TOo . LATE, BarisighiniSlfonfea the sun ;: OnlYAT i qtßeptoruptedy_, ' Kan* left undone. Only, tvtworil.. qnspo„keii - - • IV4,l.hine Ales 41asue,:oh,Fatli py, ° P I 'ci.lplf-liustppl•tvbisperf, lulighter; Arrest °M,J30. 1 11"aRiPlir,flAdo,w, 'IY•9OTO °nee 41.1,gentle feetJ I efuse l diawn , curtains!. • Afentut Only, 91 iihit ct *inn,4a l fulded, - ..dilly the.fideeful dead:: === . .. _ Usis.43o. ir irr.. l, Diciroisi - 41The 4Cii,:- der ntay'diteekte,i'hy,the' , 'follovillig,,,wp;. tract" - that - U*old be t pifisjibbs!,o : 1 0l , e_ - a teelifii ball y . ' , grammatical ', ',sentence, whiet4'*rip.l.d N,Altrao,st tiaintel ligible.--, The Woods below. can all be -"found --in' the -dlotionary,i.and all are.grammatical-' ly . used,4. ;and yet. thothinglisiratepe lesslidarli as if written iit , Cherokee, It is an amtraingtilltistiatbS i n of the Jact ' that one May Write , Engiish,cok "'speak_ it, and-sti-H - use an unknOwn. tongue.— The letter purports'to, be rthote from an author to.s.,critie., • „ , - • . , ~"Sir-Yortliai,TOJehmieo like an ina- , petigiriOrifk,: O adro - yle'l'l.silse ~ those,inqui-, , nate, "c„rbgS olligS ,wii,. envious:of my moral,,eel'Olittide,.parily their, , nangaeity eitheilivlghtlof-; , ereating; syrupdsically . LP Teßuudiviirds which my polYinathie ' euitialises.witli uherty to riblight , the tongues -of ithe weetless ! - "Str; l _l6l.l bli ( ye' - .era.ssly M parodied•y own pet:, wOsils•, - aa-', l • though they ',We're 41.linkrarns, , .1 ~Will,' not cOaceitate. rkptoaelfeS,--I•WoUlc.0 91) 7 duce ri..eil ovcr the atraniental ingrati-, - tude Whiell bias ebamfere4 even,iny,un discerptible heart, -JAM silent on- the foScillia_tion'_Whieli - my - coadjudvancy -11 must haysegiv nyo when I•pflered -to become ydur f utor4,4-tt adMinCle. _ '-, • I" I wilt riot • peak - ,,iof the , lippitude; the ablepgyilytiwiliaveighotV4in ekaber•-• ' bating medire`tvlioaeigenius pill - should ' have apProachetF - With riieritAl. iliSeidepi... 'ation . ' 'b¢ 1' tell . yoif.Alr',: . 'o n cophleal I y ~, an d 49thina'...yolior'Vacaneb14, Ayords,, 11 0 t li i Ifg , NO 11, i'end cr Joi osei We, your eon-:, '•• duct tome. ; I.: , Warn you:. that .I. would vet lierite,yene, :if 1, thought' that any m'Ofal iliathrosis conkll , l3e.; thereby performed.-if - .I thought that I should not impignorate - niy reputation by such a digtadiation. , " tic, 1 tachygrtyPhic scroYle . l, band with your ea.,kss filtifiirl'atClatitorii- 4 -'di4* , ablectatiOnstrem the.. thought ,if ~:, you. eau, of, - ,bii,iiig,s,yndelironicallylost the' existithalimi of the greatest poet , since =Mitten, apcljirawit upon , :yourhead this • letter, which will-drive you to 'Walker; and send you to sleep,over , it.- ', l .. ' ' " Know ledge lis power, and poWei =is mercy—so I wish yoting itvorse than 'it may Drove. oh:eternal hypncitic.P - L.!, :. For an-'entire' solution 'of the•abo'Ve highly. interesting ,missifve, the •• i ii.:rixi.ous . reader 'Win vi tftl - to tun use . bin) se] fq 41 , 11; hour of - 'OVo with'lValker or Webster's unahrid,gedi,T, • Goat..OFlrNE.—try to Imagine yourself 'at the :foot of a:shoft some 000.foctlin4rith,g4afgiflleriesOr passages ii.tretching away on every side_ to an apparently ;interminable length. Even by the light of the furnace which • is burning , here you: are, you. 04, v.gei but a. veryshort - way along these passages and your imj g-. conjebtffreS m s 'itill ( trianuer of hideous Shapes 'out fil:tf the : -- ditilineriei:4 l -' You•see, however; thak•they'mrs& very lo~i `that the Walls and the wooden props supporting. the . roof are. covered .with curious. white and brown fungi, that the floor is thiek with mud and water and-that at short - intervals there aic li avy wooden, .doors, apparently, liarringyour:ftirtlidi'Progress - -butwhich 'a< you approach, the, are's - v. 1, 4:111g noise, • lessly aside by some unseen agency.— You pass the stable—glorious realiza tion of our, childhood-'s drearn -Of "All - Baba and the Forty r..4`hieVeet-:-ivaiere a score of stalls are chi, out of the rock, and the whole long apartment is light- _cad by a sinle flickering lamp ; youstep aside morethan-once in the long gal leries to make way for the long,trains of small lyttqooF) of tube .whioll g4z):tiwi4t. 7 ly by you in the4larkness, theirap proach being heralded "by the songs of the lads ,wlio, WateN `ever them; and at iength'you reach :the - aetual -Workings' of,the pit. Hero„ you, fiutt theAdes - lot the galleries Composed of coal, and in stead - of liiuti I of. the' Wagonways . the ground is thickly coated with the - dust ()I' the black'diamond:- . , -'hear the'stroko of the pick-axe, and then your eyessests 'upon a solitary miller working in the centre - of a small, a very small, circle of light - en.9.t, by his safety lamp,. 'Ho; heiv.- ing, and in the hide of the gallery he hits -also cut a deep cavity; close to him is a tub which is waiting to be filled, and when full it will be taken by,one of the lads to the llead;of the .mam wa gon-way, where the- ttibs are gradually colleqed until a train has' been forined, whielfis theirtliSpatehetl.te the 'f'imit of the s i qaft, there to' be hoisted to .the face; Afterward segglOre hewers at their lonely_Avorli c and you are told. that ilinety.of them are at the present moment laboring in the vast silent pit, the workings of which ramify for'miles through the earth..- •: - 1 DEC GI VITY. OF liavEns.