11 11 Annual Vacation. r HAnnientat,.4, July 3, 1868.---The reg ular annual saeationat the institutions receiving soldiers' orphans at the ex penge of the - State, will commence on' Friday, July 24th, and terminate on Monday, August 31st, school dntiesbe ing resumed en 'TheSday,' Septetnber Ist. , The principali, suPerintendente and managers of these institutions will please observe the following regula tions.: .•• ' • • ' 1. No child will be permitted to leave the institution to which it belongs with- out a Written fur/thigh . or leave At-ab sence, signed by the Superintendent of Soldiers" - „Orphans, and countersigned by the::.principal . superintendent 7 or managers of the institution, specifying the cause Of absence, and - its, 'length.- 1 1. 1 his leave of , absence, for which blanks have been - furnished, - to be carried 'by the child while . absent, ' and •shown whenever *quested. 2. Iso leave 6f absenee will be 'grant ed to - an -child, unless pronounced by the atten ing physician, after, special examinati n had for . this purpose, en tirely, free' from sore eyes, and other contagious diseases: 1 - - Upon their return, after vacation, children must be re-ex-• unlined, and till dbubtfurcases isolated until kuoWn to' bb entirely cured. ' Tile presence of these vexations and annoy r ing disealaes hi any institution is regard ed as nil evidence . of inexcusable net= legit and mismanagement On the part of the attending physician andlhe author ities pf , such. institution, and Willnot be tolerated. '•• . -• . : • .. . 3: No; child will be sent home except ; li f at the Written 'request o the mother,' guard - 04i or' friends: AI others - ii - mat be curtiished'witb. grope. 3 eare and at tention; and permitted 'o ' enjoy -vaca tion. at the , instittitlon, free' from' study. and laber;'except such as may be neces tt sa for the - comfort -of those 'remain-. .in The'labor required'must not ex -cc he regidar detail period. of - two hours'per day: The library and, read ing rooms and the,Play gounds, Mioit be open to theM,' . under proper enperttis ion, the remaining portion, of the day. 'Children should be' conveyed ,to and from the proper railroad station fret of charge. All other expenseS 'of travel,' and av'llome, must be borne - , by ' their mothers or friends., ' ' ' i • ' , 4. No child will bedeprived of vaea. tion as a punishment, no - matter ' what the nature of the ofFenso hay have been. To do so -would be cruel: if hi any case, as' for 'instance - where it is known tbat'vacation Would - be spent amid bad Itssoeiations and deniorall:Ling influences if,children were'permitted to go hoMe, principal's, superintendents or managers-linkbestto deny 'them.' 'the privilege; t fey Mnst be'able to produce i he clearest ,proof 'Qf the existence of the facts uporf•which the denial is bas ed. - " - 5. Each girl will take - with her ; clean and in ,good condition, and legibly' marked with her name, a change of un dercloths and Stockings, two dresses, hat, sack and-shoes ; and each boy, in like condition, a Change of underclothes and stockings, two' rinirs of pants',,one jacket, cap, and shoes. 'All other eloth ing will. remain at the institution, ex cept in'the,case of transfers. - Girls will not take their blue winter dresses. The articles of clothing' taken,' with their condition, must be entered on the - check to the furlough, and re-examined and checked off, wit'l appropriate re marks as to care' and - condition - when returned. - 1 a. Those ordered .by transfer to other schools will take all their' clothes, and will be instructed to go direct from their homes to the-schools to which they are ordered, when their furloughs exptre.- Every article of clothing taken with them, with its condition, will be enter ed on the check as a record, and.on the hacl of the furlough for the informa tion of the principal of the' school to which they are transferred. 7. tThe objects of vacation- should be explained to'the children, and tie duty and necessity Of_good conduct and ,care of clothing While absent, prompt . re turn, &c. carefully and'repeatedly im- - pressed ti on-thern: -•- - - -- ' - It is h ped and believed that, with few exec tions,-attention to study- 1 1134 industrial instruction, and to the culti vation of good manners and habits, has been attended with •so much 'sUcciess that this visit home will -be gratifying to mothers and 'friends, andcreditable :to the institutions to which these words .of the State belong. It is also hoped that after enjoying the ,cessation from study, and the visitsj to home and friends, which vacation alloWs, children' will be promptly returned in good con • dition, gratified and refreshed, and en couraged to, purSue; with renewed ener, gy and zeal, the exercises - of their re spective schools and homes during the - ensuing yet i>. And if, notwithstanding last discouragements, these hopes are even partially realized, the fact will be regardthl by the' undersigned and his po-laborers as compensation, in some measure at least, for -the <7 severe , labor, weighty responsibilities and constant - anxieties of the past year, and as an en amragement to work •with increased energy and hope to achieve still greater resultS in future. • GEo. . M'FAELAND, ' ) Superintendent S I idlers' Orphans. . • The Democratic assertion that Schuy ler Colfax once declared, in a political svech, that "he had registered a 801- etnn oath never to vote- •for a foreign horn man for any office, and to remove all foreigners aliens aid Roman Cath olics from office, whenever he might possesS the power to.do so," is the bas est of slanders,- made •up out of the whole cloth. Mr. Colfax ,never made such ad -.!claration, nor did he ever "reg ister" such an oath. More than this, he has seven times been elected to Con gress, the last-time only two years since, in a,distriet containing more foreigners than any other in Indiana, one of its counties (Lake) having a majority of .fore;gn , born voters, and he has not only always run ahead of his ticket, but he has. converted . that particular county front Democracy in . the banner Repub lican county bf his district. in Clay r ph iship, in his own county of St. Jo- , e,_wherathere is a majority of Cath olic VOers, lie has often carried it when the'r . of his ticket was lost by a two third vote. Time and again, he has sustained Lange, Young, Mansfield and others, foreign-born, for State offices. These facts show how, sOpid and mal ignant is the falsehood, Ve Melt we have quoked above from the Democratic jour nal giving it currency Yesterday morn ing.