may be
had at the new Dental °Moe. Nitrol Osido am
given for.extracting, whioh gives pleiniaut droaros
instead:of 'pain. Also, NarootioF.l) ay. Ether
and Chloroform administered whe4 desired.—
'Prices as.low as can he found tin els ore . AU
work Ono promptly and warranted;
Call and see specimens. It.emember , t 0 P 1 0°O•
' May 0, 1808. ,- - , - No. 13, Main St.
IIS well known horse wil be found the ref
eat season as follows, yie:
• Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning at
IV hitney's Corners; Tuesday afternoon and
Wednesday morning at the stable of Gillis Darn'
bartl's Settlotnent; Wednesday afternoon and
Thursday toorning ut Cherry Flo4o
afternobn at the stable of Thotnas tirelres ,
Covington Boro; Friday and Saturday at the
:table of the sub:miter in Mainsburg Duro. MI
janers parting with mares before folhag win be
hold responsible. To insure $lO
eMuinsburg, Moy 181;E1
Caution, I. •
MY wife 4ulia lett my, bed and board
without just CUM or provocation, I hereby
turbid oil , parsons tm e Ling or harboring her Oa
my neininrrkati I vvillspay no tiobts, of h er , co.
tracking after this dlito
-- Juno 20. 180.-3
IDLOUR - & MEAL. always on Ini,nd 41
1413°17. 1868: ViSIARA BIINNVOk
8R8; for We at Bop Droll Store.
1 '