—A very slight declivity will suffice to:. give, the •run= ning motion(loz , water." Thee inches per mile in a - straight, einooth Channel, gives a velocity of aboue three 'mileslin hour. The Ganges, which gathers' the waters of the ; Himmalay: mountain 4;" the loftiesp, in . the Vorldos,:at " eight fi hundred dies , from its' Month; only . eight hum red fect;above'the' le.vel :of, the . seti:-4,1 at 1601,4 twice as' high "as; St. Paul's einirch'in ''rondon—and to fall these eight hundred feet in its. long course, the water requires 'mere' than a mouth. The greatrriVer.Magdaleria,:in South America, Gunning for a thousand miles between two ridges of the Andes;, falls oily live hundred:feet in all that distance. AboVe 'l,4' commencement of the thousand miles itisseendeddend; ing in rapids -l and cataracts from the mountains. The gigantic Rio de la:Pla ta has so gentle a descent to the, ocean, that in Paraguay,' fifteen' hundred Mlles from its mouth ships. are ,seen which have sailed agifluSt the current all the way, by the fo cc of the wind • aloric, 7 that is to say, which On "the' 'beautiful inclined plauevf the streams have been gradually lifted by 4.he soft= , wind' and even against the current; to an. eleva tion greater than /hat of our loftiest spires. • , The Newliutgli Mitltt'a spit a ding in 'Ulster county, lately, when all was arranged and !the , '.rainister called on any to speak who objected to, the marriage, a husky vdiee cor ner cried out ; f '&_t do!" 'All eyes were turned in that direction:, 'when maw emerged from the crowd, 'holding -lii _handkerchief . ulitaT his eyes' - and bltib= Bering. "Why'dO yott object?" ask ed the minister . - ' 4 lleettitse I :want her A certain clerk in a Western, village recently made the following comment on Pocahontas. Said he: Pocahontas was a great man—Pocahontaswas 6:110- ble kind hearted arid true man," "Hold on," cried,, hiff_companiOn." PocahOn, tea was a -roolitia;!),:. `She waseh 1" said ho; "well, - 'that's just my, ILO:; how am I expected to know ?- never-read the Bible!" • IT 18 related of - two i3ld Seoteli - Min isters that one asked the . other_ .if he Witg not sorely tempted - at titneS'ki go -,a fishing on Sunday afternoon. • " Oh, Dann," replied his fellow, labor-. er " never ternptedlong; I jist go." Counterfeiters in - this' ectuutryifeoal4' mit' a breach of politeness rather than a breach of law:' Ail, therefore, they' have to do ii 3•1.0 go tethePresident and I say, "Sir, - beg your,pardon."---4aston Tr.nsen:pt. ' _Emerson fitly enyo: " The poor are only they who fee) poor, and PaYellf eonsists,oniy in fooling poor.' 7, • MERCRAISITS D i atirsfi t utriwN'tiv,Wir: -11.1Pj e..),, 44. • - and Others. ' i , 0. ME - Corisior Y4UR ' • ASOES BEESWA'X' I CREVS.V , T;q 4 g;t l4 t4 i :Akil)i -- - • --4. ' EAL;.'FL ; 3 .;~: =V • FIIIW.,4 I ND SKINO; 1- 11. 4 :if, • pgi,ED::iNlj &REES FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL,' GAilE,:POEiglitp - L • , NAVASTURS,'ItOti,S, : ' I ' GINSENG,', • ,FEAPHERS, PROVISIONS, • - - -- •61, I-TO /WOO,: 4.0,11411 UM, 37.3 : 2 : MOLASSES, '&e. . . JQSIAH CARPENTER, , General (lommissitn Moroimut, „ • 44:1., 444 and 446 Washington St., '.::: ' il•Tiiiliir-nEc4:;' t-ir.. -- c7l-i- - -4:1-' ----- • .. .1 1 . ..kii(i niceil o his weekly Price Current of Pro . • ,_ • __T - . ,cl.,uef :it'd 13 re eri ei'th 1 - Ineti t 'eori , lplete . Firdopiiri• .iencriutriiii - cail th 0 T.Til eta 'int'i::; ..* " '''''. "' 1 .T. , :-,• .17teJr, _ ...1 . ..... !, 'l' I •,t , !“:1 ,, - --ISESD , FOR A PRICE CURRENT. i ~..? ri - .:KA MarliingPlateA eaVds fiir x ritefen - Free. .Libpitito r bdif nk i a?, 9 tio.f.-p4177,0,74,, , ..0,. Establisfid May Ist, 1860, ':llst April 2, 3 c . J I" cl te f , P 1 / 4 1 3 7fif e 'g i'PATPOT 0 4) ' i r sai 1 , . ,CONVEIISO4 - 41$01)11, A• - - addition to their old business in Dry Goode, Groceries, ke., have established a STOVE, TIN, AND GgN,E1;14.14 AVARg.:vrOitg; esvdt do Ur& ba197. : p, ojd stand; , ,Av h er9, oy man tifactyre H TIN-WAR.RI that,is, in the moat substantial manner, qintOr of io =I I STiOV -1 ‘.1.:1 - .9 we have enongkie ail Ali 00 Veolti#oll:l3.74Treit ing in Tiogivetienty:' "In 'face,'Wo' Stiiirea 9nongh Io MAKE A SUMMER 'in' , TVALBUSS.II, 4: We aro tho only agents for tho sale of the ; an drit islgtoN4hs IhA • AtiTOci4,4l_l7OF It,. t We keep all kinds of Ilardwarep Iron, Nails, Steel, llorsa Shoes i .uncl,acaniplefu vnripty of t SHELF ITARDWARE. If you dbit't belVeVe it DPOP IN. go..Fojts 951399,p,, RoBERTs begs announee to the eitir.c‘na of .!Xiega Conntyf that in addition to ;his excellent, atock of StoTes,- Lin-Ware, Brittanin+l and Sheet-Iron. Ware, ho has, at a; great outlay, stocked , his store on 4 ; MAW SU:INET, WiELLSBORO, with b cOrppleto aasortutoukofiSliolt•Efaidware, of tvlitolt we onuinerato ttiO follotiing prtielee '• " • NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS,- X OUT, • MILL, lIAND AND 13BCK PUITSI 'IS:TRAP 11 1 14046,1 := CARPENTER'S TOOLS, , . PUMPS, AXES, , AUGERN, g. : l, j;,l BITTS, 4011'-'StOCKS, -HATOHETS, OHISELS SHOVELS, SPADES,''FORKS,''' BENCH-SCREWS, 1 !k WOOD SCREWS,i' CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS; Sittltirs,loslXßßS, , - PIPE BOXES, AXLE. _ : TREES, ELM TIP; • • SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR `,..