—Doylestottm intell,encer., One of the Most learned of the South Carolina statesmen was ,a foundling, and was taken to the hot of an emi nent lawyer while an inf nt, reared and educated by him, and finally taken in-' to his office. Ho fell in love with his patron's daughter, who reciprocated his attachment. His father protested, and the lovers arranged for an elopement, which was exposed and frustrated by a servant._ The young man was:asked to an interview with the young lady's fa ther, who said that "he loved and honored him beyond utterance, but you cannot marry my daughter, for the rea son that she is_youraister 2" THE DIFFERENCE.—A Lebanon coun ty Republican is a defaulter to the amount of $17,000, and Republicans as well as Democrats condemn him. A Lebanon county Democrat is a defaul ter to the amount of $150,000, and not a Democrat says a word against the crime or the criminal, but, on the contrary, the Democratic organ of Lebanon coun ty comes to •.his defence and declares that he has dOne nothing to lessen him in the esteem of the Democracy. What is the rational explanation of this diff erent treatment of a Republican and a Democrat ? -We can explain -it in - no oilier Way than that a Republican office holder IS expected . to be' - more honest than a democratic one. When a Dem ocrat becomes a defaulter, he is after what John C. Calhoun declared to be the strength of the party=-PixtmEn.— Lebanon Cbtfrier. ' ' ght agitatot WEILLSBORO , PLINN!A WEDN.FSDAY,Ly : I4, 180. NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. , - , Faft 11 . 49 , pENT,, yeti. ULYSSES S. GRANT. FOIL VICE tottF.SIIANT, ` '-- - lion. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. Republican MEE Amirrott. • • ' • GEN: JOHN F. - HATiTIi A NFT. OP MONTGOyeRV C(WNTV. ' SURVEYOR GE:1111,11.. , COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF C . AMMA COUNTY The nomination of Horatio Seymour by the' Tammany . Hall Convention,. tifoUgh unexpected to outsiders, is now seen to hirve• been ' premeditated: 'lt might as MT, I ' have been on the third ballot as on the 22d. The whole: Altair was admirably managed for Mr. .Sey- Mour, k)u t en4inot• fail to; operate' disas trot:Bll3lo tb6 party.. •No anti-war man \ can be: t Gen. Grant. The Democracy shiver is if they had just taken a show- erbath of ice-,water. As,in the ease •of , the "Charge . rifthesix:llundred," some-' body has blundered. Ilutthe cruelest thing of all iilhechainirx oficyntour to that clay-cold, corpsc—Frfink The whole reads like 'a cheap • Thai adoption of the two-thirds rule in the New York ConVention clearly enough shows that the Democratic par ty is still influenced by the domineer ing spirit of SlaVery. It was establish ed by -the Slaveholders ,so the South night always hold the balance of pow ri in the Conventions. jlt vas this rule which enabled them to' defeat the nomination and election of Douglas in full Convention in 1860: Slavery is the normal condition of that party. The third plank in the Tamuram Hall platform menus repudiation, ‘r it means nothing. , ' If the bonds of the United States be paid in greenbacks, as it proposes, how are the ..greenbacks to be redbemed ? If in gold, why not redeem the, bl;inde in geld? • if net to bo redeemed at all, Wen why take such a roundabout course 'to repudiation ? Why not reiMdiate the I .!.)6zitis' at, once? Th© 'De - Moeracy • did - . tt, mighty good thing in appointing__Wndesiamutoh_mi the Oommittee to draft resolutions. He stands to-day just where he stood eight years ago, when South Carol' twiseceded He was the apostle of •ruin then, and is Just the man to construct platforms for the Democracy to-day: Perceiving that the Northern wing of, the party will not aid the rebels with bullets, he takes the last and Only chance of their aid with `ballots. A DEMAGOGUE Or DEM.&GOGUES This is a prolific age, and in nothing more iirolific than in demagogues, Chief amor whom to-day stands . Horatio Seymour. Mr. Seymour is a man of business integrity and fair life, , but a most unscrupulous politician. He IS' prominent in that school of politicians which takes for its Motto "ad captan darn vulgus,"' and "all's' fair in pol itics." Need we say thatuoUlan who subscribes to the latter doctrine can long remain a fair Man in - any respect? Is it not a fact that any degree of licen tiousness taints the ,entire moral nature of a man ? How, long can a man pre meditate misrepresentation as part of his political tactics and not employ it in other relations of life? Not long. A man may be honestly deceived; but Horatio Seymour though by no means an intelligent politician, is not so ignor ant as he is knavish. In reading his speech before the New York Convention we find it diffi cult to respect the man, so disgusted are we with the demagogue. ,No 'question upon which the campaign' is to he made is fairly stated and squarely - met. , We intend this declaration to be sweeping and without exception. Horatio Sey mour knows, . and every intelligent man in both parties knowS„tlitit the re 1 hellion was consummated during. the Administration 'of . James Buchanan that the Democratic . party held the curse and the Sword for nearly ,a hun dred days after the first shot was fired upon the flag; and 'nobody doubts that had there been n man, and not a puppet, in the „White House on the first of January, 1861, the Slaveholders' Rebellion might have been put down at a cost of less than $lOO,OO- Know ing these things, by what tight does oratio Seymour, copying the cheap ,alderdash'ef village gossips .and pot-; ' ouse politicians, charge upon the 'Re-_ üblican party the treasure eXpende4l i subjugating the Southern wing of the Democratic party? If A wrong fully undertakes to disposses4 B of his property, and ,B' defends at a cost of half his farm has A a shadow of right to abuse B for , putting a proportion of the costs' upon the . prosecutor? Or have the heirs of A the right to com plain of the costs which accrued from the wrong practiced by their legator? Mr. Seymour knoWs that the extra ordinary expenditures of the wqr could not have been met with gold ; for the entire coin of the .worlii barely covers one-tenth of the stiqi of the indebted ness of all nations. vlt would, were it possible for us tocommaud it, barely re- ' deem • our own Indebtedness. , What was to be done then i What, but to put the real property .of _ the, flattop. in pledge,, for,,thc , StlolB., Inwrowedl, , •The Government issued serip to the full iimount of its ability to 04 In:, gofifli and payableOn demand. This yf, 7 o_o9t Sufficient,- _lt - then issued what' are' .knOwn as '''grecabaetto,'t:, and in order, to keep theM..lll6ar par,i. provided , for! 