- & BAND IRON, ,GRINDSTONE "-" ;, . . _ HANGINGS; OftN': - ''' POPPERS, . SAUSAGE. CUTTERS AND STUFFERS CCIPINED. Also, PISTOLS, • • , = PISTOL CARTRIDGES; POWDER AND CAPS. xi • n • PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a now thing, and made for uao.leSearohnt a few of the many iartielos composing oitif `stock of Hardware. • We inv,ito the pitbli to eall rind 'exansihe 'for' Themselves. We elm to keep the best quality or goods in our line; and all work to order' one, ,promptly and well. WILLIAM 1101311RT8 • 11OOP EMBUS, nt CO', De LANO A . NEW, , ~HARDWARE STOREI , , „ozrip lIUMANITY -kPAINPIRLE, BEM -4 . ',N i!v- it';A,,lr. D3y :ku 1 I 1 - , A z ; 1311111 BMil ft , . Il aboro ,B ept:l;ll36s - -tf . . - .." MUT OW - V ilsoi Van - Valkeu urg s I= i • • : Inlview of the contemplated Railroad Soon to' - • ,to be built to 11tollsbero, • the proprietors have concluded to give the pecilile hereabouts, . daily entertainments through tboyparfcommeneing on E tbflOth of January. ' Tbe'llrat pleee, entitled, lAVE - Olt LET ,1,11,11-17. " y A my, rminmot • Let Live ' ' • = Tire PEOPLE: This great drama has drawn crowded housei both In this and the old Countries, and is ad mitted by all to be one of the most,p,rofitable, in teresting, and InytitiiteleeXtan4 Yi rickets to thg l Dillairfoteglar ki • , • PART SECOND. -W.e' wish it 'distinctly understood. , that' all •olasse:s of politicians. and even those who fool a little Wolfish.,-and in fact none are excluded from the r . • 'Where We can furnish, any style, kind and qualify of Goqii9topuN•w i e?AinkvaP,Rtrel notice ) and atipricat ittententliklovt, -." 21-1 iCUTTING DONE ADMIRABLY. • Cloths ' i ' dlssineres,; ' NiestiMs,.liidiese 'arid lalie '44 ' rieti '. - - . Ladies' Dress Goods: • -;ittAltis baint tpt,,,tint public; we would not omit suying to the Ladles that we also keep everything to replenish theft ;ii.3-1‘ I • la TY 9' - =, Come one`a and''''Wi tress lire above en. itirteinment. We do not claim to bo old Stare, but shall endeavor to do our best to give all the worth Of their money. 4 ili'6Bo-ted `Secttii fdr the - .Eddies. 4) Illitabratier NO., 2, UNION BLOCK N. B:--:=8'ir,e,skitll, give,qur pa trcin e the full bi3n':. efit of the decline in prices, and extending them our thanks for tbo very liberal patronage hen4efore extended, we s olicit a continuane 'ottshu same. 4 .0 11 I ,L 'YL wiLp , i tc NW ALI NIIURC Wencher°,, 1868—tf. Mine Life Insurance Co., In tho MEM ALL the net pro Ole' ior, to tlio Assured. No forfeiture of Polk:ice. No Limitation as to reridenee ; VAT -Lome h4Kii(Flolethiiegtl'? iii49ti OPT epiply:invested'. l .. WALTER S. iiitiFFITH. Pros. GE(IRGE C. It I q.dil ... . •;•••••,•11 :•Bdey. • • - 11. FROPIIINGIIAA .. L TiznAs. :1,-AM. J. C0FF1N,:,,r)... :Ai:l4)4l:lFr MORGAN lIART, Ag't, -Wellsboro. :r` ~ ~ EMI • ," • - .14 F, GROCERY " - .NNIV x3.4.1.4‘.0:PaN S, I t to • 3r)hl...D:raying Ithat pv vs' 111 - juitifles 1 411% Wlt* . in - in‘uung his estiitlisttroent a Savings Lank. Economy is . Wealth; said somo.old.etqtp vliore 'Dame E. hale forgotten ; 'and it is econmey to trade. where the • SLAUO-Flir R r oC bigh!prices is being proseouted with vigur and without reprieve. ley roit,lll.l.a.fgars., Teas, Mo lasses, Fish, Porlc,'Mur',' Cwiu coffiss, Chnned Fruits, Spices, 11111 i OVelythillg ,for fauaili use; giving the buyer:the bstAetit OT 'IIEIE- fall of the latir4.ote, an.` - advertiago duly appro . . eiatod by everybody,excepting niily thomverdunt .. • INNOCENTS • who..prefer PROMISING TO — PAY duo huti - - dred per cent. Profits tos . l.he salter, to PAYING twenty-five per = cunt. ca s h onVielivery"of the. gOods. I ehall,:pffor my:atock ..of goods at fair prices_ . • , ENTRY SATlfittLiY; and filf _ _ _ L.. , A. 431ARDNEA Wellsborci, - Jdne 067. El Mr z. ITARKN4SS,.I.TraiTi-, . . BOOT'AND„ ,-SHOE-s MAKERS;; ovir, Wilson ef• Von Valleatiiii;l::;9f;»;.fi , the r -- room lately- - MOTO AND STIOES 6Call:kiolis model to order and in the best wanner. ; • , REPAIRING of all kinds done prelnpily and good. Give us a call. D#Z188.0" .4 , Wm:lt EY. Wellsboro,Jan.,2 1 868 -I .l' ' ENE E. B. CASE, fi% !WENT r HAADING ' S ‘ PIMA:II'ONA OF FAMILY, PULPIT ? (t.ELIOTO. cliais - BIBLE8. 1 "• Vholedale Dealers will find the list to ambruoe the largest assortmetirof-Sildai; ih I BM edn'ntry, 7 1,2 ' ll3 publisher has no hesitation in pronoun°. :ini'thenz more saleable than coy Bibles publish editions4 otabrace OUB styles of binding and Sizes of type, varying in price from $2 to $3O, for Family Bible, large. quarto size. ' 4 ~ : 1 1 -. I •t • ME Tir • .. r , b ...a.rt.15:11 1 11 G I S •I 'PATENT ‘. FLEXIBLE CEIAIN—BACK N PECOTOGRAiPIPALBUI4i; • The-superiority of frija - rdides Patent :13hairt-Bair - Alknm," - Over,all: others liortofOre manufactured, will-pnporN.,the fitightest.e.samina tion, be apparent to "10!", -- tt.•_ : r • Purchasers are 'assured' ihni,tbe:.above• books. aro all of the best l!hiladelphia:manufackure. /1. 'MBE, :1 Jan. 8, - 1888.-Sm:, .Y • Troy, Pao : Vell.sboiT'l44i!,lkoket ! THE znbsOribor opened o, Mont orkr4 jp .r .th k building lately occupied' - by 'Dr. fing-OtrOot, z.blonciaj. morning, 'r ho Rill kdep a full nasurtmunt•of'',- • • llama and Shoulder/. If a k a enoonragpmen t. I wilt koit):!Tcn%.godtlAitirket.'-'::, Oles! , 'Se n ales ! SealeB ! TE Buffalo Pintfwuc Scalps, ..21 . 11 ordinary 1_ sizes, for heavy,, and rtionteto`nsoi,- tea'? be found at the Reid wa , t•; of ltoliorts; Weltabor6: Thoso,Bqt,tles.,oro iho Fairbanks Oat int and have no - wiperw,r, 'flops:hero; :11 1 1,1ey.qare 'tfittdich the best style and itveinhon.the,pretut; atAll the great I hale Abe sole ngene.y.,fer ttiesqtlesiesfin this , region.. - ' I L.f.jA,hl; ROBERTS. Aredist‘ord, F0h.12, 1968. I • r• QAOK IN() fur lop, keltiviality,,2lt,cl4 porsttral L I at PUBLIC BENEFIT _1 Pllo:soittl* PART POST IN T*OCitAßAgrtßs, first kinds, al:oas elleap,ns,tbe otknaptuit, Ticketsy„ ~t, A fn. Tickets Ac arquigte—li PART T 111 I RD. N o- 2",c'fl,lTC94,,,Rwlt•irr4R.vw-IYARAc...iri: March 4, 186S-6tn SAYINGS B . A‘i\ K. %. OTHER WISE A olf ft, irds G 'TN T HE ; EVERY MONDAY, EVERY TUESDA-1 1 , • EVERY WEDNESDAY, i - EVElet EVERY FRIDAY," BEEF ! PORK ! MUTTON ! kiVg4 WI ,tfo't REMPER • i • 4.1 -1601,11 BM _ 0 t Di I "iiiitt 3 Idt ES., PAIWN-.1`,,-,NED,- , I.OINES; PAI NTS, ;OILS, : ,Daw. :(• - •Pt t - t7t it I t $- IfEiip come down to Old Prioe, dicta. 