'ltinding:them In bonds payable - a 411s iantPeriodS-With use. We submit that this was the hest that could be 'done- and it was to good a thing that - the leading rebels to-day admit that , it . . made success to them impossible. It I made successes posSible •to us only' for the reason that the people, of all con ditions-poured their little hoards into the treasury Of the nation,' and took the ; bonds as 'security.. ` Had 'the coun sel, of .sueli men as ,lioratio. • Seynactur ~ and oiii or Democ ra tic)enders prevails ,; the people. would I.iave refused le' itifin the Government ,and ' we' must ' lia . V . e, fallen a prey to the, machinations of. treation ; .and in that - .ease , the people ti r. Would , have been lef, ' 'with aniaSs of (iv redeemable currencl in their' hands. 'There would have b yen no bond 6; 'but there 'would have been no Government. The' nation's evidencez of debt consti tutes the evidences of its ability to stand, and the, pledge of its vitality. 10. Seymour complains that taxation . . . - • is uneciaal. 'With it everequak at any time,or in any country? Never. At, best ! nations only, approximate Nuall • . • ty. : Does he tnean that • the bonds are not taxable•for national, State; and: La bel purposes? Were the Mexican War . debt bonds taxable for those pOrpoSes ? Or the Oregon. war debt bonds? Or any 'bonds of the *United' States? , Does' 'not : Mr. Seytnoar Ant* that the Sbpreme„ Court of, the United States .has, ever held that national securities Cannot be taxed for State, , and local purposes ? When the leaders of the Democratic Party held the most part of the nation al evidences of debt, as'they did before the war of 1861-5, did anybody of that party suggest that those bonds ought to be taxed? . Not a word of it; not a word of it. There was nO complaint then that Horatio Seymotir, James 13u= chanan, and other Democratic chiefs .were privileged to in vest in U. S. secur ities and exempted from taxation. Nor did any of Horatio Seymour's school of demagogues complain when a Demo cratic Secretary of the Treasury, in 1860, anticipated the payment of some mill ions of the then existing public debt, thus emptying' the gold in the treasury into rebel pockets. Mr. •:eyniour neg lects these lit tic facts of history because they damn him and his party. We shall not neglect them, nor shall - the people forget then'. , • f' But in no one . thing does AV.. Sey mour presume so much upon tie pro found ignorance of his' audito:S as 'in that portion of his spee . Ch relating to immigration. "Time was," . says this insolent demagogue, "when we could invite I?,uropeans to share with us - the material blessings of our great country." Brit " now that the Constitution is trampled in the dust, the laws defied, and the Executilie insulted," says he, "who wants to come lucre?'' He wi I I find his answer in the statistics of immigra tion during the last, two years, which show an increase of. immigration oier any other two `yetirs.of our 4istsnee as, a nation_ ..Th...i.----1,........a.,- 7 .- -- ronow - Mr. Seymour's lead know little, of Con stitutions, and less of laws, and care legs about, either. When they learn something about„ the basins-:: of gov- I erning they escape from the toils of conscienceless demagogues, and take away the occupalsion of such men. • The remainder of Mr. Seymour's speech is unmitigated buncombe. The 'American eagle is' apostrophized, and -we are assured that there is no party , but the Democratic party ; and Horatio is its prophet. ... . , PosTsonmun.—The above was in type before the result of the Tammany Hall _Convention was knowii, or even reached. We therefore add this post script to say that the unconscionable demagogue whose speech we have emu mented.on in the foregoing, has recaiv ed the nomination. of the Democracy for the Presidency. , His associate ,is Frank Blair, Jr., of whom it, is enough to say that he is a tricky politician when sober, and a miracle of stupidity when drunk, which used to be every day in the year. We believe that his hpits remain astey were—very. dis sikSed. t l 7* There is something Absurd about this ticket, and YeTIFW - ellieflects the char acter of the Democratic party. :With Seymour to fraternize with the rioters of 1863, and Blair as bottle-holder, we see no reason why they ought not, o concentrate the strength of the. party : But the best judges )ook upon the Tammany nominations WI ali acknowl edgement of defeat f(ob the party in November. When we lead that the New York Roughs cheered Seymour and Wade Hampton' at th 6 Tammany powwoW, we are inspired. , ttfresh with admiration for the fitness orthings. It reminds us of that lachrymose event in the Phila delphia Convention, when Massachu setts and South Carolina entered the shanty arm-in-arm. Thus We see how it is that some things are necessary, and some appropriate. It will giVc.our " Democratic " fel lOw-eitizens pleasure to learn that the registration act of last winter, and the law disfranchising deserters, ,have been declared unconstitutional iiy the Su- r preme Court of the State. Judges Thompson, Strong, and ShatsWood, ruling against the laws, and Read and Agnew dissenting. The registration act was intended to prevent fraudulent voting, and ;was a direct bloW at -the coffee market. If and• man will witch the - eofthe quotations for a few days lie will see that Senator Wallace i3llaain in market as a lint:el/J/I,4n'. The - people who would see the praetlee of frauds upon election boards abolished, if that -were possible, can /lOW ace. who .favors such practices. The Supreme Court is composed of three " Demberati," and two Republicans. The former deulared the law unconstitutional while the lat ter sustained it. The peOple •can also see who is in favor of restoring deser ters to an equality with the c 7 oldiers who stood by the llag-. This 4 decision proVes - two things ,t,q our satisfaction, viz; ThiLt t. 139 DC.140- f E w=,l eratie party 'IS I ig'n pen the avenues to fraudulent voting; and that the - deserters are regarded as nat. oral allies of that party. The plight of Mr. Chief Justice Chase reminds us of:' atory teld 'of an 'cutting iastic colored gentleman who ,went ,to hear Whitfield preach. The meeting was held in a large barn, and the barn-, yard was not remarkably clean. The colored gentleman . arrived too late to get inside ; but hearing the stentorian voice of the preacher, began, to shout, and at last . rolledin!er and oiler An _the tiltifcif the barn-satd,utitil 'he - was "a sight, to be seen." The audience' left the barn . the , eluse of the' meeting, and seeing the conition'uf" the, colored gentleman asked what '44.1 'happened, "Bless year - souls," said.he, '"Massa Whitfield's sash a powerful preacher!" i93nt Mr. Whitfield' did na r pretteli to day," returned his inteloeutor. "0,-gor ra!" dried the old geuticinati,; den ; dis chile roll hi de nmil,for nothing." The resignation" of Judge' Linn; of the 25th Judicial District,' subjects that gentlenian' te' severe censure from Re publicans. , The Judge: alleges in his letter of :resignation that sedentary'em ployMentinjtireshis health. ,The Cep 'ter :Preas contains a _ _pretty plain com mentary upon the Judge's letter. The editor asks hatv it'was .that the Judge ionght to a_candidate, for a ilfteen .year Stain on the Supreine' Bench, something less tita u ,a year. ago, if "se dentary , habits" injure his . health. The qUestion is pertinent. • It was not, perhaps, anltct of wistlOrninhithto he ,cept the'poSition he vacates. Rut, flay 'trig accepted Jt, ,and served nearly:nine year, it-does seem'a little 'strange 'that he should virtually make a ,place (Or one more, Copperhead Judge just at this time. The 25th districtis strongly of that persassion..' We haPo 'the Gov ernor'will refUee to accept the resigna tion., .. Mr. AL L.-Dunning, a member of the city couneil'of Williamsport, has pr4Se entail the edit*. of the , 'Manciard for libel. We know nothing of the merits of, the case; but such prosecutions sel dom bear any but Dead Sea fi!uit to the prosecutOi.' Should the Standard men put in the truth of the article complain,. ed' of In' justification, and sustain it, My : Di nning will be under the necess ,ity of resigning: It is common for Copperhead papers to quote The Evening Post as authority in, the Republican party, *and to men tion the fact that Mr. Bryant is the edi tor; It may be, probably it will be, news to the intelligent journalists, that Mr: Bryant does not write a dozen lines, for the Post in a month, on the average for a'year, nor has he written more than that, if even that, for years. Mr. Bry alif 'does not control the Post, but the Fro Trade League, does. Republican County Convention. At a meeting of .the 11.cpublican county Com mittee, held, inlabor°, Saturday, July .11, inst., it was resolved : That tho Republicans of the several election districts t Tioga County be requested to meet at the•ueunlplaces,of holding elections in their re spective districts, on Saturdliy,' August. 15, 1868, at 2 o'clock P. 'M., then and thoro to elect two delegates from each district, to the County Con vention, to be held at Washer°, Tuesday, Aug ust 18,1668,.f0r the purpose of selecting • candi dates for the several County and district offices to hefillettat tho Octoluit•Mection :rrEIZ.a?“. Vigilance, arc requested to .givo :immediate no tice of the meetings for election of delegates and they are further requested to act as an elec tion Board at such meetings, and. to receive the voted of none but known Republicans for, dole. gates. The Committees are also requested to Mice prompt steps to ' organize Grant & Colfax oltbs in their respective districts, and are appoint ed with a view to an efficient organization in every township and borough in Tioga County.— Following,are, the committees of Vigilance Bloss-1t 0 Bailey, A T James. • ' Brookfield—Copt It B Sootily, Isaac Plank. Clymer—George 0 Bristol,,Wm Douglass. Chatham—L 0 Beach, Reuben Morse.) Charleston—Goo Avery, Copt John J Reese Covington Boro.—S S Packard, A. M Bennett. :Covington—S P Richards, John Lorria. • Delspr—Robtrt Steele, D A. Stowell. Dfctiold—Joseph S Ingham, M V Purple. Elik—John Maynard, tl IV Rathbono. Elklnnd—Donjamin Dorrauce, John Parkhurst. Fart ington—ttobert Caebour, James Beebe. Fall Iliook— E -Alexander Pollock, Martin 'Strat ton. Gaines—A 11 Vermilyea, 0 A Smith. Jacksun—J A Doty, Geo.•liudson. • Knoxville—John E White, allllBol3 Dearman. Lawrence—Samuel Rockwell, N Lawrence Boro.—T B Tompkins, It Wheeler. Liberty—C F Veil, G It Sheffer. Mainsburg—Otis Richards, E A Fish: Mansfield-8 B Elliott, Frank Spencer. Middlebury—C J HutnphreY, W C Stevens. Morris—Job Doane, W. Babb'. NeleOn—Jesse Howe, Enodh Blaeknell." Osceola—Charles Tdbbs , W TlLempbrey: - Richmond—A M Spencer, 'L H Robbins. Rutland—Copt Elmer Backer, P V Van Ness. Sullivim—Russel Rose, Lafayette Gray. Shippon—E 'V Grinnell, Albe.rt Harrison. Tioga—D L Aiken, A E Niles . , Tioga Boro.—Philo Tuller, Abram Farr. Union—Mnj John Irvin, Justin Bothwell. • Wellsboro—John R Bowen, E B Cnrroy. Westfield Boro.