'VETE do p;st.hesitato ,toap A nthotyro V VI E 'ENGLISE ~ DRUGS MEDICINES; ;; ,„... i ,PL E ;-;;.. it 1. k el f Zig I (7: k. u7 l (,) + 1 , 1 YANKED7.'IITOTIOND, OE " sp . umEity J• FANCY AIITIOULGIOILET? SOAP, CipOTH, HAIR, ,TOOTItsk,"IIAIL • BRUSHES, MIRRORS, vyiNfs. & tiauoßs • Jai 1. • t - •04.1 - 11.ituk_1-.) JAIL -'t VER BROUGHT INTO ,THIS MARKET. I We have also tho-Laig6oi6lbols'of VAIENTS.. ) 9A§t 4 fAEOSI,F4,44NP. '• ' • )/ Puri :White 'l,J?ail f -Rurni,WilitoEptntS;;Litiseail Coach Varniab, ) pp t ini(ure Yarnish;fgely lo* Ochre, Veniitiatt 5 11.14;" Chrome Yet; low, Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, ~a~t~ePti P7l9:ee l i a th erf . ..! • ,I. Spanish Whiting, ParilWhite,Kalsomine, Resin, Tar, log Wood t _Fustio, Brasil Wood, Cam-, wood, RedWoocli Pgasibt, PititMAtcp-;- 1 - . dohol i jlonioli, Spirit* Tutpentine; i••• • ci ALL 1 and Kerosene Oil, Paint and • s Which jve will sell 25 petl.cont, nheaper lt hitn pm, jsther establishment in - ihti 'cohnty. ' In short, we have every thing over kept in a first class •• • • N :• I • ~ 1 :16 i):11' -.T.', Lr. 'tII..)MOC/ 2 ;- 1; r.l and all we ask lo,for yotvto-follAnthextptifl,o.B l lp stock unit priceanforo'buSibk eisbwbOrb. - 16): member wo can't be undersold. • All goods„%mitrrsgs_tc4,s4 081 ' k• . --- ILLDVMS, w • • WIT,LiAms - 4 CQ. WILLIAMS.L. , No. 3 UniOri Wellsbaro, kl inn /64j A 'Patent lii, ht that . Is Nallumbug. THE SUBSCRIttER ''htiVing , 'purtibtie h. htp' right of Dnl ; . l Bterderiint'sll.llllCBhOlviie A' Prayision Rack for Tioga County, is prepared to sell Toweship . or individual "Wits at fair rates. This Rack is portable and in arranged that it .0 04g 1 ,.. tolvito &mart maa-pct e n e:-........ _ minutes. It.occupies loss him. four feet. square of a room, and can be,pla a in.the kitchen In; Cold weather, ativk in alio, qellar: - in i ireini ',weather; and will hold Iron 72 to 84 pant; of milk. The shelves are made in skeleton form so as to allow the free circulation of air all around the pans. 'thee been proved that milk wilt raise more cream, and keep from four to six, hours longer than on ordinary shelves. It Hach shelf turns h 3 elf independent of the other, so that tho cre p okof the former milkintia not.disturbed;lafle rOnovatjrip.ptiliagsthilof f pans; MetreKa -is su h that Wenn Io readi ly covered xclib a cloth r gauze, effectually ex cluding insects or dust. It is a complete arrange ment_ to dry fruit upon. 'The subscriber will soon visit different parts of the County with a model of thtS rack, or ho can_ ho addressed at Weill:4nm '; by those desiring'‘liiii4hase TWAngliti or fildi-• vidual rights. Sigellitteds‘miti aistebe seen atilt,' Foundry building' of Sears & Williams in this BoreOgh at any time after the middle of Marsh. GEORGE THOMPSON Wellsboro ' March, 11, 1868-6 m. Storites & Tien Ware = FOR THE MILLION. tfOod people nil, botbigreatand small,—if you . PEAOE IN THE FAMILY you must have enough to eat, dry wood, a good wife, well•boblved children, and to crown all, a ,Tib or COOKIII4 ' STOVE i This lassao.l crowning good, I have at my-Tin Iptocedee'stabliehinoAwiltipbsitiljto'yl - Bloat; Nrelliiiiirtiand its name is the - •:t HOME COMPANION ;-. on's!' hande!admitted to bo equal to any in the *odd. TlNwittE i'Apt T( ORDER, promptly,aika warranted to give eathfaction. RE, AIRING executed ill tho heist anner ancriviih eilipatoh. : • • "i OALL , A • i iIJ V T ; O' h .8 ' " • • • Public • , • ;`; --A-•MONG Ott useful Impo7ceestrol . tke irty there are' few thatt,:ol3-- ul°:!l'''PPP3l? good, few Jto*ell adapted , to ilillet , T;hppga fewlsa well approved' hYlltisiii,tbllOnetiiit now.andlpstrorful remedy called SalatiferflOrtui the Gertatta,People caltit llealthbrlngerW, Tt gives Mule aitreomltiit, l r b the poor- suffe rer from— IV - enrolee and Rhennistitait,- . d bdags speedrcellef to that large claidkot:disel‘s'ea itbat are often eared all, always, henef(ted'hY:en ward application, - • st Female by all Druggistit: ' Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND tt STI DEII, No &I- Courtlandt St. New York, ' Y E R.tS : 4;41 5 0c. 11, UR to-,i t, A. , N , K Sr in Uhl setts; at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORk: ,„ FOR 'SALE' , CHEAP. - 1- elegant now 0peiN13,04 4 10 7 .11; ibbodct hand I Initikind bond top buggy.— katilkAy.t, „Ley° hOrict Ininbot, , tiagon. • ' ;WRIGfIT d BAILEY. ' °3d i f_`t .},. , ij NM Jc!RIV I I ME e V: - ;TO .B t f• ASTLi f 9,Ult ' MIIITZSS, TITE htty`at the heat marke prices A lrlf thit,foitotthiiiirtip SHEEP z ter'S, DEAttpli striils; PEER 'PVItS; HIDES, •AND, VEAL SKINSy 31 I,r. 1 • ' for which we will pay bash. We will manufacture to order, French or Uwe tanned CALF or RIP BOOTS. in the beat man ;per -and at fair rats*, and pay,eppeolal attention itIiPAIRII4IO boveliirstriate istoak of 11 READYfittlAng - WORK" - • on which *a will ant - ue tnae „ raola, anti from this time re shall make it, p point' to keep up the beat '1 4°91;:q.,J7 LAIDIETh:GAITERS, to be todua - it(' the 'nennti,'.4liteh: at a - lower pidit than ineh u rtioho have ',ever, been 'baled In this Fe!ebal! - Ilkelitaa . kdeP up good .assortment -- • - LADIE LE,4:-TEkit BOOTEES, CHILDR EN'S AND - MISSES. WORK or TA- RIOUS STYLI% ' 'arid I U etilenei Xlo'4l, vpm, } K„,, , • LWATHER..t 47.11,7012V0S it Gan o nought of , neieheeikas , any nr . ere, aide p' a ew „York, aad.we deck of . t‘, . PRENOTCCaIC; A'RnNOUT Y - tink SOLE, LININGS k sip Our Stock of PEGS, NAILS, 7NR:SLA9 PS, 6 AgIPPV II if firr :I; 4if l Agtlr a i GOBS - and - F/XDlNG3,•willikerfiiiiiid ° ttie le Best in the e?untyi ftedive • foie all I `,.