—Ambrose Close, Jerry Strang. Westfield—Joel Calkins, Mnj S D Phillips. Ward—Wallace Chase, Abram Kniffin. The Dole of Joni Thorkell, by J. G. Whittier; Minor Elizabethan Poets, by E. P. Whipple; an anonymous • sketch of some Coral Islands and Islanders; The Poor in Cities, by Mrs. O. A. Hopkinson; and a plain account of the Great Erie Imbroglio, by James K. Medbory, are the best and most striking papers in the At:- tangle Montlity for July—n number which begins the:twenty-second volume. The literary reviews are well written and impartial. There arc nine teen very good wood" engraVings in Our Young Folks, from original designs by Hennessy, Holmes, Eytinge, H. Fenn, - 'G. G. White, Day, Wand, Act. There are two.songs without words' by 11. Schu mann and C. Spindler, and the usual quantity and quality or letter-press, neither above nor beneath Juvenile comprehension. In the' monthly issue of Every A'aturclay, Heade and Boucicault's re markable serial, entitled "Foul Play," is brought .to an end :—it is a 'Story which in plot and char acter has no parallel in modern literature. Tho varied contents of Every Hatitrdosi are drawn from the lending periodicals of Enrope. Harper's Magazine opens with anoth er and highly interesting chapter of Squier's Ex ploration in the land of the Incas. , An illustrat ed article touching the Fashions of the Guinea Coast will ho read with interest and amusement. Thu poetry and shorter miscellany are extremely good, and we have seveval chapters of Miss Mu loch's new novel "The Woman's Kingdom." A valuable number. BICADFORD . COUNTY.—Tho Troy 'Ga zelle says: Ori 'the Ist of July as Rev. 0. C. Hill and wife were driving across tho railroad track near J. J. Reynolds in Alba, the secondseelion of the Ralston freight , tt:ain. appeared in sight with out-ringing the , bell. The engine struck the horse and buggy just as Mr. and Mrs. Hill threw themselves out over the back of the sent. The buggy was completely destroyed, and the horse bad one leg broken, so that it was shot immedi ately. escaped without injury, and Mr. Hill with but a slight scratch cn ono hand. In less than three hours sixty eight dollars were signed fur the benefit of the unfortunate elder. A Fodor" who' bad been enjoying tho "Fourth" at East Troy the night before, wns at the Troy House on Independence day, and being thirsty seized upon a suspicious looking bottle containing couple of ounces of corrosive sublimate in a pint of alcohol. It was surmised to be the bottle of a Companion, and notwithstanding tho word poison on the cork, and the name on-the label, tho thirsty youth supposed it to ho liquor and bolted it straight. The result wns,an intlnal commo tion as if he had swallowed a thresh ng machine. 'Dr.:Rockwell Was callqd promptly,' , and' timely ' dose of white of.! eggs, and after some' strongetneties,, Saved the fdlow from death. Bed bug 'poison is not a).hcaltby .hoverage even ongui Fourth of July, and wo understand that slice tho date lie does nut feel very well. !TRANI! AND * COLFAX CLUB.--Tho Young Men's Republican Club not at Funnel Hall, Friday evening, 10th,,inst., and organised a. Grant & - Colfax" , Club, with the following officers: • • President—John I. Mitchell. • gvice'do.—John•R: Bowen. Beeretary—Cl co. W. lderriel. • Treasurer—Dr. W: W: Webb. 'Exeoutivo Committee—ll. C. Bailey,. Wm.' V. Emory, Jos. Williams. • The club meets every Friday evening at the rooms under Bunnel Hall. A Grant Sr Coltak Republican Club was organized in Mansfield on Saturday evening last. It is to, operate in . Mansfield _Eon and Riebruoud Township. • ' Thelollovvink aro the officers : President—A..l3. Elliott, , let Vice Pitaident—A. ML Spencer, 2tuL, „ L. EL Breivster, Secretary- 7 E. L. Sperry, Tiemearer —Chas. E. Faulkner, • The above .officers constitute the Eizemitio Committee. The club is to meet every Saturda evening. Moro Democracy .. The La Crosse Democrat, the accept ed organ of the Democracy, outrages decency and truth in the following par agrap h : , A - ' Giant is a Methodist by trade, a ty rant by instinct, a drunkard by na'ure, and a bigotted F.,now Nothing by de scent • according to the driveling ac count' published by that dilapidated patch of old boot leather, the paternal Grant, the'remote ancestors of Ulysses were of the Mayflower convicts. U. S. Grant has left no atone unturned to se cure his election to the Presidency._ A convicted liar on the testimony of five members of the-Cabinet and the Presi dent of the United States ; a drunkard from the testimony of all army officers who knew him, from Whiskey Sheri dan to Tecumseh Sherman ; a foul Pu ritan by the testimony of his emasculat -laddy, acid the tenor of his military orders—hies election woulde an out rage on decency far greate than the election of the defunct - lown ' who clung to the office like grim death to a, !, sick nigger until the br lith left his an-) gular carcass." The " defunct clown" thus brutally alluded to is Abraham Lincoln, one of the best and purest men evercreated by, God in his image. This vilifier of the living and the dead is a cowardly thief who was driven from the Union army for grand larceny, and then naturally took to the trade of a Democratic edit ( or. And this utterly heartless villain, whose stagnant soul is incapable of one manly emotion, whose brutality towards his own wife drove her home to her friends, and who used to serve . up the sacrament of the Lord's Supper in corn whiskey to his drunken companions at Milwaultie, Is the most popular vomiter of Democracy in the United States and is supported by the party in every town and village in the country I Religious Democrats, behold your champion ! Trenton ' Sentinel. ' A passenger by a night train on the Hudson River railroad tells the follow ing : The train was detained at Green bush for a little while, and while wait ing.a cattle train came \on the other track and stopped. Such a noise has seldom been heard ; the cattle bellow ed, the sheep set up a bleating, and. the hogs grunted, until the passengers were nearly crazed. One old fellow had slept for hours, but this noise woke hin.r,— Rubbing his eyes, he listened in amaze ment. " Aye, aye I" says he, " what's this ?" Peering into the darkness wAh out discerning anything, and listening more critically, he, at last satisfied him self, and set the passengers roaring by the exclamation, " That must be a De mocratic convention." A THOReUGH , DOMESTIC TEST.