(We taiii•bnsidess'indi wit Odeon briefness. We have been -in this region long enough to be well knowni--let those who known! try,ns. Gomez f Main and Grafton streets, opposite War: Rob. ' : is' Hardware Store, Q. N. SEARS, , GEO. 0: ppßov.: Wellsboro 444 tll,, I ') - 1117 - 4991 Cn VIgIiWIN i 6 011t1 a.ux : voAteg -.nos ~ao; eVpni pan eminnin pun ensek; •nonoodnal avail ups geopa pun epooo ano •aenpunnb Hem m eompzeg Ilaidoelvenom pmi i smnintefi: spnoo4ta t nits tniSMthispimen ou t s,. lierapline to , snomeng 4.ttispintrtit' Sopo4l',: ean , tren Annpriiii%Pitrek' 'pp mpls Zsp a al sem ti tri matiromd nun WM V •ovo,,e t tnq pinny ,sonqu4 £w4 - ;am dads OA '041.04001mo( piot.l4t4 ME 'NIIO3 ..; .) : i.,.: ..1,1,. 'x qI" .:1. j ME REIMS ;.1.. • 1 •., - • palggielea RR; ovelotatua jo Ivo pinoki oht j:/. i.1...d. ,1•1:6.1::,'1 :-C.::: , ' • •-•• innvi:t! + JO VOW 02,41 LIDA wooly ` ME , Og -, 7 , ( Ratil 4100 `suax usimaa iii asinatua uuazaa fzi _ . 1••••••!•1 . '` iioui aou fIIVII 440 `IsIOIII 110/10 EffIROH , 94.,._ - - - %KOH Narie mos .' - IN DNI772S' I I . . 'yd ix ,K •:. +a loculg diocistiom tio:tood pip 4 , ll= : . ittanaiii-411 It c44l)i Na i.o }' "31r11101-NIA '.1llt(h1-4,SV19 h~.~~ `.3+`~ `Sint A • T , q- 1 , .S" I 7. ~ i g a VA I / 9 4111T it ... 'l!.. - !", . 1 „.1• - , • t— 1 not 2a!tag Sq:OgyinoosoCdffasi s sprints tu 4 I amnia , rnoA u 0 chig uv aisvg 1868. -WRICIRTIt;,BAILEILI:IB6B, WS otaimeno, thil year *ith CASA' badness: • • • • 1.3.1 .••• •.-{ CASE PAID FOR WHEAT 1 sGPt_ f ,>1 .ASH PAID g.fOR, OAT& 1; " GASH PAID TOR' CORN 1 frt • :! t, WASS FOR EVERtiiil*4ll = .4; . l , 4lt4P,ttooki , oo=ittbriii' asiti , - .L• - •;tS1 STOCK,,QF pgED FOE , (4 8 rt.1 1,11 .•.‘i • • • • • _ , ...:::Th. ~ 'A!. i i AIME STOOK , ,IOF - PORK FOR . ; . CASH 1 .... . - - /.s. - ,i Lcii £ ) • ' Atli and see W.' 'WRIHT HAMM , If ellsb o ro, AR. ',9i' 104571x. 1 ., ~ ' • i , AU persona' indebted' iir-na by nets, Se. book account usuetleall end settle or pop eoikta. Jan B.IBBB.WRIGHT & }MILEY.: . • Welisbikio Cloth-Dressing_Worki4; gAVING engaged Mr. 'IAMBS" 121MITliltb ' superintend our . Clotidut W orks ire now ready to do all: kind'Or adoring, atid., dram= ing in good "style Antr9n ; liblirfl3lolCo.;" h a. T,09416 Sept: 18 4 ,180744 7:0; ;Briag; . , • . ...'ia Ee ear ', IMO ii ~f ~~ t-- a o WM r~ F ~~ r:, i i ~ r~i lir >'' 1 ..,.• 1 WM lIME noularns•MOlß: 'COECNINa • ' f:,1; • : DIWaS lAND-,MEDIOINES; PAINTS' AND orts - " " =EI DAVIDS'• INKS; KEITH'S tOONbENTRA:TEit.tEVIQINES, :IIEDELL'S 'FLUID," - TRACI'S, MI =EI EIciRNETT'S OCCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, ' PATENT MEDICINES,, ROCK- - • ESTER PERFUMERY i .:1 ' ,~ il&Np FLAVORING, 'EXTEApTS WALL P40%10'4E4:0 GLASS; WHITEWASH LIME • , ApII) '9OLOHS4 AGENTS' FOR ia'Aiivnq & CO'S BE "''' 'FINED OIL. •' • _ Bold at Wholesale Mew, Buyers aro requested to ealt and get quotations -before going further (-; ' FM W: D. TERBELL &" CO. i i r: t ~ 1r • ~ earning; N.:Y., Ja4.4i-1868-Iy. , T. 1868. FOR FALB.' 1868. i • BY J 0 • lOICHAM .ti.. T RIOICURSERY.OF FRUIT •AND OR NAMANTAL TREBS;IN TIOGA : ' 1 .. . .... 1 ;000 Apple 1 Trees 4 - 1,,000 Pear Trees. A &obit 0 in I L,P4IO4 . I:FAC4.Oii , r OIiBRFT And °RNA FfT e ki. TXt;gEt# A 611RUBBPR .. The Fruit trees are coMpoSod of it e choicest varieties t good, heidtliy, some of them large and in betuting. • Any orie wishing to got a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. , Delitered at the depot fretolimherge. t ,Tio a r Feb.'2B, 1868-I,* ' To Owners of _Horses and Cattle. )81413'. , DERBY , CONDITION • POWDERS -ARS T warraUted auperior'SS any • others, or no pity, for Abe cure , of Distemper,Worms, Dots, Coughs, 'bound. Colds, de., in Ho r ses; and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, : Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, •dc., in Cat, de, in are perfectly safe' and innocent; no need of stoptitu'gthOlworking *front' animald. - They' increase thitgppotittii"givee line coat; cleanse the( stomach and ,urinary organs; Also inuneaeo , the .milk of cows. Try them, and you miter :be without Thom., Hiram Woodruff,' thii celebrated h./Wier of trotting horses, heti 'used them - for years,' itud •recoMmends them *to. his friends. CoL:•Philor P. 'Bush, of the Jerome 'Baca 'Course, P,ordham, YL , would not use them until he was told of what they aro composed, since which he is never without :Fa, Ito has over twenty running horses !nide . chtte ; and for' the last three years has used no other m for them. 'He has kindly per mitted me to refer any 600 to him. 'Over 1,000 - other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggists and 14tddlers.,„Price 26. cents per box. .Depot, 66 .CcrtlandbStrhet NiSur :fork. , • [Feb. 19] WELLSBORO - FOUNDRY MACHINE ,SIIQP.I TUB satosoribcirs baying, pioouroci 'additional imotnuoryare - now - rnaay to funalshto.ordor all edits of CASTINGS, ' SUCH AS • PLOW , OULTIVATORS; FIELD RO LERS, MILL GEARING, LEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 D - SAWING MACHINES, fic &c &o We have also a WOODWORTH PLANER, for onetont and job work, We aro also 'prepared 'to do , SLITTING & SCROLL SAWING to order. 1 , a flret•elaee screw-outttnt Lathe, we .4" "' Pared ft . 21 3 ,1 41 1 I - CHEESE PRESS .SCREWS ,- tOorder. Builders .ofl e eaoi in o es are re kneeledie to l exatninel our work . 'We auudictuie it • Oink: PILO* one of the finest'ith2ri*enteie:the,i4i4a•. Cash paid, for OLD A'ON ;CHARLES WILLIAMS,I i . F. L.' SEARS.. .' , • 'Wollsboro, May 15, 1887—tf. ' ' : 'l: ' Grocery and Provision Nom , CORNING, ,14. Y.,. „ • 1 • C:J. 31:). -virHOLVSALE AND RETAIL DEAtlilt in all kinds of -•'', • - "•" . ‘, • • • •i• GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, • •qu •-• Liots-and a S 4 11111 d; DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES,. WOOD & WILLOW WARES GLASS & pROpKERY 'WARE, aIIIi;DREWS CARRIAGES CABS & pERA: :11LATCRS, TOYS, '& a., &a. ,-. .A folk and' complete assortment of the above mentioned goode of the hest quality always on PaOle4,lar laftenticia:Peld to Fine `gio s eeriee.; Dealeil and Venial:la:Ws *ill dna . 'it, to 'their in - - toren to exrunine his Stook before bayinges s ' Corning, N.} lt.,fdarch,ll, .18118. PlVe l d ie W t ar ° e f county dit° at. :11 ,! L 194,2661 NyLEIVEI I= =BEM 111 Mil EMBEISIII CIE 'PrOOIS Of 1116106 / 0 i (lOolitY -- • 4,4 -••• '4, ~.; - At:Mr - I '4 R -r " Anne . W'ATATITAIC The American 'Wetob , Conipany, or•Walthairry Alesiwriipectlally2subinit.that their %Vetches are cheaper, more accurate, less complex, were dura. bettor edaßted for genoral!use; and more ea ell3%, kept , lo ordeeand thitn'titiy other watches in, the , 'market, , j 4 1'bej , are simpler :struolure v and•therefore i,tronger; and iris's likely to' be injured !lta thtinvijority of foreilin watch- es, which'Ore'rittiniiesad'of • front 125 io 200'plC cec,'%,hile in - - dn' old =English • watch` ihere — oic more ,t.bari 700 parts. Iron, they inn tindCrl t he herailt trial watches can have, iti'sh&ni4;y the follotiing tter. PENN RAILROAD COMPANY, " OPPIOE 'OP Talk "SPERiiitgNIWIT I Avroona, , PA., , 15 Dee.; 1866. ' :Qt ietatune :.-: The , watottefi `manufactured you have, been in use on thiti railroad for several years by,,our•onginewen„, to, whom we furnish watches as part of our 'equipment. 'fbere are now now sonie.thcee' hundred Mein ',carried on our line, and. we , eon Sider them: good end' 'reliable timo l keeperii, Indeed, I Have= groat , satisfection in saying your watches give us loss trouble, and: have worn, and do wear much longer without re pairs thin any' watches We have ever had in Use on this road. AS you 'ore 51‘voto, 'wo forinerly trusted-to , thosofof English manufacture,-nf no knowledgedzood reputation but us a class they never keep time .as,corr,eetly,,,ner have they; done as good service; :tie yours. In theie statimantli nun Sustained 'by thy prodeeessor,; Mr. ILowie, • whose experience ex tended over a rorjoe of years.i.Respeotfully, • UPWARD. W11.144M8, - • dotterel Superintendent. Aperient' Watch CO.,"Waltbain: " •Wo make now five different gradtiCof watches, riamed reipoetively as fakirs : , . Tiacy : it' Co.,' Wt&ham, 21ta t ig: Waftharn: Watch 'Company, Waltham, Alma. P. ..1• lirahltum,_./Ifusa.• , Wm, El!cry, s . 110 401',.M 1489 , • Home 'Watch - OoMpAny,, 13ostoiy Haas.. ;All of these ' , with,-the excepiien.or the Houle. Watch Company, are warrantett ,00,,Areeriesm Wtitah cotupppy,t6 be, of the boat. material, on the most approved prineiple,up!l to POBBO6B every requisite for uroliebleticuoheoper. liyery 'dealer jelling thee° Watches is provided ,with, the-Com 'pony's- printed card- of .gatironteooith ch ,should accompany eaClk Wqell sold, so that lingers may, fool sure they . nro,pµrobasing the.geau no article. There are numerous counterfeits and: imitations of onr Watches'sold throughout the country, and wo'crisid comliga p,urpbaser4, to be on their guard against inippettiou. ; ; „ . Any grub:Ai of.,,W,u)tbpou Watches mny. bo pur chased of Watolt . pen)ora , thyortghouttim country gonnuip , & APPLETON. Kept 4, 1867 -gin. 182 . 11Ftin : dg,ay', 14; Y The -- AmetleiM'COOking Stinre; '„ pf AFTER twenty years experience in the man. ufaeture„ot stoves, we •becanao convinced, some six years : since, that a vast, amount of money was being this - People of thi% country, in buying - cheap and worthless stoves, a large portion of which was •wasted; and that true convinced, in, buying tho best stoves that could be, made, not t withstaisding,the price was higher. With this , view we procee'ded ° to, construct 'the American' Cooking Stei,e. laud Spared no pains or expense- to `make it theinst 'and most perfect stove that could be made. i And we have eipeilmented. with ; it, and carefully watched tie opeiatidn'fot . the last six 'Years, and wheh liaprovembfit suggested itself, - we have at once adopted it,landi We have 'several of these improvements, pecurcni by,tetters.,patent.,:, In this manner We do not hesitate to sa', we have brought it to a higher state' 'Of '.'perfectlce than hat; heretofore been - attained' in• cooking - 'stoves: The neat improvements. in .:this stove •has addeciltirgely co ,its . couvcaience_ and leffective neSs. In all the varieties of , stoves no , manu facture, we 'study ilsetulness, ' dUrhbility„ convo nionce' and .economy in operation, rather than cheapness in prim:and in so doing we are satis lied we study the interest of Chose ,purchasing our sto'vei. SHEAR, PACKARD, .J 5 C 0.,, Albany, N. Y. For sale by .CONVERSE & 'OSGOO 6, Wells boro, Pa. .. -•> MAY 1 3 , 1868. To the Farmers - of'Tioka County TAU now building-at my manufactory, in Lawrence yifie. 4 superior - FA - IV/VI/V(11V11LL, Whisk possosstis the iellotiing advantages over allother mills: 1. 11 separates ,oats, rat litter , and foal seeds, and chessh and cockle, from wheat. / 2. It cleans flax seed, takos out yellow seed, and all other seedy, perfectly. . , • 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. - This mill is built of the beer and moat durable tim• bar, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash or'pro duce. I will fit a patent sieve, for separation oats from wheat, to tither mills, on reasonablo terms. J. II- ISIVIIIER, Lawroncovllle,Oetober 10, 1860-tf UNION.. Ap.ADEIVEY' KNOXVILLE, .TIOGA CO., PA. ' 4 .,- , FACVLTY : ' ELIAS _HORTON, .Prinr.ipal. Mu. ADA W. NORTON, Preceptress. Miss MIRA HORTON, Assistant. Miss AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Musk. i i ;.CALENDAR F0R'•1867.;.