—We have for some time contemplated effecting a thorough' domestic test—through regular and diversilled , use—of all the varieties of Sowing Machines that compete for the public favor ; and have aecordtngly invited the se yore' manufacturers to lend proper facilities for testing their machines. Wo give our first notice to the Wilcox dc Gibbs ,Tia , euachine is exceedingly.; shoot,. Very understand its parts and their use; and there is 'no excuse for getting it out of order until the parts are fairly worn out. As a consequence, it always works at a moment's notice, though it may have been laid aside for months. The needle is short and straight, and consequently not liable to break; in six months use we have not broken or bent a single needle. The "tension" is the most manageable and certain contrivances of the kind, and never baffles the operator. It never misses a stitch. The thread is taken directly from the spool, without rewinding. The work can be raveled with the greatest ease, if desired, while it is perfectly secure against raveling if • left to itself. After much wear and many washings, the stitching is found to retain all the roundness, evenness and firmness, which are so much admired at first. We have tried it on every kind of garment, and have not yet found a broken thread in its work. As a single-threaded machine, we were prejudiced against it—believing that its work would rip, pucker in washing, etc.; but all objections on this score are found to be ground less. We stand ready to do justice to every other manufacturer, but we advise our readers to put no faith in disfdtraging criticism, for we aro sat isfied that none of any importance can be sus• tained.—The New York Sun. GEO,. W. MERRICK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW. Ofiloo with W. 11. Smith, Esq., Main Stroot, opposite Union Block, Wellsboro, Pa. July 15, 1858. Notice. IVO all persons to whom these may come:— Notioo islereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania for the pardon of Titus D. Ives, now confined in the Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia, by sentence of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Ti oga County, AMBROSE IVES. Brookfield, July 8, 1868. For Sale at a Bargain. frillE subscriber offers to sell his Steam Saw and Shingle Mills, located in South Charles. ton, Tioga Co. Pa., at a bargain, if application is made within 80 days. Will sell the mills.separ ato, or 340 acres of land with the mills, or land without the mills, or part of the land. Title lier feet. For terms apply to • S. S. PACKARD, Covington, Pa. July 16,1808-4 w. Hand Book of Politics for 1868. Ready In July. SPECIALLY adapted for use in the coming Presidential campaign. Will contain all the 'matter in, the Political Manuals of A 866, 1867, and 1868. Compiled from official sources. Will give the whole Political Action of .tlie Govern ment, and of Parties, including Impeachment, Reconstruction, General Polities, Platforms, Acceptenco of andidates, &a., from April, 1865, to July, 1868. Tables on Debt and Taxation, Revenue and Expenditures, Banks Southern Registration 'and Votes. Election Tables from 1860 to date. 400 pages, Bvo, cloth, $2.50, post paid. "The Political Manual for 1868, separately, cloth, .$1; paper cover, 76 cents, post Paid Address EDWARD MdPHERSON. Clerk of the Rouse of Reiresenlativoe, WASHINGTON, D. C. ' ' To the Soldiers of Tioga County. "(TOUR attention is respectfully called to, the ji following ' , Act of Assembly" passed at the last session of the Legislature, and to the facili ties afforded by virtue of that act, of preserving the evidence of our servite as soldiers in the war for the proservation of the Union. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, and it is here by enacted by the authority of the same : That the Recorders of Deeds of the several Counties of this Commonwealth are hereby authorised and required to record all final discharges of Com missioned, and non• Commissioned Officers and Privates , upon application being made to them by the holders of the same, for which tho Recor der shall be allowed the usual fee for recording; and that the recording of the same shall not bo subject the payment of the State tax. •JNO. W. GEARY, Governor.' : 1 Wellsboro, Pa., July 13, 1868-3 m D. L. DEANE, Recorder, Tioga Co. Administrator's Notice: LETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of .13. F. Jennings, late of Charleston, deceased, all persons having claims against, or indebted to said estate, will settle with DARWIN THOMPSON, July 15,, 1868-6 w. Aduer. Announcements Ationmiwri Wo are requested to announce Wm. A. NiChOlc, as a c andidate for the Legislature, subject to the deeisien of the Republican' county Convention To the Zditor of the Argitotot:: -Wo ought to have two good members of the Legislature from this District next winter, and Mr.- Strangtd re. election' as onerof them, is generally conceded. -Heretofore Potter County with one-third our population has shared equally with Tioga in the representation, but in the eventAif both mem.. bore being conceded to this county this Fall, which now seems probable, .41101 IE B. NILE'S has consented to become a candidate from this District for the Legislature. 'Please announce his name, subject, of course to the Republican Convention, and oblige, Jinar 01112ENB• DISTRICT A !TORRE Y. We are requested - VI announce Johnl. Mitch ell, of Welisboro, as a oandhlate for Diatriol At torney. subject to the dociaion of the Republi can Convention. COUI I / 1 39IONER. I '" We aro requested, to . announce BC W. Wetherboo, of Delmar, •as a. Candidate for . Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican county Convention. AGENTS WANTED FOS. 'WEEDING, OS PIE 9REEN.".. • The most boteiliiiirg book published, abounding in Romance, Rumor and Wit. Agents say it is the best soiling book out, as peoplo are tired of, the repolithw: or z try details and army reports. ONE AGENT SOLD 68 Iris ONE WEE E. • tr •I, 16 92 f ‘ • 64 " 182 4-1 Tex Dsrs. Liberal Terms to Agents. Smut for,pirealar.• Also, Family Quarto Bibles, • Bust edition published. WM. FLING, Publisher, - 26 - South 7th Street, Philadglpbla, Penna. June , • Valuable •Dai,ry Pei. , ;:: 35n ACRES of laid Calory Townabip, Tioga , Co., Pa., known there as the "Ellie or Elk Valley Farm" within_ 4 miles zof Canton, and 3 of the Williamsport and Elmira Railroad, at which is g largo steam Saw Mill -160 acres improved, good buildings, well watered —balance has over Oran millions of hoinieck and hard wood'ipon it—will bo sold entire or in partcte suit purchtrs. Price $BOOO, if sold entirq; in parts the p ioe west or back,of,'S; Wright containing 103 acres at $2O per acre,— ; ' That south of S. W. Wright .including old orch ard and spring near Canton• road, containing 78 acres at $3O peracre. The price including build ings, water power, ho., 102 acres at $35 per acre. ' Tho lot adjoining Joseph Wilbor containing 63 acres at $25 per acre. All the parts well watered. Terms easy;. for partionhus enquire of the owner, B. MORRIS ELLIS, Near llughsville,Lycotaing Co. Pa. July 8„1868.-4w. QUARTERLY REPORT, PP FIRST NATIONAL, Aleut 'or Wonaboro, Pa., allowing ita condition' on the morning of, the Bret onday of July;1868:" ItEBOURCER. 11. 8. Bends deposited tQ sosuro circulation, $lOO,OOO 00 11. 8. Bonds on band • 50,660 00 Notes a Bills discounted 116,930'77. Duo from National Banks 29,696 83 " a other Banks ' 402 . , Revenue Stamps 085 00 .6 6 . { Notes this Bank 1,125 00 Cash on hand, other Banks 780 00 Legal Tenders 35,834 00 Cash Items, 1,010 01 4 336,687. 78 LIABILIiMIL Capital Block $lOO,OOO 00 Circulating Notes, 90,000 00 Surplus Fond I 40,60424 Due Depositors, 100,007 60 i ... ....... .. Duo National Danko O 69 99 $336,681 79 .1. L. ROBINSON, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed boforo me this 6th day of July 1868. IL 0. SIIIIPSOtc, Notary Public. LOOK AT THIS? A S the Printers say that success follows the ,LIL liberal advertiser, and other people seem to believe them, so we (that is, Wickham a Farr) will take warning, follow the example, and form the public in general that we have a good stock•of good GI-00E0S, to bo sold at good prices for 'good customers— and as tio coneidor all oteetomara_ano4---a.v.7 atll itnz vvry - apit to bo eacred the same goods at one and the same price. Wo might begin and inca tion some of the various articles and styles that help to make up our stock of _ - mating .;©©2:Ds, Domestics, Yankee Notions, Hats 66. 1 and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c., • , . • but as we have neither tire nor space to finish even the begiining, we w ll merely invite you to call, ask for what you want, we will tell you the price, and then weigh out or measure off ac cording to order. PORK, FLOUR AND SALT, the throo groat necessaries, always on hand Remember Farmers, that wo can supply you with BUTTER FIRKINS, TUBS, OR PAILS, and genulno old Ashton by tho - snok or pound.— Wo pay Cash for Butter. WICKHAM & FARR Tioga, May 20, 1888 E. H. HASTINGS, DEALER, IN Groceries and Provisions, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARV,, 'YANKEE NOTIONS; SEWING MACHINES, AND THE Eureka Melodeon, At Wholesale prices. E. H. HASTINGS, May 8, 1868-tf. Main St., Wellsboro. FISHER tit RUNNEL First Door abooo Roy's DrngStore. Wellaboro. DEALERS IN 11111Lf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Fatally Groceries, as well as Provisions, Fruits, Confectionery, Yankee Notions, Toys; /re. AR of which will be sold at reasonable prices. JAMES RUNNEL. U. G. FISHER, May 8,1868-Iy. Valuable Farm for Sale. gfarm of throe hundred acres, with two ban dred and twenty.five acres improved. Sit. noted two miles north of Tioga Village, on' the Tioga River and Rollrocd. Well watttered, un der a' good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for, solo in Tioga village. T. L. BALDWIN. lova, Feb, 12, 1888—tf. , 1 • Aflministrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of O. P. Brown, late of Lawronoaillo, doo'd, all perilous indebted to said estate, and all Per sons claiming against the same aro required to settle with . JOHN H. BROWN. Lawrenceville, June. 24, 1868-Ow* Admr. eIASH PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER AND 14,1 CHEESE, by O. L. WILLCOX. June 17,1888. A 13A1ta-A-FN. ID o u sate, ti,. Small ohotiti Printing Prose in F( good ordor, ,iuitttb,l4 for Cords, Blanks, &c. Enquire or • ' JOHN A. ROY, . . „ ~ May t), 1.6138-tf.' 1 , '}. Wellsboro, Pa. k - • .. 4 •-,p • ',- • : 1 0E - =l.' 4 ''; g' - g r 1 ..% . C) if :-='. m r-4 - 4 . :4 ... 01 : :. C) -;.• .. ~..... t ,, ..,... .: . r•-• ip in IN ' .7... , 1.4 it . -.C)- Tt -.. . , :,- p. g ..,: , : •.E.: . Pr ~.,... ... ••,, . ... w ... 1 ti 4,, , ; . p• 0 ",..' - „ I 0. `d F 7 - w a - , S" rltz r 4 • . 14 g 4 pli '”z 0 _ A , xi •?.. ~, -, ••• ~,i p No , p e• o 1"h-mo on v, tto p m , •41., 0 ., o- 2 a,: p _l4 ..,., 2, 14 f ail i 3, . --, tn c: : :, a, ...C1 l'i . A = r, - `t• ' . z--.. 1 .-- 4 : ,, f , ~..- r 'g 1.1 ' m l iq 5,...t .• , ~.. , 8 tin I • i (.3 1:1 wei .., 4: e l 1. 3 .. tl el c CT - , , 2 -•• a ,- i n ' :4 pS ,-, E:.** : ~. . te. ;,:, 01 g 2 1 Q ; 3 " 1 1 ~, il l. .., .v • . 2 - 5 - bi LI IN Is -01 co ; E cati A 0 , V 04 '-- ' ' n. ' .... ~ i t • . ti.. in 6.442 ...ir 0 ,ICS , . 1 4 4 4 4 t•D CD 4. .., '0 c) co 1.- , w c. 4) ~. ..1 1 :1 •; to •-- _ - ... .. - -a cr. 0 0 .C,W. - + CR CA SO .' caq =4 4 ...-4 CD cr, VP- Er .s:' P P - O ".=P .. " . I ' wry i Ez . c., c) ~..A -4 -1 ',:x. A NEW STOCK Di' SPONGA GOODSf Delman° & o p AVING just recievcd a rich and varied as aortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS 'for String and Summer.wear SHAWLS AND' CLOAKINGS, all of tile latest patterns. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres,Vestings ; also a large stek of LADIES' AND OHILDRENS SHOES, MEN'S AND. BOYS' BATS AND CAPS. We have also some fine CARPETS AND MATTING, and is good a stook of STAPLE GROCE#I S .:. 1 4 as can be found in Wellsborq. No ha ve good stock of COTTON YARN, CARPET WARP, HOOP SKIRTS, LATEST STYLE, SHA KER BONNETS, :Ira a largo stook of LINEN CLOTHING. Call and examino our Goods and Prices Wellsboro, April 29, 1808 MORE NEW GOODS! J. R. Bowen & Co., • "now receiving a largo and complete as sortment of Goods, bought since tho late decline in prices in New York, consisting of Ivry - ik••<:)c,el.6;, i Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, VANI4EE NOTIONS, j &c., &EL Particular attention is invited to our Stook of 1/15 1 /3g =Ogg (50041 1 g AND TRIMMINGS ' , ' Gaiter and Hoop Skirts ; also - a .nice line of TEAK, New Crop, very tine at reduced prices, 01l of which will be sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. Wo respectfully invite all to call and examine our stook before purchasing elsewhere. Remembar, Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block. WeMoro, Juno 3, 1868. Insurance Agency. WVOMIAti INSURANCE CO., WILKES-BARRH, PA. It. t Sam S.