-.8. Fail Term conimences Sept. 3d, Winter Terro Nov 20th, Spring Term Feb. 18th, 1868.. . . •, . . „ .i .., 1 ' EXPENSES PER TEAM. , ' - 'Priziatrie Department: : ' ''' 'ss o'o' Common ,English %' r 6 00 Higher English - ' ' ~ 7,00 Languages and Nigher Mathematics' B'oo Instrumoptal Music, extra.% - . ' ' 10 00 ',Weal lutic,extra 1 00 Drawing, extra ' ' ' ' ' 300 /teem Rent - 0 ,I.:. - -2 50 Board per week.... 6 . 50 Knoxville; August 14, 1867—tf: . . ' P , REMINGTONS' FII4 ;.ARMS. 'ERNI(ENT.• in. Calibre Al in: Calibre ay size Calibre 'Pollee Reveller, Navy sire Calibre New Pookei Revolver 3X 100iin..palibro Pocket Revolver, (Rider's 0.) 31:1001n. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No , 22 & 32 Cart'ge -Vest Pooket,Platel,N, o gg,, 30;32 41 Cartridge -Gun Cane' ' No 22 k 32 Cartridge , Broecth Loading Rifie,(l3cals!) NO 32 & .‘; Revolving Rifle, ".., 36 & 44400 in Calibre E: REIIiINGTON ~dc SONS.., • PItiNCIPAL Moore dc Nichols, Now York; Wm Road kt: Son, Roston; JodO Grubb 4, Co,. Philadelphia; Paul. tney & Trimble,,Baltimore; Henry Folsom & Co; ;New Orleans; •Johnson, peocer Co, Chicago, L,M sumaoy j dc Co, St, Louis; Albert .E Crane, Ban Fran Chico., • Oot. 9,1867.-9 m. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL' 'HISTORY, OF THE WAR, Lts -Causes, Charactei,. Conduct and Results. . • By RON. ALEXANDER 11. STEVENS. • A Book for all Sections and all Parties. l i hie great Work presents the only• complete andimpartial analysis of the causes of the War yet published, and gives those interler;lighte and ehadowa of the great conflict only' known to those high officers who watehed the flood•tide of revelation from its fountain springs, ant-which 'Were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from hts.pb. Atkin as second ogiotii of the Confederacy. - - - To a public that has been surfeited with AP PARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and sal. utary, and an intellectual treat, of the highest - order; The great• American war has AT, LAST found a'historlen worthy of its importance, and at whose bands it will receive' that 'Moderate, candid and impartial treatment-which 'truth and jitstia&so Urgently demand. ,; The intense desire every where muniteeled• to Obtain this work, Us Official character, and ready 'sale, - Combined •with an increased Couimission, Make •it the 'best subscription' book ever pai: lashed.• _ .t , • . Opt Agent in Easton, Pa., rep,orts ;f2 subscri bers IQ'S days. Ono in Boston , Mass.,,to3 sub• scribors it( 4 days. Ono in Afenitibie, Tenn. 106 subahribers in' 6 - days. , -": • Bond for. Circulars and .800 our. torms,' and a full description, of the work, with : P 1 , 96 ".ti"B of advanhe Sheets, fr.o. Address • , • NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. • .• 26-Bouth Boventh-BL - Pbiladelphia, Pa. ' ' May 27,1868-4 ; IV IE% OW: T 11{ A V Eli. - - • • -4 -411i111"-.1tAILWAV.. • . On awl a on tlalr, ploy, 11 0 1 , 1 81*-9, , ,t * la titt•y 11 luau° Ctie tt litg t eqxint - tile rollowing hours, .• ' • '•• - sysorWARo tiourio.' , • 403 a w flight Express, butulusi i•Xt;eotiiii, 'for iiiffalos • Salamanca, awl Du ularkonak tlietet i euuneetiun keit!, truing' of Ilia A Moll& GteaC'ltlehleik,'lnt , Shore t alid ota uti Trunk Ilan wayg, - Tolt,lliecin Went o:2l'n. to„Night Hapreea, Daly; tur!fluffalo,Stilainans . a , Dmiltlek awl ilia Neat; connecting ati abOYe. ” • 6:35 ;Sight Expreen, liundays'exc6ptod, t"uCltcch ;oatorand ISUITtIIO. Vitt: AVOts ' ": "• ' Mlffll 1 . 0:15 a.xu., dlaii Britin; 'Sundays excepted/ for llnffalo . ' 'atok.Duoktrit. • p. 01, Baltimore Expresa, Sundays ,excopted, for *, tylebtiatol atit1 , 11offolo; via ArOtt: . • 6:33 p, m.. Day Exprem, Sundays eitiepied: tot EtillxlO,'' Salliauanca, Jtooltirk•And. This Woo., cooneoting, st.. allatnniana l witti thO' 'ono' Ort-tit - I,Vettern „ , En/bray ;” at Butlalo with t h e Lake Sliore nnit'Orand - Thank Railways, and ot Dunkirk n•ttlt the Lake 13'huro f ‘ oeutt i polo la 1 - , . ti;4l) p" tit Day '?"cliresa,§titoloys x c.ty c d loxtlochestm • a.m.; ilipiess MOH...Sundays ex copteo,for ;ea. , 10, ifolamantn,ariti Dunkirk; comic - ding with train, • • for Ole Welt. . - ISO it to Way Freight, Sundays excepted. • t • p, cm), Emigrant train, Daily, forthe West. - 1= C i.-;EMlTweatrtiotaikk. ' 12 , .46 ;sight Exprrts ; Utiily, Sundays 'excePfU, connecting -at Orayrourt for Wm wtek; and ut New York with afternoon trcifna anti Utcatarrirfor Boston and New Englatid ' -420 n. ~ Ciii , i tI Express. Mondays ex ceptea con ,necting'at Elmira for Hart fsbui g, Philadelphia - end ' 'OM :oath; , at Owego for Ithaca: .ht Itlnglanoton - for Syritensb; at Great Bea d tort:cult/107J. nada pliirt, and Trail ton; a t Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at roman fOr'NSWburg and Warwick , , o:6s'a. M.; Day_Express: 'tiondays exceptd, connecting . at .Eladra for Cana wialgun, at Binghamton-fur Syra• cane, at Orrat Bond for Scranton, at Lackaunxon for Ilawkiy, and at Jersey City with midnight "Expses Train of Now Jorscy ttailroadfor more anillWashington.. 10.4 ain'AcctimModition Train daily, connecting at Elmira for Canandaigua. • - 2:20 Baltimore Express, Sundays excepted. 4:35p. m:,114..5i Yorkamt Bra tinicht copied, _„ .;•'• p MLlglitnink Express, Smidaye excepted. con • netting-at Efinira . -futlllarristtig; Philadelphia and Id l e, douth ; at Jersey. City with morning_ express train orNaw''.ldrsuy Railroad fur Baltimoru and Washington, and at-New York' With' 'morning ex. mess trains for. Bunton and thaEatt. , , i : • 12:30 p. m. Way yrnigh t, Sundays excepted. •*_nr . , lt. umtic " " RIDDLE, Pass. Agent. ' - Gang Sup't. Acconmwdation-,Leaves Tiliiisburg at 6,16 a. m., Mans field nt 7,05. Tioga at 7,41, Lai: t;. nceville. at 1,26-- arriving tit. Corning at 0,30 .m: • Mail—Leaves lilossburg at 2,00 p..m.. Mansfield At 2,40, Tioga at - 3;18, Lawrenceville ; at 4,00-7arriying at Corning nt 6.p. - - Mall:-z-Leaves Corning at 8,00 'A. m. Lawrenceville at 2,03, Tioga at 0,45, blanaileld at 10,22-arriving at IMoSs•burg at 11,00 a. m. Accommodation - r4itraves Corning •at 2,40 p. tm, Law. ,renceville at 4,00. Tioga at 4.40, Mansfield at 6,30 arriving nt Bloasburg' at 0,15 ' srtATrucx, -• , ' TRAINS, FOR THE NORTH': I:Trains for Canandaguits leave Elmira as follows; AcOomodalion at 7 00 a m Eigreis(faisiest trait, on road) - 11 45 a m Mnil .1. ' 015 Jim Way Freight, [passenger coach a t . .... AO a m On awl after Nov. 24, 1807 ; tralli a .will aa rive am! depart from Troy, as follows; , LEAVE NORTHWARD,' 10 65 A. 51. , --Daily (exept Sundays) for EJuilra, BuiTa ,lo, Canandaigua, llocltotrr, Snap. Bridge and am— ' Cantidas. „ ..• . .9 45 I'. '(except': SuMlays) for Elmira and Buffalo, via Erie Railway frofii Elmira: • . ' LEAVE SOUTHWARD. , - COO •A. M.—Daily (except Stall:tan() for 'Baltimore, Wo.iltington, 0 05 P. 11.—Delly (except. 'Sundays) - . for - BaltimOre, • Waahington and Piiiied9Pllia , • " DoBA Hitt, 9eti'l Supt. Harrisburg; . -2 . Philadelphia & prio.,R. :T Ou drni :-140141DAY, on,ilib Philadelphia 64 grip Itail 'load trill ran 118 follows - 1 - . Mail Train leave 4 4. .4 . 6 Willianisport.... - arr. at Erie • Erie Express leaves IThilndelplila..; 4• .' - 4 arr. at. Erie- " • Elmira 151E111 leaves Pliihnielpbra:4, 44 . . u arr. at Leek Buren.:... • EASTIVOD, ail Train,leaves'Erla r , 11.00 a m "..' ' ". ; IVilfiameport 10.15 p m ''' ' . I '4- arr. at Philadelphia - 7.10 p m Erie Express leayes Erie - - • 7.40 p m "-Williamsport • . ' • 3.15 a m ". " I arr. at Plifladelullia 5.00 p m Mail aid Exprets coat act with - Oil Creek and Alla gheny Rider flail Road, ?Baggage Checked Through. " '' - 'ALFRED L. TYLER, Oen'l Supt. Mail ' 5 30 Accommodation • 0, 3 5. Express ' 12.19 _ . . Express , 11.00 . f Express ... . At 'Cory theio is a Jukiion with pip INdindelphia k Erie, and Cil Creek flail Reads. At Meadville wirh• the Franklin and Oil City and Fitliolo Branch. -- At Lerivittsburgo the klahoniny Branch makes a di rect route, to Cleveland. At Itaventra counects : lvitli Cleveland and l'ittsbut gli'Railroad. The 'Road passes through Akron, stabland, Galion, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. •:. THE Subscriber will sell or rent the following \ valuable property, to wit: One tasiern- stand in Lawrenceville. . • Ono farm, on which - lie now ,resides,,one".half mile from ,three - churches two Scheel Houses, two grog liimps, and ono railroad, and about the same distance from the lino of : the Wellsboto and Lawrenceifillo - Railread, The farm contains . lBo twos of good Amid, 50 aerce"timbared, well wa tered,'and very productive. - It requires that the seed should ,be, sowed- and -planted. however, to ensure a harvest. , One farm in Jackson township, 116,.acros ; a first-rate place for a cheese factory. , 'Also—for sale-4 mules, 75 'sheep, and other stock, elleap on reasonable terms, Planing . & Turnini. , TIAVING dot now Factory in operation. JUL is now .prepared to-fill orders for Cabinet 'Ware promptly and•in the best style of workman ship. Having procured a - ctiziErtAr,Ly DEALERS ho if.tready to dress boards Or plank with dispatch SOROLL•WORK & BRACKETS, • forp in ishedto machines are of the new: est and most r rove patterns. 1 - Shop ooruni 01.1'64 arid Wain, Sts,V.TELL.F.. BORO, Oct. 84 , 1806i4f. B. T. VAN HORN. • • ,-• NEW 'GR"OCERY • • • ; At %tilt Settlement. ' T ICE SUBSCRIBER has opened a Am GROCERY &, PROVISION STORE At the abarb nitmled place, where ho proposes to furnish Goods ifilhis line cheap. ' Market prices paid ler rano Produce, - either In cash or trade. Tho - patronage of the public is respebtftilly solicited. ALI3ERT -Pharleston, Deo. I I, 1807—tf. , J. STICKLIN, Ohairmaker Turner,. and /• • • Furniture Dealer. S• . • AE ROOM, Oppo'site Ditrtt's Wagon Shop, Main Sefeef. ' FACTORY in 'Sears .E Wil liams Foundry, second story. • ' Orderspromptly filled and Fa tis fac t ion guaran teed. Fancy, Turning done to order.. . Wellsbaro, Jnno 12, 1867. J. STICK.LII Tioga Marble Works... 11.14 undersigned is now prepared to exo. T •oute,all orders for Tomb Stones:-anti Monu ments ITALIAN' Oft BUTLAND. MARBLE, • , of the latest - style ' tipPrOied - 'workmanship and .with dispatch.. •• • ' ' • He keep :constautlx; on land . both 'kinds of . klarblo and wiU bo able to /30 ,all who--may-fa rm-him. with their orders, on ns reasonable terms as tiair be obtairied In the 'country. Stones discolored with ruit'ond dirt elearied ao.!flaoo. l ,4`look as good as new. • - PORTED. wiLOOX; T. 19,6, Nov. 1,4867,-tr o ; To LANO QQ,, , Ageras for the Sufiquebon jj us Woohm, Mills. 111=CM=1:11 111111 Corning, Zilossbnrg &. & Tioga 8. It 'Tllllll9.will run as follows until Nrther`miticei - Pliorthimaz Central R..s. =EI Atlantic and r erreat Western U.W. , ••• • , SAAMANOA STATION. WETSWAAD BOUND L. D. DUCKER, Gen. Supt., Ile&ylville, Pa Real Estate Sale. - al. S. BALDIVP4I pav;rortee, Apr. 17, 1867-tf, 13. `i'. vAN HORN, TiOODIVORTII PLANER; TOEING , Genii Pitee.Agl - 2 Baltimore Old p 8.0:1 a to 8.45 *p "In :..12.00 upon 8.50 . p 10.05 a m 1. G. 28 p m ' ' 7.45 p EASTWAIID BOU141) Express - • • 5.10 lflafl 6.51 Aceorinnodation, 11.45