-eV W. 8. Romo,...Pres. W. T. h I:46; (ion't Atit- . 1 L. E)' SIftwILAKEII, V. P. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 8150,000. pins id thu eompatly Thef.dOre 1 Hatfield was lately ligt,nt, mod todiry Hold ers whowislt to renew their lio•uraneo. - are re gurstell to apply , to euu.eritier. - I • , . - Girard i Fire Insurance Co, - tin tr.A.DEurrA. S. B. A Lvonn. President, Secrevarib.. , • oua.trr, v., Ce.pit Continental Ins. Company, CaSnCapitiii, $500,000p Gross ,Surphis, Jan. 1, 1868, 1,314,5 1 44 Cash Assets, . do 1,814,600,31 ;3EI - Policies written :it this office. GEORGE 'f. 11OPE, Pruridmt. - IL. O. LANWORT, Vice Pio4fdi.9a. CYRII6 PECK,,Socretary, Thu eirbsCilber talicy thin tuctl.t.(l ul isaurmiug the public thilt flu bui rho af, , eticy of the' ribk•ve. Compinlos, ;Ind %vial bu k.und rit hie uffico over Itosoe Drug Store, adjuiuing 'Agitator Office JNO I. Ml'l'ellELL . ••• Wellsburo, I'a., Feb, 2(, 1868-tf. 1 GRAND GIFT GALLERY splendid dirt firatjAvery $2 worth of Pie s tures,.Frames, Cord and Tassels. R 500 PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY ! The lUrgest asso4ruent of Frames and Cases in T oga County, to be sold low fur cash. In ad dition to the low prices, we will give away the r following Presents Worth from fifty cents to fifty il i liars; one hundred \ presents worth from $lO to $ 0; two hundred presents worth from $3 to $10; t o hundred presents worth from 50 cents to $3. T e presents consist of ,Gold and Silver Watches, si ver Cake Basket, silver Tea .Bells, Castors, gold % etch Chains, Seals, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Studs in setts, Watch HOoks, silver Plated Forks, Teaspoons; -41 gilt Fro mes Cases, Setts, Cord and Tassels, Gold Rings, family Bible, History of the Secret Servide by Col. Bilker. with other pros. eats too numerous to mention. COME ONE, COME ALL, AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES AND BE CONVINCED.. Your present given to you the seine day of sit ing. Prices 'tbdstaue us last year. Don't forget the place—over Enatrean's D. tal. Office, and 4 doors below Roy's Drug Store, Main Street. CLAY KING & EUGENE EASTMAN Welleboro, Jnno 25, IS6B. SOMETHING r_;#': • A. • „ . ,,L T 3*" :.•1 . ‘a . Ti Otis „el W'IICAll* IMil DRS. THOMAS & WARREN have opened now Dental rooms over B. B. Borden's Drug Store in Tioga. We, have introduced all the modern improvements in the dental art, and aro prepared to perform all operations upon the teeth in tho most approved and scientific manner. When desired wo extract tooth without pain by the,dso of Narcotic Spiny, Ether, Chloroform nod the Nitrous Oxide gas. We haVea largo assort ment of artificial teeth and put them up in a superior manner either upon rubber or metalio base. We warrant all our work 'and guarantee perfect satisfaction to reasonable parties or we will not require pay for our services. We pay particular attention to filling and preserving the natural teeth, and to treating all irregularities of children's teeth. Our prices shall correspond with the kind of work done, in 411 cases doing the samo kind of work as cheap deinir neigbbou. Wo will visit Lawrenceville the 3d, B loss the 17th, and Roseville the 23d, of every month positively, at which times we shall be prepared to perform all operations neon the natural teeth and contract with parties desiring artificial onus. Our office nt Tioga will not bo ohm(' during our visits to the 'above named place's. Tioga June 17, 1868 • Dentistry in A1.11 . 1 11 "P" Lawrenceville. Do. li. E. VAN HORNE, Into with BUN demi Lleo'e of Hamilton and Ner York laity, has opened now Dental Rooms at tick Ford House, Lawrenceville, Pa., where ho is prepared to do work in all the departments of his profess ion in the most scientific manner. . r - DeLAisTO .t. CO - - . All work warranted and satisfaction gnerart- God. Call and examine specimens of work. H. E. VAN HOENE. Lawrenceville, Juno. 24, 1868—tr. SPECIAL NOTICE. assorimen tot Tooth, and largest variety of different kinds of Plata4 well as tho best opera tions of Filling an Extracting Teeth may he bad at the new Dent 1 Office. Nitrous Oxide Oat given for extractingjj which gives pleasant dreams instead of pain. Also, Narcotic. Spray. Ether and Chloroform thlininistered when desired.— Having the assistance of an able and experienced operator, prompt attention will bo given to all calls. Produce taken in exchange for work.— Calland see specimens and price. list. Rememl ber hel place. A. B. EASTMAN, May 6, 1868. No. 13, Main St. r HIS well known liiwso soil bo found (be ent season as follows, viz: Monday. afternoon and Tuesday morning at Whltney's Corners; Tuesday atte.rnoon and, Wednesday morning at the stablo of Gillis Dartt, Darn's Settlement; Wednesday afternoon and Tburs,day morning at Cherry Flatts; Thursday afternoon at the stable of Thomas Braves is 'Covington Bore; Friday :Ind Saturday at the stable of the subscriber in Illainsburg Born. All owners parting with mares before foaling will bo held responsible. To insure $lO. Maineburg, May 20,1865. E. A. oart„ Caution. MY wife Julia E. has left my bad and bdartr without just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid all persons trusting or harboring her on my account ns I will pay no debts of her 0 00 ' (reeling after this date, June 29, 1/368.-3 FLOUR A, MEAL. elw i tyvs on hand at -' Juno 17. 1868. FISIIER do BUNNEL'S TIR. FITCH'S ADDOMINAL SUPPORT _jij EDS, for sale tit Roy'o Drug Store. 1 10200,000 p v:0443' iu us Oier $160,000 • EMI OP VIE. evry UP Neiy go to King 'Bc Eas anus 11A TI) GIFT GALLERY • \ FOY. YOUR. PHOTOGRAPHS. GALLERY OPEN TO PRESENTS, JULY L3T NEW DR. C. THOMAS. T. R. WARREN M: D YOUNG BERTRAND I JOGN SPAULDING MIL